#* / stelle: answered.
endlesslytired · 2 months
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mspaintbladie · 8 months
Would Bladie take care or look after smoll Trailblazer?
Kafka seems to trust him enough to leave him on babysitting duty! He is... a little confused but he makes a decent father figure at least
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ihatechosingnames · 1 year
Honkai Star Rail Lore and Spoilers?
So, this is actually the second attempt. The first got lost.
Kafka, even as an enemy, is exceptionally helpful in terms of lore. And with the Data Banks, we can fill a lot of plot holes, maybe left on purpose.
So, we capture Kafka and interrogate her, first with the Diviner, then alone. People leave us alone with Kafka, even when they don't trust Kafka to not pull some kind of brainwashing and even when they see a strange connection between Stelle (the female MC) and Kafka herself.
So, Elio, her boss, has already foreseen everything, even our questions, and that make Kafka tell us everything she knows, which is only a tiny part of what Elio knows. I can't wait to actually meet him. So, they lead us with tiny crumbs to do what they want, in this case, ally ourselves with Xianzhou because in the future we are going to fight Nanook the Destruction.
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She actually says "in the best and the worst cases", so if we stay on a neutral case there is a tiny chance that we are not going to fight an Aeon. But I don't think we are going to have that much of a choice: Kafka telling all of that could mean two things:
1 we can fight against this prophecy, which can end up as a self-driven prophecy or we can avoid altogether this scenario
2 we do nothing and the prophecy can or not happen.
Since the Stellarion hunters are working so hard to give us all the help we may need, it's possible that we cannot avoid fighting Nanook. This may be the reason why we have a Stellarion inside our body. And the cutscene ends with Kafka telling us that even Aeons can die, and soon after our point of view changes to Dan Heng and his side of the adventure. Basically in this world, Dan Heng is a protagonist just as much as Stelle, I'm going to analyze it later.
Back to Kafka, Stelle, LORE, and juicy information.
So, in the game, up to this moment, 5 Aeons are already dead, killed, or disappeared. The names are Long the Permanence, Idrila the Beauty, Ena the Order, Tayzzyronth the Propagation, and Akivili the Trailblaze.
Kafka is giving so much information that she also tells us how two of these five died:
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So, that explains why we don't have any information about Ena in the Data Bank, they were assimilated by another Aeon. But how does Kafka know it?
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From the Data Bank, Tayzzyronth duplicated himself "a torrent of infinite propagation. [...] fluttered across the worlds until their advances were halted by fate in some way."
Funnily enough, Dan Heng's side starts with Luocha talking about the Propagation and the mortality of Aeons.
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But nobody says which Aeon did the deed. Could it be it was the Hunt while he was searching for the Abundance? After all, their names share a similitude:
Propagation: 1. the breeding of specimens of a plant or animal by natural processes from the parent stock
Abundance: 1. a very large quantity of something.
It may be a theory since the Abundance's symbol is wheat and in the game is associated with plants, such as the Big Tree.
Theory number 1: Lan the Hunt killed the Propagation while pursuing the Abundance.
Back to Kafka, Stelle asks about Akivili's fate:
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Nobody knows. In the Data Bank: "Akivili's destiny was abruptly ended due to an accident", which tells nothing. Curiously, even Idrila the Beauty disappeared with no one knowing a thing: "The Aeon of Beauty suddenly vanished one day. It was just as mysterious as when they first appeared." So Akivili disappeared one day and it was not something decided by fate; Idrila disappeared, probably in the same way they appeared.
Of the five Aeons, three were discussed by Kafka and two by Dan Heng's party. And color me surprised, they talked about Long the Permanence.
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So a specie that lives in Xianzhou is a descendant of an Aeon, Long the Permanence. And they are related to dragons. Since Sushang is someone who doesn't like school, it's Dan Heng, Mr "I can't set foot on Xianzhou for multiple reasons regarding my backstory", which tells us what we need.
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And say, Dan Heng, how do you know all of this? It's more than what normal people should know, more like inside knowledge.
Theory number 2: Dan Heng, since his nickname is Cold Dragon Young, is a Vidyadhara and he was banished because he messed up a serious and important rite regarding Blade. But from the character story, it looks like he ran away and changed his name and face (maybe he reincarnated like they said about the Vidyadhara, even though it's said they have draconic features) to avoid detection and he is scared of someone (Blade, if we connect the dots with the Light Cone "Nowhere to Run") who has a killing intent against him, bad enough to follow him and destroy every single ship he (Dan Heng) was on. Dan Heng possibly is one of the rare descendants that inherit the trait to become a dragon. Whatever it means.
Side note: Am I the only one to see that Luocha and Dan Heng have similar clothing? Luocha is hella sus with a huge casket, his knowledge, the fact he was on the port after the blockade, his Path being the Abundance... This all leads to him being a kind of enemy, but it's such a huge red flag that is natural to put the focus on him.
The wiki also says "Luocha, also known as Rakshasa, are a type of evil spirit in Buddhist mythology who eat human flesh". Great way to name a character who is a healer, Hoyoverse. It's like they are trying to shout "LOOK AT HIM AND HIS HUGE RED FLAG".
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stellaron-girlies · 25 days
— An IDV x HSR blog!! ran by mun tae 🫶 :: she/they
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“ You won’t remember a thing except me. ” || Blog Information!!
- This is a roleplay and ask crossover blog between HSR and IDV!! Featuring three of the HSR cast as survivors within the manor
- Any responses will, for the most part, consist of written responses! Any type of characters (canon, OC, crossover, au, etc.) are free to interact
- This blog will contain spoilers for HSR!!
- this blog is heavily and I mean HEAVILY headcanon based, some of these headcanons coming from inside jokes with friends
- This blog rules are the usual basics (Racism, homophobes, and the like are not allowed. This is a safe space for everyone!) and this blog is a SFW blog. Flirting, suggestiveness and such is fine, just don’t go completely overboard!
- The mun is currently still in school, so, please be patient with her!!
- remember that muses does not equal mun!! and there is also a good chance that dark topics will appear in the future, do take caution
- at the end of the day, this blog is for fun! don’t expect anything too seriously from the mun, she’s kinda just here for shits and giggles
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“ Like fireflies to a flame… life begets death! ” || Muse Information!!
Muses :: aka the sillies!!
Stellaron Hunter :: Kafka ( Coordinator ) ( She/Her )
- mother of three kids and counting
- someone PLEASE take that “marriage certificate” away from her… and the gun too maybe.
- actually just. just get her out. get her OUT of here
Stellaron Hunter :: Firefly ( Mechanic ) ( All Pronouns - mainly she/her )
- Yes, SAM is the damn robot, letting you people know NOW.
- both happy to be here and wants to leave, depends on the day
- convinced that the other two need some form of help, she isn’t wrong.
Astral Express Member :: Stelle ( Antiquarian ) ( She/ They )
- is not to be trusted around trash cans.
- is not to be trusted alone in general, why did someone let her keep the bat.
- has taken the title of galactic baseballer and RAN with it. the baseball bat is her, and she is it. she is one with the baseball bat just as much as she is one with the Stellaron.
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“ Rules are made to be broken! ” || Extra Details!!
- However those rules above are very much not made to be broken, sorry gamers!!
- If there are any further questions feel free to DM me or send an ask!
Tags!! :
Kafka — 🕸️ || within the spider’s web ( kafka answers! )
Firefly — 🔥 || a dream to set the skies ablaze ( firefly answers! )
Stelle — ✨ || forging ahead the path of trailblaze ( stelle answers ! )
Mun Tae — 🫶 || heart hands!! ( messages from the mun )
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
(HSR AU) If Lucifer reminded IK of Welt, wouldn't it be cute if she kind of latched onto him at the start? She calls him Mr Lucifer and sort of treats him like her boss.
(When Welt actually gets here with the Astral Express he's going to be SO upset)
yes!! i feel like it'd kind of annoy some of the other brothers at first, especially satan, but it does come with the bonus of endearing her to lucifer very very quickly because 1. he likes being listened to, 2. she's very no-nonsense so he can feel that her respect isn't just sucking up to the big guy, and 3. she kind of reminds him of mammon back when he was a young angel
though ik can be very fickle about what she deems worthy tasks. for example, a request to get someone a drink will be met with "huh?? can't you just do that on your own = - =", but being told to deliver some documents will be met with fierce dedication until the objective is completed
when welt gets there he's like i thought... i was father figure... what he SAYS is that he's pleased ik was taken care of while she was away from the express, but he's giving off these vibes the entire time
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stelle-aron · 3 months
“Hey other me, guess who it is?”
(Mun Xyn- I’m intentionally forgetting about putting my RP acc here. It’s going to be a real guess, lmao. Hope you don’t mind?)
“Hm… Well, you’re me, right? Because you said other me. I’m going to guess @galacticbaseballbatter?”
*She was unsure of which Stelle was in front of her, as both of the ones she had interacted with looked quite similar, but she made a guess anyways.*
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“So, uh..random question, who’s like the best person you’ve met so far?” (According to you) (Question is for both muse and mun) @galacticbaseballbatter
I would say Clockie, but... he's not exactly a person.
*Misha laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.*
Uh... It would probably be y-you and Caelus, actually!
It's so cool how you two have been all across the galaxy, seeing different planets and helping people! When I'm old enough, I want to join the Express too and be just like you guys!
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araneitela · 1 month
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Quick interruption: This may (somehow, still?) be a hot take, but I swear to all that is unholy and insane, I've been sitting on this salt about the TB and Kafka since like May of last year. This isn't going to be a long meta at all, but I do want to make something abundantly clear on this blog.
I know that people say the 'mommy' thing jokingly because they have the hots for her (listen, I understand the motivation, I just firmly hate the term), but I know some people actively still believe that Kafka is somehow related to the TB even if her story quest has since entirely debunked that claim and proved the opposite. Let me just, share this for a second:
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(source) Can we put this to rest now, pretty please? I'm too old and too tired for this, guys.
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aseuki · 1 month
hi there Stell, good luck in the tourney! i'm plopping starstruck dee here in your inbox for a hot second!
she wants to know what's up with the economy and you seem like you might know! she also wants to tell you that you have the most amazing beautiful wings she's ever seen and also that your gun blades are soooooo incredibly super cool and you look like you must be really good at them and also that it's totally impressive that you live on a star and she wonders if that means the two of you are friends and also th
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[Obtained(?): +1 Conversation Buddy] Good luck, Starstruck!
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astral-express-family · 3 months
I saw you wanted to talk Astral Express Fam so Ill share a few headcanons, feel free to add your own💜
March gets sucked into youtube rabbit holes really easily, she literally falls asleep to a cooking video and somehow ends up on random ASMR videos
Dan Heng likely knows alot about random planets and their cultures/civilizations, he seems like a bit of a nerd so i think he'll info dump abt them to you if you ask
^ adding to above if you ask any question about what he's talking about he will definitely go off on tangents and talk about different, semi-related things while he answers your question^.^
Welt's room is kinda messy, his desk is covered in half-done sketches and random books about mecha and drawing. He probably also wakes up and spends the first hour of his day doing warmup sketches/drawings
Even though she prefers dark, bitter coffee, Himeko has memorized the specific way everyone on the express likes their coffee and she makes fresh cups in the morning for everyone.
Himeko, Stelle and March have girl's nights where they try on new clothes they bought and listen to Himeko talk about previous Nameless and the adventures she had with them
^Pom-Pom is sometimes roped into them, they have successfully dressed them up as Cinnamoroll at least once(ik pom pom purin is right there but idk cinnamoroll just...fits)
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I wanna know ur thoughts and stuff, lmk lmk lmk<3
yessssss i so agree with all of these wklejfkdjf
i especially love the girl's nights headcanon (i may only be partly girl but i am there for Girl's Nights too :3) honestly i might need to draw Cinnamoroll Pom-Pom at some point wjkfdjkd
Also headcanons of my own (ft. Miya aka my s/i):
if any threat got onto the Express, Pom-Pom would bite it without hesitation
When it comes to protecting his family (especially his kids), Welt has zero reservations about getting violent
There was once a time where Stelle, Himeko and Welt went to a planet together and pretended to be a family - husband, wife, and their daughter
It was Stelle's idea - Himeko thought it was funny and Welt was embarrassed
Surprisingly enough, Welt's actually very much a Girl Dad
Not to say he doesn't love Dan Heng or Caelus, of course
He's just ended up being closer to Miya, March, and Stelle overall
Conveniently enough, Himeko's actually very much a Boy Mom (not the shitty ones from like TikTok or whatever though)
March collects plushies and is very excited when she learns that Miya collects them as well
Stelle and Caelus forcibly claim Miya as their long-lost triplet (joking)
Dan Heng is incredibly touch-starved, but he will never admit this
His lack of admitting it doesn't matter, he gets hugs and cuddles from everyone anyways
Welt is the resident pillow for the Astral Express Kids
Himeko has borrowed March's camera and taken several pictures of them
Pom-Pom has been used as a stuffed animal, especially by Miya - they complain about it but secretly they don't actually mind
that was a lot of headcanons but i have many thoughts about these guys sooo
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luckquartzed · 2 days
stelle opens the door , sees aventurine kissing a skeleton . " ... " closes the door . / BYE
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Says the woman whose last date was a sentient trash can.
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 4 months
hhi! what is your fav ship and why?
Hi Hi back! Thanks for asking. And well, I have a few fav ships for various reasons. But I will go over a few of them that I love that are off the top of my head.
First one that I am gaining more traction is Zuko/ Katara. This one ship is one of those I was not looking to fall in love with it, it just found me, picked me up and said "You are coming with us now." Lol. But also giving it thought and seeing it from a personal, literary, meta, and animation analysis, they just click for me and make me happy to think of new ideas for them. I know it is not everyone's cup of tea, but I love this idea of what could be with these two for sure.
Next is Fakir/ Ahiru from Princess Tutu. I adore this enemies to partners to potential friends/ possible lovers. And also I love the story's message about being your true self and finding hope when things seem bleak. I won't go into too much details as I don't want to spoil the story- not only because it is really good, but it is meta has hell and I love the layers that they not only capture, but the rest of the world can empathize with.
InuYasha / Kagome: my original OTP growing up when I watched the show/ AMVs that I found of them on YouTube. I love their growth as characters as well as partners and relying on each other.
Tomoe/ Nanami from Kamisama Kiss. This made me realize I have a type, lol, but I can't help it. I love their growth as well as reliance on each other to help grow and support, and Tomoe finding himself more drawn to Nanami. But the best would be how they find out a huge secret about their relationship and how it actually started and just so freaking precious.
Dan Heng/ Stelle from Honkai Star Rail. This one is more personal but also I can see there being a romance between Stelle and Dan Heng to some degree.
Oh, and one non cartoon ship I guess, lol, would be Ziva/ Tony from original NCIS. Their chemistry, their banter, their story arc, and just support, damn! I did not know much of what happened to them after a few seasons and the actress for Ziva left, but I was routing hard for them.
And one more one more, but Harvey and Sabrina from Sabrina the Teenage Witch 1996 version. Just something about their chemistry and also the cute communication between them, and even Harvey coming to terms with her secret is also so sweet. (spoilier I guess if you have not seen it)
Thanks again for the ask!
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arlan-sd-hss · 3 months
“So, uh..random question, who’s like the best person you’ve met so far?” (According to you) (Question is for both muse and mun) @galacticbaseballbatter
mm... Lady Asta, i suppose? Though i also enjoy spending time with Dan Heng..
Is there any reason you're asking?
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
okay a bit of spoiler for hsr but i feel like ik would be such a darling to dan heng with all his problems
like she gives him space but also subtly help him in the data bank and he feels so warm with our little ik. like thank you for having a braincell (most of the time) :)))))))))))
also ik does not hold back on blade, dont you dare hurt him >:(
"i may be shorter than you but i can swing at your kneecaps mf"
dan heng is "i've only had ik for a day but if anything happened to her-" and ik is "EXCUSE ME! he asked for no pickles", and they also take it in turns being "don't talk to me or my son ever again" for each other
most of the time they're very sweet but sometimes they will both look at you with extreme Scorn and it's like getting your insides frozen in real-time (ik picked up the glare from stelle, but the silent disdain was alll from dan heng baby)
i'm not 100% clear on what the heck's going on with his backstory, but what i DO know is that ik would quietly sit next to him late at night on the astral express and keep him company until he feels at peace, because that is what ik does best
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trailblczed · 28 days
CAELUS. Where did my cat cake go?! You can't tell Mr. Yang or Himeko, it took me so long to get it onto the Express without them seeing...
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Casually placing a blanket over TrashCake, not so subtly whistling to cover up the creature's quiet mewling. What? Mom said it was his turn to play with the cat cakes! As someone once said: All is fair in playtime and war.
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❛ Mmmmm I dunno, I haven't seen any of them around here..~ Have you tried the kitchen cart? They might have been hungry. ❜
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trlblzd · 10 days
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@vancreux sent : " what do you want ? " // from blade
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THEY HAVE A BAD HABIT with staring when they shouldn't be.
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they cannot help it --- there is a sense of intrigue that fills them whenever they around him. to be around someone that essentially KNOWS a past they do not know of about themselves is a strange feeling. while they doubt that they had the same grand bond like them & his ... colleague ( ? ) he is definitely aware of a time that they do not have the privilege of knowing. almost as if stuck in a trance, they are unable to SUPPLY him with an immediate answer.
" i dunno ... " the reply seems lost. said in a way that sounds near pitiful but NOT wanting to push their luck with prying. fidgeting with a glove, they cast their gaze to the ground. " sorry. " they huff out a small chuckle. it lacks any ESSENCE of humor but it is meant to lighten the mood. waving their own mind away, they center their focus on him instead. perhaps they may be annoying him but hey --- SURELY they can stay around and probe at him for stabbing their friend.
" what hair products do you use to keep your hair like that ? "
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