inthemixmedia · 2 years
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almighty gnar 🌞
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
MXY7-K2 1945.
MXY7-K2 1945. by Ronnie Bell Via Flickr: US military inspect a Japanese aircraft Oka the MXY7-K2 is a two-seat training modification of a Kamikaze Oka 43B jet aircraft a version that was launched by a catapult from the ground.
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microphonebully · 2 years
Chief Keef Launches New Record Label 43B
Chief Keef Launches New Record Label 43B
Chief Keef has officially launched his very own record label 43B, Forget Everybody in partnership with RBC Records/BMG. The purpose of the label is to give artists and producers distribution and marketing services who are shifting the music culture. The new venture will also give them resources and guidance on achieving success in the music industry. The name 43B, Forget Everybody stands for “the…
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mindblowingscience · 23 days
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has performed a weather report for a distant planet. The powerful space telescope forecasts extreme wind speeds, blisteringly hot temperatures and blankets of rock clouds for the world, named Wasp-43b. As such, the extrasolar planet, or "exoplanet," demonstrates just how strange alien planets outside the solar system can be. WASP-43b orbits a star located around 283 light-years from Earth; it sits so close to its star, in fact, that it completes an orbit in just around 19 Earth hours. This proximity, equal to around just 1.3 million miles (2.1 million kilometers), means the planet, with a mass around 1.8 times that of Jupiter and a width 0.9 times that of the gas giant, is tidally locked to its star, WASP-43. 
Continue Reading.
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taxbuddy-001 · 11 days
Section 43B(h) of Income Tax Act: Applicability, Implications
Learn about Section 43B(h) of the Income Tax Act, its applicability, due dates, and impact for businesses dealing with MSEs starting F.Y. 24-25.
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myfusimotors · 28 days
Temperatures on Exoplanet WASP-43b
A mere 280 light-years from Earth, tidally locked, Jupiter-sized exoplanet WASP-43b orbits its parent star once every 0.8 Earth days. That puts it about 2 million kilometers (less than 1/25th the orbital distance of Mercury) from a small, cool sun. Still, on a dayside always facing its parent star, temperatures approach a torrid 2,500 degrees F as measured at infrared wavelengths by the…
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michaelgabrill · 29 days
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cadeveshthakur · 4 months
Benefits for Micro & Small Enterprises under MSME Act|All about Section 43B(h)|Detailed Video
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joehaupt · 1 year
Vintage Coronado Companion Transistor Radio In Leather Case, Model 6126, AM Band, 12 Transistors, Sold In Canada At Macleods Stores, Made In Japan, Circa 1965 by Joe Haupt Via Flickr: Macleod Stedman Ltd. was the Canadian subsidiary of the Gamble-Skogmo Corporation of the United States. Macleods stores were operated in Canada by Gamble-Skogmo from 1947 to 1980. This transistor radio was also sold by Gambles store in the United States as model 43B-8895B. Although this radio has Civil Defense markings on the dial, the earliest date I could find for this radio is 1965 on a warranty card. The earliest newspaper advertising I could find for the radio in both the United States and Canada dates to 1967.
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jae-bummer · 12 days
The Stranger in 43B
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Prompt: You move in next door and he tries his hardest to be a good neighbor while you try your hardest to be left alone.
Pairing: Ateez Park Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song rec while you're reading: Close - Han
Putting your hands on your hips, you let out a sigh as you assessed the sight in front of you. Boxes upon boxes in leaning and teetering stacks were balanced haphazardly around the living area, all of them threatening to come down in an expensive game of dominoes at any moment.
You never realized just how much crap you owned until you moved.
"Hello?" a gentle voice called from your entryway.
Nearly tumbling into the stack of boxes closest to you, you spun in surprise. With your hands full as you came in, you forgot to kick the door closed behind you as you had done most of the morning.
"Uh..." you trailed, looking down the hall and into the face of someone you had never met.
Admittedly, he was handsome...but still, stranger danger.
"Neighbor," he smiled in explanation. Moving to take a step in, he stopped himself. His cheeks instantly began to blush pink. "May I?"
Anywhere you had lived, you had made a point to make yourself as small and insignificant as possible. You didn't want to rely on any of your neighbors for anything, and more importantly, you didn't want to be relied on. It was easier to be a lone wolf. Having to care for yourself and yourself alone was difficult enough in this modern hellscape.
You stared at him, unblinking. "Sure?"
So much for your survival instincts.
Smiling to himself, he gave a short nod before stepping just inside of your entryway. He lifted a plate into the air. "I heard we had a new neighbor moving in down the hall, so I made muffins."
"I'm allergic to blueberries," you blurted, trying not to wince at how loud the declaration came out.
He narrowed his eyes. "Good thing they're chocolate chip."
"Right," you laughed nervously, still making no move to come closer. "You really didn't have to go to the trouble."
"It was no trouble at all," he insisted. Was it just your imagination or did you see his smile become tighter? "I have housemates, so they're always eager for me to bake something and-"
"Oh, if you have roommates, you don't have to waste any food on me," you nodded. "Thank you though!"
"I'm Seonghwa," the stranger said, you assumed trying a different tactic for conversation. Honestly, you never really understood people who insisted on being friendly.
"Y/N," you nodded shortly, letting the conversation lapse into something awkward. Maybe if he felt uncomfortable he would leave.
No such luck.
"Do you need any help with boxes?" he asked, looking around the room with wide eyes. "No one should have to move by themselves."
"I work best alone," you said cheerfully, hoping he'd pick up on the hint.
"Oh," he hummed, pursing his lips. Sweeping one last gaze across your apartment, he let out a sigh. "I'll just set these on the counter then?"
"Really, you don't-"
"Please," he snapped before catching himself and letting his face fall into a serene smile again. "I insist."
"Counter is fine," you chirped, trying not to feel as if you were just chastised by a parent. "Thank you."
"No thanks needed," he affirmed, stepping gingerly between boxes and packing materials to get to the kitchen. Placing the plate on the counter, he turned back to face you. "Just return the plate whenever you have the chance."
As you were opening your mouth to tell him he could take the plate before he left, he was already giving a small wave and backtracking out of your apartment. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N. If you need anything, I'm just down the hall! Apartment 43B."
"Right," you croaked, watching him disappear around the corner into the hallway.
And that was how your relationship with Park Seonghwa of Apartment 43B began; awkwardly and against your will.
The day after he had broken into your apartment (been invited in) to poison you (give you muffins that were admittedly delicious), you waited until it was 2 AM the following day to covertly stalk down the hall and abandon the plate. You placed it in a shopping bag (you weren't going to leave someone else's dinnerware on the ground) and tiptoed toward his door.
Looking down at his welcome mat, you hissed out a laugh. Decorated in floral patterns, it noted in sprawling script "Bless Our Nest." You didn't even know him and somehow that was so on brand.
Depositing the bag in front of his door, you must have looked like a fool as you attempted to run quietly back toward your apartment. No one looked cool when they were trying to be sneaky, no matter how the spy movies made it seem.
Your shoulders scrunched up to your ears as you spun slowly toward the sound of Seonghwa's voice. "Why are you awake?"
He lifted his brows in amusement at your curt response. Waving his hand in the air, you saw he was holding a Nintendo Switch. "New Animal Crossing expansion dropped at midnight."
"How did you hear me?"
Crossing his arms, he leaned against the door frame. He eyed you up and down carefully. "I have a camera doorbell."
Glancing directly to the left of his elbow, you tried not to swear. He sure as shit did. You crossed your arms as well, trying to hide yourself from his appraising gaze.
"Why'd you come to the door then?" you managed, unsure of where to take this conversation.
"And miss this exciting game of twenty questions?" he grinned. "I'm not going to leave a Williams Sonoma plate for someone to steal."
You sighed, of course he owned expensive flatware.
"I didn't kno-"
"Of course you didn't," he grinned, lifting the bag from the ground. "I'm teasing you, Y/N."
You opened your mouth, unsure of what to say. It had been quite awhile since someone had bothered to banter with you.
"Why are you awake?" he countered, cocking a brow.
"Unpacking," you said quietly. You weren't going to admit that you had also been waiting for the Animal Crossing expansion.
"Thanks for bringing back my plate," he managed, biting his lip as he held your gaze a little too long. "I'm going to get back to it though."
"Right," you nodded. "Sorry for-"
"Goodnight, Y/N," he smiled genuinely, cutting off any apology.
Shutting the door softly between the two of you, you shook your head.
Of course that wouldn't be the last time you saw him. Against your best efforts, he became one of the constants in your routine. Whether it was fate or organized by his own design, you were constantly bumping into each other around your apartment building. Trash drop off? Seonghwa. Going to grab your mail? Seonghwa. Hopping in the elevator? Seonghwa.
Needless to say, you shouldn't have been surprised when a few weeks later, you heard a light knock on your door.
"Do you need any candles?" he asked, appearing in the doorway.
You furrowed your brows as you took him in. Already wearing pajamas at 8 PM (albeit a very expensive looking silk set) his arms were full to the brim with what appeared to be Yankee Candles. By all accounts, he was adorable, and you hated it.
"They're all the same scent," he attested. "So if you have more than one going at once, you won't get a headache."
"Seonghwa-" you began, completely confused by his appearance until another roll of thunder shook the complex and the lights above you began to flicker.
"I probably should have led with this," he chuckled. "But the power likes to go out at the smallest weather event."
Looking toward the ceiling, you grimaced. While you didn't mind bad weather, you did mind the power going out. Sure, you were an independent adult who could navigate the world alone, but as soon as the lights went out, you were on edge. It wasn't necessarily the dark that scared you, but the things in it that you couldn't see.
"I have lanterns somewhere..." you muttered, walking further into your apartment. You racked your brain, trying to remember which box you had packed them in. While you had most of your day to day items unpacked, there were still quite a few boxes waiting to be opened.
"I brought my lighter too in case you didn't have one," Seonghwa insisted, following you into the living area. He began to set the candles down on the makeshift coffee table you had created out of cardboard. "Let's get these lit before the-"
As if summoning it with his words, all noise halted around you as the power shuttered off.
"Lights go out."
"Shit," you whispered, standing as still as possible in the blackness that threatened to suffocate you.
With a light pop, the space was illuminated in a dull glow as Seonghwa's lighter flared to life.
"Thank god," you nearly cried as you watched him lean down to light the candles. For once, you could confidently say that you were thankful for your overly helpful neighbor.
"Hwa to the rescue!" he chimed, attempting to light the first candle, but the wick refused to catch. "Now why..."
You watched in horror as the lighter flickered out. As Seonghwa pressed the button again, it only clicked. "Oh, come on."
"Shit," you whispered into the darkness again. "Shit, shit, shit."
"No worry," he said confidently. "I'm sure it won't be out for long."
Feeling as if you were a piece of ice that had begun to melt, you slid toward the floor with a plop. "Shit."
You closed your eyes tightly, convinced that the blackness that hid behind your lids was safer than anything this apartment could provide.
"Y/N?" Seonghwa's gentle voice filled the silence, noting the obvious shift in atmosphere.
"Yep," you hissed. Your eyes were screwed shut, only cognizant of his movements by the noise of him shuffling around you. "I'm good."
"Are you sure?" he asked, this time much closer. You couldn't confirm, but it felt like he was crouched down in front of you. "You don't sound okay."
"I'm fine," you gritted out. "You can head back over to your place."
Even though the idea of being alone right now was terrifying, you didn't know if you were prepared for the level of vulnerability it took to show Seonghwa this part of you. That's why it was easier to push people away.
The pace of your breathing sped up, your body completely ignoring every therapist you had ever worked with. How could the room spin when your eyes weren't open?
"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Seonghwa cooed, pulling you into his arms without a second thought. "It's going to be okay."
Panicked breaths shuttered out of you as you allowed him to tuck you tightly into his chest.
"Crap, is this alright? I didn't ask permission to touch you, but also-"
You quickly nodded your head. "F-f-fine."
"Okay," he said, voice still calm. He began to run his hands over your hair, his fingers smoothing through the strands methodically. "Just breathe, Y/N. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you."
You knew he wouldn't. While you had forced yourself to be annoyed at his mere presence, Seonghwa had done nothing but be there for you from the beginning.
"Let's breathe together, okay? Can you do that with me?"
You remained silent, already trying to focus on his breathing cadence.
"Good, you're doing so good," he hummed. "Are your eyes open, Y/N?"
"No," you choked out.
"Open your eyes," he whispered. "I've got you. Let them adjust to the dark. It's not so scary once you can kind of see what's going on."
You thought about arguing, but he hadn't steered you wrong yet. Your eyes fluttered open and you instantly began to breath easier. He was right. There was a slight glow coming from under the door, no doubt the apartment's emergency lights flared to life in the hallway. The windows also provided a bit of light on their own, the moon bright despite the clouds passing by.
"See," he cooed. "This isn't so bad."
You hadn't realized that you were white knuckling the fabric of his top and slowly released the smooth material. Setting your palm against his chest instead, it was more obvious when his own heartbeat sped up.
You thought back to every time you had bumped into your neighbor, every kindness he showed you just for you to push him away. What were you afraid of?
Leaning slightly away from Seonghwa, you tried to make out the outline of his face. it was easy to see his features this close, even cloaked in night.
It might have been the oxygen you had been depriving your brain, but it seemed like a great idea to kiss him.
"Hwa," you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His tongue skirted across his bottom lip, almost like an invitation.
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you pressed your lips lightly against his, barely a ghost of a kiss. Just as you began to pull away, you felt his mouth chase after yours. Another kiss, this one soft and sweet before he broke contact.
Maybe your fear was confusing itself for sexy feelings, but either way, mortification flooded in where butterflies had once been.
"Y/N?" he said quietly, his eyes searching your face. Even in the dark, they were so big and bright. His own expression was one of wonder.
"Sorry...was that...I didn't-" you stumbled over your words. He had been so conscious of asking for your permission to touch you earlier, and here you were, just thrusting your lips into his.
A small smile fought it's way onto his mouth. "I just wanted to make sure it was something you wanted...I don't want to take advantage-"
"No, I thought I was the one taking advantage-"
"No!" he laughed. "I'm not the one coming down from a panic attack."
"I thought...maybe I mistook your kindness and..."
"I think we're both fine then," he hummed, snuggling you in closer. "You know...you...you could do that again...maybe."
"Oh...I could?" you whispered, letting the amusement take place of the fear.
"Mhm," he hummed, his face coming even closer to yours. "It'll keep your mind busy until the power comes back on."
"You're such a thoughtful neighbor," you whispered.
"Dare you say...your favorite neighbor?"
"I dunno," you hummed. "Mrs. Huang in 41B is pretty high on my list."
"I bake waaaay better than Mrs. Huang," he grumbled, his lips still painfully close but still not on yours.
You pretended to think. "I suppose you're my favorite neighbor, but only by a little bit."
Lifting his hand to cup your cheek, he grinned. "Let me close the gap then."
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apod · 29 days
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2024 May 3
Temperatures on Exoplanet WASP-43b Illustration Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Ralf Crawford (STScI) Science: Taylor Bell (BAERI), Joanna Barstow (The Open University), Michael Roman (University of Leicester)
Explanation: A mere 280 light-years from Earth, tidally locked, Jupiter-sized exoplanet WASP-43b orbits its parent star once every 0.8 Earth days. That puts it about 2 million kilometers (less than 1/25th the orbital distance of Mercury) from a small, cool sun. Still, on a dayside always facing its parent star, temperatures approach a torrid 2,500 degrees F as measured at infrared wavelengths by the MIRI instrument on board the James Webb Space Telescope. In this illustration of the hot exoplanet's orbit, Webb measurements also show nightside temperatures remain above 1,000 degrees F. That suggests that strong equatorial winds circulate the dayside atmospheric gases to the nightside before they can completely cool off. Exoplanet WASP-43b is now formally known as Astrolábos, and its K-type parent star has been christened Gnomon. Webb's infrared spectra indicate water vapor is present on the nightside as well as the dayside of the planet, providing information about cloud cover on Astrolábos.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240503.html
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nonono-zzz · 17 days
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競泳水着🩱 pic.twitter.com/w1ruRA5V61
— 皆村春樹🦉🏮🐥例大祭き-43b (@halllki) June 25, 2023
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arctic-blade · 1 year
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けそシロウ on Twitter: "あなたのサークルは 日曜日 東地区 “ワ” ブロック 43b に配置されています。 受かってました! https://t.co/c1uZf7uyqJ" / Twitter
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Yeah love those
Irondad hurt/comfort fic recs in no particular order:
Post Endgame angst (which is one of my favorite tropes, whether because peter feels he was replaced by tony having a family while he was gone, or au where peter snapped instead, or fix-it fic where tony comes back to life, etc):
I can hold the weight of worlds (if that's what you need) by bluesweatshirt (peter runs away thinking the snap killed tony)
A Tremendous Thing by ExpectoPatronum (peter feels replaced)
Your Ghost by Gruoch (tony comes back to life au)
To Burn or Not to Burn by TheRealKags (peter snaps)
Platonic Soulbond AU by sahiya (tony snaps but peter saves his life with a platonic soul bond) what's the meaning of the scar... by crowkag (peter snaps)
Becoming Belonging by sahiya (peter having ptsd from being dusted)
Marshmallows & Chocolate Shavings by spideybegins (this is Tony lives au but post NWH after everyone has forgotten peter)
What We Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood by xxx_cat_xxx (tony and peter struggling to connect again after the snap)
Earthly Dust From Off Thee Shaken by ExpectoPatronum (peter having ptsd from being dusted)
Time-Lapse by sahiya (Peter feeling forgotten after the snap)
self promo :3
Peter's Ghost and one (1) obnoxious orange stone (fix it fic where tony comes back to life after witnessing far from home as a ghost)
once upon a Reality by Bean_reads_fanfic (also an endgame fix it fic but also a bunch of AUs spliced together)
mixed bag of h/c one shots i enjoyed:
Between how it is and how it should be by frostysunflowers  (i used to reread this regularly like comfort food)
The doubts that complicate by frostysunflowers
Monkey See, Monkey Don't Do by Pokeydotes 
Jack the Super-Nurse! by notapartytrick 
Patient #2252 by TheSoulOfAStrawberry
you held your pride like you should have held me by searchingforstars 
the sacrament of reconciliation by kernsing
Shock Therapy by S0lstice (super good whump)
Gone Kid by Jen27ny 
if you die (what will i be?) by bstarship
The Most Important Thing In the World by S0lstice
allergy season by thwip--thwip (Trickster88)
Apartment 43B by ironfamjam (super cute au of how tony meets peter)
...and also just go and read any/every spidey fic by @seek--rest and @blondsak and @ambivalentmarvel and @jbsforever and @aziraphalesbookkeeper and @yellowdistress and @iron--spider and @jolinarjackson. do it. treat yourself.
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bekkathyst · 11 months
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Sainte-Marie Gem Show Sale (June 24, ‘23) Item #43
$95 each - Free EU & US shipping on orders over $60
Large rainbow fluorite animal carvings!
#43A.) Bunny / 4.5” / $95
#43B.) Bear / 4.8” / $95
To claim items and order, please read and follow the system I have set up. You can read the rules here!
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joehaupt · 1 year
Vintage Coronado Companion Transistor Radio, Model 6126, AM Band, 12 Transistors, Sold In Canada At Macleods Stores, Made In Japan, Circa 1965 by Joe Haupt Via Flickr: Macleod Stedman Ltd. was the Canadian subsidiary of the Gamble-Skogmo Corporation of the United States. Macleods stores were operated in Canada by Gamble-Skogmo from 1947 to 1980. This transistor radio was also sold by Gambles store in the United States as model 43B-8895B. Although this radio has Civil Defense markings on the dial, the earliest date I could find for this radio is 1965 on a warranty card. The earliest newspaper advertising I could find for the radio in both the United States and Canada dates to 1967.
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