xiaophobic · 2 years
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including! — diluc, xiao, kaeya, itto, & zhongli <3
genre/warnings! — fluff, elements of christmas, reader is implied to be shorter than itto, different headcanon style (?) just trying it out, diluc favoritism……..
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༉‧₊˚. SYNOPSIS! — acting out several winter activities with some genshin characters!
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:: DILUC! ♥︎
. . . parties are not usually his forte, though with promise of you attending, diluc had been begrudgingly persuaded. like a fish on a terribly romantic line, he was hooked as soon as he’d seen you. the overly festive decorations embellishing the favonius halls didn’t necessarily bother him, though when he attempts to make his way through a crowd and is suddenly cornered, with you, under none other than a mistletoe? he’s conflicted on which christmas entity he should embody.
you’re about to greet him before seeing him gazing upward like a deer in headlights. green leaves bundle together under the constraint of a velvet red ribbon, festively colored glitter accentuating the holiday staple. the slow harmonies of the jolly music facilitating your moment sounds all the more romantic now that you’re here with him. you breathe in and he breathes out, the soft, happy grin forming on your face granting him a sporadic confidence boost. a warm, rough hand rests upon your cheek with the most atypical care you’ve ever been privy to, and your lips collide in your gentle holiday kiss.
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:: XIAO! ♥︎
. . . snowflakes fall ever so gently from the clouded sky, and xiao is nothing short of amazed. he’s seen snow before, of course, but he’s never seen you with it. how excited it makes you, eyes wide and arms reaching upwards. you’re not necessarily aiming to catch anything, just crooning giddily at how the snow lands, melting on your skin upon impact. you are the sun’s greatest enemy, the brightest light he’s ever been deemed.
you smile and he wants to; he wants to revel in your enthusiasm, spin in circles and parade as though it's a miracle when it’s only snow, savor his own laugh and fall in love with the earth. he remembers something he’s seen humans do before, stick their tongues out and stand like adorable fools waiting for snow to fall. should he take his chances on feeling this joy as you do? making sure you aren’t staring, he hesitantly pokes his tongue out, giving him the cutest pout you’ve possibly ever seen. just don’t make it obvious that you are, in fact, staring.
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:: KAEYA! ♥︎
. . . “those look…interesting,” you playfully chide at the appearance of his carefully frosted cookies. at least he says carefully, though you can’t exactly tell if he’s truly got no art for decorating baked goods or otherwise. kaeya looks at you challengingly, his eyepatch discarded and second eye fully on display as you’re in the sanctity of your home. he shrugs, going on about how his designs are simply too abstract for your comprehension.
you giggle, turning away with a teasing shake of your head. a slight shuffle sounds from your side, and when you look back in his direction, a messy dollop of peppermint-flavored frosting adorns your unsuspecting nose. your eyes narrow in faux disapproval, and just when he’s about to begin a terrible anecdote about his decorating skills once more, you snatch the piping bag and return the action. a miscalculation was made, and much more frosting than he’d squeezed onto you adorns the tip of his nose. you mutter an unapologetic oops, scooping the sweet treat with your thumb and licking it off. rolling his eyes with nothing but love, he holds back his laughter and does the same.
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:: ITTO! ♥︎
. . . flashes of red, blue, and yellow bounce in several controlled patterns along the branches of your christmas tree. multicolored garland as well as various other ornaments hang within its grooves, and you two marvel at your hard work. itto smiles, big and triumphant, just as his entire presence is. you step back, leaning your head onto his chest as he embraces you from behind. you’re about to pack everything up when he remembers one thing you’ve forgotten, the star! you’ve already returned your step stool, and this tree is taller than all your previous ones, leaving you frustrated.
without a second thought, itto hoists you up by your thighs and places you atop his broad shoulders, gifting you a height much taller than everything in your current view. it doesn’t strain him at all, and he urges you with a pat to your thighs and a light jump (which disorients you because you’re so high up, but forgive him, he’s excited) to place the star so you can see how nice it all appears when it’s completed. reaching forward, you slide the star onto the highest branch and press the button which lights it up. he steps backward, and his giddy laugh vibrates throughout his whole body, contagiously catching onto you as well.
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:: ZHONGLI! ♥︎
. . . every city street is decked out with holiday lights, and you’ve dragged zhongli out to see them with you in person. he’d dislike the use of the word dragged, however. he’s always a willing subject to whatever your antics may be. it’s a small feat but there’s something so whimsical about blinking lights when they actually have significance — you just can’t help but be awed. as for him, the astonishment blessing your expression is lovely, so he’ll never complain if the lights will continue to frame you like the portrait you are.
in your excitement, you fumble your phone from your jacket’s pocket, quickly aiming it up at the sky and snapping a selection of blurry and beautiful photos of the lights above. you glue yourself to his side, flipping the camera and also taking a candid shot of the two of you, together. the rose red enveloping his nose from the cold makes him grin as he catches his own lost expression in your picture. “take another,” he urges, and you nod with exuberance filling your form even more. centering your shot, you’re about to take it when he presses his cold lips to your cheek, smiling into it as he knows that as well as the lights you’re in love with were both caught in your photo.
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thank you soso much for reading !!! ily & stay safe <3
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psychicbergara · 2 years
I just saw your recent answered ask and I would absolutely love a fic rec list from you!!
Also I love your writing!<3
Have a lovely day!
AHHHH thank you so much!! <3
here are some of my fave shyan fics (in no particular order) :D
Happy If You Never Left by breathtaken
Summary: When Ryan's injured during a shoot, Shane offers to look after him while he recovers. He doesn't know that Ryan's going through some stuff, and that Shane only having one bed in his apartment may hurt more than it helps...
Commentary: this fic is locked so you'll need an account to read it! and it's just so so good i love shane's realization that he's in love with ryan after ryan gets hurt and he just wants ryan to stay with him for the rest of his life <3 and ryan has a mini coming out arc too like ITS JUST SO GOODDD BUH
pendulum by soyul
Summary: A skeptical detective attempting to catch a killer and a paranormal investigator searching for evidence of the afterlife are thrown together to solve Chicago’s deadliest homicide case.
Commentary: one of my absolute FAVES!! im a sucker for a good slow burn and their development is just mwah *chef's kiss* it has all of my fave tropes: psychic ryan, protective shane, slow burn reluctant coworkers to friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, and absolutely enamored shane like what more could you want LASKDFJ
Intimate Acts by popkin16
Summary: Ryan starts stealing food off of Shane’s plate. Shane lets him. It takes Ryan awhile to realize that means a lot more than it seems.
Commentary: this fic is SO fucking cute!!! it's really one of the fluffiest fics i've read like sometimes the smallest acts contain the most love and that's what this is about. and i LOVE it
you me and the ghosts make three (a series) by varnes
Summary: When Ryan was a kid, he fell into a pile of bricks. They were playing hide and seek, and he thought he had the best hiding spot: high up in a thickly lush tree, his knees drawn to his chest so that he’d blend in. But the branch broke. He hit his head and doesn’t remember much of what happened after that. When he woke up a few hours later, the sun was setting, and his friends were gone, and his parents were calling for him, their flashlights swinging across the grass. There’d been blood on his bangs. Anyway, now he can see ghosts. Kind of. Look, he’s not great at it.
Commentary: what else can i say that already hasn't been said about THEE psychic ryan series. i've reread this series too many times to count since i love love love psychic ryan. it's funny, it's cute and they're so IN LOVE gah :')
made of glass the way you see through me by uneventfulhouses
Summary: 'Will it always be like this?' Ryan wonders, watching Shane lope up the snowy walkway and pushing his way through the front door, humming some jolly old tune in that way Shane’s prone to do. Theatrical, performing for an audience even though Ryan is the only one around. It must be because it’s all new. Somehow, he’s caught in the glow, the glimmer, the delicate fragility of what they’re building. Somehow, he’s alone with this guy, this one guy who looks like he’d say screwed the pooch and would strike up small talk about cutting grass on a Sunday morning, whilst simultaneously boasting about his “eclectic” taste in music when it’s all indie bullshit sung by bands with names of various vehicle components.
Commentary: tbh every shyan fic from this author is an absolute GEM ive binged so many of their fics and it's literally god tier writing. like this fic (and all their fics really) is like seeing an alternate universe on what it would be like if the boys were actually together. they have their romantic dynamic DOWN and im in love with it. this fic has so much love and sweetness and the angst that comes may make your chest ache for a bit but its immediately relieved by everything that comes after. its GOOD
all the songs i sing (i wrote for you) by prettyboyrollins
Summary: Ryan's job is driving him up a wall, so he finds a local dive bar to take his mind off how much it sucks. He expects to find decent beer. What he doesn't expect to find is good company, and a band that just might change his life.
Commentary: so im gonna be honest and say going in, i wasnt expecting much since im pretty skeptical about band aus in general but this was SO amazing, it thoroughly shocked me about how good it was. like it's so wholesome and sweet and it's like a slice of life au that gets you in the throat. the angst is pretty minimal and it's just a comforting fic. it's warm and sweet <3
the train is expected in five minutes by MiraclesofPaul
Summary: Ryan finds himself in an abandoned train station with no memory of how he got there.
Commentary: here's something more horror-esque that i absolute love!! it's got the spooky stuff, protective shane, and all around amazing suspense on what's going on. i reread this one a lot because it's just wonderfully written GAH
Theory Number 7 by liminalweirdo
Summary: He doesn’t apologize again. Can’t. Because there’s no way to say, hey, dude, I’m really sorry for intentionally exposing you to a zombie plague, but anyway, water under the bridge, right?
Commentary: WHEW okay this is one of thee longest fics i've read. 500k words is A TRIP and its a wild wild ride. i love zombie aus i really do and this fic has almost every trope possible. it's so so good when it really gets into the meat of the story, the angst, the pining, the misunderstandings HURT SO GOOD. and even when it gets frustrating at times, it always pulls you back in because you're rooting for shane and ryan the whole way. if you read this fic, definitely take breaks, drink some water, have a snack, and enjoy :D
these are the fics i'll recommend for now, and i definitely have tons more that i love!! maybe i'll make another one later but i hope you enjoy reading some of these <3
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leatherbookmarking · 2 years
good afternoon it is time for Episodes
ah right, jiang baiju was born in the 19x0s. “when a woman is in love, it affects her intelligence” my dear.
“my master said as long as i have a baby, i can stop going on blind dates” i think i have gone blind from the power of this sentence alone. it seems being a shifu and not a biological parent does not stop one from having age-related grandparent fantasies. bless baijin for immediately joking about kidnapping a kid off a playground tho, i was starting to think they’re not that weird after all
“why don’t you spend your time with xue wanwan? i think she’s pretty cute” OH DO YOU, CHENG WEILAN
oh well that is a way of solving the case i guess
augh a memorial service And a wedding. ah. ahhhh that’s
jin xiaoyu invented the act of comforting :’)
ah! yes. jin xiaoyu was already fucked up in high school. oh my god WOMAN you gave your friend a HEART ATTACK
but also lol @ organ donation propaganda in this show. wait, maybe propaganda isn’t the best term...? but like. they sure do want you to know organ donating Good
speaking of, apparently in cdramas, actors get a red envelope when their character dies, ranging from a small symbolic sum for an extra to a larger one for a more frequent character. it’s probably the same with actors who play corpses, isn’t it
oh god that wasn’t jin xiaoyu in the wedding dress... that was the wife... fuck I AM SAD and also anxious
aaaaaaaugh this song will never fail to make me Feel Things
what a show. made me tear up and slapped a line about how We’re Proud Of People’s Police over it
NOOOOO THE SHOT WHERE SHE RUNS INTO HIS ARMS!!! STOP, IT’S TOO CUTE but also my loves this is a Funeral.
also lmao i misspelled ‘arms’ like 3 times, one of which was ‘asmr’. classic shrimp
jxy hugging the police officer’s stern wife TWICE in one ep has me feeling things :’) like i’m pretty sure this show doesn’t pass a bechdel test but man do i want to see the girls Interact or kiss. i know this won’t happen but come ON cwl
lol “let me dress up first” and then she just wore a hat. but i’ve heard you shouldn’t salute to a hatless head so maybe that’s what she meant lol;;
SCREAMS he introduced jxy to his old dead friend as “你嫂子“ (brother/friend’s wife)... I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT
i mean. how can you not want to wife jxy. /i/ want to wife her
“back in my day book discussion clubs were popular. it’s that thing where two or three couples meet up at a park to discuss what they read. i couldn’t go because i had no girlfriend, so all i had instead was a drama club where i had to memorize scripts all the time”
b, something something actors having jolly sex all the time something something? guess jbj wasn’t the type;; i am holding him in my palm like a little bird
there’s something Magical about a man who lives loves to tease his girlfriend going all out SEE MY GF, BRO?! ISN’T SHE PRETTIER THAN YOURS!! mister You Are Old
“i finally took revenge after 80 years!” (because he was a girlfriendless poor sod at the time)
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S A M E who are you dating, jxy
i know they’re used to both dying and death in general but MY LOVES, THIS IS A CEMETERY
(they’re not doing anything Bad just being lovey-dovey but ajgfhskjgs lmao)
oh! so i was right again, it IS his actual birthday! c-cute
GLJFHJKS they worked hard on the cake and she just reheated some frozen buns i am IN LOVE WITH HER
god i keep on pausing and going (/▽\) whenever something cute happens and now he kissed her palm i am (*ノωノ)ing to the max, THIS IS ILLEGAL
LMAOOOOOOO jbj was busy complimenting jxy’s “””homemade”““ buns for one second too long but it was Enough for william to go SHAOYE!!! my sweet boy this grandpa is not a dog
oh my god ohhhhhhhhhh my god oh my god oh my god oh my  g o d (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\) (/▽\)!!!!!!!!!!!
“i wish i had the right to pray at your tomb after you die” GOD!!!!!!!!!
.....................jin xiaoyu.
poor baibai :’‘‘‘) ドンマイドンマイ加油加油!!
kjhfgkjfj QIAN CHENG. QIAN CHENG I LOVE YOU BUT HE WON’T MARRY YOU poor jbj, manhandled mentally and physically on his own fucking birthday :’‘)
i think deng wei was born to play a bitchy didi. like
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he’s so happy. i think he should get to do what he wants
“we had a deal. until we figure out what you should do in the future, i won’t marry you.” y..... you did.....? i. i don’t remember....... were you even thinking about marriage back then...... ah, show
LOL he leans in to kiss her on the forehead and the lads are like GOD CAN’T YOU TWO KEEP IT PG-13!!! THERE ARE KIDS HERE (it’s us. we’re the kids)
l m f a o chengcheng you little mean fuck :’‘)
“not her!! i don’t want her in the picture! she took my photo!!” i love four idiots
lin nuoyan, a child actress’ boyfriend ♡
“lin nuoyan looks like he needs someone to take care of him. he always looks sad” how does it feel to be Perceived by a little girl
it IS funny when little kids/unrelated people comment that the main character/s “aren’t that pretty” but it kind of doesn’t work when they’re drop dead gorgeous
episode 20 starts off very well i LOVE qian xu and jbj’s antics lmao
lmfao william “i need a decent, normal date!” vs chengcheng “i need a date. anyone alive will do”
YELLS QC REALLY WENT FOR XWW.... i mean. alive. his expectations were low
sobs, qc says he’s “ran out of options”.... and xww refuses him so cruelly.... That’s Gotta Hurt bro
ach rich people and their Good Family bullshit
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lol jxy is trying out a dress and it’s slipping off despite the anti-slip straps so i was expecting a ‘haha small boobs’ joke but she’s wearing JEANS underneath her dress so obviously jbj was like TAKE EM OFF and she just. ‘it’s the first time a handsome man said such a thing to me :-)’ never change girl
lmfao but there WAS a qian cheng in a dress joke and poor jbj spat out his drink, GOOD, GOOD, FEED ME
“perhaps you should prepare men’s clothes (for his date)” “men’s clothes? haha” jiang baiju you are stupid and i love that in you but are you BLIND as well he wants to jump your bones like you jumped off that building. please think about your dignity when you say those things
lmfao i know sassy little girls are in fashion but i LOVE both fang shiyu and bella just. obliterating all these adult men
kfhgksfjghfs poor nurse all alone :’‘)
“you’re really better than jin xiaoyu’s boyfriend. she has a bad taste in men” GO OFF BELLA!!!
“when i die, my mom will have another baby and forget about me” okay. okay. what the fuck
“i made up my mind. i’m not having any kids ever” “agreed” YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
“i like adult activities more than children’s amusement park ones” jiang baiJU!!!
well that’s quite dramatic but like. myeah
wait WHAT, is that real or is he imagining it!?
it is real!!! she’s back aaaaaaa!!! aaaaaand of course we have some rich influential family bullshit right off the bat
:’) jbj having wine and jxy water :’)
oh noooooo i was wondering if bella isn’t a guinea pig for the drug testing;;; turns out she was ;;;
aaaaaand we end the episode on qc+drf being cute and stupid as always!!
god we only have 4 episodes left!!! two days worth of episodes!!! how am i going to deal :’/
0 notes
iluvsexyvoltageguys · 7 years
Not If I Get You First
Pairing: Tauxolouve x Aigonorus
Aigonorus and Tauxolouve were standing entirely too close to one another. Opposite them was Leon and Zyglavis who were going over some documents with all of the Wishes and Punishments gods. The other gods were listening intently or at least pretending to. Tauxolouve should have been paying attention to what was going on, but his younger lover was doing entirely too much to keep his mind far from it. “I’m just saying,” Aigo was muttering, head bent low with lips by Tauxolouve’s ear, “I woke up today thinking about your dick in my mouth-“ “You need to stop, not now,” Tauxolouve gritted out of the side of his lips, eyes not leaving Leon and Zyglavis. “How come?” It came out sugary sweet. “Because those pants of yours can’t contain your cock when I get you going?” Lou let out a harsh breath and Aigonorus could see his face was turning red. He snickered to himself and leaned away, content with the work he had done. He had teased Tauxolouve relentlessly the whole night. They hadn’t seen each other in a few days and he knew Tauxolouve was dying to get him back to his room.
The meeting ended and the two gods started walking upstairs, heading back to their rooms. Tauxolouve wasn’t as jolly as Aigo had hoped. His mouth was set in a scowl the whole time he walked. “What’s wrong?” Aigonorus asked. “You can’t do that to me.” Tauxolouve spat it out like it had been on the tip of his tongue all night. For once, Aigonorus felt bad about teasing him. “I just thought, since we hadn’t seen each other in a while…” Tauxolouve turned to Aigonorus and said through clenched teeth, “You’re lucky I have some time to cool down, or I’d be fucking you until you were begging me to stop.” Aigonorus groaned and rubbed at his cock through his pants. “Don’t make promises like that if you’re not going to keep them.” Lou laughed and took Aigo’s hand in his. “Just you wait. You’re in trouble when we get to my room. I always keep my promises.”
They said no more words until they were standing outside Tauxolouve’s bedroom door. Aigonorus was way too close to Lou, practically breathing down his neck. He glanced down the hall to see if anyone was there, and when the coast was clear he leaned forward and ran his tongue from the base of Lou’s neck to the bottom of his ear. Tauxolouve put a hand up to the door and turned his head to look at Aigonorus. “I’m warning you,” He said. “There are no guarantees I’ll be nice once this door opens. When I get you-“ Aigo shook his head and cut him off, saying, “Not if I get you first.”
Tauxolouve laughed and pushed the door open. Aigonorus shoved him through it and slammed it behind him, pushing Lou up against the wall and pinning his hands to each side of his head. He put a knee between Tauxolouve’s legs and looked up at him with a triumphant grin. “Told you.” Tauxolouve smirked, “For now,” He turned his head to the side as Aigonorus’ lips made a line down his neck, kissing slowly and softly. Aigonorus raked his fingers down the inside of each of Tauxolouve’s pinned arms before letting them drop and wrapped his arms around the other man instead. Tauxolouve moaned as Aigo’s hands worked under his shirt, caressing the skin on his lower back. “Get this off,” he murmured as he tugged at Aigo’s shirt. Aigonorus leaned only his torso back, still keeping Tauxolouve pinned to the wall with his leg, and unbuttoned his shirt, shrugging it off. He reached for Tauxolouve’s and did the same.
When Aigonorus brought his attention back to Tauxolouve he concentrated on his chest. His hands came down to pin Tauxolouve’s hips to the wall as he sunk to his knees in front of his zipper. Tauxolouve ran a hand through Aigo’s soft hair as he looked down at him, watching him undo his pants. Aigonorus yanked them down in one quick movement, leaving Tauxolouve bare. He dipped his head down to run his tongue up the underside of Tauxolouve’s balls, making him moan and arch his back off the wall. Aigonorus kept the trail, working to the underside of his shaft with a flat tongue before circling it around his head. “Shit,” Tauxolouve breathed out, feeling his knees weaken. Aigonorus felt it, too, and pushed his hands harder against Tauxolouve’s hips to keep him upright. His mouth worked around the tip of Lou’s cock, slowly taking each inch in before he was almost choking. “My god,” Tauxolouve said, grabbing a fist full of Aigo’s hair. “Is this what you were thinking about when you woke up this morning?” Aigonorus mm-hmmed with his mouth full and it made Tauxolouve’s whole body jerk. “Ahhhh…it’s good to know you missed me.” Tauxolouve barely got the words out before he shouted, “Fuck!” as Aigonorus started moving his head up and down.
Just as Tauxolouve was reaching his peak, Aigonorus pulled away and stood up. He undid his pants and stepped out of them and his shoes before standing in front of Tauxolouve. The older god was still too worked up from the feeling of Aigo’s tongue on his cock, and he faltered in peeling himself off the wall. Aigonorus took advantage of it and leaned in to kiss him, pushing him back against the wall anyway. This time he reached down between them and started stroking Tauxolouve. Lou returned the favor, making Aigonorus’ breath catch. Tauxolouve caught the gasp with his own lips as they closed over Aigo’s. “Missed you, even if you drive me crazy,” he mumbled against his lips. “Missed you, too,” Aigonorus panted. He put his forehead on Tauxolouve’s. “You were saying something about fucking me until I was begging?” Tauxolouve chuckled. “What happened to ‘not if I get you first’?” Aigo gave him a sexy smile, “I did,” He started kissing Tauxolouve’s neck and reaching down to massage his balls. “So your turn now. You know how much I like it when you take control.”
Tauxolouve finally gathered himself and snaked his hands into Aigo’s hair, turning them both away from the wall as he kissed him. “You know how much I like it when I take control,” he said, leading them towards the bed. He pushed Aigonorus down and went right for his neck, lightly nipping at the skin at the base. Aigonorus moaned and squirmed under Tauxolouve, causing his cock to press up into his stomach. “Please, fuck me,” Aigonorus moaned. Tauxolouve got up on his knees and smiled down at him. “You’ll be asking for the opposite soon.” He hopped off the bed to grab a bottle of lube out of his desk. By the time he turned back around Aigonorus had rolled over, hips lifted slightly as he stroked his cock. “Well, that’s a good start, Aigo,” Tauxolouve said as he squeezed the liquid on his hand and rubbed it up and down his shaft. He got on his knees behind Aigonorus and bent over to place kisses up his spine. As he did he worked two wet fingers into his tight hole. Aigonorus moaned and instantly pushed back on Tauxolouve’s fingers. “Gah, what do you mean a start?” he asked. Tauxolouve’s mouth had made it up to the back of his neck. His breath tickled the skin there as he said, “This’ll just be the first of many ways I fuck you tonight.”
Aigonorus exhaled, and Tauxolouve wrapped his hand around his cock to push its head against Aigo’s entrance. He rested his other hand on top of Aigo’s splayed fingers on the mattress. He pushed in little by little, Aigonorus murmuring for more every time he paused. He shoved hard with the last inch, and both men cried out, then stilled. Tauxolouve reached around Aigonorus and swatted his hand away, taking his cock in his own hand. Aigonorus moaned and picked his head up, turning it to Tauxolouve so he could catch his lips. Tauxolouve’s hips began to move slowly, and with each thrust Aigo kissed him harder. Lou tore his mouth away from him so he could be up straight on his knees, both hands now gripping Aigo’s hips. He took full, long, slow strokes, each growing in eagerness as his partner moaned louder, said his name more. “Fuck, you feel good,” Tauxolouve rasped. “This what you wanted?” Aigo’s head shook yes, and Tauxolouve could hear some sort of sentence come from his mouth. “Can’t hear you,” he said as he gripped his hips tighter. “Harder!” Aigonorus yelped. Tauxolouve’s smile was wide as he drove in harder, though not much faster. Aigo’s body was dipped down so his forehead pressed against the sheets. Tauxolouve could see he was biting his lip, hard. He stopped and smacked him on the ass. “Turn around,” he commanded. When Aigonorus was slow to oblige, Tauxolouve pulled out and took him by the shoulder to force him on his back.
He pounced on him, the mattress bouncing with his force, and wasted no time in pressing himself back inside Aigonorus. Aigo’s head hung off the side of the bed; Tauxolouve snaked an arm under his shoulder so he could cradle his head with his hand. Aigonorus pulled him down by the neck for a kiss as Lou continued to snap his hips, painfully slow but blissfully hard. “My god,” Aigonorus said against Tauxolouve’s lips. “That might be too much-“ Aigo said in a breathy voice. “No it’s not,” Tauxolouve replied. “You said harder. It’s harder. I’m actually going easy on you, and you know it.” Lou grinned. “But-“ Aigo started to say. “You want me to stop?” Lou smirked. “Fuck, no!” Aigo moaned. “Then relax.” Tauxolouve’s fingers trailed down Aigo’s perfect chest. He brought his mouth down to each of Aigo’s nipples as the younger man clung to Tauxolouve’s biceps, his body jerking back and forth on the bed sheets with Lou’s pushes.
Tauxolouve’s hand gripped Aigo’s dick at the base and started to slowly stroke upward before going back down. He felt it twitch in his fingers, and it made his own cock get harder. He loved when Aigonorus responded to the way he touched him. He rubbed a thumb across the slit on Aigo’s cock, feeling the pre-cum there. Aigonorus moaned and brought his head up to meet Tauxolouve’s. “How do you feel about sitting up against the headboard?” Tauxolouve asked. Aigonorus nodded yes eagerly and started to move. Tauxolouve wrapped his arms around his waist to help him shift to the top of the bed without having to separate them.
When Aigonorus was settled with his back to the headboard, Tauxolouve bent one of Aigo’s knees up to his chest. He wrapped an arm around it to pin it there, bringing his other to grip the top of the headboard for leverage. “Shit, Lou!” Aigonorus yelled, eyes screwing shut against the pleasure pulsing through him. “Oh my god, like that, please!” Tauxolouve’s head rested on Aigo’s as he continued to fuck him, watching as Aigonorus took his own cock in his hand to move it in stuttering motions up and down. “Aigo, I’m close.” Lou breathed. “So am I, come on, come for me.” Aigonorus ordered. “Uh uh, you first,” Tauxolouve breathed, picking his head up to kiss Aigonorus. “Nothing gets me going more than watching you come.” Aigonorus dropped his head back against the headboard and, with two more hard thrusts from Tauxolouve, started moaning louder, his tongue peeking out from between his lips. Tauxolouve looked down to see Aigo’s hand was moving faster on his cock, and white ropes of cum started spurting from it.
He lost it and dropped Aigo’s knee to put both hands to the headboard, slamming home quick and shallow as he came next, Aigo’s name a drawn-out whimper. When he was done he brought his sweaty forehead to Aigo’s and kissed him softly. Aigonorus started to laugh. “You didn’t keep your promise.” Tauxolouve pulled his head back and gave him a questioning look. “You told me I’d be begging you to stop,” Aigonorus continued, a wide smile on his face. Tauxolouve smirked. “You wouldn’t tell me to stop even if it was too hard because you like my dick too much.” Aigonorus shrugged his shoulders and said, “True.” The two men kissed passionately, stopping only when Aigonorus bit at Tauxolouve’s bottom lip and teased, “Still got you first.”
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