anytimebitchess · 1 year
Pray for me, as of tomorrow I’m starting a 9 day detox
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annikuh · 1 year
my body be like I Am Refusing To Eat Fuck You Die & i be like Why Are You Killing Me I Love You
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reverecurrent · 2 years
I started retinol today guys. Pray for me 😭
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dcb-z · 1 year
kinda dreading the next time i have to see my pcp and they weigh me bc i haven't really been losing weight but i HAVE been putting on a bunch of muscle mass and toning up....i feel like they're just gonna do the bmi calc and hand me another packet on obesity even though i literally spend 8+hrs lifting in the gym a week and eat in a high protein calorie deficit to support body recomposition. and also my body is holding on to a lot of water weight bc of my creatine intake so :( augh
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marlar · 2 years
trying to eat properly and gain a bit of muscle/increased fitness but struggling to keep to a 50% carb 30% protein and 20% fat diet. maybe i just love my carbs too much?
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dietcherrylvr · 1 month
I feel like such a wannarexic every time I eat over 600cals even though it’s not too many-
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iwillbeskinnyyyyyy · 2 months
What I ate today- I binged-
2 baked potatos-560cals
Egg sandwich-360cals
Sauce &dip- 400cals
Another sandwich-600cals
3 cinnamon rolls- 1000 cals
- I purged most of it-
Take this as a sign to not binge today the guilt is insane
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smoke-n-starz · 25 days
Doing a 24 hr fast today so I can eat when I go out tomorrow!! I’m still sad I ate 500-600cals yesterday instead of 200-300 but it’s under 1000 and that’s what counts ✨
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shannu1wl · 2 months
My diary!!!
this week was full of ups and downs. Everyday 10 000steps
starting weight this week: 48.4kg
ending weight this week:45.3kg
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Monday: fast
Tuesday: fast
Wednesday: fast
Thursday: 600cal
Friday: fast
Sunday: 1400cal😭😭
Stay skinny my loves!🫶
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dietcherrylvr · 26 days
I’m doing well right now with sticking to under 600cals a day but my exams start this week and I’m considering upping my intake from now til the end of June just so I can have the energy because I’ve always had straight A’s but now I’m slacking😭😭 I want to do well but if I stick to staying under 600 a day I could be skinnier by summer so I’m so conflicted
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d3ath-on-2-legs · 3 months
My insomnia may have come back full force since i ran out of my sleeping tablets but on the plus side including what I'll be eating for dinner I'm under 600cal for the day! Had an early shift at work today so I can go to a gig later and didn't eat anything (just some sugar free butterscotch drops and chewing gum) and being at the gig will mean calories burnt there too. Not going to be as mad as my last pit but still! Haven't eaten in like 21 hours and I'm still not hungry?? Definently thanking those sugar free drops for that one, also have laxative effects if you have too many? Like bonus much
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hellokitty-84 · 4 months
Im wondering how long does it usually take to loose 5kg/11 lbs (without water weight) if you’re eating around 600cals a day and make around 5k steps a day.
I lost way more than that already but i ate more or less. So im curious how fast i could do it this way.
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iamamikcals · 4 months
Hey y'all. It's 6:30 am in France and I'm doing a weight update. I'm now 56.1kg. 0.2kg more than yesterday. I ate approximately 600cals and burned half of it. I don't know why I gained ?? It is making me mad because even yesterday I did so fucking good but I maintained my weight. I'm literally doing NOTHING wrong. I didn't binge in a week, I eat fruits when I want to binge, I do my workouts, I do my steps in, literally ALL of my plates have vegetables in it with proteins I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. PLEASE IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M DOING WRONG TELL ME THIS IS AN CALL FOR HELP, I'VE BEEN DOING SO FUCKING GOOD I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M GAINING WEIGHT I SHOULD BE LOOSING IT RN. I wanna starve to death I swear. I don't know what to do...
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lightpinkliana · 7 months
Here’s a hard truth.
you don’t actually have to convince yourself that you hate food, or that it is poison.
what you do have to do is maintain the control and power over your body and your life.
For example, for me personally, I’ve calculated that as long as I maintain eating a limit of 600cal a day or less, I will reach my ugw in 4 and 1/2 months.
the only thing you have to do, is not binge. And it CAN be easy to not binge as long as you’re eating foods that satisfy you. when you are able to love yourself through the process, the weight comes off effortlessly.
when you abuse your mind, it comes off much slower and you put yourself at risk of rebellion aka: A binge. Which only puts you further behind.
Take walks, clear your mind. Eat slowly and enjoy the safe foods you choose. Love yourself for the person you will become in just a few months. Patience, consistency, and compassion is KEY.
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littledaintydoll · 5 months
i feel so bloated and gross ugh. i ate like 600cals today and it felt like such a huge binge. i am going to fast for as long as i can before i pass out. i’m so over being fat.
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