#((Just to be clear; I am doing this out of respect to the mun and their ask blog.))
ask-the-kid-arven · 1 year
*passes a wooper*
*whispers* It's name is Nuisance Jr
*runs away*
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“I feel that it’s not a nice name for this Wooper so I’m naming him Kelpie instead.” He doesn’t even know the context of where the anon got it from, but he’s going to give the Shiny the best care he can with everyone he has so far.
[He has now gained a Shiny Wooper! His team party is officially at 5/6!]
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magioffire · 10 months
saw your reply on that one ask post and while i still can't find the account in question to block, thank you for the extra clues on what to look out for!
alright im gonna be real its the blog char/lotte-l/iddel. i commonly do not name drop blogs and was 100 percent prepared to leave this shit behind but....i guess she just keeps wanting to drag everyone back in because every day, its something else. therefore i think its important people know exactly who tf she is so they dont have to walk on eggshells wondering if theres someone in their community that literally holds wrong and bigoted opinions against them for....simply existing? nah. no one should have to deal with that.
theyve deleted many of their anti-polyam posts to cover their tracks and avoid criticism. but their issues with polyam apparently include: wars have been started as a direct result of polyam relationships apparently (???? girl what. what wars), confusing polyam with forced religious polygamy (and seems to also conveniently forget that people still to this day are forced into monogamous relationships somehow), that only people who are childish, deluded or narcissistic are in polyam relationships, used right-wing talking heads like jor/dan p/eterson, m/att wa/lsh and j/oe ro/gan as 'sources' (as a trans person, even if you do not agree with everything these people say, if you uncritically consume them, i just dont feel safe around you. period.). and yet despite having these opinions she still thought it was okay to be in mutuals with openly polyamorous characters and muns, and follow the blogs of people who had it explicit in their rules that they dont tolerate ANY forms of bigotry or hatred. like, you gotta follow HER rules and respect HER boundaries but apparently everyone else's space and boundaries? free reign for her. she can reap the benefit of consuming our art and writing and being in our spaces while also having such vile opinions, apparently. now shes claiming its just an opinion of her muse, but we all know its just a smoke screen. we arent stupid, we can tell when someone is soapboxing using their character as a shield against criticism. and frankly, its repulsive. in this situation, you can either own up to your mistake, or double down on your bigoted stance and make it abundantly clear that you do not welcome certain groups of people into your space. thats fair. but shes being wishwashy, like many bigots nowadays are. they cannot own up to their biogtry and need a level of plausible deniability to avoid criticism, which...ultimately just means all of us have to walk on egg shells to 'tolerate' their shitty opinions because they 'claim' they arent *actually* hateful, they are just *concerned* or *uncomfortable*. like --
i could go on. but really i think you get it. im really sorry that you, and all of us, who are in this community to find respite from this kind of hate and intolerance, and enjoy eachother's differences, have to deal with this. i am friends with people from all walks of life, many world views, *i always give everyone the benefit of the doubt* but when i witness such blatant misinformation, pettiness and hatred being harbored within the community, i cant keep quiet about it or tolerate it.
ignore the shit out of her. she wants attention. dont give her anymore.
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giyuulatte · 5 months
alright i finally finished the uncanny counter 2 and…
my thots and spoilers below
it’s 1am so i’m a lil coocoo
once again all MY OPINION if anyone sees this
honestly speaking this season was alright. it def did not compare to season one, which i was expecting. yet it wasn’t up to par with it either. it felt like too much and not enough at the same time so it kinda fell flat to me
in season one everything was connected and there were very clear motives. from the bullying, so mun’s parents, the evil spirits, ji chung shin himself, and the corrupt government. and chung shin’s backstory made me feel for him which is what made him a great antagonist imo. like i loved him
but hwang pil gwang (slick back), gelly (hongjoong variant LMFAOO), and wong (just wong tbh)….mmph
i can’t really remember the beginning it took me 2 months to finish it but, dude and his crew showed up outta nowhere and just started creating chaos for funsies???? now don’t get me wrong, i’m all for villainy for fun but i just couldn’t get into for some reason with them. it just feels like their characters weren’t fleshed out enough for me to actually like them no matter how fine they are bc the whole crew could get it
and then we move to ma ju seok my adoring and loving husband. now this was something i could get behind. him going on a rampage trying to get revenge for his wife and baby, having enough rage to summon an evil spirit on his own??? like that’s what i’m talking about!!! i felt for him and wanted him to succeed bc that con man was also annoying as shit. i really and truly wanted him dead bc he was the absolute worst jfc
if the story only focused on him, and getting his revenge and having to take him down. and only him. seeing how far his rage could take him and what would happen ON HIS OWN without any outside manipulation pil hwang *coughs* would have been a lil more interesting to me and i think i would have enjoyed it more. ik pil gwang wanted his power n shit BUT WHY. like give me a reason.
TO ME hwang pil gwang and his crew added absolutely nothing to this for me. and gelly betraying slick back and all that other stuff just felt unnecessary to me. gelly not being able to do anything and literally almost every single time the crew showed up, and bc pil gwang wouldn’t help her. GIRLY STAND UP AND HAVE SOME RESPECT YOU ARE A BADASS TF YOU DOIN???? GET OFF YA KNEES
AND ms chu’s newest child lim jae yeol….why was he there??? and be honest. what did he do for the plot other than give ms chu another child and show her backstory
and then do hwi, lawd my sweet piano man. WE WENT THROUGH ALL THAT JUST FOR HIM TO FORGET HA NA IN THE END I WAS SO PISSED bc once again. what tf did he add. i feel like he could have been good to ha na, genuinely. imagine getting dumped by ya not girlfriend after y’all done hung out together and have each other hiccup remedies, and then getting attacked by someone who finna rap they verse in bouncy i am so dead
i understand they were trying to idk, give their characters more depth but pls
mo tak punching so mun was NAWT on my 2023 kdrama bingo card. and he didn’t even apologize for it!!!! i understand he was angry and upset bc he thought lost his partner and so mun was doing a bit too much but i just feel like that was outta character for him to do…. and for him to not apologize for it was just, what???
and don’t get me started on jeok beong. i was um, expecting a lil bit more. yoo in soo is a FANTASTIC actor. if you told me he was gwi nam from aouad before hand i would have passed out. THAT MF RANGE IS INSANE!! but, but, jeok bong could have been more. i love him to death but he stayed the same person the entire time. granted towards the end he did start meshing with the group a bit better and throwing ideas out and stuff but i dunno bruh. i was feeling him and not feeling him at the same time.
the same goes for kang ki young. baby if you say that was myung seok from attorney woo i would have passed out pt2. like he did his thang bc i deadass hated his character even tho he was looking good as hell
the lack of so mun’s friends also bummed me out bc i really like them and they are an important part of his life. wanted to see more of those three together as well. my found family was not found with them this season
but the counters dynamic was still a++ like that’s real family. teasing ha na and do hwi, ha na having to save so mun while he was in a coma, then going to yung to ask why so mun leaving, jeok bong calling mun his brother just *wipes tear* magnificent
and why tf did mun have to lose his powers again. we did that shit in season one there was no need for that tbh
nothing to say about ms chu god bless.
nothing to say about jang mool god bless.
mun going over seas and seeing wi gen’s daughter like ENOUGH.
just…. too much, and yet not enough at the same time.
but i still very much enjoyed 8.5/10 BAYBEE
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cursedxartist · 1 year
the amount of people out there who refuse to respect explicitly clear boundaries have me so close to making a proper DNI, bc i swear. either these people dont actually read any of our rules, or their silly lil brains twist our words so they believe it somehow doesn't apply to them!
been seeing a lot of pr.o.sh.i.pp.ers who either are covert about being That Way, or will even outright lie about being against it, but openly condone and promote those who write se/xual/ized pr romanticized pe/do/ph/ili/a and shit. I've seen with my own two eyes people write in their rules that they don't condone it, yet when people warn them that they are interacting with people who actively produce such content, they throw a fit, calling it dr/a/ma. and somehow believe that just because they don't write such content personally, then they're not pr/os/shi/p, even tho they knowingly interact with and promote some of the worst ones out there.
So i want to be explicitly clear. do not follow me if you: - are p.ro/sh.i/p, - condone p/ro/shi/p.pers - support p/ros/hipper/s - will knowingly and deliberately put pr/o/s/hi/pper/s on my dash via your interactions with them - think being warned about p/ros/ipp/ers is d/ram/a, and will continue to interact with them even tho you KNOW the content they produce - think that just because YOU dont write pr/o/sh/ip content means you're not a p/ro/sh/i/pp/er even though you knowingly support them basically, if you are going to knowingly and deliberately put pr/osh/ipp/ers on my dash (excluding c/al/lou/ts), stay away from me. if you are unaware if someone is one, thats fine! but please be receptive to warnings so that way i don't have to see their shit on my dash.
i could blacklist urls, sure. but it makes me highly uncomfortable to interact with anyone who even condones this shit, even if they dont write it personally. thats still pr/os/hip.
i also want to clarify, this does NOT apply to those who write dark content, but who does not romanticize or se/xua.liz/e it. it also doesn't apply to those who have immoral, unreliable narrators for muses, but do not share the same thoughts. if your muse romanticizes something gross, but you as the mun do not? thats fine! i LOVE dissecting and analyzing unreliable narrators and characters! but if you, as the mun, produce content of illicit relationships in a way that's meant to be tantalizing and ar/ous/in/g to the audience? FUCK OFF.
you can still make it abundantly clear when an unreliable narrator finds this content alluring, but the audience isnt supposed to.
for example, the book Lo/li/ta. We are not supposed to believe in Hu/mbe/rt when he portrays D/olo/re/s to be this infatuating sed/uctr.ess. But in the moments where we see reality outside of his narration? We see a normal middle school girl. That is the key difference between pro/sh/ip.pers and writers who explore dark content for what it is. One is meant to s/ed/uc/e, and the other is meant to elicit horror from its readers.
And again, i repeat myself:
Even if you, personally, do not write this sort of content - if you knowingly SUPPORT or CONDONE this content, FUCK. OFF.
i dont want this content anywhere near my dash. so dont follow me if you interact with them! because, inevitably, they will end up on my feed!!
condoning or supporting pr/o/shi/pp/ers makes you one too. if you support these freaks, you are a freak. for the love of god, i am so fucking tired. if yall would just stay in your lane and didnt interact with those who are abundantly clear in who they dont want interacting with them then none of this would be an issue. it only becomes an issue when yall think you have some sort of special privilege and that boundaries don't apply to you.
tldr: people who dont know what boundaries are have me so close to making a dni, bc apparently thats what it takes to get these ppl to comprehend that they're not some special exception to the rules
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fairymint · 1 month
🖼 dash events👀 dash commentary
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This'll count as a technically unpopular opinion, but I actually find that most dash events are just kinda stressful. Mostly in a very personal. 'not for me' kind of way. It's not a moral judgement, I just personally have difficulty with it.
time constraints depend, but in a general sense, most vague stretches of time don't guarantee creativity from me; I'm chronically ill, am a bit overworked (whether it's my employer or simply myself chugging the workohol), and sometimes the mood just doesn't hit right.
Exact schedule depends too; I already kinda work 2nd shift, and so am awake for a 3rd shift/graveyard deal; you might miss when the mun/blog organizing the thing is on. So, even if you participate in general day long things, you can fomo for the high stakes/starring/determining events. But also, it is possible for an event to be very specific and catered around the host+friends' schedule/whims; sometimes it just doesn't work out for me.
complexity, tbh. depends on the event itself, but things often have to be some level of serious, fair, balanced, etc., and they might have their own idea of that, which needs to be respected. sometimes I'm not in the mood for that (wanna write easy, specific, or nonsensical things), or I don't feel like doing the actual 'work' especially with competitions; some days I couldn't give less a shit what I 'place' or what a judge likes. Some time periods I'm just too anarchic/chaotic/cooperative for that.
That being said, events are immensely fun and bonding if you can do them, so I suggest that you try them if you can! It can at the very least give you a feel for things, and how you want to interact with any one community!
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As for dash commentary, I find it infectiously fun if you can get over the nerves about it; obviously that stuff is generally meant to be casual, but at the same time isn't required to stay that way... i think it helps to treat it like a toy, the way a toddler does it;
pick it up if you like it. (you don't have to justify why you like it.)
chew on it the way you want. (dash full of sex comments but your muse is ace? in a real life conversation, my buddy will just dunk us. make everything about bees if that's your hyperfixation. you don't have to stay scripted IC if you're being polite ooc.)
skim if you need to, drop it if you still can't. plenty of dash commentaries have me going 'what the fuck are you two talking about?' you can find out. if you can't, oh well. you can make a new post if you want.
be as specific or vague as you wish. don't be afraid to mention names/urls, or expand/tweak the topic. you don't have to argue w/ inspiration.
however, try not to metagame unless it's crack; there are people who don't wanna share certain lore casually, but it should be pretty clear when they do so (public/private knowledge memes, bio sections, etc.)
however i am bad with names/urls so bear with me when it comes to casual asks/etc. confusing 2 muses wouldn't be the end of the world, but lmfao-
it's tempting to stay on topic. you don't gotta. late commentary is better than never.
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wavrlynatural · 2 months
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WAVRLYNATURAL ; EST : April 20th 2024 ; Bewitched by Bee ; 25+
Independent ; Semi-Selective, extremely canon divergent Disney channels Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place ; based in the Supernatural universe.
Activity will depend on muse; but I am anticipating high activity.
Connections to Alex will be determined on threads / plotting : I do not want to force anyone into having any predetermined relationships so this is going to be left fully open.
Mun does not equal muse
Heavily affiliated with : @snnynatural
This blog will dabble in triggering themes; be cautious when following.
all graphic credit goes to the lovely Lumi
Discord: available upon request ||  IMs: always open, but i’m extremely spotty when answering || Wire: Coming soon
Do not tolerate OOC drama ; but IC drama is highly encouraged
Rules listed below readmore!!
Please be respectful, I will not tolerate OOC drama. I know this is already listed, but I just need to reiterate it. It is so important, and it really doesn't hurt to be kind.
21+ mun, is over 25, so please, please, please be mindful when following. I only feel comfortable writing with writers 18+, but I definitely prefer 21+ bc i am getting old.
Do not godmod, if you and I talk about things beforehand , and it was cleared, that is different. It should be commonsense, but you never know, so it is listed. DO NOT GODMOD
The activity on this blog with be spotty, as I have more muses out there.
I do not have many triggers, but please be respectful of others triggers. if I ever don't tag something correctly, and you need a trigger tagged, please let me know. I never want to accidentally offend someone. & sometimes triggers change, so please don't feel like you can't approach me & let me know that something needs to be tagged.
This blog is multiship, and one ship will not interfere with another, unless it is something that has been plotted. I ship based on chemistry. Nothing will be forced, and if you think I am trying to force something, please call me out. -- we are also super okay with not shipping. we love platonic relationships here.
I am okay with just jumping into writing, if you do not know how to approach me, send a meme, an ask, start a random starter.
& don't be shy, I am pretty laid back & would love to get to know you all. this is about writing and exploring, but ooc relationships are important too. not necessary or mandatory , but encouraged. <3
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snnydcysarch · 5 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character . then , tag 9 others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better .
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MUSE NAME: allison jade "sonny" munroe
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: discord if we're mutuals, especially since tumblr eats my ims
EXPERIENCE: i want to say 2012??? i was a baby and should have NOT been here jkbsjgbrekj
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: am i about to copy and paste my list since i have done this before? you bet your ass i am
plagiarism. whether it be a character or a plot idea, don't steal from anybody. people work hard on their characters and plots. i understand not many plots can be considered original, but everyone comes up with their own twists. stop stealing.
white washing. as a poc person, i have dealt with a lot of racism both irl and on tumblr. it was to a point i took two years off of this hellsite. so do not change a poc character into a white one. we've been erased as it is. and if you struggle trying to match a character to its race, do not feel afraid to ask someone for help on it. there are also websites that show you an fc's ethnicity as well.
not knowing where the line is between mun and muse. they are two completely different things.
god modding. for the love of all that is chuck, do not control what anyone else's character does!! we all control our own characters and that's how it should be. this also means doing something crazy that someone else may not approve of so if you want to do something, ask first.
force ship, simple as that
anon hate. seriously, that kind of negativity should never be welcomed nor encouraged. we all come here to escape as it is so just let everyone have fun writing.
people acting better than others. i'm sorry but no one is superior over anyone else.
lack of communication. we're all grown adults here. if there's a problem, just communicate.
trash talking someone's portrayal. realistically, we all interpret canon characters differently than others and that is okay. no one's version is right or wrong. no one is the "chanel/walmart" version.
shit stirrers. people don't get along sometimes, it happens. but don't be someone who fuels the fire between two people when all they wanted was to clear the air and talk.
rushing people to reply and shaming them when they don't reply fast enough. everyone has real lives and can't always get to it. now a simple nudge to let someone know they replied maybe weeks later just in case they missed it is fine. but if you're going to put pressure on people? stop.
using mental health as an excuse to be a shitty person. many people here suffer with different kinds of disorders and that is no one's fault. but that does not mean it's a pass to be a horrible person. you choose how to treat people around you. you choose whether or not to be a good person.
i can go on and on, but we don't have time for that so here is the rest of the list on the top of my head: self victimizing, ignoring triggers, trying to control your rp partners, bullying, not understanding that rping is a hobby and not a jobby, lack of respect for female characters both canon and oc, ect.
PLOTS OR MEMES: yes. honestly i like memes to start things off that lead into plots. so yes.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: literally depends on my mood rkbsgjrekbg i like short things that lead into long things.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: when i'm not depressy and burnt out kjrebgsjkrbe
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: we have similar traits? we both go out of our way to help people before we burn ourselves out. we both get treated poorly by the people we are close to fml. we're both very clumsy. she's also not afraid to stand up for herself, which i have been better at. she will fight for those she loves and same. we both can't flirt for shit. however, sonny is A LOT nicer than me.
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TAGGED BY : @lupaeus
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hazbinsandweirdos · 1 year
I'm not mutuals only over here but I am selective. The main focus on this blog is Pierre.
None of my OCs are single ship and none were made with a character in mind to ship with. I want that to be clear because I do draw my OCs with their partners and don't want that to deter anyone. (I do draw them with their partners but I am lazy so if the other muse is hard to draw I won't draw them)
Asks, anons and threads are always welcome!
I post a lot of art here and you are always welcome to reblog it as long as it isn't clearly part of a reply to someone! (Please don't reblog my replies to people that are not you and we'll get along fine.)
This blog is 18+ as mun is 30+ (I understand you are comfortable with it but I am not so, please minors, respect my boundaries.)
I do not rp smut but I am down to talk it out in the DMs if our muses are at that point, just so we're on the same page about what went down. If they are getting to that in a thread specifically! I don't want unsolicited DMs about smut with my muses
I do not do MAs or interact with child muses/fan children of any kind. Also adding that I am Hellaverse only (though Pierre has a Lackadaisy verse as well if you would like that and are a Lackadaisyverse muse)
I do not write/interact in mentions of r*pe/noncon or suic*de and I will immediately stop interacting with your muse if it is brought up. (I used to but I was not in the right headspace for it the one day and it fucked me up so I have to stop now)
Will update as I go!
French, flea, died in 1872, 4', Intersex Male, Gay
Pierre is a theif/cat burglar/conman (best way to describe his work is Catwoman lol) he was born poor and orphaned and became a theif to get ahead in life. He died by falling out a window from a house he was robbing. He has a blood phobia and lots of baggage He does not like guns and will do anything he can not to use one. You know it's bad if he has to.
Works with a giant 9' tall bull sinner named Giovanni that keeps him in line and takes care of his bounties. If you need anything Pierre will get his hands on it for a price.
He does not like being called a woman but will dress like one if he is working. He does not like sleeves he finds them restrictive. He can hide so many things in his fluff!
He has a bag of holding he uses to rob places and uses Velvettes Love Potion to drug people. He will dump it in a man's drink to get out of sleeping with him and when guy's out cold he will take off with all his stuff.
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so ive had a couple of people reach out to me, and i wanna make a couple of things clear:
USE THE ASK BOX (anons are on, idc about what u ask me)
if you wanna rp, but aren't sure, you can dm me! (ill turn them on)
im usually cool with anything, however, i prob won't reach out
from 6:30 am to 11:00 pm (PST) I'm usually offline. sometimes longer. blame school
dont fucking nsfw me, bitch
i do have a group that i used to rp with like 3 months ago, and then i took a hiatus.
i've started to get into some more, however, there are a couple things i want yall to know:
please respect the fact that mun is a fucking minor and therefore is probably a dumbass.
in correlation to 1, please note that mun is usually gone for a VERY LONG TIME and so if your message is not answered...blame homework. (yes i take AP classes yes i am dealing with bullshit no i dont have time)
im actually trying to get sleep so...my schedule has changed DRAMATICALLY, and it's also one that doesnt really leave room for rps...I DO TRY THO.
just cause you sent me a dm/message doesn't mean i'll rp with you. if i feel like you're infantilizing a character who is a GROWN ADULT and doesn't canonically act like that...sorry
ok bye
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charmed-redemption · 1 year
About the Mun:
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
Yes, it is written into my rules. For me it makes me feel like. I am not worth writing with just someone to be used as a tool and disreguarded. That stems from my personal trauma but seeing as my blog is an extension of me and for I separate from my pain. It can be triggering
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
No, I take all characters as OCs that have similarities to characters written by paid writers that are on television. As long as there is effort put into a reply and I am able to ask questions I am fine.
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
@hot-out-of-the-cage, @yourenotreadyforus @blccdharmonyx,@bluearchersstuff,@notastudentlighter,@continuingthefamilyname,@chiefatticcreator, @queenpinoftheeast ( I will have to come back because some peoples @ are not coming right to mind)
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
I miss the charmed universe and the muses contained within. It still impacts how I evolve Rico
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
I am not comfortable enough with my ability to write to attempt a cannon muse so I don't allow myself to think about that.
6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
I have a side blog for my fan fix but I haven't been on it in a while because of my pain.
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
Lol my partners probinlt get tired of it but a heroes. Joining forces to save the world. My brain doesn't know how to relax so I am completely unable to write a to that isn't about doing something relaxing.
8. do you expect your answered memes/asks to be turned into threads? regardless of answer, what’s your reasoning?
I try never to expect anything. I love when they are but I don't expect it.
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
The love that the person puts into the muse vs the excuse to write smut. So you actually connect with the character or just an excuse to write about a character you like having sex.
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
Fantasy, if it has magic I will try to write it.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
I want Rico to be happy. He should find the one person that actually loves and values him not just wants to use him and them throw him away.
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
This is something that I won't know. I try to be above trends but I honestly don't know the answer to this question.
13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
I hope rico is knows as someone that is worthy of attention and respect.
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
The neutral one. The ship wars and toxic attacks are annoying. So the community that I like most is the neutral one. However the one I miss most id 98 Charmed.
15. icons, or gifs? you can only pick one, and cannot say ‘neither.
Since I can't either I will say gif. Though I don't use either unless I have an issue writing something and need the action to be more clear.
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volucerrubidus · 1 year
[ Gonna get serious here for a minute, folks! It's April, and while my muse for Tim has been low, it's still important to me that I not only participate in SAAM in my own personal life, but that I also address it at least somewhat through my art, including my writing here. I'll be doing that with my original works, of course, but since rp is a piece of my creative work that I consider important to me, I don't want to shy away from it here, either. Throughout this month, I will be participating in the conversation surrounding SA topics, as I find that, while I'm sure that it is well-meaning, there's almost no conversation about them in the comic fandom space, despite the fact that it is a very common issue to see in DC Comics (for better or worse. often worse). This is, in my opinion, in part due to a lack of awareness or good-faith education about these things, as it can be a sensitive topic, and I absolutely understand not breaching the subject out of concern of messing up or making it worse. I'm not here to shame anyone for messing up, getting things wrong, or not having anything to say on this topic.
What I am here to do, is bring the conversation to this blog. I will be discussing survivor support, the emotional trauma of being a survivor and having experiences of SA, and other topics that relate to this throughout the month.
Now, since this is a sensitive topic, I want to make a few things clear:
On my blog, I do not erase Tim's experiences with SA. That said, since DC often used female characters who are heroes (Rose and Greta, as examples), I also refuse to add to demonizing these women, because they do not deserve that treatment. So, whenever Tim mentions these experiences, they will be characters who were part of a separate universe from the ones that we all play in. Meaning that anyone who plays one of the characters who has done some type of unconsensual contact with Tim-- their muses will not be the ones who did the act, nor will the muns be expected to ever even touch on the subject with me. Consent is important, and that extends to things like what plots two people write together. I will never force a mun to engage in this conversation with me. It is your right to join in with me in talking about these things, and it is your right to stay out of it, as well. This is also explained in my rules.
I will be leaving anon on in my inbox for now. If there is any hate given to me or Tim because of this, anon will be switched off immediately. This is a one-strike system.
That said, if you have well-meaning questions, concerns, or comments, I will treat your message or ask in extremely good faith, and I will not get upset with you, so long as it's clear that you're approaching with respect.
I will not be disclosing any further details of my own experiences, but that said: I am myself an SA survivor. This is where I am coming from with these topics. I want that to be clear for two reasons: 1. I am well-versed in discussions about this, and 2. I will be drawing partially from my own experiences in this. This is to ensure both that the topics are handled with nuance, and that the topics are handled with care.
I will be tagging these things. Every post that I make that even so much as tangentially refers to SAAM or SA topics will be tagged six ways to sunday. Please block the tags if this is a triggering topic for you, and please take care of yourself throughout this month. I more than understand not being comfortable with these topics, and I wish you the best. The tags I'll be using are: # tw: sa ; # // sa ; # sa ; # saam ; tw: sa mention ; // sa mention ; sa mention Any one of those tags should help you filter, but feel free to block them all, just in case.
Participation with me is encouraged! Seriously, I mean this. I mean it when I say that I'm not going to get upset with you over mistakes, and if you approach with respect and understanding, then you may not even make mistakes at all. The point of this is not just for me to yell into the void about this stuff as some sort of art therapy; it's to begin a discussion and better our understanding as a fandom space of these kinds of topics. I can't promise that it'll be sunshine and rainbows, but I can promise that we'll create incredibly beautiful things together. It'll be okay. Come interact with me. I am here for you. <3
I'll be posting more tomorrow about what sorts of things to expect to see out of this, but for now, I just wanted to write a (belated) introduction post to what I'm going to be doing this month, and how I'm going to be handling SAAM. I really hope you'll consider writing with me about these topics, showing support, or otherwise engaging with me in this conversation.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you take care. Do something kind for yourself today <3 ]
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ectoamerican · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Spooky Pronouns: he/they Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective| mutuals only | private | other (specify) Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
GENERALITIES ! Triggers people MUST tag: animal death Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow bad / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify) Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify) Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | I have to hype myself up to send one
please read my rules
please be patient with me. irl stuff can get in my way or leave me too drained to do stuff, even if i WANT to write
the basic stuff, no metagaming, godmodding, infomodding, etc
I am 100% okay with my rp partner not matching my reply length. Be it shorter or longer. (heck, if they make it longer then I'll feel better abt my next reply being longer.) HOWEVER, if I give a paragraph or two, I will expect more than one line. which is what I actually got one time.
if my rp partner goes into a thread with me assuming something about my muse even though I make it clear that my muse is canon divergent. I'm absolutely free to IM if you have questions! I'm friendly and don't bite, i promise. QwQ
when i can't figure out your blog. please, readability is the most important thing to me. which is why the most I do is small text. I will change my theme if I think even one thing is making it unreadable or even slightly harder to read. bright harsh colors as well, makes the blog a mess to read anything on.
not trimming your posts. it makes it hard to follow whats going on sometimes. even if tumblr now makes long posts auto readmore. (at least it does for me)
i do prefer that ppl tag their posts most of the time, but that's not really a requirement if it's not like for a trigger or something. it just helps me search for stuff on their blogs if i can't find it through our notes.
if the blog looks like a bot in some way
if it's a personal who has repeatedly reblogged something after being asked not to
if it's someone i've known in the past to make me uncomfortable
ooc drama between people, vague posts, bullying
minor/adult ships
very rarely, if they're spamming TOO MUCH ooc stuff, untagged or other wise, in a short amount of time. I mean like, many posts that are actually ooc not having anything to do with their character. not like aesthetic posts, headcanons, or art. I'm also not talking abt like, PSAs or updates on the mun's health/lack of energy. i get that it's your blog. but i didn't want to follow a blog that's being treated more like a personal blog.
also very rarely, if my dash is going too fast and it's clear someone isn't going to interact with me i might unfollow just to make things easier for myself to keep up with. but again, that doesn't happen very often.
if it's clear a blog has been abandoned. if they show signs of activity later tho, i may refollow. bc i know irl stuff happens, u kno.
if their muse is from a series i am uncomfortable with. (used to love HP, but i can't look at anything from it now. for example.)
if they ASK why i haven't followed them back. just feels weird, man. I will then not follow out of spite for how uncalled for that question is. nobody is owed a follow. not even me.
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electricea-archive · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?: I try to be on around 5:30pm EST but that isn’t always possible due to just having a really busy day or there are just some days where I don’t get home from work until 8pm or even just after midnight in some instances.  While I can’t say that my track record is amazing, 5:30pm is generally what I aim for.
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page?: I came up with a few on Discord with a friend - a Final Fantasy Tactics AU and our own sort of high school verse thing.  With another person on Discord, there’s a Band AU.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve?: People who will badger me about asks and about replies - there was one person quite recently who would send me asks and then they would send me follow up asks like ‘did you get my other ask that i sent you?’ and mind you, this was over a short span of time - I’ve made it entirely clear that I use a queue and that things get really busy for me so it does really bother me when someone is persistently asking me where their reply is - my answer is always the same - it’s been queued like the rest of the replies.  I also really don’t like when there’s a response and a lot of it is either just a muse’s internal thoughts or info dumping, like about their backstory - there’s only so much that I can have Ryuji react to someone essentially telling their life story and if the bulk of your reply is just your muse’s internal dialogue and thoughts and little else then you’re really not giving me much to work with.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?: I don’t really feel like I am - I generally just get drawn into a muse, it’s not because they fit a particular archetype or theme - other people might notice overlapping similarities but it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.  I’m just drawn to who I’m drawn to.  I can’t really explain it.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?: Not really in my opinion - I mean OOC, I will try to defend and argue for Ryuji and offer a more sympathetic and nuanced viewpoint to him but that’s not really a theme across my writing.  I think it’s hard for an RP blog to have a recurring ‘theme’ to be honest.
6. What are your favorite RP trends?: I enjoy dash games like this, I find it so much easier when all of a mun’s information is available on a pinned post or easily accessible on their blog, I enjoy just the whole plotting process, especially those emoji and symbol memes, they’re good ice breakers.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?: I’m generally pretty open if I want to do a particular verse or try something and I essentially leave it up for anyone to take me up on it - likewise, if someone approaches me with an idea, I’ll hear them out and mull over if I want to do it or not - sometimes I just mutually come up with verses with people.  I’d say that just trying to be open about what I want and what I’m going for really really helps.  Also I try to help them out and answer any questions if they want to make a Persona verse - likewise, I have to mull over if I want to make a verse for Ryuji for the other person’s fandom, something which can get tricky if I simply don’t know the fandom all that well.  Likewise, if people are unfamiliar with Persona or don’t wish to do a Persona verse, my go-to is a non-specific modern verse.
8. How do you feel about duplicates?: I love Ryuji so it makes me happy if other people love him too.  I don’t go out of my way to seek out duplicates but I respect them and I enjoy seeing other muns who also adore this character and want to write him - too much of Ryuji can never be a bad thing.
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?: On Tumblr, since 2012.  I did dabble a bit in forums and chatrooms but  I would consider that more me dipping my toe into things.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?: To be honest, I have so many ideas and verses that I want to try out that I couldn’t even begin to list them.  I’ve thought of making like a definitive wishlist post and from there, people could look it over and if they see one that they’d like to do, they could let me know or vice versa.  I’m always thinking of potential new verses and stories for him.  Always.
TAGGED BY: @more-than-a-princess​ (Thanks!)
TAGGING: Whoever would like to try this out!
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hyperionswrath-a · 2 years
                                         -last updated: 30.11.2022-
I know this is a bit lengthy, but it’s important to lay down my boundaries and the conditions on which I wish to interact - if anything is unclear, you are always welcome to approach me and ask about it!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⸻⯍  Due to bad experiences I am highly private and selective with who gets access to my time, energy and therefore who I write with, making this blog mutuals only. If I follow you back, I want to write with you.
⸻⯍ 18+ only. I won’t interact with minors on any of my blogs.
⸻⯍ As there are dark themes present on most of my blogs, please follow and interact at your own discretion. Be mindful of your own boundaries. Block me if necessary.
⸻⯍ Topics I will roleplay include but are not limited to: Sex, drug abuse, alcoholism, stalking, obsessive behavior, trauma, PTSD, violence, blood, gore. The list might expand. If you are unsure, feel free to ask me, I promise I don’t mind so long as you are respectful.
⸻⯍ Aforementioned topics will always be discussed with all participating parties for boundaries and never simply out of the blue forced upon a thread.
⸻⯍ I do not roleplay, or ship, with anyone minor. no minor mun, no minor muse. no aged up characters.
⸻⯍ Possibly triggering topics will be tagged as .x. tw:trigger
⸻⯍  I am not my muse or vice versa. Please do not treat me as such.
⸻⯍ I practise secret mains. This means I will privately decide with who my muse works best, which threads I am most invested in etc. and prioritize those for myself. I am not a fan of making these things public because it opens the door to drama and entitlement, or people feeling left out, so this is mainly a thing for me to allow myself to focus on the things that inspire me most without feeling obligated to anything. If I prioritize some people / threads over others, it is nothing personal and doesn’t mean I don’t want to interact with you.
I do not practise exclusives as I find it limiting.
⸻⯍ I am multimuse & OC friendly. For the latter, it helps tremendously if you have some general information on your blog so I can check if our muses mesh.
⸻⯍I am duplicate friendly. There are many ways to have duplicates interact, be it a twin AU, time travel, clones, or what have you.
⸻⯍I am crossover friendly.  As long as I know enough about the verse, I am happy to yeet my muses anywhere. I’ve been told I am good at making connections between verses,  too, so if you ever want to try anything like that, feel free to reach  out, even if the verse is not present on the specific muses blog!
⸻⯍ Almost all of my muses are multiverse. You can find the specific verses on their blogs.
⸻⯍ No Godmodding. Certain actions are fine depending on the situation, but as with all things, please just communicate. It’s better to check in one time too often. Some of my muses are technically quite OP (overpowered), so a certain level of communication will be needed for fighting or other kinds of power-struggle interactions anyway. I promise I will never use a powerful muses skill to ruin your roleplay-experience though, and I expect the same in turn.
⸻⯍  No self-inserts. If I notice you are  self-inserting too much into your roleplay with your muse, I may pull  back. I need a clear distinction between mun and muse. Please also do  not use my muses to vent out your frustrations. If your rp becomes  inconsistent because your muse reflects your day to day mood, I will  cut the thread and not continue it.
⸻⯍  Unless marked as open threads / open starters or similar, all my interactions are closed. This means I don’t want personals or other roleplay blogs that are not part of that thread to reblog them, please. 
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A sadly needed section about some of the negative topics and what will get you blocked:
⸻⯍  This right off: If you have been blocked, do not try to circumvent this by making new blogs or using ones of yours I don’t know. It does make you look creepy.
⸻⯍ DNI IF YOU ARE WRITING / AFFILIATED WITH ⯍ AresJay / JJ / traumamade / taleswritten / storiesung / storieswrittcn / gwynblcidd (or any of the many other aliases belonging to this person) ⯍ Mel / Nikki - tyrantmade (formerly drcmaqueen) / superiorbcrn / weskerincorpcrated /  weskerincorpcratedrp / carnaldcsires / bcttlescars / xselfrighteous / tragediesborn ⯍ bishonenprince ⯍ Frit / Vera Faye (hyperionscross / lionofbalamb / biggscallux / regisluciscaelum / infernianhellfire / rexcviii / tonberryterry) If you write with them I will block out of personal comfort. I have reasons for this and don’t want them anywhere near me. ⸻⯍ A few further words about this DNI.
⸻⯍ My blog is not a resource blog for you to come and take what you like, especially if we never interact. Seeing something you think fits your muse and reblogging it from the source on occasion is fine, if it becomes a habit, I might soft block.
⸻⯍  I do not practice reblog karma, but please try to reblog ask memes etc. from the source where you can so my notifications don’t get cluttered.
⸻⯍  I do not want personals to follow or interact with this blog for my own comfort. If you are a personal with roleplay sideblogs, please let me know. Otherwise I will soft block or, if I get refollowed, hard block.
⸻⯍  While I am not a fan of DNIs generally, as many of them in my opinion are usually over petty things that people should discuss and clear up in private, I acknowledge that the rpc has some shady individuals that need to be avoided. This means if someone acts like an unsafe person to be around (being toxic on purpose, acting abusive, endorses homophobia/transphobia/racism or pedophilia, displays obsessive behavior, etc.) they get a permanent hard block across all my blogs for all their blogs I can find. These things are fine to be brought up with me so I can decide privately and for myself how to handle a serious situation, should it occur. On the other hand, I ask you to not bring up petty fights with me about things that are not serious and can be cleared up by a normal talk between adults. If something like this keeps being brought up in order to make me decide between two people, I might soft block or hard block the person trying to persuate me.
⸻⯍  In conclusion, I do not participate in drama. I am not here for it and if I see it, I will most likely block and move on. Otherwise I will decide privately about how I want to handle it as well.
⸻⯍  Excessive vagueing will get you soft blocked. I get sometimes needing to vent about something, but if it becomes a habit, I will soft block.
⸻⯍About copying/stealing: I’ve had this happen so often by now that I will address this thoroughly here. I know some people don’t see the issue but it is a huge red flag for me that has killed muses for me before and therefore requires some clarification.
First off, I consider copying my portrayal and stealing from it as an issue when there are too many coincidences for it to be accidental. I had someone replicate one of my muses almost completely before, which is rather obvious. But I also had someone come in and take several of my headcanons that were uinque to my portrayal and implement them just in their roleplay, which was more insidious. However, they topped it off with copying my writing style / ways of phrasing as well as stealing plots I had with other people - this is what I mean by too many coincidences.
If I see someone ripping off my portrayal to an extent like described above, there is a good chance I will hit their DMs and ask them to explain themselves and to stop it, giving them a warning. If we follow each other, it will also result in a soft block.
If they do not stop, I will decide on further steps to deal with this, along with hard blocking them. I will never do this over minor occurences, however. There has to be a clear, obvious amount of stealing over a time for me to go to these lengths.
Things I am protective over with my portrayals and do not want to be stolen/copied: ⯍ Headcanons. They are specific to my portrayal and often relate heavily to my verses, rp-partners and/or threads. They are what make my muse my own. ⯍  Phrasings. This may sound odd at first, but all my muses have very specific phrasings they use with certain other muses, in certain situations etc. (For example my Sora calls Kairi “little flower”, my Seifer calls Squall “princess”, etc.) Again, this is something I do to make my muses my very own portrayal. ⯍ Plots / Plotted threads. All my plots and threads are worked out with my rp-partners to make them special and unique. I put a lot of effort and time into these and often add onto them with specific headcanons. Sometimes threaded plots even become their own verses. ⯍ Verses. While verses can be similar as there is only so much base material to go by, I always make sure to give my verses some unique twists. Again, I put a lot of thought, work and time into these and sometimes create specific verses for special people as well.
Again, this has happened to me one too many times and people that know me know how much time, work and thoughts I put into my muses to make their portrayal unique. If me potentially getting upset about someone stealing from me bothers you, please consider unfollowing. (Fingers crossed it won’t happen again, of course)
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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⸻⯍ Slow to medium. ⸻⯍ I work 40h/week, from home most of the time. This means while I do have some time in between to reply to things or be active on a muse blog, I still have to get my workload done and might often lack the brain capacity to get much written. So please assume for the most part I am slow with replies. ⸻⯍ My muses decide my activity. I will write for whichever muse is loudest at the moment. Sometimes certain threads have a momentum I like to hold up, they flow well and I just have the most inspiration for them, so focusing on these is more effective. I tried to keep up with threads in chronological order in the past but that felt like forcing out replies which also weren’t very good. So I might not reply with a certain muse for a couple of days, sometimes weeks, depending. ⸻⯍ If you ever feel I might have forgotten our thread or not seen your reply, feel free to poke me about it so long as it doesn’t happen excessively or is done in a guilt-trippy way. ⸻⯍ That being said, I do not respond well to excessive poking about threads, subtexts, or guilt-tripping. Please communicate clearly with me if something is the matter. I refuse to interpret vague behavior and will ignore it. ⸻⯍ RL always comes first, both for me and my mutuals. Dropping threads, being inactive, or anything like that will never be taken badly. I do appreciate a heads-up, but I will not hold it against you if RL came between you and your activity on a roleplay blog. This is a hobby, not a job, and I am not your boss, nor are you mine - and I certainly don’t need to give you permission to leave, so please always feel safe in that regard :) ⸻⯍ If I happen to lose interest / not feel a thread it is never personal and I will definitely communicate. We can always pick something new up! ⸻⯍ I run multiple blogs and depending on what muse is currently buzzing, I might be writing elsewhere.
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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⸻⯍ NSFW / smut is fine but should fit into the plot, otherwise, make use of sinday or whump memes. I need a certain amount of interactions prior to any smut happening so I can tell how our muses react around each other, please don’t jump into smut or ships right off the bat without plotting something with me first and have the muses bounce off each other a bit. ⸻⯍ I multiship. Ships exist in their own verses. ⸻⯍ I do not auto-ship with any of my muses, nor do I like force-shipping. ⸻⯍ I ship with anyone; female, male, nonbinary, etc. (unless a muse is e.g. homosexual of course). Explicit NSFW content (smut) in regards to female muses will be faded to black from a certain point on and not written out overly expressive. This is due to the mun’s comfort levels in the matter.
⸻⯍ I do not like playing out anything in regards to pregnancy (including mpreg). It squicks me out.
⸻⯍ No kink-shaming or shaming writers for approaching dark topics.
⸻⯍  While I love plotting, the best way to kick things off for me is just letting the muses bounce off each other via sending some memes first. It helps me to get a feeling for them and in turn makes plotting much easier. Also sometimes muses just don’t mesh well, so this is a good way to see if they do! Feel free to always send something in.
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⸻⯍ Please don’t give information about me to third parties. I have been stalked by former rp-partners and it’s … not fun. ⸻⯍ Don’t keep tabs on my online activity. As stated above I write for whatever muse I am feeling like, and chat with whoever I feel comfortable with. I only have so much time and energy and if I am not as intensely focused on you for a while, please don’t take it personally and just enjoy some other threads and chats with other mutuals as well. ⸻⯍ That being said, I am terrible at keeping up a OOC conversation in 99% of the cases. It’s something my RL friends and family have to deal with as well, so please be kind and understanding. I try to stay in touch as best as I can. ⸻⯍ Occasional purges of inboxes and drafts may occur at my leisure but will always be communicated and the opion to pick things back up is always there!
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                                            YAY YOU MADE IT! Thank you kindly for reading through this, I know it’s a lot but it helps me feel safe and confident to rp without worrying about everything all the time.
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vanillahub · 1 year
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. [Accepting]
// 1 am rambling let's goooo
NGL, I'm kinda of sad most rules pages have shit like "DNI freaks" or some other variation of threat of violence towards others. I say I'm sad, but the reality is that it has never been this easy to dodge/avoid having certain types of people, orbiting my blogs. But still, it really sucks when you think you found a new blog to follow. Then you check their info, and that's plastered on it. And if that isn't bad enough, they never make a clear cut distinction between IC and OOC stuff. (So, are they uncomfortable with those subjects in RP? Is it okay for people who write darkfic to follow/engage with them?etc. You can never be sure with those people.).
I should probably add this to my rules later, I just keep forgetting about it. But like... Ever since I learned that there is some kind of RPC, for historical figures (Im not talking about series/show versions based on those historical figures). That's definetely something, I really don't want getting anywhere near. I love history, I'm not "bothered" by the fucked up world history. But I just find it overall, quite distasteful you know? No matter how "respectful", those muns try to claim to be. I just think that RPing as historical figures, once real life people who left their marks in history, isn't exactly a "good way" to show respect for them. They may be dead, but they aren't fictional characters.
There is some discourse in regards to using deceased actors as FCs, and how you shouldn't do it. But like... Do those not realise that, if they truly wished to honor the dead, then they should show appreciation for their work and not ommit them? Carrie Fisher is forever eternalized in her work as Leia Organa. Christopher Lee is forever eternalized, in his work as Count Dooku. To me, this feels like an attempt to do the right thing, but it is only doing harm. Because, let me remind people. A fan doesn't carry in any shape or form the same weight, a mega Corporation like Disney does. We are not making billions of dollars, off those actors works. A fan is first and foremost, an admirer and an observer. So, yeah. The discourse around deceased FCs is pretty stupid, IMO. Especially because, the same people who make a stinker out of it, remain dead silent when their favorite mega corporations keep milking any clout/influence/etc out of a deceased actor/content creator (Do I have to bring up Disney's piss poor attempt at a crypto NFT scam via using Stan Lee's image? Long after the man's death? [And they recently got into an agreement, to keep using Stan Lee's image/likeness for any future Marvel endeavors] Or how about them now using an AI to generate Vader's voice going forward, because his original VA is retiring?).
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kylo-wrecked · 2 years
hey, don't do that –
hi frens. hey, look, i don't usually do this... but I've just received a notably nasty ask (NNA) from someone who seemed deeply upset with me, perhaps felt ignored, and i'd like to address that. i rarely receive ooc, anon asks, and rarely do i receive mercenary comments in the form of ooc, anon asks.
i think i am fairly... open??? honest??? about the way i rp. my guidelines are clear, i respect other muns' rules, i ask for +verses and +contexts in nigh any rp meme i reblog, my dms are open to anyone, i track my activity, which has been invariably low for most of my tumblr rp days, meaning i am clearly not spending all too much time with any one writing buddy. i don't play favorites. although i have preferences, i don't favor canon characters over OCs, or canon-divergent characters over canon characters, romances over friendships, star wars characters over non-star wars characters, the gays over the straights (jk kind of), etc. exclusives? never heard of them.
usually, i respond to memes in the order in which they're received and give priority to new muns, muns i don't often write with, or muns i don't do ~deep writing~ with. rarely rarely rarely do i start with whatever interests me most, even if that is 'the point' of answering memes, because for me, that's not what memes are about.
i'm just getting back to this blog after a few months away, after more than three extremely... long??? challenging??? moons. i have 20 more memes in my inbox that i really want to answer, and ~5 drafts that are going to require some thought. i take my time. says so in the pinned post, so please...
just be cool. just believe that i genuinely want to write this character with you, because i do. because even when it's 'just rp,' 'just for fun,' i still care. :'"^)
so don't send me NNAs. don't do that, fren. take it out on kylo ren, not me.
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