shy-veil · 1 year
Pete Wentz lyrics you will always be famous
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3 and 5 for the music asks
Ah bless thanks for the ask as always
3. A song you really like by an artist you otherwise don’t listen to very much (whether that’s because you usually don’t like their music, or just because you haven’t listened to the rest yet)
So my husband really likes Jinjer and I am not necessarily super into most of their stuff but I Speak Astronomy is sooooooooo good, so delicious
5. Name an album you feel is perfect
Oo lord this is controversial but Mania by Fall Out Boy. Actually the last 3 FOB albums as they have been released have all felt absolutely perfect to me, at the stage in my life that I was listening to them, and the memories I have of sitting there with my friends and listening to them together. I guess I can't separate the feelings and the memories from the music itself in that regards. But specifically Mania, which is possibly one of the most hated FOB albums lol -
The album was late because of creative issues and the single release of Young and Menace had not gone as planned, so only two songs were actually previewed at the Mania tour: Young and Menace, which Patrick Stump performed solo on piano, and Wilson (Expensive Mistakes). Since FOB's reunion, I have never missed a single one of their Atlanta shows, and this was no exception lol, but this was different, because it was my first show with Marshall, my then-boyfriend-now-husband, and it was incredible. We were on the floor, so close to the band, it was really special. I think that was maybe, a week or two before I was moving away from my hometown to the city where he lived, so I was on the precipice of a big change in my life.
I remember counting down to the actual album release, and it was released on the exact same day Marshall and I (still just dating, but at this point had moved to the same city together) were about to drive up for a week in a cabin in Gatlinburg, TN. We listened to it in the car on the way there, and with each song, my emotions just kept building and building, until Heaven's Gate, and the vocal's on that song were so clear and beautiful and really resonated with me, and I just had this thought that this song would be the first dance at our wedding together, and I think it was the first time I really considered that we could actually get married to each other one day. And it was followed by the equally beautiful song, Church, but Heaven's Gate always stuck with me, and yeah, it was our first dance at our wedding and I found a shirt at Hot Topic with the lyrics on the back and I wear it all the time because I'm a sap.
Bishop's Knife Trick and Sunshine Riptide and Hold Me Tight or Don't? Wilson? All absolutely incredible. Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea, Last of the Real Ones, Young and Menace, and Champion all rock too.
How can you get more iconic than the line "I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" I mean honestly,,,
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isvara-das-blog · 1 year
She couldn’t remember the last time she’d bought flowers. A mother’s day maybe, years ago now. How ironic. The tin roof buckled in the mid-morning heat, the slivers of light bursting in through the walls of the summerhouse caressed the old rug that adorned the floor. Old, yes, yet still beautiful, in a way that only a strictly no shoes in the house policy can ensure. Pausing, on the way out the door, Etta thought of her mother, and her rules, and their meaning. The thin spring air caught her by the hand and pulled her through the yard. The day’s work had already begun, Patrick smiled and nodded to her, in knowing. She half raised her arm into a wave but a weight kept the gesture below her shoulder line. Her gaze dropped, too, as her hand fell back to her waist, tugging at the thin white dress she’d chosen in defiance. “I’m not wearing black today”, she’d said to herself, in the cracked mirror that hung from the mint green walls of her wooden bedroom.
Her teeth clicked and rattled as the bus shook her, head at rest on the single pane that now held back the crisp air as she made her way into town. The thought crossed her mind, when will be the next time I buy flowers? She shook it off. Let’s just get through the day.
The woman at the market was kind, the crack in Etta’s voice was subtle, but it was there.
“White lilies, maybe?”, the suggestion was well received, Etta’s eyes swelled as she realised she knew not her mother’s favourite flower. A floodgate burst as all the questions she would never be able to ask began to bloom in the meadow of her mind. “Yes, please, they look lovely”, swallowing a clenched fist she drew a breath, “Do you take card?”
“I don’t darling, but you can come back and pay tomorrow, I’ve seen you around often enough”, a mother herself, the florist invited Etta around the back of the stall, for a cup of tea, which was respectfully declined. Bouquet in hand, the laced cuffs of her sleeves took the wind and Etta turned and, through saturated eyes, again turned her gaze to the ground.
“I realised today that I don’t know my mother’s favourite flower. She must have had one, she loved her opinions, she very much valued her right to them. If a topic arose, often at dinner, often with wine, often with guests… If a topic came up about which she did not have an opinion, you could see the machine that was her beautiful mind begin to whir in toil, crafting something unique, and thought provoking. I hadn’t planned on saying anything, today, but my mother always said… but Charlotte, always said, ‘if you can’t change your plan, that’s not a plan it’s a prison’. I loved her, and it truly breaks my heart that I’ll only ever have known her as a mother, not as a woman, as a friend. For that, of some of you, I am deeply envious. Thank you, all, for being here today. It means the world to us.”
The ceremony hadn’t lasted long, and she had not much fancied the wake. After laying her handful of flowers atop the flurry of flora now adorning the headstone, Etta had again boarded the bus without saying much at all to anyone, despite the looks of sorrow sent her way by many a family member. The kind of look that acts as a passive invitation. ‘I’m not going to engage with you, because you’re going through a lot, but I’m here if you’d like to talk’.
Cheeks wet, hands rippling in a light tremor, Etta took ten pounds from the cash machine.
“I hope this is enough”, she said, this time ensuring a more stable presence, vocally. She certainly didn’t want this lovely lady worrying about her, after they parted ways. “This is plenty, in fact, this’ll get you a cup of tea, too… if you’d like?”, her smile was warm, and understanding, “I’ve got ten minutes”. Intending to decline, Etta’s mouth fell open. She had planned on simply heading home and cocooning herself for the remainder of the day, in hopes that she would be in a state to engage fully with her work, on the farm the following day. But they were not the words that came out. “Have you got chamomile?”
A warm updraft billowed from the mug, which was smooth and pink, with the face of a pig. A condensation collected softly on the round of her nose. The two of them spoke for some time, about mothers, about tea, about flowers. Jennifer. The florist gave her name and Etta gave hers. Charlotte. It helped, too, to say her mother’s name.
“I used to hate chamomile…” “But it was her favourite, wasn’t it?” “How did you know?” “Lucky guess”.
Passing through the farm, she stalled at the barn door. Rummaging through the cupboards she found an old box of dried chamomile heads, and a small round tea strainer, which hung from a delicate silver chain. Neither belonged to her, ‘but I’m sure they won’t mind’ she thought to herself, as she filled a deep mug. She held it to her lips but didn’t draw a sip, instead letting the scent drift to the back of her mind. The steam dislodged a memory, which in turn dislodged a tear, or two. Her head shifted to look at the floor but she caught herself, righted her neck and, out of nowhere, she found a smile upon her face. At her door, she slipped off her shoes before crossing the rug, and there it was again. Another smile, she even managed to catch a glimpse of this one, bridging the crack in the mirror. Going to curl up in her bed, she took a deep breath and paused, deciding instead to set up her easel, and put something on canvas, anything. Because if you can’t change your plan, that’s not a plan, it’s a prison.
See you soon - īśvara-das
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goldrockyroad · 3 years
my entire draft got deleted right after i finished writing + tagging it so i’m doing it all over again - public performances round 2 thoughts (pt 2)
very angry but evidently isn’t stopping me from making this post anyway. (pt 1)
fix me (original song): fu sichao 【付思超】,li luoer 【李洛尔】, rong yao 【荣耀】, yu yang 【于洋】,lu dinghao 【陆定昊】
love how they let fu sichao and li luoer write a song aka what they’re most comfortable with for a public performance  lu dinghao’s high note left me shook  only for yu yang’s final part to leave me all alone to recover in a ditch the both of them nailed their parts  i really like rong yao’s part of the rap especially and of course his voice was stellar  the song managed to bring together all their strong suits while pushing their limits at the same time it was great 
i don’t care: bo yuan 【伯远】,gan wangxing 【甘望星】,shao mingming 【邵明明】,wu yuheng 【吴宇恒】,jing long 【井胧】
ok yall know.  i’m sure yall kNOW i’m a bo yuan stan he’s pratically my ult on this entire show but let’s talk about jing long for a moment because resident vocal king slayed and knew he was slaying while at it i loved how he played with the dynamics of his voice to add some spice to it instead of just going at it with full power all the way through if that makes sense  gan wangxing has this beautiful baritone voice that i’ve ben dying to hear since he sang unbreakable love! because of that i literally realised that baritones are my biggest weakness  i loved how he captured the slightly aggressive nonchalance of the song through his expressions while performing (might be thanks to his face naturally but he did it nonetheless) wu yuheng brought out a side to him that i never thought existed without this i never would have guessed he would even come near to killing a concept like this  also somehow made an ugly ass bowl cut look good  i (finally) realised that what attracted attracts me to bo yuan as a performer is how he goes on stage and you can just tell that he enjoys himself every. single. time. without fail it’s insane 
therefore i am: hiroto 【井汲大翔】,lelush 【利路修】,xie xingyang 【谢兴阳】,zhang teng 【张腾】zhang jiayuan 【张嘉元】
now this was an unexpected one for me  this stage probably was my favourite in terms of choreographic design - the white vs black? the white gradually being removed that ends with basically all black? the choreography itself for the story? top tier  i love xie xingyang as an actor and now i want to see him take on a psycho-ish role because of his facials here they were just that good  similar for hiroto like you have this adorable japanese boy who all the chinese trainees are in love with and then you have him on this stage being absolutely unhinged and going feral beyond belief we love to see it  zhang teng’s bit where they’re sitting on the floor? revolutionary didn’t get the zhang jiayuan hype but he really could catch my attention here - that final expression did it all for me really 
joker (original choreography): xu shaolan 【徐绍岚】,ren yinpeng 【任胤蓬】,wu hai 【吴海】,santa 【赞多】,rikimaru 【力丸】
santa and rikimaru doing well is a given  but the one who really did it for me here was wu hai  it was so nice to see him in his element more as a professional dancer than an idol  although i did get the feeling that he was holding back almost like he could have gone off even harder than he did  the three of them did an amazing job at creating a piece that brought out their respective strengths  that being said though it would be so nice to see both santa and rikimaru perform something that isn’t dance-focused / a dance genre that isn’t right up their alley the way all their previous performances on the show were  when the mentors were making comments i just had a thought that was like ‘i wanna see santa do something cutesy (撒娇 was the term i had lol)’ which basically sums up that whole sentiment 
crab dance: gui shangqi 【贵尚奇】,ichika 【上原一翔】,wang xiaochen 【王孝晨】,amu 【羽生田拳武】,he yifan 【何屹繁】
comedic performances (imo) are usually hit or miss but this one did enough for me  amu hard carried this with his facials i lost it everytime the camera was on him omg  it’s almost like mate was literally made to perform this song  cross-eyed he yifan is something i never thought i would see but i loved it  the choreo was hella funny as well and that really helped their intros before voting were so funny??? maybe that’s just me having no sense of humour but i died there 
you better not think about me: nine 【高卿尘】,mika 【米卡】,patrick 【尹浩宇】,zhang xingte 【张星特】,yu gengyin 【余更寅】
i have to say that thing yu gengyin sat on up to the middle of the first chorus was very cool  all five of them are both strong and popular and after this stage i can clearly tell that ‘disappoint’ is nowhere close to existing in their vocabularies yu gengyin’s voice is to die for throughout but that last line where he was tearing up crushed my heart into a million pieces  didn’t think much of nine before this but he really shone singing this song he deserved that mvp spot  as soothing as mika’s voice is it would be so cool to hear him have a ‘powerful’ vocal moment if you know what i mean  honestly all their voices are beautiful on their own but an absolute masterpiece together  they also brought out the emotions of a song that i personally really love so well props to them  also unbreakable love 2.0 was an added bonus HAHAHA 
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
VA - Colin Curtis presents Jazz Dance Fusion 2 - (Z Records)
Welcome to the second instalment of my ‘Jazz Dance Fusion’ compilation series for Joey Negro’s Z Records. I continue to look back into the story & history of the UK jazz dance and jazz music scene; a movement that started for me back in the 70's. The sounds of funk & soul mixed with jazz, influences from Brazil, Africa, Europe and all over the globe, textures of instrumental sounds & voices, fuse to create the much-loved ‘jazz fusion’ sound that we love. Here we are in 2020 when interest in all forms of Jazz is growing fast as DJ pioneers such as Gilles Peterson, Patrick Forge, Perry Louis, Snowboy, Nick Hosier, Alan Mckinnon, Jim Bernardi, Kev Beadle, Harv Nagi, Shuya Okino and David Patterson continue to push all aspects of Jazz to converted and new audiences. So, to this compilation where I am showcasing unreleased material and offering tracks up for the first time ever on vinyl and CD. The track listing covers my addiction to dance-floor jazz, coupled with my passion for vocal and percussive jazz, with my usual trademark latin touches. Hope you enjoy the selection – turn it up loud and feel the jazz passion flow!
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vtjacobgems · 3 years
heat advisory: February 2021
the hottest of the hot from February, all wrapped up in a scorcher of a playlist.
top 5 of the month:
Mura (Br) - "Check it (Elliot Adamson 'Leazes' Remix)"
every track that Patrick Topping releases on his Trick label is gas but this track is rocket fuel. a raucous floor-filler with erratic vocal cuts, thumping bass line, and more lasers than a Star Wars flick - once this thing takes off there's no slowing down.
DJ Susan - "Body Right"
Repopulate Mars continues to impress with the most consistent tech house bops in recent months (don't tell Claude). an infectious sample, groovy bass line, and addictive high melody gives the straightforward banger some welcome depth. when the air raid siren hits you'll definitely feel it.
FJAAK, Elli Acula - "To the Peak"
Germany's favorite weed smoking "boy band" is at it again. tough to pinpoint as always, they diverge from their usual techno sound to some breaks that wouldn't sound out of place in the mid 90's. sure to get you working a sweat, especially when that whistle melody kicks in. trying to hear this in the depths on the underground at Movement as soon as possible.
Blackgummy - "Trouble in Paradise"
the soundtrack to a dystopian journey that I want to go on. this sounds like a blazing fast coupe driving through Night City in cyberpunk 2077. neon and chrome. big electro melodies, synthwave stabs that descends into a techno groove - this is Blackgummy at the top of his game. ever evolving and relentless.
I Hate Models - "Lazy in Hell"
oh we're going dark. pumping peak time techno for the real club demons, it brings a tear to the eye. piercing highs, pounding bass and aggressive vocals - the slight moments of trancey reprieve makes the track even heavier. death metal techno, if this is hell I am game.
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sulrae · 4 years
More Than Just a Coincidence (Trohley)
( I saw your idea for the trohley one shot and just began to write for a bit of fun here is the beginning)
Feeling like I am being watched makes me shudder as I turn to see Andy Hurley sitting cross legged on the floor with his drum pads on top of his knees.
Grinning at one another I look back round lifting my guitar from my lap because I enjoyed the laughs me and Andy had together it was like our own special deal.
Just the two of us with our own kind of closeness which entailed lots of sarcastic jokes boarding on smutty and the fact we liked a lot of the same music.
The guy was always so laid back and relaxed despite the fact a lot of people took his quiet demeanour as a negative not understanding the dude one bit.
“What’s the happening bitches?” Pete Wentz yelled walking through the large black door into the theatre we would be playing tonight live.
“You are late.” I inform our bassist then adding “Where the hell is Patrick?”
“Believe it or not.” Pete begins with a smile stopping to stand in front of me as I shifted my weight because I was sitting awkwardly on one of the large speakers.
“He got abducted by aliens?” Andy questions from behind me making me shake my head with a grin.
“Possibly because do not quote me on this but our precious lead singer may have finally lost his virginity!” Pete attempts to look shocked at this revelation.
“Is our little fedora all grown up?” I ask pretending to shed a tear because we all knew that Patrick was in fact in a long term relationship with a girl named Esther.
“We need to celebrate!” Pete cheers raising the bottle of water which was in his hand above his head I think the guy was still quite wasted from last night.
“I think we celebrated heartily enough yesterday.” I dead pan trying to ignore the headache because I needed to be on form later for the gig because we were switching things up.
“Is all the gear set up instrument wise?” Pete questions as I follow his eyes around the stage to see everything is in its place.
“I think so.” I nod looking back at Andy who is rolling his eyes back at me.
“Let me be Patrick and he can take my place when he finally decides to show up.” Pete tries to leap up onto the stage but misses luckily catching himself just in time.
I watch as he drops the bottle of water to the stag floor then saunters over to the tall mic standing proud tapping it lightly with his right hand.
“Check mic, mic check, Petey is on the stage.” Pete yells loudly into the mic causing static to reverberate loudly because he was turning the volume up way too loud.
“You’re just too darn loud.” I state quoting the scene from Back to the Future making Pete not at me because he got the reference.
“I need to do some warm up vocals then I will sing Huey Lewis and the news!” Pete talks through the mic then begins to make noises which sound nothing like a warm up.
“Someone put him out of his misery.” States Andy winking at me as his thin framed glasses are lowered halfway down the bridge of his nose.
“It’s the power of love!” Pete sings pretty off key because the guy admits he hasn’t got a voice for singing he likes to perform a lot of other fun tasks with his mouth.
“Let me try.” I tell the guy propping my dark red guitar onto the large speaker I stand up then push Pete away from the mic.
“No one understand my talents!” Pete mock whines pretending to pout whilst he folds his arms over his large chest.
“Move out the way!” I joke trying to push him further away from me so I can get to the mic.
Pete steps aside finally kicking the mic in the process which makes me glare at him because I wanted to sing so I pick it up and begin.
“We are like young volcanoes.” I reach the chorus not quite hitting all of Patrick’s high notes in the song but still make it my own.
I notice Andy watching me as he has stood up from the floor to watch me and I grin as I see Pete look a little put out but he smiles back.
“Watch out!” Andy shouts as I drop the mic from a height to the stage floor then fee two strong arms push me away as I look to the floor to hear buzzing sounds.
“You idiot!” I snap at Pete because his water had leaked and it was currently creating a pool around the mic which I was standing in.
Noticing that Andy was still holding me in his arms I nod my thanks because I felt a little awkward but knew if he had not of noticed I would of gotten a nasty shock courtesy of Pete.
“Someone turn off the power to the mic whilst I go get some towels.” Pete tells us watching the pair of us as Andy finally lets me go and I quickly step away.
“If I knew any better I would say that Pete was trying to finish me.” I tell Andy feeling that I needed to talk through the silence between us which was something that never usually happened.
“He is just jealous of your singing talents.” Andy jokes at me.
“I now know what my back up plan is then.” I retort looking up to see Patrick and his fedora making their way through the theatre door.
“I almost died.” I yelled at Patrick who didn’t even bother to look up as he walked across the empty theatre towards the stage.
“I proposed to Esther.” Patrick smiled as he looked up with a wide grin on his face.
“Ok you win!” I retort then add “I take it she said no.”
“Ha-ha.” Patrick laughs but then looks serious as he tells us “Actually Esther said yes it has been a huge deal trying to keep this private.”
“Well we could have helped you?” I question as I jump down from the stage to congratulate my old friend with a hug.
“Group hug!” Andy cheers as he grabs hold of me and Patrick and squashes us altogether into some kind of Fall Out Boy sandwich.
“What the hell have I just walked in on?” Pete snorts as I look round to see him carrying towels chucking them onto the stage he abandons them to come over and join in on the hug.
“I am engaged.” Patrick cheers and Pete looks too shocked to speak almost until he knocks the fedora off the singers head then looks like he is about to cry.
“Drama queen.” I dead pan as Pete looks so happy he may actually cry right now.
“Can I plan the stag night?” Andy questions which causes him and Pete to argue over who could make it a more memorable night.
“Well congratulations are in order.” I tell Patrick picking up his hat from the floor as he watches our friends continue to argue.
“Thanks Joe.” Patrick turns to me smirking as he adds “Now you need to finally find someone as a date for my wedding.”
“Can’t I just write a speech and then be that terrible drunk guy alone instead?” I roll my eyes as the thought of meeting someone had been the only thing on my mind recently.
“You’ve just described yourself at every party you have ever been to.” Patrick retorts whilst I nod my head in agreement the dude was talking the truth.
“Touché.” I smile as I watch Pete explain to our stage director that I had almost died because of him.
Sure it was a slight exaggeration because a shock would have only made my curly hair stand even more on end.
But I was not ready to have another near death experience just yet even though the attention could possible get me a date.
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
SECRET RADIO | 9.26.20
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Secret Radio | 9.26.20 |  Hear it here.
“We don’t know where you are but we’re glad you’re here”
Liner notes by Evan, except * means Paige
1. Ayalew Mesfin - “Hasabe (My Worries)”
This track comes to us via Marc Hawthorne in San Francisco and is some hot Ethiopian stomp. Marc has been turning me on to crucial music for years, but I feel like both of our palates have expanded in unexpected directions lately. I love how foreign and how relatable this song sounds at once — “hasabe” really does sound like a guy singing about his worries, which makes it feel like he’s speaking the same language. 
2. Witch - “Introduction”
Such a commandingly hip voice announcing the band and getting us all in the groove. Witch is Zambian rock in a pretty unhinged style — apparently WITCH stands for “We Intend To Create Havoc,” which if true is basically the greatest band name ever. 
3. Erkin Koray - “Cemelim”
Every time I hear this track I think of Jefferson Airplane’s foreboding sense of dark anticipation. The added frills of shifting into Turkish bent-note vocals takes it up another level. This track is from 1974 but carries the whole psychedelic ‘60s wave forward in an unbroken wave. As we mentioned, the video is worth checking out not just because the singer/guitarist is mesmerizing or because the bassist is inherently hilarious but because their outfits are legendary. Our thanks to Brian and Mona for the heads up.
4. The Velvet Underground - “Coney Island Steeplechase”
“Lies and betrayals / fruit-covered nails” — naw, just kiddin, this song happens long before Pavement, or the Strokes for that matter. I never really understood what people meant when they said that the Strokes sound like VU, but listening to this song in headphones it kinda feels like the Julian Casablancas built an entire career off Lou’s vocal delivery on this song. And who could blame him? Lou wasn’t usin it anymore.
Hailu Mergia - “Sintayehu”
We got this record during the pandemic and it has been like a stress dissolver. There’s a tape that we got in Manhattan Kansas at a house show we played, a band called Casino Gardens, that I think of every time we hear this album. Not the same in particulars, but very much the same in spirit.
5. Divino Niño - “Melty Caramelo”
One of Sleepy Kitty’s first tours was with Divino Niño (thanks, Brandon!) just as they were assembling, and they have always been a band of fellows we enjoy as much as the music that they write. I did this set of dates with a broken bone in my swole-up, purple right hand, which I wouldn’t recommend to any drummers out there. I will say though that every single drummer in the bar that night told me that they had broken the same exact bone the same way. Not by drumming but by punching an inanimate object. 
6. Moodoïd - “Je suis la montagne”
I think this song is a benefit of Paige learning French for the last couple of years. Found it on a 3.5 hour French mix on Spotify.
7. Sleepy Kitty - “Dreaming of Waterfalls” demo *
There are like, 7 people who have heard this song until now. This song came pretty mysteriously to me after a completely transformative trip to Kauaʻi for the wedding of ace folks and dear friends Stewart and Trenton. People who have gone to Hawaiʻi have always told me how amazing Hawaiʻi is and how it’ll change your life and it’s the best place in the entire world, and I was always like, “ok, sure whatever” until we went and now I am forever changed. I won’t get too into it here, but it’s all totally true and as amazing as they say. I can’t remember if this song was literally in the dream I had in San Diego the night we returned to the contiguous 48, or if it somehow emerged out of thinking of that dream, but it basically just appeared and I thought about it and thought about it and kept it in my head the whole plane ride back to St. Louis and recorded it pretty much immediately when we got back. I played 2 songs at our friends’ wedding on uke (where I was relieved to get approval from the Hawaiian family, ha ha) and it’s still a very unfamiliar instrument to me but it was the only answer for this song.
This is also one of a few recordings I made shortly before the first of 2 vocal surgeries around that time. It was kind of a stressful time musically; I was still figuring out what was going on, knowing something was wrong, getting hoarse all the time but not knowing what was going on yet.  Learning the songs for the wedding, and this song and this recording are positive memories in what was a very uncertain period in Sleepy Kitty life. I can definitely remember the challenges and limitations of that time, but it’s great to have this beautiful little moment that came out of that time too. When I hear this now, I like it and I’m glad to have it. It transports me back to that magical place and I’m thankful to Stewart and Trenton for having us there to celebrate with them.
8. The Fall - “Arms Control Poseur” (Bonus Version) (whatever that means)
“What do you fear?”
“Being found out.”
“The why do you always give yourself away?”
After initially being repulsed by The Fall, I eventually had what felt like essentially a religious experience after falling asleep listening to them on repeat in the tour bus — somehow their perverse aesthetic had become grafted into my DNA. I became an avid proselytizer for the band, with few takers, for years. Eventually I kind of gave up, baffled both by how intensely I felt their music and how immune everyone else apparently was to it. 
Cut to years later in an apartment on North Ave in Chicago, watching Paige bike up the street towards the window where I stood. She apologized as she walked her bike up the stairs. Sorry I’m late, she said, I just got caught up in the Fall. I don’t know how to explain it. You don’t understand, The Fall is not like other bands.
I literally thought that she was teasing me, and that I must have talked her ear off about the band at some point. But NO — she’d had the exact sort of conversion experience as me. In her case it was to “Extricate,” which was one of my very favorite albums, being the second one I personally owned. 
Still, this record’s aesthetic is completely dominant in my life. I couldn’t even guess how many times I’ve listened to it, and it still fascinates me every time.
“I quite very very much enjoyed 
his jovial lies
9. T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - “Wodeka Kpoe”
The day I found this track I was completely distracted by it. It’s so muscular and lean and intense. I love everything about the almost metallic drum sound, the dry vocals, the guitar telling its own narrative, the sharp little shaker going the whole time. It’s the closest thing to punk in Beninese music that I’ve heard. I read recently that this was on a 1983 Albarika Records comp LP (the person referred to the as “legendary,” but I don’t know to whom, or when), and when I looked it up a lot of other tracks that we love from the Soundway comp were there. But as far as I know, it’s not on any of those 21st century collections. So good!
10. Orchestre Abass - “Haka Dunia”
The cover of this 6-song burner shows a guy with a guitar behind a keyboard called TIGER 61, with his foot up on… what? the keys bench? There’s a single pedal on the floor that leads up into the keyboard. The sounds that come from that board though! This is a tone I think of as completely desirable. I guess this is also punk, this one from Togo. I mean, I have no idea what he/they think they’re doing, but to me it feels like it has all the stuff that I love in punk music.
Hailu Mergia
11. T.P. Orchestre de Cotonou Benin - “Moulon Devia”
I just realized this track can be found elsewhere, but I found it on a record credited to T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou Benin, with a great photo of Yehouessi Leopold and Zoundegnon Papillon Bernard on the cover looking like the coolest dudes in the world cos they are. There are some great stereo panning effects, no doubt done live, on the horns at the beginning and the keys solo in the middle, which really enriches the headphone experience. This keys solo uses a suite of sounds that I absolutely love from them — and which are apparently the work of Papillon himself! I knew he was the guitarist who builds sand castles in the air of T.P. songs, but I only just realized that he’s also the guy throwing down those supper trippy Farfisa sounds! Holy smokes, that’s just ridiculous. He and Yehouessi are probably my favorite rhythm combo ever. PLUS they’ve got Bentho Gustave on bass, whose T.P. album was the first one we bought abroad. I mean, this track is so epic.
12. Patrick Juvet - “Où sont les femmes”*
I have a new awesome French teacher, who sends me cabaret songs to check out and says things like “I’m an old queen! What am I to do!” He played this song over Zoom for some live hold music while I was printing something for a recent lesson. I’m excited to hopefully hear more French music from him and also to hear more of his stories of discotheques in the 80s.
Evan adds: The video is well worth your attention as well, especially if you like red sequins glinting disco diamonds beneath deeply feathered hair. 
13. Le Tigre - “Deceptacon”
This is one of the all-time top art school party songs as far as I know. And why the hell not? It’s pure Olympia, and all the hooks line up all the way down.
I video that someone made for school has essentially become the official video of the song because it’s totally awesome and fits like a pure expression of the song.
14. Themne Song Track 1  
I don’t know who performed this track or what it’s called — it’s just identified as “Themne Song Track 1,” Themne being the name of a tribe in Sierra Leone. I think it might be a “comedian story teller” called Miranda T Denkenneh, but can’t tell.
I’ve been into Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang for a couple of years now. Nabay is a Sierra Leonan musician who came to NYC and put together a band of hip NY musicians who make this rhythmically complex yet somehow austere dance music that I find totally fascinating. Reading up on them, he was described as translating the music he came from into a more electric style. Well, it turns out that is indeed the case, based on this track from Sierra Leone. This sounds like Janka Nabay but warm and large where his music is focused and tight. I totally see both how damn danceable this Themne 
One of my favorite things about discovering this song is: the notes on the YouTube track are exclusively from ex-pats loving music from home and the old days, calling out their tribe and checking in from wherever they are. One guy, Ibrahim Noah Koroma, writes from Senegal:
tears fall down in my eyes when I listing dis song missing u SL 🇸🇱🇸🇱💪💪💪 I'm proud of my tribe temne 💯💪💪💪
15. The Sugarcubes - “Regina”
The setup of this song is such an angular, proggy spiky comic thing, definitely cool in its own way, but man, when it hits the chorus, it’s absolutely the most gorgeous thing. The lyrics are truly bizarre, and they’re making me appreciate how this band impacted Bjork’s later work. One thing I don’t understand: does she pronounce “Regina” with a hard G because that’s how that word is pronounced in Icelandic? Or is that just something she does?
16. Gétatchèw Mèkurya - “Ambassèl”
The more we learn about Ethiopian jazz and popular music before and after their political strife, the more there is to learn. In fact, one thing I learned about Mèkurya is that he played with Dutch socialist punks The Ex, a band I have admired for a couple of decades now, though mostly because I’m stuck on their album “Scrabbling at the Lock.” They apparently toured together in the aughties… and all of a sudden I can hear how their very different sounds actually relate very aptly. Man. That’s enough to fall in love with music all over again.
Also, one fact that must be acknowledged: Gétatchèw is maybe the best first name ever.
17. Jacques Dutronc - “Et moi, et moi, et moi”
I just dropped these lyrics into Google translate and it turns out he’s got a very identifiable brand of humor — wry, confident, diffident. He always makes me think of Dylan with his delivery.
18. Meas Samon - “Jol Dondeung Kone Key (Going to Get Engaged)”
So much feel! Those key dives just to open the song, man, I don’t even know. And the vocals are spilling over with character — it’s like watching a movie unfold. This is Cambodian, from the late sixties or early seventies. Every time it gets to the keys solos I think about how much I want Dave Grelle to hear this track, like, right now. It’s between this and Abass for sickest keys distortion to be found.
19. T.P. Orchestre - “Senamin” *
What is up with this song? We came across it and kind of set it aside, and then it was just in my head all. the. time. At first I wasn’t sure about the 1996 movie version “I’d Be Surprisingly Good For You” style sax (my LEAST favorite song in Evita) But, even so this song is so...majestic! And mysterious! The haunting melodies dancing around together at the end really got me.  
20. Hallelujah Chicken Run Band - “Alikilula”
The constant interaction of 3s and 4s in Chicken Run songs never fails to delight me. The shapes of the songs are almost like Guided By Voices tracks — one good idea perfectly expressed, and then they’re outta there. 
21. Antoine Dougbé - “Nou Akuenon Hwlin Me Sin Koussio”
If I could pick one album for all of my friends to spin a few times in a row… that would not be easy. But lately, that record would be “Legends of Benin,” the totally headspinning comp put out by Analog Africa. Every track is a deep insight into what rock music can be. In the liner notes, Samy Ben Redjeb takes the listener on a whole record-buying expedition through the southern coast of west Africa, describing where he picked up particular LPs, falling into conversations with some of the musicians, and generally providing insights both romantic and invaluable. (His notes on Dougbé are worth the price of admission.) In one note he mentions talking to a friend about how Africa doesn’t seem to deal well in reggae, and he considers “Nou Akuenon” one of the best attempts on the continent. It hadn’t occurred to me to think of this as reggae… and I still don’t hear it that way. But I like thinking of the band reaching for reggae and making this instead. 
22. Francoise Hardy - “Les temps de l’amour”
23. Ros Sereysothea - Chnam oun Dop-Pram Muy “I’m 16”
I love how fully developed these Cambodian songs are. They’re not aping a particular song or building replicas of songs in English or French: they’re working in pop music just like anyone else. The arrangements are so tight and well structured, and everybody is adding in more than their share on their instruments. Though Ros’s voice steals the show, the backing vocals on this song are especially good as well.
24. Aerovons - “Say Georgia”
Man, one of the pleasures of living in St. Louis was learning the story of The Aerovons, a group of high school kids who got flown across the Atlantic to record at Abbey Road with all of the same gear and technicians who were busy putting together records for The Beatles… only to have the album go unreleased for decades. It’s truly a reminder to appreciate the experience itself and not just the results. These guys experienced the absolute pinnacle of the studio recording dream — there is none higher — but that’s it. None of the fame or the attendant glory, just the knowledge of what they’d been able to do together.
“Texas Thunder Soul 1968-1974”
25. Ravi Shankar - Jazzmine - “Mishrank (Finale)”
The whole “Jazzmine” album is a mindblower, and it’s almost a shame to cut right to the finale of an album that builds its case song by song, illustrating the paths that Shankar’s raga and jazz take toward each other, from “Melodic Moods” to the amazing tabla solos of “Taalank” to “Deshank (Folk Patterns)” to crest with “Mishrank,” where Zep meets jazz club meets Somalian backroom in an Indian realm. Every solo brings a ton of new information about whose voices are adding to this total experience. And more than anything, it sounds like fun.
One thing I dig about this recording is that, as far as I can tell, more than one performance of this song is spliced together into this single track. That seems like a big no-no among jazz folks, but I really don’t mind it one bit — if anything, that helps me hear the song relative to more jarring experimental tape manipulation bands. 
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granvarones · 5 years
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“i get this conformist shit from queens all the time. they always want to read me. they always want me to do it their way. i am not going to conform to the gay lifestyle as they see it and that’s for sure.” - sylvester 
sylvester james jr. september 6, 1947 - december 16, 1988 black, queer, and a visionary who bent gender, musical genres and eventually time.
born in watts, los angeles, sylvester crafted his vocal stylings in the church. he often said his entire being was inspired by black women in the church. after spending a few years in the sylvester and the hot band, sylvester scored his first hit in 1978, when the lead single "disco heat", featuring two tons of fun aka the weather girls, from his successful album "step II" became his first top 40 hit.
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it was just a few months later in january of 1979, sylvester became an ICON when "you make me feel (mighty real)" set dance floors on fire. originally recorded as a mid-tempo piano driven gospel song, but patrick cowley, electronic dance music pioneer, offered to remix the song. changing the sound of dance music forever.
after a few years of battling with his record label over creative differences, (they even had him record an album w/o his falsetto voice), sylvester signed to megatone. in 1982, sylvester returned to the top of the dance charts with the patrick cowley produced "do you wanna funk."
patrick cowley & sylvester built the foundation of high n-r-g music. sadly, their partnership did not last. while touring with sylvester in europe, patrick fell ill and returned the united states. with the AIDS epidemic just beginning and medical providers knowing close to nothing, patrick was diagnosed with food poisoning. his health began to deteriorate and when he was finally diagnosed with HIV (called GRID then), patrick was sent home after doctors could do no more for him.ith the AIDS epidemic just beginning, 
on november 12, 1982, cowley was one of the first gay artists to die from what would later be called aids. he was just 32 years old.
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sylvester was after signing with warner bros. records, sylvester released "mutual attraction" his last album in 1986. the lead single "someone like you" became a hit at r&b radio and topped the dance charts.
on december 31, 1986, sylvester appeared on the late show starring joan rivers. after performing "someone like you", he sat down to interview with joan. after noticing his wedding band, she asked, "who are you married to?" on live tv, sylvester answered, "rick." ICONIC!
during the same appearance, sylvester mentions AIDS and the importance of taking action. he also let miss joan have it when she asks, "what did you say when your family found out you wanted to be a drag queen?" sylvester, responds, "i'm not a drag queen. i'm sylvster!"
in sept of 1987,  sylvester's husband, rick cramner died due to AIDS complications. the night after rick died, sylvester performed at the victory party for the softball world series. he sang his now legendary cover of patti labelle’s “you are my friend.” 
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in june of 1988, sylvester attended san francisco’s catro gay freedom parade in a wheelchair in front of the people with AIDS banner. sylvester was guant and at first the cheering crowd did not recognize him. once word got around that the person in the wheelchair was sylvester, the crowd fell silent. then the large crowd began to cheer and shouting his name, “sylvester! sylvester!” 
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later that year, with his mother by his side, sylvester became an ancestor when he too died due to AIDS complications.
even in the end, sylvester was committed to never hiding his extraordinary light. he planned his own funeral and insisted that he be dressed in a red kimono in an open top coffin. 
today, we remember sylvester, who taken from this world far too soon, on this day 30 years ago. 
“i don’t believe that AIDS is a wrath of god. people have a tendency to blame everything in god.”
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
A creepy little, sneaky little...
Tobi Tella: Aims for haunting, lands at monotonous. By the four-minute mark I was wondering if it had anything else to do or say -- it doesn't. [3]
Katherine St Asaph: Commit to audio the lyric "I'm full of feeling" and you better goddamn deliver. Fortunately, "Eye in the Wall" does: noirish, erotic, almost unbearably tense drama and danger, heady enough to lose oneself in yet immediate enough to feel like it targets individual nerves; drawn out to a luxuriating eight-plus minutes and yet too short. I hear Róisín Murphy (a lot of her, particularly in the extended instrumental), Patrick Kelleher (ambition and mood), Susanne Sundfør (if she recorded things like this still), Carla dal Forno (the bass, especially), Annie Williams (if you can track down "Beau," do), Jun Miyake (the Pina soundtrack in particular, which makes sense, since "Eye in the Wall" was conceived as choreography), yet also a singular, hypervivid musical vision, the point (was it earlier, and I just didn't notice, or bounced off?) where Mike Hadreas truly earned the stage name. [10]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: I like how quietly jarring the song is, its hushed vocals and vacillating synths and jittery rhythms forming a rather cohesive whole. It's not compelling enough to be this long, though. [4]
Michael Hong: Perfume Genius' "Slip Away" was a densely packed monster of a track: right after a muttered "let all them voices slip away", the instrumental forcefully upends everything. Layered drums! Tightly wound guitars! Thundering synths! "Slip Away" comes crashing down with such force, as if tumbling down a mountain, constantly gaining momentum. "Eye in the Wall" is in some ways completely opposite, but at the same time, no way less grand. Rather than in rapid shifts, the track slowly evolves, dropping new electronic flourishes and continuously morphing drum rhythms. Perfume Genius' position here is also different, acting as a keen observer instead of the protagonist of the track, focusing the instruments around him, his voice taking a backseat to the surroundings, often only a droning chant. The track takes its time, and it's not until after the first minute that the drums finally arrive, setting a rhythmic through-line that feels just as meditative as Perfume Genius' hushed vocals. The rhythm of the drums conjures the stage for the mass of twisted bodies that arrive on the dance floor, proceeding to get increasingly frantic as every minute passes. Every word might be hushed, but the command to "give it up" is entirely clear, the only option being to dive into the mass and surrender to the pulsating rhythm. But Mike Hadreas, never content with stasis, edges towards greater anxiety, and around the six-minute mark, the rhythm of the drums is replaced with an agitated rattle that's steadied only by an occasional guitar flourish. The track contorts itself from the dance floor to a state of euphoria under strobe lights that evaporates not unlike the feeling of leaving the club. "Eye in the Wall" is a sprawling epic that beautifully captures the slow burn of the dance floor, all the while toppling any expectations you've set for what a Perfume Genius track can be. [9]
Alfred Soto: By escaping his ever-loving self with the help of loops and backward instruments, the artist known as Perfume Genius shows an unexpected flexibility. Now he has to figure out what to say. [4]
Kylo Nocom: "Eye in the Wall" reduces Mike Hadreas into a specter, sensitively muttering sexual commands like an oppressive line dance routine. His strong suit is confessional songwriting, no matter how sparse or grand his arrangements are, so for him to be a minimally used instrument among many loses a lot of what makes Perfume Genius matter. He takes an approach much like that of The King of Limbs, filling in the gaps he leaves behind with percussion and electronic loops. A YouTube comment says that this explores "the inherent homoeroticism of exotic rhythms," but "inherent" it is not and "exotic" indicates that this person is white. The queerness of dance music specifically originates from the history of the nightclub as a safe space, as a place that is communal and liberating; Hadreas's experimentation here seems to be a conscious exploration of this idea within the context of whatever "queer aesthetic" is, and he puts in a wonderful amount of effort towards making every minute kinetic and fascinating. But there is a disconnect between artistic stylings of queerness and my own experiences that leaves me cold. When the song enters into its second half, I am not transfixed but simply pleased. I am entertained by the myriad of ways queerness can be expressed, yet while listening to this I also remember that the connections for most of them are lost on me entirely. [6]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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jungleindierock · 5 years
Timshel - Natalie
Natalie is the last single ever from Timshel. The band have decided to call it day and disband, what a shame. Timshel played their last concert ever on the 21st April 2019. Hope they move on to new bands.
Timshel are an indieband from Vaasa in Finland but they have always ignored the borders between Finland and Sweden and had members spread out in both countries. This has created a mix between melancholic Finnish pop and melodic Swedish indie. They are comprised of Markus Bergfors (Vocals & Guitar), Patrick Sjöholm (Bass & Backing vocals) and Petter Erikslund (Drums).
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Trough narrow stairs and blood stained corners. I walk past needles and money lost on heat. The bus was long gone, but the sky was filled so it was fine.
A change lied upon, perhaps a new beginning. But as all beginnings they seem to die or I’ll kill them
She was waiting at the movies, when I arrived she was dancing like a maple fruit. Her dress waived as she moved from side to side, I tried to follow but lost my step.
Natalie, come down from the screen. I know I’m late but will you be my only queen You and I might be strangers but I think we can take it
I closed my eyes to not be seen, I dreamed I was a Siberian tiger. Roaring on top of monks and mountains. But It was just a sigh. A flash before my eyes, the hall it was empty. The light flickered slowly until it stopped.
I saw changing shapes and colors like dancing flies on my eyelids. They moved from side to side I tried to follow but lost my focus, again.
Natalie, come down from the screen. I’m alone and I am high on caffeine. Here on the floor in the dirt I’m all yours
I drew upon a lie, I drew twice Straight in her chest, before it passed mine it was the end of a film, that was never ours
 the credits rolled by
Natalie come down from the screen I know it’s I who set this god damned scene but I need your spark to light the gasoline
Natalie, come down from the screen. I’m alone and I am high on caffeine. Here on the floor in the dirt I’m all yours
Links: Facebook | Twitter | Site
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foryourlifefic-blog · 5 years
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
“I can’t believe this!” I say running my hands though my long dark brown hair.
“Well believe it babies” He says pouting his lips together. “Now get your shit together so I can bring them in!” He runs to go get them from the backstage door.
“Everyone be cool!” Kenny hollers.
“Yeah especially you Matt.” I say looking back at him and smoothing out my outfit.
He hops off the couch “Hey I’m calm, I’m collected.”
“Everybody meet Led Zeppelin.” Ron gestures as they walk into the room.
“OH MY GOD!” Matt squeals falling to his knees on the floor in front of the one and only Jimmy Page.
“Jimmy, uh I mean Mr. Page. I worship you man, you play like a God!” Matt says.
“So much for being calm and collected” I snort.
The members of Led Zeppelin all laugh at my comment.
Jimmy looks down at Matt as he begins to stand up “I appreciate it. And what was your name?”
“Matt!” He said reaching out his hand “I’m Matt Stacey! And this is Jen Johnson who’s our base player, Kenny Jace on drums and our lead singer Leila Rose... but we call her Lil.” Matt says pointing at everyone.
“Pleased to meet you all” Robert says bowing in our direction. “I especially enjoyed your vocal performance” Robert said coming up and kissing my hand.
I blushed “yeah right! That’s a little hard to believe coming from the number one rock band on the charts right now!”
“Hardly love” Robert says.
“Yeah we’ve only been number one about 2 times this year!” Mr. Bonham says horsily.
“Well you poor things” Jen says going over to the band. “I’m Jen, as Matt already announced.” She laughs.
“It’s nice to meet you as well love” Robert says going over to her and shaking her hand.
“We’ve established that Jen” Matt says.
“Not a problem” Robert says.
“Well aren’t you gonna introduce us?” Mr. Bonham laughs obnoxiously.
“Not necessary” Kenny booms “we know exactly who you guys are!”
“Oh but I insist” Robert recoils “this is my friend John Henry Bonham” He says in a high pitched tone “but we just call him Bonzo. This shy one in the corner is our very own John Paul Jones.” He laughs “And lastly we have the James Patrick Page, who’s kind of a big deal if you didn’t know.”
His comment made Jimmy chuckle in his hand.
“And I am of course Robert, but you can call me Percy if you would like.”
“Why Percy?” Matt asks laughing,
Robert looks over at him and gestures his hands “it’s just a nick name I’ve acquired over the years.” He smirks.
“I’m not even gonna ask” Jen says.
“Good choice love.” He asks begging to pull out a cigarette from his jeans.
“So did you guys enjoy the show?” I anxiously ask.
“Very much!” Jimmy finally chimes in.
“The mechanics were magnificent!” He looks over at me “I especially loved the sound of your voice. What was your name again love?” He asks kissing my hand causing my knees to become wobbly.
“Thank you” I say timidly “and um... Leila.”
“Leila” He says rolling his tongue trying the name on for size.
“Yes LEILAAAAA” Bonzo booms in Jimmys ear causing him to roll his eyes.
“I got it Bonzo thanks.” Jimmy says.
“Awe give Jimmy and the bird a break Bonzo.” Jonesy says patting his shoulder. “And while it was very nice to meet you all, I must me going I promised a friend up north that I would be meeting with him.”
“Typical Jonsey, escaping just as things are getting interesting.” Robert says.
Jonsey ignores Roberts comment and shakes each of our hands as he says “it really was a terrific show, I hope to be hearing more from you soon.”
“Oh believe me we are working on it!” I say as he shakes my hand last.
“Good girl” he grins “well I’m on my way! Tell G not to go searching the town for me again.”
“Well what did you expect us to do? We couldn’t find you for a while the last time!” Robert says taking a puff of his cigarette.
“I can look after myself.” Jonsey says shaking Ron’s hand before leaving.
“So where are you guys staying, if you don’t mind me asking?” Robert says flicking the buds of his cigarette in a near by ashtray.
“This is actually where we are from!” Matt say “so we will probably just go home.”
“Nonsense! You should come stay with us as the Hyatt House... or the Riot House” Robert smirks at Jimmy who smirks back, then gives a quick glance in my direction which I barley catch. “Besides we love having new company over there! We have a floor to ourselves.”
“Why do you call it the Riot House?” Jen asks.
“Because love!” He says grabbing her hand “things can get rowdy down there.”
“I mean if you would have us, we would love to!” Kenny says.
“Yeah definitely” Matt adds in as Jen nods.
“It’s settled then!” Robert claps his hands together “and Jimmy and Bonzo your okay with it right?”
“I don’t see why not?” Bonzo slurs as he has found his way to our stock of Jack Daniels in the mini fridge.
“Jimmy?” Robert asks.
“I’m definitely alright with it.” Jimmy say moving in closer to me “what do you say love?”
As much as I wanted to I was just extremely tired from touring these last couple months and was afraid I wasn’t going to be that much fun.
“Umm I don’t really know” I say unsurely.
“Awe don’t say that love” Jimmy says in my ear “I was hoping to get to know you better.”
I look up at him and blush unable to comprehend that this rock god was trying to get me to come back to his hotel with him.
“I just don’t think I’ll be much fun.” I say looking to the floor.
I could feel everyone’s eyes on us as Jimmy lifted my chin “what makes you say that?”
“It’s just been a long couple of months touring and such, and we just got home. So I’m just not feeling very energized I guess.”
“Well we do have some things to spruce you right up.” His eyes sparkled as he looked in mine “only if your into it?”
I gulped at a loss for words as this man who has been my idol for years, was suggesting such things.
“Come on Lil! When are you ever gonna get the chance to do something like this again?” Matt said.
“Yeah Lil!” Kenny, Jen, and even Bonzo said howling in laughter.
“Alright fine!” I say looking at Jimmy “I’ll go”
There’s going to be multiple parts to chapters because of the word count exceptions.
Songs in order of appearance:
“Medicine” by Harry Styles (not yet released)
“Addictions” by Lucy Dacus (check out Night Shift as well)
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Adventures in Parenting: One Shot - The Return
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Nikki Evans (OFC)
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Chris, Nikki and the boys watching the return game of #12.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Chris & Nikki One Shots & Shorts Masterlist | Chris & Nikki Masterlist
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The Return
October 9, 2016
Nikki smiled as she saw Josh steal a glance towards the hallway, knowing he was looking for his daddy. She had kept the boys busy all morning doing quiet activities, including an earlier than usual nap, knowing they'd want to watch football when Chris finally got out of bed.
A nasty virus had made an unwelcome visit to their house during the past week, starting with the boys before making its way around to her and then finally Chris. He'd been in bed all day yesterday and she had let him sleep more this morning, knowing he would be up to watch the game whether he felt up to it or not.
"Is it time, mommy?" Josh asked.
Nikki glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 12:30, the time she'd told Josh they would go wake up Chris. "It is time," she nodded. "Do you want to go wake up daddy?"
Josh nodded and put down the crayon he was coloring with. Nikki helped him down off the chair and watched as he softly tiptoed down the hall to her and Chris's room. She heard him knock on the door, like they had practiced, before he pushed the door, which was already ajar, open all the way.
"Daddy?" Josh whispered as he entered the room. He tiptoed over to the bed and saw Chris's arm hanging off the bed. He gave it a soft tug. "Daddy, wake up. It's Tom Brady Day."
Chris opened his eyes and smiled. "Tom Brady Day?" he repeated, hoarsely.
"Uh huh," Josh nodded. "He's back, daddy! He's back!"
Chris chuckled then coughed. He glanced at the clock and saw that Nikki had given him time to shower. "I'll be out soon, buddy," he told his son. "You ready for the game?"
"Yup!" Josh exclaimed. "Mommy and Aiden too."
"Good," Chris said, he coughed again. "Go find the perfect spot on the couch."
"Ok!" Josh replied, before leaving the room and returning to the open concept kitchen, living and dining room. Instead of rejoining his mom and younger brother who were at the dinner table, he climbed onto the couch.
"What are you doing, Joshy?" Nikki asked as she watched him wiggle on one couch cushion before sliding over to check out another one.
"Finding the best spot," Josh replied. "Like Daddy said to."
"Me too! Me too!" Aiden cried out.
"You silly boys," Nikki shook her head. She picked Aiden up and carried him over to the couch. She put the 17-month-old down next to his three-year-old brother and watched as they searched for the best seats in the house. The family dogs, Boston and Max, followed them into the living room and laid down on their beds.
Both boys were dressed for the game. Aiden in a pair of footie pajamas that looked like a Patriots' uniform with the number '00' on it. Josh was wearing a pair of grey sweats and a t-shirt that had the body of a football player on the front and the back. Nikki herself was wearing a pair of grey leggings and a Patriots' hoodie.
Hearing a deep cough behind her, Nikki turned and smiled when she saw Chris coming into the room slowly. He was dressed in a pair of sweats and his Brady #12 shirt. He had a bit more color in his face today, but there were dark circles under his eyes.
"Take a seat with the monkeys and I'll get you some soup," she told him.
Chris nodded and walked over to the couch, grabbing the TV remote as he passed it. "Which seat is the best?" he asked his voice still hoarse.
"That one," Josh pointed at the corner seat that Chris always sat in on Sunday mornings. "I saved it for you."
"Thanks buddy," Chris smiled as he sat down. He reached over the side of the couch and brought up the footrest. "You guys ready for this game?"
Josh nodded enthusiastically and Aiden mimicked his older brother.
"Who's the best quarterback in the world?" Chris asked as he turned the TV on.
"TOM BRADY!" Josh shouted.
"TOM BADY!" Aiden echoed.
"And who is mommy's favorite football player?" Nikki asked as she carried a mug of hot soup over for Chris.
"EDDYMAN!" Aiden exclaimed.
"It's Edelman, Aiden," Josh shook his head. "He can't say it right."
"That's ok," Nikki smiled as she handed both boys their Patriots' sippy cups with water in them. "He's still learning."
"How are you feeling?" Chris asked as Nikki sat down on the other end of the couch. "I heard you this morning…"
"I feel better now," she assured him. She wasn't sure what had made her throw up that morning. At first she had written it off as part of the part of the virus, but none of her boys had thrown up from it and she hadn't had symptoms for a couple days. Really there were only two other options: she'd eaten something her body didn't agree with or she was pregnant.
"Good," Chris nodded. The look he gave her told her he had his own suspicions about it.
"Look, Daddy! Tom Brady!" Josh exclaimed pulling their attention back to the TV.  "He's the bestest."
"Bady," Aiden echoed.
The game started with the Patriots kicking off to the Browns. Their first possession ended with a punt that without a return.
"17 seasons," Chris said as Brady ran out onto the field. "It's about f- freaking time!" He censored himself.
"EDDYMAN!" Aiden shouted when Tom's first pass found Edelman.
The 17-month-old then shocked all three of them when he yelled, "GRONK!" when the tight end ran the ball.
"Well at least he knows one name," Chris chuckled before coughing.
They all cheered as LeGarrette Blount ran the ball into the end zone for the first touchdown of the game. Aiden surprised them again by celebrating the touchdown by jumping on the couch.
"Ok, you monkey," Nikki laughed scooping him up. She put him down on the ground and he continued his touchdown celebration. "Someone is certainly feeling better."
Aiden had been the first of the four of them to get sick and that had been a week ago. Josh had gotten sick the next day and he still hadn't recaptured his normal energy levels either.
Looking over at her oldest son, she smiled when she saw him snuggled up against Chris's side. He would nod his head in agreement when Chris would say something and occasionally would vocalize his agreement.
The Browns' second possession resulted in a touchdown and an extra point, tying the game at seven.
The Patriots' started their second possession on their own 25 yard line and drove all the way to the end zone with help from Brady, Edelman ("EDDYMAN!"), Blount, and White. It was Martellus Bennett, who'd left the field injured during the Patriots' first possession and returned for the second, who had finally walked in for the score.
Chris pumped his fist in the air and let out hoarse "YES!" when the Browns' third possession resulted in a two point Safety for the Patriots and meant that they got the ball back. Josh copied his dad and Chris ruffled his hair.
Chris jumped off the couch, and had to grab Josh to keep him from tumbling off the couch, when Brady completed a 43 yard pass to Hogan. He gave Josh a big hug as they both cheered and then sat back down on the couch. His celebration was followed by a coughing fit and he was more subdued in his cheer when the Patriots got the ball into the end zone.
The Browns' punted the ball on their next possession and the Patriots turned the ball over on downs after failing to get into the end zone following a 63 yard bomb to Hogan. Chris and Josh both groaned in frustration as Blount was tackled for a loss.
The next three possessions, two for the Browns' and one for the Patriot's, resulted in punts. The Patriots' final possession of the half resulted in a missed field goal.
"Dang it!" Chris sighed, crossing his arms.
"Dang it!" Josh copied his dad, pose and all.
"Dang it!" Aiden echoed from the floor where he played with a toy, his back to his dad and brother.
Nikki shook her head and laughed.
The half ended with an incomplete pass for the Browns' and the halftime report show came on.
"Why don't you two take a nap," Nikki suggested looking at Chris and Josh. They were both into the game, but their eyes, especially Josh's, were drooping. "I'll wake you two up as soon as the second half starts."
"Good idea," Chris nodded. He muted the TV and then laid his head back against the couch cushions. Josh resisted for a minute, but relaxed into Chris's body.
"Let's take the doggies outside, Aiden," Nikki suggested. She picked him up and carried him into the kitchen with the dogs following them. She helped him put on his rubber boots and then opened the door for him and the dogs to go outside. He ran around the yard and the dogs eventually joined him after taking care of business.
She let them play for a bit longer before she called them into the house. She told the dogs to wipe off their feet then knelt down to help Aiden take off his boots. She then made a cup of hot tea for Chris and returned to the living room just as coverage switched back to the game.
"Ok, sleepyheads, the game is back," she said as Aiden resumed playing with his toys.
Chris and Josh both yawned and stretched as they woke up. Chris accepted the cup of hot tea and nodded his thanks to her.
They were both too groggy to do much celebrating as the Patriots' first possession of the second half resulted in a touchdown. By the time Patrick Chung intercepted a pass for the Patriots', they were both awake and cheering.
The Patriots' second and third possessions as well as the Browns' second all resulted in punts. The Browns scored a touchdown on their next possession, but failed on their attempt for a two point conversion. The Patriots' next drive resulted in a field goal.
It was as their cheers were quieting that Aiden climbed back onto the couch, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He crawled into Nikki's arms and settled against her chest. He fell asleep as the game came to an uneventful end with three more punts (two for the Patriots and one for the Browns) and the Browns gave the ball up on a loss of downs.
"Happy?" Nikki asked Chris as he smiled as the game ended.
"Very," Chris nodded. "Brady is back."
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Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you’d like to be added!
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i-am-grell · 5 years
Here’s My Top 100 For 2018 From Spotify
And me trying to justify them! (Look, some are WIP-related, others are jams, some I really can’t explain I just got back into Glee for like a month at one point this year...) Here’s the playlist
1. From a Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins - Panic! At The Disco
Look, I just love the bouncy piano and the tuba. You can never have a bad tuba.
2. The End. - My Chemical Romance
Goes along with Chapter 8 of my WIP, Interlude, because I’m mean
3. Blank Space - I Prevail
This also goes along with Interlude from Chapter 1 - 5
4. If It Means A Lot To You - A Day To Remember
This one goes with my WIP Blood Bound (This one isn’t posted anywhere) (specifically, book 5)
5. Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Another Blood Bound one (Book 7)
6. This Could Be Anywhere In The World - Alexisonfire
7. The Curse of Curves - Cute is What We Aim For
This was going to be Interlude-related but got replaced. Still a banger
8. Disturbia - The Cab
The theme song of Dreavyn from my WIP Aaron Being Normal and if anyone has any tips on how to control a chaotic bisexual OC please let me know
9. Jumpsuit - Twenty One Pilots
Funky bass
10. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday
A theme for Trace from Aaron Being Normal (Won’t be extremely relevant until book 3 (also this was supposed to be a standalone...))
11. Miss Murder - AFI
Funky bass part 2
12. Fences - Paramore
Interlude again - A Selena Walton Theme Song.
13. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Interlude - A Morgan/Selena/Mostly Selena Theme. (Also, a banger)
14. Camisado - Panic! At The Disco
Interlude - How many hospital scenes can I fit into 1 WIP about depressed teens? (Turns out three; maybe four, technically)
15. My Heart I Surrender - I Prevail
Cole’s character song (Interlude) (Also romantic AF)
16. I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
Interlude. Also a Mood
17. Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Partially Interlude, partially because Holiday fucking slaps and BoBD is a classic
18. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
1/2 Interlude, 1/2 a Mood
19. I Don’t Wanna Be In Love (Dance Floor Anthem) - Good Charlotte
Dare I say, an aro-ace mood?
20. Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
I feel like half this playlist is just gonna be songs from the Interlude playlist...
21. Problematique - Hot Chelle Rae
Some funky bass, call and response, and fast rhyming - an ultimate jam
22. Postcards - Amber Pacific
Interlude playlist
23. Nico and The Niners - Twenty One Pilots
Look, I just really like Trench; it’s a good album
24. Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
This is on the Interlude playlist but there’s such a Bonnie and Clyde feel to it, man...
25. Do You Know What I’m Seeing? - Panic! At The Disco
No. I don’t. Good song to dissociate to, though. I’m not good at instruments but good guitar/ukulele/whatever it is. Pleasant mood.
26. Rough Hands - Alexisonfire
Look, I’m trying to learn how to properly sing unclean parts (screamo parts) which will be absolutely shocking coming from a 5′2″ blonde girl; I need songs to practice to...
27. The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver - All Time Low
Theme song to the Netflix adaptation of Interlude that plays in my head on repeat. Now if only I could actually finish writing the goddamn book...
28. Fat Lip - Sum 41
Interlude playlist, also listen to it and tell me you don’t hate everybody and this town
29. Say Anything (Else) - Cartel
I like singing the intro/chorus as sort of a vocal warm up...
30. Oh Well, Oh Well - Mayday Parade
Just a fucking MOOD my dudes
31. Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? - Glee Cast Version
No offense to Meat Loaf....but John Stamos... (Also Interlude (Travis) inspo) (Also I was really into Glee again earlier this year... Still haven’t actually watched past season 3...)
32. The Anthem - Good Charlotte
What I listen to when I consider dropping out and becoming a bog witch, but, like, a punk bog witch
33. Thunder - Boys Like Girls
Aaron Being Normal Inspo. The band’s name is ironic considering how Gay I make it...
34. Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? - Fall Out Boy
I like singing this one when I’m drunk
35. I Don’t Love You - My Chemical Romance
Blood Bound (Book 2)
36. This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
Blood Bound (Book 3)
37. Silver Bullet - Hawthorne Heights
Interlude Playlist
38. Weightless - All Time Low
MAYBE IT’S NOT MY WEEKEND BUT IT’S GONNA BE MY YEAR I scream to myself on a Tuesday
39. Who Do You Love - Marianas Trench
Have you ever looked up an a capella version of this one? Cuz yeah
40. Let The Flames Begin - Paramore
Anti-Depression, yet still Depressed Mood
41. Red Sam - Flyleaf
Depression Mood - also Interlude playlist
42. Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade
Interlude Playlist, and I think the Dreavyn playlist too... Look, it’s just a jam
43. Savior - Rise Against
Interlude Theme
44. Kiss Me, Kill Me - Mest
Another Interlude thing also a really good Selena x Morgan song
45. Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside - Fall Out Boy
Aaron Being Normal song also it’s about a hot pocket
46. Newport Living - Cute is What We Aim For
Interlude song that causes drama
47. Meant To Live - Switchfoot
Selena song - Interlude
48. Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance
This is on the Interlude playlist purely because I’m Evil
49. You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
On the Interlude playlist, also highly recommend blaring this through the hallways of your Catholic High School during lunch
50. Lights And Sounds - Yellowcard
Interlude Playlist also a banger
51. Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
If this ain’t romantic as shit... Also it will make you wanna declare war on God Himself what a Mood
52. Somebody Told Me - The Killers
I’m not justifying why The Killer’s is on here I’m just shocked and appalled that Mr. Brightside has yet to make an appearance Spotify
53. Alright - Hot Chelle Rae
The English major inside of me wants to correct it to “all right” also Interlude epilogue Mood.
54. Changing - Saosin
Interlude Playlist
55. Bring Me To Life (Synthesis) - Evanescence
The Synthesis version is far superior and allows me to Properly showcase my Amy Lee impression
56. Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bed - Fall Out Boy
Along with J. Michael Tatum, Patrick Stump’s voice is My Religion - the first 23 seconds > The Beatles
57. Pas De Cheval - Panic! At The Disco
Sounds gallop-y
58. Be My Escape - Relient K
Interlude Mood/Theme
59. Science Fiction Double Feature - Glee Cast
Look, all Rocky Horror versions are great, even the Glee one...
60. Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
I like to sing this one when drunk
61. Stand - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Final Book. End. Roll credits.)
62. I’d Do Anything - Simple Plan
A jam
63. Sweetness - Jimmy Eat World
The call-response, the spastic drums, damn boi, they’ve got it all
64. Say You Like Me - We The Kings
Catchy song, little fuckboi-ish if you really listen to the lyrics, but it’s not Baby It’s Cold Outside-bad???
65. AMBULANCE - My Chemical Romance
*Choir Ah-ing*, also an Interlude mood considering there are like 2 separate confirmed ambulance parts anyway...
66. crushcrushcrush - Paramore
Look me dead in the eye and tell me Hayley Williams didn’t put everything into her lyrics/singing here
67. Stay - Mayday Parade
Songs for when you’re heartbroken but to the point of dissociating while it rains outside, starting to storm, it starts out with just the grey pattering of a sheet of raindrops and soon the thunder starts to rumble with growing intensity and lightning splits the sky
68. There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought Of It Yet - Panic! At The Disco
I am the victim of Dreavyn Hawthorne from my WIP Aaron Being Normal seriously if anyone can help me control a chaotic theatre bisexual...
69. Lyrical Lies - Cute is What We Aim For
This band’s lyrics are so fucking poetic it is Shakespeare to a guitar, y’all
70. Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy
I always get like a falling slowly down one of those psychedelic tubes greenscreened into the background feeling at the intro but just like totally at peace falling, like kinda like listening to Ride by 21P type mood but then the chorus comes and it’s a jam
71. Backseat Serenade - All Time Low
Just a banger
72. My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Look I don’t party too hard but when I do we go hard I was at a party on a Thursday night that didn’t end until the next morning no shit one guy I know did a kegstand before going to his English class
73. Come As You Are - Nirvana
Damn Kurt we miss you but you turned out some jams that no one can match
74. Traitor - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Book 3)
75. Sadie Hawkins Dance - Relient K
The lyrics are so stupid but damn I love it
76. Poetically Pathetic - Amber Pacific
Did you mean literally 90% of my male OCs?
77. Saviour - LIGHTS
The first LIGHTS song I ever heard and I will defend my favourite singer until the day I die she’s Canadian like me, her family is ADORABLE, SHE is ADORABLE and I love her the end
78. Jersey - Mayday Parade
This goes with every WIP I’ve ever conceived and literally none of them are set in Jersey
79. The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
I feel like this song is just a universal mood but no one can explain exactly why
80. C’mon - Panic! At The Disco
81. Sunshine Riptide - Fall Out Boy
Interlude Playlist - I imagine Morgan singing it and that might end up happening in canon but idk yet...
82. Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Easily in the top 3 Neil Diamond songs if not the top, fight me.
83. First Date - blink-182
Literally just such an adorable song, blink-182 is the best
84. Last Hope - Paramore
Mostly a Selena song (Interlude) but idk I’ve destroyed many OCs wills to live so
85. Black Sheep - Metric
@spotify please put the Brie Larson version from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on your streaming service I’m begging you - a very gay
86. When You Were Young - The Killers
Good song, real jam, where’s Mr. Brightside, spotify, where is it????
87. Broken Hearts Parade - Good Charlotte
A certified bop
88. All I Want - A Day To Remember
A song for my greedier OCs who just want to stop being tortured but yknow what children life aint fair
89. The Kids From Yesterday - My Chemical Romance
Put this in any of my WIPs really...
90. Threshold - Sex Bob-Omb
Try to tell me the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World soundtrack isn’t lit
91. Sorrow - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Book 3)
92. Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy
You know when you’re writing intense battles or going to get a tattoo and need a playlist of War Songs? This is like the first one on my War Songs playlist
93. Jesus Of Suburbia - Green Day
A staple in the punk rock genre
94. Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Ngl I sobbed when I first heard this one so
95. Pressure - Paramore
Very vocal on the Interlude playlist
96. Starlight - Muse
I first got into Muse because it fueled Twilight but yknow what they’re still a damn good group and Supermassive Black Hole carried the baseball scene which was an astounding piece of cinema so
97. Sleepless in Phoenix - blessthefall
It’s literally just my favourite blessthefall song, fight me
98. Kids In The Dark - All Time Low
My mood for when my dad tells me “you’re 20 you should be able to figure it out” like excuse me for not learning how the entire world works the second I turned 18...
99. Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco
Refer to My Own Worst Enemy. Add drugs. I’ve never done drugs but..
100. Feeling This - blink-182
*screams I’m Feeling This at regular intervals* (I have no explanation it’s just a BOP)
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rosalynbair · 6 years
Shut Me Up 
Chapter One: Deathblow Written by @darth-stetter and @rosalynbair Masterlist | AO3 link | Previous Chapter 
Words: 7.5k | Warnings: mentions of alcohol, cigarettes, sexual language, Henry and Pat are assholes, mentions of blood and a small wound  A/N: Please head the warnings as we update this fic - but we hope you enjoy chapter one!!
A warehouse was not the ideal place to hold auditions. Granted, it was a converted warehouse, but the walls still bled with rust and the scent of metal assaulted everyone’s nose. Y/N’s foot tapped against the cracked concrete floor that was stained with old oil and unknown liquids.
The building seemed to groan with age and history, each blow of the wind outside rattled the window panes and whistled through the rafters. The only other sound in the building other than the breathing of the last few people waiting to audition was the dull sound of an out of tune guitar playing through a monitor in the back room - once an office. Y/N inhaled deeply with her cracked phone in her trembling hands. She furrowed her brows, lowering the volume on her phone discreetly so the other people around her wouldn’t hear what she was watching. Even with her earphones plugged in, the chord dangling and hitting the sides of her face with each movement she made, she felt extremely self conscious that the other tryouts were watching her stalk Mind Failure.
At the moment, she watched in interest as, Danny Lane, the previous rhythm guitarist, went on a monologue about why he left the band, “They were too wild; I was there for the music but I felt like I couldn’t put in any kind of musical input. Patrick was very controlling about that.”
Danny Lane paused for a moment, allowing the reporter to ask, “Mind Failure’s members are known to have a very reckless and dangerous attitude towards life, did you ever feel that you were in danger being in the same room with them?”
The blonde hair man sighed, pushing back his locks to keep the mohawk out of his eyes. His green eyes stared at the floor as he carefully contemplated what he was going to say, his fingers were gripping the fingers of his other hand, wringing them out of nerves. When he finally did answer, he spoke slowly, almost as if he was choosing his words carefully, “I was told many times when I tried out that I didn’t know what I was getting into, I read interviews on their previous guitarists and I thought, ‘Oh these dudes are just pussies,’ but I mean, Mind Failure are who they are, and while some of the members are decent enough, others are bat shit crazy. I love music, and I love their music, but, being around them made me realize that the music wasn’t worth it if I felt that I was constantly in danger, and alienated from a tight knight group of guys.”
“What kind of things did they do that made you feel in danger?”
Danny Lane’s hair now fell over his eye, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, rubbing his chin, “I am not comfortable talking about that, but, I can say that I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying out for that band. It’s not worth it.”
The video ended at a sudden halt, cutting of the rest of the interview. The person who posted it was obviously only interested in what Danny Lane had to say about Mind Failure.
Intrigued, Y/N fell into the rabbit hole that was Mind Failure, the year’s most popular metalcore band. Prior to being asked to audition for the band, she had never heard of them - though they had won a Kerrang award the year before for best newcomers. She felt slightly terrible for it as she listened to some of their hit tracks - also the first one that showed up on a youtube search, nodding her head and tapping her moss green doc martens on the dirty carpeted floor; the sounds of their songs melding her mind into a dark reality. The angelic voice of the lead singer rang in her ears, making her feel like she was being personally serenaded; his vocals were twisted in with deep guttural growling, and the occasional high pitched squeal. The drums and bass both worked together to give the music the specific oomph necessary to make it not only sound perfectly composed, but powerful.
However, Y/N felt her body shiver when she listened to the sounds of the guitars, small goosebumps rose on her skin as her mind comprehended the technical leads and melodic rhythm guitars. She knew that this track was Patrick doing both guitar track recordings - information given from another interview she had watched. They had been between guitarists at the time, leaving the dark haired musician to gleefully take over the entire process.
This is so good, she thought, feeling excitement budding in her chest for fact that she was trying out for this band.
Still jamming to the Mind Failure’s music on Spotify, she continued to read up on the band’s history, chuckling at their obvious rock star antics, her amusement apparent when she came across a photo of the bassist, Henry Bowers, in handcuffs being pushed up against the hood of a police car, his face bloody and contorted while in mid shout, the long hair of his mullet sticking up in multiple different positions with sweat and blood. The silver blonde haired man next to him being held back by a heavier man. She assumed those two were Vic Criss, the vocalist, and Reggie “Belch” Huggins, the drummer.
Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes trailed over to the other side of the photo, opposite of him, also in handcuffs and pushed against the other side of the hood was a shaggy haired musician, his lips were pulled up into a large, gleeful snarling smile showing off his bloodied teeth, as if he was laughing at the police officers holding him. His nose was bleeding profusely, drops of the thick, red liquid falling into his mouth. His dark grey eyes were wild as he obviously rode a really exciting wave of adrenaline.
Y/N’s curiosity won her over; she immediately clicked on the link below the Google image. The link took her to a metal news website, the dark . Her eyes skimmed the article, smirking when she read about Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter facing charges for aggravated assault, battery, property damage, public intoxication, under the influence of an illegal substance, possession of an illegal substance, assault with a deadly weapon, mild sexual harassment, public nudity (Henry was pantsed by Patrick).
She read the article further, learning that the whole ordeal came to be when two men accused Henry and Patrick of flirting with their dates.
Fucking stupid reason to fight , she thought to herself, shaking her head.
Upon reading more and more articles about the band members, she learned that the photo in question wasn’t their first run in with the law, or the last. As she scrolled further and further down on the news site, she realized there was a pattern; Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter were the ones that always instigated any kind of reckless behavior.
Y/N didn’t realize how much time she had spent doing research on the band until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped in surprise, yanking her earphones out and immediately getting to her feet, her body tensing up for a fight. She eased up a little when she realized who it was that tapped her, “For fuck’s sake, Johnny, what the fuck did I tell you about touching me?”
Johnny smiled at her, the dimples in his cheeks indenting. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his black slacks, his deep brown eyes gazing at her with an amused expression, “That if I ever did it you would knock me on my ass, cut by dick off and shove it in my mouth so I can literally suck it.”
Y/N eyed him, still trying to collect her composure. Everybody knew that Y/N despised being surprised, and especially touched, and right now, Johnny was mere seconds away from getting his ass kicked. She cleared her throat, quickly glancing around the room, taking note of the other two male musicians waiting for their turn to show off their skills.  “Are they ready for me now?”
He shrugged, an aura of frustration radiating from him, “I gave them a few minutes to take a break; the guys tend to get impatient if they’re sitting still for too long.Tryouts are usually a big hassle for them.”
Y/N rolled her eyes - something she did fairly often at the slightest inconvenience “Right, because sitting and watching people play music is so tiring.”
Johnny chuckled, his lips tilting up into a slight smile despite his annoyance, catching on to her obvious sarcasm, “You try going through twenty tryouts a day every few weeks.”
“No one told them to be assholes,” Y/N retorted., leaning back in the uncomfortable chair.
Johnny’s brows raised, “I see you’ve done your research.”
“I did,” Y/N said, not bothering to hide the fact that she had spent the past three hours stalking them online “I wanted to know more about the band I’m trying out for, and so far, I am both intrigued and mildly irritated, seems like they’re in this for the rock star lifestyle.”
“A common misconception; you will be surprised to know that they love music as much as you do, they have behavioral issues,” he paused, his gaze intensifying as he held her gaze, “Just like you do.”
Y/N tilted her head, scoffing as she feigned offense. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course you don’t,” he said, his voice sarcastic on the delivery, checking his phone for the time, “I gotta head back in there; we’re taking these two others before we get to you.”
“That’s fucking bullshit, Johnny,” Y/N complained, her voice a high whine. She adjusted her weight on the chair, feeling the ache on her tailbone and back. “You’re the one that asked me to come here.”
“And you would have had your spot reserved if you had shown up on time, Y/N. But, you didn’t, therefore, your slot was taken and you got pushed to the back. Maybe you’ll take my advice seriously next time and show up to your own tryout when you’re supposed to,” Johnny said as he typed in a text into his phone, not even bothering to look up with the explanation.
“For fuck’s sake, Johnny, I had band practice,” Y/N groaned in defense, crossing her arms as and slumping forward in the chair.
His chocolate brown eyes finally looked up from his phone as he addressed her, “You had band practice with a band that you don’t even want to be in Y/N. You’re lucky these guys don’t pay attention to the roster, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it into the running for tryouts.”
Y/N looked up, brows furrowing, taking offense to his words. She was a fucking great guitarist, and in her mind, she was the best. Her elbows pressed against her knees, digging down until there was a discomfort from the pressure, her voice went dark as she asked him, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Johnny quickly caught the attention of one of the other musicians, nodding to the shaggy blonde haired boy that looked like he was fresh from the beaches of California. The musician immediately grabbed his gear as he stood up, waiting for Johnny to lead him into the room in the back, “It means nothing Y/N. Just wait a little longer. Your turn will come.”
He nodded his head to the musician, motioning for him to follow his lead. Y/N still leaned forward on the chair, only lounging back when she dug into her leather jacket for a cigarette and her silver zippo lighter. She inhaled in relief as she took the first drag of nicotine. From the corner of her eye, she could see the other musician stare at her, judging her for daring to light a cigarette in Mind Failure’s warehouse.
Not that it mattered anyways, the whole place was a fucking mess of old beer bottles, cigarette butts, baggies that held traces of cocaine and marijuana. Another cigarette butt in the sea of garbage wouldn’t make a difference.
She sighed deeply, exhaling the smoke from her lungs and out of her nose. The disgust she felt at the how the band lived on their days off was overshadowed by her interest. Their attitudes didn’t bother her, hell, even she had her fair share of felonies under her belt. If anything, it was the music that enticed her into wanting to join their band. A feeling she only started having moments ago when she researched them.
Obviously, Y/N had no prior knowledge to Mind Failure, which was a shame in and of itself because even their older EPs were amazing. So, when Johnny Ray approached her late last night at a show she was playing with her shitty ass band, she was skeptical.
“I think you should try out, you’d be perfect,” Johnny pushed, handing her a bottle of Guinness.
Y/N chugged down the beer and tossed the empty bottle into the crowd with a wince of disgust  when she was finished with it, not checking to see if it hit anyone, and high key not giving a fuck, “Look, suit, I’m not interested in trying out for your jazz, or blues band. I got my own shit to do, and I have my own band.”
“Of course, but, if we’re being honest, your band sucks. And the only reason why you get a crowd like this is because you’re hot, and slightly because of your skill. The rest of your bandmates are shitty musicians, and you have so much potential to be better,” he said, banging his hand against the bar counter to make his point, “With us, you could get there.”
“I told you, dick, I’m not interested in--”
“It’s not a fucking jazz band, and I’m not a band member; I’m the manager,” he informed, as if that would make a difference, “Besides, everyone knows that you hate playing in this band, the only reason you still do is because you need the cash. If that’s the case, you’d be making ten times more if you joined us,” he paused, brining his beer bottle to his lips, “If you even made it past tryouts.”
Y/N waved down the bartender, who immediately brought her three shots of vodka. She lined them up next to each other, taking them down one by one, not even feeling the burn of the alcohol anymore. Once she finished the last one, she slammed the small shot glass on the counter, finally meeting the manager’s stare, “How much cash we talking here?”
“Enough to get you off of your drummers bed bug infested couch,” he said, watching her with a small smirk. “And some new equipment.”
Y/N learned one simple truth as a musician, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably was. But, Y/N wasn’t known for being careful, she was known for jumping from band to band; using each experience as a stepping stone to get her where she needed to be. Where that was? Fuck if she knew. But, if these fuckers had the cash to pay her for her skill, then fuck it. What was another stepping stone but an opportunity to climb higher on the musical ladder.
“Alright, I’ll try out for your band,” she agreed, grabbing the bottle from Johnny’s hands. She took a long drink before she continued, “It better not be a fucking folk band, John, otherwise I’ll burn the fucking place down.”
He reached out to her, trying to planting a card into her leather jacket. Instinctively, she pulled back, snatching the card from his hand as she pointed her finger at him; her pointed acrylics looking more intimidating than she actually was, warning, “And don’t ever fucking try to touch me again, if you do, I’ll cut your dick off and shove it down your throat.”
Y/N began to disappear into the crowd, vaguely hearing his voice calling out to her, “I’ll put you in for 2 pm tomorrow!”
Being the idiot that she was, however, Y/N forgot about the tryouts and rushed out of band practice, only to arrive three hours late with messy hair and a sweat sheen body from the heat of the basement she had practiced in. And, like Johnny said, she was lucky to still be given a chance to tryout. Especially considering the fact that she wanted the money. She needed it.
The musician that went in for his tryouts walked out of the back room in a huff, kicking the cans on the floor and slamming the heavy door of the warehouse shut behind him, she could vaguely hear him yelling curse words as he walked further from the building. The other person in the room stared at her, the intimidation clear on his face.
The echoes from the back room could be heard down the hall as they bounced off the walls, “You can’t keep humiliating and talking down to all the tryouts, Bowers!”
“I was just fucking with him; not my fault he can’t take a fucking joke,” a man said, his voice raspy from the yell, she assumed it was Henry Bowers, as if Johnny calling him by his last name didn’t make it obvious.
She heard childish snickering coming from the room, “Oh, you think this is funny, Hockstetter? We go on tour in three fucking weeks! You need a new guitarist to--”
“I see another guitarist come into that room, I’m going to beat the shit out of them,” Henry said loudly, and she could almost picture the boy standing with his arms crossed and a sneer on his face.
The other musician in the room, seemingly intimidated by Bowers’ words, immediately grabbed his equipment and scurried off. Y/N smiled to herself, crushing her cigarette under her boot, just me now.
“We only have two more left,” Johnny said in a gentle tone, as if he was trying to comfort a band of toddlers.
“Just bring the next person in, Johnny,” a tired, softer voice said, “Henry will get over it once this is over, he just needs to dip into some pussy.”
“Fine,” Johnny spat, “But you’d better fucking sit your ass through these tryouts or so help me god I will--”
“ I will, I will ,” a mocking voice repeated, mimicking Johnny’s voice, “Shut the fuck up and bring those sorry cock suckers in here.”
A roar of laughter erupted from the room. Seconds later, Johnny appeared in the room, confused and puzzled that Y/N was the only one there. Y/N shrugged, simply explaining, “Guess your other tryout bitched out.”
Johnny rolled his eyes and motioned with his fingers for Y/N to follow him, “Just don’t take anything they say too personally- they can be pretty rough.”
“I can handle myself,” she assured, rolling her eyes.
“Seriously,” he paused, a look of terror in his eyes, he needed her now more than ever. “ Please , don’t take it personally.”
Y/N nodded, raising her brow, “I’ll be fine.”
Johnny released a loud sigh from his nose, the stress obvious when he began to rub his hands together. Y/N followed Johnny into a large open room, the walls spray painted with graffiti all around save for the large window on the other end. There was a large plush, black couch pushed against the wall, two men occupied that one, and she immediately matched the guys to their photos; Vic Criss sat on one end of the couch, scrolling through his phone with a bored expression on his face. Belch Huggins looked as if he was dozed off on the other end of the couch, his head laid on the hand rest with his cap over his face, while his feet were sprawled over the edge.
Near the large open window, Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter seemed to be having what looked like an impromptu knife fight. Henry lunged toward Patrick, who jumped out of the way, cackling maniacally, “Getting a little slow there, huh Bowers?”
“Fuck you, twig,” Henry spat.
Johnny cleared his throat, trying to get their attention, “Guys, this is Y/N.”
At the mention of her name, all eyes were now on her. Even Belch, who had been snoring a few minutes prior, was wide awake now, gaping at her like if she was a figment of their imaginations.
Vic Criss tilted his head, a small smile spreading across his lips. He quickly put his phone down and crossed his arms over his chest.
Henry and Patrick however, stared at her in shock. Henry ran his hand through his outdated mullet styled hair, “Are we starting the pussy party early, Johnny? Cause if so, I think you really should have brought more.”
“We can share her,” Patrick whispered, a devilish grin spreading across his lips. His playful figure quickly turned into a sexual gesture, as he thrust his crotch out, his long fingers running over the zipper as he licked his lips. His eyes observed her from her moss green doc martens, the black laces wrapped twice around her ankles, up to her torn skinny jeans, and then to her exposed belly area. His eyes lingered on her obvious cleavage, admiring the way her torn shirt showed just enough skin to tease his imagination, “I go first.”
“In your fucking dreams, creep,” Y/N scoffed, setting her sticker covered guitar case on the ground.
Their eyes watched the movement, and in a sudden instant, their expressions went from flirty to hostile in a matter of seconds. Patrick was the first to speak up, laughing, “Aw, she thinks she can try out for the band, Hen.”
“You can try out,” Henry started, slowly walking towards her, “If you get on your knees and suck my dick.”
Y/N laughed, loudly, throwing the men in the room off, “I’m sorry, but I only fuck with guys who are over 8 inches, and you,” she paused, checking Henry out and sighing dramatically, “You look like you’re 3 inches, tops.”
Vic and Belch snickered at the insult. Henry was livid, and Patrick stared at her darkly, his hand fidgeting with something in the pocket of his plaid red and black overshirt. Y/N turned to Johnny, “Where do I plugin?”
Johnny, who was eyeing Henry and Patrick carefully, turned to her, “We use the Line 6 half stack over here for the tryouts.”
Y/N nodded, kneeling down next to her guitar case as she casually flipped the latches open. Her guitar had seen some better days, once, before she owned it. Now, the once white Ibanez GRG had chipped paint on the edges, the fretboard was slightly warped from previous water damage. The permanent marker drawings she made on it were covered with stickers that she had given up on removing. But, she loved that guitar with all her heart; the only thing she ever really loved.
Lazily, she placed the mickey mouse strap over her shoulder, plugging in the amp cord that Johnny handed to her, and strummed the guitar to make sure it was in the proper tuning.
“You really play with that piece of shit?”
Y/N tried to bite her tongue at Henry Bower’s rude comment, instead opting to focus on her guitar, still tuning it, “This piece of shit has more balls than you and your boy put together.”
She could feel Henry’s glare on her, but she refused to acknowledge him, telling herself that if she lost her temper right now, she wouldn’t get the opportunity to earn the cash for her own musical interests.
Stepping stones , she reminded herself; trying to suppress the fact that she genuinely did enjoy the music these assholes created.
Once her guitar was properly tuned to drop d, the tuning she knew these boys played on, she strummed her guitar rhythmically, playing a small piece of a song from her other band.
She turned to face the guys all staring at her, Vic, the lead singer, leaned back on the couch, “Well, go ahead and blow us away, babe.”
Y/N’s fingers went to the slightly warped fretboard, the tips touching the strings - her nails briefly touching the other strings before she adjusted them - as the fingers on her other hand grasped her 0.5 pick, strumming the strings as she played a technical solo, her fingers bent the strings as she shredded on the frets, doing sweep movements, and finger tapping; her eyes caught a glimpse of Vic’s face, his jaw dropped open in awe and Belch nodded his head to an imaginary beat in his head, as if he was playing his drums along to her.
She continued to shred on her guitar for another minute before pausing. When she stopped, Vic and Belch stood up and gave her a standing ovation, along with Johnny Ray.
Belch was the first to speak, smiling as he walked over and high fived Y/N, “That was fucking awesome!”
Vic came up beside him, holding out his fist for a fist bump, “Hell yeah, I like her, Johnny! Better than the fucking sugar sniffers you brought in earlier - she actually knows how to play.”
Johnny, pleased with himself, smiled, “I knew you would,” his eyes trailed over to the other two men who were eyeing their bandmates with vicious disdain, “What do you guys think?”
Henry pursed his lips together, staring at Y/N up and down, “Do you even know any of our songs?”
“I’m a fast learner,” she answered, holding her guitar by the fretboard.
Henry scoffed, staring at Patrick. Though, Y/N noticed a tiny glint in his eyes, like he was impressed as well. Patrick, however, still remained stoic as he lazily waltzed over to her side. He reached out towards the rack of various guitars, picking up a black ESP Kirk Hammett signature guitar with white symbols imprinted on it. Y/N stared at the instrument with awe and envy, wishing she could afford something as beautiful as the guitar Patrick held in his hands, plugging it into the other Line 6 half stack.
It didn’t take long for him to tune his guitar, and he stared at her with dark eyes as he also began to shred in front of her. He was taller than her, staring down to her with his legs spread.
Y/N knew what this was, he was establishing his dominance; he was cementing his territory, saying with his stance, his hard stare, and the gesture of playing during her tryout, that she was never going to be a part of their band.
The hell I’m not , Y/N thought.
She immediately began to finger pick as well, keeping up with Patrick’s ever increasing speed, refusing to back down and let him win.
The air in the room was tense, she knew all eyes were on herself and Patrick, but right now, it was only she and him. Both of them fighting for their right to play in the band, neither refusing to back down. His riffs were raw, angry and powerful; communicating with her that she was not welcome.
Hers were just as heavy, pushing back, unrelenting.
Finally, Y/N shredded so heavily, so quickly, that two of her strings popped loose, flying and snapping hard against her fingers. She felt the pain in her hands as a small cut formed on her fingers, still, she played with the remaining strings, choosing to stick to soloing.
The battle wasn’t over until Patrick ended his solo with a hard riff, prompting Y/N to stop as well.
They both stood still, the silence in the room was deafening as they glared at one another. Johnny came up beside Y/N, keeping his distance, “Y/N, are you alright?”
Johnny pointed to her hand and she looked down at it as it covered her strings and guitar in blood, “Oh? This is nothing, I’ll be fine.” She shrugged, rubbing the cut fingers on her jeans.
“Like a badass,” Belch smiled, nodding his head in approval; Vic nodding along with him in agreement.
Henry’s face was blank, void of any emotion, but his eyes trailed to her open wounds, and then up to her eyes; he furrowed his brows slightly in amusement, but it was quickly replaced with indifference when he gazed upon Patrick’s dark stare.
Y/N scoffed, smirking when she met his eyes, “Is that all?”
Patrick opened his mouth as he was about to speak, when he was crudely interrupted by Vic, “For now, yes. We’ll keep in touch, but, I think you’re the one.”
“Fuck yes,” Belch agreed.
“Fuck no,” Patrick said, “There’s not a chance in hell--”
“We’re not letting a chick in the band,” Henry said, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What the fuck are you talking about? You just saw--”
“No,” Patrick interrupted as Vic was trying to make his point.
Y/N, frustrated with the bitching between the guys unplugged her guitar and gently placed it in its case while the guys continued to argue. She picked her case up from the handle, speaking loudly over the boys, “Look, mull it over or do whatever the fuck you guys gotta do, but I got shit to take care of and I am not staying here to listen to grown ass guys bitch like high school girls.”
The boys stared at her in shock, their eyes wide as she turned to speak to Johnny, “Take down my number, gimme a call when these pussies make up their minds.”
Johnny smirked in amusement at her obvious ballsy nature; he pulled out his phone, dialing her number, “Let me walk you out.”
“Later, bitches,” she casually said, flipping the boys the finger as Johnny ushered her out of the room.
When they were finally out of the warehouse, he spoke to her as he lit a cigarette, “You shouldn’t antagonize them; your chances of joining won’t be pretty now.”
“I don’t think my chances were great to begin with,” she confessed, somewhat defeated. Johnny handed her his cigarette and she graciously took it, puffing on it and exhaling a cloud of smoke in relief.
Johnny lit another cigarette for himself, his voice was slightly a mumble with the cigarette pressed between his lips, “Probably, but, I’ll see to it that you make it in. Whether they care to admit it or not, you’re the best tryout we’ve seen; and you’re not afraid of them, which means you won’t bail at the first sign of trouble.”
Y/N tilted her head, bringing the cigarette to her lips, “Just how much do you know about me?”
“Enough to know that you’re the real deal,” he said, smirking. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he quickly took it out to read a barrage of text messages coming in. He chuckled with a slight sigh. He pushed the phone back into the pocket of his blazer, looking down at her bloody hand, “Make sure to get that looked at; if you make it in, we can’t have you taking hiatus before you’ve even had the chance to start.”
“I’ll be alright,” she assured, cockiness in her voice.
Johnny laughed in amusement, turning and entering the warehouse, “And get those strings replaced.”
Y/N flipped him off, the blood was now dry on her fingers when the door shut behind him.
She turned, slowly dragging her legs along the hard concrete ground. Nighttime was setting in, and she could have called a cab, but her funds were running low and in all honesty, she preferred to feel the night air on her skin. It was going to be a long walk, but she needed it if she was going to ponder the possibility of being in Mind Failure.
Patrick and Henry were adamant that she was never going to be in the band, but, she had Vic, Belch and Johnny on her side; which had to count for something… right?
It had been two and a half weeks. Two and a half fucking weeks and not once did she hear a peep from Johnny, or any kind of status updates on Mind Failure’s website on the new rhythm guitarist. She checked the sight hourly, waiting to see if it would change, but it still read in big red letters, “Tryouts Open.”
She groaned in frustration for the fifth time that day, vaguely paying attention to the members in her band going on about how they wanted to change the sound of the band, for the third fucking time.
Y/N stood in the background, scrolling through her phone; band practice today was held at Evan’s garage, or more specifically, his parent’s house.
“Yo, who the fuck is that?” Evan asked, pointing to someone outside.
Y/N turned to see Johnny Ray leaning against a black Ferrari.
“Oh shit, yo, I think that’s Johnny Ray, the manager of that fucking band--Mind Failure,” Sam said, snapping his fingers, and jumping up in excitement, “Fuck, maybe he’s here to sign us!”
The guys started yapping away about the possible idea of being signed. Y/N lazily unplugged her guitar, pushing the instrument behind her back as she walked out of the garage and towards Johnny.
“You here to check out my shitty band?”
Johnny laughed, removing his sunglasses, “I’ve had enough of that piece of crap band of yours; and I’m sure you have too,” he turned, opening the door to his expensive car, “Grab your shit, let’s go.”
“Do you want to be in Mind Failure or not?”
Y/N turned suddenly, meeting the stares of her ex bandmates and flipping them off as she shouted, “Hey guys, fuck you! I quit!”
She quickly ran to the other side of the car, jumping in and trying her best not to jump in anticipation as Johnny explained to her how her life was going to change, “Right now, I’m taking you to Empire Records to sign a temporary contract.”
“Temporary Contract?”
“So, the way we work this out is we have you sign a minor touring contract; this is only because these guys go through musicians fast, once you have stayed for a full year, then you will sign a permanent contract similar to what the rest of the band members signed,” he said, looking at his phone as he drove, typing a quick text message.
Y/N nodded, “And what are the terms of this contract?”
“You’ll see when we get to the office, I have my lawyer on call to review it for you in case you don’t understand it or want to change something, and I’ll be there as well,” he smiled, eyeing her sideways.
“And the guys?”
“They’re prepping for touring; we leave in a week, so we need to get this underway as soon as possible. If you agree to the contract, I’ll need you to pack essentials to bring on tour with you, as well as your equipment,” he said, turning into a large parking garage.
He hurriedly opened the door, his legs rushing towards the elevator in the parking garage, prompting Y/N to hastily shove her guitar onto the passenger seat. She felt her body begin to tremble with anticipation; she couldn’t believe this was actually happening to her.
She followed Johnny into the large office on the 25th floor, Johnny leaned over the counter of the receptionist’s desk, “Hey Joan, how’s my favorite lady today?”
Joan stared at Johnny with a hard look, the older lady in her mid forties obviously not having Johnny’s flirtatious advances, “You’re late to your appointment, Mr. Ray.”
“Is he pissed?”
Joan smirked, “Fuming.”
Johnny shrugged, walking towards the wide, large doors on his left. Without knocking, he pushed to doors open, strutting inside like he owned the place, “Alright, sorry I’m late, but I was caught in traffic.”
Tristan Roberts, who was sitting behind his desk, leaned forward on his desk, “Traffic? It’s fucking 10 AM,” his hard stare fell on Y/N; he took in her appearance, smirking as he stared at her standing there in her signature green Docs, black jeans rolled up to cuff above her boots. Her fishnets she wore under the jeans rested above the waistband, clinging to her skin, the old standard round neck t-shirt that rested at her hips, eyeing the obvious tattoos on her skin, “Nice, I see why you were adamant about his one Johnny; record sales will skyrocket if someone as good looking as her is in that band.”
“I recruited her for her skills, Tristan,” Johnny said with irritation in his voice, “Now, let’s get this shit started.”
Johnny motioned for Y/N to sit beside him as he dialed the band’s trusted lawyer while Tristan handed Y/N a copy of the contract. She looked over it, listening to Johnny’s lawyer explain to her the legality of it all, “Now, here’s the thing, since you are going to be signing a temporary contract, the only revenue you will make is from playing shows. You will not receive any pay from streaming sites, royalties or record sales until a full contract is signed; this is just so we guarantee that you stay in the band, once that has been established, we will make a permanent contract and you will receive the same amount of pay as the rest of the members, including participating in the making of their future albums.”
Y/N nodded, knitting her eyebrows at the legal jargon on the paper. Tristan and Johnny stared at her when she looked up from the paper, “So,” Johnny said, handing her a pen, “What’s it going to be?”
The tour bus was thick with the scent of cigarettes and cheap beer, Johnny hoped the guys weren’t up partying in the fucking bus again, but once he gazed at the sight in front of him he slowly felt himself die inside; Vic was sprawled over the small couch, Belch was retching in the restroom, Henry laid naked next two blonde women and Patrick was nowhere to be found.
Angrily, he grabbed the air horn he kept hidden in the driver’s seat of the bus and obnoxiously squeezed it; the boys automatically jumped up in surprise, yelling in shock “What the fuck, Johnny?!”
“You guys leave for touring today, get your shit together,” he chastised, his patience wearing thin as he tried not to yell, tossing the blonde woman her skimpy clothing, “Where the fuck is Hockstetter?”
“Fuck if I know,” Henry answered, recording the whole ordeal on his phone; which was going to end up on his instagram account, “Ask mom over there.”
Johnny turned to Vic who shrugged, rubbing his face as he stretched, “You know Hockstetter, he wanders off doing god knows what and doesn’t show up until it’s time to leave, he’ll be here.”
Belch slammed the door of the restroom shut behind him, rubbing his forehead with his sleeveless flannel shirt, “Coffee, aspirin.”
“The coffee is on it’s way,” he said, “Aspirin is in the cupboard right there; you guys really should reevaluate your partying, I don’t think this mess is going to make a good impression on Y/N.”
Henry rolled his eyes, sitting up on the floor, still naked, “I think it will; she’ll see that I’m not a weak three inches and soon enough, she’ll be on her knees begging me to fuck her.”
He laughed at his own joke, amused with his humor. Vic rolled his eyes, tossing Henry his faded jeans, “She’s out of your league, Hen.”
As if it couldn’t get worse, the door suddenly opened and Y/N furrowed her brows at the mess inside the tour bus. She smirked slightly when she saw Henry’s back as he pulled his pants up, catching a glimpse of his ass, “I can’t say much about your dick, but you do have a cute ass.”
Henry turned beet red while the guys all laughed, he marched off towards the restroom in a huff, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Sorry for the mess,” Vic apologized, a sheepish half smile on his lips, his fingers carding through his hair.
“The only thing you need to be sorry for is not fucking inviting me,” Y/N said, pushing the guitar on her strap behind her.
Belch and Vic smiled, already liking the new member of the band. Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing over at Y/N, “Did you bring your equipment?”
“Yeah, your roadies are hauling my stack into the trailer,” she said, kicking the beer cans aside as she sat near Vic, photobombing his selfie with a kiss to his cheek. Vic didn’t seem to mind, as he moved his arm further to catch both of them in it.
“Belch get in here,” Vic called.
Belch jumped on the their laps, prompting groans of pain from Y/N and Vic.
“Vic, show Y/N to her bunk, I have to get back to the office; but remember, try to be on your best behavior- ugh I don’t even know why I bother,” he said, mostly to himself as Belch began to play with Vic’s nipple guard through his mesh shirt, “Make sure Hockstetter is on this bus before it leaves.”
Johnny promptly exited the bus, leaving Y/N alone with the boys for the first time.
Vic and Belch weren’t bad however, they both immediately started complimenting her on her playing, “Your riffs were sick; even Bowers was blown away, though, he didn’t want to admit it.”
Vic got to his feet and motioned for Y/N to follow him to the back of the bus, “The bunks are back here; Henry, Belch and I have the bottom ones, Pat has the top one and that leaves you with the other top one.”
He pointed to the only empty bunk in the crowded room, “It tends to get hot up there, so be careful. Also, there’s an empty drawer over there for your clothes. Make yourself comfortable, breakfast is being brought to us.”
“Thank you,” she said, shooting Vic her most sweetest smile, making the blonde haired guy blush slightly.
Y/N took a moment to glance around the dark bunk room, admiring how each bunk was easily identifiable to whom it belonged to. Vic’s was neat, with fluffy pillows and what looked to be like a soft, feather blanket. Belch’s was slightly ruffled, a pair of drumsticks tossed on it. Henry’s bunk was- surprisingly- somewhat neat, save for the numerous amounts of shirts piled on it. Patrick’s, however, was the filthiest of all. The blankets were on a heap on his bed, the thin mattress peeking out below the blanket; there was no pillow at all and a guitar lay on top of it, with small pieces of paper stuffed into the walls along with a half smoked joint and a pack of Camel Bolds.
She tilted her head, setting her own guitar on the bed. She began to unpack her clothes, fitting them and her accessories into the one drawer. She pulled out her small clip on fan, grateful that she even decided to bring it in the first place.
As she turned to head back towards the “dining” area of the bus, she bumped into the tall, lanky, shaggy haired guy that was Patrick. He wore tight black skinny jeans that were torn at the knees, the cuffs pushed into large, black combat boots. The blue and black flannel overshirt he wore barely covered the dried bloodstains on his white undershirt, his knuckles were cut open as if he was fighting.
He didn’t say a word, he just stood there, staring at her as he smoked his cigarette. Frustrated with the awkward silence, she asked,  “You gonna say something or just stand there and stare?”
Patrick’s stare was still blank, until he finally pushed beside her and climbed into his bunk, his eyes still on her while he exhaled a large cloud of smoke as his hands began to play his guitar.
Y/N scoffed, knowing full well that he was still trying to intimidate her. Just to spite him, she stayed in the room, climbing into her bunk and enjoying the cool breeze of the mini clip on fan, smirking at Patrick’s sweaty face. The heat didn’t seem to bother him, as he was unaware of it, still staring at her.
Belch’s voice cut the silence in the air, “Yo, Pat, Y/N; breakfast is here!”
Y/N continued to stare back at Patrick, finally breaking her gaze as her stomach rumbled, betraying her.
She jumped off of her bunk, heading towards the delicious smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee in the air; she could still feel Patrick’s eyes on her as she left however, somehow, she knew that the only reason she was here was because of Johnny, Vic, Belch and maybe even Henry.
This was something that Patrick obviously objected to, and he wasn’t going to make her time with Mind Failure easy, she somehow also guessed that he would do anything in his power to make her quit. But, he had another thing coming if he thought he could get rid of her that easily.
Tag List: @owentteague @pattycake-hockstetter @purplezebra68 @livelikewonderland @nurserykryme @gizmo-the-gay @thicctor-victor @slyprides-blog @ashisthresh @toungepopperr @i-am-mcbroken @caddywhompered 
177 notes · View notes
Current Music Obsessions: October 1 - 16, 2018
Well. I'm obviously working on purging my watch later playlist because this list is LONG. So let's get started with the honorable mentions.
MaYaN - Saints Don't Die Progenie Terrestre Pura - Twisted Silhouette LVCI - Not Yours Suodeth - Gauja The Number Zero - Web of Truth Trail of Tears - Poisonous Tongues Harpyie - Berserker A Metaphor for Betrayal - Confess Rave the Reqviem - Are Yov Happy Now, Fidelio? Jem - Come On Closer Shadowrise - To Live and Die For Dust in Mind - This is the End MaYaN - Tornado of Thoughts (I Don't Think Therefore I Am) Dim7 - Spinecrawler Oudn - Chaos Ignea - Queen Dies Black Mirrors - Mind Shape Bif Naked - Lucky MaYaN - The Power Process Illuminata - Phoenix Infinite Tales - Innocent St. Evil BrightStorm - Vampire Setanera - Spettralia Michael Romeo - Djinn Bysantine - The Cicada Tree Lena Katina - Косы Victorius - Lazer Tooth Tiger Elyose - Psychosis feat. Mark Jansen (Epica, MaYaN) The White Swan - Pelvic Sorcery
And now for the MANY obsessions.
1. The Last Martyr - Into the Black
This a really great find on Spaceuntravel that really caught me by surprise. I'm so glad I decided to give this song a shot, because it's super great. I wasn't sold at first, but when homegirl started screaming I was totally on board. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from these guys.
2. Asphodelia - Cassandra
I found these guys through IG one day when the band/singer liked a post or followed me, so I decided to check them out. The song is fairly simple, but the impression it leaves is a strong one. Their singer has a really pretty voice and the video is so striking with the look she wears where she's sporting the contacts.
3. Zahna - Underneath
Ok, from now on, I'm gonna put Spaceuntravel at the beginning of my statements for any song from them since I keep finding such great jams from that channel. This is a really beautiful alternative metal track and I'm obsessed with the lead singer's voice. There's just something about it that I'm just over the moon about. And the song is pretty catchy too, so that definitely helps.
4. Dol Ammad - Force of Freedom
This song is my favorite off their new album. The middle in particular is absolutely everything to me. There's something about that one singer just softly singing those lines and the rhythm that just really gets me. It's such a simple song, but the production and execution make it the excellent track it is.
5. Lavinium/Levinia - Alluring Fear
After discovering Levinia, I decided to look more into them and found their bandcamp where I saw they had their first demo/EP of the same title when they were originally called Lavinium. This song is definitely one of my favorites off that demo and is an absolute powerhouse of a track. I can't wait for Levinia's debut EP, Liberation, to drop on Halloween. These guys have quickly become a band on my immediate radar, and the fact that they are a symphonic metal band from the States that are this good blows me away.
6. Leprous - Contaminate Me (live)
Thank you Facebook memories for rekindling my love for this ballbuster of a track. Ihsahn is a fucking beast. He really takes this song to the next level, especially on this live version. And Einar's voice is gorgeous as always. I really love the fact that him and I have similar vocal ranges.
7. MaYaN - The Flaming Rage of God
This is my favorite song off Dhyana. It's so dramatic and powerful. The choirs in the beginning are absolutely everything. The verses where Laura and the male singer (not sure if it's Henning or Adam) are singing are so epic and haunting. They harmonize together so well. The pacing of this song is so great and I love the solos. Definitely give this track a listen.
8. Battlelore - Journey to Undying Lands
Another song I rekindled my love for thanks to Facebook memories. Definitely one of my favorite early tracks from them and the video for it looks like a legit movie. It's so exciting to know that they're working on a new album after such a long hiatus.
9. The Anix - This Machine
This is the second single they've released and I'm so hyped now for their upcoming release. This song has so much energy behind it, but still has an ambience to it in the verses leading up to the chorus. I hope a lot the new album packs in a lot of energy like this and Fight the Future. I love the softer, ambient tracks, but these tracks really show off the singer's voice so well, and he's got a beautiful one.
10. Chthonic - Millennia's Faith Undone feat. HOCC
This is the latest single these guys have put out and it's an intense one. These guys are a symphonic-ish blackened death metal band from Taiwan that I've known of for a little while now, and this is my favorite song I've heard from them so far. The energy behind it and the female guest singer has a lovely voice that adds such a great dynamic to the song.
11. Alesti - Eye of the Storm feat. Diego Tekuo
Spaceuntravel. This track isn't that special, but the production and Diego's voice are wonderful. This is the second song I've heard him on (the other is The Hidden Truth by Against Myself, which shows off a lot of his vocal talents) and is nice to hear this kind of singing from him. He's got a nice voice.
12. Sick N' Beautiful - Megalomaniacal
I discovered these guys after finding the singer on IG one day and holy tits is this a fun song. I'm definitely am gonna check out their new album, The Art of Sex. It sounds like it'll be just as fun and wild as this song. I live for the sci-fi vibes of their look and the video is so much fun to along with how fun the song is. I love their singer's green hair and her look in the video is amazing.
13. Sirenia - Love Like Cyanide feat. Yannis Papadopoulos (Beast in Black)
I wasn't so sure how I felt about this new single of theirs at first, but it grew on me and became an obsession. It's a bit all over the place in experimenting with different sounds. You got some symphonic metal, gothic metal, power metal, black metal. It's a big melting pot of different stuff and oddly everything mesh well together. It's a definite improvement over the last album, I'll say that much.
14. Dead Can Dance - Sanvean (live)
My Facebook memories really gave me a lot of stuff to reminisce over. This live performance is absolutely divine. Lisa is an absolute goddess and she proves it with this performance. I'm so excited for the new album to come out.
15. Dark Sarah - Golden Moth
I wasn't too keen on listening to the new album since a lot of the singles have been pretty lack luster, but this song changed my mind. This song is exactly what I needed to hear from them. It's full of so much beauty and emotion. And don't get me started on how amazing and gorgeous the video is. I can't get enough of it.
16. Eliza Red - Still
I can't remember how exactly I found this guy, but I found a song of his and thought it was too short and found this song, which in my opinion is also too short. But that doesn't stop the fact that I absolutely love it. It's an atmospheric r&b track and his voice is so lovely. I'm definitely am gonna look more into him, even though all his songs are super short.
17. Soulextract - Cryosleep
Spaceuntravel. This song became an obsession for one possible reason only: SPACE SHIT. I love it when songs are about space. Hello, I'm Patrick and I'm a sci-fi buff who's obsessed with space and the universe. Anyways, the song itself is pretty simple, but the execution and the fact it's about space shit is what makes me love it so much.
18. Meg Myers - Numb
I found this song through an IG ad one day when browsing through stories and had to check it out immediately. It's a great alternative track that has a punk vibe to it. I'm really interested in checking out more from her and seeing just what else her music entails.
19. Soul Desire - From the Flames
This is one of my favorites off their debut EP. It's such a lovely song that really shows off their front woman's range and the beauty of her voice. It's much slower compared to the other songs, but that's what helps it to stand out.
20. Northward - Get What You Give
This project is looking like it's gonna be an amazing one. After listening to an interview Floor did recently, it turns out that this is going to be strictly a rock project, so no soprano moments (hopefully Nightwish will incorporate that aspect of her voice way more in the new album). I'm still hoping there will be some growls that will pop up here and there though. Anyways, this is a really fun track that has some groovy verses. She gets some good high notes in the chorus, especially the final one, which is always wonderful to hear from her.
21. Hydria - Enjoy Your Greed
This is a throwback track for me. The second verse randomly popped into my head one day and I wound up rekindling my love for this track. I really need to get back into these guys. They had a really great symphonic metal sound and Raquel's voice is so lovely and stands out next to a lot of singers in the genre.
22. Arcane Roots - Curtains
Found this song one day when I tuned into a Metal Ass Gaming stream on Twitch. Jake decided to play this album and I had to give this and a couple other songs a listen and I wound up falling madly in love with this one. This song is pure proof as to why I love prog so much. It starts out really ambient (like Sigur Ros level ambient) and slowly picks up pace and then jumps into some hard-hitting djenty progressive metal. It's such an amazing track and you bet your sweet ass I'm gonna check out more from them.
So yeah. A SUPER LONG list. I know. I can't guarantee that the next half of the month will have a super long list, but it just might. At least we got some really great jams out of this though.
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