leejihoonownsmyheart · 9 months
Can we get some of his personality characteristics or something. 🥺
Hmmm here is a little bit of a teaser, this is him and y/n's first written interaction in the story:
“Hi there.” 
You looked up from the coffee maker that was probably five billion years old, pausing in your action of lightly banging it to try and get it to work. You smiled to try and hide your frustration and fought hard to keep the smile up when you realized that the person standing there was none other than everyone’s favorite CEO. 
“CEO Hong,” you greeted. “Sorry, I’m just…” You elbowed the coffee machine, frustration flashing through your body. “Trying to get old Betty here to work.” 
CEO Hong’s face was riddled with a mixture of amusement and confusion. 
“You know I bought coffee for the office? It’s just-” 
“I don’t like americanos,” you said shortly. CEO Hong hesitated. 
He stared at you for a second as you elbowed the coffee machine again. 
“Well, it just seems like Old Betty doesn’t work very well anymore.” 
“She works,” you gritted out. You were sure the CEO was confused by your frustration. By your pure anger and resentment but that anger and resentment just made you that much more frustrated. Those damn suppressants made your patience run thinner than when you were off of them. Something about not being able to experience your heat... You didn’t really know. 
“What kind of coffee do you like?” He asked you. You hit the machine again with your elbow and finally, it buzzed to life, dropping little drizzles of honestly the worst coffee you had ever had in your life. But still, you were relieved. 
“And why do you care?” You asked him, placing your elbow on the counter to give him an annoyed look. 
Yes, he was the CEO. Yes, he had the power to fire you. Yes, you should be more respectful as “an omega should be”. 
But it was bad enough that you even needed to have coffee. Bad enough that it had to be from the dusty old tin of coffee the company kept under the counter in the back. Bad enough that you were using powder creamer and expired sugar to make it drinkable. 
In fact, it was all so bad that you simply could not handle being respectful to the man in front of you who couldn’t even bother to get you all a good coffee maker which- By the way- Was much cheaper and more sustainable than buying americanos for the whole office every day. 
“I just… Well, it seems like this kind of coffee isn’t really-“ He was interrupted by the coffee machine very loudly, forcing the last bit of coffee into the glass coffee pitcher. You both stared at it. “Good for you.” 
You decided to ignore him entirely. You reached into the cupboard grabbing one of the dusty old glass mugs that had a crack down the side and you were pretty sure was only used by you. You wiped the dust off with a napkin because- what was a little dust when you were drinking dirt water anyway. 
You dumped your powder creamer into your cup and a bit of the sugar and as you went to pour the coffee a hand fell over yours. 
“You’ve got to be kidding,” CEO Hong insisted, wrestling the glass pitcher out of your hand. “I think that is going to kill you.” 
You two fell into a small silence, your brain fuzzy from the close proximity of him.
You were confused.
You hated that you couldn’t distinguish scents that well anymore, your brain just couldn't pick them out. You could smell hints of alpha on his collar but… It was so heavily dampened by the scent of a beta… Maybe he was dating an alpha? It certainly wasn’t uncommon. And much less looked down upon than a beta dating an omega.  
After all, omegas are best bred by alpha’s... You were ripped from your thoughts when you realized that CEO Hong seemed confused by your scent as well. His eyebrows were furrowed, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. 
Was your scent noticeable? Were you going to get in trouble for not dampening it well enough?
You let Joshua have the glass pitcher of coffee and practically ripped yourself away from him. Subconsciously, readjusting your shirt and letting your hair down, as to help distinguish any lingering scent of omega on you. 
Once the distance was put between you two, CEO Hong seemed to remember the situation. 
“I can’t let you drink this,” he said, his eyebrows still furrowed. He was still thrown off by your scent. 
“O-Okay, fine, I won’t,” you agreed. “I don’t need the coffee anyways.” 
You really needed to take stronger scent blockers, penny-pinching be damned. You wondered if any of the other omegas could suggest you better ones.
That lingering scent on Joshua was itching your brain. The alpha he was with had such a strong scent, it was affecting you in a way that no alpha had before and they weren’t even actually there. 
“I’ll be getting back to work now.” 
Before CEO Hong could say anything more you were rushing off, fumbling with your phone to get Gyuheon’s attention, knowing that he always had scent blockers on him.  
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blueaubrey · 8 months
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First time posting my knitting to tumblr. Look at my Bug Son
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accidentalkilljoys · 3 months
What order do you take pills in?
A followup post, because this has been fascinating!
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teaboot · 4 months
On of the less intuitive things about love, I've found, of any kind, is the importance of needing things.
I didn't realize it until recently, but I've always seen love as something requiring sacrifice, selflessness, patience, and generosity- to ask for nothing is to be the best person I can be, small and quiet and never in the way, always happy and helpful, self-sufficient and present when desired.
It's only as an adult, now, that I'm beginning to see the selfishness of wanting nothing.
I cut my friend's hair in my kitchen the other day. They wanted a trim and I had the skills, so I offered, and was genuinely excited when they stopped hesitating over "bothering me" and took me up on it. It was a peaceful afternoon, and we had tea and chatted for an hour or more.
My brother and I shared popcorn at the movies a while ago. When I came time to pay, I pulled my card out like a wild western sheriff and slapped it on the machine before he could fight me for it first. The satisfaction was delightful.
Someone called me crying on the phone the other day. Kept apologizing for disturbing me at work, talking about how they were bothering me on my lunch break. I was telling the truth when I told them that really, I was flattered and honored and relieved, knowing that if they were hurting I would know, that I didn't have to worry in silence. It felt good to hear them slowly come down, and to know that they knew it would be better soon, and to hear them laugh wetly on the other end. We're getting together for a visit next week.
It's hard to need things, if you've trained yourself not to. It's hard to want things, when you don't know how to want anymore. Trusting people is difficult, and so is relying on them, but I don't know where I'd be without the people who rely on me.
I've heard a lot of people say, "Nobody will love you unless you love yourself". I've had a lot of thoughts about it. It's not right, but it's not wrong, either, I think.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... I've always taken that to mean, "You will not be lovable until you develop a positive view of yourself as a person".
Now, I think it's sort of inside-out.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... because nobody can show their love to you in a way that you can accept until you treat yourself kindly, and learn what you need, and what you want, and how to ask for it, and then give that vulnerability away.
Love, for me, is someone I ask for a ride to the airport. Whether they end up doing this or not is irrelevant.
It's not needy, or selfish, or taking up energy. It's giving the gift of being wanted, and needed, and thought of. It's giving someone the security of being part of someone's life.
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
Because @staff is too cowardly…
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passionpeachy · 3 months
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A rhino beetle walking her pet rollie pollie 🎀
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
this is why I keep my DMs open
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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Armored woodlice:
1. Pseudarmadillo spinosus 2. Unknown, Armadillidiidae 3. Loreola sp. 4. Loreola sp. 5. Unknown, Armadillidiidae 6. Echinarmadillidium fruxgalli
Photos by Nicky Bay // Facebook // Website
Shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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gnomewithalaptop · 7 months
Okay because I'm genuinely curious, what does everybody call this little guy
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Put where you're from in the tags if you want! (general regions only obviously pls don't doxx yourselves)
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julianplum · 11 months
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🌿 🌹 🌱 🥬 ✨ // nasturtiums // gouache on hot press paper
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spicymochi · 10 months
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bug with a mug
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Danny, due to his biology of being half dead, can eat very questionable things and not die. He decides to start a youtube channel with this.
He buys obvious shitty supplements online, clear and obvious scams, and takes them as directed for a month.
Then he reports what they did to him, and sends the samples to get tested. He's gotten more than a few scammers arrested by providing solid evidence that they used hazardous materials to make their product.
He gets away with this by claiming to have the power of abnormal metabolism, or an "iron stomach", so toxins aren't as likely to hurt him.
One of his viewers sends him an unmarked bottle of pills, saying that if he doesn't take the entire bottle on a livestream, they'll blow up a city.
Danny does his livestream, and goes out of his way to use the entire bottle of pills in extravagant recipes. By the end of it he's created a five course meal, all with the pills cooked/melted in, and it's become a mukbang.
The villain who sent it is watching the livestream pissed off, because they didn't specify how to take the pills, so this technically counts. The heroes they have trapped are losing their minds with concern.
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shrimp-moment · 6 months
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take this isopod lovers
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sparkytheandroid · 1 month
you're in her dms im in the windows screen saver maze and im fucked im so fucked please help
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oceanmoss · 2 years
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classycookiexo · 6 months
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This can definitely be a hard pill to swallow at times
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