#*intense finger crossing*
idiotarsonist · 2 months
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I’m not leaving the house today but I want *someone* to see my makeup
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justfriendsbestthings · 6 months
My cat does not have to go back to the vet this nightmare might be over now omg everybody cheer (until she develops a new thing for us to worry about)
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lesbiansanemi · 3 months
Being brave and trying to set up appointment with gynecologist today. Hell on planet earth
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zo1nkss · 8 months
I finished the episodes at a snail pace because I can't do anything at normal human speed and here are my brief thoughts post-binge:
ep1 > Honestly terrified me. I love seeing Ed in his evil era but I hated watching all my beloved crew suffer for it.
Will say I'm so fucking excited about Archie. Not sure I feed into the "TealOranges breakup" it honestly feels more like an open type thing. Like there aren't a lot of expectations idk. That's just my interpenetration of what we've got so far tho!
ep2 > Truly so much happened this episode that it's hard to condense my feelings into something digestible. Like I do feel bad for Izzy, but he's right in ep3 when he says he and Stede caused this and I think that's about where I stand on things. I do think he fucked around too close to the sun and now he's finding out how hot it can burn, but it still sucked to see Ed acting that way no matter who was getting the short end of the stick. I don't want to preemptively invent discourse that doesn't exist but I'm nervous about how yt ppl will react. Going to enjoy Ed getting to be a villain for five minutes tho because he rlly got his moment to be an absolute royal fucking bitch about a breakup. He got the rampage montage and that's awesome rock on man.
ep3 > what can I say? HANDS. MERMAID STEDE. Stede literally called Ed back from death. He literally led him back and Ed chose life because Stede was waiting for him. Stede wanted him around. I'm so not okay rn.
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orcelito · 9 months
Finished rereading (& re-editing) ITNL chapter 1 and uh
I mean not to toot my own horn but. Wow.
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byanyan · 2 months
anyway, i actually!! wrote more than i expected to today!! i'm feeling a little better, finding my balance again... aiming to finish the rest of the name prompts tomorrow 🤞
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theninjamouse · 1 year
I've finally gotten back on some meds which have been absolutely helping. However I've got a procedure happening on weds that will have me going under anesthesia so I've had to stop a few of my things, namely my iron pills. And today has been so odd because I woke up with an insanely low level of spoons in terms of energy but my anti-sads gives me a clarity that I'm not used to on low spoon days so I know exactly what's going on.
And hey, it's a good test, to know that it really is my iron levels that are giving me so many issues. But it's almost more frustrating in the way that I am sitting here, wanting to do things and work on OoF and tumblr asks but I just literally don't have the energy. I really needed to go out and do some freelance work as well so I could have some money coming in but again, I just can't hardly stay awake.
Steps are being taken to get myself healthy again. But it is such an intense and lengthy process. At this point I just have to hope that the results from weds will give me some answers, even if that answer is surgery
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edwardashley · 1 year
my absolute greatest fear is that since we’ve not heard from Ed Ash in eight months it’s because they’re doing the next season of House of the Dragon
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sarcasmic-skies · 10 months
literally what the FUCK!!!! is going on w my insomnia recently. like it’s always been bad but it hasn’t been this bad this often in a long time. as of this moment, saturday, 4:24 am cst, i’ve been awake for 44.5 hours straight & counting. the week before last i was up for 71 consecutive hours. when i finally fell asleep after running on 90 min of sleep for those 3 fuckin days, i woke up three hrs later!! what the FUCK!!!! chronic insomnia can suck my dick and balls and thank me for it i am so over it. and YES i see the fucking irony that it rears its ugly head after i read/annotated fight club over n over for 10 hrs straight on thurs. it’ll be very haha laugh funny once my body knocks this shit off. fuckin hell. (i will update)
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february was a very slow writing month bc my life was very stupid but! i have been slowly chipping away at second person fic and i have written over a thousand words this weekend and i have like fouuuuur sceeeenes leeeeft in this weirdo which is sooooo close especially since one of them i think will be pretty easy and two of them are real short
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retconomics · 1 year
wanting to draw body horror again...
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💭 Kit's thoughts about Laurie? 👉👈
Kit was new in town, a new hire for the sheriff's department, a new face - it was a new chance at her future.
She'd spent most of the morning looking around the office, taking in her fellow Deputies and the Sheriff. Her years in the army taught her how to quickly spot people's strengths and weaknesses, learning how to compensate for them. Joey had her head on straight, was a good leader, but there was something she was scared of. Staci was a showboat, overly confident...she knew far too many people like that back at boot camp, most of them quickly broke.
And then there was Laurie. Quiet, calm, most would say she was a little boring to talk to, but there was a strength there. Hidden, buried below the surface, waiting to be brought out. It came off her like an aura and Kit could feel it prickle at her skin like an electric spark.
Something hit a little too close to home about Laurie, and Kit wasn't so sure she wanted to dig.
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dragon-queensguard · 2 years
You know the personality and traits they gave Helaena in the show is actually what I kind of imagined for Vaella Targaryen
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g0reoz · 1 year
gang i am not gonna ngl. i have been gradually emotionally healing in ways i would have believed to be impossible just 2 or 3 years ago 👍
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manawari · 2 years
Attention! My posts will be all about TDP, so if you're a watcher and won't be able to watch it right away, feel free to block the tags "tdp s4 spoilers" since that's going to be the tag I'm using which I didn't get to use as well when the first episode came out.
So, that's all!
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raposarealm · 2 years
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Alright, enough with the chargemagia team, I’m goin’ back to my normal rat extermination crew. I’ve actually got a true anti-evade on Kamisen, and this time, the Tsumugi Swords is letting her hit with about the same amount of damage as Kirino on a non-dark target. I’ve tested on some Yozus and an Aniyachi so far, and I’ll keep testing in Endless throughout, but it’s 10pm EST currently and the reset’s at 1am, so... panic mode engaged.
I’ll try and figure out what I’m doing wrong with the chargemagia setup after this ranked is over and I stop finding nightmare bait defense teams everywhere. Also, JP playerbase, a cordial “fuck you” from all of us, thank you and goodnight.
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