#(thinks about the fucked up weird guys hanging out and goofing when theyre not being fucked up)
vidkun · 2 years
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splendidshinobi · 3 years
almost halfway done lads how we feelin'
episode 21: the red glow
ah yes barry
"i'm alphonse elric!!!!!" yes u r baby!!!
who just popped over the wall
scar im assuming
"i kill therefore i am".....barry spouting descartes rn
it was scar haha
hi greed
thought i saw you earlier
ope he found the chimera crew...
jerry jewell's evil laugh gets me every time lmao he's so great
ed has deep philosophical talks bro
also ed is chaotic but his personal morals are unshakeable
who are these prison guards gonna release
oh hey kimblee
oh hey squad
ed take out ur pokeball
um wth is that
bro of all the things i was not expecting him
oof ishval flashbacks
young scar why is your hair brown
why is it white now
whos her
lust 1.0 im assuming
ew omg tucker is literally so fuckin nasty lookin idk
idk why but he's worse than rod reiss titan for me
wait a damn minute
wait a damn fucking minute
what is GOIN ON
i need tucker to stop whispering he sounds like fucking voldemort on the back of quirrells head
episode 22: created human
hughes' pajamas look like armin's futon from aot junior high
the bad place???? was that greed's prison gluttony was lookin at?
im still shook af over tucker and tbh its been like 24 hours since i watched episode 21
driving me up a wall
my poor son looks so tired :(
those moral principles at it again
ewww the way tucker walks STOP
hi envy!!!!!
so all of those prisoner guys gonna get flattened by some alchemy
hey kimblee!!!
so did greed escape with the homies???? cause i feel like he would have made his presence known already....
i feel like im missing a lot because im a ding dong
musty prison kimblee is kinda...hot....physically speaking..oops..personality wise obviously there's MUCH to work on
so envy knows hohenheim
he won't do it
oh no alphonse
oh god memory implants
al's identity crisis CONTINUES
they wanna become humans??? huh....doesnt really make sense for their characters...(maybe envy but more on that at 11)
is ed gonna kill these guys for al
some1!!!!!! hold!!!!! me!!!! im so stressed
is he pretending to do it and he's got another plan up his sleeve!!!!????
honestly he's so depressed i cant even tell
those unshakable moral principles at work again i see
the red water can turn ed into a god???? wtf ed doesnt want to be a god he wants to punch god
oh theres the greed squad! i found them!!! is kimblee joining up with them
maria girly!!!!!!!
who's the lady. i need 2 know.
episode 23: fullmetal heart
alphonse is destroyed again
poor kid
"edward sir" brosh pls!!!
oh excuse me--- ***Bloch
The Ross Slap™
winry <3
pinako takes no prisoners
ed didnt you JUST tell brosh and ross they might be right that you needed to trust adults with more shit and now youre blowing off hughes
ed's DRAWINGS im-
hi sig hi izumi!!!
al is so sad over there in that corner
poor baby son
sometimes i feel like hughes and mustang are ed and al's divorced dads
the little arakawa avatar cows in the back im CRYING!!!!!!!
snappy al
omg hughes plz
elicia is precious though we love her
"dad's friend the bookworm" omg sheska
awwww gracia made edward a cake!!!!!!!
god catch me cryin in the club
"whatever" al im crying he's so sad
"you goof"
yes winry you are correct boy is a goof
sir you are being so dramatic
give that baby a hug
"so called brother"
so we all know that was a knife through the heart for ed
al just jumped off a FUCKING ROOF and ED TRIED TO FOLLOW
so im crying
episode 24: bonding memories
guess we're gonna play w my emotions again
sometimes like....one bit characters talk...like villager b ya know? and im like who are you i know that voice
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again
and barry for some reason
aww poor al
youre real you are!!!!!!
i just feel like people would know people that wear sunglasses in the rain would be ishvalan
but what do i know
obviously they dont have the white hair thing in this version
poor ed is so sad
these boys need a hug 
let me just *pulls out adoption papers*
well if scar doesnt have queen mei to adopt in 03, he’s got this little toothless boy
dont lie al you do care
ew i dont like her
the drama of this boy
so the nasty military has come to ruin some lives again part 2
apparently they are *mercenaries??? excuse me
i have some questions regarding this kid’s mom
well you know i can see why this kid feels this way about his mom
it does look like she ran off...
al and scar dream team up
bout time
yall gonna have this talk now????
brotherhood barry is the true king there i said it
damn scar you baddie
barry like....you already knew him
someone save this boy!!!!
oh good his mom “saved” him
ah damn thats pretty tragic
she didnt know they were right in front of her
well my questions were answered
so she attacks with grape fanta. thats one way to do it
ed looks like such an angry gremlin right now this is a heartwarming moment sir please
why are ed and scar being so civil right now this is so weird
bye scar
we’ll see him again
see you later scar
episode 25: words of farewell
maes who let you buy that awful pink suit 
gracia please it better not have been you
mustang ew please
dont open the door lookin like that
what the hell are you doing in here 
so hughes WASNT in ishval here?
i think that takes a lot away from his character but anyway
bradley hangs around like a creep at every possible instant
why would bradley care about ishvalan refugees like hughes cmon
juliet douglas is this lady’s name
only took me 1000 episodes to figure that out
ED AND AL??? NOT DEALING WITH DANGEROUS THINGS??????? dont make me laugh assholes theyre lying thru their teeth
izumi time lets go
wow we’re still going to rush valley? wasnt really expecting that tbh
elicia i LOVE you!!!!!
ew kimblee “hi”
how did he lightning himself like that
if i were ishvalan i would not go to the south....yet ANOTHER war torn region of amestris but ok
an amestrian desert biker gang rolled up to wreak havoc
tbh i wouldnt want to tell roy anything either stupid bitch
um why do i feel like its hughes’ death episode
he would not be shown tucking elicia in to bed otherwise 
please im not ready to be hurt again
oh no
yeah he just learned something about our girl juliet
ive been waiting for this information 
he’s gonna die before we learn anything helpful
hey lust figured you’d show up sooner or later
i too wish i could look that sexy pulling a kunai out of my forehead
did girly just say SLOTH
i- nothing about her seems particularly slothy but ok
u know what!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha famous last words
oof it hurts every time
not the FUNERAL scene no!
time for me to go 
peace out homies im dead inside
yes my brigadier general 
hughes is sneezing six feet under
was ed supposed to be looking at hughes’ ghost
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softforcal · 5 years
Okay okay. How about the classic Slytherin x Hufflepuff relationship between Slytherin!cal and Hufflepuff!reader??
-this got requested like 10 times so here we go lol
-Slytherin Cal is the Slytherin Prince
-he’s gorgeous. captain of his Quidditch team. the Hood family is a Slytherin legacy. he’s smart. he has girls at his feet 24/7. he’s living the life.
-everything comes easy to him
-and then he meets you
-you’re the sweetest little Hufflepuff he’s ever met
-too sweet
-so sweet that the first time you meet him, after a Slytherin Quidditch win, you have no idea he’s flirting with you
-Cal is shook because he thinks you’re friend-zoning him
-like, he tells a joke and you laugh and reach up and squeeze his cheek, “you’re so funny.”
-this boy flushes like it’s nobodies business
-and you don’t even notice cuz you’re just a happy lil Puff
-you walk away and Calum’s buddies come up to him and are like “did that girl seriously just squeeze your cheek?” “better question, did you LET that Puff squeeze your cheek?”
-Calum is still shook
-cuz he’s the gorgeous Slytherin who makes girl melt
-squeezing peoples cheeks is HIS move
-he thinks about you all night
-the next day he sees you in the hallway and comes to walk next to you, “hey Puff.”
-”hey there!” you smile
-you talk for a bit while walking to the great hall and when you get there you’re just like “you know, people always say you’re scary but you’re really not. i think we’re going to be great friends.”
-did you just friend zone him.
-Cal stands there in shock because that seemed like a hard friend zone
-and he has never been friend zoned before
-it totally hurts his pride a bit
-he goes to his table and everyones like “so you and Y/N?” and he’s just like “i think she friend zoned me.” and they’re all shook
-the entire group staring at you and you wave from your table because you’re just a happy puff who think you and Cal gon be friends
-like. he’s gorgeous and you’d be down, but you’re an unassuming puff
-and Calum is determined to not be in the friend zone, so the next class he has with you, he sits next to you
-”hey!” you grin
-conversation is easy with him
-like, he’s so confused that it’s so easy
-and you’re so cute
-he is so soft for you already
-and he actually kind of enjoys getting to know you like a friend
-cuz usually with girls he’s going for sex so….
-like other than his three best friends he doesn’t have many actual friends, just acquaintances
-and just like that, he actually starts hanging out with you as buds
-and yeah, part of him is still hurt cuz he’s friend zoned, but like… meh, it is what it is
-Calum would respect it
-so you actually become buds
-and people are sorta shocked because Cal has that scary reputation but there he is with his lil Puff
-like people are shook that you two are friends
-and his other Slytherin buds completely accept you too
-and none of them ever bring it up but its definitely an underlining joke that Cal is friend-zoned
-but then slowly each one of them makes a pass at you and gets friend-zoned too so…
-like Luke coming into the common room and he’s just like “and she fucking friend-zoned me too.” and everyone laughs because same
-we’re talking so friend zoned you literally help them each get girls
-so you’ve been buds for a month or two and you’re at a Slytherin afterparty after a Quidditch game and Luke is drunk as fuck and comes over and sees that you’re looking at Calum talking to a girl and is just like “its hilarious that you friend-zoned him. thats never happened before.”
-and you’re like “what?”
-”you friend-zoned him.” Luke states and you’re just like “no i didn’t. he friend-zoned me.” and Luke’s like “no he fucking did not.”
-you both turn to look at Calum and Luke just grabs you and is like “be happy little butterfly! tell him he’s not friend zoned!” and then pushes you in Calum’s direction
-drunk Luke thinks he’s a matchmaker
-”wait Luke! does he even like me?!” you ask
-”pfff oBVIOUSLY!” Luke pushes you harder
-so you walk over to Calum who’s just like “there’s my best bud” cuz you’re THAT friendly with each other
-and you’re just like “see this is why i thought you friend-zoned me!”
-and he looks down at you and is like “no you friend-zoned me.”
-”did not!”
-”did too!”
-”did not!
-and then he just grabs your face and kisses you and you just melt into it
-because you both have been holding back this entire time to be respectful but now you dont have to
-its really passionate. all this pent up tension
-you two are so lost in each other, it’s not until his hand goes down to your ass that you realize holy fuck you’re in public
-and you pull away, pushing on his chest and laughing as he grins, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to his chest
-”fuck, thank god i’m not friend-zoned anymore.” he teases
-”you never were!” you insist
-”sure.” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes and making you laugh as you cuddle closer
-all his buds watch and Luke’s just like “and that is how you play cupid.” because this Slytherin fuck was not drunk at all and it was a meticulously planned assault
-no one’s seen Calum so soft before
-and he’s never had to wait to kiss someone for so long so boi straight up saw fireworks
-and you being in his arms is chill, but he misses your lips after like a minute
-but also, who would have fucking known that having a cute puff in his arms would make him smile so much?
-like he always wanted to be more than friends but even just as friends he was so happy so now he’s just like… woah this is next level
-so he’s out of the friend zone which is chill but now he’s gotta figure out how to get to the boyfriend zone
-you spend the whole night together, his arms around you as you goof off with his friends and stuff like normal, but you’re both GLOWING
-it just feels like you’re a couple already
-and he knows it would be SO EASY with you
-because, fuck, he adores you so much
-and he’s never had that
-you finally need to head out and he offers to walk you back to your common room
-talking on the way back about why you both thought you were in the friend zone
-”you started it when you pinched my cheek the first time we met and then called me a friend the next morning.” he points out
-okay… so like… true “but i’m a Hufflepuff! thats a thing we do!”
-”i have never seen a Hufflepuff do that so now i know you’re lying.”
-laughing a lot
-getting back to your common room and you turn to hug Calum like you always do when he cups your face and kisses you again
-he gets you wedged between his body and the wall
-and boy is kissing you like his life depends on that shit
-you’re the air he needs to BREATH
-his mouth goes down to your neck and you have to stop yourself from moaning and you’re just like holy fuck, Slytherins are into public stuff but woah
-its kind of a mind fuck because ya’ll were just friends but oof, this Slytherin boy is sexy as shit
-and he is an amazing kisser
-you finally pull away and he’s just like “lets go on a date.”
-you agree and move to go into your common room but he steals one last kiss before flashing a cheeky grin and a wink while you leave
-you both freak out as soon as your out of each others sights
-like this guy is used to getting attention and being at the top of the world but you’re a little slice of heaven, and he intends to get full entry to your gates if you know what i mean with this oddly specific and weird metaphor
-you guys are still buds so you hang out like normal and the date is pretty chill too, like you two have gone to get butterbeer SO MANY TIMES but this time is different because he holds your hand on the walk down and insists on paying for you
-and you two are already so comfortable so it feels like any other day, except he’s touching you more and you are LOVING it
-this boi doesn’t even LOOK at other girls anymore
-walking back up to the castle and he’s just like “wanna just be my girlfriend? i know we’ve only had one date but-”
-“yes.” you answer before he can finish his sentence
-he kisses you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you a little before setting you down, a huge smile on his face
-who would have fucking known that all it takes to get a Slytherin like Cal to become soft is a squishy lil puff?
-it just makes sense for both of you
-its just a wholesome friendship that includes kissing
-so much teasing still
-not much even changes except the kissing tbh
-and then for his first game since you became official he gives you his scarf which is like… swoon am i right?
-you’ve always felt pride watching him play because he’s amazing but this is next level
-coming onto the field when he wins and he just lifts you up bridal style and spins you around and makes you laugh and is just the softest munchkin
-everyone is so shook at how soft he is
-but he gets serious fast
-like if anyone makes any sort of anti-hufflepuff remark, Calum will cut a bitch
-he’s the new leader of the protect hufflepuff squad
-he has a resting bitch face but as soon as you show up he melts
-so people always know when you enter a room because his entire body just relaxes and he smiles at you
-”there’s my girl.”
-umf. like, protective possessive Slytherin but also super soft
-and he will fight anyone who fucks with you
-like as soon as he sees you upset he’s like “who do i have to fuck up?”
-this bitch will straight up employ Michael to help prank a teacher if they give you a bad mark
-and Michael is always down to prank teachers
-yeah, boy always offers to fuck people up and you usually think he’s joking and laugh it off and he usually doesn’t actually fuck people up, but he WILL if you ever were really hurt
-sleep overs in his bedroom where you stay up late cuddling and talking about life
-tracing his muggle tattoos and asking him if they hurt. he tries to show you wha the pain is like but can’t bring himself to actually hurt you and ends up laughing and pulling away
-can you imagine you’re first time where he’s pulled away because he doesn’t want to hurt you while showing you what a tat would feel like and you’re just like “it’s okay. if you hurt me.”
-this boy just freezes
-and stares at you for a long while
-then he’s kissing you roughly and pressing you into the bed with his body
-and he’s going hard and rough but you’re loving it because he’s your Slytherin dom babe
-tearing your clothes off and going to town
-he would definitely make you cum with just his mouth first because babies gotta show off dat Slytherin tongue if you know what i mean ;)
-he honestly thought the first time you fucked would be more Hufflepuff-y and sweet and slow and passionate but you telling him he could hurt you got him feeling some sorta way fam and he can’t even stop himself
-and your sounds are driving him wild
-he’s super into the whole innocent Hufflepuff being kinky for him
-dirty talk about it
-”you like that puff? you like being defiled by a Slytherin?”
-of course he’s gotta bring houses into it because its a classic Slytherin move
-its amazing
-even asking him to leave the rings on while choking or spanking and he has to actually stop for a moment to collect himself because FUCK
-afterwards you both cuddle and it’s super soft and Hufflepuffy and he’s just like holy fuck was not expecting that
-this would just be a very wholesome relationship fam
-a strong, protective asshole who’s soft just for his sweet lil Puff
-im here for it is all i’m saying.
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mar1garden · 5 years
more diamond au i suppose
the continuation that literally no one asked for
music!! adrien still plays piano, but in this, mari plays viola and accompanies him sometimes!! adrien got tired of how limited viola pieces are, so he started to compose his own under tikki’s tutelage (creation and all). mari is flattered but she’s fine playing second fiddle (viola), really! adrien keeps writing music because it’s fun and because he loves the way mari’s eyes light up when she sees a new piece
sorry to have her play viola but im Projecting. its basically used as percussion in most songs, playing a steady beat that some find boring but all other sections would lose their tempo without. i feel like mari, who in the show tends to feel useless unless she is Actively Helping, would enjoy a part that’s so (pardon the pun) instrumental.
with tikki, adrien is a lot less *spontaneously* rebellious and a lot more *planned out* rebellious. tikki helps him plan how to get out from under his father’s thumb without accidentally landing himself further under it. because of her help, he’s able to hang out with friends a lot more!!
mari and adrien are both better friends with the class in diamond. mari makes an effort to include people in projects she thinks they’d like, and helps them with theirs in return, but they also hang out to just goof around and watch movies or play video games! adrien is easy to be friends with, but he takes more responsibility for himself and others and, on top of that, is simply around more for them to be friends with!
he ends up modeling for marinette a lot. like, a lot. to the point where adrien’s fanclub finds the MDC website that max helped her with and sees all the pictures of adrien and she’s sold out of commission slots in minutes. she becomes very popular after that and wins herself an internship at gabriel!
about the website- since people like heping mari with projects (she gives them free food and thanks them profusely for helping, and. well. no one in class can withstand the might of the dupain-cheng puppydog eyes) they are super willing to help her with modeling for and matinence of the site! max showed her how he set it up so she could fix it herself if she had to! in return she made markov a sweater. it’s adorable.
adrien, through tikki’s courage, is standing up to his father more. he’s no longer modeling as much for gabriel, he has more free time, and he gets to play music he wants to play, not just music gabey wants him to play. it’s... nice. he smiles more genuinely and laughs more sincerely and hes just! happier and more real.
copycat doesnt happen the same but it kinda does. im going the @zoe-oneesama route of having theo be in their school so its not super creepy for him to crush on minuit but dang is our boy crushing. however, red light has no reason to be jealous, so instead he explains that he and mini are too professional to entertain civilian crushes, causing theo to become stoplight, a ““hero”” that mini would then be allowed to date by hero law, especially since they’re already partners. mini is Conflicted because her cute spotti boy is flirting?? with her??? but then she gets a call from red while stoplight is still in front of her and shes like “oh fuck akuma” and wins the fight. it was weird for her to be punching her partner in the face, but she won anyways lol
every episode where alya makes a convoluted plan to get mari and adrien together still happens but her coconspiritor is adrien now. she knows mari has a Secret, Unattainable Crush but thats all she knows. she thinks its adrien though because mari is modest and modelboy adrien seems out of her league.
mari accidentally derails every plan just by her pure chaos energy. they were setting up cherry blossoms to rain down over mari while she sketched & adrien would come over to ask her out but she saw them sitting in the tree with the bin of blossoms and asked them for opinions on what she was designing. alix was gonna zoom by and make mari fall so adrien could catch her romantically and ask her out but when she fell she did a front handspring and landed perfectly. adrien is even more smitten.
in animan its basically the same thing? but with no secret alya, shes just not there. mari came because she loves hanging out with her friends and nino has a huge crush on her which. adrien is sad but he wants mari to be happy even if its not with him so he was invited but IS hiding in the bushes helping nino instead of being there. but then mari ends up setting up alya and nino and adrien is like “hope replenished yall”
animaestro doesnt exist. it just doesnt. that guy can suck it.
frozer happened because he was trying to ask her out and he panicked and asked her advice on asking out Unnamed Girl and she assumed kagami because theyre friends in this. adrien was too awkward to say no. mari sets up a date for them (milkshakes & skating) but they both separately ask her to come for different reasons. adrien just wants her there because hes crushing hard but kagami is nervous about her first date ever and she wants to get it right, so she asks mari to please be there. mari shows up with luka. this episode makes it clear that kagami and adriens intentions in asking mari along were not all that different actually maybe
thats it for now make sure to like and subscribe if you lik- *i am killed by an internet hitman for cringe on side*
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uncreativc · 4 years
*  ♡ ╰  wong yukhei. twenty three. cismale + he/him  ⁄   any time kendal zheng is in the test kitchen they play boogie by brockhampton. the leo sign has been working at that’s amore for two years as a sugar rusher. since then the ebullient has built a reputation for being goofy & bold but also childish & stubborn. could that be the the reason why their palate enjoys shrimp and pb & j sandwiches ? but it for sure explains why crude drawings on recipes, worn baseball hats, weird late night texts, being loudest person at a party remind me of them. ☇ mars. 18+. she/they. est.
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yeah yeah go ahead and say it mars late mars never on time :rolls_eyes:. mars doesnt even know the concept of time so yeah thats who i am and yeah i orbit around nothing thats why my names mars. this is my Himbo kendal no relation to jenner but he might joke about being part of the kardashians. this took way longer than i wanted it too but thats okay watched a video the other day that was doing pokemon races and shuckle won so :D below will be like a semblance of a bio
P I N T E R E S T   |  D O S S I E R 
google searches include: how many teeth do i have, are we running out of almonds, why do people eat corn off the cob, how much would a pyramid cost, am i in a pyramid scheme, if you die on an operating table and come back to life is your birthday changed?
SUUUUPER competitve if there is challenge videos coming out you know hes trying to get in on that. stuck a marble up his nose once to prove he could do it put an entire cupcake in his massive ass mouth no one would stop him. ATE A SPOONFUL OF WASABI FOR WHAT?!
kendal is a middle child and it defintiely shows, their dumbass chaotic nature was definitely born out of being neglected and forgotten about. living in a shadow wasnt the greatest for them and then not even getting the attention of being a baby for long by his moms did their best to be equal with them all but kendal felt ****it****. they play it off as just being goofy and playful most of the time but he can get up to some real trouble when he feels like it. mostly out of just making bad decisions
too much energy - talks too much and is bad for interrupting he generally doesnt really have anything of use to add to a conversation other than weird stories, strange questions, and weird conspiracy theories but hes fun and loud and loves to be the centre of attention. this can be annoying honesly hes friendly and loyal he’d never turn someone down till the day he dies its just... bro is a lot to deal with sometimes hes so much of a loud ass clown and go against clearly something you told him not to do like jump up on a table leave a complete mess in the kitchen squeeze toothpaste in the middle of the tube. you know shit like that.
definitely is scared easily like you could easily scare him in the kitchen hes scared of the most stupid things like dark mirrors, his hair blowing off his body and landing on a dead body and him becoming a suspect for a murder. 
he loooooves camping which is kinda funny for someone who gets scared about the most irrational things. does he think a bear is gonna come and rip his tent apart? yeah probably but he still likes it. defintiely went to boy scouts growing up earned a lot of badges learned how to tie knots you know the usual. only had his moms cheat and make him patches like... once or twice. 
probably forgot it was your birthday or that you invited him out to something. you know the nana you have that never remembers and just sends random gifts and they say happy birthday. yeah thats him.
a little oblivious he wont know if youve caught feelings for him and assumes everything is just playful until otherwise told thats what he gets for flirting too much without even realizing. it gets him into trouble because people think they have something and he’s just like :O i thought we were just bros. maybe if he wasnt so flirty and dumb this wouldnt be a problem but its not going to stop him any time soon. hes very casually flirty with everyone he meets honestly. hes just a goof and a lot of times that shit comes off as super flirting and if you think it is.... youre right!
hes definitely more of a house party kind of guy or get his and sit on the back porch and launch water ballooons at a friend down on the ground. yeah he probably got a concussion from that once because he didnt realize that whiplash is a thing like a true idiot and it definitely knocked him out cold.
has a peanut allergy jokes about either living by the sword that he does not have but swears that he does or die by his peanut allergy.
likes mood rings pokemon cards and worm on a string. yes hes made people worm on a string before as pretty much a friendship bracelet. imagine a dude at a party blasted out of his mind coming up to you and handing you a worm on a string and saying youre his friend and that you deserve this. 
hes a cowboy grew up in the south and definitely plays that up loves dirt biking rock climbing and pretty much everything that doesnt entirely involve working on his farm like he doesnt like horses but does like goats you know? 
asked for an extension through email on his wiiu because he lost his computer somewhere
organized mess. you know that chapstick you dropped like three weeks ago he left it there because he knows exactly where it is. like he could just keep things tidy but what would be the fun in that. doesnt follow recipes like ever just kind of tries to eyeball and remember how things were made
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
party friends he gave them a worm on a string or something got really fucked up and they tried to make like exactly mcdonlds nuggets the boot ones all night
they stole something from your muse ( bike, spatula, idk anything )  and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before danny kind of gets crushes really easily and they kind of just dissapear out of nowhere as well but like we could work something out
exes good bad or indifferent i really dont mind
old childhod friends could be from summer camp or an old teammate when he used to play more sports, could be literally anything i am down i love past connects 
roommates PLEASE
made edibles that were too strong together ended fucking them over for days
they movie hoped or dine and dashed together like i really dont mind just something funny 
someone he makes videos with id love to brainstorm a really stupid like alt series with another sugar rusher or maybe not even a sugar rusher im down for anything 
rock climbing/paint ball/laser tag friends? video games like smash or something theyre super competitve together 
im good for plotting anything 
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quackspot · 5 years
Every single one of the talk about meme questions. Just kidding, pick any 6 you wanna do
m gona do whatever i can talk about bc i like to talk about myself
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
getting addicted to th internet but of course i wouldn’t be here but i would likely be better off socially .  or maybe just being born as i am sometimes i think about how if i were born male things would be Much better for me like socially n stuff like that.. sometimes i jut wish i coud chest bump and cheer with friends n goof around and be crazy yeah i can be like that but it’d feel kind of weird (or just weird at first)
5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.
one year i got a club penguin membership and i was in chuck e cheeses and then another year completely different but me n some friends played a game called body body in my house and it was fun
6: Talk about the worst birthday you've had.
i dont think i did anything for my birthday last year so like oop
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
my forehead or my height
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
im pretty proud of my art and writing!! 
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
my body is very cool i like how my hair bounces when i walk because of how i walk and how my hair curls in towards my face (kind of)
10: Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had.
probably a video game one to be honest.  cant really recall. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
i’ve had some weird dreams like when i stole the side of a locker and ran from some guy but i was late for the bus so i put the side back and it was all ok then uhhhhh one where people were doing like cheer leader pyramids and i think some dude named craig from dream daddy was there i cant quite remember if that’s the guy who was there i just remember being like “FSKLJFLKJKLF CRAIG DREAM DADDY WAS IN MY DREAM”
12: Talk about the worst dream you've ever had.
i went to someone’s house and i kicked a tree stump then bees chases me and i dont remember much else about it it was in like 3rd grade
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
14: Talk about a vacation.
i went to florida in 6th grade for a week and i loved it very much i got a wand (and a wand ceremony >:) )
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
in like 4th grade someone told me someone else had a crush on me and i was like “ohhhhh yeah that kind of makes sense” and i just felt awkward around him since i didnt like him back 
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
OHOSHOSHODHSOHOEHO HO O O O N N NN N  THE BUSS!!! I met a good friend and the first words i said to her were something like “hi i have social anxiety” and she was like “me too!!!” hten we were friends and then i went to another school in 8th grade and we never talked ever again and im in 10th grade now o-o
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
last year i went to the bathroom and said “let there be light” while walking in and hte lights came on
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
also last year someone who i considered like somewhat close friend (we dont talk anymore sadly he had fun games? i dunno he was rich and white and yeah he was fun to hang out with n stuff) and he asked me if i wanted to be his gf and i was like “nahh hahaha im not ready for that kind of thing” and i didnt like him that way also it was during challenge day aka  a day where people came in and were like “man we all sad let’s hug :)”
22: Talk about your worst fear.
either bugs or the horrifying fear of hte unknown and growing up
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
cant get turned down if you’ve only asked 1  person if you’d like to get together twice and they said yes both times but you started thinking you weren’t right for them then broke up B)
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.
someone i’ll call m&m because she didn’t like being called that uhh she was rather rude and had a trampoline and 2 dogs and was pretty bossy i guess
26: Talk about things you do when you're sick.
literally nothign new i just do what i do but maybe actually just. yeah thts basically what i did recently i had a stuffy nose and like mucus or something in my mouth and it’s still like that but the only thing i really changed was nasal spray ! i use that at night but i might stop soon since im feeling better
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
it depends on how you die. there’s probably like the last moments and then nothing. nobody knows what happens next. you might get revived or you might just be nothing forever and that’s rather scary to me
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
i remember my first house i lived in and i walked back home from elementary school and it was cool
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
tell myself “hey stop being sad” or cry if im alone 
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured.
so it was a period pain and i was on my bed and i was crying and i was curled up and a thught appeared in my head.... “what if i drew a pentagram on my hand?” because jamie said that brought her luck and i was like “fuck it might as well try it” so then i had a pentagram on my hand and satan didn’t help me with period cramps
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
stop being nervous abt talking to people i guess lol. . . . making friends hard if u cant say hi 
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
my little pony n stuff sometimes i just watch kids shows when im bored
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
idk i dont think i’ve truly fallen in love but im sure i was in love with kiley at least a little bit 
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
when i first listened to melancholy blues i thought of sparkling cookie i know he’s not real but songs don’t remind me of real people
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
golden birthdays because my golden birthday was when i was 5  actually theyre nothing special but.. .  still wig
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
we dont have fishies anymore and that’s becuase we have a dog and a cat now :(((( miss u fish....... 
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curlyshepards · 7 years
tim headcanons: fucking long ass edition im so sorry
again this is under a read more so @ mobile users....im sorry
What does their bedroom look like?
he shares a room with curly, so it looks like a tornado ripped through the room and only destroyed curly's half. his is nice and neat
Do they have any daily rituals?
this isnt really daily, but if he wakes up really early or comes home super later (like early hours of the morning) he'll most likely see his mom in the kitchen and they'll sit at the table and talk until someone else comes in. its the only time she acts like herself & not hanging off their stepdad and tim cherishes those times!!! but he never tells anyone abt their conversations
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
i can see him going to a gym every now and then, but mostly bc his buddy works there. they'd lift weights and goof around so hes not rlly into working out, he knows to stay fit tho
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
it depends on who was in the kitchen. if it was his stepdad he'd just leave the house and go out for dinner because he avoids him as much as he can. if it was angie he'd get her to make him something, but if it was his mom then he'd ask if shes eaten anything and would probably end up making somethin for the both of them
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
hes SUPER organized. like with everything. it drives him insane that curly's such a slob
Eating habits and sample daily menu
for breakfast he usually just has coffee. but he gets fast food a lot (no one knows how he stays in such good shape) but if he doesnt go out to eat he'll just get food from his friends houses
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
he loves to play pool and card games!! he tries to avoid wasting time though, he always feels like theres something he could be doing to give his gang more power & respect
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
again i dont know what this means but every now and then he will indulge in a big ass chocolate milkshake and no one can stop him
just like curly he is all for makeup sex
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
nope none
Intellectual pursuits?
he's actually really smart, and if he wanted to then he could have gone off to college. he's always loved leading his gang tho so that is his main priority
Favorite book genre?
the only thing he ever reads is the newspaper (their stepdad usually steals it after he reads it and they never see it again, so tim always makes sure to take the comic section out and save it for curly)
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
hes straight but he doesnt really care about people sexual orientations. ya like who ya like and it doesnt affect him
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
he has that big ass scar on his face, so there's that. hes also SLIGHTLY allergic to cat fur
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
biggest: buy a new leather jacket that DOESNT have rips in the sleeves smallest: get their house cleaned up bc all the beer bottles and broken glass on the floor is starting to give him a headache
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
biggest: officially lead the toughest gang in tulsa
smallest: get curly and angela through high school
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
basically just t-shirts and jeans. he rolls the sleeves of his shirts up and he keeps a comb in his back left pocket. he might be wearing a leather jacket, but he'll probably just have it slung over his shoulder
Favorite beverage?
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
his gang and how to make it better. it literally consumes his mind. he probably thinks abt curly too & if he'll ever be tough enough to be his second in command. tim really wants him to but deep down he knows that curly just isn't like him
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
tim got REALLY sick when his dad took him fishing when he was young. he puked all into the lake and they ended up not catching any fish the whole weekend (which tims dad jokingly blamed on him) it was embarrassing at the time but eventually they were able to laugh it off
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
turn ons: hickeys, confidence, tight jeans
turn offs: he hates clingy and it will definitely end up driving him away if a girl tries to lock him down
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
a mean game of tic tac toe that probably incorporated gambling
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
very organized!! its how hes so successful in leading his gang. he knows how to keep things in order and he plans things out
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
he was very dedicated to graduating high school (mostly out of spite that no one thought he would do it) but he never really cared about his classes. he did what he had to do and then got out of there
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
still a gang leader, hopefully more respected. (can we talk abt how tim sees himself as still living and curly has just kinda accepted that he probably wont be.,,...no.,,,,.....ok)
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
once again his life revolves around his gang. he doesnt see it not working out, so he doesnt plan for anything else
What is their biggest regret?
he has two ok: one is not going on that last fishing trip with his dad. he'd gives almost anything to spend that one weekend with him again. the other is not being hard enough on curly and not toughening him up as much as he could have. he knows his brother is tough, but hes also got a soft side and tim hates it bc he knows it'll ruin his brother
Who do they see as their best friend?
his second in command, danny!!! theyve been friends since elementary school and hes the one guy tim can always fall back on
Their worst enemy?
the leader of the river kings most likely. they're his gangs biggest threat
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
he'd definitely be the one to fix the problem, even tho he most likely didnt cause it. he'd be calm about it though and just kinda move on
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
if it were angela, curly, or his mom dying he'd lose it in anger. i dont see him as sulking or mourning over their death, he'd just get super angry and destructive
Most prized possession?
his dads old fishing hat !! he keeps it tucked away in his closet, but he never wears it
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
he doesnt care about them since he never really had them growing up
Concept of home and family?
tim is very family oriented and would do almost anything to protect them (except his stepdad, but tim doesnt consider him family. and half the time hes protecting his siblings and mom from their stepdad anyway)
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
VERY private. he doesnt share anything too personal bc he doesnt wanna give someone the power of having something to hold against him
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
he loves movies and could watch them all day, but he'd end up feeling too unproductive
What makes them feel guilty?
nothing he literally has 0 feelings
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
analytical by far !!! he likes to think of the long term effects on a decision
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
type a
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
relaxing with his friends. while he loves leading a gang he still likes to just chill w the guys like they did in high school. it reminds him of better times
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
superiority complex for sure. in his eyes he is The Best
How misanthropic are they?
its not that he doesnt like humankind, its just the rich people. they look down on him so he does the same. he could get along easily with other greasers as long as theyre not in a gang and threatening his streets
cards, pool, drinking
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
he graduated high school! he values self education more though bc he's taught himself everything he needs to know to be successful
atheist i guess. i dont think he believes in god but he also just doesnt think about it
Superstitions or views on the occult?
not superstitious at all
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
deeds. words are pointless to him bc he knows most people will think he's just bluffing
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
he would never.,,,...but i guess if he did it'd be with someone who could calm him down. in his eyes the whole world revolves around the gang, so they'd have to make him see that theres more to life than that. i can see him falling for someone innocent and kind and non judgemental. opposites attract u know
How do they express love?
very weird and awkward ways.....like he doesnt really know what hes doing (because he doesnt) he'd give mumbled compliments and hold your hand only if you're in private and try to take you somewhere nice but hes dressed too poorly and so people look at him and he gets annoyed and yall end up leaving but hey its the thought that counts right
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
he fights very smoothly. he moves quickly and thats always his advantage
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
nope. he thinks he's invincible
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cake-of-awesome · 7 years
a few years ago i had joined a roleplay community. it wasnt very big, pretty close knit. like after a few days you pretty much knew the people who would visit the chatroom regularly, those who were regular submitter to the artists galleries and the likes.
whenever someone new joined the community the atmosphere was always pretty excited? since its a new face in a very small group of people and everyones curious what theyre like as a person and excited to roleplay with someone new as a change of pace
it was during this time i met a lot of great and talented individuals and had a lot of fun roleplaying and goofing off during my downtime. everyone had great characters and despite the depressing premise (where everyone was dead p much) the community was pretty jolly and light hearted. although maybe im just thinking that way because im seeing everything through rose colored glasses idkthere were bad times though too. and one time in particular still just.. fucks me up. it was with one member from the community and recently i ran into them again and i just dont know what to do. cause everytime i talk to them i think about the last time we had a real conversation together and it. just. sucks.back in the day the community was split pretty evenly between people who lived in the united states and canada and people who lived in australia and the phillipines. so basically opposite ends of the world.i ended up adding a bunch of them on skype so we could talk whenever and continue talking forever, including this certain member
now to be fair we were friends. i wouldnt really consider us friends now just because i havent talked to them in ages but. at the time we were. we’d talk for hours about our characters and the inspiration that we put into them. i had a lot of fun talking to them and they really made me think about what makes a good character in general
the character i had in the community was basically a self insert. he was originally a poor attempt at some kind of bad boy flirty type that gave way into my own frustrations with depression, apathy, and mangled relationships. but of course at the time i had no word for depression, mostly out of denial, i thought if i said that my character had depression people might actually point the fingers back at me and ask if i was also depressed. which was a road i didnt not want to go on.
this member was not afraid to talk about it though. they were very upfront about having depression and talking about how much it sucked. what led up to it. what they do to deal with it now. i both admired them for being so open and candid about it.... but i was also afraid for them.
a year earlier i had lost a friend to suicide. i had never met them and to be honest i dont think he really cared about me at all. but being in the same situation where someone was talking about how often they wanted to die... it just kept remind me of slo. and how, as an internet friend, there wasnt a whole lot i could do but listen. and eventually i just had to stop.
one night they ended up calling me through skype. i thought it was weird bc up until then we never called. and i dont think i ever told them that i had a slight fear of the phone. i answered it though because, there wasnt much of a reason not to? i was home alone and i was just doing homework so i answered it.turned out the guy had swallowed a bunch of pills and was just looking for someone to talk to while he waited out his death sentence. when i found out i just broke down. i immediately thought of slo, even though his death involved a car crash and this guy was just drugged up on some unknown cocktail of pills.
i tried to talk them out of it. but theres nothing to talk a person out of when they already did the thing. i begged them to see the brighter side but even i couldnt see what that bright side was. i tried to explain what i did when i felt that way. rubbing my hands on car keys or taking in the texture of the carpet. i remember him alluding to cutting. eventually they passed out from the pills and stopped responding. skype disconnected the call, and i, in a panicked state called 911 and talked to an operator who told me there was nothing they could do when they didnt know where the guy lived, what his real name was or any piece of information. they werent miracle workers. although they could pray.
i dont think i went to bed until early the next morning.  my body was too seized up and my mind was just stuck thinking about slo and the unknown state of my friend. im pretty sure one of my roommates came in after hanging out with friends and tried to comfort me at some point too but they went to bed a little later due to being too tired.
in the end they wound up being okay. their girlfriend found them that morning and helped them to get better. i guess whatever cocktail of pills they got just wasnt lethal enough to do much other than give them a really bad stomach ache. which was good. and im really glad for, and part of me also relieved to find out they’re still alive after all these years
but at the same time i just... dont know how i feel about them anymore. after that night i slowly stopped talking to them. kinda avoided the chatrooms for a bit and i think i even removed them off skype when i was cleaning up my contacts. when they were removed from the community for being inactive i was secretly relieved. which then prompted me to hate myself immediately afterwards. i mean! what kind of friend am i? to be secretly glad a friend who i know is severely depressed being removed due to inactivity? im not a friend im a fake.
but at the same time, they terrified me that night. and ever since then whenever i talked to them i was always worried about them somehow calling or telling me that theyre in the middle of killing themselves and theres nothing i can do about it. it sucks. and im powerless and i cant do anything. its a terrible feeling to have and forcing anyone to be in that position is a selfish powerplay. and so... i just stopped talking to them. i’d let time and silence erode the friendship we had until we were total strangers again. let the space between us comfort me while i tried to ignore my own guilt for turning away someone who’s hurting badly
but now theyre back again and, i dont know what to do. i mean i know what to do. i should talk to them and talk about that night and how it fucked me over so badly and how they need serious help. i know i should do this. this is my second chance here but at the same time. i dont want to think abotu that night again. im trying so hard not to think about death. and here comes the person who everytime i think about them i think about killing myself and that powerlessness and slo and everything bad and it makes me sick
but things would get better if i just opened up and talk... wouldnt it?
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