#3l scarian
blitheringbongus · 1 year
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Desert Duo
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faggerardway · 2 years
[fair warning for those who don’t like shipping: this is pretty ambiguous, but it’s definitely romantic leaning!]
“look at me. look at me, scar.”
scar doesn’t want to look. he’s tired of looking, tired of searching for a happy ending, for a light at the end of the tunnel. he just wants to sit here and pet his stupid giant cats and never hope for anything.
oh, he messed up. grian looks a little frantic, a little winded, a lot like he’ll have blood under his nails soon. same old story, but god damn it, it’s still captivating. same old grian with his tricks and lies and tears as he tears you to pieces, and same old scar, ever the fool, ever grasping for something he won’t be allowed to have.
“sorry, sorry. show me again?”
grian sighs, so gentle it’s barely tangible. carefully, he reaches above scar’s head, sets something there and ties it with- cord? string? scar doesn’t know, because now he’s settled on looking at grian and he’s not sure how to look away again. same old scar, same old grian, moth to flame, moon chasing sun.
then it hits him- that is, the dripstone does. he winces as it cracks off his skull, but when he opens his eyes, grian is still there. the blood pooling at his hairline is ruby-red and more beautiful than anything scar’s ever seen. the tug in his heart is real, and tangible, and it’s okay, it’s okay here. this world lets them be, as long as they die together.
“oh my god.”
grian laughs, doubles over with it, and it vibrates through scar’s mending soul.
same old scar- of course he’ll die with grian. anything for him- same old grian.
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morickkk · 6 months
Flight of the Crows - Jhariah
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Without teeexttttt :
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My apologies for the soulmate art thing btw 🎹🎹
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teamranchers · 10 days
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happy pride month to all
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lar-arts · 2 months
Mods are asleep, quick, post the scarian drawing
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impscar · 7 months
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desertduo week 2023 day 1: dancing/holding
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tonguesandteethmap · 2 months
Happy Anniversary. After three years, we’ve never left the desert. 
The Tongues and Teeth MAP is officially OUT NOW!!! Three months of work by our amazing twenty-eight artists have paid off to see this complete MAP, and we're so grateful for all of their work!!
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shrimpchip123 · 2 years
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drawing the horrors (c!scarian)
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melouthechalk · 10 months
New 3-rd life designs??
There's no thoughts behind my eyes rn, only them
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i think that i need to start drawing them more again, they make me happy
(I JUST REALISE THAT I FORGOT FLOWERS, oh well, i guess i need to work more on their designs)
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renchant · 2 years
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birrdies · 2 months
grian doesn’t want to remember. so when the sand settles, before the blood on his hands has a chance to dry, with the spectator’s words in his ears, he jumps. quick. painless. he can leave this world— and the twisted game it turned into— behind and go back home. he can forget. he can be normal again— he doesn’t have to think about the fact that scar betrayed him, that scar died, that he killed him.
only he doesn’t forget. he wakes up. he’s home. it’s the same house, same bed, same world. hermitcraft is as safe and steady as it’s always been. only grian’s the one changed. he doesn’t forget. the desert follows him. his eyes are gritty with sand, its caked under his fingernails. he tastes copper of blood in the air. and when he looks at scar— god how impossible it is to look at him— he swears scar’s skin is gray form the corner of his eye. and scar smiles at grian like he always does. but it feels emptier now. grian knows too much, and scar not enough. a wound not even scar’s smile can bandage.
he throws himself off that cliff so he doesn’t have to remember. and suddenly, he’s the only one who can.
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infizero-draws · 8 months
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what the HELL is going on over there
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crystaljellie · 2 months
Art piece that came to me in a dream
Grian with the imagery of being forced to the ground his arms and wings in chains
each chain being held by the different people he's loved and hurt
Scars chain is old and worn down, but in the crack are lilacs and poppies pushed in between, trying to mend to chain or break it more who knows, the handle itself is gripped tight, and Scars knuckles are scraped and bruised, but still he holds tight, the chain itself hangs loose, but its cutting into scar, hurting him, its at Grians neck, never to forget what he's done
Mumbos chain is new and shines brightly it holds grians wings down. Mumbo's back is turned away, and his grip on the chain is slipping. Mumbo's hands are clean. Grians wings are torn and frayed feathers falling away
BigB’s chain is one of gold, different from the others, one forged on promises and gifts one formed not on trust or love but on mutual deceit. BigB holds the handle of the chain in the air. It covers Grian's mouth, punishment for the lies he's told
Jimmy and Joel share one chain, which wraps around Grian's legs, not tightly they loosely lay there. They are not new, but they are not damaged Jimmy and Joel's hands hold each other as well the chain is wrapped around their hands as well with no handle to hold
and finally Cleo and Etho hold separate chains, holding his arms tight, the chains link to each other but are still wholly different, a mother and a father protecting their son, Cleo and Etho are linked by a chain too, it feels more light and airy than the rest, but the chain is still there. And Grian is not free
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briar-rose-cosplays · 9 months
I’m watching Grian’s Hermitcraft currently and I’ve gotten pretty much to the end of Season 6. Fellow hurt/comfort lovers, listen up: If you go and look at it, Scar’s skin from Demise and his 3rd Life red name skin are almost the same (along with a ton of other 3L Similarities). So here’s a new little headcannon idea I had!
I think c!Grian would get incredibly uncomfortable if people brought up Demise. It would just remind him of 3L far to easily. He would play it off like he does with everything because let’s be honest that man deflects like nobody’s business, and he would try and get away from the conversation as fast as possible. I truly believe in my brain that even after all this time Grian will never get over the 3L events. I think the cactus ring will forever be one of his nightmares and being reminded of it is a sure fire way of sending Grian into a panic attack.
Now- the only person Grian can’t lie to is Scar. They’ve simply teamed up to many times for Scar not to know Grian’s tells. Scar goes to check up on Grian and: shenanigans ensue.
There’s an art and writing ideas for you all! You’re welcome!
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bugsinthebayou · 8 months
[flirting] what if we were two guys in the desert and i wore red and you had your tits out
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maddisandy · 10 months
"But you died at my hands because I didn't love you."
Scar cusped Grian's cheeks in his hands; his eyes were filled with sympathy, filled with sorrow, filled with softness. "Grian I died and you grieved me. Yet here I am standing in front of you, alive, and you still grieve me. You do love me, you always loved me. I forgive you, and I always forgave you. Grief is love, and now its time to put your guilt to rest."
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