#(I love this AU so much)
cupophrogs · 5 months
Nightstuck Poppet!!
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(au belongs to @bunnyspine) I honestly adore the whole concept and vibe of this au, and I could not resist putting my funny jack-in-the-box-jester in some pjs and throwing them into a world of existential horrors!!!
I thought about Poppet and their box becoming like a little hiding spot for Wally, since Poppet would be difficult for Home to access unless the box is wound and opened! Though I suppose it's dangerous to be stationary when a Prowling Puppet is after you... Regardless, Wally seems so lonely, so if he can sneak past Sally, perhaps Poppet can keep him company!
Mini-comic: "HIDE"
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I wonder who wound the box?
Extra stuff under the cut :DD
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angeart · 4 months
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for @linkito based on the request in this ask
hhau scarian!
this drawing is of them after their return to hermitcraft. after all the horrors. they kind of very quickly get rid of their old clothes, desperate to get away from anything that ties them to that horrible experience.
grian now sees a red sweater and is hit with so many flashbacks and complicated feelings. scar looks at his wardrobe of button-up shirts, clean and nice, and has this dissonant feeling that almost edges on dissociation.
they need to get away from anything drab, red, familiar; so instead, they reach for colours, and for pastels, and soft, comfort materials. and it's wonderful, because they can. because they have options, and the freedom, and they cling to it and they drink in the sight of each other in all these different clothes, letting it sink in over and over again that they made it, they survived and now they can live again.
also, fun little detail, because there were no respawns in the world where grian and scar were, and as a result all wounds had to slowly heal with nothing but makeshift bandages at their disposal, grian came out of it with scars. (they now match.)
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redislonely · 4 months
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SWAP AU BY @phenphoenix !!
Hypersexual and aroace friendship supremacy 
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hudziol · 6 months
I have come from the void to drop off some fanart of a really cool TADC au by  @sm-baby (go check em out https://sm-baby.tumblr.com/ ) The main piece is based on the Danganronpa V3 Op lol
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(and my fav oc, yes she is a murder drone oc shhhh, she represents circus music )
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ameleah · 2 years
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two sides of the spectrum today huh @buggachat
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jaybird-baby-boy · 4 months
~ Oh, So Typical Me ~
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So. Me and one of my partners has been watching Ninjago. I showed them Proselytized, and we both enjoy it a totally healthy amount. <- lying.
And! I decided to make this artwork for our Spotify playlist for the AU :) had a lot of fun with this one, especially with some of the glowing effects.
Proselytized/Nindroid Jay AU was created by @zaptrap , their art is SERIOUSLY kickass, I highly recommend checking them out!
That’s all for now! ^^/
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noahidkovskikh · 2 months
Obikin x The Witcher!AU
+ little Ahsoka
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↓ no text version ↓
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witheredallium · 1 month
Mom said it was my turn on the writing
It had been a long day at the asylum and all Alex wanted to do was watch a horror movie and go to bed. Clyde had decided to claim part of the couch and made half of it dip down considerably. The only thing on the television was the made for TV IT movie. It certainly wasn’t peak, but it would do even if Clyde did not look impressed.
“Do you really think this is scary?”
Alex shrugs, “I mean, not really? Some things I’ve seen, like you, or stuff at the asylum can’t quite compare, but y’know certain films have their moments.”
Clyde’s smile widens to almost comedic proportions. The veldigun slinks off the couch, raising itself to full height to tower over Alex and block the TV. “You find me scary?”
Alex gulps, but nothing shows on their face. With a nervous smile they say, “Well, now you’re just trying to be scary on purpose and that’s not scary. I know you wouldn’t do anything to me… At least, not yet.”
“Not yet?” Clyde asks as it settles back on the couch, looking mildly disappointed.
Alex deciding to look back at the film, says, “I mean, I’m kind of expecting you to murder me after we get your partner out of there. I’m useful to you right now, so you won’t kill me.”
Clyde smirks, which makes for an odd expression on the veldigun’s face. “I could kill you at any time.”
Alex chuckles mirthlessly, “I know… but you won’t right now.”
Clyde looks almost appreciative of Alex’s confidence before quickly returning to a normal expression. It reminds itself that it can’t be feeling stuff like this. It knows it’ll have to kill the human later, no matter if they have this weird connection.
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meatholf · 4 months
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no light effect version undercut
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wolfsbanesparks · 9 months
Twitch chat au, should Billy be able to communicate with the past host then? I think it would add more chaos but also imagine -
Aman taking about Black Adam and him being sad they won’t see rhe other again (and bc he got killed by him) since he’s been like banned(?)
Aman: i miss him, he did everything and took care of me like I was his son :((
Billy and the others: he killed you
Ooh let's get into the logistics of Twitch Chat AU and past hosts!
So in my mind (for this AU at least) Billy is in near constant communication with his patrons. They are the loudest and most consistently spamming the chat with their thoughts and 'advice'. Marvel and Billy more or less take turns in charge with the other joining the patrons as a commenter/back seat driver until they switch back.
So how do the past hosts fit into this?
I think that they are definitely a part of this, though they are mostly silent viewers UNLESS Billy/Marvel specifically want to talk to them or if they feel very strongly about being heard. When Black Adam first shows up, I imagine things got VERY chaotic as everyone rushed to comment on his presence. Billy was not prepared for the sheer number of new voices in his head that day.
Black Adam/Teth Adam is not part of the chat, but everyone in Billy/Marvel's head were once in his head so they have very strong opinions about him and there are several that are sad that they will only ever see him as one of their opponents. The above conversation definitely happened at some point and Billy in particular is not one to let it go.
That's my thoughts on it at least! Feel free to chime in with your own thoughts on it!
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dreamscape-witch · 5 months
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Morning Coffee on a snowy day
The background took so long to do ngl. I think it looks pretty good and I'm pretty happy with it!
Gitm au belongs to @venomous-qwille
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
I'm in love with @ashwii Celestial AU. I wanted to write something poetic and beautiful but instead it turned into silly shenanigans between astronaut April and the Disaster Twins. I hope you get a good chuckle out of it at least.
"Wait! Hold on! Rewind! Humans do what?" 
April grins and adjusts her grip on the outer hull. She briefly gestures with the screwdriver before plunging it back into the innards of the space station she is going to call her home for the next few years. 
No matter how much she'd trained for and anticipated this mission, the idea of spending years alone on a space station to research the effects of long term exposure to low gravity had been as exciting as it had been scary. All that scientific and psychological mumbo jumbo aside, she'd been convinced that 'going space crazy' would be a given and had noted it down in her mission log on the very first day (something Ground Control hadn't found very funny, weirdly enough). 
She thought the loneliness might kill her before any asteroid or technical failure could. But now here she is, floating in her super advanced space suit in the vast nothingness of space and talking to a floating humanoid turtle who is also apparently an embodiment of all the stars in all the galaxies and who is named like a renaissance painter even though April had to explain what a renaissance painter even is and… 
Maybe she has gone space crazy after all? 
Leonardo proves that he is not merely a figment of her imagination by tapping one of his fingers against the face shield of her helmet, an action that had scared the crap out of her the first time he'd done it. Not anymore though. Her new friends won't let anything happen to her. 
"Hello? Stars to April!" 
"Yes Leo, I heard you." She can hear him loud and clear. She wonders if he can too or if her voice sounds muffled to him through the helmet. "Don't know what to tell you, dude. It's just a silly thing humans do. There are websites where you can buy a star and give it a name and then give it away as a gift." 
"A gift?" Leo clutches at his chest like an old lady might clutch at her pearls. He floats backwards a few feet. The trails of his mask flare and tiny stars follow his movement, surrounding him and sparking briefly like small explosions before fading away again. 
Oh, how April wishes she could touch them. Would they be cold or hot? Would they pass right through her or settle on her skin like a thousand little fireflies?
They don't know if Leo and his brothers can enter the station without harm to them or the ship and April knows that they are too wary to try. Yet. 
Which, yeah. Fair enough. Maybe one day. 
"A gift!" he repeats. His voice cracks and he looks genuinely distressed. April would feel bad for him if she wasn't trying so hard not to laugh. "How dare you humans sell pieces of me as a gift!" 
"Hey hey, calm down. It's not real. No one can really buy a star. It's just… make believe." 
"That's besides the point!" 
In that moment Donatello joins them, alerted by his brother's shouting and gesticulating. He's been keeping an eye on the two of them from a distance. The moon turtle is the slowest to warm up to April, although her willingness to show and explain to him the various uses of her NASA approved equipment has gone a long way. April is determined to win the celestial being over with her charm and wit, just like she did with his brothers. 
"What's all this racket about?" Don looks and sounds tired. It's a waning moon and his arms are already more black than green, his eyes vaguely distant. The black mass traveling up and down his arms like the insides of a lava lamp should look creepy but it's actually quite mesmerizing. April could watch the dance of darkness and light for hours, but Donnie gets testy when he catches her staring so she refrains. Barely. 
"Donnieeeee!" Leo wails and throws his arms around his brother's neck. Immediately the stars on his skin brighten. It's fascinating: The darker Donnie is, the brighter Leo shines. The closer they are to a full moon, the more subdued Leo's glow becomes. Neither state seems to affect the other negatively. Rather, they seem to gravitate towards each other even more frequently during full and new moons. 
Donnie smiles softly in the face of his brother's antics and April catches herself thinking that it's probably a good thing both of them don't shine at the same time. That might just blind her. 
The moon turtle catches her staring and just like a switch being flipped his smile turns into a scowl and he pushes his brother away. 
April smirks. So predictable. 
"Nardo! What is it?" 
Leonardo waves his arms around. Streaks of light paint waves into the space between them. "April just told me that humans buy stars as gifts!" He shudders and hugs himself. "I feel so violated." 
Okay, that is so not fair. Now April feels really bad. And it's got nothing to do with the glare Don sends her. 
"Hey man!", she says and gently bumps her fist lightly against Leo's shoulder. It feels just like any other shoulder. Corporal and squishy. She wonders if it would feel different without the glove in the way. "They only do that because stars are beautiful. You buy a star for your loved ones, to show them how important they are to you and because you want to give them something unique and lovely. Gifting someone a star is like, the most wonderful thing you can do on earth, y'know?"
She is mostly talking out of her ass right now. April never got the whole 'gifting a star' business. To her it's mostly a scam, just a very expensive piece of paper. No one owns stars so no one can sell them either. But she does acknowledge that it's a cute idea at least and that lots of people are really digging it. 
Leo stares at her with, excuse the pun, stars in his eyes. "Really?" His attitude does a complete 180. He twirls in a circle, throws his glowing mask trails around and blows his brother an exaggerated kiss. "You hear that, Dee? I'm the most wonderful gift, ever. Humans pay lots of money for a piece of me. You all get my company for free, be thankful." 
Donatello rolls his eyes. "Oh, joy. Though I  wish I had paid some money. At least then I'd have a receipt and could return you for something cooler." 
Leo only laughs good-naturedly, but April mentally rubs her hands like a villain. 
She really shouldn't aggravate the guy. She does want him to like her, after all. But Donnie just offered her the perfect opportunity for some light teasing. And she did promise to teach the boys everything she knows about earth and human customs. She's got a duty to fulfill, doesn't she? 
Ah, well. They can become best friends later. After all, she'll be around them for many years to come. 
"Oh Donnie!" she drawls and floats closer to him. He eyes her with the usual distrust and she smirks in anticipation. "Did I ever tell you about this thing humans do, where they buy land on the moon?" 
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twistofstory · 12 days
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Some time ago I had troubles working on some other illustration, so I took a break and shook the dust off my pictorial art skills. And now I have a painting of my boy Crimson~ "The Scavengers" actually has a full-fledged The Magnus Archives AU!! I did three paintings for it - I’m not so sure about the first two, but this one looks cool, especially since I managed to improve my lineless art skills. Talking about the AU itself: it changes the entire plot, and I throw my most tragic and bloodthirsty ideas there - including elements of the first version of the story (believe me, this one is a lot)
And, well, I just actually adore the genre, despite the fact that I'm very anxious and easily scared 😅 I may not do well with visual horror, but it’s super fun to draw creepy pictures myself, and monster design is my passion. What didn’t you know about the artist so to speak lol
Second version under the cut !CW: semi-realistic spider!
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some drawings of @kaitopitoo and @othervio four swords vampire au- I am in love with their designs for the characters and wanted to try redrawing some of the panels from the manga
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leafwateraddict · 2 years
It’s Spooky Month!
I drew some scenes and ideas for @llamagoddessofficial’s Coraline AU!
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I love to think that reader gets really attached to the dolls and refuses to go anywhere without them.
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Reader’s reaction to finding the Sans doll (ft. Dart freaking out lol)
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Headcanons! (Under the cut)
Sans never sees his doll until Reader shows him, feeling flattered and a bit jealous, assuming Reader made it (while he thinks its cute, he wants to be the one getting cuddles, not the mini him). Funnily enough, by lack of communication, Sans ends up thinking Reader made them, and Reader thinks that Sans made them (they didn’t bother to ask because they didn’t expect to get an answer out of him)
The night Red arrives, the sans doll goes missing. Reader dismisses it completely, blaming any one of the boys for hiding the doll and thinking of it as a prank of some sort.
The Sans doll is by Reader’s bedside the next morning, along with a Red doll that looks like it was made haphazardly, the Sans doll has been slightly modified however (any scratches or tears on the fabric are fixed or replaced completely, this is because Dart wants the world to be a perfect replica for them but still feels insecure about Reader having an interest in anyone other then him, so he tried to make his doll better then the Red one.)
Then Skull arrives, both dolls go missing that night. Reader finds the Sans and Red dolls along with a Skull doll while searching for them and the Sans doll has even more modifications then before.
Reader gives the dolls nicknames! Theyre all just ‘lil’ versions of their bigger counterparts but i think it’s very cute.
Sans’ doll: Lil Sansy
Red’s doll: Lil Red
Skull’s doll: Lil Skull
At some point they refer to the dolls as their ‘baby boys’ and all three of them freak out.
In the other world, the boys can’t use gravity magic on any of their other selves since they dont have souls, also, by doing this they expose their eye, which Patch is tasked in taking. Skull is especially vulnerable in this situation considering his single eyelight.
ALRIGHT. For some reason tumblr keeps duplicating my paragraphs! And no matter what I do I cant fix it! So it’s just gonna stay like that :|
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noodleskeleton · 7 months
Did a drawing based on @tblsomedoodles adopted Donnie au and I'm actually so proud of how it came out :)))
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