#(of all places)
sad-emo-dip-dye · 10 months
Dazai can’t die in France yall he just can’t
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swirlymark · 3 months
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suguru and satoru raising little itadori, megumi and nobara together is a cute concept that i adore but i am begging you to consider the tense and absolutely chaotic dynamic that is presented when you dont take mimiko and nanako out of the picture
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i-restuff · 5 months
dear social anxiety,
fuck off. I'm tired.
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levmada · 6 months
art thieves i have a gun.
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2 episodes of Supa Team 4 and I've yet to see a white person which is like so slay of them
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awkwardbros · 1 year
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It’s early March. That pole has to be no warmer than 50 degrees.
….uh. Wait. Are you ok? Did you hurt your eye honey? Let me see.
You know what? Ignore all that. Stay right there. Gonna grab you a towel, possibly a robe if it happens to be a Wednesday.
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kleefkruid · 1 year
Living in a touristic place and seeing how tourist behave everyday I'm super self-contious about my behaviour and how I present when I'm being the tourist, trying to blend in as much as realistically possible, and I have to say, one of the most horrifying travel experiencing is touching down with a bunch of friends and realising too late that one of your travel companions is a Tourist™
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honmyoseagull · 1 year
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Did I just find a free farewell bear fact from Arthur on Instagram ?
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saint-mona · 4 months
Really awesome that the most recent message in my inbox was an anonymous telling me how to behave.
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magnoliasandarson · 4 months
Pet Peeve
sooo overshare-y but my biggest pet peeve ever is having to defend my words because for some reason: they aren't valid on the basis of my gender. Dude. If I say something you don't agree with, debate my idea. Not my genitalia.
Whatever. I get that what I say and do might not be your cup of tea, but just say that. Don't call my writing girly, it's reductionist and not a valid argument.
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"But she broke your heart" "Letting me know I had one" is the most beautiful exchange to come out of 90s sitcom Sabrina: The Teenage Witch
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the-og-gay-cousin · 6 months
Making the annual "Merry Christmas"/"happy holidays" posts this year is just wild for me. There is a fucked up war in Ukraine and an outright genocide in Palestine. America, a major world power, is falling apart at the seams and is attempting to silence and remove its own people, along with its own democracy. Neonazis were allowed to roam the streets. North Korea is testing more and more missiles. It feels like the beginnings of world war 3, and meanwhile, all of us are expected to go about our daily lives. A lot has happened in my personal life on top of that, including leaving my job when management went to actual shit, so one can imagine what it's like living as a young woman in 2023.
Christmas hasn't felt like Christmas in a while. As a kid, I woke up to abuse every Christmas morning, but it still felt more like Christmas than it does now. It hasn't felt like Christmas since before COVID, to be honest, but this year takes the cake for an unexciting Christmas morning. There's no anticipation, there is only me going through the motions as innocents are killed in Palestine en masse. There isn't any buzzing anticipation, there's just a sense of time flying by with a side of dread regarding what will happen because America's politicians won't get their heads out of their asses so that they can have the sense to stop supporting genocidal actions. To be frank, I feel like the only thing stopping American politicians from supporting Russia's actions is the heavy anti-communist agenda America has always had in the name of freedom and democracy for cishet neurotypical white men. If America had any political agendas in Russia, I'm fairly certain that America would be supporting its invasion of Ukraine too, along with the bullshit Israel is pulling.
Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas. It hasn't in a while, but I'm really getting that this year.
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usersukuna · 7 months
i'm feeling so betrayed right now for having to look for vianton art on TWITTER
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caketopics · 7 months
rb to rsvp in the apparent 5sos stan meet up happening in fucking utah
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aethernoise · 1 year
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Lately my whole screenshot shtick is “Alyx standing around with lots of bokeh”
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