boobsperv01 · 2 months
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
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Shina - With (Pre-Arrest) Idol Boyfriend Reader
Shina, as well as Mina, have absolutely no information on them except for their name, appearance, building number and ID number. So! I've decided to give him like, dislikes and a personality based on his appearance. Do with that information what you will. I hope that this is adequate to what you wanted! —Benny🐰
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🌟 When Shina first heard there was a new inmate being put into building seven, he wasn't exactly shocked. Inmates come and go all the time, so why would he pay this instance any thought. However, it was in the cafeteria during lunch that you caught his interest. It seemed that Nanairo had yet to give you your inmate uniform, or maybe he was just being kind as usual and let you wear the clothes you were apprehend in. Who knows, Shina sure doesn't...
🌟 What caught Shina's eyes right away was the fact that your clothes resembled the costumes that male Idols would wear. Let me tell you, he interest was piqued. So he waited until his designated break tim to speak you; stealthily slinking away from the distracted Mina and Nina. And soon you were face to face with Shina's mischievous feline eyes; it seems you both his it off from there.
🌟 Congratulations! You've graduated from idol to slav— er boyfriend, I meant boyfriend! But in all seriousness, you're practically Shina's errand boy now. He'll have you do all sorts of things for him, but he'll pay you in love and affection, so at least there's that. Do expect to be spending a lot of your money on Cheese Rice Crackers from the outdoor vending machines though, it is Shina's favorite food, after all.
🌟 Shina wasn't too surprised that you were an Idol before being arrested, but he was pretty curious about what ot was like being in an idol group outside of Nanba. Considering he, Nina, Mina and Hina had only formed that group during their incarceration at Nanba in building seven; it would be something he had never heard about. And now, Shina has a few suggestions and requests to give to the supervisor concerning his and his friends', still unnamed, idol group.
🌟 When you told him that you were arrested for tampering with the schedules of rival idol groups so that your own could take their gigs, Shina only shrugged and gave you a lazy 'eh, I'd probably do it too'. But then his next question was how did you even end up in nanba, you didn't seem like the escaping type. It was then that Shina learned that it wasn't you breaking out, but your fans breaking you out after storming the prisons you were held in. Scary!
🌟 Your sneakiness and chaos goes in tandem with his own. If you wanna do something stupid; do expect Shina to materialize next to you out of thin air because there's no way he's letting you do this without him. All the endless practicing and beauty routines are tiring, you know. Shina needs to get out once in a while and cause some mischief, and your his ticket to that.
🌟 There will be rare moments that Shina will ignore your chaos and simply laze around and read his magazines. He really can't be bothered at times like these but will come with you to wherever you're going, but only if you give him a piggyback ride. He's an idol you know, he needs his poor delicate feet for rehearsal— ah wait, Shina forgot that you were an idol as well.
🌟 Ah yes, flowers are lovely aren't they? And so are naps outside! Double the fun! But really; when Shina learned about your love of flowers, he pulled out all of the stops. Flower crowns, bouquets, corsages and many more things that you can make flowers into will randomly start appearing in your cell. His idol group may or may not also have more flower themed accessories and costumes added to their wardrobe. Shina won't say anything, it's not his style to stand out too too much, but you'll certainly know it was him.
🌟 Please let Shina visit your mini garden whenever he wants, he needs another place to hide when he's feeling too lazy to practice with his group, Nina and Mina are starting to catch on! As payment for loitering in your little piece of eden, he'll ask the building supervisor for all kinds of seeds for you to plant in your garden. Shina will also suggest you grow fruit, it is a garden after all, but if you're not feeling it he won't push you.
🌟 All in all, both you and Shina have a pretty healthy relationship. He's going to do his absolute best to make sure the remainder of your incarceration here is as comfortable and loving as possible.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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ditto-dex · 1 year
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#0747: Mareanie
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hippopopotas · 2 months
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0747. Mareanie
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iamdyeing · 1 year
New ACNH Pokemon Clothes, but this time sweaters!
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Since Winter is only a few days away, I thought I would make some ice type pokemon sweaters! All of these are up under my creator code: MA-0747-4987-3346
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navelbois · 1 year
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0747 230101
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thena0315 · 1 year
SVU 3.0 (24x10 - Present)
Captain Benson
Sergeant Tutuola     #0231
Detective Velasco    #0714
Detective Muncy      #0747
Detective Bruno       #0841
Officer Churlish        #0855
ADA Carisi
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ashiromina · 1 year
re/made discord! add me if you'd like selene#0747 💕
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
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A Fazenda Vista Alegre, localizada em Valença, é uma das mais importantes do Séc. XIX. Nela despontam suas formas arquitetônicas em harmonia com seus belíssimos jardins. Além de ser referência em Responsabilidade Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, já foi cenário de diversas novelas, minisséries e produções televisivas, como a novela “Salomé”, clipe especial Xuxa 10 Anos de Globo (“Lua de Cristal”) e a novela “A Viagem”, que foi reprisada recentemente no canal Viva.
Originalmente dedicada ao plantio do café, aprendia-se na Vista Alegre música, artes teatrais e religião. Instalada em uma de suas benfeitorias, especialmente edificada, nasceu a Escola de Ingênuos, como ficou conhecida, que foi a primeira no país a alfabetizar filhos de escravos e crianças pobres das redondezas. Lá havia também, a Casa da Música, onde se preparava a banda sinfônica da fazenda, antes de suas prestigiadas apresentações.
No auge do ciclo do café, a Fazenda Vista Alegre recebeu visitantes ilustres, como o Conde D’Eu e o pianista Gottschalk. Além de membros da família Real e personalidades importantes de nossa história que tiveram sua passagem em seus domínios, registrada para posteridade.
No início do século XX, a Vista Alegre passa a ter um importante papel como uma das pioneiras na produção de queijos.
Hoje, ciosa de seu passado e orgulhosa de seu presente, a Vista Alegre realiza visitações históricas guiadas com opções que incluem lanche e almoço; hospedagens na própria sede colonial; além de eventos sociais, culturais e corporativos.
O primeiro andar da Casa-Sede nos leva para um túnel do tempo de memórias e histórias contidas em cada peça, cada móvel.
Reservas direto pelo whatsapp:
(21) 98776 0747
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seakicker · 2 years
could you reopen your discord server with the caveat that we have to dm you to join so there's no drama?
i don’t have any plans of making a discord server at this time (and my old one was completely deleted rather than privated/everyone was kicked/anything like that, so it’s not up anyways) because i’m just trying to focus on myself + my self-esteem, getting used to being on tumblr again, learning better interpersonal relationship skills, all that. running a server was already kinda stressful for me back then mostly because of the sheer amount of people in the server so i’d definitely say it’d be too much for me rn.
when i had it open, people already had to dm me before joining to confirm their age, and i would definitely do that again if/when i decide to make a server again. but if you wanna just chat on discord or anything you could def send me a friend request! i’m forsake not thy faith#0747
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botiga-sabate · 12 days
Sandàlia Planes de Dona Beis Marron Negre i Verd amb Doble Sivella a Serraje Autenti 0747 Marca Autenti. Model 0747 Sandàlia bio, fabricada en seratge (pell) natural color negre, beix, marró i verd. Plantilla que incorpora sistema d'encoixinat carbònic sempre respectant el disseny anatòmic. Planta de suro 100 natural. Disseny amb doble tancament de sivelles ajustables perquè s'adaptin millor a l'amplada del peu. Calça normal. Fet a Espanya. *Aquest model està fabricat amb materials naturals i medis artesanals, les possibles diferències de to i textura són prova de la seva autenticitat i compromís amb el medi ambient.
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boobsperv01 · 1 year
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
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General Staff
👑Sauzando Shin
🎙Hitokoe Mitsuru
Building 1
🐰Ichijou Tamato
🔩#01396 Zakuro
🍓#0117 Hina
Building 2
🐱Nimaijita Mao
🐯Nikaidou Taiga
🐆Nikaidou Kotetsu
🐈#0235 Mike
🐅#02106 Tora
🐈‍⬛#0287 Hachi
Building 3
🦚Mitsuba Kiji
❤#0382 Honey
Teaching You How to Play Darts (os) ♂️ 💞
🔧#0303 Trois
🌸#03320 Haru
🍁#03922 Aki
Building 4
🐶Yozakura Kenshirou
💅🏻Suguroku Hitoshi
🔥#04634 Musashi
Building 5
🐒Gokuu Samon
Inmate Reader With A Pet Monkey (hc) ♂️ 💞 🧀
🐗Hakkai Inori
📿Sanzou Houzuki
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
🦖Daisen Youriki
🌺Daisen Kokoriki
📦Daisen Rokuriki
🦎Gojou Ruka
🗻#05900 Gokuu Enki
🐉#0502 Liang
🌿#0517 Qi
🙏#0558 Upa
#0508 Hachiman
Building 6
🦇#0689489 Hakushaku
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
📢#06262 Tsumuji
🪴#06810 Baio
⚙#061066 Toroichiru
Building 7
🍩Nanairo Nijimasu
🔴#0727 Nina
🔵#0737 Mina
🟡#0747 Shina
With a Pre-Arrest Idol Boyfriend (hc) ♂️
Building 8
🐍Orochi Yamada
Bubbly, Naive & Friendly Reader (hc) ⚧
🐬Mizuki Tanaka
🐡#08109 Rokurajin Murakami
🌷#081486 Ishal
Building 9
🦊Kyuubi Koinosuke
✝️#0944 Sith
About Religion (os) ♂️ 💞
Building 10
🦨Jubaco Tatsumi
⚡#1030 Dhi
Building 11
🪐Rianni Ju-Ichigo
🌌#1124 Yupiter
Building 12
🏜Scara B Kepri
🕌#12716 Nile
🛖#12316 Mummy
Building 13
🦍Suguroku Hajime
💪🏻Godai Yamato
⭐Tanabata Seitarou
🔓#1315 Jyuugo
🎲#1311 Uno
🍽#1369 Rock
📺#1325 Nico
🥷#1399 Tsukomu
♨️#13243 Fuji-San
🏞#13932 Kusatsu
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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numbers34kiwami · 23 days
2024年 5月 22日ナンバーズ4当選全体予想
☆第6474回☆ ナンバーズ4 抽選日 2024年 5月    22日 全体予想   ◎シングル全体予想◎ 7014 7024 7034 7045 7046 8047 9047 7124 7134 7145 7146 8147 9147 7234 7245 7246 8247 9247 7345 7346 8347 9347 7456 8457 9457 8467 9467 9478   ◎ダブル全体予想◎ 順位データー 0047 0474 0747 1147 1744 7714 2247 4742 7427 3347 4374 3477 4457 4467 4478 4479 5457 4757 7646 6477 7847 4977 8487…
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saleinthecity · 25 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New JCREW Size 12 Carolina Flare Pant in Stretch Linen Blend Black $148 BZ404.
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iamdyeing · 2 years
ACNH Pokémon Tees
Hiya! I’m John from Peach Isle and I have been making some cute little Pokemon shirt designs that are available for anybody to use! I started with grass types, then had the idea to do some ghost types when I did the Pumpkaboo one. I plan to do a fairy and ice typed sets, as well as a set dedicated to baby Pokemon too!
If anybody wants a specific shirt they are more than welcome to message me on here about it. Don’t be shy!
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If anybody is interested in using or keeping track of  these designs, my creator code is MA-0747-4987-3346
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