#80% of this is just projecting my own dyslexia
Celia has dyslexia<3 pure self indulgence<3
out of her friends [Elena, Conficcare, Tesoro] she is the least academic and struggles the most with traditional learning. her dyslexia is a pretty strong case, with her massively struggling to read, letters moving around and blurring[morphing? idk how to describe it]. Reading is a headache and her writing also is jumbled and badly spelt. early on her teachers gave up on 'correcting' her handwriting and made her write in block capitals, which somewhat helped.
while Celia struggled to read and write, she has a very good grasp of language, and if text is read verbally to her she will be able to understand, absorb, and deconstruct it. most of her literature knowledge comes from Elena and Tesoro talking about whatever texts they are studying, and eventually the realized that Celia needed to hear it verbally, so they would read out loud and talk though their own analysis of it, subtly helping Celia
in terms of spoken language, Celia is excellent at learning and speaking languages, being multilingual from speaking age [with Spanish & Italian] and over the years picking up on bits of the many other languages spoken in their area with ease, especially skilled in replicating the sounds & accents of those around her. her spoken english spesificaly is behind Tesoro & Elena both [learned to a higher level in school due to being placed in better classes and then Elena learned even more] and Conficcare [learned for its use in the medical field]
[Note: this spesific paragraph about ease of learning languages is not as in line with the 'average' dyslexia, and i hesitate to link it to dyslexia, this is more of a relevant play to say it than saying its linked to dyslexia spesificaly. her struggle with grammar, reading, and writing other languages [as in her own mother tongues] is very much linked to her dyslexia though. she does have an easier time with Spanish due to its phonetic-ness [im not sure how that would apply to Italian] which is why she keeps using it very often and doesn't let that skill degrade over time]
in terms of how it affects her day-to-day, reports are given verbally or read out to her, and Tesoro is there every time paperwork, especially contracts where the nuances of wording really matter, is done. Celia is pretty good with numbers not being affected, but still double checks her own calculations & uses a calculator. her writing is block capitals, as mentioned, and she often has someone else taking notes for her when shes brainstorming.
she has a pair of 'sunglasses' that are actually coloured lenses, [red, im being nice to her so the colour that works best for her matches her colour scheme] that she uses to help her when she cant avoid reading, but those are a pretty recent development.
in an au where she lived she would love the massive selection of audiobooks available atm, but as is she has a pile of audiotapes of book readings, and its why she loves music so much- stories that are entirely verbal and audio based. she does like some of the audiobooks but will always prefer listening to someone else read it out loud [even if she wont admit that she struggles reading]
in a similar vein she listens to the radio a lot, and gets her news that way as oppose to newspapers.
she doesnt tell people she has issues reading and writing- a lot of how she manages it [other people reading things or taking notes for her] can be mistaken for shows of power, her glasses can be read as for the lookTM, so on and so forth. dyslexia is coined in the 1880s but i dont think Celia would have been aware of it being a 'thing'. Conficcare is most likely to know about it [having learned a lot about child development in his nursing course] but he makes the decision not to bring it up as Celia is notoriously touchy about it
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areyouokman · 2 years
Just rambling tbh
In my heart, John Lennon was heavily sexually dominated by Yoko; strap-on, gag, blindfold, bondage, cock cage, Mommy (tbh or Daddy, can see him calling Yoko both) kink, etc. He was a very aggressively submissive person in some instances.
‘Reality’, John jack-rabbited in Yoko for a maximum of 3 minutes and cursed himself for not getting with his hot bandmates afterwards. He’s too much of a Chad to take it up the ass, so he just thinks about railing the others instead.
Actual reality, John somewhat knew what he was doing, was mainly focused on himself but could make some women cum. Realistically, I doubt he would have partaken in an actual sexual relationship with any guy. Not that he was disgusted by it (although he wasn’t homophobic during that time, a lot has changed regarding what is considered homophobia and what isn’t) but that he would be uncomfortable due to it being something he isn’t familiar with. He’s used to dominating woman and I imagine that he’d be afraid of the man attempting to take control of him in the same way he took control of a women during sex. There’s a quote somewhere saying that he would get with a man, it just needs to be someone that he regards as ‘worthy’ ig (that’s not the actual quote, I’m basing off memory). I believe he believes that everyone is just a little bit bisexual (even if you don’t want to have sex with the same gender, you can still find someone like that attractive which is ok) although, and this is just my view on it, he never would have truly done it, even if he found someone he liked enough.
Mclennon is a whole other thing, imo. Some people believe that Paul was the one John was looking for in terms of sexual preference and disregarded those feelings due to him knowing Paul was ‘the immovable heterosexual.’ Others believe that John was jealous of how much attention Paul was getting, musically and woman wise. Even MORE other people believe that they were just best friends and their relationship was twisted due to those types of friendships (with how strong it was and it being two men) not being as common back then, giving people currently a not solid foundation of what two men with such a strong relationship looked or acted like; as well as those back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
I personally just like the smut (cause honestly it’s not bad at all) I don’t ship people as I used to. But everyone has their own opinion, analysis, and understanding of what exactly Mclennon was. If everyone regarded Mclennon as this strong, almost unreal bound between two Liverpoolian men who went through family hardships and helped eachother through the explosion of Beatlemania, a just platonically or brotherly bound, that yes, I would support it. But then again, I don’t not support it either.
Either way, maybe the Lennon-McCartney Duo could have worked better if John went to the right places for mental help. He had unresolved trauma, mental illnesses and disabilities (he had dyslexia and some speculate he had a form of BPD) either way, primal therapy did nothing for him, realistically speaking. He should have seen a therapist and gotten his issues sorted. If this happened in present day, before the Beatles and in his Highschool years, the Beatles could have had a better past to them.
Btw idk where tf this is coming from, but I’ve seen things were Paul was actually diagnosed with ADHD? Was he truly, or was this someone projecting onto him? Or, is this like the BPD with John, where many people speculate it but was never actually proven?
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
This week's 4 new Albums with User & Critic scores!
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There were a lot of music albums published this month by various artists, but these five albums were chosen because they are now at the top of the charts. WhatsOn editor Tama has selected the top albums, Listen to the songs from these albums and add them to your playlist. Taylor Swift's "Midnights": a sparkling return to pure pop The pop icon's eleventh album departs from her recent re-recording project and quiet lockdown compositions in favor of more upbeat, futuristic sounds. In a statement following the release of her tenth studio album, Taylor Swift said that "Midnights" contains "the story of 13 sleepless nights spread throughout my life." The release of this album, which is a collection of songs "composed in the middle of the night," was rather unexpected. Another original album seemed remote, especially following the publication of sister albums "Folklore" and "Evermore" in the midst of the pandemic. Taylor is currently in the process of re-recording her first six albums in order to reclaim ownership of her earlier efforts. https://youtu.be/Odh9ddPUkEY In the TikTok series "Midnights Mayhem with Me," where she broke down the album's track listing song by song, Swift also disclosed that Lana Del Rey would be making an appearance. Album "Midnights" got an 81% score from critics based on reviews and a 65% user score based on rating. https://open.spotify.com/album/151w1FgRZfnKZA9FEcg9Z3?si=2jPC2BWmRRmISZ6Upz-qYA The English band Arctic Monkeys makes a comeback with a daring, intricately arranged album chock full of intriguing love, desire, and doubt songs One of the biggest rock bands of the new millennium, Arctic Monkeys, is being transformed into a lovesick, dapper lounge act by the 36-year-old frontman. Following the career-reviving heights of 2013's AM, Turner turned inward and upward for 2018's Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, obliquely revealing his fears and desires through the concept of an elaborate resort in space, watched over by Big Brother and populated by desperate ghouls dancing to the seductive notes of piano and synthesizers. Their sixth studio album, The Car, is full of diversions, nonsequiturs, and lost threads that are only held together by Turner's swaying vocal lines and an orchestra that is constantly on standby like a wind-up toy waiting to be stirred into life. The Car is an album about love, longing, and doubt, and the obfuscation supports its fundamental premise that the most basic truths are the most difficult to discover. However, like with its predecessor, the more time you spend in its maze, the more obvious its themes become. https://youtu.be/6zgEObNc_-k Album “The Car " got an 80% score from critics based on reviews and a 70% user score based on ratings. https://open.spotify.com/album/2GROf0WKoP5Er2M9RXVNNs?si=uyla-55eSz2KE7DEJlYQjw With "Hugo," Loyle Carner's third studio album, he makes a comeback Loyle Carner has just published his third album, Hugo, three years after the publication of his previous one, Not Waving But Drowning. The three singles that came before the album, "Hate," "Georgetown," and "Nobody Knows (Ladas Road)" have already been described as career highs, and the rest of the album has received almost universal praise from critics. Deeper analyses of his ongoing dyslexia and ADHD difficulties are among the themes of the album. He also continues to muse on what it means to be mixed race and how he sees society's struggles with race, Black Lives Matter, and police brutality through his own personal lens. https://youtu.be/kaDgT7w4dEg Album “The Car " got an 85% score from critics based on reviews and an 81% user score based on ratings. https://open.spotify.com/album/3McfY0EGNjsrVdYa9ZnoSH The London band Dry Cleaning expands on the caustic post-punk of its debut while experimenting with new sounds and moods, while Florence Shaw, known for her understated delivery, uncovers hitherto unheard details Even though the last three years have been terrible, what if your tortoise also escaped? Florence Shaw laments the loss of a beloved family pet on Dry Cleaning's new track, "Gary Ashby," as evocative guitar tramps and twirls like the animal itself trotting off. This band's debut album from the previous year was full of caustic, barbed-wire post-punk, so it's a goofy, sad-sweet curveball. Though it was written shortly after the release of New Long Leg, Stumpwork is a whole new world, vibrantly extending Dry Cleaning's basic sound. It alternately veers toward industrial noise or dream pop while also being post-punk; hardcore vandalized with Dadaist journal thoughts; frigid and brooding; lush; and friendly. https://youtu.be/PD3KhCTk4dU Album “Stumpwork " got an 84% score from critics based on reviews and a 72% user score based on ratings. https://open.spotify.com/album/64OXKq9VK1geZd3Q9OpoBO?si=J58u9yCqR0eGhOAllP5PZg Read the full article
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ilikehotmurdermen · 2 years
basically what it says on the tin :D! this kinda acts as a baseline to all my works in terms of pronouns and stuff. please don't argue with me abt any of these - a lot of this is me projecting so arguing about these hcs feels icky,,
this took me like 2 weeks to make,,,, motivation is LOW
TW's: vague mention of animal injury (no detail), mention of various phobias, very brief mention of mental illness (no detail)
Billy Lenz - 🎄
Pronouns: It/He
Gender Identity: Trans Demiboy
Sexuality: Aceflux Omniromantic, male pref
Birthday: 9th December 1947
Height: 5'7
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, Paranoid Schizophrenia, ADHD)
Phobias: Ophthalmophobia - fear of being stared at, Agoraphobia - fear of open places/crowds, Astrophobia - fear of thunder & lightning, Cynophobia - fear of dogs
Likes: Christmas, collecting things, fairy lights, cats, gingerbread houses, big clothes
Dislikes: Dogs, clothes that are too tight, itchy things, non scented candles, plain water, storms
Brahms Heelshire -📚
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: No idea, probably doesn't even know that there's labels for sexuality but prefers women
Birthday: 2nd November 1983
Height: 6'3
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, ADHD)
Phobias: Pediophobia - fear of dolls, Autophobia - fear of being alone
Likes: Drawing, playing piano, classical music, trad goth music, collectable plushies, blankets, painting
Dislikes: Loud music, loud noises in general, velvet fabric, coffee, outdoors, rain
Billy Loomis - 🔪
Pronouns: He/They
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: 20th January 1978
Height: 5'10
Neurodiversity: Typical
Phobias: Arachnophobia - fear of spiders, Emetophobia - fear of vomit
Likes: Horror movies, the smell of rain, gore, sappy romance movies (they'll never admit it though)
Dislikes: Most bugs, bright colours, sugary food
Stu Macher -📞
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Trans Man
Sexuality: Homoflexible
Birthday: 24th January 1978
Height: 6'3
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD)
Phobias: Acrophobia - fear of heights, Gerascophobia - fear of aging
Likes: Sappy romance movies, horror media, true crime, SNES games, flirting with women just to mess with them, all animals with the exception of chihuahuas
Dislikes: Heights, his own birthday, chihuahuas and only chihuahuas, being alone for long periods of time
Michael Myers (OG) -🎃
Pronouns: He/Him but doesn't care
Gender Identity: Presents masc but doesn't care
Sexuality: Really just doesn't care
Birthday: 19th October 1957
Height: 6'1
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism)
Phobias: Somniphobia - fear of sleep, Trypanophobia - fear of needles/injections
Likes: Halloween, horror movies, sweets, sweetened coffee, rats
Dislikes: Hospitals, Christmas, being touched, being restrained in any way, being told no
Michael Myers (RZ) -🎭
Pronouns: He/They + some neos, but really doesn't mind any pronouns
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: 19th October 1980
Height: 6'9
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, dyscalculia)
Phobias: Autophobia - fear of being alone/isolated, Trypanophobia - fear of needles/injections
Likes: Halloween, making masks, classic horror movies, physical affection, sweets, hot chocolate, carving pumpkins, snakes, burning hot showers
Dislikes: Hospitals, being restrained, being forced to talk, people staring at him, dogs
Bo Sinclair -🔧
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: Bisexual, refuses to call himself anything other than straight though
Birthday: 9th April 1973
Height: 6'1
Neurodiversity: Typical
Phobias: Melissophobia - fear of bees
Likes: Rom Coms, cars, heavy metal, jigsaw puzzles, 80s tech
Dislikes: Small kids, snakes, flying insects, mobile phones
Vincent Sinclair -🕯️
Pronouns: He/They/Xe + some neos
Gender Identity: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: 9th April 1973
Height: 6'1
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism)
Phobias: Agoraphobia - fear of open places/crowds, Gelotophobia - fear of being laughed at
Likes: Drawing, painting, making wax statues, reading, most genres of metal
Dislikes: Loud music, strong chemical smells, strong tastes, food/drinks with chunks, red wine
Lester Sinclair -⛺
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: He's just confused
Birthday: 8th July 1976
Height: 5'7
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, dyslexia, ADHD)
Phobias: Aerophobia - fear of flying, Megalophobia - fear of large objects
Likes: Dogs, country music, collecting bones & oddities, classic rock, Madonna, walks in the woods
Dislikes: Tight shirts, snow, seeing animals in pain, dress shirts, whatever music Bo has on in his garage, big empty spaces
Jedidiah "Bubba" Sawyer -🐓
Pronouns: She/They/He but depends on the day
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
Birthday: 5th July 1940
Height: 6'4
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism - Non/Semi verbal)
Phobias: Selachophobia - fear of sharks, Aquaphobia - fear of water, Icthyophobia - fear of fish
Likes: Sewing, makeup, sweet tea, synthpop, shiny things, nice smelling candles, patterned clothes, chickens
Dislikes: Spicy food, plain fabrics, vehicles, bright colours, loud music
Thomas Hewitt -🪚
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: Bisexual, female pref
Birthday: 31st July 1940
Height: 6'5
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism - semi verbal, dyslexia)
Phobias: Pharmacophobia - fear of medicine, Atychiphobia - fear of failure
Likes: Colourful shirts and ties, 50s-70s era rock, sweet tea, white noise, soft blankets, long walks alone
Dislikes: Strong liqueur, citrus fruits, whatever 100 Gecs have going on, books, words in general tbh, people invading his personal space
[PART 2]
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5577v · 2 years
masterpost for my versions of various hetalia characters i like bc i want their identities to be respected and their stories to be understood here (will be continued)
mathias (denmark); nonbinary; any pronouns
- gay
- hyperactive adhd and dyslexia (& ptsd?)
- he just like me fr... happy idiot who wouldn't hurt a fly (unless it's swedish) but also has a lot of internalized issues that he only started addressing at around the 70s/80s. she's also not exactly stupid or anything, just awful at reading tones or organizing herself. picked up smoking from his relationship with netherlands. an alcoholic but pretends they're not
- had things going on with tim/netherlands, ludwig and occassionally ber but every time she was just trying to run away from the fact that he's in love with his bestie the norwegian
lukas (norway); ???; he/she
- bi
- generalized anxiety
- it has taken him until like the 2010s that maybe raising herself as a woman for hundreds of years and enjoying it has made her might not exactly cis. also has extreme paranoia but refuses to address it. has a lot of internalized issues going on that he needs to deal with but would rather just look sexy than talk about his feelings
emil (iceland); trans guy, he/him
- ??? likes men
- ptsd and depression
- came to terms with his identity in about the 80s
- has started talking to leon in the 90s online
tino (finland); cis guy, he/him
- pan
- neurotypical
- hard of hearing/deaf
- also TONE deaf xd he always sticks his nose into other people's business and tries to "help" but isn't always exactly helping... also alcoholic no. 2
berwald (sweden); cis guy, he/him
- gay
- asd
- it's hetalia sweden what do you want
eduard (estonia); agender; they/he
- fluctuates/unlabelled
- idk tbh but probably not nt
- just living their best life out of all of them tbh. the only person without constant existential dread haunting them
raivis (latvia); cis guy, he/him
- ???
- generalized anxiety
- definitely more of an actual teen in my interpretation than the uwu-fied version of the manga. smart fella who doesn't know how to deal with having so many things expected from him. of course he fell in love with the one person who isn't expecting anything from him and instead cares about his feelings
leon (hong kong); ???; doesn't mind any pronouns, mostly he/him
- a queer mystery.......
- asd
- tbh his canon version is kinda bland i will not lie... but i still like this goofy guy. i write him as someone like mathias but more tame and less hyperactive. they're still an incredibly strange person though - i HAVE a specific personality in mind but i don't know how to describe it... like every interaction with him is just a fever dream in a way because he's really just saying things and you can't read his expression
my ships that i enjoy:
long term (in my stories) - dennor, estlat, sufin, hongice (i know it's basic i'm sorry)
short term - densu, nedden, gerden, norfin, estice
outside of those charas: gerita, gerfra, ruspru, lietpol etc etc...
i also want to clarify. i'm trans (enby) myself and either me or my hetalia friends have several of the illnesses listed, we didn't assign the characters those to make them "quirky", but because we're projecting and want to see some better representation :]
also - i barely associate them with being countries rly. i mostly see them as people living their own lives who happen to be immortal and represent their citizens, they're not bound to stereotypes or politics or anything.
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architectnews · 2 years
"I would like to think that my ethics may continue" said Richard Rogers in 2013 video interview
Renowned British architect Richard Rogers, who died on Saturday, reflected on his legacy and told the stories behind his Centre Pompidou in Paris and Lloyd's building in London in this video interview filmed by Dezeen in 2013.
In the short film, the Pritzker Prize-winning architect discusses his practice Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, his key influences and the ups and downs of a career that spanned half a century.
The interview was filmed at RSH+P's offices in London in 2013 ahead of the opening of Inside Out, a retrospective exhibition of his work at the Royal Academy in London.
At the time, Dezeen published a series of videos in which the architect spoke about his key projects.
This edit focuses on two early projects that helped to launch Rogers' career: the 1977 Centre Pompidou in Paris and the 1986 Lloyd's building in London.
"I would like to think that my ethics may continue"
Rogers studied at the Architectural Association in London and Yale School of Architecture in New Haven, USA.
After graduating in the 1960s, the collective Team 4, which comprised Rogers alongside Norman Foster, Wendy Cheeseman and Su Brumwell, went on to pioneer high-tech architecture.
In 1977, the British architect set up his own practice Richard Rogers Partnership, which was renamed Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in 2007.
The practice is owned by a charity and abides by a constitution that redistributes profits amongst employees and other charitable bodies.
Pritzker Prize-winning architect Richard Rogers dies aged 88
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners also boycotts work that involves the military, incarceration or arms manufacturers, opting instead for socially driven projects.
"At 80, you can see an end will be coming," Rogers said in the video. "But I would like to think that my ethics may continue."
Architects "have a responsibility to society," he added. "And that gives us a role as architects that is more than just answering the client but also to answer the passerby and society as a whole."
The Italian-born architect immigrated to Britain with his family in 1939. In addition to negative Italian stereotypes, the architect also had difficulty with his then-undiagnosed dyslexia.
"Those gave me a lot of problems for the first 30 years," said Rogers. "But the last 30 years have been fantastic."
"I often say I enjoyed myself much more in the last third of my life than I have in my first third," he added.
Centre Pompidou by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (1977)
Completed in 1977, the Centre Pompidou is a landmark art gallery and cultural centre located in Paris' fourth arrondissement.
The high-tech building, which was designed in partnership with Italian architect Renzo Piano, has received widespread critical acclaim but was initially met with hostility from the locals.
"I remember once standing outside on a rainy day and there was this small woman with an umbrella," Rogers recalled in the video. "She said: 'What do you think of this building?' And, stupidly, I said: 'I designed it,' and she hit me on the head with the umbrella."
Since its completion, the Centre Pompidou has had more than 150 million visitors and it is now celebrated as one of Paris' most important cultural landmarks.
Lloyd's building in London
Lloyd's building, London, UK (1986)
Built in 1986 as the headquarters of insurance firm Lloyd's of London, the inside-out building represents Rogers' return to architectural practice after work dried up.
"We took about seven years to build the Centre Pompidou," said Rogers. "At the end of it, there was no other work. Nobody wanted another Centre Pompidou".
The steel-and-glass tower, which has mechanical services on its exterior, was designed in response to a competition by Lloyd's calling for a modern building that could stand the test of time.
"Lloyds said they wanted two things: they wanted a building that would last into the next century – we made that one – and they wanted a building that would meet their changing needs," said Rogers.
The post "I would like to think that my ethics may continue" said Richard Rogers in 2013 video interview appeared first on Dezeen.
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pussiehands1 · 7 years
meta #7 // ‘you and i understand each other’ tw: childhood/sexual abuse, partial headcanon/speculation based, homophobic slurs, autism mention.
           The closest thing Mac has to a healthy bond is with Charlie, mainly stemming from the fact they’ve known each other since childhood and they therefore know more about each other than any of the other members of the gang. Since there’s a lot of ground to cover I’ll try and split the parts into periods of chronological age rather than of specific moments ( although they will have examples ). Some of this is speculation based, anything that is not followed by an episode number or ‘in one episode’ is headcanon surrounding other elements of the show. You’re welcome to ask but this won’t be expanded on in this meta.
            Mac and Charlie have known each other since they were children although there’s never a clear cut reason as to how they’d met or why. My speculation is that they met on some kind of playground. Since both their mothers are lax when it comes to their whereabouts / their actual safety, their early days could have consisted of a situation where Charlie attempt to run away from home only to end up on the bad side of Philly where he finds Mac. The two strike up a friendship and then they attend the same school etc. The only glimpse we see of Mac and Charlie as children is in the Christmas episode (S6E13). Where they spend the day throwing rocks at trains as their own special tradition. Without any money but a strong bond, Mac and Charlie pick out piles of rocks for each other as gifts. Charlie picks smooth rocks ( and chomps on the rough ones until they’re smooth because they hurt Mac’s hands ). Mac picks the misshapen ones because Charlie likes to make stories about them. The fact their parents allow both of them to spent time together on a very family orientated holiday shows the kind of family bond that they have. Regardless of the holiday/time, they always find time to share it with people they love - each other. As well as this, Charlie becomes the first person to actually buy Mac a gift, something that he always wanted, years later after finding out about the traditions he had as a child. Charlie, who is usually emotionally ignorant of most, shows an act of selflessness that’s arguably only present around Mac - this being one of those times.
                Charlie for a lot of reasons views Mac as safety, specifically regarding Charlie’s years of sexual abuse at the hands of his Uncle. The song ‘Nightman’ (S4E13) and the play itself tells a story of how Charlie perceives the events of the molestation from Uncle Jack, who is the Nightman ( he comes in the night and he touches the ‘baby boy’. Charlie’s Mom being a prostitute and potentially ‘selling’ Charlie - the troll - 'you gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boys hole' etc) . In the original script Charlie writes Mac as The Dayman who is regarded as the hero of the song, he protects the baby boy from the Nightman. This plays out until Dennis decides he wants to be the Dayman instead which Charlie gets angry about. As mentioned above he and Mac were together as children. My personal thought is that Mac used to stay over at Charlies and offered protection unknowingly, Uncle Jack couldn't have came into his room when Mac stayed over and therefore he kept the Nightman away. In the song, Charlie refers to the Dayman being someone who is a fighter of the Nightman, a friend for everyone and a master of karate. The last two are things are what Mac would define himself as. Mac is by far the easiest member of the gang to communicate with, he gets so excited about making ideas or talking to people because its in his nature and he also has a wild obsession with martial arts. Charlie especially had NO other friends as a kid, so to him Mac is the ultimate best friend and he would almost worship their friendship at that age because of how their mentality works. Charlie’s ability to extend himself to be like Mac (when Mac dances Charlie copies the dance moves (S6E2), when Mac is standing in a specific way Charlie will copy (S7E4), Charlie laughs at Mac’s jokes even when he doesn't understand him etc). Mac projects a lot of 'badassary' onto people and Charlie has no reason not to believe it. If Charlie can believe he's like the Dayman then he in turn can fight the Nightman, which in turn would make the abuse stop. Charlie then adopts the role of the Dayman at the end of the play which then allows him to move on with his life.
                Mac and Charlie as teenagers used to canonically hang out and get high, they were then later joined by Dennis (S7E12). This didn’t just happen at school but also at Charlie’s house where they used to dwell in the basement. During this time they begin to grow into their own personalities and since they’re the only real comfort each other have, they probably talk about girls they like or what interests them. As this would have been in the 80s, it’s unlikely that Mac would confide in Charlie about his types of fantasies regarding men. Charlie who also has very toxic relationship with men ( Mac being the exception ) would most likely try to steer away from this kind of conversation. As two guys who are experiencing changes there is a possibility that they may have kissed a couple of times, if only to break their kissing virginity, but with how their relationship then develops it’s unlikely anything more came from it. Mac and Charlie also used to ‘wrestle’ together and gave each other ringworm which then spread to the whole team. As this would have been a pursuit of Mac, mostly because of how its regarded as a manly sport - but also to get closer to other guys - Charlie is the one that offers support, agreeing to help Mac home in the skills before practice. This kind of support also stems into adulthood both as a physical and emotional trait.
             The close bond that Mac and Charlie have has grown from the above section and developed further as they reach adulthood. Dee and Dennis both go to college and these two are left alone again. They slowly become, at this point, the only people they can each rely on. They have a closer bond than Dee and Dennis, who arguably should be closer considering they’re related. The shows makes us aware of this by placing them as direct parallels to them (S7E7, S11E1). In the games especially they’re very supportive, often their cards involve team work like mending a broken bottle, their flag is composed from a joint imaginative idea rather than depicting themselves and during emotional battery, Mac tries to amp up Charlie not to cry. Dee and Dennis however are very competitive, they have to force themselves to team up (Dennis gluing his hand to Dee) all for the sake of winning. Mac and Charlie in this regard become a collective, two halves of a whole that’s a title that should only really be reserved for biological bonds. The show makes a good point here: You choose your family, which is what they regard themselves as.
           Mac will always have a soft spot for his parents, however, and while the other members of the gang don’t mention it, the relationship between them and Mac is toxic. Charlie however continuously goes with Mac to see his dad in prison (S2E10,S3E11,S10E7) for no other reason than to support him which often ends in terrible situations. Not only that but Charlie sits back and watches as Mac’s Dad rejects him, not telling him how much Mac’s Dad hates him from the lack of love in his voice. Pair this in direct contrast to how Dennis delivers the news regarding the letters he was hiding from Luther (S11E10) or how Charlie reacts to Dee mentioning that her mom used to call her the worst (S10E9). Charlie takes notice of Mac’s feelings whereas the other members don’t and Charlie does not offer this kind of support for any of the others. In the same way, Mac gives Charlie support in his ideas and in Charlie’s lack of understanding and mental capabilities (S8E1) regarding his Dyslexia. While there are times where they will argue or friction will occur, the two get over the arguments quickly and this isn’t brought up later.
           It’s normal for Charlie and Mac to be paired together, episodes that stem - but are not limited to (S1E1, S2E3, S3E9, S4E5, S4E10, S5E11, S6E5, S7E4, S8E1, S9E7, S10E1, S10E10, S11E8, S12E4). These schemes are often out of the blue, random and generally obnoxious. They are plans that nobody else wants to get involved in that the other’s can’t understand. Wheres most character dynamics have changed regarding canon ( Mac / Dennis. Dennis + Dee / Frank. Frank / Charlie etc ) these two have remained consistent in their support for each other. From S2 and them going to spend Frank’s money all the way to S12 where they catch a leprechaun. No matter the situation the two can usually convince each other to do what the other wants. It’s a mixture of their own head-space and complete trust in each other. Charlie, just as he did when he was a teenager, supports Mac in his pursuits and selflessly lends a hand (S6E4) without a want for anything. Whereas Dennis + Dee usually have motive to lend a hand, Mac and Charlie exist in a world where it’s very give and take (in relation to each other). There are times canon strays from this (S2E4) and Charlie manipulates Mac to get what he wants. However Mac is also capable of this (S3E5) where they will play on each other’s insecurities/weakness’ to get what they want. This, however, is nothing compared to what other members of the gang are willing to do to get what they want.
              Mac’s big arc in Sunny is that he spends a long walk coming out of the closet. Charlie, for all his lack of understanding in everything, knows every part of Mac. It’s already fairly established that Charlie looks up to Mac, specifically when he mentions about not believing until Mac says something (S7E8, S8E10). Charlie can often misunderstand levels of humour in a situation (mostly due to his his PDA - a rare form of autism) and a strong example of this is in (S10E9). Mac tells the gang that there are two gay guys on board and Charlie responds with a ‘who’s the other guy’ laughing with the rest of the gang when Mac remains unimpressed. His intent isn’t to make Mac feel uncomfortable but to bring light to the situation at hand. In my own personal beliefs, I think somewhere between S10 and S12 Mac confides in Charlie regarding his sexuality. I believe this for two reasons. 1) Mac has confided in his insecurities with Charlie before (S8E1) when he informs the gang that Mac assess people with ocular pat downs because he’s insecure. Something Mac would never openly admit to to anybody else. His masculine pride won’t allow it - showing he trusts Charlie more than he trusts himself. 2) Charlie has expressed multiple times that he knows Mac is gay and Mac hasn’t been as offended as he is when Dennis or somebody else brings it up. (S8E8) Charlie states ‘whatever it is you’re into, men, women’ and Mac shrugs. (S12E4) ‘My friend has weird women issues’. Charlie never explicitly says it and for Mac that’s comforting, it’s the label that triggers him more than anything, especially since gay has such a negative connotation. Charlie was probably there as they were called faggot, gay boys because he was also part of it. These words demean and push away a place in the community, in the 80s being gay would take you out of the traditional family, you would be regarded as ‘other’. Mac has never had a real home, he comes from a broken family, he wants that anchor/security family provides. He strives for it, Charlie KNOWS this and does not push for Mac to come out.
               Mac has always had Charlie to rely on for his own thoughts/feelings because in a way they share a lot of them. Charlie to Mac is someone that won’t judge him and who will protect him ( emotionally and physically as shown (S8E5) when Charlie punches Dennis ). It’s then logical to assume that this is something he talks to Charlie about, at least in passing, before it actually happens. Charlie - with respect - then doesn’t use this as a form of manipulative abuse or to force Mac out of the closet before he’s ready. Mac on the other hand, helps Charlie without even realising it. Mac protected Charlie from Uncle Jack and by association Charlie sees Mac as safety, though he doesn’t always believe it (S10E9) ‘Your head of security just choked himself out’. This is again not mentioned to his face and Charlie doing things like, spraying Mac’s cologne on himself (S3E10) almost as a comfort when he’s uncomfortable position, shows Charlie as a very dedicated best friend/follower of Macs. 
            Mac and Charlie might not be the best kind of people but together they bring out a kind of love that people strive to find, it’s supportive and unconditional. They regard each other as family but more than that. They’re two pieces of a disjointed puzzle from very deprived families who have experienced unbelievable horrors as children/teenagers, they’ve grown up together and continued to remain dedicated to their friendship despite absolutely everything. For them home is not a place, it’s a person. Home offers a sense of safety and family - two things that they both want more than anything.
11 notes · View notes
renaroo · 7 years
Wednesday Roundup 15/6/2017
So this is a day late but in my defense I had a ridiculous amount of comics to get through with no one to blame but myself here. And you know what? I genuinely enjoyed almost everything. But does that mean every comic was good this week? And even so what did I think was the best? 
Honestly I don’t know how to write these intros for people who wouldn’t be here to read my opinion anyway so let’s just jump into it. 
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Marvel’s All-New Wolverine, Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, DC’s Detective Comics, DC’s Gotham Academy: Second Semester, DC’s Justice League of America, Image’s Motor Crush, DC’s Superwoman, IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, DC’s Titans, IDW’s Transformers: Salvation, DC’s Wonder Woman
Marvel’s All-New Wolverine (2015-present) #21 Tom Taylor, Leonard Kirk, Cory Hamscher, Terry Pallot, Michael Garland
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Okay I need this issue to reread a million times over because there are just so many things I love all at once. Like, oh my gosh. I was almost in tears multiple times because relationships! Healing! Supporting each other!
Wade and Gabby alone could just about make this issue perfect, but then you have Laura and Daken hugging and worried about each other, and Old Man Logan being likable for the first time in any of my readings of him. There’s so much I enjoy, though I find the cover rather deceiving. This is much more of a Howlett family reunion than anything else, though I did enjoy Riri’s parts in it.
I just eriously adore these characters and it meant a lot to see them all come together like they have here and that cliffhanger HURT so much more for it. 
I will nitpick the art a bit because we’ve been doing so good about keeping Laura in the Wolverine costume which is much preferred to her X-23 wardrobes, for sure, but this issue it pretty much looked exactly like one of her old costumes without the midriffs and it was kinda weird. I know she took off a lot of her armor for skin contact but it’s... idk. It was weird. 
The main thing I’m happy about though is that as we go on, I realize that literally all of the Marvel books I’ve kept are going out of their way to not involve themselves in Secret Wars and it’s kind of beautiful. Laura and Gabby are stuck on an island that’s quarantined (and I can pretend Wade’s there with them instead of whatever’s going on since I dropped Deadpool for the summer crossovers, thanks Tom Taylor!), Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur are literally off world, and the rest are non-616. So yay me!
Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016-present) #8 Gerry Conway, Ryan Stegman, Jesus Aburtov
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For those who don’t know, Mary Jane Watson is genuinely one of my favorite Marvel characters and is easily one of the reasons I ever stuck with the Spider-Man comics for as long as I did was because of my interest in her and wanting to see her and Peter.
I can also thank her for my genuine attraction to redheads probably.
But one of the main reasons that I’ve loved this book so much is because, as written by Gerry Conway, this is the Peter and MJ of my dreams. I love them so much, and the complications that comes from their relationship and from growing older, raising a daughter, and MJ’s desire to continuously be the glue to keep both Peter and Annie together logically causes her to seek out a way to continue being Spinerette without syphoning off Peter’s powers. 
It’s almost like growing old, having a stable relationship, trying to keep things fresh while raising a kid, are all dramatic and worthy of good storytelling in their own right or something HMM.
Anyway, yes it’s completely on the nose where this is going and it’s a little curious how MJ’s not immediately aware of the connection between what’s going on with her right now and the horrible, arguably traumatizing experience she and Peter had, but who knows what’s canon anymore lol
Basically, I sideye a bit from a story point of view, but this series continues to make up for it with the real thing that matters to me: these characters and their development.
DC’s Detective Comics (2016-present) #958 James Tynion IV, Aluaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Brad Anderson 
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Honestly I really love the slower issues where Tynion takes more time to make moments for the relationships between the characters and give us interractions we didn’t know we wanted -- Kate going with Luke and Jean Paul to a basketball game, Cass and Clayface being adorable by reciting a play, Bruce at a poker game with a bunch of assholes in homage to Almost Got ‘im!? It was a lot of fun honestly. 
Okay I take issue with Cass’ dialogue. I know she was repeating lines from a tape and such but it’s weird to see her make so much progress when just two issues ago she was almost monosyllabic. Like... I want to see Cass gradually learning, I want to feel her frustration with hitting walls, I want to see her struggle and achieve despite the struggle because that gradual progression was honestly something we weren’t delivered in the former canon. We have a great opportunity for it here. 
But y’know. I’m particular with Cass and it’s hard to say where her baseline for reading and speech even is in this canon because her dyslexia may be in tact but her circumstances growing up are completely different. So I don’t know. 
Now. I’m a sucker for Bruce and Zatanna team-ups because I’m a schmuck but I’m really excited for next issue. Had a lot of fun with this one. This feels like a decent pace for Tynion -- at least in my opinion. 
DC’s Gotham Academy: Second Semester (2016-2017) #10 Brenden Fletcher, Becky Cloonan, Karl Kerschl, Adam Archer, Massyk, Sandra Hope
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This comic is speeding toward an end and I’m not sure if I’m ready! 
From the beginning, for me at least, the selling point for Gotham Academy has been just how much these kids felt like real teenagers and real friends with all their various relationships and connections, platonic or romantic or something in between. And it’s powerful to see that coming to play as an advantage to completing Olive’s arc, but also as a disadvantage since the consequences of many of her actions hurt that much more.
I’ll save a lot of my thoughts for a complete wrap up of the series but overall, very happy and very grateful for the continuously good read that is GA
DC’s Justice League of America (2016-present) Volume 1: Road to Rebirth Steve Orlando, Jody Houser, Ivan Reis, Andy MacDonald, Stephen Byrne, Jamal Campbell, Mirk Andolfo
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In all seriousness, I’m a huge fan of Vixen and Ryan Choi as well as a big fan of Justice League International, as it was in its 80s glory. So my interests with this particular lineup were piqued from the beginning and I made myself wait for the first volume to dive in. 
For the most part, this is a team gathering exercise. Characters that have lacked the spotlight in the last few years -- Vixen, Ray, Killer Frost, and the Atom -- were given whole issues to reintroduce them to this continuity. And honestly those issues were great. I really, really love the updated origins for them and feel that they’re a good blend of honoring the past of the characters as well as adapting them for a new world. 
Lobo, Batman, and Black Canary took back seat, but considering that there were already tensions showing within the group, I think it’s safe to assume that giving the spotlight to the rest of the team won’t always last this long. Things are nothing if not explosive among these members.
I really did mean it when I said this is a team gathering exercise, because there’s no first case to unite everyone. There’s not any real antagonists or team-ups we see to speakof. It was just getting hte jLA together. 
And for me it’s enough to get me intrigued, though I’d completely understand if people told me it was far from enough for them. 
Now they just need to add Big Barda, Booster Gold, and Ted Kord and I’ll be satisfied. 
Image’s Motor Crush (2016-present) Vol. 1 Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
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I was not the biggest fan of this team’s Batgirl team though I appreciated the aesthetics and what not. There just never seemed to be a storyline that really interested me and I couldn’t be sold on the characterization for Barbara. So I kept hearing about Motor Crush for the last year and was really itnerested in it so I wanted until this volume came out and. 
Well, quite simply, I’m in love.
Tell you what, those biker gangs that kept coming up really confusingly out of place in Batgirl make a hell of a lot more sense now that I can see this team’s actual passion project. 
So I love Motor Crush a lot, I’m really invested in Domino, the mystery that is her origins and the powers of Crush itself. I love her relationship with her ex, Lola, I love her father -- I love just about everything and the cliffhanger really surprised me. 
I will say that while I love having a world that speaks for itself rather than constant narration, it’s a little hard to follow this world entirely, I’d like a bit more explained than what has been, but at the end of the day I’m very excited to see more. 
DC’s Superwoman (2016-present) #11 K. Perkins, José Luís, Ray McCarthy, HI-FI
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You know, I have made it clear that I’ve been worried about this title for a while now, really just hoping it was going to find its direction and wow us with the great potential that is the Super Family outside of the main Kent triad. And I feel like that’s for good reason -- the end of Jimenez’s run let a lot of people feeling justifiably scorned, there was a mishandling of a lot of heavy and important subjects that were raised, and at least the initial stuff with Perkins taking over kind of left one wondering if they had a fully formed direction to go toward next. 
But I am really glad that I stuck it out for this long because the family of John, Lana, Nat, and everyone else is so important and so fundamentally different from the dynamics found elsewhere in the new familial renaissance of the DCU that I needed it. And I hope it continues to emphasize these relationships and how important they are to each other.
I’m still unhappy with how anxiety and mental illness is being handled in the title and find it lacking since it was brought up to begin with and now being ignored. That subject alone is making me rethink my disinterest in Green Lantern books as a whole because I have loved and felt inspired so far by what I’ve seen of Jessica Cruz and their handling of anxiety, and it’s why I picked up Silk at the high recommendations of a close friend. 
So I’d like for mental illness to be treated better in this title -- the least it can do after bringing it up and treating it the way it did at the end of Jimenez’s run, but there’s so much value in the non-nuclear family dynamic of the Irons household and of the uniqueness of Lana’s powers and her approach to fighting crime that it’s worth it. For me anyway.
IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011-present) #70 Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Mateus Santolouco, Ronda Pattison
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I knew the end of this storyline was going to be, at the very least, explosive but wow, WOW I had no idea how many twists and turns it was going to take in that time. That was a phenomenal ending to the Mutanimals storyline for the time being, and I just feel so bad for Slash, down to my core. I’m so worried about him, and whenever he will be allowed to recover.
At least I hope he’ll recover.
This series is seventy issues strong and i’m just so blown away by the way they still manage to keep me on the edge of my feet while so many different storylines and character developments are happening at the same time.
I mean, I even feel for Old Hobb here!
I do suppose a complaint I could hold here is that the titular turtles themselves have ultimately not been very front and center throughout this storyline, and that really showed in the conclusion, where for the most part they were lost to the colorfulness of the huge, colorful supporting cast that has been developed over the years. 
For me, personally, I think that’s honestly okay. We can’t have the same story over and over again with only the main four characters driving the narrative, and it’s been a long standing tradition in TMNT for a good 30 years now to sort of embody the concept that our main guys don’t really look for situations to get involved with but sort of fall into them naturally. 
Not to mention it’s probably a strength that 70 issues in, we haven’t once repeated plots or stories or put any of the characters on a loop of development to end up right back where they started. I don’t think the achievement of that can be understated, especially as we near that landmark #75!
DC’s Titans (2016-present) #12 Dan Abnett, Kenneth Rocafort, Dan Brown
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Bleh. BLEH. I was holding out judgment on the twist of Wally and Donna and Roy ending up in some kind of love triangle because I wanted the context but honestly the context is kinda... bleh. It would be awesome if we lived in some world and time where Donna’s origins were not constantly retconned and thus the source of her characterization in every run of every thing she showed up in. Which is by no means a new problem but still.
And my opinion is... Wally and Donna are both going through a hard time and Wally is having to accept that his life is fundamentally different from the previous world he knew, that he can’t just badger people into returning things to the way they were -- especially Linda, who he loves but it’s a very one-sided relationship as a result of the parallel universe paradox and stuff. It makes sense to me that in a ploy to gain some sense of control over that, he and Donna both would try to take fate in an unexpected direction, into their own hands. 
But making it a love triangle with Roy just kinda keeps my eyes firmly rolled into the back of my skull. 
I overall like Lilith, Dick, Garth, and Karen’s development and characterization in this issue. I think they’re taking Lilith in interesting directions and I’m really curious about what her omen means for the future, since apparently there’s a traitor among them. And they set up plenty of reasons for various members to be that traitor in this issue but I can’t help but assume already that it’s going to end up being a twist. Good twist or not remains to be seen. 
IDW’s Transformers: Salvation (2017) John Barber, Livid Ramondelli
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I’m going to be completely “original” here and say that I’m not a fan of Ramondelli’s at for the various Transformers comics. i know! I know. Shocking, never said before, completely going against the general fandom consensus. I’m such a brave soul. I know. 
Okay, joking aside though... I didn’t think the art was bad in this one-shot. Actually! I’d argue a lot of it was even good. He may not be my favorite artist and I’ll think that his colo gradients are butt ugly most of the time, but there was better handled action sequences than usual, the characters looked like they had weight, and we even got a range of expressiveness in the characters that is... well, frankly, not usual for Ramondelli. 
So other than that shocking revelation, I thought Barber performed good once more on tying the TF universe together again, answering some prior plot points and nicely knotting off loose ends. Trypticon being a Titan is not the biggest revelation in the world, but the development of Sandstorm and the Dinobots was great, and I loved just how devious Starscream truly is under Barber’s pen even though I’ve fully been enjoying the characterization for him in Till All Are One. 
DC’s Wonder Woman (2016-present) #24 Greg Rucka, Bilquis Evely, Romulo Fajardo Jr. 
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WOW! I mean, just wow! What a resolution to everything. I have so many emotions for Diana, for Barbara Ann, for even Veronica Cale of all people. Etta and Steve were great, the art was amazing.
It’s just such a relief and such... honestly just an amazing feat that Greg Rucka is beginning to wrap up this just phenomenal run of Wonder Woman 
I really enjoyed how everything turned out and it was so remarkable to see Diana’s resolution to save Veronica but also to not turn her back on her friends and loved ones as well as the torment it is for Barbara to not be able to get into Themyscira after all her life’s work.
And I liked Diana’s assessment of Veronica at the end, it was true and also blunt to the point of cruelty. But fitting also. 
It’s amazing what a turn around I’ve personally felt when it comes to Veronica’s character because in all honesty I was not a fan of her most of the time in the preboot, but Rucka really has fleshed her out and done something unique with her perspective now. There is tragedy but there’s also less deniability for her fault in all of it. 
I’m sad to be coming toward Rucka’s end on the run, but I’m also so happy to see the love and passion he’s put into everything culminating to what it is now.
This is a genuinely hard choice but I think if I go by what tugged on my heartstrings the most, what gave me the most joy overall and just feelings unrelenting from start to finish, I would have to say that my pick of the week is All-New Wolverine. I adore this series and I couldn’t be happier with this issue and how they’re keeping my precious Marvel girls faaaaaar away from Secret Empire. A close second would be Wonder Woman but really I would happily recommend my entire pull this week. It was a geat week for comics.
But that’s just my opinion! I’d love to know your thoughts. Agree? Disagree? Think I missed something I should’ve picked up this week? I’d love to hear from you!
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lalka-laski · 4 years
The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? Butter for my cinnamon toast midnight snack :) 
Do you like clowns? Uh, that’s a hard nope.
Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far? There have only been two? But yes. I’m always honest here. If I ever encounter a question I don’t feel comfortable answering, I just delete it & move on. 
Are you listening to anything at the moment? Nope, just some white noise from my fan 
Do you twitch when your falling asleep? SO much. It drives Glenn crazy but it drives me even CRAZIER because it makes it impossible for me to fall asleep again. 
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? Clean at the moment. I think?
Are you at home or with friends more often? I’m out with friends a few times a week but that’s plenty for me. Most of my time is spent at work or home though. 
When is the last time you were on a bicycle? It’s been too long!
What have you eaten today? Just a cup of Earl Grey & now a cup of decaf coffee 
Would you date someone 15 years older than you? Glenn is 12 years older than me & I already think that’s slightly pushing it. Not that our age gap poses too many issues but, ya know. 
Do you own a strapless bra? Mhm. Well actually I stole it from my sister but I “own” it now :P
Does the person you like know it? Considering we are obnoxiously obsessed with each other & say “I love you” 12 times an hour, I’d say he knows.  
Did anything brighten up your day today? Every client I’ve interacted with has been chipper & cheerful, which is rare for this facility. So I’m having a good day so far!
How are you feeling at this exact moment? See above
Are you someone who worries too often? It’s my middle name
If you could date somebody who would it be? I’m quite happy with the man I’ve got :) 
Do you ever wonder how other people see you? I worry too much about that. It’s something I’m doing extensive personal work on, actually... 
What is one good thing you’re known for? My kindness/friendliness 
How about one bad thing? My spaciness & flakiness 
Are you taller than most? Most women, yeah
When was the last time you sang an ENTIRE song? Hm, I’m actually not sure
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? I’m kind of a social homebody so both? Depending on the day. But if I really had to choose between the two I’d probably opt to stay at home.
What time do you normally go to bed? Usually no later than 11 on work nights. 
What is one thing that is currently bothering you? I’d rather not be at work right now but meh, it is what it is. 
What did you do today? It’s only 9:30 am and I’m just at work. This afternoon I’m going to Barnes & Noble with Glenn and then this evening I’m going to my sister’s place & then the bars with our friends. 
What was the last thing that you drank? I’m sipping a decaf coffee right now
Is anything annoying you now? Honestly, not really. How rare!
Has anyone ever said i love you to you and not meant it? If they have, I don’t need to know. 
Do you realize it when you curse? Not always 
When was the last time you showered? I took a bath yesterday so my last actual shower was a couple days ago. 
Who did you last talk to in person? Kristen 
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? Yeah I have a lazy streak to me. Some days I really just gotta do NOTHING. 
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? Yes, because evening time is my only true “down time” and I want to extend it as long as possible. I always regret it the next morning though.
What is your favorite episode of True Life, if you have one at all? I watched that show from time to time but I can’t say I have a favorite.
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? Oh yes
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? Like standstill traffic? Maybe 30 min?
Best field trip experience? Going to the one room schoolhouse was really fun for me. I loved dressing up in a dress & bonnet (both handmade by my grandma). And my mom was adorably extra and packed me a time-period appropriate lunch in a woven basket. It was so cute!
Have you ever been to New York City? Just once
If so, is it all its cracked up to be? No, although I was young and maybe I’d have a deeper appreciation for it as an adult. But overall, that crammed, busy city life isn’t for me. 
What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? We spent $80 (including tip) on fucking Chinese takeout the other day. I have much regret lol. 
What museums have you visited, if any? Lots. Checking out museums are one of my favorite activiites! 
Have you ever had a group project and one of your partners bailed on you? I often insisted on taking over group projects because I refused to let my grade rest in the hands of slackers or idiots. 
What’s your worst traveling experience? There was this family trip to Florida that will forever live in infamy... 
Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? I never played any of them. I think I tried to get into it at one point but computer games just aren’t my scene. 
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? My current upstairs neighbors apparently have a fucking bowling alley in their apartment. They are THE. WORST. I struggle every day deciding if I should try talking to them or apartment management about the noise level. 
Who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school? Teachers never really gave me a hard time. Oh wait, there was this social studies teacher in 8th grade who was a complete prick. I once corrected him when he said that Africa is a country and he chewed me out in front of the whole class. I’m still angry about it! 
Best muffin you’ve ever had? Wegmans chocolate chip muffins are ridiculous, man! Ridiculous!  Have you ever taken a woodshop class? Nope. That doesn’t interest me in the slightest. 
If so, was it required?
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? Probably too much. I’m trying to distance myself from it a bit. 
What area of math are you best at? Worst? All of it. Even very basic addition and subtraction can trip me up. I’ve often wondered if I have the numbers form of dyslexia or something similar. 
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? It HYPES me up like nothing else.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen outside of your house? Our current apartment complex gets frequent visits from the local police & fire departments. At least every couple weeks there’s an incident. Usually just a small fire (burnt food, I assume) or something like that. 
Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? Kind of. You can’t tell me there aren’t people who seem to have everything fall in their lap. 
How often do you “half-ass” things (put little effort in)? Frequently. If there’s a shortcut, I’m taking it. 
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Yeah for sure. 
How reliable is your internet connection? My cell service at work is pretty terrible. My wifi at home gives me little issue, though. 
Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? Yes
What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Life as a whole.
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? I was actually good about time management during school. I might be one of the only one of my peers who never pulled an all-nighter. I prioritize my sleep!
If you don’t have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them?
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn’t need them anymore? I’m looking into contacts actually because I’m sick of my glasses
How many vegetarians do you know? A few, including myself. 
Have you ever considered going to art school? Nope 
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? Yes but I won’t name names 
How quickly can you write an essay? I excel at essays but my process is a sloooow one. 
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? I’ve never actually slept in class but I have had issues staying alert and engaged. I’m easily fatigued. 
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? Yeah but not any big names
If you have a job, who is your least favorite coworker/manager? Again, I don’t want to name names
Favorite episode of Spongebob? Pretty patties!! 
Do you have any silly/odd emotional connections to anything/anyone? Almost everyone and everything in my life, yeah. 
Are your parents supportive of you? Yes 
How often do you take the train to go places? Only when I’m in Canada. I wish trains were a more common mode of transportation here. 
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations? Constantly 
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michielreynders · 6 years
Santa Rosa auto repair shop devoted to helping single moms
When Angie Angerman’s 12-year-old Dodge Magnum died last year, it wasn’t just a hassle and financial hit. It was a disaster, upending everything in her precariously balanced life.
As a single mother of two, who works part-time while juggling classes at Santa Rosa Junior College, she couldn’t come even close to paying $1,000 to get the car back on the road.
“It was a nightmare,” she said.
She was forced to get up at 5:30 in the morning to get her 2 1/2-year-old daughter to day care by 8 a.m. The journey entailed a trip from her Rincon Valley bus stop to the Downtown Transit Mall, where she would then have to wait an hour for a county bus to get her to the day care. She would then have to wait another 45 minutes for a bus that would get her to Santa Rosa Junior College. She would have to do it in reverse at the end of the day.
Weekends were even worse. She had to get to her job as assistant manager for a storage facility on Sebastopol Road but also get her daughter to a day care downtown, with fewer buses running. She found herself frequently walking and losing weight.
“I was spending four to six hours on the bus every day. I’m grateful for public transit, but it’s hard to do anything when you’re a parent and you’ve got to work and go to school to survive,” she said. “I felt like I was doing all this work and I couldn’t get a break.”
But relief came when a counselor at CalWORKS, which oversees a welfare to work program for single parents at Santa Rosa Junior College, told her about a little-known auto shop on Santa Rosa Avenue that repairs cars for free for single mothers working hard to pull themselves out of poverty.
For the past year, SAL Auto has operated largely under the radar. It is the brainchild of Matthew Nalywaiko, a 35-year-old Santa Rosa man who for the past eight years has dedicated his entrepreneurship to help others. In 2009, he founded a local nonprofit he called Serve a Little, which marshaled an army of professional tradesmen, mechanics and skilled handymen, to help low-income single mothers and military wives with home and auto repairs. The organization also took donated cars and refurbished them for needy moms.
“We were spread very thin being an all-volunteer organization. We leaned toward the greatest need and the greatest need was automotive repair, particularly for single moms,” said Nalywaiko,
Without working wheels a young mom barely making ends meet can’t get kids to school and day care, to jobs, medical appointments and college classes to lift themselves out of poverty. So he shifted gears and set about figuring out how to keep more struggling mothers mobile.
He put together a business plan for his vision of a nonprofit car repair shop, that would use the proceeds from full-paying clients to subsidize free repair work for qualifying single moms. A man in commercial real estate who Nalywaiko met in a yoga class heard about the project and offered to buy a building and lease it back to the non-profit at a huge discount to get the shop going. Then a whole village of benefactors stepped forward to renovate a former motorcycle shop on Santa Rosa Avenue into an enviable auto shop stocked with professional tools, lifts and four bays.
SAL is a full service auto repair shop, open to the public. On the outside, it doesn’t look any different than any other car repair shop. But on the walls inside are the painted words, “We Keep Single Mothers Moving Forward.”
“There was a study done, and it takes about three hours to go less than 20 miles anywhere in Sonoma County. If you think of a single mom who is trying to go to school, trying to get her kids to school, do the grocery shopping, run the errands and go to work, all on a bus, that just makes your long day even longer,” Nalywaiko said. “And these moms who are on the social service side of it have these vehicles that are just barely running. And most of the time when those cars die they just won’t be able to afford to fix them.”
Angerman said when she picked up her car from SAL, fully operational and at no charge, she was completely overcome.
“I started crying. They had just saved my life” she said. “Here I was feeling this despair, almost hopelessness, and then this amazing act of kindness.”
At the moment SAL works exclusively through the CalWORKS program at Santa Rosa Junior College and the YWCA, agencies equipped to screen potential recipients. So far the shop has been able to do several free repair jobs a month. As paying business increases, they are hoping to hire more mechanics to add to the one full-time and one part-time mechanic already on staff, giving them the ability to serve even more needy mothers. SAL is equipped to do most all types of repair work on every make of vehicle, as well as routine maintenance required of manufacturer’s warranties.
“Ultimately we would love to have 10 to 15 cars a week coming through here for single moms,” Nalywaiko said.
Amy Ethington, who oversees CalWORKS program at Santa Rosa Junior College, said success for students under her program hinges on transportation. If they can’t get to class, their benefits are in jeopardy.
“It can really change their whole approach to education. If you can’t get here, the anxiety goes through the roof for our students. The expense alone to maintain a vehicle can be astronomical. To our students who are parenting and going to school with a very fixed budget, thinking about the expense of car repairs on top of that is frightening.”
When Nalywaiko started investigating the idea, he was unable to find any comparable model in the country. Many mechanics will do some pro bono work. And there are organizations that donate cars, like Santa Rosa’s Crozat Family Foundation, which provides free cars to needy people who have “hit a pothole in the road of life,” as they say. But Nalywaiko could not find any shop in the country that was run by the same model, with paying customers subsidizing the charity work.
Nalywaiko at first didn’t get a lot of encouragement from accountants that he consulted. It was the CFO for Visiquate, the Santa Rosa company that Nalywaiko works for doing video production and marketing, who figured it out, based on his years of experience in nonprofit work.
Visiquate has supported his work for years, paying him essentially a full-time salary for part-time work, which gives him the time to run SAL Auto.
His teammate in life and on the job is wife Amanda, who runs the office. She brings a unique set of skills. She has a master’s degree in social work and has been a social worker for both the county and the YWCA, so she knows the turf from a social service standpoint. Her office is equipped with baby gear for their daughter Kadence, 8 months, who comes to work with mom and dad. The pair met when Amanda volunteered with Serve a Little.
“I’ve always had a passion for this work. But having Kadence really puts things in perspective,” she said. “I see how hard it to is raise her with a partner. Some of our women have families or close friends to help but sometimes they’re just on their own.”
The pair share a passion for helping others. They both laugh that their couple quarrels are always heated exchanges over the best ways to serve.’
It took a large team of volunteers, benefactors, and in-kind donors to transform the space into a full-service auto repair shop.
“We ended up doing the entire remodel for under $100,000,” said Nalywaiko, which for a shop this size is completely unheard of.”
Northern Pacific Power Systems donated 52 solar panels and the electrical work. MKM & Associates of Santa Rosa donated their services for the structural engineering. Nunley Engineering of Santa Rosa pulled together a team of companies to provide the asphalt and gravel.
Many of the professionals and businesses that help make it happen are friends of Nalywaiko, or connected in some way.
“People want to help. They want to give,” he said. “They just need the opportunity.”
A key player is chief mechanic Bill Paterson, who ran his own shop for more than 30 years a few doors down. He had long volunteered for the old Serve a Little. When the organization shifted to auto repair only, he closed down his business and rolled his tool cases over to SAL, bringing loyal customers with him. Paterson has a soft spot for single mothers. His own mom raised three kids on her own and when he met his wife years ago, she was a single mother with two toddlers.
He believes giving back is what we’re meant to do in life.
He recalls one single mom who was staying in the battered women’s shelter with her two kids, trying to get on her feet.. She was just getting ready to start a new job with her alternator blew and the car died.
“It was about a $400 repair. When she came in to pick up her car and we gave her the copy of the work order for her records she said, ‘Well how much do I owe you?’ I said ‘Serve a Little paid for the whole thing.’ She just broke down in tears and gave me a hug.”
Paterson said the cars that come in for pro bono work are typically old and very run down. Routine maintenance takes a backseat to rent, utilities and food. Once Paterson gets a car running, he gets the owner on a maintenance schedule to keep it going. SAL continues to accept used cars and refurbishes them for need moms.
Nalywaiko, who struggled with dyslexia and ADD growing up, wondered as a young man how he would ever find a place in the world. Now he feels comfortable that he has found his calling.
He also works with a service project he created, “80 for Haiti,” which raised money to build schools the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It takes $80,000 to build a school for 400 students. Nalywaiko provides the support and oversight team but hires locals to do the work, providing them income and skills-building.
He also did volunteer work in hospitals and orphanages in India and helped build houses in Mexico.
“I saw how much of the world lives and I couldn’t just go back to a regular 9 to 5 job,” he said. “We have a responsibility, once we recognize there is a need, to give back to it.”
He said his favorite quote is from Martin Luther King, Jr: “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” It has become his credo.
“It’s really wanting to live a life of more meaning and purpose than myself,” he said. “And you don’t have to travel to other countries to do mission work to help people. The needs are right here, in our own community.”
The post Santa Rosa auto repair shop devoted to helping single moms appeared first on Collision Pros.
Source: https://www.collisionpros.com/santa-rosa-auto-repair-shop-devoted-to-helping-single-moms/
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connorrenwick · 7 years
British Designer Tom Raffield Is Steam Bending His Way to Success
In the first of a new monthly series of profiles of designers based in the UK and Europe, our Editor at Large Katie Treggiden talks to steam bender extraordinaire Tom Raffield.
It’s hard to know where to start a profile of British furniture designer Tom Raffield. Based in Cornwall, the far southwesterly tip of the UK, he invented a new technique for steam bending wood while still at university and has built a business around the complex forms it enables him to create. Not content with making furniture and lighting, he and wife Danielle have recently built a family home, entirely clad with steam-bent wood, so impressive that it was featured on Channel 4’s Grand Designs and was described by presenter Kevin McCloud as “Tom’s masterpiece; the summation of his life’s work.”
He has invested in his local community, working with Cornish craftsmen and training apprentices from the local college, something which has earned him an Apprenticeship Employer of the Year award to sit alongside his Lighting Design Award and accolades as one of Kevin McCloud’s Green Heroes and one of Walpole’s Brands of Tomorrow.
Photo of Lighting Up The Sqaure courtesy of The Grosvenor Series.
And at London’s Chelsea Flower Show May 23-26, 2017, he will be lighting up the Artisan’s Retreat with an installation of 80 lights hanging from the trees and launching his new summerhouse concept. The installation, commissioned as part of The Grosvenor Series, premiered in Belgravia’s Pimlico Road (above) as part of London Craft Week. But despite McCloud’s talk of ‘summations’, speaking to Tom, you get the sense that this is just the beginning.
Growing up in the countryside alongside “more animals than people,” he struggled at school due to dyslexia, but found his feet at university with a making-led approach to learning. “They had a massive workshop full of tools and I was like a kid in a candy store – I just wanted to try everything,” he says. “And because I was so interested, the technicians loved me, so they used to spend evenings teaching me. It was a great environment.” A materials project led to wood and to steam bending, and he was hooked immediately. “There’s something magical about applying nothing but steam to bend wood,” he says. “It’s the honesty and simplicity of that process that I fell in love with – I’ve been steam bending ever since.”
Eventually becoming frustrated with the limitations of a centuries-old process, Tom came up with a new way to form the timber while still inside the steamer, giving him longer to play with forms and create more complex shapes. His graduate project was a chair made entirely from one length of wood and he hasn’t looked back since.
Today, his products include the Arbor Sofa (above), which features one long ribbon of oak forming the front legs, arms and backrest, plus a base, back legs and a fixed seat upholstered in wool from one of the few vertical woolen mills left in Britain; the Giant Flock Chandelier, which comprises over 120 individual steam-bent wooden shapes suspended around three tungsten light bulbs to mimic a swirling flock of starlings in the twilight sky; and the Amble Hanging Seat (top), a suspended circular chair made from three pieces of steam-bent ash, scarf jointed together and held in place by steam-bent wooden slats that all create the illusion of a perfect circle when viewed head on.
They are all made in his Cornish woodland workshop by a team of craftspeople, most of whom he has trained up from apprentice level. His team even built the workshop itself from trees that had fallen in a storm. It’s an environment that has proved critical to his work.
“The woodland is my main source of inspiration,” says Tom. “There are acres of beautiful, untouched and remote woodland in this valley, which is a rare thing in this part of Cornwall and we are lucky enough to own about seven acres. I wouldn’t be making the sort of work I am if we were anywhere else – I only need to step out of my front door and walk a short distance through the trees and an idea for a new design could be staring me in the face.” And as long as that continues to be the case, we haven’t heard the last of this pioneering, steam bending, designer-maker yet.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/09/british-designer-tom-raffield-is-steam-bending-his-way-to-success/
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