#(Koushiro voice 'you thought')
tobiasdrake · 4 days
Digimon Adventure 01x05 - Lightning! Kabuterimon! / Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Previously on Digimon: We found drinking water, ate birdseed, and poured gasoline on a fire until it caused an integer overflow error and rolled over into zero. Also discovered that the true birdseed was the friends we made along the way. It was a good day.
But now it's time to leave the Pyocomon behind and get back on the road to... whatever might help us go home. File Island is no fun.
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We join our cast at the end of a long hike. The younger kids are too exhausted to keep going, so we need to stop and take a break. We don't see Koushiro in this shot at all but he's resting with Mimi and Takeru in the next so we can probably assume which side he's on.
The dub adds context that we're going in circles, which is why everyone's so tired. In the original, they've just been walking for a long time.
Koushiro takes this as an opportunity to once again get his laptop up and running, but no dice. None of his electronics work on File Island. Taichi tries to help, but has a particular approach to IT... and about as much respect for other people's things as Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Naturally, this gets him yelled at not only by Koushiro, but Sora also joins in to chew him out.
(Not okay, Taichi. What if you broke something? Where are we supposed to get replacement parts out here, the internet!?
...don't answer that.)
Suddenly, Taichi notices smoke on the horizon. Explaining nothing beyond the words "What's that?" Taichi suddenly runs off. The others shrug it off and decide he went to the bathroom or something.
Dub Tai is much more explicit in his communication. He explains that he sees smoke and is going to investigate. They still blow him off, with Joe claiming he has "the attention span of a gnat".
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Unexpectedly, Koushiro's computer turns on. This is unexpected for two reasons; First, because there's no clear indication of why it suddenly works now. Second, as Koushiro quickly discovers, the battery is completely drained. There's no power to turn it on, and yet it runs.
The meaning of the blinking dead battery symbol is changed in the dub. The original plays this as eerie; The laptop has no battery so how is it running? The dub plays this as disappointing; The laptop has low battery so Izzy won't be able to use it. This sets Izzy on a quest to power on his laptop.
Before he has time to think about that, Taichi finds what he's looking for and calls them over.
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Those smoke pillars meant exactly what he thought they did: A sprawling factory is laid out before them. Naturally, the kids descend into the factory to explore.
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They find no people, but an assembly line of machines constructing... something. Jou, however, insists there must be people here somewhere; A factory like this can't be completely unmanned so we need to keep looking.
Like usual, Jou's determination to find other humans on File Island doesn't make it into the dub. Instead, Joe wants to find a cafeteria in the factory to get food from.
The kids split up; Taichi, Sora, and Jou head off one way while Yamato stays with Takeru, Koushiro, and Mimi and go another. As Taichi's group searches for human presence, they suddenly hear something.
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They aren't sure where it's coming from but somebody's here. They can hear some kind of mechanical whirr and some sort of deep, echoing vocal noise. Taichi wonders aloud if that might be a person!
The dub flubs this just a bit; To fill dialogue space used for Jou insisting there must be people here, Biyomon instead calls out to the others, "Don't go any further in this direction!" That indicates that she knows the presence is over that way, making it odd when they all start looking around for it - and Biyomon specifically checks back the way they came.
We also don't hear the echoing voice in the dub; Instead, we hear metal clattering against metal. Tai announces with alarm, "Doesn't sound good!" Once again the dub team are quicker on the uptake and recognize the peril they're in, while the original kids are still holding out hope.
Meanwhile, Yamato's group finds the power supply room and discovers what's running this factory.
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It's a super-sized battery plugged into the factory as if it were a TV remote or video game controller.
(It would be hell to change those out. Can you even imagine?)
While Koushiro's surprised to see that the factory runs on this weird system, Dub Izzy is more interested in using it for himself. He wonders aloud if there's a way he can hook it up to his laptop.
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Still investigating, Tai's group comes upon this 'mon caught up in the gears of the factory. Gomamon ID's him as Andromon, and informs the others that he's highly evolved. Taichi asks if he's more evolved than Greymon, to which Gomamon answers yes, without a doubt.
(He's right, too. Andromon is a Perfect-stage Digimon, the stage beyond Adult. The kids aren't anywhere near that yet.)
Jou's disappointed that Andromon isn't human, but the kids still agree to help him anyway.
The dub cuts the discussion around Andromon being evolved beyond Adult-stage, though Agumon does say he's "very much advanced" which is open to interpretation. The rest of the conversation is spent agreeing that they should pull Andromon out of the gears.
They also, of course, cut Jou's disappointment about this being another Digimon; Joe complains, "My mom really doesn't want me moving any heavy objects; I've got bad knees," so Sora volunteers herself and Tai to do it without him.
Brief cut to Koushiro, who tells Yamato, Mimi, and Takeru to go on without him; He wants to stay here and investigate the battery further.
Meanwhile, Dub Izzy is still thinking about plugging his computer into the battery; He explains that if he can get it up and running, they can use his computer to call for help.
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Meanwhile, Taichi's group begins pulling Andromon out.
(What happened to those bad knees, Dub Joe?)
Taichi loses his grip and falls back against that lever behind him, activating the machines he's stuck in. Unbeknownst to anyone, the machines insert one of those Black Gears from last episode into Andromon's fleshy cyborg leg, just before he comes loose.
Taichi attempts to apply some percussive maintenance, like he did for Koushiro's laptop, but Jou and Sora grab and restrain him. Taking cues from Taichi, Agumon smacks Andromon's head to bring him online.
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It does not go well.
The narrator cuts in here to formally introduce Andromon. He's a Perfect-stage Data-type Cyborg Digimon, said to be the strongest among Digimon.
(I assume "on File Island" is a qualifier there because there are absolutely Digimon way more powerful than Andromon.)
Piyomon hits Andromon with Magical Fire to make him release Sora. He shrugs off her attack, then he lobs Sora into Taichi and Agumon, who catch her.
Taichi notices a bunch of metal beams being stored on the ceiling for some reason and has Agumon cut them down with a Baby Flame.
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(I want to feel bad for him but he brought this OSHA violation on himself. If he stored his beams properly, this wouldn't have happened to him. Slacking off on safety protocols is how you end up caught in gears.)
Taichi's group takes this opportunity to run for it.
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Back with Yamato's group, they've left Koushiro to investigate the power supply room and gone on without him, as requested. Mimi offers some wild speculation as to what the devices being assembled actually do.
Dub Mimi's similarly confused, but offers no speculation. Instead, she complains that there should be a tour guide to explain this stuff. "Ooh, maybe in a plaid outfit with a bullhorn!"
Meanwhile, Koushiro continues investigating the battery. He finds something most unexpected: A door? Why would a battery have a door? Dub Izzy is less confused by this, assertively calling it an "access panel to the interior operations!"
Opening it up, he enters and... it's wild.
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Koushiro identifies the writing on these walls as computer code. He doesn't offer any particular programming language, just that it is one he recognizes. He runs his hand along one of the symbols, wiping away part of a letter as if it were fresh paint.
Instantly, the machines throughout the factory shut down in response to Koushiro disrupting their code.
Unfortunately, Taichi's group is still fleeing from Andromon when the lights suddenly go out. Taichi speculates that Andromon might not be able to find them in the dark if they creep away quietly. He's wrong; Andromon finds them immediately and we see from his perspective that he can see fine.
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Andromon's signature move, Spiral Sword, spins his hand so fast it turns into a drill before slashing suddenly and creating a blade of pressured air. The dub calls this Lightning Blade.
While the kids narrowly avoid being cut apart by Andromon's Spiral Sword, we cut back to Koushiro and Tentomon. Koushiro laments that he broke the wrong part of the code. At Tentomon's suggestion, he takes out a sharpie and repairs the code, bringing the power back online.
As the machines come back online, Dub Mimi speculates that the factory didn't pay its power bill. XD Valid theory from her perspective.
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Koushiro lays out for Tentomon why this is so bothersome. This is not how batteries work. The programming inside the battery is itself what's supplying power to the factory. Koushiro breaks out his laptop to further analyze the program.
(It's like a Sim City power plant. It looks like a power plant. It satisfies the electricity needs of the other programmed structures you lay down. But it's not a real power plant. It's just coded to look like one and to satisfy the coded electricity needs of the coded world. Koushiro and Tentomon are inside the code of this "battery" right now and seeing the true nature of its artifice.)
Meanwhile, dub Izzy is looking for a way out of the factory. "If I can decode this particular program, then I can trace its base functions and figure a way out of here!" This is peculiar because they aren't trapped here to begin with, but it's the beginning of what will be a plot point throughout this episode.
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We cut briefly back to Taichi's group still dodging Spiral Swords from Andromon, and then return to Koushiro. Tentomon asks him about how happy he looks doing this; He's more motivated than he's been since Tentomon met him, in fact. Koushiro confirms that he's having a blast.
Tentomon doesn't get it. He asks what Koushiro gets out of this, and Koushiro explains that he gets knowledge. He wants to understand the secrets of this place and what the Digimon are. Tentomon isn't swayed by that; He doesn't really care about who or what he is, and he turns it around on Koushiro: Is he trying to solve the mystery of who he is?
Tentomon doesn't realize it, but that question triggers Koushiro. He flashes back on something he doesn't want to remember.
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Though it's not explicitly stated, the subtext of this conversation he overhears from his parents is fairly obvious. Koushiro is adopted, and his parents haven't found the courage to break it to him yet. His parents agree to put it off a little longer; It'd be too much of a shock for him now. They don't know that they've already revealed it. And it is.
Dub Tentomon captures the spirit of the conversation, but with a lot more passive-aggression. He peppers Izzy in sassy backhanded remarks like "I admire the way you keep working while your friends are out having fun!" and "So you would rather spend your time with puzzles than with people?"
He also suggests that they're "trapped in a small room with no exit". I don't know where he got that idea from; There's a door. They came through the door. We occasionally see the door and it's still open like they left it. We're in here by choice 'cause Koushiro/Izzy wants to learn. But aside from that one line, this all works really well. Even the adoption conversation is adapted perfectly.
Back in the present, Tentomon snaps Koushiro out of his disassociation to let him know that some weird shit is happening to his computer screen.
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The lines of code he'd been analyzed begin freely floating around the screen, and the light on his Digivice begins to blink.
Here, Dub Tentomon goes off-script to start ranting at Izzy that he's being irresponsible, playing around on his computer while his friends are in danger. This is not a thing they know, but Tentomon insists he can "feel it in [my] bones".
While Koushiro is learning, Mimi lets out an angry shriek from another part of the factory as she finally discovers what the place does with those machines it's assembling.
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It sends them to conveyor belt which disassembles them for parts. Nobody offers any commentary beyond Mimi's angry shriek but honestly that's valid commentary in and of itself.
(The assembly and disassembly lines are my favorite part of this episode. It was not meant to be but it's such a scathing metaphor for the military-industrial complex when you think about it. We give hundreds of billions of dollars to defense contractors each year to do exactly this, and that makes me want to angry shriek when I think about it too.)
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Back inside the battery's source code, the data moving around on Koushiro's screen begins to form into what appears to be a map of File Island. Dub Izzy's so excited, he officially abandons his alien theory.
However, before it can fully process, Tentomon begins overheating, crying out in pain. Koushiro checks his Digivice and sees that the little bar that rises and falls on it is filled to capacity and blinking.
He's forced to shut down the laptop for the sake of Tentomon's wellbeing. Once the laptop turns off, Tentomon stops glowing and burning, and his Digivice's meter returns to empty.
Meanwhile, Taichi's group escapes Andromon once again after Taichi makes an unbelievably brave leap from a scaffolding suspended dozens of feet in the air to a crane, and hooks Andromon with it.
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Of note, Dub Andromon keeps demanding vengeance, presumably for Agumon banging on his head. This is not in the original, where he's a mostly-silent stalker except when he's firing his Spiral Sword or analyzing the kids. His Gear-corrupted systems label them intruders when we see things from his perspective, so he's trying to kill them based on that.
Dubs back in the day would often add dialogue just to fill space, on the assumption that kids would get bored if they go too long without hearing spoken words. So instead of a silent Terminator type marching through halls, we get cries of "ANDROMON WILL HAVE HIS VENGEANCE" whenever the camera's not on his face so you don't notice his lips aren't moving.
Up on the roof, Yamato, Mimi, and Takeru discuss what they've learned. Yamato lays it all out: The factory is a perpetual machine, disassembling the thing whatever it is for parts it can use to assemble the thing which it then disassembles for parts. Nothing is actually produced. This entire complex exists to make nothing.
The dub kids get the gist of this, though Matt's less confident than Yamato in his assessment. They also again suggest that they're trapped here which... is based on nothing? T.K. nervously says, "I hope there's a door," but Matt firmly states that there's no door because nothing ever leaves this place.
(Matt. My guy. There's a door. It's the one you came in through. We are not trapped in the factory; We're voluntarily poking around at stuff to learn what's what. Nobody is in any peril that they know of except Taichi's group.)
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While Koushiro rejoins Yamato's group, we get a brief cut of Andromon cutting himself loose with a Spiral Sword air blade, curved around to hit the crane wire holding him.
Koushiro explains his findings: The factory is powered by a computer program; It's coded to have energy so it does. Extrapolating outwards, this means we presently exist in a world where data and programs become real, tangible things.
In the dub, we've already been calling this Digi-World since episode 1 so Izzy ratchets up the revelation: "In Digi-World, basic data and simple information are a living, viable substance; IT'S ALIVE!!!"
Before Koushiro can explain what he means, Taichi's group arrives and screams warnings to everyone. They're too late, though; Andromon erupts through the floor, turning on Yamato's group.
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He wastes absolutely no time firing up his other signature attack to kill them with: Gatling Missiles. Yeah, Perfect-stage Digimon get two. That's not fair. This is Baby-stage Bubbles at Kuwagamon all over again.
As the group scatters, Yamato miserably fails his Big Brother check and leaves Takeru behind, frozen in terror. He realizes his mistake too late, but Gabumon evolves to Garurumon to shield Takeru from the blast. As he's evolving, the camera calls special attention to Koushiro noticing the data being output by Yamato's Digivice.
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Garurumon swipes the Missiles away, destroying one of them. But the other recovers in the air and comes back for Taichi's group, revealing what exactly makes these Gatling Missiles.
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With another shot of Koushiro noticing Taichi's Digivice glowing, Agumon evolves to Greymon to defend them from the gatling bullets. He smashes the missile with his tail. Their victory is short-lived, however, as Andromon proceeds to demonstrate the difference between Adult- and Perfect-stage Digimon.
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This is not a winnable fight. They are all fucked beyond measure.
(Even if the whole team could evolve, this would still be a very hard fight. Remember that time the entire team of Child-stage Digimon tried to fight Kuwagamon and lost? Yeah. You really gotta party up if you want to take on a higher-stage Digimon.)
The kids watch in horror as Andromon easily takes Greymon and Garurumon apart. Yamato and Sora both chime in, acknowledging that they get what the whole "evolved at a stage beyond Greymon" thing from earlier means. He's so much stronger and faster than their guys; This fight is hopeless.
The dub didn't have that conversation earlier, so Sora has to offer this up as speculation. Dub Sora pegs his strength to being all-machine but adds, "It's almost like he's Digivolved far beyond the other Digimon!" Yeah. Almost like.
Out of desperation, Tentomon asks Koushiro to fire up that program he was looking at earlier. Koushiro acquiesces, firing it up and filling Tentomon with a surge of energy just like last time. But this time they let it go and don't resist it.
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Tentomon evolves into Kabuterimon, named for kabutomushi, the rhinoceros beetle. His arrival does little to change the tide of battle. Perfect-stage gonna Perfect, y'all.
Jou frantically wonders aloud if Andromon has any weaknesses, which gets Koushiro thinking. Scrutinizing Andromon carefully, he notices energy sparking out of his organic right leg and yells at Kabuterimon to focus fire on that.
The dub seems a little confused on this note; Izzy yells at Kabuterimon to "Cut his power! Demobilize his right leg and we'll interrupt his energy source!" which is making a lot of (wrong) assumptions about why we're shooting at his leg. Koushiro just says to shoot the leg and doesn't explain why.
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Kabuterimon opens fire with his signature move, Mega Blaster. The dub calls this Electro Shocker.
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Kabuterimon's shot hits home. It does jack shit to Andromon but it obliterates the Black Gear inside his leg, which forcibly emerges and flies into the air to explode like with Meramon. Instead of bursting into a cloud of smoke, however, we get to watch it disintegrate like a Final Fantasy monster.
With Andromon now liberated from the Black Gear, he unpacks what happened. He found the Gear stuck in the machinery of the factory and was trying to get it out when he got trapped like that. He doesn't actually know what it is or what happened any more than the kids do.
He's apologetic for what he did under its corruption and wishes he had more information for them, but he doesn't. He does, however, have a suggestion for how they should leave the factory, which may be where the dub got the idea that they're trapped here. He advises them to go through the sewers.
Dub Andromon skips the explanation and goes straight to apologizing. Though he still says he has little information for them and suggests using the "underground waterway" to "escape" from here. He also calls it a "labyrinth", which the original does not.
Andromon wishes them luck in returning to their world, which is now officially what we're calling it. Dub Tai promises to never forget Andromon. Then the kids make their way into the sewers.
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As they're walking, Takeru strikes up conversation with Koushiro. He wants to know if the program Koushiro used to evolve Tentomon would work for Patamon as well. Dub T.K. has the same question but refers to evolving as "becoming a superhero".
Koushiro agrees to give it a try, but as he's typing, his laptop suddenly loses power. Taichi and Agumon both want to hit it, forcing Koushiro to comically protect his laptop from these two lunkheads.
As Taichi and Agumon comically hit each other, we close the episode on the group laughing at them. The narrator chimes in to foreshadow that Koushiro's laptop will be the key to solving the secrets of the world.
The dub's been having the characters narrate instead, but they don't even bother with this line. They just cut it outright. That's fair; It's kind of unnecessary.
Assessment: As a character-focus episode, this one works really well for Koushiro. The emphasis of the episode is on learning and information-gathering. We found something interesting so we start poking around to figure out what we can about File Island.
So far, each episode has focused on a particular trait of a character that's going to become important later down the road. For Koushiro, it's his intelligence and curiosity that not only drives his discoveries but fuels his Digimon's evolution.
This is a big episode for discovering the lore and understanding the mechanics of the Digital World, as befits a Koushiro episode. I particularly like the choice of a Perfect-stage Digimon for their adversary, forcing them into a situation where Koushiro has to solve the puzzle rather than defeat the bad guy.
The dub quality here is... serviceable. There's some lateral changes that just come across as different presentation choices, such as having Tai announce himself to the others more directly when he leaves the group. Also, some of the tension-relieving jokes they added got me, especially Mimi's "didn't pay the power bill" crack.
But there's definitely some changes I wouldn't have made. Cutting out the explanation that Andromon's evolved beyond the levels of Greymon and Garurumon confuses the matter of why they can't beat him. As a kid, I remember legitimately thinking that metal Digimon are just automatically the strongest because of this episode.
Also, they're still erasing Jou's character direction: To find humans so they can take us in and get us home. This leaves him with little to do but provide comic relief.
Nonetheless, the main character arc between Izzy and Tentomon mostly lands, even if they go a little too hard on Tentomon's disagreement with Izzy's way of life.
The dub version is a little lesser for the choices that they made, but not by too much, I think. It still hits most of the important beats and delivers the story it needed to tell, and that's what matters most.
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bagerfluff · 2 months
Maybe Prom Isn't So Bad
Older Izumi Koushirou x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Prom
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“No Taichi. I’m not going to prom”, Koushiro said.
This was the fifth time Koushiro’s said it and if he has to say it again Koushiro is going to hit Taichi over the head. As you may have guessed tonight was the most valued and anticipated night of a high schoolers life, prom.
Well, most valued and anticipated is you weren’t Koushiro. Koushiro had no plan to go to prom. Why would he? He had no date, not that it matters.
Koushiro would much rather spend time at home with his laptop. Just the thought of spending an entire night with people with bright lights and drunk kids made Koushiro shiver.
So no, Koushiro had no plan to go to prom.
But Taichi had other plans. He wanted Koushiro to go, why, because apparently Koushiro couldn’t ‘stay at home during this monumental moment’. Koushiro thought he could.
Nothing really important happened during prom. That’s what Koushiro’s data said. Nothing was going to happen and the things that happened weren’t going to be anything more than laughs in the future.
It’s not like you met a life partner during prom.
But no matter how many times Koushiro said no, Taichi kept trying to convince Koushiro to go. Taichi had a habit of putting his mind to something and never stopping till he dies trying or it works.
That was something Koushiro admired about Taichi, just not right now. ‘“Come one Kou, what's the worst that could happen?” Taichi asked from his position on Koushiro’s bed.
Taichi was laying on Koushiro’s bed with a fake sad smile that Koushiro couldn’t see because his gaze was on his laptop. Taichi got up from laying to sit crisscrossed in the middle of Koushiro’s bed.
“Come on Koushiro, everyone's going to be there” “Why does that mean I have to be there”, Koushiro countered. It wasn’t like the team didn’t meet every Friday to hang out.
“Because it will be fun to hang out”, Taichi was whining now. “But we did that yesterday. Yesterday was Friday. And since there was no school that means Koushiro could spend the entire day on his laptop.
A perfect day if you ask Koushiro.
“Maybe if you go you’ll see Y/n”, Taichi teased. Koushiro blushed but he refused to let Taichi see that. Who was Y/n? They were a student in Koushiro’s home room.
They talked everyday and Koushiro liked talking to them. They were one of the few people to listen when Koushiro started rambling. They were pretty too. That’s how Koushiro developed a crush on Y/n.
How Taichi found out was a mystery, but Koushiro didn’t like it. Just the thought of seeing Y/n made Koushiro’s heart thump in his chest. Y/n were kind, funny, pretty, and confident.
Also all of the things Koushiro wasn’t
Koushiro now wanted to say yes, but that was illogical. There was no way to find out if Y/n was going to the prom. “There is no way to know if Y/n is going”, Koushiro said as he got back to typing on his laptop.
He hadn’t even realized he had stopped when Taichi mentioned Y/n. “You could ask them”, Taichi asked in that stupid teasing voice. No. That was stupid. Koushiro couldn’t and wouldn’t ask Y/n.
That would look weird. Plus, why would it matter if Y/n was going to prom. It’s not like anything would happen. Plus if something did happen it would make things awkward when Koushiro saw Y/n on Monday.
So no, “I’m not going”, Koushiro thought and said.
Taichi sighed and got up off Koushiro’s bed. “Well I have to leave, but at least think about it. It starts at nine so if you are going make sure to get a suit or something”, Taichi said before leaving.
The last thing Koushiro heard was Taichi closing Koushiro’s door. Koushiro sighed, finally, Koushiro could work in peace. But when Koushiro looked at his screen he found he couldn’t focus.
He kept thinking about the prom and Y/n. Koushiro let out a groan and smacked his head on his desk.
Guess Koushiro was going to have to find a suit.
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“Omg yes I’ll help you”, Mimi yelled and Koushiro wished she didn’t.
Koushiro didn’t need the world knowing he was going to prom. After Taichi left, Koushiro found that he couldn’t stop thinking about prom. So Koushiro decided that he was going to go, but he was going to leave if anything didn’t happen.
Which means Koushiro was going to leave within the first hour. But Koushiro didn’t have any suits or something, as Taichi said. So Koushiro thought about who could help him.
He didn’t want his mother or father knowing that would be a problem. Koushiro couldn’t do it, no way, talking to the store clerks got Koushiro nervous. So Koushiro went to his friends, and that led him to Mimi, and that led to Koushiro standing outside a suit store or something with Mimi.
“Just leave it to me”, Mimi said with a grin that scared Koushiro. Mimi then grabbed Koushiro’s hand and started dragging Koushiro though the store. Koushiro could only notice a few things as he was dragged at the speed of light.
There weren’t many people in the store. Most of them were around Koushiro’s age. Koushiro knew that they were also shopping for prom stuff.
This store sold just about anything a teenager needed for any formal gathering. Dresses, makeup, shoes, and suits. When Mimi finally stopped, she and Koushiro were standing in front of a bunch of suits.
Everywhere Koushiro looked there were suits.
They looked different from each other. Each suit had a different look, one or two things that made them different from the other. It all made Koushiro nervous. Koushiro felt his palms sweat and his face got a little red.
Mimi dropped Koushiro’s hand and started looking through suits. It was all still a little much from Koushiro. He was thinking about seeing Y/n in whatever they were wearing.
And Y/n seeing Koushiro in what he was wearing. Koushiro’s face got more red. This was all too much. Koushiro wanted to leave, this was a bad idea. Koushiro should just go home and go on his laptop.
And maybe make Mimi promise not to tell the others about this. Koushiro turned around and tried to walk out. Koushiro felt something touch his shoulder.
Koushiro didn’t have any time to do anything before he was turned around and a suit was pressed in front of him. Mimi was looking at Koushiro and the suit with a quizzical look on her face.
It made Koushiro more nervous.
Koushiro couldn’t see the suit that well, but from what he did see, he didn’t like it. It was too formal. Koushiro preferred more comfortable clothes, clothes that flow.
Koushiro knew that would be a problem. “Nope!” Mimi yelled again, catching the attention of more people. That just made Koushiro's hand sweat more.
Mimi put the suit back on the rack and went back to looking through them. Koushiro sighed and glanced to the left. That’s when something caught Koushiro’s attention.
It was a suit, obviously.
But what really caught Koushiro’s attached was the vest that was on the suit. It had a V cut that was showing off a tie. One side was folded over the other and the side that was folded over was cut to kinda look like a triangle.
There were four pockets. Two on one side, two on the other. One was placed near the top and the other was near the bottom. Each side looked the same as the other.
The vest was a dark red, a maroon red if Koushiro was remembering correctly. The dress shirt under it was white and the tie was black. Koushiro liked it. Koushiro liked this vest.
Koushiro walked over to it and stood in front of it. Koushiro heard Mimi make a sound of confusion when she realized Koushiro wasn’t there. But she found Koushiro and walked over to him.
Koushiro felt Mimi look over his shoulder at the vest. Mimi gasped and reached over to take the vest off the rack. Mimi pulled it to her and put a hand on Koushiro’s shoulder so she could turn Koushiro around.
Mimi pressed the suit to Koushiro’s chest and this time Koushiro was a little happy about it. After a few seconds of staring at Koushiro and the vest Mimi looked up at Koushiro and smiled. “It’s perfect”, she yelled. Koushiro didn’t mind that she yelled, he smiled.
Maybe prom was going to be fun.
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This was a bad idea.
Koushiro was standing outside the school and nine ten. Koushiro was kinda looking forward to this after he got his suit. Koushiro was wearing it and Mimi was right, it did look good on him.
Koushiro knew why he was here, he really wanted to see Y/n. That made Koushiro’s face go red, he started fidgeting with his bowtie. But what was Koushiro going to do when he saw Y/n?
It’s not like Y/n or Koushiro would confess. Koushiro didn’t even know if Y/n liked him. Oh how did Taichi talk him into this? “Koushiro!” Speaking of Taichi.
Koushiro turned around and looked at Taichi. He was walking towards Koushiro with Yamato by his side. Taichi had a big smile on his face while Yamato had a small one.
Once Taichi reached Koushiro he wrapped his arm around Koushiro’s shoulder and continued walking into the school. Dragging Koushiro into it against his will.
Yamato said nothing and Taichi said everything. “So you did come, I knew you would after I mentioned Y/n”, Taichi whispered the last part and Koushiro was glad for it.
Koushiro blushed more but he was thankful for the fact that the school was dark. They were using the gym as the spot for the dance. Everything was dark, except for the lights on the walls and roof.
They were dim and colorful, but they gave Koushiro a little headache. Koushiro could barely see anything but he saw the crowd of teens. They were dancing to the music that played in the background.
Koushiro didn’t know the song but he didn’t really like it. Koushiro looked around. There were tables on the right and a table full of drinks and food on the left.
The long table with the food and drinks had some teachers standing there giving out food and drinks. There to hand out stuff and to make sure kids don’t spike the drinks.
Koushiro might not go out much but he has watched TV. That was really it for the prom. Koushiro still had no idea why people found this ‘cool’ or ‘amazing’.
Taichi patted Koushiro on the back, “Hope you find them”, Taichi said before leaving. Koushiro glared as Taichi left. Koushiro stood there for a good few seconds before deciding to sit at one of the tables.
The tables were small circles, only a few chairs. Koushiro didn’t mind, he sat and placed his head in his hands. Then Koushiro did what he always did, he watched people from the corner.
It was boring, Koushiro wanted to leave.
His friends found him a few times. They talked to him for a bit before leaving. Koushiro was mostly daydreaming, was it daydreaming if it was night, or was it still daydreaming since you weren’t asleep?
“Never thought I’d see you here Izumi”, Koushiro looked to his left to see Y/n standing. You had on a normal suit, but you looked perfect.
With a small smile on your face and confidence radiating off you as you walked to Koushiro. Koushiro had to look away so you didn’t see his blush.
“Well I am”, Koushiro said. You sat down in a chair, “Looks like you’d rather be anywhere else than here”, you said. Koushiro nodded. You were right, but Koushiro couldn’t leave. Koushiro had found you, or more like you found him.
But still, it wasn’t like Koushiro was going to do anything. “Come on”, you got up and stuck your hand out to Koushiro, “I know the perfect place”. Koushiro looked at your hand.
Were you asking him out? Did you like him? What was happening? Was Koushiro thinking too much about this? You let out a laugh. “You're thinking too much Koushiro. Just come on. I know you want to leave”, Koushiro grabbed your hand.
His palm immediately started sweating. You started walking out of the school and Koushiro followed you. The stars and moon were out and it looked beautiful.
It was more peaceful outside and Koushiro immediately kept better. His headache was going away and he relaxed, despite the fact that you were still holding your hand. You took him to the beach, or near the beach.
You took him to a walkway that stood near the beach. There was a railing that allowed you to look at the beach and the sea. You stood and leaned against the railing and let go of Koushiro's hand.
Koushiro felt sad that you let go, then he felt awkward that he felt sad. You looked out on the sea and Koushiro did the same. The sea moved with the moon and the wind moved with the sea.
It was much better than the prom.
“So why did you go?” You asked. Koushiro looked confused at you. You looked at Koushiro, “You didn’t like the prom, so why did you go?”
Koushiro looked away and blushed. It seemed like the blush never left Koushiro's face since he got here. “I wanted to see you”, Koushiro whispered the last part.
You smiled and moved closer to Koushiro, “What was that darling”, Koushiro looked at you with side eyes and an even deeper blush.
Koushiro was sure that he matched his vest by now. “I wanted to see you”, Koushiro whispered but you heard it this time. You smiled, “go thing I wanted to see you too, how about a date tomorrow”, Koushiro smiled.
“Yeah”, Koushiro stuttered. You laughed, “You're cute when you blush Kou”, Koushiro blushed again. Koushiro looked back at the sea. Koushiro felt your hand on top of his.
Maybe prom isn’t so bad.
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dutchforstrangers · 7 months
Suit and tieTai - Taiora one-shot
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 4
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: Another WIP that finally sees the light of day. Because I will never get tired of making these two oblivious dorks kiss for the first time in every universe possible.
Summary: It was one simple kiss that turned their ignorance into awareness of what had already been there the entire time...
Day 4: First kiss | Characters: Taichi Yagami (POV) x Sora Takenouchi | Genre: Subconscious blooming romance | Rating: K+ | Wordcount: 1.344
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7:47am. When he woke up this morning, he had told himself he would start early, so he was sure to leave Hikari and Sora’s apartment on time for a change. But it had already been eight whole minutes since he had started fighting the tie around his neck in front of the mirror.  
Frustrated with himself and that stupid string of fabric around his neck, Taichi growled. “I have this very important meeting at work I cannot mess up,” he said to no one in particular.
“You good?”
The female voice came from the kitchen and belonged to Sora, since Hikari had already left the house for her internship at the kindergarten. From the corner of his eyes, Taichi could see her peeking.
“Yes.” Taichi said, but didn’t sound to convincing. He decided to switch his answer. “No. This tie, I swear, these should be forbidden!”
Sora grinned, with her elbows she nonchalantly leant on the kitchen counter. “You’d think as someone working in suit and tie every day, you’re good at tying it by now.” She teased him.
“Except I’m not.” He was fully aware of his tone sounding annoyed. And he was, because somewhere deep down in him, he knew he would always struggle with it. “And never will be. Sor, can you help me one more time, please?”
He definitely needed her help. Like he had needed it all the other times he had stayed over these past couple of weeks.
Sora chuckled as she made her way over to him. “Come here.”
“Good thing I’m staying over.”
“You’re practically living here by now,” Sora joked while her hands prepared the two sides of the tie around his neck for the actual tying. Her eyes fixated on the accessory.
Sora’s joke was one with truth though. The girls’ apartment was closer to Taichi’s work than the loft where he lived with the three boys, plus, it had a more cozy atmosphere compared to the messy boys’ energy. He had lived with Yamato, Koushiro and Jyou during his entire time at university, but now that Taichi had started working, he was ready to go a different direction regarding his living space.
“I don’t want to be near Yamato and my cousin getting it on constantly.” Which was another big reason why he wasn’t at home right. He watched a blush forming on Sora’s cheeks, her hands still working on his tie, softly and with care.
“Too much information,” she said. “How about Koushiro-kun and Jyou-senpai?”
“Ugh, Jyou’s never at home, either in the hospital or with his girlfriend, and Koushiro is busy most of the time, hidden behind his desk and wall of computers. Different from me, the boy is resistant to Yamato and all of his bedroom shenanigans.”
Sora laughed. She spent a lot of time with Koushiro, her being one of those rare friends who could talk to him without any form of technology between them, and she was very much aware of Koushiro’s ability of radiating the ‘I’m not giving a shit’ energy.
“Please,” was Taichi’s answer.
He wasn’t jealous, it was just him being ready for a change of pace. And so he found himself crashing on the girls’ couch quite a few days per week. He had to admit though, it also came in very handy that Hikari or Sora –but mostly Sora—were always available to help him out with his daily outfit struggles. 
Maybe he was in need of a life partner to settle down with, who could match his changed needs and wants, Taichi thought to himself, knowing he couldn’t keep crashing the girls’ couch forever.
“I much rather stay here with my lovely little sister and incredible friend who is—”
Sora patted his chest lightly and Taichi shifted his attention towards her hands after returning from his thoughts.
“… great at tying your ties.” Sora finished for him. Her feminine fingers worked their magic once more and a perfectly knotted tie hung loosely around his neck. She carefully adjusted his collar and the tie itself, making it look sharp. “There, you’re all set.”
The softness and collected happiness in her voice made Taichi smile. He showed her his signature grin before turning himself to the mirror to look at himself. Behind him he saw Sora look at him too and his own heart weirdly skipped a beat.
“Thanks,” he quickly said to cover himself, still genuinely happy with Sora’s fashion knowledge and friendly help. He walked past her to get to his jacket and coat.
“Oh! There’s this dinner thing at my place tonight, will you be there too?” Taichi remembered as he put the jacket and coat on.
“Sure will be,” Sora answered while on her way back to the kitchen. Again, he felt a bolt of luck going through his body and warming his chest.
“Great! Looking forward to it.” He hastily slid into his shoes, his eyes checking out the time on the watch around his wrist. “Shit! Okay, gotta rush, see you toni—”
“Wait! Not yet.” Sora shouted from the kitchen. Taichi already had the door opened, doorknob in his hand, as he turned his head around to see Sora crossing the small living room towards in a rushed pace. In her hand she held his lunchbox and he instantly remembered it was what he not only forgot to grab, but forgot to prep and pack as well…
“You left this,” she said it as if he hadn’t seen what she was bringing him. He took the box from her, immediately feeling it wasn’t empty, meaning she had not only noticed he forgot, but had actually prepped and packed it for him. The heat from his chest slowly rose to his cheeks. “Have a good day at work.”
She smiled at him with her kindest and most genuine smile. It made him smile in return and for just the briefest of moments, time stood still.
“Thank you, you too,” he said, suddenly realizing he was in a hurry. With the lack of air between the two of them, he swiftly close the gap and planted a quick kiss on her lip—
He did what? When— how?
Time seemed to stand still once more.
“Erm… sorry,” Sora spoke first, face completely red, chest high from all the gathered air inside of it. “That wasn’t supposed to happen…”
Taichi shook his head, with that trying to get him out of his daze. “Right… So much for all the accusations of us looking like a married couple huh?” He joked, automatically resolving to comedy to cover up his own redness.  
“Y-yeah, hehe…” Sora nodded as one hand moved itself nervously to her lips, her fingers touching the spot where he had pecked her like a husband kissing his spouse goodbye for the day.
Even though he had been unaware of his own feelings at first, apparently, his body had known what to do. The kiss blissfully happened by itself, showcasing both him and her what sparks had been exchanged. Not only during the time spent in this apartment together, but during their entire life by now.
It occurred to him that, rather than searching for someone to settle down with, perhaps he had already found that someone. Sleeping underneath the same roof, she tying his ties, bickering like only lovers could.
That it was just one simple kiss turning the ignorance into awareness.
The smile on his face grew bigger. As much as Taichi wanted to stay, especially now –to reflect a bit longer, to talk about his newfound excitement— he had to run.
“See you tonight, Sora.” Taichi said emphasizing her name as he took off.
He looked over his shoulder one more time, just to be met with the view of Sora waving him goodbye like they had indeed been married forever. To that, Taichi snickered to himself, in his securing Sora would be the one to untie his tie at the end of at least today.
Perhaps he could even steal another kiss from her…
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avazans · 9 months
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-Don't you feel cold anymore? - a somewhat affectionate blonde asks his fiancée
-No, thanks for lending me your jacket, it fits me better than it does on you - Mimi responds, somewhat honeyed by Yamato's affection.
He heard the honeyed voices of his boss and her partner that he didn't know he had. He had started working at the Tachikawa company two months ago, especially for the granddaughter of said company. At that time he thought she was single and when she asked him to go out to the park he innocently believed that it was going to be some kind of date between the two. because he had fallen in love with her, she was very attentive and fun although she always played with him to make him nervous, he even thought she was flirting with him but the reality was different or he just had silly illusions because of the affection his boss showed him.
When they arrived at the park and the weather was all gray, it seemed like something romantic, like in the novels where they declare their love and kiss in the rain, but when she saw a blonde approaching, she thought it was someone who wanted to assault them because of the outfit they were wearing. He had, to the redhead's surprise, his boss ran after him to give him a kiss, which he reciprocated.
After their eternal kiss and witnessing the entire scene the couple decided to sit on a bench, they decided to first talk about how much they missed each other; and the? Well, listening to the conversation where he found out that they had met again a long time ago because he couldn't handle the astrophysics postgraduate degree that he was about to finish - appearances can be deceiving - the redhead thinks and that's where it starts to rain, instinctively he takes out the umbrella to protect his boss and the blonde took off his jacket to protect her from the cold that was beginning, the only thing Koushiro could do was wait for the rain to calm down or for the couple sitting there to decide to end their meeting.
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sloanerisette · 6 months
Digimon Secret Santa 2023 Gift!
So I was @bacomon-art-blog's Secret Santa! I know how much you love Iori and Jou, so I wanted to write something with them for you! I hope you have a merry Christmas, and I hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this and a ton of fun coming up with this fic!
For some reason, Iori felt a bit out of his depth for this celebration. According to Takeru and Hikari, August 1st was a big day for the original eight Chosen Children, being the day that they went to the Digital World and came back. As a result, the eight Chosen Children were joined by him, Miyako, and Daisuke to celebrate. They were Chosen Children now, so they had been welcomed wholeheartedly in the group. But while Miyako was quick to find friendship with Sora and Mimi thanks to her exuberant nature, and Daisuke had already been close with Taichi and had recently become closer with Yamato after a he received the Digimental of Friendship, Iori felt… well, a bit out of place.
It wasn’t that he felt unwelcome by any means, but it was a bit different. Everyone was so much older than him, and compared to the other new Chosen Children, he felt he hadn’t gotten nearly that close to any of his seniors. His own Digimentals were Knowledge and Reliability, and while he greatly respected both Koushiro and Jou, his relationship with them wasn’t nearly as close as Miyako was with Mimi or Daisuke was with Taichi.
Still, he was grateful to come along. The heat wasn’t too bad, they had a picnic together, and he had been enthralled by all the stories of that first trip the others took into the Digital World. He couldn’t imagine the idea of being stuck there for so long… it merely made his respect for them all grow so much more. Every so often that day he looked down at Upamon, each time with a fond, if small smile. He and his Digimon partner had already become incredibly close friends, and Upamon had done plenty to get him to lighten up just a bit more than usual. All he could hope was that their bond would continue to grow and grow.
By the mid-afternoon, the humidity had grown quite a bit, and Iori found himself needing to fan himself a bit more.
He snapped from yet another bout of thoughts about what being a Chosen Child meant and he looked up to see Jou offering him a bottle of water. He blinked.
“Ah, thank you, Jou-san,” he said with a bow of his head before taking it.
“I’m surprised the summer hasn’t been rougher,” Jou said as he cracked open his own bottle and took a long drink. Iori opened his bottle and offered some to Upamon before taking a sip himself.
The group of Chosen Children had split up a bit, with all of them splitting up into their own small groups. Miyako had dragged Hikari over to Mimi and Sora, while Daisuke was listening to Taichi and Koushiro, and Yamato and Takeru were standing next to each other, laughing about something one of them said.
“Don’t worry, I made sure to pass water out to everyone else. You just seemed to be in such thought I didn’t want to interrupt you, but considering everyone else got their own by now, I hope you don’t mind,” Jou said lightly. Iori shook his head.
“No, I appreciate it, thank you.”
Things stayed quiet between the two as they sat down on a bench, watching their friends socialize. It was nice to spend some quiet time, but with the oldest of their group there, Iori couldn’t help himself.
“Jou-san, do you mind if I ask a question?” he asked, voice serious as ever. Jou’s eyebrows raised and he let out a gentle chuckle.
“Of course, fire away.”
Compared to the few times he had seen Jou in the Digital World, he seemed a lot more easygoing now. Well, not necessarily easygoing, considering this was the guy who had made sure everyone was staying hydrated on a warm summer day, but he definitely wasn’t as stressed as he was making sure their friends didn’t die or in helping temporarily stop the Digimon Kaiser.
And, really, there were some questions that Iori floated in his mind. Even if Taichi had been the leader in Jou’s group and Daiuske was the leader in theirs, he still wanted to do his best to help out. Frankly, out of all the people to ask, from what he knew and the stories he was told, Jou was the only person to really ask.
“How did you do it?” he asked. Jou blinked and tilted his head.
“Do what?” he asked as Iori gave Upamon another drink of water.
“Keep them all under control,” Iori said simply, before taking another gulp for himself. Jou scratched his cheek and grimaced.
“Ah, well… that was more Taichi’s job than mind…” he trailed off.
“I understand that, but you were the oldest one. Your crest is Reliability, and I share that too through my Digimental. Mimi talking about how you stayed with her to make sure she stayed safe when you went back to the Digital World a second time, the story about making sure Taichi didn’t get in over his head while trying to rescue Sora, making sure Takeru didn’t get hurt… even if you didn’t lead the group, you still did everything you could to keep everyone safe.”
Jou placed his hand to his chin and hummed quietly, in deep thought. Iori focused his attention on him, waiting for what he had to say. He wanted to do his best to keep everyone safe with how dangerous the Digimon Kaiser was dangerous. Ever since they had to fight Metalgreymon, it felt like the stakes were being raised more and more. It wouldn’t be easy, and they needed to do all they could. Iori had to keep an eye out and make sure they all stayed safe. He wouldn’t let anything happen to any of his friends.
“Well, to be honest with you, Iori… I think a lot of it happened by accident,” he said with an awkward laugh. Iori’s jaw dropped.
At his bewildered expression, Jou waved his hands and shook his head.
“No no no, don’t get me wrong! I worked as hard as I could to keep everyone safe, even if Taichi took the lead of the group,” he said. He paused again and pursed his lips, trying to best figure out how to better word what he meant to say.
“A lot of our group is pretty impulsive. Sora-kun and Koushiro are probably the only others who could keep as much of a level head, and there were plenty of times where I still needed to do what I could to help them out, too. Working with a lot of people isn’t always easy, especially when a lot of them are so headstrong.”
Iori glanced over at Daisuke and then to Miyako. He could definitely understand that pretty well.
“In a way, you sort of have to be an anchor for your group.”
The anchor for the group…
Iori had a hard time thinking of himself that way. While he had been raised with a good head on his shoulders thanks to his family, being the “anchor” felt like something else entirely.
Jou set a gentle hand on Iori’s shoulder, his own gaze having followed towards Iori’s friends.
“Daisuke and Miyako-kun are both pretty energetic, aren’t they,” he mused with a soft chuckle, “They really are like Taichi and Mimi-kun.”
“Jou-san, you really think I could be the anchor to our group?” he asked. He always appreciated the advice, help, and knowledge he received from Koushiro-san, and the few times Jou-san had offered it had been a boon, too. He still thought about what he had said when he needed to call on him in order to help save the group.
“I wouldn’t say think, I would say I’m sure you could be,” Jou said, offering Iori a smile. To Jou, it was almost funny how different the two were. Here Iori had taken helping out the Digital World in stride, doing everything he could in order to help fight against the Digimon Kaiser, while Jou had been so anxious and hesitant during his first trip there. Granted, they were in completely different situations, but he was always impressed by the boy’s convictions and strength.
“Takeru and Hikari-kun may have the experience from being in the Digital World with the rest of us, but you have an incredibly level head. You know when to take action and you focus on the right thing to do.”
Hearing Jou-san say that… really did mean a lot. It wasn’t always easy being the youngest, but…
“Thank you, Jou-san. Going against the Digimon Kaiser hasn’t been easy. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a battle we can entirely win,” Iori frowned. He wrung his hands together as he watched the others. He didn’t want to see them get hurt. He still thought about how his friends had nearly died, had a few nightmares about it. If it wasn’t for him being able to get Jou-san, then…
“I know we can’t help you all out too much, but we’ll always do what we can. You’ll always have our support.”
Upamon looked up at Iori, with that same adorable smile that he always held. It brought warmth to his chest, and enough relief to cause the knot that had slowly been forming in his stomach to unwind.
“Iori,” Upamon squeaked, “If I get what Jou is saying, then I know you do that for me, too!”
Jou smiled in silence as he watched the the pair.
“You always help me out! And if it wasn’t for you, there’s plenty of times I would’ve had way more of your mom’s food than I should!” Upamon said as he wiggled in his place.
And there were a lot of times that he had gotten seconds (and thirds) to give to his partner after a long day in the Digital World.
“Sounds a lot like a seal I know,” Jou said, before pausing for a beat, “Well… a lot less sarcastically than said seal, at least,” he said before adjusting his glasses.
“Thanks. Both of you,” Iori nodded as he held Upamon a little closer. “I hope one day I can be as close with Upamon as you are with Gomamon.”
Jou set a reassuring hand on Iori’s shoulder, patting it a few times before he reached for his bottle of water and took another drink.
“I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about on that front. You two are just as much anchors for each other as Gomamon and I are for each other.”
“Hey, Iori!” Miyako shouted out with an exaggerated wave, “Get over here! Daisuke is buying us ice cream!”
“What!? I didn’t say I was gonna do that!” he shouted, his voice booming through the park.
“Sounds like you have to now!” Takeru said, his laughter mingling with Daisuke’s continued cries of refusal.
“B-But I was talking to—” Iori started, but was stopped by another hand on his shoulder again.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m sure I can find someone to talk to,” Jou said, mirth clear in his voice as he nodded towards his group.
“And I want to get ice cream, too!” Upamon said.
“Hey, wait! If I start buying ice cream for all you guys I’m gonna be broke!” Daisuke shouted.
“Oh! I want ice cream, too!” Chibimon squeaked out happily as he danced around his partner’s feet.
“Me, too!” Patamon said as he flew in circles.
The two stood up and started to walk forward. “Thanks for all of your advice today, Jou-san. It’s really helped me out.” Iori stopped in place and offered his senior a half bow.
Jou smiled, “I’m happy to help.”
“Hey! If you don’t hurry up then you and Upamon aren’t getting any ice cream!” Daisuke shouted over to them.
“Iori come on!” Upamon said, nearly flying from the boy’s arms to secure his frozen treat.
“Oh, and Iori? I think you’re already on the right track to being the anchor for your group,” Jou said, shooting the younger boy a thumbs up before heading over to talk to Mimi and Koushiro.
“Fiiiiiiiinally,” Daisuke said, putting his hands behind his head as Iori approached, Upamon practically buzzing in Iori’s arms as his little eyes darted around to try and find ice cream.
“I thought we were gonna have to leave ya behind,” Daisuke grinned. Miyako flicked his ear, leading to him shouting “Ow!” and rubbing his ear with a grumble.
“He wasn’t going to leave, I wouldn’t let him,” she said as she folded her arms. It caused Hikari to laugh, putting a hand in front of her mouth to cover it.
“Iori, Iori, how many ice creams can I get?” Upamon asked as he finally popped out of his partner’s arms, bouncing on the ground with Chibimon.
“Just one!” Daisuke said with a huff, pouting out his lower lip, “I’m not made of money.” Despite his grumbling, he couldn’t help the way the edge of his mouth turned upwards into a half grin before he led the charge towards a small convenience store, the rest of the group following close behind.
Despite the fact that Upamon ended up having an extra half a popsicle after begging Iori for some more, the tiny Digimon still ended up scarfing down a whole plate of food he had taken to his room after dinner. Iori watched with a mix of wonder and terror as the Digimon chowed down face first on a large pile of rice.
“You know, I still can’t help but wonder how many stomachs you have.”
“I dunno but not enough! I’m still hungry!” Upamon said between bites.
Iori smiled to himself as he leaned back in his chair. His partner was certainly something else. Not that he would ever complain.
“Hey, Upamon?” Iori asked after a few minutes. Upamon looked over at him, chewing on a piece of fish. Iori reached forward and wiped away a few grains of rice that were on his cheek.
“Yeah?” Upamon asked, finally swallowing the massive mouthful of food he had.
“We make a pretty good team, don’t we?”
“Of course we do! We make the best team ever! Ever ever!” Upamon cheered as he bounced in place. Iori chuckled gently.
“I think so, too. I’m glad and I’m grateful to be your partner.”
Upamon couldn’t stop himself from continuing to munch as he watched Iori with wide eyes and rapt attention.
“I won’t lie, I’m a little nervous about taking on the Digimon Kaiser… it won’t be an easy fight. But I want you to know I’ll always stand by you. As long as you’re able to fight, then so will I.”
Upamon suddenly launched himself into Iori’s arms, the force of which caused his chair to nearly fall backwards. Iori barely managed to get his feet planted on the floor in time while Upamon nuzzled into him. Iori grimaced as some soy sauce started to stain his shirt.
“I’ll be your anchor if you’ll be mine, Iori!”
Iori smiled, closed his eyes, held his partner tight, and gently set his forehead against the top of Upamon’s head.
“I will.”
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There are too many parts of Yamato and Sora in the official novel. I never knew where to start, so after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to continue to publish it according to the plot. In Tokyo, the parts of Yamato and Sora have increased. This part is the same as that in TV version. There are some differences, so I will post them for comparison.
There are still some small easter eggs in the adventure in the early novels. After I update all the main plots, I will talk about the small easter eggs that only belong to Sorato.
the first part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/in-fact-according-to-the-booklet-of-the-unsigned/81qlm4djfnre
the second part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/digimon-adventure-official-novel/i5ctg94gtlny
the third part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/i-will-then-post-the-official-novel-section-sora/su4ut9ay9hca
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In TV version, Sora was arrested because he participated in extracurricular football activities, and then escaped from the place with the help of his mother and Mimi, and then met Taichi and said where Yamato and Hikari were,and then Sora Just meet Yamato.
“Sora, I need to talk to you.” She wasn’t expecting her mother to be home already. “Please don’t think that I’m saying something stupid, but… Could you tell me where you were this afternoon?” She saw Birdramon. Her mother’s tone of voice wasn’t accusatory. She spoke hesitantly, as though she was unsure and confused. That only made it harder for her to find a more ideal moment to talk to her mother about Piyomon. If I knew this was going to happen, then maybe I should have brought her in with me instead of telling her to come through the window. What would be the best way for her to tell her Mom what was going on without giving her too much of a shock? Sora thought about it, but immediately got overwhelmed. She got the sense that it would be best if she told her mother everything from the top, and then had Piyomon come in at the end to meet her. “Mom… It’s kind of a long story, but will you hear me out?” Piyomon was left spending more time waiting outside the window.
The Bakemon atta cked them just when Sora had more or less described how they had gone to the Digital World, their adventures, and then had invited Piyomon to come into her room through the window. “Is this… Piyo-san?” “Pleased to meet you. I’m Piyomon.” Sora’s mother Yoshiko timidly stretched out her hand just as the door flew open behind her and Bakemon swarmed in. At first, Piyomon’s “Magical Fire” drove them back. But gradually, the number of Bakemon surging in was too great. Piyomon flew out of the window and evolved. “Piyomon, evolve! Birdramon!” The Bakemon closed in around them even as she evolved. Yoshiko pushed Sora towards the windows, then turned to face the Bakemon herself, pushing for time. “Run, Sora!” Sora clung to Birdramon’s legs, and when she turned around to look, Yoshiko was already surrounded by the Bakemon. There was no way to retrieve her from outside the window. “Mom! I’ll come back to save you, I promise!” As Yoshiko was dragged away, Sora thought that she saw her mother smile.
Hikari hid herself in its dark belly. Yamato, Gabumon, Yamato’s father Hiroaki, Sora, Piyomon, and Koushiro were also with her.
Koushiro eluded the Bakemon wandering aimlessly around the area, and followed the reactions on his digivice to reach the construction site. In turn, Taichi left Big Sight. Tentomon went alone to check their surroundings. Piyomon and Gabumon needed to rest and recover the energy that was spent on their evolutions, so he was the only one capable of moving at the moment.
When Tentomon returned, he made his report. “I didn’t see anything that looked like an exit anywhere. The fog is so thick that no one can get through. However…” Tentomon pointed directly above him. “The fog up above is thin and I could see stars. It’s pretty high up, but we might be able to get through if I evolve to AtlurKabuterimon.” But it was also highly likely that Vamdemon would spot them along the way. “Satellite communication!” Yamato’s father, Hiroaki, murmured. “We might not be able to send regular radiowaves, but if we use satellite communication, it’s possible that we can communicate with the outside.” Naturally, Fuji TV had a facility for that. The possibility of it was low, but it was worth a try. Tentomon could evolve to Perfect level and force their way out after if they had to. Hiroaki, Koushiro, and Tentomon left the construction site and snuck into Fuji TV station.
The only ones left were Hikari, Sora, Piyomon, Yamato, and Gabumon. Somewhere in the background was the sound of water dripping. A wind gently lifted up one end of the cloths covering the building under construction. Without anyone noticing, two streaks of red lightning extended through that gap. They hit Gabumon and Piyomon directly. The wind rose into a gust, blowing the cloths wide open to reveal Vamdemon waiting for them outside.
Because Zudomon was now evolved to Perfect level, Jou’s digivice unlocked the ability to detect his friends’ digivices and thus their locations. “If only I had this earlier, then I wouldn’t have had to make Takeru-kun and you two wait so much.” Jou laughed, but it didn’t work at relaxing everyone’s nerves. The digivice showed that three of their friends were in one spot, while the other three were off at a distance. “But this direction looks a little different from where we live…” Jou tilted his head in thought. The three closest dots didn’t look like they were at the condominiums, as he was expecting, but closer to Fuji TV station. Zudomon headed that way. As he did so, the three dots that were further away looked to be heading their way. One of the dots from the three closest to them broke off from the group. Jou didn’t know that the three dots at a distance were Taichi and Mimi, with Taichi holding Hikari’s digivice, while the one dot that separated was Koushiro. From the ocean, they saw a building in front of Fuji TV station that was under construction. They could see a dark, caped shape ascending from inside. “It’s Vamdemon,” Patamon said in a low voice. Luckily, Vamdemon had his back turned to them. Vamdemon disappeared at the top of Fuji TV station at the same time that Zudomon reached the shore. They also heard sounds of destruction inside the construction site. After Zudomon let Jou and the others off his back, he hurled off the cloths covering the building with one flick of his hammer. Yamato and Sora were inside. They were each holding Gabumon and Piyomon close to them. With them were a giant praying mantis, Snimon, and a dinosaur with two giant horns like those of a bull protruding out from its shoulders, Tuskmon. Snimon’s scythes easily cut through steel beams, and the power from Tuskmon’s charges could easily bulldoze Digimon of the same level. What’s more, Vamdemon’s earlier attack prevented Piyomon and Gabumon from moving, so they had no way of defending themselves. But for a Perfect level like Zudomon, they were no threat. “Hammer Spark!” Zudomon struck the Thor Hammer in his right hand at the closest steel beam. Sparks flew. The real power of Zudomon’s attack was neither from the hammer nor the destructive force that came from his arm strength. With one focused swing, the sparks that were created when both the Chrome Digizoid and his force of will combined could destroy the data composition of Digimon itself. The steel beams of the building stood in lines so close that Zudomon couldn’t slip through them, but the sparks became a dazzling striation that flew and hit Snimon and Tuskmon directly. The two of them were paralyzed, breaking down into particles in the next moment.
Yamato and Sora turned around slowly. Next to a large Digimon that they’ve never seen before was Jou, running towards them waving one arm. Takeru, Patamon, and Natsuko were there too. “Mom…” Yamato was dumbstruck. “Thank goodness we made it!” Jou said, beaming. It was Sora who recovered first. “Vamdemon has taken Hikari-chan!” Jou learned that he hadn’t made it.
In the novel version, Sora's mother was arrested at home from the very beginning, Sora fled directly at home and joined Yamato directly.
Mimi became a person fighting and facing all these things, and then Taichi came and rescued Mimi. Then it was the same plot, all protecting Hikari, but it failed. So this part is different.
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
Scrapped Himekawa Maki's parts in the dropped Hinode project.
So you know... I've said it before, with Kizuna showing the 02 group going well and being happy, I decided to drop this entire project because I was satisfied with what they had done there.
Though, I liked some parts of it and especially Himekawa Maki's "redemption" arc parts. Well, she wasn't totally "redeemed" -- Think about Ex-Aid's Dan Kuroto in this case. The idea was that she could help Daisuke and co. to solve this strange mystery connected to the parallel world from Lady of the Castle counterparts -- with them discovering that their world also had a counterpart for Pandora (the main villain of that series) and that those new villains were after said person.
Maki would just help with technical and analysis stuff -- but hey, why can't they just ask Koushiro? Well, this was ▽ compliant and the biggest traumatic experience from 2005 made Daisuke feel a little... out of himself. So he believed he was the culprit for all of the mess caused by the ▽ villains and forced himself to isolate from the others -- he would only keep contact with Ken, Miyako and Iori for some reason. No, he wasn't... angry with the other eight, but more with himself.
Anyway, here's the Maki's parts! I'll put the context for better understanding.
Ch 6 - Energetic Waves, Fauermon
It hadn’t been her end. She was pretty alive, but far away from her duties. Her partner, and by that meant her human partner, had been missing and possibly considered dead. Insanity had kept Himekawa Maki out of her job. “You… You’re not dead right?” She was glancing at a photo, her hands shaking but holding tight the portrait. “Tell me… You’re NOT dead…” She couldn’t believe in what they said to her. Not three years ago, not now. Maki was feeling an emptiness in her heart, the people she loved had left and she was alive. The Chosen Children had found her lost, after the events. Daisuke had yelled at her and had accused to tricking them. She had felt guilty… But learning that her partner had died… No, she hadn’t believed in those kids. All she had done caused that mess. It had been her fault. Once she had returned to the human world, her boss had forced her to retire. Maki hadn’t complained, and had left. Without Bakumon she had no power. BUT without Nishijima Daigo she felt incomplete. Now she was looking at that old photo of them, taken by the sweetest girl in the Chosen Children group, Kitabayashi Hitomi. “Call me.” Her eyes were fixated on the boy’s smile. “CALL ME…!!” If the price she had to pay for having Bakumon back meant Daigo’s death… … She shouldn’t have made a deal with Yggdrasil. “Himechan…!” - a voice called her, a feminine voice. The person opening the door was… “Daigo??” No, it was Hitomi. Visiting her from her day off. A woman -- with neck length black red hair and moon shaped glasses, wearing a black suit similar to the one Maki used to wear -- entered the room and frowned. “No, it’s just me.” Maki turned her head back to the photo.
Context: This was Maki's debut in the story, as well for Hitomi, who is the girl pictured in pt4 flashbacks. The one with Orochimon/Xuawumon as partner. You might remember her from this post here. Hitomi is a headcanon name for this girl.
Ch 7 - You never saw it coming
Ken was returning home when he received a message. Curiously, the Chosen of Kindness stopped nearby a store and checked his phone to see who sent him a text. He widened his eyes in shock about the sender. He didn’t expect THAT name to appear in a while, not when all of his troubles had started with her. But their exchange… What do you want? - Ichijouji I’ve been contacted by your friend, asking for my services - Himekawa I thought you had fun enough with us - Ichijouji My crimes had been paid with his death. I do not beg your pardon - Himekawa Which friend are you talking about? - Ichijouji Motomiya Daisuke, why do you ask? - Himekawa He would be the least person in this world to make a deal with you again - Ichijouji She got on Ken’s nerves. From all he had gathered about her, he couldn’t accept her help at all. Like, why would Daisuke contact her? My phone got a message from him, unless it’s a scammer - Himekawa Why did you contact me, then? - Ichijouji I need your digivice once again, to re-analyze it - Himekawa “What?!” - Ken almost broke his phone thanks to all the anger he felt - “Why would Daisuke want HER help??! Is he sane?! She was the one who tricked us in the first place!” You stole it from me to analyze it once, don’t you have the data with you? - Ichijouji The data is stored in the Bureau, and I was forced to be retired for a while - Himekawa … “Retired”? - Ichijouji You don’t need further details of my life, I’m asking for your cooperation this time - Himekawa How can I be sure you’re not going to fool us again? - Ichijouji I give you my word I won’t do anything against you or your friends - Himekawa Can he believe her?
Context: This is a follow up to the previous scene where Daisuke, Miyako, Hikari and Takeru discuss how to discover more about the digimon trying to murder Daisuke and how they can "freeze" the place during those attacks, blocking the digivice signal. Daisuke says "I can't believe I'm doing this, but we need her help this time." Note that he could've asked Koushiro, but he's still trying to not bother any of the older six and is still recovering from his own paranoiac episode. He will get better later, I promise!! But Ken is not very happy with that idea...
Not totally Maki-related, but here's the follow up of this scene with Hitomi:
A teacher had been observing Iori talking with a couple of kids and then left to talk on the phone. She, Kitabayashi Hitomi, was interested in whatever he was talking with… So she approached with caution to at least hear what he was saying. “I know, I need to pick Upamon and I can do it for you. No? Are you saying Daisuke-san contacted that woman?! Why didn’t he ask Ken-san for that information? Ah… I forgot about it… Ken-san suffered a memory loss once the Dark Seed stopped working.” He sighed, but proceeded: “No, I have nothing against her but… Is he sure we can trust her after all the things she has done to us? Is it even okay, because I do not want to remind him that she’s the one who sent us to the battlefield and probably encapsulated us once we were unconscious.” “The Chosen Children are trying to contact Himechan?” - Hitomi thought, but she decided to not call her boss. To be honest, she wanted to know more details… Perhaps asking Himechan by herself? “I see… He has some plan in mind” - Iori blinked in surprise - “I’m going to pick Upamon now, if you have more news please contact me immediately. See you there.” And he left the school. Not realizing Hitomi was around. “What would the children want with Himechan? Should I ask them?” - she wondered - “Maybe I should ask Himechan? I will keep my eyes on Hida-kun.”
In which you learn she's also an undercover teacher, but at Odaiba Jr. High School (aka Middle School) instead, as a Science teacher.
Ch 8 - Deals
If Daisuke said so, we can trust her… Not. That was what Ken thought, he was against that idea of asking Himekawa for help. But he had to, his memories about the Kaiser’s tricks and gimmicks never had returned. And knowing the Data Bureau wouldn’t let touch the analysis she did in the prior three years gave him no choices. The young kids met her after school, in her residence. There, the kids saw a few photos of Daigo, and some peculiar ones with them as children with a group formed by five kids and… five digimons?! But when… “Himekawa-san was one of the original Chosen Child” - Miyako explained to Takeru and Hikari - “That’s how she gained Daisuke’s trust.” “Why didn’t she tell us before?” - Hikari was in shock - “Does it mean Nishijima-san was one too?” “Yeah, he too” - Daisuke answered her - “I guess we know by the photos who were their digimon partners.” Most of them had Bakumon, some of them had the other digimon and their partners: A Muchomon with a chubby boy, a Guilmon for a sporty boy and a Kamemon for a girl with glasses. Daigo’s partner was a Bearmon and they were present in the group’s photo. Iori realized the girl with glasses looked like a teacher from Odaiba Junior High. Daisuke, Miyako, Hikari and Takeru too, since they had seen her when they attended the school three years ago. “Kitabayashi-sensei was a Chosen Child too?” - they said in unison. “Ah, you’re here” - Maki received them, and they glanced at her - “Oh…” - she realized they were looking at the photos - “I apologize for not telling you kids before, it was confidential information.” “Confidential?” - they repeated. “In the time we all were recruited, we were forced to not contact the new Chosen Children. Actually, the Data Bureau was only created after the incidents of August 1999 and we became the bridge connecting the human world and the Digital World. In other words, all our work was to represent the Bureau in front of Gennai-san and the Digital World’s deities. I also was the vessel for Homeostasis in the past, which means I got a higher position for being able to bring her to the human world for beforehand reunions.” “You were a vessel like Hikari-chan?!” - Takeru gasped. “I didn’t like it, because Homeostasis had betrayed me as a child. But that’s not storytelling time, Motomiya-kun said you kids needed my help.” “Ah yes, we were almost forgetting it!” - Daisuke then glanced at Ken - “Ken, please?” Ken wasn’t okay with that idea. “I don’t understand what you want to search on my digivice, Daisuke” - he answered - “Actually we’re trying to search for some way to discover what’s blocking our power when we’re… Dragged in a distorted reality.” “Hm…” - she was thoughtful. “That’s why we need to check your digivice, Ken!” - Daisuke insisted - “Because you had this power once… Because your digivice is the Digivice of Darkness, right?” “Yes, I agree” - the other nodded - “But it sounds like it’s my fault you’re unable to evolve your partners and I… I do not like to feel that I’m the issue.” “It’s not you, we know that! We want to know about the source of the dark powers. They must have something similar from your digivice…!” “I see…” - he hesitated, then he glared at Maki - “I will let you do your analysis, but I demand to keep an eye on you. Takeru-kun and Daisuke will stay at the door, Miyako-san and I will be with you. Hikari-san and Iori-kun will stay at the front door.” “Even if I wanted to do something harmful, I could’ve done once you all were here” - Maki replied calmly - “But if it would make you comfortable, then feel free to lock the front door and the windows so I can’t escape from them.” “She’s sassy like Ken-kun” - Miyako whispered to the others.
Context: You can clearly notice this is old because I used my own assumptions for the partners of the kids, that before ReArise game (suspiciously) released the playable Holy Beasts evoline in game, which also used the same digimon depicted in pt4. I had this funny idea of the leader of them all being not Daigo, but Qinglongmon's tamer -- So I made him be a Guilmon here.
Also this is the part I miss the most -- Because the funny clash of sass masters Ken and Maki lol. And yeah, this would be the part Maki just spills the beans about her, Daigo and Hitomi's connections with the digimon.
Ch 9 - Fire 'n' Ice
“I have the results, Please contact Motomiya-kun as soon as possible.” Why was she calling Ken? Why was she talking to him and telling him to give the news if she could do that by herself? Ken had no patience with her anymore, but he had to cooperate and be polite. She was older than him, more older than Osamu. But oh he hated her. Hated her voice and her mind. “I will, but could you tell me what you found in my digivice?” “Well, that’s supposed to be discussed with your group in the next meeting. I’m sure you would wait until then.” “I’m very curious about the results” - he was pretty irritated with her, but didn’t let it be noticed in his voice. He kept speaking calmly - “If you could give me some information by phone, I’d be thankful.” “I found an interesting mechanism in your device. Unique, different from the digivice of your friend Inoue. It’s able to generate Dark energy and Light energy, it seems it’s related to the World of Darkness, or as you kids call it, Dark Ocean.” “That we know already, it was how we sealed Daemon six years ago. I opened the gate to the Dark Ocean and sent him there.” “I found that plan stupid when I learned about the events.” “What did you expect us to have done?! Let him catch me?!” “You could’ve gathered your friends’ digimon and finished him. If you had Omegamon’s All Delete on your side--” “We couldn’t! Their digimon was out of energy to help us! We had no choice, so please avoid criticizing our decisions and give me details.” “Your digivice has some kind of shard, like a sand pebble, from the Dark Ocean. It’s not literal, there’s data from that world installed in your D-3.” “A program?” “Yes, what did you expect? It’s a program. If you could bring me some samples of this distorted reality, I could discover more about its functions.” “Um… I will tell Daisuke and the others about it, I’m sorry but I have to go.” “Anytime.”
Context: Still part of the sub-plot she was involved, by analyzing stuff and telling the children. Ken and her had this not-so-friendly relationship as well, because of the events of ▽ lol. Anyway, this was the last thing I wrote before dropping the entire story.
You can read a few redux version drabbles of the main part of the story (the ones related to Wallace, Dai-Lightnimon, the Digimental Weapons, and the evil guys of this dropped plot) on my AO3.
Hope you enjoyed it ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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detectiveichijouji · 11 months
Case 3 - A Suitable Opponent
[AO3 version]
‘‘Back in time, in the ancient days of the Digital World, Vulcanusmon forged special armors for the digimon unable to evolve naturally and get more chances to survive in the wild. There were many Digimentals made with the data of fallen strong digimon associated with certain traits. Those mystical objects were used until they got obsolete and some got forgotten.,,
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‘‘Except one was thought to have been destroyed -- The most powerful and dangerous Digimental. Its power was beyond the bonds of reality and there was a high cost for its use.,, 
“What are you doing…”
‘‘During my research, I discovered that humans had found the pieces and had sold them in their own world. I can’t sit and wait… So I… I found a special power which… Allowed me to reach my greatest form ever.,,
“Really, what are you doing now?”
‘‘My mission has been to gather the stolen pieces of this powerful Digimental, and seal it away from anyone who dares to use it.,,
“Ugh, you’re monologuing all over again, right?? Stop doing it and tell me what we should do now!!!”
“Miyako-san” Ken approached Miyako before they met in front of the door of their usual karaoke booth “I’ve been thinking… What if we set up a website for this little activity?”
“Huh…? You mean, the detective stuff?” Miyako asked and Ken nodded in silence “Oh that’s something I was about to suggest today! Besides, Hikari-chan asked to meet us urgently and maybe we should let them wait for much longer…”
The booth door opened and Daisuke pulled both of them, while V-mon pulled Wormmon and Hawkmon, into the room.
“Y’ALL! ARE! HELLA! LATE!” Daisuke growled, and tossed them to the seats.
“H-hey, what’s wrong with you, Daisuke!?” Miyako complained, but then she noticed Hikari was trying to talk about something.
They all sat on the seats and looked at the short haired girl, and she was hiding something in her hands. A cloth…?
“E-everyone, look at this” she said a little hesitantly, and placed the cloth on the table, revealing a strange broken piece of a… red gem?
“Ooh…!” Miyako and everyone exclaimed, and then V-mon added, “That’s pretty!”
“Where did you find that?” Ken asked her, something felt off…
“Taichi found it inside their mailbox this mornin’,” Daisuke said, “I saw it because I went to catch Hikari-chan so we could meet Takeru at the train station for class.”
“So… Who sent it?” Iori raised an eyebrow, “Could it be someone trying to incriminate Taichi-san?”
“No clue…” Tailmon shrugged, “Agumon and I checked it out and it doesn’t seem to be nocive or poisoned. It’s just… a broken gem.”
“Ken-chan?” Wormmon turned to the boy.
“I feel like I have seen this gem before… But where…?”
“Ok, the main goal now is to catch whoever sent this to Taichi-senpai!” Daisuke said with a serious voice, “We can’t let a jewel like this be seen with him or with us. Hikari-chan thought about leaving at the police office but…”
“But?” Miyako frowned.
“It seemed to react to Tailmon, somehow” Hikari said, wrapping the gem again, “It’s a gem from the Digital World.
“W-what!?” Miyako and Iori exclaimed.
“Yeah, I feel it attracts me…” V-mon commented, “Might be something from the Digital World.”
“Oddly, it didn’t react to Agumon…” Tailmon added, “It could be… related to the Ancient species.”
“But we’re not an ancient species” Patamon clarified, only to have Ken correct him next:
“You and Tailmon has ancient digimon data in your code, this is why you can Armor evolve”
“I see you were studying us when we were enemies, huh” Daisuke chuckled, and Ken blushed awkwardly.
“Leave it to Koushiro-san’s hands, he can discover what this thing is,” Takeru suggested.
“Is that all?” Miyako asked.
“Yeah, for now” Daisuke replied with a shrug, “Or do you have something to share too?”
“Oh, we do have one!” Hawkmon replied for Miyako, and then glanced at the girl, “Miyako-san? Ken-san?”
“Wait, is that…--”
“We thought about opening a website for our group,” Ken and Miyako said together, and blushed once they realized that.
“Oh…” Hikari giggled.
“That’s a good idea, dagya!”
“I like it!” V-mon and Patamon exclaimed, “So we can get requests, right?”
“Exactly!” Hawkmon nodded.
“We open a website listing our specialties,” Ken explained “and then leave a form of contact for their inquiries. We can analyze every case and decide which ones we should investigate.”
“Good,” Daisuke nodded.
‘‘Searching for those pieces led me into the hard task of how to retrieve them. I’m a digimon, not a human. I’m also not partnered with anyone… But I’ve been in another world before… A parallel world, only the magic program is the law. I’ve studied nights and nights there, in order to find the forbidden treasure that I heard a long time ago.
Now… I’m here in the land of the human beings, looking for my grand prize.,,
“Boss, you shouldn’t be monologuing all of this.”
‘‘I’ve mastered the laws of magic programming, I can do anything now. Now, take a seat and wait for the show.,,
“BOSS!” a digimon in the shadows snapped, “ENOUGH! Are we going in? Do you want me to knock those people out!?”
“...No, not yet” the other digimon, watching the crowded streets and buildings in Tokyo, spoke calmly, “We still have no proof that those humans have it.”
“Umm… Ain’t they the famous Chosen Children though?”
‘‘… I did not realize the group I was eyeing before was… THE most famous and respected by the entire Digital World. Oh my…,,
“I think we can talk to them, they are nice peeps.”
“Well, let’s talk to them later. Espimon, had found another piece right?”
“Uh… I think so! Lemme see…” the digimon eyes flashed as they scanned the area, then “Ah! I see it! It’s far from this spot, but I can sense the piece is inside… A… bank?”
“A bank huh… I don’t care about the contents inside a human world’s bank besides that piece.”
‘‘Might wait till it’s darker…,,
On the next day…
“Good Morning… Wormmon…” Ken had already left his room, walking to the kitchen while Wormmon and the Ichijouji parents were watching the news on TV.
“An usual robbery happened today at the bank--”
“Usual robbery?” Ken frowned, pouring coffee inside his mug, “Those kind of things happen from time to tim--”
“-- But the thief only stole one item inside. A broken Topaz-like jewel found by a group of researchers next to a digital portal, which was stored under the name of--.”
“A broken gem? Found next to what again!?”
Ken’s memories were foggy, but… why this broken jewel and the one Taichi’s found were causing him some trouble? Forget the coffee, Ken thought. He drank it in one shot without making with his usual dose of sugar and grabbed Wormmon from the chair.
“Huh? Are you leaving already?” Mrs. Ichijouji blinked.
“Yeah I… I have to go. Pardon mom, dad.”
As expected, everyone from the 02 Team contacted each other and they went immediately to the crime scene. The police suspiciously let them get in and check everything (Daisuke: What? Are we really famous now?) -- but Iori’s sharp eyes noticed one peculiar detail in the safe the gem was stored.
“A… paper?” Ken looked at the black card with a golden paw stamp on the back which was in Iori’s hand.
“It’s… It’s not a regular paper…” Iori corrected him, “It’s a calling card.”
“Calling card?” the digimon exclaimed.
“Oh yeah, like in the movies and TV shows--” Daisuke exclaimed, but then he squinted his eyes at Iori, “Wait a sec, HOW do you know what this thing is!?”
“... I like to watch criminal shows to study their behavior,” he said, with a facepan. But he replied that quite quickly, and Ken felt this might be legit, but also there could be more.
“And HOW don’t YOU know about what a calling card is, Ken!?”
“...” Ken blinked, rolled his eyes and then cleared his throat, “Anyway, what does the calling card say?”
“It’s ‘I’m going to retrieve all of the stolen pieces of the Grand Treasure.’ and it was assigned as ‘Arsenemon’.”
“Arsene…mon?” Miyako frowned.
“So it’s a digimon… Maybe this is why the cops let us in” Takeru mused.
“So, should we catch him?” V-mon asked the group, “he’s a bad guy right?”
“I dunno…” 
“Ah you’re the famous Chosen Children?” a police inspector came in, she showed them her badge to them, “I’m Inspector Fujieda, and since you kids are usually involved with escorting lost digimon back to their home world…”
“You want our expertise to catch this ‘Arsenemon’, am I correct?” Ken spoke for the rest of the group this time.
“Correct,” Inspector Fujieda said, “We need to catch that thief, but since it’s a digimon…”
“How do you know it’s a digimon?” Daisuke squinted his eyes, “I mean, there’s a lot of things and people’s names ending with ‘-mon’ and are not digimon.”
“It was a digimon,” Tailmon said, “I smell the scent of a digimon from this black card.”
“I hope we can help to catch this Arsenemon and ask why he only took that jewel” Miyako commented.
Ah… Someone was watching the six and that woman. He quietly leaves and vanishes in the crowd. Iori was sure he had seen someone suspicious enough to hear their talk. But wouldn’t it be anticlimactic? Was he seeing hallucinations?? Who knows!!
It all meant that they had finally got involved into something… bigger.
“The show has begun, but I don’t think those human teenagers know what they’re dealing with…”
“Hey boss! I found another piece!” Espimon said, interrupting Arsenemon.
“Oh? Where is it…?”
‘‘I didn’t want to mess with the legendary Chosen Children. I’m not a villain, mind you, just a humble modest digimon trying to prevent a forbidden power from falling into the wrong hands.
I need to find the culprit for finding it and shattering it into pieces and spreading them among the human kind.,,
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xnananko · 2 years
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A summer rain full of memories.
„You know that you don´t have to take me home, right?“, she said while opening the door of a little cafe, in which she had just stayed for over three hours with her brown-haired company.
„Sure“, he said while closing the door and starting to walk, „but here we are, already walking right to your home. Besides, the weather forecast predicted rain and I have, on the contrary to you, this beautiful umbrella.“ He smiled while pointing it to her.
She slightly pushed his umbrella away and giggled.
„Baka, - you shouldn´t talk so high about yourself, when in reality someone else was just looking out for you.“
She was pretty sure that the rosy umbrella wasn´t his after all.
„Why should someone else remind me of the rain? Don´t you think I´m grown up enough to read the news?“ he laughed.
Her smirk grew bigger, while she shook her head. „I even wonder if you will ever grow up, Taichi.“
He grinned, while fixing his gaze on the sky. „I would be hurt if I didn´t ask myself the same thing.“
His smile faded somehow, as he lost himself in his thoughts and Sora wondered if there might be something he hadn´t told her yet. She wanted to ask him if there was something bothering him, but the nagging feeling inside her hindered her. Maybe she wasn´t in this position anymore.
She really wasn´t such a good friend for a while with all her absence and silence, not to mention her thereby connected failure as a digidestinent.
It´s like avoiding was her new superhero power, she ironically thought.
„Ah, it´s raining“, Taichi noticed, and opened the umbrella right above their heads. „Fortunately, we have this with us.“
Sora smiled suspiciously. „Thankfully, Hikari takes care of you all the time. - Mr. All grown up.“
„Why do you think it´s Hikaris? Don´t tell me I can´t have a pink umbrella, because as you can see, it suits me very well.“
Sora rolled her eyes. „Of course it does. Regardless, I  remember Mimi giving it to her as a present. Look.“ Sora pointed to the grip. „It also has Hikaris name engraved.“
Taichi smiled as he nudged her. „Okay, I give in. I was at Hikari right before we met. I also should send you her regards. She really can’t wait to see you.“
Her eyes grew brighter as a warm feeling spread through her stomach, just like hot chocolate on a cold winter's day.
So her friends weren’t disappointed after all, at any rate not desperately.
„The next time we see each other, we should do something for her as a thank you gift. Maybe some cookies, or a cake . I could teach you, if you want“, Sora chatters shyly, while she glances at the ground.
„Next time sounds great“, Taichi stated warmly and her gaze instantly met his. „It would be nice to have you more around.“
And with that, just for a moment, she was completely lost in his eyes.
Suddenly she sensed herself out of breath, as she noticed she was holding it all along. Her face felt warm and the noice of her beating heart was already buzzing in her ears.
Has she answered yet?
An embarrassed smile appeared on Sora's face, as she nodded slowly in response. Focused on avoiding his eyes quickly. Why does she have to be so close to him right now?
„You know, I´m really proud of you, Sora.“
Her gaze automatically shifted back to him. She was indeed irritated now.
„What do you mean?“, she questioned, unsure what he implied to.
„I talk about you, following your heart“, Taichi replied while shifting his gaze to the sky again. „You know, Koushiro told me how hard it was for you to not take part in our battles anymore.“ He stopped for a moment, choosing his words carefully.
„Somehow it did hurt to see that our group wasn´t the way it used to be. Everyone was changing and while all of you already chose a new path, I was still figuring out who I am and what I really want to do in the future.“ 
He paused and his eyes looked kind of empty, just as if he was drowning in a memory.
„Taichi..“, she whispered after a moment in a raspy voice. She was unsure what to say next, but as his eyes met hers and his lips formed this kind yet sad smile, he found his words again.
„I know, I couldn´t talk about it at that time. Somehow, there was a lot of pressure to be the head of our group with all the digimon fights in our world. There were so many risks, so many people who could be hurt, so many destroyed buildings. And with every step, all eyes were on us. On top of that, everyone was so occupied with their lives, that it was hard to solve all the problems together.“
He paused.
„To be honest, I also wanted to run away sometimes. Just being somewhere else with Augumon, seeing new things and living our own little adventure. But I couldn´t, because I know I would have disappointed my parents by not attending university so soon and on top oft hat I would have let you guys down. So that's why..“, he stared now right into her eyes. „I´m proud of you Sora. For having the courage to find your own path in designing. For doing things you really want and not because it makes someone else happy, but for your own sake. It´s important to live the life we really want to, so we won´t lose ourselves.“ 
She was stunned. Her head was out of words and somehow small tears made their way through her eyes. Quickly, Sora moved her hand to wipe away the undesired trace of sadness. Now wasn´t the time to cry, she decided for herself. His affective statement relieved her immensely, although she wasn´t quite convinced that her acts weren´t just pure selfishness. Yet the most touching part of his way of words was the undeniable similarity to Biyomons. Once again.
But this wasn´t a topic for now.
„I´m impressed, Taichi“, she said while sliding her sight to her surroundings, to get her feelings in control.
„Since when are you so upfront about your feelings? It almost feels like talking to the 12-year-old version of you again“ Sora chuckled.
„Maybe I really can´t grow up, but grow back into my younger self“ Taichi now laughed.
Sora patted her finger thoughtfully on her lips, while nodding her head in approval.„You´re right, that totally makes sense after all.“
„Hey!“ Taichi complained, amused while nudging her.
Just as their laughing softened, Taichi became more serious again.
„To be honest, it´s because of Agumon I started to change. Losing him made me realise many things and somehow I want to turn into a person he can be proud of.“
A heavy wave of emptiness automatically drew through her body. She nodded understanding while playing with her hands.
„Sometimes I wonder if it´s really impossible to meet each other again, because it just doesn´t feel like it at all“, Taichi added in a low voice. „But maybe it´s just me becoming insane.“
„I don´t think so“, Sora responded thoughtfully with a warm smile. Moving her hand closer to her heart, she felt a little confident to talk about Biyomon for the first time after losing her. 
„You know, sometimes I have the feeling Biyomon is still there somehow. There are moments I could swear I have heard her voice. And sometimes it´s like I could feel her anyhow. I know it sounds ridiculous and I can´t explain this feeling either, but I can´t shake this strong feeling, that we will definitely see each other again.“
Curious about his reaction, Sora gazed at Taichi and came instantly across a heart-warming smile. A cosy feeling flew automatically through her body and with it, just like that, a little voice was whispering in the back of her mind that maybe, just maybe, they both were still as close as they always used to be.
And all of a sudden her heart skipped a beat.
...or maybe even closer ;)
I started this picture in september, while it was raining outside. Somehow I had this scene in my head...and I was pretty unsure if I should try to also write it down..so I tried my best :)
This scene takes place after Kizuna.
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ladyofthecastleproject · 10 months
The Awakening Of The Hurricane Sincerity
[AO3 version]
The 02 group start searching for Daisuke and V-mon, who had disappeared suddenly from the last battle against Ranamon and Frostmon. Palmon mentions seeing Fladramon and a mysterious human-sized hooded creature in a village and led them and Mimi there. But... The place had been taken by the vile DarkSuperstarmon and his troops. In the heat of the battle, Miyako's pure desire to help those digimon and her friends grants her a wish.
[Note: this takes place in 2008]
It had been a while since the group went to the Digital World to help Mimi and Palmon. Koushiro and the 02 group had planned carefully all the details of such an adventure beforehand: Him, Taichi and Yamato had used the ol’ excuse of camping with the group to justify why a bunch of teenagers would pass a few weeks in the Digital World. But now, the golden trio being young adults could take responsibility for them. Well, the only non-adult in the meanwhile was Koushiro, but next year he will hit his 20s.
Anyway… Mimi had met the kids quickly and explained to them what had happened before. Ken Hadn’t been familiar with Gummymon and vice-versa, but that hadn’t been a problem at all.
Though, there had been a question in Ken’s head:
“When we tried to open the gate after Daisuke disappeared… It was locked. But we were able to come here in the end.”
“Uh… Maybe it was a malfunction?” Palmon replied.
“Or someone had unblocked it,” Iori mused, stroking his chin, “Maybe… Daisuke-san?”
“Hmm… Before the D-3 being created, the gate only opened at random occasions” Tailmon mused, “Maybe something blocked the D-3’s signal...”
“You think that could be the reason...?” Patamon asked.
“Whatever is the reason…” Miyako whispered, but due to the silence they all heard if  “It’s my fault Daisuke disappeared” and she avoided looking at the rest of the group, she kept sitting with them, inside Palmon’s house, looking at the teacup. Hawkmon frowned, and then said:
“It’s not your or Hikari-san’s fault. We got caught off guard… Sorry.”
“I’m sure he’s fine” Mimi tried to cheer Miyako and Hikari up, those two were completely engulfed in regrets at the moment “We just need to find him.”
“I have sent him a message since we came here,” Hikari said with an annoyed tone, “But he didn’t respond to it.”
They all frowned. If it weren’t for Mimi there, they could start feeling the weight of not having a leader. Not that Daisuke is a lead by nature, he just managed to keep them all together and… Sane? Determined? Ken seemed cool, but deep down he was… Worried? Scared? Not even himself knew.
“What should we do now?” Iori had a deadpan face.
“We get out and look for Daisuke-kun?” Takeru replied, “Or we should check if there’s some enemy around?”
“No, let’s focus on searching for Daisuke-kun” Hikari’s voice was serious, she finally set her foot on this, she wanted so badly to find him first “He was a target, remember? If he’s alone… He will need our help.”
“Then it’s settled. Let’s find Daisuke first, dagya.”
After leaving Palmon’s house, the group started planning a route to take and start their search. During their walk to the closest village, Mimi heard someone’s voice and waited for the best moment to leave the group and meet…
“Ah you’re around…!”
… A mysterious figure with a Lighdramon-esque armor. Except said armor details were cold colors instead of the yellow and red tones.
“Have you discovered something?” Mimi chatted with the stranger, while Palmon watched around to make sure no one would find them “Ah I see… No idea where Wallace is…”
“Mimi-san?” Miyako’s voice was heard.
“O-oh, I need to go…!! Please be careful!!” and she walked back to where the 02 group were, “I’m fine don’t worry Palmon thought she had heard something but it was just a fruit falling on the ground.”
“It’s not good to separate from the group” Miyako commented, “If you disappear too we’ll feel worried and panicked.”
 “It’s okay, it’s okay” she giggled, “Ah, there’s a town in this direction. We can ask the digimon if they saw Daisuke-kun or Wallace.”
“Yes, I noticed it by the D-terminal map Koushiro-san sent to us,” Ken pointed at the device on his other hand, “I didn’t get any message from Daisuke though.”
“The digivice has no reaction either” Iori added, “He’s not in this area… Or left it already.”
“Huh strange… I was sure I saw something moving around” Hikari raised an eyebrow, “Could it be Daisuke-kun but…”
“Maybe he’s in the village?” Wormmon wondered.
“Let’s go then” Palmon replied with a nod, “I will take you there, follow me!”
“Good, they’re moving” the masked shadow said, then looked back as if he was looking at someone “We need to move now.”
“Hurry up!!” he heard from a distance “The next village must be conquered at all costs!!”
“... We got one more thing to do here, I guess” and he and his ally left in the direction of the mysterious voice.
They followed in the opposite direction of the kids, going farther from there reaching a new area and town, which was under the eyes of this digimon army’s general, Frostmon.
“Ugh… stupid lizards” she wasn’t having a great time, seeing the Tyrannomon troops moving slowly “Can’t you walk more fast!?”
“You know, Tyrannomon species are not fast runners” she heard a voice.
“W-who’s there!?” and Frostmon looked around “Show yourself!!”
He jumped from the tree branches and landed in front of her. He was smaller than Frostmon and the Tyrannomon army, quite the size of a human teenager. But None of those digimon had much contact with humans so… They couldn’t tell the difference.
“Who are you!?” Frostmon interrogated him, “Why are you spying on us!?”
“I’m just a digimon passing by, relax” he chuckled, “besides… The town you’re trying to take control of has a guardian and a curse.”
“A… A curse?” The army looked at each other, and you could hear them rambling something.
“What kind of curse?” Frostmon squinted her eyes, “I never heard of it before.”
“You know, anyone who tries to take the town’s control is smashed by the town’s guardian” he shrugged, “I’d rather not risk facing said guardian. But you do you.”
More noise was heard by the troops, and he could see Frostmon’s face grimacing at that information. While none of them could see his face, he was smirking.
“That’s nonsense, soldiers! Let’s move on, don’t listen to a pipsqueak digimon and those fairy tales!”
“Who are you calling pipsqu-- *AHEM* sure let’s go with that”
“Hmph, stupid child level” and the army proceeded their march.
“It didn’t work…” he muttered, annoyed.
A small shadow was visible in the branches, but not a face except for two big red eyes.
“I know you’re going to say” the armored digimon sighed, “I should be more careful…” and then he looked at the town’s direction “Can you be a convincing god-like guardian, buddy? We will need that right now.”
But… This wasn’t only the mysterious masked digimon’s problem. In the meantime…
Mimi’s group had arrived in a destroyed village. None of them expected it to happen and Palmon even remembered that two strangers had helped them to save villagers and beat Cyberdramon.
“But now it seems… No one’s here, dagya” Armadimon frowned, and the group started examining the area.
“Strange…” Palmon frowned, “It was saved from the invaders…”
“Huh, someone was here?” Hikari blinked.
“Yes, and I saw Fladramon and a hooded human-size creature.”
The group’s eyes widened, “Fladramon and a hooded creature!?”
“Then… this means Daisuke was here before” Miyako said, “If he and V-mon were here, they’re alive and fine…? Or in danger, if Daisuke was wearing a hood…”
“Don’t be afraid, Miyako-san, everyone” Hawkmon called their attention “He’s with V-mon at least. It’s only a matter of time until we find them.”
“Hawkmon is right,” Ken said, but his eyes were focused on something he just found on the ground, “Daisuke is with V-mon and we know that idiot can survive alone.”
“What’s this Ken-chan?” Wormmon pointed at Ken’s hand, which had something looking like…
“Seems like a Starmon was here. This is a fragment from the Meteor Squall’s meteorites.”
“Wow! Sharp eyes, Ichijouji-kun” Mimi exclaimed, impressed.
“So whoever attacked this village might not be that far from here” Tailmon mused.
“Let’s be cautious,” Takeru added with a serious tone, “the residents of this village might be captured and hidden somewhere in this area.”
“In this case, what if we slip up?” Miyako suggested, “We keep contact via phones and D-terminals. Once we find either of them, we gather everyone again.”
“It’s a good idea,” Iori nodded, then picked Armadimon from the floor, “Armadimon and I will check this direction. If we don’t find anything, let’s meet here again and come with a backup plan.”
They went to different directions, to find the prisoners and the bad guys quickly. But… One by one, the group were captured, somehow. All they remembered was about a black hole popping out from somewhere and sending them to… Somewhere.
“Miyako-san” Hawkmon called her, and then looked behind him but saw nothing. So he looked back at her “Are you feeling okay?”
“Huh, why do you ask?” she babbled “Ken-kun’s right Daisuke can--”
“You seem nervous, is it because of Ranamon? It wasn’t your fault, Tailmon and I didn’t expect her to appear from nowhere and capture you two.”
“Argh, okay I’m worried!” she threw her hands up in the air. She could not think straight right now and Hawkmon was pretty aware of it, “We know Daisuke had been chased by Ranamon and that blue bird-like digimon! We let our guards down and it happened! Now… Now he’s missing and while you say it’s not my fault, not even Daisuke appears in front of me and says that will make me feel less guilty!”
Hawkmon frowned, he approached her quietly. He was about to say something but it got lost because he saw a black hole appearing in mid air. Then, he jumped on Miyako and both ducked on the floor, having the black hole pass through their heads.
“W-what’s that!?” she babbled.
“Hoho, you’re tough human girl” a digimon that looked like a Starmon, but with a darker color and wearing sunglasses appeared in front of them, “Can’t say much about your friends.” He showed the digivices of the group to her and Hawkmon, to make sure they couldn’t call for help.
“M-My friends!? T-those are...!!” Miyako gulped. Was her idea and now…
“I won’t let you guilt-trip her!” Hawkmon got up from the floor and threw his Feather against DarkSuperstarmon. But it didn’t work, and the villain hit him with a punch “GUH!” which followed by Hawkmon falling on the floor.
“H-Hawkmon!!” Miyako screamed, “I… I won’t let you hurt anyone anymore!”
“Miyako-san…” he got up from the floor, “Please, lend me your strength.”
“OK!” she grabbed her digivice, “Love Digimental Up!!”
Hawkmon armor-evolved to Horusmon and stood in front of DarkSuperstarmon with an intimidating glare at him. The enemy didn’t feel much intimidated though, but acknowledged the girl and digimon were tough opponents.
“Very well, then let’s get this party started” And the black star digimon attacked Horusmon, but now the hawk-like digimon had gotten more speed and dodged. Then, Horusmon spinned his body to generate a tornado, forcing DarkSuperstarmon to step back.
“This digimon seems stronger than a regular Starmon… ” Miyako mused, “Uh… don’t underestimate him, Horusmon!”
That battle was still on a draw, with just dodging from both ends. The enemy was tough, but willing to play dirty. DarkSuperstarmon opened a black hole right behind Miyako and she was swallowed by it. Luckily, he couldn’t steal her digivice due to Horusmon blocking his way.
“M-Miyako-san!!” Horusmon stared at him “What did you do to her!?”
“She’s with her friends now, and you… You will be dead soon.”
“OOF!" She fell on the floor and the digivice slipped from her hands, hitting someone “A-ah, I’m sorry!!” She got up and went to retrieve the slippery D-3.
“That’s okay” it was Ken!? “I guess we’re unable to leave this place now…” he laughed nervously, but stopped and handed her the red D-3 back.
“Horusmon is fighting! I need to help him but… how!?”
“He got our digivices...” and she heard Hikari’s voice; Iori, Takeru and Mimi were also there alongside their digimon and more residents from the town, “We can’t escape.”
“W-where are we?” Miyako asked.
“This is still inside the town” and now a digimon appeared, it was a Muchomon “One of the abandoned buildings. I was hoping for someone to save us again but… Our hopes are gone now…”
“Don’t lose your hope!” Mimi looked at the digimon and clenched her fists, “We still have a chance!”
 “... If… If I could do something else but I’m useless!” Miyako shouted, “I only commit mistakes! I want to help fix them! I want to help Horusmon and this entire town!!”
The digivice in her hands beeped and turned on the screen, which sent a light from it. The Digimental of Sincerity appeared in front of her and its form mutated to a big Shuriken like the one on Shurimon’s back. The only difference from Shurimon’s was the Crest of Sincerity being engraved on its surface.
“What is this??” other villagers, and the group exclaimed, watching Miyako hold it with her other hand.
“I… I don’t know!?” she babbled, “But… maybe this is the answer to my dilemma.”
“Uh, isn’t it very dangerous using that here” Patamon asked.
“Miyako-san please… Don’t do something dan--” But Takeru was interrupted by Miyako throwing the shuriken at the bars blocking their way.
… It definitely cut the jail bars. It surprised everyone, since they didn’t know if it wouldn’t reflect the shuriken against them.
“Whoohoo, I knew it would work!” she chirped and looked back “So, everyone go out and let’s take down those bullies.”
“Miyako-chan is scary sometimes…” Mimi whispered to the others, who nodded sagely.
The troops hadn’t yet arrived, so the mysterious Lighdramon-esque armored digimon managed to reach the town quickly and talk with the digimon living there. Despite doubting him at first, one of the residents of the town confirmed the masked-mon’s information.
And then… They gladly accepted his plan. The hooded digimon with him shrugged in disapproval, but couldn’t do much. Also, this cape made a ton of villagers curious about the digimon’s appearance.
“You can’t talk, just do some screams” the armored digimon said to the small one, “Like, unleash your inner beast!”
They were in the front of a temple, the perfect spot to bring this story into reality. The villagers were hiding in a safe part of the town. He was so sure this would work with no actual bloodbath that it felt like a harmless kid’s prank. The partner-in-crime wasn’t too confident about this though… But if no one might see the prank but the soldiers and Frostmon…
“Shush, get ready. Show your best AncientGreymon’s impersonation.”
The other sighed, and tried to roar but it didn’t feel intimidating…
“No, no you need to scare them! Focus on being like a terrifying Qinglongmon who hates everyone stepping on their yard!”
“The troops are coming,” the smaller digimon said, “I can sense them. Do you think this will work?”
“Don’t worry, bud. It will work.”
Horusmon was on the ground being stepped on by DarkSuperstarmon, who was laughing and toss juggling the digivices. While distracted, he didn’t see the Chosen Children approaching, or Tailmon jumping behind him and grabbing all digivices in midair.
“Huh!? Who’s calling my pointy hea--”
Miyako threw the giant shuriken against DarkSuperstarmon, hitting him and making him fall on the floor.
Horusmon escaped from the enemy and met them. Miyako hugged him tightly and whispered “I’m sorry Horusmon… I won’t let them catch me again!”
“Ugh, you agai-- Wait how did you escape-- It doesn’t matter, without these you can’t--”
The group showed their digivices and angry faces. They were ready to fight. DarkSuperstar screeched and then snapped fingers summoning a group of DarkTyrannomon, “TROOPS, GET THEM!!” and flew away.
“Miyako-san” Iori said, “Go after him. We will take care of his lackeys.”
“Ok! Let’s go Horusmon!” and she looked at him “Are you okay though?”
“I’m fine, get on Miyako-san.”
She got on his back and they flew after the troop’s leader. The enemy wasn’t that fast as they thought and it was easier to watch it after all. Horusmon shot laser beams from his eyes (Red Sun) and hit the running star. But it didn’t work because the enemy's body was indeed resistant.
They stopped on a dead end and faced each other.
“Look, we can negotiate--”
“No, we can’t!” Miyako snapped, pointed at him and continued “You took control of this town, captured its people and later captured my friends! I have no time to make a deal with you!”
“Very well, then--”
“Horusmon, let’s go!” She pointed the digivice at her partner and its form changed to a bipedal hawk, with wings sprouting from his back and Egyptian God motifs -- Fauermon.
“W-wait, have mercy I will leave!!”
“... Will you really leave?” she asked.
“I will don’t worry!” he nodded, “But can we shake hands to make it a deal?”
“Fine, I guess.” she was still mad though, and approached calmly, until that shuriken appeared in her hands and she used it as a blade to slash DarkSuperstarmon in the face. Fauermon was holding her to not fall on the black hole that vile digimon had done.
“W-what!? How did you!?”
“I noticed you set a trap right when we cornered you!” she said angrily “You’re a vile monster!”
Horusmon then put Miyako away and summoned his rod, “Red Sunburst!”
DarkSuperstarmon screamed and then got destroyed by the laser beam coming from the sphere at the top of the rod.
“Miyako-san” Fauermon glanced at her, “I’m sorry I had to--”
“It’s okay. He wouldn’t stop anyway… And he can be reborn I hope so” then she looked at the shuriken in her hand “But… Where did this come from? And why did the Digimental of Sincerity turn into a weapon…?”
“Beats me…” he devolved to Hawkmon form, then looked at the others coming in “Everyone, are you okay?”
“Yeah, we managed to beat all the troops in town,” Tailmon said, “Now we can leave.”
“But where should we go now?” Miyako asked.
Meanwhile, Frostmon’s troops invaded a deserted town with the exception of a hooded digimon. Said digimon made sure to be seen by the enemies and ran away. The soldiers and Frostmon chased them and when the invaders found them in front of the temple…
… A wild wall of fire ignited from the floor, preventing them from reaching the creature, and a bigger one appeared through the flames roaring loudly and throwing fire against the Tyrannomon army.
An eerie voice came from the wall of flames, “I’m the great Ancient Digimon who protects this town. LEAVE OR PERISH”
The enemies panicked and ran away, including Frostmon. So the strange child level digimon she had met previously was right!? Better not mess with that town then. Their screams were heard until they faded in the distance.
The fire stopped and then the digimon from the flames turned small and covered himself with a cape thrown by the mysterious masked one.
“Did you see their faces!!?” and this armored digimon was delighted by the prank, “They were so scared that I guess they might not return here that early hehe~”
“Sigh, get the villagers back and let’s get out of here.”
“Fine fine~ At least laugh a bit… You used to find funny those pranks…”
“I’m busy now!” the hooded one growled, “no time for pranks!!”
“... Oh. You’re right.” he blinked. Behind the helmet he had a deadpan face “Let’s do it…”
Once they got the entire villagers out, the mayor of the town shook hands with the masked one.
“My young’mon,” Sorcerimon the mayor said, “We will be eternally grateful for your help. I have absolutely no idea what you and your friend did, but we’re thankful that it worked.”
“H-Haha, it was… a dumb thing I learned from human’s videos” he chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his helmet.
“What does that deity digimon look like?” a young Blucomon asked, “We will draw it and spread through the town, and write stories about it to keep mean spirited digimon from invading us.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea!” he said, “Let’s see… It's a flame element digimon, looks like Fladramon but with wings, and got hair, big terrifying claws and wonderful fangs! Maybe… AncientFladramon feels like a good name? What do you think, bud?” and he looked at the hooded digimon.
“Yeah, let’s go with that” and the small one shrugged.
“Cool!” Blucomon and more child level digimon around exclaimed, “Thank you mr. uh…”
The masked digimon then posed like a tokusatsu hero and said:
“I’m the warrior of the night, the silent knight… Lightnimon!”
The villagers' reactions were full of “ooooh!!” and some applause and cheers.
The hooded digimon shook his head.
“But I need to go now, more of those bad guys are coming and more towns, cities and villagers need me and… uh… Buddymon.”
“Alright, thank you Lightnimon and Buddymon” Socerimon and the villagers thanked them once again.
“Heheh~” Lightnimon grabbed Buddymon and ran away, leaving the town quickly.
Who’re that mysterious digimon duo and would they be a menace to the Chosen Children?
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digitalworldbound · 2 years
curiosity killed the cat
dedicated to @ahiddenpath for their dedication to the fandom and for being a kind soul. thank you for all that you do. 
characters: koushiro and his parents
summary:  koushiro mulls over his biological parents and comes to the realization that he may never know the way they liked their coffee or their favorite home cooked meal. would they have liked him? would he have made them proud?
a/n: as this is my first koushiro-centric story, i apologize if he is out of character. also posted on AO3 and FFN. 
Nestled underneath his worn comforter, Koushiro Izumi’s mind was wide awake, sleep eluding him in the early hours of the morning.
Outside, cicadas sang their lonely song, the moon full and bright against the inky black sky. 
His mind trapezed from one strand of thought to another, unable to stay stagnant for long. 
Earlier, as he brushed his teeth methodically, Koushiro took time to study his reflection. The bathroom mirror was flecked with toothpaste from nights prior, his image warped from condensation. 
After the toothpaste foam was spit down the drain, he stared at himself, allowing his eyes to trail over the minute details of his face, scanning and observing until a hypothesis formed. 
Koushiro forced the corners of his lips up into a smile, taking note of the way his eyes crinkled, studying the slight scrunch of his nose. Memories of sitting on his father’s lap, watching as his face lit up from a joke long forgotten, resurfaced.
In the reflection, Koushiro’s smile dropped. His father’s nose didn’t scrunch like his; his father’s eyes refused to crinkle. 
Running a comb through his damp hair, Koushiro continued to look at himself, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. In the dim light of the bathroom, his heart sank as he realized that his hair was too bright, too vibrant, too red.  
Visions of Koushiro’s mother, face glowing with happiness, invaded his senses. His mother’s hair was subdued, a mere whisper of crimson compared to his flaming locks. 
The hypothesis remained stubbornly in the forefront of Koushiro’s mind: he would never resemble his parents.
At thirteen years old, Koushiro knew better than to believe the kind strangers that insisted he was his father’s spitting image. He knew by now that his hair would never fade to his mother’s breathtaking auburn.
Koushiro had resigned himself to the inevitability of never seeing his own deep, brown eyes reflected back to him.
As he tossed and turned, Koushiro’s mind couldn’t cease. The walls of his apartment were thin, the sound of his father snoring being the only tune to accompany his thoughts.
Did his birth father snore, Koushiro wondered? Did his birth mother have the same soulful eyes?
Would they have been proud of him?
The faded photographs in an aging scrapbook were older than he was. The smiles were staged around the twinkling lights of birthday parties, their poses anything but natural. 
Did they ever hold each other when there wasn’t a lens pointed at them? 
Would they have been like the parents in movies, dancing to a tune only they could hear in the kitchen late at night?
A memory floated to the surface of his mind. Koushiro, still bruised from his summer camp adventure, padded his way into the living room. It was much too late to be awake, but his parent’s voices floated easily into his room.
“Is everything alright?” His voice sounded small, even to his own ears. 
Together, they assured him. Nothing was wrong, they insisted. The worry lines on his mother’s forehead told a different story. 
On the coffee table sat a photo album of people Koushiro had never met. A tentative glance registered the faded smile of a woman, a bundle of something pressed close to her chest. 
His parents eyed him carefully, an explanation forming, but Koushiro remained silent.
As they sat together on the couch, hands intertwined, Koushiro could see their worry. A few weeks ago, they had promised to answer any questions that he had. 
At the time, his mind pulled a blank. Where could you start when trying to learn about people you had never met? 
Now, the questions bubbled to the surface, poised on the tip of his tongue. His mother braced herself, gripping his father’s hand tightly.
All it took was a glance at her eyes, at the wrinkle on his father’s brow to understand.
Koushiro knew then that he would never ask them, that he would rather go to the grave with questions than to have his parents unsure of where they stood with him. With a hug to each parent, nine-year-old Koushiro went back to sleep.
In the four years that had passed, his curiosity had grown insatiable. What would his biological parents have thought of his friends? What would they have thought of Tentomon?
As the digital clock perched on the bedside table ticked on, Koushiro resigned himself to never knowing.
Tears pricked his eyes as a realization crept into his mind: the only people that would know how his birth parents preferred their coffee or  their thoughts on his digital adventures were dead.
Silently, Koushiro allowed his eyelids to flutter shut. He forced his breathing to even out as snippets of memories filled his senses.
A soft lullaby, too low for him to make out the words, and the shapeless form of someone smiling down at him. These were the memories that Koushiro clung to. These were the only instances of his parent’s existence that he had been privy to, and yet, they were faded and worn at the edges like his well-loved photographs. He held onto those flashes, clung to them with a ferocity he had never known he was capable of.
There was no question that he belonged to his parents. They were the ones that tied every loose shoelace, wiped every tear from his cheeks. His mother had been the one to cook onigiri for a week when the thought of eating anything new overwhelmed Koushiro. 
His father had taken the time to kick a soccer ball around when Koushiro was desperate to learn, afraid of his friends leaving him behind if they chose different after school clubs.
Together, the three of them had faced every obstacle, digital or otherwise. They had loved Tentomon merely because Koushiro did, setting aside their worries and concerns for the happiness of their child. 
Their child. Koushiro was theirs, a living mosaic of their life lived together.
He would never have his father’s stern jaw or his mother’s willowy frame. He would never be able to look in the mirror and see the reflection of the people that raised him, cared for him, loved him beyond all reason.
But Koushiro had his father’s dry sense of humor. He inherited his mother’s concern for every living creature, her laugh, her thirst for knowledge.
The hallway was adorned with photos of a full and happy childhood. Pictures of Koushiro’s first steps and science fair projects were sandwiched between their family vacations. In every photograph, Koushiro was sandwiched in the middle, his parents smiling down on him.
They had been the ones to watch him grow, to support his education and every endeavor. They had been the ones to celebrate his achievements, to love him as their own.
They were proud of him. 
He would never meet the people that brought him into this world, would never learn about the books that were on their bookshelves or their hobbies they were sure to have had. 
It was best not to focus on the things he would never know, Koushiro decided. It would be much more efficient to study the data he had access to. 
He knew that his birth parents had loved him, and that would have to be enough.
The digital clock ticked forward once more, a pair of eyelids finally feeling heavy. 
With a sigh, Koushiro settled in, burrowing down further into the warmth of his bed. The sound of his father’s snoring lulled him into sleep, his dreams filled with an embrace, the whisper of a kiss on his forehead.
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bagerfluff · 2 months
Late Night Loving
Older Izumi Koushiro x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Late Night Calls
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You groaned and opened your eyes, 12:36.
You rubbed your eyes and propped yourself on your arm. Why did you wake up? You looked around, nobody woke you up. It wasn’t until a few seconds till you heard ringing.
How long has that ringing been there? You sat up and reached over to grab your phone. When you opened it you had to close your eyes because of the bright light.
You groaned again, who was calling you at midnight?
Who was up at midnight to call you?
You were annoyed that you woke up, you were about to close your phone and go back to your dreams when you noticed the name of who was calling you. Koushiro.
Why was he calling you at midnight? Did something happen? You quickly pressed the answer button and brought the phone to your ear. “Yeah?”
You asked worriedly. “Hey Y/n”, Koushiro said. He sounded just as tired as you, maybe more. “Are you okay?” You asked, throwing your blanket off your lap.
“I’m fine, it’s just that”, Koushiro let his sentence go on. You put the blanket back over your lap and sighed. Everything was fine, so why was Koushiro calling you?
You knew that Koushiro tended to stay up late, he rarely went to sleep unless someone forced him or he passed out. You wondered if that was it.
But then why would he call you?
“Are you okay?” You asked softly. Koushiro didn’t answer but you heard Tentomon talking in the background. You couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Your Digimon laid at the foot of your bed, completely unaffected by what was happening. You shook your head at them right as Koushiro responded, “I’m fine, just wanted to talk to you”. Koushiro didn’t sound confident in his answer, that made you frown.
You wanted to know what happened but you could wait till morning. You’d bring Koushiro some tea, you two would talk about it over tea. “Well, something strange did happen to me this morning”, you started talking about your day.
You went from when you woke up till you fell asleep. You made sure to keep as many details as you could remember as well as small tidbits about things that happened.
You could hear Koushiro laughing and making his own tidbits too. You heard the change in Koushiro’s voice from when he first spoke, he sounded calmer and happier.
��Then when I was walking past the soccer field, Taichi kicked the ball into my chest. When I see him I swear I’m going to kick him to the moon”, you let out a little laugh and waited for Koushiro to talk but you didn’t hear anything.
You thought Koushiro had hung up but when you brought your phone down you were still on the call. “Koushiro?” You said but all you heard was breathing. “He fell asleep”, Tentomon said.
You were a little shocked to hear him speak. “He did?” You asked, did you make him fall asleep? That made your heart beat a bit faster. “Tento, is he okay?”
You felt bad about doing this but you needed to know if Koushiro was okay. “He was just a little stressed about his work. Thank you for talking to him”, Tentomon said.
“It’s fine, when he wakes up tell him I’m always available if he needs someone to talk to, or just someone to talk to him”, that was true. You’d always be there for Koushiro, even if it was midnight.
“Will do, goodnight” “goodnight Tentomon”, you pulled the phone down and ended the call. You placed your phone back on your night stand and looked at the clock.
1:54, almost two hours. You laid back down and pulled the blanket up, you knew you weren’t going to sleep any time soon but you were happy that Koushiro was asleep.
You were going to talk to him about this in the morning, or in several hours. He needed to stop doing this, but for now until he could get better.
You would help him, one phone call at a time.
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dutchforstrangers · 7 months
Taishirokoura x possibilities - "What if" pt. 2
For @taikouvember 2023 - Day 2: Past, Present & Future + Day 6: Brave Knowledge, Unexpected Impulsive Love & Curious Courage
[0. Author's note] [1. Koushiro] [2. Sora] [3. Taichi] [4. Taikoura]
Taikoura | Genre: Young oblivious romance, mild fear | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV), Jyou Kido | Wordcount: 603
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I think of you Pick up my phone Then put it down again There's no way for you to reply To the messages I never send In my mind, we'd never fall in love But what if I'm on your mind?
Pt 2. Sora
“Why don’t you just text her?” Sora decided to blatantly ask. “You’ve compiled so many nice messages, but you never seem to send them. It’s a pity, really.”
She looked at Jyou who was sitting left from her. In order to get to their work, every week they both traveled by bullet train crossing Tokyo, often ending up in the same train. Despite Jyou’s sometimes usually twitchy nature, Sora really enjoyed his company.
“I just don’t feel comfortable yet…” Jyou said and Sora could hear the nervosity rise in his voice again. “We only met again last week after years.”
He was referring to the girl he had borrowed a bike from during the events of Diablomon. Sora laughed to herself recalling the moment Jyou told everyone what he had done feeling incredibly guilty, yet blushing madly when he called the girl by name all the same. A few weeks ago, they had accidentally bumped into each other again, rekindling old sparks and Sora had been helping Jyou with dealing with his feelings ever since.
To her, it was always easier to deal with someone else’s feelings, her own being way too complex anyway. While she turned her own phone in her hand a couple of times, her thoughts wandered off to not one, but two people. She quickly shook away any more thoughts and composed herself by responding.
“But if you don’t send them, she will never know how you exactly feel. I mean, you do like her, don’t you?”
Jyou nodded. “It’s just... not the right time yet,” he stammered, his eyes fixated on his phone, a small smile across his lips. Sora watched him carefully, mirroring his smile. He then looked up, catching her watching him. “How about you, Sora-kun?”
“What about me?” She moved back slightly, ducking away from his question.
“Well, you’re not any better than me regarding sending messages.” His tone was light, but serious.
“I’m not following.”
“Every time we’ve been on this train together these past few weeks, you have been fumbling with your phone. It’s been weeks now,” he said as he showed her one of his kindest smile.
It was a sympathetic smile, with it telling her he understood. Sora smiled back, her gaze directed towards her feet, thinking back to these last weeks. How she had been nervous to receive messages, avoiding to opening the ones she had received, anticipating a rejection while there was nothing to reject yet.
She had typed what could easily be a hundred messages, never believing any of those was the right one. And thus she never sent one, that way there was nothing to reply to for the others.
Sora looked back up to look at Jyou. It was funny how she was able to tell him to send those messages, while she herself couldn’t do it. Maybe she needed to hear her own advice from someone else.
“ I didn’t know you could be so observant,” she lowkey teased him.
“I’m usually not, anyway, not when it comes to these things,” Jyou awkwardly laughed away, his right hand scratching the back of his head. It was almost apologetically. “But you three are so obvious.”
A feeling of being caught came over her and Sora’s cheeks turned as red as her hair. “U-us three…?”
It was never supposed to go that way, she shouldn’t be feeling what she felt. She couldn’t chase after that kind of love… Could she?
“Everyone knows, except the three of you.” Jyou said, interrupting her thoughts, sounding more calm than ever before.
“Just send those texts already and you’ll find out.”
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 27
I feel like this show has hit its stride where it's just predictable enough to be a relaxing watch but still introducing enough new stuff got be exciting. I'm really enjoying my daily dose!
Digimon introduced: Chibomon
-Yeah, I can see why people would ship Daisuke and Ken, the other kids calling them the "perfect pair" and Daisuke talking about their hearts being one lol. Kinda hard for me to get into shipping elementary schoolers, but I won't yuck peoples' yum either.
-Does Paildramon have no mouth? (And he must scream). He speaks telepathically so it's hard to tell.
-Still no outfit change for Ken. He looks so out of place! I guess he hasn't really officially joined the group yet, so that's probably part of it.
-Those creepy tunnels they go through looked very Saya no Uta (where everything is made of meat basically). Very out of the ordinary for this colorful kid's show.
-I was kind of confused that Ken had to give up his crest when he just got it. Koushiro gave a helpful recap of what the crests do and why the kids had to give them up, but I'm honestly still confused LOL. Guess I'm just hopeless. It just seems weird that the kids were destined to get these crests, use them for a bit and then sacrifice them to help the ~distortion~ The lore in this series feels very "make it up as you go along" and then they gaslight you into believing they planned it that way from the start.
-Nice to have a callback to the spooky scary Cthulhu episode. I was kind of surprised that Ken remembered everything. I kinda thought his memories from when he was the Digimon Kaiser were a little more blurry than that.
-The question comes up a lot with fusion characters (like Steven Universe) where it's slightly unclear how the whole brain thing works. I thought Paildramon had a single inner monologue until two different voices called out for Daisuke and Ken (representing ExVeemon and Stingmon's voices). I wonder if it's like he can switch from one brain to the other or if they just are "on" simultaneously.
-I'm glad they mentioned Omnimon/Omegamon, but are they implying that that was a jogress digivolution or just another time when a fusion-like-thing happened? Koushiro said something about jogress digivolution happening because they lost access to the perfect evolution, which is a good explanation I suppose. I rather there be a reason for a new evolution type aside from "it looks cool lol"
-That was really cute when Paildramon was fighting and Daisuke was like "Heck yeah! Git im!!!" while Ken was having an existential crisis to the side lol. They do have a good odd couple dynamic.
-I'mma say it. Koushiro's mom is a CUTIE
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I love her. Also, she calls Tentomon "Tento-san" which is adorable. Best digi-family <3 <3
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genork-the-fandork · 1 year
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Merry Digi-mas, @smackins ! I was your Digimon Secret Santa!
(This is my writing blog, but my main is @animegenork - I know it's confusing)
I had to think about this one quite a bit, as I mostly dabble in writing rather than art, and what can I do with Digimon lines and writing? ;w; Not much...
But! I took a peeksie around your blog and saw your icon was Kunemon (excellent choice), and your letter said you also love Tentomon! An idea took shape, and the result was this little crossover fic! I hope you like it, and I hope you have a very merry holiday season!
Thank you to @digisecretsanta and @sluggybasson107 for the excellent hosting of this event! 💕
So Much for Rescue
Word Count: 1508 | Universe: Survive x Adventure [Tri] Crossover | Characters: Ryo Tominaga, Kunemon, Koushiro Izumi, Tentomon | Dedicated to smackins
Ryo pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes for the fiftieth time that day. The others had suggested that he go outside and take a breather, maybe clear his head a little. It wasn’t working in the slightest. Not only had Kunemon followed him outside—the thing was like a ninja! He could barely hear him move!—but his head was still swirling with all the thoughts that kept bombarding the sides of his skull like bullets. Ha! Bullets! That was the last thing he needed to be worrying about right now!
Beside him, Kunemon sat quietly, his two front legs folded quietly in front of him. Resting his cheek on his right hand, Ryo peered down at him, narrowing his eyes. He supposed he was getting used to the weird creature, but it was hard. What did “Kew” even mean? How did the other monsters even understand any of that? He could barely wrap his head around where they were, much less try and figure out why this monster who spoke in chirps was following him around all the time. “Are you ever gonna be able to talk?”
Kunemon turned his head toward Ryo, his head tilting the slightest bit. In a way, that was fair—Ryo couldn’t remember if he’d interacted directly with Kunemon besides the screaming in the first few minutes. Since then, he’d only ever tried talking to the other kids… or to himself. After a few seconds, supposedly of making sure Ryo had indeed been speaking to him, Kunemon’s beak parted, and he let out a simple “Kewkew!” in response.
“Wish I had a translator around for this,” Ryo muttered, sighing. Besides the fact that he was probably going to get jumped at any moment, going off alone had been a terrible idea. Especially with this horrible communication problem between him and Kunemon.
“Guess we should go back,” he surmised, pushing himself to his feet and dusting himself off. Kunemon appeared to raise himself up on his legs, but it was hard to tell, considering he was so close to the ground compared to Ryo himself.
As they turned toward the school building, there was a popping noise behind him. Ryo nearly leaped six feet in the air. He whipped around so fast he nearly fell over. Kunemon made a chittering sound and leaped in front of him, not that his presence reassured Ryo at all. Where was Agumon and Takuma when he needed them?
A ball of blue light appeared out of nowhere, floating menacingly in front of them. It gradually widened, and Ryo took a nervous step back. In a few seconds, the blue sphere was more of a mirror-like shape, round and glowing. Kunemon scuttled near it, and if Ryo didn’t know any better, he’d say the little guy was sniffing the… whatever it was. Portal? It looked like a portal. But why would there be a portal here?
Did it lead back home?
There was a strange buzzing noise, and a large red insect came flying out of the portal. Ryo yelled and ducked down, using his arms to cover his head. Kunemon made a screeching noise, and a voice said, “Whoa! Sorry! I didn’t know there was anyone here.”
Looking up, Ryo saw the red insect thing land on the ground. Upon closer inspection, it seemed more like a robot bug than a full-fledged insect like Kunemon. Was this another strange creature? “Wh-what are you?”
“I’m Tentomon. And this is—Koushiro-han! Hurry up!”
“You’re the one who went flying through before I could check that the portal was stable.” Another voice sounded from the other side of the portal, a distinctly human voice. And Ryo was right, because out of the portal stepped a boy about his age, maybe a year or two older, with dark red hair and dark eyes. The boy was wearing his summer school uniform, a white collared shirt and a navy-blue tie paired with navy blue slacks and green shoes. He wasn’t familiar, though, which meant he probably hadn’t been on the camping trip. So much for a rescue operation.
“Oh, a person. Tentomon, are you sure we calibrated the portal correctly?” The boy opened a laptop computer he’d been holding under his arm, a frown crossing his face once he (assumedly) realized he had no connection. “That’s odd. If this was the Digital World, I would be able to connect.”
“Maybe this isn’t the Digital World, Koushiro-han!” Tentomon buzzed, gesturing his claws (were they claws?) at Kunemon and Ryo. “At least, I haven’t heard of more humans showing up there.”
“What the hell is the Digital World?” Ryo blurted, glancing back and forth between the two strangers. “Does it have anything to do with what’s going on around here?”
“I’m afraid not.” Koushiro closed his laptop and gave Ryo a guilty smile. “I think I accidentally opened a portal into a completely separate dimension from the one I intended. Well, I always suspected that was possible, what with the various gates, but to think I ended up in a totally different universe is…” He scratched the back of his head. “I wish I knew how I did it.”
Kunemon turned to Ryo, who hung his head in disappointment. “So definitely not a rescue party.”
“Rescue party?” Something flashed across Koushiro’s expression, and it was enough that Tentomon peered up at him. “Why are you waiting for a rescue party?”
Ryo gestured helplessly toward the school building. “The others and I are stuck here in these woods with these weird monsters, and we keep getting attacked every five seconds by something! Just last night we had to deal with a huge spider that nearly ate one of us!” Dokugumon’s face flashed in his mind, and he covered his eyes with a hand. “This place sucks!”
Above him, he heard Koushiro chuckle. “Are you laughing at me?”
“No, no.” Koushiro hid his smile behind his hand. “It’s just… This all sounds remarkably familiar. I went through something similar, you see, when I was in elementary school. About six years ago now.”
Kunemon let out another of his chirps, though this one sounded surprised and confused. Exactly how Ryo was feeling. Glancing up at Koushiro, who politely sat across from him, he murmured, “You’ve been stuck like this, too?”
“I have. And we were all much younger than you.” Koushiro lips turned up in a weak smile before he looked at Tentomon, placing his hand gently on the head of the robo-insect (Ryo still wasn’t sure which he was). “But we had our partners, and they kept us safe. They still keep us safe, even years later.”
Ryo looked at Kunemon. “Partners, huh.” He tentatively reached his hand out and placed it on Kunemon’s head, eliciting a delighted “Kew!” from the creature. The beginnings of a smile caused Ryo’s face to twitch at that. This wasn’t so bad. “I wonder if you’d be able to keep me safe, Kunemon. Not that I can understand you.”
“Tentomon, do you know what Kunemon is saying?” Koushiro turned to his partner creature, who began buzzing in thought.
“Sort of. He said, ‘Oh!’ in a surprised way. I think he’s not used to physical affection. But he seems to like it.”
For the first time since he’d gotten into this mess, Ryo let out a little chuckle of his own. “After all I’ve put him through, he deserves it.” His eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at Koushiro once more. “Do you think we’ll be able to make it out of this?”
“That’s up to you.” Koushiro placed his hand over his heart. “It’s up to you and the others to decide whether you’re going to make it out of this. You can’t just sit around waiting for it to happen.”
Ryo nodded. “That makes sense.” He looked at Kunemon and smiled. “Think we’re going to make it out of this, Kunemon?”
“He says, ‘Let’s do it!’” Tentomon translated.
Koushiro pushed himself to his feet, and Ryo scrambled to do the same. “I should get back. I need to recalibrate the portal.” He held out his hand. “I wish you luck.”
Ryo took Koushiro’s hand and shook it. “Thanks. Good luck with your, ah, portal.”
“Thanks.” Koushiro turned toward his portal, and Tentomon saluted before flying through. “Oh, and by the way.” The boy turned back. “What was your name?”
“Ryo. Ryo Tominaga. Nice to meet you.”
“See you around, Ryo.” Koushiro stepped through the portal, and faster than it had appeared, it shrank in on itself until it was completely gone.
“Let’s head back, Kunemon.” Ryo slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled down at the little creature. Koushiro was right—working together was probably better than screaming and being afraid all the time. Now to put that into practice.
Scuttling along after him, Kunemon did a little hop, his beak turned up in what Ryo could only assume was a smile. “Kew kew!”
Ryo decided he liked the sound of that, whatever it meant.
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digitalgate02 · 10 months
DigiTimeLines: Document format [pt2]
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[part 1] | [AO3 version] | @digimonadventuretimelines (blog; outdated)
Part 2 is not totally focused on the next villain arc, but a few arcs involving a few kids and foreshadowing for the next segment (yes, part 3 confirmed, but not sure if it will be the closure to this big plotline) -- also there's some canon divergence in it, but this is a multiverse story project, so different sources of canon can still exist in their own timelines.
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[pixel Crest art by Lurils & me]
The Prelude To A New Enemy
No one knew how to explain what happened to Motomiya Daisuke. He was alive, of course, but in front of them all was… A small dog-like baby digimon with fur resembling Daisuke’s hair in color and style. In other words, he looked like a Pomeranian dog. Koushiro labeled that digimon form as “Pomeranimon” but Daisuke hated the idea of being called like that!!
Oddly, his voice sounded babyish and childish (like in Hurricane Touchdown movie) instead of the voice of an adult man. Taichi wanted more to know what happened after he got captured, but Daisuke being alive and safe now was enough for him. Ken is the one who deserved to know that info (but Taichi still wanted to know, so were the others in the room) -- but Daisuke says he’s too tired to talk. Miyako grabs her tiny and furry husband and starts demanding him to explain things NOW, and he just agrees to.
At first, Daisuke and Wingdramon managed to beat the enemies but couldn’t go home. They knew if they opened the gate, the enemies would go after Ken… So they stayed on the run and tried to survive. It was when a strange thing happened -- they met a strange Digimental in the jungle, being secured by the foe’s army. So this was the thing they were looking for, right? Something something Digimental of… Darkness? He didn’t remember very well of that part. But Ken was needed because of the Digivice of Darkness. They were trying to bring the Kaiser back and then use it to show how the humans were evil beings only interested in turning every digimon their slaves.
Daisuke and V-mon thought about taking that Digimental with them before they could use it, but Papillonmon appeared and threw those shadow butterflies against them. Then, that vile digimon forced Daisuke to use that Digimental on V-mon, armor evolving him into a black-armored Magnamon. Papillonmon then used his special attack to transform Daisuke into a digimon and labeled it Lupinmon. Since then, Daisuke and V-mon were fighting hard to regain control of their bodies but couldn’t for much longer.
It was when Magnamon ordered Natsu to go back and ask for the group’s help, but she ended up being chased by the evil enemies for five years and had no chance to get back to the human world until that day she met Daichi.
As Daisuke finishes his report, he yawns and falls asleep in Miyako’s hands. She’s about to shake him to keep him awake when Daichi intervenes saying to let him rest for a while. The adults are quite upset with their children, but they are at least relieved everyone was back and safe. Taichi tries to talk with them, but Taisuke just says he only wants to shield them, and he leaves stomping his feet on the floor. Hikari looks at Taichi, as if she knew something was wrong with them all, but she couldn’t blame those kids for trying something risky: They did the same around their ages too.
Ken mutters that they were chosen in the past, but then they made the choice to stand up and fight. Have Taichi forgotten that?
Kiyoko and Eiji follow Taisuke, trying to talk with the boy that maybe the adults were afraid of their old friend killing their children. Daichi and Hoshi come later, but Daichi seems… off. They ask what’s wrong and the kid says something is not right. Why would Papillonmon let Daisuke and Magnamon set free all of a sudden? Kiyoko gasps, ‘Are you saying dad is still in his hands!?’ but Daichi denies it, and adds that it was another thing.
What thing? The thing is… He didn’t see that Digimental his father mentioned there. So, obviously… Papillonmon retrieved it from Magnamon before leaving the Manticoremon soldiers try to get rid of them all. This made Eiji muse about that detail: Maybe Daisuke is still under Papillonmon’s spell, but not under his control. Hence why he’s still a digimon, but devolved this time. Hoshi asks if this means her dad is in danger again, and the group only assumed this could mean ‘yes’, yet they had nothing in hand to confirm their suspicions.
Would the adults believe them? Not without Daisuke and V-mon’s help.
Space-Time Traveling, Again
Once Daisuke and Chibimon had their energies recovered they were kidnapped by Kiyoko and Taisuke. The iconic 2-TOP duo were facing the children’s eyes and watching them mutter something to each other. Daisuke loses his patience, as if he was a teacher finding his classroom was merged into chaos while he was out. Mirai finds this whole situation enjoyable! A human turned into a digimon!? This must be studied! Mitsuki jokes about Mirai wanting to dissect the poor Daisuke-mon and Kiyoko snaps at them! NO ONE IS GOING TO LEND A HAND ON HIS FLOPPY FUR! (Daisuke, annoyed: Stop reminding me that I have fur!!)
Reika asks them all to behave and respect Daisuke, because he’s still an adult. Though he felt that form humiliating, only to have Elise scratch the back of his dog ear. Somehow this helped him to relax… Well, he’s stuck in that form until Koushiro can fix it. Chibimon complains, he wants to be pampered too! Elise uses her free hand to scratch Chibimon’s belly, who feels so pleased and relaxed… Until Natsu switches to Digimon form in order to get some belly rubs too. Elise complains, she can’t give love to all of them at the same time!! Her partner Zebra also complains because he wanted Elise’s attention too. She calls for the others’ help, and then Jin tells all of the digimon to stop bugging Elise.
Daichi calls everyone’s attention to their main topic, and Daisuke raises an eyebrow: What is it? His son then asks him if he or Chibimon had seen the Digimental he mentioned again, when they regained consciousness -- Daisuke and Chibimon looked at each other for a moment: OH NO, they forgot about the Digimental!! Daichi and the other kids grimace when they hear that.
Daisuke laughs nervously, and dramatically cries about him being stupid. Taisuke says, in his most tsun way, that it wasn’t his fault if he was brainwashed. The rest look at the boy, who snaps at them for that: I WAS JUST STATING THE FACTS, Y’KNOW!? Daichi wonders if he should go back in time and secure the Digimental, but Natsu says that could be wrong!
Daisuke muses that they could go back a bit further in time, but he thinks it’s risky and he should leave it to Ken and the others. Eiji counter-arguments the enemies might be after his dad now. With no other options, Daisuke sighs. He knows if he allows those children to risk their lives, their parents might unleash their wrath on him. Ulforce suggests they send just Daichi and him there, but Daisuke says they don’t know what they’re looking for! Mike suggests he describe the Digimental and that they would draw it, like the police do with suspects. Chibimon shrugs, can Daisuke be able to describe something? Daisuke squints his eyes at his own partner, and decides to go with that suggestion.
As Daisuke described the Digimental, the kids’ best artist -- Reika -- tried to capture the image in the paper. When she finished, they all looked at it. Taisuke says it looks like “a World’s Cup trophy-thing, but in cold colors” and everyone glanced at him. He does “What? I think it’s what I see here! Evil Soccer Cup’s Trophy.” -- Hoshi growls, this wasn’t the right hour to think about soccer!! Daisuke, with a deadpan face, looks at the kids and just agrees with Taisuke.
They have a plan, and then Daichi now tells them to keep everyone, mr. Ichijouji Ken included, safe while he’s out. The kids agree. Daisuke says he wants to go, but Natsu says she and Ulforce can protect Daichi for him. With everyone’s agreement, Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu go to the Dimensional Space dungeon again.
Daisuke still thinks everything is his fault, so he asks Taisuke, Hoshi and Eiji to take him to Taichi and Ken. Chibimon cannot evolve if Daisuke can’t use his digivice, so they have to be protected by those kids.
Hard Task: Talking to Taichi & Ken
The Ichijouji siblings could manage to call Ken for a small talk with Daisuke, but can Taisuke contact his dad for this too? The answer is… There’s a lot happening between Taichi and his son, Taisuke definitely hates the fact his dad is a busy man and since this whole crisis started, Taichi didn’t get time to rest and be with him and his mother. So, Taisuke is definitely out of his reach right now. But Daisuke needs to talk with Taichi immediately -- Maybe the best scenario would’ve been with both at the same time.
Hoshi knows Taisuke has a beef with her uncle Taichi. Eiji knows Hoshi and Taisuke do not get along either. And he’s a shy person, a bookworm. He cannot raise his voice and stop any clash between his sister and his cousin-and-best-friend.
Daisuke frowns: This is too much for him. If he were still human he could act as the responsible adult he is, but as a… digimon? He’s small and cannot do much! So, he had to count on Eiji for this. The moment Hoshi and Taisuke started arguing about how to call Taichi, things began overwhelming Eiji. The digimon with them were trying to help to reach a conclusion, but those two human children are hard to deal with.
Daisuke tries to call them out, but yup. His small dog-like shape cannot stop those two. Kitty, Sting and Draki as well, they were almost arguing between themselves too. It is when Eiji snaps and shouts. His hair went all over his face, resembling Ken in his child days. He tells them to stop, that this wouldn’t help anyone and that mr. Motomiya wanted their help for something important! Everyone glances at the boy in shock. Daisuke blinks, and comments this reminded him of when Ken used to snap at the others when he got angry. Eiji starts apologizing for that, that he didn’t want to… But Daisuke smiles at him and says he didn’t do anything wrong. Everyone agrees, they were wasting their time with that nonsense.
Eiji comments that if they get to talk to their dad first, they can manage to get him to call uncle Taichi with his help. Chibimon wonders if this is possible. Daisuke muses that as well, it’s not like Taichi and Ken hate each other, but they’re always kinda… awkward together… The kids agree with this too. But if this could help fight the enemy, they will cooperate with each other.
Taichi and Ken managed to meet with their kids and Daisuke. Their digimon were also present, because this is about their enemy. Daisuke took a deep breath before he could reveal something he knew. Then, when he starts… Everyone’s eyes were widened:
The enemy was trying to bring the Kaiser back, yes, but they also wanted to use him to invoke a greater threat to the world: Imperialdramon. They wanted to use Imperialdramon’s power to cause havoc in the human world, and force the humans to banish every digimon from their world, and then closing the gates around the human world.
Ken stroked his chin: This means the problem was bigger than he thought. At least it wasn’t related to some-other-digimon-he-knew (aka Millenniummon) so he was a little relieved. Chibimon could sense Wormmon was in shock, and then he added that they learned that while he and Daisuke were trying to steal the Digimental of Darkness before they could snatch it.
But that didn’t work, of course. Taichi asks why they didn't tell him before, and Daisuke looks at the floor and stays quiet. Taisuke mutters something like ‘You’re always busy, ol’ man’ which is heard by the digimon and Daisuke (because, since he’s in a digimon form his senses are pretty superhuman now) and they look at the boy. Daisuke babbles immediately that he couldn’t do that before but now he did it. Chibimon adds that Daisuke and him were ashamed of getting captured and brainwashed.
Ken muses if he is still a target, after all… Daisuke has been rescued and is back to his senses now. Daisuke frowns, he’s concerned about this form though -- If he’s really free from Papillonmon’s control. Taichi understands what that meant, and tells the kids to leave Daisuke and Chibimon with the police. Hoshi says in a serious tone that she thinks this is too harsh on them. Daisuke smiles and says Taichi’s right, he and Chibimon might still be under the enemies control and he is asking for surveillance too. Eiji frowns, but he leaves Daisuke and Chibimon in Taichi and Agumon’s hands. Kiyoko is going to kill us -- Taisuke whispers to the Ichijouji siblings. Daisuke sighs, and then makes it clear to the kids are aware that he heard them -- It’s for their children’s safety. And then entrusts Daichi and Kiyoko to those three.
Taisuke blushes, somehow. He didn’t expect to get an important task like that. Taichi and Ken ask Daisuke if this was okay and then Daisuke nods -- Those were the children who rescued him after all, and they all should trust them like their families trusted them all to beat Apocalymon and Vamdemon ages ago. Taichi nods and smiles -- Yup, they’re our children after all.
Searching for the Digimental of Darkness
Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu were looking at the infinite number of doors in that space. Ulforce wonders if they can find the right door since all of them are the same! Daichi smirks and says he had been labeling all the doors they opened with a label printer he had borrowed from Mitsuki. Natsu and Ulforce are impressed, but did he label the first door too? He reveals he had brought it with him since the first time they did space-time travel. Ulforce says HOW, but then Natsu reminds him they had been there briefly before Daichi’s decision to use that gimmick to save Daisuke.
Still, there’s a ton of doors unlabeled yet. So how could they find the one leading them to the time Daisuke and V-mon found the Digimental? Natsu suggests asking ClavisAngemon and that mysterious hooded person.
And, since she was “basically ominous” just by that mention, the woman in the hood appears in front of them. She also summons ClavisAngemon in order to lend the trio a hand. The woman notices the label printer in Daichi’s hands and asks why he had that in hands. The boy says since all of those doors have the same design and no labels, they couldn’t know where they were going, so he decided to label them by himself. She laughs kindly and reveals they could’ve used the digivice for that, since the D-TimeRune can scan the doors and point out where they could go through them. The trio stares at her, and screams in a very angry tone: WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US FIRST!? 
Daichi takes a deep breath to calm down. He just then breathes out, and shows the drawing to them -- They needed to find the door leading them to this Digimental, a door from their timeline. ClavisAngemon and the woman gasp, and her eyes are widened too. They ask why they are looking for that forbidden power, and Natsu informs them that the enemy in their timeline-bar-world had acquired and used it to put a DigiChosen against them. The woman was aware of that as well, since she can see through the doors about the past, present and the future. She is actually an overseer entity.
The trio uses the digivice this time, finding the correct door and opening it. But to their surprise, the door leads them to the human world instead. There they find a girl named Nishikawa Yume, whose appearance was pretty… familiar. She’s partnered with a YukiAgumon called Blitz. Yume knew those three were suspicious, and believed they came from the future. She’s basically the same age as him (14yo). Daichi ignored that girl and focused on finding the Digimental of Darkness quickly, BUT it felt like an impossible quest: The place Daisuke said to be where he and V-mon found it… Has no Digimental when they got there. Finding it too suspicious, Natsu uses her pendant to move through time and reach the moment the Digimental appeared. EXCEPT Yume and Blitz managed to sneak into their magical bubble-shield and witness their secret. Ulforce gets annoyed by those two, but Daichi interrupts him and asks how they got there. Yume smiles and says she knows what they’re looking for, and offers to help them, in return for a favor. What is her deal? To use Daichi’s power in order to protect someone important to her. Natsu finds it fishy, but the boy accepts the offer and makes a deal with that girl. Yume then mentions the existence of a dark passage in that area, leading them to another parallel realm where the Digimental is locked to not be caught by no one. Ulforce asks how she knows that, and she says better they do not know.
Small Yet Helpful
Koushiro, Jou and Miyako were studying Daisuke’s Pomeranimon form. They had Gennai’s help as well, but it seemed that none of them could find an answer to why Daisuke is still a digimon. Daisuke was afraid of him still being under Papillonmon’s control, hence why he asked to be kept locked and under surveillance. What if he hurts someone!? He would never forgive himself if something like that happens. Miyako ran a few more tests on Daisuke, ones that could detect digimon’s coding and digital waves on him, but thankfully nothing was found. So, something else was preventing Daisuke from returning back to his original human form. But what?
Mirai drops by and asks the adults if she could help in something, but they are still not sure if they could let her do anything. They just ask her to keep protecting the digimon and humans while they work on it. Mirai fakes a smile and then leaves. But at night she just comes back and kidnaps Pomeranimon. 
When Daisuke asks her why she says she’s just upset that no one wants her giving them a hand because she’s seen as too young for that. Except she’s too smart compared to the children from her age, and this makes her frustrated because she does not know what to do then -- adults say she’s too young to help them, and children around her age say she’s too different from them to play with her. The exceptions were Taisuke and Elise (who are the same age as her), because they also feel different and weird. Daisuke frowns, and she says she wants to be a “normal” person. Daisuke replies saying it’s okay to be different, and that people should accept her for who she is. He knows Koushiro’s reasons to refuse Mirai’s help was due to the fear of him still being under the enemy’s power… So he reveals that to her. He also says maybe she could help him out, but that they kept that a secret from the others. Mirai asks what it is, and then he says “Be yourself, do what you do the best. Leave the adults to me.” With this, Mirai nods and says she will then use her expertise to find out how to bring him back to normal, but Daisuke asks her another favor -- to help Daichi as much as she can for him.
All of those requests given to the children… They sounded like either Daichi was in trouble, or Daisuke was about to die. But rest assured, it’s just Daisuke being a dramatic dad and wanting Daichi’s friends to help his son as much as they can.
Mirai and Daisuke’s convo are interrupted by a Phantomon. The small pup form for Daisuke wasn’t able to beat a Perfect level digimon, and yet…!! Mirai calls for Koh (the KoKabuterimon) help, who evolves into Kabuterimon and faces the enemy. Koh is not used to fighting, so all he does is prevent Phantomon from capturing Mirai and Daisuke. He grabs them and retreats, but Phantomon chases them. Daisuke knows he has to do something, but… Heh, he just jumps from Mirai’s arms and throws himself at Phantomon’s face. Mirai and Koh scream, and then… Mirai’s digivice shoots a light on Daisuke’s Pomeranimon form.
He evolves… Back to Lupinmon -- Except it’s Fairytail Mode Lupinmon. That new digimon form is stronger and he destroys Phantomon, but before destroying it, he snatches something from the digimon’s robes and is caught by Koh. Mirai wonders if she just formed a link with Daisuke and he’s also confused -- So, this digimon form can be linked to digivices!? Can he link himself to his old D-3 and then evolve V-mon again!? Maybe… Sure, why not try it!?
The Digimental of Darkness’ Hidden Dimension
How did Yume know about that? They were told that they were better not to know the answer, but they would go investigate that later. They managed to go there without her and Blitz, so they could have a talk about what they think of her at least. Daichi’s opinion is maybe she has a reason to not tell them where she got that info, Natsu and Ulforce’s are she’s fishy, better not trust her at all. 
Said Digimental was there, Ulforce and Natsu could feel it, though they couldn’t see it. But before that, what would they do? Grab the Digimental and leave? According to Daisuke’s report, the enemy had secured the Digimental and was hunting Ken down for his digivice. But what were Daisuke & V-mon thinking to do next? Just flee? Hide the Digimental? Take it to Koushiro or Gennai? Destroy it? They had no idea what they should DO with that thing!!
Of course Daichi was aware of how Digimentals work -- you say “Digimental Up!” and then it activated the Armor Evolution. But Daichi also knew Ulforce is a V-mon, and V-mon species had an affinity to Digimentals. He wouldn’t risk turning Ulforce or Natsu into a feral monster and let them run amok. They needed a strategy.
Searching the area for the Digimental they found its guardian -- Aegiochusmon: Dark. Prepared for battle, Daichi puts Ulforce and Natsu on hold and tries to explain to Aegiochusmon why they were there. Aegiochusmon understood them, but it’s when they learn that the changes in the past wouldn’t erase/destroy the future or present, and yes that Daichi was creating new alternative timelines for them all. But how did Aegiochusmon know that? Daichi was in denial now. Natsu stays silent, and Ulforce tries to attack with his V-Bracelets. Aegiochusmon then repels the plasma shots and threatens to send them to the null area if they don’t leave.
Daichi keeps refusing that information, Ulforce orders Aegiochusmon to give them the Digimental, but the other refuses to. Natsu grabs both Ulforce and Daichi, thanks Aegiochusmon and leaves immediately. The boys complain hard and criticize her behavior, but she ignores them. Daichi was feeling she was hiding something from them. Then, she suggests they find the Digimental of Miracles to counter-attack the Digimental of Darkness. Ulforce wonders why Miracles and not Light -- The Digimental of Light is the opposite of the Digimental of Darkness after all. The logic lied more in the sacred power and high defensive stats the Digimental of Miracles could give them.
With this… They returned to their present again.
Another Kind of Trouble (?)
Remember when I said there’s two main enemies before? The other issue making Taichi lose brain cells to put an end to the conflict was the anti-digimon people. Despite having the entire world’s populace partnered with digimon, some of those people hated them and had awful relationships with the digimon -- might become a bit heavy here, but -- such as abusing them, harming them and even trying to end their lives… Or using them for crimes.
Criminals are “easy” to deal with, at least. You arrest the human and send their partner to some sort of a victim protection program to keep the digimon safer from the toxic human tamer… And then “undo” their partnership -- not that they end the connection between human and digimon, but they send it back to the Digital World to be taken care of by a special group of caregivers formed by digimon and humans habiting the DW.
As for abuse, harm or murder attempt cases… Those are harder and it’s just like what happens to human beings, but they couldn’t let the digimon return to those people’s hands. So they’re completely sent to the same group of caregivers and under the victim protection program. Things might be harder than dealing with a human being though, and no one wants those digimon victims to be devolved into digiegg stage.
The rest of the Neo Chosen group is focused on saving the digimon from bad partners, while Daichi is out. They’re forced to protect the digimon before the human partner triggers a dark evolution and go amok, so many times those kids had no other choice but revert the wild feral dark evolution into an egg or baby form. With the help of the police, the adults would arrest the toxic tamer and never let their digimon see them again -- unless they redeem themselves and repent for their actions. Because yeah, those kids and their parents/relatives would hope for the best and happy ending.
But digimon taking control over their partners also exist. Criminal digimon abusing their human partners, forcing them to commit crimes, to evolve them so they could hurt and destroy stuff also exist and are on the top of the list for things the Neo Chosen and their families have to combat. In this case the human is protected from the digimon, and the digimon is forced back to digiegg state. 
Some of those cases ended up with the rest of the kids unlocked Adult and Perfect evolution for their partners:
Elise: BlackGabumon → B.Garurumon and B.WereGarurumon
Mike: Floramon → Sunflowmon and Lilamon
Jin: Kamemon → Gawappamon and Shawujinmon
Reika: Armadimon → Ankylomon and Triceramon
Mitsuki: Tsukaimon → Pidmon and HolyAngemon
Mirai’s partner, Koh, would super evolve later, but at this point she was just busy working behind the curtains and working as some sort of navigator-esque character.
Another problem they have to face is people very Menoa-like trying to build mindless human-made digimon for military and war purposes. Taichi & co. hated this case so badly that the authorities and agents like Yamada Kyotaro (also known by “Imura Kyotaro”) would put a stop on any program or project involving this kind of research and manufacture.
But a part of their worries was definitely Papillonmon’s plans -- where did he go and what will he do now?
Clash Between Daichi and Soleil
The “Space trio” -- Soleil, Lune and Étoile -- kept working on their own way: In the shadows and doing the sneaky job. They met with Daichi in the meantime, when the boy was seeking for the Holy Beasts. Soleil uses a prophetic voice tone saying Daichi is too soft for the world-saving job and that he was selected as the savior of the worlds by Homeostasis. Natsu and Ulforce definitely argue with Soleil that Homeostasis don’t go and threaten people like him. Soleil is so sure Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu are disobeying the “divine” orders and unleashes his fury on them -- claiming himself to be the embodiment of Justice.
A fight happens between Flaremon and AeroV-dramon. Lune realizes Ulforce is an interesting digimon specimen and tells Lekismon to stop the fight by putting Flaremon and AeroV-dramon in sleep. Soleil growls at the interruption, but he calms down when Lune justifies just letting Daichi and co. roll with it, because things would’ve been more “interesting” -- no one besides Lune herself knew what that meant (it means she wanted to study Daichi’s methods and philosophy, that’s it.)
Étoile suspiciously drops a card on Natsu, asking to meet her later… Without Daichi and Ulforce. The card also meant it wasn’t a trap, just a human-to-digimon talk. Natsu accepts the terms, and waits for Étoile later, on a… Digimon bar. This bar had everything -- Alcohol and non-alcohol, also oil and other non-human drinks. Why would a human kid want to meet her there?!
Turns out that… Étoile is not human.
Natsu noticed it by the fact Étoile did not appear as Étoile, and yes as an enigmatic and elusive digimon named Arsenemon. He was like her and Arukenimon & Mummymon, or Bakemon species -- a digimon able to shapeshift into a human being. He had chosen that form in order to hide from Lupinmon and protect his archnemesis Herlockmon -- now devolved into a purple Pokomon/Viximon subspecies. Natsu realized something was familiar to her… Daisuke was Lupinmon, but he did not turn back to normal and just reverted into a small baby II level digimon after he was rescued. Could this mean…??
Arsenemon says that he’s aware that Daisuke did not do anything purposely and was a victim, but he was so done with Papillonmon and his lackeys for that. But he also suspected that someone was pretending to be Homeostasis and just manipulating Soleil and Lune under the curtains. Natsu nods in agreement -- Homeostasis does not talk like that at all, they’re not a god-like figure, it’s just a security system for the Digital World.
But who?
The Holy Beast, Yume and Daichi
Before continuing, Daichi and co returned and reported to Daisuke and the others about their discoveries -- Daisuke got a little sad they couldn’t prevent it from happening, but Eiji says that might be for a good cause… They talked to the adults about this too, and then Ken mused about Natsu’s idea to use the Digimental of Miracles to counter the Digimental of Darkness. Yet they had no idea what would happen next, like what Papillonmon would do, or if there’s a way to bring Daisuke back to normal. Then, he asked the kids to search for an old acquaintance of the group, one of the Holy Beasts he and the others had met before in their childhood. Daisuke suggested going with them, but Hikari quietly asked if it was safe to let Daisuke go with them in this state. Koushiro interrupted them saying there’s still something off with Daisuke and they couldn’t take their eyes off him. When the kids asked why, Daisuke changed his mind and said he must stay under surveillance. Mirai frowned, this didn’t sound correct…
Actually Daisuke, for being able to “evolve” into Lupinmon again because of Mirai… Had made Daisuke himself concerned of not being free from Papillonmon’s power, not from his mind control (this one was already undone by Daichi) -- so he feared running amok soon or later.
Now, after facing Soleil and Natsu had talked with Étoile… the trio plus Taisuke, Kiyoko, Eiji and Hoshi wander through the Digital World, as a group. They ran through a few issues, but nothing big. To meet the Holy Beasts, they have to contact one of the Digital World’s agents (aka Gennai’s kind, or Gennai himself) -- But this is where they… had no idea how to meet an agent.
Yume appears with her partner YukiAgumon (named Blitz) and she asks Daichi if he got what he wanted. The others minus Natsu and Ulforce glance at Daichi and “do you know this girl?” but Daichi completely ignores their question and replies to Yume with a nod and adds that he couldn’t get the Digimental but they came up with another plan to countermeasure it. Then, Yume asks what it is and Hoshi whispers to Daichi to not tell that girl anything… Except he ignores his friends again and tells Yume that they’re looking for the Holy Beasts.
Yume smiles and says she knows those digimon, making everyone exclaim in shock. Natsu raises an eyebrow because how could that human girl know the Holy Beasts? That’s fishy…!!
But Yume takes them to the area where the one she knows the most reigns and it’s…
Kiyoko blinks, “Shouldn’t we be meeting a blue dragon instead?” and the group confirms it. Yume says Baihumon is an old acquaintance of her father, and that they barely meet nowadays. Taisuke wonders if the Holy Beasts are all partnered with humans and then Eiji -- in his very smart aleck mode -- remembers them about the fact some books and digimon folklore mentions that four of the five Chosen Children digimon have ascended into the final form as the Holy Beasts. Ulforce, Natsu and the rest of the digimon confirm it. Taisuke then asks what happened to the fifth digimon from that group and then none of the digimon or Eiji knew. Yume then slips something like “they died in combat” and Daichi frowns, he goes straight to the point: “Are you related to the fifth Chosen and their digimon?”
Baihumon interrupts them, asking why Yume brought those people and digimon to him. She gently says they’re looking for the Digimental of Miracles, to counter the power of the Digimental of Darkness. Baihumon seems surprised by the mention of that wicked Digimental, and then asks the kids what happened to its guardian. Again, none of them know what happened to Aegiochusmon: Dark, but Taisuke jumps into the conclusion that that guardian had betrayed everyone! Eiji thinks the most realistic conclusion is either that or that the enemies beat the guardian.
Daichi wasn’t that interested in the theories revolving around what happened to Aegiochusmon, but he definitely got some interest on Yume’s behavior when Taisuke asked about what happened to the fifth kid and their partner digimon. But this is everything Yume wanted, actually -- to lure Daichi into her own selfish plan.
Baihumon then decides he will talk to the other Holy Beasts and pass their reports to them, he’s a courteous but not so friendly digimon though, but he kept contact with human beings because of Qinglongmon and his human partner. Seems like he was hiding something too, considering he didn’t say anything regarding his fifth old comrade… Hoshi notices that Daichi is too quiet to the point it’s suspicious, so once they’re back to the human world she asks him what’s going on. Daichi mentions he’s not very sure why, but both Baihumon and Yume were acting strangely when Taisuke asked that question, and Taisuke himself starts wondering if they should investigate that. Kiyoko and Eiji remind them that there’s a digi-crisis happening right now and they shouldn’t get distracted by this. Hoshi suspiciously agrees with Taisuke -- that they should go with it. The kids look at Natsu for a while, and she shrugs. It’s futile to discuss with them, but she also thinks it won’t hurt to research about some fellow Chosen Child while they wait for the Holy Beasts’ decision.
Meeting Baihumon’s Human Partner
With the power of Mirai and Mitsuki’s investigative skills, the group reach a man running a coffee shop in Tokyo called Nishijima Daigo. He was possibly in his late forties and was different from the kind of partner the group had thought of -- He was a completely charismatic, caring and lovely person… Also a walking mess.
Meeting mr. Nishijima made Daichi even more curious about Yume’s true personality -- there was something off in her, yet something… familiar. The kids ask the man about the Digital World he had met in the past, and his reaction is… He completely changed his mood to someone more serious. He asks those young Chosen how did they know about him and his connection to Baihumon, and then Hoshi says his daughter told them. He almost burns his coffee brew by the mention of Yume. He sighs, so she’s doing that again huh… But how they knew about his child was a mystery. Daichi then explains to the man that they met before, a few years ago in 2024 during a mission (he’s not sure IF he can give the details of holding the power to space-time travel though… So not many people are aware of Daichi having said power… yet) and it makes Nishijima wonder which kind of mission would this kid have been involved in to cross with Yume’s path.
It doesn’t matter, Nishijima then tells them to not let her convince them from doing something risky. This makes Eiji raise an eyebrow -- What does Nishijima mean? It’s when the man writes down a few things on a paper napkin and hands it to Natsu (assuming she’s an adult human and responsible for them) with the vague phrase of “Do not let her know about this, but search it by yourselves.” 
They left after a brief break to eat a few pastries and non-alcohol drinks from the café, praising Nishijima’s cuisine and cooking skills -- which made the man go back to his good mood and bubbly personality.
Once they left, they had to think about where to go to search for… a person named Himekawa Maki. Eiji suggests them searching in the Digital World’s library -- the Tree of Knowledge. That sounded like a good plan!! But Taisuke just thinks they should ask for Mirai’s help. They look at the boy for a moment and Daichi says, with a deadpan face, “Both? Both. Both is good” -- The mention of that meme makes them realize Daichi is in better shape than he was years ago. So they go to the Tree of Knowledge with Mirai and Koh.
Himekawa Maki’s Secret Life
Nishijima didn’t clarify things enough. The kids and their mons were wondering what kind of role this Himekawa Maki person would have in Yume’s life, but then they would just find a picture of this person in the database and realize that… Himekawa Maki is Yume’s mother.
Or to be more accurate, was.They learned through those archives that she died in a digimon incident after she had given birth to Yume, months later.
The causes of her death weren’t totally depicted to the public archives, which lead the kids to think something more and more serious had happened and their parents had to hide from the public. If they ask their families, there is a high chance of leading them to more misleadings than someone being pretty honest about this. Something… Maybe Nishijima wanted to hide that from Yume and asked them all to keep it a secret? So Ulforce asks them what they should do now, and then Taisuke dramatically gestures to the Know-It-All Genius Junior Izumi Mirai. Oh, that was Taisuke’s backup plan!! There’s nothing that Mirai cannot discover!!
So Mirai starts inspecting the files, the database and even running into some archives protected by password. Seeing a key requirement made them believe that yeah, there’s something behind this all and they had to pass by a permission key wall. It’s when Mirai chuckles and starts bragging about her new ‘gimmick’ -- a virtual replica of the Digimental of Knowledge, containing the Digimental data stored into her D-TimeRune Digivice. Everyone was so impressed by that that they wondered how she managed to get a Digimental for that, and then she said she copied the data from mr. Hida’s digivice.
But why should they use a Digimental data to bypass the permission wall? And then, she reveals about Koh’s armor evolution -- Searchmon. Everyone isn’t sure what that meant, but then she proceeds to demonstrate that trick. She armor evolves Koh with that data to Searchmon, and then Koh uses his Jamming Hertz special move on the wall. Thanks to it, the wall malfunctioned and then it opened the files, as if the key was input. Taisuke asks how she did that, and then Eiji theorizes that Searchmon’s attack might have worked as some sort of key-gen and generated a permission key to access those archives. Hoshi asks why wouldn’t they just protect those archives with a strong password and then Taisuke smirks and gushes that Mirai would’ve found her own way to bypass that too. Kiyoko reminds them that her and Daichi’s mother is an excellent hacker too, so it wouldn’t be that hard. (Was Kiyoko jealous? Who knows~)
Once they get access to those files, they start reading them all and looking for anything that could lead to answers… Until Kiyoko finds out something. 
The group gathers to the screen she was reading and they learn that Himekawa and Nishijima were part of a prior group, one before ambassador Yagami’s group. And that those five kids faced the Dark Masters trio, but they were beaten. Himekawa’s anger led Megadramon (Bakumon’s perfect level form) to evolve further and then become Mugendramon -- who would later be corrupted and then become the forth Dark Master. The other four kids and their digimon had unlocked the form of the Holy Beasts for their partners and they had no other choice but destroy Mugendramon, reverting it into a corrupted Digiegg. Gennai and the others had to hide this secret from Himekawa for ages, that Bakumon’s egg had hatched later and then that Mugendramon turned into the same tyrant ruler of the Metal Empire area ambassador Yagami and the others had faced in 1999. This secret was kept from everyone else, so none of the Tokyo Twelve (Taichi and Daisuke groups, actually) were aware of it. But Himekawa ended up doing everything she could to bring Bakumon back from the Dark Area, leading to a brand new digimon crisis… And in the end, she was killed by her own partner once she managed to get Mugendramon’s data. This was months after she and Nishijima had a child on October 19 2013, named Yume. Nishijima begged everyone to hide this info from his daughter, so of course he and Baihumon wouldn’t say anything about it.
But… Does it mean Yume learned the truth? She was kinda bugged by Taisuke’s question and Daichi mentions he heard her saying “they died in combat” -- so maybe Yume's not aware of the truth, but maybe some sort of fakery story where her mother died as some heroine?
Yes. Yume’s story about her mother was totally covering the bad parts of it: She was trying to help the Chosen Children, but sacrificed herself in order to save everyone.
No one noticed until now, but Mirai had brought Daisuke inside her purse (because… She was convinced that he wasn’t a baddie anymore, and they were bonding quite well as mentor-mentee) and he did witness the entire story. He gets out from the purse and exclaims that they never had imagined that! The kids get surprised by this sneaky Pomeranimon and Mirai babbles that she couldn’t leave him inside a cage like a lab rat! Hoshi says she shouldn’t have done that, because they don’t know if mr. Motomiya is trustworthy in this form. Kiyoko growls “Huh? Are you saying MY dad is sketchy and cannot be trusted!?” but Daisuke interrupts the possible fight to remind them they don’t know if he’s totally free from Papillonmon’s power. But Eiji’s curious about why Mirai would bring him with her, it didn’t feel like she was just taking him for a walk (Daisuke: Hey! Stop treating me like I’m a pet!! 💦) and she confesses she just thought he could help them out too, also having access to the data there could help her to find a way to turn him back into a human being.
Could this be possible? Well, if you’re in a place with tons of information and it’s called “Tree of Knowledge”, it might have the answer to that main issue. At least it’s what Mirai thought.
But going back to the main subject, Daichi realizes that “Nishikawa” might not be her real name, and yes some portmanteau of her parents names, an ALIAS. They checked the database and there was no Nishikawa person affiliated to Nishijima, he never got married again. But why would she hide her true identity…?
Yume’s Real Plan
If anything, Yume had an ambitious plan which her father had already discovered: She wanted to go back in the past and prevent her mother from sacrificing her life to save the world. In the same napkin he handed to the kids had also a plea: Please do not let Yume discover the truth, and do not let her get in touch with Mastemon.
Kiyoko frowns, “Who’s Mastemon?” and then they start scrutinizing the Tree of Knowledge’s database in order to discover about this Mastemon. Then they learn about this jogress digimon, able to travel through space-time and create portals. Natsu blinks, and then she looks at her pendant. Daichi and Ulforce look at her, and she mentions that… she possibly had inherited those powers from Mastemon -- but she’s not Mastemon herself!
So this means when Yume caught them in the past it probably drove her into the idea of using that power to go back in time and save her mother, and this sounded too familiar for Daichi… To the point he’s ashamed. Well, now he knows that no matter what he does in the past, it only creates a new setting of events for a brand new divergent timeline. He explains it to the kids, now that he’s less obsessed with that power. Kiyoko frowns again, so this means no matter what Yume does, she might never bring her mother back in this timeline… Natsu nods with a sad expression on her face.
But how to convince Yume she shouldn’t do that, that it won’t change their reality and will only cause her more grief? They started to think, and think… Daisuke sighs and says the only option is to tell her that, and hope for the best. Hoshi politely asks what would they do if she does not listen to them, and then Daisuke says they should just break Natsu’s pendant then. Natsu babbles desperately that she cannot destroy it, what if they need it later!? Mirai suggests leaving the pendant with mr. Gennai then, he’s trustworthy!! But Taisuke thinks they could leave it with the Holy Beasts, they could be able to secure that power from anyone else. But Daichi’s opinion is that they should keep it with that hooded woman from the Dimensional Space, or with ClavisAngemon. There were so many options… Daisuke keeps insisting they shouldn’t play with things involving space-time powers, that this is too much responsibility and no one responsible enough should be trusted with it. Then Natsu just thinks this is a burden because she was hated by people for having it, and Daisuke says you’re not a burden and I admire you for being this strong to carry this responsibility. Daichi jokes that “yeah, I can't be trusted with a power like this” and Ulforce and Natsu just agree with him, seriously. 
Daichi blames himself for making Yume get interested in time-travel, possibly because this means something happened back in 2024 and gave her those ideas, so maybe he accidentally made a “time loop” -- and now he, Natsu and Ulforce are stuck in it. Kiyoko raises an eyebrow: If you said that anything you altered in the past created new events for new timelines, how can you be so sure it was you who met Yume in the past and gave her that idea?
Mirai also agrees that Daichi’s idea is in conflict with what was told by Aegiochusmon: Dark, so it would make no sense unless…
Oh no.
That Yume came from the past. Not from the future. 
But what happened to the Yume from their actual time? Did she vanish or something?? The actual Yume would’ve been a little older than Daichi, right? If she was born in 2013… Taisuke and Daisuke gasp and think that both cannot exist in the same place!! Mirai agrees, the digimon also nod sagely, while Hoshi gives up on that talk -- It’s too much for her brain. Eiji deduces that Yume actually caused some kind of time paradox. Hoshi now is not even paying attention to the whole geek-like conversation and just started playing some game on her phone. Kitty asks if the two Yumes gathered into one? The others question if that’s possible though…
Daichi interrupts them to say maybe they should just send Yume from the past back to 2024 and tell her to not mess with space-time. But then… Draki (BlackAgumon) asks how Yume came to the future in the first place…
… They look at Daichi, who takes a moment to notice that maybe she had followed him there.
Oh well… Ulforce says they have to talk with her soon or later, and then Captain just “Well, like now?” and then they all look behind and here she and Blitz are. Taisuke gasps, shouting “DID SHE HEAR US!?” and hides behind Kiyoko and Hoshi. Seems like Taisuke was afraid of that girl since she met them and he innocently asked that question. Daichi asks if she heard them all, and how long she was there, to only have her stare at them seriously.
So everyone lied about his mother, about everything. She wasn’t a heroine but some villain. Yume didn’t want to believe it, and she wouldn’t. She keeps demanding them to help her save Himekawa because her mother wouldn’t have done something cruel like that and that everyone was lying about her. Daisuke tries to calm her down, saying something like “she wasn’t a villain but more like someone who got a terrible traumatic experience in the past” Daichi realizes his father is talking about something he doesn’t know, something Daisuke himself was hiding from him. Yume refuses to hear them out, and she keeps thinking none of them care about saving a victim. She knew the Digital World’s entities were cruel, and it made Blitz kinda sad. Blitz is the only friend Yume had her whole life, but not much talkative. But then Blitz tries to reason with Yume, saying that’s not true, after all they became friends and then partners!! Was Yume forgetting their bonds now? To condemn the Digital World to be the one to take her mother’s life?!
It’s when Daisuke just jumps from Mirai’s purse and stands in front of Yume. He wants to just talk to her, but she keeps refusing them. It’s when he just reveals what Natsu was trying to hide from Daichi -- That he was also a victim of the digimon, BUT that didn’t make him hate them at all. Daichi’s eyes widen, and the kids just exclaim “What!?” -- Yume included. Natsu was silent, but she thinks Daisuke didn’t need to go this far to talk about his past.
Then, Daisuke tells them that a digimon named Vamdemon had invaded Odaiba when he was a kid, on August 3rd 1999. He was just seven years old and he and his family were captured by Vamdemon’s minions and taken to the Tokyo Big Sight. There, he was separated from his family and put in a room with all of the kids residing in Odaiba, or the visitors from that day. He heard some of those bad guys talking about finding the Eighth Chosen Child, and he remembered seeing Tailmon for the first time in his life, way before he learned Tailmon was Yagami Hikari’s digimon partner. But he also adds that that encounter didn’t make him hate the digimon because he saw Taichi and his friends with their partners too, and how they saved Odaiba made him wish to be as strong as them. He admits he didn’t trust the digimon before, but once he met V-mon three years later, he had the chance to learn more and change his mind.
Daichi then asks Mirai if Chibimon was inside the purse and she chuckles nervously. (Yes he was inside too, but sleeping like a rock)
Yume blinks, how can a digimon be so sure about her feelings… Daisuke says he’s human trapped in a curse for now, but being a digimon for a while is making him realize how hard it might be to those digimon, and he thinks now the digi-rebels might not be entirely evil and yes digimon afraid of the unknown. She gives him a timid smile, maybe Daisuke really had a way to change people’s hearts.
Blitz says Yume and her should go back to 2024 and abandon that idea of saving Yume’s mother. Yume understands, but she wants to stay in the future now… Natsu says she can’t and that this was creating a time paradox with the Yume from 2029, in which they can’t exist in the same place at all because she’s not from a parallel world. Kiyoko gets some interest on why can’t there exist two Yumes from the same timeline, and why Natsu is implying that if one of them came from a different world this would be okay. Eiji explains that it’s because this Yume came from the past, which means the future Yume cannot exist anymore if had time-travel to the future. Hoshi thinks this is too much for her head all over again and decides before they send Yume back, they should just have fun together, at least.
Now that they solved that part… Maybe they could focus on Papillonmon’s next moves, right?
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