#1p Rome
Hello :) Could you write a scenario for a mochi reader x mochi 1p Ancient Rome in which Ancient Rome tries to woo the reader by applying Ovid's dating tips from his Ars Amatoria, the reader thinking Ancient Rome's approaches are silly but he finally wins them over because they're so knowledgeable of the classics?
And can you go nsfw when the mochis get steamy and smush together and fuse into a single mochi, and give a headcanon as to what happens as their consciousnesses merge into one?
Thankss :**
Why must you torture me with this kind of ask?
The politeness in the ask is greatly appreciated tho
This is going to be shit btw because I really don't wanna do it but here you go
If anyone gets horny from this I will die of terror, please don't okay, I'm not trying to make it hot, I'm just trying to survive
Okay so a little background knowledge before we start
Ancient Rome is like 50 years old body wise and has the mind of a 20 year old, so his mochi form is a little bit weird, not like old old looking but mature looking, a very strong mate for any lonely mochi
Also have I mentioned that I hate you for making me look up Ovid outside of university?
Okay I don't, but Ovid is a dick
This takes place in Ancient Rome times because I do not want to deal with Ovids fucked up ideas in the modern world!
I know that it isn't logical but that's what I'm going with
There is going to be a weird sex scene, don't like mochi sex then please don't read it, I already feel weird enough writing it
If you only want the sfw part then scroll down until you find the second pair of ---- line
Have fun
Also I respect that you requested this off anon, but like wow that's wild
POV what POV????? It's everyone's point of view because I hate myself
It was a hot day in the ancient Roman capital, Mochi Rome was doing his best trying to get his owner to help him with a specialised mochi bath. It was one of Ovid's most important teachings, keeping good hygiene.
Rome had read the Ars Amatoria out loud for this dear mochi pet, and Mochi Rome was determined to sway you with his new found dating and literary knowledge, because his normal approach had not worked, which frustrated him beyond measure. You were simply too cute to be without a mate.
Luckily Rome was already ready with a Mochi bath and mochi Rome became very clean
Mochi Rome was anxious for his owner to bring him to the play area where his and your owner had arranged a play date for the two of you
Mochi Rome had a plan though on how to seduce you, it involved a theatre, well a home made one with sticks but that had to be close enough. He just needed to convince his owner to go earlier. A feat in itself since Rome was not good at showing up on time anywhere
So mochi Rome was going to start very early with bugging his owner into actually taking them both to the meeting place
He jumped around, made mochi noises as loud as he could, nibbled on Rome's fingers, overall he went nuts. it took a while but eventually Rome got the hint and brought him to the area with his sticks
Mochi Rome spent an hour preparing the stick theatre and was very proud of the result
In reality it was wobbly and did not even resemble a theatre. It was a pile of sticks.
Mochi Rome also decided to make a circus with sticks, actually everything was made with sticks
He was very proud of himself.
Rome thought his mochi was acting very odd recently, but did not pay much notice to it.
Finally mochi you and your owner arrived, (y/n) put down mochi you and walked over to Rome to let the two mochis have their play time
Mochi (y/n) went over to mochi Rome and greeted him happily. Then your mochi eyes caught sight of the theatre, the Circus and all the other whack things he built out of sticks, and built terribly as well.
Mochi you laughed at him because you thought it was silly and you were jumping away to do something else.
Mochi Rome however did not let this deter him from winning you over
He followed you and started reciting the Ars Amatoria. You looked at him, positively surprised he could remember anything from that very interesting book. Your human had also read it to you. Of course it was a silly book, but it was still cute he thought he could use it to woo you. Okay it was really cute, you looked at him and winked. Thus began the chase around. Mochi Rome ended up catching you.
Nsfw starts here, be warned it's just uh, it's weird okay, I don't like it either
Mochi Rome caught up to you and started nibbling on you, it was very nice and you made happy mochi noises, which soon turned to horny mochi noises.
You rubbed up against mochi Rome to excite him, and yourself.
Mochi Rome started to get very excited and he nibbled more intensely on you to make you show your entrance. Not after long he succeeded and he pushed his mochi appendage into your entrance. He started to hop back and forth to make friction. It felt very nice for you and opened up more for him
Mochi Rome made rather loud happy mochi noises. Surprisingly none of the humans heard it.
As you were both getting close your mochi flesh started to move oddly and you started to absorb each other. You both welcomed this, this meant your were true mochi mates. It was meant to be!
Mochi you and Mochi Rome became one mochi, of bigger size and with a mix of your features.
You were happy and so was he.
Sfw again
Rome and your human self were too busy talking to notice what was going on with the mochis, it wasn't until Rome out of the corner of his eye saw that there was only one mochi that did not look familiar that he snapped out of the conversation he was having with the very attractive human.
That was not a good outcome for two dotting mochi owners, your mochis had become one, not something that happened at a normal rate.
(y/n) looked over to see what Rome was staring at and when they realised what was going on they looked horrified. Not a good way to get to know you more personally and up close. He should've known his mochi would fall for the mochi of the human who was the target of his affection.
Rome got cockblocked by his own mochi, and now neither of you had your own mochi.
You looked at him for an awkward amount of time before finally speaking
"uhm... Can this be undone or?"
"... Not by anyone but them"
More awkward silence.
Or maybe it didn't have to be bad
"well one of us can't just take the mochi, they'll be sad regardless of who has it, it'll miss the other owner"
"....what are you suggesting?"
"well the house next to mine is empty, you could move in there and we could share a garden and have that as it's home and then it can be close to us both!"
You looked at the cheerful older man who had definitely been trying to seduce you for a while now. You were certain now, he was an idiot.
"... Fine, temporarily"
"Of course!"
This was like going to the theatre and watching a drama that was poorly written, but it seemed you had no other choice, for now at least.
The end. I am not continuing this.
I hate myself for writing the worst scenario ever, I don't know what's going on, I'm too sick for this, anyways that was your cursed request and now I re-evaluate my life choices
Have a cursed day.
This is definitely my curse
Fucking Tumblr wouldn't let me edit this shit on the app, I hate this fucking place
All I have left to say is this:
fy fy skamme skamme
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shini--chan · 13 days
Update Schedule for June 2024
01.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p Lithuania: Tolys Laurinaitis)
03.06.2024 China, England (Heart Blood) (You discover that they murdered/removed your child)
04.06.2024 England (Touche) (Calling England out on his snobbish behaviour)
05.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p America: Alfred F. Jones)
07.06.2024 Austria, France, Germany, Prussia and Russia (Genophobia) (You have genophobia - how do they deal with it?)
09.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (Levi Ackerman)
11.06.2024 Yandere Axis - National Guilt (You remind the members of the Axis, excluding Prussia, that they are not guilt free.)
12.06.2024 Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold (They mute you)
13.06.2024 Yandere 1p! & 2p! Canada - Sweet Lilly-of-the-Valley (After gaining his trust, you decide to poison him)
14.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet II (1p Russia: Ivan Konstantinovich Braginski)
16.06.2024 Yandere Japan - The Dying of the Light (A case study in how Kiku's anger manifests)
20.06.2024 Yandere Rome Oneshot
25.06.2024 Yandere Zeke Oneshot
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 3 months
Wanna ask bf they close. 2p Rome hc's 👀
You got it!! 
When Ignatius’ beloved wife was on her deathbed, this bloodthirsty Roman refused to leave her for long. His centuries of battles and death prevented him from trusting healers and servants with her fragile life; instead, he tried to do it all. For weeks, he tended to her every need, consulted scrolls of medical information and made elixirs, tried various herbs, and even prayed for her to be healed. But none of it worked and, in her sleep with Ignatius by her side, she passed away. That morning was the only time this man outwardly mourned. Wailing and tears that bled into a blind rage at his failure. An unlucky band of thieves met their God that day, due to his anguished rampage through the nearby woods.  
When Luciano discovered that he was too late to claim the 1p spot from Feliciano, Ignatius didn’t offer much comfort. Instead telling the boy, “You were born of my son, who was of me. It was foolish to think that you could avoid following our steps. You will be a Second Representative, a man made almost immortal with responsibilities that will stain your hands scarlet.” To the young Italy, this offered no comfort. Instead, it cemented his hatred toward 1ps and started him on the path of finding a way to eliminate the need for those soft pencil pushers.
A more lighthearted headcanon that I do have is that despite his grandsons hating him, Ignatius is proud of them as individuals. They have taken his harsh lessons to heart (though the boys deny that) as they have survived and been able to at times beat back or conquer others. Though, in terms of their ‘nation’ accomplishments, the man is not impressed and would have lectured them on it.
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augustus-scaevola · 2 years
I try to avoid darker headcanons on here. Especially because I try to also remain historically accurate but sometimes a headcanon just makes too much sense. So trigger warning for child abuse and food issues.
It's a suprise to no one that Rome LOVES food. Both 1p and 2p alike have huge appetites and could eat you out of house and home.
Augustus was a rambunctious and crazy kid. He was never great at listening, got yelled at a lot and yelled back at em. So there were a lot of days and nights he was sent to his room with no lunch or dinner. As an adult, he could buy all the food he wanted. Who could stop him? Certainly not Etruria. Or any mortal keeper. So this mans kitchen is stalked to the brim with food. Snacks mostly cuz he'll eat thoughout the day. Dont think that'll stop him from buying fast food on the way home though either.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 30 July 1836
7 40
12 1/2
no kiss much rain in the night and raining till 8 or after but fine now and F58° at 8 ½ - in the new cellar and with Wood till breakfast at 9 ¼ had Turner just before and paid his 2 little bills - out again about 10 ¼ with Wood and Jack righting up and then setting end stone into the hill and thus finishing out the lowmost line of rock - Matthew and Sam Booth and Richard and Benjamin at manure spreading till near 11 - then at the West-tower cellar stuff taking out and barrowing to below the cow house against the lime tree - John brought the lead cistern about 12 - came in at 12 ½ - with A- till 1 ¾ - Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe spreading manure yesterday and this morning? all of it well done today - from 1 50 to after 5 wrote a ½ sheet full and 1p. and 1 end of envelope to Lady Stuart de R- and 3pp. and under the seal of ½ sheet to Lady Stuart - wrote with rapidity and ease (smallish and closeish) and never wrote better letter to the former? very much obliged for the
the trouble she had taken about my courier - prince Galitzins’ note very satisfactory - and of the 3 Italians 1 German and price G-‘s Swiss, I inclined to the latter -‘I want a man who will be useful and not too difficult to manage - more or less difficult all these people are, till they clearly understood who is to be master - may I ask you to do me a very great favour? I sigh over asking you to take so much trouble - but I hope that you yourself may have an interest in it, and that you and dear Louisa may somehow benefit - will you look at the man? and if you would take him, supposing you in want of such a servant, I am sure I should - and then he had best write and let me know what wages he asks, and if it will suit him to be engaged from the 1st of November’ - would not take the courier that was with Mrs. Frankland Lewis’ after what Lady Gordon says of him ‘tho’ perhaps it is possible that Lady Gordon might have been better served had she held the reins of government a little tighter?’ mention having had a proper sort of letter from a German of the name of Fischer now with the duchess of St. Albans - will be at liberty in 6 weeks - his letter franked by the duke of Bucclugh [Buccleuch] with whom he had travelled twice - perhaps he may be too great a man - mentioned to me by the Dover Wright’s hotel commissionaire Mr. Birmingham - ‘alas! the want of a courier is not all - I am looking out for a Mrs. Barker - a widow, Mrs. Fowles, 10 Princes street Cavendish square, professes to know everything - asks 40 guineas a year, and lived last with a Mrs. Pulteney of 30 Grosvenor Place, and Northwood Park Hants - If your admirable Mrs. Barker would see her, she would do me a great service, and I should be satisfied whether it was worthwhile to inquire Mrs. Fowles’s character or not - I am sure I have written you a very tiresome letter - my aunt seems to rally again - Poor dear Lady Stuart! I trust she does not suffer a tenth part as much - I long to see all in order, and shall be thankful to be able to arrange some plan for the winter - could you take rest, and could Louisa withstand the admiration and gaieties of London for one Semestre divided as you please between Rome and Naples? - you would be pleased with Rotterdam, and comfortable at the Hotel des Pays Bas, and might see all that is worth seeing of Holland, and the Rhine Scenery, without being bankrupt in time or money - your Scotch travellers will be delighted with your tour - But  I own the charm of ‘something more uncommon’ will Louis Philippe reign 5 years longer? is it possible that we may see a deputation from Paris offer the crown to the duke of Bordeaux at Gratz? would there be anything more extraordinary in this than the glories of the trois jours? Adieu, dear Lady Stuart, and believe me always very truly yours A. Lister’ - wrote on one of the ends ‘Perhaps you will be so good as allow Mrs. Barker to let Mrs. Fowles know at what hour she had best call to be looked at and questioned as to her abilities in cookery and confectionery - the Swiss lived with a Mrs. Letita Stuart who travelled about to see her royal friends at 17 courts - lady S- de R- did not mean to draw any parallel between us - I answered - ‘I do not aspire to parallelism - Immured amid the old walls, and hid amid the high hills and dark shades of Shibden, the sun of royalty can hardly shine on me’ - my letter to lady S- the same in substance - selfish to grieve she had returned to her beautiful Lodge - or should have asked to look at the Swiss and to have advised me about Mrs. Fowles - my aunt better - persuaded the dampness of our atmosphere not good for her - she would go abroad again but impossible to move her - think I shall not be kept here much beyond Xmas - no objection to engage a courier from the 1st of November - shall be delighted to see Lady S- count upon see Vere in passing - Mr. Husband came about 5 ½ about the HIpperholme quarry - told him to see Mrs. Wadsworth’s steward Mr. Matthew Naylor, and ask him if he thought I might venture to being getting the stone - Booth says Richard and Benjamin not fit for getting stone - B- and Mr. Husband to manage the business between them - out till 6 ½ - then sealed and put into the bag my letter to ‘The lady Stuart de Rothesay’ and to ‘the honourable Lady Stuart’ undercover to Lord Stuart de R- 4 Carlton house terrace and wrote also and sent letter (note) to Mrs. Fowles to say  I had received her letter last night and written to a friend in London respecting her before determining to apply to Mrs. Pulteney - to ‘Mrs. Fowles 10 Princes street Cavendish square London post paid’ dinner at 7 5 - coffee - A- and I out (in the walk) from 8 40 for 40 minutes - then A- did her French - 20 minutes with my aunt till 10 5 - then read the paper and (upstairs) wrote all but the 1st 7 lines of today till 11 35 - some heavyish showers during the morning and till about 2 - afterwards fine - F48° now at 11 35 pm
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yes-bernie-stuff · 3 months
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Jésus a dit : « Heureux serez-vous, lorsqu'on vous insultera, qu'on vous persécutera et qu'on répandra sur vous toute sorte de mal, à cause de moi. Réjouissez-vous et soyez dans l'allégresse, parce que votre récompense sera grande dans les cieux, car c'est ainsi qu'on a persécuté les prophètes qui vous ont précédés » (Mt 5.11-12). Si on n’a pas la peau dure, on traverse des moments difficiles car on est une cible facile pour le diable. Paul a connu la désertion de ses amis, les lettres hostiles des Corinthiens, la déception avec les Galates, les mauvais traitements à Philippes, les moqueries à Athènes, et finalement l'emprisonnement et la décapitation à Rome. La Bible offre quatre principes pour gagner. 1) Rester en alerte. L’adversaire n’est pas loin, prêt à mordre (voir 1P 5.8). Il sait que Dieu donne du talent à ses enfants. Ils sont des graines capables de produire une grande moisson. 2) Rester ferme dans la foi. Personne ne peut s’appuyer sur les sentiments, les événements ou l’opinion des autres. Tout ça est aléatoire, seule la Parole de Dieu est fiable. 3) Agir en adulte. Être puéril est inefficace quand la bataille fait rage. Il est temps de grandir. Si on commet encore les mêmes erreurs vingt-cinq ans plus tard, on n’a rien appris. 4) Être fort. La faiblesse est une invitation envoyée à l’Ennemi. Très vite on déclare forfait, ce qu’il faut absolument éviter. Dieu a dit à son peuple que la Terre promise lui appartenait, mais qu’il devrait se battre pour l’obtenir. À chacun(e) de faire de même !
B365 — Plan de lecture Lévitique 7-8
Prière du jour Seigneur, apprends-moi à être fort(e).
The Word for Today écrit par Bob et Debby Gass © UCB UK 2024 Publication Parole du jour © PHARE MEDIA 2024
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askmezzogiornofam · 6 months
|| Rules || Intro ||
Just some ground rules
No inc3st asks. Don't be fucking weird
NSFW asks are welcome but may or may not be answered
No racism/anti-immigrant sentiments/xenophobia
If you don't like my headcanons that's fine, don't be an ass about it
All ships are welcome as are in-character asks! Just make sure you follow the rest of the rules and basic levels of courtesy.
Just have fun! I'm here to vibe and share my ocs with you
Basic Info
This blog is a human AU where Cristiano is filming and keeping a vlog for his family
Names are as follow: Cristiano D'Angelo (2P Romano), Lorenzo Di Salvo (1P Romano), Eleonora Di Paolo (1P Nyo Romano), Bianca Rizzuti (2P Nyo Romano)
Other characters that may be featured: Feliciano Bernardi (1P Veneziano), Romeo Di Salvo (Seborga), Romulus Mancini (1P Rome)
OOC posts will all be tagged as #yaqa.text
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
Psych, here’s one that didn’t go through: Romano and Rome seem to have some relationship problems due to Rome leaving with Veniciano and misunderstanding Roma. So what if Rome and Luciano did the classic cartoon thing lol? Where Rome wears an earpiece and Luciano hides in the bushes telling him what to say/do and “translating” (Why is this funny to me?)
- Luciano threatens to leave if he calls him Lovino, tries to explain that Lorenzo means “winner” and “crowned with laurels” and that’s why it’s so important to Lorenzo because he always feels like he’s losing to his brother
- A lot of digs will be made at Romulus’ expense, he was expecting it but not as many as Luciano managed to casually drop into the situation
- He has to explain the same thing over and over again because Romulus keeps misunderstanding, it makes him want to pull out his hair and scream but he knows that’d give away his location
- Romulus keeps thinking Lorenzo will be like Feliciano but gets a sharp shock when he finds out that he’s not, Luciano laughs at this and calls him an idiot
- Luciano more orders and threatens than gives advice (E.g. “Say you love him. Now.” or “You better explain yourself to him or else I’m jumping out and telling him you asked me to do this. You think I’m joking? Watch me.”)
- He honestly spends most the time laughing at something Lorenzo said instead of actually helping out
- Lorenzo starts crying whenever Romulusexplains why he took Feliciano and not him, Luciano had to hold his hand over his mouth so he didn’t storm out the bushes and slap Romulus for being such an asshole
- He makes a very harsh comparison to Remus and it leaves Romulus speechless and almost crying until he realizes that what he did was horrible to Lorenzo
- Lorenzo knows it’s happening, but he’s happy that his grandfather is trying hard to make thing better between them so he doesn’t bring it up
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whimpering-hearts · 5 years
Who is the biggest fuck bio out of the murder husbands? (My money is on Antonio #Antonioisafuckbio)
Good question! Let’s be scientific and shit and look at some of the traits of a fuck boi from Urban Dictionary.
1. “posts selfies of himself pouting”
2P America :: Jason A. Cardinali, with sunglasses
2P America :: Jason A. Cardinali, without sunglasses
2P China :: Xiaoyu “Xiao” Wen, because he saw Jason do it
2P Lithuania :: Isakas “Issy” Gylys, because everyone else is doing it and he wanted to fit in
1P North Italy :: Feliciano Vargas, because he thinks it makes him look cuter
1P Prussia :: Gilbert Beilschmidt, to make fun of everyone doing it because they’re all losers
2P South Italy :: Flavio Valentini, with sunglasses
1P Spain :: Antonio Hernández, because he thinks it makes him look sensitive
2. “posts selfies with their ‘six pack’ on display”
2P America :: Jason A. Cardinali, often while lifting his sweat-stained white muscle tank because check out his abs
1P Denmark :: Kasper Møller, usually while winking
1P Germany :: Ludwig Beilschmidt, although usually these are actually taken and posted by Gilbert trying to find Ludwig a girlfriend
2P Germany :: Lars Brenner, but does it count when you do online fitness videos?
1P Prussia :: Gilbert Beilschmidt, because he posts a lot of selfies in general and some are bound to be shirtless
1P Rome :: Julius Vargas, because he wants to fit in with these younger nations, look at his muscles
1P Spain :: Antonio Hernández, because at least half of his pictures are taken without a shirt on even when he’s doing things that would normally require a shirt (see: cooking pictures)
3. “can be found wearing any and all things Nike”
1P Greece :: Herakles Karpshi, but only because it’s named after one of his mom’s goddesses
1P Russia :: Ivan Braginsky, but instead of Nike it’s Adidas because he really loves their track pants - elastic waistbands!
4. “own every Call of Duty that comes out”
1P America :: Alfred F. Jones, because it’s one of his favorite game series and he likes going against Ren
2P Japan :: Ren Suzuki, because sometimes you need to shoot some fucker’s face off but society says no
5. “will tell a girl anything to get them to hook up with them”
2P China :: Xiaoyu “Xiao” Wen, because he’s so desperate to please people that he’d do anything
1P Greece :: Herakles Karpshi, but he probably - hopefully - means it at the time
2P Norway :: Lukas Welhaven, but he lies about everything so no one is really surprised
1P Spain :: Antonio Hernández, but like Herakles he might actually mean it at the time
Antonio is definitely at the head of the pack in the fuck boi department, but Jason is coming in at a close second and someone needs to tell Ivan that you cannot wear Adidas tracksuits anymore because this isn’t the 80′s. 
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Here's a list :D
Wants to be praised:
1p Lithuania, 2p Ancient Rome, 1p Belgium, 1p Finland, 1p Germany, 1p Canada, 2p England, Zil
Wants to give praise:
2p Ukraine, 1p Norway, 2p Denmark, 1p Prussia, 2p England, (1p Russia if with a serious partner)
Also because of reasons Zil has to write on her phone, so if I'm the formatting sucks I'm terribly sorry, but I'll try to write ^^
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nyo romechu is evicting me from my brain
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Ok we all know 2p rome was really OBSESSED with his little wife, but is he truly loyal though?
Ignatius was once similar to his 1p when it comes to women. They were there to be tamed and then used for his desires and pleasures. This view was only solidified as he conquered more land and crushed more nations under his claws. 
His wife, however, changed that. She was something that was technically his by birth. A woman that was raised within his borders and knew the expectations. It was weird for the man that was used to struggling harlots and slaves. 
That oddness kept him loyal and turned love into obsession. 
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augustus-scaevola · 2 years
//The thing I find "opposite" about 1p silk road (Romechu) and 2p is this. The 1ps are outwardly very loud and wild about each other. argumentative in a fun way, constant bantering. Hot and heavy. But they can have private quiet, peaceful moments with each other. The 2ps are the publically quiet ones. Their love is publicly docile and light. Rarely argumenatitive in the same way Yao and Remus are. Words of affection flow from 2p Romes mouth like a fountain. Privately? Planning on how to fuck over the government and their bosses in particular. Graffiti, randomly exploding fire crackers, master planning a riot. But you'll be lucky to even catch a glimpse of em the way they flee like birds.
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England's Eyebrows asks:
Holy Rome headcanons plz!
I got chu
-Low key thinks he's the king of the world(I mean he's not wrong)
-Has made a habit of watching Chibitalia when he/she(idk) is sleeping.
- Has really hairy arms for a kid, like what?
-Gets along really well with Prussia
-Prussia please stop telling this young impressionable kid about how awesome you are.
-Has anxiety pretty bad.
-Is Germany.
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readerinsertz · 2 years
NSFW Hetalia Character Requests MDNI
Dark/hard kinks. I can see them all having potential with harder kinks.
I normally write established relationships- all of these kinks/scenes would have been negotiated about before, done in safe places (if in front of people, people you know and are comfortable doing acts in front of and who are aware of the scene and have consented). Also they give amazing aftercare.
✧ Ancient Rome (flirty, fucks you in his armour, dark side, primal, pred/prey, training into fucking, play wresting into pinning you down and fucking you, threesomes, armour kink- makes you clean it with your slick, thigh grinding, titles, competency kink but fighting and weaponry, RP kidnapping you to keep you safe, misogyny/traditional gender roles but respectfully, wife waiting for her husband to come back from the war, probably finds WWM hot-you riding him and making out with another woman, also WMM, breeding kink)
✧ Germania (dangerous dom, lets you get away with shit and then snaps and spanks you, fucking in a forest, pet play, RP where he kidnaps you and keeps you in his cabin, condescension, size kink, pred/prey, primal, CNC, competency kink but foresting and hunting, titles, threesomes with Rome, misogyny / traditional gender roles but respectfully, likes WWM only does WMM with Rome, breeding kink, spoils you)
✧ Pirate!England (captures you makes you his treasure, mermaid-pirate RP, probably abuses his captain status, fucks you when you make mistakes, makes you wear in his hat and coat and fucks you in it, pretends to teach you defence but it’s just to demonstrate his strength and that you’re too weak you need him to look after you, innocence kink, DD, boot grinding, makes you wear a white dress and has you clear the deck “accidentally” pours water on you, a bully, knife kink)
✧ Punk!England (great at fingering, fingerless gloves, fingers you under the table and snickers when you struggle to answer people’s questions, punk!boy X good!girl, hates everyone but her!boy DD, likes you kneeling, puts his fingers in your mouth, your trace his tats with your tongue, pet play, collars, boot grinding, leather harnesses especially on his thighs, tongue piercing, big rings he makes you take off with your mouth, spikey collars on him)
probably only going to do this for short time period
✮ Canada/James Williams: (object insertion, fucks you with hockey stick, picks revealing clothes and takes you out in the cold tells you to get on your knees if you want his jacket, full nelson, size kink, hair pulling, knife kink, CNC, badboy X goodgirl, hates everyone but her!boy, loves corrupting you, innocence kink, prefers sir but uses daddy in a degrading way as well, in his flannel shirt = fucks you, in his red Mountie uniform = fucks you, lumberjack, boot grinding, whenever you’re reading he fingers/teases you so you can’t think, cockwarming, collars, pet play, temp play, outdoors sex, degrader)
✮ Germany/Lutz Beilschmidt (hard dom, thigh riding, boot grinding, boot clearing, pet play, puppy play, collars, knife play, CNC, strength kink, size kink, chikan, BDSM, sadist, gets you stuck in something then fucks you pretending to “help”, primal, pred-prey, you the puppy him a wolf pet play RP, bunny/lamb x werewolf RP, you wear his jacket = fucks you, degrader, DD, religion kink, threesomes with his brother, has you naked and crawling around the room when friends are around, goes to BDSM clubs with you, likes when you’re a brat or a good girl, innocence kink)
✮ Prussia/Klaus Beilschmidt (softer than his brother, coos, pets your hair, quietly proud when you’re a good girl, can tame brats but if you’re really bad lets his brother have a go with you, innocence kink, degrades you then apologises and praises you, medieval military conquest RP, knight-maiden RP, king-captured enemy RP, has you polish his armour with your slick, object insert-fucks you with the hilt of his sword, im getting mechanic vibes from him, cold dark mysterious man, cigarette kink, puffs on it and watches you silently till you get on your knees for him, uniform kink, boot riding, misogyny/traditional gender roles but respectfully)
✮ US/Allen Jones (object insertion, fucks you with his bat, fingers you with blood on his knuckles and fingerless gloves, boot grinding, pet play, degrader, DD but in a humiliating way, makes you piss yourself, takes you on a “walk” won’t let you back in ‘till you peed, probably use the garden hose to “clean” you, laughs at your reaction to the cold water, eats you out for his pleasure, badboy X goodgirl, hates everyone but her!boy, CNC, chains you by your foot to a bed, misogynistic housewife kink “this is where you’re best, in the house cooking and cleaning for your man, and gagging on daddy’s dick” but respectfully, wear his jacket = fucks you, threesomes with his brother, takes pictures after creampies you threatens to show everyone it, probably has your nude as a background pic)
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
Bringing up Rome, what would happen if Luciano brought Lorenzo back to Romulus after Remus beat the heck out of him? This is my last question for today, stay awesome! 💙
- Romulus never got along with Remus but this changed his indifference for the man to pure hatred
- He knows that he can’t beat him on his own, Romulus’ fighting strategics are far better than his own so he’ll end up dragging Otho (1p Germania) to help him out because his odds will be better that way
- He’ll bring along a knife because he knows that Remus has a habit of fighting dirty
- He’ll make sure the two are feeling alright while he’s calling Otho, asking them questions and checking injuries and such
- He’s conflicted on Luciano’s reaction since he said that it was normal for Remus to get so angry that he lashes out and hurts people. Luciano is, of course, hurt and angry that is happens but he’s too scared to say anything back to Remus, never mind fight him
- Patches him up and probably gets the two of them some wine (Watered down because that’s how they used to drink it in Ancient Rome). Luciano refuses the wine, Lorenzo attempts to stomach it.
- Ends up getting Otho to make them some food as he’s not used to doing much by himself since he had servant make him food
- Screams at Remus on the phone before going over, it’s half in Latin and half in whatever other languages he can get a basic grasp on because he’s so mad at him that he can’t think properly
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