#(someday I'll actually learn how to draw him)
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an old comic for an old au i will never write that i call my Akechi & Sophia Murder Buddies AU. basically, what if akechi infiltrated ichinose’s palace and found sophia inside. sophia is very similar to akechi in a lot of ways, and it got me thinking how her arc would look different if she met someone like akechi instead of the phantom thieves. also, their dynamic would be comedy gold. more details under the cut
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so, the catalyst for the au is shido learning about ichinose's research into cogpsi in late september (idk if this timeline matches up, it probably doesn't, but let's just say i'm moving what ichinose does up to earlier in the timeline for the sake of the au). he has goro infiltrate her palace to get information on this and determine if she's a threat. goro finds absolutely nothing in her palace, which is a near-empty dollhouse with only lifeless dolls and furniture inside. shadow ichinose herself is nowhere to be found. he's just about to call it a wash when he stumbles upon the cognition of sophia and accidentally awakens her.
sophia insists on being goro's companion, much to his chagrin, and follows him around the palace as he tries to leave. however, on the way out they run into ichinose's cognition of EMMA, which tries to eliminate both of them. sophia "awakens" to her "persona" and saves akechi's life. tired from the fight, akechi bails on ichinose's palace without bothering to find ichinose's shadow. when akechi leaves the palace, he mysteriously still finds sophia on his phone in the real world--and he decides, well if i'm stuck with her, she might as well help me out in the metaverse. (he is Not happy about any of this.)
akechi tells shido ichinose is a nobody. he doesn't know if this is true but neither does he care. akechi and sophia enter a deal--she will help him eliminate evil targets, being his helpful companion, if he helps her find her creator after his plan of revenge is over. akechi has no intentions of keeping his side of the deal (at first).
sophia becomes increasingly heartless and cruel under akechi's influence, to a point where it even starts to shock him. essentially, its the opposite of her arc in strikers--instead of her gaining a heart by making friends and learning what love, kindness, and justice are, she becomes more heartless and robotic without their guidance. meanwhile, akechi starts to actually care about sophia, and feels a deep seeded guilt about what he's done to her--while being very much in denial about all of this. in essence, they have opposite effects on one another.
but things get interesting when goro still ends up joining the phantom thieves, but this time with sophia in tow......
(maybe i'll draw a comic about that someday and share more of the au then hehe)
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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1: Captain Barnacles! :DD
2: One of the reasons why I redrew them suddenly was because I was thinking of re-writing my Octonauts Sea dwellers AU :0 But I'm going back on that now tbh.. :///
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They didn't figure it out and they did end up booking it. I mean,, can you really blame them?
We know Papyrus, and all of us would absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was innocent. But Seam and Jevil don't know the Papyrus we know.
All Seam sees is an absolute mountain of bodies and an state of utter decay all around him.. with suspiciously the last man standing being a very clearly mentally unstable skeleton.. would you assume he was innocent?
Add onto that all the stress Seam was under, how unstable he was as well. Seam couldn't see the situation any other way and he was not taking any chances.
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I don't watch Adventure time currently and I don't know all the nitty gritty of the shows lore.. but my favorite characters from what I've seen is Simon! With Jake as a close second. :} Also Prismo is 3rd I think-
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f...fank youu!!
(Also the protons joke got a laugh outa me XDD )
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:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad you like how I draw them!! :}}
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oh ok
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Wait are the characters from the game actually baked in an oven to be "born"?? I didn't know that--
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:DD I'm glad you like them! And although I don't have either game, I hope to learn a little more about the games lore :0
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@chickenheadguy (Link in question)
Oh! Thank you! Lemme just take a look an--
170 VIDEOS??
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(Also thank you for the compliments and the link! :DD )
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NO HE DOESN'T GET KILLED-- Seam and Jevil just jump to another AU as soon as Jevil had the strength to. Leaving Papyrus behind in the process..
(Also thank you!! :DD )
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I don't have any plans to draw any art like that, no.. sorry! <:/
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YES. YES IT DOES. But its not the people who go "ohmygosh I LOVE this (AU/thing) you made! Its wonderful! Do you have any plans to continue it someday.? If not that's ok! Just wondering!" Those guys are fine and I take it as a compliment actually!
Its the people who say things like "When are you gonna finish this" "Why did you stop drawing this" "How long until you draw this again" "I don't like what you're drawing, now go back to this it was better" comments like THOSE, suck. And its always about the same comics/subjects that I stopped drawing months ago. Looking at you Octonauts crab comic
As for my AUs, its not too hard for me to remember all of them. I never have more than 5-6 per fandom. I can usually list them off by memory! :0
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Tbh the animatronics would probably just register that as a mess/hazard and would notify an employee about the issue. In which the employee would dispatch a mop bot to go clean it up. I imagine it unfortunately happens often enough that the bots aren't really fazed. Kids amirite-
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I have drawn her at least twice from recent memory! Once in this horror post, and she makes an appearance in part 1 of my FNAF AU recap/repair! :00
The reason why I rarely draw her is becuase of the plans I have for her in my AU. She is meant to be very mysterious and I want the changes I made to her in my re-write to be a surprise-
Also thank you! I'm glad you like my cookie run creatures! :}}}
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I'm not sure actually.. idk if the characters from the games are aware that they are "cookies" in the sense that they are meant to be eaten- So I'm not sure how my characters would react either-
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Its related to the names of the drivers, I cant share anything else! :x
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@mumble-jumble-gallery (Post in question)
Magic candy..? Huh- well I'm glad it isn't world shattering at least-- <XDD
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:DD Thank you so much! I'll be sure to draw them again sometime XD
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Sorry for the late reply! This ask got buried-
If you look to this post for reference, I was thinking that Fredbear would be as tall as Bonnie. Maybe a little taller.? And Spring Bonnie would be about as tall as Foxy :00
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puhpandas · 7 months
Halloween Spirit
(1,770 words)
Evan learns that the spirit of Halloween comes with enjoying spending time with people you love during the season, and thats why he'd never felt anything of the sort with Michael and his father. 🍫🎃🕷
"Have you ever been to Spirit Halloween?" Gregory asks him someday when they're hanging out at his house. Evan looks up from one of Gregory's drawings he was coloring in and tilts his head.
"No." Evan replies after a moment. And hes never wanted to, either. Not only would getting there mean either his Father or Michael would have to take him, but he knows Michael gets all of the scary masks he terrifies Evan with there. Plus that there are animatronics with uncanny molds and bloody faces and long fingers and black cloaks that jump out and scream at you.
So hes never really had an urge to go. Hence why he's literally never been.
"Never?!" Gregory exclaims when he learns about it. He jumps up off of his bed, shaking his head. "Evan, going to Spirit Halloween is like... it's like a major life event. Its tradition. You go to Spirit Halloween every year during the season to get pumped for it."
"I've never heard of that." Evan replies. "I've just... never had a reason to go."
He purposefully leaves out all the reasons he never has wanted to go. He doesnt want to be a Debbie Downer.
"Well now you do." Gregory tells him. He grabs the sketchbook out of Evan's hands, setting it on his comforter and then yanking Evan off the bed with suprising strength. "I'm taking you to Spirit Halloween today. No take backs."
Evan yelps, and only narrowly avoids eating carpet. "I never even agreed in the first place." Evan points out. After he doesnt pull away, Gregory let's him go to slide his shoes on. "But... sure. I'll go with you."
"Yes!" Gregory pumps a fist, slipping a navy hoodie on. With a faint smile at Gregory's excitement, Evan stays how he is, already wearing a plenty warm wool sweater. All he has to do is pull his own converse on and they're out the door.
"How have you never been?" Gregory comments when they've set off, following the sidewalk. The trees have long since all turned reds and oranges and yellows, and they flutter in the pleasant breeze the Autumn season is producing. Pumpkins and skeletons and spiderwebs decorate every yard theyve passed, and store windows hold those jelly stick-on's. "Pretty much everyone has."
"Nobody's ever taken me." Evan replies, shrugging. "My family doesnt really decorate. Especially now that its just us."
Before, when his Mom and Elizabeth were still living with them, there would be the occasional decorating. Elizabeth would whine and push for something seasonal to celebrate and his parents would cave and buy some cheap decorations to sling up around the house. But that was years ago, when he was a much younger kid. Now, hes thirteen, and its just him, Michael, and their Father.
Evan dares to think Michael would actually like to have decorations up. It's just that he believes he's 'too cool' for things like that. He's always enjoyed Halloween, if not for access to extra scary masks then to run around town with his friends to spook other innocent children. Plus, the king size candy bars he always brings home have to mean something.
Evan's never really had a reason to like it when every time he'd dress up he'd be made fun of in some sort of way, and then actively targeted as soon as he'd step outside. Plus, everything Michael likes about Halloween, Evan dislikes.
But Evan dares to believe this year will be different. The reason being right next to him.
"God, your family is so boring." Gregory groans. "Nobody even took you like... when you were a kid years ago?"
"Ugh." Gregory makes a face, slinging an arm around Evan's shoulder. "Well thats why you dont like Halloween. Because your family has always sucked too bad to let you enjoy it."
Evan nods sagely, knowing its true. His family always makes Halloween what they do or dont do. And usually, Evan's never cared enough to wish for a better, more seasonal holiday. He's always been too worried about other things to be in any sort of joyful mood.
"Well, dont worry about it right now, alright?" Gregory tells him, shooting him a grin. "This year you'll get to experience real Halloween. We'll get you a costume and take you to see cool stuff, and you'll get to do stuff like carve pumpkins and bake cookies with us."
Evan's eyes widen at the influx of activities. He's only ever done maybe a couple of those throughout his whole life.
He looks at Gregory earnestly, brain already flashing with images of Evan laughing and smiling, flinging cookie batter at Gregory, costume shopping without the lingering paranoia, and digging his hands inside a pumpkins guts.
The promise of having fun with people he actually likes, who like him back is so overwhelming, he almost tears up.
He pushes it down, offering Gregory a wobbly smile. "That... that sounds fun."
"It always is!" Gregory boasts, and Evan is convinced he can see stars in his eyes. "Man, I wish Ness were here. I really want her to meet you. It would be so cool spending Halloween with both of you.
There goes another mention of the infamous older-sister-away-at-college. Evan's heard a few of those, but it's not what he focuses on in that moment.
Something about Gregory putting him on the same level as his biological sibling makes something warm and fluttery bloom in Evan's stomach.
"You'll get to introduce me someday." Is all Evan manages to get out, and he almost backtracks at the implication in his sentence that Gregory will be willing to stick by him that long. But Gregory just smiles, shakes his shoulders a bit, and goes "She'll love you."
Evan hides his smile in the collar of his sweater. If Gregory is so sure, Evan cant wait to meet her, too.
It's not long at all afterwards that they finally make it to the store. Evan thinks it looks very bare bones, compared to how Gregory was describing it, but Gregory just says not to judge a book by its cover.
Gregory was right. The inside is what counts.
Halloween decorations fill very inch, gravestones and spiderwebs and skeletons waiting to greet you. There are tons of different mini-sets around the store with animatronics, and despite how Evan stays as far away from the animatronics as possible, Gregory's excitement over them make him feel better about how creepy they are.
Evan's favorite section though has to be the costume wall.
It's just a shelf full of silly costumes stuffed in bags from floor to ceiling, and it stretches across almost the entire store.
"Ness and I used to spend hours here just making fun of the costumes." Gregory had said after bringing him to it. "Look at the model on this one."
Then he'd pointed at a dumb looking werewolf, and when Evan had burst out laughing, they'd kept going.
The daylight outside slowly fizzles out in the corner of Evan's vision, in the foreground. That gray, cloudy sky that comes with Autumn fading into a dark, deep blue. By the time its their turn to leave, Evan's cheeks hurt from smiling and his throat is dry from how much he had talked and laughed.
Before they go, Gregory insists on buying Evan a Halloween sweater, no matter how much he'd protested. It's another thing he insists is tradition.
When Gregory didnt budge, Evan caved and chose a really soft black one with and orange collar and a Jack-o-lantern in the middle. Gregory had chosen one for himself, then proceeded to get attached to one of the plastic inaccurate skeleton animals and buy it too. They'd named the little dog with bone ears and a bone nose Davey.
Evan never imagined that this is what the spirit of Halloween is like, but he feels it now more than he ever has. It reminds him of those Christmas movies he'd see on TV where the lesson would be that the true meaning of Christmas is spending time with your family.
As sad as it sounds, Evan never understood those. But he thinks he gets it now.
Because the contrast between last year and this year is so stark. It's not the fact that he went to a Halloween store. If he'd gone last year with Michael and his Father, he would have been miserable, because Michael would try to make him be. This year, he had fun looking at silly stuff with Gregory.
Its only now, when Gregory is handing cash over to the employee behind the counter, who'd just bagged their sweaters and Davey, that he realizes just how much Gregory is his best friend.
They only met in July, after all... but even that feels like a lifetime ago, despite how the school days went by so much quicker with a friend, no longer so awful.
Funny how Evan already feels closer with a boy hes known for a few months than he ever has with his brother and father.
"Can I sleep over?" Evan asks when they break through the doors of the store and the cool air of Autumn washes over his face. He breathes in the scent of fallen leaves and actually notices a difference, this time.
He's feeling bold, he realizes. Scenarios of how he could get in trouble for not asking flash in his mind, but he notices he doesnt really care in the moment.
Gregory, like how telepathic he feels sometimes, notices too. He grins, acknowledging the significance, and nods, bringing out his phone. "Let me call my Dad and we'll swing by your house to grab you a bag."
Evan nods, smiling himself. He plays with the plastic of the bag in-between his fingers, peeking at Davey through the gaps.
"When we get home, I'll make some popcorn and hot chocolate, and then you gotta watch this movie with me. I watch it every year for Halloween."
Evan nods repeatedly, smile already growing on his face. After today, hes sure itll be fun.
They sit on the curb, leaves floating through the breeze, and a light sprinkle starts just in time for Freddy to pull into the driveway.
They hop in the car and Evan watches the scenery outside, looking at people decorations and imagining how he'd carve his own pumpkin, or ice his own cookies.
He'd never cared before now. He'd never cared because he'd never been given the chance to. But now he does. And all he's thinking about is how much 'going home' with Gregory feels right.
ao3 link
bonus: this is Davey
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christinesficrecs · 1 year
Hii I love your fic recs!! Can you recommend me some sterek fics with soft derek? Mostly canon or canon complient ? But alternate universe is fine too.
Hii can you please recommend me some soft derek/ maybe feminine derek fics. I just really want to read some soft derek fics.
Let me just say, I mostly had no idea where to go with this. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Also, I did restrain myself from making this nothing but Derek + kittens fics. It was really hard though. 🥰
Kintsugi by artemis69 | 7.8K
Derek is too big, and strong, and a werewolf. He knows perfectly well what men are and aren’t allowed to be.
Stiles would beg to differ.
In which there are pretty boys, flowers, panties, glitter, and Stiles gives a heartfelt fuck you to the concept of toxic masculinity.
Kittens Can Happen to Anyone by tsukinofaerii | 3.8K
When Stiles shows up at Derek's door with a box of orphaned kittens, Derek has no idea what he's getting into. With the cats, either.
I'm Setting the Standard for Living a Dream by skoosiepants | 2.9K
Derek is scowling at the camera, Henley unbuttoned. He looks sleep-mussed and unamused and there are two fuzzy balls of floof cradled in his arms. One is pawing at Derek’s mouth, the other is asleep in the curve of his elbow. Both are stripy orange and fluffy-furred with pink noses and pink beans, they are so super cute it makes Stiles’s eyes water a little.
five times Derek and Stiles weren't actually boyfriends (and one time they were) by HalfFizzbin | 2.8K
In which Derek and Stiles are essentially a married couple. Except they're not actually dating.
i wait for you like a lonely house by bleep0bleep | 4.5K
Derek isn’t sure why he buys the house. He doesn’t need the space, that much is certain. While it’s not as big as the one Derek grew up in, something about the cheerful yellow paint and the wide staircase (with banisters wide enough for children to slide down) draws him in.
Wait by cutloosemcgoose | 23.4K | Explicit
Sitting on his couch, staring at the wall, it feels like Derek is watching his whole, miserable, lonely life flash before his eyes. He’s twenty four and he’s alone. No family, no friends, no real pack. He’s six days away from spending one of the most family-oriented holidays of the year trying to avoid any human interaction. If anyone could see him right now, they would tell him he looks pathetic. If Laura could see him right now, she would probably beat the crap of him and then tell him he’s a loser.
Babcia Knows Best by thepsychicclam | 11.8K
Stiles takes his grandmother to bingo every Thursday. Now there's a new guy calling out the numbers, and his grandmother has decided to set them up.
Somebody That I Used to Know by PercyByssheShelley | 10.3K | Mature
Stiles and Derek have been together for months.
The trouble is, they weren't yesterday.
36 Questions by Leslie_Knope | 8K
“So I’m doing my senior psych thesis on friendships,” Erica says, not-so-accidentally elbowing Derek in the ribs as she turns to face Stiles. “How they develop, how intimacy is fostered, stuff like that.”
“That’s cool,” Stiles says agreeably. “What’s our part?”
“Well, I can’t really tell you the point because that would influence the results. But it’s a set of 36 questions that you have to ask each other.”
“Just the two of us?” Derek chimes in, finally, and Stiles sighs.
“Okay, dude,” he says, making a face, “could you try not to look quite so offended? Like, my ego’s pretty strong, but come on, man.”
Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found) by alocalband | 25K | Explicit
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
Maybe Someday (I'll Be Home For Next Year) by ofherlionheart | 16.3K
Derek Hale meets a Mabel Stilinski while living in New York. He learns that she has a grandson. There are miscommunications, scarves, stealth-matchmaking plans, and cookies. Many, many cookies.
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atlas-of-galaxies · 6 days
I'm not sure if you're still doing anything with this but, if you are, could you please tell us about your TMA/YTTD AU? The art was really good and I love the media involved!
ohhh thank you so much! that crossover is still so near and dear to my heart, I'm so glad people enjoyed my self-indulgence.
I've talked about my reasoning in the past, as well as discussion of what other characters might fit what in my tma entities tag, so definitely take a look at that if you haven't already!
I'm seeing now that i never talked about my reasoning for Kanna, Q-taro, and Mishima, so if I may indulge myself further ...
Kanna as the Lonely
a bit of an obvious one - she's defined from the moment we meet her by her loss and the absence of her sister. her position in the group as a whole is also weakened by her isolation with Shin - even if it seems from the outside he's manipulating her, that separation makes it a little hard for Sara to trust her at times ...
she's absolutely someone who's strengthened by her bond with others tho, as we see in 3-1 when she actually gets to work with everyone. it's just up to us whether she gets there or not.
Q-taro as the Buried
ohhh I'm so sorry but I'm so proud of this one. first of all - he literally dies in a coffin. what I really enjoy about this assignment is the whole idea of being trapped tho.
Q-taro constantly feels trapped in his life, and takes big risks to get himself out of those situations - he felt trapped in the hospital, and he was so desperate to get out of the Death Game that he stabs everyone else in the back to do it.
Mishima as the Eye
this is definitely moreso related to his AI (haha. get it.), considering he gets more of an omniscient view of the Death Game proceedings.
he's also a bit of a narrative sacrifice, allowing the other participants to learn about the inner workings of the Death Game ... idk. this one's a bit abstract but I think it fits, especially considering that his death only happens because of a lack of prior knowledge.
and uhhh how about dummies for a bonus round!
Ranmaru as the Corruption - he's sooo toxic it's not even funny. maybe I'll still draw this someday, I have a fun composition in mind.
Mai as the Hunt - she's the one who's most forward about the game Midori puts them all up to. she actually betrays Q-taro for her own survival, though he's far too kind to let that be the end for her.
Hinako as the Stranger - do I have to explain her. do I have to
Hayasaka as the Buried - guy's stuck in a dead-end job doing morally questionable work for an all-powerful company ... guy's as buried as it gets.
Kurumada - I used to have him as the Flesh for kinda superficial reasons but since his minisode I feel like he may also be Hunt tbh ... it's all about the "strong eat weak" mindset, after all.
Anzu - honestlyyy I have the weakest vision for her. I'm not really. a fan. of her minisode so I'm not taking much inspiration from it. I enjoy the Vast tho for her just cuz that's always a fun idea with performers and such. you could always go Stranger for clowns but I feel like that doesn't fit her personality much
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strawglicks · 5 months
Sorry for the ramble in your inbox incoming- I'm a really huge fan of your analysis type posts like the ones about Cathal and recently Flint ;A; So I hope its ok to maybe throw in my own 2 cents about Cogs/their society- (Sorry this gets rambly I thought about this last night and writing this like an hour after waking up lol)
I think what alot of people kind of (I wouldnt say ignore- more of:) don't really get is that I dont believe characters like Cathal or Flint have bad tendencies because they really want to in a way, (I kind of worded that poorly but point is) but because their society rewards and encourages that type of behavior. I think you said something kind of similar on Cathals post- But especially for Flint, whose a Bossbot (Who are literally the embodiment of a toxic workplace and elitism. I believe a old snippet from the TTO magazines says "They have no real skills of their own, just the ability to push down others and stay on top!" Or something to that nature.) he has to be demanding and imposing. There is no benefit to him in being kind. (Like looking at Misty for example) And don't get me wrong I don't believe that if Flint and Cathal were removed from Cog society they'd be better/objectively nicer (Like Flint not being condescending to Toons and Cathal not making people do things for him and being encouraged to try) But I do wonder how much of it is pressure, or how much of it is egged on and rewarded. Atleast in the aspects it relates to how they treat others.
(..And also I wonder what happens to Cogs that don't get jobs and are seen as ..not functioning. Since Graham was freaking the hell out in "Meeting Of Two Minds" over the possibility of not getting the job. I have a whole thing about this actually in my oc lore but thats another thing entirely I'll write about someday I swear)
Also I gasped when I saw the doodle of Graham in the MSI shirt finally a MSI listener Graham truther. I think he'd like the album "How I Learned To" and of course "You'll Rebel To Anything". I associate him mainly with the songs "Lights Out", "On It", and "You're No Fun Anymore" :p (This has been my favorite band since I was like 13 and now I get to spill all my opinions xD) I always imagined him doing the guitar backbend their bassist does! And my final hc is that Flint plays bass and Graham plays the main guitar. I think it fits them .. some people overlook bass when its actually pretty hard to learn from what I hear and vital to the song. (Like heres Feel Good Inc w/o the bass.. feels wrong x_x)
Anyways thanks for reading ;A; take care and happy new year!
THe biggest issue with Cogs Inc is that it REWARDS and ENCOURAGES these poor behaviors, worsening these characters as people. ESPECIALLY cathal considering the position of power they’re in. I’m sure it applies to a ton of other cogs too, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten to them yet bc I’m not as insane abt them . LMAO
And yeah since cogs are literally built for work, it’s a wonder what happens to those who can’t find a job as easily as others. Hoping that gets built on since it’s clear in MOTM that these cogs have to actually apply and go to interviews and probably face some trial and error to land a job, just like people IRL.
ALSO. THE BAND HCS. I love it and you’re SOOOO RIGHT about the backbend that is so grahamcore. And yes I’m pretty sure Flint does play bass, I think his creator mailman said smth abt that on their blog . AND IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP FEEL GOOD INC bc i did draw flint in a demon days shirt in that same animatic . And ive def drawn them in the same shirt a couple times in the past too . I’ve always imagined him to be a Gorillaz fan, maybe graham too
Anyway ty for these thoughts im eating them up and leaving no crumbs . I love when ppl come to ramble in my inbox bc discussing this stuff IS SO FUN and a good outlet for me esp when i might be having art burnout rn .
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
If you're still taking requests, how would the boys help out their s/o that has scars/trauma around dogs?
Such a good ask, I have a few family members that struggle with this actually so I can kinda draw from some experience here. This is a relatively short one, just because my other recent post about comforting an s/o dealing with emotional/mental shit is up and a lot of it can be cross referenced here. Headcanons below da cut.
Kazuma Kiyru
He'll ask the kids to keep Mame away from you, especially since Mame barks a lot. If you decide you want to try to overcome this fear, he'll allow it but he'll keep a watchful eye and will notice if you've hit your limit. Not mindful of scars at all, as he has plenty himself. Very big protector energy, super understanding, never judgemental.
Majima Goro
Type of idiot to say "Dontcha worry, if a dog tries to bite ya, I'll just bite it back!" which doesn't really help but at least makes you laugh. Totally isn't afraid to tell strangers if the dog they're walking is barking at you too much, saying things like "Ya gots to be mindful of other people, ya know!". As for scars, like Kiryu, he's got plenty of his own. If you ever feel self conscious, he'll once again say something silly like "Babe, if ya can love me with a whole eye missin', then ya got nothin' to worry 'bout when it comes to yer appearance! Compared to me, yer hot as hell!".
Akiyama Shun
He kind of gets nervous around dogs too. Really, he's nervous around most small animals or small children as he has zero idea what to do with them, especially when they get noisy. He empathizes with you a lot in this aspect. Out of all the boys, it is easiest to confide your fears or trauma with Akiyama as he shares a similar mindset, even if he doesn't have personal trauma around dogs. Type of guy to wrap his arm around your shoulder if you're walking by a particularly aggressive dog while saying "Just keep walking, I'm right here, okay?".
Tanimura Masayoshi
Has never had a pet in his life and honestly never wanted one. Since he's a cop, he's good at enforcing neighborhood laws like owners having to scoop their dog's poop, so most of the pet owners in the area are pretty up to snuff. You won't have to worry about a rogue dog getting aggressive out of the blue. Type of sweet baby boy to kiss your scars when you get upset about them and say "There, all better now!".
Saejima Taiga
Has a really good connection with animals so they don't actually get super aggressive around him. Maybe it's because he's built like a tank. Either way, he's really understanding and is the type of guy to stand between you and a dog when you're on a walk, keeping the dog out of view, so you can cross the street and feel safe, all the while saying things like "Don't worry, I gotcha". He's super neutral on having pets so you never have to worry about him wanting to bring a puppy back home one day.
Ryuji Goda
Biggest dog person out of all the boys so he will want a dog someday. However, he would never make any important life decisions without talking to his partner first and he would make sure you felt safe and prepared if he really wanted to bring a dog into the family. Most likely to actually help you overcome the fear by slowly getting you to interact with dogs, as he really likes pets and frequents pet cafes. He'll show you how to approach them, how to read their body language, and the like, all while saying "See, sometimes they're just as scared as ya, but they ain't all bad." Ryuji would rather see you learn to overcome your fears than try to blindly shield you from them.
Nishikiyama Akira
He is ALSO actually scared of dogs. Just looks really shocked if one starts barking loudly at him and then just sneaks away. He'll comfort you by jokingly say "We survived that dog encounter", allowing you both to laugh about it in hindsight. Truthfully, he's kind of sheepish that he gets skittish around loud or big dogs so it's nice that you both can understand each other without feeling like you have to reason with each other or explain it over and over again.
Daigo Dojima
He's actually a cat person. He's not afraid of dogs but he's kind of sensitive to loud noises so when he hears a lot of dogs barking, he gets frustrated or annoyed. If you have particularly bad trauma with dogs, he'll enforce a no-dogs-allowed-on-Tojo-Clan-property rule. He takes a private car most places so you don't have to worry much about public interactions with dogs. Also the type of guy to kiss your scars but instead of saying they're all better, he'll say "I love every single part of you. Even your scars".
Mine Yoshitaka
Ever the fearless lad, Mine would probably bark back at a loud dog to make you smile before saying "I gave that dog a good talking to, he won't be bothering you" which only makes the two of you giggle. Glares at people who let their dogs wander around freely, as he thinks it's a public nuisance and not helpful for anyone. If you guys run into a dog on a walk out and you start to panic, he'll say "Let's take a detour and take the long way home." and he would never judge you for feeling anxious. Very good at removing you from situations of stress.
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
How did Nahte respond to being granted the Kojin blessing by Soroban, allowing him to breathe underwater as if in air?
Was he a strong swimmer previously? Or did he have a feline dislike for water? Perhaps he took to swimming during his time in Limsa?
Did his interest in animals and potential pets extend to the world under the sea? Did he enjoy the opportunity to see fish and corals in their own environment? Perhaps meeting Isobe gave him an interest in adopting a similarly talented otter, should the opportunity arise?
Has he enjoyed making use of the blessing in more recent times? Perhaps he has retrieved a lustrous pearl as a gift for A'mahl?  Or searched for any remaining ruins of the unsundered world that are sunk deep beneath the waves?
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Thanks so much for this ask! :D It was a lot of fun to think about!
Nahte loves being able to breathe underwater! I imagine realistically it's... a little bit uncomfortable getting over the mental block to inhale water, and to cough all that liquid up again when you return to land, but that's a small price to pay for being able to traverse so much new terrain!
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Really he's never been very shy about swimming. Not unlike a jaguar or tiger, he took to it naturally growing up. Water is valuable cover for a hunter - you don't leave tracks, and if you're careful, you don't make much noise. Plus, there's fish in there! What cat doesn't like fish??
He also did take work once with a tribe of fisherwomen Sunseekers during one of his earliest visits to Limsa Lominsa, and spent several weeks at sea. Though he's not as talented a waterman as, say, I'lyrha, he did learn to sail passably. So he's pretty much always been a strong swimmer.
Though deep, empty looking ocean can be a bit intimidating, especially with the kinds of sea beasts that inhabit Eitherys's oceans, it's never terrified him much. After all, he's still got magic and a spear at his disposal, and he's gifted with the ability to return to aetherytes if he ended up stranded, so he's not helpless. He finds the expanse beautiful; it's a sharp and novel contrast from the writhing trees and thick brush of the Shroud he grew up under.
Nahte is a HUGE fan of frogs, salamanders, newts, etc, which he's raised several of. He also loves korpokkur - which he keeps a flock of at home in a pond. One is quite massive. These aren't pets he generally travels with, but there is something special about being able to enjoy both his pets and wild specimens in their natural environments.
As for otters... he did actually bring one back for Tsimh! The Vhia clan is very proud of their little fisherman. Even if it bites fingers!
I'm SURE Nahte brings back shinies from the sea quite often, which might not make A'mahl like swimming any better... but certainly doesn't hurt. While ruins are definitely something he'd love to find and study, and his Sahagin allies would likely be able to help, so far Nahte hasn't really had the time to make such a devoted expedition. Maybe someday!
Me: "I should draw some fish for this" Me: //draws one shark "Ok thats enough fish"
Also if someone manages to guess what KIND of shark that is by the silhouette, I'll draw the first person to get it right a doodle. It's my favorite type of shark, and that's a pretty rough scribble to guess from... so... ready set go?
Congrats Mimble :3
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kiisaes · 1 year
Quick! Tell me about your OCs! (I just really like hearing about people’s OCs)
and to everyone who doesn't care about my ocs, u can ignore this ask bc i'm gonna be like this for the remainder of this post
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u have been warned.
my ocs that i mostly post about here belong to a future comic i intend to write, draw and post online called "chimera kingdom"! this is the tag on my blog -> #chimera kingdom <- it's comprised of art of my ocs as well as some miscellaneous stuff
it's a story that means a lot to me and one i definitely want to write in its entirety .. someday .. bc some of my oldest ocs are here!!! kimberly is my oldest oc i still use!!! she is a decade old!!! buzzer and ry are also almost as old, they were made like. idk. a week after kimberly ??? and fun fact but atticus is technically the oldest oc of the bunch but he's not technically my oc since i'm borrowing him from my friend. but i was given permission to write him my own way for this comic so YIPPEE!!!!!
it's a humble project with a lot of sentimental value, so i post about it occasionally even though this is mainly a fan art blog, i haven't illustrated it all, and don't know when it'll be done. not sure if i necessarily have "big dreams" for this thing, but it'd be cool to see it all come together ....... someday
BUT ANYWAY! some general lore and worldbuilding of "chimera kingdom" bc that's important!!!
the short synopsis: "in the near future, a government-funded lab/secret service/school conglomerate called the Chimera Kingdom experiments on humans. chimeras are the newest step in human(?) evolution, individuals with the added survival skills of a specific animal. they primarily exist to kill off monsters— dangerous, soulless creatures set to destroy humanity if not combated."
so basically chimeras are the merging of a human body and the strength, survival skills, and instincts of one animal. they still maintain their human body throughout unless their animal limbs serve as part of their survival (like bird chimeras with wings, big cat chimeras with claws, etc.). chimeras have to manually tap into their chimera states, meaning that under normal circumstances they're just regular humans. when a chimera's chimera state is active, a symbol on their inner wrist will appear and glow. that's what these are!
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chimeras are like. fantasy science basically. they're definitely scientific creations in-universe but leave some breathing space for fantasy too, so u don't concern urself with the specifics. the further this story goes, the more reality will be suspended as well
so how does this relate to the characters ?!?!
i won't go tooooo in depth with the individual characters since that would make this ask way too fucking long and i doubt anyone would want to read that. so i'll just link this post and this post which have the basic run-downs for the 10 student characters. these posts are a bit outdated now but i haven't had the time or the luxury to remake them so ..... they'll do for now =v= i also don't have everyone's bios written, so there's more characters than just these 10. if anyone i draw catches ur interest feel free to ask me! i WILL scream about them
anyway all 10 of them are chimeras attending Chimera School, a part of the Kingdom. the 10 of them make up the elite class, aka the "best" class due to everyone's potential to be very strong and useful chimeras. this class ignores grades since it's more focused on chimera missions and other stuff directly benefiting the Kingdom, less on actual academics (though they still learn the basics, dw). so they're of different ages but still on the same level playing field
the protag is kimberly, she's a rabbit chimera and her goal at the Kingdom is to become the strongest chimera!!! she's been in her twin brother ry's shadow since she can remember, so she has a bit of beef with him though it's not inherently malicious. he's good at everything so she wants to be better than him in just one thing. like .. u know when siblings are a little fucked up? yea :D
she acts as the audience surrogate for a bit before more perspectives are introduced. everyone has their own goals and motivations, and develop as the story moves forward. i intend for "chimera kingdom" to delve into war, love, grief, vulnerability, reclamation of power, and what it means to be human. and what it means to be an individual being when u can't even feel like u're worthy of being anyone. ya feel ?!?!?!?!
every character deals with one or multiple of these themes! in some kind! so lmk if there's a specific character u're interested in !!! i will word vomit for HOURS. i just don't want to crowd this already-crowded ask when there's a good amount of characters in my comic. and again i implore u to check out the links above for some quick info :)
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tobythesudriantram · 1 year
Learning with Mingle and Friends: Bullies
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*Mingle is at home alone, sitting near a window, drawing a tree that's outside.*
Mingle: ...Oh, hi! My friends are somewhere outside playing... I would've gone with them, but I slept a little too late and they left without me! I'm waiting for them to come back..."
*Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.*
Mingle: Oh, that must be them! I wasn't expecting them to come back so soon!
*Mingle gets up and skips on over to the door, opening it and seeing Donk, Dingle and Boyfriend... Though they seem to be upset about something.*
Mingle: Oh, good afternoon, guys!
Donk: ...I wish it was good...
Dingle: Yeah...
Boyfriend: beep boo... *The three of them walk in, sitting down in a semi-circle on the rug, looking very sad...*
Mingle: Aww, guys, what's getting you down? You look like something awful happened...
*Donk looks at Dingle. Dingle looks at Boyfriend. Boyfriend looks at Donk. The three of them take a deep breath and sigh deeply...*
Boyfriend, Dingle and Donk: We got bullied...
Mingle: What? Awwww, guys... Come on, tell me about it, i'm sure we can work out a way to deal with it! *She sits down in front of them, completing the circle...*
Dingle: *Sigh* Alright then... So it happened while I was in the park...
*Dingle thinks back to what happened...*
Dingle (Narrating): I was on the swing wanting to see if I can do a full 360 turn around if I swing high enough, but then I fell off... I landed on my bottom and it hurt bad... But then this one boy showed up... And... Well...
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Eric: Hah! What kinda freakshow was that?!
Dingle: Hey! I-
Eric: Yeah yeah yeah, I know you're about to say somethin' like "Ohhh but it's the best I can do, I'm sure i'll do it someday!", wah, wah, wah... Look dude, you're NEVER going to be able to do it, clearly! I mean come on, my grandma's GOLDFISH could swing higher than that! And that's saying something, because my grandma doesn't even HAVE a goldfish! Hah!
Dingle: S-Stop it...!
Eric: Alright, fine, fine... You need a hand getting up? *Eric extends his hand out to help Dingle get up.*
Dingle: Oh, thank y-
Eric: Oh right, you don't HAVE HANDS! *Eric shoves Dingle down onto his back, before running away laughing.*
Dingle: Ow! H-Hey! COME BACK! *Dingle waves his legs around trying to get up, to no avail.*
Dingle (Narrating): ...And that's pretty much how it went... I laid there for like half an hour before Boyfriend came to help me up!
*Mingle looks at Dingle with a sad expression on her face.* Mingle: Oh, Dingle... I'm so sorry you had to go through that... *She moves closer to him and lightly pats his head, before turning to Boyfriend.* What about you? What happened with you?
Boyfriend: b-beep... bop boo skdoo ba...
*Boyfriend, like Dingle, thinks back to what happened... He was simply singing along to some music on his radio, when suddenly, that guy showed up...*
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Jack: Pshhh... What do you think you're doing, kid?
Boyfriend: b-beep? bop boo sk-
Jack: I don't mean your microphone, you blockhead! I mean those silly little beeps and bops! What do you think you are, a barcode scanner?
Boyfriend: b-beep bo skd-
Jack: Here, lemme show you how to ACTUALLY lay down a beat! Gimmie that! *He forcefully takes Boyfriend's microphone from him, before beginning to lay down his bars...*
🎶Yah! I just got a brand new polo!🎶
🎶Leave me alone, fam, I like to be solo!🎶
🎶I wouldn't normally activate my god mode🎶
🎶But might as well juse it to take you out, bozo!🎶
🎶Got myself a beat from my fam in the Dojo🎶
🎶Beat's so dope folks gotta call the Popo🎶
🎶When i'm done with you, your butt'll let out smoke🎶
🎶Hustle so hard with my dough, 'cuz i'm so woke!🎶
🎶Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Jack just touched down!🎶 *As Jack says 'down', he slaps Boyfriend across the face...*
🎶I'm about to run up in my zone like a touchdown!🎶 *...And he does it again...*
🎶I'm about to hit a whole six like a touchdown!🎶 *...And again...*
🎶Crowd going crazy in the mix when I touchdown!🎶 *...And again...*
🎶Touchdown! Touchdown!🎶 *...And again and again...*
🎶You just got a bust down!🎶 *...And again...*
🎶Imma keep flowing, and I'm going to the sun down!🎶 *...And again...*
🎶When I pull up the whole party gotta shut down!🎶 *...And again.*
🎶Got some air forces from a lady in a Dutch town.🎶
Jack: ...Was that awesome or what?! THAT'S how you lay down a beat! As for you... I think you'd be better off workin' at the till at some supermarket! *He tosses the now badly hurt and crying Boyfriend his mic...*
Mingle: ...Oh Boyfriend, i'm so sorry... *She pulls him closer and lightly hugs him.* Does it still hurt?
Boyfriend: *Sob* B-Bap...
Mingle: Now, now... Calm down... *She looks over at Donk.* And you...? What happened with you?
Donk: Well... *Donk once again reminisces on what happened.*
Donk (Narrating): I was buying myself a candy bar from the vending machine when all of a sudden this big guy came along and took it away!
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Donk: H-Hey! That's mine!
Max: Hah! Not anymore! Not like you need it anyway!
Max: ...You know what? Fine, you can have it back... *He moves the chocolate bar up to Donk's hand to let him grab it.* ...SIKE! *He tears it away again and eats it all in one bite.*
Donk: *Sob* I-I want my chocolate back!
Max: Well, too bad! Survival of the fittest, kiddo, get used to it! *He shoves Donk over onto the ground, before walking away laughing, leaving Donk with his tummy empty, head bruised and feelings hurt.*
Mingle: *Still hugging Boyfriend* ...Oh... Don't worry Donk, I'll get you some food in a second...
Donk: ...I-I never got my chocolate back...
Mingle: Hm... All of you seem to have a similar problem... Don't worry, i'm sure we can work this out! All we need to do is show up in that same spot tommorow and then try to work it out with those guys!
Dingle: Y-You want us to get bullied again? Are you crazy?!
Mingle: Oh no no no no, I just want to talk to those guys and make sure they don't bully you again...
Dingle: ...A-Alright...
*The next day...*
*The Friends arrive at the park again, and this time Mingle made sure not to have overslept. Dingle, Donk and Boyfriend go their separate ways to the same spots they were in yesterday, while Mingle sits down on a bench in the general middle.*
Mingle: ...I'm sure this is all just a big misunderstanding and those guys didn't mean to hurt my friends. Why would they?
*Dingle is on the swing again when suddenly Eric walks up.*
Eric: Yo, dude, it's my turn! You've been swinging for ages! GET OFF!
Dingle: I-I've only been on for a minute!
Eric: Shut up, get off! *He's just about to shove Dingle off, when suddenly Mingle walks up.*
Mingle: Hey! What do you think you're doing to my friend?
Eric: ...Urgh... Great... There's two of you.
Mingle: Look, I know you probably just want to have fun, but doing so at the cost of others is really mean!
Eric: Oh no! Where are they? Where could they have gone? *He looks around, seemingly worried.*
Mingle: ...Oh, are you looking for someone? Who?
Eric: The person who asked for your stupid advice! Now go ahead and get outta here! And take your little idiot friend with you! *Eric forcefully pulls Dingle off the swing before setting him down in front of Mingle.*
Mingle: Fine... But just know, we will be back! And you'll regret it!
Eric: Oh, wah, wah, wah... *He gets on the swing as Dingle and Mingle walk away...*
*Mingle and Dingle walk over to where Donk is, as he's once again confronted by Max.*
Max: Hehey, how nice of you! *He once again takes Donk's chocolate bar much to Donk's dismay.*
Mingle: Hey, wait!
*Max looks over at Mingle in frustration.* Max: Gruhhh! What do you want?
Mingle: Give that back to my friend! I've got something else to eat in case you are hungry! Something much healthier! *She takes out her lunchbox and reaches into it, taking out an orange.* See?
Max: Oh! Why, thank you. *He takes the orange from Mingle before eating both it and Donk's chocolate bar.* I love people who bring me free food! *He walks away, laughing loudly.*
Donk ...It's no use... *He places his hand on his growling tummy.*
Mingle: Don't worry... We still have one more chance! Come on, let's go!
*Mingle takes Dingle and Donk over to Boyfriend, who has gotten into a heated argument with Jack over who gets to have Boyfriend's radio.*
Jack: You don't deserve that thang anyway! Pass it down!
Boyfriend: b-bop!
Mingle: Hey! What's going on here?
Jack: Ngahhh...
Mingle: Hey, you can't just take someone else's thing without their consent!
Donk: Yeah!
Jack: Even if someone isn't using that thing? Come on, if anything, i'm salvaging it!
Boyfriend: b-bop bee ba!
Eric: Ay Jack? What's going on?! *He walks over to the group.*
Max: Hmmph? Eric? Jack? *He walks over to his friends, finishing up eating Donk's chocolate bar.*
Mingle: Wait... You guys are friends?
Eric: Obviously! But why do you care?
Mingle: Oh! Well, I know you three have been mean to me and my friends, but i'm sure we can work this out! *She extends her hand out for a handshake.* My name is Mingle!
*Max, taking the sign the wrong way, grabs Mingle's hand and pulls her down onto the ground.*
Max: I WIN, I WIN! *He tries to take Mingle's lunchbox, only for her to get up and stop him.*
Mingle: H-Hey! Why did you do that?
Max: You wanted me to arm wrestle you, clearly! Shouldn't have messed with the champion!
Mingle: No! I just wanted to shake your hand. Like this... *She lightly grips Max's fin and shakes it.* See?
Max: ...Come on, haven't you eaten breakfast? This is some real weak wrestling...
Mingle: Fine! You three want a competition? We'll give you one! If we win, you guys will... Hmm...
Donk: Buy us candy!
Dingle: Let me have the swing!
Boyfriend: skdoo beep! (Clean up our toys!)
Mingle: Hey, yeah... AND, you'll have to wear diapers while doing all that. For a fullllll month~
Eric: ...And if WE WIN, you give us your lil' radio, let US have the swing, and eat a huge bucket of mud pie!
Jack: With worms in it!
Max: Hm? Oh yeah, right! What they said!
Mingle: You know what? *She sticks her hand out.* DEAL. Come to our house tommorow. I'll write you the address in a sec...
*Mingle and her friends walk over to a picnic table far away from the Bullies as Mingle takes out her crayon and paper.*
Dingle: Mingle, are you sure this will work?
Donk: They'll probably just come over to our house and steal our fridge!
Boyfriend: b-beep...
Mingle: Relax, guys! If these guys come over, we'll have them play it out with us fair and square.
Dingle: What if they cheat?
Mingle: I'll know.
Dingle: How though...?
Mingle: I will. Do not worry. Now come on, let's go home... Tommorow, we'll bring the dinner to the table, and then we're gonna eat it!
*The next day...*
*Mingle is finishing setting up the competition in the backyard of her house.*
Mingle: Oh, hey! I'm putting the finishing touches on the games!
*Dingle walks up to Mingle.*
Dingle: Hey Mingle? What is this going to be?
Mingle: Oh! This here is a triathlon! It's a set of three small games that you three will compete in against those bullies! That way, we'll see who is ACTUALLY better. Remember, those guys may have the mouths, but I doubt they are very smart...
Dingle: Oh, alright then... But what if they really win?
Mingle: We'll see...
*Donk runs up to Mingle, looking very scared.*
Mingle: Relax, we'll be okay... *She gets up and walks out from the backyard to the house, where she opens the door for the three bullies.* Oh, hello th-
Eric: Ready to eat your mud, dork?
Max: Hey, speaking of eating, when's lunch?
Eric: ...You literally just got done eating.
Mingle: It's nice to see you too... Now come on in, the game is in the backyard...
*Eric, Jack and Max follow Mingle to the backyard, where she sits down behind a small table and speaks into a microphone.*
Mingle: Welcome one and welcome all to the annual MINGLING GAMES! *Mingle looks over at the audience, which mostly consists of all her plush toys... And our boom mic guy, Moxy the Dog. Don't judge him, he's trying his best to make ends meet.*
Mingle: For our first game, we have the MATHS GAME! And for our competitors, we have ERIC AND DONK! *An applause sound is heard from the audience, though it's actually just a sound clip from Boyfriend's radio...* Competitors, take your seats!
*Eric and Donk sit down in their respective seats.*
Mingle: Alright! Whenever you think you know the answer to one of these questions, press your buzzer button in front of you! Question one: What is 9 times 9?
*Donk stares up into space thinking about it, while Eric looks down, lightly shimmying his hands around. He then presses the buzzer.*
Mingle: Eric!
Eric: 81, correct?
Mingle: Great, that's one point to you! *She points over to the score board, which now reads 1-0.* Question two! What is 2 times 2 plus 2?
*Donk presses his buzzer.*
Donk: Is it 8?
Mingle: Not quite! Think closer!
*Donk stares off into space again as Eric still fiddles around with his hands under the table, before pressing his buzzer.*
Mingle: Eric?
Eric: Six! Two times two plus two is six! Not eight, you stupid lemonhead!
Mingle: That was... Uncalled for, but correct! Two points to Eric! Question three now, fingers on your buzzers! What is the square root of 81?
*Donk presses his buzzer nigh immediately.*
Mingle: Donk?
Donk: What's a square root?
Mingle: It's the number you multiply by itself to get the number said!
*Eric presses his buzzer after a bit more fiddling under the table.* Eric: ...In other words it's 81, moron.
Mingle: A flawless victory! Eric wins 3 to 0! Great job!
*Donk frowns, walking off to the stands and sitting down next to Moxy.*
Mingle: For challenge number two, we have the egg and spoon race! For our competitors, we have Jack and Dingle!
*Jack and Dingle walk over to the starting line.*
Jack: Ay dude, that's my Cousin Oliver in that egg of yours! If he gets hurt, i'll make sure you feel as bad as him!
*Dingle gets a bit scared... He grabs the spoon with his mouth, while Jack grabs it normally with his wing.*
Mingle: Alright! Ready? Set? Go!
*Dingle slowly steps forward, while Jack runs forward swiftly... Mingle mostly focuses on Dingle, who's not only left behind in the dust, but is left confused due to the odd yellow puddles on the ground...*
*Jack continously runs in a zig-zag like pattern, constantly hiding behind a random obstacle...*
Jack: I did it! I did it! Eat that! Hah! *He flaps his wings in excitement.*
Dingle: Awwww...
Mingle: And Jack wins! Alright, this is looking heavily favorable for the Guests, but the Homeowners can still win, since the final challenge is worth 3 points! For the final challenge, we have the FREESTYLE SING-OFF! For our contestants, we have MAX VS. BOYFRIEND!
*Max and Boyfriend get up on stage. But first, Max goes off-stage, apparently to go to the bathroom...*
Max: Honestly, now that I look at you closer... You'd make for a nice lil' snack...
Boyfriend: b-beep...? *He trembles lightly.*
Mingle: Alright! *She walks over to the stage and sits down on the big set of speakers in the middle.* 3! 2! 1! Go!
*Max begins singing, though each one of his notes causes the stage to shake a bit, kinda like Ruv in Zavodila.*
*Boyfriend still tries to follow along and even make up something original... He does surprisingly way better than Max.*
Are we gonna have a problem?
You've got a bone to pick?
You've come this far, but i'll sweep you up real quick.
I'd normally tear your arms off,
and everyone here could look!
But i'm feeling nice,
Here's some advice,
*He starts singing incredibly quickly, causing the stage to shake a lot... Boyfriend, in response, begins to try and make something even longer, but suddenly, he goes quiet.*
Mingle: Hm? What happened?
Eric: Oh! Would you look at that, he's gone quiet because we're just too good for you morons! *He laughs.* Come on now, it's your lunchtime - JACK, BRING THE MUD!
Mingle: Fine, I suppose you guys won... Here's your candy! *She gives Eric, Jack and Max each a small box of small orange round pill-like balls...*
Eric: Hell yeah! *He eats a few.*
Jack: Good luck with those earthworms, weirdos! *He eats a few.*
Max: Ooh, lunch! *He downs the whole package.*
Mingle: Seems like our guests won... Or have they?
*Suddenly, a sharp growl sounds itself from Eric's tummy... Then Jack's... And then Max's.*
Eric: Ow!- W-What the...?
Mingle: What, you thought I wouldn't catch on? *She forces her hand into Eric's pocket, taking out a calculator.* You jerks!
Jack: N-No! You don't understand!
Mingle: Oh, don't worry, I get what you did! You hid behind the obstacles and tried to switch out the eggs you kept breaking!
Max: B-But...!
Mingle: And you? You just chewed through Boyfriend's mic wire before the match...
Mingle: Oh, don't worry, just some lil' laxatives... Your pants might get a bit dirty, but not as dirty as your behavior.
*Eric, Jack and Max immediately run off to use the bathroom, only for Mingle to stop them...*
Mingle: Ahh ahh ahh... You promiiiised~ *Mingle points them to a nearby pack of diapers.*
*The three Bullies look over each other.*
*Two days later, Mingle, Dingle, Donk and Boyfriend are once again home, playing a board game... The bullies are also there - Eric is rubbing Mingle's feet, Jack is cleaning up Dingle and Donk's toys and Max is holding a tray of chocolate chip cookies for Donk, not allowed to eat a single one...*
Mingle: What have we learned today?
Eric: Urgh... I'm not saying it.
Mingle: Oh? You want two extra months of your community service?
Eric: Fine... "Bad guys always finish last"...
Mingle: AND that two hotels on Atlantic Avenue equal 2,300 dollars to me!
*The friends laugh happily while the Bullies simply roll their eyes in frustration, ending the episode.*
@friendlyfox34 - The OG Mingle and Friends (obviously)
Edd Gould/The Eddsworld crew - Inspiration behind the Bullies
And, of course, me! - For making the original concept, + the story.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 6 months
For the Ask Game: 3, 5, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27.
hi nonnie !! ty !! omg so many !!
writer asks
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Recently? Probably "apostate baptisms." It's the most visceral and inspired of all my Trigun fics published so far just because it's got my favorite lines in it :) it made me feel many things to write it.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Man I think sometimes about writing a full "no Big Fall" AU for the twins where they're raised as Earth Federation soldiers and grow up as Chronica and Domina's seniors but that's waaaaay too much work. Maybe someday I'll do a oneshot.
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
If it's for a zine or it's a longfic that I'm obligated to finish? I outline and brainstorm. Anything else gets vomited straight into the doc. Organically!
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Prophesy, typically. Visions. References to idioms that come together in my brain in dreams. When that fails I google Bible quotes to reference or I end up referencing some of my favorite poetry :)
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
OH MY GOD yeah okay so I have learned sooo much about firearms just because Trigun is. Tri-gun. And Trigun cares a lot about firearm accuracy and how guns work and gun models that I also end up trying to recreate that accuracy, which means I hit up my partner for his infodumps. Did you know that sometimes a magazine can double feed so the gun tries to shoot two bullets and they kinda get jammed between the mag and the chamber? Because I didn't.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Vash feels his face scrunch up, like he’s about to cry—and he doesn’t want to cry, because he’s done enough crying, but he can’t help it. Big tears well up at the corner of his eyes and drip down his face. The slow slide of them over his cheeks tickles in an obscene way. “Because,” he says. “You always make me into the worst version of myself, the kind of person I can’t stand. You make me into someone unrecognizable.” “I recognize you,” Knives whispers. And strong arms come around Vash, wet and shaking, still, but strong. They tug him closer until his face is buried in the crook of his brother’s neck. “Vash.” “Because this is the version of me you always see,” says Vash, trying not to sob. “You make me cruel, Knives. You make me cruel and desperate, and you make me do things I’d never even think of otherwise.”
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
They’re lying awake one night when Vash opens his eyes and says “Hey, Knives. Whadaya hate the most?” The two of them are eye socket to cheekbone, armpit to shoulder. It’s one of those nights where Knives buries himself under the covers and into Vash’s arms, when the two of them nestle as closely together as they can without crawling into each other’s skin. Vash feels Knives laugh. “What a stupid question, brother.”
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
Oh, man, not since my genshin days. My fics tend to be singular scenes recently so if I'm throwing out a scene I'm probably throwing out the fic into my "cannibalize for another fic later" pile.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Yeah, actually, which is a recent phenomenon. I like to romanticize fetishize sexualize Knives a lot but whenever I decide I want to play him as, like, a straight up abuser like he is in canon? It sometimes makes me uncomfortable because I'm drawing on some nasty irl experiences to make him sound realistic. This happened in "my brother, the myrrh eater" and in an upcoming unpublished chapter of "california dreamin'." I don't necessarily get upset but I do have to take breaks.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Answered here! Never :)
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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I did not accomplish the things that I was thinking I was going to accomplish today but I did get a lot of organizing down in that was nice. Even though it was fueled by anxiety.
I slept really hard last night and when I woke up this morning I was so tired. I told myself so I could just be awake for 1 hour and get something done then I could go back to sleep. But I did not go back to sleep. I woke up and I got dressed and I just kept telling myself to stay awake for one more hour. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule so that next week when I'm actually working I will not fall apart.
So I got dressed and I actually felt okay. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast and I decided that I would get some work done in studio. But then as soon as I got in there I was like oh I have to figure out how to use this little shelf thing that we found in the trash last night but then it didn't work on the shelf I thought it would so then I started taking off the shelf. And then I was like well I should just reorganize this. And then I was like oh wait no I need to do this thing. And I was just jumping around the room not actually accomplishing anything but taking everything down and making a huge mess. So I knew I was going to have to make some calls and decisions today so that I could actually utilize my room again because I'm not going to have a lot of time when I go back to work.
So when I decided to do was take everything down off the shelves and then I went out to the car to get the coffee shelf that we found him on the side of the road earlier this week.
When I went down there there were two old guys sitting on the stoop and when I brought the shelves back The one told me I should hit the guy with the shelf and I was like I'm not going to hit him with the shelf! Being very silly.
And then I decided that it needed to be painted. Because someone had painted it a very early red color. Not a good tone at all. But I was being lazy and so I just tighten all the screws and then I paint it with a brush. Instead of using spray paint which was the original plan. I'm not that concerned. It's mostly going to be covered with stuff but someday maybe I'll paint it nice.
I was listening to podcasts and learning stuff about history today. Specifically it was about history of the swastika which was fascinating. Apparently it's shown up in like every culture and it might be because it's similar to the inside of Mammoth bones. It's the first complex shape that we ever drew. Amazing. I hate how much it's been ruined by horrible people. But that also led to me getting a new book recommendation so I bought a book called swastika night that is apparently the inspiration for 1984 and some aspects but it's about what if the Nazis won and it's like 300 years in the future and I'm looking forward to it but it seems like it's going to be like a bummer. Still looking forward to a sort of history book.
once I painted the shelf I had to wait for it to dry so I started working on other things and then all of a sudden I got very stressed out about my stuffed animal collection. And I basically took almost all of my large stuffed animals and put them into trash bags. I'm not necessarily getting rid of them but I am going to make my parents take them back to the house because I can't have them here right now. And like I told Jess if we have a baby we will never have to buy them any toys because we'll just go to my parents house and pick a few and wrap them up and give them to the baby. But I felt a little better once I got those out of the space because it was just causing me a lot of grief. And just having the few up there now makes me feel a little bit better.
I also changed the direction of the cube shelf so that it would be on its side which worked way better and organized my yarn and all of my drawing utensils. I put all of the markers in color order and boxes and it's way more accessible now. And I started cleaning off my desk and while they're still a lot of catch-all in the desk itself at least the top is neat.
And I was doing this literally all afternoon. I started a 11:00 and I worked in there until around 3:30. I was exhausted by the time I was done and I did not want to go to Jesse and Haley's birthday potluck tonight. I was just dreading it.
But soon James would be home and they told me the plan was to leave at 5:30 and go to the grocery store to get sodas and then we would go and we would stay until 7:30. And I did not want to go but I knew that it would be nice and so I kept my opinions to myself.
I fixed my makeup and I put on the nice jade bracelet my mom just gave me. And then we got in the car we headed out.
The grocery store was fine except there was some confusion of the checkout and I got a little annoyed but we figured it out it was fine. And then we got to Jessie's house and we were basically the first ones there. Which was nice. Haley showed up right afterwards. And it was really nice to see her.
And honestly once I ate something I was in a much better mood and I really enjoyed talking to them and showing off some of my knitting projects and asking people about their pets. And I even showed them the very silly T-shirt I designed with sweet peas face all over it that I ordered today. And I got to have a really lovely conversation with the guy named Harry who's partner isn't influencer of some kind. And was telling me about all the whole videos that they do and how they just have way too much stuff in their house. They were asking if I had tried monetizing my making and I was like I've tried but it's just emotionally not something I want to do. I like making the little videos and posts that I make but I have no interest in really the type of videos that I would need to do to create an audience in the way that people do that. Just not something I'm interested in. But I love hearing about what they do even though they kept saying that it's boring doing systems coding. And I'm like it doesn't sound boring but I love learning about what other people do. And I just wish that people wouldn't be so mean to themselves about what their jobs are. I love telling people about my jobs but so because I want to hear about yours! Like everyone's things are interesting and different and that's what makes the world beautiful.
And the food that we had was really good. Me and James both made what we called pasta plates which were just four different types of pastas / noodles and we have had a piece of pizza. And it was really nice. I kind of wish I grabbed a cookie before we left but there was too many people standing around the food. At 7:30 though we gave Jessie and Haley hugs and then we were off. The perfect amount of party.
We got home and me and James stopped outside so they could take my picture and then we came up here and I called a couple more snails to put into the snail jar. And they got on their call for their podcast. And that I have just been laying in bed since then but I'm going to go take a shower now. I feel a lot better than I did. It was a good day even if I did not accomplish as many things as I maybe hoped. At least the studio is nice and clean. And all the camping stuff has been pulled into the living room. Even if that was just to make space for the tornado that was cleaning the studio.
I have the market tomorrow and I have my new piggies that I'm hoping do well and I'm going to bring some of the big bears and we'll see if I have a good day. I hope that the weather is nice and the people are kind. I hope you guys all have a good day. Until next time. I hope you are telling the people around you that you love them.
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patchesproblem · 1 year
do you have any spare hcs abt karl or joyce 😭 im starved
YES I DO ACTUALLY!!! I think about those two sm like you don't even understand. I really need to talk about them more, tbh.
I have A Lot to say, so sorry in advance for my nonsensical ramblings.
Actual answer under the cut
OKAY SO!! Starting with our favorite pathetic bean sprout.
I'll separate the au hc's and actual main universe hcs just to keep everything semi understandable. It'll have HC's for relationships with Karl, Planck, Einslas, etc. Also including Elysia and Joffrey because siblings can't be separated <3
AU headcanons:
Joyce is smarter than he gives himself credit for. I'm being serious when I say this. It doesn't express itself as obviously as the Einslas, but that's only because his strengths are in other areas. While the Einslas are extremely smart when it comes to STEM, I feel as if Joyce's strong suit is more in creativity. It's hard to exaplain, but think writing / reading and all that. He enjoys learning new information about things he likes (examples include astrology, writing, etc.) and he will often be able to remember details that others normally wouldn't.
He probably spent a lot of his childhood reading stories, and was probably ahead of his grades reading level. He didn't really have many friends because he has social issues, despite the fact a lot of people did actually like him. He just knew a lot of people, but he wasn't really able to form any close friendships until his insane scientist bestie came along. Though that was partially because he just was awkward and didn't know how to talk to others. Was worried he'd come off as weird or get bullied for his interests.
Tesla probably comes to him sometimes to ask for help with her own writing, actually. Although he doesn't write much himself, he's somehow one of the best people to ask for advice LMAO. They probably bonded over their shared passions, even if they are technically different. (Different in the sense of she's into writing, and he's into reading. They go together hand in hand. Idk I just feel like it's a cute little thing. Besties and siblings <33) He also probably proof reads her stuff occasionally when Einsteins too busy to, though he might've had a few objects thrown at him at some points. He also gives her advice / ideas.
Has a fear of people leaving him bc his parents just kinda. Disappeared leaving him with Karl and Emma as his care takers, and Elyisa eventually left soon after because she got married to Eden and all that. Then when Einstein left with Planck it just kinda destroyed him. He's not upset with them, he's actually really happy for them. Though it gets lonely and he's afraid that he'll get replaced (haha Joachim haha. Sorry.)
Probably really close with Joffrey tbh. Does anything in his power to make sure his little brother has a good childhood. He reads to him A Lot, and actively engages in his ideas. For example: if he has an idea to make something Joyce will help him make it. He also encourages him to pursue his own interests even if it's a one off thing. He'll often draw / write with him too. He's very proud of him
Karl is basically his dad at this point. He doesn't treat him as his nephew, but instead he treats him as if he was his own son in a sense. He's extremely proud of him and that someday he'll make a positive impact on the world. Joyce looks up to him heavily, and wants to follow in his foot steps once he gets older.
When Ein originally came he was terrified of her LMAO. She was an absolute menace as a child and lived up to Karl calling her a brat. He was relentlessly teased and messed with by this tiny goblin who could turn on the water works at any second if she felt like it. She still actually is the reason he's called Welt. Though it's because he's the clumsiest mf in the world, so dual meaning there.
She's actually one of his first actual friends, and partially responsible for his love of space. How they became friends is blurry just because it's more of a "she won't be leaving I need to learn to survive" but despite being eccentric, he eventually came to see her as his bestie / sister. Though he's still absolutely terrified of her. He still has zero clue what goes on in her head and that's terrifying to him.
He's absolutely terrified of Tesla too. Both his besties scare him half to death and he's convinced one of these days they're going to be the reason he gets killed, but that won't happen surely. They're at each others throats constantly, and would probably be those two people threatening to kill the other in a waffle house at two in the morning. They want to throw each other through a wall, but also trust each other with their lives. The only man Tesla remotely tolerates along with Karl. They have sibling energy and you can pry it out of my cold dead hands.
Him and Elysia also probably used to be really close. She cares about him deeply, and would drop anything at a moments notice to help him if he needed it. Though she also does tease him often, as a big sister should. Eden acts as a parental figure towards him as well. They both met when he was young, and he grew up with her around a lot so he just started looking up to her tbh.
He originally goes to Lab 42 to become Einslas assistant while he went to university there, and would help them with stuff similar to how he helped out in canon. Though Tesla basically said "Fuck you, we're your superiors now so you'll refer to us as Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein now!" and that's how he started calling Einstein Ein lmao. Tes wasn't amused.
They also drag his ass to Alaska. He never wanted to go on work related trips with them after that.
He's terrified of Planck. That's all. He's terrified. Her constant midlife crisis scares him.
Okay so for non AU headcannons:
Tes and Ein 100% got together in private and planned how to torment him. Just Trust Me on this. They were feeling a little bit silly and goofy and just coordinated together on how to torment him next.
Him and Tes' relationship is a little bit different in the main universe, for obvious reasons. Though they stay besties and have sibling energy. Neither of them trusted each other at first. Tes didn't trust Joyce because 1. He's a man 2. He's a man 3. He's a man and 4. She was scared he'd hurt Ein (was also just jealous and scared she'd pay less attention to her but yanno), and Joyce didn't trust Tesla because she's an angry redhead who would probably kill a man if given the chance. Didn't help that she threatened his life and threatened to castrate him within the first minute of meeting him, but yanno it be like that sometimes.
Over time Tes begrudgingly accepted that he wasn't going anywhere for awhile and that she should probably get used to it. While Eins was out they probably were forced to bond, and eventually Tesla realized that maybe he wasn't as bad as she originally thought and slowly began to trust him. Honestly they were best friends by the time he just decided to die like a pathetic person on them. He'd stay up to make sure she got home okay and alive, and he eventually just became her rambling buddy. AKA Einstein was asleep and she just went on long nonsensical ramblings to Joyce while he just went "uh huh.. interesting.. they did what now?"
Probably admitted some embarrassing things to him in all honesty. Though he'd never be able to tell anyone that considering she herself didn't even remember telling him half the stuff she did, and even if she did she'd actually kill him if he said anything about it. Not like he really wanted to, anyways. Was just happy she was willing to talk to him and didn't completely hate him tbh. Was also happy that he could be there for her considering his whole depression thing and knowing how horrible it was to not have someone there for you.
Though she also always cared and worried about him. Her and Ein had read his 'profile' beforehand, and Tesla immediately was scared and concerned when she realized he quite literally was diagnosed with severe depression. Though she'd never admit that and would prefer to pretend she just found him annoying and pathetic LMAO. At least before his death, after his death is a different story. (AKA she finally admitted years later she cared about him to Einstein and still missed having his dumbass around and constantly had to be held back from nuking Otto off the face of the earth.)
Another note I forgot to add that I'm adding after the fact: He was actually amazed by Tesla's knowledge. Like he knew she was smart, but the extent of it surprised him tbh. Especially after hearing how she didn't even have her degree.
With Ein it's pretty much the same, though she's legitimately just an absolute menace to everyone around her. She intentionally dialed it to ten just to make sure that he was terrified of her and never knew what she was going to do next. She did it just for the funsies tbh. Things were going slow in the lab and as much fun as it is to tease Tesla, it was funny to be able to just bully some random man who had no clue what was happening at any given second. Plus added bonus points for being able to still tease Tesla but making it 100% worse because someone else is around and Tes just gets embarrassed and loses it.
VN is basically two lesbians harass and bully some poor traumatized man for an entire month.
That aside, I feel like him and Joachim got along really well. I like to believe that he took him out sometimes to watch him while Einslas were working, and that Joachim constantly asked the Finn to go see the three. While the Einslas taught him to gaslight gatekeep and girlboss, Joyce taught him actual life lessons and tried to negate the 'damage' the Einslas had done. AKA try to make him stop being even worse than them.
He cared A Lot about Joachim, and probably saw him as his little brother honestly. I feel like they spent a lot of time together, even if it often resulted in Joyce being bullied constantly by three people instead of just two. The explosions also didn't amuse him because he's lame and a coward.
He's terrified of Planck. That's all. He's Terrified.
After his death he intentionally hid from Tesla Einstein and Joachim. He didn't want them to find him, and try to bring him back. He felt like he'd disappointed them all and he felt guilty over what happened, and he was scared they hated him and despised him over what happened. He only shows up for Bronya because he knew that she'd be his successor, and even at that he refused to talk because he didn't want to disappoint her too. Didn't want her getting too attached to him, mainly because he's too scared to hurt yet another person.
Had to end it off depressingly, sorry </3 I'm sure you understand.
Was going to do non AU and AU versions for Karl too but like... He wasn't alive near long enough to even have hcs for the main universe. I've just hit him with the dad beam honestly.
Anyways AU Karl hcs <33
He's a dad. Literally just a dad. Will adopt any insane scientist within a 1000 mile radius.
He met Ein similarly to how he does in canon, and managed to convince her parents to let him and Planck allow her to continue her studies at a college level. Ever since then he's basically become her dad, and that's how she views him. Has accidentally called him dad before.
For a majority of the time he was one of Eins main mentors, though as time went on and he became more busy, Planck began to become her teacher.
He's awkward, and is kinda oblivious. Very Oblivious. He tends to not over think peoples words, and doesn't even think that there's a second meaning in most circumstances.
For the most part he's extremely dedicated to his work, and has issues with accidentally over working himself. All he wants to do is help others, even if it causes himself issues. He's often extremely busy and running about.
Though he also is extremely dedicated to his family and cares about them more than anything. If ANY of them needed anything, including Tesla, he'd drop whatever he was doing to make sure that his family is okay. He loves them all.
I'll have to add more later, but a lot of my thoughts have simply disappeared. I'll dm you on discord when I put more for Karl LMAO.
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cell-axe · 10 months
Ramblings for Qiumibu #7
Link to Part 6
Link to Part 8
Today’s topic will be focusing on the two minor factions mentioned in Part 6: The Brightened Few and the Sooted Conclave.
Their purpose? To create some conflict between themselves and the Four Major Kingdoms, because I am not going down the path of ATLA with just four major regions with their respective elements. Instead, I want Qiumibu to be divided among the many that live there, to create some sort of depth and diversity on a single island. Which is hilarious to me, considering that I could’ve just added countries across the seas instead of keeping it all to one island.
But no, I want everything to be in walking distance. Or at least, within teleportation distance so that Roslan doesn’t accidentally end up revealing more than I could work on. I guess the limitation helps to keep my ideas for this fantastical kitchen sink feel alive. I know that trade by ships is a thing, so I’m not waving away the possibility that there would be foreign ships docking at the ports near the Major Kingdoms.
Anyways, back to the Brightened Few and the Sooted Conclave. These two factions were recently based off of the two sides in a game of chess, but I absolutely refuse to use the terms and motifs found in the game for the characters from these factions. For a start, let’s look at the characters that I had sketched for the Brightened Few:
... If I could find the image first. I swear I'd saved it SOMEWHERE on my computer. If not, I'll update this with drawings of the White Heir. Just assume he's a grandiose bird wearing a mask with a grand-looking halo behind him.
This is the Heir to the Alabaster Throne. That is his full title, and it is how his subordinates refer to him. Outsiders of the City of Ceramic would just refer to him as “the White Heir”, because he’s insignificant to them.
At least, until you learn about his goals. He wants to overthrow Prince Naso under the belief that he is the rightful heir to the throne, not that purple bastard of a bird who has fun with his subordinates and has a scandalous relationship with a lowly medicine maker at the fringe of his kingdom (more on that in another post).
The White Heir’s powers are simple: He summons beams of light. He can use them as staves in close combat. He can summon them above his foes and drop them like harpoons. He can launch them like ballistae rounds. He can imprison others with enough beams of light. It is surprising the amount of ways that one can use beams of light in combat and non-combat situations.
But he doesn’t fight. He leaves that to his subordinates to do all the dirty work for him, the followers of the Brightened Few (it’s actually not a few, spoilers). As you can guess with the mention of a city, his subjects are many and can be overwhelming. I just don’t have the patience to draw variations of them. But I can describe the White Heir’s betrothed and bodyguard: The Ivory Chaperone.
According to my miniscule notes, she is “a towering force… (wielding) a pillar of light bestowed to her by the (White) Heir.” I imagined her as a bull, kinda like contemporary imaginings of the Minotaur. The best example would be the Minotaur from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, as that was THE coolest depiction of the Minotaur I have ever encountered. I even gave her the power to just launch that pillar of light at her target, then recall it so she can have another shot if the first one missed. Gods, I have to draw her someday.
One fun feature that the City of Ceramic has is that when you are within its perimeter, you will be desaturated till it is just black and white, with white being the dominant colour. The same happens if one were to enter the premises of the City of Slate, where the Sooted Conclave would be found (and talked upon in the next post, because this is getting awfully lengthy).
Is it even possible to include the Arbiter System that the City of Ceramic employs to defend themselves against others? I kinda want to talk about it, because it’s just an android turning against their creator (Heir of the Alabaster Throne). But it’s robots against robots! Not the large kind like you’d see in shows like Gundam, unfortunately. Just a people-sized robot realizing that he’s been lied to since he was activated.
I guess I’ll end it there. I’ll have to spend Part 8 on talking about this idea for machines. Did I mention that Qiumibu was a fantasy kitchen sink? That includes androids and robotics, so we’ll be seeing those next time!
Additionally, I now know how hashtags work! Now you can find all of these ramblings under "Qiumibu".
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dabislittlemouse · 10 months
Let's get into it then. I'll try to tread carefully. Let me know if im overstepping boundaries. Lately I've noticed that I get way too involved with the lives of fictional ppl. I mean we all do to some degree, right? That's why we're here on your blog, cuz we love Dabi but I'm wondering if it's unhealthy. I don't have many ppl in the real world that I'm particularly close with so I suppose I use fictional characters to fill a space inside me im missing. When I watch a show or read a book where the characters are going through it it literally effects me like im watching my own loved ones struggling. It effects my mood, triggers my depression. Somedays it feels like i don't even want to get out of bed. I don't want to face the real world. I struggle with crippling anxiety so bad that I cant handle when ppl brush my shoulder or stand too close behind me. My skin crawls and bones feel like their shifting beneath my skin. I've always been bad at handling social interactions, I think that's why I cling onto fictional characters. I can love them from afar. I can put my whole heart and soul into loving them but not worry about the social aspects that I struggle with. I cant talk to them, I can't touch them. This person will never hurt me, their not real.
(Sorry if this is too much. Just wanted to talk, not make you uncomfortable.)
I get what you mean, I used to be like you too until life forced me to go out there, get a job, and in a way or another meet people and have social interactions.
It’s not a bad thing to seek comfort on fictional characters, I encourage it because its better than to be hurt by someone in real life. And we love them as if they were real, and our feelings are valid, thats why we get upset when something happens to these characters, because it’s not that we just like them, we literally love them. Not everyone puts their whole heart and soul in a fictional character like we do, and that is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because we have a source of happiness no matter what happens, our fictional hubby is there for us. And a curse, because we completely escape reality and one day life will throw us out there and we won’t know what to do.
But it is best to think it that way, if something bad happens to that character which will affect your mood since you’re deeply attached to him, then you just remember that he is not real. None of it is real. Which means, you can also create your own reality with this character, something different from canon. If this character dies for example (well thats a hard one to get over it), i think its best to create your own world with a different ending, maybe write a fanfic, or draw something, or just discuss it with someone. After all, just because its creator said “this character dead”, doesn’t mean you can’t create your own fantasies where he survived. Because it’s in fact unhealthy to get heavily affected by a character’s tragic story, I’ve experienced it too with Dabi, literally crying whenever something bad happened to him.
I’m a maladaptive daydreamer and I tell you, I used to constantly daydream just to not face reality lmao. And I still do. But I noticed that just like you, I didn’t even want to wake up in the morning in the following day. Didn’t want to do anything and my mental health was worsening because I was used to staying in my own world, in my comfort zone with my fictional hubby, that made it so hard for me to actually go out in real life.
But in a way or another I got over it, now I can both manage real life and my daydreaming, I don’t let it consume me because if I do it again I just know it will ruin my life. It sucks to be an adult, but its part of life now, I’m not a teenager anymore and I gotta go out in the real world and learn how to survive.
Though your case seems a bit more harder than mine, because anxiety wouldn’t be this severe on me. I highly suggest you see a therapist that might help you to overcome all of this, because anxiety is a real bitch.
You don’t have to force yourself for any social interaction, people drain you out sometimes, and I’d rather stay alone than be constantly social with people. I just get tired quickly and I’d rather just talk with one good friend that I’m close with. Do you have internet friends? Maybe you can start by making internet friends, before you go out there and make irl friends which can be more intimidating since you gotta see them in real life etc etc. I don’t have many people irl close to me either, just one friend.
I don’t know how valid my response is but this is my perspective on it. My therapist said that this will all pass one day when I told her the same thing, that I don’t have to force myself to stop thinking for this character just because it’s unhealthy. It will all go away that’s what she said (well not on my watch I’m not letting Dabi go)
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No matter how much I love the Choi twins with all my heart, there's always a special spot for V within it. Sheesh idk, maybe because I kinda see myself in him? Not the self-sacrificing part, but his insecurities and the lack of courage to pursue his passion in drawing. His mother's VN is my favourite part of his route, and I learn a lot from her as well. I... I'm still trying to find that courage actually. I used to love writing a lot. Maybe one day, I'll be able to finally start creating stories again and makes V proud.
I understand that entirely. Jihyun is a complex character and he's got a lot going on in that head of his. I think that's one thing that you can take away from his character journey in terms of his skills and love for art. He took photography because it seemed like he could make a lot of leeway into the creative process while still seeming like he wasn't going to go into a painter's path.
Art is a hard passion to follow in this world and his fear of his father's feelings on the matter really did a lot of damage to him. He gave up on his passion because he lost the steam for it and he never thought he would be good enough to prove himself... but that's not what it's about. Art is about passion and love for the craft. As long as you put your soul into the canvas, it's worth the process. That's what his mom wanted him to see... instead of insecurity and shame, she wanted her son to know that his passion was beautiful.
V couldn't realize that until years later... and it's hard to watch since a lot of us follow that path. We give up on what we love because those around us don't believe in us and therefore, we start to lose faith in ourselves. But... we can find it again. We can find our passion and love if we work hard and let ourselves feel free to make mistakes and start again. V finds himself in his route and he gets to start painting again after he learns how to accept himself.
I hope you're able to have that moment. Art is for everyone, no matter if you do it for profit or personal enjoyment. I bet V would love to sit down and read your stories if you're ready to share them with him someday... just like he wants to share his paintings with you... and I know in my heart, that he'd want to bring you to his mother's grave so he could talk to her about how you helped him so he could help himself... and how he's painting again... and he hopes she's looking down at him.
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