#(potential) AU
navybrat817 · 4 months
For the potential au I can't stop thinking about a mythology type story with Bucky.
Maybe the reader made a deal with Hades to bring back her lover (like Meg from Hercules) or maybe the reader is the goddess of love and is banned from seeing Bucky. Or maybe Bucky goes to Asgard on a mission and meets a goddess that he falls in love with.....
Either way I love the lyrics from One Directions You & I "not even the Gods above can separate the two of us"
Ooh. These are fun! ❤️
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Since there are three different AUs...
Bucky is a version of Hades and you make a deal to get your lover out of the underworld. Loosely based on Orpheus and Eurydice, but you have to take your lover’s place in the underworld when the deal falls through.
Another God will try to bargain for Bucky to release you, but he refuses to let you go.
Though Bucky made the deal because he knew your lover would fail and you'd take his place, he doesn't smother you for your affection. He understands what has been done and that you need time to heal and love again.
Instead of having Cerberus, he has a cat. Alpine. And Alpine adores you.
You grow to love your afterlife. Bucky included.
Goddess of Love
Many mortals love you, but Bucky is the only one you love in return. So jealous God sends a Goddess to seduce him in the hope that he'll break your heart, but he is devoted to you.
The jealous God bans you from seeing Bucky. Literally. You’re unable to gaze upon him, no matter how hard you search for him.
To add salt in the open wound, Bucky is muzzled and you can't hear him call out or declare his love for you either.
A kind Goddess takes pity on you when your tears nearly cause a flood and convinces the jealous God to grant you one day a year to see Bucky: February 14th.
Bucky has a shrine built in your honor and you promise to find a way to break the curses put upon you. No matter how long it takes.
Bucky doesn't know it, but his destiny is to die in Asgard as his sacrifice will save the lives of many.
Steve Rogers will also give his life for the greater good.
Though Bucky falls in love with you almost immediately and you fall for him as well, you know the fate that awaits him and can't stop it. You’ve tried.
You try to warn Bucky that the two of you will not live a long life together, but he doesn't care as long as he can be with you. He'll cherish every moment as long as you're his.
A frenemy has found a way for you and Bucky to be together in the afterlife, but you have to give him something in return.
Wow. Are these all tragic? Happy endings, of course. Love and thanks! ❤️
Potential AU and Five Facts
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piowasthere · 4 months
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follow up to the priv post
i don't have much to say, i love the way this turned out tbh
so yeah, new designs, i might make smth w/ them who knows
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hermesserpent-stuff · 4 months
okay so was watching Twinsanity with someone the other day and my brain was like
what was Stoick's long-term plan??
Dagur would have found out eventually. The treaty was an annual thing. was the plan to hide every year? Was he going to hide the dragons from other tribes or traders? if so how? if not, WHAT iS THe PlAn.
also, it is terribly sad for an 18-year-old who just had a father go missing and just had to take power of his tribe with all eyes on him, waiting for him to slip, to go to one of the few allies of that tribe and have them straight up lie to his face.
makes me wonder, how it would have been if Berk had just been honest from the get go and part of the negotiations involved how berserkers had to treat dragons while dagur negotiated for training lessons. (And hiccup is forced to train a dragon with him because yes plz)
Like I know dagur was a wilder card back then, but his rttde redemption lets me dream, okay? Lets just pretend you agree that his extreme loudness and violence was born of needing to appear tough to maintain his position.
Im sorry im a dagur stan.
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glitchyk · 2 months
Got bored so I figured I’d write a bit of an overview of that one dream I had that was basically like cult of the lamb, but like, it was mainly @unfunnyaceartist and @rabid-mercenary16 as huge cult leaders/goddesses, meanwhile I/Kay was the conduit (meaning carrier in this case— holding someone else’s power) of a weakened god, which… was not normal.
Ps u think their ‘followings’ kinda represented actual following in tumblr since they were both large and I was small
It was odd, I was human, yet not… became something else almost suddenly. I was a conduit, Inanis’ conduit. Something to show their power, but I was human… there were many others. Others I’d heard of. My only instructions from them was to gather a following on their name.. that I’d gain power, and it’s my only chance of survival. So… I attempted. I didn’t really mind the whole thing.. surprisingly, I gained followers, minions who had become part of my cult, though it was small, yet one day, when recruiting… I saw someone fairly different.
She was a jester, she seemed taller, and parts of her clothing that seemed to drape too far from her body, looked as if they were dissipating at the edges like smoke. She saw me and seemed confused.. I could tell she was a god, by her power she have off, by the voice in my head, and by how she presented herself.. hey oddly.. she didn’t seem to mind me. She looked at me as of if I was a fascinating specimen.. maybe it was just obvious, due to how I was. She seemed amused with me, and actually.. invited me to visit, she said that she ‘always likes to check on the little guys’… I guess that’s what I am, in all honesty, I didn’t expect to even get to ten followers in my cult, yet I had by that time reached at least forty, if I remember correctly, and not too soon later, I met Ace.
They seemed like the mix of some kind of Angel and some kind of demon, that was just the energy they gave off though.. parts of their face shielded by tiny feathery wings, now they clearly could be seen as a god.. I wasn’t afraid, yet again, but I was more puzzled.. why had these beings found me amusing? In fact Ace even… followed me. They said they liked my ideals, and that perhaps our cults could coexist.. it’s odd, everyone portrays it like you can only have one belief, but through this, I found out that it’s not all bloody war.. in fact the gods can have respect for one another.. they can even have respect for me. A human. Just a vessel for a higher power.
Ace and rabid seemed close, from what I’d heard Ace say. None the less, I was a part of Ace and Rabid’s following.. I didn’t know that was a thing before, but it seems like it is. I felt a bit embarrassed though, when Ace first visited my little village.. it was small and had many less than her large following, yet.. she seemed to enjoy it. I seemed to have gained the goddesses’ trust.. and than even more surprisingly, Rabid. I felt like a child compared to the two, maybe because they were both taller, due to being eternal beings, and the fact that I was so small, yet they found me interesting. I even got comfortable enough to flirt playfully with them, even if I didn’t notice I was doing it.
I feel like they just found me intriguing since I was a human with these abilities.. but now it dawns on me that they might just.. enjoy my presence.. I enjoy theirs as well.. their lucky to have one another
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the-elusive-soleil · 8 months
Been thinking (as a thing to maybe write in the far future) of an AU where Fingon essentially Dernhelms his way back to Beleriand during the War of Wrath, and comes and finds Maedhros et al at Amon Ereb or wherever.
Context: since his death in the Nirnaeth, Fingon has been watching the tapestries in Mandos for news of how everyone is doing. So he knows how disastrous things are generally, and he also is aware of how Maedhros specifically is Not Doing Great after Fingon's death. In a battle that Maedhros organized. If Fingon were able, he'd tell Maedhros that it's fine and he doesn't blame him, but he just has to watch.
He watches through the Second and Third Kinslayings, grieving for what his cousin/best friend/person is going through and becoming, and then he finds out about Earendil and Elwing making it to Aman with the Silmaril and pleading for aid. Against all odds, it seems like they might actually get what they're asking for.
If he can get out, maybe he can find a way to tag along with whoever/whatever is going to Middle-earth. If he can get to Middle-earth, maybe he can track down Maedhros and...something. Not kill him, he's almost certain, not if there's anything of the person he knew still in there. Honestly, he doesn't have a detailed plan beyond "get back to Maedhros and hope that this helps somehow".
In a stunning display of dissembling, Fingon manages to convince Namo that he's fully healed and ready to return to life and definitely not going to do anything reckless once that happens. This works somehow, and Fingon finds himself back in Aman. His still-living and reembodied family members are delighted to see him, and also very clear that he is not going to join the Host of the Valar and jump back into a war.
And Fingon completely agrees! He's not joining the Host so much as hitching a ride with them, after all, and he has other priorities than getting tangled up in the war.
So he basically sneaks out and disguises himself as an ordinary Amanyar soldier, and is able to keep from being discovered until they complete the crossing and start marching through Beleriand. And then once he reckons they're as close to Amon Ereb as they're going to get, he grabs a horse and slips away and rides as hard as he can.
(It's been maybe a few months since he was last able to check the tapestries for news, and he's fairly sure that nothing more can have gone wrong in such short time, but then again...)
As luck would have it, as he's approaching, he runs into Maedhros, who's out on a patrol ride and doesn't have anyone with him (because there just isn't enough manpower left to send multiple people on a patrol when one of the people in question is him).
This might also be a bad thing, though, because it means that there's nobody else around to assure Maedhros that yes, they're all seeing the same thing he is. Which means Maedhros' first response is to ignore Fingon, thinking he's an illusion/hallucination.
Fingon loses his patience with this pretty quickly and reaches out and grabs Maedhros' arm to prove he's real and. Maedhros' eyes get very scary very fast.
Namo said that Noldor who died in Beleriand would receive little pity when it came to reembodiment, and everyone has pretty much interpreted that to mean that none of them will ever be reembodied. So Maedhros' first instinct is to assume that this isn't really Fingon come back.
And he spent time in Angband. He knows how orcs are made. He knows exactly what kind of twisted makings Sauron and Morgoth are capable of.
And they never got what was left of Fingon's body back, did they?
He wrenches his arm away, hissing, and goes for his sword. "You cannot fool me. I see you for what you are--I should have known such a torment would be devised eventually. Does your master truly value my pain above the havoc you could wreak in these lands? Or does he simply believe I am maddened and desperate enough to accept the deception that others would see through?"
Fingon has no clue what is going on.
He tries to get out some kind of explanation, but Maedhros raises his sword to his throat.
"Perhaps he thought I would not be able to kill something that looked like him," he muses. "A foolish assumption. I have killed him before, if not with my own hand; I can strike down an abominable copy, when I know that his fea at least is safe in Mandos, beyond all harm."
But for all that, Maedhros can't bring himself to do it right that second, because this thing, this shell, is looking at him with Finno's eyes and speaking with Finno's voice, and once he moves, there will be a bleeding body on the ground looking like Finno's to haunt his nightmares.
And that ends up giving Fingon time to talk Maedhros down, and convince him that it's really him and that he talked his way into reembodiment and came across the sea with the Host of the Valar so that he could find Maedhros, because he saw everything via the tapestries and knew he needed to.
Maedhros makes a small, broken noise,
drops his sword,
and stumbles forward, and Fingon just barely catches him in a tight hug before he falls.
And I have no idea yet where to go from there besides the obvious plot points of Fingon meeting his great-great-nephews and of a less murdery and fiery solution to the Silmaril Problem at the end of the war, because my plan is also basically "get Fingon back to Maedhros and hope that this makes things better somehow".
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therealmofamorus · 3 months
Potential AU
Here's a potential AU I have in mind.
Slavery AU: AU where slavery are a thing and where you are either a master, seller, or slave.
Slave AU: In this AU the muses are slaves who are taught to obey the commands and whims of their master/mistress.
Slave Master AU: In this AU the muses are the masters who own slaves.
Slave Seller AU: In this Au the muses are the one who sell the slave for the right price
Slave Catcher AU: The muses are slave catchers who made a living in capturing slaves and bringing them back to their own.
Sex Slave (NSFW Only) AU: The muses have slaves who were used for sexual purposes
Breeding Slave AU (NSFW Only): The muses are breeding slaves who was used for breeding purposes.
Combat Slave AU: The muses are warrior slave who was trained in combat purposes.
Gladiator Slave AU: The muses are gladiator slaves who entertained audiences.
Free Slave AU: The muses are a free slave who managed to get their freedom in various manners.
This AU can be both sexual and non-sexual depending on the followers desires.
Please let me know what you think about the AU
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vivizn · 3 months
wakfu headcanon/theory
what if being one of the 12 races was not actually hereditary but religious? this would mean that "humans" (AKA commoners with no powers) are more like atheist. and something that my friend told me was "in S4 E4, the queen of Bonta said "we at Bonta pray to all gods"." but there are a lot of commoners in Bonta, which would be explained by a lack of devotion to one specific god. also, the Percedal family is a biased sample for heredity due to the godhood that seems to run in their blood, therefore they are "religious" by default (thanks Iop god).
the theory is pretty weak because of how different the races look, but this could be similar to how babies can be christians, the parents baptise them early in their life, and so they are religious "by default" (although they can choose to become atheist, or in this case become commoners.)
all in all, i still think it's interesting to think about, could make for a nice AU
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stuckasmain · 3 months
2001 MIB au when?
I’m not usually a “au based around other movie” person but…
A large part of the plot for 2001 has to do with the secrecy and the fact the American public would NOT be able to handle the truth about aliens getting out… it wouldn’t be that hard to picture Frank and Dave as agents.
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Only question would be is Hal an alien or still himself in this au?
Photos from the MIB queue at universal. Love how a government agency hasn’t updated SHIT since 1964. Aesthetic unmatched actually.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of the movies this would definitely be a “in the universe of” not following the plot of AU though.
Also the universe and You being ripped from the 1964 worlds fair in the story— kissing you on the lips whoever came up with that
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the-ichor-king · 4 months
okay so i kind of maybe consume inhaled chemicals that i shouldn’t have because bad but that doesn’t has nothing to do with
okay okay so what if tadc + buckshot roulette
like what if Caine = dealer an
d Bubble is the one who regurgitates the random items
but if like what if it was a purgatory thing for the cast because who committed sins in their past lives
like for example Gangle was a double agent for two opposing groups (because of the comedy/tragedy masks stuff therefore “two-faced”) or something
and maybe Kinger was corrupt in a position of power
so they’re like forever doomed to play Russian roulette against Caine (who’s the ai obv and the dealer) to try and win enough money to escape the purgatory
but they can never win enough to buy a ticket out of hell basically there because they’re literally gambling life and death (digitally) and if they die, the money goes back to the dealer/Caine and it just recirculates like the precipitation water system
just a food for thought and two cents
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purplemang0z · 4 months
I'm thinking about making a Coraline au, but the Beldam is actually a good mother to Coraline and is teaching them to become the next Other Mother/passing on her powers and shit. Because I used to watch a shit ton of Coraline fan theories during the pandemic and I heard something kinda similar to this. (I'm a sucker for found family, sue me)
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Hi Navy!! Would you tell me some fun facts for a Pirate AU, beefcake of your choice? 🥺
Ooh! I love this. Since I'm working on space pirate!Bucky, let's go with...
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The main pirate would be Captain Rogers featuring his Nomad look and Bucky as his first mate.
You're a bit of an enigma. Instead of Steve kidnapping or rescuing you, you buy your way onto his ship.
At one point, you’ll be punished for a minor offense. Clapping in irons. Steve has to do it as the captain of the ship, but hates every second of it.
Both of you have a common enemy for different reasons and that enemy will try and take you from Steve. Big mistake.
The two of you fall in love. That’s a fact.
Love and thanks! ❤️
Potential AU and Five Facts Game
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
soooo i'm thinking of writing an au
just gonna throw that out there so yall won't be surprised if i randomly throw a fic or seven in your faces <3
FOR REFERENCE: this is gonna be a long post of me talking about shit i wanna write, it's mostly for my future self to look back and so i have all my thoughts in one place (i'm unorganized ok) and im publishing it so it's easier to find, but this is really mostly for my personal benefit in the future but if you all find it interesting yay thats great :)
if i /do/ write an au, and that's a big if as my irl friends know about this acc and the teasing i could endure would be /endless/, it would be:
empires s1, with maybe some traffic characters thrown in- i don't feel like wc meshes very well with empires (else i would add it), unless the witchcraft witches were like at gem's academy or s2 shubble's witch school (OOOH that's an idea in and of itself lol
probably flower husbands based, or maybe mean gills, as they're slowly clawing up my mcyt ship tierlist... i'll have to think a bit on that one, but scott will most likely be the main character, cuz he was my very very first exposure to the wonderful world of empires and mcyt in general (found him through lauren, watched ep 1 of empires s2 and was hooked)
only very loosely based on canon events, i'd more be wanting to play around with the characters. therefore, out of the 3 ideas i have (more on that in a bit) i'd be more inclined to pick the more modern-day ones- though there would be fantasy elements of course like babe its empires
i have 3 main ideas that i feel like i could use- i'll put em in a poll if yall wanna vote, more info on each of them underneath
so yeah the first two are awfully similar- the main difference being that in the first option, the characters would be teachers, and in the second, students. imma go through all these a lil more in-depth, as i have ideas for all of them and i wanna see which one you all would rather read and i shall weigh that in on which one i'll (possibly) (ALLEGEDLY) write
teachers: scott is a teacher/the headmaster (i'll decide which later) at empires university (PLACEHOLDER NAME i swear i will come up with a better one) (probably) and jimmy is a new teacher who's just come onto the scene. he continually messes things up and scott is fed up with him and so they have a CHAT but obviously scott is traumatized by something in his past probably xornoth related or relating to one of the death games (life series) and jimmy is just CUTE but scott doesn't realize it and scott goes on being dumb about it and there is ANGST and such
students: basically the same general plot, but scott lives with horrible parents and jimmy becomes a reprieve and they become like best friends but they both have a secret crush on eachother (like in trust au omdsfksjdlkf go read it right now stop reading this rambling post and go read trust au SO GOOD SLDKFJ its by @/thetomorrowshow) and eventually scott is living at jimmy's house full time (jimmy has a cod tank in his room bc ofc) and then stuff happens heehhehehe no spoilers but again: ANGST
the main deal with these is there's ANGST (but also fluff because the two go hand in hand)
war: this is the main different one sooo it's set in the original empires world, but the cod empire and rivendell have been at war for decades and scott and jimmy hate each other but THEN they like meet one day and neither realizes who the other is until too late because they've never seen each other in real life and it's blasphemy and they like each other and all that yadayadayada ANGST
ummmmm anyway that's my fucking long rambling post done good graciousness this is the longest post i've ever done- anyway let me know (or don't, again, for my personal benefit) which one you would rather read and if any of them sound engaging at all- personally, i'm leaning towards students or war over teachers, i was full-in students but now i have so many great ideas for the war one- god i'm so messed up
that will be all
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azurefandomfox · 1 year
Hey Numberblocks fandom how we feeling
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This is art for a potential AU...
The Numberblocks Weirdcore AU... where 27 is the protagonist, going on an adventure throughout the Numberland of Dreamcore.
She meets cool friends, and encounters weird enemies along the way. Even running into herself from that universe...
If you want me to make this an AU lemme know!!
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glitchyk · 2 months
I’m doing this poll regardless of how long I’ll be here since at this point IDK EITHER MAN—
I’m thinking of writing drawing more of this, and if I do, should I add in other friends to like.. make it more expanded?
If I do make the others in it… I kinda got ideas for others as ‘cult leaders’/gods.
wtf do I even call this AU I unintentionally created-
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robinrequiems · 2 years
the question is.. fashion designer jon or damian and model jon or damian? bc I’m think if it’s Damian ( model ), Maya is his manager while if it’s jon ( model ), his manager would be Kathy
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therealmofamorus · 3 months
I got idea for celebrity au and I want your opinion on it.
Controversial AU:
In this au, my muses find themselves in a controversy which depends on the controversy of the muses from ‘light’ to ‘dark’ meaning it could be anything between drugs abuse to sexual.
I am uncertain whether or not to put the AU in my AU list because of it premise.
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