#double life dessert duo
blitheringbongus · 1 year
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Desert Duo
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ni-kname · 1 year
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My man casually dropping things like that. I'm gonna cry
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cherrifire · 2 years
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The Red Thread of Fate
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dophaminezest · 7 months
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Winners royal AU grian
(For more info check my pinned post)
[He could've brought anything else back with him, but he chose scares scarf.]
He could only bring back things from the season he's won, each of the royal's room is decorated based on their theme from the season that they have won.
Their memories of seasons outside of the ones that they have won gets fuzzy, they could remmember their season clearly, but things gets blurry when they try to remmember any other seasons.
But when playing another season, playing a new game, their memories are given back to them.
The 'commoners' could remmember each season clearly though.
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kiwithefruitykitty · 7 months
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Double Life Grian! I really liked the “Dessert” Duo name concept!
Design by @cherrifire^^
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thepenguisalive7 · 2 years
And they were soulmates…
Grian : oh my god we're soulmates 😰😰😰
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vioblu-star · 2 years
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Hermitcraft - Grian doodles
Hermitcraft doodles
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nekoa-the-third · 2 months
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
To Walk a Mile In Each Others Shoes: Dessert Duo
Summary: The soulbonds have consequences, and for some they are more welcome than others. Scar & Grian Edition
Characters: GoodTimesWithScar & Grian
Word Count: 379
General Note: I'm posting these as separate one-shot style posts for each soulbond pair. They are all written but I have them queued up and spaced out. All posted will be on this blog under the tag "to walk a mile in each others shoes," linked at the bottom of the other posted ones, and also on my AO3, which is linked on my pinned post.
This one uses some concepts from Everen's Double Life Animatic, which if you somehow haven't seen yet, you absolutely should, I'll link it in the notes.
Scar is expecting the feathers.
He saw Tango, he saw BigB, he knows what is going to happen. The consequences of binding two Players together at the soul.
He is expecting the feathers.
He is not expecting the purple tint that settles over the world, the way the world border shifts and swirls and he can now see the coding knit into it to keep them all inside. He is not expecting to be able to see the soulbonds. Thin lines trailing between them all, connecting them at their hearts, at their hands, at their throats.
(He tries not to think too much about what it means that he can see the other end of his own bond, wrapped around Grian's neck like a strangling vine, or what it means that the only other two who wear the threads that way are Scott and Cleo, who left their partners.)
He thinks Grian's thread loosens a bit towards the end, becomes less like a chokehold and more like a scarf.
As he falls from his horse to the ground he doesn't know what hurts more. The echo of a sonic boom in his chest, or the way the thread around his finger fades away before everything goes black.
Grian doesn't know what he expects to get from Scar and he hates that he doesn't know. He is on tenterhooks waiting, from the moment the soulbond was fully realized and acknowledged by them both and the bleed-through began.
Because if Scar is anything it is predictably unpredictable and while usually Grian finds it fascinating right now he hates it. He hates the suspense. He hates the uncertainty. He hates the sensation of being trapped by the inevitable.
It's almost a relief when he cuts his lip on a tooth that wasn't that sharp the night before. Grian can deal with a few Vex traits, watered down two degrees, filtered through a soulbond with a changeling. Scar is growing feathers, which means he got the avian traits and. Grian can deal. This is okay. This is manageable. This won't need damage control.
(And Scar throws cookies at him "for your secret soulmate" and his eyes linger on Grian's neck and the supposed-to-be-invisible thread of the bond burns against his code.)
Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part
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the-gobler · 5 months
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No Children by The Mountain goats btw love their music
“you are coming down with me
hand in unlovable hand” just made my fanart brain go brrrr
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mollinette · 8 months
Can we all agree that the SL designs for each member are just full of hearts and be pink?
like listen, love island? the logo design? the vibes?
p i n k. 🎀🎀🎀🎀
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wren-kitchens · 2 years
idea: double life but scar realises he and grian are soulmates and grian doesn’t (but grian follows scar around anyway because, even if they’re not soulmates he can’t just let scar die, but when he’s gone off to collect resources grian gets killed by something/someone and when scar dies too there’s a lotta guilt)
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cherrifire · 2 years
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Residents of the Red Velvet Keep
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itsame-ariana · 1 year
unprompted rant:
I do not ship grian and scar in real life. I think that would be weird because they are friends with their own lives feelings and relationships(platonic or otherwise). I mean grian has a wife. *However* as embarrassing as it is i do somewhat ship the characterized versions of themselves like in the life series and the more lore based elements of Hermitcraft(not all of hermitcraft for obvious reasons). Just the way the storytelling plays out in the life series and with cuteguy and hotguy. It just so cute yet angsty. Anyway I figured out the best way to describe it: it’s like the difference between me making my dnd character flirt with a friends character, and actually flirting with that friend. Or another example; the difference between me shipping gentlebeard (ofmd is literally their love story) and not shipping taika waititi and rhys darby, two comedians/actors who have been friends for 20 years who happened to play romantic interests.
Anyway I ship in game dessert duo
How can you not
And I don’t ship them in real life
Because wtf why would I
(Also mumbo grain and scar poly ship idk the name)
Edit because I just realized this is very jumbled:
I think this is what everyone means when they ship this but basically I put this rant because I said “oh I like desert duo” and my friends didn’t understand that I meant this and not shipping real life ppl. So yeah I came to tumblr when I thought of a good way to explain it like 3 days after that conversation lol.
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kiwithefruitykitty · 7 months
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Double Life Scar as well, the little hair braids are SO FLIPPIN’ CUTE ❤️
Design by @cherrifire^^
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kal-culator · 2 years
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Something something how it was Vs how it's going
See Grian this is why you don't cheat on Ur soulmate
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