#* headcanons | shizuka kawai
sleepy-za · 1 year
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mokuba: hey shi-chan….do you think that my brother and yours are secretly gay lovers?
shizuka: oh most definitely!
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seto: what r they giggling about….
jou: idk but I’m glad Shizuka is making friends :)
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zombiemollusk · 2 years
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according to the anime, shizuka likes nature.
i, being me, have decided to take this into the Full Weirdo Zone.
shizuka loves ALL creatures. all of them. and if given the chance, she will tell you ALL of the weird creature facts. all of them.
naturally, she and bakura bond over this. fuck yeah weird organisms.
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kira-quartz · 1 year
Miho and Serenity are both Sailor Moon fans and you can’t change my mind.
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Yugioctober Day 25: Do I Want to Be the Best or Am I Just Gay?
(Prompt list)  (Read it here on Ao3!)
Summary: Otogi, Honda, and Jounouchi all come to a realization at the same time and turn to the same person for help: Yugi. Unfortunately, the timing isn't as convenient for Yugi as it is for them.
Atem pulled his pillow over his head in an attempt to shut out the noise while Yugi sat up to deal with whoever had the audacity to interrupt his peaceful night’s sleep.  He squinted at the clock on his desk.  3:25 AM.  Someone had better be dying.
Yugi gathered enough willpower to drag himself out of bed, throw on some pants, and stumble his way to the front door.  Light poured in from the hallway of the apartment complex, blocked only by the shadow of the door’s assailant.  He pulled over the little stool they kept next to the shoes and stepped up to get a look at the source of the noise through the peephole.  What he saw didn’t answer many of his questions, but at least he knew it was safe to open the door.  He stepped down and undid the locks, flinching as the bright, fluorescent lights burned his retinas.
“Yugi!  Thank God you’re up, I really need to talk to you.”
Yugi glowered at his friend in a way only an exhausted college student could.  “Honda, what the fuck?  It’s the middle of the night!”
Honda didn’t seem at all affected by the late hour.  He was wide awake.  More than wide awake, in fact; he looked almost manic.  “I know I know I know, but I really need to talk to you.  It’s important!”
Since building up some semblance of a social life, Yugi prided himself in being a great friend and always being there for someone in their hour of need.  He thought it one of his best traits, as did many other people.  Unfortunately, this also made him the target audience for the most inconvenient requests and desires.  The number of times Rebecca or Vivian had called him late at night or during class just to “talk” (ie. flirt, even though he was in a relationship and not interested) were too many to count.  A chunk of his paycheck would often go to gas money or bus fare so he could run errands for people who couldn’t do it themselves, and he somehow managed to double-book himself at least once a week.  Atem was trying to help him say “no”.
But Atem was asleep.
And Honda was giving him those stupid puppy-dog eyes.
Yugi sighed and dragged his hands down his face.  “Fine, come in.”
In the blink of an eye, Honda’s shoes were off and he was pacing around the living room.  Yugi flipped on a light so they wouldn’t be sitting in the dark and flopped down onto the couch like a sack of potatoes.
“Alright, what--?”
“I think I’m bisexual!”
Well, Yugi was definitely awake now.
The two friends stared at each other in silence while Yugi’s brain caught up to him.  Once it did, he stood up and wandered into the kitchen.
“Where are you going?”
Yugi pulled out a kettle.  “To make some tea.  I have a feeling we’re going to be here for a while.”
Yugi’s phone rang as soon as he put the kettle on the stove.  He frowned down at the contact but answered anyway.
“Yugi!  Hey, how are you?  You busy?”
“Otogi, it is three in the morning.  Why are you calling me?”
“Sorry man, I know it’s late, but I really need to talk to you.  I think I might like...dudes...”
“...Are you close by?”
“Yeah, I was uh, just on my way over actually.”
Figures.  “Alright.”
“Yes!  Thanks buddy, I owe you one!”
You’re damn right you do.  “See you in a minute.”
The literal second he hung up, his phone rang again.  Yugi took a long, deep breath, trying to quell the urge to murder his friends.  He answered the call.
“Jounouchi, you’re my best friend and I love you, but what the fuck do you want?”  He heard Jounouchi inhale.  “No wait, let me guess.  You really need to talk to me.”
“...Yeah, actually.  How’d ya--?”
“And you’re questioning your sexuality.”
“Yug’, how the fuck--?!”
“Just get your ass over here and bring the oreos leftover from game night.”
Fifteen minutes later and all four of them were sitting around the coffee table with cookies and tea.  The visitors didn’t seem all that thrilled to be there together, which only did more to confirm Yugi’s growing suspicion.
“Alright, is everyone who’s having a gay revelation here in this room right now?”  His three friends glanced at each other and nodded slowly.  “Great.  Honda, you got here first, so you go.”
“I’d much rather do this privately,” Honda muttered.
Yugi narrowed his eyes at them.  “Look, I’m not a fucking therapist, and if I was, I’d be charging you money to see me at a reasonable hour.  So either this happens now or you wait until tomorrow when I have time.”
Honda stared down into his mug and swallowed hard, steeling himself.  “Alright, well, uh...I know I’ve kinda been, um, competing with Otogi over who Shizuka noticed and who the best guy for her was, but eh...well, it’s…”  He barely flicked his eyes over to Jounouchi before he was staring holes into the floor again.  “I...maybe kinda sorta realized I was doing it to get...your...attention…?”
“Shut the fuck up.”  Otogi all but slammed his tea down on the table.  “I was literally about to say exactly the same thing!”
Honda gawked at his romantic rival.  “Are you serious?!  We’ve both been competing for the wrong sibling this whole time?!”
“I guess?!  But then I started thinking you were hot too!”
“Me too!  I-I mean, about you!”
Jounouchi cleared his throat loudly despite still looking sheepish.  “Well, gotta be honest, I’ve sorta been intah you guys fer a while now...”
“So you weren’t questioning your sexuality?” Yugi asked.
“Not really.  I’ve sorta known, I just wasn’t ready ta come out yet.  I’m more surprised Otogi just figured it out.  I woulda clocked ‘im as some kinda queer from the start.”
“The obvious ones are always the last to know.”  Yugi took a sip from his mug, ignoring the glare he got from Otogi.  “Trust me, I speak from experience.”
Honda set his tea down much more gently than Otogi had.  “So, uh…now what?”
They all turned to Yugi, who was munching on an oreo.
“Let me just make sure I’ve got this one-hundred percent clear.”  He gestured between Honda and Otogi.  “You two like each other.”
They looked at each other, blushed, and nodded.
“And you both like Jounouchi.”
More nodding.
Yugi pointed to Jounouchi.  “And you like both of them.”
Jounouchi laughed nervously and nodded as well.
“Then date each other.”
Honda blinked.  “What, like, all three of us?”
“Can...can we do that?”
“Why not?  I’m doing it with Atem and Seto.”
The three of them sat shoulder to shoulder for another minute before Otogi finally got up the courage to say something.
“I mean...I’d be down to give it a try if you guys would.”
“I’d be down,” Jounouchi repeated with a grin.  “It could be fun!  Why not, right?”
Honda smiled back at him.  “Yeah, why not?”
“Wonderful.  Congratulations.”  Yugi pushed himself up and crossed the room to hold the front door wide open.  “Now you can all talk about your feelings or buy pride flags online or have loud gay sex or whatever, you just can’t do it here.”
They all walked out with grateful smiles and declarations of their appreciation, and Yugi locked the door behind them.  He didn’t even bother cleaning up the living room, just turning off the lights and trudging back to bed.  Atem rolled over to wrap an arm around Yugi’s waist as soon as he laid down.
“I had a feeling something was going on between those three,” Atem mumbled against Yugi’s hair.  “I was wondering when they would figure it out.  Though I suppose we have no right to talk.”
Yugi chuckled, snuggling closer to his partner.  “Like I said, they’re always the last to know.”
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Serenity wheeler headcanons:
- she was born in America like Joey in New York City and lived there till she was two and Joey was five when their parents moved back to their fathers home country in Japan.
- her eye disease was retinoblastoma, a rare cancer that affected her eyes but her parents and doctors couldn’t figure it out at first because it was a rare disease. So they assumed she had glaucoma or degeneration, but on the day she learned the time has come, the doctors finally found out her diagnosis, which led to her making the video tape as she wanted to see him one more time before not only going blind, but when she dies from her illness.
-Serenity is a straight A student thanks to the encouragement (pressure) from her mother who wanted her to become successful despite losing her sight. But when her mother got the news that her daughters illness was cancer and she might not make it, her mother was devastated thinking her daughters future was gone. But after getting the surgery and her eyesight repaired, Serenity decided to not make her whole life about school and started to go out and make friends, something that irked her mother.
-Serenity is the holder of the red eyes aka like kisara holds the blue eyes. When she recovered from surgery, her health improved and she started to feel more energy and raw emotions she never felt before. It started to come out whenever she and her mother got into fights about which schools her mom wants her to go to and who to marry, but one day when her mother remarked how Joey was a bad influence on her and to not call him so much, she turned pale when she saw her daughters eyes turn red as she hissed “I’ve spent almost seven years from him while dad was beating him and you left him with that man! you don’t get to keep me from him anymore when it was thanks to him I can see and I’m still alive with a chance for a normal life! “
-Serenity is a terrible cook due to not learning how to do so as her mother saw that she should do it for her daughter. But Serenity started to teach herself at her friends house after her surgery as her mother still won’t let her do anything.
-Serenity was sheltered after the divorce by her mother as she feared Serenity would get hurt by a man like she was with her ex husband (while believing Joey would be no different) so Serenity wasn’t allowed to date during her time at the hospital. Her mother was baffled and irritated that Duke Devlin showed up at their doorstep as Serenity went with him to the movies.
-Serenity starts standing up for herself more at school since her surgery thanks to the courage Joey and his friends gave her. From the bullies who picked on her for her bad eyesight (and jealousy cause Serenity was the most beautiful girl at school), the teachers that made her uncomfortable and her mother who she had kept the peace for years to be a filial daughter.
-Serenity was in the swim team at her school before her sight started getting worse. Being in the water reminded her of the beach Joey took her to before the divorce, and she hoped to see him again so they could go swimming and show her new skills. It was one of the few things she could do independently without her mother hovering over her.
-She found the hospital bill, saw that her surgery wasn’t three million dollars, but two thousand instead. She showed her mother thinking the hospital made a mistake, only to see her mother become pale and full of fear. That’s when she found out her mother lied about the cost of the surgery when she’d found out Joey wanted to help in hopes of keeping him away. That confession followed other truths that came, her parents weren’t divorced and she kidnapped Serenity and left Joey when as an American born citizen, they weren’t bound to the laws of japans custody laws. Serenity couldn’t remember what happened next, but the next thing she knew was that she had a suitcase in her hand and was on her way to the airport while her mother was running after the cab she was in.
-Serenity meets Arthur and Rebecca when she arrived in Japan and realized Joey was in Egypt. They let her stay with them as she told them her situation with her and joeys mother. The next day, Arthur informed Serenity that he contacted his lawyer to negotiate transfer of custody from her mother to him, along with her handing over the left over money that Joey got from duelist kingdom in exchange to not report her to human services and going to prison.
-Serenity was happy to see the others again when they returned from the ceremonial duel, when Joey asks what she’s doing here and if their mom knew, she tells him “we don’t have to worry about that.” When Joey goes to her new house that Arthur had her stay in, she breaks down and tells Joey everything. She cried in joeys arms that night.
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duelistkingdom · 4 years
Since you’re always right, which characters in Duel Monsters are-
Best singers?~
Best dancers? (we all know Teá’s on there but any others u think?)~
Which ones can spit BARS?~
The Meme Kings/Queens~
The musical theatre nerds?~
And any other random hcs u have for anyone?~
best singers: YUGI, honda, shizuka, malik
best dancers: yugi, jonouchi, mai, isis
which ones can spit bars: malik, atem, anzu
the meme kings/queens: shizuka, rebecca, malik, jonouchi
the musical theater nerds: SETO KAIBA, anzu
the random headcanons are posted as they come to me <3 BUT kaiba’s a fan of into the woods and thinks happy endings are overrated. yugi LOVES happy endings and cinderella is his favorite movie of all time.
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kuroyri · 5 years
            shizuka with freckles is honestly the only canon i accept for her
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ariasune · 6 years
Trans lady Mai Kujaku? 👌👌👌👌👌
Trans girl Shizuka Kawai? 👌👌👌👌👌
Mai supporting and mentoring Shizuka? 👌👌👌👌👌
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Shizuka Kawai/Serenity Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, submitted by anon
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
So, yanno the Wheeler siblings? You know how Shizuka sends Jounouchi that videotape right before Duellist Kingdom about how she wants to reach out to him and see him one last time before she loses her sight? You know what I love about that? They’re not close. It’s been ‘so long’ since they’ve seen each other, kind of implied they haven’t seen each other more than in passing, if at all, in the six years since their parents split up. Honda doesn’t even know about her. It’s just- such a shot in the dark.
I realise this is pretty much pure, unfiltered headcanon - but it’s also maybe not a hard headcanon to get to. Jou & Shizuka’s mom might not really be the sweetest, having left Jounouchi to fend for himself with her ex. I know I’m not the only one that thinks part of the reason Shizuka can be so soft-spoken is because she isn’t really heard at home. (Well, Shizuka’s characterisation for me is one that oscillates between being really stubborn and impulsive and passionate, and hedging trying to please others and not to cause waves.) Anyhow, we know how Jounouchi received her videotape, but I think about the context in which she might have sent it. I just imagine her being in this household with her mother and grandparents, and everybody’s really concerned about how Shizuka’s impending blindness is going to affect them, and not really paying attention to her and how she feels. And Shizuka’s trying to be quiet and keep it together but- it’s scary. It’s life altering and scary and lonely. And I just imagine her one day going- Fuck It - she needs to say it. It doesn’t matter who hears it, she just needs to tell someone, ‘hey, this is what’s going on with me. this is my experience. and i wish things had gone differently.’ And so she pulls out this tape and records it and sends it to her estranged brother - not asking him for help, just- ‘i wanted you to see me. i wanted someone to know’.
And, dude, she had no way of knowing it would lead anywhere. No way of having any idea who her brother had grown up into in the last six years. But Jounouchi receives that tape and it tells him exactly what he needs to hear. There’s something out there to care about and to fight for and to be better for. There’s something he can do to prove his worth and hone his abilities and foster something positive for himself and others. And, goddamit, he pulls himself together and fights to get the money for her surgery. And somehow that really brave moment when Shizuka sent out a video record of her vulnerability into the wild unknown managed to bear fruit and be something so positive that saved both of them in the end. And it’s just so precious. I love the Wheeler siblings.
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zombiemollusk · 2 years
was rereading parts of the manga so i could remember character stuff
got to the part where otogi meets mai and thinks she’s hot
i remembered it as an attraction-at-first-sight thing (like with most of the other guys), but upon rereading, it isn’t quite that
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he’s just kinda “who tf is this”
it isn’t until they get in her car and experience her driving that he expresses interest
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conclusion: ryuji otogi has a thing for reckless driving
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allmyfavesarebi · 7 years
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Serenity Wheeler/Shizuka Kawai from Yu-Gi-Oh! is bisexual!
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faevarra · 7 years
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ok first batch of yugioh pridecons!
ive got more planned (and a couple more that are actually done) so look out for those~
all of them are 250x250, and flag meanings are in the captions!
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shizuka kawai tag dump.
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Yugioctober Day 27: Burger
(Prompt list)  (Read it here on Ao3!)
Summary: The unexpected arrival of a long-lost friend makes Anzu's slow work day much more exciting.
It was a snowy Wednesday afternoon and, with nothing to do, Anzu was relaxing on her phone in the employees-only area.  There were a few patrons out on the floor already enjoying their meals, so Anzu wasn’t worried about wasting time until one of them asked for their check.  Despite having to cut down on her hours, she was grateful to the Burger World people for allowing her to transfer locations when she moved to New York.  The extra income was a huge help when covering the cost of tuition and everyday necessities.
The bell above the door chimed, and Anzu left a quick like on a photo of Yugi and Atem’s new cat before slipping her phone back into her pocket.  Snatching a menu from the top of the stack, she weaved through the tables like a practiced figure skater, her customer service smile already plastered on her face by the time she reached the new arrival.
“Hi there, welcome to Burger World!” she chirped as she set the menu down.  “My name is--”
The haze of her routine lifted, allowing her to take in the details of the person she was serving.  Her eyes widened.
Sure enough, Miho Nosaka was smiling up at her from the booth, but she certainly wasn’t the Miho who had moved away during their freshman year of high school.  Her swooping lavender hair was cut almost as short as Honda’s, the few rebellious strands falling across her forehead a stark contrast from the bangs that once covered it completely.  The bow in her hair was gone, replaced by a mint bowtie under the collar of a pale pink button-up with little white polka dots.  A red trench coat was neatly folded on the bench next to her, a knit beanie and a flannel scarf resting on top of it.
Anzu’s smile shifted to one of genuine happiness as Miho shot up and yanked her into a hug.  Both of them squeezed the life out of each other, their squeals and laughs muffled by the other’s clothes, and instinctually continued their conversation in Japanese.
“Miho, holy shit, how are you?!  It’s been so long!”
“I know!  I’m so sorry I didn’t keep in touch, my phone got stolen a couple years back and I couldn’t remember anyone’s numbers!”  She gave Anzu an apologetic smile and sat back down.
“Oh my god, don’t worry about it!  Trust me, there was a lot going on, you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”  She pulled out her notepad and pen.  “You still get your usual?”
“Yep!  You still remember?”
“Duh, of course I remember!”  She read off the order as she scribbled it down.  “A double bacon cheeseburger, medium rare, no mustard, no pickles, a chocolate milkshake, and fries with extra extra extra ketchup on the side.”
Miho laughed.  Anzu had forgotten how beautiful her laugh was.  “You got it!  Except switch out the milkshake for a hot chocolate, it’s way too cold for a milkshake.  And you know I’m a ketchup hog, they always stiff you on ketchup.”
“No they don’t, you just eat more ketchup than a normal human being.”  She fixed the order and flipped her notepad closed so she could look back into Miho’s royal blue eyes.  “Since it’s so slow today, I could probably ask my manager if I can take my break early.  We can catch up!”
“I would love that!”
Anzu grinned and shot her a wink on her way back to the kitchen.  After getting the all-clear from her manager, she added her own order to Miho’s ticket, dropped it off with the cook, and waited until it was ready.  Since there was really nothing for her to do anyway, it didn’t cut into her break time.  She was grateful her manager was so flexible.
She returned to Miho’s table with two trays of food, one balanced in each hand, and set them down so she could sit across from her.  Miho popped the lid off her hot chocolate to blow off some of the steam.
“So how’s everyone back in Domino?” she asked.
Anzu smiled around the fry in her mouth.  “They’re doing great!  Everyone graduated last year, Yugi, Honda, and Ryou are at DCU, and Jou’s working on becoming a top duelist.  And you remember Shizuka, Jou’s little sister?  She’s been getting into fashion designing!  She’s already halfway through high school, can you believe that?”
“No way!”  Miho gawked at her, her cheeks puffed out from the huge bite she took out of her burger.  She held up a finger while she finished chewing.  “She just started junior high when I left!”
“I know!  She’s even taller than me now!”
“Stop it, you’re lying!”
“I swear I’m not, see for yourself!”  Whipping her phone out of her pocket, she pulled up a picture she took of her and all of their friends outside the airport before she flew to New York for the first time.
“Wow, look at how tall Yugi is too!”  Miho leaned over the table to get a better look at everyone.  “Who’s that?”
Anzu followed where she was pointing.  “Oh, that’s Yugi’s boyfriend, Atem!  He uh...moved to Domino from Egypt a few years ago.”
“And they just happen to have the same hair?”
“It’s a long story, trust me.  Come on, tell me about you!  How’ve you been?  What’ve you been doing?  When did you cut your hair?”
“I knew you were going to ask eventually!”  Miho giggled into her hot chocolate.  “I cut it last year, but I traded my ribbons for bowties a year before that.”
“Leave it to Miho to always work a bow into her outfit.”
She shrugged.  “What can I say?  Old habits die hard.”
They spent the rest of Anzu’s break catching up, chatting about fond memories and new friends they made while they were separated.  Anzu had to do a bit of clever maneuvering to explain some of it without giving away the whole “Yugi was possessed by the spirit of an ancient Pharaoh” thing, but it didn’t take away from the joy she felt at finally reuniting with one of her best friends.  After what was definitely not long enough, the timer on her phone went off to signal the end of her break.
Miho hastily wiped the grease off her fingers and put her palm face-up on the table.  “Phone, give.”
Anzu handed her phone over, and Miho opened a new contact for her to punch in her information.  Anzu waited for her to finish before swapping her phone for the check.  Once everything was paid for and Miho was bundled up again, they exchanged another tight hug, and Anzu walked Miho to the door.
“You better not forget my number this time,” Anzu teased and was rewarded with another round of Miho’s musical laughter.
“Trust me, I won’t!  But just in case I do…”  In the blink of an eye, Miho leaned in, pecked Anzu on the cheek, and threw open the door with a blast of cold air.  “I missed my chance years ago, I’m not about to miss it now!  Call me!”
Then she was gone, leaving a flustered, giddy Anzu staring out at the snowy street through the glass.  Her phone was still open to Miho’s contact.  She smiled down at the little note below her name.
“Your all-time favorite gal pal!! <3 ;)”
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anzu-kaiba · 4 years
So I have this headcanon
About Domino High and some of its students:
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Seto Kaiba donates a lump sum every year to the school for need-based scholarships to the school. It's not in his name, and it can't be used for anything else, but in exchange, the teachers can't say anything about how often Kaiba is away for tournaments / duels / business. Jounouchi may or may not be a recipient of one of these scholarships.
The only reason why Seto still attends school after confirming the existence of the last Blue Eyes and tearing it is because the execs at Kaiba Corporation (and other companies) would always look down on him if he didn't even TRY to graduate high school. It'd make him look lazy, and SETO KAIBA IS NOT LAZY. He does all the homework and stuff, and takes the tests, but on his own time.
Domino High is a private school (with higher than normal tuition). That's why Kaiba would go there at all; people with money are the ones likely to have rare Duel Monsters cards (or so he thinks).
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Jounouchi HAD to go to Domino High once he got accepted (he tested for it on a dare) because it would be a step up from Rintama and the gang life he was trying to escape. If he didn't get a scholarship, his mom is actually surprisingly wealthy (she wasn't at the time of the divorce, but she didn't trust her ex to care for Shizuka's medical needs, and she only got custody of one kid). So she does her best to help by paying his tuition, but he still has to hustle for rent and food because of his alcoholic father. Jounouchi & Ms. Kawai’s relationship isn't the best because he never understood why she didn't "fight harder" for custody of both of her children. DHS is okay with Jounouchi working and dueling because he's something of a great case study for the school, considering his "fluke" test results and his background. Still, his mom’s not so rich that she could pay for Shizuka's operation in the timespan she needed it by, so Jounouchi's prize money from Duelist Kingdom really helped (and took her by surprise; she didn't think this whole "dueling" thing was worth his time, but...).
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The girls' uniforms are very unique, and that's why there are restrictions on students working: if you get caught working at a fast food joint or convenience store, you get in trouble (it reflects poorly on the school to work at those places; you're either rich enough to not need to or you should be busy with schoolwork/activities). It's mostly enforced for the girls, which is a total double standard, but Anzu can't complain since her parents don't know about her job(s) either, and they wouldn't defend her. She can't bring her work uniform to school because she might get caught with it, and she can't leave it at home in case her parents catch her. So she leaves it in her work locker and goes to work in her uniform, pretending to be a customer until she can "sneak in" and no DHS students are there. If any do go in, she asks to clean the bathrooms (and no one else wants to do it, so she is always allowed) or she puts her hair up in a net and gives herself freckles with an eyeliner pencil.
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