baldinar · 7 months
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reticent-fate · 7 months
Any time I have to ask for PluralKit in a server I get this flesh gnawing anxiety about it and---
//notices the anxiety holder in front with me//
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ladies-man217 · 11 months
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I love him so much
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infinitesadnessmelon · 5 months
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Himmel the hero's party
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autolenaphilia · 10 months
Fun fact: two of the biggest source ports for the classic ID Software games Doom and Quake were developed by trans women. Darkplaces for Quake by Ashley "Ladyhavoc" Hale and Zdoom by Marisa Heit.
To explain: The source code for most of ID Software's old games and engines including the Doom and Quake games are open source, which means that fans can use it to create ports for these old games that run natively on modern systems, including both Windows and native Linux support and enhancements that take advantage of modern hardware. They also enable you to run modern mods and level packs, like the memetic Darkplaces.wad that uses a derivative of Zdoom. Pretty nifty if you want some 90s shooter action. And you can thank trans women programmers when you do.
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ammonitetestpatterns · 7 months
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demonicgod · 7 months
Huh... I don't know why it took me this long to realize it but a lot of my memories involve being in someone else's body. Like, possessing people.
Love being a stereotypical demon just ignore the fact I don't have horns /j
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novinare · 3 months
👗 for Will out to dinner with Campbell
And also for Rosie when she's in the comfort of her home and chilling (if she ever does? I mean I hope so!)
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Will doesn’t tend to choose fancy places for dates-- sure it’s fun to dress up, but he doesn’t need to be surrounded by thousand dollar glasses and gold-rimmed plates to do that!  (Partially because they end up being very expensive things that are going to break when he accidentally bumps them off the table!)
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Relaxing is something that's very difficult for Rosie. Even when she's in the privacy of her own home, there are still people that need her help at odd hours. They rely on her to be put-together, and polished, even in the middle of the night when all she really wants is a cup of tea and to go to bed.
Most of her lounging clothes are still intended to look presentable, even if she's caught by surprise by a knock at the door. Structured robes and Edwardian tea gowns, silks and satin and velvet, and things that walk the line between casual and going-out clothes.
After the tragic death of her husband, a dear friend of hers gifted her an extremely dramatic wine coloured, dead husband robe, complete with feathers. It's not really Rosie's style, but there's something satisfyingly fabulous about sweeping around her house in glamour, while the idiot is being digested by her dinner guests.
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dronningnure · 11 months
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Stupid sexy Kevin
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fagsex · 1 year
mys boys got his own ringtone its the only one i know its the only one i know my boys got his own ringtone its the only one i know its the only one i answer 😄
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baldinar · 1 year
Who is Decanee? How is She Different From Kaze’aze?
Crossposting this from the r/GrandChase subreddit where I went a little bit off the rails explaining what’s up with Decanee. Figured it’d be good to put it here on this blog too. It’s way too long, so it’s under a cut. Be forewarned there’s spoilers for GC:DC and GCC! TL;DR is near the top.
Also, I absolutely have more thoughts about this topic that we’ve got going into the essay on plurality in GC(DC) because. Oh my god. You know how evolution-wise everything eventually becomes crabs? That but with fucking plural characters in this franchise, Gods help me. A lot of that is up to interpretation of course but I think that essay’s kind of further back in our post log and. I will not go on that tangent right now.
Enjoy the unhinged essay on these characters we wrote at like 3 AM lmao.
[ So I might be in the process of writing way too many essays about this series, especially about this single nebulous character lmao, so here's the Lore:tm: that you get from playing further through the mobile game, including what's up with Karina in this all too. Spoilers for the Bermesiah, Ellia, and Pandemonium worlds and also what you can see in the event dungeon in GCC.
First, the tl;dr in case you're not here for an essay: Karina was turned into a demon by Ashtaroth (possessed by the evil prana of Baldinar). Everyone turns on her, so she decides she's going to make it everyone's problem that she's a demon now. She's now Kaze'aze. The plot of GCC happens; Kaze'aze is defeated in her castle. What we are told is Kaze'aze shows up in Tower of Disappearance, but the event dungeon (Tower of Illusion) tells us that this is potentially Decanee, who is a construct made by Heitaros to imitate Kaze'aze and sow chaos. Decanee takes the memories remaining from Kaze'aze. During the events of GC:DC, she purposefully lets people think she's Kaze'aze when it benefits her (such as with getting Vice's help or taunting the GC in Teroka). At the end of it all, however, she's nothing but a creation designed to press on the old wounds created by Kaze'aze.
Now. This is the longer version. All this is thankfully available to read on the wiki in a longer, less centralized version. You can also find folks playing through the story on Youtube.
Karina Erudon was a member of the Kanavan guard, a close friend of Anyumena (the Queen of Kanavan). One day, their caravan was attacked. The queens survived, but Ashtaroth (possessed by the evil prana of Baldinar that was remnant after the explosion of Kounat), wanted to take revenge on the descendants of Kounat's survivors and cause them pain. Thus, he cast a demonization spell on Karina, framing her for the attack. The country pushed her out, and eventually Ashtaroth approached her with the offer to teach her her magic once she'd grown resentful of her countrymen.
At this point, Karina is given the name Kaze'aze. According to some dialogue said in the GC:DC Tower of Disappearance (potentially just flowery language butchered by the translation), Karina was dead by time her body became Kaze'aze. Regardless, people still think of Karina when they see Kaze'aze, and her memories as Karina no doubt help her cause chaos and start the war that inevitably leads to the formation of the Grand Chase. She is killed in her castle, claiming that she will eventually return to take revenge on the Grand Chase.
At this point, her memories find their way into the many towers that dead souls find themselves into; the Tower of Disappearance is the most memorable one, as it shows up in both Grand Chase Classic and GC:DC. It's difficult to tell which version of events are canon here: the in-game dialogue, Episode &, or the retelling in the GC:DC intro. Regardless, the Kaze'aze that shows up here is Schrodinger's Dekaze'aze. She might be Decanee imitating Kaze'aze, she might not be. Hopefully, KOG will give us a definitive answer. Probably not. 
Let's talk about Decanee specifically, though.
Decanee is a construct explicitly created by Heitaros to cause chaos. According to Pino, she is "The Existence that Sows the Seeds of Chaos." She is quite literally designed to emulate Kaze'aze. She's rather open about this, kind of offering non-answers during the story about being not quite Kaze'aze, but this is taken to an extreme conclusion in the arc leading up to Pandemonium. Decanee is working with a sorcerer, Vice, who was extremely close with Karina. A keen eye will notice that any time Vice calls Decanee "Karina," she is nonchalant about going "well if you say so haha." This even shows in Vice's final scene at the end of Tower of Disappearance.
Some final thoughts, before I wrap this up lol. Let's look at the new GCC event dungeon.
There's a lot of ambiguity to the degree that Decanee has genuinely integrated Kaze'aze's memories into her consciousness. At the end of Tower of Illusions, she absorbs Kaze'aze's remnant memories, which appear to have some cognizance remaining, and then nearly loses herself to those memories, becoming Kaze'aze. She manages to pull herself together in the end, and by time we see her in GC:DC it's much less often that we see her slip into the persona of Kaze'aze.
Personally, I'm really excited to see if KOG actually wants to acknowledge the interesting line this character toes between the perception of self and identity, but it's also KOG and I only have these expectations because I am literally writing essays for fun about this garbage game lmao. Here's hoping she's fun to play at least, and so sorry if an infodump was not what you wanted lol.]
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reticent-fate · 8 months
Dude, I can't believe I missed ALL of Summer. Five whole fucking months, Jesus Christ. 💀
And also like a billion diagnoses and the addition of a cane to the body's mobility needs.
Holy shit.
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kurumiiko · 1 year
do you eve r just okay you are just thinking with ur brain right and then you just go “wow kurumi shiratori” because because i do that a lot……😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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darthlenaplant · 2 years
Watching Spectre right now.
Jesus Christ on a disco stick, I absolutely can't take Max seriously. That's just a Moriaty. (No, I never watched BBC Sherlock, I only saw hbomberguy's video essay. It told me all I needed to know.)
Also, poor Q. Your taste in men is... uh...
ALSO also, Bond's "No. Stay." Actually STALLING the fucking security has cracking me up.
Also also ALSO. Q. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU OPEN A LAPTOP ON A FUCKING SKILIFT? I KNOW YOU ARE NOT AN OPERATIVE IN THE FIELD BUT JESUS CHRIST, TRYING TO BLEND IN IS NOT THAT COMPLICATED. (I kinda would have liked them leaving the kidnapping him scene like in the original script, if only to keep it consistent?)
Also, the bald dude opposite of him lost his hat quite quickly. LMAO
And of course.
I hope this Moriaty dude gets killed by Bond (or any other double-0) later. M should have just decked him right there.
Can I also say something. The lipstick colour on Madeleine looks fucking stupid af on her. Srsly. Why does she look so weird? Is that just the combination of her dress and lighting in that train car?
Also, yeah, the "~LoVe~" between her and James is LITERALLY "just because the director said so". It's exactly as fake and put-on as that stupid fugly lipstick.
Hahahahaha, Madeleine's face when Bond says that thing about Q. She be like "he can't be gay if he fucks women left and right, but I guess a bisexual just fucks people of any gender left and right?"
And yes, they should have just let them say good-bye to eachother forever at that point. Honestly. Let that woman live in peace.
Lol @ the James Bond graffiti.
Okay, Bond getting the girl is okay too. In the movie.
The fics where he goes back to Q for good are still better. 😋😋😋😋😋
No srsly. It would have been a way funnier (and cooler) if it was Q sitting next to him. Well.
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fallingforfandoms · 1 year
Even more personal music rambling BUT:
Sonntagmittags die A5 in Richtung Heimat runter zu cruisen, während man "Born To Be Wild" auf den Ohren hat und links und rechts die kahlen Steinbrüche und die grünen Hügel vorbeiziehen ... big mood. Very big mood.
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rickwhite · 1 year
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Ki Tissa: A Lesson in Leadership

Moses was on top of Mount Sinai, experiencing Divine revelation on a level beyond the grasp of ordinary prophets.
At the foot of the mountain, however, the people began to worry. Not knowing why Moses was taking so long, not understanding how he could live without food and water for forty days, they felt abandoned and leaderless. They demanded that Aaron make them a golden calf, and they worshipped it.
God’s response was immediate — He banished Moses from Mount Sinai:
“Leave! Go down! The people whom you brought out of Egypt have become corrupt.” (Exodus 32:7)
It seems unfair. The people sin, and Moses is kicked off the mountain?

A Suitable Leader

In order for a leader to succeed, he must be appreciated and valued by his followers. The leader may possess a soul greatly elevated above the people, but it is crucial that the people should be able to relate to and learn from their leader.
At Mount Sinai, the Jewish people were on a lofty spiritual level. As a result, Moses was able to attain a supreme level of prophecy and revelation on top of the mountain. But after they sinned with the golden calf, Moses would no longer be a suitable leader were he to retain his spiritual attainments. It was necessary for Moses to “step down,” to lower himself, in order to continue serving as their guide and leader.
This idea is clearly expressed by the Talmud in Berachot 32a:
“What does it mean, ‘Go down’? God told Moses, ‘Go down from your greatness. I only gave you pre-eminence for the sake of the Jewish people. Now they have sinned — why should you be elevated?’
Immediately, Moses’ [spiritual] strength left him.”

(Gold from the Land of Israel, pp. 160-161. Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. I, pp. 142-143.)
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