#1970s men socks
patternednylonsocks · 2 years
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Patterned NYLON socks men's
1970's men's nylon socks
Photos Sunday 16th October 2022
Posted Tuesday 18th October 2022
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kisbunzies · 8 months
More silly tf2 headcanons because i know more about them than valve does.
Sniper is practically nocturnal. You wont see him all day but you will find him sitting on the couch in base with snacks and a movie going like it 3am , no shoes or shirt despite it being February and his camper being parked like a mile.away acting like its totally normal. Will literally nap anywhere during the after noon dont be surprised if one day you find him hanging upside down like a vampire.
Speaking of which this mans goes everywhere shirtless and shoeless . gas station ? Shirtless and shoe less . walmart ? Shirtless and shoeless .middle of winter ? Maybe he's got socks on. They have to yell at him to get dressed or atleast put on sunscreen so he doesn't get crustier than he already is.
Pyro's really good at open flame cooking , bonfire grill gas stove flambae torch they can make anything as long as it requires fire. Also pyros mexican and atleast half of their "strange noises" are just them mumbling to themselves in spanish.
Heavy likes cozy stuff , he's struggled enough if he wants hot cocoa and a knitted blanket he can have hot cocoa and a knitted blanket. Owns the fuzziest pair of bear slippers known to man. Also i feel like he's a salmon guy idk maybe he rlly is just a bear but guy.
Saxton hale likes men.
Scout if so painfully straight. And i dont mean straight as in sexuality i mean straight as in pure fucking aura. Ms pauling comes out as a lesbian and he says "oh shit i like girls too we should date" sees heavy and medic kiss and his brain doesn't acknowledge it. This is true even is scout likes dudes he's the 1970's equivalent of those guys nowadays who wear nothing but nike and use the word gyat unironically and im tired of pretending like he isn't.
Ms pauling wants to be a merc so bad she thinks that its so cool but her mom told her murders for boys so she's just the administrators assistant/hj
Demoman has the most curly , bouncy , volumous gorgeous hair under than beanie. He keeps it in cornrows most of the time but when he does wear his hair out its a sight to behold.
Engineer makes the corniest , most dad like jokes known to man , its literally horrible they all groan so loud whenever he does but he thinks its hilarious.
Sniper , scout , pyro and soldier are all sour gummy worm addicts to the point that their stash takes up and entire shelf in the base pantry. Go through a costco bag a week.
The local costco dreads their presence , engineer and sniper and in the outdoors section, medics necromancing the chickens , pyros was the one roasting those chickens before they got necromanced, they managed to lose heavy somehow , scout managed to convince spy to get into a toilet paper fort they made and now their introuble with management, soldiers ordering a forth of july cake despite it being october and demomans buying premade meal kits for dinner for him.and his mom over the week. Pyro saved him a necromanced rotisserie chicken. And yes sniper still isn't wearing a shirt or shoes they've given up.
Spy had eyebags and grey hair , misses when was young and spry , is a little jealous of medic managing to have a full head of dark hair.
Medics ethnically jewish. He gets his black market organs kosher .
And finally out of all the mercs soldier goes to.medic the most for actual injuries , scout goes the most for.minors , engineers got the most perscriptions including hearing aids and stuff for pyro he picks up , sniper never goes to the doctor and medic has to drag him in . spies the worse when it comes to appointments (doesn't like any part of him being seen and despit having spy training still doesn't like.needles) and medic favorite patient is heavy for obvious reasons
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On this day... - April 17th
On this day Led Zeppelin performed:
+ 1969 : Club Lafayette in Wolverhampton, UK
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+ 1970 : Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis, Tennessee, USA
“The lyrics of Led Zeppelin’s opening song went “Set my soul on fire. We’re gonna groove – my, my, my – we’re gonna groove” And with the help of 10,732 Memphis fans these four British blues men did exactly that at Mid-South Coliseum last night. […] When the group began their potpourri of Memphis, Tobacco Road and others, some of the audience came out of their seats to the front of the stage and began clapping, giving the peace sign and moving about. This action brought on the house lights and some of the crowd was pushed back by police officers. They tried to leave the stage but were brought back by a screaming crowd.” – ‘The Led Zeppelin: My! My! Groovy’ by M. Hughes (Press-Scimitar)
+ 1977 : Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
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“If a Led Zeppelin concert is nothing else, it’s a physical assault on the human mind and body. The British hard rock group […] “assaulted” a frenzied Markey Square Arena crowd of 18,000 last night for two hours and 45 minutes with a cranked-up sound and a dazzling light show. The audience […] was socked with damaging decibels, flying Frisbees, firecrackers and whisky bottles, eye-burning smoke and eye-popping flash pots and laser beams. One big headache. But you know what? The crowd loved it! That’s what Led Zep is all about. The group must have a certain hypnotic effect on its followers. Why else would anybody stand for hours in line to get a show at a stage front festival-seating spot only to be crushed by sweaty, smelly bods the rest of the night?” – ‘Led Zeppelin keeps audience in frenzy’ by Z. Dunking (Indianapolis News)
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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The Wardrobe of Cecil Beaton
A Life in Fashion
Benjamin Wild  Foreword by Tim Walker
Thames & Hudson, London 2016, 143 pages,  23.62 x  31.5 cm, ISBN  978-0500518335
euro 48,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
The only book to focus on the flamboyant wardrobe of Sir Cecil Beaton, whose life and photography are being celebrated afresh. When Cecil Beaton died in 1980, it was not surprising that one of his tailors was telephoned with the news before Buckingham Palace, despite his close association with the Royal Family. From the moment he arrived at Cambridge University in 1922 wearing evening jacket, red shoes, black-and-white trousers and a large cravat, to his first meeting with Greta Garbo ten years later in 'pristine white kid coat, sharkskin, and new white shoes and socks', to his appearance nearly forty years later at Truman Capote's 1970 Black and White Ball, Beaton expressed a flamboyant sartorial nonchalance - a sprezzatura. He had accounts with many Savile Row tailors.  He bought his hats from Herbert Johnson and Lock & Co, his shirts from Excello in New York; and the clothes he bought from Lanz of Salzburg are now, along with other elements of his wardrobe, in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and the V&A, London. His wardrobe went through many changes, beautifully documented and illustrated in this virtuoso study, which will delight and inform the big new audience for men's clothes that are distinctive, supremely well made, and carrying authority with style.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Reward Yourself Day
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN)
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
World Donkey Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
2nd Monday in May
American Craft Beer Week begins [2nd Monday; thru 16th]
Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day (Florida) [2nd Monday]
World Melanoma Day [2nd Monday]
Feast Days
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 128 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 19 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 17 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 7 Bīja; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2023
Moon: 86%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Caesar (5th Month) [Junius Brutus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 30)
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
" Turning ten is a very big deal , Wil . And I wanted to get you something special , something you are bound to need . "
Handing Wilford a wrapped present , the paper were pink and blue princesses but inside the paper was a full men's facial hair grooming kit . It has everything a growing Wilford could need , even a pomade packet and small bottle of cologne in there too .
They both knew it was a silly concept - of course he wasn't actually ten! - but it was still really nice to acknowledge a birthday of some sort. Wilford didn't remember when his birthday actually was, and having the day to celebrate was really nice.
Dark acknowledging it was more than enough, but there being a present simply added to the excitement. Not only that, but the wrapping was so pretty! Pink and Blue... It was like a softer version of the entity's own colours. How cute!
"Oh!" He was fully anticipating something silly. A revenge prank? Box in a box in a box? Smelly socks??
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But no. It was... Exactly what he needed. Wilford was a man who took good care of his facial hair, but even he was running out of supplies. His comb had seen better days (maybe the 1970s? Hard to keep track of your possessions), and his preferred moisturiser was starting to dry out. The grin spread across his face was one of genuine delight.
"Dark... Thank ya so much fer this. How d'ya know?" There was a chuckle. "I've never heard of this brand before. I'm gonna be th' dapperest guy in all th' Y.outubes."
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Vintage patterned socks men's🧦
The original style of 1970's for men's socks 🧦
Saturday, 4/03/2023
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rainsparadiso · 2 months
Welcome back, today we’re kicking off the weekend’s 4 songs of the week with songs with ULTIMATE intros (and one interlude). These songs are songs which feature a spoken introduction sampled from elsewhere that kicks ass and drive you forward into a kinda frenzied but musically aligned power trip.
To begin the mayhem: I bring you Oasis and they’re opening track from ‘Standing on the Shoulders of Giants’; ‘Fuckin in the Bushes’. “We put this festival on you bastards – with a lotta love. We worked for one year for you pigs. And you wanna break our walls down? And you wanna destroy it? Well you go to hell!” This incredible speech was made by Rikki Farr who was a dude who used to be a mercenary in the Congo but changed his career to putting on music events. This extract is from the Isle of Wight festival, 1970.
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Second on the list we have a song from probably my most loved vinyl (that I own): ‘Loaded’ from ‘Primal Scream’s album ‘Screamadelica’. “Just what is it that you want to do?” “Well, we wanna be free, we wanna be free to do what we wanna do, and we wanna get loaded and we wanna have a good time, and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna have a good time, we're gonna have a party”. If that doesn’t blow your socks off or give you a buzz then you’re a hopeless case, sorry. (Not sorry)
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Search: Primal Scream - Loaded
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Hang in there guys, nearly finished. This song gives you a certain chill down the spine and evokes great feelings. Country legend, Johnny Cash, is ‘king of country’ in my eyes, here is ‘The Man Comes Around’. For those that haven’t seen the film biopic based on his rise, Walk The Line is a must watch (featuring Joaquin Phoenix). Brilliant film and it’s emotional to me as I have listened to Cash for a very long time, I also have to mention his work he did putting on concerts in state prisons for all the people who were forgotten about. Thank you God for giving us Johnny. "And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, One of the four beasts saying, ‘Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse"
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Lastly, this song hasn’t got a spoken intro but features a speech made my Charlie Chaplin in an interlude and believe me, it’s kick ass to the max, so here you go “To those who can hear me, I say, do not despair, the misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress, the hate of men will pass, and dictators die and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Let us use that power! Let us all unite!”
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Same time next week guys!
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 12.11
Anniversary of the Statue of Westminster (Canada)
Aurora Borealis Day
Bharathiyar Day (India)
Constitution Day (Thailand)
Day of Independent Bookstores (Chile)
Establishment of Kurdish Women’s Union Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Fourth Republic Day (Madagascar)
GRMA Day (Ireland)
Hi Neighbor Day
Holiday Food Drive for Needy Animals Day
Human Rights and Peace Day (Kiribati)
International Knitters Day
International Mountain Day (UN)
International Tweet Grace Paley Day
Jack Frost Day
Kaleidoscope Day
Middle Finger Day
National App Day
National Caesar Day
National Jon Day
National Knitters Day
National Sobriety Day
National Stretching Day
National Tango Day (Argentina)
Pampanga Day (Philippines)
Psycho Day
Remembrance Day of Llywelyn the Last (Wales)
Scaling Day (aka Escalade; Switzerland)
Sugar Maple Day (French Republic)
World’ Children’s Fund Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Have a Bagel Day
National Noodle Ring Day
National Teriyaki Chicken Day
2nd Monday in December
Green Monday [2nd Monday]
National Tree Planting Day (Malawi) [2nd Monday]
Independence Days
South Africa (from UK, 1931)
Upper Volta (from France, 1958)
Indiana Statehood Day (#19; 1816)
Proclamation of Independence Day (Burkina Faso)
Feast Days
Agonalia (Ancient Rome) [also 1.9]
Cian (Christian; Saint)
Damasus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Daniel the Stylite (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Snow Queen (a.k.a. Lady Winter; Pagan)
Feast of Sekhmet, Bast and Ra (Ancient Egypt)
Festival for Diva Palatua (Guardian of Palatine Hill; Ancient Rome)
Hanukkah Day #4 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 15th]
International Shareware Day (a.k.a. Shareware Piracy Day; Pastafarian)
Kagyed Dance (Sikkim, India)
Maravillas de Jesús (Christian; Saint)
Mark Toby (Artology)
Pen (Christian; Saint)
Peris (Christian; Saint)
Roddenberry Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sabinus of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Septimonia (Honoring Seven Hills of Rome; Ancient Rome)
The Shreepret Service (Muppetism)
Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian (Christian; Martyrs)
Wallis (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [36 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [29 of 30]
Amadeus, by Peter Shaffer (Play; 1980)
The Big Short (Film; 2015)
The Cliff Hanger or Taken for Granite (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 79; 1960)
Empty Socks (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Falling In Love Again, recorded by Marlene Dietrich (Song; 1939)
A Few Good Men (Film; 1992)
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (Film; 1967)
Highway Runner (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Hook (Film; 1991)
Invictus (Film; 2009)
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band, by John Lennon (Album; 1970)
Magnum P.I. (TV Series; 1980)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (Film; 1992)
The Princess and the Frog (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
Rocky and the Rock or Take for Granite (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 185; 1962)
Rushmore (Film; 1998)
Scoop, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1938)
Shakespeare in Love (Film; 1998)
Sheep Ahoy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
A Small Matter of Pygmies (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #13; 1964)
Star Trek: Insurrection (Film; 1998)
Supersonic Boom or The Old Mount’s A-Moverin’ (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 80; 1960)
The Three Lives of Thomasina (Film; 1963)
Time Out of Joint, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1959)
Trouble Upstairs ir Bats in the Boris (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 186; 1962)
Wall Street (Film; 1987)
Wool: Casting Off, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Arthur, Damasus, Tassilo (Austria)
Artur, Damaz, Damir, Hugolin (Croatia)
Dana (Czech Republic)
Damascus (Denmark)
Daaniel, Taaniel, Taano, Tanel, Tani, Tanno (Estonia)
Daniel, Daniela, Taneli, Tatu (Finland)
Daniel (France)
Arthur, Damasus, Tassilo (Germany)
Árpád (Hungary)
Damaso (Italy)
Valdemars, Valdis, Voldemārs (Latvia)
Aistis, Dovydas, Tautvaldė (Lithuania)
Dan, Daniel (Norway)
Damazy, Daniela, Julia, Stefan, Waldemar, Wojmir (Poland)
Daniil, Luca (Romania)
Hilda (Slovakia)
Dámaso (Spain)
Daniel, Daniela (Sweden)
Art, Arthur, Arthurine, Arturo, Javon, Jevon, Sage (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 345 of 2024; 20 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 50 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 29 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 28 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 15 Zima; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 28 November 2023
Moon: 2%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 9 Bichat (13th Month) [Wallis]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 79 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 20 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Jara (Year) [Half-Month 24 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 12.24)
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rawiswhore · 8 months
Various Actors x Fem Reader- "Boys Will Be Boys"
Before Don Johnson was the star of the popular 1980's television show "Miami Vice", he was a struggling actor who looked young and even underage during the 1970's despite that he was a grown legal man.
Because of that, in 1973 Don was in a movie where he played a teenager in high school.
This is what he looked like in this movie:
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Some of the other actors in this movie were a legal Leigh McCloskey, Dennis Quaid and Bill Paxton.
Leigh looked like this in this movie:
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Dennis looked like this in this movie:
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Whereas Bill looked like this in the movie:
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That movie those men was in was one of those T&A teenage sex comedies that play at drive in movies.
There was a scene in this movie where Don, Leigh, Dennis and Bill and a few other actors who look underage but they're grown men were standing in a high school gym's locker room, where they were all standing sideways in front of the gym's lockers, although some were sitting on the bench in the middle of the room.
Some of the actors in this scene were cute and slender with long hair, others weren't.
Some of the actors in this locker room were wearing short shorts with tube socks that reached below their knees.
You entered inside the boy's locker room, where you were wearing a towel that was covering your naked body---your towel was covering your breasts, vulva, ass and even your back and stomach.
"Hello boys" was what you greeted with a grin on your face to these actors in this locker room while you stared at them, to which their heads turned and saw you, including Don, Bill, Dennis and Leigh.
They perked up and got happy and excited seeing you, their faces lit up and smiles spread to their faces.
"Hello!" they parroted back at you with smiles on their faces, many of them saying "hello!" and "hey!" not in unison.
Teenage boys are horny, and you did this scene to arouse them.
Like Don Johnson and the rest of the actors, you were a legal adult playing a teenager.
John Ritter could've been in this movie even though he arguably didn't really look underage.
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cosmicanger · 8 months
What could the pastel-coated aestheticization of violence on social media, the Israeli army, and anime fandoms possibly have in common? For centuries, Western art and media have used aesthetic devices to present horrific realities through a beautifying glass. With the widespread use of digital media, this practice has entered the virtual sphere, where memes—often verbally aggressive or cynical—are translated into tender and cute aesthetics, pastel colors, and lovely characters like Mimmy or Charmmy Kitty, adorned with hearts and ribbons and marked by pretty fonts. Some gifs or graphics are turned into purchasable pins and socks displaying messages such as “Please Die” framed in a pink heart or the meme “We are going to beat you to death” surrounded by plushies. Suddenly, what first appeared to be rude and corrosive now seems incredibly sweet and mild.
At first glance, I dismissed the memes as insignificant and harmless, but as I delved deeper, I discovered a whole ecosystem of microcultures and living digital fauna. Exploring this pink world, “cuteness” became my guiding light, leading me to discover hidden secrets—the dark underbelly of the “happycore aesthetic” that is far from its positive image of a wholesome, safe space: the unsettling, triggering “traumacore.”
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Left and center: The combination of cute images and violent content can not only be found in online meme culture but is even turned into purchasable goods. (Sources: now deleted @baybmode Instagram account and @candyxcorpse Instagram account) Right: “Traumacore” memes push these aesthetics even to experiences of trauma and abuse. (Source: Posted by Kaffenia on fandom.com)
The Japanese Kawaii culture—based on the term “Kawaii” which means “cute” or “adorable”—originated in Japan during the 1970s primarily through the use of low-cost stationery goods and childlike handwriting, and it quickly became popular among students as a means of self-expression. Author Kumiko Sato in her book “From Hello Kitty to Cod Roe Kewpie: A Postwar Cultural History of Cuteness in Japan” argues that cuteness emerged as a response to the rigid and hierarchical society of post-World War II Japan. As political and social awareness began to shift in the 1960s and 1970s, mass media and the commodification of goods began to dominate and shape lifestyles, leading to an irreversible phenomenon of consumerism that impacted people’s mindsets, habits, and lifestyles.
In 1974, Sanrio, a company specializing in character creation and marketing, was founded in Japan, and its most recognizable character Hello Kitty made her debut on a vinyl coin purse. The company’s founder, Shintaro Tsuji, believed their characters had an inherent relational value justifying their mass production: “They delight, they express people’s sentiments, they foster friendships, they put smiles on faces.” Since then, the “cute” craze has captured the hearts of millions worldwide.
Kawaii culture began to gain popularity in the West during the 1990s, when the rise of globalization and the spread of capitalism helped to make Japanese pop culture more accessible to Western audiences. With its emphasis on cuteness, innocence, and childlike behavior, this surge can be seen as a reaction to the cultural shift, offering an alternative to the more aggressive and masculine cultural norms of the time. In the West, young people in particular, used the Kawaii aesthetic as a way to express themselves and their individuality, rejecting mainstream cultural norms and embracing a more playful and lighthearted approach to life.
“The 1990s saw the emergence of the girl power movement [...] which challenged the dominant cultural narrative that women should be submissive and subordinate to men.”
At the same time, the 1990s saw the emergence of the girl power movement—emphasizing female empowerment, independence, and representation—which challenged the dominant cultural narrative that women should be submissive and subordinate to men. The rise of consumer culture in the 1990s enabled the marketing and selling of girl-power-themed products, which was closely linked to the rise of neoliberal capitalism. While this commercialization made girl power a profitable industry for corporations and media companies, it also depoliticized the movement, shifting the focus away from a collective social change towards individual empowerment and market-driven values, often targeting young girls to express their individuality through consumption rather than collective action or political engagement.
Indeed, my whole childhood in Milan, Italy, during the 1990s was heavily influenced by the Western hyperconsumerism of the time and led by “Pink totalitarianism.” As an only child, I found comfort in my collection of gel pens, pastel ribbons, and hair pins in matching cotton candy shades of pink—a color that has always attracted my attention with its cute and charming qualities. Objects that embody cuteness and vulnerability evoke a deep emotional attachment within me, inspiring an instinct to cherish and protect them. To me, Kawaii serves as a poignant metaphor for the universal human experience of vulnerability, expressed through the act of seeking comfort in objects that affirm our needs. As I accumulated mass-produced mechanical pencils and fancy decorative stickers, I realized that what I sought to comfort and adorn was my own vulnerability.
Returning to the digital realm, the Kawaii culture continues to spawn a plethora of fandoms, private collections, and routines that fosters a sense of belonging and self-representation within specific online communities that identify themselves under its principles and aesthetics.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 12.11
Anniversary of the Statue of Westminster (Canada)
Aurora Borealis Day
Bharathiyar Day (India)
Constitution Day (Thailand)
Day of Independent Bookstores (Chile)
Establishment of Kurdish Women’s Union Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Fourth Republic Day (Madagascar)
GRMA Day (Ireland)
Hi Neighbor Day
Holiday Food Drive for Needy Animals Day
Human Rights and Peace Day (Kiribati)
International Knitters Day
International Mountain Day (UN)
International Tweet Grace Paley Day
Jack Frost Day
Kaleidoscope Day
Middle Finger Day
National App Day
National Caesar Day
National Jon Day
National Knitters Day
National Sobriety Day
National Stretching Day
National Tango Day (Argentina)
Pampanga Day (Philippines)
Psycho Day
Remembrance Day of Llywelyn the Last (Wales)
Scaling Day (aka Escalade; Switzerland)
Sugar Maple Day (French Republic)
World’ Children’s Fund Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Have a Bagel Day
National Noodle Ring Day
National Teriyaki Chicken Day
2nd Monday in December
Green Monday [2nd Monday]
National Tree Planting Day (Malawi) [2nd Monday]
Independence Days
South Africa (from UK, 1931)
Upper Volta (from France, 1958)
Indiana Statehood Day (#19; 1816)
Proclamation of Independence Day (Burkina Faso)
Feast Days
Agonalia (Ancient Rome) [also 1.9]
Cian (Christian; Saint)
Damasus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Daniel the Stylite (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Snow Queen (a.k.a. Lady Winter; Pagan)
Feast of Sekhmet, Bast and Ra (Ancient Egypt)
Festival for Diva Palatua (Guardian of Palatine Hill; Ancient Rome)
Hanukkah Day #4 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 15th]
International Shareware Day (a.k.a. Shareware Piracy Day; Pastafarian)
Kagyed Dance (Sikkim, India)
Maravillas de Jesús (Christian; Saint)
Mark Toby (Artology)
Pen (Christian; Saint)
Peris (Christian; Saint)
Roddenberry Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sabinus of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Septimonia (Honoring Seven Hills of Rome; Ancient Rome)
The Shreepret Service (Muppetism)
Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian (Christian; Martyrs)
Wallis (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [36 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [29 of 30]
Amadeus, by Peter Shaffer (Play; 1980)
The Big Short (Film; 2015)
The Cliff Hanger or Taken for Granite (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 79; 1960)
Empty Socks (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Falling In Love Again, recorded by Marlene Dietrich (Song; 1939)
A Few Good Men (Film; 1992)
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (Film; 1967)
Highway Runner (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Hook (Film; 1991)
Invictus (Film; 2009)
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band, by John Lennon (Album; 1970)
Magnum P.I. (TV Series; 1980)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (Film; 1992)
The Princess and the Frog (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
Rocky and the Rock or Take for Granite (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 185; 1962)
Rushmore (Film; 1998)
Scoop, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1938)
Shakespeare in Love (Film; 1998)
Sheep Ahoy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
A Small Matter of Pygmies (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #13; 1964)
Star Trek: Insurrection (Film; 1998)
Supersonic Boom or The Old Mount’s A-Moverin’ (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 80; 1960)
The Three Lives of Thomasina (Film; 1963)
Time Out of Joint, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1959)
Trouble Upstairs ir Bats in the Boris (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 186; 1962)
Wall Street (Film; 1987)
Wool: Casting Off, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Arthur, Damasus, Tassilo (Austria)
Artur, Damaz, Damir, Hugolin (Croatia)
Dana (Czech Republic)
Damascus (Denmark)
Daaniel, Taaniel, Taano, Tanel, Tani, Tanno (Estonia)
Daniel, Daniela, Taneli, Tatu (Finland)
Daniel (France)
Arthur, Damasus, Tassilo (Germany)
Árpád (Hungary)
Damaso (Italy)
Valdemars, Valdis, Voldemārs (Latvia)
Aistis, Dovydas, Tautvaldė (Lithuania)
Dan, Daniel (Norway)
Damazy, Daniela, Julia, Stefan, Waldemar, Wojmir (Poland)
Daniil, Luca (Romania)
Hilda (Slovakia)
Dámaso (Spain)
Daniel, Daniela (Sweden)
Art, Arthur, Arthurine, Arturo, Javon, Jevon, Sage (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 345 of 2024; 20 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 50 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 29 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 28 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 15 Zima; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 28 November 2023
Moon: 2%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 9 Bichat (13th Month) [Wallis]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 79 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 20 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Jara (Year) [Half-Month 24 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 12.24)
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Fashion 60s
While many women in the 1980s opted for an athletic look on weekends, many men dressed in what was called a "preppy" style. Like their weekday business attire, this style of clothes reflected the conservative values and the importance of appearing to be wealthy that many sought in the decade. With classically styled jeans, khakis, or long shorts, men sported the typical preppy shirt: the polo shirt (also called a tennis shirt) with a three-button placket, ribbed collar, and a small logo (polo player, alligator, or royal crest) on the left breast. The ever-present logo, which altered depending on the brand of shirt, became one of the many status symbols of Americans. People were so concerned with emblems of their financial success that a plain shirt was often difficult to find.
The preppy style recalled the clothes traditionally worn by students in Eastern collegiate or preparatory schools (hence the name preppy): tan khakis; rugby shirts; turtlenecks; white, pink, or pale blue button-down oxford shirts; navy blue blazers; and penny loafers, often worn without socks as The Official Preppy Handbook (1980) suggested. The look also included the popular tennis sweater (a white V-neck with blue-and-burgundy
Calvin Klein was one of the most successful fashion designers of the 1980s. His sportswear ranged from high-end to more affordable lines for men and women, with jeans and underwear becoming his signatures. Calvin Klein was known for advertisements with high-profile celebrities, including Brooke Shields and Mark Wahlberg as well as young models like Kate Moss.
Calvin Klein's influence was undoubtedly also felt in the higher echelons of fashion. His restrained minimalism translated into marvelously simple A-line silk slip dresses that worn with lipstick and heels, like the one donned by Gwyneth Paltrow at the 1996 Oscars, one of InStyle.com's "200 Celebrity Looks We Love." Stars like Paltrow, and supermodels like Carolyn Murphy and Christy Turlington wore Calvin Klein in the '90s and early 2000s, pioneering the confident, unfussy glamour that epitomized his designs. Today beloved young actresses like Emma Stone, Rooney Mara and Jessica Chastain continue to carry the torch as they appear front-row at Calvin Klein fashion shows and frequently wear Calvin Klein on the red carpet.
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Ralph Lauren
Ralph Lauren was the first American designer with a European boutique in 1981. He ushered in “preppy” style; his brand Polo Ralph Lauren appealed to conservative teens with a taste for expensive polo shirts, chinos and jackets. Eventually the look even crossed over into hip hop–inspired streetwear.
Thierry Mugler
Thierry Mugler helped to reinvent womenswear with a new silhouette in the '80s . He created more feminine shapes with accentuated curves and sharp, angular shoulders—a far cry from the free-flowing dresses of the 1970s. Mugler was labeled the “prophet of futurism” for his revolutionary take on fashion, using vibrant colors and theatrical elements.
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When we think of 1960s makeup, we think of the iconic Twiggy model, false eye lashes, eyeliner, natural lips, and tricks to make eyes look bigger. This makeup style became one of the hottest trends in vintage fashion.
The 60s were characterised by the all new ideas and thoughts that emerged, and for being the era of youth. At this time individual expression and personality was reflected through fashion. The 60's look of beauty was varied, from women who preferred natural looking makeup, to the those who opted for a more striking look with dark eye shadow and well-defined eyebrows.
As popular iconic looks from the vintage years always seem to find a way to come back 'in' and mix with current trends we wanted to review the characteristics of 60's makeup and give you some tips. Take note!
At the beginning of the 1960s women used a lot of face powder. As the decade progressed powder was later only applied enough to cover imperfections. Around the year 1963, coral, pink or peach blush began to feature in every woman's beauty range and used to create a natural blush or glow.
1960s eyebrows are characterised by being clean, groomed, shaped, and well defined with an eyebrow powder or an eyebrow pencil.
The eyes were the focus of makeup in the 60s, as false lashes, a lot of mascara, and eyeliner were used. The most popular shadow colors were shades of blue, green, gray, and white. It should be noted that many women also used false lashes at the bottom or painted them with eyeliner, like the Twiggy.
The distinctive eye makeup of the time was achieved keeping a pale upper eyelid with a dark streak just in the arch of the eye, from the inside to the outside point of the eyelid. White eyeliner was also applied to the inner line of the eye to make it appear larger and more open.
Since the eye was the highlight of the 60s beauty and makeup, the lips kept a natural look, they were often lined and coloured with lightly with coral, pink and peach tones to enhance women's natural beauty.
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lazyhousecarly · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Mens Roper Hawaiian Western Shirt Sunset Cowboy Silhouette Palm Trees.
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exclusive-sneaker · 2 years
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The Nike Dunk Low “Foam Finger” Is #1
The Nike Dunk Low has accomplished a lot over the last 37 years, with an upcoming “Foam Finger” colorway for kids seemingly nodding to the pair’s sports-related origins.
Although the color palette isn’t new to the Swoosh’s lineup of products, the green suede and blue leather that appear across the upper are accompanied by a detail that hadn’t appeared on the Air Jordan 1 Low-reminiscent silhouette: all-over foam finger print. Everything from the toe box to the leather right below the collar is covered in the “#1”-donning sports event-accessory; red, gold, blue and green flair animates the graphic, injecting more personality to the already-eye-catching ensemble that takes over the kid’s Nike Dunk. A baseball-like logo replaces traditional branding on the sock-liners, while rope laces deliver yet another on-theme modification to the sneakers. Lastly, the “Foam Finger” Dunks feature semi-translucent, icy blue outsoles, a design cue popular among summer-ready footwear.
Enjoy official images of the pair ahead, and anticipate a Nike.com launch soon.
For more from under the NIKE, Inc. umbrella, check out all upcoming Air Jordan releases.
Nike Dunk Low "Foam Finger" Release Date: Jan 1st, 1970 Color: N/A Mens: N/A Style Code: DZ5184-300 Grade School: N/A Style Code: DZ5299-300
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