#(“war makes profits”)
corvidscreams · 1 year
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”This is never going to work” ”Just keep your head down, put your hands in your sleeves, and act mysterious. Works every time.” ”You don’t have the most well known face in the galaxy.” ”Every. Time.”
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makoxxlip · 11 months
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I know I'm right
*Bolin was with Asami at first but he switched hall and crashed down the makorra date by sitting between them and commenting out loud
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I just love you and the positivity you and LB bring to this fandom. I've tried so many times to be active in this fandom but I've always quickly backed off because of how judge-y and toxic a lot of people act.
Genuinely, jokes aside, I'm sorry you feel that way. I think it can feel really daunting if you come in and look around at all the fighting but truly, it's just a small (but loud) minority of people who act that way. The VAST majority of folks in every ship are very normal, nice, and here to vibe. Even if they don't multiship and are just passionate about their OTP, I've found people to be welcoming and generous.
I think most of us just want to make our jokes, talk about the things we're excited for, our theories, headcanons, art/fic and make friends. One of the first things I did when I got here was just blocked people that never had anything nice to say and were fighting more than they were doing anything else, and now LB and I will see the remnants of drama from four days earlier like...something cursed happened here...but we did not witness it.
And I feel like if you just get in with the right people, that's the vast majority of peoples experience, too. I know I sound crotchety telling people to stop taking the bait and ignore people who are obviously operating in bad faith, but its the only way to sustain yourself. Otherwise you get too burned out, too frustrated and you have to leave before you wear yourself to nothing
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subjxctseventeen · 1 year
ac gays do we think abstergo would rainbowwash their logo for pride month yes or no
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Morning rush!
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clit-a-cola · 1 month
Periods are probably more likely to be irregular in the wasteland due to radiation and the various levels of food insecurity and S T R E S S.
But I wonder if everyone's just free bleeding or if they've reinvented pads.
Cause like depending on where you are you don't wanna waste clean water on cleaning reusable pads. But at the same time I can not IMAGINE the sort of wasteland fuck off diseases and mutations that'd result from pads cleaned with dirty AND irradiated water with who fucking knows trace amounts of FEV floating in it with the microplastics
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bolithesenate · 2 months
Having thoughts? I'm enjoying watching you have so many thoughts about komari
Komari thoughts!!!!
Yes, ofc I have them.
So, maybe you have gathered it, maybe not, but I am definitely hc-ing Komari on the spicier side of neurospicy. I personally have a specific brand in mind when I write her, but imma leave that open here so that everyone can interpret that as they want.
She is a character that imo has very much been dirty by canon and thus It seems just fun and fair that I give her brain some crosswiring that irl also carries quite a stigma.
It doesn't work out for her in canon, but it sure does in my Happy Fun Time Crack AUs where all is well and (almost) no one gets hurt.
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sincericida · 4 months
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Sony try to nostalgia bait for people to come back. Sony just want money, man... She trying to make up money lost on "Morbius "and will be lost on "Madame Web" and "Kraven". Sony, listen toso Kevin Feige.
Sony, if you want to see my money, do "The Amazing Spider-Mam 3" and "Secret Wars".
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ben-the-hyena · 9 months
Me, a non-American, always seeing Americans on this god damn website either going "9/11 is the worse tragedy in the world, the war was justified because these Arabs and Muslims deserve it, they all are terrorists, Long Live America" or "the war had no reason to exist, poor people, all because of these fucking 9/11 victims, let's mock them and say they deserved it, they're not innocent, Fuck America" instead of seeing it as a tragical day indeed that got overused as an excuse for war propaganda making innocent victims on both sides, the first being weaponized while everyone would have just wished it never happened at all with no death, once again goverments and terrorists are the ones to blame and yet they win by having civilians choose sides over the death of fucking human beings
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flowerflamestars · 6 months
I completly did not think about the Spring Court!!! Now I am just thinking about the sentries, who were loyal to Tamlin, yes, but to Lucien first, because he was sane and there and active and one of them (in a way). I do not want the Spring Court to fall, but I also really want the sentries to see Lucien Archeron alive and be like "actually? Yes, yes I WILL pledge my life to my long-time friend and his scary new family."
Could Lucien and Elain ever take over the Spring Court? It's such a hard decision. With Nesta ruling over the Archeron lands and if the Illyrians decide to stay and with the wall gone, we could have a huge human-fairy court (because I know Elain and Lucien and Nesta would either have no divide or a very loosely controlled one).
But on the other hand there is the Summer Court, to which Lucien is heir. Does he want it? He, who has never wanted to be a ruler, but who is so good at it, possible heir to so many courts? What connection does Lucien have to the Summer Court except that a man there impregnated his mother and the result was Lucien. Why would he go there when he could be part of the Archeron lands, or rule the Spring Court, or help Eris with Autumn and work to put good things out in the world?
Perhaps the real question is, where does Elain want to go? Because I think it would not matter to Lucien if every single person from Spring, Autumn and Summer would pledge their loyalty to him - if Elain wishes to stay with Nesta in the Archeron lands, then nothing in the world could make him move.
That IS the big question of the story! What happens when Lucien gets to be himself? What happens when Elain and Nesta have choices? How far will the three of them go to protect that?
One of my favorite Lucien Things is that he doesn't have that ego so SO many acotar characters are afflicted with. There's this stable center at the core of Lucien, despite everything that has happened to him. The Autumn crown is sitting on Elain's head, and no part of him is howling about denied birthright. His processing vis a vis the Day Court has two notes he'll really engage with- this, this, is why he was always a little wrong. This is somewhere his mother will finally be safe.
He doesn't want the crown. He kind of wants to punch Helion in the face. There is a part of him that's just...heartbroken about Day. That's not fixable. It's centuries too late to save the child Lucien was, and even now, Lucien loves Autumn.
Lucien, to himself, thinks he's a little selfish. His entire desire for power has only ever been personal: he wants to protect the people he loves. He want to take care of the people. He has a pretty serious sense of right and wrong, and has spent most his life in much more minor roles than he should have, mostly to try to help.
(these are, of course. All things that are GOOD, but Lucien is uh, working on it, we'll say. The Archeron's are hellishly good for a man's self esteem if it works out.)
Lucien wants to stay.
With Elain. With Nesta. With these people, who have never made him choose which parts of himself matter.
In some ways, one of the biggest hurts of the coming conflict is not the loss of land SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS, but people, and PERSONALLY (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) what feels like the loss of the long-term ability to keep that little family they built together.
They would have been happy. They didn't need more. Lucien liked taking care of the Archeron vassals, playing up a love story that was actually entirely true. He and Elain would have gotten married, sealed the safety of all their positions. Both sisters would have been happy, allowed to do what they were good at, their birthright, forever.
Destiny keeps saying otherwise, Prythian just keeps pulling.
There's some outlying stuff I've overwritten- canon only sometimes likes to acknowledge that Prythian is coming out a half century of hostile occupation and basically, has to be, at least a little in chaotic shambles.
There's Lucien, unable to forget the people in Spring, but also less inclined to seek vengeance for himself than say, Elain. (and her new friend, the deranged shadowman with the magic knife, genuinely considering killing his own High Lord). There's Sorcha, whose fully absconded from her husband. There's the abject mystery of where the hell the Archeron's magic actually comes from. There's Cassian, unsubtly yelling to anyone who will listen this scary hot amazing lady WILL BE A GREAT FEUDAL LORD, FEALTY WELCOME
The only certainty is that Lucien isn't letting go, this time.
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
The logical part of my brain reminds me that Obi-Wan doesn’t actually flirt, but that I interpret a lot of what he says as flirting simply because of his accent and how he sometimes lowers his voice. Lowering one’s voice is not automatically indicative of flirting. Therefore, Obi-Wan’s go-to strategy isn’t flirting, it’s being obnoxious.
On the other hand, in the Clone Wars movie, he does sit down with the enemy and have a little tea party with him. And the way he stirs his tea is just… And there is the fact that he definitely flirts with Ventress, because he uses pet names. Obviously sarcastically, but sarcastic flirting, in this case, counts. However, he speaks to the majority of his enemies the exact same way, just minus the pet names. Same inflection and tone, very similar word choice. That’s clearly flirting.
However, the real evidence is when Obi-Wan meets Grievous for the first time and fucking winks at him.
Obi-Wan’s distraction technique is flirting, thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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anghraine · 1 year
The last time my best friend and I were hanging out (back in March), we watched my eternal SW favorite, The Empire Strikes Back, so this time we followed it up with Return of the Jedi, which we both love very much.
We just finished and as ever, I feel perfectly happy-sad.
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tboybot · 1 year
Just listened to a leading anime podcast try to grapple with what the “point” of the war in gundam/gwitch is and I just… :|
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dreadintrusion · 9 months
If they make a Halo reboot I will actually go nuclear
EDIT: just rumours! So we can breathe easy
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essektheylyss · 1 year
So I keep ending up awake and mulling over languages at 4am for no goddamn reason. Last night I ended up trying to figure out how to trick my brain into remembering which of provare (to try) and trovare (to find) in Italian are which, because my brain wants to associate the tr- verb in English with the tr- verb in Italian.
So I think, okay, provost and professor are both words that probably have a Latin root. Is there some etymology that I can remember between them—provare is also "to prove" (of course, the cognate there somehow doesn't help, since I can associate that with either finding or trying, if we're looking at proving in the academic sense, which involves both trying out hypotheses and finding information). So I go look up the etymology.
Not only is provare in no way related to either provost or professor, but THEY'RE NOT EVEN RELATED TO EACH OTHER. They are all from entirely different fucking Latin root words.
Anyway after all of that I'm pretty sure the difference between the verbs still has not managed to sink into my brain and I will second guess myself every time and probably continue to fuck it up, but have the meme I made on my phone in the middle of the night in outraged furor.
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