#(and ireland once)
Chewing my arm off over Dónal Finn getting to keep his irish accent in Hadestown because I never heard an Irish accent in a musical before. He sounds like my grandad!! Like my friends!! He gets to be onstage and sound beautiful and keep his fucking accent!!!!!
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dduane · 11 months
Hello! I hope you're having a good day. I was browsing Wikipedia at random when I decided to investigate fairy tales. That in turn led me to the phrase, 'Once upon a time.'
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Right below the introductory section is a section dedicated to similar story starting phrases in other languages.
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I was scrolling through the list when the Irish section caught my eye because of how long it was in comparison to the others. I was wondering if you might know if this is actually real or if it's someone just making it up?
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I genuinely have no idea. Can anyone else around here who’s got info chime in on this?
(I have to say, though, that the ones after the first one all sound as if they came from separate individual stories, rather than being widely-used “template” openings [or endings].)
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saintsenara · 2 months
Any favourite Irish headcanons for Seamus? 😊
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
and i'm sorry to say that i'm going to be really dull and - before we get into the more insincere headcanons i have for seamus - say that figuring out his role in the series depends on the answer to a really important question which neither the books nor [to my knowledge] jkr's post-series writing addresses:
is wizarding ireland a colony?
as someone who is fond of seeing the series through the lens of anglo-irish history, this preoccupies me a lot - and i think it's something very interesting to unravel...
the statute of secrecy - the law which brings about the separation of the magical and muggle worlds - was first instituted in 1689 and put fully into effect in 1692.
it's reasonably clear from the tone of the extra canonical material that these dates come from [and also from the fact that - i am told - the statute of secrecy is a fairly significant sub-theme of the fantastic beasts films] that jkr landed on these dates for the statute primarily by thinking about the history of witchcraft in early-modern america [the salem witch trials, for example, take place in 1692-1693].
[witch trials were not an exclusively american phenomenon, of course, but they had begun to fade out in early-modern europe by c.1650, which is roughly when they begin to become more widely-documented in the american colonies. it's also fair to say that the pop-culture image of witch trials, even in europe, is heavily influenced by their american manifestation - we've all seen the crucible!]
but selecting this american context to situate the statute within means that - apparently by accident - it's also a document which appears into the lives of british and irish wizards during an extremely bloody time in anglo-irish history...
a detour which has nothing to do with harry potter...
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were the main period of british colonial expansion in ireland - the early seventeenth century is, for example, the period of the plantation [that is, the settler colonisation] of ulster [what is now roughly northern ireland].
like many periods of anglo-irish relations, there was a major sectarian aspect to the british treatment of the irish. the plantation was driven by protestant settlers from scotland [which is not and has never been a colony!] and england into northern ireland. the protestant population expanded rapidly in the seventeenth century, political authority in the subordinate irish parliament was largely in the hands of protestant elites [especially clerics connected to the church of ireland] who enacted the policies of the british parliament and the crown, the catholic population was subject to land confiscations, restriction of worship, and an expectation of anglicisation.
and in march of 1689 - the year the statute of secrecy was first signed - this all... rather kicked off.
in november 1688 - in an event known as the glorious revolution - the king of britain [and ireland!], james ii, was forced from the throne. among the reasons for this [many of which were to do with james' absolutist views of monarchy] was the fact that james was a roman catholic, and that the birth of his son james [iii, the old pretender] in june 1688 displaced james ii's protestant daughters mary and anne in the line of succession and would result in a catholic dynasty on the throne. which was unpopular.
so james was chased off and the throne was offered to william of orange - soon to be william iii - the husband of mary [ii].
in an attempt to regain his throne, james primarily recruited support from among the catholic population of ireland [as well as scotland and france], having promised to reverse many of the more unpopular sixteenth- and seventeenth-century policies imposed upon ireland by the crown. this was intolerable both to british and irish protestants, and william iii had no choice but to land in ireland with an army.
the start of the conflict was bloody but nebulous. the tide turned in william iii - and his protestant supporters' - favour in july 1690, with the battle of the boyne, a williamite victory. the jacobite cause was in shambles, james fled the country, and his supporters were eventually made to formally surrender with the signing of the treaty of limerick in october 1691.
from 1691 to 1800, ireland was a british colonial client state [nominally an autonomous kingdom with its own parliament, in reality controlled by the crown and responsible to the king's cabinet in london] politically dominated by anglo-irish protestant families. in 1800, this "independent" legislature was abolished and ireland was absorbed into the united kingdom of britain and ireland and governed from westminster via a colonial administration in dublin, which remained dominated by anglo-irish protestants. this remained the case until the establishment of the republic of ireland in 1922. northern ireland remains a constituent nation of the united kingdom.
and now back to the wizards...
according to the harry potter lexicon [my beloved], jkr has connected the establishment of the statute of secrecy in britain to a delegation of wizards who sought protections for the magical from [a post-battle-of-the-boyne?] william iii and mary ii in 1690. when they failed to get these, the british delegation - along with the representatives from other nations who made up the international confederation of wizards - agreed to the full imposition of the statute, with the main local result of this being the creation of the ministry of magic to govern the magical citizens of britain...
and of ireland?
because something which has always stood out to me - in a way i imagine it has for literally nobody else - is that you can suggest on the basis of canon that magical ireland was never partitioned...
“[England] Went down to Transylvania, three hundred and ninety to ten,” said Charlie gloomily. “Shocking performance. And Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland was slaughtered by Luxembourg.” 
charlie is talking about the performance of the uk's constituent nations in the quidditch world cup here. we know - obviously - that ireland are the finalists and eventual champions of the competition.
northern ireland, however, is nowhere to be seen...
it could be that the northern irish quidditch team is as abysmal at international sport as its muggle equivalents and that charlie regarded it as futile to mention it. it could be that wizarding ireland is a united ireland [slay!]. but it could also be that the minister for magic is ultimately responsible - as the monarch would have been at the time the statute was signed - for the governance of the entirety of ireland, with his rule maintained within ireland itself by a client government which he appoints.
because while i don't buy the idea of a hereditary wizengamot or think that the sacred twenty-eight has any actual power other than the opportunity to influence the minister... it's striking that the name of an anglo-irish noble family appears on it [burke - although carrow is sufficiently close to the anglo-irish "carew" for us to consider it a variant, and one also finds the odd lestrange knocking about irish history...], and that jkr has written about another of the most prominent pureblood families as having been resident in ireland during the seventeenth century... the gaunts [it's why lord voldemort like relics so much...]. we also know that the london edition of the daily prophet - which functions as something close to state propaganda - circulates in ireland, because seamus' mother takes it, and that the ministry is unhappy with the tricolour flag being flown ostentatiously by ireland supporters during the world cup...
it is, then, entirely possible - should an author wish - to imagine that the imposition of the statute at such a key point in anglo-irish history means that the magical ireland of the 1990s remains subject to the british minister, and that it therefore has a very different political and cultural relationship to britain than its muggle cousin.
and i also think that this but one way of thinking more broadly about the wider imperialist vibe which is found in the books: the defence of "civilisation" and the status quo; the fact that so much "wizarding" culture is just posh british stuff; the fact that so many of the historical analogies jkr uses to mirror wizarding history relate to the troubles; the ways in which the size and insularity of the wizarding population means that the conditions which enable revolution might not be present in magical communities, etc.
and for us to think about the ways this might make wizarding history diverge from muggle in the early-modern and modern era: is there a revolution in wizarding russia, or are there still estates staffed by squib serfs? do wizards think they're travelling to istanbul or constantinople? do wizards participate in the "new imperialism" of the late nineteenth century, imposing the same colonial borders upon magical africa and asia as muggles do? what would it be like, if you were muggleborn, entering a world which is not only so culturally and politically different, but geographically different?
which brings us to...
seamus finnegan headcanons
on the basis of name alone - which, of course, doesn't mean everything - seamus appears to be one of the only students of irish extraction [that is, not just the only student who's an irish national, but the only student who's of irish heritage] at hogwarts [orla quirke - sorted in goblet of fire - is the only other one i can think of].
[although it is worth noting that many names which appear to be scottish are also common in ireland - especially in the north. professor mcgonagall has - on the information of the seven-book canon - just as much chance of being an ulster protestant as she does a scot...]
[i have decided on the basis of this that i now think cormac mclaggen is northern irish.]
irish people from all walks of life live, study, and work in britain - and vice versa. but the fact that seamus attends a boarding school with the specific cultural vibe hogwarts has - that is, an institution which is a pastiche of elite, fee-paying british schools; which directly maintains the class-based status quo which props up the wizarding state; whose graduates dominate high-level political and institutional positions; and whose student body is strikingly well-heeled - suggests that there are less famous wizarding schools in ireland, and that him being sent to hogwarts is the result of a certain anglophilia [and the desire for him to benefit in any future ministry career, in britain or ireland, from an elite british education] on behalf of his parents...
this is not to say that i think seamus is a protestant - although i genuinely think that the muggle dad witch mam thing is meant to be a joke suggesting he comes from a mixed marriage [still reasonably scandalous here even in 2024!] - but that he comes from a reasonably posh, anglophile, unionist catholic background, as did many real anglo-irish civil servants educated at the sort of institutions - especially oxford and cambridge - hogwarts shares a cultural vibe with.
but who gives a shit about class and religion! the more important things to know about seamus:
his go-to chip shop order is - as it should be - a spice bag.
he has - in his life - drunk the odd bottle of football special.
his over-the-top loathing of "pretty-boy diggory" in goblet of fire is an absolutely iconic deflection tactic from the fact he's gay - and deamus is canon.
indeed, he loves dean so much that he has willingly cheered for the england national football team [although he threatened to obliviate anybody dean told about this]. dean, for his part, has got really into hurling.
the closest they come to divorce is when dean won't stop singing galway girl by ed sheeran at him.
one @whinlatter has convinced me of: this is their son.
his confirmation name is florian - the patron saint of protection against fire.
him getting beaten to a pulp by the carrows - and then explaining in great detail how the room of requirement works to harry - is iconic, and is a really under-appreciated aspect of character growth from his doubt over harry in order of the phoenix.
the derry girl he identifies most strongly with is james - although he tells everyone it's michelle.
he met edele lynch from b*witched once and lost his mind.
he owns a flat cap.
him publicly beefing with his mam in the immediate run-up to dumbledore's funeral is one of the most specifically irish things he ever does and i can't explain why.
him giving harry an "appreciative smirk" after he drops the iconic "there's no need to call me sir, professor" line is the second most irish thing he does. i, once again, cannot explain why. [him winking at harry after he answers snape back in their very first potions lesson also sends me.]
he is the voice behind this iconic video... and, let's be real, his slight capacity for self-aggrandisement and sulking does make him a plausible cork man.
he visits his granny every sunday for endless cups of tea and re-runs of ballykissangel.
he has never read a single piece of writing by sally rooney - but he lies and says he has.
he did this to harry on his first day in the ministry:
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his wand is made of dogwood - which suits the flamboyant and loud.
he's shown in canon to quite like a bit of gossip - him being gassed up by quirrell's claim that he fought a zombie and then gutted when quirrell refuses to actually tell the story always sends me - and i like the idea of him being amazing value in a pub.
he's an only child - but he has at least thirty cousins. and his cousin fergus genuinely never did have another peaceful moment after seamus learned to apparate.
he and lavender went to the yule ball together because both dean and parvati are stupid and didn't see what was right in front of their faces. they split a bottle of archers behind a rose bush and complained about men and it was the best night of their lives.
he goes as red as a lobster the second the sun's out.
he runs the shit london guinness twitter account.
his boggart is a banshee because his dad - who is literally only mentioned once in philosopher's stone - dies over the summer before his second year [banshees - in irish folklore - herald the deaths of family members with their weeping]. however - unlike harry - you don't hear him fucking banging on about this all the time...
and he can't speak a word of irish, but none of the posh english lads he knows are going to risk calling him out on that...
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blondephil · 2 months
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i am not british (or scottish) you’re telling me there’s a bookstore called TOPPING?
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their-name-is-fake · 8 months
We rocking with the Irish cause the Irish rocking with us
Anyway free Palestine
And every country under colonial rule
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sobredunia · 1 month
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im going to kill u with rocks the the ireland slander i cant and u dare u DARE put us in the same sentence as britain ohgbhuv im throwing up crying wha vthis is too far dude too far whygfv who how could you who r you id oant know you
listen i get that you hate britain and hate to be paired up with them. but also. i have spent literal months in ireland and lemme tell you your typical/traditional foods are stale and boring as fuck. I didn't like the taste of gravy which meant that my food was even more flavorless than usual which is pretty concerning if your main way to add taste is by adding a singular type of sauce
fish and chips are good tho
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matbaynton · 3 months
"we need more complex female characters" y'all couldn't even handle leah rilke from the wilds
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hetagrammy · 11 months
Oldest child Scotland is so personal to me. He has a little sister who he adores and wants to protect, but inevitably drags into conflict. His youngest brother effectively usurped his place at the family head, which he has complex feelings about. His middle brothers share his position, having tied themselves to the youngest but ultimately resenting the control. They just don’t quite bristle in the same way as him, because as the second and third sons it was their lot anyway. The thing is he still commands this odd sense of authority within the family unit, even if he’s failed at everything society laid at his feet as the eldest. Despite everything, he’s still the rock, and that’s got to count for something.
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brotherdusk · 2 months
the irish property market is so fucked I think I should get to kill airbnb with hammers
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transpondster · 5 months
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Ten shows watched (or, for B.B., re-watched) in 2023.
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handweavers · 10 months
unrelated to the last post it's just really so crazy to me that i qualify for irish citizenship i just have to register myself with the gov and they are required to give it to me because my mom has been a citizen since her birth via my grandfather. like i'm not irish canadian with distant ancestors i'm literally actually irish (or will be). it's so cool im still trying to process that
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atsushis-fangs · 9 months
England: you know, back in the day...
North: you mean back in the day as in a decade ago, or back in YOUR day as in before societies were a thing?
@winterwrites23 it's september 1st, and you know what that means! Happy North time traveling to 1743 day (AKA the day all his troubles began)
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cosmicnovaflare · 17 days
I like your drawings of Cinder in nice dresses. What inspo do you use for designing her clothes?
Thank you! Basically, when I was younger I had the delusion of “memorise every country in the world or else you’re a bad person,” followed by, “learn a brief history of every country in the world within 8 years or else you’re a bad person.” I learned in the order of history-mythology/religion-clothing, and I ended up loving the traditional clothing around and in Iran, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia, Bhutan, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, etc. It’s fairly difficult to find information about clothing in English, so I mostly pull from Hanfu for Cinder. Currently, I pretty much design how people would wear one today, ignoring old colour rules, pairing it with hair/accessories from separate dynasties, keeping bangs in hairstyles that otherwise would not have them, and sometimes adding in things that are more fantastical than historical. I would love to one day make futuristic designs, but I want to do that tastefully and respectfully, so, for now, I’m sticking closer to current-day interpretations.
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beedlemania · 4 months
Davy tells the guys he’s disappointed he’ll never experience American high school so Micky shoves him into and locks the wardrobe to give him the full experience
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ghouljams · 10 months
I like to think Crybaby IS baby. BUT she's also one of those lovers that will see Threat or Soap talking to someone/being flirted with and Crybaby will tell them, "no its okay ❤️" and then later will deep dive on the internet to figure this entire person's life, and Threat and Soap will catch a look on Crybaby's computer and its like CIA level investigation on that person. Crybaby is secretly possessive, as a treat ❤️
Crybaby can find anyone with two pieces of information. You got a first name and a place of work? No problem, Crybaby already found them and is DM-ing their mom pretending to be a potential employer to ask personal questions. The possessive streak really is cutting into Threat and Soap's "We saw you across the bar and really like your vibe" hunting strategy.
Threat and Soap forget that Crybaby isn't just baby sometimes and then are shocked when she's tracking their phones.
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mazzy-rockstar · 7 months
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