sleepy-juliet · 1 month
I just can't believe it's over :(
Thank you Houseki no Kuni for the awesome memories and to Ichikawa for creating such masterpiece 😔 it's simply my favorite manga ever and i'm so glad I discovered it
I remember discovering it in middle school around 2018 and honestly it's one of the mangas I grew up to. Especially during quarantine. And it's been so great sharing it with my friends.
Anyways have some art I made from it !
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...yeah I really like Moon Phos design...
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laurzvahll · 3 months
human au phos enjoyer over here
THAT IDEA YOU POSTED ABT RECENTLY IS SO FUN????? I can’t wait to see designs?!?!!! Lunarians are really annoying to think about when coming up with aus too,…,
Who have you designed so far tho? I’m super excited to see this omfg foaming at the mouth
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these are all super old doodles (and a wip) except for the Dia and Born one which is from yesterday!!
basically this AU revolves a lot around music, as someone who really loves music. I want to say that the characters are all in Music school or maybe Art school so that it can include other characters’ interests like Red Beryls love for fashion and tailoring.
This idea came to me when I was listening to rock (more specifically Queen) and I started envisioning Phos’s moon group as a band! At first consisting of all the gems that went with Phos to the moon, with the exception of Goshen since they never really stuck around for much and were just doing their own thing LOL. Ofc this means that Dia later on breaks off from the band to become an idol like in the manga. Also Padpa plays tthe piano and as a former piano player that’s important for me to say. I have most of that arc envisioned and back when I first thought of the AU I had wanted to execute it with animatics, which im still kind of considering!
I also assigned each of Phos’s phases songs, which I can delve into in another post. Going back in time a little to the beginning, I imagine that partnerships are kind of like bands too , and duos and stuff. Like for example Dia and Bort are a duo and they make music togetherr :3 and they have little matching pendants because idk I thought it was cute. Anyways tho I was thinking maybe Phos just lives around this school at the very beginning of this AU and wants to join a band or just join them in making music, but they haven’t gotten accepted into the school and the other gems see them as inexperienced. Btw Antarc is the one who starts to teach Phos about music similarly to how they started winter duties together. Also I love Phos and Antarc so there might be a lot of focus on them in this AU.
ITS NOT COMPLETELY done yet or fully thought out but thank u so much for asking me about it thank u thank u. If you have any specific questions about any parts of the AU I would absolutely love to answer them!!!! (Please send me asks)
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marzbix-crystal · 8 months
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[Image ID: An Alternate-Universe drawing of the Land of the Lustrous characters, Aquamarine, Red Beryl, and Emerald, all posing together on a purple crystalline background with sparkles in the corners; Aquamarine is on the left, Red Beryl is in the centre, and Emerald is on the right, they each have their names and notes written around them. /End ID] Notes rewritten below
Fashion gems!!
Aquamarine (She/Her pronouns) She's almost as fashion-obsessed as Red Beryl She is the best at mending clothes She likes to keep busy, so she works three jobs Very warm, but can be stern Her style is elegant and a little bit futuristic, she prefers sleek silhouettes.
Red Beryl (She/They pronouns) They change their hairstyle almost everyday Very headstrong She's always thinking about fashion Her style ranges from 'cutesy' to princess-like. Lace, bows, and frills are their go-to.
Emerald (He/They pronouns) He's always doing a little dance while he's working They will be the first to tell you if you're being unreasonable He keeps track of all gem fashion, past and present He gives everyone cut nicknames Their style is a little more eclectic, but he enjoys Lunarian street fashion most of all ------------------------------
YEAH YEAH YEAH FASHION GEMS When I finished the drawing I kept thinking "omg powerpuff girls", I'm still thinking that, but it's ok These three are extremely close, they've become very good collaborators over the years They'll ask any gem to model, but they do have their favourites
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omg hi! so i had a dumb question. on ur alastair fic the one where his eyes are like rubies, what were the other gems mentioned?????
omg hello! this is totally not a dumb question AT ALL! and i’ll always take a chance to talk about rocks and minerals!
so first his eyes are compared to rubies, which they look like this:
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so the ones on the left are cut and pretty and the others on the right are raw.
rubies i feel are like kinda known, they’re on the more expensive side, they are a harder gem and i think it’s julys birthstone. spiritually they are known to promote love, health and wealth and knowledge. which i think is fitting for alastor. at least in the fics context.
then we have the gem garnet mentioned:
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cut and pretty on the left, raw-ish (because they look shiny and tumbled so i’ll go ish) on the right.
garnets are less expensive, they’re a softer gem if i remember correctly and they are the birthstone for my january friends! spiritually they help with passion and love, as well as success and positive energy.
what’s the difference between rubies and garnets???
i found a graphic to show:
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so essentially garnets are a little deeper in color, which is why i added them on the comparison list for ol’ al’s eyes.
the third one though, that i admittedly added in after posting is red beryl.
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cut and pretty on the left and raw on the right. essentially red beryl is the rarest beryl because it’s red. it’s normally marketed as a scarlet emerald. like one carat of red beryl can sell for like $20k, BUT it’s so damn pretty!!!
it’s softer than a ruby and spiritually can be used to help passion and boost your confidence!
the color is like a mix of the cherry of rubies but the depth of garnets and it just looks so much like alastor’s eyes. 😭🤩😍
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moregraceful · 9 months
which ahl team would you most like to relocate to california? 2. what is your favorite live music experience you've ever had? 3. what is your go-to style of shoe?
these are so juicy omg thank you.
oh god. here's the thing, california has too many ahl teams and they're all better than my team so i want them all to get lost in the san joaquin valley forever. HOWEVER i think it is a true shame the wranglers moved up to calgary and i want them back here!! reasons: 1) the stockton heat were san jose's main rivalry. now we have the tucson roadrunners. i am tired of losing to the roadrunners after a third of my team goes down in consecutive 10 minute majors. at least with the stockton heat it was like, even if we lose, we're still morally superior, bc we are not in stockton. like how am i supposed to feel superior to tucson. tucson fucken rules. MORE IMPORTANTLY 2) it really makes me mad when minor league hockey teams fuck off to canada bc i feel like it does SO much for the game in america to have cheap local hockey where the players are accessible and often very enmeshed with the fanbase and the city! canada already has so many hockey teams! mind your business canada!!! one time i was talking to a guy at a cuda game and he was telling me like, yeah, my daughter's favorite player was [some random 3rd liner that predates me] and she was devastated when he got traded to the heat and cried, so i took her up to stockton to see him and he was so happy to see her. (she was 8 years old when i was talking to the man, so i think she was pretty significantly younger.) like...i'm sorry but that's so nice, man. you don't get that kind of fan connection with major league teams. california having an assload of minor league hockey teams presents a real opportunity for growing the game in this state! and the thing about having so many ahl teams in california is you can go on little roadtrips if you so wish! if your 6 year old daughter's favorite 4th liner gets traded, you can take a day trip up to stockton and see him and make her day AND make his day! god. no more hockey teams for canada!! you guys need to get into baseball!!!
oh man...this sucks so much bc it involves ryan adams. but one of my favorite concert experiences was going alone to a ryan adams & the cardinals concert in san francisco. they played so many of my favorite songs, the crowd was so friendly and welcoming to me (demographics of a cards concert at the time: 35-65yo white male. me at the time: 21yo mixed race girl), the band laughed at me for singing and dancing along to "easy plateau", and the concert was something like...god maybe 3-4 hours long and i just really sank into the music and the experience. my sister and i were living with our dad at the time and he was never home, and i got a call from her around 12am like, did you die. and i had to call her back after the concert at 1am like no, sorry, this band just has a deep back catalog. anyway it sucks to have lost the shine of that wonderful concert experience bc ryan adams is such a piece of shit, but it does stand out as a particularly special concert experience. it was one of the last shows i went to where i just truly felt like every part of it was for me.
i recently discovered vans slip-ons. why was i wasting so much time with converse when i could be wear vans. my favorite vans slip-ons have flowers on them but i also have a pair of blue and a pair of green. i have recently become a monster who doesn't always wear socks, so it's a true dirtbag california look. beryl gave me a pair of their docs and a pair of their red wings boots so i look like a real badass in the winter, but honestly for 7 months of the year at this point i'm just rocking vans.
thank you for asking my friend!!
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queenofsliferred · 9 days
*crashes through the ceiling* Omg, you have an OC named Kiki?! Pls, tell me about her! 💜 What's her personality? Likes and dislikes? Hobbies? Friends, enemies?
Also, fun fact: you're second person I know, who has an OC Kiki. XD
i technically have two! the second kiki is a revamp of the original kiki that i made in 4th grade and they might as well be different people ahah. but both are for the series inuyasha! (tho new kiki is also a touken ranbu oc!)
Original Kiki is a 16 year old girl from the modern era who had plans of being a fashion designer. She is thrown into the ocean by Naraku in disguise (how he wound up in the modern era is a mystery lol) who wanted to destroy her cuz there were prophecies that she would be the one to destroy him. Somehow the process of going back in time for Kiki turned her into a half-demon, I'm still not sure how that worked.
Friends: Kagome, Sango, Shippo and Kilala Enemies: Narku, Kikyo, Sesshomaru, Anesthesia and Queen Beryl Lover: Inuyasha Hobbies: drawing, fashion design, sewing, singing Likes: Hot baths and showers, the colors red and pink, strawberry icecream, her new pink hair Dislikes: Dry skin, not having lotion at all times, cool colors, matcha/green tea flavoured stuff so her life is suffering, the lack of conditioner
The New TM Kiki is a biracial girl (Cuban and Japanese) living in Japan and is the daughter of two evil scientist types researching the powers of the saniwa, a sage that can breathe life into inanimate objects. They discover that their daughter is the newest saniwa and experiment on her nonstop until she runs away. It turns out her power only really works "well" on objects that are 100+ years old and have developed a soul of their own, enabling them to take the phyiscal human form while newer objects just kinda bounce around and follow simple commands. She goes to a different school than Kagome which is why she doesnt recognize her when she finds her hiding in the shrine. In a panic, Kiki hides inside the well and winds up in the past... but is too weak from malnutrition to climb out. Eventually demons come to feast on her but a dying demon named Sue manages to get to her and convince her to fuse their souls/bodies so they can both survive. This turns Kiki into a half demon herself. She traverses the feudal era, enjoying her new freedom and fucks up the timeline by stealing the swords of famous generals and such before they become generals.
Friends: Hasebe Heshikiri, Tomoegata and Shizukagata, Okatana Yoshimitsu, Kikkou Sadamune, Akashi Kuniyuki, Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kilala. Eventually she meets Kikyo and they form some sort of a bond. Enemies: Naraku, her parents Lover: i'm not sure yet lol Hobbies: Learning about medicinal herbs and practices, practicing first aid, collecting dolls and plushies (her parents didnt let her have many tho), sword training, food (mostly eating) Likes: Kiki's Delivery Service, ribbons and bows, plushies, physical touch and affection, medium rare meat, strawberry flavoured anything, barley tea Dislikes: Being alone, green tea/matcha flavoured anything, charred or anything above medium done meat, how silver looks on her, the lack of lotion and dry skin
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
Little Homeworld Life chapter 12: Samhain Night (originally posted on October 31, 2022)
AN: Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see, this our town of Samhain Night. Wait, that can't be right! Well, that's the point! Since according to the Crewniverse, holidays as we know them like Halloween and Christmas don't exist in Steven Universe, I might as well produce my own versions of them that are basically the same. Anyways, let's gather 'round, pull up a chair, share some candy and start exchanging some spooky parody stories in the vein of the earliest Treehouse of Horror specials from The Simpsons. Now please be warned that some of these can get pretty dark, so viewer discretion is advised. Okay? Okay. Now then, let the Samhain Night horror begin!
Synopsis: The Gems share spooky stories and candy on Samhain Night.
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Volleyball
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball, Navy
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Gal Gadot as Desert Glass
Maddie Ziegler as Serpentine
Courtenary Taylor as Beryl
Willa Holland as Albite
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Reagan Gomez-Preston as Jenny, Kiki
Brian Posehn as Sour Cream
Lamar Abrams as Buck Dewey
Susan Egan as Rose Quartz
Jackie Buscarino as Vidalia
Featuring Sarah Jessica Parker as Dumortierite
Cavetown as Diaspore
Bruce Campbell as Lord Ashton
Sam Raimi as Henry the Crimson
With Jonathan Majors as Father Black
And Alex Brightman as Zapupu/Onion
"OMG, Jasper, I love your costume!" White Topaz squealed as she gawked at Jasper's purple bodysuit and white cape with shoulder pads, topped off with a matching turban that had a dark purple dome at the top. "I think it really fits you!"
"Thanks, Peridot helped me make it." Jasper replied as she looked at White Topaz's red bodysuit with crab-like claws and a large scorpion tail at the back. "How did you get the scorpion tail, honey?"
"Had to get a little help putting this together." White Topaz answered. "Look, I can even make it move!" She pulled on a string to make it pivot up and down.
Tonight was Samhain Night, the spookiest time of the year when people and Gems alike dress up in costumes and travel around to collect candy. The citizens of Little Homeworld were no different in getting into the Samhain spirit as they threw a big party to celebrate the occasion.
"So then I said, "OBJECTION!", and the guy just responded by taking a sip of coffee before giving his rebuttal!" Teal Zircon, who had her hair slicked back and a blue suit with a golden pin on her chest, said to Desert Glass, who was dressed as a chainsaw-wielding cheerleader with a plastic head hanging from her waist.
"How's my phone booth coming along?" Serpentine asked Nephrite and Albite. Serpentine was wearing a brown pinstripe suit and carried around a strange torch-like device in her hand. Nephrite was dressed in standard pilot gear with a duck bill over her lips, and Albite had on a straw hat, a red vest, jean shorts, and sandals. The two of them were constructing a navy-blue phone box for Serpentine to complete her costume with.
"Coming along quite nicely, Serpentine." Nephrite answered while putting the finishing touches. "It may not be bigger on the inside like you wanted, but I think we did our best regardless."
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's take a picture!" Albite declared as she pulled out a camera to snap photos of Serpentine posing with the box.
"Check it out, Demantoid; we're matching!" Beryl cheered as she compared his colorful shooting star sweater to Demantoid's pine tree cap and puffy vest. "Isn't that cool?!"
"I fail to see how we match." Demantoid replied bluntly as Pyrope towered beside her in a red biker jacket, black leggings with white boots, orange gloves with a metal bracelet, and her hair in a much shorter style. Just then, the Warp Pad started humming, and the Crystal Gems disembarked with their own costumes.
"Good evening, everyone!" Pearl greeted her students while dressed as an Amazon warrior in red and blue armor. "Is everyone having fun on Samhain Night?"
"I don't get it!" Black Rutile, dressed in a green cape over a metal suit of armor, declared. "What's the point of all the pumpkin carving and candy anyways? And don't give me any garbage excuses about how it brings us all together or something!"
"From what I've heard, this is supposed to be the end of the harvest season." Holly Blue replied while carving a pumpkin in a drill sergeant's uniform. "Hey, anyone seen Cat anywhere?"
"Last I checked, she was on the prowl for something." Aquamarine, who was wearing a strapless white dress and a matching bolero over it while her hair was styled into an off-center ponytail, responded. Just then, Cat's Eye leaped to the ground while dressed in a skin-tight catsuit with a hood with tiny cat ears attached to it.
"Oh, did someone call for me?" Cat's Eye asked while reaching into the pockets of her suit and grabbing some chocolates to eat. "I was just hunting for some candy, no big."
"Hey, speaking of candy, we got tons of it to share with everyone!" Amethyst exclaimed as she dumped out a giant pile of candy from a bag she kept in her gem, tucked away beneath her red and blue spiderweb-patterned suit. "And in addition, who wants to start telling spooky stories?!"
"Ooh, me, me!" various Gems began cheering as they asked to share their own stories for the night.
"Okay, one at a time, everyone." The fortune teller-dressed Garnet laughed warmly. "Now then, who wants to go first?"
"Hey, I got a story I'm sure no one has ever heard before!" Amethyst proclaimed. "Anyone want to know how I first joined the Crystal Gems?"
"We all know that, Amethyst." Bismuth replied, dressed in a flashy red and yellow costume with an X belt and red boots. "Rose found you in a Kindergarten one day and took you in, easy as that."
"You're right, Bismuth, but I'm not sure if we know the whole story." Lapis, wearing a blue top, brown skirt, black leggings, and brown fur-lined boots with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, pointed out as they gathered around the pile of candy.
"Yes, please tell us!" Peridot agreed as she sat down in her ratty tan-colored robes and pointy eyes hanging off her hair.
Many years ago, long after the Rebellion had ended and Homeworld abandoned Earth, the Crystal Gems were left to defend Earth's inhabitants with their former brethren now forced off the planet. However, there was still the problem of their fellow rebels being converted into mutated beasts by the Diamonds' last strike upon the Crystal Gems. Since then, they dedicated themselves to containing the corrupted Gems and hoping they could find a way to save their friends from their fate.
One day, Rose Quartz ventured into a Kindergarten in search of any corrupted Gems to subdue. With the Rebellion over, the canyon was deathly quiet, almost like a graveyard or something. "Okay, Rose, just gotta get in, find some corrupted Gems, and get out." She said to herself. "Easy as that, right?"
Unfortunately for Rose, her mission wouldn't be so easy. Something let out a feral snarl that made Rose flinch in surprise before she dashed towards a hole in the canyon's walls to hide in. Just then, a corrupted Gem with a strange skeletal, biomechanical body, a blade-tipped tail, and an elongated head stalked through the Kindergarten in search of someone to make its prey. The Gem was bronze-colored and had a diaspore embedded in its forehead, indicating to Rose who the monster once was.
"Wait, is that Diaspore?" Rose gasped quietly upon recognizing the corrupted Gem outside. "Oh, that poor thing. She must be so scared and confused." Before Rose could go out and confront her former subordinate, she felt something tugging on the bottom of her dress, and she looked down to discover a little purple Gem trying to keep her from leaving. "Oh, hello, little Amethyst. Can I help you?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to save you!" Amethyst whispered. "That thing has been going around snatching up Gems that came out late like me and eating them! And I think I might be next, so don't give me away!"
"Came out late?" Rose asked. "Did you not emerge on time like all the other Amethysts made here?"
"Yeah, I think there might've been a war I missed out on, or something." Amethyst replied. "Ever since I came out, I've just been hanging out here by myself, playing with all the rocks I can find until that thing showed up."
"You poor thing!" Rose cried as she scooped Amethyst up in her fair-skinned arms and hugged her tightly. "You must've been so lonely all this time! Don't you worry, I have some friends who will welcome you when I bring you home."
"You really mean it?" Amethyst asked innocently.
"I most certainly do." Rose giggled as she tapped Amethyst's little nose before flinging the tiny purple Gem on her back. "Come on, let's get out of here before Diaspore finds us."
"Is that what it's called?" Amethyst asked as Rose began checking for the Gem she once knew as Diaspore to leave. "I've just been calling it the alien."
"That's a funny name." Rose chuckled at the nickname as Diaspore slowly crept away, giving the two Gems enough time to leave the hole and begin returning to the Warp Pad. "This is called a Warp Pad, Amethyst. Gems can use it to get anywhere in an instant."
"You mean anywhere, anywhere?" Amethyst asked as she admired the Warp Pad before her. "Even to the further corners of the universe?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot someday." Rose said when she looked up to discover the Gem monster looming over them. "Uh, Amethyst!"
"What, something on my face?" Amethyst asked before she looked up to discover Diaspore as well. "Aw farts, it got us." Diaspore then let out a feral roar as it snatched up Amethyst and prepared to rip out her gem with its claws. Rose wouldn't stand for an innocent Gem having her life end so soon, so she retaliated by tossing her shield at Diaspore, knocking it out, and making it drop Amethyst into her arms.
"This site isn't safe; we need to run!" Rose yelled as she ran off with Amethyst in her arms. "Are you okay?"
"Only mildly traumatized, if that's what you're asking." Amethyst replied casually, even though she was nearly Diaspore's dinner. "Where are we gonna go now?"
"Any place far away from that thing!" Rose yelled in fright as the corrupted Gem formerly known as Diaspore got back up and charged at her and Amethyst. "By the way, I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Rose Quartz."
"Nice to meet you." Amethyst greeted Rose. "Anyways, keep running!" And run they did. Rose and Amethyst seemed to have covered the entire Kindergarten to try and escape from Diaspore, but unfortunately, the corrupted Gem seemed to follow them no matter what they did. All the while, the two were followed by this mysterious figure with stringy hair and a blue kimono that seemed to do nothing to stop either party.
"That thing is relentless." Rose panted as she and Amethyst found one last safe place to hide from Diaspore. "I don't think we can keep running for long. It seems we have no other choice but to fight it."
"I thought you'd never ask!" Amethyst said while raising her fists, eager to fight Diaspore before Rose put them down.
"No, Amethyst, it's too dangerous for you to go out there." Rose objected in a stern yet motherly fashion. "You already told me how it's hungry for defective Gems, and I'm not ready to let someone die so disgracefully!"
"But I can still help! Just let me out, and I'll give 'em what for!" Amethyst responded desperately, but Rose didn't answer before she marched out to face Diaspore. "Wait!"
"Diaspore, I know you're in there!" Rose called out to her former soldier. "It's me, Rose Quartz! I'm sorry that I couldn't save you, but I didn't have enough time to gather everyone up! If you'd please stand down and let me talk, I'm sure we can make amends."
"Roooose." Diaspore snarled hatefully at Rose. "ROOOOSE!" Filled with anger at being left behind by her fearless leader, Diaspore pounced on her and let out a feral shriek, revealing a pharyngeal jaw inside her mouth to threaten her with.
"Rose, look out!" Amethyst cried from afar as Diaspore prepared to tear Rose's gem from her belly and turn it into its snack. Though Rose ordered Amethyst to stay put out of concern for her safety, Amethyst refused to watch while this beast killed the Gem who had treated her like a daughter. Reaching for her own gem, Amethyst suddenly pulled out a whip and gazed in awe at her weapon before rushing into battle. "Hey!"
"Hm?" Diaspore muttered as she confusedly looked at Amethyst. Rose gasped in alarm as she discovered Amethyst deliberately disobeying her commands to save someone she barely knew.
"Get away from her, you bitch!" Amethyst screamed angrily as she tried to throw her whip at Diaspore's neck and strangle her with it.
"Amethyst, what are you doing?" Rose asked as she took the opportunity to escape from Diaspore's grasp by rolling away from her.
"Saving you, that's what!" Amethyst replied as she wrapped her whip even tighter around Diaspore's neck. "You did the same to me!" With a final shriek, Diaspore poofed in a cloud of smoke from being strangled by Amethyst, leaving only her gem to be collected by Rose. "You're welcome."
"Oh, Amethyst, I can't thank you enough for saving me from her." Rose sighed in relief before sending Diaspore's gem away. "I think Garnet and Pearl would love having you around. You still want me to take you away from here?"
"Sure, I'd like that." Amethyst blushed at the offer before Rose took her tiny, purple hand and walked her back to the Warp Pad. And the rest, as they would say, was history.
"And that was the story of how I met Rose!" Amethyst concluded her tale. "I felt like telling this story to show everyone that despite all the messed up and shady stuff she did, Rose still cared for others."
"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" a bronze-colored Gem wearing glasses and dressed in a white lab coat with a light blue undershirt and brown pants asked as she walked over to join everyone gathered around the candy pile, much to everyone's surprise.
"Oh, hey Diaspore, I was just talking about how I first met Rose." Amethyst said. "No hard feelings about being choked out?"
"Water under the bridge!" Diaspore chuckled before she looked around at the Gems staring at her in surprise. "What?"
"Were you always there and we just never noticed you until now?" Laz asked. She was wearing a blue coat with white fur lining, a darker colored shawl, and a matching Cossack hat to top it off, making her contrast Zuli's costume of a soft purple tank top with a blue swirl on her chest, a khaki skirt and hiking boots, and purple legwarmers over the boots.
"Why did you choose now to show up?" Zuli added just as quizzically.
"Well, I found the story to be quite adorable." Pyrope stated.
"Am I the only one not impressed with that story?" Black Rutile complained with a lollipop in her mouth. "It just sounds like you ripped off a movie or something. And what about that girl with the long hair?"
"Yeah, what's up with that?" Emerald added, just as confused. She wore a blue bodysuit with yellow and white body armor over her torso.
"Strange, I don't think I remember that part." Amethyst pondered as she felt a sudden chill up her spine, followed by the figure from her story looming behind her. When Amethyst turned around, however, the figure had vanished. "Uh, why don't we have someone else share a story?"
"I'll go!" Pearl exclaimed. "Now, to set the scene, if I had to describe my tale in one word, it would be 'groovy'."
Pearl of Darkness
"I'm being serious here; you need these refrigerators!" Jasper yelled at a departing customer of S-Hop as they were leaving. "Ugh, another one lost." She groaned. "Pearl!"
"Yes, Miss Jasper?" S-Hop salesclerk Pearl Williams asked her superior before she was tossed the keys to the store.
"You're locking up tonight, Pearl." Jasper said while putting on a jacket and preparing to leave. "And one more thing, don't go near the books section. I hear it might be haunted. Some stock we got recently might be the cause of that."
"Oh, I'm sure it's all just superstitious nonsense, Jasper." Pearl laughed smugly. "In fact, I'll go check on my way out to prove you wrong!"
"Well, don't come crying to me if you suddenly disappear or become surrounded by monsters." Jasper responded. "Have a good night!"
Pearl Williams lived a simple life as a blue-collar employee of S-Hop devoted to doing her job perfectly. She did everything her bosses told her to the letter and always carried an air of stoic professionalism as well. However, it was this night when she decided to inspect the store's books section that would change everything.
"Hmph, haunted book, I'll show them." Pearl arrogantly scoffed to herself as she marched over to check out the mysterious stock haunting the store. But if she would have to contend with supernatural forces, Pearl armed herself with a twelve-gauge double-barreled shotgun from the weapons department. As she slowly inspected each of the books, Pearl thought she had seen a ghost of some kind with long, stringy hair lurking about. But it suddenly disappeared before she could get any answers about who the spirit was. "Oh, you're just seeing things, Pearl."
Finally, Pearl walked over to the horror section of the books and found exactly what was causing these rumors. Looking through each of the horror novels, she discovered one of them that stood out as one she recognized a little too much.
"No, the Necronomicon?!" she gasped as she began getting flashbacks. She remembered how the mysterious book of the dead once hijacked a trip she took with some friends to the mountains as a teenager, and how she had to chop off her hand with a chainsaw to keep herself from getting possessed by the demons the book unleashed. "I thought I destroyed this thing ages ago! How did it wind up here?"
"Why don't you read it and find out?" a strange voice whispered beckoningly to Pearl before the Necronomicon opened by itself and found an incantation for its holder to read.
"Uh, Tar-tra Kanda-Estra, Hudsucker Proxy – Kanda?" Pearl read the incantation confusedly. After a few seconds of dead silence convinced Pearl that this might be a trick, a rift suddenly opened in front of her and began sucking her in. "Okay, I was wrong; this place is haunted!" Pearl cried as she tried to save herself. "Someone save me!" Unfortunately for Pearl, no one could help her escape from wherever, or rather whenever, she would be flung to by the Necronomicon, which was sucked in with her.
Moments later, Pearl woke up to a blue sky and a bright sun above her, relieving her that she wasn't sent to the bowels of hell by her curiosity. But what really baffled her were the men on horseback surrounding her. "Um, hello there, sirs. Could you tell me where I am? The last thing I remember was reading from that scary book and landing here."
"Where are you, lass?" one of the men said as a priest confiscated Pearl's weapons. "Welcome to the 14th century! And you might be the hero prophesized to save us from the forces of darkness!"
"Hero? I think you got it all wrong. I'm just an average blue-collar working girl trapped in the past." Pearl said as she was carried away by the horse riders and got an explanation of what she had just heard.
"You see, milady, legend has it that an everyday hero shall fall from the heavens and use the most unorthodox weapons to fight back against the beasts known as the Skeletites and save our land from the evil armies of darkness." The lead horseman explained to Pearl as they got closer to a large castle in the distance. "Perhaps in exchange for your services, our lord Ashton shall lend his assistance in bringing you back to your realm."
"Oh, I would find that most divine, sir!" Pearl exclaimed in delight while she was let off the horse and shown to the castle, where a king with shaggy black hair and a missing hand not unlike Pearl's own awaited her. "Hello there, sir, my name is Pearl," Pearl introduced herself with a curtsy. "And I have been brought here from afar to help your kingdom stop the Skeletite threat."
"About time too!" Lord Ashton exclaimed in relief. "We were in the middle of a war with Henry the Crimson when these creatures suddenly appeared and killed almost everyone! Coincidentally, they appeared around the same time you might've shown up."
"Speaking of which, I was brought here by a book called the Necronomicon, and I think it came with me, but now I can't seem to find it." Pearl explained, causing the king to contemplate her statement for a bit.
"Well, if you need to find this Necronomicon, I suggest you go look for the graveyard in the haunted forest." Lord Ashton revealed. "Once you find the book, speak the phrase Klaatu Barada Nikto to open a way back to your time. Got it? Good." He snapped his fingers, allowing Pearl to regain her chainsaw and shotgun. "In the meantime, we should be expecting some Skeletites coming to raid our castle by sundown, so best be armed. And also, we already had someone prepare you something to replace your hand with."
A blacksmith entered the scene with a mechanical prosthetic hand for Pearl to equip, and she was pleased to have two working hands again. "Groovy."
For the remainder of Pearl's stay in the 14th century, she spent her days fighting off the malicious Skeletites and researching ways to find a way home to the 21st century. Eventually, she would learn where the graveyard where the Necronomicon, and thus her ticket out of Lord Ashton's kingdom, was located. It was in the far reaches of the land where no soul dared to tread, but Pearl took that as a challenge and set out for the graveyard.
As Pearl trudged through the graveyard, she once again felt like something was watching her. Perhaps the same stringy-haired girl that haunted her back in S-Hop. Once again, however, the girl disappeared once Pearl turned around.
"I swear, Pearl, you must be seeing things again." Pearl murmured to herself as she continued her quest. "Guess that's what happens when you're stuck in the past for what feels like ages now." Just then, she heard something rustling in the woods surrounding her. "Who's there? Come on out!" she yelled while raising her sawed-off shotgun. "This is my boomstick, and I know how to use it!"
As if accepting Pearl's challenge, a large Skeletite emerged from the trees and let out a nasty roar. True to their name, the Skeletites were large, skeletal-like creatures resembling the fossils of prehistoric animals, and the one Pearl faced wouldn't look out of place in a pack of woolly mammoths. The Skeletite would soon be joined by its brethren, one resembling a ground sloth and the other looking like a saber-toothed tiger, all of them ready to attack Pearl.
"I don't care what you throw at me, I'm getting that book!" Pearl yelled as she cut off the mammoth Skeletite's tusk with her chainsaw before running for shelter, even with the Skeletites continuing to pursue her. Thankfully, Pearl was able to hide away in an abandoned windmill, where she hoped the monsters would forget about her and move on.
"Oh, as if things can't get any more hectic!" Pearl sighed in exhaustion as she leaned against a mirror in the windmill. However, the mirror wasn't propped up against the wall and fell to the ground before breaking into pieces. Pearl yelped in pain as she fell on her back on the glass shards. "Ouch, ouchie, ow! That stings!" Pearl got up, and the pieces began sliding off her, while she picked up a larger piece to contemplate. "I wonder what will happen next?"
As Pearl walked away, she got her answer in the form of numerous smaller Pearls climbing out of the mirror pieces and gathering around her with devilish giggles. "Hey, big lady, over here!" one of the Mini Pearls yelled with a wicked grin. "Think fast!"
"Who said that?" Pearl asked when she looked down at all the Mini Pearls climbing up her body while continuing their mischievous laughter. "Okay, I think I've officially gone insane!"
"How's this for insane?" a Mini Pearl asked before she and her buddies picked up a large sledgehammer to slam Pearl in the knees with, causing her to fall over while yelling in pain. "TIMBER!"
"AAAAAAH!" Pearl screamed in both pain and terror as she nearly landed headfirst into the fireplace behind her. As the Mini Pearls began laughing at her expense and high-fiving each other, Pearl got back up and cracked her neck before frowning angrily at them. "Okay, you little miscreants, you want a fight? You got one!"
"What are you gonna do, stomp all over us?" one of the Mini Pearls dared with an evil grin, only to quickly eat her words before Pearl tried doing precisely that. As the Mini Pearl tried running for her life, the bigger Pearl started singing.
"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down!" Pearl tauntingly sang while pursuing the Mini Pearl. However, the Mini Pearl thought quickly on her feet and, just as she was about to get crushed by Pearl's boot, grabbed a nearby nail to replace herself with. "London Bridge is falling d-OW!"
"My fair lady, ha!" four Mini Pearls finished the nursery rhyme in a mocking tone. Pearl began wincing in pain as she tried to slowly remove the nail without hurting herself, but that was easier said than done with her obnoxious smaller duplicates running amok and causing more chaos.
"I think I've just about had enough of you brats." Pearl growled as she got up and tried reaching for her boomstick. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't there. "Oh dear, you didn't!" she cried. "Let me guess, you're right behind me, ready to shoot me with my gun, huh?"
"Actually, no." another Mini Pearl answered, to Pearl's relief. "We're right below you." Pearl then looked down and discovered that the Mini Pearls had taken control of her gun. And it was aimed straight at her privates. "Surprise!"
"Classy." Pearl grimaced in disgust before she dodged the first shot and immediately ran out of the windmill, her escape complicated by the limp gained from removing the nail from her foot. The Mini Pearls stampeded out of the windmill in hot pursuit, plotting to continue their reign of mischief, while Pearl refused to give up on the Necronomicon, even when the Skeletites soon joined the Mini Pearls.
"Come on, just a little closer!" Pearl muttered as she kept fighting off Skeletites and Mini Pearls with her chainsaw, limping ever so closer to the graveyard where the book of the dead was sure to be found. But to her surprise, there was not one, not two, but three Necronomicons awaiting her in the graveyard. "Three of them?! Are you kidding me?!"
As the Skeletites and the Mini Pearls reached the graveyard, the forces of Lord Ashton arrived in the nick of time to hold them off. In addition, the armies of Henry the Crimson were there as well, having sided with Lord Ashton to stop the Skeletite menace.
"We'll handle everything from here; just read the book!" Lord Ashton urged Pearl.
"But which one?!" Henry the Crimson added hurriedly. "There's three of them!"
"I'm trying my best, okay?" Pearl exclaimed while two of the Necronomicons suddenly came to life. One flew around and tried to suck her in, while the other wanted to bite her. However, the third did nothing, implying to Pearl that it was the real book she was looking for. "Bingo!" Once she finally picked up the book, Pearl began to recite the incantation she needed to get back home. "Okay, hope I get this right. Klaatu Barada N-"
Suddenly, Pearl heard a gunshot ring out and swiftly dodged it, interrupting the chant as she saw the Mini Pearls gather before her. "Not so fast, Big Pearl." One of the Mini Pearls snickered. "We still got one last trick up our sleeves!" The Pearls then all gathered together and stood on top of each other to match Pearl's exact height, and then they suddenly merged together to form a replica of her. Only instead, this one was shamelessly evil. "Hey there, Good Pearl, my name's Evil Pearl!"
"So you're basically me, but evil?" Pearl pointed out the obvious.
"Bingo, you little goody two shoes!" Evil Pearl grinned. "Little goody two shoes, little goody two shoes!" Before Evil Pearl could go any longer, the regular Pearl took back her boomstick and fired at her counterpart's face, and snatched the Necronomicon before she began fleeing. "After her!" she commanded the Skeletites fighting Lord Ashton and Henry the Crimson's men.
The monsters gave chase, but Pearl was a far quicker thinker than the beasts realized. With the Necronomicon tucked underneath her arm, Pearl fired her boomstick at the Skeletites and tore them all down with her chainsaw. "Anyone else wants a piece of me?!"
"Just who do you think you are?!" Evil Pearl snarled. "I will swallow your soul!"
"Pearl Williams, housewares." Pearl responded coolly. "Come and get some." With a final charge, the two Pearls swung their chainsaws at each other in their epic clash. While Pearl came out with quite a few scars, eventually, she emerged victorious over her doppelganger and had her buried by the windmill, while the Skeletites were destroyed once and for all. With Evil Pearl slain, now she could finally return home.
"Good work, miss." Lord Ashton thanked Pearl for her heroics. "For your show of heroism in the face of total peril, we hereby award you with this potion made using ingredients in the Necronomicon." The priest who confiscated Pearl's weapons earlier presented Pearl with an elixir to drink. "In just a few sips, you shall fall into a deep slumber and reawaken in your own time!"
"But what about the incantation?" Pearl asked, wondering if her quest was all for nothing as she took the bottle. "Eh, I'll think of it later. Now, bottoms up!" A few chugs of the elixir later, Pearl was out cold for quite possibly the next couple of centuries, though whether she'd wake up home at last is unknown.
"The end." Pearl proclaimed. "Hail to the queen, baby!"
"So then, what happened?" Morganite, who tied her hair up into a chonmage and wore a white robe for her costume, asked. "Did she wake up back in her own time or even longer than that?"
"News flash, I don't care." Eyeball rolled her eyes. She was dressed in a lime green hoodie and a blue hard hat with an M on it. "But still, where did that strange girl come from?"
"What strange girl?" Navy, wearing a red pinstripe suit and a balaclava over her head with a cigarette in her mouth, asked curiously.
"I think it might be the same one from Amethyst's story." Squaridot analyzed, unaware that the same ghost was hovering over her. She was wearing a pair of flight goggles, a baggy white shirt, and tight black shorts while carrying around a stuffed corgi.
"Well, if we're done plagiarizing, then I have my own story to tell!" Black Rutile proudly declared, only to be interrupted by Garnet.
"I don't think we should worry too much." Garnet tried calming everyone down as Pearl looked around for the ghost. "Now, let's move on to my story. It's a standard horror set-up, a bunch of rowdy teenagers fighting for their lives against a seemingly unstoppable monster. But there's a twist." She started flickering a flashlight below her face. "THE MONSTER IS ME!"
Nightmare on Diamond Pond
It was a warm summer's night at Camp Diamond Pond. A group of rowdy teenagers were camping there for the evening and decided to pass the time by telling each other scary stories by the campfire.
"I got one." Sour Cream said. "It's about this freaky witch lady who was trapped in a mirror as a way of escaping the Salem witch trials. One day, a boy finds the mirror in a pawn shop and accidentally sets the witch free because he thinks she needs a friend. But the witch was using him to escape and seek vengeance on Salem for persecuting her kind, so she stole all the water from the nearby lake and flooded the town!"
"Boo, not scary at all!" Jenny complained. "Anyone else got something scarier?"
"I got one, and it's based on real life." Buck Dewey proclaimed. "This is the story of the Elm Street Smasher. Legend has it that a psycho child killer haunts our dreams and plots to kill us all. It all started when someone didn't leave the door closed at an asylum, and thus the bloodthirsty Garnie Jason was born." He told his frightening tale. "She smashed in the faces of twenty kids in their nightmares before she was found out by the parents, who gave Garnie her just desserts. But even so, her spirit lives on after she struck a deal with some dream demons to become unstoppable. And who knows? Maybe she could be haunting us the moment we close our eyes."
"Wow, that was certainly better than anything I could come up with." Sour Cream declared as Buck finished his story. "Well, I'm turning in for the night. See you guys in the morning."
"Ooh, maybe we should stay up! What if Garnie comes for us?" Kiki jokingly suggested with a laugh, causing the other cool kids to laugh as well. "But in all seriousness, I'm a little worried about her."
"Ah, don't worry, it's just a story." Jenny assured her sister. "It's not like Garnie is real, right?" As the teens went to their tents for the night, a distinct silhouette of a woman with a square head and brass knuckles on her hand lurked about, ready to find someone to kill.
"Yeah, just a story." Garnie Jason smirked evilly as a stringy-haired girl appeared beside her. "Hey, do you mind? I'm going to kill some teenagers here." The girl nodded and abruptly disappeared, leaving Garnet to fade into smoke and enter one of the tents. What happened next would soon turn disastrous.
A few minutes later, Buck and Sour Cream heard Jenny scream from her and Kiki's tent, and they rushed to see what was up. To their horror, Kiki was lying dead on the ground with her face caved in and strange handprints on her neck, almost like someone had strangled her.
"Oh my gosh, Garnie might be real!" Sour Cream exclaimed. "Jenny, did anyone pop into your tent earlier?"
"No, I just heard Kiki choking to death!" Jenny replied. "We gotta call someone; call 911!"
"On it!" Buck said and tried to call for help on his phone. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to pick up. "Seems like we have a bad signal here. Or maybe…."
"Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word." Garnie Jason's voice taunted Buck as he realized what he was in for. "The number you have dialed cannot be reached. Please hang up and try again."
"She's onto us; we gotta run!" Buck remarked in terror as he tried to run for his life towards the camp's docks, but Garnie was in pursuit of him via rowboat. When she finally caught up with Buck, Garnie had an oar at the ready.
"Permission to come aboard?" Garnie smirked before she bludgeoned Buck to death with just one swing, sending him flying into the lake and leaving him to drown. "Hm, need to think of better puns."
Jenny and Sour Cream rushed down to the docks, where they found Garnie having already killed Buck, and thus they were the only ones left standing against this psychotic serial killer.
"Friends of yours?" Garnie asked the two surviving teens as she hopped out of the boat. "Apologies, they were trespassing on one of my favorite places to kill people. No hard feelings, right?"
"Oh, all the hard feelings, alright!" Sour Cream yelled defiantly and tried to fight Garnie with a fishing rod, while Jenny protested him not to be so reckless. "This one is for my friends!"
"I guess fishing season must be in." Garnie said coldly as she grabbed the fishing line with one hand and sent it flying back to Sour Cream, tying it around his neck and leaving him to hang on a lamppost, and then she turned to face Jenny. "Final girl, huh? How lucky you must be." She then began to slowly march towards Jenny, who immediately began making a run for it. What happened next was left unknown, but they both had vanished from the camp by the following day.
"The end." Garnet menacingly concluded, to the horror of the other Gems. "So, what did we all think?"
"Okay, I'll admit, that was pretty scary." Black Rutile confessed. "The way she ruthlessly murdered all those kids, ooh, it sends tingles down my spine! And what about that freaky ghost in there too?"
"I don't remember a ghost!" Garnet exclaimed as the ghost became clearer and frightened the Gems. However, there seemed to be something on her solar plexus that indicated there was more to her than meets the eye. "I can't believe it; the ghost was real!"
"I shoulda known there was something fishy about her appearing in all our stories!" Pearl added while drawing her sword. "Come and face us!" However, the ghost didn't seem to move, nor did it even acknowledge them as the sword Pearl threw phased right through her. "Hm, that's odd."
"What even is she?" Yellow Pearl muttered nervously while Blue Pearl and Volleyball hid behind her. Yellow Pearl was wearing a pink dress with a big red hairbow, while Blue was wearing a blue dress, and Volleyball was dressed in green.
"Maybe it's friendly." Blue Pearl tried reaching out to the girl, but the girl grabbed her wrist tightly, giving Blue Pearl a scare before Volleyball saved her.
"Is that all it's doing?" Volleyball wondered.
"It's just standing there! Menacingly!" Amethyst yelled. "What do we do?!"
"Well, if it's not going to do anything, then allow me to present my tale." Black Rutile proclaimed. "It is a totally original story that does not steal from any already existing movie. And I call it-"
The Black-xorcist
On a stormy night in Beach City, a tall, dark-skinned priest stood outside a house beneath a lamppost. He had been called in by a worried mother and traveled all the way from Dover to investigate her cry for help. After slowly walking towards the front door and starting to knock, the mother answered by opening the door. "Hello there, my name is Father Black. May I come in?
"Oh, thank you for coming on such short notice!" Vidalia sighed in relief. "It's about my little boy, Onion. He's been acting strangely lately since I bought that statue from the thrift shop."
"Now, hang on a second!" Amethyst cried out, interrupting the story and making Vidalia & Father Black look up at the sky. "You're choosing Onion? Wouldn't it make more sense if it were Steven since you hate him so much?"
"I may hate Steven, but Onion absolutely terrifies me!" Black Rutile answered. "I'm not even sure if he's human or not! Now let me finish." The story then resumed as usual.
"Children, am I right?" Father Black dryly remarked as Vidalia led him inside her house and up the stairs. "And you said it was the fault of a statue?"
"I'm not sure yet," Vidalia answered. "But if you want to know, just see for yourself." She opened the door to Onion's room. To her and the priest's surprise, he wasn't there. However, Father Black was completely undeterred as he stepped into the room. "Good luck, father."
"Hello, Onion?" Father Black called out for the strange boy. "My name is Father Black. Your mother summoned me here because she is greatly concerned for you."
"My mother?" a voice rang out across the room as Onion levitated into view, his mouth full of grimy fangs, a long, green tongue slithering out of his mouth, and bloodshot red eyes staring straight into his soul. "Well, yo mama really enjoyed my company, if you catch my drift!"
"You leave my dear mother out of this." Black stoically replied. "Now then, could you please tell me your name and how you came into possession of this little boy's body?"
"Oh, playin' the name game now, are we?" Onion cackled. "But since I'm such a nice guy, you can call me Zapupu. You may remember me for causing the following natural disasters, like the San Francisco earthquakes, the Yellow River Flood, Hurricane Katrina, or whatever gender reveal parties have nearly caused a societal collapse!"
"You fiend." Father Black cursed Zapupu. "How long have you been causing such death and destruction?"
"What do you mean death and destruction?!" Zapupu exclaimed angrily. "I was making dinner; it's what I've been doing since the dawn of time! Heck, you should've seen what I did to Pompeii!"
"Your chaos shall not go on for any longer!" Father Black declared as he picked up a statue of Zapupu that was resting next to a painting of the ghost girl. "Was this how you were able to possess him?!"
"Of course, after some schmuck bought that at the thrift shop!" Zapupu chuckled, making Vidalia hide away in shame. "So go ahead Blacky-Boy, hit me with your best shot!"
"With pleasure." Father Black smirked as he threw the statue at Onion, sending him crashing into the wall and breaking the statue.
"No, wait, I didn't mean it like that!" Zapupu cried out in surrender. "I'm a psychotic demon and proud of it, but this is a child I'm possessing here! You're a man of the cloth!" To save himself, Zapupu generated a pair of glasses to put on. "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" Father Black took the glasses off Onion's face and smacked him with them. "You hit a guy with glasses. Well played, big guy."
"May the power of Christ compel you!" Father Black boomed as he prepared to lay the hurt on Zapupu.
"And Father Black started beating the boy within an inch of his life to expel the demon!" Black Rutile ended her story in a surprisingly violent fashion, horrifying all her listeners and even the ghost girl as she went into excruciating detail on how badly Father Black beat Onion.
"Geez, man, calm down!" White Topaz yelled. "We get that you find Onion creepy, but do you seriously want to kill him?!"
"I don't know." Black Rutile answered. "I'm not even sure if he can be killed, to be honest."
"Well, that sure was gruesome." Pearl declared awkwardly. "Well, anyone else has a story to tell?"
"I got one." The ghost girl declared in a high-pitched voice. "My name is Dumortierite, though some of you may just know me as the Lighthouse Monster."
"Wait, I think Steven told us about you." Amethyst realized. "I kinda thought you were another Topaz. Plus, where were you this whole time?"
"That's the thing; I was an archivist." Dumortierite revealed as she presented her gem on her solar plexus. "I'm supposed to be in charge of gathering data, which is how I was able to enter all your wonderful stories." She then demonstrated her telekinetic and flight abilities by grabbing herself some candy to eat from the pile. "I was trapped in that lighthouse after being corrupted, where I was embittered by all the hatred and toxicity humans showed each other, even close friends."
"Yeah, that's bound to happen." Black Rutile proclaimed. "Now, go away so I won't have to listen to your generic sob story, Dummy."
"I said it was my turn!" Dumortierite yelled angrily, causing her eyes to turn red with fury and blood-red veins to appear on her body, but she immediately calmed down and continued. "When I was freed of my curse, I would be given a different curse—the curse of rejection. I felt alone and scared in this new world, so I hid myself away and tried going from town to town for a place to belong. But unfortunately, they all turned me away."
"Oh dear, poor thing." Pearl said as she gave Dumortierite a warm hug. "I can assure you; humans aren't all like that. They're just afraid of what they don't understand."
"Yeah, they're scared of what they can't control and all that!" Black Rutile commented sarcastically as she walked away. "Go ahead, Dummy, move in all you like, just don't get into any of my business."
"You're welcome to attend Dumortierite. Just keep an eye out on Black Rutile there." Garnet assured Dumortierite. "She's planning something big, and while we know she plans on accessing other dimensions, we have no idea what she'll do afterward."
Meanwhile, Black Rutile had returned home and pulled off her iron mask to reach for Rasputina's spellbook in her gem. "Now, let's see where I can find this Seer." She muttered as she continued to check its pages.
Later that night, everyone was standing around in a field presenting their costumes to each other, and Teal saw fit to comment on one of them. "Hey, Serpy, I really like your Inspector Spacetime get-up!" Teal complimented Serpentine's costume. "Which one are you supposed to be again? I always keep getting them mixed up."
"I'm the one who hates pears, FYI." Serpentine answered before turning to Desert Glass. "A cheerleader? How quaint."
"Not just any cheerleader, a zombie-killed sexy cheerleader!" Desert Glass proudly proclaimed. "What gave it away, the head?"
"What kind of cheerleader carries around a decapitated head?" Yellow Pearl asked. "Luckily, my costume is far less violent."
"And what are you supposed to be, Garnet?" Peridot asked about the fusion's costume. "Some kind of flying carpet racer?"
"Far from it." Garnet answered. "I'm actually a fortune teller with the power to generate fire, but I didn't have enough time to get a flame chicken."
"Well, I can see you all have wonderful costumes, everyone." Pearl declared. "Now then, anyone up for more candy?"
"Did you need to ask?" Amethyst replied with a smile.
This is probably the most ambitious chapter of any story I've written yet. Having to write four stories in one chapter certainly took longer than I thought, but I hope it was all worth it! Happy Halloween everyone, and stay tuned next week for the Christmas special to close out the season!
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turtlemagnum · 1 year
another incomplete and petty list???? really turtle??? guesss your really hitting bottom of the beryl now.....
yeah anyways here's shit about youtube thumbnails and the stuff surrounding that make me go "ew" and click not interested
column A: stupid lookin faces in the thumbnail. just some guy pulling something that'll then get turned into one of those stupid soyface memes, or somebody editing a character's face to look like that stupid imposter meme of that jeremy guy that people seem to like so much. i don't find it funny, in fact i actively find it obnoxious, and if i were still allowed to i'd report your videos for terrorism
title something like "You Won't Believe This....", too damn vague!!!! tells me NOTHING.... you think i'm just gonna be suckered in by something so fucking noncommittal and wishy washy? for the love of god, if you titled your video "i put my penis into a microwave just to see what would happen", i'd think it was dumb, but i'd still know what it was about so i'd be able to make a goddamn informed decision about what i'm fucking ignoring, you telling me nothing but the vaguest and blandest hint of intrigue just makes me intensely disinterested.
columbo 3, the channel is titled in a certain way, it's hard to give a concrete list of attributes but it's definitely a "you'll know it when you see it" kinda thing. names like "The Art of Learning" or "Trey The God" or "MemeMoonMan69" are pretty exemplary of the general most common archetypes, just painfully generic or self aggrandizing names that you could name literally anything and are virtually interchangeable
obnoxious voices, especially british voices, for the love of god just talk like a normal person instead of that Bullshit Announcer Voice That Sounds So Excited To Say EveryThing And Yells Every 10 Seconds To Make Sure The Babies In The Audience Don'T Click OFf
children. enough said
obnoxious britishness, i can tolerate the rare good brits but if i have to hear some johnny rotten soundin dickshitter whine on about ohhhhh god save the piddlywankas and the boys in red and oi doncha talk piss on the L85 ya fackin cunt i'll glass ye and shut up. just shut up.
omg yes i totally want to hear about the celebrity gossip with jairo and mellissa mccrompferspotnen and their breakup with jizzo and vumsch or whoever the fuck like god shut up i have literally never heard of any of these people and frankly, they're all probably insufferable. you couldn't pay me billions to even attempt to care about a single one of these shitstain cum snorting hogfuckers, the only rival of their intense lack of interestingness is their sheer vapidity and preening obnoxiousness
then there's videos where it's like OMG ARE YOU A REAL (bullshit societally constructed group, usually something pertaining to masculinity). i know i'm by no means the target audience for this shit, quite frankly my masculinity is about the only thing about me that isn't severely unstable, so your incessant pompous posturing about how much of a "real man" you are and whatever other shitty opinions you have that you're gonna try to pass off as objective facts are quite frankly, less interesting than dirt to me. literally, you ever fucking look at that shit???? it's got all sortsa neat little things in it, i could honest to god get significantly more enrichment playing in the goddamn dirt like a literal toddler than to spend even a picosecond paying a sliver of attention to you
the news. i am not going to watch goddamn fox news, i am not going to watch fox news via whatever foreign sounding alt accounts they have. that is all
omg did you hear about the drama between crumb and bookgum????? what about this thing that crockmunchher said about splorpo mcgoonsface??? who even are these people, you ask??? oh they play minecraft usually but also they sometimes play indie horror games and hey where are you going, i didn't even get to matchvvrangler's face reveal!!!!! no i don't care that you're an adult who hasn't played minecraft in years, you like gaming and this is gaming so you're sure to like it!!!!!
offensive memes from social media platform v287!!!!! ylyl cumpliation number 963!!!! my god how do you people know how to breathe, much less edit a goddamn youtube video together
hey did you wanna see a dead hog??? no??? well here's a dead hog anyways. what, you like guns, this channel does gun stuff, obviously you love seeing dead things since you like guns so much, and apparently dead fuckin animals with clear wounds in their face isn't violating any TOS!!!!
oh boy!!! i sure love sportsball, don't you!!!!! what's that???? you couldn't care less about sportsball even if it was the only entertainment left in a bizzare post apocalyptic world where everyone except you and sports fans are dead???? too bad buddy here's some news about the latest match of grown men in pajama shorts playing with balls!!!!!! it was a 0-0 match, isn't that fun!!?!?!?!?? aren't you entertained by watching jackass millionaires getting paid to frolic around in a plastic field for a few hours!!!!
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sailormoonsub · 7 years
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wow looks like Little Orphan Annie is a jealous bitch
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1:8 – Is the Genius Girl a Monster? Brainwashing School of Terror
[Original Post made 07/09/2013]
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Alternative Title: Is the Genius Girl from the Opening Credits a Monster? Probably Not
First Aired: 2nd May 1992
The latest test results are in at school and while Usagi hovers somewhere near the bottom, Mizuno Ami, the supposed genius girl, is not only top of the school but one of the smartest kids in the country. Luna suspects Ami of being an agent of the Dark Kingdom (maybe it’s the way she’s really nice to everyone). In truth, the cram school that Ami attends in the evenings is actually the latest facade of Jadeite’s. While Sailor Moon demonstrates that she is no smarter when transformed, Ami must don her skimpy outfit and save the day as Sailor Mercury. OMG NOW THERE’S TWO OF ‘EM.
As with any episode that has a major plot development for the overall series of Sailor Moon, this one is outstanding. The social commentary on cram schools and overbearing parental expectations is approached amusingly, there are some great comedic moments and, hey, I love me some Sailor Mercury.
The opening to this episode is AMAZING. It looks much the same as many other scenes – Jadeite is obsequiously explaining his latest ridiculous plot to Queen Beryl. This time it’s a short, bemused lecture on the Japanese school system. “They are suffering” is a great line, not least because the school kids of Japan in 1992 were undoubtedly cheering in enthusiasm at the show’s take-down education.
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“I hope your latest plan involves looking for a new fucking job, Jadeite”
My favourite part is after Jadeite lists the school progression. Kindergarten to Junior School to Junior High to High School to College.
“And? What about after graduating from the best college?” Queen Beryl asks inquisitively.
“I am not quite certain,” Jadeite replies. TOO BLOODY RIGHT MATE. Queen Beryl responds with a creepy and lascivious “MMmmmm…” – What a weird start to a great episode.
Cut to Usagi reading manga and being an idiot. After getting chewed out by her mother (remember, this is the same mother who locked Usagi out of the house after she got a 35 on a test), Usagi retreats to her room to study, only to be chewed out by Luna too. Poor girl can’t catch a break.
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An oft-repeated sentiment in my household
We get a really interesting development next, where Luna breaks into the Game Centre Crown arcade in the middle of the night. She communicates with an unknown contact through one of the arcade cabinets (genius). After complaining about Usagi’s inability to walk in a straight line because she lacks the brain power, Luna reveals that she suspects a mysterious blue-haired girl. MYSTERIOUS! 
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I love this imagery! Now if only Luna could play the games too…
In a complete coincidence (or rather a plot contrivance) Usagi and her classmates are gossiping about Mizuno Ami, the smartest girl in school. Usagi’s fat little friend is a complete bitch about Ami WITHIN HEARING DISTANCE (she’s probably trying to take away focus from her weight by being horrible to other students) and Ami walks off looking hurt.
Kids are mean wherever you grow up, eh?
Usagi immediately decides to befriend Ami, not because she was feeling guilty about gossiping about her, nor because she looks sad and lonely, but because she hopes Ami will coach her for the next test. That’s my girl, always lookout for what you can get out of others.
Luna is still highly suspicious of Ami, but her investigations are cut short after Ami scratches her under the chin, immediately disabling any higher-cognitive functions. She is a cat after all.
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…although she can use a computer, something that Usagi confesses is beyond her
Here we begin to see a side of Usagi that, while understated, actually becomes the most remarkable aspect of her character – she can ingratiate herself with anyone in a genuine and sensitive manner (whatever her ulterior motives may be). Best of all, she sees the best in people. Usagi sees a sweet and caring girl in Ami whereas her contemporaries were content to whisper behind her back.
I might be reading too much into it, of course, but for a girl inept at even the most basic of daily tasks, this side of Usagi seems all the more interesting. This definitely develops as the series goes on.
After trying to teach Ami how to play video games (as it turns out Ami need no instruction and wipes the floor with Usagi’s score in Sailor V: The Video Game), they part – the genius girl has a scholarship at Crystal Cram School, a new institution for the gifted (spoiler: it’s FAKE AND EVIL. EVIL I SAY.)
The topic of Japanese cram schools is an interesting one. An overwhelming number of Japanese school students attend these extra-curricular classes, all with the intent on preparing the students for the notoriously difficult entrance exams for private schools and college. The expectation placed on students can be severe – there’s a definite meritocracy, where one’s worth is judged by grades and, later, a job title. It’s a little scary to my pudgy and hedonistic Western ear holes.
ANYWAY. Usagi and Luna are investigating Crystal Cram School’s entrance when the Mysterious Beefcake Stranger walks by, continuing his habit of turning up wherever the Dark Kingdom is at work, which is not suspicious at all. Before he and Usagi can really get into the swing of trading their usual insults, the Mysterious Awesome Stranger asks nonchalantly “Wasn’t that cat just talking?”
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Considering how often Usagi and Luna have shouting matches in the street, it’s a surprise this doesn’t happen more often 
he completely freaked out expressions of Usagi and Luna are magnificent, as are their identical instincts to run away from Mysterious Stranger as fast as they can.
Finally, Usagi decides to deal with Crystal Cram School the only way she knows how – storm in dressed as a beautiful stranger by means of the Transformation Pen and shout till something happens. What happens is that Ami essentially tells the disguised Usagi to shut the fuck up, they’re trying to study dammit! Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon as the REAL monster (it’s the teacher, obviously) holds Ami hostage.
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“I should probably pluck my eyebrows”
The big red monster has some rather bizarre attacks. Rather than just, you know, murdering Sailor Moon (it would be so easy, guys, she’s so shit at being Sailor Moon), she quizzes the confused heroine, throwing sharp bits of paper at her when she fails to explain what gravity is. It’s bizarre. I love it.
As Sailor Moon is, once again, shivering in the corner at the mercy of a hypnotised army of rapey-looking teenage students, the big red monster is trying to shove Ami’s head into a computer screen. Luna notices a shining mark on Ami’s forehead and realises she must be SAILOR MERCURY, as if we didn’t already know from every single opening credits thus far.
Ami, showing a complete lack of surprise at axe-armed monsters or talking cats, takes up the transformation pen that Luna throws her, and Sailor Moon finally has an ally. Sort of.
Sailor Mercury’s attack, Bubble Spray, is really, really crap. It’s cold bubbles that make a mist. In this situation, it freezes the creepy army of students long enough for Sailor Moon to Moon Tiara Action the monster’s ass to next Tuesday, but Bubble Spray can’t be called the greatest magical power. Might be useful in the summer, I suppose.
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“Once I figure out how to fill these full of acid, you’re all in trouble”
So all’s well that ends well – Usagi has a new friend and comrade, and Ami seems to be coming out of her shell. In fact, she’s rather more confident and competant than Usagi is, a thought which Usagi finds rightfully worrying. Thankfully Sailor Mercury will be throwing cold bubbles at monsters for a while yet, so Luna can’t quite dispense with Sailor Moon just yet.
Give it time, Usagi. Give it time.
Episode Score: 4/5
Monster Freakishness Level: 4/5 (Her arm turned into an axe and she threatened to steal Ami’s brain. That’s freaky)
Bubble Spray Effectiveness Rating: 3/5 (It saved the day, I guess…)
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smokingbomber · 5 years
i found my senior year english notebook and HEY WHAT DO YOU KNOW, prompt lists!!
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since i'm making a collection on ao3 of kunzite/endymion and kunzite/mamoru and kunzite/kendy fics and want to fill it up, i'm thinking of making a challenge to add to it.
maybe like...
pick one from each category and write at least 500 words. categories:
vocab word from SB's senior year english notebook
prince endymion, mamoru chiba, tuxedo mask, dark kingdom endymion (dendy), king endymion (kendy)
OG golden kingdom kunzite, berylized GK kunzite, canon modern dark kingdom kunzite, redeemed kunzite, crystal tokyo kunzite
manga, 90s anime, 90s dub, PGSM, seramyu, crystal, new myu, super live, wild AU, modern AU, etc
deep platonic friendship, UST friendship/mutual-pining-from-nearby; hateship, sexy hateship, foe-yay; lovers/partners-- poly, cheaty, married, finally monogamous; uhh... etc
and like obviously anywhere in those timelines; you can mix and match (which can be way fun, like, 'omg mamoru is at harvard and crystal tokyo kunzite seduces him'-- i did that with mamo and zoi-- or 'dendy gives OG kunzite a freaking despair heart attack'); you can ignore the vocab word prompts and do whatever...
and basically i don't wanna do this alone but i will if i gotta, lol, it's the CONTENT I WANT TO SEE which usually means either do it myself or cajole like the red cross blood drives
what say you, loyal rarepair-rowboat passengers? starlingale from rivers of london has a jillion more fics than mamokunz and while admirable (and delicious) this is also tragic.
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azandynofansub · 6 years
OMG THANK U THANK U THANK U SOO MUUUUUUCHHHH FOR PICKING UP RED BERYL NI SAYONARA 💘💖❣️💗💚💗🧡💞💜🧡❣️💖💚💚💖💚💘❣️💝💓💚💗🧡🧡❣️💚💖💖💗💓💛💝💞💖❣️❣️💜❤️💖💝💛💖❤️💘💝💕🧡❤️❤️💘💘💘
Hi love!!!! You are so very welcome ❤️ We absolutely adore this mangaka!!! We really love it when you guys enjoy the projects that we work on and let us know!! {・ω-*} We are working hard on the others chapters, so keep an eye out. 
(●´∀`)ノ♡ spreading the love to all - Harubot
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Omg you are so adorable! I wish I could hug you ;w;
Um thanks... but don't hug me please... red beryl will probably take control and murder you...
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mixed-interests · 7 years
Recently I finished whole 4 books and 56 stories in my native language and in the original version of the books. So I thought it's good to help other people on the storyline. It's like "how to watch Star Wars movies". 😜 (OMG I AM A NERD 🤓) Anyway so this line it's all by me so you don't have to read in this order but I give you the published years of the books and stories so if you want you can read in this order too;
   1. A STUDY IN SCARLET (1887)    2. THE SIGN OF FOUR (1890)    3. THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES (1891-1892)    - A Scandal In Bohemia (1891)    - The Red-headed League (1891)    - A Case of Identity (1891)    - The Boscombe Valley Mystery (1891)    - The Five Orange Pips (1891)    - The Man with the Twisted Lip (1891)    - The Blue Carbuncle (1892)    - The Speckled Band (1892)    - The Engineer's Thumb (1892)    - The Noble Bachelor (1892)    - The Beryl Coronet (1892)    - The Copper Beeches (1892)    4. THE MEMOIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES (1892-1893)    -  Silver Blaze (1892)    -  The Yellow Face (1893)    -  The Stock-Broker's Clerk (1893)    -  The "Gloria Scott" (1893)    -  The Musgrave Ritual (1893)    -  The Reigate Puzzle (1893)    -  The Crooked Man (1893)    -  The Resident Patient (1893)    -  The Greek Interpreter (1893)    -  The Naval Treaty (1893)    -  The Final Problem (1893)    5. THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES (1901)    6. THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES (1903-1904)    -     The Empty House (1903)    -     The Norwood Builder (1903)    -     The Dancing Men (1903)    -     The Solitary Cyclist (1903)    -     The Priory School (1904)    -     The Adventure of Black Peter (1904)    -     Charles Augustus Milverton (1904)    -     The Six Napoleons (1904)    -     The Three Students (1904)    -     The Golden Pince-Nez (1904)    -     The Missing Three-Quarter (1904)    -     The Abbey Grange (1904)    -     The Second Stain (1904)    7. THE VALLEY OF FEAR (1914)    8. HIS LAST BOW    -     The Cardboard Box (1893)    -     The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge (1908)    -     The Bruce-Partington Plans (1908)    -     The Devil's Foot (1910)    -     The Red Circle (1911)    -     Lady Frances Carfax (1911)    -     The Dying Detective (1913)    -     His Last Bow (1917)    9. THE CASEBOOK OF SHERLOCK HOLMES    -     The Mazarin Stone (1921)    -     The Problem of Thor Bridge (1922)    -     The Creeping Man (1923)    -     The Sussex Vampire (1924)    -     The Three Garridebs (1924)    -     The Illustrious Client (1924)    -     The Blanched Soldier (1926)    -     The Retired Colourman (1926)    -     The Three Gables (1926)    -     The Lion's Mane (1926)    -     The Veiled Lodger (1927)    -     Shoscombe Old Place (1927)
SPOILER ALLERT ; so after this there can be spoilers because I'll be telling the reasons about my storyline. You can just skip the line but I make sure you that the whole story makes more sense in this line especially things with Professor Moriarty
I'm not gonna make the story books separated by the storyline, but Dr. Watson makes sure that you're not gonna be lost in the story. He generally claims why he didn't published before but that particular time so you feel like you're lucky to read it at that time 😜
So if we're back to the storyline I think how we should read;
           PS: Before you read the famous story "The Final problem you should read the other two books first
           PS: Now You can read "The Final Problem"
Hope you enjoy your run with the books. I know so many people read the stories or the books particularly but I can help the storyline it would be pleasure. If you have questions feel free to ask.
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lilietsblog · 7 years
sailor moon episode 18 liveblog: Usagi is the best big sis
ive done this one a bunch of tiem ago when i had no internet and finally now posting it
ahaha now the queen is demanding answers from Nephrite and he's being opaque bc well there are no results what do you gotta do
and there is Zoicite I wonder what the full background of his offer to work together is oooh he knows that Nephrite will refuse and is aiming to put him under fire for the queen honestly the smartest thing for Nephrite at this point would be to accept the offer >_>
"I am not doing this for Queen Beryl! I am doing this for myself!" Nephrite why why did you have to do this
im sorry queen Jadeite was both the most competent and the most loyal of your officers it can only go downhill from here
do Usagi's parents never watch the time in any way at all jfc
oh man this part toxic masculinity at its best )= and all Shingo's guilty of is not handling the fragile thing with as much care as he should have, which is normal for a child he just dropped it, along with Mika, this shit HAPPENS
also gotta note that out of two Shingo's classmates here, one is chubby <3
I love how the girls say "Onee-san!" and the subs translate it as "Usagi!" XD
I wonder if Mika's mom noticed that she was clearly not ok about this doll and just let the topic go bc she let her choose what to say about it
awwww Usagi is very wise when she wants to be specifically people smart, she very much is she knows what her lil bro should do and how to make him do it she's on the ball here queen <3
alas, Shingo is just a bit late )= the red sports car got here first T_T
waaah Nephrite looks so cool~ *u* dork
dude why did your monster change the expression of the doll that's kinda conspicious
ah no it looks normal most of the time gotcha
aw, and Shingo probably thinks this is about what he did )=
ahhhh!!!! Usagi can't ignore her kid brother when he's upset!!! she brings him driiinks <3 despite how mean he is to her Usagi is just so great <3
awww, Usagi's starting to get monster intuition too <3
and Luna shut the fuck up seriously just shut allll the way up "Usagi, you're very sharp today!" this is some of the most backhanded praise I have ever seen like what would it cost you to say "Wow, you're getting better at this!" or "You might be right!" or literally anything that would not have the "you are stupid and I expect nothing of you" subtext???
and of course she just takes it in stride )=
Luna won't give her any praise or validation at all, but  expects her to work hard (futilely, from the reality she creates by her works) anyway
awww everyone likes Sailor Moon <3
ah and meanwhile Rei is still dating Mamoru somehow poor Mamoru why is he even doing this XD
oh look first hint of the Mamoru/demons connection
it's kinda... wrong that their idea of making a little girl's face more sinister is adding lipstick to it I think just her expression would be enough... and if anything look creepier
huh, I guess Shingo lost consciousness from the fall?... hi brain damage
and Usagi fares as well in actual combat as ever
AND USAGI STILL TRIES WHILE BEING STRANGLED omfg she cant say moon tiara action but she can yell that she cant do it?
as always, Usagi just needs a moment's break to get her bearings <3
and Nephrite's energy gathering energy is as useless as ever <3
awwww Usagi staged a rly cool appearance <3 she's good at this
omg a realistic sailor moon doll <3
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