little-gold-fleck · 1 year
i care about him a lot but i know that i shouldn't be with him. it's not for the right reasons. but fuck when we fall asleep next to each other and wake up and he's the first thing I see and i can scratch his neck softly and trace his lips with my finger. it's those small moments.
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mike----wazowski · 22 days
sunday six part 2 except it's monday 2:52AM bc im feeling oddly productive - if you saw my first post no you did not i posted it before it was ready and lost all motivation for that one lmao
tagging the sillies @four-white-trees @skysquid22 @overdevelopedglasses @passthroughtime @woundedheartwithin
my last one was about yayoi but again you didnt see that so take some more hawaii bond bingo inspired ichihan instead (will it be a full fic? perhaps 👀👁)
Ichiban stuck the label of his bottle onto Joon-gi's sleeve. Joon-gi picked it off and folded it neatly in half, not missing a beat in his explanation.
"- so that's my personal view on the best entry point for the comics, though it's still largely debated upon," he finished. "I wouldn't listen to those who say to start with the Williams run. That would be like reading the last page of a book first."
"... The Americans have got it all wrong," Ichiban said, frazzled by this complex web of information. "If I wanna start reading a manga back home, all I gotta do is pick up volume one. This shit is too complicated."
"I don't disagree." His momentum calming down, Joon-gi glanced towards the quieting beach. The tide was beginning its retreat. "... It seems I've been keeping you here for a while."
Ichiban shifted in his seat, checking his watch. Indeed, an hour and a half had passed since they sat down at the beach bar. "Huh. I hadn't noticed."
"Sarcasm, I'm assuming," Joon-gi chuckled.
"No. I really hadn't noticed," Ichiban said. "Time flies when I'm with ya, Han-chan. And that wasn't sarcasm either."
"I find that hard to believe." With a hint of colour in his cheeks, Joon-gi rapped his fingers against his beer bottle. "My apologies, Kasuga-san. If you have better things to do, I won't stop you."
The stiffness had returned, when moments before he had been full of quiet enthusiasm. It was a more familiar sight to Ichiban, but not for the better.
"I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be," Ichiban told him.
"... You do realise that also sounds sarcastic?" Joon-gi asked, with a tiny smile.
"C'mon, dude. You should trust that I mean it by now," he scolded. "Keep goin', Han-chan."
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pineappical · 9 months
would anybody be interested in commissioning me to help pay for some lab tests ?? feel free to dm me for info! (i accept payment through ko-fi only though 💔)
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twoplayer-gay · 1 year
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if this didn’t take me two and a half hours straight to draw, i wouldn’t be posting it
i don’t want my effort to be in vain so here you have it
this is one of the first decent pieces of art i’ve drawn in a long time
ok goodnight tumblr
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sewercentipede · 6 months
[technically yesterday Dec 6th since it’s past midnight]
2mg kp (sl) ~ 3:30pm, 2mg x (sl) ~ 4pm, 0.6mg b (iv) ~ 4:15pm
nodded 2 hard &fell asleep 8:45-11:30 ish :-/
1mg x (sl) today 1:50am
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fairlyghouled · 3 months
2 am me will plan out a whole confrontation with people and line up truth bangers after bangers and plan out texts to review and send asking for a meet up with said people knowing full well the next morning I will not commit to the plans
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quiznak-ofgrayskull · 3 months
Commenting on fics is so easy once you get used to it also. Like first time it's like "oh my god what if this nice thing I say makes the author feel bad" but after a certain point it's just like... second nature to do it. Habit maybe-
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extinctgoodness · 9 months
Ber months na ulit. Matatapos nanaman yung taon na hindi ako hopeful. Awit.
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skrubu · 2 years
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Messages #paris #art #sign #advertising #france https://instagr.am/p/CgybV_1o_lL/
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ironskyfinder · 5 months
When I first met Jackalynn, she was very confused about her place in the world.
The silly little girl was going by Jaden, had cut all her beautiful hair off, was wearing a binder to hide her beautiful hourglass figure, and was outwardly militant about ‘becoming’ a ‘man’.
She messaged me - seemingly furious that I would run a blog that openly advocated for female disempowerment, misgendering, and ‘transphobia’, but I could tell there was something deeper going on, and before long, she said something that gave away far more than she’d wanted me to know.
jadensjourney [11:24PM] I just can’t believe that you would knowingly post such filth. It boggles the mind that anyone would think it’s okay in the slightest to make such a toxically degrading concept so arousing. And you defend it without the slightest thought?!
trad-dominant [11:25PM] I post it because it’s filth that people enjoy, and I defend it for that reason and because it’s my artistic right to do so.
trad-dominant [11:25PM] So it’s filth that you enjoy, too?
jadensjourney [11:26PM] Our definitions of the word ‘artist’ are very different
jadensjourney [11:27PM] No, no, NO. I didn’t say that, you psycho
jadensjourney [11:27PM] What is WRONG with you?!
trad-dominant [11:29PM] You said it “boggles the mind that anyone would think it’s okay in the slightest to make such a toxically degrading concept so arousing,” which certainly implies that you found it arousing.
jadensjourney [11:30PM] No!! 
jadensjourney [11:31PM] Okay, but, that wasn’t what I meant and you know it
jadensjourney [11:32PM] What I ACTUALLY MEANT was that you’re a degenerate for even trying to make such disgusting topics into erotica
trad-dominant [11:34PM] Maybe I am a degenerate, but at least I’m honest with myself about what I like. I could help you with that, if you’d lose the attitude and admit it.
jadensjourney [11:37PM] Fuck you.
It wasn’t the first time I’d had readers reach out to berate me, and it wouldn’t be the last. I thought that was the end of it, and went back to writing. I felt like I was making good progress, so I stayed up later than usual, until another chat notification interrupted me.
jadensjourney [1:17AM] I admit it
jadensjourney [1:19AM] now what?!
trad-dominant [1:21AM] What?
jadensjourney [1:23AM] I thought it was a little erotic. Your story. So what?
trad-dominant [1:25AM] So you’re starting to be honest with yourself, that’s all that means
jadensjourney [1:26AM] Shut up, fuck you
trad-dominant [1:27AM] You don’t need to be aggressive, you’re judging yourself for liking it far more than I am.
trad-dominant [1:29AM] So, which part of the Little Miss Thought-She-Was-A-Boy story turned you on most?
jadensjourney [1:33AM] no I’m not
jadensjourney [1:34AM] judging myself
jadensjourney [1:36AM] stop it
trad-dominant [1:37AM] It took you all that time for just seven words? You must be typing one-handed, were you reading the story again?
jadensjourney [1:41AM] yes 
jadensjourney [1:43AM] the part where he’s cockwarming ryan and they’re doing anatomy
jadensjourney [1:44AM] That’s the best part
trad-dominant [1:47AM] I have to point out that Sam is a girl, I know you and her both struggle with that
trad-dominant [1:48AM] But, I agree, that is a great scene. 
jadensjourney [1:50AM] fine
jadensjourney [1:51AM] the part where SHE’s cockwarming ryan.
jadensjourney [1:53AM] where’d you come up with the paintbrush thing?
trad-dominant [1:54AM] Personal experience. 
trad-dominant [1:54AM] Holding a girl down and slowly tracing through all her erogenous zones with a brush is something that never gets old.
jadensjourney [1:55AM] crazy
jadensjourney [1:56AM] It’s only a tease?
trad-dominant [1:57AM] It is, although you have to be careful brushing around her clit, just in case
jadensjourney [1:58AM] i liked that most
jadensjourney [1:58AM] i mean
trad-dominant [1:59AM] Is that the part you were imagining happening to you?
trad-dominant [2:01AM] Having a stranger who picked you up at a bar overpower you, tease you mercilessly, and correct your gender?
I didn’t hear from her more that night; I assume she’d gotten embarrassed and deleted the chat. Most of the interactions ended like that - a confused girl reached out full of anger, then admitted how hot it was, then vanished. It didn’t bother me, but I was surprised when the next day I found a message waiting when I logged in.
jadensjourney [6:52AM] hey so fuck you but that last messsage you sent made me cum harder than I ever have in my human life and i passed out. sorry
It actually made me laugh aloud, between the reckless honesty and the charming turn of phrase. Few people had enough creativity or enough of a way with words to arouse my attention, but there was still the lingering combativeness from our earlier interaction. I sent the reply and assumed I’d never hear back.
trad-dominant [7:26AM] Fine, I suppose we can let that slide. If you keep cumming to my stories, though, you owe me your deadname real name.
I didn’t hear anything from her that night, or the one after, or the next. I expected to see her icon vanish one day, blog deleted. It was only after I published the next story, this time about a lesbian ruining her gold stars, that another two messages came through.
jadensjourney [9:52PM] three times. I hate you.
jadensjourney [9:54PM] and it’s jackalynn. 
From then on, whenever I posted a new story, Jackalynn and I talked. It started with her telling me how many orgasms she’d had while reading, but then we started talking more with each story. Over the following months, she confided that she was liking my stories more and more, and I told her if she sent a selfie of her all femme’d out that I’d write one with her as a main character. The story of ‘Jessie’s Fall Back to Femininity’ took a few days to finish, but when I posted it I saw that it had vanished.
Then - 
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:56PM] it’s me new blog. 
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:56PM] spent the last three days reading and re-reading jessica’s fall. i can’t think about anything else
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:57PM] so when i tell people i’m officially detransitioning do i blame it all on you, or?
trad-dominant [11:02PM] What a pleasant surprise! I thought you’d gotten cold feet, I guess I couldn’t have been more wrong.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:04PM] yeah you brainwashed me back into being a girl or something 
trad-dominant [11:06AM] We both know I only reminded you that your clit exists, it did the rest.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:07PM] uh, i think you did a little more than that!
trad-dominant [11:08PM] Not really, all I had to do was help your clit show you who you really wanted to be.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:11PM] thanks for saying that, now i’m soaked again.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:11PM] but you’re right, of course
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:12PM] i just can’t believe how hot jessie’s fall was, especially when she got fully corrected at the end
trad-dominant [11:13PM] You’re welcome. I thought you’d like it ending with her cumming from being impregnated.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:14PM] and her repeating ‘this...is…what..i’m…for” is going to stick in my head forever
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:16PM] so are you gonna make me beg, or
trad-dominant [11:17PM] Probably, on principle, but I don’t know what you mean.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:19PM] do it all to me
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:19PM] treat me like the professor treats jessica. tattoos and all
trad-dominant [11:20PM] For that, you’re definitely going to have to beg.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:22PM] fuck
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:22PM] please
trad-dominant [11:25PM] You told me that in the last three and a half weeks you’ve edged for hundreds of hours, a lot of it to pretty misogynistic porn. We both know you know how to beg.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:29PM] i deserve to have my silly gender fantasies corrected by someone who is going to take every advantage of me, i know i’m just holes and tits. please use me, sir
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:29PM] pierce my nipples, tattoo a qr code over my clit because i’m just property, and decide what else you want done to my body. 
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:30PM] please make me your jessica. take me in, break me down, make it so i lose my mind when you breed me
trad-dominant [11:36PM] That is better. Hmm.
Three weeks later, Jackalynn stepped off the plane; we talked the whole way back, her mind was made up. She wanted nothing less than to be reeducated, corrected, improved.
She’s getting her wish. Sometimes she still gets confused, but she’ll come and talk to me and a few minutes of intense anatomy practice always sorts out her delusions. Edging afterwards is helping her feel a lot better, and this will be her tenth straight day plugged - between that and the daily maintenance spankings, she says she’s never felt more feminine.
Now all that’s left is to breed her, and she’ll be the perfect woman she never dreamed she’d be.
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echobx · 27 days
Timing - JJ Maybank × fem!reader
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summary: reader is dealing with losing JJ after he went missing with the rest of the Pogues (end of s2! to start of s3!), leaving her and her heart behind
warnings: angst, visions of drowning (not detailed), delusions and visions because of malnutrition and depression
word count: 1.3k
author's note: I write angsty shit when I'm depressed. it's a theme.
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You're curled up in your bed, eyes burning red, nose runny, mouth slightly agape. The alarm clock on your nightstand reads 2:48am and you watch the minutes run.
Your dream has destroyed your peace. Peace as much as anyone can call your state of being such. There is nothing peaceful about the depression you have fallen into, nothing quirky about the way your body trembles at every touch, always reminded of him.
You know you should drink something to regain a tiny bit of strength and maybe fall back asleep, but when you drink you'll just be able to cry even more. So you don't. Maybe if you refuse to, it will end faster.
The branch outside your window keeps knocking against the glass. The same dull noise that his knuckles made almost every night. But you know it's not him. You know he's gone.
Maybe a shower would help. But you'd have to get up for that, so it's a no for the shower. No one there to jokingly say, “you're gonna shower without me, princess?”
If you'd look out of the window you'd see his bike, parked in the same spot where he'd left it that day. Quickly stopping by to tell you about a new lead. Telling you to not worry. Telling you to stay home because it probably meant nothing, and after all, it's too dangerous, he'd kill himself if something happened to you.
And your mind drifts back to sleep, exhausted from the pain and malnutrition.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you, my love,” JJ is standing in front of your house. He looks as pretty as ever. Cut off shirt, cargo shorts, boots, his favorite red cap on backwards and a sorry smile on his face. But when you jump forwards into his arms you fall and you fall and fall and fall. Drowning, really. Sinking to the bottom of the ocean. His lost treasure, truly.
Maybe that's what you had signed up for unknowingly. A life of pain because you fell in love with a boy who couldn't sit still for the life of him.
“Hey, shhh, it's okay. I'm right here,” JJ’s voice is like music to you and when you open your eyes he's holding you close in his arms.
“Is this real? Are you really here?” you ask, close to tears.
“Of course I'm here. Where else would I be but with my favorite girl,” he laughs softly and kisses your forehead, but you can't feel it.
“This is a dream,” you remind yourself and sit up.
“Does it matter? I'm here now. You have me. Isn't that enough?” JJ asks and you press your hands to your ears and cradle your body, swinging back and forth in your seat.
“Not real. Wake up. Wake up!” you tell yourself and after some time it finally works.
The alarm clock reads 4:21am.
The sun is coming up soon. You think about how real it had felt before he had kissed you. You think about how much more comfortable it had been to drown than to be alive.
Maybe it's the dumbest thing ever, love. It's just too painful. You could do good without love.
Your favorite shirt of his doesn't even smell like him anymore.
In ten minutes it'll be four weeks that your parents had woken you up in panic to make sure you hadn't vanished the same way your friends had.
Your feet carry you to your closet. Getting dressed is methodical.
He left his keys. “So I have no choice but to come back to you, princess.”
You know your parents will wake up when they hear the engine of the bike, so you decide to push it for a bit, down the road and then you can get on.
He didn't park in neutral. Stupid boy. Stupid stupid boy who stole your stupid stupid heart.
The engine is louder than you expected. You see the lights turn on inside your home, but you're already gone by the time your parents have realized what you are doing.
Cold air stings when it shoots right into your teary face.
The sun is coming up in the distance, it's beautiful. You remember doing this with JJ. Staying up all night and driving around to see the sunset and come up again.
You stop at a red light although no one is there. JJ had started touching your ankles on the pegs every time he had to stop.
The Shack is sitting lonely at the sound. The hammock’s empty, the porch lonely and the pick-up orphaned.
Breaking and Entering is illegal actually. Not that you care, you've done worse with JJ by your side. You need a new shirt, maybe the ones in the closet here still smell like him. You need it like a drug addict seeks the next kick.
One month and no life sign. You should stop hoping. Stop wishing. Stop. “JUST STOP” you scream and fall down on the bed.
“I'm not even doing anything,” JJ whispers from next to you.
“Leave me. I don't want to love you anymore. It hurts so much. Please,” you cry and curl up on the bed, holding onto the shirt.
“I can't. You know why,” he whispers, lying opposite of you.
“I don't want it,” you cry and screw your eyes shut.
“All you gotta do is let go,” JJ whispers.
“I don't know how to not love you,” you hush and reach out for him, but there's nothing there. You're alone.
Ghosts don't know how to make dishes clatter.
You pinch yourself before walking out of the bedroom, making sure it's not another dream.
It has to be a dream. Gotta be. No other explanation.
He hasn't turned around yet. It's a dream. It's a dream, has to be. 5.3% chance that he's real, maybe less.
You take the baseball bat that stands next to the bedroom door in your hand. Ghosts don't feel pain.
You don't know what hurts more, JJ's head or your heart.
“Jesus fucking Christ, who the fuck is trying to murder-” he spins around, one hand still holding onto the bat to stop it from hitting him again.
You can hear your head hitting the wooden floor as you go down.
Hospital beds are not comfortable. The lights are harsh. Your head is screaming.
Someone is holding your hand. Rings, familiar ones at that. You blink slowly. How is this real?
“My ghost keeps torturing me,” you whisper and he turns his blonde head around to you. Furrowed brows and blue eyes stare back at you.
“You got ghosts? Can I get one too?” JJ smiles and you shake your head.
“You're my ghost, there's no ghost who needs ghosts.”
“Could a ghost do this?”
His lips are pressed to yours and you can feel it. Hot and heavy and not a dream. Not a Dream. Not. A. Dream.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave like that, and when we came back I wanted to clean up first. But you got to me quicker,” JJ whispers. “I wish I could turn back time and take you with me.”
I love you's are underrated. You could hear him mumble it against your lips until you die. And when you say it back he smiles wider.
Your parents yell at you for running out, but you don't care, you have your ghost. And this time, everyone else can see your ghost too. Everyone can see how much he loves you, and you him.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart
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pattypanini · 2 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me Chapter 8- On the Edge
Jake Kiszka x Reader and Josh Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 8.9k
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the eighth chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! This is a CRAZYYYY one. We will be compensating for everyone's therapy for this chapter and the next. Enjoy the eighth chapter, On the Edge.
Warnings: 18+, SMUT: Oral (M receiving), Sexting, Degradation, praise, SUBBBBB JAKE...., Dom reader, Cum play, Edging, Phone Sex
Oh fuck. It felt like you couldn’t get out of your bed fast enough, you just barely got to the bathroom fast enough before releasing your regrets of last night into the toilet. Ughhh. You wipe your face with toilet paper, feeling a sudden wave of relief. Last night was something. Something you slightly forget, but also don’t. Ew. You walk over to the sink to rinse your mouth out with water and give them a quick brush before going back to bed.
When you wake up again, you roll over to your phone to check the time. 12:14pm. Not too bad for only having one class today. You saw a few messages on your phone but first a message from the GroupMe the musical uses to communicate.
9:47am Dr.Coleman: Hello everyone. Due to unforeseen events, practice will be canceled for today. Although, I can not force you to do anything I would highly recommend reading over your parts because we will be doing a full walk through sometime next week. I know it may seem early but we have to be prepared. See you All on Monday. Have a good weekend!
“Yessss.” You flop right back onto your bed and text Josh.
12:17pm y/n: I’m so happy we don’t have practice. What time did you wanna call tonight so I can make sure I’m free?
12:20pm Josh: Is 11 okay?
12:22pm y/n: Sounds good, my last class is done at 5 so I’ll get dinner with my friends and chill til then.
12:23pm Josh: I can’t wait, beautiful, I’ll be thinking about you 😘
You really liked this side of Josh, it gave you butterflies in your stomach. He was being so sweet to you, but you’d be met with completely different texts from his other half.
Holy shit. The texts that you received from Jake last night were far from being sweet and innocent.
1:37am Jake: Fuck y/n, you’re a dirty fucking slut. Grabbing yourself like that. Trying to lick yourself, I can do that for you baby. I’ll please you.
1:39am Jake: God you make me wanna touch myself. You bring out a different side of me. You take control of me, make me wanna do disgusting things. I bet you like that though.
1:40am Jake: I’m going to make good use of that pretty mouth tomorrow. You understand that? You're my dirty little secret, and I’m gonna get all the use out of you until this comes to an end. Just like these slutty pictures and videos you sent.
1:51am Jake: 1 Attachment: 1 Video 1:51am Jake: Fuck baby, you make me a mess. You see what you do to me, you make me cum so fucking hard. I wish your mouth was around my cock. That's what I think about, those beautiful lips of yours wrapped around my fat cock. Choking and gagging you, while I’m so deep down your throat.
1:52am Jake: I wish I could see your perfect tits as much as my fucking brother. It's not fair that he gets to see them just because he’s casted as your ‘love interest.’ If I knew it would be like that, I would have tried out.
He was really going through it last night, but what did he mean by ‘using that pretty mouth tomorrow?’
12:31pm y/n: Looks like you had a pretty late night, did you miss me?
12:33pm Jake: I did, but you seemed to have an eventful night too. I saw your private story. You looked drunk off your ass, how much did you drink?
12:35pm y/n: 2 shots of vodka, Long Island iced tea, Strawberry Daiquiri, Corona, maybe something else Idk. I kinda forgot honestly.
12:39pm Jake: What the fuck, how in the hell did you not get alcohol poisoning?!
12:41pm y/n: My body is immune I guess. I’m fucking feeling it this morning though, trust me. Now let me ask you a question. When you said ‘I’m going to make good use of that pretty mouth tomorrow,’ was that an in the moment thing or…
12:43pm Jake: Wouldn’t you like to know. Just keep your phone nearby today during class. See you later darling😘.
What the fuck does that mean. You decide to try your best to ignore it, getting ready for your day as usual. Even though you were doing the utmost to shake it from your brain, Jake was still lingering in the back of it.
You’re bored out of your mind, sitting there in your free elective, Introduction to Ethics. You completely regret taking this course, even though you heard it was an easy A. You thought about what would be happening this weekend, you were a little stressed. Hanging out with Josh and staying over at his apartment is one thing. But knowing Jake would also be there was stress inducing.
You were zoning out, only catching glimpses of the professor’s lesson. The boy next to you was very focused and interested, two things you were not. You glance over at him very unsubtly, taking a quick peek at his notes. His paper is almost completely filled up, whereas yours is still absolutely blank. His gaze catches your eye and he takes a look down at your notebook. He notices the empty page and lightly pushes his notebook over to you, allowing you to snap a quick photo.
“Thank you, I owe you one,” you send him a flirty wink.
He looks down at his paper, blush forming across his pale, freckled cheeks. “Anytime and if you need help with anything I can always be your tutor.” He pulls his notebook back and begins to scribble on it again.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you smirk at him. You were in fact not going to be keeping that in mind because the class was easy as fuck. You just didn’t find the subject interesting enough for you to care. You didn't care about moral relativism or utilitarianism, you just wanted to get out of the class.
You feel a vibration from under your thigh where your phone was located. You reach under and grab it, checking the notifications.
4:17pm Jake: Where are you?
4:18pm y/n: In class
4:18pm Jake: No shit, what building are you in?
4:19pm y/n: I’m in Angell, room 2224
4:20pm Jake: Okay, I’m on my way.
Why is he coming to my class? You were beyond confused, but since you were on your phone you decided to do some mindless scrolling through instagram. A few minutes later, another text comes through.
4:28pm Jake: Come outside the classroom, bring your stuff.
4:29pm y/n: Why?
4:29pm Jake: Stop fucking questioning me and get your ass outside.
You gather your things and quietly slip out the door. Your professor sends a little wave and a smile as you walk out the door, you reciprocate the gesture.
As you step out of the classroom you look left to see no one, then right to see Jake sitting on the cushioned chairs outside the classroom. When he looks up from his phone he stands and darts to the right making his way down the hall. You follow behind not knowing where he is going.
“Jake, where are you going?” Your legs pick up the pace. “If you're gonna make me leave class, at least have a reason.”
He stops suddenly, turning towards you grabbing your wrist. “I said stop asking fucking questions or else.” He throws your wrist back down and restarts his mission.
“Or what, Jake? You can’t do anything out here.” You boldly snap back at him.
“You're right, I can’t.” He grabs your wrist once more and drags you quickly to a specific classroom. When he pulls you inside you can barely see a thing. There are no windows, just a cement room, with a single skylight lighting the middle of the tiny classroom. You hear the sound of the door locking as he stands in front of it.
“Get on your knees.” You hesitate, everything happening so fast. “I said get on your fucking knees y/n, or are you deaf?” His aggressiveness takes you back a bit. You shrug your backpack off, then slowly make your way onto your knees.
“I’m gonna say it once, what you did last night was slutty. Teasing me with that fucking video knowing I couldn’t do anything about it other than touch myself. So you're gonna pay me back and use your mouth the way it should be used, sucking my cock. Not trying to suck your own tits, got it?”
“Oh! So, that’s what this is?” You push him back against the door, slowly begin to unbuckle his pants. “Poor Jakey just needs his cock sucked? You’re just so desperate for a blowjob that you use my video from last night as an excuse to get one. You know I could have been sucking some other guys dick last night.” You pull his boxers down releasing his cock, slapping against his stomach. “Does that make you mad, knowing my lips could have been wrapped around some other guy's cock, not having to keep it a secret.” You press light kisses onto his throbbing tip. “So fucking horny for me baby, so I will suck you off, but tell me why you actually want me here.”
He looks down to you, completely in awe. “I needed you baby. That video you sent me last night was so fucking hot. I just need you to suck my cock, please, I’m begging.”
You teasingly lick a stripe up the underside of his dick, not making any moves to go further.
“You're gonna have to beg a lot more Jakey, you think you’re in charge here but you’re not, and I’ll tease you as long as I want until I think you’ve earned it.” Placing a few more kisses down his cock.
“Please baby, I’m so fucking desperate for you. I cum just thinking about you at night, thats how fucking bad I need this. All I’ve ever wanted was your lips wrapped around my cock. I hear people talk about it and it makes me want it even more. Making the excuse is all I could think of to get you to suck me off because I didn’t wanna beg, but I will. Please y/n, I’m so fucking horny for you I need this.” He looks down to you with begging eyes.
“Such a good boy, Jakey.” You say as you once again take his cock into your hand. You hear him whimper slightly under his breath. “Does someone like being called that? You put up this dominant front, but you're just a little bitch who wants to be told what to do. Isn’t that right?’
Another whimper escapes his lips, solidifying the fact that yes he did enjoy being called ‘a good boy’.
“Tell me what you think about baby, tell me all the things you think about alone when you're jerking off. If you stop, I'm gonna leave you to finish it yourself.” You fire at him, you feel your own wetness beginning to pool in your panties.
Jake’s POV
Fuck. You almost came just from that alone. This is everything you’ve ever wanted. Since freshman year, you had it bad for her. Hearing what she did to all those other guys made your blood boil. But now it's your turn. You were her bitch and you couldn’t give one shit.
“Please y/n I’m so desperate I’ll tell you anything.” You can’t help but be a submissive mess for her, she just has such a fucking hold on you.
“So tell me Jakey, how long have you been thinking about me when you touch yourself, and what you think about.” She takes your cock all the way into her mouth, pulling it back out, sending your head against the door. “Oh and Jake…” You look down on her. “No cumming til I say so, got it?”
“Fuck- anything for you, darling, anything,” You whine out as she bobs her head up and down, slowly, on your throbbing cock.
She looks up to you with her big doe eyes, waiting for you to start talking.
“Oh fuck, um, the first time I saw you, you were all- all I could think about.” You struggle to get any of your sentences out, as she resumes her painfully slow bobbing on your dick.
“I would look at your insta all the time. I would think about what it would be like to get with you. I would purposefully go to the dining hall when I knew you’d be there, oh fuck, just to get a good look at you.” Your breathing picked up as soon as y/n started humming around your cock, inducing an unholy moan to release from your throat. “Once it started getting around to the school that you were just sleeping around I was pissed, not at you, but at the guys you got with. I wanted- fuck- I wanted nothing more than to be one of those guys.” She picks up the pace on your cock, making you close to losing it. “And since I couldn’t be one of those guys, I thought about what it would be like.”
You shut your mouth, trying your very best to stop your moans from slipping past your lips. You’re silent for a few minutes as she continues to work on your cock, but after noticing the silence she pulls away.
“Are you scared someones gonna hear baby, isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted to let everyone know that I sucked your thick cock. That’s all you’ve ever wanted, so enjoy it baby. Savor it. Or else you're not cumming, at least not from me, you can do it yourself. Slut.” She was spurring you on, bringing you even closer to orgasm.
You watch her intently as your hands travel to the shoulders of her shirt, balling them up in the palms of your hands. She slows down and pulls her mouth off slowly, leaving a string of saliva hanging from her lips connecting her to your dick. “You want this off Jakey?” She says grabbing at her shirt. You nod frantically, your eyes fully concentrated on her. “All you have to do is ask, tell me what you want.”
“Please y/n take off your shirt, let me see your perfect tits.” She smiles back up to you. Her hands grab at the hem of her shirt, swiftly pulling it over her head, leaving her in nothing but a little baby blue mesh bra. It wasn’t covering much, because you could fully see her nipples through it. “Please baby, can I take it off. I wanna see everything. Wanna see your pretty tits” She nods, your hand trailing behind her back, clipping it off her and letting it fall to the ground.
“Such a slutty man, I like that.” She brings her hand near her mouth before spitting into it, and pumping your cock. “Now tell me what you think about Jake, you know… when you're jerking yourself off to me like a fucking whore.” She’s gonna be the death of you.
“I think about a moment just like this, you sucking my cock. Most of the times I finish in your mouth and you swallow it, but other times I- fuck- I cum on your tits.”
She smiles up at you with a malicious look on her face. “I like that idea, wanna make that happen right now.”
“Ughhh fuck baby you’re gonna make me cum.” Your hand goes to her head, pushing her mouth back down around your cock. “Please let me cum baby I’m so close.” Her head bobs up faster and faster.
She pulls back for a moment and continues jerking you off. “Cum for me Jakey, show me how much of a good boy you are. Come on, cum all over my tits Jake, fulfill that fantasy, you dirty little slut.” With a few more pumps you're on the edge and can’t take it any longer. You release all over her tits along with screaming her name.
“Fuck y/n… Holy shit baby. You’re fucking perfect.” You say as you’re panting for air.
She looks up to you while her fingers go to her tits, gathering as much cum as she can get before sucking it off her fingers, continuing her deep eye contact.
“You’re a fucking maniac. You make me wanna tell everyone about you, I want you so bad.” She begins to stand up wrapping her bra back on her.
“You wish, Jakey.” She grabs her shirt pulling it back over her head. “Hopefully that’ll hold you over, and give you something new to think about. See you soon.” She sends a wink your way as she grabs her bag and makes her way back out the door she just came from.
Wait- what the fuck just happened?
y/n’s POV
As you make the grueling walk back to your dorm you take a moment to reflect on your actions of today. If someone had told you a month ago that you’d just finished sucking off Jake Kiszka in an empty classroom, you’d never believe them. Especially a begging submissive one, but I guess that’s just the effect you have on people.
As you open the door you’re met by Charlotte sitting on the couch staring at you like a parent waiting for their child to come home from a late party. She sat there with her arms crossed as if she was sitting there for a while just waiting for you to walk in. She glares at you as you drop your backpack off at the door.
“Where were you?” She questions beginning to cross her legs.
“In class?” You give her a weird look. Why is she interrogating you?
“Wellllll, you are late getting home. You usually get back around 5:15ish, it's 5:47, why so late.”
“Why are you acting like the police? It just took me longer to get back today, that's all.” You begin to walk back to your room, but Charlotte follows quickly behind you.
“Well that’s what I’d normally expect, but Sierra told me you left class early today, and she wondered if you went home because you were sick. So I just wanna know where you were.” She raises an eyebrow at you.
“Well, I wasn’t feeling good so I went to the bathroom, I threw up a little.” You’re quick to defend yourself, hoping she won’t see through your lies.
“Makes sense. I know you like giving head, but I didn’t think that meant you’d start throwing up cum, you know since it’s dried up around your mouth.” You quickly look in the mirror. There it was a little patch of dried cum right in the corner of your mouth, definitely not one of your best moments.
“And not to play investigator but I went onto snap maps and saw that Josh was on the other side of campus, so who were you with y/n? Oh wait, I actually know because I saw you and another familiar bitmoji in a random classroom. So how long have you been fucking Jake Kiszka?” Charlotte shot you a knowing look, as you sigh in defeat.
“Ugh fine. We fucked ONCE, okay? Just one time. It was nothing serious.” You shrug it off as if it was nothing. Charlotte’s eyes widen, and you feel a pang of guilt sharpen in your chest. “Plus it’s not like Josh and I were a thing. That was all after he stormed off about being friendzoned.”
“Oh my fucking God. Does Josh know?” She questions you, you could tell she felt a little hurt that you’d kept such a thing from her. You usually tell each other everything.
“Umm, not really. So, you CAN NOT tell him, understand?” You were practically begging her, you couldn’t risk Josh finding out.
“You know I can’t lie.” She says with her puppy dog eyes.
You sigh, “I know Char but you need to not say anything. Okay? Don’t be around him, avoid him.”
“Okay I’ll try, so you guys just fucked in that classroom?”
Now realizing there is more to the story and you have exposed yourself you decide to come clean.
“Well not technically…”
“But you said you only did it once… OMG. y/n. It has happened more than once. When?”
I’m going to hell.
“Umm, the night I went to apologize to Josh.” You avert your eyes to the floor, avoiding eye contact. You were embarrassed and ashamed.
“HOLY SHIT y/n.”
“I know, I know it sounds bad, but when I went over he wasn’t there. But Jake was, and he comforted me. And then he fucked me, like it was crazy.” You put your forehead in the palm of your hands,realizing everything you just said. “OMG Char! Wait, never mind its TMI.”
“NOPE share you shouldn’t have brought it up if you didn’t want me to know the details.” She smirks at you with her pink lips.
“I don’t know how else to say this then just say it so, he made me squirt.”
“OMG OMG WHAT. This is actually crazy y/n. You should be telling everyone this.”
“No that's the thing, this whole thing is a secret. You weren’t supposed to know. While Josh and I aren’t dating it would kill him to know I fucked his brother, you can not tell anyone. None of my friends, none of yours, don’t even think about it okay? After this conversation it never gets brought up ever again.” You stick your pinky out to her, waiting for her to reciprocate the action.
She can tell this is stressing you, so without a fight she sticks out, sealing the pinky promise. “Just one more question and then I’ll never mention it again. I promise, pinky promise.”
You roll your eyes, “What Char.”
“What did you actually do in that classroom today, then?” She was on the edge of her seat.
“I sucked him off, it was crazy Char. You're not gonna believe this when I tell you. But he was begging, and whimpering, it was insane. He was so submissive. I never pictured him to act that way”
Her jaw opens, not being able to hide her reaction. “And I found out that he 's liked me since freshman year and that he jerks off thinking about me. He spilled so much about what he was thinking about, it was foul.”
Her mouth turns into a huge open mouth smile. “OMG, Jake Kiszka being a sub is not what I had on my spring semester bingo card. Did he call you mommy?”
“OMG nooooo. N-no, he didn't.” You were a little flustered after picturing him saying it in your mind.
“Would you let him?”
“Um, I-I don't know. Need any more details about my sex life?” You joke to her.
“I just wish my life was this interesting, I’m living vicariously through my sweet y/n.” She smirks at you and playfully shoves your shoulder. You roll your eyes at her, a chuckle passing through your lips.
“I’m just saying I haven't gotten any action in a while. Whenever you and Jake are done just pass him over my way.” Charlotte winks at you and turns to exit your room. You sigh and collapse onto your bed.
Why did things have to be so complicated? Why did you have to have feelings for the Kiszka twins? You were so confused, and quite frankly didn’t know where to go from here.
You loved the thrill you got when you were with Jake, the unpredictability and excitement was all consuming in his presence. Whereas with Josh he was so sweet and a charmer, for sure. The Sun and the Moon. The light and the dark. And with each day passing by, you didn’t know if you were more eager for the light to slowly creep in or the darkness to encompass you.
The evening was boring up until dinner. You laid in bed, did some homework and watched a few episodes of Victorious with Char out in the living room. While in the middle of an episode you and Charlotte get a text from your groupchat.
7:18pm Ari: Wanna walk the track after dinner, have a little yap sesh?
Char looks to you for an answer, not wanting to make the decision herself. You nod and reply back.
7:18pm y/n: Yes def.
You make your way back to your room and grab a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. You slipped on your Hokas and pulled your hair into a slick back ponytail. It had been a while since you ran and were looking forward to it. The musical has taken up most of your time so having time for your physical health would be nice.
Making your way to dinner, you and Char meet up with Ari and Mae, spending your time like you always do, ranting about your day and anything else on your mind. But the track was for gossip. What is said on the track stays on the track.
You take the first 30 minutes to run, pacing yourself and taking your breaks as needed. It had been a while so you were a little rough around the edges. After the first thirty you catch up to the group and join in on the convo.
“He’s actually so attractive though, like in a dilf-y way.” Char says.
“How old is he Char?” Ari asks, not knowing if she really wanted to know the answer.
“I don’t know, maybe like 50 something. He’s beekeeping age. OMG he actually keeps bees, that's so funny.” Char says giggling and twirling her hair around her finger.
“Char, have you ever heard of the term bimbo?” Mae asks sweetly.
“Um I don’t think so, what does it mean?” Char innocently questions.
“Doesn’t matter, just know you are one in the best way possible. You’re just so cute.” Mae replies.
Char smiles and keeps on walking with pep in her step. She's adorable.
“So y/n, are you gonna see Josh soon?”
“I am actually. I’m going to be calling him tonight to work on some musical stuff and tomorrow he’s taking me out somewhere.” You state.
“So a date? I thought you guys were just friends.” Char probes. You’re hoping and praying she does not bring up the things that went down between you and his twin.
“We are just friends.” You say sternly. “I’m sure it’ll be something casual, but I’m also hoping it’s somewhere nice. You know they have money to spend.”
“Maybe you’ll stay the night at his place. You’ll be able to see Josh and Jake.” She sends you a devious wink.
Are you serious Char? You shoot her a glare, telling her to knock it off. She catches your drift.
“But I’m sure you don’t wanna see Jake, I would want to though.” Char says with a smirk.
“Well you can have him Char. Maybe I’ll ask if he is looking for a cute ginger girl.” You joke around with her.
Deep down, you wanted Jake all to yourself and you couldn’t help but think he'd want the same. You know how bad he wants you, and knowing that makes you want him more. But there’s Josh. You couldn’t ruin your friendship with him, or did you want something more than just that too? It was all very confusing. But you knew at some point a decision would have to be made, but now was not the time for that.
“Omg I would be perfect for that position.” She says all giddy. Everyone rolls her eyes and laughs about her comments, she truly is a bimbo.
After walking for an hour, Mae somehow convinces everyone to hit legs. You didn’t mind though, you liked the way it made your body feel. How strong you felt after. At around 10:05 you all begin to make your way back to your dorms, saying goodnight to Ari and Mae for the night.
When you're turning the corner to go past the dining hall you run into some familiar faces, the Kiszkas. Along with them their third brother and dad. Your eyes shoot open and smile at them. You and Char slow up to say hi to everyone.
“Hi Josh.” You smile at him and then turn to Mr.Kiszka. “Hi Mr. Kiszka, I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” You reach your hand out to shake his. He grips your hand in his, giving it a firm shake.
“I know exactly who you are, y/n, I noticed you during last year's play. You did very well with your role, a very underrated character.” You thank him for noticing your talent. “My son has told me a lot about you.”
Oh shit. “Um, which son?” You giggle jokingly, but you're not joking at all. You look at Josh who is giving you a strange look, while Jake has a proud look across his face.
“Well Josh, unless you also know my son Jake.” He grabs Jake by the shoulder and shakes him a little, teasingly.
“I know Jake through Josh, never really got to know him though.” You look at Jake, who is shaking his head with a giant smirk plastered on his beautiful face. You turn your attention to the youngest of brothers, who was sporting a t-shirt and short shorts. He has gorgeous long hair that framed his face perfectly, it made you jealous. “I don’t think I’ve ever met you though?”
The youngest brother reaches out his hand for a shake. “My name is Sam, I might be coming here next year.” He smiles holding your hand a little longer than the average handshake, and with a little too much eye contact. You smile at him not wanting to be rude.
“That’s awesome, are you guys all taking a look around campus now?”
“No, no.” Mr. Kiszka butts in. “He has been here enough times to know the layout, we just came to visit these two, and go out for a quick dinner and go to see an old buddy who was in a band when I went here. I don’t know if you have plans, would you like to join us?”
You look at Charlotte who has a grin on her face. “No thank you sir, I hope you all have a great time tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow Josh. Goodbye Mr. Kiszka, it was nice to meet you.” You grin at him “It was also nice to meet you Sam, hopefully I’ll see you around next semester.” You say innocently, knowing that his intentions were to not come at all to college. Do you say bye to him? If you don’t it's even weirder.
“Nice to see you Jake. I hope you all have a good night.” You give a final wave before heading back to the dorm.
“That was awkward.”
“Oh shush it Char.”
As soon as you make your way into the dorm and the door clicks shut, you turn to Char.
“Char, did the convo we had earlier mean nothing, I said that information about Jake can not get out.” You widen your eyes at her, and you can tell she feels bad about it.
“I know I’m sorry. I wasn't even trying to bring it up, it just happened. I promise I won’t bring it up again.” She says with her big green eyes staring at you. You can’t stay mad at her. She has such a forgivable face. Which is probably why she’s able to get out of a lot of trouble when she is caught doing something she's not supposed to.
Like how Freshman year she was able to convince the police officer to not breathalyze her because she had asthma and didn’t want to start having a coughing fit. Somehow he believed her. Which you still don’t see how because she was absolutely obliterated and looked a complete mess.
“I’m gonna head out for a bit, Jonathan asked me if I wanted to stay the night at his place. So if you wanna have Josh over…”
“He will not be over, have a good night. Be safe.” You smile at her as she heads right back out the door.
After Char leaves, you shower and relax for a while until you receive a text from Josh.
12:23pm Josh: Hey I know it’s a little later now, if you don’t want to call I understand.
12:24pm y/n: I’d love to still call you Josh. Do you wanna facetime or call?
12:26pm Josh: Facetime, I miss your pretty face.
Oh jeez.
As your phone begins to dial, you do a quick check to see if you look okay. Your hair was beginning to dry and slight curls were beginning to form. You click the green button at the top of the screen and are met with a white ceiling.
“Hey, sorry I was just getting in some pants, not that me being pantless would bother you.” He says as he drags a towel over his wet hair.
You roll your eyes, “Yeah Josh I definitely wanna be staring at your dick all night, sounds like a blast.” You say dryly, but knew that it wouldn’t be an awful way to spend the night. “So how was your evening with your family?”
“It was alright. My dad’s friend isn’t as good as he said he was, but what else is new. My dad seemed to really like you though, and my horny brother.”
You laugh at his statement. “What is that supposed to mean Josh.”
“Well as soon as we left and my dad was out of earshot he was saying some… things about you. So if he adds you on anything, don't add him back.” You check your insta and long and behold you had a new follower, @samfkiszka.
“Don’t worry I won’t, I don’t go for polite men anyways, that's why I got with you.” You say in a snarky tone.
“I was very kind to you.” A moment of silence. “Okay I wasn’t in the beginning but I am now, plus what he was saying when you were not there was far from polite.”
“Like what Josh, It can’t be any worse than what a normal highschool senior says.”
“Well if I remember correctly, and I have a fantastic memory, it was along the lines of, ‘well I normally wouldn’t go after older women but I wouldn’t mind a little cougar action. I mean her ass was pouring out of those tight, little shorts. I wouldn’t mind hitting it from the back, you wouldn’t know of any tattoos she would have on her back would you Josh?’”
Your jaw drops, “Um, well that wasn’t what I was expecting. I’ll make sure to steer clear from him.”
“Yeah he also said ‘that's another perk of coming to Michigan, the hot chicks, like Miss. y/n over there.’ It made me jealous.”
Jealous. Hmmmm.
“Really, Josh Kiszka is getting jealous, I would have never thought you’d admit it.” You say cocking your head to the side.
“Well, I don’t think anyone would be fond of hearing their younger sibling say that type of shit. Jake is different because we're like the same person. But my younger brother, um no.” He giggles.
Him and Jake were very much, not the same person. In more aspects than one. “So why didn’t your mom come up?”
“She was busy with my sister tonight. I don’t know if I ever mentioned her. She’s the middle child of all of us. But she doesn’t go here, she goes to a smaller college up north.” ‘
“Makes sense. Maybe I’ll meet her at some point. “ You hint to him. He smiles, but then goes quiet.
“I don’t know if this is too forward, and you don’t have to answer. We have been getting closer as friends and I just wanna know you and everything but dont feel the need…”
“Josh, please just spit it out. I promise I won’t get offended. You called me a slut like every single day so it probably won’t be that bad.”
“Yeah sorry about that. I just wanted to know about your mom. Like I know your parents are divorced but like do you still see her? I couldn’t imagine not seeing my mom.”
You sit there pondering on how to respond. You don't want him to feel sorry for you like how everyone else does, but you wanted to be honest with him.
“No, we don’t talk. We haven’t talked since I was maybe… what, like 10 years old? I have kinda lost track over the years.” You prepare yourself for the pity and sappy sympathy.
“Man, that must suck. And if you don’t mind me asking, why did they divorce?” You’re taken back by his bluntness, but it's also a little refreshing.
“I mean, yeah, at first it did suck but I’m used to it now. My mom was an addict. My dad tried to get her help, but she just refused. She stopped taking care of herself, then me. It wasn’t good. My dad had to divorce her and then he took her to a facility. She was there for a while and then I heard from family that she was out but relapsed right away. So I don’t know the current situation.” It was silent for a little, which is the normal reaction to everything. “Sorry if you didn’t want to know all of that, I just felt comfortable telling you. I haven't really told anyone else other than my close friends, but telling you felt right. I'm sorry.”
“y/n stop, you should not be sorry. I’m glad you opened up to me, I feel closer to you, in a different way than I ever have.” It was cute watching him get like this. He was very empathetic, in the best way he could. You could tell that he was not the type of person to be open with his feelings, or discuss others. You see him open his mouth to say something else but decide not to.
“I don’t expect you to make a whole speech about how it was wrong and that you feel bad. I’ve heard it all my life from whoever found out, well about the divorce part, not the drug part. That's a whole different thing. But just don’t see me differently. I just wanted to share because you asked and I felt comfortable telling you.”
He nods to you, still with a concerned look on his face. “Thank you for sharing, I promise I will never tell anyone. It sounds like a lot, but you turned out to be a really good person. Your dad must have done a good job raising you.” You smile thinking about your dad.
He was a tall skinny guy, similar to the statue of Coraline's dad. He wore his rectangle framed glasses and had a really good personality despite working in the office everyday. He always told you that you are his whole world, and that no matter what happened in his life, it would always get better when he remembered you and how proud he is of his daughter. He is dating Celia, his girlfriend, who you grew fond of over the years. She acted as the mom you never had growing up later in life. When your dad found out that you were going to Michigan he was upset that he wouldn’t be able to see his ‘little girl’ everyday, but he was so proud of you for getting into an amazing school. He is your biggest supporter, and you truly wouldn’t be who you are today without him.
“He did an amazing job raising me. I miss him so much.” The conversation made you realize you haven’t called your dad in a week or two, you were definitely going to have to call him soon.
“I know I always made fun of you for your, um, sexual history and other things, but I truly always saw you as perfect. With singing, acting, your personality, everything. I’ve never met a person who was as perfect as you in any aspect.”
“Josh, that was really kind of you. Like seriously it’s nice being told I’m more than just a slut for once. Like I’m aware I’m not the most prude person, but I don’t really care that I sleep around either. Being called a slut is whatever from random people but it hurts when you would do it. Especially because I wanted you to like me.” You shyly look at your comforter and play with the fabric.
“Well knowing that now I won’t call you that anymore. I promise, other than if the moment calls for it.” You scrunch your eyebrows.
“What type of moment?”
“You knowing when we are fucking and your doing something whoreish. But I don’t actually mean that you're a slut, just an in the moment type thing.”
“I get it. It’s bold of you to say that we’ll be fucking in the future.” You give him a smirk
He tilts his head to the side, giving you a ‘are you serious’ type look.
“What?” You question louder to him.
“We’ve been horned up for each other the past couple weeks and we're finally hanging out tomorrow night. I mean I don’t wanna predict anything but…”
“Well personally I was just thinking about the amazing night we had planned. I never even considered it.” Giving him a sarcastic look and a grin looking at his perfect face. “Your eyes look really pretty right now Josh.”
His cheeks begin to turn pink. “Are you trying to butter me up or something?”
“No. What, I can't just compliment you?”
“No you can. I love when you compliment me mama, it makes me feel good.” He smiles at you. “And when you give me other types of compliments, well those make me feel really good.”
“Like what Josh?” You giggle at him, prodding for more information.
“I really love when you call me names, and talk me through everything. Just thinking about it makes me horny. I wish you were here right now. I’d make you feel so good.”
“You can make me feel good tomorrow.” You say what you were both thinking about, knowing it was inevitable for it to happen.
“Or we help each other out right now?” He says with a devious grin on his face.
“I can’t really suck you off through the phone Josh.”
“Just talk to me mama, tell me all the things you would do to me if I was there.” You watch as his grin widens, his sparkling straight teeth shining through his pouty lips.
“What are you gonna do Joshy?”
“Well I’m gonna jerk myself off, and you can touch yourself, if you want. I wanna hear your pretty moans, don’t hold back for me, yeah? I want you to talk me through it, can you do that for me mama?”
You were taken aback. You never really did this with anyone, but you were an adventurous person and would try everything at least once.
“I can do that for you Joshy. I wanna see your body though. Can you tilt it down so I can see that perfect body of yours.”
He smirks at the camera before tilting the camera down, showing his bare abs and pants.
“I know you like my body mama. I love the way you feel me up and down during practice. Gets me going so much. Wanna take you right there on stage, so everyone can see.” Josh says as he begins to palm himself through his pajama pants. “Are you home alone?”
“I am, so I can be as loud as I want. Am I gonna be able to hear you Joshy?”
“Not as much as you. Jake is home in the living room.” Throwing his head back, moaning from the friction.
“Are you gonna be quiet for me, be a good boy and moan so just I can hear you.” You say in a low tone.
“I’ll be quiet for you mama. Just loud enough for your ears to hear, they're only meant for you.”
“Pull your pants down Josh. I wanna see that beautiful cock of yours, I know it's already hard as a rock and I haven’t even said much of anything yet.” You say licking your lips slightly.
“Just because we haven’t done anything doesn’t mean I wasn't thinking about it. Although I didn’t like Sam saying it, I couldn’t help but keep myself distracted during that show.” He pulls his pants down, releasing his cock. “I wanna fuck you so hard from the back, right in front of the mirror in my room. So I can see how good you look taking my cock.”
“Fuck, Josh. C-can I touch myself? You’re in charge, baby. What do you want me to do, daddy?” You grab your tit through your shirt, supplying yourself with the smallest amount of pleasure to at least get some relief.
“Well I didn’t tell you to start grabbing your tits, are you gonna listen to me or do your own fucking thing you brat.” He says sternly, obviously taking the more dominant role and you were thoroughly enjoying it.
“I’m sorry baby, what do you want me to do, I’m your puppet.” You let go of your tit, and give him your biggest puppy dog eyes.
“Well first I want your phone propped up so I can see your whole body, then I want you stripped on the bed, nothing on. Once you're done, lean yourself against your headboard and spread your legs.”
You follow his directions, putting your phone against the blankets at the end of your bed and spreading your legs, being completely vulnerable to him.
He bites his tongue, smiling. “What a pretty pussy. Such a shame I’m going to destroy it tomorrow.”
Your mouth opens and eyebrows raise in shock.
“Better keep that mouth shut y/n, or else I’m gonna have to come over and skull fuck you.”
Your lips slowly morph into a smile, as your hand begins to slowly start sliding down your stomach.
“Did I tell you you could touch yourself yet?” You shake your head ‘no’ at him. “That’s what I fucking thought.” You remove your hand from your stomach, and give him a little pout. “Such a sad little baby, can’t even keep her pretty little hands off her wet cunt.”
He loves the power he has over you, polar opposite of the demeanor his brother had earlier today.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and listen, because if you keep doing your own thing I’ll just jerk myself off, looking at that perfect body of yours.” He begins to work on himself after spitting in his hand.
“Can I touch myself now, I promise I’ll listen to you.” You sit there leaning against the headboard. Arms by your side.
“I want you to play with your tits first, spit on your hand and massage them, and pinch your nipples nice and hard. I’ll tell you when I’ve seen enough.”
You bring your hand up to your mouth, spitting into it. You stare at Josh, fondling them softly. “I wish these were your hands Josh. Yours are so big, and soft, god I wish they were in me.” You whimper letting your head push against the headboard exposing your neck.
“Oh I’ve missed that beautiful neck of yours, it's so perfect. Such a shame it’s going to be all bruised after tomorrow.”
Your open mouth turned into a smile. “You can do whatever you want to me, I’ll never say no. Oh god Josh can I please touch my pussy, it’s aching for touch.”
He smirks before giving you an answer. “One finger, that's it. Your gonna finger fuck yourself until I say you can do anything else.”
You begin to slide your hand down your stomach again, leading all the way down to your slick entrance. As you slip your middle finger in you moan, probably a little more than you had to, but you wanted to play it up for Josh. Give him something to remember.
“You’re so fucking sexy, I love hearing your little noises. Let them all out for me mama, don’t hold back.” You watch as he begins stroking himself faster and harder. The slapping noises drifting through the screen.
“Let me see that throbbing tip Joshy, rub it for me.” You curl your finger up trying to hit your sensitive spot, letting out a very real moan.
“You’re such a dirty girl baby. You should just come over and suck my cock. I don’t care that Jake is here, he can be jealous knowing he’ll never get that from you.”
That's awkward.
“I wish I could come over too, maybe you should come here.” You wink. He stops for a moment.
“Really? Because I will, don’t test me.”
“I’m just joking, I wanna do this with you. Try something new.” You pump your fingers into yourself even quicker, trying to get yourself there.
“You’re a fucking tease, you bitch. I can’t wait to have you all to myself tomorrow. You won’t be able to tease me, unless you wanna get punished. You don’t want that to happen do you.” He says in a sultry tone.
“Like I said I’ll never say no, you can punish me if you want, I’ll enjoy it.” Continuing to finger yourself, but needed more friction.
You let the palm of your hand grind against your clit, not worrying about your finger inside of you.
“You won't be enjoying it when I do it sweetheart. You’ll be moaning in pain, I won't hold back. Who knew Miss y/n liked a little pain with her pleasure?” He says with heavy breathing. He looks at you and his demeanor changes. “Hey, did I say you can rub your clit yet. I can see you grinding against it. Do you think I’m a dumbass?”
“Yeah.” You say under your breath hoping he wouldn’t hear.
“That’s one for tomorrow, keep it up and you’ll get more strikes added.”
“Added to what.” You ask, your heart thumping with anticipation.
“You’ll see, keep questioning and it’ll be two. Now be a good girl and lick yourself off your finger, then you can start rubbing your clit.”
You pull your finger up to your mouth making sure he sees you suck hard on it.
“So she can listen to directions, that's my good girl. Now go ahead and rub that throbbing clit for me baby. I know you want it so badly.” He smirks, picking up the pace on his cock again, moaning very quietly to not disturb Jake.
It didn’t take long to feel close to your climax after all that dirty talk and fingering. You began to moan louder letting him know you were close.
“Don’t you dare cum y/n. I told you I would tell you when to cum, if you want to you have to beg baby.” His voice was shaky, you knew he wasn’t too far behind you.
“Please Joshy, I need this, I wanna cum to you. I wanna see your perfect face while I finish. And I wanna see you cum all over yourself like a little slut. Please Ja-osh just let me.” You almost slipped, but you knew he didn’t catch it. He was too busy jerking off to everything you just said.
“God you make me go crazy, cum with me baby I’m so close. Oh fuck..mmm.” With that Josh came all over his perfectly sculpted abs, making your stomach flip. With a few more circles you were done. The wave of pleasure washed over your body.
“Oh fuck Josh. God, I feel so fucking good.” You say catching your breath. You grab your phone from the end of the bed. Throwing your blanket over your body. “Are you gonna make me feel like that tomorrow?”
“Way better than that baby I promise.” He says while he gets up to clean himself off.
“Okay well I’ll see you tomorrow then, just let me know when you're gonna come get me.”
“Wait.. I was actually thinking. Could you just stay on call tonight? I haven’t been sleeping the best and ever since that night at my house I’ve been thinking about how easy it was to fall asleep. If you don’t want to I get it but…”
“Of course Josh, anything for you.” You turn off your light and crawl into bed, seeing him mimic your moves.
“Goodnight mama.”
“Goodnight Joshy.”
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12 @woyayaofdreams @freyjalw @musicspeaks @jennabobenasblog @do-it-jakey-baby @dannys-dream
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kimakento · 6 months
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synopsis: euijoo loved to send you voicemails while drunk to pick up the broken pieces that were your forgone relationship and try to glue them all back together. you think it was like he did it knowing it hurt you too, maybe it’s time to move on. ⌙ 0.9k
pairing: ex!byuneuijoo x fem!reader
genre(s): angst
tag(s): mentions of jo, euijoo being an asshole tbh
warning(s): euijoo is knowingly hurting reader for a second chance idk? disclaimer: this is purely fiction !!
author’s note: i wrote this in like an hour 😭 idk my writers block just randomly disappeared for a moment. this is proofread also it’s my first time writing for &team so i hope you all enjoy !
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“you have one voicemail, sent at 2:20am. press one to play or two to abort.” the monotone voice stated aloud as your index finger danced around the former option a while before pressing it. “the voicemail will play shortly after the beep.” it articulated again.
“i’m so sorry, i do regret everything that happened between us,” you could hear his ragged, sharp intakes of breath as his voice wavered in between every word. he’s never been this forward with his emotions, but you did swear to yourself that you’d never be caught up again in the whirlpool that were filled with his lies.
“i never meant to let it get this far, please come back.”
the timestamp shown on your phone was 2:38am, he obviously did this late at night. now a few hours later, tons of conflicting emotions and thoughts engulfed your mind as you felt concerned with every voicemail addressed to you by euijoo. as if on cue, your phone pinged, notifying you about a message from your ex.
him. was drunk, sorry. 5:51am
this continued routinely for around a few more weeks where he’d send voicemails to you, and then blame it on being intoxicated. you were frustrated to say the least, you wanted nothing to do with him; even after breaking up, he continued to have a hold on your heart.
and all of this took a toll on you too, you started neglecting yourself, refusing to open your messages due to the fear that you’d hear him again. the pure mention of him was enough to do damage to your health. tears continuously streamed down your face and you cried for what seemed like forever.
what used to be the serenity of your home now felt suffocating, but so did the whole outside world. both friends and family attempted to check on you to no avail.
it all seemed to worsen after you received one fateful call. your phone rang impatiently, playing that stupid melody you abhorred. armed with frustration, you hesitantly picked up.
“hello,” his voice had a certain hoarseness to it, his telling silence after grumbling a greeting gave you a notion on what he wanted to talk about. “….are you okay?”
a response of silence enabled him to give a small hum of acknowledgment. you didn’t want to hear his voice, it’s almost comedic why you even picked up in the first place.
“ej, why are you doing this to me?” now you couldn’t stop from your raw emotions from revealing themselves, you hated this—you hated him for doing this, but you hated yourself even more for still being wrapped around his finger. “have you not done enough, it’s even worse that you’re drunk.”
once again there was that awkward silence.
euijoo started up again, conveying his true thoughts. “i miss you, so much. please.”
his desperation echoed through the phone, you were trapped in your own thoughts. as much as you wanted to end this chapter of your life it always seemed to find it’s way back.
“no, euijoo.” that caused everything to return to silence, you had never called him ‘euijoo’ before, it was always ‘ej’ or ‘baby’. he now knew that he had finally lost you.
and with that, you tapped the familiar big red button on your screen. in a broken spiral you took in a deep breath to try to ground yourself while scrolling down the chats on your phone. you messaged one of your mutual friends, jo and asked to meet up.
a few days later, here you were entering a small cafe, to see jo sitting over in a small booth. you nodded and took a seat, greeting him first.
“sorry for being a bit late,” you halfheartedly laughed, and then continued. “i wanted to talk to you about euijoo.” jo’s facial expression dropped, it was one of sadness; you knew he’d seen how rough euijoo was taking everything.
in a soft tone, he asked a genuine question. “what’s up?” his bodily language demonstrated his attentiveness.
“he’s been sending me voicemails about how he misses me, and even called me too. all while being drunk. i’m scared about his excessive drinking now.” you forced your tears to stay at bay because even speaking was so exhausting to you.
jo began to speak up again, bringing you out of your thoughts. “he’s been clean for a month now.” it all made sense, he’d been deliberately calling you; this outcome was worser than you expected.
he continued again. “you have to think about yourself for once, block him. i love both of you, but this is unhealthy—it’s taking a toll on you too.”
and you contemplated it, your heart felt empty. that was until you felt a hand over yours and were met with a nodding jo, encouraging you to finally let go.
i’ve got to move on someday, he’s right. you thought. with that, you gave the boy opposite you a small smile.
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part two
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I have put a lot of effort into writing these fan-fictions, and I take great pride in the work I have put in to make them as enjoyable as possible. I want everyone to have a good time reading them, so I urge you to read the warning before you start so that you know what to expect. I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. Please remember to leave a like or reblog if you have the time, as it would mean a lot to me. Thank you!
OT8 Reactions
You standing in front of them naked. - OT8 You waking up next to them. - OT8 There favourite spicy toys - OT8 You send them nudes - OT8 When he get jealous over another man flirting with you - Hyung Line When he get jealous over another man flirting with you - Maknae Line When you randomly start crying - Hyung Line When you randomly start crying - Maknae Line 
{I Choose you - Minho x Seungmin} Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Final
{Love Triangle - Chan x Minho x Felix} One shot 
{2:09 - Felix x Chan} One Shot
{Birthday Sex - OT8} Bangchan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
Bangchan: Foursome
Hyunjin: Boyfriend
Jisung: Belly
2022 - 2023 Series
{Hi Daddy - Complete} Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5, Final 
{Master - Current} Part 1,  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
{The Crown - On hold} Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, 
2022 - 2023 Season One Shot's
Bangchan: Age Regression , Addict , Midnight Thoughts , When you breakup with him and he returns your house key, Red Lights, 2:22am, 7:04pm, 2:03am, Broken, Pregnancy test
Minho: Dancer , 5:33pm, Mr Lee, 9:34pm, Stop
Changbin: Enemies to Lovers, Gym Junkie , When you pick him up from the airport, 3:33am, 5:00am
Hyunjin: When he’s injured you as his best friend, 12:34pm, Teacher, Alone, Awkwardly in love
Jisung: When you call your ex over to cuddle you, 1:32am, 6:51am, 4:58am, Truth or Dare, Confession
Felix: Unloveable , Breeding, 1:11am, 8:30pm, Say it again
Seungmin: Awake, 3:45am, 10:31pm, Glass, The mile high club
Jeongin: First Time , Husband Material , 4:44am, 12:34am, Cheeky Smile, Feelings
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
GUERO — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: yeah there’s no way you thought I wouldn’t right? I have a type 🤫 & since I’m divorced from angel and SICK of EZ’s ass (the way they scrambled his character is not it) + have a slight crush on Hank I basically just decided to take my pick and I don’t think Guero’s a bad choice—hopefully he doesn’t fuck that up lol. Listen to me being delusional but you kinda have to be even if it’s just a little bit when writing no?
WARNINGS: nothing but short fluff for my new man — with a hint of chaos!
PROMPTS from this list & this one too: 1.) “I’m so hot.” “Loving the confidence.” “Shut up.” + 2.) Ice cream dates.
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It’s early when Guero almost jumps out of your shared bed. He’s the type of man that can sleep through anything if you let him and it takes minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dim bedroom. He almost flinches when his brown hues settle on the thin gold curtains, specs of light threatening to fully break through with their beams from the outside.
He yawns, stretching his long ink covered limbs above his head, glancing to his left to notice that you’re not there like you should be. A frown erupts between his brows, his leg brushing over the sheets to feel they’re cool—almost to the point it feels damp?
Instantly he’s pushing himself into a sitting position, stuffing the palms of his large hands into his eye sockets to push the grogginess away. Giving himself a few moments, he glances at the fancy new modern alarm clock, which happened to be a careless purchase on your part, that’s illuminated in white, blurting that it’s 6:51AM.
You were always a early riser but not this damn early. Now he’s in a search of you, feet shuffling against the dark wooden floor as he tosses the bedroom door back. The hallway is also dim as he begins to make his way down by the bathroom on his left-hand side.
It’s not like it takes him long to find you, eyeing the top part of the fridge wide open, the front of it blocking the top half of you. You don’t notice him as he squeezes his way around to stand behind you, arms crossed, a smirk on his lips as you stand on your tippy toes, face buried into the freezer.
“I’m so hot.” He hears you say, voice muffled while he leans against the counter that contains the kitchen sink.
“I’m loving the confidence.”
The way his voice booms, makes you smack your head against the top of the freezer, making him snort as you settle back onto your feet, now holding your head as you glare at the taller man.
“Shut up,” you rubbed at the back of your head, “the hell are you doing sneaking up on me? sounding like Morgan freeman and shit?”
Guero lightly laughs, “my apologies babe. I thought you said you liked my morning voice?”
“Not when it’s quiet and I’m trying to have some peace.”
“…In the freezer?” Guero questioned with a frown on his face, as he briefly runs a hand through his bed-hair.
You huff, turning back around to stick your head back into the freezer, hands feeling around the space until you find exactly what you need.
Guero’s rushing over to you now, reaching to snatch the carton of ice cream that you just plucked the top off of, “oh hell no,” he responds as it’s your turn to frown at him.
Immediately you’re putting your back to the tatted man, his frame colliding with yours as you scuffle over the ice cream carton, “get your own!”
“What do you mean? That is mine! You don’t even like peanuts in your hot fudge sundaes.”
You didn’t even rock with sundaes like that in the first place to be honest…but the point still stands.
“Mind your business, Guero.”
“Sorry, last I checked, You are my business.” Guero argued as you peered up at him.
Normally that would make you weak in the knees but at this current moment, in your aggravation? It wasn’t going to fly. Smiling evilly at the man, you stuck your tongue out and swiped it right across the top of the ice cream, letting out a sigh in content as Guero scrunched up his nose.
Now here he was, waking up at the crack of ass, in search of his loving partner of two years that moved with him to santo padre in this updated mobile home, thanks to her contractor dad who had his own business and did plenty work around the golf course in the area, wondering if their well-being was in tact since they had a common case of insomnia from time to time, just to stand here now; with them disrespecting him by licking his favorite ice cream (and not off his body).
“Oh, you’re done for now.” Guero voiced as the both you were now in a battle for the ice cream.
Laughing to yourself, you went to do the same action again but the smack of the carton from your hands was almost like slow motion. Before you could even scrabble to attempt to save the ice cream, it toppled straight to the floor with a loud splat. A brief silence filled the small home as the both of you stared at each other, Guero quirking up a brow, tatted thin but muscular arms raised, quietly asking with his facial expression, what you’re gonna do about it now.
With your hands around his neck and him swinging you around, it was about to turn into WWE up in this bitch. The round only lasted for maybe about ten minutes, the both of you playfully wrestling and talking shit to each other as you stumbled into the living room.
Your arms had Guero’s tree sized ass in a headlock as you yelled, “why would you do that when you know I’m over here sweating my behind off?!”
“One, you didn’t ask and two, just turn the fucken AC on then!” Guero yelled back, arms locking around your waist as he used his weight to shove you onto the floor, but not without using one of his hands to protect the back of your head.
We didn’t need another repeat of the accidental concussion he gave you the last time the both of you wrestled.
“You’re the one who said we need to start saving money, paying $643 a month for just the mortgage alone with both of our shitty salaries and the ceiling fans weren’t doing shit!” You wrapped your legs around his hips while he gripped your wrists back over your head to keep from slapping him.
This was a old but still a fresh story, considering the both of you debated over this maybe two weeks ago? Before the both of you fell into the same routine of trying to make ends meet. The both of you were still young in your mid-to late twenties and didn’t live together back in Tucson but decided to when it came to this new destination.
Guero was grateful that you were locked in with this relationship, since he’s never had a serious partnership before you and he wasn’t down to do long-distance but he also really wasn’t down to fall in love with anybody else either. Back in Arizona you were in school working some shitty minimum wage job at a home improvement store, while he tended to a declining club with his late father…so you do the math.
Now in Santo padre, it was supposed to be a fresh start and money wasn’t discussed much between you two back then since the both of you like to keep it to yourselves. That quickly changed now living together, since it unofficially put a stamp on the potential of making this a forever thing. You were now involved in a unpaid internship while attempting to do some remote part-time job for income and Guero? Let’s just say the new distribution of a deadly thing that starts with the letter “F” was worth something nice!
You didn’t need to know the details though.
“I don’t mind you a little sweaty,” Guero shrugged, thinking about it, while you rolled your eyes.
“Ew, get off me you pig! You’re only making this worse.”
“For you maybe, not for me.” He responds with a wink, “I kinda like this position too.”
While he says so, you brought your knees to your chest, just to push your toes right into Guero’s gut, knocking the wind out of him as he crumpled to the side.
“That…was…not…cool.” He wheezed, holding his belly.
“Just like you smacking that ice cream from my hands. Fair is fair.” You folded your arms, rolling your head back up to stare at the ceiling with a sigh.
Guero watched the profile of you, feeling the energy radiating off you. He wasn’t completely clueless, he knew things were tougher out here for the both of you, trying to find your footing and him trying to avenge his father’s death and live up to his legacy but it always felt good to know that you had each other at the end of the day.
He shuffled closer to you, reaching out a hand to grip yours as he placed a kiss to the back of your hand. Soon he got to his feet, briefly leaving your side, then chuckled to himself at the fallen ice cream on the floor before looking into the freezer himself.
You had your eyes closed, actually liking how cooler it felt on the floor than in your bed. That nap wouldn’t last long with Guero lightly kicking your foot with his own to get your attention.
A nudge of his head made you eye him in curiosity, “Get your pretty ass up here, we’re going on a ice cream date.”
Slowly sitting up with a groan you eyed the other carton Guero was now holding in his hands. A laugh bubbled out your lips as you held one hand out for Guero to easily pull you up with one arm to your feet.
He unlocked the front door to the partial screened in porch, letting you lead the way as you let out another sigh of contentment as a breeze greeted your skin. Plopping down on the couch, you awaited for Guero to follow as he sat right beside you. Tossing your thigh over his, he pulled the top off the carton, stuck the scooper into the container and handed it right over to you.
Smiling to yourself, Guero shook his head at your eagerness as you went to work on getting a good scoop of neapolitan ice cream, leaving him to grip your neck so that he could place a kiss to the back of your once sore head.
Together the both of you sat side by side, watching the orange sunrise above the lake up ahead. A golf cart sputtered by with a elderly couple who happened to be fussing at each other as they made their way by the front of the home.
Originally Guero didn’t want to live in some retiree spot that you picked out but stopped bad-mouthing it after learning that your late firefighter mother spent her remaining months here. He also came to sorta like it, enjoying the quiet (especially at the late hour after hanging out with a bunch of rowdy brothers) and company of you after a few weeks.
“Morning!” The man greeted the two of you on his way by but not without making a coo-coo motion with his other hand towards his wife.
Which earned him a nice slap to his shoulder as the both of you waved at the couple, “I can still see you, AL! I’m not blind.”
“Oh sorry, Martha honey,” The man playfully grimaced at you two which earned him a laugh before he whispered, “I thought the glaucoma was beginning to set in.”
Guero snorted at the man, “have a good one,” as the couple carried on down the path to their daily outing.
“That’s gonna be us in forty years.” You stated after pulling the scooper from your lips, resting your head against Guero’s shoulder.
The man hummed, “you think so?”
“You don’t?”
He shrugged, “I’ll look sexier.”
“Of course you will.” You rolled your eyes with a laugh as you handed the scooper over to share.
“Wherever you go, I’ll go.”
“Likewise, even if you’re a idiot who wastes ice cream when it’s ninety degrees inside.” You smirked up at Guero who scoffed.
Guero placed the multi-flavored dessert into his mouth for breakfast and declared, “this shit is trash and nowhere near my hot fudge sundae.”
“More for me!” You reached for the carton but Guero blocked you from doing so with his shoulder.
Scowling Guero shook his head at you, “nope you’re gonna wait your turn since you ruined mine.”
“Be for real, That’s your problem, you don’t ever want to share. You’re being a trash date right now and won’t get another one.”
Guero tossed his head back in laughter, mouth full of ice cream as he talked, “yeah, right! What’s mine is yours and you’re mine.”
“Exactly, so give me my ice cream.”
“What?” He was confused by your logic.
Collapsing back against the couch dramatically, hand over your forehead and eyes closed you waited for Guero to break. It was quiet with the wind rustling it’s way through the leaves in the trees and the birds chirping through the summer morning air.
Cracking a eye open, Guero laughed at you.
“You’d be the perfect actor in a soap opera, you know?”
“And you’d be the perfect thief.”
“…takes one to know one,” Guero bit back as he placed another scoop into his mouth.
He was making you sick!
“Give it to me,” you side eyed the man, “you just said it was garbage.”
“Doesn’t mean I completely hate it but it’s not better than my sundae.” He mocked just to fall short as you latched onto his nipple and twisted.
Guero yelped, dropping the scooper into the carton with a hiss and abruptly handed it over. Grinning you happily welcomed the carton back into your hands as Guero rubbed at his pec.
“I cannot believe you just squeezed the shit out of my tit like that! Why you gotta be so violent for?”
As if he didn’t start it by breaking the best and only tower fan in the house, forcing them to settle with the mediocre ceiling fan in their bedroom.
“It’s the only way you’ll listen apparently.” You swung your feet as you licked at the scooper.
Guero winced, “fuck. Who am I gonna marry?”
Your eyes snapped to Guero’s then who stared intently at you.
“Yeah, I said that.” The man dipped his head confidently before saying, “ One day though, only if you want to that is.”
There goes those butterflies with the birds singing to the beat of your heart at his words. Yeah you were being gushy right now but you couldn’t help how Guero Bardales made you feel.
“If you’re gonna kiss me, based on the look in your eye right now, can you maybe twist too so that way I’ll be more prepared and confirm if I’m with it or not?”
“You kinky asshole, you’re so unserious.” You were ready to flick the ice cream right at Guero’s gorgeous face.
He laughed, “what? I’m giving consent but I’m definitely serious about marriage down the line, I won’t lie about that baby.”
“Mhm.” You nodded leaning over for Guero to peck his plump lips with yours.
Before you could go back to your ice cream, he held your face in place—almost studying every surface of it adoringly. It was still early and you didn’t physically feel your greatest or put together for the day yet, so you sorta hated the fact that Guero was being this intimate right now.
“I love you more than anything, you know?”
You nodded without hesitation, “And I love you.”
He smiled at you, cupping your face, which you turned to peck the palm of his hand, giving him equally a loving smile.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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How many B-21 bombers will the U.S. need? Experts say more than 100
The U.S. Air Force originally wanted to build 80 to 100 bombers when the aircraft was first announced. But the world of 2023 is much more dangerous than the world of 2016.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/13/2023 - 08:51am Military
The original number of bombers would have difficulty fulfilling conventional and nuclear missions in a great war.
The B-21 Raider bomber, which has been under secrecy since 2016, made its long-awaited first flight on November 10. Now that the bomber is really flying, it is worth asking: how many stealth bombers does the United States really need?
With China, Russia, Ukraine, Iran and North Korea dominating the headlines for one reason or another, the 80-100 bombers that the U.S. Air Force originally wanted to build now seem like a mere starting point.
The B-21 Raider bomber was announced in 2016 with great fanfare and should replace the B-1B Lancer bomber and the B-2A Spirit bombers. In 2023, the average age of the B-1B bomber fleet was 34.5 years, while the average age of the B-2A fleet was 27.35 years. Both bombers have been out of production for a long time, and the B-1B, in particular, suffers from maintenance problems, since the contractors who originally supplied spare parts are no longer on the market. There is also the issue that planes suffer from outdated technology that makes them less able to penetrate enemy airspace as originally intended: bomb a target and then flee.
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The B-21 will serve alongside the B-52J, an updated version of the B-52 Stratofortress bomber, 76 of which are still flying. The B-21 was originally designed as the penetrating bomber, while the B-52J was the non-penetrating bomber that could bomb targets in a permissive environment (think: Afghanistan or Iraq), or launch salvaes of long-range conventional or nuclear missiles beyond enemy radar and the range of air defense missiles.
Since 2016, the rivalry between China and the United States has become more intense and China has doubled the number of nuclear weapons installed. The United States is also involved in a direct war with Russia, imposing strict sanctions on Moscow as a result of its invasion of Ukraine; a new Cold War with Putin's Russia seems almost inevitable. At the same time, North Korea now has intercontinental ballistic missiles that can hit the United States, while Iran uses its representatives in the Middle East to attack American targets, while continuing its nuclear weapons program.
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Throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East, long-term peace prospects have not improved since 2016 – they have worsened substantially. Assuming that all this changes the strategic calculation and that we need more bombers, how many do we really need?
How many bombers for a nuclear war?
Let's examine the nuclear mission first. Many of the U.S. Air Force bombers perform conventional and nuclear functions. A B-2 bomber, for example, could launch JASSM-ER cruise missiles with conventional warheads against Chinese targets on a day and launch B83 gravitational thermonuclear bombs on Russian targets the next day. Still, only a subset of the U.S. Air Force heavy bomber force has a nuclear function: although all 20 existing B-2s have nuclear capability, none of the remaining 45 B-1B Lancer bombers and only 40 of the 76 B-52H bombers can carry nuclear weapons. This leaves 60 of the 141 bombers for nuclear missions.
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If the U.S. goes to war with Russia, or with China, or with Russia and China, it must contain a series of bombers and keep them on alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, armed with nuclear weapons and ready to fly. A conventional war between nuclear powers could quickly turn into a nuclear war, and bombers on conventional combat missions would probably not be able to return in time to rearm them with nuclear weapons. By the time they flew back to the continent in the United States, there may be no more base to return.
In 2023, Russia deployed 1,674 nuclear weapons, while China deployed about 410, and North Korea between 35 and 65. China is currently embarking on a nuclear construction that the Pentagon believes will raise the total number of nuclear weapons deployed to 1,500 by 2035. North Korea is probably expanding its nuclear arsenal, although, being a poor country, there will eventually be a limit to the number of weapons it can use at the same time.
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Sixty nuclear-capable bombers is presumably the minimum number that the USAF considers necessary to face nuclear war scenarios involving Russia, China and North Korea. The U.S. Air Force should also consider the possibility, however small, that, at some point, it may be forced to fight Russia and China at the same time. If the Chinese arsenal increases by 66 percent, we may need a corresponding increase in the minimum number of bombers, in addition to a handful of extras. As a result, we may want to increase the number of nuclear-capacity bombers from 60 to 90, with all 40 B-52J and 50 B-21 placed on nuclear alert.
How many bombers for conventional warfare?
In a conventional war, Air Force bombers would be used as missile carriers, launching missiles against long-range enemy targets. All existing U.S. Air Force bombers - a total of 141 B-1, B-2 and B-52 - can perform conventional combat missions. Most of today's bombers, such as the B-52H and B-1B, are better off launching cruise missiles against enemy targets, while the B-2 can still penetrate enemy airspace.
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If we assume that the USAF replaces the B-1 bombers with B-21 bombers on a 1:1 basis, this gives us a need for 45 B-21. Once again, we may have to wage a conventional war against Russia and China at the same time or, at least, wage one while deterring the other. We could consider increasing the number of B-21 for conventional operations by 50%, giving us a total of 67 B-21.
This is not an excessively high number, but to launch a key in this, the U.S. Air Force also stated that the B-21 was built with other missions in mind, including intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions, and electronic attack. Some studies predict it with a maritime attack role in Asia-Pacific, sowing minefields near mainland China and hunting Chinese navy warships. We could add ten more bombers per mission, totaling 97 B-21 for conventional missions.
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In total, our approximate calculations reveal that the U.S. should buy about 147 B-21 Raider bombers, plus 76 B-52J, for a total of 223 heavy bombers. This is significantly higher than the 80-100 B-21s launched when the bomber was first announced, but less than the 290 bombers that the U.S. Air Force intended to have at the end of the Cold War.
The conclusion
The world of 2023 is more dangerous than the world of 2016. The world of 2029, exactly when the first B-21 enter service, can be even more dangerous. The first mission of the bombers should be to stop the war; the second mission should be to fight if the deterrence fails. Fewer bombers in peacetime makes sense, but more bombers in times of tension to deter opponents and make war less likely also makes sense.
Source: Popular Mechanics
Tags: Military AviationB-21 RaiderUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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