#A mitsunari night's dream
the12thnightproject · 2 months
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Chapter One: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition - Katsuko accepts a mysterious mission that will take her to Azuchi.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this "all business" arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga... and by feelings.
Notes - Takes place after the ending of Nobunaga's romantic route, but before the epilogue. Slow burn (very slow burn). Friends to lovers. Canon typical violence.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari: A primary goal of military planning is to enable Generals to meet their manning objectives for force size, composition, and wartime capability. To attain these objectives, forces must be appropriately structured with motivated personnel who are deployed to jobs suitable for their talents, and given training to improve their skills, even when the country’s security goals evolve to meet new threats. 
On occasion, it may be necessary to contract additional personnel, often mercenaries, who are specifically trained to carry out special projects.
Personal comments: Lord Hideyoshi read the above notes and reminded me that the hiring of additional persons should be performed by himself, and none other. He also said something that I am not certain I heard correctly, but it involved Lord Mitsuhide and a word that I am not comfortable writing down.
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“She likes you better – it should come from you.” I eyed the missive in Aki’s hand as if it were an unexploded bomb. Ok, technically it was the match. The UXB was Fume. “She hates me. If I give her this, it will make it worse.” Yes, I am a messenger. Delivering messages is my job. At the same time, I’ve managed to do this job for years without becoming victim to the cliché, ‘kill the messenger.’ I had no desire to ruin this streak of not-being-killedness.
“I’ve been travelling for what feels like a thousand years.” There was wry twist to his mouth, as if those imaginary years had stolen not only time but also something incalculable.
It had felt like a thousand years to me too – I’d been here all summer, with only Fume’s dubious companionship. I was so happy to see a friendly face that I was almost willing to do as requested. Almost. “Well then, the time it takes for you to go into the kitchen and hand her the letter will feel like the blink of an eye, won’t it?”
“I cannot handle what is sure to be an unending spate of feminine histrionics.” He grabbed my hand and stuck the letter in it.
“Are you forgetting that I’m also female?” I shoved the letter back into his hands.
“You, my dear child, are never histrionic.” He waved the letter in the air. “Did I mention it’s in Portuguese?”
With a sigh I took the letter back, my fingers closing around the unfamiliar weight of the European vellum.
He patted my shoulder. “Good luck.” Shouldering his travel gear, he turned toward his quarters. “I’m off to sleep until tomorrow. Don’t bother me unless the world is ending. Don’t bother me then either.”
His footsteps trailed off, then I heard him pause at the doorway to the kitchen and tell Fume that he was under no circumstances to be disturbed. He was also probably telling her –
“Francisco sent me a letter?” Fume planted her squat body in front of me (had she teleported across the room?) and reached for the message. She must have been cooking when Aki stopped in to talk to her, because she still had a kitchen knife in her hand. The entrails of whatever she had been dismembering shone red and wet across the blade.
I felt less optimistic about that messenger not being killed thing.
Fume snatched the letter out of my hand, I had the dubious joy of watching her smell it, then clutch it to her cleavage. Finally, she opened it, sighed, and handed it back to me. “Translate this, Kaya.”
No ‘please.’ I considered requesting that she say it, but the letter was going to infuriate her anyway. No reason to push my luck. I opened the letter and skimmed through it, hoping Aki had been wrong about the contents… and-
Aki’s never wrong.
I wonder if Nobunaga’s job offer is still on the table.
“Don’t stand there like a witless idiot, what does he have to say?” Fume glared at me, and a bit of whatever she had been cutting slid to the edge of the knife and dangled. It was almost hypnotizing to watch that bit of intestine swing back and forth and back and –
Once, in a forest in Echigo, I encountered the God of War, and I was less scared of him than I am of Fume. I took a discreet step back, knowing that the knife would be flung at me once she heard what Francisco had to say. I opened the letter and read it to Fume. “My Dearest Little Squash Blossom.” (It absolutely did not begin that way, but my bedroom was close enough to Fume’s that I was aware of every pet name Francisco had ever called her. I unfortunately knew the pet name he used for his penis – which was not information I had ever expected or wanted to know).
“And?” She stomped her foot, and that bit of meat finally gave up and fell off the knife, landing on the floor with a loud, squelchy splat. Sigh. I was going to have to scrub that. “I swear Kaya, some days I wonder why Aki bothers to keep you.”
“Sorry Fume-sama. His handwriting is terrible.” I pretended to squint at the letter, rotating it as if to find a better angle. Mentally, I scrambled to find a diplomatic way to rephrase this ‘Dear John’ letter. “He had to travel to Goa for a family obligation.” I took another tiny step back.
“When will he come back to Japan?” When she was upset, Fume’s voice often rocketed through several octaves to reach a glass shattering pitch.
“That, he does not say.” Aside from what amounted to ‘don’t wait for me to return, have a nice life.’ Basically, it was the Sengoku version of break-up-via-text-message.
Fume’s screech of dismay would likely have all dogs in the district howling. The knife came flying, but though Fume has a terrible temper, she has worse aim, and I ducked it. While she was still raining curses upon Francisco, I escaped to the training grounds behind the manor.
During Aki’s absence, in whatever free time I could squeeze from the maid work Fume gave me, I had been working on my archery skills. My self-assigned task had been to become adept at hitting targets while I was on a moving horse. I’d gotten pretty good at this (it had been a really long summer) and could hit the target while seated in the saddle and while standing up in the stirrups.
Unfortunately, my current goal of hitting the target while hanging off the side of my horse was proving difficult. I either needed an extra hand or a better saddle, because my knee kept slipping off the pommel and I inevitably ended up thudding to the ground. Still, I continued to make the attempt. Falling off my horse was better than dealing with Fume when she was #MOOD.
After each fall, Moonlight would halt, trot back to my side, and nudge me with her nose. “What are you doing, you silly human?” At least, that was what I imagined she was saying. Fume might hate me, but my horse was my best buddy.
On my third attempt of the afternoon, I’d managed to get off a shot that landed at the edge of the target before thumping gracelessly to the turf.
Euuf. That one almost knocked the breath out of me.
Even with Moonlight nosing me, I spent a moment on the ground, staring at the puffy clouds in the sky, and pondering my life choices.
“Katsu, was there a purpose to this exercise other than practicing your falling skills?” The dry comment came from the gate to the yard, where a man with long dark hair looked down on me from his position on his own horse.
“Kyubei!” I got to my feet and dusted off my rear end. I couldn’t remember my Azuchi contact ever coming to this part of the country. I always travelled there, not the reverse. “Has something happened?”
“That was my question for you.” He climbed off his horse and glanced back over his shoulder at where the path angled steeply down the mountain. “We haven’t seen you in weeks, and Mitsuhide has an urgent request of your master.”
“Oh. Nothing’s wrong. Aki’s been away for some time. He finally returned this morning.” I glanced back toward the manor, wondering if ‘urgent business from Mitsuhide’ would meet his definition of the world ending. “I’ve been mired here all summer.”
I looped Moonlight’s reigns over the fence so she wouldn’t wander into the garden and eat something that would annoy Fume even more. “In any case, it’s good to see a friendly face. Welcome to The Mountain.” Aki had never actually named his manor, but given its location, most people referred to it this way.
“Mountain is rather an understatement. The path to here is vertical.” Once again, Kyubei looked over his shoulder at the view.
“You ought to see it in winter.” There were times when it was impassible for days. “It’s really an adventure coming and going then.”
He literally turned pale at that. “I will take your word for it.” His hand went to his waist where the edge of an oilskin pack peeped out from the vee of his kimono. “Do you know if Akihira is available to speak with me?”
“Um. Well, he did say he didn’t wish to be disturbed until tomorrow. Is there anything I can help you with in the meanwhile?” I directed Kyubei around to the front.
Kyubei paused and scrutinized me from toes to the top of my head, and I suddenly had the odd feeling he could see right into my soul. “Actually, I believe you can. Katsu, pardon me if this is an intrusive question, but are you a girl?”
Whoops! When I was here at home, I usually didn’t bother with the leather binder I used to flatten my figure, and my hair wasn’t neatly hidden away. Oh well. Too late now. “Not intrusive, and yes – though I am still Katsu. My birth name is Katsuko.”
He smiled. “You might be the perfect solution to our problem, Katsuko.”
Oh? Please. Let me be a solution to a problem, and not-
Just then the woman who generally considered me her problem blocked the front door of the manor. “Kaya stop flirting with this vagrant and come help me clean up.”
“Fume-sama, this man urgently needs to speak with Akihira.” I gestured to Kyubei, who bowed politely, but not with any particular deference.
“He isn’t to be disturbed until tomorrow, and I intend to make sure of that.” She eyed Kyubei with suspicion. “If he must speak with Akihira, then he can spend the night in the stable. Where, I might add, your horse also belongs, and not tied to the gate.”
I can’t win with this woman. “Play along,” I murmured to Kyubei before returning my attention to Fume. “This is Oda Nobunaga’s ally Akechi Mitsuhide. His message is extremely important.”
Kyubei instantly underwent a top to toes transformation – his posture straightened, his eyes took on a sharp gleam, and he flashed Fume a mocking smile. I appreciated how quickly he had done that. Although I was used to passing as a boy, and occasionally as an old man, I’d never tried to impersonate someone particular. “I’m given to understand that Yamaoka Akihira is in residence at present.”
A similar transformation affected Fume, who went from condescending to obsequious in the same amount of time. She bowed low and long. “He does not wish to be disturbed, but I am certain he would wish you treated as an honored guest. Kaya! Prepare a room for Lord Akechi.” She stepped aside and shooed me toward the guest quarters. “My apologies my lord. Akihira has treated this one as a pet.”
A pet would have people to play with, but… details.
When Fume is in a #MOOD, it’s easier to stand back and take it (while imagining a creative revenge to be named later). I turned to go inside, but Kyubei stopped me. “You do me honor, but it is, as I said, a matter of some urgency. Is there any way I can convince you to disturb him?”
“No need.” Aki padded down the hall, dressed in his nighttime robes. “It’s impossible to get any sleep with all this commotion.”
“Aki,” I said, hoping to clue him in before he broke Kyubei’s cover. “Mitsuhide – oof.” Fume had elbowed me, none to gently. “That is, Lord Aketchi travelled all the way from Azuchi to speak with you.”
With a conspiratorial smile, Aki turned to Kyubei. “He did, eh? Well, Mitsuhide, it’s a pleasure to see you… again. Shall we discuss this matter in my receiving room?”
Kyubei inclined his head and followed Aki into the house. I made to join them, but Fume grabbed my arm and yanked me back. “The floor, Kaya. There is something on it.” She pointed to the meat that had dripped from her knife earlier.
With a glance back to me, Kyubei paused. “This involves your messenger. Can she meet with us as well? It would save time.”
The “she” pronoun caused Aki’s eyebrow to raise, but he simply nodded and motioned me along. I resisted the impulse to give Fume a look of triumph.
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I hurried after Kyubei into Aki’s office, skidding to a halt to avoid running into him. He’d stopped just inside the door and was looking around. I tried to imagine how the office would look to an outsider: an eye-searing jumble of odds and ends, Western trinkets and Chinese artwork culled from his dealings with the Portuguese traders, a mismatch of both Japanese style and European furnishings, and of course two shogi boards – one of which consisted of his ongoing long-distance game with Mitsuhide. I was used to it… but it could definitely be sensory overload to a stranger.
Kyubei looked down at shogi game-in-process. “This at least, is a familiar sight.”
“One would hope that this visit isn’t simply because Mitsuhide is impatient for my next move.” Aki paused by the firepit to put the tea water on to boil.
“No, of course not. Although, I will admit to being tired of losing to him every night while we wait for your message.” Kyubei glanced back and forth between the chairs that were facing a large European crafted desk, and the cushions around a traditional writing desk.
Aki gestured to the larger desk and chairs, which he preferred to use, claiming height was better on his knees. In all the years I had known him, he had not shown any evidence of knee pain. Once I had pointed that out to him, he’d told me it was because he sat in Nanban chairs. I think he chooses to sit there because it makes him look like a king facing his subjects.
Once we were seated at the desk, with cups of te- wait. Was Aki drinking… coffee? I sniffed the air and glanced at his cup.
“My latest find from a Nanban merchant.” He took a long sip. “Who, I believe, purchased it from a Dutch trader. Do you wish to taste it?” He pushed the cup toward me.
I knew what coffee tasted like, but ‘Katsu’ would not, so I took a sip then made a face that was not entirely fake. “It’s rather strong. Slightly bitter.” I don’t mind bitter. But I like my tea.
I passed the cup to Kyubei who also took a taste. “I imagine it could be an acquired taste but…hm.” He tapped his fingers on the cup. “I wonder if I might have some of this to take back to my master to see if he can taste it.”
That was an odd turn of phrase, but Aki simply nodded. “I’ll send a package with instructions on how to prepare it back with you. Meanwhile, I understand you have an important message from him?”
Kyubei handed over the message. Aki unfolded it and read through it with a few absent-minded hmmms of his own, a chin rub, and sidelong glances at me. “Mitsuhide asks if I have an apprentice or messenger who can pass as a woman. It appears to me that having Katsuko pretend to be a boy pretending to be a girl would be unnecessarily complicated.”
I imagine Julie Andrews would have something to say about that.
“Indeed.” Kyubei glanced at me critically. “However, we can do as well with Katsuko as herself. True, there would still be a bit of a disguise involved, but no one expects there to be any danger.”
No one expects the Spanish inquisition either.
I’m not really bothered by the idea of danger. After the past couple of months, I’d gladly take a change of scenery and would welcome. The denizens of Azuchi couldn’t be any worse than Fume, and even if there was some danger, it wasn’t likely to throw a bloody kitchen knife at me.
Aki rubbed his chin. “Kyubei, do you mind giving us a moment of privacy to discuss the matter?”
Kyubei bowed. “Not in the least. I’ll find your, er, kind, chatelaine and ask for a place where I can wash the mountain off me.” It sounded like he and the mountain were not fond of one another.
Once Kyubei had whisked himself away with all the discretion and attitude of an upper crust British butler (or at least a Netflix version of same), Aki turned to me. “I suppose the first question is, do you wish to do this?”
“My first preference would be to go with you on your next mission.” Aki often took me with him on short jobs, but not the long journeys where he went away, only to return looking as if the fate of the world rested on his shoulders… I would like to share that burden with him, if he would let me. Somewhere along the line, I’d stopped being just an apprentice to him, but he still shielded me from much of his work.
Aki smiled at me, but he looked … sad. Sad? Not an emotion that I usually associated with him. “That’s very … kind of you Katsuko. But these are missions that I must do on my own.”
“If that is the case then yes, please send me to Azuchi.” Not wanting to sound too overeager to be gone from home, I added, “If Fume and I spend much more time together, the next time you return, I cannot promise we’d both be alive to greet you.”
He laughed and ruffled my hair. “Alright my fierce… apprentice. Bear in mind you’ll be working for Mitsuhide who will not have as much tolerance for your brand of cheekiness as I do.”
I stole another sip of his coffee just to tease him. “You did teach me manners, remember?”
He groaned. “I do remember. That’s why I’m worried.” He looked out the window, but I had a feeling he wasn’t seeing lush summer greenery in the yard, but something less friendly…  something that weighed on him. Then he seemed to shake it off and looked back to me with that familiar professorial tone. “As it happens, you’ll also be spending time in the Hida region, and it suits me very much to have someone in that area, so I’m inclined to send you with Kyubei.”
I sat up straighter. Aside from the couple of weeks I had spent in the booksellers in Azuchi, I’d never had a solo mission. “What needs doing in Hida?”
Aki rustled around with the papers on his desk and pulled out a map. “There’s a great deal of mining in the area – many parties are very interested in those mines as the desire for Japanese silver exports increases. It goes without saying that Nobunaga wants control, but there may be people not happy for him to have that. I don’t expect that the area will destabilize – at least not quickly, but when you return, I would like to know your impression of the situation.”
Thrilled that he trusted me with this, I lifted my chin and fought back the urge to smile. Professionals don’t smile. “I won’t let you down.” Again though, there was part of my brain that had on repeat, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
“I know you won’t.” He took a large sip of coffee, savoring it as if it were the best beverage on the planet. “Or you’ll spend the next year solely under Fume’s authority.” He softened that threat with a smile. “I trust you know how to take care of yourself, but it goes without saying that I hope you’ll be careful and stay safe.”
Maybe it went without saying, but he had never before said it to me, especially not in that tone of voice that almost made me want to hug him.
And, so, I did hug him, and after a startled moment, he held onto me tightly, his palms pressed firmly into my back.
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Although Aki encouraged Kyubei to spend the night and get an early and well-rested start in the morning, he preferred to leave right away, claiming that time was of the essence. Kyubei advised me not to bother packing any of “Kaya’s” clothing – advice that cheered me immensely, as Kaya’s clothing was a dreary pile of ugly kimonos in varying shades of mud. “Nobunaga will see that an appropriate wardrobe is provided for you. The Lady Mai is a talented seamstress and will be happy to outfit you.”
That didn’t provide much of a clue to what I would be doing, or what I should pack, but I simply threw together everything I would have brought along were I going on a trip with Aki, as well as my (sadly fraying) portrait of Toshiie, and the portable shogi set that Aki had given me on my most recent birthday. Though I knew I’d be dressing as a female, I chose to travel as Katsu – it was safer. Moreover, ‘Katsu’ was familiar, and I’d learned to keep as many familiar things close to me as possible, lest they disappear forever.
“I’m glad you were quick,” Kyubei said once we were on our way. “I do not want to make this descent after dark.”
“It’s actually easier if you can’t see where you are going,” I said, just for the fun of seeing him turn pale again. “At least if you fall off the mountain, you won’t see the rocks before you hit them.”
“I can’t wait for Mitsuhide to meet you,” he muttered as we led our horses along the steep path. Riding would have been faster, but I didn’t know how surefooted his horse was. Also, I doubted Kyubei even wanted to add another four feet of height to the equation.
“Why?” In truth, after delivering so many messages to him via Kyubei over the past four years, I was surprised that our paths hadn’t crossed.
“No reason… Katsu, can we stop talking until we reach flatter territory? I’d prefer to concentrate on not plunging to my death.” Kyubei sounded out of breath.
I glanced over my shoulder and felt bad for teasing him. I mean, put me in front of a tunnel, a cave or even a tiny windowless room, and I’d be a sobbing mess. “Alright, but to be honest, it looks worse than it is. Nobody’s ever fallen off the mountain in the summer. Well, not anyone who wasn’t drunk first.”
He grumbled something along the lines of about needing to be drunk to take this path.
It wasn’t until we made our way to flatter terrain that he regained his normal distantly friendly attitude. By the time we had camped for the night, he had relaxed enough to entertain me with some of his exploits.
“How did you manage to pretend to be Mitsuhide so quickly?” I set a copper tea kettle over the fire. “Oh, I wouldn’t eat those if I were you,” I added as Kyubei shook some of the coffee beans into his hand.
He ignored my advice and bit into one but managed to keep a straight face while what I imagined was very bitter coffee attacked his taste buds. “Some of it is training – but I’ve also had a lot of practice. He and I have exchanged identities in the past.”
“Really? I thought Mitsuhide was… older?” I’d once seen the back of his head – in fact that was the only glance I had ever seen of him – and his hair was silver-white.
“No, we’re of the same age.” Kyubei poured the coffee beans back into their metal tin. “Put me in a silver wig and anyone who doesn’t know him well would be fooled.”
Wow – I bet that made them fun at Halloween. “Will I be in disguise too?” Please don’t say housemaid.
“We’ll be presenting you Oda Princess.” Kyubei had a faint smile on his face.
“A wha-” I paused, realizing I had spoken with an unprincesslike mouthful. I swallowed, the tried… and failed… to come up with an appropriately regal reply. “Er, not that I’m not flattered, but you could have gotten an actress and done just as well.”
Kyubei inclined his head. “Indeed. Our Princess might have some additional duties more generally assigned to personal guards. But truly, as I said, we don’t expect this to be very dangerous.”
In other words, Princess-slash-bodyguard. On one hand, that sounded pretty awesome… aside from that voice in my head had that had swelled to an eight-part chorale: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @katriniac @briars7
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It came as no surprise to me that Mitsunari’s ability to aim was somewhat south of negative forty-two. His tosses got nowhere near the person he threw to, but that just added to the silliness of it. It went on this way for a good half hour or so, until I had the temari and Mitsunari ran straight toward me. I tossed it to Hikosane, but Mitsunari, distracted by the sudden appearance of Hideyoshi in the yard, was unable to stop his forward motion.
… and that’s how Mitsunari and I ended up in the ornamental fish pond.
-Chapter 11, A Mitsunari Night's Dream
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Thank you, @the12thnightproject, for the commission of Katsu and Mitsunari! If anyone else would like a commission, feel free to check out the link here.
[Do NOT Repost; Likes and Reblogs appreciated]
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not-krys · 4 months
[Repost] Hold My Hand - Houki
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Part of this set of WIP Wednesdays
Raw, unedited writing below. Content warning for pregnancy, and Mitsun is super sweet as always.
Dawn's early morning rays peeked through Mitsunari's window, blinding him temporarily before his eyes adjusted. Things seem to be the same as he and Houki had left them last night. Books placed in haphazard places, Kitty sleeping on his discarded sleeping robe near the bed, and his lovely Houki sleeping as well, her hand resting on her swollen belly.
Lord Hideyoshi would be here soon to bring breakfast, he thought. Houki, now in the later stages of her pregnancy, was relieved of her chatelaine duties to allow her to focus on her (and his) soon-to-be born child, so Lord Hideyoshi had taken over meal duties, making sure the two of them had regular scheduled meals now that Houki couldn't in her condition. Lord Hideyoshi didn't mind as he used to do this long before Houki came along. It was a return to form, to speak. But it did mean that Mitsunari was alone in getting ready for the day.
Today, however, would be different.
Set aside were both his clothes and Houki's, in neat piles thanks (again) to Lord Hideyoshi.
He was going to do it. He was going to dress himself and Houki. It was only fair after the number of times she'd help him get dressed and made sure he looked like a proper lord. Plus, it was getting more difficult for her to do basic tasks now so heavy with child. He wanted to help her, now more than ever.
With a nod and a small kiss to her nose, he rose from the bed, determined with his goal. He walked towards his pile, examining each article carefully. They were his own clothes, it shouldn't be difficult to dress oneself, after all. Just one piece at a time.
After several minutes, he did indeed dress himself. All his ties and strings were in place, tied neatly. Only one or two things were still askew but he was comfortable with this. His mission was just to dress himself and his wife, not to make sure they were immaculate for a visiting noble or something.
Next, he examined Houki's garments, similar to his own save for a few key items. Under clothes were pretty much the same, as was the kimono itself. Her blue jacket he could understand. Her obi and sashes, however, were a little confusing to him. He'd seen plenty of women in town and castle maids wearing bows with their sashes, but to make one with his own hands confounded him. Even the book he read over last night also called them a mystery. Mitsunari frowned.
He could ask Lord Hideyoshi about how to make one since he was regularly correcting others about their crooked obis and fixing them as needed, but he did want to try it on his own first. Houki would know how to tie the ribbon in the back, surely. The maids taught her and she learns things so quickly.
Maybe that should be his course of action, ask for her help as he's helping her get dressed. He nodded again, turning when he heard her stirring behind him. Mitsunari smiled brightly.
"Good morning, my love," he said quietly, kneeling by her side, "I still adore waking by your side."
"Good morning, Mitsunari," she said, her voice still heavy with sleep. "But, you're already dressed."
"Lord Hideyoshi is coming by soon, so I wanted to wake up early to help you get dressed."
Houki reached for her glasses, sitting just at the edge of her pillow, but Mitsunari grabbed them, remembering to grab by the frames rather than the glass and handed them to her.
"Are you sure?"
"I am. I want to help you."
She nods, still affected with sleep.
"Thank you. I appreciate it."
Mitsunari holds out his hand for her hand, helping her to stand on her feet. Kitty flicked her ear, still sleeping on his robes.
"Is he kicking?"
"Not yet. I guess he wore himself out last night."
"He must have been intrigued by the story we were reading to him."
"It was quite exciting. I even dreamed about the story, with our little boy in it."
"You see him in your dreams?"
"Sometimes. It's how I'm sure he's going to be a boy. The maids have been placing bets ever since I started showing."
"I've heard whispers of Lord Mitsuhide running bets as well."
"I didn't doubt he would. Lord Hideyoshi wasn't pleased with him."
She looked down at her stomach, slightly peeking through her sleeping kimono.
"What do you think?"
"I trust your judgement, but… even if we turn out to be wrong, we'll still love them regardless if they are a boy or girl."
Houki nodded and started taking her off her robe, Mitsunari helping her take it off the rest of the way. He then picked up her inner kimono, slipping it over her arms. He then moved in front of her, adjusting the fabric so it closed over her properly. He then repeated the process with her outer kimono, adjusting as needed.
"One of the older maids gave me the wider obi sashes," Houki said, "She said it help her in her pregnancies, saved her back when the baby started getting heavy. They seem to be starting to be fashionable amongst the nobility."
"I've started to notice them more often whenever noble ladies visit Lord Nobunaga and Lord Hideyoshi. Perhaps it's more comfortable?"
"It's… more supportive, I suppose. My back doesn't hurt as much when I wear them."
"Is he starting to get too heavy?"
"A little bit. I don't mind, as it's a good sign he's growing and healthy."
Mitsunari rubbed her lower back and kissed her temple.
"Let me know if it starts hurting too much. I want you to let me take care of you."
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
Ikesen Headcannon where the Mc has an almost an almost identical personality to the suitor?
Also, I’ve been reading through your posts and they made me smile—have had a hard time doing that as of late so thank you!
A/N: Hi there! Thank you for the kind words, I’m really happy that you’ve been able to smile from my blog!! This definitely made my day :))))))
You didn’t specify a suitor so I assumed you wanted all the Ikesen men. Because there are so many, I didn’t think I’d be able to fully cover the scope of what it’d be like if MC had almost the same personality so I decided to narrow it down to one or two traits that the suitors have and go from there. I hope that’s okay and that you enjoy it regardless! ❤️ Would love to revisit some time later and write something proper where MC and the suitor have identical personalities!
[HC] MC sharing traits with the warlords
Suitor(s): Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Mitsuhide, Masamune, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Shingen Content Warnings: None
He’s met his match alright
Sure, the other warlords have big, strong personalities
But Nobunaga and MC?
Even Mitsuhide was surprised to see the two dominating figures in a room together and not be at each other’s throats
Hideyoshi was even more flabbergasted when Nobunaga began letting MC have a bigger stake at war councils
Masamune found the whole thing to be amusing; Ieyasu, a waste of time
Mitsunari was happy enough to have MC participating
MC was no warrior—she knew that well enough—but she certainly had the ability to adapt, persevere, learn, and share thoughts on current situations
Nobunaga acknowledged that and once he realized the depth of his feelings for her, he decided it was best to have her in the loop of things
Hence, the increased participation in war councils
Though he’d never admit it, Nobunaga found himself quite impressed and head over heels for a woman who matched his tenacity, yet maintained some degree of innocence a soldier would never have
He really did believe MC was his lucky charm
Never did he think he’d be allowed a love like this—someone to confide in, both personally and professionally; to have both input and support while pursuing a wild dream of unifying Japan
Just imagine Ieyasu’s eyes rolling when everyone recognized MC taking after the resident mother hen Hideyoshi
Extreme loyalty was perhaps MC’s Achilles heel
How Nobunaga was to Hideyoshi, Mitsunari was to MC
It truly warmed Hideyoshi’s heart to see someone besides Nobunaga recognize the talent and potential in his favorite vassal
Hideyoshi and MC actually started spending more time together on account of looking after Mitsunari, which then prompted teasing from Mitsuhide
Ieyasu went as far as calling the two a married couple looking after a lost child
Eventually, late-night discussions about Mitsunari’s future success morphed into long conversations about each other’s hopes and dreams, which then served as a catalyst for MC to start looking after Hideyoshi
And Hideyoshi could do nothing more than to accept this level of attention from her and develop deeper feelings for MC
MC and Mitsunari—like two roses in a bed of thorns
They’re both known for such a lovely and radiating personality that contrasts the cruel warring period they were placed in
The others will often find the two completing tasks for one another or doing sneaky little things to lighten the load for the other person
Ieyasu will often ask Mitsunari why he even troubles him with errands when there’s MC who will gladly do anything for anyone with a smile on her face
“Oh, I couldn’t possibly ask Lady MC. She’s done far too much for me as of late.”
And just before Ieyasu could leave a bitter remark about how MC could run marathons and still offer her help—
“Ieyasu, play nice, we all know you like to check in on Mitsu from time to time… Mitsunari, did you need something? You know I’m always happy to help out with things! Oh, these must be the books that need to be returned to the archives… and here are the documents Masamune was looking for… and oh, Ieyasu, here’s the leftover salve Mitsunari said he would return!”
Mitsunari’s mouth hung open in surprise—maybe he did need MC’s help with some things
There may be two balls of sunshine in Azuchi castle but MC is surely more “present” than Mitsunari if that’s what you’d like to call it
Things don’t fly over her head nearly as much as they do Mitsunari’s and she’s always quick to defend him when soldiers start poking fun at him
Ieyasu grumbled a “thank you” and “I certainly do not like to check in on the dolt, I simply need to—er, Nobunaga and Hideyoshi need me to…” before leaving
One thing MC loved about Mitsu was his extreme focus and attentiveness in matters that were important to him
One of them being books
You best believe Hideyoshi was thinking “Oh no, what do we do? Now there’s two of them who can never get their head out of a book.” when he found MC and Mitsunari buried deep in books about clothing and battle tactics, dinners untouched
If there was anything the warlords didn’t particularly appreciate about the chatelaine, it was the stark resemblance to Mitsuhide’s teasing and elusive mannerisms
Sometimes, the maids were certain they recognized a glint in MC’s eyes identical to the infamous kitsune’s
Nobunaga considered it all to be fine entertainment; he found it quite amusing to see his fireball trade insults with the rest of them, no matter the time or place
Mitsuhide was particularly impressed by how easily the lies seemed to roll off MC’s tongue
Where was she from? Why didn’t she know basic history? Why was her writing so unique? What region could possibly account for her strange colloquial terms?
MC had an answer for everything, whether they were plausible reasonings or not—that was the fun of it, she thought
Unlike Mitsuhide, who lied and deceived on another level for Nobunaga, MC lied and evaded questions for the simple joy of fabricating stories
Of course, Masamune, at one point, said she’d be better off as a performer than a princess if she was to go on telling obvious lies one day and not-so-obvious lies the other day
Usually, the warlords put up with MC’s Mitsuhide-like personality, but on the days where they didn’t, expect that Hideyoshi would give MC a stern talking to and then offer her tea and a meal before leaving his manor
What. A. Flirt.
Masamune had a field day when MC was first brought to Azuchi castle and she was not pulling any of her punches
Punches being suggestive comments and silly professions of love that matched Masamune’s, if not more—all while still on horseback
Oh, and the flirting was not limited to the One-Eyed Dragon
MC always enjoyed teasing the three who were most likely to get flustered—Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, and Ieyasu
“Mitsunari, when will you ever show up to war council not looking like a complete mess? You might as well shave your head if you’re not going to be putting in any effort to make your hair look presentable.”
“Oh, don’t listen to the grump, Mitsunari. I happen to think you look very cute just how you are right now,” MC confidently says while also flattening his cowlick.
“Oh! Ieyasu, would you like me to help fix your hair as well? Though I suppose not. The fluffy hair paired with those green eyes just makes you look so handsome.”
Poor Mitsunari and Ieyasu’s ears were searing hot after MC stepped into the council room, the two following behind with a laughing Masamune
Then came the days where Masamune realized how out of sorts he felt whenever MC teased and flirted with anyone else—the days where he knew for sure, that whenever he and MC went back and forth, it was real
And Masamune being Masamune didn’t really have an answer for this problem he was facing
Not a verbal one, at least
After spending the afternoon at the tea house with Ieyasu and Masamune, MC was naturally throwing compliments around
When they got to the gates of Azuchi castle, “Hey, Ieyasu, we’ll see ya later. The lass and I are going on a ride.”
MC was fully expecting Masamune to gallop but instead, it was a nice trot to a nearby lake
Words weren’t really exchanged, just a quiet appreciation for their surroundings
And without further thinking, Masamune landed a kiss on MC’s lips, which was enthusiastically returned
When MC first arrived at Azuchi and wasn’t afraid to trade blows with the resident porcupine, Ieyasu sure was surprised (though, of course, he was quick to hide that with another scathing remark)
Oh, Nobunaga sure loved this—his lucky charm had a sharp tongue to go against (who he viewed as) his little brother
And when Nobunaga ordered Ieyasu to house MC after the ronin attack? Eyes were rolling to the back of their heads.
Mitsunari was really the only one excited for MC, exclaiming that there was a lot to learn from Lord Ieyasu if she chose to pursue any studies
Everyone else thought it was a situation waiting to go up in flames
The two never stopped bickering, but they always got things done
Strangely, Ieyasu and MC worked like a well-oiled machine
And at the end of the day, though they’d never admit it to each other, they were always impressed by the other, and there grew a need to never let the other person down, no matter the task
Then came the battle with the Uesugi-Takeda forces where Ieyasu and MC ran the infirmary
There was an enemy attack, leaving many injured soldiers scrambling or in the line of fire
MC took off, hoping to lend a hand to any handicapped warrior
“Really, MC. I thought by now, you’d be capable of possessing critical thinking skills.”
The rearguard was able to retreat successfully; Ieyasu was now tending to a wounded MC, whose arm was grazed by an arrow
“Ow! Hey, I thought you were supposed to be good at this.”
Out of worry, Ieyasu hadn’t realized just how much pressure he was applying while dressing her injury
“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for being a complete idiot and running towards the enemy.”
“Please, like you weren’t doing the same.”
“I was running after you and your pea-sized brain.”
“Oh, lucky you.”
The two locked eyes with each other, Ieyasu’s hand still latched onto MC’s now bandaged arm
There was a pause, a moment where their surroundings seemed to freeze, right before Ieyasu engulfed MC in a tight embrace
Arms wrapped around her neck, cheek pressed against the top of her head
“You’re a moron. A complete moron. Don’t even think of pulling something like that again.”
MC can hold her liquor
Like, seriously
No one could really believe it—Yukimura was extremely horrified and concerned that he’d be waking up to either a dead MC or a constantly-throwing-up MC in the morning
At this point, everyone saw Kenshin as the one true exception to the perils that excessive drinking could do to a person but damn, add MC to that very short list
Kenshin was certainly pleased to finally have a drinking partner that could and would match shot for shot with him, even if it was a woman
But… he pours all of her drinks with the slightest of smiles !!
At first, the drinking and the celebrations passed by in silence with the occasional quip whenever Shingen, Yukimura, or Sasuke said something ridiculous in Kenshin’s mind
As time passed and MC was slowly, but surely, developing the bravery to withstand Kenshin’s steely gaze and harsh threats, conversations of war and its purpose—specifically Kenshin’s purpose—came to be
What MC viewed as a step forward—discussing the logistics of fighting the Oda—was three steps backward for Kenshin, but MC refused to sway
Eventually, Kenshin stopped disregarding MC’s questions and gave his answers
When that didn’t satisfy her, Kenshin found himself seeking MC out and bringing her to more secluded locations, sake in hand, to discuss anything she wanted to know about him, Kasugayama, and Echigo
MC could wax poetic all day and all night
And Shingen would gladly drown in her lyricism
He was used to flirting and doling out romanticisms for the women of Kasugayama, but to have someone so alluring, so exquisite, shower him with equally romantic one-liners?
Oh, he’s practically on his hands and knees, begging for more than just MC’s saccharine words
On the nights when Shingen visits MC to “watch the moon”:
There’s usually a nice lull where the two sit side by side on a tatami mat, hands just inches apart
The air is crisp, the sky is clear
And the two share the gentlest of smiles with each other while whispering sweet nothings
The thing with Shingen and MC was that they were both fine with those nights being tiny, fleeting moments
Nothing permanent, just casual flirting for a few hours between two attractive people
Of course, it wouldn’t be like this forever—eventually, Shingen would take his romantic utterances a bit too far, a bit too serious, and MC would tell him to quit it
Shingen would then say, “I’m serious, MC. I’m in love with you. I love everything about you.”
A furrow of his brow and a slight frown, Shingen really couldn’t fathom why MC thought he’d be joking about something so important before feeling the sweet sensation of her lips against his
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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Surprise! I decided to take requests after all! :) Note that many of the prompts are already taken, by friends of mine. I hope you can help me fill in the gaps with your wonderful ideas! ❤
I'm taking requests for prompts of my Visions of Temptation 2022 Kinktober Content Creation Challenge. Check out the original post for all additional info about the challenge you might need, like explanations of some of the prompts.
This is first batch of requests. You can expect a second batch at a later date. 10 slots available now.
I'm posting the requesting rules + available prompts and characters now, in advance. This is because in previous requests openings, all slots get taken in less than 15 minutes. In order to give you a realistic chance of securing a slot, I'll let you prepare in advance. You can construct your ask now, copy it and paste it into my askbox when the time comes!
all of those are going to be explicit fics. Minors DNI
Once 2 PM UTC comes I’ll make an announcement post featuring the same list of available prompts and characters you’ll see below. Don't send your ask before that.
That announcement post will be updated as fast as possible, with the taken prompts crossed out, as well as the taken characters. Don’t request anything crossed out!
Be sure to refresh the page before sending your request and make sure you’re not looking at a reblog of the announcement post because it won’t show any changes made to it! 
Chose a prompt day - one of the pair, or both, if compatible. For example: ( Day 1 - Oct 1st - Oral sex  |  Sixty-nine ) can be combined so you can ask for both, while ( Day 2 - Oct 2nd - Sexy lingerie  |  Not wearing underwear ) cannot and you gotta ask only for one of the two.
Chose a dialogue prompt too, if you wish. Up to two from the dialogue prompt list. I'm going to repeat using those as many times as they get requested, so don't worry about whether they're available or not.
Chose your pairing. You can ask for Character x MC; Character x Reader(gender neutral or female (if unspecified)); Character x Character (M/M). You can also tell me if you prefer MC to be called her canon name or not.
Threesome is acceptable only for the prompt Day 12 - Oct 12th - Double penetration  |  Spitroasting
Don't hesitate being specific! You see that 'sex in a vehicle' prompt? Tell me where they fuckin! In a carriage? Or are we making this a modern AU?
Keep in mind that these are... a lot... it takes me a long time to complete a kinktober challenge. I hope you don't mind the wait and that it can be worth it! 🥺
Don't worry if your request fails to get in, there will always be a next time! The second batch, or later on. I participate in writing challenges all the time and often take requests.
reblogs are appreciated!
So, the format is: Prompt day (one or both) + dialogue prompt (optional)(1, 2) + pairing
example: Can I ask for Morning sex and dialogue “Come back to bed.” for Chevalier x MC?
- Ikemen Vampire: All characters (+ Charles, Vlad, Faust)
- Ikemen Revolution: All characters (+ Dean, Dalim, Mousse and Levie)
- Ikemen Prince: All characters (+ Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
- Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Mitsunari and Shingen only 
NEW: Piofiore: Dante, Nicola, Gilbert, Yang, Yuan, Leo, Oliver only
yeah, if you ask for a Leo or a Gilbert or an Oliver, specify the fandom 😅
Day 2 - Oct 2nd - Sexy lingerie  |  Not wearing underwear
Day 3 - Oct 3rd - Phone sex  |  Wet dreams
Day 4 - Oct 4th - Outdoor sex  |  Sex in a vehicle
Day 5 - Oct 5th -Voyeurism  |  Mirror sex
Day 7 - Oct 7th - Against the wall  |  Desk/table sex
Day 9 - Oct 9th- Striptease  |  Clothed sex
Day 10 - Oct 10th - Morning sex  |  Waking up at night for sex
Day 11 - Oct 11th - Make-up sex   |  Aftercare
Day 12 - Oct 12th - Double penetration  |  Spitroasting
Day 17 - Oct 17th - Discipline and punishment  |  Asphyxiation
dialogue prompt list under the cut.
1. “Let’s just have sex instead.”
2. “This part of you…seems to be very sensitive.”
3. “Prove to me that you deserve this.”
4. “If you give me a hickey, I’ll have to give you one too.”
5. “Ah, I see you have a little problem. I can help.”
6. “I’ve never been into this stuff…until I met you.”
7. “I just like keeping you close. You’re so warm.”
8. “Be quiet. We’re not alone.”
9. “And what if I want you to do that?”
10. “It’s okay, you’re doing great. Keep going.”
11. “Come back to bed.”
12. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
13. “Can you feel what you’ve done to me?”
14. “Okay, but we have to be quick.”
15. “Fine, I admit, I’ve fantasized about this before.”
16. “I’ll go gentle. Though, we can always change that.”
17. “You shouldn’t have said that. Now I can’t resist you.”
18. “I knew you were secretly a pervert, but this…!”
19. “That’s it, there we go…just like that.”
20. “Are you trying to seduce me? Because it’s working.”
21. “It’s time for payback. Turn around.”
22. “So you do like getting spoiled after all.”
23. “Don’t stop looking at me while you do it.”
24. “You say that, but all I hear is ‘more, more, more’”
25. “I want to love every inch of you tonight.”
26. “Hey, hey, two on one is not fair!”
27. “Enough of that, let me fuck you.”
28. “You can still keep going?! What in the world are you?”
29. “Take your time. The whole night is ahead of us.”
30. “You like the way this fabric feels, don’t you?”
31. “Your face is a mess… a very pretty mess.”
Happy requesting everyone and good luck ❤ See you in my askbox soon!
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ikeservant · 2 years
Hi! It says you’re doing hc requests and your asks are still open, so could you do something for warlords and an MC who is a theatre kid? Singing, dancing, even costumes for her performances? I would live Nobu, Hideyoshi, Shingen, Kenshin, and Mitsunari especially if not everyone. 💖💝
Since in my mind’s eye thinking of this, I picture mc as a highschooler so all these are platonic/fluff and gender neutral (also sorry I am a novice to theater but I know a little so bear with me)
Nobunaga- It’s canon that he knows traditional dance choreography and is probably versed in the arts and entertainment with being the lord of a castle and all, but golly was he surprised when he asked mc to come to his room to interrogate this stranger that popped up out of nowhere. Mc told him everything since he was scaring them, but hearing their stories of their time intrigued him and when he asked what they liked to do in their time, mc lit up and talked about musicals and theater. Now every night he invites mc to his room and in exchange for konpeito they tell him about a play or teach him a song. When mc catches him sneaking in the kitchen he likes to quote Hamilton “If I can prove that I never broke the law, Do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw? No one else was in the room where it happened.” while giving them a piece to silence them as they both snicker and hang out. If mc wanted to host a play, he would snap his fingers and let them do whatever. Make the other warlords participate, give all the fabric access for costumes, make mc the director, have a whole makeshift stage and audience chamber. Anything to make his lil pal smile.
Hideyoshi- When he was suspicious of mc and followed them around, he noticed that they were constantly humming or singing unfamiliar tunes while doing chores and seemed so happy, making his guard go down. When he asked mc about what they were singing, mc lit up and went on a tangent about musicals and it made him warm up to them since they were like an excited kid talking about their passions. When he started inevitably going big brother/ mama hen mode and escorted them around, he often got their tunes stuck in his head. Every time it rained, he would start humming ‘singing in the rain’ and if he saw hills while riding he’d start lightly humming ‘the hills are alive with the sound of music’ because his brain is now hardwired from being classically conditioned by mc to sing/hum along with them. Would always be mc’s audience and supporter if they wanted to host any performances in the castle. If Mitsuhide tries to tease mc about their performances or quirky dances, Hideyoshi is not afraid to pick a fight and defend his new adopted child and their sengoku broadway dreams.
Kenshin- Does not get it or care when mc starts bringing up musicals and plays. “What’s the point if there’s no violence?” “Well, there is one about the French Revolutionary War.” He heard war, he is now intrigued. Mc could only really talk about plays with violence in it to gain his attention, but he got the appeal and liked how people can get creative with murder. Would even catch onto some song quotes, but brings them up in the worst times. The first time mc saw him murder someone, he thought it’d be appropriate to say “He ran into my knife. He ran into my knife 10 times.”, thinking Chicago’s Cell Block Tango would make this modern day teenager brush it off. It did not. When he’s grumpy and doesn’t have sake, pickled plums, or anybody to stab, he asks mc to entertain him with Sasuke acting out fighting scenes in plays, liking a lot of Shakespeare Hamlet and Macbeth but only the violent parts. It makes him happy seeing mc happy, especially when they’re talking about violence, even if its just about a play. Mitsunari- Is really intrigued when mc starts talking about plays and musicals since they’re like stories and poetry from a foreign and distant time. This scholar wants to whip out a scroll every time mc talk about a play or musical so he can record it to read for later. He loves learning about it all. Cats the musical? “Cats can sing in the future?!”. He loves hearing mc sing and dance. They tried getting him to do a dance from Newsies and it ended in a bookshelf collapsing and the sliding door to break over innocent passerby Ieyasu, who further cursed Mitsunari. He would love to help mc rewrite and be a scribe for their new play idea of Azuichi Hamilton Shingen- Wanting to make a nervous mc ease up, he asked them about their favorite hobby or entertainment. Coaxing mc to talk, they started going on a ramble of musicals and plays. He’s hooked on Phantom of the Opera and Grease cuz he’s a romantic at heart and loves the drama and the fluffiness of the Grease story. Obviously mc had to add context due to the time period difference, but he got the gist. Wants to learn the duets of the songs so he and mc can have their dramatic musical outbursts to cut off Yukimura fussing Shingen or make Yuki jump with a “SING ONCE AGAIN WITH ME”. Shingen would kind of be like Hideyoshi but more with a cool uncle vibe. Would brag about mc’s talent of remembering plays and knowing so many songs to sing. Kennyo wants to shrivel away when Shingen goes on a ramble of their amazing adopted teen, thinking that he would’ve been done after Yukimura. Nope, my man trained a warrior, he’s gonna train a performing star.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
"I do, My Love!" Story Event- Mistunari Pt 3- The Wedding Night
I apologize that it has taken me so long to get back to this (and to my writing in general). There's just been a lot going on in my personal life and I haven't had as much time or inspiration, but I think I am finally ready to get back to it. So without further ado, part 3 of my Mitsunari Wedding Story Event.
18+ Content
After the wedding ceremony, the main hall was quickly converted for our reception. The castle staff were bringing in the food Masamune had prepared for the banquet and rearranging the hall to make more room for the party. Mitsunari and I were seated in a place of honor at the head of the room.
It definitely felt a bit weird, but it was nice. It was also such an honor to be given such a place even if only for the day. As Mitsunari and I sat, we had people coming up to wish us well. “That was a lovely ceremony, Lord Mitsunari, Lady Ishida.” One of the Oda soldiers who worked directly under Mitsunari greeted us. “Congratulations.”
My cheeks reddened and a smile lit up my face. Lady Ishida. That’s…that’s me! I internally squealed. “Thank you.” I said.
“Yes, thank you.” Mitsunari agreed, smiling just as brightly as me.
We had a few more people come to wish us well, each of them referring to me as Lady Ishida. I felt Mitsunari’s fingertips gently trace my cheek. I turned to him. “Has everything been just as you dreamed?” He asked me.
I smiled. “Even better.” I answered. “Of course, I had no idea how happy it was going to make me hearing everyone call me Lady Ishida.”
“I rather like hearing it.” Mitsunari replied. “And I like seeing the smile it brings to your face. Should I start calling you Lady Idhida now?”
I giggled. “Hmm…I do like it, but I also love how you always say my name.”
Mitsunari’s breath seemed to catch for a moment, his fingertips were still tracing my cheek lovingly. His beautiful lips parted as he was ready to speak, when he was interrupted. 
“I believe it is time for a toast.” Nobunaga declared. He was then holding up his sake cup. “To Mitsunari and Ava, may you live a long life filled with much worth and health and happiness. And may this union continue to help you both grow strong and wise.”
“To your health and happiness.” Hideyoshi agreed, lifting his own cup.
Everyone in the room lifted their cups and drank to us. After that Keiji was getting up with the band. “Alright, come on I was told there was supposed to be music and dancing at this shindig, we’ve got the music, now let’s dance!” He was then coming up to me and Mitsunari and pulling us up and into a dance.
I couldn’t help but to laugh. Keiji danced with the both of us for a moment before going to pull others into the dance, leaving me and Mitsunari to dance together. “I’m having so much fun.” I told Mitsunari as we moved to hold each other, as we danced close together.
“Me, too…this is truly the happiest day of my life, Ava.” Mitsunari told me.
“I don’t want to dance…get your annoying meat hands off of me.” We heard Ieyasu grumbling at Keiji,
“Oh, come on now. We’re at a party, loosen up and have some fun.” Masamune declared as he moved to help Keiji pull Ieyasu out onto the dance floor.
“But I might get run into by the cabbage head!” Ieyasu grumbled.
I couldn’t help but to giggle.
“It seems Lord Ieyasu and the others are playing a game.” Mitsunari siad, smiling.
I shook my head. “Something like that.” I replied. It was a game to Masamune and Keiji for sure. Not so much for poor Ieyasu.
The party went on for a while, plenty of feasting, drinking, and dancing. “Mitsunari, Ava.” Hideyoshi said as he and the other Oda warlords approached us. “We’ve reserved a room for you at a local inn and hotspring. You have it for the week. So you can go and enjoy yourselves and relax.”
“That is wonderful. Thank you guys!” I declared.
“Yes, thank you Lord Hideyoshi.” Mitsunari replied.
“Before you leave however, I believe you said there was a tradition about throwing your bouquet.” Nobunaga said, an amused grin on his face.
“Oh, right.” I said, smiling. It was normally for the single ladies, but it seemed fun to involve all of my friends. I turned my back to everyone and tossed my bouquet back and over my shoulder. I turned and watched as it landed in Ieyasu’s arms.
“Oh, it appears you will be the next to get married, Lord Ieyasu.” Mitsunari said, smiling angelically.
“Haha, good news for those ladies in town that fancy you, lad.” Masamune said, grinning at Ieyasu.
Ieyasu grumbled and his cheeks reddened. “Such a stupid tradition.” He muttered under his breath.
“You’ll make someone a beautiful bride.” Keiji said as he threw an arm around Ieyasu’s shoulders.
I couldn’t help but to giggle.
“You two should get going so that you can reach the inn by nightfall.” Hideyoshi said.
“Yes, enjoy your time. Rest, relax, and come back ready to work.” Nobunaga agreed.
“Thank you.” Mitsunari and I said before leaving. We got changed before we were getting on a horse together and heading out to the inn. We arrived just as the sun was beginning to set.
We arrived at our room, which was lovely and set up nicely. Lanterns were lit creating the perfect mood lighting and there was a tray of fresh fruits and a bottle of sake warmed for us. “Oh…this is a lovely set up for us.” I said, smiling as I took in the room.
Mitsunari’s arms were coming around my waist, hugging me from behind. “It is a lovely room, but not nearly as lovely as my wife.” He said, kissing the nape of my neck.
It was a featherlight kiss, but oh the raging fire it lit in me. Of course, Mitsunari calling me his wife might have had something to do with that. I grinned as I turned to look at his beautiful, angelic face. “It makes me happy to hear you say that…call me your wife I mean.” 
Mitsunari’s smile was pure love and affection as he looked at him. “Not nearly as happy as it makes me being able to say it.” He said, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.
I grinned as we broke the kiss. “I’m so happy to be married to you, Mitsunari. I love that you are my husband now.”
Mitsunari’s cheeks reddened and his gaze took on an almost troubled look. “Oh…I didn’t realize… how happy it would make me you calling me your husband…” He murmured, trailing off. 
“Why do you seem so troubled by that?” I asked.
“Because…I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold myself back.”
“I never said you had to.” I replied, a coquettish grin on my face. “Besides, it is our wedding night. I want to love and be loved by my amazing husband.”
That was all the invitation Mitsunari needed. His lips were on mine in a passionate kiss, his tongue pushing past my lips to tangle with my own. His hands were moving to make quick work of my clothes even as my own moved to remove his. As soon as we were free of our clothes, we were falling into the futon together, a tangle of limbs.
“You are always so beautiful.” Mitsunari told me as he pulled back to take in my naked form.
I smiled at him. “As are you.”
He stayed leaned back a moment, reaching his hands to start tenderly tracing over my heated flesh. He started by tracing the lines of my face before going down the side of my neck, his eyes following his hands as they moved down my body…or perhaps it was his hands following his eyes? 
He reached my breasts and began to circle my nipples before moving in to capture my lips once more. He then trailed kisses along my jaw and down the side of my neck, even as his hands still worked my breasts, moving between massaging them and circling my nipples.
“Mnh…ah…Mitsu-nari…” I moaned out at the touch of his lips and hands. 
I felt his breath against my neck as he chuckled. “Your reactions…are always so pleasing…” He murmured. 
He continued to lavish me in kisses before moving his hands from my breasts, tracing down my sides and over my belly. He soon came to my thighs, caressing them gently as he continued to murmur sweet words into my ear.
A needy ache had been building up within me and I could feel my desire for him growing. “Hmm…Mitsunari…” I practically whined, wanting him to touch me more.
He pulled back to look at me, a mischievous smile on his face. “Is there something more you are wanting?” He asked.
“Y-yes…touch me…more…” I begged.
He smiled once again before sliding a hand between my thighs, fingers stroking that sensitive bud. “Is this what…my wife wanted?”
I felt my heart skip a beat even as my body jolted from the pleasure of his touch. “Y-yes! OH…yes!” I cried out as he continued to stroke me. I soon felt him changing, his thumb going to circle my bud as his fingers moved back to slide into my slick heat. My hips began to move, seeking to press further into his hand as cries of his name left my lips.
Mitsunari leaned in then, covering my chest in kisses before going to take a nipple into his mouth even as he continued to work me with his thumb. The dual stimulation was getting to be too much and I soon found myself toppling over the edge, my walls clenching around his fingers.
I was panting as I slowly came down from my high, Mitsunari slowly withdrawing his fingers from my heat and  kissing back up my chest and neck before placing a loving kiss on my lips. He lifted a hand to stroke my cheek. “You are always so beautiful, Ava.” He told me. “I love you so very much.”
I smiled. “I love you, too MItsunari.” I replied, lifting my arms to wrap around his neck. “I want… to make you feel good too.” 
“Making you feel such pleasure brings me pleasure as well.” Mitsunari replied. “But I do desire to be closer to you.”
“I want that, too.” I replied.
Mitsunari…my husband, positioned himself between my thighs, his arms moving around to hold me close, as he slowly slid inside. I knew that our first night as husband and wife was just getting started. Mitsunari held me close all night as we made love until dawn.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
HC: Warlords & Summer
Premise: Warlords dealing with heat and other summery struggles. Sponsored by sudden increase in temperatures in Europe :) // Assuming they all get 30+C weather.
Content Warnings: mentions of sunburn
Oda Forces
Can't deal with heat, pretends he is fine. He is not fine.
May sleep on the balcony.
He works primarly during evenings and at night, as it allows him to focus more easily.
Did not have a heatstroke only due to Hideyoshi's efforts.
Loves all the seasonal fruit.
Modern AU: dresses all in black & would be up to toy water guns fight just about anytime. Loves chocolate ice-cream.
Functions primarily at night... Or so it appears, because it's hard to spot him during the day.
Not exactly keen on the fact that he burns and he burns bad. Put him in the sun for a tiny bit too long and those cheeks will stay red for several days - an odd permanent blushy look does not exactly fit a torturer.
Otherwise, he does not feel too uncomfortable.
Modern AU: the one person who always have sunscreen on, even though you'd expect them to forget it.
He knows heat can be dangerous. He drinks enough water, dresses appropriately, keeps out of the sun if possible.
He most likely reminds everybody to drink water. To the point of it getting some don't drink just to spite him.
He can cope with it reasonably well, but he absolutely loathes any formal occasions during the summer.
Modern AU: the one person who uses too much sunscreen and is extremely scared of skin cancer. Always has a spare water bottle, in case somebody needed it.
At first, he did not realise it was summer and instead wondered why his work efficiency dropped.
Takes regular meal brakes, as he is too afraid of spilling water over his reports - and he does need to drink water to be able to work well.
Secretly appreciates Hideyoshi's reminders a lot.
Modern AU: wears sunglasses over his reading glasses, enjoys any breath of cold air - has most likely taken a walk in cool rain just to feel cold for a change.
He complains only a little bit more.
He groans each time somebody stays in the sun for too long (read: very often).
He stops eating spicy food? The outside world could very well be on fire.
Modern AU: keeps an outside system of dishes for animals to drink water from - he will also fill up any empty bowl left outside for that reason, no matter who set it.
He is melting alive. By far, out of all the warlords, he's the worst at coping with heat. Anything above 25C is scalding.
He does not burn too easily. Oddly enough, despite keeping up a daring face, he is very reasonable in regards to taking care of himself.
His scar itches quite often. It just gets sweaty. He hates it.
Modern AU: loves sorbets, especially if they're more so on the sour side. Would probably enjoy holidays somewhere by the water, even (especially) if it was cold.
Uesugi-Takeda Forces + Independent
He doesn’t dislike summer by itself, but he hates getting sunburnt - and it does happen primarily in this hot, unforgiving weather.
He has to abandon his cape for several months each year. Hades and Persephone vibes much?
It is harder to find drinking partners. Soldiers get more tired and are at higher risk of injury too. Summer is taking everything he loves away from him.
Modern AU: the one person who simultaneously loves and hates spending time by lakes and other bodies of water. The cool it provides? Fine. Strangers staring at him whenever he wears swim trunks? Not fine.
He doesn’t mind and opts to look for positives to the entire season. He can eat as much fruit as he wants to?
Sweat? Well, he would get sweaty while doing carpentry work just regardless, so why should he care?
He forgets not to stay in the sun for too long.
Overall, he is just happy he is alive and treasures every moment of it. He would definitely love to spend some time in nature, though.
Modern AU: he’d spend as much of the season as possible doing hiking. Another option would be going to the sea and taking strolls on the beach at night.
Likewise to Hideyoshi, he knows all the dangers of overheating and tries to stop people from getting themselves hurt.
However, he does not cope well with heat. He wishes to sleep through the entire days. He is done.
Attempts to fight heat with busying himself with work. It makes it even worse. He still does it to himself each year.
Modern AU: he invested in the AC unit and refuses to bring the temperature even a degree higher than 23C - and that much is already a stretch, he’s just being considerate of the environment.
Oh, his soul hurts. He knows all the modern wonders of AC, fans, readily available ice-cream, oh, he knows. He knows what he has lost.
The only season he regrets going back in time.
He dreams (and plans to) build a solar-energy powered fan. The project is abandoned at the end of each summer, only to be resumed at the beginning of it the following year.
Modern AU: he definitely owned one of those caps with solar-energy powered fan at one point. He probably wore it, because what is fashion?
Well, he lives in a hut in a forest (or he moves there just for the summer). It is considerably colder there.
He is a happy monk. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, vegetables and fruit are fresh - what else could he hope for?
He goes to the spring to collect fresh, cool water. It is refreshing. It never feels just as good as during summer.
He loves the season and he has all the reasons for loving it, okay?
Modern AU: he hates summer in modern times. Why are cities so big? Why so much concrete? Somebody, take him back. Or move him to some remote village or such, he misses his home.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom, @ozziegrl71, @rikumorimachisgirl, @bestbryn, @kink-rabbithole @cailann @mila-ikigai @nyktoon-in-otomeland @briars7 @mineko811 @fairstival If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, do remember to specify fandoms (and characters, if you are interested only in some) :D If it ever happens that you wish to be removed from my taglist, for any reason, do let me know. I will not ask why, it’s all fine ^^
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nad-zeta · 3 years
The Little Bee
Fandom: Ikesen
Pairings: Nobunaga  x Reader
Genre: Fluffffff
Words: 1400+
Comments: Eeeeep whoop whoop! Kame's birthday! Happpppy birthday! eeep! Happy birthday@kamesama Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kame la da dee dooo! The cutest little bee of all, wishing ya the best day❤❤ ❤😳🥺 Hehee hope you eat way more cake and candy than you probably should! 🥺😳Love ya loooooooots and lots❤🌈
.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。
You awoke that morning not to the quiet morning cuddles and kisses you were accustomed to, but to a morning filled with chaos— not that you minded a little chaotic energy, being the leading supplier of that— but still. From the moment your eyes fluttered open, you had been pulled from one direction to the next, neither leading to the warm, strong arms of the man you loved— Nobunaga.
A dejected sigh left your lips; he promised to spend the day of your birth with you, yet where was he now? No doubt he too was dragged away at dawn to deal with the madding admin part of ruling the world, much like you were now being drawn from bed to do some menial tasks.
You accepted your fate reluctantly; after all, there was little use for moping around, mourning the loss of your morning cuddles. Especially when the warlords were breaking down your door trying to get your attention.
Ooh, what you would give for an energy drink— vitamin B shot— Espresso— pretty much any form of liquid energy that didn't include the vial substance Nobunaga managed to secure as a caffeine substitute from the Western traders. As much as you appreciate your boyfriend's efforts, no amount of matcha tea could give the same buzz and hype as your beloved energy drinks.
Nevertheless, you let yourself be dragged off to help solve problem after problem— slightly grumpy for not having the time to enjoy said vial caffeine substitute, and the opportunity to wake up slowly and enjoy the sight of the rising sun.
Hideyoshi was the first victim subjected to your grumpy edge, being the one to throw open your door moments after you called out to the other side. With an apologetic smile, he put you to work, thus starting your daily duties.
Thrusting a bag of coins in your hands with the instruction to buy more sugary candies— you smirked at him knowingly; he must have discovered the aftermaths of the nightly raid. "Sure," was all you said with a shrug and flick of the wrist. You were positive that this menial task and early morning wake up call was revenge for the nightly heists.
Bag of diabetes secured, you started taking a slow stroll back to the castle, only to be swept off your feet by hurricane Masamune. Ahh, your chaotic brother in arms, of course, you welcomed the bit of excitement after the boring market trip. And excitement he brought, as it wasn't long before the two of you raced through the plains engaged in some friendly competition. High stakes and high reward just the way you liked it.
With cocky smiles and beaming eyes, you looped back to the stables riding like the wind and securing your sweet, sweet victory. "Masa, my man, I believe we had a deal," came your ever-growing smirk and outreached hand.
"You drive a hard bargain kitten, but fair is fair," he grinned like a wildcat, pulling the imitation sour patch candies from his sleeve— although something in the way his blue eyes beamed gave him away. He let you win— and he knew that you knew, that he knew, although before you could challenge him and make yet, another friendly wager, the resident sunshine came skipping up the cobblestone path toward the stables.
"Ah, I've been looking for the two of you," he beamed in pure, unfiltered sunshine.
"What's up, sunshine," you chirped, throwing a handful of the sour candies in your mouth and pulling your face involuntarily at the taste. Masamune had done wonders perfecting the recipe, striking that perfect balance between sweetness and sourness with the perfect amount of tart kick.
This is how you now found yourself at the kitsune dubbed snakes home, finally able to enjoy your first warm beverage of the day. The banter and teasings were the same as always— flung into every direction, and floating like a cloud over the head of the innocent Mitsunari.
It wasn't before long that a summons had arrived, demanding the boys' attendance at the nightly war council— an invitation that naturally extended to you, albeit more of a command to attend than a suggestion.
You hung back as the other warlords entered the room before you. You felt a little disgruntled, not by the fact that your birthday had been forgotten but rather over the fact that you had not seen Nobunaga for three days now. Up before dawn and back well after dusk— long after your dreams had stolen you away for the night. With a sigh, you plaster a smile onto your lips and open the door to be greeted by the mighty cheers and happy birthday wishes.
And in the centre of the festivities, only one stood out to you; only one could draw in your gaze like a moth to a flame. "Fireball, come", his low voice rumbled with an easy smirk on his face as he stretched out his hand towards you.
He didn't even have to ask you twice as you crossed the room in an instant and deposited yourself straight into his lap. His arms closed around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer and touched his lips to your forehead. You let go of a contented hum finally in the arms of the man you loved the most.
"I missed you, fireball," he spoke, red-eyes gleaming with affection. His expression soft and loving as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose with yours.
"I missed you too," came your reply, followed by a playful nibble of the tip of his nose, causing a roar of laughter to erupt from his chest. The two of you were in a world of your own, utterly unbothered by the banquet happening around you.
"I have something for you, my little bee," he spoke up once more, lips forming a wide smirk.
"Oh?" your eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Close your eyes," he commanded, calloused hands coming up to cup your cheeks. His carmine eyes gazed into yours, waiting for eyes to flutter shut— instead you stared back at him challenging, before his impatience got the better of him, moving his hands over your eyes.
Once the flutter of your lashes was felt, marking the telltale signs of eyes being sealed shut, he reached behind him to retrieve the birthday parcel. Carefully examining your face to ensure the surprise would go unseen for a few moments more, he gently placed it down on your lap.
"Can I open now?" you asked with an impatient excitement.
"Yes, open," he wore a satisfied smirk, chin tilted in the air with confidence. You wasted no time as you quickly opened the parcel, and when you saw the contents inside your breath caught in your throat. You lifted the matching black kimono to spot the delicate detailing of tiny bees between the spider lilies. It was then that you noticed, he, too, was wearing a new Hoari, littered with matching bees. Your heart melted at the sight.
The silence from you made him fidget, head tilting to the side and smug smile faltering for a brief moment as he spoke with a tinge of uncertainty, "I trust this gift pleases you."
Despite the cold rumours surrounding the man, you knew better. You knew the real Nobunaga, the boyish and at times childishly silly man he was.
A bright and brilliant grin made its way to your face as you threw your arms around his neck in a crushing embrace— relief flooded his chest— nose nuzzling into the crux of his throat before scattering kisses and playful nibbles to his sensitive neck, jaw until finally lips. He flinched at the sensation, and your grin widened, knowing precisely what you had done.
"I see my fireball is as bold as ever to launch such a stealthy attack," his hands roving over the curves of your body to find the places you were most ticklish, to return the attack in kind. It wasn't long before a flurry of laughter erupted from you." Nobee-naga! Stop!" came the breathless laughs.
He ceased his attack and raised a brow at the new nickname given, "No-bee-na-ga", he repeated slowly.
"Yes, Nobeenaga!" you exclaimed once more, exuding confidence, "the cutest bee of all," you concluded, throwing your arms around him and lacing your hands behind his neck.
He smirked, a dusting of pink rising to his cheeks at the new nickname given. "You're the cutie," he repeated the endearment learned a few days prior. Before you could continue your playful banter, he caught your lips in a final kiss before standing up with you in his arms.
"Now, I believe I promised to spend the evening with my little bee," his husky voice whispered in your ears, sending shivers down your spine as he carried you to your shared room to celebrate the remainder of your birthday to the fullest.
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the12thnightproject · 2 months
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Chapter Three: Dearly Beloved - 'Okatsu' meets Kitty, Mitsunari meets Okatsu, Hideyoshi meets the end of his patience, and someone's face meets a plate of stewed eel.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Diversion: The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that directs attention elsewhere. Two: a change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons. A diversion order will not constitute a change of destination. Three: a rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new point or destination or on a different mode of transportation prior to arrival at ultimate destination.
Personal comments: I have the worrisome notion that there is something important I have forgotten. Also, it seems I have misplaced my cat. Am more concerned about the latter, as if it is the former, someone will inevitably remind me.
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If I were writing up a society puff piece for a newspaper about my “engagement” party, I would likely write that the food, prepared by Date Masamune, was excellent. The article would note that the entertainment, in the form of Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide’s bickering was… a choice. The bride-to-be wore a pale lavender kimono embroidered with sakura blossoms, with matching sakura blossoms pinned to her hair. And the groom-to-be was… a no show.
I’d been left at the altar by my fake fiancé.
While Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide went out in search of him, Masamune stayed behind to encourage me to eat my feelings. “Here, what do you think of this?” He poked a chopstick full of steamed eel toward my mouth.
Though I had been a vegetarian before landing in this era, I had since learned – out of both necessity and politeness - to eat what was set in front of me. In this case, it was no hardship – the one-eyed man I (as Katsu) had once gotten into a horse race with was an excellent chef. “Delicious.” Since he looked like he was going to try and hand feed me my entire dinner, I asked, “Are you flirting with me at my own fake engagement party?”
“Were I fake engaged to you, lass, I would personally make sure you had a wonderful time at our party.” He leaned a little closer than mere politeness should allow and gave me a you-gotta-love-me grin. “You would never need to fake anything – anything- with me.”
No. Probably not. Masamune was hot, charming, and charismatic. But as fun as I imagined a ‘fake’ relationship with him would be, it was a relief that he wasn’t my ‘fiance.’ A little of that flirting went a long way.
There was a disgusted snort from the other man at our small table. Eeyore – no, Ieyasu, must remember that – had refused to join the searchers, choosing to stay behind and eat in peace (his words). “Masamune, go flirt with the hired help elsewhere. You’re giving me indigestion.” He turned those gorgeous green eyes on me, then he frowned.
Correction. Frowned more.
“Have we met?”
Masamune looked up from where he was spooning more stew into my dish. “Now who’s flirting?”
More staring. More frowning. “No, truly, she looks familiar.”
“Ieyasu, you’re doing it wrong.” Masamune shook his head in mock dismay, before giving me another one of those grins. “If we had met before, I definitely would remember it.”
“Actually, Lord Ieyasu is correct, we’ve met before. And you too, Lord Masamune. I was dressed as a boy on both occasions.” It was better that Ieyasu remember the time he helped me care for my horse, than to make the connection between myself and the old man in the booksellers. Nobunaga already knew about the boy, but I didn’t want him to learn about the couple weeks I had spent in Azuchi earlier this summer… observing.
While the two of them quieted, both, looking at me as if they were trying to picture what I looked like as a boy, something caught my attention – a tiny grey moving blob, darting in and around people. Awww. It was a cat! I set my hand on the floor and snapped my fingers, trying to get its attention, but it didn’t notice me.
The poor thing was going to get kicked or stepped on though. I excused myself from my dining companions and hurried to perform a feline extraction.
However, the cat seemed perfectly (purrfectly?) capable of performing its own extraction, and I ended up following it into the corridor, where it meowed at me, then gave me one of those disdainful looks that said, ‘now that I have your attention, I don’t want it anymore,’ and padded into the gardens.
Feeling the need for some pet therapy after being dissed by my yet unknown fake fiancé, I followed the cat. She was sitting near the shrubbery, legs splayed, grooming herself. I stopped in front of her and held my hand out. “Hi sweetie. What’s your name?” Of course, the cat wasn’t going to answer… but it seemed the right thing to do.
The cat ignored me, her head tilted at something on the far side of the gardens. I heard it too… soft footsteps, that preceded the reappearance of that absentminded bookworm. Unsurprisingly Mitsunaru was reading and walking at the same time.
He stubbed his foot on a rock, and stumbled several steps, finally managing to halt his forward motion in time to prevent a fall.
Ok. He was reading and trying to walk at the same time.
Unalarmed by his near face-plant, Mitsunari tucked the book under his arm, then finally noticed me and the cat.
“That’s Kitty,” he said as if we had been in the middle of a conversation. He crouched down, put his arms out, and the cat – who may or may not have been named Kitty – jumped into them. “Kitty, did I lock you out again?”
“Hello Ki-.” No, there was no way I would be able to utter the phrase, ‘hello kitty,’ with a straight face. It would get filed away with ‘yes, master,’ which Aki had reluctantly deleted from our conversations after my third uncontrollable giggle fit.
I extended my hand to Kitty who sniffed it and decided I was acceptable enough. She bumped her head into my palm, demanding a good scritch. The was something so comforting in a tiny animal willing to accept attention… and I still missed my old ginger tomcat Tony Stark. He’d died a couple years before I ended up in this era, but the best cats all leave permanent pawprint tattoos. Hm, could I talk Aki (or, more accurately Fume) into getting a cat?
With his own head slightly tilted, Mitsunari looked at me, apparently searching his memory bank, then officially introduced himself to me and bowed.
After bowing in return, I said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Overly formal, but it was time to try out the Princess manners on this semi-stranger. “I’m Okatsu.” Huh, Mitsuhide hadn’t given me a surname. Should I use Akihira’s, or wait for future instructions? Not that it seemed to matter in this case, as Mitsunari didn’t comment on the omission.
“Are you paying a visit to Lord Nobunaga and Lady Mai?” He looked around the garden, which was empty of other people.
“In a sense.” I stalled and covered that by dangling my obi tie in front of Kitty. Who here, aside from Nobunaga’s inner circle, knew about this scheme? It seemed safer to presume ignorance until further notice. “Actually, I’ve just escaped my engagement dinner.”
“Dinner! I wondered why I felt hungry.” He unconsciously rubbed his belly, disturbing the folds of his wrinkled kimono and revealing a surprising amount of muscle definition.
Recalling my attempts to feed him earlier this summer, I asked, “Did you lose track of time while you were reading?”
“Yes! I take it you do that as well?” Mitsunari beamed so happily that I was nearly scorched by the rays. One of the sakura blossoms in my hair was so overcome that it fainted and drooped over my eye. Huh. He ought to come with a warning. Caution: smile is deadly.
“I’ve been known to get absorbed in something to an extent that I lose track of time.” Generally, that would be riding and archery, not reading, but those were not exactly the most princess-like hobbies. I sent him an attempt at a mysterious-princess semi-smile, jammed the wayward blossom back in place, then turned my attention to the footsteps – two sets – rushing through the garden. I was pretty sure they belonged to… yep – Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi.
“There you are!” Hideyoshi said in a strained tone that I suspected would become his default mode when dealing with me.
“I’m sorry. I saw the cat, and-” Oh. He wasn’t talking to me. His attention was fully on Mitsunari, as he viewed the younger man with a mixture of impatience and affection.
“I see you’ve already met.” Mitsuhide looked from me to Mitsunari, who was cheerfully accepting Hideyoshi’s mild scolding about being late for dinner. “And here everyone at the party was waiting for you both.”
Is… ?
Since Mitsunari’s attention was taken up by Hideyoshi, I inconspicuously tilted my head in his direction and mouthed, ‘him?’
Mitsuhide smirked and nodded.
I’d expected my ‘fiance’ to be an unapologetic flirt, wild and free, like Masamune. Not… a human ASMR video.
That sakura blossom fainted again, this time falling out of my hair completely, hitting me on the nose. I sneezed violently, and the petals scattered everywhere. Several of them lodged in Mitsunari’s hair, where I imagined they’d be very happy to stay.
“Why were they waiting on me?” Mitsunari looked from Mitsuhide to Hideyoshi and back. I hadn’t thought he’d heard Mitsuhide’s comment, but maybe he’d been paying more attention than he appeared. “Lady Okatsu said it was her engagement dinner.”
Hideyoshi closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, then opened them again.
“We’re still here,” Mitsuhide said.
Yeah, that had been a close your eyes and wish for someone to beam the rest of us out of here. Too bad transporter technology hasn’t been invented yet. Maybe it never would be.
Ignoring Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi turned to Mitsunari. “We discussed this last night.” His tone was patient. His posture was defcon level three.
“Last night?” That was said with so much confusion that I again recalculated how much attention he paid to the world around him.
“You’re supposed to remove all reading material from the vicinity when you’ve got something important to tell him.” Obviously Mitsuhide liked poking the Hideyoshi.
“I did.” This was said between gritted teeth. Defcon two now.
It would be tempting to sit back and just watch the two of them snipe at each other, although such entertainment would likely be improved with popcorn. Which had been invented, but not in this part of the world.
Meanwhile Mitsunari looked like he had remembered… something. “Oh, you did take my book away last night. But I was at an interesting point in it, so I went back a few chapters in my head and re-read them until you left.”
He has an eidetic memory? Well, that explained a lot. He had read almost all the books on military strategy in Aki’s booksellers in only a couple weeks. But it seemed more likely now that he’d just been scanning them into his hard drive for later.
“Were you aware that he could do that?” Mitsuhide murmured to Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi shook his head.
“What was it you wanted to tell me?” Mitsunari belatedly appeared to realize that he’d missed something important. “I am sorry that I did not listen last night.”
“Tonight’s party is for Lady Okatsu and you,” Mitsuhide began, only to be interrupted by Hideyoshi.
“Mitsuhide had a plan to bring in someone to pretend to be your fiancée.” To gain attention, Hideyoshi stepped in front of Mitsuhide, partially blocking him from us. “Initially, I agreed, but only if-”
Mitsuhide didn’t move, but his interruption was as successful as Hideyoshi’s physical block. “In order to ensure that Shohime-”
“-if you are willing to take part in this farce-”
“Tactic. It is a tactic that will, in essence, allow you to-”
“-but rest assured if you’re not willing-”
They interrupted each other so fast that it was unlikely anyone would be able to understand. Mitsunari looked from one to the other, his face looking increasingly worried. Kitty, wisely, jumped out of Mitsunari’s arms and got the hell out of there.
“-Okatsu is highly trained and will do all the work, you’ll only be required to-”
Lie back and think of England?
“-and the more I think about it, the more I believe it’s an ill-advised idea-”
“-it will work perfectly well -”
I stuck my fingers in my mouth and whistled. Everyone finally shut up. Military strategy. That was Mitsunari’s programming language. “Mitsunari. They want to use me as a diversion so that you will be able to study at Genba Castle in peace.”
“Oh, that is an excellent strategy. I would appreciate having uninterrupted time to study unbothered.” He said that completely innocently, but I wondered if underneath that was the hope that ‘no one’ would include McCoy and Spock over there. “Thank you, Lady Okatsu.”
“But when we are in Kanamori territory, you and I will need to pretend we’re engaged.” Hm, better clarify. “Getting married.”
“You will not be required to actually marry this… girl.” Hm… what had Hideyoshi been about to call me? He steered Mitsunari out of the garden. “I will go over the details while I help you pick out something more appropriate for the celebration.”
With a glare at Mitsuhide and clearly fake smile in my direction, Hideyoshi escorted Mitsunari away.
As they exited, Mitsunari looked over his shoulder at Mitsuhide and I. His prior confusion seemed to have been replaced with annoyance at being treated like a toddler who couldn’t dress himself. For that matter, I was rather annoyed on his behalf.
Once they were out of earshot, Mitsuhide calmly brushed sakura petals off his shoulders. “Did you… whistle at me, brat?”
I waved that away. “It got everyone to shut up, didn’t it?”
“I’m not questioning the result, only the method used to achieve it.” He rubbed his chin. Interesting. He and Aki have the same tell. I wonder if they taught that at Spymaster University. And really… he was going to lecture me about method versus results? “We’ll have to give you remedial instruction on manners and behavior before we leave for Genba.”
Translation, he was going to make me pay for that whistle. Truthfully, I felt a bit ashamed of that too. Aki had always encouraged me to speak my mind and stand up for myself, but I shouldn’t have acted that way in front of men who were virtual strangers. “I do know how to behave in public, and how to follow orders. I promise you won’t have to worry about any further insubordination.” I gave him a meek, eye-lowered bow.
“Don’t overplay it.” Mitsuhide laughed. He steered me back toward the banquet. “You wouldn’t be working for Yamaoka if you couldn’t follow orders.” I relaxed slightly, until he added, “you’ll still need to report to Hideyoshi for instructions on behavior. This is for his peace of mind.”
“Of course.” Mitsuhide didn’t care at all for Hideyoshi’s peace of mind. He was sending me to Hideyoshi so that we could annoy each other.
As we approached the main hall, the sounds of merriment and celebration had increased – well, they didn’t really need a bride and groom to party hard. When Mitsuhide slid open the door, a dual blast of heat and noise slammed into the corridor. “I’ll leave you here. I have every confidence in your ability to carry this off, and meanwhile I have made it my personal mission to get Masamune drunk at least once a week.”
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Once Hideyoshi returned with Mitsunari, who had been spiffed up in a clean, wrinkle-free kimono, and his hair combed (mostly) and de-blossomed, the fake engagement resumed with 100! Percent! More! #Awkward!
“Lady Okatsu. Do you like… blue?” Mitsunari’s ears turned red, and he ducked his eyes to his plate. Apparently, Hideyoshi had impressed upon Mitsunari the importance of acting the doting fiancé in public but neglected to give him any suggestions on how a doting fiancé behaved. This led to Mitsunari attempting various conversational overtures, but not feeling confident enough to finish a sentence, so he was constantly rebooting and starting over. Each time that happened, he would look a little more flustered and flushed. The only good news was that our table with Ieyasu and Masamune was separated from the rest of the others enough so that from a distance, he looked like a proper blushing bridegroom.
The whole situation was motifying at best – before this fiancée scheme had been dumped on him, Mitsunari hadn’t had any problems talking to any version of me – whether I had been the old man, Katsu, or Lady Okatsu. “Yes. It reminds me of lakes and the sky… and…and...”
Oh hell, it’s contagious.
“My eye is blue.” Masamune winked at me for emphasis.
Ignoring the “help” from the peanut gallery, I asked Mitsunari. “Do you also like blue?”
“Yes. It is very… blue.” Blush.
Loading… loading…
Until Mitsunari finally ran default.weather.smalltalk.exe and asked me about the weather where I was from.
Ieyasu threw down his hand towel. “This inanity is putting me off my dinner. Can’t you talk about anything else?”
Mitsunari turned to him. “I’m sorry you are not feeling well, Ieyasu. I could make you some tea?” He looked prepared to sprint across the castle in search of tea.
Ieyasu’s big green eyes got bigger and greener. “Don’t you dare.”
Masamune leaned in too close to me and said in my ear, “Mitsunari makes terrible tea. Don’t ever drink it.”
Good to know, Mr-no-conception-of-personal-space. I scooted slightly away from him and turned back to Mitsunari. “My home is inTogakushi mountain range, and it’s nice in the summer and cold and snowy in the winter.”
This was acknowledged with a nod, then followed by BSOD.
Ieyasu snorted.
Right. Military tactics had worked before. At least it was a topic I knew Mitsunari felt comfortable discussing. “Where I live is rather isolated, up a narrow mountain path. If you were leading an attack force, how would you go about it?”
“It would be unadvisable to travel in strict formation. Rather the most effective tactic would be to conceal smaller units under the cover of darkness and for a surprise attack.” Mitsunari smiled and proceeded to play toy soldiers with his dinner, as he explained the schematics. Once he got into the topic, he came alive, with broad and mobile hand gestures that likely would have sent a dish of food into someone’s lap, if I hadn’t kept moving cups and bowls out of the way.
It was kind of like playing ‘whack-a-mole’ in an arcade, and I was enjoying testing my hand/eye coordination, when Mitsuhide swooped in for a fly-by teasing. “You all look like you are having fun.” He leaned over Masamune’s shoulder. “How is the happy couple? Are you enjoying getting to know each other?”
“Lady Okatsu is interested in battle strategies.” Mitsunari once again gestured widely. I tracked the path of his hand and moved my bowl out of range.
“Yes.” I directed my response to Mitsuhide. “So lovely to get to know Mitsunari-” I paused to move my teacup away from his elbow, “in front of so many people. Most people are forced to have to do this in private.”
I was not allowed to get away with the sarcasm. “Yes, it’s fortunate for you that we needed to get the word out so quickly,” Mitsuhide said mildly as he – wait… did he just pour something in Masamune’s tea? “So that Kanamori Mozumi will have word of your existence before you appear with Mitsunari on his doorstep.” With that, he thumped Masamune’s shoulder again, and moved on.
I should warn Masamune about-
“He’s correct.” Mitsunari had flipped the switch and self-promoted from space cadet to general. “If the purpose of this ruse is to get unimpeded access to the Genba archives, then the sooner our engagement is accepted as common knowledge, the better.” Whoa. Ok. He could indeed focus on something besides books when the mood took him. Mitsunari then reached for his bowl – which wasn’t where he had left it, and the sleeve of his kimono knocked his chopsticks to the floor. He leaned over to grab them and bumped the table. A bottle of sake teetered toward Ieyasu.
“I knew it was too good to be true,” Ieyasu grumped, right before I caught the bottle.
Close call.
Ieyasu let out a long sigh.
Which was when Masamune’s eye fluttered shut and he pitched forward onto the table, his head landing in Mitsunari’s bowl, sending a shower of food everywhere.
Well, it’s not really a party until someone faceplants into a dish of stewed eel.
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Dear Aki. Please come rescue me. These people are insane…
I stared down at the blank sheet of paper. I absolutely could not write the words that had formed in my head. He was counting on me to both behave professionally around the Oda, as well as look into the politics in Hida. The denizens of Azuchi weren’t actually insane – I was simply just not used to them yet, that was all. And if I was feeling slightly lonely, without anyone to really talk to (Mai was lovely, of course, but she and Nobunaga were obviously in that stage of a relationship where they formed an entity unto themselves), well… I would be just as lonely back on the Mountain, with only Fume for companionship.
Yawning, I gave up on the letter, plopped myself onto the futon, shuttered the lantern, and did my best to try to sleep. I’m not a great sleeper in the best of times, and definitely not while in an unfamiliar place, so I was still tossing and turning when something squeaked in the ceiling above me.
Or worse?
Maybe it was my imagina-
Swish! Squeak!
Too heavy to be a squirrel.
I rolled out of bed and grabbed my dagger.
It was too dark to see much more than the shapes of the furniture. Plastering myself against the wall, I tracked the path of the noise. Then a ceiling panel moved, and a human shape dangled above the room.
The human shape said, “Tok.”
That was a weird battle cry, but she who waits to be attacked loses the element of surprise. I made the first move and yanked the person down. He (or she) landed on their feet, so whoever it was had been ninja trained.
That… would fall into the category of “or worse.”
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@bestbryn @katriniac @briars7 @lyds323 @lorei-writes
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not-krys · 2 months
100 Themes Challenge: Filled Prompts Masterlist
-[Character A] x [Character B et al]: Romantic and/or Sexual Relationship
-[Character A] & [Character B et al]: Platonic, Familial, Acquaintanceship
-[Character A, etc], [Character B] x/& [Character C et al]: Observer character(s) to the main character(s) interaction
-Writing Masterlist
-Blank 100 Themes Challenge List
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1. Introduction (Aug 2023)
Houki & Nobunaga (WIP Wednesday) | Abby & Vincent (WIP Wednesday) | Clara x Nokto (WIP Wednesday)
2. Love (Feb 2023)
Houki x Mitsunari (WIP Wednesday)  | Ophelia (WIP Wednesday) | Thea x Theo (WIP Wednesday) | Abby x Vincent (WIP Wednesday) | Maddie x Harr (WIP Wednesday)  | Clara x Nokto (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Mammon (WIP Wednesday)
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Seeking Solace
6. Break Away
7. Heaven
8. Innocence
9. Old (May 2024)Ophelia (WIP Wednesday) | Abby & Theo (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Simeon (WIP Wednesday)
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence (Aug 2022)
Houki x Mitsunari (WIP Wednesday) | Abby x Vincent (WIP Wednesday) | Maddie x Harr (WIP Wednesday) | Clara x Nokto (WIP Wednesday) | Miri (WIP Wednesday)
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray (March 2023)
Shakespeare, Vincent x Abby (WIP Wednesday)
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time (April 2023)
Thea x Arthur (WIP Wednesday) | No Time [Clara x Rio]
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers (July 2023)
Abby & Vlad (WIP Wednesday) | Maddie & Loki (WIP Wednesday) | Clara & Silvio (WIP Wednesday)
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold My Hand (Feb 2024)
Houki x Mitsunari (WIP Wednesday) | Ophelia x Kennyo (WIP Wednesday) | Thea & Isaac (WIP Wednesday) | Abby & Jean (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Mammon (WIP Wednesday)
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned (Nov 2023)
Clara x Rio (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Levi (WIP Wednesday)
39. Dreams
40. Plus
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still 
43. Die
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation (March 2024)
Leonardo, Abby x Vincent (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Luke & Barbatos (WIP Wednesday)
48. Childhood
49. Soft
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Rot
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Father (June 2023)
Houki (WIP Wednesday) | Thea x Theo x Arthur (WIP Wednesday) | Abby x Vincent (WIP Wednesday) | Clara & Mr. Akatsuki (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Lucifer (WIP Wednesday)
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic (June 2024)
63. Do Not Disturb (April 2024)
Mitsuhide, Houki x Mitsunari (WIP Wednesday) | Abby & Theo (WIP Wednesday) | Clara x Nokto (WIP Wednesday) | Miri, Satan & Simeon (WIP Wednesday)
64. Multitasking
65. Horror (Oct 2023)
Reaching Out [Vincent van Gogh x Abigail Clarke]
66. Traps
67. Nurture (May 2023)
Houki x Mitsunari (WIP Wednesday) | Ophelia (WIP Wednesday) | Abby x Vincent, Theo & Arthur (WIP Wednesday) | Maddie x Harr (WIP Wednesday)
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. Mislead
71. Obsession
72. Mischief
73. I Can't
74. Are You Challenging Me?  (Sept 2023)
Houki & Nobunaga (WIP Wednesday) | Abby & Arthur & Isaac (WIP Wednesday) | Miri & Lucifer (WIP Wednesday)
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation (Jan 2023)
Houki & Masamune (WIP Wednesday) | Ophelia x Kennyo (WIP Wednesday) | Abby & Leonardo (WIP Wednesday) | Maddie & Loki (WIP Wednesday) | Clara & Rio (WIP Wednesday)
80. Words
81. Today
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral (Jan 2024)
Miri & Simeon (WIP Wednesday)
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Sick
90. Iron
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Young
96. In the Storm (Dec 2023)
First Kicks (Abby x Vincent)
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Prince Ren Jinguji Ending
You couldn't contain your smile, as the carriage drew in to the gates of Ren's kingdom. This kingdom… It was Masato's home kingdom. You had always dreamed of coming here with your son…
Well, it was less of a dream now, but you had dreamed that you visited this place under less… harsher circumstances.
Prince Ren knew you would be excited to see his country. He knew what your relations were, and certainly knowing the ways of his people, they would be enthusiastic to accept a Crown Prince who was a half blood of the country, even if your son wasn't his own.
"He would've loved this…" You whispered.
"Who? Mitsunari?" Ren asked, looking over your sleeping son. "Or are you indicating another man?"
Your face paled at his sudden deduction. "Despite how much I dislike you, I'll have you know I still find your country respectable."
"Oh?" He hummed, brushing his fingers under your jaw, drawing your gaze to his. "Is that so, or is it you find a certain man of this country respectable?"
"It's not you."
"Of course it's not me," He said. "I may love you, but I'm not blind to your hatred. My old friend Masato would be interested in you, if only I knew his whereabouts…"
You felt your heart stop, hearing your lover's name from Ren's lips.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to worship you endlessly, my beautiful lady…"
Ren announced you to his people, and festivities went on throughout the night. You didn't join any, as you rested in his bed. He'd take the secret of his involvement with your lover's death, but even if you did find about his jealousy, the maids would just be concerned that you were unfamiliar with their ways.
A charismatic prince by your side, as his joyous façade hides your eternal sorrow...
[Ending Complete]
[Restart Game?]
[So bold, my lady. Am I not enough for you?]
[Ah, I should prove to you that I'm the best for you.]
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amenomiko · 4 years
Linguist MC Gets Angry
Nobunaga - East Malaysia (Borneo)
It was that moment when he lift her chin during their argument with "You have become very bold in lecturing me, aren't you, fireball?" And he expect for her to pout, or maybe sulk, just like she always do, but..
"OI. Ko pikir ko siapa oh??" (Translated: Oi. Who do you think you are??)
He blinked. Thrice. "..What-"
"Lucky charm la, bebola api la. Sa sumbat nasi lemak dalam pantat kau biar ko jadi api naga sana nah baru ko tau apa maciam jadi fireball. BUDUH la ko sana!" (Translated: Lucky charm, fireball. I will shove nasi lemak in your asshole and let you become a fire dragon so you know how a fireball is! IDIOT!)
Then she roll her eyes, flipping her hair before stomping off angrily, leaving bewildered Nobunaga alone in his Tenshu. "As expected of my lucky charm.. She is very unique indeed. Hmph."
Somehow he is happy. Not knowing what he is called just now.
Hideyoshi - Indonesian
"MC! Stop running in the hallway!"
"MC! Don't carry those stuffs! What if you fall and scrap your knees??"
God..! Another day, another nagging. What is he? Disciplinary teacher??
She fumed, turning to him with a gritted teeth, "Iya udahlah. Brisik, lebay banget sih. Cerewet betul orangnya. Anjir." (Translated : Yes, enough already. So noisy-- you are overreacting. Such a naggy person. You dog.) then earn a very confused Hideyoshi.
He literally froze, even when she look at him, up and down, shaking her head and continue with her task in hand.
It took him few minutes to realize that she is somehow cursing him, ...in a weird language.
Masamune - Korean
MC is a lucky woman. She got a handsome lover, the most good looking warlord (as voted by the women of Azuchi town), which is Date Masamune.
She would always be happy and giddy around him. If this is an animated world, she could see flying hearts all around her when he is nearby. But today..
Is not the best day. EVER.
Everything pisses her off. Ah yes, it's just what you think. That damn time of the month. Oh gosh she is angry, she was so, so angry thanks to her mood swings, and was trying her best not to show it away. Which she failed miserably.
Masamune had brought her to the tea house, not knowing she was cursing the whole time when she was walking. "Let's get an anmitsu, shall we? They say it was good as they imported those 'ice cream' thing." She smiled (not reaching her eyes) and nodded.
He had realized this; it could be those time of the month again, he thought. But maybe with some sweets and kisses, she would be better. Ah..! Good timing. The dessert has arrived and he instantly let her have a taste first. And another perfect timing. There was a stain of vanilla near her lips.
His lips pressed against hers, aiming for the vanilla, yet also a sweet gesture that makes the people around them gasped. However..
"....YA!!" (Translated : HEY!!)
"OPPA MICHYEOSS-EO?? AISH- JINJJA!" (Translated : Oppa (A way to call a lover other than brother) are you crazy?? Aish- really!!"
His only eye widen like plate, taken aback and rub his painful cheek that were smacked by her. "K-Kitten- I didn't mean to--" What language is that anyway??
"Wait..! Lass!"
She already walk away, back to the castle before he realized it.
Note taken. No affection should be given when she is in a bad mood. "Ahh.. That time of the month is horrifying indeed.."
Mitsuhide - West Malaysian (Semenanjung)
If Mitsuhide could choose one thing that he like about MC, it would be (obviously) her interesting reactions to his teasings. Her angry face, her pouting face, and her frowning is his favorite, yet there's one thing he always be curious about.
She never get angry. As in really, really angry. Especially towards him. Sometimes he think she is too pure for him, loving him to the point she won't do such thing no matter how hurt she is.
"AMBOI." (Translated : Interjection word used to express angry/admiration/wonder feelings. But in this case, it's for feeling angry)
'Amboi' what now? For as long as he live, such word is new to him. He read her gesture-- furious expression, hands on hips,.. Ah, it could be an angry word? "I believe I require for you to explain what does that mean. Is it a new language other than Japanese back in your time--""Hang diam." (Translated : You be quiet.)
Miraculously he stopped, somehow feeling uncharacteristically nervous to her unknown language. She huffed, shaking her head, "Hang ni memang dah takda keja ka hah? Dok asyik nak cuba buat aku marah. HAH tahniah pada hang la aku dah marah ni. Perangai poyo. Nasib hang hensem kalau tak dah lama aku hantaq hang ni pi kahwin ngan Hideyoshi. Hisshhhh!" (Translated : Don't you have any other work to do, huh? Do nothing but keep on trying to make me angry. HAH. Congratulations to you, I AM angry. You act like a damn show-off. Thankfully you are handsome or else I would've sent you to get married with Hideyoshi. Hisshhhh!)
"....." He watched her turn around with a groan, and couldn't bring himself to call out for her. Trying to understand what she's trying to say (which obviously NOTHING), all he can understand is the word 'Hideyoshi'. "Somehow I don't think it's a good thing."
Ieyasu - Chinese
"How many times do I have to tell you to NOT overdo it?"
He takes the bow and arrow from her, despite the adorable way she pouted; which is very hard for him.
...Not knowing she was not pouting, but being angry. Seriously angry.
"I know you are worried about me, but just give me chance to learn more about this..! Bow and arrow is way better than a sword itself don't you agree?"
"It is not for the purpose of killing, obviously. It's for me to protect myself! I'm determined to do it! H-hey wait..!"
He already walk away from her, giving the weapon to a nearby vassal before continuing with a grunt, "No means no. I've told you that there's no such need to do so as I will be the one to protect you, have you forgotten that?"
"Of course I didn't! But let me just--"
"No buts."
"Stop right there!"
He ignored her, and continue to walk yet about to give another answer when she suddenly shout on top of her lungs;
"Ni zhè wángù de háozū. Ni yiwéi ni shì shéi? Ni bixū ganxié wo méiyou zài ni yan li sāi jièmò!" (Translated : You stubborn porcupine. Who do you think you are? You have to thank me for not stuffing mustard in your eyes!")
...in a weird language.
Making the nearby vassal goes ( ☉д⊙)?? until the bow and arrow in his hands loosen its grip.
"Hmf! Fine!"
Ieyasu swallowed the lump in his throat, he didn't know why but he got a feeling he will be sleeping in a different bedchamber tonight. Obviously.
Mitsunari - Romanian
Being a chatelaine; particularly appointed to be the tactician's assistant, is NOT easy.
Yeah, okay. He is the less complaining type. The one who is easy to discuss with, and the one who won't make your eyes roll. Haha. Ha. Ha. Nope.
Mitsunari as a whole is easy. But to ask him to eat is NOT easy. There were time when he mistook MC's hair as ramen, and her fingers as crab stick, to MC's misery. It will take half of her life to successfully feed him completely, making the bowl empty until there's no rice grain left.
Eyes glaring at the book in his hands, MC tried for another method. "Mitsunari. Look at me."
She take the book away from him. "Mitsunari. Look. Here."
"....Hm? Oh- oh..! Hello princess I didn't see you there-"
His cheeks were then cupped tightly with her hands as she said with a gritted teeth; "Hei! Vrei să-ți dau una peste față cu un dicționar sau cu un morcov. Alege!" (Translated : Hey! Do you want me to smack your face with a 1000 pages of dictionary or a carrot? Choose!) ...while squeezing her cheeks inwards until his face literally goes like this ( O)3(O ).
"Mmh- mmmh- mmm." He nodded, silently gulped to the flare of glare in her eyes.
"(눈‸눈)....(❁´◡`❁) Good!" And she hopped away happily, placing his meal in front of him before tossing away such book from his room (which got a handful of nagging session because the book accidentally knocked on passing Hideyoshi).
Kenshin - East Malaysia (Kadazan)
He is strucked with nightmare again. Nightmare of MC leaving him, but it was.......
"I saw an animal, similar to Motonari's pet. But bigger. We were about to get married, and it came. Placing you in its pouch, jumping away no matter how I've tried to reach to you. Even with my fastest horse-- I- I couldn't--"
MC watched as he cupped his face, being emotionally emotional, secretly pursed her lips to hold back her anger. Yes. Anger. It was not of pity but anger.
First, she had a rough day lately. Lack of sleep, that's for sure.
Second, when she FINALLY get some rest, certain good looking dragon shakes her in the middle of the night, telling a story about a kangaroo kidnapping her during their wedding.
Problem is--
They are already married for fu- fish sake.
"I see now. There there. It's just a silly nightmare. You will be fine."
"It's not MC..! You were kidnapped..! Just like those days when you were attacked and I wasn't there-- and--"
"Yes, yes, I understand. Now let's forget about it slowly and once you get some sleep those dream is nothing more than a dream itsel-"
"I can't forgive myself..! MC-- I--"
"Kada agagau, Avantang tanak laja do kusai! Siodop noh ku tih!" (Translated : Shut up handsome prince! I want to sleep!) She said under one breath, and with a grumpy huff, she takes all the blanket and sleep facing the other side.
Meanwhile, Kenshin: ( ゚д゚).... (He was dumbfounded until sunrise)
Shingen - Tagalog
She had found herself being kabedon-ed again.
In any other normal days, this is how he start their daily routine - flirting session. Her eyes stared at those openly broad chest in front of her, ah that is so nice. That will be a very nice feeling if she could feel it with her palms now but--
Ah, she is tired. Her body feels like a log-- heavy and tired, and slumpy. It is as if all, ALL the fatigue in the world just slapped her-- no, just KICKED her on her lower belly area; yes, that time of the month is coming soon. There comes the usual pre-menstrual syndromes, she feels fatigued, clumsy, and most importantly,.... irritation. Irritated to the point his handsome voice couldn't reach her ears.
He then let out a chuckle, lifting her chin to kiss it, when her already bored eyes changed into menacing ones as she grunted, "Hoy! Dyan ka lang, poging oso na to. Subukan mo kong halikan, pagtatatadyakan ko kalamnan mo hanggang walang matira!" (Translated : Hey! Stop right there you charming bear, if you dare to kiss me I will kick your guts until there's nothing left.).
It instantly send jolt of cold shivers all over him, hands automatically back away from her and legs took a step back cautiously. "I- I'm.. sorry..?"
"Hmn (눈‸눈). You are lucky. For now."
Shingen gulped, lips pressed tight as he watch her go with the same scowl on her face all the way. "Somehow I... Escaped a death warning.. Maybe? Heheh. Heh. Uhm--" Feigning a cough, he pats his chest to calm his rapid heart beat of fear.
Yukimura - English (Just assume all this while they were speaking Japanese and suddenly she let out this language)
"H-hey wait-- MC..!!" He chased after her, who have been stomping her way off from another of their short arguments of the week. Yukimura realizes this, it's good for relationship bond they say, but he can't help but to be afraid of it. Usually it will be him to start it, but this time,...it came from her.
With "Get away from me, damn it!" As a morning greeting. All of sudden. Making him confused, thinking if he had offended her a day before, of which he just came back from long mission that took him a week. And to assume he will be greeted with a hug, or a kiss, or maybe a word of "I miss you" plus a cute smile of hers, is indeed wrong.
"MC please..! Just tell me what's going on?? Did I make you wait for too long? But I have informed you that I will be in a long missio-- hey MC did you hear me?? Just stop stomping off like a REAL wild boar will you--"
Ah. She stopped. That is definitely an ultimate magic word.
"Inform-- informed you say--" He stared at her trembling fists, but before he could hold her shoulders, he was startled to her change in language--
"(English) Informed MY FOOT! There's no single letter coming, NONE! I don't see any damn birds nor eagle or those pelican whatever bird that is assigned to send your letter! I've been worried sick, and you came back yesterday to just casually slipped into the bed to sleep?? To. Just. Sleep?? Even without KISSING or HUGGING ME?? YOU- YOU- *sniffs* EEEHHHEEEE ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥A˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚!!"
Too late. Shingen and the others has appeared to separate him away from her, and Sasuke has made him feel EXTRA guilty after translating it.
Sasuke - Nepali
Sasuke blinked at his wife, who is currently glaring at him. "MC, you look like those meme with a bald man with hands on hips." He said casually, earning a loud sigh from her as reaction.
"I believe you are still injured from your previous trap check in the ceiling, and I believe I've told you to have a meal and rest, so why are you still here, sitting on your futon, and clean your weapons?"
"...MC, you will be a good inspector because you have a very detailed report (´・_・`)👌."
"..Honey. I am NOT in the MOOD to be playing around now ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ."
Pressing his lips shut in instant, he nodded at her while placing his weapon away. "I apologize, MC. I will eat my lunch now, as you wished. I wouldn't want to make my wife worried."
She huffed through her nose, pursing her lips before narrowing his eyes at him. "Really? You promise."
"Yes. ..But may I have the permission to clean another set of my shuriken and kunai, I will be rest assured if I do so--"
"...SARUTOBI SASUKE! TYO FERI GARA ANI MA TIMRO SISA SANO THUKRAMA FUTAERA TIMRO CHAMAL SANGA MISAUCHU ( ☉д⊙)!" (Translated : Do that again and I will break your glasses into small pieces and mix it with your rice!)
"....." The box of weapon in his hands fell, despite having expressionless emotion on his face.
"EAT. NOW." She groaned before stomping away angrily, continuing to curse in any other languages.
Meanwhile, Sasuke who turned to his phone after MC stomped away be like
"...If only my phone is alive. I want to translate that (´◦_◦`)."
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saphyhowl · 3 years
Mischief Chaper two-Master & student
Warning: the MC has rather cruel intentions at some point, while there is no obvious violence there is a description of ill intent towards another person. Please be careful, because it could be triggering.
Chapter one here & let me know if you want to be tagged :)
Learning from Mitsuhide was much more exciting than I had anticipated. The history lessons were interesting, but nothing was as thrilling that the relationship that had sprouted from our long days spent together. It was no friendly relationship. Somehow, we became allies in mischief. It all started with small lies and meaningless teasing. Neither of us would have suspected that it would bring us closer.
It was a normal day, without much happening out of the ordinary. Hideyoshi walked past me in a hurry and then walked back to face me.
“Do you know where Mitsuhide is? I swear if I find him I will show no restrain,”
I shook my head feigning concern. I did see Mitsuhide passing by the same corridor a few minutes before Hideyoshi arrived.
“While I do understand you want to knock some common sense into that scheming head of his, I fear there is a much more urgent matter at hand,” I answered.
Hideyoshi’s angry expression switched to full concern.
“I only heard bits of conversation, but I think it involved Ieyasu and Mitsunari. I also heard the word sword and lesson,” I trailed off.
“What are they up to again?” Hideyoshi muttered as he left to find Ieyasu and Mitsunari.
“Oh, and Hideyoshi, I thought I heard Masamune would be present as well, as a… What did they call it? Supervisor, could that be it?” I added.
However, I doubted Hideyoshi heard everything. The moment he heard the name Masamune, his pace quickened. Silence returned in the empty corridor and I resumed my cleaning session. I heard the rustle of clothes behind me.
“My my, I never thought you would be such a well-trained liar. A peculiar skill for a shaman is it not?” Mitsuhide appeared behind me.
“I learned from the best. Also, I could not risk losing such a skilled teacher. You have yet to teach me so much Mitsuhide,” I answered with a wicked smile.
Mitsuhide said nothing. He only returned me the same impish smile.
 The next day, I was free to do what I please. Oh, the joy of a day off! While I could hone my teasing skills, there was no fun doing so if Mitsuhide was not there to witness or assist me. I walked aimlessly and heard some servants’ gossip. It was about a prisoner, who was suspect to have caused the incident at Honno-Ji. He still had not spoken yet. I left the maids to their gossiping and slid out of the main building. I swiftly made my way towards the prison. I had tucked a few rice balls in my sleeve. Now I only had to trick the guards.
“You are not allowed to enter!” the guards repeated, even after I had tried to convince them I had a shaman duty to fulfill.
“Then I have failed Mitsuhide,” I sighed, “What will he do to me? Crossing Mitsuhide is as if having a death wish. Last time I returned empty-handed… No, I cannot tell you what happened.”
I closed my eyes and exaggerated a bit the shaking of my hands. The guards glanced at each other and then looked back at me.
“5 minutes!” One of the guards said as they both stepped aside to let me pass.
“You are too kind. I’ll make sure to sneak you something tasty from the kitchen for your night shift,” I answered as I bowed to them. I beamed at them with the most innocent smile I could manage.
A wretched smell filled my nose, the temperature dropped as I got deeper into the prison. Some prisoners stretched out their hands towards me, clinging onto my clothes. Some others shouted. I pushed on until I found the one prisoner I intended to use for my benefit.
I was not keen on torture. I preferred mind games, less harmful and surely less messy.
“Who are you?” the prisoner asked.
“A shaman. I am here to warn you. I had an auspicious dream about you,” I explained.
“You were sent by them to seduce me,” the prisoner interrupted.
“No, I have better taste.” I snapped back, “I came here to warn you. You see, my dreams have a way of telling what may happen,” I continued looking at the prisoner intently.
I saw how his resolve flickered, it was just for the split of a second, but I knew my words had revived his hope to escape. The more the hope grew in his gaze, the crueler my intent became. But the law of this world is cruel. It is either me or him. To win their trust I have to show them that I am as capable of being monstrous as they are, if not with weapons then with my wits.
“Prisoners like us must have each other’s back,” I whispered offering him my most heartfelt smile.
The man smiled back, the warmth in his expression reminded how inhuman I was slowly becoming. I will never forget how my fakeness gave him a last moment of solace.
“Tell me your dream. Maybe we can find a way to save us both,” he said as he crawled nearer.
“First, I must know where your loyalty lies. I have already risked too much by coming here,”
The prisoner’s lips quivered. I needed more effort to loosen his tongue. I reached for the rice balls and placed them in his hands with a compassionate smile.
“Trust me, how could a shaman ever be loyal to a demon, hm?” I asked as I tilted my head.
The prisoner ate the food with such a voracity, I am sure he did not notice the strange after taste. He whipped his mouth and then told me to come closer and so I did. The name of his master flowed out of his mouth. All the details he spilled I absorbed them. The more he talked, the more difficult and strained his voice became.
I stood up before he was done. I bowed politely as his unconscious body fell to the ground. No, I did not kill him. He may sleep for a while and forget he just sealed his fate with that loose tongue of his. I left the prison with a skip in my steps. Little did I know, my mischief did not go unnoticed.
I went back to my room to gather a few books I needed to return to Mitsunari. On my way,I met Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi. They were talking in what I found a rather surprisingly civil way, no teasing and no threats. Hideyoshi caught sight of me.
“There has been an incident. I would rather you stayed in your room until we find the culprit,” Hideyoshi explained.
My eyes went wide.
“What happened?” I asked.
Mitsuhide interrupted us. While he wore his usual unreadable mask, I noticed the tension in his voice.
“I see you have some books. You’re on your way to see Mitsunari, I suppose. Stay with him until I get you. I will make sure my precious student is not left unguarded until we resolve this mild incident,”
Hideyoshi objected but Mitsuhide gently pushed me passed them to get me on my way. Soon, I was sitting with Mitsunari, reading to pass the time. I must have dozed off at some point, because when my eyes opened someone was carrying me. I wriggled a little and noticed that Mitsuhide had indeed come to pick me up, literally.
“My dear, for such a wicked creature you sure sleep peacefully,” 
Mitsuhide’s breathe tickled my ear as he whispered to me. I peered at him innocently. But his expression made it very clear that my act had no effect on him. 
“How much do you know?” I asked.
“Everything. You have some explaining to do,” Mitsuhide said as he walked towards my room.
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skampi835 · 3 years
Letters (Mitsunari x reader x Ieyasu)
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This is another contribution for the Unloved Characters Month event, hosted by @the-moonlight-dreams. Because I had so much fun writing the two before. Motonari: Hell of the Living & Yoshimoto: Corolla Promise. I really wanted to do another one (like an addict).
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Starring: Mitsunari x reader x Ieyasu (no real pairing though)
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: none
Prompt: Day 22 - Letters
Word Count: 1.400
Also I have absolutely NO IDEA why the heck Mitsunari’s on this list of unloved characters!😳 I mean, come on!😭😭 Mitsunari’s like the politest, sweetest cinnamon roll on earth (besides Vincent). Hope you enjoy!
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"You're smiling like sunshine, again. Is there any good report?" You’re asking, while pouring tea into cups, which sit on the desk. Mitsunari’s raising his head thoughtfully, with that warm, angelic smile of his. "Yes, Lady (y/n). There was a very lovely letter in between again."
“Oh, was there?" Jokingly replying, you’re placeing the teapot on the desk between the two of you. You just brewed it a few moments ago, even though Mitsunari insisted in offering you tea in the first place, when you arrived with his mailing. But you're quite aware, that under no circumstances you should letting him work with boiling water or tealeaves, because you knew how clumsy Mitsunari could be sometimes. Besides it doesn't bother you at all, spending some time with Mitsunari and getting a break from your chatelaine duties, for he was always the politest among the warlords, when you’d first arrived in the Sengoku period. "Is it one of those love-letters?"
You are calling them love-letters in jest, since the first one had arrived a few weeks ago. "You know it's not such a thing." Mitsunari snickers lightly and its sound is warming your heart with delight. "But it's a very comforting letter with good advices I'll have to reconsider. Whoever's sending me this letters must care deeply for me."
A soft smile blooms on your lips as you’re reaching for your cup. "That's awesome. I'm so happy for you, Mitsunari.” Honestly you are more than relieved and thankful as you’ve thought, ever since these short messages from an anonymous individual started.
Mitsunari had a rough time lately, struggling with his self-care, after an incident that happened one month ago. During a combat against some threats from the Ouchi-clan, almost a devastating mistake had slipped through Mitsunaris calculations. It was thanks to Mitsuhide, that nothing dangerously had happened, for he was the one in charge of Azuchi, while Nobunaga was fighting on the front. Prescient thinking, Mitsuhide assumed a siege towards Azuchi, whereas the war had focused with the heated battle. This had made him evacuate the civilians inside the castle walls. Thanks to the kitsunes quick thinking he averted bloodshed among the village and prevented a great loss for Azuchi and the Oda.
Sadly though, Mitsunari’s miscalculation had left him so deeply crestfallen, that he’d fallen back in his old bad habits, even more than usual. It took you an amount of effort, dragging Mitsunari out step by step, of the cloudy thoughts, he’d locked himself to. Lastly it was thanks to those words written in these letters Mitsunari had received for a while, that he’s finally able to smile again, honest and candid.
Plus Mitsunari’s doing a great job, caring about himself again, besides for a few known issues. His place looks more organized, although with a few stacks of books. He’s even almost having a proper meal daily, looking rested and at ease. You had not enough words of gratitude for this unknown individual, who had sent Mitsunari the letters, lifting his spirit in a quite peculiar way.
Mitsunari was so confused when the first letter arrived and after your request, he had lent it to you.
“Stop worrying the people and get some sleep already!
You made a mistake, so what? It happens sometimes. Nothing bad happened, so pull yourself together.
The townspeople are talking that you’re looking tired and they were annoyingly noisy, that you weren't smiling during your last visit. You know how pesky that blabber is?”
There wasn’t any hint to the sender of this letter and after you finished reading, you were puzzled and worried about those harsh words towards poor Mitsunari. You recommended to just ignoring it, but Mitsunari was strangely solemn. “Ignore it? But Lady (y/n), the writer of this letter is probably right.” He confessed mournful and guilty. “I am worrying you and the others, don’t I?”
He’d looked so sad and lost, but after a good night’s rest, like the writer has requested, Mitsunari opened up again. He allowed you to help him, eliminating the mess in his room. Together you slowly established a new routine, that’s good for his self-care. Every time when one of these few letters arrived once in a while, Mitsunari’s amazing bright smile returns on his lips.
“What does this one say?” Curiously you’re asking over the rim of your teacup, that you just had a sip of. Mitsunari’s gently folding the letter and circumspectly tucking it back into its cover, while he's gifting you with an honest and featherlight smile. “It says that I’m not alone, when there’s a tough decision.” He answers with calm in his voice, pausing for a little while, searching for his following words. “I am sorry, but I’d prefer to keep the accurate choice of words a secret this time if you don’t mind.”
“Oh... But of course not.” Compliable you nodded, smiling mindful. “It’s a message just for you, after all.”
Mitsunari’s radiant smile’s remaining ever so lightly and beautiful on his handsome face, brightening even the sunny day outside. “Thank you, for your kindness, Lady (y/n).”
After your nice break, with a delicious cup of tea and some pleasurable chat with Mitsunari, you’d left Hideyoshi’s manor with a good feeling, in order to continue your duties as chatelaine. It was nice, seeing polite Mitsunari so much calmer, than a few weeks ago. His reservation had occupied and saddened you very much, to the point of aching. Seeing him now with the same charming smile and kind yet clear alertness in his amethyst eyes, that you’ve grown so familiar with, makes you almost impossibly happy.
As you returned to Azuchi castle you’re catching sight of someone familiar who was just about to leave, before he spotted you. “Just when I decided not wasting my time any longer.” He mutters in his usual snarky tone. “Ah, Ieyasu, I totally lost track of time.” And you’ve nearly forgotten! For a while now Ieyasu had finally given in to your constant whinings and secretly prosecutions - that weren’t that secret at all - to teach you medical herbalism, biweekly. But telling him that, would’ve make him reconsider this decision, so you quickly add: “I’m so sorry, Ieyasu. I visited Mitsunari before and I guess I’d got a little distracted.”
“You guess?” Ieyasu’s bored scrutinizing glare is drilling through you, while he crossed his arms before his chest. But after a while, he unpleasant sighs. “It can’t be helped. It’s too late for your lesson today.” You’re sighing distressful, which made Ieyasu even looking more annoyed. Exasperated he avoids your gaze. “I can spare some free time tomorrow afternoon. But don’t you dare set me off again! My time’s too valuable.”
With relief you’re smiling happily. “I would never! Thank you, Ieyasu!” -- “You don’t have to thank me for that.” He’s answering stroppy, lifting his gaze again. “How is he doing?”
“He...? Oh, you mean Mitsunari?” You’re asking amazed, before a cute, joyful smile is curving your lips. “He’s doing great, lately. I’d like to believe he’d got over his personal rock bottom.” Suddenly you’re beaming a grateful smile towards Ieyasu. “Your letters helped a lot, truly.”
Regardless of Ieyasu, narrowing his eyes doubtfully, you go on: “Mitsunari showed me the first two letters and the characters are quite similar with your scrawly handwriting in some way. So I figured, that maybe you’re the unknown writer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I don’t care. I don’t write letters.” Ieyasu answers brusque shooting a tetchy frown in your direction like a silent warning. But it couldn’t blur your smile nor falter the knowing look in your eyes. “You always insult Mitsunari, when he’s around you. Yet the last time you spoke with Masamune you’ve said, that it irritades you, seeing Mitsunari’s letting himself being pushed around, when he’s got such an extensive knowledge. I’d like to think, that you’re secretly admiring him.”
If Ieyasu was shooting with his glare before, now he’s definitely striking you down with his killing glance. “What are you babbling?” He blurts out, snapping a painfully irritated “Idiot.” as an extra. Without any hesitation, Ieyasu’s trudging off, his scarf fiercely wafting behind him.
“See, now I have a reason! Thank you, Ieyasu! See you, tomorrow!” You shouted cheerfully after him, whereas Ieyasu just grumpily groans, while he’s hurrying to leave the castle.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
"I Do, My Love!"- Mitsunari Pt 2- The Wedding
Alright, here is part two of Mitsunari's story event! I hope you enjoy!
After Mitsunari’s proposal, Azuchi castle became wedding planning central. I had expected Hideyoshi to take a rather large role in the planning…Mitsunari was his vassal afterall and looked at me as a little sister. Which, Hideyoshi had indeed started to help us with planning, but then all of the others jumped in as well. And Nobunaga took the lead.
“You will of course, have the wedding here.” Nobunaga declared at one of our wedding planning meetings.
“Are you sure, Lord Nobinaga?” Mitsunari asked. “That is a grand honor.”
“I insist.” Nobunaga replied.
Mitsunari looked at me. “Would that be something that fits with your dream wedding?” Mitsunari asked me, smiling angelically.
He was so sweet. Every plan we made, he wanted to make sure it was in line with my dream wedding. I guess when we had that conversation that day, that had really stuck with him. I returned his smile. “It doesn’t matter to me where we get married or how big the ceremony is. All that matters is that we get married.” I assured him. “As long as I am marrying you, it is a perfect wedding.”
Mitsunari was beaming. He was then turning to Nobunaga. “Then we thank you for your generous gift.” He said.
“That is a huge honor.” Hideyoshi agreed.
“I’m planning your wedding feast.” Masamune declared, grinning. “I’ll make all your favorites. There anything you want me to try and make?”
“Weren’t you just telling me about a cake the other night?” Mitsunari asked.
“Oh, I was, but if we can’t get everything that’s needed to make one.” I replied.
“Tell us about this cake, Ava.” Nobunaga said.
“Well…” I grabbed a brush and paper and began to make a picture of what one looked like and the described how it was made and with what ingredients.
“I think I could make something like that.” Masamune declared, his blue eye glinting. It seemed he was up for the challenge.
“I’ll pull some strings and make sure you have all the ingredients.” Nobunaga agreed with a nod.
“What are other elements of a wedding from your hometown, little one?” Mitsuhide asked.
“Well, there’s music…and someone, usually the bride’s father walks her down the aisle and gives her away.” I explained. “And there’s a big party afterwards with more music and dancing… oh and the bride carries a bouquet of flowers and at the reception, she throws the bouquet and whoever catches it is supposed to get married next.” I went on to describe a few more traditions as well.
“Hmm, these are interesting traditions.” Nobunaga declared. “And I shall give you away.”
I blinked for a moment. “What?”
“I shall give you away, as you described.” Nobunaga answered. “You are my lucky charm. It is only fitting.”
“Thank you, Nobunaga.” I replied, feeling truly honored and happy that he was wanting to do this for me.
After spending the day planning, Mitsunari and I were returning to the room we shared. We had just walked in and I was surprised to see a large number of fabrics in the room. “Mitsunari…what’s all of this?” I asked.
Mitsunari smiled at me as he pulled me into his arms. “I wanted to get you everything you would need to make your dream wedding dress.” He answered. “Everything you’ve told me…it seems like this is one of the important details.”
“Oh…Mitsunari!” I declared, throwing my arms around him and pressing my lips to his. “Thank you…so much.” 
He was smiling as we parted. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with…nor can I wait to see you in your dress…see you as my bride.”
I could feel tears of happiness stinging in my eyes. “I can’t wait for our wedding…I can’t wait for you to be my husband.”
Mitsunari’s cheeks reddened a bit and his eyes took on a sultry look. “Ava…when you say things like that…it makes me have a hard time controlling myself.”
“I don’t mind.” I replied, pressing myself closer to him, before our lips met in a passionate kiss as we fell into the futon together.
After months of planning…
I woke up bright and early, taking in the sights of my room in Azuchi Castle. I couldn’t help but to smile as I looked at the sun streaming in through the windows. “It’s my wedding day.” I squealed to myself.
Just then my door was opening and Masamune was coming in,carrying a tray of food. “Good morning lass! Time to…wait, you’re already up?”
I turned to him smiling. “How could I not be? It’s my wedding day!” 
Masamune grinned at me. “Mitsunari is one lucky lad.” He said. “Well, I made you breakfast. Make sure you eat up. You have a busy day ahead.”
“Thanks, Masamune.” I replied, smiling happily.
Masamune gave me a grin. “Alright, I better get finished with your wedding feast.” He said, patting my head before heading back out.
I dug into the food, delicious as always. I was so excited and so happy. I couldn’t believe that I would finally be marrying the love of my life. I was also very excited to see how handsome Mitsunari looked in his wedding attire. I had made his clothes, combining elements of a traditional wedding hakama and a modern tuxedo. 
After finishing up the breakfast Masamune had prepared, the maids were coming in to help me get ready. They took me to a bath and I was pretty much treated to a spa day. My bath water was infused with special oils and my hair was washed with special soaps. 
“These oils are said to increase fertility.” Kana, one of the maids said, giving me a grin.
“And these are said to increase your lover’s desire for you.” Rin, another maid said, giving me a wink.
I giggled. “Desire doesn’t seem to be an issue.”
“It would appear not.” Kana replied. “You seem to be the only thing to pull Lord Mitsunari’s attention from his books.”
I giggled once again. “Not too much…though he doesn’t get as lost in them as he used to.”
There was more giggling from the maids as we finished my bath. Then I was dried off and wrapped in a nice robe and led back to my room to finish getting ready. They fixed up my hair and makeup and then helped me into my dress…which I had made combining a modern wedding dress and a kimono. The fabric was a beautiful white silk. The skirt was a bit fuller and I had it gathered up in places to create frills along the skirt. At each gather, I had embroidered purple flowers. The top half was strapless, but I wore a short purple jacket over it. I had a purple obi sash with a gold cord. 
“Oh, you look so beautiful Lady Ava.” Kana and Rin gushed.
Just then there was a knock at the door before it opened up, Nobunaga coming inside. He smiled as he looked at me. “I should have expected such an unusual creation from you, fireball.” He said.
“Does it look bad?” I asked, feeling a bit self conscious at his scrutinizing look.
“No…it suits you.” Nobunaga replied. “Are you ready?”
I nodded. “Yes…and thank you again for agreeing to give me away. It really means a lot, Nobunaga.”
“It is only right.” Nobunaga replied, offering me his arm.
I smiled as I looped my arm through his, picking up the bouquet I had made. I had decided to use fabric to create purple and white roses for the bouquet, wanting something that would be a lasting memory.
Nobunaga led me from my room and we made our way to the banquet hall. The doors opened as musicians Keiji had recruited began to play some light music. It had taken time to find someone willing to try and recreate the tune I had hummed, but Keiji had managed to find them. We had a surprisingly large crowd, filled with Oda vassals and soldiers and my fellow seamstresses.
Everyone knelt on cushions with a clear divide in the middle of the room, creating an aisle for me to walk down. There were flowers and fabrics draping all over the room in shades of purple, gold, and white. It was truly so beautiful and looked just as I had imagined. Nobunaga had worked hard to bring in everything I had asked for. He and Hideyoshi had instructed everyone on how to put everything up. At the back of the room, I spotted Sasuke blending in with some of the townsfolk and merchants who had been invited.
At the other end of the room, we had an altar set up, where Mitsunari stood. He looked so gorgeous in the clothes I had made for him…and his hair was perfectly straightened out. Looking as if I had just fixed it. I wondered if he had managed to fix it himself or if perhaps Hideyoshi had helped him.
Mitsunari smiled at me as I approached him on Nobunaga’s arm. My own smile widened as my eyes locked with his, suddenly everyone else in the room disappearing. Once we reached the altar, Nobunaga was placing my hand in Mitsunari’s before going to take his own seat. 
I came to stand beside Mitsunari, facing him as we stood together. “You look beautiful, Ava.” Mitsunari whispered to me.
“So do you, Mitsunari.” I replied, smiling so happily.
Since we were creating our own ceremony, we had decided to write our own vows. Mitsunari went first. “Ava, you have given me so much and taught me so much. You are the one who taught me what love is…what it means to love someone and be loved in turn. You take such good care of me and have helped me grow as a person and as a man. Today, I take you as my wife and I vow to always love and protect you. To cherish every moment we have together. To give you the same love and care you have given me. For all my life, I dedicate myself and my love to you.”
I felt tears stinging my eyes at his sweet words of love and dedication to me. “Oh…Mitsunari…” I said, trying to hold back my tears.
Mitsunari’s fingertips were at my cheek, dabbing at my tears as he continued to smile at me tenderly.
I took a deep breath to calm myself before beginning my own vows. “Mitsunari, you have given me a love that I never thought possible…a love I thought only existed in fairytales. You taught me so much about life here and it was through you that I learned to truly appreciate things here. You made me feel safe in a world I thought was terrifying. You’ve always taken the time to explain things to me without ever making me feel stupid. You’ve helped me to grow and you continue to do so. Today, I vow to you, to continue to love and support you our whole life long. My heart and all the love in it is yours, Mitsunari.”
From the back of the room I heard a familiar voice call out, “You may kiss the bride!” I felt my cheeks heat up, but continued to smile and had to fight off a giggle at Sasuke bringing in yet another modern tradition.
“Yeah, kiss ‘er!” Keiji and Masamune called.
Mitsunari smiled at me. “Is this another tradition from your time?” He whispered to me.
I nodded. “Yeah…sealing our vows with a kiss.”
“I think I like this tradition.” Mitsunari said, as he pulled me in to press his lips gently to mine. When we broke apart, he was smiling at me. “Ava…my wife.”
I was beaming as I looked at him. “Mitsunari…my husband.” This truly was the happiest day of my life.
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