#16 C 301/21
gutachter · 2 months
Baumangel führt auch bei Kinderlärm zu Mietmangel!
1. Fehlt eine vertragliche Vereinbarung über das Ausmaß des zu gewährleistenden Schallschutzes, so ist die Einhaltung der maßgeblichen technischen Normen geschuldet, wobei jedoch grundsätzlich nur der bei Errichtung des Gebäudes geltende Maßstab anzulegen ist. 2. Auch wenn der Mieter sozialüblichen Kinderlärm grundsätzlich hinnehmen muss, gilt dies jedenfalls nicht für dasjenige Mehr an Lärm,…
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orange1896 · 1 year
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4120017577 钢管 29170088891 前横梁左端板 6270000083 板 937773 29240007971 盘 LGZL30F2ZJ 11383875 链条扣-10A 6900003622 出烟管 26141002991 温度传感器 29170202301 花纹板t2*1500 4120010553 管夹支架组件J6218-1118270 11211065 接头911-010-F4 B631000067 轮胎17.5-25-16PR-E-2/L-2(环保) 7117-34220 6232000041 调整垫片 4041001129 针规 29140020231 飞轮总成1002363506 GB894.1-60-65Mn 9200001153 单向阀 29150010501 标识 4120001821T 上限位底板 17242032 6232000039 转向柱LG20-ZXZ-47 4120006967006 单向阀直通型 AK2000-02 4021000431 燃油箱总成 29030031411 板 26361005951 直接头LGB177-33028-115 14596620 28020003951 定位套1000775058 FDH300-DC 转向泵出油钢管 5302114AK9 撬棒 29440000811 高压螺栓M20*50 14629492 右前灯架 29140018921 轮边支承轴 4120016495 主阀VE28M-3 6399002646 铜套 6392200408 连接管总成-EGR阀至冷却器1207040-2081/C 29090009901 变矩器至冷却器油管 FKCSQ2510010Y03D 不锈钢耐震压力表 0-1MPa 1.6级 4120015303C 电控单元612650080075--出口机型专用WP6G125E332(DHP0 29140013491 软管20411-22-08TZ/20411-22-08TZ*FC687-08*4 F61E7-04610F 左反光警示标识 6900017841 主泵 4110001005203 摩擦片(单片)244-7852 11217963 散热器总成 28441003152 动臂灯线束 11221308 P-螺钉GB68-M6*20EpZn-4.8 29090014671 发动机罩 WZ25.6.5.2 26110002311 O形圈22*4.1 14577939 钢板t10*1760-SM490A 29120038431 P-轮辋LGW22.00/3.0-25.00C F131155F 垫板 26341012031 小六角头螺栓M6*10 21-76-M6 6264000295 油箱侧板总成 4110015883 挡风带 1690000017 螺钉M16*40 50 120 010 29240025411 胶管F462CACF181810-1170-PG1170 LG2924003563 1 回油管垫片C3937706 17219167 法兰137303 29350010221 铲斗总成 4110000076151 托链轮 28809030591 进口轴承 ZJ4130000807 板 29170000012 扩孔器Φ28 6410007970 行走马达MKE23-I-A21-A18-1140-A000 29030027981 左上护板 21909007491 PC200斗齿 4110002025 销轴8135-MA-00041 4015000177 左门推拉窗 6900000141 P-套 29010000031 气缸盖管路组PP98457 7200002268 29050204621 矿车模型 3120900076 齿套SG3002 4110000054197 密封胶条 29290023721 顶部密封条 4190001778 铲斗总成BG300 29050012961 六角螺栓 4120005020013 标志与标识 997427 O型密封圈D04207184 4120002945 左前玻璃A0-B23909 2080800015 PLATE_MOVING_HANDEL 29310027451 燃油箱总成 9200001071 飞轮壳F04297773 11214382 软管LGB165-004130 997440 O形圈C9RG-30-25.30*2.40 26180023921 轴座 4110015708374 电缆剪 世达72512 14629276 7100001205 前车架 29170091321 三通接头 14576268 左后支腿 6212000528 标志与标识 4120005067006 标签品胜d16-16 11038735 4041002844 支板 JB1002-26-T2 4110003226315 135M隔套020300100494 14407434 油管 4180000441 迷彩服警用 ZL50F.12.1-2 4120006234139 U形螺栓 4110002230075 锥齿轮 4120016412001 钢球8.0MM 29260044651 垫块 4190003625050 加强梁 4120005085 前侧门总成 1690100013 PLATE 16054785 PIPE_ARM ASSY-2.6M 6900003415 上铰接销 LG03-JYS1/4 4110015924001 上支架 3214574469 4120002606048 软管20411-36-16/20441-36-16*F686-16*1570 F13-4120005222 海绵 4130000663 P-螺栓 29330011232 出水管 29220016641 左盖板 6618000064 非公路自卸车 28809018411 螺钉GB818-M5*10flZnyc-4.8-480 4120011021 水泵D0305-1307020B 4120002086 端盖 6900021829 前桥总成 11222581 机滤C6002112110 28270008101 支承座 7100001137 MRB物料放置台 1200*800*750 28250007801 喷油泵齿轮盖垫片J3200-1002036B ZL50.5-5 4110001766 胶管F481CACA101005-2020 29310022421 下铰接上板 11223322 固定板 11212281 润滑油管 14527405 1690100003 L946轮胎式装载机零部件图册(英) 14405628 4190000784 仪表台线束 4120002274 主传动总成 4110002206005 长锁杆总成 6720000008 CHG AIR COOLER T1200WA01 储液罐支架 26310005821 曲轴齿轮1K321-24110 4120000602121 活塞环组件(18件)A30-1004016# 21908003771 传动油散-60X2-135-Q LG7300000502-1 WELD NUT LG7300000550A 小车输出轴 3214542640 29420103221 泵出油胶管 4110003492060 O-RING 26240008251 右链节装置 29010021651 PLATE 29140023001 副车架后油管 6410004810 LG936L驾驶室防护架总成 4110002935008 气控阀座 CF8M 29360020881 接头apc8-03(亚德客) 11222389 P-销轴 4110002196030 T 形接套 F31YC-61060 后盖板D02A-115-30+A 29030031061 斗壁 9300000203 磁悬液 4090000420 SPOOL_ASSY AM1 SSR BK28 F412000066 停用-销锁 15169334 PLATE B631000031 操纵阀过渡板DB55 301 004B 4110002409480 电流表 1500/5 9411-95120 29150023351 方管-50*30*4 26441006872 螺塞JB1001-M10*1 4120016268058 马达橡胶盖 9200001112 机油泵组件零部件(双齿轮) 26180028121 液压油管 6410004701 铲刀左浮动开关CVNB2TYJB-BFL 21717424 4120017786 电气系统 4110000367047 破碎锤软管G11/4×2400 26010004901 压路机 4110000003002Z 上部钢管 29260031341 后尾灯总成 4110000184196 机油滤芯 29370022781 多功能电子万年历 M0311S 6264000576 P-密封条 F956L齿套 六角头凸缘螺栓Q1841060T 26050001371 齿圈490 F31M8-10021F 纳污环 4110004063102 BODY_ASSY CYLINDER 4110001921173 LG968装载机驾驶室焊接总成 6900020823 尼龙定位棒AA02.349.143 A154-4110001867 摇臂下销轴 14676251 4110004063218 换向阀总成TF60V060VAL 14550602 14407528 缸体242000237 997750 4120000718053 板 9751-13612 21909011201 主泵 14882166 3110900183 止动环 29360013711 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 14685307 ZJ4110001338011 纽扣电池 松下CR2032 14881843 4120000315 风扇罩 14882341 21906002781 熔断器(尺寸:6.5*31.5 3A) 21914444 29240101441 E680F履带式液压挖掘机 14880457 6410004186 海绵 992509 LG40110000811 弯板 14671313 4110001126173 动臂缸下销轴 D00-201-02A+B 14517919-5 LG958轮式装载机 983261 29010031081 增压器润滑油管612630110288 14663484 7300000321 停用-燃油箱 26130008191 停用-罩盖 14655782 4043016517 圆柱销8X16 YC24-B0816 14647685 6299000440 FUEL FILTER_WITH HEATER 984355 4190001142003 CONTROL JOYSTICK 29310029411 活塞环组件13070648 4110002443080 油封 29010016861 L920 OEM 29320009911 齿轮 F71M8-00920F O形圈GB3452.1-47.5*3.55G 6223000189 机油泵1003393391 4110004385 大腔过载补油阀D32.1-00 29170067202 桥板贴板 4190000927003 正流量控制阀部件02.02.16.00082 936.2.4 29170224461 护板 29310021581 蒸压管GK33-5.0P3-20 29030035321 传动轴 WZ25.11.25 4110001089271 工作泵吸油钢管 4110000054195 支架 3030900151 下部钢管 6410005710 停用-二轴总成-杭州 26141009571 板 4190001752 橡胶板 28809023421 探伤机用灯泡12V 10W 14575752 LG938变形产品补充说明 9200001528 风扇690/7-7/40/PAG/2ZR/25.1/6.35/Cone1/8/B 29010011041 LG968N线束总成 29430102693 手柄-HJ81-31A-J33-3EG-D LG2190900580-1 后车架附件 29030047871 长加强筋 14405661 4110001005024 953前挡风玻璃 4110001126079 O形圈63,17 X 2,62 R900002189 6303000435 日立70-汽缸垫 11214326 接头 937089 29050016690011 套筒头m16 14712901 轮胎扳手 6410001849 自检互检记录 4110003851002 主密封24P512001 29221000861 寒冷地区防冻液和液压油模块(31/128) 4110001867009 蓄能器盖10000AC 1660600050 泵至后桥滤清器钢管总成I 9321-20609 970829 电磁阀安装板 14662598 11213015 端面盖板 HM4040 14662601 6410005259 阀杆端盖 14662602 4120000192 内挡板焊合 14689738 FLG6150-KQLX 板 14686054 4120010003 隔片 D30S-3 14658020 4120006235008 流量传感器 4043001542 垫圈 943299 4120016268054 转向泵吸油接头 14638994 6900019797 停用-衬套1BD05-03001 29220025801 软管20411-18-06TZ/20441-18-06TZ*FC687-06*2 14554723 28281001111 下叉 14554724 4120016416018 压板 6619000078 后车架JR975 14400089 26270003681 支承环 14400101 28010015001 COUNTERWEIGHT 14400129 26330029451 E6210FS标识包 14400164 29180014111 海绵830*530*15 6261000216 FRAME 14400243 29190009081 套6.5*10*16.5 14400280 11220104 凸轮轴 14400288 29010039391 板 14400314 6212000100 焊枪 松下500A/3.5m 29370026091 英制内六角扳手 6430000640 板 7114-12400 28180005911 侧板 29211000211 中冷管 4110001061222 标志与标识 3214514436 4120003342011 发动机总成WD10G240E21(G0313) 6264000758 推土油缸HSGL-60*30*110-349 LG21906005143 L933轮式装载机 17213857 4041000787 齿圈 4043005935 前车架JF936 11222815 胶管F372CACA151508-740-PG740 26290005211 上叉 329452-02224 4120006492 3/4气动接杆 天赋640150B 3214533635 29050032091 挖掘机整机检验表41-2 28030006951 LG918轮式装载机 B00001389 ERP9300 后壳总成00200BH-X2-AY M095DWA51 胶管FH621CACA181508-3220-PG700 29090014661 电机风叶(Y112M-4) 4180000343 标签(品胜p60-10) 26010021951 机油滤清器座 26010007651 连杆B780*100*113-60*124 4110001100171 衬套TF450V450B08-2 LG13-DD24V 29330010571 双头螺柱1002759857 29150010651 油管 4110001477111 主传动总成 2080900168 E680F宣传册(10000) 29380013561 直柄钻头¢4.9(上工) PYJ280-4D-071 4110000693 板 4110000565098 第三联右侧钢管 14573188 空滤器支架 612600114835 612600110531 4110001060063 时间继电器 JS14C 28100006661 停用-风扇支架多楔带轮总成D04295077 11223167 动臂油缸HSGF-165*90*721 14409248 胶管 KKZW4190001218 HEATER 26240022861 下耳板 Read the full article
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wwwsarms4musclecom · 2 years
N-desethyl Isotonitazene (hydrochloride) HCL
Formal Name
N-ethyl-2-(2-(4-isopropoxybenzyl)-5-nitro-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)ethan-1-amine, monohydrochloride
Molecular Formula
C21H26N4O3 • HCl
Formula Weight
Formulation(Request formulation change)
A crystalline solid
Solubility(Learn about Variance in Solubility)
DMF: 30 mg/ml
DMSO: 30 mg/ml
Ethanol: 30 mg/ml
PBS (pH 7.2): 5 mg/ml
240, 301 nm
InChi Code
InChi Key
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paulanna · 2 years
I am looking for
Host cities: 6
Group A: 17, 18 - Group C: 25
England: 46 - Austria: 54 - Norway: 87, 91, 93 - Northern Ireland: 105, 109
Germany: 129 - Denmark: 140, 151 - Spain: 171, 175, 177 - Finland: 197
Netherlands: 202, 208, 211 - Sweden: 220, 225, 230, 235 - Portugal: all - Switzerland: 264, 269, 270, 271, 274, 278
France: 287, 288, 303 - Italy: 307, 310 - Belgium: 330, 339, 340, 343 - Iceland: 348, 355, 358, 361
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My double stickers
Roll of honor: 3, 4, 5
Host cities: 8 2(x), 9, 11, 14 (3x)
Group A: 16
Group B: 19, 21 (2x), 22
Group C: 23, 26
Group D: 28, 29 (2x)
England: 35 (3x), 36 (2x), 39 (2x), 40 (2x), 41 (2x), 42, 49 (2x), 52
Austria: 52, 55, 57 (2x), 60 (2x), 61 (2x), 62 (2x), 65, 69
Norway: 73, 75, 76, 77, 82 (3x), 83, 86 (5x), 89, 90 (2x)
Northern Ireland: 94 (2x), 96 (3x), 97, 100, 104, 106, (2x), 108, 110, 112 (3x), 114
Germany: 118, 119, 120, 121 (3x), 127, 130, 131 (5x), 133, 135
Denmark: 137, 138 (4x), 142, 143, 145 (2x), 146, 149, 150, 152 (2x), 153, 154
Spain: 158, 159, 163, 164 (2x), 167 (3x), 170, 172 (2x), 174
Finland: 178 (2x), 181 (3x), 182 (2x), 185 (2x), 186, 187, 188, 189, 191 (2x), 193, 194 (2x), 196 (4x), 198
Netherlands: 199, 200, 201 (2x), 204, 205, 207 (2x), 209 (3x), 212 (3x), 213, 214, 215, 216, 218
Sweden: 221, 226 (2x), 229 (2x), 232, 233 (3x)
Switzerland: 273, 275, 277 (2x), 279 (4x), 282
France: 283 (2x), 284, 291, 292, 293, 296, 298, 301, 302
Italy: 304 (2x), 305, 306 (3x), 308, 313 (2x), 314, 316, 317, 319 (2x), 320, 322, 324 (2x)
Belgium: 325 (2x), 327, 328, 329, 332 (2x), 334, 342 (2x), 344 (3x), 345 (3x)
Iceland: 347 (2x), 349, 352, 353 (2x), 362, 364
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kaiokentimesten · 2 years
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I posted 5,630 times in 2021
1189 posts created (21%)
4441 posts reblogged (79%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.7 posts.
I added 8,254 tags in 2021
#holleh.reblog - 4111 posts
#holleh.dsmp - 1331 posts
#holleh.spk - 703 posts
#holleh.mcyt - 559 posts
#holleh.songbird - 470 posts
#holleh.reply - 316 posts
#holleh.liveblog - 301 posts
#holleh.fave - 183 posts
#holleh.ask - 151 posts
#holleh.mcc - 129 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#deliberately leaving only a few wither skulls in his vault....carefully answering dreams questions that would reveal stuff about his friends
My Top Posts in 2021
awful monstrosity made by @metfell
Honestly being a secret SchlattBur shipper feels like being in the closet, if I were to out myself i'd experience as much oppression and hatred as the LGBTQIA+ Community (Or even more).
238 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 01:58:26 GMT
hell has a name and it’s twitch.tv/ranboolive 
324 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 04:52:48 GMT
I think that if you put your hand on c!Wilbur while his back was to you he’d go “mrrrp?” like a cat
350 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 05:16:56 GMT
427 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 16:57:37 GMT
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613 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 03:05:55 GMT
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cop1past3 · 4 years
Aquí les dejo una lista de Hentais para que la pasen bien en la cuarentena:
01: A Heat for All Seasons 02: A Size Classmate 03: Accelerando Datenshi-tachi no Sasayaki 04: Ai Kyan Joukan 05: Ai no Katachi 06: Ail Maniax 07: Aisai Nikki 08: Akebi no Hana Maho 09: Akina to Onsen de H Shiyo 10: Alignment You! You! 11: Allargando The Animation 12: Amanee! 13: Ana no Oku no Ii Tokoro 14: Anata dake Konbanwa 15: Anata no Shiranai Kangofu 16: Anata wa Watashi no Mono - 17: Ane Chijo Max Heart 18: Ane Koi Suki Kirai Daisuki 19: Ane Kyun! 20: Ane Yome Quartet 21: Aneimo 22: Aneki no Kounai Kaikinbi 23: Aniki no Yome-san nara, Ore ni Hamerarete Hiihii Itteru Tokoro Da yo 24: Aneki no Kounai Kaikinbi 25: Aniyome wa Ijippari 26: Anoko to Iikoto 27: Arubaito Shiyou!! 28: Ayatsuri Haramase Dream Note
29: Baka na Imouto 30: Babuka Gokudou no Tsuma 31: Baka Dakedo Chinchin Shaburu no Dake wa Jouzu na Chii-chan 32: Bakunyuu BOMB 33: Bakunyuu Maid Kari 34: Betsuni Anta no Tame ni Ookiku Nattan Janain Dakarane!! 35: Bikyaku Seidou Kaichou Ai 36: Binkan Athlete 37: Bloods Inraku no Ketsuzoku 2 38: Boku dake no Hentai Kanojo Motto The Animation 39: Boku no Yayoi-san 40: Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi 41: Bokura no Sex 42: Boy Meets Harem The Animation 43: Brandish 44: Busou Shoujotai Blade Briders The Animation 45: Bust to Bust 46: Buta no Gotoki Sanzoku ni Torawarete Shojo wo Ubawareru Kyonyuu Himekishi & Onna Senshi The Animation
47: Cafe Junkie 48: Cartagra 49: Cherry & Gals 50: Chicchana Onaka 51: Chichi-iro Toiki 52: Chijoku no Seifuku 53: Chijoku Shinsatsushitsu 54: Chikan no Licence 55: Chikan Shita Joshikousei to Sonogo 56: Chinetsu Karte The Devilish Cherry 57: Chu Shite Agechau Oshikake Onee-san no Seikou Chiryou 58: Colosseum no Senki Another Story 59: Cosplay Rakuen 60: Cosplay Roshutsu Kenkyuukai 61: Creamy Pie 62: Crimson Girls Chikan Shihai
63: D-Spray 64: Dainiji Ura Nyuugakushiken 65: Daisuki na Haha 66: Daraku Reijou The Animation Hakoiri Ojousama Netorare Choukyou Kiroku 67: Dark Blue 68: Dekakute Ecchi na Ore no Ane 69: Demon Busters Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation 70: Demonion Gaiden 71: Diabolus Kikoku 72: Do S na Seitokaichou-sama ga M Note ni Shihai Saremashita 73: Dokidoki Little Ooyasan 74: Dokidoki Oyako Lesson 75: Dorei Usagi To Anthony 76: Dropout
77: Ecchi na Shintai Sokutei Anime Edition 78: Eisai Kyoiku 79: Elf no Futagohime Willan to Arsura 80: Elf no Oshiego to Sensei 81: Enbi 82: Enbo E H M 83: Energy Kyouka!! 84: Enkou JK Bitch Gal Ojisan to Namapako Seikatsu 85: Enkou Shoujo Rikujoubu Yukki no Baai The Animation 86: Enyoku 87: Ero Manga! H mo Manga mo Step-up 88: Ero Semi Ecchi ni Yaruki ni ABC The Animation 89: Ero-manga Mitai na Koi Shiyou 90: Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai - 91: Eromame 92: Etsuraku no Tane 93: Euphoria
94: Fault!! 95: Fault!! Service Aratanaru Rival 96: Fella Hame Lips 97: Fighting of Ecstasy 98: First Love 99: Floating Material 100: Front Innocent 101: Fukubiki! Triangle Futaba wa Atafuta 102: Furifure 2 103: Furifure The Animation 104: Furueru Kuchibiru 105: Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa-san The Animation 106: Fuurinkanzan
107: Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi 108: Gakuen 3 109: Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare 110: Gakuen no Ikenie 111: Gakuen Saimin Reido 112: Garden The Animation 113: Genkaku Cool na Sensei ga Aheboteochi! 114: Gibo no Toki 115: Gogo no Kouchou Junai Mellow Yori 116: Green Eyes Ane Kyun! yori The Animation 117: Grope Yami no Naka no Kotoritachi 118: Gyakuten Majo Saiban Chijo na Majo ni Sabakarechau The Animation
119: Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri Igyou Kaikitan The Animation 120: Haha Sange (Step MILF) 121: Haitoku Tsuma 122: Haramasete Seiryuu-kun! 123: Harem Time The Animation 124: Harukoi Otome 125: Hasan de Ageru 126: Hataraku Otona no Renai Jijou 127: Hatsujou Switch 128: Heartful Maman The Animation 129: HHH Triple Ecchi 130: Hime-sama Gentei! (Princess Limited!) 131: Himekishi Angelica The Animation 132: Himekishi Lilia 133: Himekishi Olivia 134: Hishoka Drop The Animation 135: Hissatsu Chikan Nin 136: Hitoriga The Animation 137: Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu 138: Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen 139: Hitou Meguri The Animation 140: Hitozuma Cosplay Kissa 2 Hitozuma LoveLove 141: Hitozuma Kasumi-san 142: Hitozuma Koukan Nikki 143: Hitozuma Life One Time Gal 144: Hitozuma Ryoujoku Sankanbi 145: Honoo no Haramase Doukyuusei 146: Honoo no Haramase Motto! Hatsuiku! Karada Sokutei 2 147: Honoo no Haramase Oppai Ero Appli Gakuen The Animation 148: Honoo no Haramase Paidol My Star Gakuen Z The Animation 149: Hontou ni Atta Joshi Asuka 150: Houkago 2 Sayuri 151: Houkago 2 The Animation 152: Houkago Initiation 153: Houkago no Yuutousei 154: Houkago NyanNyan 155: Hump Bang! 156: Hyoudou Ibuki Kanpeki Ibuki Kaichou ga Kousoku Do M! na Wake
157: Ichigo Chocola Flavor 158: Ichinen Buri no The Animation 159: Ienai Koto 160: Iinari! Saimin Kanojo 161: Iizuka-senpai x Blazer Ane Kyun! yori The Animation 162: Ijou Chitai Jikken Dorei 163: ikenai Koto 164: Ikkyuu Nyuukon 165: Ikoku na Retro 166: Imakara Atashi 167: Imako System 168: Imouto Bitch ni Shiboraretai 169: Imouto de Ikou! 170: Imouto Paradise! 2 171: Imouto Paradise! 3 The Animation 172: Imouto to Sono Yuujin ga Ero Sugite Ore no Kokan ga Yabai 173: Implicity 174: In no Houteishiki 175: Inda no Himekishi Janne The Animation 176: Inmu Gakuen Inmu ni Torawareta Bijin Shimai 177: Innocent Blue 178: Innocent Shoujo Memoria 179: Inshitsu Otaku ni Ikareru Kanojo 180: Inyutsu no Yakata The Animation 181: Issho ni Ecchi 182: Itadaki! Seieki 183: Itazura the Animation
184: Jewelry The Animation 185: Jitaku Keibiin 186: JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai 187: JK to Ero Giin Sensei 188: JK to Ero Konbini Tenchou 189: JK to Inkou Kyoushi 4 190: JK to Inkou Kyoushi 4 feat. Ero Giin-sensei 191: JK to Orc Heidan Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen 192: Jokei Kazoku III Himitsu 193: Jokei Kazoku Inbou 194: Joshikousei no Koshitsuki 195: Jukujo Shigan 196: Junai Maniac 197: Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera 198: Junk Land The Animation 199: Jutaijima 200: Juvenile Pornography
201: Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! The Animation 202: Kagachi-sama Onagusame Tatematsurimasu The Animation 203: Kagirohi Shaku Kei - Another 204: Kakushi Dere 205: Kangoku Injoku no Jikkentou 206: Kanojo ga Mimai ni Konai Wake 207: Kanojo ga Nekomimi ni Kigaetara 208: Kanojo wa Dare to Demo Sex Suru 209: Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo 210: Kanpeki Ojou-sama no Watakushi 211: Kansen 5 The Daybreak 213: Kansen Ball Buster 214: Kansen Inyoku no Rensa 215: Kansen Sodom 216: Katainaka ni Totsui de Kita Russia Musume to H Shimakuru Ohanashi 217: Katekano Idol Sister 218: Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de 219: Kime Koi! 220: Kimi no Mana wa Rina Witch 221: Kimi no na wo Yobeba Kindan no Byoutou 222: Kindan no Byoutou The Animation 223: Kiniitta Chitsu ni Ikinari Nakadashi OK na Resort-tou 224: Kininaru Roommate 225: Kiriya Hakushakuke no Roku Shimai 226: Koakuma Kanojo The Animation 227: Koi Maguwai 228: Koiito Kinenbi The Animation 229: Koikishi Purely Kiss The Animation 230: Koinaka Koinaka de Hatsukoi x Nakadashi 231: Konna ni Yasashiku Sareta no 232: Kotowari Kimi no Kokoro no Koboreta Kakera 233: Koukai Benjo The Animation 234: Kowaku no Toki 235: Kowaremono Risa Plus The Animation 236: Kowaremono Risa The Animation 237: Kowaremono The Animation 238: Kunoichi Botan 239: Kunoichi Sakuya 240: Kuraibito 241: Kuro Ai 242: Kuro no Kyoushitsu 243: Kurohime Shikkoku no Yakata 244: Kuroinu K S wa H ni S 245: Kurutta Kyoutou Danzai no Gakuen 246: Kyonyuu Daikazoku Saimin 247 Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen 248 Kyonyuu Fantasy 249Kyonyuu Hitozuma Onna Kyoushi Saimin 250 Kyonyuu JK ga Ojisan Chinpo 251 Kyonyuu Kazoku Saimin 252 Kyonyuu Reijou MC Gakuen 253 Kyonyuu Try! Tanki Shuuchuu Chichi Momi Lesson 254 Kyouiku Shidou The Animation 255 Kyuuketsuki!! *L* 256 Last Waltz Hakudaku Mamire no Natsu Gasshuku 257 Lilitales 258 Little Monica Monogatari 259 Lo Re Pako Sukusuku Mizuki-chan The Animation 260 Love 2 Quad 261 Love B Yasashii Onna 262 Love Colon 263 Love es M The Animation 264 Love Selection The Animation 265 Lovely Day Boku to Kanojo no Nana Nichikan 266 Lovely x Cation The Animation *M* 267 M Ogui Last Order 268 Ma ga Ochiru Yoru 269 Machi Gurumi no Wana 270 Madonna Kanjuku Body Collection 271 Magical Moe 272 Maid Ane 273 Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation 274 Makai Kishi Ingrid Re 275 Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu 276 Maki-chan to Nau 277 Mama Puri! 278 Manin Densha 279 Mankitsu Happening 280 Maple Colors 281 Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei 282 Marriage Blue 283 Marshmallow Imouto Succubus 284 Mayoiga no oneesan 285 Megachu! 286 Meikoku Gakuen Jutai-hen 287 Mejoku 288 Menhera Ayuri no Yamanai Onedari Headphone wa Hazusenai 289 Mesu Kyoushi 4 Kegasareta Kyoudan 290 Mesu Nochi Torare 291 Miboujin Nikki The Animation 292 Misuzu Ikenai Koto 293 Miyazaki Maya Daizukan 294 Mizugi Kanojo The Animation 295 Mofukuzuma 296 Mokkai Shiyo 297 Momoiro Bouenkyou Anime Edition 298 Momoiro Milk 299 Monmusu Quest! 300 Mou Hasamazu ni wa Irarenai Hoshi ni Onegai Shitara Konna ni Okkiku Nacchatta! 301 Mozu no Nie 302 Mrs. Junkie 303 Muchi Muchi Kyousei Seichouchuu!!! 304 Muma no Machi Cornelica 305 Musuko no Tomodachi ni Okasarete 306 Muttsuri Dosukebe Tsuyu Gibo Shimai no Honshitsu Minuite Sex Sanmai 307 My Imouto Koakuma na A Cup *N* 308 Naisho no Wakana-san 309 Nama Lo Re Furachimono The Animation 310 Nama Lo Re Namakemono The Animation 311 Namaiki Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation 312 Namanaka Hyaku Percent! Katamusubi no Shinpa 313 Nariyuki Papakatsu Girls!! The Animation 314 Natsumushi The Animation 315 Natural Vacation 316 Nee Summer! 317 Nee, ...Shiyo 318 Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia Mamotta Ningentachi ni Uragirarete 319 Netorare Fighter Yaricchingu! 320 Netorare Tanabe Yuuka no Dokuhaku 321 Netorare Zuma 322 Netoraserare 323 Newmanoid 324 Niizuma Koyomi The Animation 325 Niku Mesu R30 The Animation 326 Nikuyome T Ke no H 327 Nosewasure 328 Nudist Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de!! The Animation 329 Nuki Doki! Tenshi to Akuma no Sakusei Battle 330 Nuresuke JK Ameyadori R *O* 331 Oide yo! Mizuryuu Kei Land 332 Oide yo! Shiritsu Yarimakuri Gakuen 333 Ojousama wa H ga Osuki 334 Ojousama Yomeiri Kousou! 335 Okusama wa Moto Yariman 336 Oni Chichi 1 337 Oni Chichi 2 338 Oppai Gakuen Marching Band Bu! 339 Oppai Heart Kanojo wa Kedamono Hatsujouki 340 Oppai Infinity The Animation 341 Oppai no Ouja 48 342 Ore ga Kanojo o Okasu Wake 343 Ore wa Kanojo o Shinjiteru! 344 Oshaburi Announcer 345 Oshiete Re Maid 346 Oshioki Gakuen Reijou Kousei Keikaku 347 Otoko no Ko Ojousama 348 Otome Chibaku Yuugi 349 Otome Domain The Animation 350 Otome Dori 351 Otome Hime 352 Otome Juurin Yuugi Maiden Infringement Play 353 Oyako Rankan The Animation 354 Oyasumi Sex 355 Oyome-sama Honey Days *P* 356 Paizuri Cheerleader vs. Sakunyuu Ouendan! 357 Pakomane Watashi, Kyou kara Meimon Yakyuubu no Seishorigakari ni Narimasu... The Animation 358 Papa Love 359 Pet Life 360 Pinkerton 361 Pisu Hame! 362 Please Rape Me! 363 Pretty x Cation The Animation 364 Pretty x Cation 2 The Animation 365 Princess Lover! 366 Pure Heart Shooting Girl *R* 367 Ran-Sem Hakudaku Delmo Tsuma no Miira Tori 368 Rance 01 Hikari wo Motomete The Animation 369 Rankou Choukyou Maid ni Natta Shoujo 370 Rape Gouhouka!!! 371 Rasen Sokou no Dystopia 372 Real Eroge Situation! The Animation 373 Rei Zero 374 Renai Fuyou Gakuha 375 Renketsu Houshiki 376 Rennyuu Tales The Animation 377 Rensa Byoutou 378 Residence 379 Resort Boin 380 Reunion 381 Rin x Sen + Ran - Sem Cross Mix 382 Rin x Sen Hakudaku Onna Kyoushi to Yaroudomo 383 Ringetsu The Animation 384 Rinkan Biyaku Chuudoku Nigeba Nashi! 1428-nin no Seito Zenin ni Sex Sareru Reijou Sayaka 385 Rinkan club 386 Romance wa Tsurugi no Kagayaki II 387 Rune Pharmacy 388 Ryou Seibai! Gakuen Bishoujo Seisai Hiroku 389 Ryoujoku Famiresu Choukyou Menu *S* 390 Sagurare Otome The Animation 391 Saimin Class 392 Saimin Gakuen (2018) 393 Saimin Jutsu Zero 394 Saimin Jutsu 2nd 395 Saimin Seishidou 396 Saishuu Chikan Densha Next 397 School 398 Secret Journey 399 Sei Brunehilde Gakuen Shoujo Kishidan to Junpaku no Panty The Animation 400 Sei Shoujo The Animation 401 Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki 402 Sei Yariman Sisters Pakopako Nikki The Animation 403 Seikatsu Shidou!! Anime Edition 404 Seikou! Osananajimi wa Terekusasou ni Uso wo Tsuku 405 Seikoujo Haitoku no Biden Dorei 406 Seiso de Majime na Kanojo ga Saikyou Yaricir ni Kanyuu Saretara. The Animation 407 Sentakuya Shin-chan 408 Shabura Rental 409 Shiiba-san no Ura no Kao. with Imouto Lip 410 Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen 411 Shikkoku no Shaga The Animation 412 Shin Hitou Meguri 413 Shin Ringetsu 414 Shin Saishuu Chikan Densha 415 Shin Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki 416 Shinkyoku no Grimoire The Animation 417 Shiofuki Mermaid 418 Shishunki Shoujo 419 Shocking Pink 420 Shoujo Kara Shoujo e... 421 Shoujo Kyouiku 422 Shoujo Ramune 423 Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo 424 Shoujo-tachi no Sadism The Animation 425 Shoukoujo The Animation 426 Shoyonoido Mako-chan 427 Soikano Gyutto Dakishimete The Animation 428 Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro 430 Soredemo Tsuma wo Aishiteru 431 Soredemo Tsuma o Aishiteru 2 432 Soukan Yuugi 433 Soukou Kijo Iris 434 Soushisouai Note The Animation 435 Spocon! 436 Starless 437 Stretta The Animation 538 Stringendo Angel-tachi no Private Lesson 439 Stringendo+Accelerando Ultimatum Sera 440 Succuba Mist Story 441 Suki de, Suki de, Suki de The Animation 442 Swamp Stamp Anime Edition 443 Sweet Home H na Oneesan wa Suki Desu ka *T* 444 T.K.G – Takagi 445 Taimanin Yukikaze 446 Tamashii Insert 447 Tayu Tayu 448 Teakamamire no Tenshi The Animation 449 Tenioha! 450 Tennen Koi-iro Alcohol 451 Tensei Kendo no Harem Colosseo 452 Tentacle and Witches 453 The Guts! 454 Tinderbox 455 Tiny Evil 456 Tony’s Heroine Series Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei 457 Toriko Hime Hakudaku Mamire no Reijou 458 Toriko no Chigiri 459 Toriko no Kusari 460 Toshi Densetsu Series 461 Triangle Blue 462 Tropical Kiss 463 True Blue 464 True Blue Gaiden 465 TSF Monogatari 466 Tsugou no Yoi Sexfriend 467 Tsuma ga Onsen de Circle Nakama no Nikubenki ni Natta no Desu ga... Anime Edition 468 Tsuma Netori Ryoujoku Rinne 469 Tsuma Shibori 470 Tsumamigui 471 Tsumamigui 3 The Animation 472 Tsun M! Gyutto Shibatte Shidoushite The Animation 473 Tsun Tsun Maid wa Ero Ero Desu 474 Tsundere Inran Shoujo Sukumi 475 Tsunpuri *U* 476 Uhou Renka 477 Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi 478 Ura Jutaijima *V* 479 Valkyrie Choukyou Semen Tank no Ikusa Otome 10-nin Shimai 480 Venus Blood BRAVE 481 Victorian Maid Maria no Houshi *W* 482 Wagaya no Liliana-san 483 Waisetsu Missile The Animation 484 Wana Hakudaku Mamire no Houkago 485 Wanna. SpartanSex Spermax!!! 486 Warau Kangofu 487 Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru 488 Watashi no Shiranai Mesu no Kao 489 Watashi wa Kairaku Izonshou 490 Wizard Girl Ambitious *Y* 491 Yabai! Fukushuu Yami Site 492 Yakata Kannou Kitan 493 Yareruko! Densha Ecchi 494 Yarimoku Beach ni Shuugakuryokou de!! 495 Yobai Suru Shichinin no Harame 496 Yokorenbo Immoral Mother 497 Yokujou Bazooka the Animation 498 Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e 499 Yume Kui Tsurumiku Shiki Game Seisaku *Z* 500Zecchou Rocket 501 Zettai Junshu Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou!! 502 Zoku Tsuma Netori 503: Zton Jingai Animation A Beautiful Greed Nulu Nulu 504: Zutto Suki Datta
145 notes · View notes
Egyptian History and Classical Historiography-V
“ For the history of Ptolemaic Egypt itself, the contemporary Greek historiographical sources are also fragmentary and uneven. Polybius (c. 200 – c. 118 BCE) wrote a universal history that was largely concerned with Rome’s rising dominance from 264 – 146 BCE. The first five books of Polybius’s history survive along with fragments of the remaining 35 books. At various points, he considers the history of the Ptolemaic kingdom, and though he is frequently hostile to the Ptolemies and Egypt, he provides the best source of narrative history, especially for the reigns of Philopator, Epiphanes, Philometor and Euergetes II (see Walbank 1979). The broad lines of Polybius’s account of Ptolemaic Egypt have been very influential in modern historiography (see Manning 2003: 45, 230; 2010: 76). Diodorus Siculus is important for his continuous narrative of the earliest period down to the battle of Ipsus in 301 BCE (books 18-20), for which he used the contemporary historian Hieronymus of Cardia. The fragmentary books 21-40 also record a number of events related to Ptolemaic Egypt.
Egypt in the historiography of the Roman Period
  When Diodorus Siculus visited Egypt, the Ptolemaic kingdom was already coming under the power of Rome, and in just a few years Cleopatra VII would come to the throne. Julius Caesar composed his own account of the Alexandrian War, and Octavian’s conflict with M. Antonius and Cleopatra occasioned hostile caricatures of Egypt and her queen in various literary genres. Despite these, Plutarch would later compose a relatively sympathetic portrait of the last Ptolemaic monarch in his historical biography of Antonius (written c. 110 – 115 CE). After Diodorus Siculus, however, no surviving Greek or Latin authors treated the history of Egypt at any length. Among the fragments of lost historical works on Egypt, some were quoted because they were used in inter-ethnic and inter-religious debates over origins and antiquity between Egyptians, Jews and (somewhat later) Christians. Josephus, in his treatise Against Apion, criticizes tendentious versions of the Exodus narrative written by the first century CE Egyptian authors Apion and Chaeremon (FGrHist 616 and 618). The immediate historical context of these hostile exchanges was the anti-Jewish violence in Alexandria of the late 30s and early 40s CE, and these texts, along with excerpts from Manetho and Hecataeus of Abdera, have been used as sources for exploring the origins of ancient anti-Semitism. Egyptological interpretations of this network of Exodus narratives have examined the use of traditional Egyptian discourses of the polluted foreigner, and possible memories of religious trauma in the Amarna Period (Redford 1986: 257-293; Assmann 1997: 1-54). Over a dozen other writers are known to have written works on Egypt, as well as another three dozen or so who wrote works on Alexandria, other Egyptian cities, or other topics relevant to Egypt and its history (see FGrHist 611-664). This large number of lost works is a salutary reminder that modern historians who wish to reconstruct the state of classical historiography on Egypt must bear in mind the historical processes of selection and preservation by which the classics have survived. 
In the surviving works of the major Roman historians there are brief digressions on particular aspects of Egyptian history. Tacitus, for example, discusses the introduction of the cult of Sarapis in the context of describing Vespasian’s sojourn in Egypt (Histories 4.81- 84), and Ammianus Marcellinus gives a brief description of Egypt when the discovery of an Apis bull is reported to the emperor Julian (22.15-16). The latter also quotes Hermapion’s Greek translation of the hieroglyphs on an obelisk that Augustus brought to the Circus Maximus at Rome (17.4.17-23). Works such as Strabo’s Geography (esp. book 17.1-2) and Pliny the Elder’s Natural History contain numerous references to Egypt and at times include historical information. Nothing, however, survives that can be compared to the extensive accounts of Egyptian history preserved in Herodotus and Diodorus. This paucity of historical writing on Egypt is all the more remarkable given the large number of texts in both Greek and Latin that testify to considerable interest in Egyptian religion in the Roman Empire (e.g., Plutarch On Isis and Osiris, Apuleius Metamorphoses, Iamblichus On the Mysteries). In so far as the surviving texts are a guide, the mythical past of Egypt was of greater interest than the historical past to Greek and Latin writers of the Roman Empire.”
Ian S. Moyer “Egyptian History in the Classical Historiographers” in UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, available on https://escholarship.org/content/qt2sx6s9fn/qt2sx6s9fn.pdf?t=qxvc0c
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday night — a pivotal moment in the history of the nation’s highest court. Ginsburg’s death is one of the biggest developments yet in 2020, a year that has already included the impeachment of the sitting president, a deadly virus killing nearly 200,000 Americans and an economic collapse. Ginsburg not only reshaped U.S. jurisprudence — in particular, as an advocate for women’s rights — but she became a cultural and political icon too, especially for liberals and progressives.
Indeed, her death, and the fight to fill her seat, may have a number of political implications. Those will become clearer over the next days and weeks, of course, with the election right around the corner, but here’s a first look at what some of those potential implications might be:
1. Republicans have to decide whether they will break from their “no election year confirmations” stance from 2016
Back in 2016, when Senate Republicans blocked the nomination of then-President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell argued that voters should get to choose the president and that president should get to pick the next justice. Then-Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, and Obama nominated Garland that March.
Ginsburg’s death comes even closer to the 2020 election — 46 days away. In all of American history, we have had only two Supreme Court vacancies closer to Election Day than we have now. In both instances, the incumbent president won reelection and nominated a replacement shortly after Election Day. (In terms of the actual confirmation, one was confirmed in December, one in March.) So by historical standards — and, notably, McConnell’s own previous standard — Trump would not nominate anyone unless he won a second term in November, since the election is less than two months away.
Filling a seat this close to the election is unheard of
Supreme Court vacancies in presidential election years, by how many days before the election they occurred and whether a replacement was confirmed before the election
Before election, replacement was… Justice Date of Vacancy Days before Election Nominated Confirmed S. Minton Oct. 15, 1956 22 R. Taney Oct. 12, 1864 27 R. B. Ginsburg Sept. 18, 2020 46 ? ? R. Trimble Aug. 25, 1828 67 J. McKinley July 19, 1852 106 ✓ C. E. Hughes June 16, 1916 144 ✓ ✓ P. V. Daniel May 31, 1860 159 H. Baldwin April 21, 1844 194 ✓ M. R. Waite March 23, 1888 228 ✓ ✓ A. Scalia Feb. 13, 2016 269 ✓ A. Moore Jan. 26, 1804 281 ✓ ✓ J. P. Bradley Jan. 22, 1892 291 ✓ ✓ O. W. Holmes Jan. 12, 1932 301 ✓ ✓ J. R. Lamar Jan. 2, 1916 310 ✓ ✓
In the early 19th century, the election was held over the course of multiple days; the number of days before the election is the number of days before voting began.
Source: U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Senate
Back in 2016, Democrats pushed forward Garland’s nomination. Unsurprisingly, the parties have now flipped their positions. McConnell said on Friday night that he intends to allow a floor vote to confirm a Trump nominee, while Democrats are suggesting that the winner of the election should choose the next justice.
This is a huge opportunity for Republicans — to have six GOP-appointed judges on the court at once. It is hard to imagine they will pass it up. It’s not guaranteed that 49 of the other 52 Senate Republicans would push forward and support a Trump nominee, particularly if Trump lost the election, but it seems likely.
2. It’s not clear if a confirmation process could finish before the election.
It would be unusually fast to finish the entire confirmation process in less than 46 days, the time left before the Nov. 3 election. (The average confirmation process since the Harry Truman administration has lasted 50 days.) That doesn’t mean there isn’t enough time for Trump to confirm a new justice, but it would be on the fast side.
Nevertheless, it’s possible that sometime in October, a judge has been nominated and perhaps confirmation hearings are taking place, right on the eve of the election. This creates the possibility that Trump loses the election and perhaps Republicans lose control of the Senate, but the lame duck president and some senators who have lost reelection put a justice on the Supreme Court — a move that will enrage Democrats. Alternatively, Trump could win the election and see a new justice appointed before he even begins his second term.
3. Ginsburg’s death creates new dynamics if there is an election-related dispute before the Court
With a 5-4 GOP majority, Chief Justice John Roberts has been a swing vote, and one who occasionally joins with the Court’s Democratic appointees. Whether the court is 5-3 (with Ginsburg’s seat not filled) or 6-3 (with a Trump nominee seated), Democrats would need two votes from GOP-appointed justices to win a case. So if there is some kind of electoral dispute that gets to the court, that’s bad news for Democrats. It raises the specter of a 4-4 tie in a pivotal election-related case, a potential deadlock that could complicate knowing who won the presidential race.
4. The future of the Court is now an even bigger electoral issue
Both parties already intensely cared about the Supreme Court. But now, there is the potential for a Supreme Court nomination (or discussion of an open seat) in the middle of the election. For Trump, this choice is a big opportunity in two ways. First, the Supreme Court nomination process might distract the media and public’s attention away from his mistakes in handling the COVID-19 outbreak and give him a way to galvanize conservatives who really care about judicial nominations and issues like abortion. Secondly, Trump is struggling in particular with women voters. Trump may pick a woman to replace Ginsburg and make his nominee part of his pitch to women voters.
Biden, too, would likely need to talk about judicial issues more and perhaps describe the kind of person he would put in this seat. (He has already promised to nominate a Black woman in the event of a Supreme Court vacancy if he becomes president.) Also, Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris is on the Senate Judiciary Committee, so she would be involved in any kind of confirmation process.
This is also now a big issue in Senate races. GOP incumbents like Sen. Martha McSally of Arizona and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine may be faced with the choice of irritating GOP voters if they oppose a Trump pick or irritating more moderate voters if they back someone who is viewed as too conservative. This is a particularly acute issue for Collins, who is struggling in her reelection campaign in part because she backed Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.
More broadly, one of the most divisive elections in America history will now likely be even more tense and fraught.
5. Who Trump chooses is a really big deal
Assuming that Trump opts to nominate someone, who he chooses is a really big deal. With the election looming, does he nominate someone more moderate than he otherwise would have? Does he nominate a woman? A woman of color? Someone with a long record of opinions or someone who is more unknown?
6. If there are six GOP-appointed justices on the Supreme Court, law in America could fundamentally move to the right
This is the most important implication, even if it is not the most immediate. If Trump is able to appoint a justice who is similar in ideology to Neil Gorsuch and Kavanagh, his first two picks, it seems likely that abortion and affirmative action could be severely limited in the future, the Affordable Care Act overturned and a host of other conservative rulings issued. That is not guaranteed, but seems quite possible.
Trump and Republicans putting another justice on the bench either pro or post-election, in the case that he Trump loses, is also likely to trigger an aggressive Democratic response that could have long-lasting implications. Democratic activists were already floating the idea of increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court to make up for the Garland seat, and I would expect so-called court-packing ideas to accelerate if Trump puts another conservative justice on the court before or right after he loses a presidential election.
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
hello. over my tumblr break a few months ago i got bored enough to count the frequencies of every word in joe iconis songs and i don’t know what else to do with this info so here y’all go. every word in joe iconis songs with 10+ occurrences in descending order but i also factored out the 250 most common words in the english language badly (warning, this is a 484 item long list).
1 ('i', 2375) 2 ("i'm", 708) 3 ("it's", 366) 4 ('oh', 312) 5 ('gonna', 204) 6 ('yeah', 175) 7 ('got', 163) 8 ("you're", 160) 9 ('am', 160) 10 ('na', 149) 11 ('wanna', 130) 12 ('hey', 129) 13 ('love', 127) 14 ('feel', 122) 15 ("i'll", 117) 16 ('things', 111) 17 ('really', 97) 18 ("i'd", 97) 19 ('bang', 93) 20 ('girl', 87) 21 ('ever', 86) 22 ("can't", 84) 23 ('better', 78) 24 ("there's", 78) 25 ("she's", 78) 26 ("i've", 75) 27 ('whoa', 74) 28 ('baby', 73) 29 ("that's", 70) 30 ('gotta', 69) 31 ("we're", 68) 32 ("ain't", 63) 33 ("won't", 63) 34 ('cool', 61) 35 ('song', 58) 36 ('away', 57) 37 ('anymore', 56) 38 ('because', 55) 39 ('ya', 55) 40 ('always', 54) 41 ('remember', 54) 42 ('gone', 51) 43 ('guess', 51) 44 ('person', 51) 45 ('woman', 49) 46 ('sing', 49) 47 ('blood', 49) 48 ('stay', 48) 49 ('care', 48) 50 ('into', 47) 51 ('mind', 46) 52 ('whatever', 46) 53 ('jeremy', 45) 54 ("didn't", 45) 55 ('wish', 45) 56 ('feeling', 43) 57 ('ooh', 43) 58 ('cuz', 43) 59 ("you'll", 43) 60 ('ribbit', 43) 61 ('everything', 42) 62 ("you've", 42) 63 ('done', 41) 64 ('nothing', 41) 65 ('fine', 41) 66 ('girls', 41) 67 ('something', 40) 68 ('please', 40) 69 ('hate', 40) 70 ('walk', 40) 71 ('nanana', 40) 72 ('going', 39) 73 ('maybe', 39) 74 ('hear', 39) 75 ('used', 39) 76 ('fall', 39) 77 ('wrong', 38) 78 ('fire', 37) 79 ('rather', 37) 80 ('around', 36) 81 ('shit', 36) 82 ('ba', 36) 83 ('heart', 36) 84 ('leave', 36) 85 ('ah', 36) 86 ('being', 36) 87 ('oh-h', 36) 88 ("he's", 35) 89 ('till', 35) 90 ('fight', 35) 91 ('face', 35) 92 ('la-la-la', 35) 93 ('da', 35) 94 ("let's", 34) 95 ('sure', 34) 96 ('hope', 34) 97 ('nana', 34) 98 ('guy', 33) 99 ('knew', 33) 100 ('wanted', 33) 101 ('shoot', 33) 102 ('em', 32) 103 ('rich', 32) 104 ('together', 32) 105 ('looking', 32) 106 ('myself', 32) 107 ('knock', 32) 108 ('chop', 32) 109 ('makes', 31) 110 ('since', 31) 111 ('whiskey', 31) 112 ('uh', 30) 113 ("they're", 30) 114 ('gimme', 30) 115 ('rick', 30) 116 ('somebody', 29) 117 ('those', 29) 118 ("doesn't", 29) 119 ('red', 29) 120 ('totally', 29) 121 ('hell', 29) 122 ("what's", 29) 123 ('hall', 29) 124 ('die', 29) 125 ('annie', 29) 126 ('bad', 28) 127 ('stop', 28) 128 ("you'd", 28) 129 ('listen', 28) 130 ('mamma', 28) 131 ('la-la-la-la', 28) 132 ('do-do', 28) 133 ('tonight', 27) 134 ('okay', 27) 135 ('hair', 27) 136 ("c'mon", 27) 137 ('roll', 27) 138 ('without', 27) 139 ('michael', 27) 140 ('christine', 27) 141 ('bounty', 27) 142 ('almost', 26) 143 ('another', 26) 144 ('kinda', 26) 145 ('mine', 26) 146 ('rock', 26) 147 ('records', 26) 148 ('music', 26) 149 ('lonely', 25) 150 ('words', 25) 151 ('heard', 25) 152 ('yo', 25) 153 ('madeline', 25) 154 ('says', 25) 155 ('band', 25) 156 ('lots', 25) 157 ('alive', 25) 158 ('god', 24) 159 ('times', 24) 160 ('battle', 24) 161 ('skin', 24) 162 ('dada', 24) 163 ('revolution', 24) 164 ('institution', 24) 165 ('broke', 23) 166 ('talk', 23) 167 ('eyes', 23) 168 ("who's", 23) 169 ('hold', 23) 170 ('burned', 23) 171 ('morning', 23) 172 ('chill', 23) 173 ('pretty', 23) 174 ('car', 23) 175 ('young', 23) 176 ('la-la', 23) 177 ('tired', 23) 178 ('nation', 23) 179 ('friend', 22) 180 ('everybody', 22) 181 ('rehearsal', 22) 182 ('true', 22) 183 ('inside', 22) 184 ('squip', 22) 185 ('ready', 21) 186 ('best', 21) 187 ('understand', 21) 188 ('else', 21) 189 ('lot', 21) 190 ('party', 21) 191 ('ignore', 21) 192 ('bit', 21) 193 ('cut', 21) 194 ('gets', 20) 195 ('sometimes', 20) 196 ("isn't", 20) 197 ('whole', 20) 198 ("everybody's", 20) 199 ('starts', 20) 200 ('feels', 20) 201 ('everyone', 20) 202 ('room', 20) 203 ('dry', 20) 204 ('nice', 20) 205 ('juvie', 20) 206 ('sleep', 20) 207 ('wonder', 20) 208 ('size', 20) 209 ('ass', 20) 210 ('welcome', 20) 211 ('seen', 19) 212 ('weird', 19) 213 ('soon', 19) 214 ('yourself', 19) 215 ('alone', 19) 216 ('flame', 19) 217 ('taking', 19) 218 ('friends', 19) 219 ('enough', 19) 220 ('born', 19) 221 ('lordy', 19) 222 ('hunter', 19) 223 ('relate', 19) 224 ('yai', 19) 225 ('today', 18) 226 ('loser', 18) 227 ('bitch', 18) 228 ('until', 18) 229 ('arm', 18) 230 ('comes', 18) 231 ('dead', 18) 232 ('told', 18) 233 ('ow', 18) 234 ('honey', 18) 235 ('years', 18) 236 ('whack', 18) 237 ("we'll", 18) 238 ('n', 18) 239 ('nerd', 18) 240 ('fell', 18) 241 ('dad', 17) 242 ('pants', 17) 243 ('huh', 17) 244 ('nobody', 17) 245 ('mad', 17) 246 ('getting', 17) 247 ("wasn't", 17) 248 ('scared', 17) 249 ('wait', 17) 250 ('body', 17) 251 ('quite', 17) 252 ('hands', 17) 253 ('ohh', 17) 254 ('hurt', 17) 255 ('deserve', 17) 256 ('ride', 17) 257 ('game', 17) 258 ('survive', 17) 259 ('upgrade', 17) 260 ('free', 17) 261 ('certain', 17) 262 ('wha-oh', 17) 263 ('cigarettes', 17) 264 ('writer', 17) 265 ('bands', 17) 266 ('hunters', 17) 267 ('hang', 16) 268 ("wouldn't", 16) 269 ('age', 16) 270 ('cry', 16) 271 ('sky', 16) 272 ('past', 16) 273 ('behind', 16) 274 ('someone', 16) 275 ('saying', 16) 276 ('black', 16) 277 ('job', 16) 278 ('la', 16) 279 ('fix', 16) 280 ('alright', 16) 281 ('shot', 16) 282 ('bar', 16) 283 ('deal', 16) 284 ('respect', 16) 285 ('dog', 16) 286 ('flicks', 16) 287 ('strong', 15) 288 ("haven't", 15) 289 ('glad', 15) 290 ('next', 15) 291 ('escape', 15) 292 ('fun', 15) 293 ('though', 15) 294 ('promise', 15) 295 ('hide', 15) 296 ('ammonia', 15) 297 ('likes', 15) 298 ('thinks', 15) 299 ('yes', 15) 300 ('nurse', 15) 301 ('looks', 15) 302 ('halloween', 15) 303 ('twice', 15) 304 ('bout', 15) 305 ('sight', 15) 306 ('along', 15) 307 ('forget', 15) 308 ('voices', 15) 309 ('bathroom', 15) 310 ('master', 15) 311 ("shiro's", 15) 312 ('badass', 15) 313 ('rosalie', 15) 314 ('setting', 15) 315 ('road', 14) 316 ('dude', 14) 317 ('brain', 14) 318 ('kid', 14) 319 ('drink', 14) 320 ('means', 14) 321 ('guys', 14) 322 ('bed', 14) 323 ('doing', 14) 324 ('breathe', 14) 325 ('happy', 14) 326 ('scream', 14) 327 ('mistakes', 14) 328 ('anything', 14) 329 ('goes', 14) 330 ('blue', 14) 331 ('pretend', 14) 332 ('social', 14) 333 ('shout', 14) 334 ('geek', 14) 335 ('buddy', 14) 336 ("everything's", 14) 337 ("helen's", 14) 338 ('golden', 14) 339 ('movin', 14) 340 ('st', 14) 341 ("anne's", 14) 342 ('finally', 13) 343 ('choose', 13) 344 ('smoke', 13) 345 ('voice', 13) 346 ('terrible', 13) 347 ('happened', 13) 348 ('pass', 13) 349 ('street', 13) 350 ("couldn't", 13) 351 ('wall', 13) 352 ('instead', 13) 353 ('clear', 13) 354 ('tight', 13) 355 ('damn', 13) 356 ('susannah', 13) 357 ('smile', 13) 358 ('waiting', 13) 359 ('ground', 13) 360 ('remind', 13) 361 ('coolness', 13) 362 ('sad', 13) 363 ("things'll", 13) 364 ('brother', 13) 365 ("it'll", 13) 366 ('somewhere', 13) 367 ('veins', 13) 368 ('cat', 12) 369 ('weather', 12) 370 ('children', 12) 371 ("weren't", 12) 372 ('fucking', 12) 373 ('sorry', 12) 374 ('clean', 12) 375 ('pour', 12) 376 ('different', 12) 377 ('singing', 12) 378 ('coming', 12) 379 ('thinking', 12) 380 ('trying', 12) 381 ('sick', 12) 382 ('bone', 12) 383 ('least', 12) 384 ('lisa', 12) 385 ('nothin', 12) 386 ('dear', 12) 387 ('white', 12) 388 ('hot', 12) 389 ('charlie', 12) 390 ('family', 12) 391 ('door', 12) 392 ('korean', 12) 393 ('dodo', 12) 394 ('c-c-c', 12) 395 ('yours', 12) 396 ('c-c-c-come', 12) 397 ('wants', 11) 398 ('bloody', 11) 399 ('called', 11) 400 ('forever', 11) 401 ('sweet', 11) 402 ('soul', 11) 403 ('swear', 11) 404 ('touch', 11) 405 ('easy', 11) 406 ('days', 11) 407 ('stage', 11) 408 ('across', 11) 409 ('woah', 11) 410 ('crazy', 11) 411 ('town', 11) 412 ('dress', 11) 413 ('top', 11) 414 ('loves', 11) 415 ('rage', 11) 416 ('phone', 11) 417 ('super', 11) 418 ('feet', 11) 419 ('mess', 11) 420 ('penny', 11) 421 ('stars', 11) 422 ('supposed', 11) 423 ('miss', 11) 424 ('college', 11) 425 ('hates', 11) 426 ('quit', 11) 427 ('history', 11) 428 ('cage', 11) 429 ('falling', 11) 430 ('mcfly', 11) 431 ("i'mma", 11) 432 ('played', 11) 433 ('touching', 11) 434 ('band-aids', 11) 435 ('fox', 11) 436 ('thank', 11) 437 ('pitiful', 11) 438 ('covered', 11) 439 ('open', 10) 440 ("they'll", 10) 441 ("we've", 10) 442 ('feelings', 10) 443 ('gun', 10) 444 ('living', 10) 445 ('wow', 10) 446 ('book', 10) 447 ('wonderful', 10) 448 ('blame', 10) 449 ('brooke', 10) 450 ('space', 10) 451 ('slow', 10) 452 ('longer', 10) 453 ('naked', 10) 454 ("he'd", 10) 455 ('star', 10) 456 ('shirt', 10) 457 ('looked', 10) 458 ('i’m', 10) 459 ('standing', 10) 460 ('break', 10) 461 ('lame', 10) 462 ('ten', 10) 463 ('york', 10) 464 ('met', 10) 465 ('dreadfuls', 10) 466 ('mountain', 10) 467 ('push', 10) 468 ('two-player', 10) 469 ('war', 10) 470 ('talkin', 10) 471 ('throw', 10) 472 ('normal', 10) 473 ('hat', 10) 474 ('christmas', 10) 475 ('silver', 10) 476 ('freak', 10) 477 ('mom', 10) 478 ('garage', 10) 479 ('become', 10) 480 ('flesh', 10) 481 ('bastard', 10) 482 ('broadway', 10) 483 ('amphibian', 10) 484 ('outlaw', 10)
15 notes · View notes
uploadedyudkowsky · 5 years
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38 notes · View notes
shrimpkardashian · 4 years
I have a list of ~900 albums from 2019 that I still want to eventually listen to / review [IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT ALERT]
For this project (already 125+ releases deep), which is just impossibly daunting and makes me head hurt. IDK how to streamline this process or is any “critic” out there really listening to “all” the good music? It’s impossible I guess... BUT needless to say, these have made this list from an even larger pool of music that I either listened to briefly and immediately dismissed or (gasp!) never even came across my radar (radar = many many music blogs I follow via RSS). 
Anyway, because I’ll most likely never get to this (whatever this is, an Xgau parody or something)... Here is the list (please ignore some of my notations/typos):
1 matana roberts, coin coin chapter four 2 jeffrey lewis 3 negativland 4 camedor 5 the darkness 6 jai paul [leak] 7 shikoswe 8 anatolian weapons 9 cakedog, doggystyle 10 carly rae jepsen (LP, plus single w Gryffin) 11 parsnip 12 the comet is coming 13 girl in red 14 ezra furman 15 the kvb 16 freddie gibbs & madlib 17 say sue me (single) 18 denzel curry 19 fatamorgana 20 vivian girls 21 wobbly, monitress 22 helado negro 23 anamanaguchi 24 paul demarinis 25 comet gain 26 personal best 27 king princess, LP? big little lies single 28 marble arch 29 mini dresses 30 matt christensen 31 jade bird 32 black mountain 33 body meat 34 pat, Love Will Find A Way Home 35 acid arab 36 the 83rd 37 common holly 38 wicca phase 39 mark ronson 40 spirit in the room, single 41 rebe, “pienso en ti a todas horas” [just a single?] 42 a giant dog, neon bible cover LP 43 hey collosus 44 moon king (meh/ or *) 45 vanity productions 46 velvet negroni 47 g perico 48 budokan boys 49 skryptor 50 oscar scheller 51 the muffs 52 larry gus 53 these new puritans *** 54 angel olsen 55 bleu nuit 56 meatraffle 57 josephine wiggs 58 jennifer vanilla 59 big|brave 60 rico nasty 61 friendship, dreamin' 62 mike, tears of joy 63 bellrope 64 gbv 65 machìna, archipelago 66 toy, songs of consumption 67 ayankoko 68 the intelligence 69 drahla 70 corridor, junior 71 urochromes 72 david hasselhoff 73 aMAZONDOTCOM 74 kehlani 75 ne-hi EP (final) 76 avey tare 77 bonnie "prince" billy 78 battles 79 snapped ankles 80 mannequin pussy 81 toro y moi, soul trash 82 twen 83 self discovery for social survival comp 84 bad heaven ltd 85 eric frye 86 the mattson 2 87 duncan park 88 pure bathing culture 89 arthur russell, iowa dream 90 wild pink 91 flaming lips 92 pan amsterdam 93 flaural 94 knife wife 95 hannah peel & will burns 96 klein 97 meat puppets 98 tnght 99 james ferraro 100 royal trux / ariel pink 101 new rain duets 102 black marble 103 sui zhen 104 liam the younger 105 the mountain goats, welcome to passaic 106 frank hurricane and hurricanes of love 107 sebadoh 108 xylouris white 109 lindstrøm 110 franck vigroux 111 joyero 112 dorian electra  113 ride 114 crumb, jinx 115 nonconnah 116 cup, spinning creature 117 brutus 118 bjarki 119 khotin 120 alexander tucker 121 gunna 122 operator music band 123 tony molina 124 nanami ozone 125 sad planets 126 bemydelay 127 laurie anderson et al, songs from the bardo 128 teebs 129 deerhunter, timebends 130 tr/st (2 LPs) 131 dolores catherino 132 liturgy 133 floating points 134 sasami, LP + xmas EP 135 trikorder23 136 moor mother 137 have a nice life 138 la dispute 139 lingua ignota 140 lina tullgren 141 earl sweatshirt 142 entrail 143 alexander noice 144 shock narcotic 145 rakta 146 munya 147 el drugstore 148 buck gooter 149 caribou, single - more? 150 rosenau & sanborn 151 kevin abstract 152 pile 153 e for echo 154 animal collective, new psycho actives vol. 2 + live album 155 harlem 156 sudan archives 157 lil peep, posthumous ep 158 young guv, i and ii 159 orville peck 160 75 dollar bill 161 institute 162 tove lo 163 the chocolate watchband 164 foie gras, holy hell 165 french vanilla 166 chuck cleaver 167 kollaps 168 spirits having fun 169 game 170 badgirl$ 171 medhane 172 alberich 173 show me the body 174 the night watch, an embarrassment of riches 175 inus, western spaghettification 176 pregoblin, singles? 177 ra ra riot 178 de lorians 179 kool keith 180 kaspia & stride 181 glen hansard 182 dpeee 183 berlin taxi 184 foghorn 185 ionnalee 186 american sharks 187 sitcom, dust single 188 pip blom 189 j balvin & bady 190 fenella 191 tanya tagaq 192 sean o'hagan 193 j robbins 194 peter ivers (comp) 195 neon indian, not sure if single is part of larger proj? 196 triad god 197 yeule 198 roland tings 199 schoolboy q 200 ava luna EP 201 fried eggs 202 drugdealer 203 half japanese 204 todd anderson-kunert 205 emily reo 206 christelle bofale 207 brion starr 208 jan jelinek (reissue) 209 peaer 210 devin townsend 211 vik 212 young m.a 213 default genders 214 night lovell 215 rocketship 216 kim gordon 217 ellen arkbro 218 george clanton and nick hexum [single?] 219 the minus 5 220 penguin cage 221 felicia atkinson 222 take offense 223 moon duo 224 chemical brothers 225 nef the pharaoh 226 daniel norgren 227 unkle 228 pup (?) 229 baroness 230 velvet bethany 231 resavoir 232 gruff rhys 233 lana del ray 234 empath 235 burial and the bug, flame 2 236 russian baths 237 quelle chris 238 corpse flower 239 roy montgomery [reissue] 240 clinic 241 a.g. cook, [single] 242 why? 243 beck 244 francis lung 245 thom yorke 246 warmduscher 247 uv-tv 248 aa bondy 249 max richter, ad astra ost 250 younghusband 251 stereo total 252 julie's haircut 253 aa matheson 254 eartheater 255 kelly moran 256 mana (seven steps behind) 257 c.h.e.w. 258 sarah mary chadwick 259 midsommar ost 260 beabadoobee 261 life, a picture of good health 262 dumb, club nites 263 dame dolla 264 endless boogie 265 burna boy 266 lungbutter 267 wand 268 future punx 269 yves jarvis 270 kim petras [LP, halloween EP] 271 bts world 272 pikelet 273 panda bear, single 274 samiyam 275 red river dialect 276 ryan pollie 277 ryuichi sakamot (reissue) 278 jackie mendoza 279 dark blue 280 jay som 281 stephen mallinder 282 neutrals, kebab disco 283 foodman 284 capitol, dream noise 285 new pornographers 286 mark korven, the lighthouse ost 287 gauche 288 the japanese house 289 cave (re-issue) 290 ybn cordae 291 the vacant lots 292 arwen 293 rhucle 294 lil b, @ least 2 releases? 295 tea service 296 chai 297 black pumas 298 program, show me 299 marika hackman 300 sonny and the sunsets 301 lillie mae 302 mean jeans 303 the stroppies 304 poppies 305 twin shadow 306 vanishing twin *** 307 portrayal of guilt [EP + split single] 308 lucki [2 lps] 309 absolutely free 310 girl band 311 black midi 312 torche 313 perfume (best of) 314 white denim 315 clipping 316 the hu 317 big business 318 metro crowd 319 ex-vöid, 7" 320 broken social scene 321 lil pump 322 uranium club 323 doon kanda 324 hesitation wounds 325 sorry girls 326 bibio 327 red mass 328 the shins, single 329 lil keed 330 yeasayer 331 bts / blackpink KPOP 332 galen tipton, fake meat 333 the world, reddish 334 lanark artefax, ep 335 ladytron 336 g.s., schray 337 just mustard [single, more?] 338 mdou moctar 339 rangers, spirited discussion 340 tyson meade 341 dj nate 342 kelly lee owens 343 bambara 344 kilo kish 345 lusine 346 ralph heidel / homo ludens 347 psychic graveyard 348 homeshake 349 wives, so removed 350 proto idiot 351 let’s eat grandma, ost ep 352 foals 353 caroline shaw & attacca quartet 354 juan waters 355 mount eerie with julie doiron 356 mestozi 357 patio 358 oh baby, the art of sleeping alone 359 earth 360 haybaby 361 anna meredith 362 the caretaker (6) 363 rich brian 364 sunn o))), [two LPs] 365 alessandro cortini 366 ty segall 367 injury reserve 368 elucid 369 budos band 370 tim hecker 371 waqwaq kingdom 372 william doyle *** 373 innercity ensemble 374 filthy friends 375 prurient 376 shlohmo 377 bon iver 378 sean henry 379 yeesh 380 faye webster 381 megan thee stallion 382 squid, town centre 383 simulation (hausau mountain) 384 flying lotus 385 horse jumper of love 386 rap, export 387 lansky jones 388 the gonks 389 cate lebon 390 rome fortune 391 chain cult 392 empty set 393 big thief (2 lp's) 394 laura cannell [and polly wright album ?] or is there just a laura c album too ? }} 395 froth 396 thugwidow 397 organ tapes 398 the new pornographers 399 zonal 400 bbg baby joe 401 whitney 402 guards 403 anemone 404 sheer mag 405 nots 406 fujiya & miyag 407 kool aid, family portrait ep 408 frankie cosmos 409 kaputt 410 quelle chris 411 operators 412 marco benevento 413 elvis depressedly 414 school of language, 45 415 rob burger 416 pozi 417 redd kross 418 randy randall 419 yatta 420 hide, hell is here 421 bobby krlic, midsommar ost 422 planet england 423 kev brown 424 robedoor 425 tropical fuck storm 426 haram, 9/11 ep 427 candy, super-stare single 428 sly and the family drone 429 kevin morby 430 porches, rangerover [single] 431 odae 432 pottery 433 saint pepsi 434 slowthai 435 iggy pop 436 swans 437 iLOVEMAKONNEN 438 mukqs 439 feels 440 luke temple 441 oli xl 442 orphan swords 443 post pink 444 deli girls 445 nilüfer yanya 446 idk, is he real? 447 interpol 448 priests 449 galcher lustwerk 450 smokepurpp, various? 451 kindness 452 ex hex 453 sampa the great 454 methyl ethel 455 ellis, the fuzz ep 456 jeanines s/t 457 water from your eyes 458 twin peaks 459 sam cohen 460 fontaines dc 461 spiral stairs 462 the hecks 463 nicola ratti 464 four tet, various (inc. "wingdings" alter ego side proj) 465 holy ghost 466 half stack 467 cherubs 468 juana molina, forfun EP 469 jpegmafia 470 bedouine 471 fury 472 melvins/flipper 473 the curls 474 izambard 475 heart eyes 476 drinking boys and girls choir 477 big search 478 glenn branca 479 rose elinor dougall 480 bat for lashes 481 young knives, [single, more? 482 hot chip 483 alex lahey 484 hemlock ernst & kenny segal 485 dj seinfeld 486 joni void 487 rema rema 488 spencer tweedy 489 trash kit 490 dry cleaning [2 ep's] 491 mega bog *** 492 saudade 493 monster rally 494 wilco 495 chromatics, LP + EP 496 slayyyter 497 maral 498 blarf 499 pernice brothers 500 la neve 501 marie davidson 502 tredici bacci 503 deathprod 504 lowly 505 russian circles 506 angel witch 507 fires were shot 508 amy o 509 q da fool 510 clams casino 511 automelodi 512 paradox 513 dababy (2) 514 david kilgour 515 missy elliot 516 baby smoove 517 boris 518 thanks for coming 519 yves tumor [single w/] 520 ΜΜΜΔ 521 falcon/falkland 522 noel wells 523 ecstatic vision 524 amyl & the sniffers 525 barrie 526 bianca scout 527 katie dey 528 prince rama 529 control top 530 duster, comp + new LP 531 foxes in fiction 532 slowthai x denzel curry [single] 533 the murlocs 534 plaid 535 ela orleans 536 gobby 537 cfm 538 carla del forna 539 pale spring 540 pixx 541 širom 542 lightning bolt 543 cate lebon & deerhunter 544 channel tres 545 sigrid 546 help, s/t 547 shellac, live 548 crack cloud, pain olympics (ongoing) / s/t (2018) 549 notes underground 550 fat white family *** 551 gloop 552 equiknoxx 553 nakhane 554 czarface meets ghostface 555 the rubinoos 556 shannon lay 557 tim heidecker 558 droneflower 559 john vanderslice 560 your old droog 561 bats, alter nature 562 zvi 563 justus proffit 564 lower dens 565 anna of the north 566 yg 567 holly herndon 568 good fuck 569 clark, single 570 charli xcx 571 the nativist 572 low life 573 jonsi & alex somers 574 kazu 575 günter schickert 576 odonis odonis 577 kelsey lu (+ remix EP) 578 young thug 579 thaiboy digital 580 hatchie 581 hiro kone 582 cocorosie 583 sabiwa 584 oh sees 585 rex orange county 586 311 587 erland cooper 588 jtamul 589 the brilliant tabernacle 590 free love, extreme dance anthems 591 jeff lynne's elo 592 dutch courage 593 booji boys 594 giggs 595 ceschi 596 inter arma 597 psychic sounds ensemble 598 eli kezsler EP 599 thelma 600 haiku salut 601 julia jacklin 602 otoboke beaver 603 colin self 604 mark mulcahy 605 rosalia, single "a pale" more? 606 chris lott 607 royal trux 608 weyes blood 609 mikal cronin 610 hissing tiles 611 grace ives 612 vic bang 613 nick cave 614 sugar world [single] 615 herzog 616 offset 617 mike adams at his honest weight 618 real life buildings 619 aldous harding 620 pye corner audio 621 doja cat 622 bleached 623 book of shame 624 kate davis 625 i was a king 626 pendant, through a coil 627 joseph arthur 628 great grandpa, four of arrows 629 modern nature 630 stef chura 631 spaza, s/t great 632 the alchemist 633 pond 634 aiden baker, etc 635 kirin j. Callinan 636 possible humans 637 greys 638 kizuna ai 639 little simz 640 big bend 641 membranes, what nature gives… 642 young nudy 643 car seat headrest (live) 644 seahawks 645 dumbhop's party 646 julien chang 647 pacific yew 648 pharmakon 649 lomelda 650 versing 651 olden yolk 652 mekons 653 the dream syndicate 654 the gotobeds 655 amy klein 656 bABii 657 bill callahan 658 grlwood 659 van dale 660 ziúr 661 delicate steve 662 debby friday 663 dehd 664 south city hardware 665 kesha 666 (sandy) alex g 667 computer slime 668 fka twigs 669 rob halford, celestial 670 dean hurley 671 school of language 672 nicolas godin 673 blue hawaii 674 leggy 675 ceremony 676 his name is alive 677 third eye blind 678 sadgirl 679 ariana grande 680 skepta 681 dylan moon 682 jay mitta 683 the drums 684 kero kero bonito, ep 685 charly bliss 686 lee renaldo etc 687 rina mushonga 688 ulla straus 689 cherushii & maria minerva 690 slaughter beach, dog 691 maps 692 dj shadow 693 tool LOL 694 diiv 695 pixies 696 cuco 697 black peaches 698 subhumans 699 gurr 700 cashmere cat 701 brockhampton 702 fire-toolz 703 lambchop, LP + EP 704 messthetics 705 neuland 706 westkust 707 haelos 708 sturgill simpson 709 maria usbeck 710 king gizzard (2) 711 earthgang 712 paranoid london 713 fet.nat 714 bethlehem steel 715 neil young with crazy horse 716 tengger 717 guerilla toss 718 spelling 719 lizzo 720 wiki 721 dr00p, mkULTRAHD 722 ghost orchard 723 jane weaver 724 usa/mexico 725 carl stone 726 richard dawson *** 727 rafael toral 728 test dept 729 sacred paws 730 big krit 731 mallrat 732 jenn champion 733 moE/Mette Rasmussen, tolerancia picante 734 facs 735 yung lean, single (blue cup) and ep, more? 736 pissgrave 737 moodyman 738 sing sinck, sing 739 tyler the creator 740 sleater-kinney 741 dean blunt, zushi 742 cursive 743 barker, utlity 744 gemma 745 octavian 746 pronoun 747 girl ray 748 julia shapiro 749 nodding god 750 daniel saylor 751 jakob ogawa 752 richard youngs 753 diät 754 w00dy 755 omar souleyman 756 vōx EP 757 topdown dialectic 758 penelope islea 759 gbv 760 glass beach 761 james hoff, hobo ufo 762 euglossine 763 dream ritual 764 terry allen 765 office culture 766 ghostie, devour 767 beat detectives 768 red channel 769 octo octa 770 julien baker [toyko single] 771 shackleton as "tunes of negation" 772 sons of raphael 773 lena raine 774 fitted, first fits 775 velf 776 cvn 777 black country, new road, [2 singles only?] 778 chief keef 779 andrew bird, LP and EP 780 tamaryn 781 vagabon 782 zelooperz 783 brian jonestown massacre 784 angel dust 785 pere ubu 786 vatican shadow, church... 787 spencer radcliffe 788 mr muthafuckin exquire 789 earth to mickey 790 beak> 791 byron westbrook 792 major murphy 793 nicole yun 794 the divine comedy 795 sote, parallel persiao 796 the radio dept. 797 prince daddy & the hyena 798 mudhoney 799 truth club 800 shura 801 underworld, drift 802 lil texas 803 that dog 804 gary wilson / r. stevie moore 805 divino nino 806 spiral heads 807 claire cronin 808 devendra banhart 809 c.y.m. EP 810 dude york 811 sangri 812 vegyn [2 lp's?] 813 brooke candy 814 caroline polachek 815 hurt valley 816 O.L.I.V.I.A, modo avion 817 ziúr 818 pepper mill rondo, it's christmas time 819 ben vida 820 nick hexum/george clanton 821 meara o'reilly 822 tyler holmes, devil 823 blood incantation 824 guenter schlienz 825 gavilán rayna russom 826 loraine james *** 827 lithics, Wendy Kraemer EP 828 navel, ambient 2, in space 829 the proper ornaments 830 jon hopkins & kelly lee owens, single 831 julianna barwick 832 park hye-jin 833 bea1991 834 men i trust 835 erika de casier 836 ducks unlimited 837 lyzza 838 refused 839 jim o'rourke, to magnetize ... 840 analemma, 2 singles on a comp? 841 zack fox, "the bean kicked in" 842 real life rock n roll band 843 prefab sprout 844 daniel lopatin, uncut gems ost 845 kaytranada 846 the voidz, 2 song single + video? 847 grandaddy, single (add scissors icon) 848 dark thoughts, must be nice 849 loose nukes 850 sam mallet 851 very good, adulthood 852 henge, nothing head 853 kaleidobolt 854 nebula, holy shit 855 terminal cheesecake 856 uzeda 857 wet tuna 858 sean mccann 859 black dresses, love and... (2nd LP) 860 nefew 861 taylor swift ??? 862 lala lala, the lamb 863 jenny lewis 864 33EMYBW 865 blood orange, angel's pulse 866 caterina barbieri *** 867 yusu 868 white reaper 869 rozi plain 870 bamboo, daughters of the sky 871 seragina steer 872 clear channel, hot fruit 873 patience, dizzy spells 874 mope grooves, desire 875 current affairs, object & subject 875 comfort, not passing 876 bill orcutt 877 bonnie baxter 878 carl stone 879 thurston moore 880 alameda 5 881 john zorn 882 the membranes, what nature gives... 883 meemo comma 884 ana roxannne 885 whistling arrow, s/t 886 dis fantasy 887 giant swan, s/t 888 buck young, buck ii 889 abdu ali 890 ifriqiyya électrique 891 $hit and $hine, doing drugs, selling drugs 892 ghold 893 theon cross 894 yao bobby & simon grab 895 solange *sure whatever ok 896 the comet is coming 897 the utopia strong, s/t 898 karenn, grapefruit regret 899 brìghde chaimbeul 900 nav, bad habits 901 chance, big day 902 nostalgia critic's the wall 903 uboa, the origin of my depression 904 hobo johnson 905 ana frango elétrico 906 dorian electra
2 notes · View notes
orange1896 · 1 year
60202010011 LG855.02.02.01 YFL-400×25LS-G GDP filter assembly LONKING
60202010011 LG855.02.02.01 YFL-400×25LS-G GDP filter assembly LONKING 6410005894 PIN_DOOR LOCK F190001R10W30-6L 变速箱总成 29050028081 垫块612600110809 11210901 套筒32(1/2)霹雳马60520032 6410007154 螺栓 ZL30D-11-21 27130002111 散热器进水管 ZL30D-11-54 3120900117 无驾驶棚模块 04025-00620 14670811 回油管F04299552 2070900026 停用-水箱PY160GS 4014000059 钢管 5111000193 主销轴8135-GH-00043 4110001947032 左盖板(金色金属漆) J11210966 停车马达181900-2270 11224772 槽钢 28350006301 软管20411Y-36-16WZ/20411Y-36-16WZ×GH781-16 26030004771 轴 6410005685 Steel ST14(1.5*1250*2500) 4120005963007 NAMEPLATE 4190001206 过渡钢管C 29220017291 多路阀回油钢管 6390100425 气压传感器YG901E4 1/4 4110000076410 彩色纸箱 6212001256 LG946L轮式装载机 29220018601 一、二级涡轮组 14531108 传动轴座 4015000500 L933轮式装载机 5900000031 驾驶室线束总成 29330032991 软管LGB163-012096 950S1.2.1 6410007395 破碎锤HB140-25T 950S1.2.2A 4110003492300 机油泵调整垫片6105Q-1011015A-0.1 ZL30F.1.4-1 29270010891 塞 A201-1 26170008541 套筒组套 世达09013 A201-2 11224691 胶管F421SNCACF282816-430 11210141 板 6216000547 下叉 2925000019 14403693 板 29240029521 P-O形圈GB3452.1-11.8*1.80G 9100000935 PLATE 29120027961 气管接头 JPV-8/M5 29070023151 波纹管 29030011281 防尘罩 28030005891 动臂下轴套 6430000759 铲斗1.6*1535(喷漆前) 28140009952 主刀板 ELG6400E T型抱箍φ139 29290043461 Y型圈 型号:35*45*6 29400001731 大端盖密封垫 4120005024003 左后侧门总成 LG2880903070 后车架 29290050991 筋板 4120001546 活塞 6390203310 接头 6231000325 钢板t15*2590-SM490A 6210000045 管路:蒸发器-压缩机2600 6391900162 开槽圆螺母HD90149326047 4110003164026 挖机驾驶室F型降成本型总成 29170010611 叶片油泵 YB1-4 29360024811 压缩机支架 4110001592124 30变速操纵阀 4110000696073 CABLE 14547381--A 14403095 沈阳数控车CAK6030D 325三抓卡盘 11110668(11110474) F155 ROCKER ARM,ENGINE ROTATIONAL SPEED,LOW I 4110002289047 涡轮出口连接壳体D13-301-50+A 6223000223 工具箱总成 4120010085 横梁 11224569 支架 4110003617105 内齿圈DZ90149346019 29130020821 空调系统 26170010241 燃油管 29370015441 缸盖243000069 28809032031 进气堵盖13024455 13248026 柱塞总成 29170308881 叉架 14408306 控制器JX400-3823351SF1 HSGL-90*50*742 26350005991 软管LGB144-105190 6900020706 轴承 29290015111 内交角螺塞U561A-9S8003 29170010071 蓬 6390900582 BOX_ASSY ELECTRICAL ITEM_B_PRIME 4110002409142 彩色纸箱 14403185 预热塞导板 1G796-6556-0 60360094L0200 盖板 J29350012171 停用-气缸盖分总成-带气门导管1003020A52D/P 7300000643 电磁换向阀 4WE6J-L6X/EG24NZ5L 29170114351 橡胶垫 8301744 E6650H履带式液压挖掘机 4110003809 RD730宣传册(5000) 4110015194074 软管 LG2912001772 SCREW PLATE 4120002295027 螺塞(M8*1.5)0636302104 F21N8-20901 不锈钢耐震压力表0—4MPa 29121003211 标志与标识 F71EE-52520F 滚轴轴承 4110001654269 左桥油管 4120005295 振动轮 2617001380004 右转向缸座 E075HQ4481AT9A1 PLATE_-RH 4120000675508 油封压盖 29170082521 橡胶板 29270011301 暖风水管 29120031641 变速箱总成 6244000091 圆柱头内六角螺钉M8×100 GB70-85 14407099 停用-O 形圈07000-03032 4120016411013 大力钳世达,71106 29120032131 角钢30×30×3 29031002121 衬套 1308013-D807 M086HWD19 全车垫(发动机) 28280010291 支架 4120006629011 环形钢丝绳φ40 6×19W+IWS周长2m 29260049471 内六角圆柱头螺钉90013050089 FX500-110017 停用-软管夹 16057453 前桥壳总成 4110003180064 调整垫片3.1 mm 134192 29290043161 钢丝绳Φ3 F5284903 SQ3104051KA06车轮螺栓 C18AB-1R0658 LG5111000967 空滤器支架 LG29190016341B 发动机总成 29170010332 液压油箱 29030030301 密封件包 26120010501 多用一字螺丝批 世达 03141 11221755 转向泵驱动轴 29170078181 固定钻套LGB701-12*25-Cr12 4120017623 护网 6410007723 盖1C010-0468-0 6224000125 左盖帽 FXKAY-00518F PLATE 29010014531 海绵640*680*462*30-2 26380005451 胶管FQHG-3140 29070017271 支承板 14664313 划格法试验仪 29120006621 传动油管145&90-3100 4110000011055 底板4000×800×t30 3214524420-C 11215466 滚珠轴承 26240017231 密封件包 LGB308-148*12 14662640 调节螺钉210000303293 29120038601 六角冲击钻头 ?¢12*200 4011000767 摩擦片总成B FY70Ea.01 29010037681 电磁阀固定板 29270021781 铁木结合箱-12 2850*310*310 2908000652003 内支撑 4041002532 胶管87612-16-16Z/87692-16-16H90ZXGH493-16C 4110000038116 硬管总成-R 29300009441 轴承32308 4110001552002 球铰座 4190001000 铁木结合箱 GB899-M10*90-8.8 16017407 弯管 1660200007 顶棚 4120002267006 后桥总成 JB8406-B10*650 26010015881 增压器出气管 26170027321 后车架 6900014480 钢管 16035340 中冷进气钢管 26130014521 固定座 FZ0001359 吸风风扇FS600×90Z-C 28230018771 转向缸座 1308013AD392 29260101211 海绵 B46653-0570a 4120006967018 盖板焊合 26241011212 软管20411-18-06TZ/20491-18-06TZXFC686-06×7 28100005091 过渡接头EW16SOMDA3C 29070027491 L938F传动轴总成 29120024531 底板 11212237 世达尖头镊子 03102 14409253 进气管盖密封垫D3938152 29220016211 适配器 4110001100140 P-垫片LGB303-45*75*1 26090004131 套管13031278 11215112 打印机HP LaserJet 1025n 29330105292 固定座LGB305-M10*20 29270010251 转斗油缸油封 29310015621 停用-阀芯 4011001720 软管LGB127-003090 FZBPJ07 曲轴瓦组件D30-1005054*-H ZJ4110001050063 LG938L驾驶室总成 4120006632 空滤 4130000644 衬套 26170017701 玻璃限位 26441008902 警示标志(铝)当心触电 21723180 蓄能器振动板09000AD M086HWD08 左下门框 2060900463 原色纸箱420*315*225 6215000556 备料中心成型自检、互检表质记33-7号 4110001475069 L968F轮式装载机 6233000866 凸轮轴 4110000129188 六角凹头螺钉 LG01-50F1RZ 28010015261 气门锁片 4120002359066 LG660E/665E(洋马) 250h保养包 LGB301-65*122*235- 29360028411 方钢管 ZL30D-11-01 6900002242 角位器球头 6211000168 螺栓GB5782-M14*70-Ep.Zn-8.8 6900019722 卡子胶条LGB320-S1850 4190000186 停用-转向泵CBGjA2080G 4110015889001 软管LGB145-202170 29420005232 筋板 4110002750012 支架 29150016511 扭力扳手开口 4110000184032 保洁三轮车 奥图AT-11124 9100001014 黄油枪头 世达97211 4190002437 平衡铁 29330027611 空调系统 4120010455026 BRACKET_CLIP 26330016081 1805214A29铭牌 4110000184017 液压油箱总成 6233000380 软管20491-36-16TZ/20411-36-16TZ*OSD451-16* 26010009301 P-防松套 4110000555037 卡子胶条LGB320-S4330 3214612631-C 29030029861 铲斗总成1.4 6233000888 电磁阀KCC型号:KPS 542R-03) F11Q6-90040 空气过滤器 6210000736 组合仪表盘NAPLES-T2 HSGL-90*50*742 4120008051 膨胀阀E41623-0320 6212001020 海绵 14401742 垫片 4110002168097 导风罩6357.001.4010 29130013671 板 6410003819 喷油泵润滑油管总成1001912333 29900000421 定位器 29250020391 L955F(侧卸)空调系统 29040010701 主阀支架 4180001006 L955F轮式装载机 J7300001767C 溢流阀块1010238-001 Read the full article
0 notes
mk1comics · 5 years
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Highlights from this Thursday's new comic list -   full cover gallery for this delivery can be found here https://blog.mk1.co.nz/COVERGALLERY      
ABSOLUTE CARNAGE IMMORTAL HULK #1 AC https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190914
BATMAN #251 FACSIMILE EDITION https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190442
BATMAN #80 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190480
BATMAN TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III #6 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190495
BERSERKER UNBOUND #3 (OF 4)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190261
BIZARRE ADVENTURES #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190998
BLACK CAT #5 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190954
CANTO #5 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190815
CHAMPIONS #10 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191082
CONTAGION #1 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191015
COPRA #1 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190053
DAREDEVIL #12 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191083
DCEASED #5 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190502
DEAD EYES #1  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190060
DEATHSTROKE #48 YOTV https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190500
DIE #8 CVR A HANS (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190179
DOCTOR STRANGE #20 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL191020
DOLLAR COMICS JOKER #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190585
DOOM PATROL WEIGHT OF THE WORLDS #4 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190578
DREAMING #14 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190574
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS A DARKENED WISH #3 CVR A FOWLER https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB190690
EVERYTHING #2 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190257
FANTASTIC FOUR #15 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191028
FLASH GIANT #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190464
FUTURE FOUNDATION #3 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191026
GHOST RIDER #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190978
GREEN LANTERN #12 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190522
GRENDEL DEVILS ODYSSEY #1 (OF 8)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190246
HARLEY QUINN #66 YOTV https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190526
HOUSE OF X #1 (OF 6) 4TH PTG LARRAZ VAR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL198663
HOUSE OF X #6 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190870
IMMORTAL HULK #24 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL190959
INVADER ZIM #47  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL192091
JOE GOLEM OCCULT DETECTIVE CONJURORS #5 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL190403
JUSTICE LEAGUE #33 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190534
LEGION OF SUPER HEROES MILLENNIUM #2 (OF 2) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190450
LOIS LANE #4 (OF 12) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190542
MARVEL ACTION BLACK PANTHER #3   https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JAN190804
MARVEL COMICS #1000 2ND PTG BUCKINGHAM VAR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL198110
MARVEL COMICS #1001 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL190881
NO ONE LEFT TO FIGHT #4 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190294
NOMEN OMEN #1 (OF 15)(MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190030
OLD MAN QUILL #10 (OF 12) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191074
ONCE & FUTURE #1 (OF 6) FINAL PRINTING (6TH PTG) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL198620
ONCE & FUTURE #2 (OF 6) (2ND PTG) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL198688
POWERS OF X #1 (OF 6) 4TH PTG SILVA VAR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL198666
PUNISHER #16 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191090
RED SONJA #9 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191300
SAVAGE AVENGERS #6 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191043
SEA OF STARS #4 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190212
SOMETHING IS KILLING CHILDREN #1 (4TH PTG) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL198621
SPACE BANDITS #4 (OF 5) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190215
SPIDER-VERSE #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190958
STAR WARS #72 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL191068
STAR WARS DOCTOR APHRA #37 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191128
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1)SPATIAL POWERS: A) Ability to materialized anywhere across the known Marvel Universe (Fantastic Four-#339, Thor-#165). B) Ability to create Dimensional portals or Rifts (Thor Annual#16, Avengers#309). Also, able to send an entire population to LIMBO for their own protection (Thor#192). C) In addition, Thor’s hammer has the capability to send just about ANY SENTIENT BEING to just about any other LOCATION in the known Universe-Avengers-#180 vs. the Monolith, or DIMENSIONS (the Fourth, the Fifth, the Sixth, or even the Seventh Dimension- it doesn’t matter) See- Avengers-#9, and Avengers-#16(vol.1), or even an ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE-Avengers-#7 (vol.1). Specifically, Thor doesn’t necessarily need to create a vortex to remove any immediate threat- See-Thor-# 279 vs. Ulik, Thor-#173, and Thor-#425 where a blast by Thor’s hammer ripped wide the fabric of the Universe itself and sent Surtur and Yimir to the Death Dimension. Thus, Thor can literally send anything, or anyone to the other side of the Galaxy thousands of light years away with just a mere magic bolt fired at his enemy. One of the GREATEST EXAMPLE of Thor’s Spatial capability occurred in Thor-#242, when Horus, Osiris, and Isis Giant Pyramid destroyed a significant portion of the Orange Groves (Trees) of San Diego, California when it sprouted from beneath the Earth in their search of Odin. All of then were all fully restored along with the vanishing of the great Pyramid by a vortex created by Thor’s MAGICAL hammer-as if the destruction that took place there never happened. Now, that’s power!!!! Another great example of Thor’s Spatial capability occurred when the hammer passed right through Kang’s Force Field and struck him as if the Force-Field was not present at all-See Avengers-Annual-#21. Kang was near death by the blow from Thor’s hammer. Therefore, characters like Magneto, Graviton, or even the Molecule Man are not, in fact, EXACTLY safe inside their Force-Field. In addition, Thor can call his hammer from even deep space; distance doesn’t seem to be an obstacle- Avengers-#19. 2) TRANSMUTATION OF ELEMENTS: Thor transmuted the Absorbing Man's wood and iron body to helium (a gas). See Journey Into Mystery #115. Emphatically, in this issue, Thor explicitly said that, "I have the power to transmute the Elements themselves". 3) THERMOBLAST: The ability to produce a Planet shaking Thermo-Blast capable of decimating an entire Planet (Ego). See Thor#133. 4) BARRIERS: Thor's hammer can produce barriers a la the Invisible Women (see Thor#181, and Thor#395). In Thor-#181 not even EXTREMELY innovative Earth weapon’s blasts could make even a dent on Thor’s Force-Field that surrounded the U.N. In addition, Thor said that his hammer could surely have contained Stellaris Cosmic Flash that would have consumed the entire Planet Earth-See Thor-#421. However, if you think that’s something, Thor once created an indestructible Mystical Vortex that CONTAINED the explosion of a Life-Bomb that would have destroyed a Fifth of the Marvel Universe-AVENGERS-ANNUAL-#16. If that’s the case, then Thor did managed to save literally millions of Galaxies, as a result. 5) POWER TO ABSORB: A) Thor's hammer can absorb limitless amount of energy. For instance, Thor's hammer absorbed the energy of a Null Bomb that was capable of destroying an entire Galaxy and turn it to Cosmic energy and Re-Ignite a Dead Sun (a Galaxy may contain 200 billion to 400 billions Solar Systems-depending on their relative size). B) In Avengers-#171, from a DISTANCE, Thor absorbed Ultron’s entire energy source with just a single blast from his hammer. C) Thor's hammer can, also, absorb other significant sources of energy including: Cosmic (Silver Surfer-#4), also, when Thor completely absorbed Sky-Walker’s Cosmic raging Tempest into his hammer-Thor-#305. Also, Radioactive energy (Avengers-#304), Magnetism (Thor#387) where Thor absorbed a portion of the Planet of Pangoria’s Magnetic energy, and Magneto’s Personal Magnetic Field-JIM#109; and Mystical- specifically, when he absorbed a significant mystical portion of EVERY Earth’s PANTHEON (Thor#301), and Pluto’s Deadly (mystical) Fire-Flame-#Thor-#223. In addition, Thor can absorb Magic from a DISTANCE-Avengers-#276. D) It’s important to, also, point out that Thor’s hammer can absorbed many of these particular sources of energy, and RETURN IT back to the originator; sometimes amplify many times over. Note: It's really no wonder at all that Thor absorbed the Electromagnetic energies of the Celestial Mother-ship with such ease- see Thor#288. 6) LIFE-FORCE, OR GOD-FORCE: Thor's immortal life force could be more powerful than the mystical properties of his hammer; that when combined with the power of his hammer can release incredible amounts of energy- Thor#388. Galactus tasted defeat when Thor used the Life Force on him- see Thor#161. Thor’s Life-Force, or God-Force, also destroyed the Brain Dome of the 20,000ft. Tall Celestial Exitar; which should be many times more durable than Adamantiun considering their thousands, if not, millions of years of technology ahead of the human race. Also, the Destroyer using ALL OF HIS POWERS at his command could not destroy Thor’s Life-Force- See Thor-#381. 7) REVERSE ENERGY: A) Thor’s hammer can reverse energy polarities (Avengers#70 vs. Hyperion- when Thor reverse the Atomic process that gave Hyperion his powers, and reduced him to the size of an Ant. B) Thor Annual#16 (Beta Ray Bill vs. Ego) In this instance, BRB was in the verge of drawing out all of Ego’s Magnetic Polarities to outer space, and Ego happens to be an entire Planet. C) Thor reversed the Enchanter’s Magic that initially transformed humans to Monsters-Thor-#18. In addition, Thor's hammer can reverse a Psychic attack- see Thor #428. 8) INCREASE THE POWER OF LIGHTNING, AND OTHERS: Thor can increase the lightning effectiveness TEN THOUSAND FOLDS!!!!See Thor#421; or perhaps more, and increase and magnify just about any OTHER type of energy source several times over-see THOR-#22 vs. Thanos, and Avengers-#8 (vol.1) vs. Kang. An excellent example would be when Thor defeated Prime by increasing single lightning bolt a hundred folds, and proceeded by blast him with it (Remember that just a single lightning bolt is equivalent to 15,000,000 volts of electricity and could travel 100 million feet a second). However, the MOST devastating lightning attack ever conceived by Thor is one that involves the "PUREST OF LIGHTNING". In other words, a bolt of "Purest of Lightning"; which is a Magical bolt that emanates FROM THOR’S HAMMER- creates a chain reaction of pure energy causing the ground SURROUNDING the blast to ERUPT like a living VOLCANO; thus, producing a Giant Crater along with a Holocaust of White-Hot Lava. Thor-#156. Thor had to escape not only by running, but FLYING out of the ensuing danger or else he would had, most certainly, forfeit his life. How did the Silver Age Mangog survive, or was not seriously injured, by a DIRECT-HIT of this bolt is beyond me. If some fans were highly impressed by DC’s Captain Marvel effective lightning attack on Superman, what in the world would they think about a lightning bolt such as that one created by Thor against the Mangog? Not even ashes would remain of Superman if Thor would strike at him directly with such a bolt of pure energy, and, to be perfectly honest, Thor doesn’t really need that much firepower to blast, for instance, anything including a Ship to Atoms-See-Avengers-#82 (vol.1). And, finally, Thor can effectively direct multiple lightning strikes as he once did against several Celestials at the same time-Thor-#300. 9) SPY: Thor could spy on people like a closed circuit TV. From same dimension, or another without being noticed- see Thor#278. With such power you could find just about any criminals, serial killers, terrorist, etc. with relatively ease. 10) SPEED: A) Thor could throw the hammer at the speed of light. See Thor#140, Thor#274; and, or can swing the hammer at TWICE the speed of light- Journey Into Mystery#102. B) In Thor -#393- it’s established that the speed of Thor’s hammer TRANSCENDS both TIME & SPACE. C) Also, Thor could appear anywhere across the Universe or other dimensions in just seconds (see- FF#339, and Thor#166). D) In addition, Thor could, visually, detect objects that move at fantastic speeds (this happen when Thor was the target of artillery fire- see Invaders#33- and Avengers-#281- when he saw the speedy Hermes). E) In the early issues of Journey Into Mystery, there were instances that Thor used Super-Human speed, physically speaking-that is. However, it’s impossible to measure his speed based on those depictions. However, in Marvel Team-up#26, it gives a slight more accurate description on Thor’s Super-Human speed, and you could make a similar case in Invaders-#33, where Thor (with his hammer) deflected artillery bullets fired at him by moving his ENITRE LEFT ARM at super-Human speed. Specifically, in Marvel Team Up-#26, the writer makes it fundamentally clear that Thor can move almost faster than mere MORTAL eyes can follow, and in Thor-#354, Thor was toying with Hela using speed that according to her was beyond comprehension. Thor stated that he was swift as the very lightning itself. G) Finally, the High Evolutionary using Thor’s DNA, did create a real Super-Speedster in Zefra. Question is, does Thor possess similar potential to that of Zefra due to his own unique DNA? After all, Thor’s DNA is quite different than that of mortals- Avengers-#14 (vol.1)- that’s for the writers to decide in some future date, I guess. Note: There’s been much debate by fans all-over regarding the difficulty that Mongoose presents on Thor due to his great speed. However, there shouldn’t be any debate concerning any threat that Mongoose can pose on Thor, since it’s firmly established that: 1) Thor can see objects, or beings moving at fantastic speeds, and 2) Thor can react even faster to defend himself against these specific threats. If artillery bullets can go from anywhere from 600 ft. per second to more than 5,000 ft. a second, why would anyone believe that Thor would be in trouble against someone like Mongoose, who could never be hope to attain such speed? Thor said, as the speed of his hammer physically deflected Mongoose, "My mystic mallet can attain velocities which are BEYOND your ability to grasp!" In other words, let us assume that a Marvel character like Gladiator, who can’t possibly defeat Thor from a distance, decides to use super-speed on him, he might just as well be committing suicide- considering how dangerously powerful Thor’s hammer truly is, plus the hammer could reach velocity that exceeds well-above the speed of light. The Kinetic effect would be UTTERLY devastating. Picture an object that weights practically thousands of tons (The Hulk couldn’t even budge the hammer when he tried to lifted using the Full strength of both his arms, and the people of Pangoria’s mightiest Cranes couldn’t budge it either) whirling at fantastic speed and striking someone, or something coming at incredible speed as well; to put it simply (considering the latter), whatever the hammer hits, it DESTROYS. Also, I believe that Marvel should re-consider that non-living things, such as Androids, or Mechanical-Man shouldn’t be able to lift Thor’s hammer, due to the simple fact that they could use the hammer to kill innocent beings. Remember, what makes Thor’s hammer so indestructible is not so much the extreme molecular density of the Uru (a Magical Metallic Substance), but the enchantments placed in it by Odin. Air-Walker (an Android) almost literally killed Thor with his own hammer-Thor-#305). Think what might happen if an Android gone mad would use the hammer on ordinary beings. Plus, the fact that not even Androids could lift Thor’s hammer would definitely make the hammer even more precious and mysterious. 11) INVULNERABILITY: The following are historical examples of incredibly devastating forces that has been used against Thor. Thor has survived each of these highly Lethal attacks, and most of the time have come out unscathed. A) Thor has been on the receiving end of Zeus and Blitziana's LIGHTNING bolts. B) Thor withstood a barrage of ARTILLARY fire with ease, and a Heat Seeking Missile- see Thor#480, and Thor-#247; C) and in the J. Kirby's days Thor used to test his invulnerability by having a Cobalt Bomb explode next to him. D) Kang’s Dissolution blast to the EXTREME did not fell Thor-Avengers-#143, and in Avengers-#295 Mechanosaurus struck Thor with a Megahertz Artillery fire that would easily destroy any vehicle to pieces- with no visible effect on Thor (Note: even bullets from a powerful sub-machine gun can’t hope to accomplish the same amount of penetration or destruction that could a Megahertz artillery attack by Mechnanosaurus). In Avengers-#5-pg 20- it explicitly stated that nothing, not even an ATOMIC BLAST could injure Thor, or his hammer. E) Thor resisted the full power of the Man from Saturn’s Graviton ray-Thor-#255. F) Thor withstood the Thermal Man's HEAT blast that could melt Tanks instantly, also, Thor was insensitive to the Lava Man's attack- see Avengers #5. In addition, Thor withstood a direct hit by Firelord’s Cosmic Flame with absolutely no dire visible effect on him- Thor-#306, and Ghost Rider’s Flame proved to be totally ineffectual against Thor, as well- Avengers-#214, and when the Planet Ego raised his internal heat temperature to the EXTREME, it had no affect on Thor-See Thor-#133. G) Thor was unaffected by an Alien Freeze Ray-Avengers-#14 (vol.1). H) In terms of indescribable sheer Magical, and Cosmic power, for instance, Thor was just temporarily stunned by Ego’s pulsating energy attack that would, physically, have rendered AN ENTIRE RACE UNCOUNSCIOUS- Thor-#133. In addition, Thor withstood blast by Odin-Thor-#241, by the Celestials-Thor-#300, and by a space Armada-Avengers-Annual#7. However, the three most impressive testimony events that showed Thor's invulnerability, however, was when he, almost, took a direct hit by a Doomsday Bomb that was capable of destroying an entire planet, and soon after that explosion Thor felt from space to a planet called Pangoria-see Thor#387. Also, Thor resisted the weight of Multitude of Planets-Thor Annual-#9, and the Gravity of a Neutron Star-Thor-#282. The other event took place when Thor paid an uninvited visit to ATUM in the Sun's core. If you think that this wasn’t enough, Thor has survive incredible physical punishment by the likes of the Destroyer, Durok, the Mangog, Surtur- Thor-#351, by the Devourer-Marvel Two In One-#23, The Thermal Man, Terminus, the 300,000 ft. tall Rhun god when he swatted Thor aside-Thor#220, and the Celestial- The One Above All- when he not only swatted Thor aside, but did hurled at him unnumbered tons of delicate machinery at him with no significant adverse effect on Thor-See Thor-#288. 12) ELEMENTAL POWERS: That can transcend to other dimensions, and or space and time (see-Thor#188). No other Superhero in the Multiverse has that scope of elemental powers. In addition, Thor’s hammer can tap, practically, on just about any Elemental Phenomenon in the Cosmos, like, for example, the limitless energy of a Maelstrom and used that energy as a Cosmic weapon. A Celestial Maelstrom can literally drag large Meteors, or Asteroids around at Fantastic Speed-Thor-#261. The power of a Hurricane is next to nothing compare to the devastating power of a Celestial Maelstrom. Also, Thor’s power can create Thunderstorm, Tidal Waves, and exploding Volcanoes on a Planetary scale-Journey Into Mystery-#94. In fact, if, somehow, Thor’s hammer is unmade the consequences are unthinkable and cataclysmic: Not only Erupting Volcano’s worldwide, Tidal Waves would immediately ensue, but Impact of Celestial bodies, as well- Avengers-#330. Also, Thor can use the power of the storm at a moment’s notice. For instance, Thor used a spear of wind, or an indescribable powerful tornado, that he literally pushed against Surtur, that cause Surtur to say: "NEVER HAVE I FELT SUCH FORCE!" And, in that same issue, Thor used the power of the Storm to divert an Asteroid from it’s course and hurl it against Surtur-Thor-#177. In addition, Thor’s power over the Storm can create enough suction to whisk famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower into the Atmosphere-JIM-#94. 13) TRANSMIGRATION OF SOULS: Thor's hammer has the ability to transmigrate souls- see Thor#363. 14) HEALING FACTOR: Thor's hammer can speed up healing (Thor#155). 15) ERASE MEMORY: Thor's hammer can, in effect, erase memory (Invaders#33). 16) SLEEP: Thor's hammer can really put you to sleep (Thor#372). 17) A DETECTOR, OR THOR’S HAMMER ABILITY TO TRACK: Thor's hammer can detect where evil is a foot (Thor#417); or can track anyone who doesn't want to be found (Avengers#14). In addition, Thor’s hammer can track practically all kinds of energy signature-Thor Corps-#1, Avengers-#309, and Strange Tales-#182. In addition, something that is called ELECTRONS FREE FLOWING enables Thor's hammer to detect any Asgardian's Aura by their electron's discharge- See Journey Into MYstery#104. 18) HEARING: Thor can, Mystically, hear when someone is calling his name-Thor-#342 (distance doesn’t seem to be an obstacle). Thor was presently in Manhattan, when an old Viking was calling Thor from the Continent of Antarctica. 19) VITALITY: Thor’s hammer can increase VITALITY to any being that finds himself in a significant weak state. I guess Viagra, and Ginseng would have to take a serious back seat to Thor’s hammer in this case-See Thor-#343. 20) COSMIC ENERGY: Thor's hammer can produce Cosmic Energy (Avengers#5). 21) SOLAR FLARES: Thor's hammer can produce Solar Flares; which is about twice the temperature of the Sun. 22) ANTI-MATTER PARTICLES: Thor's hammer can manufacture Anti-Matter particles. These particles could potentially erase anyone, or anything from existence. It’s little wonder why Kang’s Anti-Matter Screen that’s capable of instantly disintegrating any Earthly matter did not affected Thor’s hammer in the least-See Avengers-#8 (vol.1). 23) ALPHA PARTICLES: Thor’s hammer can harness Alpha Particles from the atmosphere and could use it to Atomize any weaponry, JIM-#102. 24) INTERDIMENSIONAL ENERGY: Thor’s hammer can tap or attract quantities of Interdimensional Matrix energy (In this case, Matrix meaning from the main or principal source). This is certainly an extraordinary significant power and ability-Thor-#395. 25) INVISIBILITY AND INTANGIBILITY: In order to protect the Black Knight, Thor created a vortex surrounding the Black Knight that was completely Invisible and Intangible to all eyes except Thor’s-Avengers-#300. Also, in a quarrel against the Vision, Thor used his hammer to completely disrupt the Vision while he was in a Intangible state, thus rendering the Vision senseless-Avengers Annual-#8. In addition, check LS list below on Thor-#428 regarding Phasing. 26) CROWD MANIPULATION: Thor’s hammer can put literally an entire crowd in a trance, or totally under his control by using the Sun’s rays-Thor-#102. The head of Thor’s hammer lights up like a mini-Sun. 27) MAGNETISM: Thor can attract or magnetize Mechanical constructs into the ground, such as Flying Vehicles, Giant robots (JIM-#101,102), and even sentient beings like Loki. Thor attracted him when he was about to jump from a cliff-Avengers-#no.1. In addition, Thor’s hammer can create a MAGNETIC FIELD (a la Magneto) that enabled him to temporarily transport himself, Captain America, Sersi, Jarvis and Spiderman to a pre-determine destination-Avengers-#315. This makes quite a lot of sense since Thor’s power over Magnetism has been well documented since the creation of his character in the early 60’s. . 28) ANTI-GRAVITY: (SOMETIMES, MISTAKENLY CALLED ANTI-FORCE): A power that can literally Physically incapacitates his opponent, and sent then where they came from. Thor did this to the Super-Skrull when he sent him from Earth to his space ship in Earth's orbit. The Super-Skrull said, "I AM HELPLESS—caught in the grip of a FORCE I cannot begin to comprehend!" This power is similar to that of Graviton. Another such example occurred when Beta Ray Bill-Thor- #440- repelled the Giant Uroc upward against gravity to the surprise of both Dargo and Thundestrike. 29) ANTI-FORCE: The full power of the Anti-Force is so unbelievably powerful and the fury of such blast is so indescribable that Thor, with just one blast, once took out an entire Battalion of Barbarians along with Boulders, and a Giant Tank that was literally ripped to shreds against that devastating onslaught-Thor-#205. In terms of range, Thor’s Anti-Force could cover a wide area. In Thor-#207, Thor was trapped by Giant Boulders, and with just one Power-Blast the Giant Boulders were torn to pieces. Against Ego, Thor destroyed an entire Building thrown at Thor at close range with another Power-Blast-Thor-#203. 30) MIND RESISTANCE: Thor resisted the Mind-Thrust Of the Colonizer, the Mind Blast of the Super-Beast- THOR-#135, and resisted a Mind-Storm Blast that the Beast, Iron Man, and most especially Moondragon could not-Avengers-#138. 31) NETHERWORLD POWER: or power from the dark dimensions (Thor#101). Check on Ghost Rider unique Supernatural abilities. 32) ESSENCE OF LIGHT: Thor’s hammer infused the Demon Darkoth with the Essence of Light to counteract Mephisto’s Essence of Evil. Thus, turning the Demon away from Mephisto’s Evil control- Thor-#325. 33) STAMINA AND DURABILITY: Thor could endure a prolonged battle for a period of months without pause, or respite against Zeus (Thor#Annual#8). 34) THE HAMMER ALWAYS RETURNS: No matter the distance the hammer is thrown, or what it strikes the hammer always returns to Thor. 35) ABILITY TO FLY: Thor’s hammer provides the ability for Thor to fly at such speed that he can literally become invisible-JIM-#94, and can perform complicated maneuvers like performing a Pinwheel around a Flying Trans-Atlantic Jet-JIM-#107. Thor top flying speed has been clocked at THREE TIMES the speed of LIGHT-Thor-#185. In addition, Thor can transport the Avengers by literally flying together from one area of the city to another-Avengers-#58. 36) INTELLIGENCE: Thor's former alter ego Dr. Blake was a highly intelligent, skill physician, who specialized in surgery; plus, he knows the way of this mundane world since he lived among the human race for some time. In addition, Thor is part of a superior advance alien race. This was manifested in Journey Into Mystery#95, where Dr. Blake constructed an Android that could withstand the blows of Thor's hammer; and provided this Android with, almost, unlimited intelligence. Also, in the same issue, Dr. Blake, by duress, helped a scientist with an apparatus that could duplicate anything or anybody; including Thor and his hammer. Talk about instant cloning!!! Also, we must not forget that the Asgardians had, in the past, used highly technical advance weapons against the likes of Surtur, The Mangog, Seth, etc; including, when Odin provided Thor a Star Ship for the purpose of finding Galactus in their second encounter. Furthermore, Thor knows most of Earth’s languages- Thor-#290. 37) MJOLNIR'S STRENGTH: A) Thor's hammer is capable of shattering entire Mountains- Thor-#156, pulverizing small Planetoids (see Thor#400), could shake an entire planet (see Thor#388), or even destroy an entire World- Thor-#125. With just a hard tap (with the hammer) Thor completely broke Loki's arm. Thor simply holds back against his opponent because he doesn't want to take a life- see Thor#305. However, when he decides to end someone’s existence he could do it with just a single blow-See Thor’s-#374, where he killed the Super-Strong Mutant Block-Buster with just a blow from Mjolnir. To really analyze the full strength of Thor’s hammer- in Thor#388, Thor shook the planet Pangoria without even hitting the surface of the planet (the Celestial Exitar took the hit). What this mean is: that you can drop a dozen Hydrogen Bombs in one single place, or point, and that still wouldn't shake a whole planet. B) Also, the power within the hammer can, also, destroy an entire World- Fantastic Four-#339. In fact, the full power of the hammer can radiate with the energy of a THOUSAND SUNS…enough to even destroy an Entity such as Surtur. Thor stated AFFIRMATIVELY that this incomprehensible energy gathered by his hammer would have, indeed, destroyed Surtur… the eldest, and probably the most powerful Elemental in the Marvel Universe. Only the Twighlight Sword saved Surtur from destruction-Thor-#351. 38) WARRIOR'S SKILLS: Thor is an expert at fighting in armed and unarmed combat, and should know most of his opponent vital weakness. At least this is the way it was portrayed in the first famous Marvel vs. DC crossover. He's the best warrior in Asgard. The Absorbing Man, when he acquire Thor's powers and could not defeat him, he said: "It ain't fair!!!" "What's good my strength, my power if I can't land a blow?", "I didn't know it was gonna be like this!!!" The very same thing happened to Warlock, to the Juggernaut (when Thor took his invulnerable force field), Mr. Hyde (Thor#106), also, Pluto and Ares (the god of war) when Thor really cut loose in Blood And Thunder. In addition, Thor outclassed in the strength department, defeated Ares who triple his strength-Thor-#223, and had Ulik on the ropes irrespective of the fact that Ulik augmented his strength several times over, defeated the Android Zotarr-Thor-#238, but the most impressive victory of all was when Thor defeated Grog the god crusher without his powers, super-strength, and being a mortal-Thor-#397. To put it simply, Thor’s skills are simply phenomenal. However, the best testimony of Thor’s power and skills came from the mouth of none other than Captain America. In Thor-#390, Captain America said when he lifted Thor’s hammer, "I’ve never wielded such LIMITLESS POWER before!" "It’s almost intoxicating!" In Avengers-#4 (vol.1), Captain America said, "Thor’s hammer!" "It’s the most AWESOME weapon I’ve ever seem!" Finally, in Avengers-Annual-#18, Captain America stated this about Thor’s skills, "He is an expert combatant, having been trained for hundreds of years in the art of war." "His understanding of tactics and strategies ENCOMPASSES the teaching of cultures over several centuries." 39) SUPER-STRENGTH: Thor is the strongest pound for pound Superhero in the Marvel Universe. It's true that the Hulk is just as strong as Thor, but he probably weights twice as much. There’re many unparallel feats of Thor’s strength that should be worth mentioning. For instance, A) In Thor-#94- with just a slight pressure from Thor’s little finger he toppled leaning Tower of Pisa; B) in Thor-#95, Thor easily ripped apart the door of a special constructed safe that could resist a Ton (2,000 lbs.) of TNT; C) Thor sculpted a hammer from an Alien Tank by compressing together Tons of the Armor plating-Thor-#281, and tossed a Giant Alien Tank a significant distance as if were just a simple toy-Avengers-#219; D) Thor towed away a broken Jetliner full of passengers by flying it out of the Celestial stronghold in South America-Thor-#284. E) Thor, with his enormous strength, broke through wrap-around cables made of an alloy of Adamantiun-Thor-#309. F) Thor lifted and balanced a 40 plus story Building along with Cranes on top of the Building-Thor-#391; G) Thor towed the Entire Avengers Hydrobase-Avengers-#301, H) Thor with his strength closed a fissure that he created in the Planets crust, and then he proceeded by sealing Loki in it under millions Tons of Earth with the might of his limb-Avengers West Coast-#55; I) Thor sent an Alien with such physical force that he went literally flying through Earth’s Orbit and straight outside our Solar System-JIM-#90; J) Thor lifted the Midgard Serpent which girds the entire Earth and holds the Ocean in place-Thor-#272. 40) IMMORTALITY: Thor is an immortal-Nuff said. Others: There are others powers Thor’s hammer has displayed over the years like, for instance, IMPLODING a STARGATE- Thor-#445 (no more SG-1, guys!!!), or creating a Magical Vortex that tightens when the enemy struggle’s away-Thor-#223. In fact, Thor, at one point, used to have the power of TIME, but, mysteriously (and for no reasons, whatsoever) Marvel decided to take that power away from Thor. Also, Thor has, voluntarily, denied himself of OTHER powers- see Annual#15. We might never know what these powers are. But, I guess this has to do with humility. After all, didn't Odin turn Thor to a mortal for that same purpose? And hasn't Thor stated to The Avengers during that Orka issue-Avengers-#149- that he wasn't using his full powers all the time? I guess that's, probably, the real reason Thor denied himself some of these powers. In conclusion, Thor’s full potential might never be known. In fact, in Thor-Annual-#11, Odin said to O’Gea the Earth goddess, “I seek an heir whose powers surpasses Asgard.” Thor being the son of a Sky-Father and the Earth goddess is much more than any Asgardian, and, therefore, his Life-Force must be, indeed, unbelievably powerful. Some of Thor's feats: Journey Into Mystery #86-Uses his breath to cause hurricane force winds. Survives a cobalt bomb. JIM 90-Throws an alien with enough force that he's sent flying from Earth to outside our solar system. JIM 92-Uses his fingers to gouge a Uru hammer out of a boulder of pure Uru. JIM 94-Thor flys so fast that he's invisible. Crushes Uru shackles to dust. Causes earthquakes by striking the ground with lightning. JIM 115-Molecularly changes the Absorbing Man from one element to another with Mjolnir. JIM 131-Breaks the mind thrust (control) of the Rigelian Colonizers. Thor 185-Flies three times the speed of light. Thor 205-Thor defeats the hosts of Hel. Thor 222-Defeats Ares who's strength had been tripled to 210 tons. Thor 242-Teleports the pyramid of Egypt with Mjolnir. Thor 272 & 379-Thor lifts one leg of the Midgard Serpent. Thor 281-Resists the gravity of a Neutron Star. Thor 300-lifts and throws the Odinsword (weighing at least 50,000 tons) Thor 324 & 416-Falls 500 feet and survives without any injury. Thor 327-Pulls the Midgard Serpent off of Midgard with a fishing pole. Thor 387-Survives a bomb blast that destroys a planet. Thor 388-(With Belt of Strength and Iron gauntlets) Hits the Celestial Exitar with Mjolnir with enough force that it reduces nearby mountians to rubble and tears open a hole in Exitar's body. Thor uses his Godforce blast to crack open Exitar's brain dome. Thor 391-Holds up a skyscraper while dizzy from inhaling gas. Thor 400-Creates a whirlwind so big and powerful that it knocks out Surtur. Thor 407-Uses Mjolnir to absorb the energy of a Rigellian "Null Bomb" capable of destroying a galaxy. Thor 414-Beats Ulik who's strength had been increased a thousandfold. Thor 425 lifts and throws Surturs sword Twilight Thor 428-Rearranges his molecules after being phased into the ground by Shadowcat and frees himself. Uses his reflexes to to stop a telepathic bolt fired at him by Phoenix. Those are just some of his awesome feats.
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turquoisemagpie · 6 years
And the grand total*of submissions for the JSE Artist Project is.......... 431!!!!
(some people need an extra hour to work; their names will be added to the file)
Here are the names of those submitted!!!:
1. @turquoisemagpie 2. @mangledsonic 3. @applesaturn 4. @shittylostboy 5. @thehwns (@strings-and-glitches) 6. @lappyisgaming 7. @avasefullofnations 8. @emymodaboss 9. @lucimorningstar812 10. @amyann-durham 11. @frcmnowcn 12. @ladywarlock03 13. @theburningstrawberry 14. @sketchyflannelpile 15. @toast-that-is-gay 16. @isa-ghost 17. @katie-gradwell 18. @antischneep 19. @caryatherton 20. @alexisdevil 21. @random-rambutan 22. @myladyofshadows 23. @captain-cuddles 24. @marsupials-of-mars 25. @cuteflyingtigers 26. @mirandaisntcool 27. @moonlightliss 28. @sOng_Of_StOrmss 29. @drawer-frisk 30. @daniel-trans-paniel 31. @blueberry_demon 32. @khsupergeek1288 33. @queenartisticgamer413 34. @fruitiplierq 35. @nightwolf109 36. @psychic-ga1axy 37. @sspacee-the-confused 38. @definatlypastthegone 39. @aqua-sound 40. @jackosean 41. @tiramisueme 42. @obviouslypancakes 43. @noukieeee 44. @thisimmortalnerd 45. @dweirdo123 46. @bluepatient 47. @septilover2 48. @manna-the-advocate 49. @another-self-mutilating-girl 50. @smalleststress 51. @stefish-sf 52. @hufflepufftrax 53. @amyxmiaplay 54. @masonaryy 55. @rxvenclxw-dork 56. @bri-doodles-art 57. @coolgamelara 58. @a-heist-of-words 59. @seayiin 60. @uglynetwork 61. @lucyrb99 62. @rant-and-rave-to-save 63. @mai-violet 64. @musical-jim 65. @rukataku87 66. @kortlync 67. @imagine-ego-trash 68. @bekkyboo2003 69. @thedrawingpepper24 70. @jelixpo 71. @jedidisneyphantomofstorybrooke 72. @ind1go13 73. @phoenixislost 74. @pandapopplay 75. @creatoraa 76. @pinkwolf201 77. @leeshajoy 78. @geekygirl0816 79. @eyyyhowaboutno 80. @ketothehero 81. @beast-chris-bliss 82. @st1ck-m1st3r 83. @andymp-blue 84. @di-the-happy-psychopath 85. @mayordamien 86. @kennythespaz 87. @olive-is-a-jim 88. @supercuddy 89. @abzthefabulous 90. @igsdraws 91. @ladywolfajfidc 92. @dianakieee 93. @luxkyclover 94. @bleakdecemberbittermarch 95. @sauciesauce 96. @odia13 97. @lyrik-rose 98. @vampiricsans 99. @jackaboy12900 100. @pixelenchanter 101. @erose130 102. @psychoticmessup123 103. @thedragoncat123 104. @cryptidwithakeyboard 105. @pheventhedog  &  @lil-satan-ccdoodles 106. @ink-skies 107. @dapper-boy 108. @respecramen 109. @theoddowldoodle 110. @tazmanianbrit 111. @isadghost 112. @serixskylark 113. @molliepatricia 114. @pari13 115. @scarious-nomad 116. @zericdoesstuff 117. @kimolothecat 118. @wholeoftwoparts 119. @just-silly-liv-things 120. @francoulduseaplan 121. @part-of-me-do-not-know-the-rest 122. @blank-dakota 123. @katelyneprice250 124. @ladyeowyn127 125. @awkward-cameron 126. @oblivioussempai 127. @gabbalabbaaaa 128. @shai-autumn 129. @darkcaty98 130. @watermelon-lover-scg 131. @najemniczkas 132. @kasper-the-ghost 133. @nightfuryobsessed 134. @nuclearsugarbomb 135. @squipyscribbles 136. @thathockeygirl77 137. @fruitycasket 138. @itsmagic-iswear 139. @tinam-ut 140. @imaginaryjuli 141. @oreowiskers 142. @clarexen055 143. @undauntedhaunted 144. @melchoinsassy 145. @steffid101 146. @liberty-draws 147. @cloudy-skiesx 148. @splish-splash-im-trash 149. @aquilacalvitium 150. @geekofthegreek 151. @i-am-not-anon 152. @burnwaffles 153. @eliasrcade 154. @ghostiezone & @artlesscomedic 155. @nuts-and-crackers 156. @van-arts 157. @acenovatv 158. @justspacecatz (another person) 159. @spoopybox 160. @gwenypatu, @sbeee_, @theoptimisticmistake 161. @septic101 162. @gothelixar 163. @hey-wow-thats-me 164. @existential-cloud 165. @hope-ysl 166. @faleaflet 167. @spacellwi 168. @post-random-art 169. @lesssicotic 170. @maybekatie 171. @thatonegirl474 172. @thelittlemonster99 173. @kitkat1003 174. @aceingonthecakes 175. @fangirljeffy 176. @coconutcanary 177. @worse-luck-and-far-less-gold 178. @sunnyicebomb 179. @newtiplier 180. @darkstiella 181. @thedoctorofsteel 182. @kilofinch 183. @littlekindfriemd 184. @glitching-kuukkeli 185. @aw3zom3zauc3 186. @harlyhyde 187. @jaysflight 188. @septicstacheedits 189. @choleson 190. @metalstitches 191. @alien-sushi-roll 192. @impossiblerebelblaze 193. @mysteriousmaker 194. @annako103 195. @pangcloud 196. @pixiis-blog 197. @thatonelittlegaynarwhal 198. @artsandfandoms 199. @spider-bitch-with-anger-issue 200. @fandom-trash1214 201. @razz-berri-arts 202. @fireicelapis 203. @rosesiero 204. @anartistthatistrying 205. @thehelpfulvillager 206. @shipping-hell-all-aboard 207. @abby5577 208. @travelingthemultiverse 209. @malteaser13 210. @flyingllamasinspaceandtime 211. @shedra-the-warrior 212. @redstone-galaxy4 213. @fyrua 214. @katslenderarnold 215. @werewolfprincesswarrior 216. @roses-and-bellflowers 217. @timelordlullaby 218. @aceofspades-lena 219. @aweebitobsessive 220. @sondrascribbles 221. @antimimi & @darkipari 222. @anormalpaperbag 223. @j-u-s-t-sam 224. @sarcasticlicorne 225. @skyllsear 226. @creationsofeve & @nightmarewolf133 227. @hypercat360 228. @kingcrownsart 229. @alifyairl 230. @dragonfirelady2 231. @nightmarewolf133 & @creationsofeve 232. @sora6303 233. @quivker 234. @mod-da1 235. @bonkbatter 236. @dragonqueen1507 237. @awkwardspacekid 238. @super-fensy 239. @castielswings01 240. @that-one-obsesses-weirdo 241. @notactuallyirishanditssad 242. @tigracespace 243. @tsunamiofdragons (@glitchtrousle) 244. @chronically-illustrated 245. @flyingmaskzb 246. @fairykats 247. @ohme-0hmy 248. @itsninell 249. @aks-crazy-universe 250. @jenni-with-an-i 251. @smallapple4231 252. @artist-mess 253. @eva-witch & @giulychanstuff 254. @ayahne 255. @greenheart-dreamer 256. @mrs-greenper 257. @dorky-trash-floof 258. @northeastartist 259. @quintachan 260. @laurenite107 261. @itsdanimotherfreakingglitter 262. @californiakxng 263. @anti-exe 264. @toki-dokke 265. @viostormcaller 266. @belladonnachaos 267. @snazzyninja1 268. @caslover13 269. @cyanacious 270. @alexwithoutabowtie 271. @bloodyblackrose1800 272. @thevampireauthoress 273. @kaydenmcbrideart 274. @nihanmoon 275. @thecutiephilly 276. @loucid-lines 277. @piper-poptato-chisp 278. @imalosersodontfollowme 279. @mickeyforrealz 280. @0teacakes0 281. @lyras21 282. @septic-dr-schneep 283. @starstrike41 284. @jessieplays56 285. @anastasiarose0 286. @disneyamoo 287. @greenishcrow 288. @unipugsat221b 289. @fourentiredogs 290. @theheromasterofdragons 291. @vanillaella 292. @littlebittyginge 293. @no-strings--puppet 294. @lilatheanxiousflower 295. @rare-magpie 296. @sam-vide 297. @burned-toast 298. @darkibooty 299. @monochromemedic 300. @rediculous-art 301. @kingmoran 302. @ninjentsie 303. @rizunekochan 304. @emilightning 305. @glaceonstar-blog 306. @bennettsl 307. @ripmysouldude 308. @fear-is-nameless 309. @vyralia 310. @eatmynips 311. @jesssikaaalovesbutter 312. @dragonfliesarecool 313. @theacefangirl 314. @floofygalaxy 315. @the7ofspades 316. @alsodooperdoopcr 317. @flying-orangemint 318. @redeemedsage 319. @pocket-dreamer 320. @idonutevenknow-anymore 321. @valkyreskye 322. @meiiyi 323. @blueberrychill 324. @clouded-cryptid 325. @cookieface678 326. (*) @tiger-jim 327. @dandadude 328. @lottes-art 329. @ravyn626 330. @tinytdog 331. @tiny-yan-anon 332. @wyrneck 333. @mlhmoo 334. @latte-stuffie 335. @aweirdlisa 336. @thebbvillain 337. @wyforyu-gaming 338. @jayyyonnaise 339. @beep-stuff 340. @cecillustrates 341. @dontbugmeimantisocial 342. @howdoesonethinkofausername 343. @septic-sloth 344. @florenceisfalling (Lia, @inkysock, C) 345. @voltelectra 346. @margarita-is-the-answer 347. @lestoria 348. @asksomecoolkids 349. @circles-of-grass 350. @lilalovesinternet 351. @afimeatur 352. @maja5111 353. @crazygreatgamerperson 354. @the-east-hunter 355. @samueldamniel 356. @septicsavvy 357. @aranori 358. @klementyna01 359. @endogenylove 360. @samanthasabila 361. @vitya-vitya 362. @oopsifailed 363. @daylightd 364. @i-k-e 365. @itsmythicaldisaster 366. @pharaohofdarkness 367. @lazyemisfandomtrash 368. @littlelostshadow 369. @toothynoah 370. @d00mscepticgirl 371. @0okaitlyndrawso0 372. @aliceredroses 373. @meryguillan 374. @violet-fire-cat 375. @starjames-pma 376. @not-abox 377. @monument-of-anxiety 378. @sansgraceee 379. @diamondhubstuff 380. @pinkseraphuniverse 381. @witchcrowx 382. @smolbean_cici 383. @starleavesart 384. @nightlyowl
Discord and other: 
1. @Shakeira32 2. @Crescentmoon 3. @Belleknight16 4. @Psyched-up-psycho 5. @SnazzyNinja1 6. @RizuNekoChan
7. @DazzlingPhoenix#1365 8. @Aviearts 9. @Saluni#8998 10. @Super Craig#8835 11. @Dat Limencio#0726 12. @greer rose <3 #1842 (@greerroseimagines) 13. @PotatoLord #3023 14. @Angry Child#1762 15. @Ban4na_BOOT#5306 16. @MystyfyingDepy#9872 17. @Leah Parris#2189 18. @RachelTheAmberRose#2061 19. @BublesBinxs#9200 20. @Carbie#9236 21. @lazystarz#7479 22. @thecatsaidwoof#1816 23. @FlareSiram#0663 24. @Miharu Kano#7737 25. @Small_Baggs#8649 26. @Radiø.Røsa#3202 27. @Shyllsear#1506 28. @Abigail (Gardner)#6967 29. @CrazyGee#0083 30. @sketchy_mischief#7804 31. @sarahphoenix617#0864 32. @IM Dirty Dan | 26#9587 33. @M.H Productions#8281 34. @Lucky#4913 35. @Doodle Min#3505 36. @MeanGreenBean#8745 37. @Sugarsnap Caely#0361 38. @Nilûîth_Moonlady#9788 39. @Braelyn Thomas#5883 40. @TigerC#0837(*), @Tori_Bird#4655 , @Emson#3602 , @Mythyk#4524 41. @Cozed15#7694 42. @Mad mike?#0885 43. @Phantomspirit#6710 44. @radbutsad;billy num. 1 fan#0821 45. @SíoraíDragon#8343 46. @silverpaintedwings#6130 47. @PianoPisces#6394
(others have asked to be anonymous) 
Thank you guys so much for taking part in the project!!! 
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