boncottontail · 11 months
Chapter 3 of my QSMP x Marvel fic, Along Came A Spider, is now up!
Link here 🫶
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thecheapsteaks · 6 months
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Implying that the rich hadn't already "stolen" the police long, long ago
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lasttarrasque · 1 year
Who the fuck thought putting police ads on tumbler was a good idea?
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olitaly · 2 months
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mist-mistletoe · 11 months
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soccomcsantos · 1 year
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Soc. Com. C. Santos discutiu ano automóvel em webinar do Standvirtual e da ACAP
A Sociedade Comercial C. Santos esteve representada no primeiro webinar do ano do Standvirtual e da Associação Automóvel de Portugal (ACAP). O webinar “Standvirtual & ACAP: Barómetro do Mercado Automóvel” fez o balanço de 2022 e a perspetiva do novo ano para o setor automóvel em Portugal.
A iniciativa contou com representantes da associação e de empresas do setor, entre os quais o administrador-delegado da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos, Pinho da Costa. “As redes digitais vieram transformar o mundo e, sem dúvida, o setor automóvel. É importante a forma como nos posicionamos no mercado, a presença física e contacto com o cliente continua a ser fundamental. Apesar de tudo poder ser feito através do digital, 99% da decisão final acaba por ser presencial o que torna o papel do consultor cada vez mais importante no atendimento ao cliente e na concretização do próprio negócio”, afirmou Pinho da Costa.  
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Energias alternativas crescem
Segundo dados da ACAP, em dezembro verificou-se em 2022 um aumento de 12,7% no total do mercado automóvel (todas as marcas e segmentos) face ao mesmo período de 2021 e uma subida de 2,8% no acumulado anual face a 2021. As energias alternativas (veículos eletrificados e híbridos GPL) representaram cerca de 44% do mercado total de ligeiros em dezembro de 2022.
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No que ao mercado de automóveis usados (também aqui todas as marcas e segmentos), o Standvirtual indica que houve uma dinâmica de mercado negativa no mês de dezembro (-18%, a mais negativa do ano), uma tendência que se tem vindo a verificar nos últimos quatro meses, comparativamente com o mesmo período de 2021.  A transferência de propriedade de ligeiros de passageiros teve um decréscimo de 5,8% em novembro de 2022, face ao mês homólogo de 2021. Regista ainda um decréscimo de 11,2% em comparação com 2019, no pré-pandemia.  
No que diz respeito aos veículos importados (ligeiros de passageiros), há paralelamente um crescimento de +49,4% em dezembro, face a 2019 e de +27,7% face a 2021, que se relaciona com a falta de stock nacional. No acumulado anual de 2022, há um aumento de +32% e de + 44,5% de importação em relação a 2019 e 2021, respetivamente.
Por tipologia de combustível, a importação continua a acontecer sobretudo nos carros a gasóleo, ainda que a decrescer gradualmente para cerca de 60%, seguindo-se a gasolina, com ligeiro aumento. A predominância do elétrico é cada vez mais evidente (cerca de 10% do total).
Assista aqui ao webinar:
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officer-down · 1 year
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ACAP amplía capacidades de Asociaciones Sin Fines de Lucro
ACAP amplía capacidades de Asociaciones Sin Fines de Lucro #DescifrandoLaNoticia #ACAP
Santiago, República Dominicana.- Con el apoyo de la Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos (ACAP), 94 representantes de 80 Asociaciones Sin Fines de Lucro se graduaron de programas cursados en el Centro de Innovación y Capacitación Profesional (CAPEX) y en el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC). Las capacitaciones -que ayudan a mejorar la gestión de las ASFL desde diferentes…
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tripuratravel · 2 years
Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek in the Annapurna region of Nepal
Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek in the Annapurna region of Nepal is a wholesome and value-for-money trek offered by Tripura Travelcations. Annapurna region lies in the north-central part of Nepal. 09 Night 10 Days Poonhill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek is a well-made trekking package for all who wish to savour the mountainous beauty but has less time to do full-fledged trekking. The two significant villages that highlight the trek are Ghandruk and Ghorepani; both are unique and render some soulful view of the mountains of the Annapurna range.
Read more about Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek…
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At an altitude of 2874m, Ghorepani is famous for all-natural purity, made of colourful rhododendrons in the foreground with stunning mountains. Poonhill, just 1.5 hours from Ghorepani, is a world-famous hill to indulge in the never-ending beauty of silver-lined mountains. Poonhill is 3210m above sea level.
Read more about Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek…
Significant Highlights of the Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek
Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek is one of the best destinations to behold the amusement of mountains in the Annapurna region of Nepal.
Ghandruk, one of the most beautiful villages globally, to experience Gurung culture and breathtaking sceneries of mountains.
Mind-settling view of Mt. Macchapucchre, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, and other mountains.
Open medieval museum; Kathmandu is well known as the city of temples.
Pokhara, is the city of lakes, is an enthralling city, and a heavenly gateway to the Annapurna region of Nepal.
Read more about Poon Hill Tadapani Ghandruk Trek…
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captainthisamerica · 2 years
It really is an absolute SIN how good Elvis looked in Fun in Acapulco. Like… who gave you the right?
And those little swim shorts, dear god.
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boncottontail · 9 months
I’m 11k words in and not even halfway through this chapter… God help us
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so finally watching book of boba fett and it’s corny but cute. lmfennec shamd is hot as fuck and I love the tuscans and their banthas and madtiffs but for the love of god
have the creators ever been in a fucking desert?
why do they keep Doing That with the water?!?!?!
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zacariafred · 2 years
Introducing Fred Zacaria of Acap Rome.
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- "Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!" (Mark Twain)
-"Imagination Is More Important 
Than Knowledge!" 
 (Albert Einstein) 
This work is classified as dystopian fiction in the fields of 
science, politics, religion; it uses metafors and allegorical novellas. 
Any similarity to circumstances or actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Fred Zacaria born in 1959, studied at the University of Rome, is the founder since 2001 of "Acap", Associazione Cristiana Aiuto Pratico", a charitable mission helping the needy with free: food, clothing, courses, and mainly now domestic jobs, tens of thousands of families and persons found jobs through the mission. Various Acap prayer groups were formed in asian countries, combining pratical help with spiritual councelling.
He also ran 4 prayer halls in Rome open to the public all year round from 2001 till 2017, they were prayer and Bible preaching with daily practical help, the activity is momentarily online (smart working) and we pray to open soon another prayer hall if we find sponsors. Between 2005 and 2017 many groups were formed in Asia (7 in the Philippines, 1 in Thailand, 1 in Nepal). Street meetings and house prayer groups were/are formed in Rome from 2017 to present, compatibly with sanitary rules and regulations. 
He was a public orator speaking in italian churches and travelling Italy from north to south in the nineties, he stopped trabelling due to founding Acap in 2001 and getting very busy with his own mission.  He read the equivalent of hundreds of books on many different subjects in 3 languages. Visited many countries in: europe, middle east, gulf area, has been twice in the USA (NY, DC, Atlanta Georgia, Orando Florida). His father was egyptian, became a British national during the second half of his life, his mother was italian from Turin, so Fred Zacaria is [egyptian-italian].
*Since 2015 he's the founder of a christian mystic-gnostic ideology [ based on ancient egyptian cryptico-mysteric knowledge ], the "zacarian christian gnosticism", a neologism already discussed in some cultural circuits. He is generally addressed as "father" or "pastor" which is neither! Prefers to be addressed as "brother" or simply "zacaria". 
Fred Zacaria was born roman catholic (for 30 years) then became an evangelical (for another 30 years!), his expertise since 1975 is connecting world (social, political, economic) events in relation to "Revelation 13"!
*He encourages all forms of dissent but exclusively within the democratic framework of 'law & order' respecting common rules of whatever society God has placed us in, and only through means of peaceful NON violent actions, including the way we communicate (speak or write) with each other. 
*His work (writing, podcast, videos) is mainly in the field of "narrative fiction" (fantasy stories) in: science, politics and religion, and writes systematically in: English, Italian, Arabic. 
----->>>This is a fantasy channel.  *For further information visit his website www.fredzacaria.webnode.it *Question?-------> Tel. +39.3807770333 Rome, Italy.  *Podcasts and videos, search the net: fred zacaria *Booking for events : +39.3273674858 (please allow 90 days)... or email. *Email: [email protected] *Please pray and support the ministry: www.paypal.me/fredzacaria
God Bless You! (John 1:14)
"the value of a person is measured in accordance with how he treats people who can't do anything for him!" (Fred Zacaria 2001) 
p.s. Fred Zacaria is self taught (autodidact) ... just like (***) : Tagore , nobel prize Charles Dickens   Jack London , the father of science fiction, mark twain,   George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prize  Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize  Ray Bradbury,  Ron Hubbard  Van Gogh  Malcolm X, George Orwell Frank Zappa  Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick Dario Argento Steven Spielberg,  David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen  Leonardo da Vinci James Watt Thomas Alva Edison Nikola Tesla, The Wright Brothers Henry Ford, Blaise Pascal, Galileo Galilei, Michael Faraday,  Benjamin Franklin,  Leibniz  Karl Marx,  Alan Watts,  Julian Assange  Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs Bill Gates  Harvard dropout Marck Zuckerberg Harvard dropout Elon Musk Stanford dropout, only 2days!
(***) Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_autodidacts
... so don't be discouraged for not having a degree! just never stop reading and thinking. Fred Zacaria.
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the teal avis closed her eyes chirping excitedly
*As soon as they all closed their eyes, Lantern flawlessly teleported them all inside the house, while still being a bit exhausted from teleporting everyone at once*
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wwwintinewscoid · 4 months
Praktik Politik Dinasti Melukai Rakyat
INTINEWS.CO.ID, DAERAH – Jawa Timur, PDI Perjuangan Jawa Timur melalui web situsnya “ajak masyarakat jaga demokrasi, Ganjar: Kita mesti lawan politik dinasti” judul yang diposting tertanggal 5 Februari 2024, 06:24, by goekpri. Apakah praktik politik dinasti melukai rakyat? Ilustrasi, oleh Ogi “Jhengghot”, (6/2). Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) di Pemilihan umum (Pemilu) 2024 tinggal hitungan hari.…
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Doctoral intern Layan Fessler is back from Reims in northwest France where he presented his scientific work at ACAPS, which is the Association of Researchers in Physical Activities and Sports (Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives).
Layan’s talk was very well received and centred upon relationships among motivational and affective variables in the context of physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Moreover, Layan was appointed to the ACAPS Board of Directors as a ‘junior member’ for a 2-year term, and so many congratulations to him on that count!
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