#( thanks albus )
not-so-rosyyy · 8 months
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Dumbledore now reuniting with Snape and Hagrid on the other side. OH....MY CHEST...
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sundayroadkill · 1 month
u should do more scorbus fanart😭🙏🙏🙏
i was so shocked to get an ask for more scorbus art that wasn’t from my pal 🤣 thanks anon this one’s for u (and my pal)
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belovedbow · 3 months
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'cause I know my place
and it ain't with you
they're my roman empire
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vashhanamichi · 6 months
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Wonderful @kazuza-art made me a beautiful perfect gorgeous Virgin Mary Dumbledore
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regretfulcorrine · 8 months
i came for bangs draco and stayed also for bangs draco....i am shaking in my little fucking boots
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his hair literally brings me so much unbridled joy when i draw it, im glad someone is as feral for it as i am ;u;
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bluecrownedbird · 5 months
Hear me out: quidditch captain Albus post game, all sweaty, messy hair and grinning
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After the victory!🧹💫
© Melli ~ Don’t share/repost without credit please.
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snapeaddict · 8 months
Snapetober Day 12 - Amphibian
Silliness alert - He Deserved Better AU, Severus is around five
A response to @waningstarlight's prompt
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Diagon Alley was particularly busy; perhaps they should have elected to go on another day, but the present weather was lovely, especially in contrast to tomorrow's when heavy showers were forecasted all over England. So be it - they were ready to brave the crowd for the bookshop and toy store.
Severus found three books he was looking forward to reading and a lovely set of play cards, for rainy days. There were, of course, many such days in the Highlands, and the few times they had taken him out to play, he had come down with a cold. Minerva intended on keeping him indoors as much as possible during the worst days of late autumn, but the boy did like the rain.
Now was time for the mandatory ice cream, a tradition instituted since Severus' first visit to Diagon Alley, over a year ago. He asked for vanilla and coffee, Minerva picked a scoop of pistachio, and Albus, of course, requested a huge cone with chocolate, lemon and raspberry scoops decorated by a garish amount of sprinkles and chocolate sauce. The seller even added a cherry on top of it all, evidently quite pleased with the ridiculous amount of money Minerva ended up paying him. 
The deputy headmistress attempted to make her way back to Severus and Albus without bumping into anyone. They were waiting for her on the other side of the street, in the shade. It was a complex balancing act deserving of the utmost praise, and she was about to comment on it when she caught sight of Severus - in the middle of the street.
They had put the boy in a child harness, for obvious reasons. While they were frowned upon on the continent, English and Scottish people took a more practical approach to things when it came to child safety. But half that leash was now in the middle of the road, and a mule carrying stacks of books was approaching dangerously. The boy was looking in the other direction - Albus was absorbed in the contemplation of a shop display - no one was paying attention -
"ALBUS!" Minerva screamed, stopping most people around her in their tracks. 
Her cry was visceral: she could not breathe properly, and the "s" died in her throat.
The headmaster turned around. His eyes landed on Severus and he immediately waved his wand; the collision was narrowly avoided. People let the furious transfiguration teacher come through, cowering on both sides of the street.
It did not matter how many ice cream cones she was holding: she looked absolutely terrifying. 
"My dear", Albus began contritely, "I have cast all sorts of spells on him - he's absolutely fine - he would have bounced into the air -"
"It does not matter if you know he is safe, Albus Dumbledore", she interrupted him. "What matters is what we teach him. How incredibly stupid can you be? You think it will do him any good, to think he can just wander around because you have cast the right spells?"
The crowds around them, though civilly feigning to look away, glanced at Minerva furtively with a mixture of awe and astonishment. Had the dignified deputy headmistress of Hogwarts just called the most gifted wizard of the century stupid?
Albus lowered his eyes.
"You are right, of course, Minerva. I apologize. This is not about me."
"Indeed", she replied acerbically, her temple vein pulsating.
She turned to Severus, who had been watching them fearfully. Her face relaxed slightly.
"You do not ever go on the street by yourself, is that understood, Severus?" she told him gently, though firmly. 
The boy nodded eagerly. 
"I'm sorry", he replied quietly.
For a second, she thought he was going to cry. She knelt in front of him, determined for their day to not be ruined by Albus' carelessness. 
How the man could be both so brainless and brilliant, she could still not understand...
"It's alright, Severus", she told him softly. "We all make mistakes and we learn from them, mmh? Now you know. Here, take your ice cream."
When she got up, the headmaster was watching them apologetically. She handed him his ice cream, still tight-lipped. 
"May I know what was so interesting to look at?" she told him rather drily, in an undetermined attempt to resume the conversation without letting go of the issue.
Taking the hint, Albus nodded at the shop display in front of them which presented various items of clothing. He was pointing at a specific robe, gold and deep green, with quite refined ornaments and motifs: the triangular sleeves were long and trimmed with delicate emerald lace. Upon closer inspection, though, it had something peculiar...
...The whole thing was covered in slightly lighter motifs of jumping frogs, going from one lily pad to the other. While in the dark they were not very striking, it was all one could see in the sunlight.
"It looks dashing, don't you think, my dear? There's a formal dinner at the ministry next week..."
Minerva closed her eyes, sighed rather loudly, and pulled out a handkerchief from her left pocket. She knelt again and proceeded to clean Severus' face. When she was done, she put it away and simply replied:
"Given your questionable taste in clothing and appalling wardrobe, Albus, this would be absolutely fine at the school. But at a banquet with foreign ministers... think about it..."
"But precisely! I understand green is more suited to the occasion than purple..."
"Didn't you say the French prime minister would be there?"
"I did."
"And you think he is an idiot."
"There are often... gaps in his understanding."
"Then no, Albus, you cannot wear a frog-teamed robe to a meeting with a French official you clearly despise."
The old man looked crushed. 
"And we are here solely to buy Severus a proper raincoat, if I recall. Let's go in."
"You seem sceptical, my dear", the headmaster told Minerva as they exited the shop.
He was meticulously folding a green garment, which he then placed in a large paper bag.
"I assure you, Severus is not going to meet any French official, if that is what is troubling you", he added, smiling smugly. 
She rolled her eyes.
On their next rainy outing though, she had to confess Severus looked absolutely adorable in that frog-shaped raincoat of his. 
Severus' coat looks like the combination of these by the way:
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
scorbus is so cavetown coded and jalice is so tv girl coded and tedoire is so cigarettes after sex coded and lilysander is so hozier coded and yolly is so paramore coded and rosphia is so hayley kiyoko coded thanks for coming to my ted talk
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this scene but I'm saying scorbus endlessly:
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porelarte · 2 years
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albino-whumpee · 1 year
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definitely not the best thing Ive done, but hey. 
Anyways, @sideblogformindtrash and I were talking about Sirius doesn´t die AU and or, Albus-is-Robert-and-Sirius pet AU. 
So just saying, but he would be such a pampered little pet. Even if one of them is truly mean when he wants to, he can also be truly nice during aftercare. Also his other owner is fun and just spoils him rotten and will let him order him around. 
A little fucked up family of three, as it was meant to be. No tragedies involved.
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But what if Delphini was at Hogwarts the same time as the trio???
Year 1: 
She jokes, nudging at her cousin who’s sitting tall besides her in the train compartment. “Harry Potter being in our year at Hogwarts is nothing more than a gift.” She means it too, forcing away that pit of fear that settles in her stomach whenever she thinks about the chosen one. About everything he’s already taken from her family, from her.
Draco goes on joking with their soon-to-be fellow Slytherins. The express is buzzing with energy, though most of the First Year’s look more nervous than excited. 
She runs into Neville Longbottom on their waltz to the Great Hall. He bends directly in front of her, picking up some slimy toad off the stone floor with bare hands. Disgusting. He’s on his knees when he looks up and meets her eye, terror seeping into his gaze. She smiles at him devilishly, pausing for a moment before pushing him aside in an effort to get to what she is certain will soon be her throne room. 
“Delphini Lestrange.”
It’s a horrible cover-up of a last name, an obvious lie to any witch or wizard who knows better. McGonagal calls it nonetheless. There is a weight on her shoulders as she walks forward, the same one that’s settled their since the moment she was born. 
No one is surprised when the hat deems her a Slytherin.
Delphini feels Dumbledore’s stare on her the entire walk over to the sea of green and silver, but it’s Snape’s eyes that she meets when she sits down. 
The tension between Slytherin and Gryffindor is palpable. Worse than it has been in years, or so the older students claim. Delphini knows why, and Draco does too. 
She’s still glaring at the Granger girl when Quirrell asks her to stay after class in a sputter. 
“Of course, Professor.” She answers sweetly, watching from the corner of her eye as jealousy blooms across the mudbloods face. Ever the teacher’s pet. He seals the doors behind them, locking them with a flick of his wrist and casting a silencing charm while he’s at it. 
This time, he does not stutter when he speaks to her. 
Year 2: 
She dreams of a snake all alone, somewhere dark. Crying out for family, for companionship, for someone to listen. Anyone.
Only no one is there.
She wakes up in her dormitory with tears in her eyes. 
There’s been whispers about the Heir of Slytheirn. Talk that he’s returned, that he’s ready to rid the school of all filth that stands in his mighty way. 
Sometimes she wonders how people might react to find out that 'he' is actually a 'she.'
Regardless, it’s not Delphini that’s playing around in the chamber this year. A part of her is wildly unsettled that she doesn’t know who it is. 
It’s no matter, she has far more important things to focus on.
Initially, she almost isn’t allowed to take part in the dueling club. Some poor excuse sprouted up by the Gryffindors, accusations of dark magic and cheating. Unsurprisingly, its Severus that comes to her aid.  
Dueling comes far too naturally to her, and feels oh so sweet. Still she works harder, so eager, ready to fight, to strike. She trains and trains and then trains some more. 
She needs to be enough for Him, when the time is right. 
Potter being a parselmouth is.. Unexpected.
Even Severus seems surprised. Delphini is not sure how to handle the news, she writes home to her Uncle who informs her to stay out of it.
For the first time in a long time, she listens. 
Sometimes, she thinks she's going insane. She hears her father speaking to her through the castle walls, they whisper and she listens. She continues her training.
She will be enough. 
That poor snake. 
Year 3: 
The castle is awake, dementors swarming high above them, eager, hungry.  
She hates them. 
Delphini is determined and reluctant all at once in her venture.
Macnair had just walked out to call for the dementors, readying them to focus their rage. Quickly and quietly she slips into Flitwick’s office. 
They both freeze the minute their gazes meet. 
Eyes clashing from across the room, one hand still resting on the door handle, the other’s chained to an ornate desk. Sirius is the first to break the spell. 
“You look just like her.”
She shifts her gaze away at that, something in her shattering just a little. “I know.” She wants to answer, but she doesn’t have the time. 
“How did you do it?” 
This time, it’s him that doesn’t answer, eyes scanning her face almost wistfully.
“She’d never stop talking about you, you know? Drove the other inmates mad in her rantings, but really I think she just didn’t want to forget.”
And how that just aches. 
She shatters further. “How could you leave her!?” She wants to scream, instead she asks again: 
“How did you manage to escape?” Her voice sounds more desperate than commanding, close to a whisper. 
He smiles sadly. 
“She can’t do it..” Delphini waits for him to finish his sentence. It’s short, and certainly not the answer she was looking for. “I’m an animagus.” 
And that’s all she needed to hear. She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, not bothering to hide her reaction. That familiar weight settles heavily on her shoulders again, for a moment she feels like she might crumble beneath it. Quickly she turns back to the door, ready to race out of the room and pretend he told her anything else. 
She pauses, tossing her dark curls over her shoulder to glance back at his haunting face. 
“Then why wait all this time? Why not leave that place the second you had the chance?” 
He doesn’t answer. 
He doesn’t need to.
Year 4: 
It was gorgeous, the bright green in stark contrast against the dark night sky. Constellations gleaming in its wake, a harmony in the heavens.
A terrorist attack, they had called it. 
Art, Delphini thought. It was the first time she’d ever seen it. 
Something was coming. Lucius seemed certain of this, even Narcissa had given them an exceptionally careful goodbye before ushering them onto the express.
The Triwizard Tournament turned out to be an even bigger let down than she’d imagined. Beauxbatons was a bore, and the Drumstang boys seemed scared of her, which was no surprise really. 
Karkaroff avoided her like a poor case of mumblemumps. 
His time would come, it was not up to Delphini to designate punishment. Not yet.  
Watching Potter almost die at the edge of each of these challenges did add a nice touch to the year. Though, all that anticipation she’d felt in summer dwindled a bit each time he survived. 
It wasn’t until Moody tracked her down in the corridors after hours that things really got interesting. 
Even Delphini was surprised to find Barty somehow alive. 
He doesn’t tell her much. They don’t have a lot of time as it stands, and really she’s just thrilled to have finally met him. He’s full of promises, of course. Lot’s of ‘soons’ and ‘be ready’. Delphini doesn’t get any of the details but she’s known since the beginning of term that it was finally coming. She’s more than ready, more than enough. Isn’t she?  
"The Dark Lord will rise again, Crouch! Throw us into Azkaban; we will wait! He will rise again and He will come for me!"
The scripture scrawled into her very soul. There have been signs everywhere pointing towards His return. Now she knows it to be true. 
“You have her face,” Moody - Barty - interrupts her thoughts, he’s staring at Delphini in near worship, a look so foreign for the professor. “You have His eyes, though.” 
“I know.” 
She meets Him for the first time later that summer and He tells her something similar. It means all the more coming from Him.
Before her father, for the first time, she spins her spells into symphonies, her hexes into homilies, casts her curses to the constellations. Shows Him everything she knows, and all her power with it.
She walks back over to Him when she is well and through, magic still radiating off of her in harsh waves. Her father takes her wand from her hands. 
“I have much to learn.” Delphini offers, and she knows it to be true.
Her father is looking at her wand still. 
Dragon-heartstring, like her mother. Yew, like His own. 
He is smiling when he answers, something proud dancing in those red eyes. “Yes. You do.”
Year 5: 
With the commencing of the Spring Equinox she is finally allowed home. Ostara save her.
Delphini has to brace herself before walking through those large double doors, entirely unsure exactly who she might find on the other side. 
Still, her heart is burning. 
At last. 
Her mother’s embrace is a blessing. A gift Delphini hadn’t known she needed. That sharp look of recognition in her eyes hurts in all its relief. 
She really does wear her face, afterall. They’d all promised her as much, didn’t they?
Father is there, He is watching. Studying them both, studying their interaction.  
Her mother takes her face between her palms like a prayer, eyes shining. She’s full of promises and penitence. Delphini isn't having any of it. Her mother owes her nothing and this, just being here, it's more than enough.
Delphini has never felt so whole in all her life.
She begs to be a part of their plans at the ministry. Anything she can do to further the cause, support her family, put them back into their rightful place - above everyone else.
It's futile. She's far too young, and the logistics of getting her there are far too problematic. There's talk of Azkaban and Bellatrix looks terrified at the prospect of Delphini somehow winding up there.
"Absolutely not. The choice is not yours to make and your Father and I are in perfect agreement that you remain at the school." She turns to her, reaching a hand up to caress Delphi's cheek tenderly.
"We'll celebrate once we return with the prophecy, hm?"
It's the one promise Delphini will accept wholeheartedly.
Year 6: 
Somehow, it’s Draco and Delphini that bear the brunt of the shame brought on from the fiasco at the Ministry. 
Draco is marked, as punishment to Lucius (to Narcissa).
Delphini is not, as punishment to Bellatrix (to herself). 
Her cousin is crumbling under the pressure, Delphini is soaring. It's the same weight she’d felt her whole life, only this time she finally has an opportunity to act on it.   
It takes longer than she would like to mend the vanishing cabinet. Draco was seeing to it personally in the beginning, but with little to no headway Delphini made it her personal mission.
Not that it really mattered anyway. Delphini has other plans entirely. 
Whilst Draco wastes his time casting cursed necklaces and poisoning wine, Delphini is speaking with the stars. 
She will be enough.
When the day of reckoning is finally upon them she can hardly hold back. 
“Expelliarmus.” It’s swift and was fully intended to take him off guard but she’d still expected him to put up some sort of a fight. Immediately, something seems off, its only a matter of sorting out whether or not its something she can take advantage of. 
“Evening, Delphini, Draco. Are you alone?” 
“Who else is here?” She doesn’t bother to entertain his question, though Draco is quick to boast about the Death Eaters holding off the guards down below. Dumbledore assures them he is alone, but the two brooms resting along the ramparts suggest otherwise. 
No matter, Delphini will handle them both. Draco is waxing on, talking about the vanishing cabinet and Rosmerta. Much as she hates to listen to him give them all away she’s taking a moment to study the Headmaster. Something seems off, as he is entirely unbothered to be at the wrong side of their wands.  
“And why have you waited?” The headmaster interrupts after a beat, causing even her cousin to pause. “Those feeble attempts to kill me all year, surely they weren’t you.” He is speaking directly to Delphini now, she knows it.
She smiles. 
Quickly, the other Death Eaters are fast up the stairs making their presence known. 
“It doesn't have to be this way.” The Headmaster continues, eyes only on her despite the others' verbal jabs. “Long ago, I met a boy who made all the wrong choices-"
“My Father, you mean?” She breaks her silence, the other Death Eaters laugh behind her at the revelation. Though Dumbledore is not at all surprised, and why would he be? “There’s no reason to hide behind truth’s any longer, Headmaster. His time has come, and consequently yours is over.” 
And suddenly Severus is there stepping forward to share a look with Dumbledore. A part of her considers testing the potion professors loyalty.. 
..Only, this is her moment.
“Avada Kedavra!” It’s sweet on her tongue, and even sweeter watching him fall. They’re on the move sooner than she’d like for them to be, hardly a chance to savor it.  
On their flight into the forbidden forest she throws a ‘morsmordre’ into the sky like a personal signature. The monogram of her family. 
When she finally greets them, He tells her she’s worthy and stitches as much into the inside of her left forearm.
She is enough.
Year 7: 
It’s beyond refreshing, being who she was always meant to be. 
Watching as Slytherins and now students alike all bow at her feet, that renewed fear keening in their eyes. 
She savors it, relishes in their reactions.
Miss Black, they call her.
It’s nearly perfect. Helping alongside mother and father to secure the ministry this summer, returning to Hogwarts with an honest surname, unforgivables cast at her fingertips without repercussion. 
Of course, there is still the looming prospect of Potter. 
He’s been hiding from them all for far too long, lurking in the shadows despite the growing number of mudbloods father kills. Finally, they manage to locate him at Hogwarts, where boy wonder somehow convince the entire school to fight for him. How cute.
Until eventually, they find a way to lure him out. 
Father calls her to the boathouse through the mark she finally bears. Her mother falls into step with her the moment she departs, Delphini is not sure if she was called but what does it matter? They’re family.
Nagini greets her with enthusiasm, dancing between her legs like a cat. She acknowledges her, of course, but only after she acknowledges Him.
He eyes her mother disapprovingly and Delphini is not at all sure what to make of that. 
“We’ll have him soon, Father. I'm certain of it. He’s far too righteous to let this continue, even if it is good fun. He will come to you. ”
He hums in agreement, long fingers tracing his newfound wand. 
“That he will, Delphini.”
She waits then, she and mother both, giving him the floor to impart his orders.
“You understand, Delphini, that you have proved yourself very valuable to me since my return.” She smiles gently, sharing a warm look with her mother before turning back to Him. “You’ve been right about a number of things, and dedicated beyond my expectations.” He pauses again before resuming his gentle pacing. “One can only hope that that devotion continues with my next request.” 
He falls into step next to her mother, reaching forward to trace along Bellatrix jaw gently. 
“I have concerns, Bella, with how this new wand may cooperate with me when it comes time to put an end to Harry Potter.” Her mother looks confused, leaning forward into his touch.  
“My Lord?” He lingers a moment, appreciating her features before resuming his pacing. 
With it He continues, telling them of wandlore he was able to gather from Ollivander, from Gregorovitch. Delphini’s stomach sinks with every word. 
“You understand, Delphini.” He pauses, stopping directly opposite her on the other side of the small boathouse with an imploring look. “That while you live, the elder wand will never truly be mine?” 
And finally she is crumbling under the weight of it all.
Tears swim in her eyes as she looks at Him without answer, finally broken. She did everything right - exactly as He had asked her to! She did it all for Him - for them! To be everything and more.. To be enough..
Though, it seems she may never be enough. 
“F-father..” Her voice is broken, stubborn tears escaping from her eyes, eyes the same shade as His own. He doesn’t speak, nor does he resume his pacing. 
And then there’s Bellatrix, balancing on the edge of in-between them.
Delphini is too afraid to even look at her, desperation more than evident in her mother's voice: “My Lord. Certainly, there is another way. We can take Potter as prisoner and work the rest out later! How can we trust the word of a two-timing wandmaker? No - there are more, other wandmakers throughout Europe! I will bring them to you and we can find other ways - just like we always do..My Lord.."
His eyes don’t leave Delphini's own.  
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elisedonut · 10 months
do i like that Percy named his daughter Molly?
Am i going to make up a new name for her?
i would rather literally die then do that thank you
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whinlatter · 1 year
Heyyy hope you're doing well! I just wanted to ask if you have any head cannon about harry and Ginny's kids. Please share them with us. Thank you!
I actually don't have nearly as many original thoughts and headcanons about the Potter kids as I do about their parents! Much as I love em. All I know is that I like Cursed Child about as much as I like Grawp. (There was a Cursed Child poster up right by my house for the first two months of this year, and every single day I had to walk past it and start my day in a quiet rage. Also no offence whatsoever to the current actress playing Ginny on the West End, but why did they dress Ginny like some kind of frump! She is in her mid-late thirties when Albus goes to school! How dare you! Also I was at a party the other day and my friend walked in fresh from seeing Cursed Child and went 'uhh so I just had to watch three hours of Harry Potter for some reason being horrible to his gay son I need a drink', and now that is all I can think of whenever I think about Cursed Child).
The only headcanons that really come to mind are:
James and Ginny think they're the funny ones of the family, everyone eye rolls at them but secretly agrees; Harry and Albus bond in Albus' late teens over sad Muggle music together (I had a stupid fic idea where I was like... Albus and Harry at a Phoebe Bridgers concert. Or at least The National. Sad dad and his introvert son? Sign me up); everyone in the family teases Harry relentlessly and he's like err sorry I did not marry one of you and bring the three of you into existence to be roasted every day of my life (obviously he secretly loves it).
What I do have is this tiny very abridged list of fics I have loved that have helped shape how I think about the Potter kids and strongly recommend:
try and hide the night by tosca1390 - (oneshot, James POV, James trying to understand his parents' war, just really lovely family dynamics here)
all the pieces fall by @lanaturnergetup - (multichapter, completed, Albus/Scorpius, adult!Potter kids, I would die for this Albus)
and tomorrow came again by @bettysgarden12 - (multichapter WIP, next gen Hogwarts fic - I'm actually super behind on the last couple of chapters but this is e n c h a n t i n g)
little accomplishments and motte and bailey by irnan (oneshots, H/G, Teddy and the Potter kids, just such wonderful colour to these and a perfect balance of happy with a twinge of sad)
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firendgold · 1 year
Pk now I want to hear tour rant about how Harrydore is bettter than Grindeldore. Bring it 🤣❤️
ohhh, this one's easy. I've been in this fandom on and off since 2006, and seen how Harry, Albus and Gellert were written pre- and post-'Dumbledore closet interview'. cracks knuckles
got to hit you with that readmore though. and it's going to be in two parts. I rambled again. ^^
(...'rambled' is perhaps an understatement.)
grindeldore vs harrydore
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the tl;dr of the below is the following sentences, and then I'll get into it. My philosophy on gr*ndeld*re extends to all other ships in all other fandoms, especially HP: if it's not an AU and you have to excessively mischaracterize Character A to get them to 'fit' with Character B, then it's not a good ship, canon or not. Albus Dumbledore is quite often mischaracterized in order to 'fit' or 'keep' him with Gellert Grindelwald.
here's my problems with how gr*ndeld*re is most often portrayed:
Inconsistency within canon. JKR is partly mostly to blame for this (because she has contradicted her original 2007 statement in the present day with more interviews in the 2010s and with the Fantastic Beasts movies), but the first problem is: gr*ndeld*re was originally an unrequited ship. The original statement was that Albus was dazzled by Gellert's power, his presence, their similarities, their shared ideals... but That Woman wasn't explicit on whether Gellert ever returned his feelings. But based on her quotes where she says "falling in love can blind you to an extent" and that [Dumbledore] was "terribly, terribly let down" by the result of that whirlwind relationship, I think it's safe to assume that her original idea of Gellert cared far more for seeing his grander plans realized than for the needs and feelings of his 'equal'. And yet... in fandom, they are most often portrayed instead as star-crossed lovers torn apart by 'conflicting ideals'.
The second problem is that in the avalanche of fics and art that have come from The Reveal, the original lesson (/moral...?) behind the reveal of gr*ndeld*re, and how it shaped Albus as an adult, leader, and progressive, just... got lost. Completely lost. The whole point of it was to show that even Albus (supposed 'paragon of goodness' until book 7 showed the fandom that he is a regular human being) can make 'relatable' mistakes like... you know... being friends with a fascist. Being in love with a fascist, even. Thanks to said retcon interviews and the new movies (and even before that tbh) the fandom has since: overexaggerated Albus' new clay feet to the point of bashing him, idolized Grindelwald's red flag traits and ideals to the point where he has become the new "Tom Riddle was just misunderstood!" guy, and twisted that lesson/moral/whatever to mean that actually Albus and Gellert were tragically kept away from each other by an itsy bitsy little difference of opinion. A minor little fight. Casual death of your sick sister. Haven't we all been there?
The fandom diminishing the real reasons why Albus and Gellert eventually clashed, were destined to clash, is bad enough. What's worse is the opposite end. Some Dumbledore-bashing fans go the other way and paint present-day Dumbledore with the same brush as Grindelwald, even going so far as to say he still supports The Greater Good even though his entire character is literally built on being the opposite of the pro-magic, anti-Muggle philosophy. Albus has also been painted in some fics and even meta discussions as someone who 'regrets' his past not because his sister died and his brother is estranged from him, but just because his ex-boyfriend is in prison and he maybe kind of regrets not going full fascist with him. Like... bruh. NO. There are people who ship gr*ndeld*re just because they feel like Grindelwald, the worst dark wizard in the world, the reason why Voldemort is only a minor league little lord in comparison, is an appropriate "punishment" for the character they already dislike and thus misinterpret. (Side note: I'm not sure if I'm in a worse hell watching Albus' character get whitewashed for fascism or demonized so he can be a miserable lonely gay.)
Albus diminishes himself to meet Gellert's needs. An in-universe problem this time instead of a meta/RL one: Albus and Gellert were lovers, yes, but in order to be so, Albus had to actively start neglecting his siblings (since in Aberforth's words he was 'doing all right' taking care of them before Gellert showed up) and leaning more into anti-Muggle sentiment. He put all his energy into what for most of the magical world was a wild goose chase after some fairy-tale items. (Remember, most wixen don't give a shit about the Deathly Hallows, or think they're even real.) He became the person Gellert needed/desired most. Albus became a version of himself that he despised later in his life and after his death.
Relationships often include the members changing, and it's easy for even the most devoted partners to fall out of love if they change and are now too different from one another, or one person changes and the other... doesn't. After Ariana died, Albus chose to become a different person and champion the same people he and his family once despised. He chose to stay away from Gellert, whether he called it cowardice or principles or whatever else. And his choice put him in conflict with Gellert, who at sixteen refused to change course or rethink his ideals even when his choices led to the death of a magical person (the type of person he supposedly prizes above all others). His magical boyfriend's magical sister, even. And we see no sign that Gellert changed, repented, or considered Albus until decades later, at the very end of his life—far too late.
Healthy relationships require give-and-take, sacrificing for your partner in things big and small. For high-stakes relationships like Albus and Gellert's (queer in the 1800s, sweet Merlin), that is even more true. During that steamy summer of 1899, it was Albus who did all the sacrifcing/giving and Gellert who did all the taking. Gellert may have entertained the idea of bringing Ariana along on his quest with Albus (we don't know), but Aberforth was right to say that it would have been torture for her—and no alternate idea was brought up that would prioritize the wellbeing of Albus' siblings while he was away. And in the moment of required reciprocity when Albus was at his lowest, Gellert left him behind and went off to go rule the world. Not even the most diehard shipper can argue against the fact that when Ariana died, Grindelwald left.
This problem is even more personal/biased than the other ones. Albus and Gellert parted ways in 1899. They didn't see each other again until the duel in 1945 (because fuck Fantastic Beasts, the scripts don't even make fucking sense). Albus defeated Gellert, put him in prison, and then went on living for another fifty-two years. And That Woman expects me to believe that Albus never had a relationship with anyone before Gellert, and never even looked at another wizard afterward? In 52 years, he was one-and-done? He never once fell in love with other people, whether or not he fully trusted them/let them in? Be serious. Pull the other one. It's not realistic, and it doesn't speak to the kind of man Albus Dumbledore is. He may not have found a man to check the same boxes Gellert did, but he wouldn't arguably be looking for someone too similar to his old flame. He might not trust them unconditionally or be the Perfect Partner for them (bc whew traumaaa), but there would be other people for Albus in a realistic Magical Britain (even discounting time travel shenanigans). Before the reveal, the most popular people to ship Albus with were Minerva, Alastor, and Elphias Doge; these options are still arguably more valid. Albus Dumbledore loves love, he champions love, and he doesn't think he deserves it after his sins, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't go looking. It's mind-boggling to me that with all the well-deserved disavowing of JKR following her anti-trans hate (and her shameless pandering to the same people calling her a witch poisoning their children's minds decades ago), that some people still treat her words about Albus and Gellert's relationship and its effects on Albus in particular as gospel. I sure don't. (Especially because she said he became "asexual" after His One Gay Experience when like. That's not. What asexuality is??? And ace gay people exist???) Whether you count the FB movies or not, there are still decades of Albus' life that are a mystery, and I refuse to believe he closed his heart and caged his dick for all of them.
IMPORTANT END NOTE: These observations obviously do not apply to all gr*ndeld*re shippers. Some people genuinely do like both characters, characterize them correctly, and still want to see them together for reasons. I'm not going to judge them. I ship a frigging time travel age gap ship, how the fuck could I. And I'm also aware that a lot of fics/art are made to color in between the lines of what we don't know in the fandom, bringing Albus and Gellert together during the mystery years, or making one wizard better for the other to address all the ship baggage. I just can't join them because of how rarely that occurs (and, admittedly, how much I personally can't see it). You would not believe how many fics and discussions I've seen that lionize Grindelwald and treat Dumbledore like an accessory, or completely mischaracterize Albus' motivations, intentions, and actions, and then put him with "the other Big Bad". UGH.
Most of the time, I see gr*ndeld*re the ship hurting Albus the individual. It's very rare to find an iteration where Albus is not bearing the consequences of Gellert's choices, Gellert's actions, Gellert's mistakes and harm done. I think Albus deserves better than to be Gellert's accessory just because he loved him deeply long ago.
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okay. whew. that was a lot.
a character limit prevents me from continuing here, so the second half of this versus will go elsewhere, sorry!
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vanillaheartzxx · 1 year
(let me mention how much i loved this video first, it was so good and a great continuation from the last one 💓 loved it)
devlin has feelings for faithful, but is rooting for faithful to be with albus because he sees the way they look at each other and how they care for each other, and albus on the other hand is in LOVE with faithful but is rooting for faithful and devlin because he is a bastard, he wants her to have a “good life”, apparently devlin is (more? better?) able to take care of faithful and keep her safe?? and faithful can’t make up her damn mind 🤦‍♀️
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