#assuming at least a 9 charge combo each time on a 1.2x enemy team and a victory for all ten fights
raposarealm · 2 years
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Alright, enough with the chargemagia team, I’m goin’ back to my normal rat extermination crew. I’ve actually got a true anti-evade on Kamisen, and this time, the Tsumugi Swords is letting her hit with about the same amount of damage as Kirino on a non-dark target. I’ve tested on some Yozus and an Aniyachi so far, and I’ll keep testing in Endless throughout, but it’s 10pm EST currently and the reset’s at 1am, so... panic mode engaged.
I’ll try and figure out what I’m doing wrong with the chargemagia setup after this ranked is over and I stop finding nightmare bait defense teams everywhere. Also, JP playerbase, a cordial “fuck you” from all of us, thank you and goodnight.
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