#(Anyways I love this AU very much and that one scene in Tarzan is just... perfect for a webswinging spider-couple :])
anemoflower · 27 days
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Swinging lessons
[Inspired by a scene from Tarzan (Disney)]
@jils-things @labrdorite @huggsbury @satoruswaifu @lovinglin
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#100daysofwriting | days 029-035
a daily writing challenge created by @the-wip-project // tagging fellow writers joining in on the fun: @thelittlefanpire, @hopskipaway, @kinetic-elaboration, and @easilydistractedbyfanfic
I spent the last week in the mountains with absolutely no wifi, so I’ll use this one as a catch up post for all of the past ones before jumping back in with new entries!
For the first time in a while, I didn’t spend any time thinking about writing. Didn’t do any daydreaming about it, didn’t do any note taking or planning on my phone. Partially because I was finally seeing friends for the first time since 2019, but even during downtime I didn’t. I took photos and worked on some drawings. And damn it felt good! Not to say I’m ending my relationship with writing, and I know it’ll feel rusty coming back after a decent break, but it felt really good to clear my mind and enjoy other activities. So in that vein, I might just answer a few of these entry questions and call it for these posts as I warm back up!
What’s a common theme in your writing?
I really enjoy writing stories where the setting feels like its own character. Where the details and interactions of the characters are impacted by the location as much as the plot. I also really like writing about characters dealing with personal struggles and how they can fight through the hard times to make the right choice in the end! Ideally that’s what most of my stories focus on and I’m hoping to lean even more into the gray area for the struggle portion of that.
What kind of gestures are your characters often using? + How do you describe sounds?
If I had a nickel for every time my characters looked at each other and I overly described their eye movement, I’d be able to quit my job. I’ve even googled phrases for describing eye movement because I feel like I’ve overused all of the ways. One day I’ll find a new way to write it or to focus on it less and work on other gestures to convey interactions.
As for sound, I think this made me realize that I usually focus on describing textures of things (fabrics, skin, items) than I do sound. I’m really curious to skim some of my past work and see where maybe I’ve done it, but also now use this as a chance to try and use it more in my stories. Especially since my whole goal is to make my stories feel like you’re watching a movie, that would be a good thing to improve! I do think that’s why I write so much about eye movement, I relate it to a headshot in a film where a viewer would very distinctly see a character’s reaction. So I definitely want to up the use of sound descriptions in my writing now!
Fic(s) Worked On:
I didn’t actually work on anything as I wrote earlier, but here’s my upcoming list of things that I want to focus on this month!
Finish outlining my Bellarke, Tarzan AU –– I’ve got a decent idea going so far where I want to take it, but a lot of my earlier writing for it was stream of consciousness for scenes that I just had in my head for it. While I do still really like those scenes, I really need to flush out a full outline so I know where I’m taking it. The goal is to keep it a one shot if possible!
Rework the outline for oh but dear, the sky is low –– I have other fics I need to focus on before this one, but since I want to attempt this D&D style of dice rolling for outcomes within the outline, I definitely need to start working on this earlier than later. The reactions to this fic have been very luke-warm anyway, so I think this will help me stay excited about this fic since none of the follow up chapters were prompted and I can now turn it into a very personal project for myself!
Finish writing my Clurphy, X-Files AU –– this fic isn’t due until October but I’ve probably got about 70% of it written so I really would love to focus on the remaining sections of it and get it out early!
link to my ao3 | masterlist of these posts
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ok question- does finn like to swing through the trees like spiderman/tarzan or is he a strictly a “walk on the ground no swinging type”? I’d imagine he wouldn’t want to because he wouldn’t be strong enough to hold petra?? but if he made her hold on like tarzan and jane that would be possible?? I know he stopped the furniture from falling on petra in that one au prompt, but does he use his power for fun? or does it hurt???? -celestepens
i think Finn has spent so much time repressing his powers/only using them for emergencies that the mere thought of using his powers for fun is inconceivable to him
that being said
i like to imagine that if he eventually becomes comfortable enough (particularly around Petra) to use them for fun he would try it out (if he holds on to the vines in a particular way he can make it not hurt) and take her for a ride and it would look exactly like that one scene at the very end of spiderman: far from home where Peter is swinging around new york with Zendaya and she's like screaming because (and i realized this, like, yesterday,) Petra happens to not like heights or fast-moving things very much :') but she'd probably let him do it anyways because she just loves seeing him being so casual about his powers
@celestepens i don't even know if that answers your questions. i tried my best :')))
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Disney movies and Mario Cart (jjk&myg)
After you started dating Yoongi, you’d accidentally neglected your best friend a bit. But tonight it was all about him and despite how many years it had been since college, quality-time with Jungkook somehow still entailed drinking games and stupid challenges.
Characters: NonIdol!AU, Bestfriend!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Yoongi x reader
Genre: Crack, fluff, drinking games (drink responsibly guys!), nudity (though nothing sexual), best friend shenanigans with Jungkook sprinkled with some boyfriend fluff with Yoongi.
Word count: 2200
A/N: Felt like a bit of crack is just what we need these days.
You can find my masterlist here
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“So what are we doing today? Movie? K-drama? Video-game?”, you inquired as you plopped down on the couch and handed Jungkook one of the beers you’d just pulled out of the fridge.
It had been ages since the two of you had hung out alone. With 6 housemates and a busy work schedule paired with your 3 roommates and an equally busy life, finding time to just hang out like you used to do in college was proving very difficult.
Not to mention how much harder it had gotten, when you started dating his housemate. You had been terrified to tell Jungkook, afraid of how he would react, but it turned out he actually loved the idea.
“I never liked any of the other assholes you dated. At least this time, I know I can trust the guy you’re with,” he had shrugged, seemingly not even bothered enough to look from his video-game, leaving Yoongi and you standing sheepishly next to the TV.
Or you had been standing sheepishly.
Yoongi simply nodded at the younger with a subtle “okay”, before he grabbed your hand and led you back to his room for the nap you had promised him.
Despite Jungkook being okay with the dating, you were aware of how much time you’d spent with Yoongi instead of him. For a few months now all your free moments had been shared with Yoongi instead of Jungkook, and you felt kinda bad for how you had abandoned your best friend.
Thus this night.
You’d instructed Yoongi to take out the rest of the housemates so you and Kookie could have the house to yourself. You’d stocked up their kitchen with snacks and filled the fridge with beer. You’d been practically giddy happy the entire week leading up, popping into Jungkook’s room several times during the week to remind him to keep his Saturday evening free for you. Eventually he’d gotten so annoyed that he threw a shoe at you.
Nevertheless, he had waltzed into the living room with a huge grin when the others left. Not that you had doubted if he was looking forward to hanging out with you, but it had been nice to see him excited as well.
“We both know it doesn’t matter,” he laughed with a hair flip so he wouldn’t get beer in his long locks when he opened the beer and took his first sip. “We always end up doing the same anyway.”
���Then I have an idea until then,” you grinned mischievously as you grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him closer to you by the hair, laughing when you heard him yelp at the sting. “Why don’t I take a scissor to this hair? Preferably really poorly. You really are getting too cocky, guk. I think I need to take you down a peg or two.”
“Aish, get off me,” he scoffed with a smug laugh as he applied pressure to the trigger point on your hand, immediately making your grip on his hair falter enough for him to pull away from you. “You just don’t like sharing me with anyone else.”
“As your best friend, I think I’m entitled to think so. Now where are those scissors?”
“You are not touching my hair, Y/n,” he whined with a laugh, swatting away your hands which were already going for his hair again. “Just drop it!”
“Alright, then you think of something,” you challenged with a laugh, taking a swig of your beer as you watched his face scrunch up in thought. “Don’t think too hard. You might burn out the last of your brain-cells,” you teased, earning you an annoyed shove and a loud laugh.
“Let’s just watch a movie while we eat and then we can play a video game or something afterwards?”, he suggested with a playful twinkle in his eyes as he pulled out his phone, delivery app already open on the screen.
Two pizzas later and a lot of beers, your movie-watching had, true to tradition, turned into a drinking game.
When you choose your favorite Disney movie you’d been sure he wouldn’t be able to turn it into drinking.
But leave it to Jungkook to combine Tarzan with the hardest version of a drinking game you’d yet to survive.
“Son of man, look to the sky. Lift your spirit, set it free. Someday you’ll walk tall with pride. Son of Man, a man in time you’ll be,” you screamed at the top of your lungs, completely off-key and with tears streaming down your face.
“You gotta finish your drink if a song makes you cry,” Jungkook cackled with alcohol-rosy cheeks as he grinned triumphantly at you, earning a scoff in return though you finished your fifth beer diligently.
“This isn’t fair! You know I always cry to this movie,” you pouted as you reached for a new beer, just in time to drink when Tarzan tree-surfed on the screen, touching your bottle to Kookies beforehand.
“I do. Which is why I choose that rule.”
“Fine! Then I’m choosing the next game,” you laughed mischievously, getting a cocked eyebrow in mistrust from the man next to you when he saw your evil grin. “I challenge you to Mario Cart!”
“Really? We haven’t played that since college,” he snorted at your excitement, though there was no way he would back down from a challenge.
“Yes, really! But not just Mario Cart,” you grinned knowingly, laughing at his confused look which suddenly lit up in realization, causing him to turn to you wide-eyed with a smug chuckle.
“Oh, that kind of Mario Cart? You sure Yoongi wouldn’t get annoyed at you for playing that with me?”, he challenged with a confident smirk.
“Considering you’ll be the one losing anyway, I don’t see why he should mind,” you hummed, mirroring his smirk which grew to a grin at your words.
“Alright Y/l/n. Bring it on!”
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“What are you guys doing?", Namjoon laughed as he entered the living room a few hours later spotting you and Jungkook on the couch both only in your underwear.
"Are you really playing Strip Mario Cart? I haven’t seen you play that in ages," Taehyung chuckled as he eyed the two of you from the doorway, making Jungkook furrow his eyebrows in annoyance when he caught his friends eyes travelling your body.
"Ya!", he shrieked, clumsily throwing his body on yours trying to cover you up. "Don't look at my best friend like that!"
"They've seen me in a bathing suit countless of times. Calm your testicles, Jeon," you groaned, as you pushed his body off you, making him huff as he hit the floor and Namjoon and Taehyung cackle, before they both walked out with a headshake.
Giggling drunkenly, you picked up the controller once more.
"Come on, guk," you exclaimed, wiggling your eyebrows at him. "You've got one last chance to keep your clothes on."
"Ah, and I will win this time!", he shrieked from his position on the floor as he picked up his controller again.
"Yeah, that would be a first," Jimin huffed out in a laugh as he strolled into the room and sat down on the couch, earning a smirk from you and a scowl from Jungkook.
“You ready, Jeon?”, you shrieked as you started a new game on the screen, getting nothing but a nod back from the boy on the floor.
Sliding off the couch to join him on the floor, you shoved him playfully just as the race started, making him whine out protests of cheating through out the game, as you laughed triumphantly next to him.
"Yes!! Take it off, Jeon," you taunted, as you did a little victory dance around the living room a few minutes later, watching Jungkook try to shimmy out of his boxers without exposing too much skin as he hid his crotch behind a pillow.
"Hi babe," you grinned at Yoongi as he walked into the room, nearly choking on his drink at the sight of Jungkook completely naked and you only in your underwear.
“Okay, you take it from here,” Jimin chuckled as he got up from the couch to walk out. “I don’t know how to handle either of them when they’re like this.”
Laughing at Jimin’s words, Yoongi turned back to the scene in front of him with an amused smile as his eyes fell on you.
"Hi button," he chuckled, placing a soft kiss against your hair before sitting down on the couch behind you. "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?"
"We're playing Strip Mario Cart," you giggled proudly, as you turned back to the screen. "When I win this round, I win the game," you bragged, grinning at Yoongi who just shook his head at you.
"IF you win this round," Jungkook corrected you with a huff, as he repositioned the pillow so he could sit down without flashing anyone.
"Sure, as if you winning at this point is still a possibility," you taunted, making him pout at you which only looked utterly ridiculous with his toned chest on display.
Putting down the controller a short while later, you watched Jungkook hang his head in shame as you celebrated your victory by jumping into your boyfriend’s lap.
"What do you think, Yoonie?", you smirked confidently at him, earning a lazy smile in return. "You're up for challenging me? It'll be easy. I'm only wearing two items," you said, gesturing to your underwear and bra, giggling as Yoongi pinched the bare skin on your hip.
“I’m not gonna play you, kid,” he stated softly as he circled his arms around you, getting goosebumps at the feeling of your warm skin against his when he pulled you closer in his embrace.
“Why not? Are you afraid of losing? I know you’re bad, babe, but there is no way you’re that bad,” you sniggered drunkenly as you made yourself small in his embrace and snuggled up to his chest.
Humming against your neck and jaw, he feigned considering it as he pressed kisses and soft licks against your skin. Feeling you turn to putty in his hands, he couldn’t help the cocky smile appearing on his lips.
"I'm pretty sure, I don't need to best you in a game to get you out of your clothes, button," he grinned against your earlobe as he nibbled teasingly.
“Oh come on, guys. You know the rules,” Jin’s voice cut through the living room as he threw the two of you an annoyed glare. “No sex in the shared areas. Nobody wants to see your bare ass, Yoongi.”
“As opposed to Kookies?”, Yoongi snickered, gesturing towards the boy who had fallen asleep on the floor on his stomach, leaving his ass uncovered in the air as he snored away.
“Well that one is on Y/n,” Jin laughed at their youngest, before sending you a poor try at an accusing look. “You’re the one who got him this drunk.”
Laughing at your best friend’s predicament, you pushed yourself off your boyfriend’s lap and grabbed the blanket from the couch before spreading it out over his naked form on the floor with a chuckle.
“There we go,” you stated, sending Jin a proud smile only to see him huff out a laugh on his way out of the living room, before he shouted a goodnight back to you.
Looking back at Jungkook’s sleeping form again, you couldn’t help the fond smile on your lips as you took in his peaceful features. He always seemed at least 10 years younger when he was sleeping.
Feeling a pair of arms snake around you waist, you instinctively leaned back against his chest and pulled his arms tighter around your form.
“I take it tonight was a success?”, Yoongi mumbled against your neck, pressing small kisses to your skin in-between his words.
“Definitely,” you hummed in response, letting your head fall back on his shoulder with a sigh as you felt the alcohol buzzing through your veins.
"Wanna go to bed?”
Nodding sleepily, you heard him chuckle in response as he gently led you to his room.
Pulling one of his t-shirts over your head and flopping down on his bed, you made grabby hands towards your boyfriend across the room only to have him answer with a fond headshake.
“Go brush your teeth, button. I’ll be right back.”
Slipping out of his room, he missed the pout you were sporting as you got up from the bed again with a huff to brush your teeth. When you slipped under the covers again a few minutes later, he still wasn’t back and though you put on a fair fight, sleep was pulling heavily at your eyelids.
Seconds away from drifting off, you finally felt your boyfriend’s arms around you as he slipped in bed beside you.
“Where did you go?”, you whined, shuddering slightly when the cold air hit your bare legs, before he pulled the covers over you again.
“I had to take Kookie to bed. That kid is a lot heavier than he looks,” he chuckled against your warm skin, grinning fondly when he felt you entangle your legs with his.
“I could have helped you with that,” you mumbled groggily.
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it was necessary for you to see his dick. I know you guys are close, but still,” he snickered earning a drowsy laugh from you, though he wasn’t sure you’d actually heard what he said since it was immediately followed by a soft snore.
Chuckling soundlessly, he pulled you closer in his embrace as he shook his head lightly at the thought of finding you only in your underwear because of a game of Mario Cart with Jungkook. 
“How am I ever gonna keep up with you, button?”, he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. 
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calledgeorge-blog · 6 years
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rainbowrites · 7 years
Season 6 Primer
my stupid fcking computer kept crashing while i was writing this,it was like it was protesting the idea that there are only TWO MORE SEASONS LEFT AAHHHHHHHHH
@wellntruly I can’t believe that I only have one more season primer to write and damn @memory-for-trifles I felt your pain in trying to figure out what to bold for MUST SEE on this list, I just wanted to do all of them!!! so instead I switched it up a little and just bolded the ones that were NECESSARY for plot development (...and then I cheated by italicizing the ones I just really liked)
6x01- 6x06 This is a SIX PARTER, because DS9 goes fucking HARD CORE sometimes. It's not even the longest multi-parter, just wait till next season. anyways, our darling crew are separated, some desperately trying to organize an internal resistance (again, for poor Kira under her second occupation) and some battling out amongst the stars. Things are very dark, but there is always hope, by which I mean hilarity - especially in the form of your favorite Le Carre character
6x01 everyone tries to figure out the new normal in life at war with the Dominion
6x02 lots of soldier vs officer feels (WARNING: there is a suicide)
6x03 all about the relationship between parents and children, starring Worf/Alexander and Dukat/Ziyal
6x04 female changeling appears to try to seduce Odo to the dark side (quark misses Deep Space Drink as much as we do)
6x05 both sides begin to try to take back DS9, from the inside and out, in the first part of a mini-two parter WITHIN the six-parter (jeez Deep Space Serialization)
6x07 WEDDING EPISODE, WEDDING EPISODE, WEDDING EPISODE!!! featuring all your tropey favorites (terrible mother-in-law, bridezilla, bachelor party shenanigans etc) but with with SPACE TWISTS. I honestly love this episode SO MUCH, what a wonderful return to Deep Space Domesticity after so long at war
6x08 MIRROR VERSE! although it's a bit of a switcheroo because this is mostly Mirror verse characters coming into OUR world rather than the other way around. It's very relationship heavy, about Bareil and Kira, and is pretty skippable but also Mirror verse Kira is in it and I ADORE her
6x09 an episode based entirely around Bashir's enhancements, and the idea of 'what happened to the other kids who got enhancements, but weren't able to hide it like he did?' There's some interesting stuff here about disability, mental illness, and the way society treats the neurodiverse
6x10 a fun adventure episode in which the Ferengi go on a mission to be big damn heroes, and maybe make a little latinum in the process (fun story: Iggy Pop is in this episode!)
6x11 Sisko and Dukat get ship wrecked, Lost style (so the answer to your question 'is this lost' will FINALLY be yes) Dukat goes crazy just as fast as you'd expect in this AMAZING episode that manages to keep up tons of tension while basically just being two people talking for an hour
6x12 just like Morn manages to be a recurring character without ever actually saying a word this episode manages to be ALL ABOUT HIM while not having him in it pretty much at all. it's a fun little romp that explores how even background characters have their own lives going on while we're focusing on the main cast
6x13 I think this might be the most critically acclaimed star trek episode like... ever? it was definitely up for 3 emmys and is most of the casts's favorite episode. IT'S JUST REALLY THAT GOOD. It's sci-fi and Star Trek at it's best. It makes me cry every time, and is still painfully important today with it's struggle between desperation and hope regarding civil rights. Super notable for this episode basically saying that sometimes you just need to say FUCK METAPHORS and scream about how horrible racism is without pretending it’s about aliens. Also the only time in ST history an actor has directed an episode where he was the central character, since they wanted to have a black director and Avery wanted this episode
6x14 Honey I Shrunk The Runabout! it’s a fun little episode with plenty of Bashir/O’Brien banter
6x15 O'Brien goes UNDERCOVER and things GO SOUTH in this grungy gangster AU. there is one really funny scene back on DS9 that is literally just that the station is falling apart without O'Brien's magic touch in another case of B-plot being way better than A-plot - it's only one scene, so just watch that and get out
6x16 Dax and Worf are Adorable, shade is thrown at TNG, and hilarious zingers are thrown about as they tramp through a jungle before things abruptly get Very Very Serious. it's pretty much pure Relationship episode so I loved it
6x17 Kira gets to meet her mother when she time-travels back to the Occupation in another episode of the ongoing saga Kira Searches For Truth No Matter How Painful And Enraging in this incredible and incredibly intense episode
6x18 a switch up, in that BASHIR Must Suffer, as he's accused of being a Dominion spy, not just a James Bond spy. Really intense and spirals quickly into some very dark places
6x19 the road to hell is paved with good intentions in another one of DS9's most famous and intense episodes, revolving around Sisko and Garak as Sisko asks himself what he's willing to do to protect the Alpha Quadrant.
6x20 A space rom-com featuring cupid as a 1960's lounge singer who's perfectly aware he's a holoprogram pally. Who better than an AI to teach Odo how to stop being such a square and get down with the cool cats? you finally get an episode that’s just ALL ABOUT THIS STATION’S LARPING
6x21 holy shit, quite literally, as Bajor's gods decide it's time for THE END OF DAYS. The Reckoning is at hand on DS9!
6x22 a Nog-centric episode where he and Jake end up stranded in a war zone with a bunch of wild-eyed cadets
6x23 considered the worst episode of DS9, it features Quark getting a temporary sex change. there's some nuggets of good stuff, especially the feminist movement, and Shimmerman does his best with a terrible script, but on the whole this was definitely one long cringe of an episode
6x24 Molly gets accidentally transported to the age of dinosaurs, only a few hours pass for us but 10 years go by for her. the rest of the episode is the O'Briens trying to come to terms with their new feral daughter and reintegrate her into society in a really weird, dark Tarzan-ish episode. The B-plot is a lovely bit of Jadzia-Worf relationship as they babysit Kirayoshi, if you skip this episode then at least watch that part
6x25 this is basically DS9 therapy hour, and it’s GREAT (what do you mean I’m biased as a therapist-in-training and that this isn’t actually plot necessary? SH-SHUT UP, YOU’RE BIASED! IT’S MY PRIMER I DO WHAT I WANT!! IT’S NECESSARY TO MY HEART)
6x26 this seriously feels like the darkest, saddest DS9 season finale EVER, so like... BRING TISSUES. NO, MORE TISSUES THAN THAT. NO, MORE. 
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