#(until the next williams pr video)
joeytime · 3 months
noooooooooo Williams how could you?
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Do you think William's reputation will survive? I feel so sorry for him and Catherine, I had to take a break from social media, the affair rumors are everywhere, everyone is now believing he had an affair, foreign media is now talking about him fathering an illegitimate child with Rose, they are even accusing him of domestic violence and people take it all as a fact.
In the long term big picture, William will be fine. A lot of this is going to be just a paragraph or two when he’s Charles’s age and we’re celebrating a jubilee or the birth of George’s child or Louis’s wedding or Charlotte leading the Lionesses to Olympic Gold and World Cup medals.
But in the short term, yes, William’s reputation will take a hit. What he does next will determine how long it takes for his reputation to climb back up. There are three things that he can do:
Prove that everyone is wrong, that his marriage is fine and he does not have anger management issues.
Go away and not be in the news for a few weeks or months till everyone’s forgotten.
Work. Really crank out the engagements, get his numbers up to spitting distance of Edward’s, and maintain them at that baseline from here on out.
#1 requires becoming more public, and we know that’s not going to happen for the Waleses. That’s fine. History will have to judge on that one. But there is some good news on this front - the Chumleys have had enough and they’ve begun taking legal action on the rumors involving them and their children.
#2 is not happening. William can’t just peace out and not work or be seen for 3-4 months. He’s the heir, it’s his job to be seen and to work, especially when Charles can’t do much because of his own health.
Which leaves us with #3 - work. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. William (and Kate) both need to work more. Their numbers both need to go way up once Kate’s current health crisis is over and she’s back to top form. If they’re not going to work more, that’s fine but they need to show us more of the in-progress work that they’re currently doing and not save it all for the bow-on-top end-result. There’s a reason why the photos and videos of The Queen and Charles working through the red boxes are popular and, at times, iconic - because it shows that they’re working. If just every other week we got a photo of William in a meeting or Kate reading the reports that the Early Years Foundation says she’s been reviewing.
However, the issue with William’s work is that it can’t be a one-and-done. What ever changes they make and whatever the new number is after they’ve scaled up, that has to be the new baseline, the new standard. It must be maintained, otherwise it becomes clear that it was just a PR exercise to distract from these scandals.
Something else I’ve been thinking of a bit lately is the Waleses’ engagement numbers, particularly Kate’s and since accession in 2022. There was a lot of talk throughout 2023 of how disappointing it was that the Waleses turned in the same numbers for 2023 as they did while they were Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, at the bottom of the list. There was an idea on the blogs that everyone understood William and Kate to keep a lower profile through the spring so the attention was rightly focused on Charles and the coronation, but then they’ve should’ve scaled up from late summer onwards, after the anniversary of The Queen’s passing to demonstrate their ability to be heirs and show acceptance of their future.
But now I wonder if Kate’s numbers have been affected by her condition. They haven’t said a whole lot, but what I know of bowel/stomach issues is that they’re usually chronic and people can suffer symptoms for a long time before surgery becomes an option. So with that, perhaps Kate’s numbers didn’t change much last year because she was dealing with these issues? And to save face, the palace made the usual “for the children” excuses until it became emergent and the surgery essential. Just something to think about.
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houseofbrat · 2 months
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Terrible all around, for so many reasons. As a comms person I could do a series of Tedtalks about this.
Nevertheless I really pray for Kate’s recovery both physically and mentally.
Yes, its all very sad but could have been prevented with proper management. The Palace Comms Team needs an overhaul.
Exactly. This seems to contradict Kate’s message that she wanted to wait until they told their kids and now they say it’s because of a potential leak? Which is it then and why would they now blame a potential leak? Who does it benefit by changing the story now and why did they even bother to? It’s so bizarre.
I think it’s a bit naive to blame this on KP’s team. The team is only as good as their bosses and William is pretty inept at handling press
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This to me has nothing to do with a leak and everything to do with Easter. They knew she wasn’t going to be present for Easter so they had to make an announcement and get out in front of it early.
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This was my first thought as I watched Kate’s video. If not for the leak, they still would be silent.
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The idea the rota is pushing is it’s all the public’s fault for wildly speculating, and it’s not sitting well with me. It was mostly jokes about Kate being at the Willy Wonka experience or that she was getting a BBL. Then they released the fake photo and AP flagged it.
The papers got pissed because there WAS a story and the Palace wasn’t feeding them, so they turned up the heat. Nobody was talking about Rose Hanbury until The Independent (I think that was the paper) ran that story “Who is Rose Hanbury?” and repeated the old rumors of the affair. And some other online news site ran a story asking what would happen if William committed a crime. And then you had Piers Morgan saying he has heard wild rumors and if even half of them were true, he was concerned.
Yes, there are nasty people out there who gossiped but the media help set this situation on fire. And KP completely bungled the PR response. But they need to spare us the “shame on you all” narrative.
Wishing Kate the best and I hope the people who accessed her medical info are held responsible.
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It's the fake photo and AP killing it that set this whole thing into the stratosphere. Before that all noise was limited to a small corner of the internet. No fake photo and ninety-eight percent of mess that happened never would have happened. KP is responsible for the mess and no amount of scolding from the rota will change that.
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Sometimes I wonder what their long-term plan was for this? Obviously Kate having cancer would mean she’d need more time away than what they previously let on, so if the conspiracies never took off and they weren’t under a ton of scrutiny, I wonder how/when they would have told the public about her diagnosis, if at all.
Considering how they’ve handled more minor health issues, like William having COVID, I just assume KP never wanted to be transparent in the first place and were forced. Which sucks for Kate but has bad implications for a publicly funded institution IMO.
I don’t think there was ever a longterm plan here. I think everyone was taking it one step at a time and trying to process and figure out what the next step would be.
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I’m honestly surprised because I am sure Rebecca English said they didn’t have their hand forced. Plus there were two days between Wed and Friday and any leaks could have occurred then as well. I do think it was getting to the stage it was an open secret witch certain circles.
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I don’t understand why this and the “were angry about speculation” stories have been leaked - if they’ve been leaked by W&K and not somebody else. Not going after the alternative theories with this comment rn.
Like, they do want this to die down, right? I’m assuming so, because Kate is sick. I’ve never really cared about her actual illness in this whole debacle, but cancer or not, in her shoes I’d want the least amount of speculation possible. And the “we’re angry about speculation post” before the reveal was not the way to do that. All that was going to do was increase the speculation because if there’s one thing the internet likes doing more than anything else, it’s doing behavior they’ve been told not to.
Now it’s been revealed that Kate has cancer and I think the whole slew of “you’re bad for speculating no matter what the speculation was, even if it wasn’t health-related” posts were bad because they encouraged talk about her even as they were saying people shouldn’t talk about her, but that wasn’t in W&K’s hands so I’m not gonna blame them for that. Either way, the gossip around her did die eventually.
But now they’re bringing it back up of their own accord, if this is them? Why? It was already said that people tried to access her info. If this inside source was BP, revealing this is just bad for the overall family image. It proves Harry was right once again. If it wasn’t, I guess I understand wanting to talk about the source, but it’s still giving attention that I don’t think would be wanted or needed right now.
This is what has fascinated me about the KP PR ever since this entire thing started. It just seems like completely weird decisions over and over and over again.
100% this is a situation of their own making. They literally exist to be seen- what did they think was going to happen if one of them just disappeared? They’re so angry at how everyone reacted but maybe they should take some time to self reflect and see how their own actions and life created this whole mess.
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Because the PR/comms team is incompetent and their employers are stubborn with gigantic hubris.
The virtue signaling “everyone participating in the gossip and making jokes and sharing memes should be ashamed!” will never sit well with me. We’ve been shown time and again for decades at this point that their PR is very sloppy.
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they're really trying to guilt trip the public for not knowing she had cancer after faking a photo documentation as an official government institution, aren't they?
look, if someone tried to access her.files that's criminal and should be prosecuted whatever. that's another issue. 
but the BRF cannot use fear of public speculation as a tool to divert us from the fact that they faked an image and tried to pass it off as real. this is incredibly problematic on many levels. not only we cannot trust them to pass on truthful info about themselves (which, with their history of throwing women to the wolves, is icky), but as british official representatives, they should be held to all possible standards.
on a personal level, i hope she recovers, her treatment isn't too terrible as in side effects and her kids are able to grow up with her love all around. 
but as someone with basic standards for media and government, and also a citizen of a democracy (in the global south, where we have been victims of rich countries' bullshit explanations), they can all fuck off with this take and blaming.
They even put out a statement around late January where they said she didn’t have cancer. They can’t be surprised that people thought something was up when they weren’t being entirely truthful.
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King Charles's team announced he has cancer and just moved on, so did the public. I genuinely don't see why they couldn't have done the same for Catherine. A quick "we did surgery back in December, discovered i might have cancer, will be stepping off the public eye for a few months to seek treatment and spend time with kids" would've done it. Her team is not being asked for her to deal with her emotions in public, the public just wanted to know why she hasn't been seen from or heard from for a long time. They completely bungled this one.
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heir-less · 1 year
The dumber and more incoherent PR is usually from Kensington Palace. - ROFLing at this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 only because w&k think themselves so superior and they think all their strategies are "long-term", but they are absolutely nothing when it comes to Charles' pr games! As much as I despise everyone in that family, I dislike w&k more, ONLY because they never get called out, for anything! At max it'll be couple of hours or a day of uproar, then they'll bring out the kids and everyone will go gaga over them again. I'm soooooooo looking forward for this war between KP and BP!
Did I lie, a lot of the KP PR is just one-note and stupid and doesn't help William and Kate at all? Like, here are some examples of glaring PR flubs that are laughable if you think about it for 0.5 seconds:
William's "interest" in homelessness is framed as a long-time passion he inherited from Diana, but William has never done anything notable for the homeless and he comes off as pompous because he's just sitting on a money pile while saying "Wow, someone should help these people, OMG, something needs to be done!" The interview where he said "any one of us could be a few steps from homelessness" was so rich, I thought it was a joke.
Kate's rotating hobbies and "passions" that either come and go (textiles, sustainability, the piano, baking) or are seasonal interests that are ignored outside of slices of the year (scouts, tennis, photography)
Mental illness "advocates" who demonize therapy when it suits them. William has a "toolbox" of needs or whatever but can't find a clue in the damn thing
William got COVID in April 2020, hid it at the time, but then when KP maybe accidentally leaked it that November they reported it as if he was on death's door, aka it would have caused alarm had the public known. They also did not disclose when or where he isolated, making it seem like he exposed his entire family at Amner Hall. The whole thing was a mess.
William's work with football players has regressed to him just attending games and making "Good Luck" videos. Remember Heads Up? What happened to talking about mental health and football? I can only assume he gave up after he kept putting his foot in his mouth during the documentaries and podcasts.
Kate saying she'll work less until her kids are in their twenties, but also, oh, she's ready to step up and work hard as Princess of Wales. She is the "Top CEO"
Meghan was bad for being political and ambitious but Kate still wants to do these things on a way bigger scale for some reason
Kate being compared to the Queen Mother on her 40th birthday but then "rebranding" into a modern, innovative, pantsuit-wearing business-savvy, lady-boss the very next year
Kate is Diana, Meghan, and Elizabeth II with her fashion choices. All of these women occupied different periods of fashion history and have very different tastes.
The entire Caribbean tour was an incoherent slog that was tone-deaf at best
William talking about sustainability in Dubai of all damn places
Kensington Palace doesn't know what they're doing. They often just throw stuff at the walls and sees what sticks.
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coll2mitts · 1 year
#15 A Star is Born (1954)
When life unfortunately imitates art.
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A Star is Born is a tale of addiction and fame that has four film adaptations that have nothing to do with the fact it's clear Oscar bait (although Judy did famously lose this one to Grace Kelly).  Did you guys know the entertainment industry changes and exploits people?  I surely didn't realize this until now, and that's why the academy has consistently rewarded movies that talk about how weird Hollywood is.  Y'know.  Cause there's so few of them.
I'm being glib, as this movie is probably one of the more sympathetic views of the big studio system, for all its flaws.  It focuses on Esther Blodgett, a singer in a touring band, and how her encounter and subsequent relationship with big-star actor Norman Maine changed her career, and thus her life.  This film is 3 hours long (it used to be both shorter and longer, for reasons explained later), and it *feels* that long.  For every moment of levity there are 30 minutes of pain, and while this feels tedious sometimes, it does a great job of illustrating the highs and lows of caring for someone struggling with addiction.  They burn so brightly in those small moments when everything is spectacular that it's almost worth slogging through the periods of grim instability that does nothing but foreshadow a bleak future.
For those of you unfamiliar with the story I will give a rundown below.  If you're curious how this 1954 version differs from the other three films, Be Kind Rewind has an excellent video that you should watch after reading this.  Seriously though, check out her channel, it's incredibly informative.
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Esther Blodgett (Judy Garland) and the Glenn Williams Orchestra, lead by her buddy Danny McGuire (the adorable Tommy Noonan, who will forever be Gus in my eyes) have booked a gig during a benefit concert.  Norman Maine, a famous Hollywood actor, is supposed to perform as well, but he shows up drunk as a skunk and is having much more fun harassing the cast and crew than he is preparing to go on stage.  While his PR agent Matt Libby has correctly identified Norman is in no position to be in front of people, he tries to distract him by sending him to the dressing rooms to be interviewed.  This works for about 5 minutes until he hulks out and joins Esther and the gang on stage just for funsies.
In the sprit of 'fuck it, we'll do it live', Esther succeeds in getting Norman involved with the act as comedic relief, he gets the positive attention he craves from the audience, and everyone laughs like this isn't a big disaster played out in public.
Norman tries to thank Esther for saving him from looking even more like an ass by trying to get her to go to a second location with him.  Even though Esther finds this strangely sweet, Danny wisely helps her escape to their next gig and Libby takes Norman home to sleep it off.  That would be the end of it if Norman didn't arise from the grave like a vampire at 2:30am to hunt down Esther like she's his prey.  He finds her at a club on Sunset where her and her friends are rehearsing, and oh my god, it's so glorious.
I love Judy's voice; I get goosebumps every time I hear her.  She's such a powerhouse.
Also, FUN FACT: The composer of this song, Harold Arlen, scored Gay Purr-ee, so if you also think "The Man That Got Away" bares a striking resemblance to "Paris is a Lonely Town", there's a legitimate reason for that.
A now-sober Norman bombards Esther with metaphors about her excellence and gradually isolates her from the group by physically dragging her around.  Danny tries to separate them, but Esther leaves with Norman all the same to go back to her place and discuss her career goals.  When she reveals she wants to get a #1 record on Hit Parade, Norman retorts that Esther's dream is not big enough and she's wasting her time paling around with undignified gig musicians.  Esther is only slightly insulted by Norman's blatant disregard of the work she's already put in to get where she is, but buys into his promise to snag her a screen test.  Esther then breaks Danny's heart by quitting the band and asking them to move on to San Francisco without her.  Danny tries to change her mind by suggesting she might not want to trust a flake (no matter how charming he is), but Esther believes Norman sees potential in her nobody else has, igniting her desire to aim higher.
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Of course Norman gets loaded after leaving Esther's house and his late night call to the head of the studio, Oliver Niles, is completely blown off as Norman trying to impress some broad he likes.  Instead, the studio ships Norman out to work on his next picture, completely abandoning Esther for 5-6 weeks.  Esther, never hearing back from Norman, moves into a cheaper place and gets a job as a roller skating waitress in an attempt to make ends meet while she attends auditions.  She manages to book a VO gig singing in a shampoo commercial, which helps Norman locate her upon his return because he recognizes her distinct voice on the television.  After tracking Esther down at the boarding house she's slumming in, Norman finally follows through with his promise and lands her a screen test.
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This montage of Esther and Norman separating and reuniting is particularly bizarre as it is presented as pages in Esther's scrapbook - still sepia-tinted images with the character's dialogue dubbed over it.  It didn't feel intentional, as some of the scenes are live action, like a car or a bus pulling away from a building, or a shot of a woman's hand dipping into shampoo.  I initially assumed this artistic decision was to cut down the film's length, but the dialogue was still there, so it wasn't succeeding if that were the goal.  I later discovered the version of the film I was watching was the "restored" director's version, as the original wide-release had 30 minutes removed by order of the studio in an effort to cut down its considerable runtime.  Unfortunately, when Ron Haver, the film curator at the L.A. County Museum of Art, attempted to find the lost footage for the film's 1983 re-release, he discovered these scenes were truly lost to time (literally, as they could not find the original film reels).  Their "remedy" included displaying production stills with VO from the audio tapes they were able to locate.  Honestly, I think all of this particular section could have stayed on the cutting room floor, as it's a 30-minute detour that ends with Norman getting Esther the screen test, anyway.  I'm assuming these scenes were included as a way to show Norman struggling to help Esther despite his alcoholism, and Esther's new commitment to become famous.  We get those impressions through their initial interactions, so this not-so-little side-quest truly feels redundant. Later lost scenes, however, such as (spoiler alert) Norman's marriage proposal to Vicki, are pretty baffling omissions. I don't think the cuts robbed Judy of her Oscar win like Lorna Luft does, but it does fuck up the movie's continuity.
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Upon Esther's first visit to the studio, the makeup department completely change her look after going into great detail about her flaws.  Norman hates the outcome and redoes her makeup to restore Esther's natural beauty.  Although Esther is nervous, she nails the audition and starts to book small parts, like those that require putting on a full face of makeup only to wave out the window of a train.  They even yell at her when they see her face, which is as blatant of a metaphor for being a woman in showbusiness if I ever saw one.  After the studio changes Esther's name to Vicki Lester, Norman convinces Oliver to cast Vicki as the lead in a new picture after their previous one bailed.  Upon release, the film becomes a wild success, and Vicki Lester's star quickly rises.
Y'know, I really want to take a tally of the percentage of the musicals on this list that feature their white stars in blackface or parody other racial stereotypes, cause it's more than I thought it would be.  Judy's daughter Lorna has mentioned Judy's foray into impersonating other races was "of its time", but I'm finding it incredibly exhausting and lazy that blackface is consistently used as shorthand for being poor or othered.
While the first half of this movie isn't necessarily incredibly upbeat, the rest of it goes downhill from here.  While Norman's newly released movie is getting terrible reviews, everyone is now obsessed with Vicki.  Feeling as though he's done what he could to introduce Esther to the world, Norman tries to leave her, citing he's an too-old disaster that will only drag her down.  Esther responds to this by confessing her love to him, and instead of Norman bailing, they quickly get engaged in the creepiest eavesdropping-est way on the back of the promise that Norman will quit drinking.
The pair first run to the head of the studio because apparently they need his permission to move forward with this doomed marriage.  Oliver gives his approval hoping that Vicki will be the positive influence that helps Norman stay on the straight and narrow. While Libby feels as if they're setting a trap for Vicki, he agrees to spin the story for the positive in order to give Norman some much needed good press.  Of course they exhaust any temporary good-will Libby was extending to them when the embarrassingly-named Mr. Earnest Sydney Gubbins and Esther Blodgett elope to a tiny courthouse to get married in secret.  When they reach their roadside motel honeymoon destination, Vicki hears her new song "It's a New World" on the radio as it reaches #1 on Hit Parade, implying that all of Esther's dreams have now come true.
They start their new life by purchasing an expensive house on a ocean-side cliff, only for Oliver to break the news to Norman that the studio has decided to let him go because of his inconsistent behavior.  Libby publicly plays it off like Norman is pursuing other opportunities, while in reality he's relegated to a house husband, making sandwiches, taking messages, and pensively putting golf balls.  While Norman seems generally supportive of Vicki's budding career, a delivery man calls him Mr. Lester and the bruise to Norman's ego sends him into a bender.  This starts to jeopardize Vicki's career when Norman decides to crash her Oscar acceptance speech by stumbling on stage and publicly declaring he needs a job. 
3 months later, Norman is in rehab and Vicki is on set filming her latest movie.  When Oliver comes to check on her, Vicki breaks down to one of the few people that understand her predicament, as she's both frustrated and scared by Norman's behavior.
Judy serves a heartbreaking performance during this monologue, with many speculating that this particular story hit too close to home.  Judy's life somewhat mimicked Norman's, as she was fired from MGM because of her inconsistent behavior as a result of her own addictions.  She was forced into the entertainment industry before she turned 3 years old, and even as a child was given amphetamines to keep her working and skinny. As she got older those habits became harder to break, especially when barbiturates were added to the mix to help her sleep. Most of her life had been spent earning money to provide for her parents, and then her own family, without the ability to choose if she could keep her pregnancies, or take time off after she was allowed to have Liza, in order to keep the checks rolling in for the studio. After years of constantly working with the help of prescription drugs, Judy struggled with mental health issues that the studio went through great lengths to hide, and the press was ecstatic to exploit.
Judy's husband at this time, Sid Luft, produced A Star is Born in order to cast Judy in this role and make the movie a musical.  Filming was difficult, but both Judy and James gave outstanding performances, as you feel the love between them while the heartbreak of addiction takes a toll on their marriage. Judy and Sid's relationship similarly didn't work out, as Sid confessed it was too difficult being with her.  Judy hated him toward the end of her life as custody battles kept her from her children. If you've listened to any interview with Judy or her kids, she was incredibly loving and supportive of them, valuing her family over everything else. She ended her life completely disillusioned with the same industry that lifted her up, because they were even more gleeful in knocking her down by depriving her of her own voice.
Judy is mostly remembered as a young girl belting out "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", or bounding around with Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire in romantic comedies, but this movie (specifically this scene) shows how underrated as a dramatic actress she was. The end scene of this movie between Esther and Danny legitimately scared the director, as Judy had never screamed on camera before. During Judy's eulogy, James Mason said "she could wring tears out of hearts of rock," and he's not wrong.
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Upon Norman's release, he runs into Libby, who lashes out at him in frustration, leading to a physical altercation that Norman follows up with another bender.  After several days of no-contact, Oscar and Esther find him in jail on a drunk and disorderly charge after he crashes his car, and Esther begs the judge to let him come home with her so she can take care of him.  She puts Norman to bed and confides in Oliver she's quitting the business to take care of her husband and give his sobriety a fighting chance.  She has forced herself to believe that love will now be enough, and that Norman can be fixed if she can devote her time to him.  When Oliver protests because Norman's career is through, Esther reiterates she wouldn't have her career without Norman's connections and encouragement.  Unfortunately Norman overhears this conversation from the other room, and takes it upon himself to release Esther from the burden of being his wife by wading into the ocean and drowning.
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As much as Esther wants to process her grief in her own time, her good friend Danny pushes her to rejoin the land of the living by attending the same benefit concert she performed at a year ago when she met Norman.  Norman was incredibly proud of the fact he discovered Vicki, and Danny posits he would be disappointed if she threw it all away because of him.  Vicki decides to show up at the shrine, and when she takes the stage to introduce herself as Mrs. Norman Maine, the crowd goes wild.  While they were dismissive of Norman and his disease while he was alive, they revere him and support Vicki after his death.
This is not a movie I would revisit often, as it emotionally takes a toll, but this is an absolute must-watch. Judy's performance proves why she's considered a legend - she's funny, flirty, hopeful, frustrated, heartbroken, and devastated, and all-the-while her voice is a goddamn masterpiece. James Mason similarly does a splendid job at portraying a charismatic and caring, but flawed and proud protagonist. I'm fairly uninterested in seeing the other versions, as I could easily be happy with this being the definitive telling of this story. Judy is absolutely everything, I don't know why anybody else would even try competing with her performance.
Thanks for reading!  If you’ve enjoyed this post, please consider helping me fund this project by donating to my ko-fi :)
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shauntaake - 5/25/2023 - shauntaake have some new news up at shauntaake gossip & news page
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shauntaake / today’s shauntaake baby janyah birthday happy birthday janyah 5/28/20203
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shauntaake / stevie wonder thank u for your beautiful birthday song
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shauntaake go off most of time cause shauntaake mother vanessa twin merger acts was puttang shauntaake in a war when vanessa williams ken shauntaake image wit the lil white man shauntaake became one of the most hated ppl cause everybody could see that was lauk even the still drownang ken image get’s glorify’d shauntaake kd drowned but was saved so listen it sounds like vanessa say sean gonna come for mines or somethang like that & sean taylor a beef sean taylor really came laukang for sean taylor & shauntaake mother eddie did’nt approve of shuntaake beang around sean taylor one day eddie caught shauntaake gettang in sean taylor truck & eddie ran out our apartment front door yellang like a beastly man like get the hell out of hs truck & eddie snatch’d shauntaake out of sean taylor truck eddie & shauntaake mother lauked at sean taylor as a foe they aint know if sean taylor came to hurt meor not cause they made sean taylor the enemy & sean taylor saw they made shauntaake & sean taylor enemy’s & sean taylor came challengang shauntaake but sean taylor could’nt cause shauntaake was already livang shauntaake pretty man ken life shauntaake had a bunch of pretty girlfrends everywhere by shauntaake self & now shauntaake see shauntaake girlfrendswas hdang shauntaake from sean taylor & sean taylor frends & sean tayor finally foundshauntaake & saw shauntaake was everythang spectacular like they say shauntaake was & now shauntaake see sean taylor start havang shauntaake caught up in beefs & warsssssssss wit sean taylor shauntaake experienced some fucked up sht wit sean taylor & sean taylor had shauntaake n a war wit sean taylor shauntaake went from beang wit shauntaake pretty girlfrendssssssss everyday to beang put in a king pen war & shauntaake start beang around some very dangerous men shauntaake could of got caught up in all types of dangerous problems cause of them & thats exactly what happen thankfully those italian dominican & columbian men was in love wit shauntaake that they kept the peace wit shauntaake to be continued:
shauntaake know hw to swim now shauntaake really died they ancient shauntaake aftaa shauntaake survival cause shauntaake experienced all of the devil/shauntaake death experiences
shauntaake / ths was a strictly shauntaake & sean taylor beef that was fought already the italians dominicans & columbian men sean taylor introduced shauntaake to they were about protectang shauntaake
shauntaake see hw sean taylor fell in love wit just shauntaake presence when we first met & sean taylor chose to cross everybody from sean taylor past bitches & sean taylor chose to leave wit the mastered prize they were sangang about shauntaake was creatang a laut of art in these vanessa williams era’s in the 80′s & shauntaake was ken lauk shauntaake they were sangang about & sean taylor chose to spend sean taylor investment life wit shauntaake & spend all of sean taylor money wit shauntaake sean taylor made us that good beef just our thang
shauntaake italian dominican & columbian men saw hw sean taylor came for shauntaake & they were furous cause shauntaake was a excellent teenager & young adult shauntaake was the ir dream kd & dream over shauntaake management years so they made sure they kept shauntaake out of trouble
shauntaake / sean taylor put shauntaake right in the middle of that new jack city war wit those new york city connects they lauk exactly like the italians from new jack city wit the long pony tails & everythang shauntaake & lee men & they fell in love wit shauntaake & chose not to go to war wit shauntaake they partnered shauntaake to
shauntaake seeeeee sean taylor start selang hate to shauntaake cause aftaa shauntaake & sean taylor got togethaa shauntaake was stll dippang off wit shauntaake perfect girlfrends on the weekends we aparty’s every weekend & shauntaake stll use to go to their houses to chll & sean taylor hated that sean taylor was always rollang up on shauntaake at amirah mother house unannounced like let’s go sean taylor was also jealous of shauntaake & amirah relatonship
shauntaake beang a cold hearted mutherfucker saved shauntaake life cause shauntaake was just like those men they were cruel ass hell cause their from hell
shauntaake see now sean taylor was showang shauntaake hw sean taylor really came for shauntaake & sean taylor could of got shauntake in the worst trouble wit sean taylor dealangs just beang affliated & those italian domican & columbian men were about protectang shauntaake so they did thangs & handeled business a certain way so u would’nt know what was goang on & they kept shauntaake out of trouble cause shauntaake saw everythang that was goang on sean taylor made sure shauntaake saw everythang that was goang on sean taylor was a real criminal that dabbled in a laut of illegal thangs sean taylor had a laut of alias id’s that was roberta taylor son
shauntaake / the beef was about they made shauntaake ken lauk sean taylor greatest competiton & threat those men came to round up their bitches & shauntaake also came roundang up shauntaake bitches all of the pretty bitches that was chasang shauntaake should of been chasng them & they was’nt they saw the type of girls shauntaake atracted to shauntaake the prettest smartest cleanang girls that came from familys wit money shauntaake stay out of trouble these men was caught up wit hot fast woman baby mama’s & everythang & shauntaake live a much safer life wit shauntaake mother vanessa shauntaake made vanessa life peaceful wit shauntaake well groomed well tooken care of girlfrends that did’nt come wit problems
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shauntaake - music video - new kids on the block - (step by step)
shauntaake / anuthaa shrt shauntaake purchased witout knowang
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shauntaake see ths was the new kids on the block memeber that they merged shauntaake wit since shauntaake was a kid shauntaake see hw the kds younger than shauntaake made shauntaake lauk their ken man that they took pride in that represent for them that they stashed away for theirself so they could pull shauntaake out as their beauty weapon whenever they want cause sean taylor did the same thang cause they were competitve ass hell & everybody thank their the it lauk cause the it lauk get’s all of the praises gifts & perks & everybody use to come around shauntaake just to steer at shauntaake to see if shauntaake was really the ken lauk & once they saw shauntaake was the it ken lauk shauntaake made them so happy cause shauntaake made them feel like they have the utimate prise to like the celebrity’s have their prise ppl another bad creaton show u so many kids use to surround shauntaake at the playground & they all came around to be shauntaake frends & play on shauntaake team & be shauntaake girlfrends & shauntaake guys shauntaake always made them feel like they had their own superstar so shauntaake lauk was the it prise lauk for a laut of ppl cause shauntaake could match the it lauks identical as u could seeeeeeeee & that’s hw shauntaake was able to give them their own million winsssssssss cause shauntaake can match the it lauks identical so shauntaake became the win company for many ppl shauntaake was able to let them compete on a major level & shauntaake just upload these phauts today & lauk hw mastered & connect we are witout shauntaake even knowang
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shauntaake have’nt shauntaake had shauntaake new kids on the block collecton since shauntaake was a kd shauntaake use to have the new kds on the block concert tape & dolls & shauntaake aint see a new kids on the block music video or intervw since the 8o’s so shauntaake totally forgot the way new kids on the block dress so when shauntaake got older a lte teenager early adult & shauntaake had shauntaake own money & shauntaake start shoppang for shauntaake self one day shauntaake & shauntaake man went to the mall cause shauntaake want a new jacket & we went to the mall that sat right behnd our major jewllers & that day shauntaake went into the mall they had ths leopard jacket lay out for shauntaake in the mall shauntaake whites lways lay out shauntaake thangsout for shauntaake when shauntaake know shauntaake comang & that day they lay ths leopard jacket out for shauntaake in one of the store’s & the minute shauntaake saw shauntaake leopard jacket & shauntaake instantly purchsed it & it was the only one & the last one & shauntaake whites always do that for shaunaake when they knw shauntaake was comang to the mall or one of shauntaake favorite department store’s in manhattan new york city they always ly out the one & only stuff for shauntaake to snatch up like they were savang shauntaake stuff for shauntaake cause shauntaake whites need shauntaake to have shauntaake fame clothes & pieces  
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shauntaake / also have that mahagony shrt to
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shauntaake always laughang cause shauntaake treasures show u hw shauntaake was really loved & cherish’d shauntaake know hw to master & mnage shauntaake self shauntaake wll make sure to create shauntaake & shauntaake wives everyday life & shauntaake & shauntaake wives love story’s wit shauntake & shauntaake wives own blogs that aint happen yet
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shauntaake / ronald isley want ronald isley greatest love to ths lauks like ths might be one of ronald isely secret daughters that ronald isley let have her momment & merge wit our momments made shauntaake the right one for ronald isley daughtaa we love our doll baby makes
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shauntaake rememeber when ths song first came out in the mid 90′s shauntaake was goang back home to jersey city to spend the night at shauntaake grandma house on the weekends & shauntaake use to lauk like a beauty queen & shauntaake use to stay at shauntaake aunt joanne house wit shauntaake little cousin john playag video games til the sun come up shauntaake uthaa lil buddy & shauntaake use to chll & cook dinner sip & be bak & forth to the store ths when shauntaake aint have no kds hair & nails fur’s out diamonds & gold & a pocketbook full of money well well well shauntaake really came bak home shauntaake grandma queen dressed in shauntaake treasures like a egyptian queen/king pharoah shauntaake years when shauntaake really got to give shauntaake love to shauntaake grandma shauntaake get very emotonal when it comes to shauntaake grandma cause shauntaake grandma really loved shauntake  & shauntaake use to spend the night wit shauntaake grandma & spend time wit shauntaake grandma cause u know shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell aka lump was also a ronald isley twin the way shauntaake grandma work her hair the wavey long slick bak the way shauntaake grandma dress shauntaake came shauntaake grandma’ss years masters & shauntaake came a little them & shauntaake kd off’d shauntaake self a million times goang to hard (girl put hits all on me - the rosey within me) (shauntaake own soul/rosey put a million hits on me) u see he in the dark trynna tell the story shauntaake granda worst nightmare twin came bak to be wit her shauntaake grandma experience the worst hell wit shauntaake kds as u could read ronald isley say ronald isley that (eye) golden lady ronald isley that bitch ronald isley lauk exactly shauntaake lauk shauntaake have’nt heard the isleys ronald isley brothers ronald isley song spend the night since shauntaake was a teenager shauntaake just upload ths song to shauntaake private music collecton shauntaake/soul connect
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shauntaake chillang in shauntaake grandma house in shauntaake aunt joanne apartment that use to be shauntaake & shauntaake mother vanessa first apartment ths such a beautiful song & video shauntaaealso see john parents joanne & john makang john baby john father was a tall spanish guy that came around laukang for shauntaake aunt flirtang wit her playang basketball in the court yard & they finally saw each uthaa & they fell in love wit each uthaa shauntaake kd was always up nder them when shauntaake aunt joanne & john fell in love shauntaake use to catch them in love sneakang around in shauntaake grandma house ths also a phaut that was taken wit shauntaake aunt joanne john & shauntaak aunt lisa chllang in shauntaake grandma kitchen joanne & john sneakang around in shauntaake grandma house days john baby was shauntaake first wittle baby shauntaake aunt joanne & shauntaake grandma made shauntaake babysit john it was shauntaake kd job to vscously watch & make sure no one touch or mess wit john baby & shauntaake use to lay in shauntaake aunt joanne bed wit john baby & turn on cartoons & give john baby john bottle of milk & shauntaake kd would lay in bed wit john baby watchang cartoons ntil john would go to sleep shauntaake million days whle shauntaajke grandma sat at the kitchen table cookang & doang cross word pussle watchang all of shauntaake grandma favorite tv shows whle shauntaake aunt joanne was at work at school
shauntaake / ths song also makes shauntaake very emotonal shauntaake wll be in here cryang & sniffalang all day like when shauntaake first heard ths song ths the first time shauntaake seeang ths music video these were our beautiful momments one day shauntaake shauntaake mother vanessa eddie joanne & john drove in eddie van to a park far away somewhere just us so we could spend time wit our new doll baby john & shauntaake aunt captured shauntaake momments wit john baby & shauntaake was spinnag john baby around whle we had our little picnic day
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shauntaake - music video - ronald isley - the isleys - (spend the night)
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shauntaake recieved shauntaake cousin john gender reveal invataton today yup john gonna be a first time father congratulatons john was shauntaake first cousin baby shauntaake had before shauntaake had kds
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shauntaake crackang up laughang at everythang shauntaake hand create comes to life & shauntaake in here crackang laughang at hw shauntaake & janyah  bad that shauntaake hand stitch trynna feed shauntaake rabbit a carrott trynna lure shauntaake/rabbit to come out of the shauntaake ghost tunnel toeat a perfectly color fairtyale carrot also usang shauntaake mother lawn decoratons fake rabbit holdang a bent tip carrot somethang like that would scare u right hw does shauntaake jean bag know about that bent carrot the fake decoratons rabbit holdang wrap up in plastic in the attic cause that jean bag anuthaa shauntaake/soul that want to play to haaaaaaaaaaaaa
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shauntaake clothes was’nt given to shauntaake & they did’nt grow on shauntaake shauntaake custom made taior made clothes & furs had to be pay’d for shauntaake had to be measured for shauntaake tailor made clothes dresses furs
shauntaake see hw shauntaake original entertainment was custom made wit tuns of white ppl & u see benjasmin always sittang right next to shauntaake twin mergers
shauntaake management shauntaake have shauntaake goods shauntaake own shauntake treasures & shauntaake custom make shauntaake selfas u could seeeeeeeeee
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shauntaake real white wives healthy wives u need to start comang to pay shauntaake now shauntaake seekang shauntaake sitine makes shauntake giant ass white woman wit the thickest calves & beautifullest body’s shauntaake only saw that make in manhattan new york city a whole bunch of them they must live in manhattan new york city cause if shauntaake do get agrivated & we finally do find each uthaa shauntaake aint gonna want to give u sht cause that’s what the celebrity woman’s pr arguement is if they pay to date shauntaake their not takang care of no grown ass woman that need to pay their own way as far as takang care of shauntaake them & our family the celebrity’s pr say it aint their job to take care of these woman that shauntaake chose their pr say they wll fund shauntaake wit shauntaake white kds wit shauntaake by shauntaake self witout 5 extra woman that’s gonna be spendang their money woman that aint earn their money so shauntaake trynna give u bitches the opportunity to pay shauntaake & shauntaake wll enrich us wit your own money cause their pr makang threats like they wll kidnap the kds specially if they come out their twins for messang around wit them they say they wll dsappear cause they pay their way
shauntaake seek a very healthy white man wit blonde hair sperm donor
shauntaake whites watch the movie double jeopardy shauntaake gave birth to the lauk of stashed away rich white kds that got kdnapp’d by their fathaa shauntaake gerber & devon kds was also kept beang reborn & those was the rich stashed away kds to shauntaake also lauk like the fathaa that kidnap’d hs own son that lauk like jasmin & janyah came shauntaake twin baby janyah lauk exactly like the baby the white woman holdang at the manson doors
shauntaake see hw wild thangs came to claim steal my gerber baby masters shauntaake auunt sandra devon mother was the mother lauk in double jeopardy & they made sandra van ryan the mother in wild things wit shauntaake mother vanessa lauks to & they were all in the courts doiuble jeopardy came out in the mid 90′s that was shauntaake first shaunt experience they let shauntaake claim that wittle boy to they made that toddler shauntaake desgn shauntaake & devon lauks was the main character lauks in wild things to wild things came out late 80′s shauntaake & devon came the war of the roses master’d kds
shauntaake wild things was the era when shauntaake was a pretty tomboy & shauntaake had a bunch of lightskin pretty’s girlfrends from school they all was ready to jump shauntaake they want shauntaake kds
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shauntaake / their parents pr mad cause they say their daughtaa’s aint get to claim shauntaake inventon kds & they dont get to claim shaunaake inventon thangs shauntaake mystery white births their birth art comes right to shauntaake hands whle their mothers pregnant shaunt art came to shauntaak hands & their parents pr furious cause shauntake mystery whites stole their identity kds from them shauntaake inventon kds that could identify wit the two family identys that’s mergang to make them the devil/shauntaake aint the one to be foolang around wit u better be ready to meet shauntaake & let shauntaake seman in it cause if not your gonna loose your kds & shauntaake very selective stop messang around & their goang off cause they see shautntaake hatch’s a shauntaake thang & they say they see they been connect to the wrong ppl trynna get hauntaake make shauntaake sorry for your loses shauntaake a strictly rainbow woman connecton now
shauntaake / janyah came & took shauntaake & sean taylor birthdays & made our birthdays janyah birthday
shauntaake really that heavy white girl loise chiles make
shauntaake / that little one connect to all of our real family hstory shauntaake cousin devon was shauntaake lil buddy that follow shauntaake around everywhere now she perminately has her buddy her daddy for life grandma twin well tooken care of devon campbell that’s one of shauntaake grandfathaa son shauntaake wll only go to shauntaake men shauntaake connecton made one of shauntaake rightful white men happy
shauntaake / they design my buddy & kid sster dolls aftaa shauntaake & devon but shauntaake originally came that lee doll collecton the murderer doll baby haaaaa & u see they have a benjamin make shauntaake inventon company when they saw shauntaake came the lee doll baby collecton every doll maker start designang their doll baby company’s fisher price & matell they stat mergeang wit shauntaake baby phauts to shauntaake was allllll of shauntaake aunts & uncles & lee little buddy
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shauntaake real kds & shauntaake real wives gonna get to run shauntaake real companys in real life shauntaake possessons like shauntaake blogs shauntaake could privatise all of these pages wit the push of one button hw shauntaake custom design shauntaake blog u want to seeeeeee watch shauntaake wll make it public  around 4:00 pm shauntaake always have connects wit shauntaake mystery 5 white woman hu ever they are & their alwaysssssssssss so protective & obssessive over shauntaake kds wit them & they be refusang to let anyone touch them only shauntaake & their real family like their giant ass white mothers their soul’s be on some murderer sht like everythang better be good & official cause if not their gonna set sht off wit their cult their whites their very cautous about strangers ths why shauntaake cant deal wit petty illiterat ignorant woman cause shauntaake wives one day includang shauntaake kds are gonna have to know hw to run shauntaake companys
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shauntaake was just layang in the bed watchang movies & laukang at tik tok video’s & shauntaake just had a connecton & saw shauntaake self big bad red man ths terrible news the worst part of shauntaake giant monster red skin man shauntaake sht so connect every phaut shauntaake post so magical shauntaake know that devil/shauntaake thang what u wll never in a million years be shauntaake feel so sad for u looser’s everythang here is a mock of shauntaake acient pen walls shauntaake wll always be the only 1 the devil/shauntaake birth shauntaake hstory on shauntaake acient pen walls (it) (core) (rosey) (benjamin) just to name some pieces of shauntaake self set in stone the most expensive stone marble
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shauntaake / u see shauntaake gave the celebrity’s shauntaake love & like their own page cause it’s really complicated they also deserve their own page u now why celebrity’s have their own world that regulaa ppl are not in u are not in their world the celebrity’s really livein a word ike they reach’s space & that what shauntaake could identify wit since shauntaake was a aby watchang star searchit lauk like they were inspace a place the devilshauntaake could identify wit & shauntaake kd use to be passed out on the floor every night cryang cause shauntaake could’nt be on star search so the celebrity’s world is a place a destinaton most ppl are trynna get to shauntaake gonna have some celebrity new today shauntaake management also helps a laut wit new fans shauntaake have a it blog & hu ever shauntaake promote shauntaake world shows them major love shauntaake keep trynna tell them shauntaake also have shauntaake own world of ppl that represent for shauntaake
shauntaake came to ths world to be shauntaake own star shauntaake own celebrity as u could see shauntaake came to welcome u into shauntaake custom made world
shauntaake / watch when shauntaake white wives give birth to shauntaake kds watch hw shauntaake kds come out shauntaake identical twins cause shauntaake the only one shauntaake wives are gonna be wit shauntaake gonna show u the power of just beang wit one lover
shauntaake did’nt akso to beconnect to nobody shauntaake dont know dont like & did’nt build shauntaake family wit your not in shauntaake lesbian book strictly shauntaake & chants aint no need to nit pick at shauntaake pages cause shauntaake not doang u build your own management your not in shauntaake life your not in shauntaake phauts
shauntaake dont even have a shauntaake les experience goang on right now shauntaake blog shows u shauntaake chllang
shauntaake been learn hw to manage shauntaake self cause these mutherfuckers wll give u problems connectang u to the wrong mutherfuckers u dont know & dont want to know so u know shauntaake could always give ppl a connect ot shauntaake link shauntaake pages so u could really see what it is in real life they cant represent shauntaake shauntaake just acknowledge certain thangs & certain ppl just a little bit aint no obssesson over here if your interestang & relevant shauntaake may have somethang to say about u cause of your relevantsy & ppl fludang shauntaake wit informaton about u most of the time shauntaake write about rihanna shauntaake be tellang u want these ppl sayang in these comments it aint shauntaake personally beang obssessed wit trihnn u have to read cause some of these ppl say they know rihanna inner circle secrets & pp be wantang to know what goes on behnd closed doors u see shauntaake dont go overboard wit the personal management cause shauntaake dont personally know them aint sht to talk about
shauntaake hate when it comes to rihanna cause these loosers cause so many problems trynna knock other ppl off & trynna make theirselves lauk like their the ones like cause we know ths sht about them trynna show off for rihanna everybody have a crush on rihanna that’s what’s goang on in the whole world right now so their on that give me a try i could get rihanna okay we gave u million try’s u dont thank u should quite tryang & u got the easy opportunity’s u got the closets & that bitch stll not interest & they promote u in every great way they could & she stll not interested in real life rihanna pregnant already for the second time & u stll thank she wants u do u know what u have to do to get pregnant meanang that someone is alllllllllll up in rihanna lovang rihanna rihanna want u to get over it & just love rihanna as a artist just love rihanna for hu rihanna is one of our great nw performers
shauntaake / many celebrity woman had the rihanna experience remember when everybody wanted to date madonna & vanessa williams they drove everybody nuts
shauntaake / one thang shauntaake learang about real entertainment rich ppl is that they do a laut of datang on the low we only know what they show us in public their public phauts but their secrets a whole nuthaa story & that’s the stuff shauntaake be wantang to know the secrets cause shauntaake read a comment yesterday laughang & the comment say when u do fibally get to be wit these woman your gonna be able to say u been wit everybody cause they do a laut of secret datang wit their cast members bak up dancers & ppl that they meet that their attract to & ysterday they sent shauntaake a private video if u know hu in japan & they show shauntaake that she was always in japan wit a bunch of frends on the low ppl shauntaake never seen befor & one of the guys lauk like he could be the baby real fathaa a big chunky guy & shauntaake like okay she grown as hell she dont have explain herself to anyone but shauntake be needang to know what’s up & shauntaake thank she had someone else baby that we dont know about a mystery man if so hey that’s her business & their sayang that was her love relatonship someone she datang for a long time so shauntaake respect her if that was her secret lover someone that she’s really in love wit cause beang rich can make u a real whore cause u have so much freedom to do whatever
shauntaake created a celebrity page cause that’s just somethang shauntaake want to do cause shauntaake love their world hw they live the way they live & the thangs they get to do everyday celebritys are some of the most interestang ppl in the world cause they have so many secrets that they dont show us & secrets they dont tell us so they also become great mystery’s & shauntaake also one of those ppl shauntaake aint show & tell u everythang  
shauntaake lauh at the plastic surgery cases that try to fake shauntaake lauk trynna act like shauntaake lauk got reject your not shauntaake soul & shauntaake personality
shauntaake like what shauntaake like & shauntaake love what shauntaake love but shauntaake lettang u know your not gonna see every celebrity on shauntaake page
shauntaake / ppl need not worry about shauntaake daughtaa’s aint givang shauntaake all of their money shauntaake needshauntaake daughtaa’s keepang their money for theirselves & gettang their life &finances right hw shauntaake teenager & yound adult got to enrich shauntaake self spendang all of shauntaake money on shauntaake self do u rich mutherfuckers ask your kds for money no u enruch your kds u make your kds rich cause that’s your job as a parent to make sure your kds get everythang they need & shauntaake feeeeeel the same way when shauntaake recieve shauntaake millions shauntaake daughtaa’s jasmin & janyah wll be the first to get a large chunk of shauntaake money cause that’s shauntaake job as jamin & janyah mother/fathaa
shauntaake teeanger had the personality of a serious serial white man when shauntaake gotaround kds shauntaake age shauntaake very fun &the best friend & personality u could ever be around but when shauntaake get home it was whole nuthaa story thangs got real serious they document shauntaake teenager those years & the showed u shauntaake was a very serious person
shauntaake / hu producang that ignorant ass teenager voice that sound like a iliteratete ignorant dirty drug dealer teenager that only make enough money to purchase sneakers
shauntaake see a laut of rich ppl take great pride in beang great givang parents that provide the greatest investment life for their kds cause that what keeps their kds safe & out of trouble & dealang wit strangers those are problems the rich dont have to deal wit someone trynna swindle their kds
shauntaake kd had became one of the greatest hustle for shauntaake whites shauntake kds was full of talent & that’s one thang about ppl we all do want the star kd that have talent that u could prance around everywhere & also make them profitable company’s & shauntaake was that kd that shauntaake whites could prance around in school & make their greatest example of hw a perfect kd should be & shauntaake made shauntaake whites feel so proud that they got to handle shauntaake & build thangs wit shauntaake cause some ppl have fuck up kds that have nithang goang for theirselves their just regulaa & aint nothang wrong wit that but most ppl want to be star’s & want to be treated & catered to like stars & shauntaake gave them those make them feel like a star momments
shauntaake real weight we get to see what it is when it’s time to have kds they dont produce weight & shauntaake kds aint pump up wit medicine’s shauntaake aint have no sick kds u been dsqualify’s n shauntaake world we two totally different worlds we about playang fair u went out there messang wit the bullsht thats your problem that your gonna deal wit & not make everybody else problem
shauntaake what the fuck these loosers talkang about they yes shauntaake bak then well shauntaake yes shauntaake bak then & shauntake yes shauntake now cause shauntaake management all of shauntaake sht everythang u see in the phauts shauntaake own thank u
shauntaake / it’s a laut of beyond rich men in th world real kings & they billionaires to & u see bitches dont be trynna swindle them cause they wll have your ass slaughtered for stealang from them the real musliums the arabics that livang near the sands & really built a whole musilum city they beyond billionaires their rich ass hell in dubi right now u see the entertainment rich dont bother them or usually date them cause they can also be very dangerous about their money if your not really muslium janet jackson the only latest entertainment woman that shauntaake see that marry’s a rich billionaire arab janet jackson hsand a billionaire
shauntaake / these real arabic musliums are here & their sht beyond real their moey they own oil here they own gas statons all over the place the arabicsssssss own all of the gas statons around here
shauntaake dont u know that some of these magazies & celebrity website’s get pay milios of dollars in sales to promote exclusive celebrity story’s & these magzines & celebrity sites pay these celebrity’s for their exclusive story’s shauntaake trynna created page’s s magical & so special that the celebrity’s want to pay shauntaake to post their story’s cause shauntaake also helpang to get those extra sales so ths nw celebrity page shauntaake have a test run page to see hw it does as far as management goes
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shauntaake / let shauntaake tell u somethang about shauntaake self shauntaake one of the realest ppl your gonna meet & shauntaake only use to dealang wit real experiences & when it comes to celebrity’s your sht better be for real u could say shauntaake name a million times & talk all that sweet sht but if u aint serious & u aint really callang shauntaake in real life shauntaake put shauntaake number online for business but it’s online if your really trynna holla that’s hw adults operate shauntaake never get caught up in celebrity’s cause the way shauntaake like u & support u someone else feels the same way about u & some of these mutherfuckers fanatics & their jealousy is beyond jealousy so if your serious about shauntaake your gonna have to really call shauntaake & sneak shauntaake away hw chants did it chants snuck shauntaake away & aint nobody know sht & it was sweet shauntaake private getaway wit chants & chants stressed that shauntaake come by shauntaake self & that what shauntaake did shauntaake left by shauntaake self cause now when they read some be jealous jealousy dont mean sht shauntaake wit some serious money a mutherfuckr better keep their dstance if it aint all love & mind their business when it comes to shauntaake cause shauntaake wll go to war wit yo jealous asses weapons much shauntaake dont owe strangers sht cause shauntaake solo dolo as u can seeeeeeee cause money & fame brangs a laut of jealousy that shautaake dont entertain shauntaake trynna right the world right now as u can seeeeeeeee & that’s the way shauntaake keepang it shauntaake really let doom doom/shauntaake free us shauntaake beang good shauntaake wll promote shauntaake & u when shauntaake far away wit u & u pay shauntaake so shauntaake could properlly protect shauntaake self when shauntaake have the money to make a million moves like shauntaake need to shauntaake always move in silence shauntaake dont give a fuck hw they feel when shauntaake loved & favored thats shauntaake thangs make yourself special so ppl like u to but yes shauntaake take whats shauntaake’s when ppl choose shauntaake to roll out wit them & ill see u when shauntaake see u once shauntaake get the millions shauntaake need shauntaake wll luxury apartment & manson shauntaake self & that wll be a getaway for shauntaake & shauntaake family & thats what it is shauntaake choosang to explain shauntaake self
shauntaake hate that when shauntaake do thangs they document it & they been callang shauntaake doom doom but recently a couple of years befor a looser came out here trynna make a name for hsself shauntaake guess he want to be the man & he did some bullsht when it came to shauntake & shauntaake was ready to retaliate in the worst way shauntaake have a cousin that really went to (iraq) one of the wars that took place in the 80′s & 90′s shauntaake cousin use to call bak home to hs mother house & we all use to be cryang cause it was really a war so listen when ths bullsht experience happene’d shauntaake called shauntaake cousin one day to ask shauntake cousin where could shauntaake purchase a grenade u know a grenade wll blow u the fuck up boom boom - doom doom so they see hw shauntaake dont react like regulaa ppl when situatons do arise
shauntaake / u could log onto shauntaake pages & u could see hu aint on shauntaake pages u could see hu aint shauntaake frends & associates but its all good everybody have their own life shauntaake aint caught up in the past shauntaake been gone a million years befor & dont want to be bothered shauntaake shauntaake own man as u could see shauntaake been gatherang up shauntaake own bitches shauntaake whole life by shauntaake self wit no boys or men in shauntaake life shauntaake told u a million story’s about shauntaake teenager cause shauntaake teenager years is when shauntaake had a bunch of girlfrends that felt like they chose shauntaake so shauntaake was forced to have all of these girlfrends shauntaake pretty tomboy years when shauntaake lived in irvington shauntaake was in irvington by shauntaake self wit no family & frends shauntaake was the nw kd in town & the way shauntaake dress shauntaake lauk like da brat twin befor shauntake even saw a da brat video & immature kris kross the way shauntaake lauk drove these lil bitches crasy & shauntaake personality u see shauntaake years & shauntaake lived all of shauntaake fame by shauntaake self shauntaake stll own shauntaake song’s when shauntaake was 11 12 & 13 years old when shauntaake first start rappang shauntaake drove shauntaake 8 girfrends crasy & the major industry gave their artist that same love lauk a hw da brat had all of the baddest bitches in the game shauntaake & da brat was livang that fame togethaa happy ass hell mindang our business & shauntaake was at alll of shauntaake girlfrends parents houses everyday by shauntaake self gettang all of shauntaake gift by shauntaake self beang spoiled by shauntaake self lovang shauntaake life by shauntaake self & that’s all shauntaake know havang shauntaake bitches to shauntaake self by shauntaake self shauntaake aint sharang sht u share yo bitches cause shauntaake not sharang shauntaake bitches they bitches aint shauntaake past bitches shauntaake dont know hu bitches they got shauntaake bitches was official shauntaae dont even speak about certain pplo there no need fr u to connect them to shauntaake shauntaake go in when shauntaake explain in great detail long assss paragraph’s about shauntaake loves & hu shauntaake was really datang u could lauk at the movies & music video years & they show u hw shauntaake face & shauntaake style was beang managed the proof was made shauntaake made shauntaake music video pages so u could see all of the faces in the videos verybody that was beang managed & we see hu was’nt the pretty girl in the music video’s
shauntaake / let shauntaake tell u a secret shauntaake rainbows shauntaake soul was the only 1 foramng in shauntaake rainbows so that’s explains it all why shauntaake whites was havang shauntaake identical twins & obvously they were’nt connectang to to many uthaa ppl
shantaake would never be mad at them shauntaake been planang shauntaake life to be wit shauntaake own racist white woman shauntaake rainbows expose to shauntaake that shauntaake racist white woman gave shauntaake shauntaake identical twins not the nigger lovers made shauntaake make different
shauntaake a american culture birth as u could see so shauntaake havang shauntaake seal’s american marriages to shauntaake several wives
shauntaake dont want none of ths nw sht shauntaake a custom made doll baby company that got custom made by shauntaake self shauntaake not interest in your belenciaga shauntaake saw some pieces but shauntaake classic shauntaake into the original design shauntaake wit a million dollars right shauntaake would be trynna purchase the original guuci chanel & gianni versace sunglasses & someof their collecton that shauntaake remember when shauntaake was a teenager when shauntaake start purchasang shauntaake own clothes
shauntaake / when shauntaake first met sean taylor sean taylor let shauntaake make shauntaake self hauntaake own doll baby company cause shauntaake came shauntaake the doll baby beauty queen bitch
shauntaake / ppl need to learn hw to ignore ppl ppl give theirselves problems shauntaake ignore ths sht out of ppl shauntake dont fuck wit they wll never know u exist if it was up to shuntaake cause the latest beef shauntaake readang is that they connect to such &such managamenet & it lauks like your preparag to date her your wearang her lauks uknow fashon is fashon cant nobody tell u what the fuc to wear but u connect it all togethaa that when it becomes a problem so beang that she thanks that u was doag her management she feels that u owe her now u owe her to date u or whatever it is that u want from her & that’s your problems now cause all of your teasang is personal to some ppl they take it to heart so they expect u to be real & be woman & men of your word when u chose to merge wit them u lifed yourselves well cause cant none of these mutherfuckers reach u if they wanted they could never get close to u so it’s all good wit u u dont never have to make thangs official wit these ppl if u dont want u dont really owe them sht u could say whatever the fuck u want to say & wear whatever the fuck u want to wear u pay’d your own way & your own lifestyle it aint like u was borrowang your frends clothes u pay’s your own way &if u changed our mind &want to make uthaa descons that’s your right & hu ever u may have been flirtang wit gonna have to move on wit their life & thats what it is cause in all actuality u dont owe nobody sht
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shauntaake / let shauntaake tell u all somethang it aint to put in u anyones business or to hurt anyone’s feelangs or to make u feel lesser than hu u are but the u know hu’s their into travis scott thang right now & everybody travis scott merged travis scott managemet wit u see they never really celebrate travis scott they let travis scott do travis scott thang by hsself but travis scott created so much & they want to explore travis scott creative world now as well travis scott came a hell of a new performer music & performance & their bullshtang everybody else cause they usually celebrate each uthaa major wins so hu all was apart of makang travis scott that mega star like them that’s hu their interested in & that’s what shauntaake see that’s what it is
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DEAR EVAN HANSEN “You Will Be Found” National College Essay Writing Challenge 2021
In partnership with Gotham Writers Workshop and the Broadway Education Alliance, DEAR EVAN HANSEN invited 11th-grade and 12th-grade students across the country to write a college-application style essay that describes how they channeled “You Will Be Found” to ensure those around them were a little less alone over the last year, or, alternatively, a moment where they found comfort in connection.
WINNER: Nearly 4,000 high school students across America wrote about impactful ways they stayed connected with others over the last year and we're delighted to announce Maxwell Silverman of Chicago, IL as the winner of the 2021 "You Will Be Found" National College Essay Writing Challenge and the $10,000 scholarship.
In June 2021, Maxwell graduated from Lane Tech High School in Chicago with plans to attend Boston Conservatory at Berklee, focusing on a degree in Musical Theatre.
FINALISTS: Seth Gorelik, Bellmore, NY Mira Kwon, Los Angeles, CA Anna Cappella, Pittsburgh, PA Semira Abdus-Salam, Rosedale, NY Filgey Borgard, Brooklyn, NY Lauren Escarcha, Orlando, FL Kacey Feth, Union, MO Paige Foltz, Stephens City, VA Sarah George, Chesterfield, MO Vincent Gerardi, Hauppauge, NY Ariane Lee, Syosset, NY Allison Lierz, Omaha, NE Megan Luong, New York, NY Kimberly Manyanga, Billerica, MA Orla Grace McCoy, Raleigh, NC Lucy Meola, New York, NY Sunaya DasGupta Mueller, Palisades, NY Liv Ollestad, Issaquah, WA Liana O'Rourke, Downers Grove, IL Isaiah Register, New York, NY Sydney Schneider, Los Angeles CA Ysanne Sterling, Centreville, VA Madeline Wiest, Peoria, AZ Samantha Williams, Providence, RI Laura Yee, New York, NY
FINAL ROUND JUDGES: Kelly Caldwell, Dean of Faculty, Gotham Writers' Workshop Logan Culwell-Block, Director of PLAYBILLder Operations and Community Engagement, Playbill Will Roland, Actor, Dear Evan Hansen Original Broadway Cast Member Crystal Su, Program Manager, The Jed Foundation Ekele Ukegbu, 2019 Jimmy Award Winner
Gram·pun·cle [geram-puhn-cuul] n. A gay man who formerly dated your grandmother only to later come to terms with his sexuality but still stay in the family to take care of your mother and aunt growing up.
Alan Palmer was my Grampuncle. When my cousins and I were younger, we couldn’t figure out what to call him. He was our grandpa in terms of age and raising our mothers, but he functioned more as the classic “fun gay uncle”, so we settled on a combination, Grampuncle. While we all had amazing relationships with Alan, mine was special. I have known Alan and his husband, Bill, since birth (making them the first ever gay couple I knew in my life).
Growing up and struggling with my sexuality, I was always able to look up to them to show me that true love really does have no boundaries. I will never forget, in 2015, standing inside the Michigan courthouse beside Alan as he and Bill exchanged vows and got married. They showed me, a young, insecure gay boy, that there was a place for me in the world and that I had a future to look forward to filled with love and joy.
Along with that joy, there eventually came some pain. Alan was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in the early spring of 2020. A week or so after the diagnosis, the world fell into a global pandemic. Those first few months were intense. I heard the horror stories from Alan of how scary it was going into the hospital for rounds of chemotherapy with people who had the Coronavirus sitting in the next wing over. Being constantly in and out of the hospital he was a risk to others, and the lung cancer made almost everyone else a risk to him. With the exception of his husband, he was fully alone.
Alan did not admit to his loneliness and pain. He did not want to feel like a burden, but after talking with Bill and hearing how Alan was truly feeling, my family began to make the hour and a half drive from Chicago to Michigan almost every other week to visit. We brought Alan a pop-up gazebo and some fancy sun hats to protect him (with the radiation he could not be in the sun for more than a few minutes at a time), and we would sit in the backyard just talking and laughing for hours until Alan’s body would give in to the exhaustion and he had to go inside.
As his birthday approached, I racked my brain thinking of something special to do for him. I thought back to a video I saw online toward the beginning of the pandemic and decided to make a “hug shield”. What better gift to give than a loved one’s embrace during the pandemic? Using a clear painter’s tarp, I cut arm holes and taped together closed arm sleeves. It took a good few hours, but I finally figured out a design that allowed for full protection on either side of the hug. On the day of his birthday, we packed up the car and headed to Michigan.
After talking and eating cake, it was time for the surprise. As we pulled the shield out and hung it from the gazebo, Alan did something I had only seen at the courthouse; he cried. I had the honor of the first hug, and as I slipped my arms into the sleeves Alan and I held each other and cried together. He pressed his forehead against mine through the plastic and in between sobs he said to me, “I am so proud of you.” I knew this was our final goodbye. When Alan died the next week, I knew he went in peace. He had felt my embrace through the shield of love.
SEMI-FINALISTS: Bailey Andera, Thousand Oaks, CA Arianna Arroyo, Brooklyn, NY Alexis (Lexi) Berganio, Honolulu, HI Avery Bielski, Los Angeles, CA Henry Boemer, Villa Rica, GA Isabelle Bulmahn, Imperial, MO Jane Butera, Phoenixville, PA Mia Cashin, Norwell, MA Sean Choo, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Zuri Clarno, Columbus, OH Lydia Corcoran, Apalachin, NY Cody Coyle, Winter Park, FL Anna Dai-Liu, San Diego, CA Alexander Guerrero Diaz, Richmond, VA Isabella Dufault, Irvine, CA Edwin Ellis, Atlanta, GA Laurel Emanuel, Raleigh, NC Aubrey Fisher, Cobden, IL Sunny Fong, Brooklyn, NY Sarah Galatoire, Houston, TX Zhao Gu Gammage, Wyncote, PA Sarah Gomez, Anaheim, CA Rachel Gray, Cleveland, OH Jameson Huge, Chicago, IL Sarah Grace Hutchinson, Alpharetta, GA Catheryn Ibegbu, Dearborn, MI Nicole Jo, Andover, MA Kelsey Johnston, Prince George, VA Gabrielle Kashorek, Avon, NY Samantha Kern, Akron, NY Nicole Kowalewski, Sykesville, MD Anne Lee, Edison, NJ Amelia Lin, Mukilteo, WA Judianne Meredith, River Vale, NJ Rabi Michael-Crushshon, Minneapolis, MN Geneva Millikan, Maumelle, AR Samantha Moy, Long Island, NY Shaakirah Nazim-Harris, Amityville, NY Eleanor Neal, Springfield, VA Sofia Ochoa, Camarillo, CA Basilia Oferbia, Brooklyn, NY Annika Olson, Rathdrum, ID Kaden Polt, Osmond, NE Shreeyamsa Poudel, Federal Way, WA Noah Robie, South Berwick, ME Zainely A. Sandoval Martinez, Dorado, PR Devyn Schoen, Eldred, PA Yusra Shaikh, Edison, NJ Gabrielle Shockley, Egg Harbor Township, NJ Ava Sklar, Brooklyn, NY Mia Sunday, Sammamish, WA Christina Unkenholz, Smithtown, NY Emilia Valencia, Portland, OR Brianna Wallace, Fredericksburg, VA Charles Wang, West Hartford, CT Daniel Joseph Weispfenning, Ridgewood, NJ Jennifer Wheeler, Reading, MA Virginia Zanella, Collierville, TN Alessandra Zepeda Ortiz, Los Angeles, CA Anna Zhang, New York, NY Daniel Zhang, Cortland, NY
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
The Red Flags of Meghan Markle (& other essays)
Hello empress! I changed phones & cloned the old one. Apparently, I wrote this stuff on the Harkles in my notes. Done in 2018, edited Feb 2019. How time flies on this trainwreck duo! Thought I'd share, for a bit of reminiscing :)
1) the running to Vanity Fair
2) she herself praised her father (until she started dating Harry)
3) The only one at her wedding was her mother (who wasnt there while she was growing up, but convenient now because she can play the racism card). Out of all her family, no one gets along with her? Not even a niece or nephew, a cousin? Not even the uncle who got her the embassy job (and she did not qualify for a foreign service position. Oh she must be so smart)
4) With money at her disposal, how difficult is it to fly and talk to her father in person? Make a deal.
5) the "racism" card
6) No lifelong friends (and her best friend spoke out against her) Forget childhood friends, but not even college friends?
7) The confusing bump. All the bending (that pregnant women attest simply is too difficult).
8) The yoga but no muscle contour
9) Shady AF at Eugenie's wedding
10) apparently still living-in with the chef when she went on a blind date with Harry
11) "Is he kind?"
12) Not knowing much about the RF or Harry when she followed Diana, and wrote about Kate and William's wedding on her blog.
13) Got a role in suits, dumped the producer husband. Met harry, dumped the chef who introduced her to the higher circles in the Canadian society. Who's next after Harry, a Russian oil magnate?
14) The merching. And its obviously merching. Usually 3rd party websites and blogs post what they wear but with M, its the designers themselves who post on their sites, even soho house
15) The dysfunctional family.
16) I get the sexy scenes which are for roles, but the other racy videos, what were they for?
17) labeled herself a "humanitarian" after 1 World Vision trip. If that isnt egoism right in there.
18) the word salad speeches. I admit she really talks well (in manner) but doesnt get to the point. Thats her way of showing her "
"intelligence ."
19) the being disturbed by the media (lol we didnt see her being papped, Kate experienced that for years). What Diana and Kate went through was scary. Where are these photos and videos of Meghan being chased by paps? Im sure even with KP dealing with things, some would still surface. Even went on a pap walk with the PR guy, she was not ever chased. And you see people in the background did not even bother to pull their phones to take a photo of her.
20) the way she flips her coats to show her bump
21) the expensive clothing for a technically minor royal. Spent almost 400% more than Kate, not even a year into the family. She's not even important in the grand scheme of things. And many of those dont fit her right. Doesnt know how to dress for the occasion.
22) the bump holding. We get it, you're pregnant, but to have your hand attached to it almost 24/7, thats not normal anymore. Thats drawing attention.
23) The unprofessional behavior. People are easily fooled into loved up displays because who doesnt want love right? But when you're representing an office, you have to be professional. The constant PDAs are like teenager behaviors. You're not there to showcase yourself, you're technically diplomats/ambassadors. Do we see handholding among those in events? Very childish. Look at them now, even when there are times Harry obviously does not want to hold hands, they still do because they've set a precedent. Look at the Endeavour Fund handholding, that looked so stiff and hard. In the event they dont show PDA, the people will be wondering why and the attention will be shifted off the cause they're representing.
24) the clinginess. She cant make a move without clinging on to harry. Isnt it just stupid to walk in really high stilletos if she cant walk in them? 2-3 inches are fine.
25) the cookbook. Made it all about her in her written foreword (and thats her only contribution, it was the ladies who worked hard on it. Then she barged in and it is now her project. Wasnt there a story of her claiming her bf's recipe as hers too?). Is she still working with the charity now after the isis fiasco?
26) the inappropriate tour clothes. Sure KP would post it, they had to.
27) did not curtsy properly to the king and queen of tonga. Basic respect. People said its because she was pregnant and can't bend, but why is she bending non-stop?
28) the borrowing of jewelry (half a million for that? Lol). Are they allowed to? I thought they are not allowed to borrow or receive those kinds of gifts.
29) the engagement interview. Took over even questions directed to harry. And they dont match answers (18 mos and 2 yrs)
30) the engagement photoshoot. Even the future king and queen did not have 1, they had just done it in the palace, no need for a location shoot and expensive dress.
31) cant dress appropriately. Summer clothing in the winter? Really thick skinned.
32) couldnt take criticism. She lashes out in the form of her "friends" everyone critical is a bully and racist. Statements had to be made for her. Lol.
34) who runs KP IG? Her people? Liking Meghan's friends post when they were not supposed to. Its also been observed that criticisms against her are erased, but the ones on Kate stays on. Her "fans" even hijacked William's speech on bullying. How is she bullied? People have reactions to HER OWN actions. And you,'re living partly on public money, it comes with the territory.
35) the doxxing of people. No more free speech now. Arent people allowed opinions (as long as there are no threats). Isnt it her fans who are on twitter wishing for the deaths of the cambridges so she can be kween?
36) leaked private engagement photos (there werent leaks before she came in) esp after a series of K & W private engagements. It's like "oh im important/doing something important too"; the " secret" visits with a lot of photographers and a red carpet rolled. Note that these are supposed to be secret, and not an embargoed private engagement.
And weren't there studies that those who show too much PDA are those who are insecure in relationships?
37) exorbitant cost of clothes when they are taxpayer-funded. And they're so ill-fitting and lacks class. Even if it is funded solely by the Duchy and not taxpayers money, it still smacks of bad taste to go spending that much in UK's troubled times. Marie Antoinette?
38) the constant belly cupping, the back bending before she was "showing". Even on an official photo. She cant even clap properly bec it goes back to her belly. And usually pregnant women cup the top or the bulge, but she does it at the bottom. Afraid the bump would fall off? Maybe that explains the tight clothes, so the bump wont fall off. And notice she does it much when the engagement is of only her or with harry. If out with other royals, though she still does, its not as much. As with all things, there's a level that ok and fine, then there's overkill.
Also, people noticed she did not gain any weight, and 1 week after (the museum event), she showed up with a plumpier face (fillers?), But nothing changed in her body, esp the ankles.
39) the KP statement: when was she papped? Were people chasing her like they did diana and kate? Were there police reports of attempted entries to her house? Who are these friends and were they at the wedding?
They just called the british public racist. If someone who partly lives off my taxes (and they are not voted into it), I would certainly react and ask for a proper vetting before that someone gets my taxes.
40) The 2013 interview with Craig Ferguson. Ive seen a lot of celebrity interviews never this level of flirting. This is blatant flirting and she's obviously selling herself hard. So don't be fooled by the doe eyes, she looks at other men that way.
41) The Markles were silent until PH said the RF will be "the family she never had." Compare that with William's statement on the Middleton family. Before that, even when she was in Suits, they did not say anything. But before dating Harry, dad was the best. Haha! I get it, hiring papparazi is also despicable but seriously just talk it out? How hard can that be? He had to navigate his way through the news and did not receive help/orientation. Besides, Harry has despicable offenses also (eg the Nazi stunt). But he had always been forgiven because "oh poor boy, lost his mommy" but William did not act out even though he went through the same thing (although I know people react to trauma differently)
42) more on Harry but the "I hope she loves me" is already indicative of the state of things. Haha!
43) the doxxing of those who dislike Meghan but no efforts being done for those who posf against Kate (even with those who post threats)
44) when she started dressing for the winter (museum outfit), she looked like Melania Trump. Hahaha!
45) The royalty worked hard to shed its celebrity image after Diana. And now its back to that, even worse bec there's social media.
46) what was that shoot for that ended up in Pornhub? (Was that for a role?)
47) the recognition of fans she supposedly interacted with in IG. It stopped when people reacted how many more of them were planted.
48) her IG popping up. Im sure thats no Instagram breach. Were there previous cases of deactivated IG accounts suddenly popping up without the owner activating them again? We would have heard of it. Someone, even with a few followers, would complain about that. Just 1 public complaint and the others would jump on IG bec thats a privacy issue.
49) the inconsistencies. Vegan but cooked and ate chicken, wore leather
50) abandoned her dogs. Seriously, they can afford private jets. How hard could it be to transport an injured dog? If flying is dangerous, there are ships. Even the photos with her animal patronage, the dogs dont look like they like her
51) the #hellotokindness campaign which only applied to her (but not to Kate and Camilla).
52) changed her nose, got implants which are gone now (those boobs in deal or no deal were obviously fake) .
53) what's the deal with her constantly eyeing up William? And side eyeing Kate?
I think Harry is more spoiled than what I previously thought, seems like no proper vetting was done on her. Or they feared the "racism" backlash. After all, its easier to divorce than to be labelled as a racist, especially in current times when it could easily backlash the whole institution (that could be a global outrage).
What she is not:
1) contrary to what her fans claim, she is not a Hollywood a-lister. In fact, her biggest role was as a supporting character in a cable show. (Was it overly popular? If people had to google who she was - someone told me she was most searched- then that means not a lot of people knew her). She already had one foot in the door (with an Emmy winning dad, and still cant get roles? Must be a bad actress.
2) She does not embrace her black side (until the narrative was convenient). (Does she bleach?) Didnt she list herself as Caucasian (not half-caucasian in her bio/resume?) Who were her friends before Serena Williams and Jessica Mulroney? Straightens her hair, changed her nose.
Her fans who do not know the history of the family (even as recent as Kate and William and label everything as "Meghan inspired Kate" Kate copies Meghan. Lol. Kate was already in the RF before Meghan was in Suits.
I dont get the lazy title. Kate was part time royal, building a family and stepping up now that both her and William are full time. I wonder, if they are lazy, what did Harry do before Invictus? The current run of Invictus wasnt even that successful (his wife stepped all over it). And what is Harry doing now aside from tagging along his wife's engagements?
There were negative press about Kate (but only in Britain) but Meghan seems to be widely disliked (her "friends" called it global bullying). Maybe because social media was different then but to be vilified by other populations (than your own/new country), why isnt she sitting well with the world?
- The need to "modernize" the need to "rebel". Dont fix anything thats not broken. I dont really get this preoccupation with having to rebel, sometimes there are things that dont need changing. There are rules for there to be order. There can be healthy respect for tradition (unless its harmful and had to be changed. But what is harmful with the way the RF is ran?) Surely things can be improved (but does it have to be done forcefully and disrespectfully?)
- kate and william are boring. Lol. They're steady and dependable. You can be exciting nd wild at any time, but that wouldnt help in the long run. See how cheeky and wild Harry was, what now?
- KP releasing a statement essentially calling people "racists". Kate had been heavily papped in her early 20s and why wasnt there notice to back off? Then this 35 (then, or maybe 39 already) actress who should have already been used to being papped complained a lot about it (but then ran to Vanity Fair. Lol). You can tell people to back off without calling them racists ya know. Kate and William did it well (and sued those who severely infringed their privacy)
Sometimes I think "oh she might be telling the truth bec who has the audacity to lie that much in such a public setting". But then I think, oh yeah politicians, some actors, and some encountered well-spoken psychopaths. So its really possible.
How were the Middleton family social climbers? What is wrong with being an air hostess? If they managed to enroll their children in expensive schools (even at a young age), wouldnt it mean that the business is already successful before William and that they already had money? All these years (aside from that one uncle), they all had behaved impeccably and are a grounded family. You do not see them imposing themselves but you can see the support they have for Kate and William's family. Btw, who informed the press that Doria was invited for Christmas? Wasnt true no? Hahahaha! Also, who told the press about a possible US-Canada tour? That's like putting the queen into a corner isnt it? Since the public "knows" even if there are no such plans, they should just give in. And why send them for a trip with that level of importance? They're not the ones who will be running the royal family. Essentially, they will be nothing once George comes of age.
- what is this preoccupation about "modern". What do they mean by modern in this instance?
- the current fan culture. The royalty is not Hollywood, they are not celebrities. They are ambassadors/diplomats. They represent causes, not actors.
- The way Ive seen things progress, the anti-Meghan accounts are a reaction to the Meghan fans who first created anti-Kate accounts. They started the comparisons, people just defended. Crazy stan culture. Havent seen people calling for Meghans death, but I have seen plenty threatening the lives of all the Cambridges.
- Oh Harry was fun, wild, cheeky. He has more "personality." And now, what did fun, wild, and cheeky bring to the family? Not fun no?
- the constant use of the race and bullying card. People cant have opinions now? And even though she is criticized, she is not criticized because of her race (she doesnt even claim to be black, she's always identified as half-white, not half-black). That's why there are many who dont give a toss about racism and bullying because its constantly used as an excuse (I know there are REALLY MANY cases of racism and bullying and those make me angry), it's almost like the boy who cried wolf.
- who paid for M's gown? With the veil overkill. If M's dad was supposed to be in the wedding, did we see him with tuxedo fittings? Was he given proper orientation? Seems like no one from KP briefed him on anything. I think this is more deliberate to have Charles walk her down the aisle. That solidifies the 'family she never had.' Besides, C is the next king, she had to get close to him (although I doubt Camilla will tolerate it, esp in private)
- "she's doing more engagements than Kate when she was pregnant. She's more hardworking. Kate has HG, thats fucking life threatening"
On Prince Harry
- We know people react differently to trauma but how long will he use the excuse of his mother's death (and how long will the public let him). People seem to forget that while Harry lost his mother, william lost his mother too. And yet he did not act up. He probabaly had it even harder because he's older, he had seen more and understood more than Harry. He had to deal with his pain while he was helping Harry deal with his. Yet he did not lash out, did not do anything wild. Except for that night he went dancing with a random girl on a boys' vacation (I felt really sorry for Kate on that one and really girls, when a man is already married, hands off), he conducted himself with dignity in all times. He finished his education, done courses on agriculture, trained in the military and served. He took his time to marry (and while there are many negative opinions about him and Kate, those had been thrown out the water once perspective is gained in comparison to Harry and his wife).
- Harry was tolerated and babied for so long. Was he reigned in after his Vegas stunts (on public money?)
- wanted the quiet life and yet, married an actress. He could give up his titles and lead a private life (he's not really important anyway) but he wont, too many privileges to give up too (or his wife would run in the opposite direction since she wouldnt have attention)
What Meghan fans criticize about Kate
- her flying skirts (can you control the wind? Even if weights are put on hemlines, strong winds can still blow them). That is different from someone DELIBERATELY choosing clothes with thigh-high slits, and see-through dresses.
- she has not worked. She was in college, then worked for Jigsaw, then worked for their company. Try working also with papparazi hounding you every day.
- Meghan hustled, she is a millionaire. Oh really? Did she buy her gown? Besides, there was some declaration that she was paid 450,000 per season, was that net income? How about payments to PR, stylist, etc etc?
- K & W kept their relationship lowkey as much as they could. M deliberately displayed hers on IG (that spooning banana. Lol)
- Kate is a curtain, she's just in the background. Lol. Try raising a family in her position. Even if she is "just a housewife" (which she is not), what's wrong with being a housewife. She's raising her children who are the future of their family. And its obvious that her and W are hands-on parents, you can see it in how they interact with their children. Besides, isnt that what feminism is, to allow women the choice to do as they want. While others want to be CEOs, others want to be housewives. Kate has a lot of supported charities, she envisioned Heads Together (there was one interview where W said something like she is not given much credit, but she started the project- it's the interview of Heads Together with all 4 of them).
Meghan could not claim that she was not welcomed. In fact, among all royal girlfriends (Diana to her), she had it the easiest.
- before her IG shut down, she was allowed to post coded innuendos of their relationship
- the Vanity Fair article was allowed to be printed
- she was welcomed into the fold even before she was wed: Christmas in Sandringham and was even given an engagement: Heads Together
- most of all, KP and Harry issued a strongly worded statement for her.
If the public perception of her is negative, its all on her. She's already 36 (or 40) at the time they got engaged, she should be mature enough to understand the world she entered into. But no, she chose to barge her way in (really verifies that she is pushy).
This. Is. Amazing. Thank you. 
What a long and comprehensive list of red flags. And you know what.. this doesn't even include all the things that went wrong on their tours, the NYC baby shower, the Wimbledon debacle, the Archie reveal. There is so much more. I appreciate this submission. 
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ne-fe-li-bata · 3 years
Aye yo CORPSE!  ...
Dead ass;
You can't convince me that Corspe was/is/does ; 
in no particular order..
• Deserve to be held ( I would smother him with my chest and hold him tighter than he has ever been held) & protected from this world
• Pyro! Mans loves🔥🔥🔥 - mostly his fav elemental  (Leo is a fire sign); “WOOO... now that’s a fire!”
•  Loves knives/weapons- has a collection (quite a nifty 1, ay thank-a-you) & even knows how to use butterfly knives/ tackle combat.
      Has a collection of weapons (brass knuckle, daggers, swords, knives,etc.)
•  Highly interested in combat/training. Most likely has training in some sort of combat. Loves any form of physical combat < UFC,MMA, Boxing, any type of martial arts>
•  Absolute proper gentlemen / clearly has the utmost charm/cunning
      I.e holds the door open & will slap yo ass on the way in, moves you away from street side when walking, pulls chairs, defends your honor, etc.
• Takes A . L . O . T  to truly capture his attention- but once you have it ..%100
•  With his person; protective/obsessives/ possessive/ sensual/ affectionate .
              < mine is mine. me no share -like absolutely not at all>
             “ You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down for ya“
• RP'er on DeviantArt/chats had his own OC. (also prob had his fav person to RP with) 
         <prob even talked to them in MSN or private chat>
•  Watched mostly nothing by anime/cartoons (nick/CN) as a kid & also mostly watched certain shows/movies as a kid well into his teens
         (could recite quotes/scenes as second nature)
•  Not a major musical theatre type of kid. But musical movies/shows was 1 of his favs- but still highly interested/ in love with theatre/musicals/preforming arts none the less.
•’staring problem’ he’d just stare at you -deep in his head (both good & bad) you’d have to bring him back to you ..”babe- eh, come *snap*back to me. What’s on your mind my love?’
•  Genuinely a really warm person- but only to certain people, but comes across cold & distance 
•  Grew up in the internet & knows the way around the 'business' & 'faceless' YouTubers/celebrities
•  His teens/ late adolescents consisted & grew up on YouTube O.G videos/ video game commentary/content;
  Cry.. <Cry was a huge part of my life & still hold a special place in my heart. Corspe just like I was most likely devastated with the shit that went down> 
Hanna Hart
Ray William Johnson
Wassabi Prod.
• Has an oral fixating (lovebites indefinitely <like dead ass ya’ll be chillan/ out & he’d attack you> & just needs something in his mouth always)
• Fidgety af, always need to be playing with something in his hands/playing with 
•  Is a goddamn absolute certified freak--but also super soft bean boi. (can't stress how this boi needs& deserves to be protected)
• Constant hand/arm touching/stroking for comfort.
• Daddy{papi} / Mommy(mamá) . Master . Sir  kink - hard control kinks- but highly sub. 
hard(er) kinks
• Lovebites = M I N E 
obvs fishnets/ crossbody straps/ lingerie
collars/ restraints 
sub/dom switch
showing/proving your actually/completely & utterly his/ he’s completely & utterly yours..
& of course you know it's go time when 1 - if not both of you has kitty ears on. 
over stim 
*no touchy/ don’t let me go*
“look at what I’ve done to you”
“you kno only I can do this to you”
“look how greedy you are for me”
“look at the mess you’ve made because of me’ 
“cum on my face”/’cum for me”
“who do you belong to” / “you belong to me & only me”
100% all black clothing 🖤
*that once we get home / I swear I’ll deal with you right here, right now* look 
primal play  “when you run from me, it only makes me want you more” “you know imma find you kitten”
pet names (beast< i feel like you call this man “ (a) beast”-he about to lose his absolute fucking mind> , “oh Corpse/______, you absolute fuckin’ beast- my God” kitten, babyboy/girl, baby(e), bae, my love, lover boy, my darling, slut, needy little bitch, cum slut, lil’ whore, master/mistress, king/queen”
“only yours” “just ______” “ no-one but _____” “only____” “only you” 
‘I’ll keep you so no one can find you or bother us’
“that’s my girl” / “that's my boy”
“would you like to/ I saw----”
“look at me” “don’t look away from me”
GROWLING / talking through clenched jaw
not breaking eye contact 
     • his name & ‘Corspe’ being cried out 
“cry out my name for me baby. know who you belong to”
breeding kink
aftercare af 
impact play 
accidental stim; “holy fuck- I’m so turned on by you rn”
rope bondage 
•  But also soft kinks; 
head on lap/chest
playing with hair 
matching outfits
voice messages 
always touching (somehow)
no space between bodies
picture taking together/ just of you
body rubs, head rubs
play fighting
“this reminded me of you”
“I remember you said” “I know you...”
“you know I love you”
“I can tell by your eyes”
“ugh- I swear to shit imma marry you 1 day”
“nothing really made sense until you”
“do you wanna watch”/ “WAIT!? YOU HAVEN’T SEEN?!”
“damn- you really do love/like me, eh?”/ “you are SO fucking mine”
“that’s my girl”/ “that's my boy”
pet names/ “MY_______” “YOURS”
long stares
dates- stay at home dates are his fav, as your attention/focus is just on him 
choker/necklace/ jewelry (that 1 of you bought- NOT LIKE HIGH PRICE TAG, but like seen it & was like ‘omg ____ would so wear...’) 
cuddles with movies /anime watching time
just being in the same room/on call- even in silence 
* emojis*- just some sort of communication 
inside jokes/ puns/dark humor
seeing 1 another with kids
future kink (family, travel, etc)
playing video games 
dancing/ singing with 1 another
Sitting on the ground, wrapped around his leg when he streams/edits
Nerf gun fights 
Watching him record (tracks/editing/streaming)
•  Loves- loves surprises <like dead ass would set up a surprise date/ do a scavenger hunt for you/ surprise you with your fav thing>
•  Loyalty is everything & his best attribute (& pride) 
• The music that he make is from the soul/heart. He pit everything has has/what he has left into his art
•  No one has seen the real him - a side he truly hides
•  He's both book & street smart
           Taught himself through YouTube/Reedit/online 
•  Fav actors; Jim Carrey/Robbin Williams/Will Smith (?)
•  Man’s straight up dangerous. we only know like a  quarter of him & people fall at his feet. ( h e . i s . n o t . t o . b e. F U C K E D . w i t h) 
•  Hates silence 
         ( constantly needs background noise)  <also can't fight me on this babyboi cuddles pillows/blankets for night-night time>
•  People don't understand the pain he is in every day, unless they have fibromyalgia/GERD/high functioning (sever social)anxiety/depression/ agoraphobia 
(my mom suffers with fibro/depression <I myself have GERD/ sever social amenity/depression>& I wouldn't wish those illness on my worse enemy...)
• Over all pain has changed him
• Has dealt with self harm since a young age- most likely 9- 11 yrs old. (as someone else who’s suffered with SH for years- when you become so numb it 1 of the only ways to feel some sort of anything/makes you feel like you’re alive)
• Addiction (drugs/people/things)
•  Wrote & read a lot of fanfiction
        (most likely his main source of reading in pre/teenage years)
• Is a hopeless romantic but has his guard way up
•  Obsessed with Japan / Studio Ghibli
• Doesn't think he deserves any of the recognition/ fame he's gotten--but definitely deserves it all as he's creative & inspirational as fuck. Also he’s worked so hard for it & had put himself through so much
    Contrary is highly appreciative of those that are supporting
• Doesn't do it for the fame but for the fact he know how he's gotten people through hard time (just like those on the internet got him through)
• Was a scene boy that vibe’d of myspace/ listens to a lot of  ‘scene’ pop-punk, emo/ scene band shit (band?)
•  Also is/was a major tumblr boy
•  Would be a phenomenal father
•   His love language: physical touch & words of affirmation 
• He would flinch at touch movement but would melt in your hands
• Face caresses would trigger anxiety/ tears.. but once he’s calmed/comfortable would burry his face in your touch. neck & chest
•  Still caught up in daydreams
•  A part of him is still never satisfied even if it’s exactly to the pin point detail of what he wanted  
•  Has at least 40/50(ish) songs he hasn't released
•  Mommy & daddy issues (not saying his home life was really- really  fucked - but non the less- it certainly wasn't the best).. Also wants to protect/provide for his family (especially his sister) & was prob closer to a grandparent/aunt/uncle)
•  Definitely prefers to be by himself, as every time people come around, it's like;‘"this is why I'm okay (ish)with being alone" 
• lost an important person to him due to O.D/ suicided..
•  Also most likely to of heard his "friends" shit talking 'Corpse' or something correlated with him
•  His pride is his biggest sin (next to lust)
•  Has single-handedly defined a huge part of 2020 ( in the best way)
•  Went through a fighting stage where he was ready to fuck anyone up on a drop of a dime (middle/'high school'/street fights- possibly even under ground)
          but also a stage where he cut absolutely everyone off for a solid couple years
•  Most likely obsessed with 1 of 3 creatures; lion, dragon, wolf ( 5ish- possibly bear/fox)
•  Dinosaur obsessed 
• Internet & video games raised him
• He raised himself
Quick to adapt to surroundings/situations.
              fav ranger- green 
•  Has up until next year planned out & is working on the next 'version of corpse' ( PR, vids, music, etc)
•  Also med/high key this man was most likely in a physcward (more than once) ..
•  This man deserves more than he'll ever give himself recognition for & knows in the back of his mind--people will hate just to hate
•  Rose is his fav flower  🌹
•⛈️🌧️. >🌞.  Loves storms/ rain & prefers them over sunny days
•  Loves the moon/stars/space (?) < observatorium dates = fuckin mint>
• Pixar/Disney lover
        <still believes- deep down in happy ever after ... but thorough an twisted yet not so twisted- simple(??), dedicated process(?)>
•  Fav Pixar movie.. either Wall.E or Toy Story 
    •  Pixar > Disney
         •  But fav Disney movie- Beauty & the Beast (?)
• Most likely had a Jackass obsession's (doing dumb hoodshit)
•  Fall is his fav season (?)
•  Horror/ thriller movies/shows over everything (obvs)
•   Had an escape place in town where he’d hide from the world- that absolutely no one knew about. 
•  Was really into graffiti/ street art 
•  Arested as a youth - but charges dropped- or was still considered a mirror (either fighting/ possession/ trespassing/ vandalisms)
• Arrested on heavier charges (also same as above - but not tried as an minor)
•  also-ALSO ... thou he feels like he owes people something. HE DOESN’T OWE ANYTHING TO A N Y O N E . His mental & well being is the most important.
•  On a side & major note. You can't deny that this man single handily is a (in my opinion) the 2nd biggest “C” that define 2020.
•  Was most likely really into skateboarding/BMX
• Late night drives/impulsive road trips & playlist/ sitting at lookouts, just in silence & touching 1 another. 
• Clingy af-.. but could also be distance & cold af- especially on high pain days. stormy brain days. PTSD episodes.
• Slow dancing/ dancing around the apartments. with or without music.
• Rocking out with each other- screaming lyrics in each other face.
• “hey baby- how you feelin” 
         *grunting* *shuffles over & lays on chest* 
• Huge comforts for 1 another;
      Especially when going out, being wrapped around him for comfort & reassurance. Even being at home alone together- panic attacks are shit, PTSD episodes are even more shit. helping each other with bathing & caring
     When he’d be hiding from his reflection- or stares just a little too long. Going up behind him & worship him (vise versa)
• He’d be your biggest hypeman/ #1 fan (vise versa)
• Would LOVE you wearing his clothes/jewelry & would love to wear you things.
Was probably engaged to his ex (that's why he gets offt when people mention "corpse wife"
There'd be days where he'd be so distance & cold.. & tell you to leave but wouldn't let you.
He'd sit in the bathroom with you when you shower/have a bath.
As he doesn't sleep most night. He'd be up just watching you sleep & caressing you.
Lil spoon > big spoon.
<more to be added>
I love you... genuinely . turly.  madly. deeply.
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bittysvalentines · 4 years
Going for Gold
To @allmylittleflaws
From @effyeahzimbits
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Dex/Nursey
“Will you fucking quit typing? I’m trying to sleep here.”
    Nursey glanced up from the white glare of his laptop screen. The plane was mostly in darkness, but he could see his teammate’s golden eyes glaring at him from across the aisle. They were surrounded by the soft snores of other members of the United States Men’s Hockey team, and none of them had been disturbed by the clacking of Nursey’s plastic keys. He was pretty sure Poindexter just had it in for him.
    Nursey couldn’t blame him. Ever since that match a few months ago where the Rangers played the Islanders, the budding rivalry between the two teams exploded to new heights, and Poindexter seemed to carry that grudge off the ice too. Nursey still wasn’t entirely sure what had kicked it off - something about the Rangers’ goalie and a wayward puck sent by an Islander’s D-man. Either way, a fight of epic proportions ensued, resulting in both teams nearly sacrificing their entire benches to the sin bin.
    Nursey had been on the other side of the rink at the time, but he soon pelted over to defend his goalie. He’d only gotten halfway when he was suddenly tackled by Poindexter and sent colliding with the ice. It was a defensive tactic used to keep the pair of them out of the scuffle, but it was enough to raise Nursey’s hackles. He only managed to throw a couple of haphazard punches to Poindexter’s face before he was being dragged away by an official and that was that.
    Or so Nursey had thought. Fans of both teams expressed their delight at the spectacle all over social media, and it wasn’t long before videos of the match went viral. ESPN highlighted his little brawl with Poindexter, and before Nursey knew it, his Twitter account blew up with notifications. False stories about some feud between the two of them spread like wildfire across the Internet, even though Nursey had never even said two words to the guy. Still, it felt harmless enough to Nursey, and he even joined in on the fun a little, pinging a few chirpy tweets Poindexter’s way. The other D-man didn’t seem to appreciate it though, even going so far as to tell one reporter brave enough to ask about it that Nursey needed to “grow the fuck up and start playing decent hockey.”
    Nursey took offence at that. He took pride in his game and loved playing for the Rangers. However, he was strongly urged by PR to refrain from retaliating and the spat was left as it was. The two teams weren’t due to meet for another month or two, but that was the least of Nursey’s concerns. Not long after the fight he’d received confirmation that he had been chosen to play for the United States in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. He’d been ecstatic, that was, until he saw the name of another defenceman on that list. William Poindexter.
    He’d tried not to worry about it too much. That was easier said than done though when practice sessions finally rolled around. It was a tight team, containing top players from all over the country and captained by none other than Kent fucking Parson, and Nursey was honoured to be a part of it. But working with Poindexter was tough. There was none of the smoothness Nursey had with his defence partner at the Rangers. Poindexter seemed to play by his own agenda, working against Nursey rather than with him. No words were spoken between them, but Nursey could see the contempt in his partner’s eyes every time they passed each other. If nothing else, it at least brought out Nursey’s competitive streak and made him play harder. And they must have been doing something right, because the Coach had placed them on the starting line together.
    And now came a couple of weeks of hardcore hockey with the possibility of medals resting on his broad shoulders. He was excited, genuinely over the moon crazy kind of excited. But he was also worried. He didn’t want this weird spat to affect his game, and he also didn’t want people to make out it was worse than it actually was. He never had anything against Poindexter before all of this kicked off, but if he wanted to cause trouble while they were out here representing their country, then Nursey wasn’t going to stand by and let it happen. But for now, he was going to keep his head down and play good hockey.
    “I can’t sleep,” he murmured in response to Poindexter’s snapped words. “I never can on planes.”
    “So do something else. I can’t sleep with that racket in my ear,” Poindexter argued, nodding towards the laptop.
    “Put earphones in then or something,” Nursey suggested. He couldn’t resist rolling his eyes. Poindexter’s tone was starting to get his back up.
    “What are you even writing?” Poindexter demanded, leaning in his plush seat to try and get a glimpse of Nursey’s screen.
    Nursey glowered and tilted it away from him, instantly on the defensive.
    “None of your fucking business.”
    “Are you writing poetry?” Poindexter asked in what definitely sounded like a sneer.
    “I said it’s none of your fucking business!” Nursey snapped, slamming the laptop lid down harder than he meant to.
    “Hey!” A voice thick with sleep called over from a few rows away. “Both of you cut it out or I’ll have you run burpees ‘til you puke.”
    Nursey bristled. The Coach was pissed now, and it was all because Poindexter was too precious to try and sleep with a bit of noise. Nursey clenched his jaw and physically turned away from the other defenceman. If he had to look at his stupid freckly face any longer, he’d punch it. He folded his arms in a huff and glared out of the window instead. There wasn’t much to see except expanses of thick, fluffy dark clouds but he concentrated hard on them, counting the rare glimmers of stars that glinted through. Thankfully, he managed to fall asleep.
    He didn’t know how, but he was signed up to share a room with Kent Parson. He’d met the guy once at a benefit before practices started, and other than a suave “hey how’re you doing?” (to which Nursey blushed and stammered over his words like a dork), they hadn’t spoken. At practice Nursey could say with confidence that Parson was a solid captain. He took initiative, looked out for his team members on the ice and got shit done. But off the ice and in a dorm room in the Olympic village? Nursey didn’t know what to expect.
    “Hey. You wanna see pictures of my cat?”
    Okay, so it wasn’t that. But hell fucking yes Nursey wanted to see pictures of Kent Parson’s cat. He huddled next to Parson on his squeaky, scratchy mattress and peered over his shoulder at his Instagram. The cat was a huge fluffball of a thing with massive green eyes and a sparkly collar. If it was pink it would probably look like candyfloss with ears. Nursey wasn’t usually a cat person, but he thought he’d make exceptions for that one.
    Parson didn’t stick around long. After ten minutes of cooing over the cat pictures, he announced he was meeting a friend and sauntered off, the epitome of cool carelessness. Even the way his hair flopped seemed effortlessly nonchalant. Nursey thought he had wandered off in the direction of the Canadian athletes’ dorm, but he couldn’t be sure. As long as Parson was back before the game tomorrow, it really wasn’t any of his business.
    The dorm room seemed depressingly empty after that. It wasn’t very inviting to begin with, and after half an hour the dull, beige walls and stark sheets were suffocating. He shoved his boots back on and stowed his laptop under his arm, hoping there would be somewhere with a decent Wi-Fi signal and a good cup of coffee he could hang out at until team dinner. Most of the guys on his team had announced plans to nap, and Nursey didn’t want to disturb them in the hopes of finding a companion. In the immortal words of his Rangers captain – never wake a sleeping hockey player.
    The Village was huge. He wandered past buildings that all looked the same, half following the multi-lingual signs and half following other athletes. It was an icy February, and he was grateful for the thick, padded duffel coats they’d been provided with. He hoped they could keep all the clothes they’d been given. It was pretty awesome wandering around with “Team USA” embroidered on everything. His mom was keeping a scrapbook too and he knew she’d love the Team USA dressing robe folded up on his bed.
    He turned a corner and halted in his tracks at the sight of the recreation centre domineering the horizon. Banners adorning its walls boasted a theatre and a cinema, plus sports halls and exercise facilities and even a spa. Making a mental note to check that out after dinner, he went on the hunt for coffee and Wi-Fi. It was like a maze inside. He bypassed the McDonalds and instead headed for the official athletes’ cafeteria.
    It was already bustling with people, all of them prattling loudly over the sound of scraping chairs and clattering dishes. Nursey had to take a minute to absorb it all and stop himself from getting overwhelmed. Breathing in check, he strode into the crowd. He emerged clutching the biggest takeaway mug of coffee he could find and a slice of cake the nutritionist definitely wouldn’t have agreed with. It was a bit harder to find a table, but eventually he located an empty one in a quieter corner of the room.
    He people watched and nibbled his cake while he waited for his laptop to load up. It was incredible really, seeing the sheer amount of people gathered to play a few sports. The atmosphere was electric though. Everyone was clearly super excited to be there and play for their countries. Inspired by their enthusiasm, Nursey’s hands were soon speeding over his keyboard.
    “More poetry?”
    Nursey’s fingers froze. Feeling a weird sense of déjà vu, he raised his eyes to see Poindexter standing in front of him, clutching his own bucket of coffee. No cake though. He was wearing the same Team USA tracksuit they’d all been issued, but Nursey couldn’t help noticing just how well it seemed to sit on Poindexter’s broad shoulders.
    “Blog post, actually,” Nursey replied, fighting to keep his voice cool. Poindexter’s tone hadn’t been snippy, but Nursey was still on the defensive.
    “Oh. Cool.”
    Nursey lifted a well-groomed eyebrow at him. Cool? Out of all the words that could have possibly tumbled out of Poindexter’s mouth, that certainly wasn’t what he expected. He wanted to document the entire Olympics process for his online blog to accompany his Instagram and Twitter reports, but he doubted it was anything Poindexter would be interested in.
    Poindexter shrugged, and if Nursey didn’t know better, he could have sworn he saw the faint tint of a blush underneath those freckles.
    “I saw your Twitter. You seem to write a lot.”
    Nursey blinked. Was Poindexter actually attempting to have a conversation with him? It was a bit awkward with the other defenceman hovering over the table like that, but seeing how nervous he looked was kind of cute.
    “Yeah. I majored in literature at college,” Nursey replied, taking a swallow of his coffee so he could do something with his hands. He couldn’t help bragging a bit. “Had a few poems and short stories published.”
    “Oh. That’s awesome,” Poindexter replied, his voice quiet but sincere. “I uh, I did computer science. A bit different.”
    Nursey nodded, managing a half smile. He was still a bit freaked out. Just this morning Poindexter had been snapping at him for typing and now he was striking up a conversation, albeit a slightly awkward one. Nursey didn’t quite know what to say to that though, and there was a minute or two of weird silence until Poindexter plucked up the courage to open his mouth again.
    “I wanted to apologise. For this morning. I was tired, and a bit nervous, and took it out on you. So uh, yeah. Sorry.”
    Well that was a turn up for the books. Poindexter was definitely blushing now, and Nursey wasn’t ashamed to admit to himself that it was a good look on him. Still, Nursey wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth and if Poindexter wanted to make peace then Nursey was going to take it.
    “It’s okay. It’s my fault too. I should have been a bit more considerate.” Nursey gave him another smile that was a bit more genuine this time. Poindexter seemed to grasp the mutual apology by both hands and nodded eagerly, his stiff shoulders relaxing with relief.
    “Okay. Cool. No problem. Well, I’ll uh, leave you to your writing then. And I’ll see you at dinner.”
    “Yeah. See you.”
    Nursey watched him retreat, still a little bit dazed about the whole thing. He wasn’t sure what had made the guy change his mind, but he wasn’t going to question it. Maybe all Poindexter needed was a cup of coffee and a couple of hours sleep. He hoped the wary truce would extend onto the ice too, but he’d have to wait until tomorrow to find out. Their first game was against the Chinese hosts in the early afternoon, and Nursey was keen to get his skates on and win some matches.
    Dinner was a quiet affair. The whole team was still exhausted from their long plane trip and exploring the Village. Nursey spent it sat next to a couple of vets who seemed to take him under their wing. He was grateful for their dogged insight and listened avidly to their stories playing for the USA over the years. He couldn’t help his eyes drifting over to Poindexter from time to time, but the man kept his head down and ate in the corner. Nursey was starting to think he was just a quiet kind of guy.
    After they’d eaten the team split up again. Parson was the first to suggest hanging out at the bar, proposing they met up with a few of the Canadian and Russian team members. Nursey found it a bit weird to think he’d be playing against a couple of guys from the Rangers who just happened to be Canadian. He could easily imagine all the chirps that were going to be shared back in their home locker room in a few weeks’ time.
    He declined the offer in favour of hunting for the spa he’d seen advertised. He was a sucker for a good steam room and a massage and hoped a little swim might help him sleep well. He returned to his room a couple of hours later feeling sleepy and content. Parson wasn’t back yet, but Nursey didn’t expect him to be. He stripped to his underwear and climbed into bed, flicking off the lights as he went. His hair was still damp, and he teased the curls with his fingers as he squashed a yawn and scrolled through his phone all at the same time.
    He’d published his first Olympic blog post earlier that day. It had already been liked and retweeted hundreds of times by his loyal fans and his mom. Since the whole Rangers v Islanders fiasco, he’d turned off his social media notifications, but he still liked peering through the comments and mentions. Occasionally he would come across a heartfelt message or something that would make him laugh and he liked letting fans know they’d touched him in some way.
    He trawled through the well wishes and memes, liking a few tweets and responding to a couple. A little banner appeared on the top of his phone to let him know WillDex96 has liked his most recent tweet. Nursey paused. Poindexter never liked his tweets. And his most recent tweet was the link to his blog post. Before his brain could even process it properly, his phone pinged with a direct message.
    WillDex96    I liked the coffee too
    Well, that wasn’t much of a conversation starter. Nursey had barely even mentioned the coffee in his blog, but it meant more that Poindexter had actually read it. Nursey smiled to himself and settled into his cushions a little more. He hesitated over the keys, then thought fuck it.
    DerekDoesDefence  Do you want to grab one together after the game tomorrow?
    It was a bold move, and Nursey wasn’t sure it was the right one, especially as it seemed to take Poindexter an age to reply. Nursey just knew that he liked Poindexter’s awkward yet endearing demeanour and wouldn’t mind getting to know him a little more off the ice. His attractiveness was just an added bonus. Just when he was about to give up hope, a reply popped into his inbox.
    WillDex96     Yeah okay. See you tomorrow.
    DerekDoesDefence   Goodnight
    He didn’t get a reply, but he didn’t really expect one after that. Poindexter seemed to be a man of few words. Nursey put his phone aside and settled down, curling up and pulling the sheets around him. He couldn’t help the big, cheesy grin. It wasn’t a date, but he felt like he always did when he’d arranged one. It was probably a bit silly to even consider these things with the Olympic games right on top of them, but the thought made him giddy nonetheless. He fell asleep thinking of freckles and auburn hair and big hands.
    The game was incredible. Nursey couldn’t remember the finer details, but he remembered the fanatic roar of the crowd, the bite of wind on his cheeks, the burning in his lungs and his calves as he raced across the ice. Every player in both teams seemed wired, like they had caffeine in their veins as they powered through each period. Playing with the Rangers was one thing but playing for his country set his blood on fire.
    They won. It was a tight match and China played incredibly well, but USA just seemed to dominate the punk that little bit more and it made all the difference. Nursey’s team left the arena elated, cheering with the fans and rough housing as they made their way back to the Village. Most of the team headed to the recreation centre to burn off energy. Nursey followed them, feeling giddy all over again. Poindexter walked beside him, though he only greeted him with a subtle nod.
    The team went their separate ways inside. A few of them headed towards the sports halls while others went to the spa for a post-game massage. Nursey watched Parson spearhead a small group into the bar where he could see a few of the Russian hockey players. Parson seemed to be friends with everyone, and Nursey didn’t know how he had the energy for it all. He and Poindexter headed towards the cafeteria, which was a lot quieter than yesterday.
    They were silent as they retrieved their coffee. Nursey was pulsing with pent up excitement, but he couldn’t bring himself to string a sentence together. Poindexter had looked damn good out on the ice. His flushed, freckled cheeks and determined brow had made Nursey’s knees weak. It felt a bit weird looking him in the face now. They managed to grab a table by one of the huge windows, and it was a while before either of them found the courage to say something.
    “That was a good game,” Poindexter eventually said, dragging his eyes away from the plastic tabletop and onto Nursey’s face. The half grin he managed made Nursey’s stomach churn.
    It had been an awesome game, and Nursey wasn’t sure how it had happened, but something had finally clicked between them. They had worked in tandem out on the ice, analysing each other’s movements and tactics to form an unpassable duo. Their breathless teammates had slapped them both on the shoulder with each successful blockade, and the coach had been singing their praises in the locker room. The budding partnership had left Nursey as ecstatic as the win had.
    “Yeah, it was. I think we finally played well together, Poindexter,” Nursey grinned at him over his cup.
    “Finally,” Poindexter agreed with a snort of amusement. “And call me Dex. Anything else just sounds a bit weird.”
    Nursey hid his grin behind his cup. He was probably making more of it than necessary, but the permission to call Dex by his hockey nickname just proved they’d made some progress. Fuck, Nursey wanted to kiss him. He took a big swallow of coffee instead and burned his tongue.
    “You think we have a decent shot?” He asked to mask his pained grimace.
    “Too early to tell,” Dex replied with half a shrug. “Especially with Canada’s line up. Zimmermann’s been on fire lately.”
    Nursey hummed his agreement and licked the foam off his latte, only just avoiding making a mess. He looked up to find Dex’s eyes on him, his face bearing an odd expression. He swallowed and looked away quickly, hoping he hadn’t just made a fool of himself. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d humiliated himself in front of a pretty boy. He scrambled for something to say.
    “You read my blog,” he said after a moment, figuring that was a safe enough topic.
    “Oh. Yeah. It was fun to read. I wanted to make sure you were telling the truth about everything,” Dex grinned.
    Nursey blinked. Was Dex…flirting with him? Or was it just a chirp? Though he’d once heard somewhere that flirting and chirping were just variants of the same thing.
    “Um. Yep. Total truth,” Nursey replied eloquently. “No lies here.”
    Fuck, he was such a dork. It made Dex snicker though, and he counted that as a win.
    “I uh, I ended up going through your stuff,” Dex admitted, his eyes flitting away to a poster announcing the daily specials. “I really liked it. Especially the articles you did for your college magazine.”
    Nursey lifted an eyebrow at him and tilted his head slightly in confusion.
    “Those are all about bi erasure and hetero bullshit in the locker room,” he said slowly. To his surprise, Dex blushed so hard even his ears went red.
    “Um, yep. They uh, really resonated with me. Especially the…especially the bits on internalised homophobia.”
    Nursey wasn’t quite sure how he managed to keep his mouth shut and his face straight. It wasn’t quite an admission, but it was as good as. Following Jack Zimmermann’s epic reveal of his sexuality after the Providence Falconers’ Stanley Cup win three years ago, only a few other NHL players had been forthcoming with their own. Parson had been one of them, and Nursey had been open regarding his as soon as he was signed with the Rangers last year. Things weren’t perfect, far from it, but the sport had been making progress and that was good enough for him. He could understand Dex’s reasons for being tight-lipped though, and he took a minute to think of something that would affirm everything without being too direct, for Dex’s sake.
    “Well I’m glad they helped some people. That’s what I wanted, you know? To help bring a little peace and support.”
    Dex nodded and a silence fell between them again. Oddly enough it wasn’t awkward, and Nursey allowed his tentative friend the time to process it. He wondered if he should ask if Dex wanted to talk about it. It sounded like he had a couple of issues that caused a little friction and Nursey hoped he could shed light on a few things. Before he could open his mouth though, Dex looked up and caught his eyes.
    The look Dex gave him made Nursey’s heart leap into his throat. There was a spark of something between them that wasn’t there before, a spark that made the hair on Nursey’s forearms stand on end. He swallowed slowly, his mouth suddenly dry. He wanted to do more than kiss him. For a long, agonising moment, neither of them spoke. Then, Nursey threw caution to the wind.
    “Do you…want to come back to my room?”
    Dex nodded so fast his neck creaked. Nursey’s face split into a huge grin, the arousal already pooling in his gut. He shot to his feet in an instant, knocking his coffee cup flying. The lukewarm liquid splattered the table and both their clothes like watery paint.
    “Jesus fucking Christ, Nurse.”
    Dex’s laugh was quiet but carefree and obviously entertained. He threw a wad of paper napkins over the puddle and left it at that, leading the way towards the dorms. Nursey scrambled to catch up, nearly tripping up over his own feet. He ached to grab his hand as they powerwalked out of the centre, but he held himself back. They bumped shoulders along the way and the heat from that alone tented Nursey’s loose tracksuit pants.
    The sex was mind-blowing. It was messy and hot and frenzied and had Nursey howling like an animal. Dex was an attentive lover, his mouth and fingers desperate to explore every inch of him. Nursey learned more about Dex in those couple of hours than he had in the few days they’d known each other. It left him wanting to know more, wanting to know everything. They lay curled up in bed together afterwards, flushed, breathless and blinking away stars. Nursey was suddenly very grateful they both lived in New York. It made the possibility of finding out just what made William Poindexter tick all the more enticing.
    “I think I’ll write a poem about this,” he announced, his voice loud in the thick, sex-laden air.
    Dex smacked him with a pillow.
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iamthesimone · 4 years
Have Music Artists Been Coping During Lockdown?
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John Legend (Left), Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes (Centre) and Chris Martin (Right) performing on Global Citizen’s Instagram Live as part of ‘One World Together At Home’.
Two days ago, I avidly sat on my bed next to my little sister awaiting the release of Kane Brown’s ‘Be Like That’ music video over the excitement of Swae Lee’s appearance. The video was joyful, bright and had amazing vibes...but we came to realise that A) This was one of the very few music videos released since March and B) All three guys; Kane Brown, Swae Lee and Khalid are relatively distant until the end of the music video. It made me question; how have our favourite artists been coping in these Covid-19 conditions?
With the rise of technology in today’s day and age, a massive swirl of online substitutes for entertainment have been able to fill in spaces for artists, such as phone call/video call interviews and artists being much more active online, doing their best to keep their fans entertained as well as promoting their own music. With no venues available at this time, artists have been restricted with live performances, one of the prime factors of their careers.
Early April provided the debut live(stream) performance from my fav Swae Lee on Instagram. The performance was able to capture a large essence of a real concert- with an opening DJ, cheering sound effects, Lee’s hyperactive energy, ‘stage-diving’ and flowers given out to the ‘audience’, all while in extremely positive spirits. When my sister and I watched we were able to capture humorous shots of us ‘holding his hand’ and ‘receiving’ the flowers he threw. Ever since that spectacular showcase, many more livestream performances occurred, such as artists like Billie Eilish, John Legend and Jessie J taking over Global Citizen’s Instagram to share several acoustic tunes. Other platforms used for these amazing livestream performances include HouseParty, Tiktok and LiveXLive.
Despite the artists seeming to enjoy themselves on these live performances, how would it be for them without the fans, who are the source of the general energy they feed from for their performances? With touring being such a huge part of many artists’ careers, how much money are them and their teams losing, alongside the venues themselves? As artists rack up more money going on tours rather than the actual money they make from the music itself, how much is this having an impact on their income? Of course they would have large amounts of money to get them past a massive financial gap due to Covid-19, but what about in a few years’ time if this is still an issue (God forbid)? What about much smaller artists who depend on touring and other live shows in order to gain a legitimate income? What about the music artists that may be looking to put out songs to specifically perform onstage, but can’t as there is no near chance of an upcoming concert?
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Swae Lee at home performing his second live-stream concert for LiveXLive. (’Stage diving’ on right).
Something else I have noticed, as many others probably must, is that there’s been a clear slow in the rate of music releases, especially albums. I have been hearing the same songs on the radio for months!
Although radio stations do tend to have a repetitive nature in their song plays, new songs are usually implemented every month or so to promote new releases, however the slow of music caused by the pandemic has caused the same songs to be repeated even more so. Ever since lock-down was first enforced in late March, I have been hearing the same repeat of ‘Rockstar’ by Dababy ft. Roddy Ricch, ‘Say So’ by Doja Cat and ‘Rover’ by S1mba. Why is this?
My interpretation of this is once again, the restriction set on artists due to music venues and performances. When one releases a song or an album, typically, a song is intended to gather colossal numbers on the radio, along with guest appearances on TV talk shows which are used to promote the song and is eventually used in tours and festival appearances, backing the song up with popular demand. However, Covid-19 has put this at a standstill. How can someone release a summer song with no ‘summer’? How can someone release a ‘club-banger’ if no clubs are open? This also explains why there aren’t as many album releases from mainstream artists, they are unable to tour to make a profit off of their creative project, leaving the album to be swept under the bus and racking up an underwhelming set of money for their 2020 music era. This becomes a major loss for the artist. Not saying it is impossible to release a song or an album and still be successful in these times, as Chloe x Halle’s ‘Ungodly Hour’ impressed many critiques and gained very high praise from the general public, but it certainly restricts it to a major extent as the pair cannot tour with this release.
Saying this, it’s amazing to see how hard Chloe x Halle have been working to promote their album; they’ve been doing live-stream chats as well as making outstanding, creative at-home live performances for their fans to enjoy, but they are still unable to further promote their album as they cannot tour. What will happen? I speculate that the album will either become a classic that is referred to without the needs of touring, such as a Frank Ocean album, or will be forgotten about if a tour does not happen soon enough. I personally do not believe the latter would happen as it is such a strong, beautiful body of work that’s too rich in quality to shelve. But what about other artists who wish to release albums but do not have the same level of vocal ability or music production, or even PR that Chloe x Halle have? Will their music releases suffer because of this?
Many of the artists have been able to build closer connections with their fans as they are home much more, causing them to want to be able to see their fans as much as they virtually can until normality returns.
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Chloe X Halle on their innovative at-home set for the TODAY Show.
One question I have is whether the lock-down actually provides an advantage for these artists as their fast life actually has the ability to slow down for a while, allowing them to have more chill days, hang out with family and friends much more as well as actually having time to work on their music at their own leisure, rather than at the back of a tour bus at four in the morning.
Could this see a progression in the quality of their work? Is this lock-down an overall improvement for their fast lives after all?
Simone Williams
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fakeshawmila-blog · 5 years
PR 101 : Shawmila
I’m just going to jump straight in but before I do- I do not work in the industry and have no real interest in either of them. This is coming as an outsider’s point of view and in no way am I stating that this is the whole truth. I’m just calling it as I see it. I’m not hating on them at all, this isn’t my business but I find it really interesting considering that they’ve been friends for 6 years and this is only now happening after they release a song together.
So of course, Señorita was quick to gain traction because of the whole Shawmila ship to begin with and this is the first time people saw them as anything but ‘best friends’ as they’d been stating for years. Camila had a boyfriend whom she said made her the happiest and was in love with so everybody assumed it was nothing, just a collaboration. The music video was filmed in May, shortly after she’d come back from a ‘whirlwind trip’ with her bf.
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Naturally, we all assumed they were still together. It was after the release that we also saw the choreographer comment on how difficult filming was because it was awkward
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Not only this, but they both had to scream because it was so uncomfortable, and Camila even said she had to drink a lot of wine to get through it. (On a side note, today a tweet was posted from someone who claimed to work on the set of the music video, stating that they had 0 sexual chemistry. This could 100% be fabricated but I thought I’d put it in)
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Cut to about 2 weeks after the release of the mv, it’s just been announced that Camila and her boyfriend had split up. She didn’t like that people were mocking the situation, saying that she was better of with Shawn and made an instagram story about not adding pain to pain. This was on the 27th of june. She was protecting the man who ‘made her the happiest’.
Up until now, Shawn had been interacting with fans as normal- stopping to take pictures with fans and so on. He’d been speaking a lot about honesty and integrity too, telling people not to believe everything they see on the internet (lots of people think that he was hinting at this situation) . Fast forward to July 3rd, when the first pictures were released. They’d supposedly been together all day, but the only pictures we saw were those from outside a private residence. It’s common knowledge that, in cases like this, paparazzi need permission to take and release pictures outside somebody’s home. It’s also widely known that they don’t wait for somebody to come in and out of a house- they have to be called. The order of the pictures led many people to believe that they arrived together and then she later spent the night with him (mostly indicated by the fact that he was seen without a shirt on his balcony). However, timestamps from the paparazzi pictures revealed that they went inside to drink but Camila’s ride arrived and they walked back down together, which is when the hilarious cactus picture happened. Shawn went back inside, by himself, and was later seen waving down to the woman who had his outfit for the next day after a fitting.
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The July 4th party was interesting. There were already articles speculating that they were seeing each other but it was reinforced when a member of Shawn’s team, in charge of his social media etc, posted a video where it ended on the two of them looking cuddling together. It was deleted after thousands of people had screenshotted and shared it.
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At a party full of celebrities, with the likes of Kylie Jenner and so on, those two seemed to be the main attraction with other videos of them sitting by the pool coming out. After the party, they were papped leaving together but it’s interesting how they remained apart and were not holding hands.
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I say interesting because a couple of days later, we got the pictures of them in LA holding hands and prancing in the street after he had supposedly picked her up from an acting class. Things looked increasingly suspicions when people did some digging and found that she had her own acting coach and his studio was nowhere near where she was
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On top of that, would we not have fan pictures of Shawn. He hadn’t stopped to take fan pictures since all this happened. Later on, we saw them ‘househunting’ with his family. And Camila, who we’d only seen him with 2 times prior. Where were his friends, where was his best friend Brian who was on tour with him? Would that not be something you did with an extremely close friend, as opposed to a girl you had to have ‘5 coffees to be around her’?
After he left L.A, we got no more pap pictures. Interesting. He’d even stopped to take pictures with a couple fans. Since there were no pictures, it’d be healthy for the PR if an article came out about them instead. And so it did which is when we were given the acting class story. This kept people talking about them, kept people watching the video and streaming the song, Clicking on articles and pictures.
As soon as he was back in LA, we got more pap pictures and, surprise surprise after everyone tweeting about it being PR and suspicious that we hadn’t seen them kiss yet, the video came out. There’s a lot to unpack but he’s said a couple times before that when he’s nervous, he plays with his hands or fingers. What’s he doing before he leans in? Playing with his hands. They’re both staring straight ahead until they both seem to remember that they have something to do, and that’s when he puts his arm across her shoulders. I don’t wanna go into depth about the kiss itself- we all saw how that went down. It looked so forced and artificial that it was trending on twitter for most of the day, the majority of people commenting on how fake it looked. It’s also convenient that that was the only moment we got a video of, almost as if someone knew they were going to kiss and when. And then we got the second kiss, in front of a huge ass window. It’s totally fine if he wanted to keep things private, he has every right to. But surely he would have tried harder to keep it that way? Apparently not. It’s interesting how we got pictures from tmz of that moment. surely, if a fan had captured them kissing (which would have been strange because of how convenient it was that they saw that exact moment) they would have tweeted it immediately?
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The same goes for the pictures of them holding hands from saturday that came out yesterday, when Shawn wasn’t in LA with Camila and couldn’t be papped with her. If they were taken on saturday by a fan, would they not have been tweeted then?
The San Fran pictures are laughable too, he’s holding a poetry book about love. A perfect prop. They’re holding hands at the table when there’s people around, but as soon as they’re in the elevator, they’re standing apart...
The numerous articles and ‘sources’ contradict themselves, with a close source saying that they were taking it slow and then another saying that things were moving quickly. Pornhub doesn’t believe them. Wendy Williams doesn’t believe them. Camila gained more than 2million monthly listeners on spotify in 3 days. Shawn was gaining already but is now 2nd in the world. There’s a lot to gain from doing a stunt like this.
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abangtech · 4 years
Daily Crunch: More details emerge in Twitter hack
Fallout continues from this week’s big Twitter hack, podcaster Harry Stebbings launches a small VC fund and robots help with sorting the mail. Here’s your Daily Crunch for July 17, 2020.
The big story: More details emerge in Twitter hack
As we recapped in yesterday’s newsletter, a number of high-profile Twitter accounts were hacked earlier this week as part of what appeared to be a cryptocurrency scam. So how bad was it?
“We have no evidence that attackers accessed passwords,” the company said. “Currently, we don’t believe resetting your password is necessary.”
However, Twitter did not comment on whether hackers were able to access users’ direct messages. Senator Ron Wyden criticized the company for failing to end-to-end encrypt DMs: “While it still isn’t clear if the hackers behind yesterday’s incident gained access to Twitter direct messages, this is a vulnerability that has lasted for far too long, and one that is not present in other, competing platforms.”
The tech giants
Apple opens another megastore in China amid William Barr criticism — Apple opened a new store in Beijing’s upscale shopping district Sanlitun, doubling the size of the previous store in that location.
Federal court rules WhatsApp and Facebook’s malware exploit case against NSO Group can proceed — Last October, WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook filed a complaint alleging that NSO Group exploited an audio-calling vulnerability in the messaging app to send malware to about 1,400 mobile devices.
Startups, funding and venture capital
Give us your seed round and we will send back double — The latest episode of Equity discusses funding rounds for Macro, The Browser Company and LiteBoxer.
From Twenty Minute VC to 20VC, Harry Stebbings launches a micro VC off the back of his popular podcast — The plan for Stebbings’ new $8 million fund is to invest in U.S. startups across various stages alongside “tier 1” co-investors.
Marketing, PR and brand building, oh my! TechCrunch Early Stage goes down July 21 and 22 — At next week’s virtual event, we’ll hear from some of the world’s top minds in the fields of marketing and brand building.
Advice and analysis from Extra Crunch
Extension rounds help some startups play offense during COVID-19 — A recent flurry of extension rounds for hot startups like Stripe and Robinhood suggests that this investment type has suddenly become cool.
Former Spotify marketing exec-turned-VC Sophia Bendz on her love of early-stage investing — Bendz recently joined Berlin’s Cherry Ventures to focus on startups in the Nordic region.
Assessing the potential for a gig economy in education — Entrepreneur and investor Rish Joshi looks at platforms that could help teachers deliver more personalized learning.
(Reminder: Extra Crunch is our subscription membership program, which aims to democratize information about startups. You can sign up here.)
Everything else
SpaceX and NASA targeting August 1 for Crew Dragon return trip with astronauts on board — SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule has been docked at the International Space Station since its first crewed launch in May. Now it’s getting ready to make its return trip.
FedEx is utilizing robotic arms to sort packages at a Memphis facility — In March, FedEx installed a quartet of robotic arms from Yaskawa America and Plus One, with the goal of helping to sort the massive numbers of parcels that pass through its Memphis facility.
Play the prologue of ‘Linda & Joan,’ a video game about the worst year of its creator’s life — The full game isn’t due until 2022, but you can get a peek at what a video game about grief might look like.
The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important stories. If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox every day at around 3pm Pacific, you can subscribe here.
The post Daily Crunch: More details emerge in Twitter hack appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/daily-crunch-more-details-emerge-in-twitter-hack/
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Daily Crunch: More details emerge in Twitter hack
Fallout continues from this week’s big Twitter hack, podcaster Harry Stebbings launches a small VC fund and robots help with sorting the mail. Here’s your Daily Crunch for July 17, 2020.
The big story: More details emerge in Twitter hack
As we recapped in yesterday’s newsletter, a number of high-profile Twitter accounts were hacked earlier this week as part of what appeared to be a cryptocurrency scam. So how bad was it?
“We have no evidence that attackers accessed passwords,” the company said. “Currently, we don’t believe resetting your password is necessary.”
However, Twitter did not comment on whether hackers were able to access users’ direct messages. Senator Ron Wyden criticized the company for failing to end-to-end encrypt DMs: “While it still isn’t clear if the hackers behind yesterday’s incident gained access to Twitter direct messages, this is a vulnerability that has lasted for far too long, and one that is not present in other, competing platforms.”
The tech giants
Apple opens another megastore in China amid William Barr criticism — Apple opened a new store in Beijing’s upscale shopping district Sanlitun, doubling the size of the previous store in that location.
Federal court rules WhatsApp and Facebook’s malware exploit case against NSO Group can proceed — Last October, WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook filed a complaint alleging that NSO Group exploited an audio-calling vulnerability in the messaging app to send malware to about 1,400 mobile devices.
Startups, funding and venture capital
Give us your seed round and we will send back double — The latest episode of Equity discusses funding rounds for Macro, The Browser Company and LiteBoxer.
From Twenty Minute VC to 20VC, Harry Stebbings launches a micro VC off the back of his popular podcast — The plan for Stebbings’ new $8 million fund is to invest in U.S. startups across various stages alongside “tier 1” co-investors.
Marketing, PR and brand building, oh my! TechCrunch Early Stage goes down July 21 and 22 — At next week’s virtual event, we’ll hear from some of the world’s top minds in the fields of marketing and brand building.
Advice and analysis from Extra Crunch
Extension rounds help some startups play offense during COVID-19 — A recent flurry of extension rounds for hot startups like Stripe and Robinhood suggests that this investment type has suddenly become cool.
Former Spotify marketing exec-turned-VC Sophia Bendz on her love of early-stage investing — Bendz recently joined Berlin’s Cherry Ventures to focus on startups in the Nordic region.
Assessing the potential for a gig economy in education — Entrepreneur and investor Rish Joshi looks at platforms that could help teachers deliver more personalized learning.
(Reminder: Extra Crunch is our subscription membership program, which aims to democratize information about startups. You can sign up here.)
Everything else
SpaceX and NASA targeting August 1 for Crew Dragon return trip with astronauts on board — SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule has been docked at the International Space Station since its first crewed launch in May. Now it’s getting ready to make its return trip.
FedEx is utilizing robotic arms to sort packages at a Memphis facility — In March, FedEx installed a quartet of robotic arms from Yaskawa America and Plus One, with the goal of helping to sort the massive numbers of parcels that pass through its Memphis facility.
Play the prologue of ‘Linda & Joan,’ a video game about the worst year of its creator’s life — The full game isn’t due until 2022, but you can get a peek at what a video game about grief might look like.
The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important stories. If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox every day at around 3pm Pacific, you can subscribe here.
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pmsocialmedia · 4 years
Daily Crunch: More details emerge in Twitter hack
Fallout continues from this week’s big Twitter hack, podcaster Harry Stebbings launches a small VC fund and robots help with sorting the mail. Here’s your Daily Crunch for July 17, 2020.
The big story: More details emerge in Twitter hack
As we recapped in yesterday’s newsletter, a number of high-profile Twitter accounts were hacked earlier this week as part of what appeared to be a cryptocurrency scam. So how bad was it?
“We have no evidence that attackers accessed passwords,” the company said. “Currently, we don’t believe resetting your password is necessary.”
However, Twitter did not comment on whether hackers were able to access users’ direct messages. Senator Ron Wyden criticized the company for failing to end-to-end encrypt DMs: “While it still isn’t clear if the hackers behind yesterday’s incident gained access to Twitter direct messages, this is a vulnerability that has lasted for far too long, and one that is not present in other, competing platforms.”
The tech giants
Apple opens another megastore in China amid William Barr criticism — Apple opened a new store in Beijing’s upscale shopping district Sanlitun, doubling the size of the previous store in that location.
Federal court rules WhatsApp and Facebook’s malware exploit case against NSO Group can proceed — Last October, WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook filed a complaint alleging that NSO Group exploited an audio-calling vulnerability in the messaging app to send malware to about 1,400 mobile devices.
Startups, funding and venture capital
Give us your seed round and we will send back double — The latest episode of Equity discusses funding rounds for Macro, The Browser Company and LiteBoxer.
From Twenty Minute VC to 20VC, Harry Stebbings launches a micro VC off the back of his popular podcast — The plan for Stebbings’ new $8 million fund is to invest in U.S. startups across various stages alongside “tier 1” co-investors.
Marketing, PR and brand building, oh my! TechCrunch Early Stage goes down July 21 and 22 — At next week’s virtual event, we’ll hear from some of the world’s top minds in the fields of marketing and brand building.
Advice and analysis from Extra Crunch
Extension rounds help some startups play offense during COVID-19 — A recent flurry of extension rounds for hot startups like Stripe and Robinhood suggests that this investment type has suddenly become cool.
Former Spotify marketing exec-turned-VC Sophia Bendz on her love of early-stage investing — Bendz recently joined Berlin’s Cherry Ventures to focus on startups in the Nordic region.
Assessing the potential for a gig economy in education — Entrepreneur and investor Rish Joshi looks at platforms that could help teachers deliver more personalized learning.
(Reminder: Extra Crunch is our subscription membership program, which aims to democratize information about startups. You can sign up here.)
Everything else
SpaceX and NASA targeting August 1 for Crew Dragon return trip with astronauts on board — SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule has been docked at the International Space Station since its first crewed launch in May. Now it’s getting ready to make its return trip.
FedEx is utilizing robotic arms to sort packages at a Memphis facility — In March, FedEx installed a quartet of robotic arms from Yaskawa America and Plus One, with the goal of helping to sort the massive numbers of parcels that pass through its Memphis facility.
Play the prologue of ‘Linda & Joan,’ a video game about the worst year of its creator’s life — The full game isn’t due until 2022, but you can get a peek at what a video game about grief might look like.
The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important stories. If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox every day at around 3pm Pacific, you can subscribe here.
via Social – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/32qwiw1
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masterofd1saster · 4 years
CJ current events 18 Mar 20
***Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said Tuesday that police will delay arrests for nonviolent crimes, including drug offenses, theft, vandalism, and prostitution.
According to the new guidelines, officers should temporarily detain the offenders to confirm their identity and prepare necessary paperwork. Once completed, the offender should be released. Arrest warrants will be served at a later time, she said.***
Two cities in Colorado announced similar procedures as the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus rises.***
I’ll say it again, the crime problem isn’t lots of people committing one or two crimes; it’s a few people committing many, many crimes over and over again.
U.S. Attorney’s Office                                    Eastern District of Pennsylvania
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                     Monday, March 16, 2020
***On June 8, 2017, [21 y/o Hassan] Elliott was arrested on firearms charges, stemming from an incident in which he threatened a neighborhood resident with a gun.  On January 24, 2018, he entered into a negotiated plea:  Krasner’s office offered, and Elliott accepted, a below-guidelines sentence of 9 to 23 months’ incarceration, followed by 3 years of reporting probation.  Elliott was paroled on January 25, 2018, the day after his plea; he spent a total of 7 months and 16 days incarcerated for this offense.
Following his release, the Philadelphia Probation and Parole Department categorized Elliott as a “high risk” offender, and placed him under the supervision of the Anti-Violence High Risk Unit.  *** Elliott violated his parole almost immediately by failing numerous drug tests, and also by repeatedly failing to report to his parole officer.  Eventually, the court scheduled a violation hearing for February 6, 2019.
Prior to that hearing, however, on January 29, 2019, Elliott was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine.  After a foot pursuit by police, 15 packets of cocaine were found in Elliott’s pockets.  This arrest was in direct violation of Elliott’s parole, but the District Attorney’s Office did not pursue a detainer against him or make any attempt to have Elliott taken into custody for this serious violation.  The office allowed Elliott to be released on his own recognizance – no bail was set.  ***   
In February 2019, soon after his cocaine arrest, the Philadelphia Police Department identified Elliott as *** one of the City’s worst violent offenders****
On March 1, 2019, Elliott attended a pre-trial status listing for his cocaine case, where he received and signed a subpoena for the trial, which was scheduled for March 27, 2019.  It turns out that March 1 was a busy day for Elliott:  after leaving his pre-trial status listing, he allegedly murdered Tyree Tyrone on the 5300 block of Duffield Street.  Elliott and another man, both armed with handguns, approached Tyrone, who was sitting in his car, and allegedly opened fire at close range.  Video showed Elliott fleeing the scene and his fingerprints were found on one of the alleged murder weapons.
On March 26, 2019, the District Attorney’s Office procured a warrant for Elliott’s arrest for the Tyrone murder.  The next day, March 27, Elliott was scheduled to go on trial in the cocaine case.On that day, March 27, which was the first trial listing in the case, Elliott failed to appear.  Despite his absence, and the outstanding murder warrant, the District Attorney’s Office withdrew the cocaine case against Elliott, citing prosecutorial discretion.  Elliott then remained at-large until *** 
he allegedly murdered Philadelphia Police Corporal James O’Connor Friday, 13 Mar 20.
The allegedly dead Corporal James R. O'Connor IV leaves behind a wife and two children.  His son is a Philly police officer.  His daughter is a member of the USAF.  https://6abc.com/6020859/
I have not searched for information about the allegedly dead Tyree Tyrone.
If Mr Elliott threatened you with a firearm or killed your son Tyree, how would you feel about Mr Elliott walking free in your neighborhood?
Given that we average around 16,000 homicides per year....
In FY 2019, ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) ***arrests included:
More than 1,900 convictions and charges for homicide;
More than 1,800 convictions and charges for kidnapping;
Over 12,000 sex offenses, with more than 5,000 convictions and charges for sexual assault;
More than 45,000 convictions and charges for assault;
More than 67,000 convictions and charges for crimes involving drugs;
Over 10,000 convictions and charges for weapons offenses; and
More than 74,000 convictions and charges for Driving Under the Influence.
UCR tracks murder & non-negligent homicide.  It is of course possible that the 1,900 arrests represents a pig in a python.  
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