#( and I am saying this as a fact because in the centre of those cities there is a particular brand of misery that is hard to translate
mercysought · 1 year
anyway I am in fact saying that if the gentleman was ever to actually live in a real world place (it's not a matter that he wouldn't but more that he doesn't get to choose that sort of thing), he would definitely be living either in the dead centre of Lisbon, Porto or in an abandoned village in the middle of nowhere Portugal. No in between.
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ettelenethelien · 6 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard Simulator
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🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Yeah, Thingol kind of flew off the handle with banning Quenya and all that, but why on Arda are people now justifying the Kinslaying in response?? have some nuance and also, that's just plain horrible.
✨ btw-this-is-hopeless following
hope it's fine to copy your tags, mithrim, because they're great:
#I mean I know this is probably because they've taken part in the kinslaying themselves #but #can't you just admit you did wrong and move on? #in so far as it is possible because of course forgetting would be disrespectful and unwise #because the consequences are with us still #but it should be way more comfortable than being on your defences all the time #always ready to rationalize or deny #with a conscience you cannot silence
✴️ eightpointedstar83
I am tired of typing this out again and again but Alqualondë could have been averted had the teleri been less self-centred and readier to cooperate. Thingol is just another example of this attitude. But of course, please deny that the third clan is what it is and pin the blame on the people who saved everyone's skins.
We have done nothing wrong and yet our own people are turning on us. One day you will rue this.
Long live the house of Fëanor!
💝 heart-in-a-box
This is just the sort of behaviour OP was talking about.🤦‍♀️
🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Admittedly, this seems to be a fanatical Fëanorian and more committed than the average apologist of his/her own actions - but yes.
#current events #thingol's quenya ban #my post
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🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
finished another canto of the noldolante today
🌖 hunters-moon
you have a tumblr account??!
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
do I know you?
🌖 hunters-moon
yes :)
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
wait - yeah, I do...
which of the twins are you?
🌖 hunters-moon
how did you know😮???
he looked through your blog, nitwit :)
🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you two out of all possible people on here...
so - which is which?
36 notes
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🌸 a-flower-in-the-snow following
himring winters are horrible and I hate my parents for bringing me to middle-earth
#rant #children of exilse #i meant #children of exiles #coe
4 notes
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🏞️ the-wide-earth-unexplored following
Y'all weren't joking when y'all said the Sirion is impressive...
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(more photos under cut)
read more
#photography #nature photography #nature #sirion #falls of sirion
213 notes
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🖼️ wonder-the-earth
is it still a secret city when everyone is talking about it?
👰🏼‍♀️ celebrin following
that's a good question
21 notes
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👤 incessant-leaves following
It makes me sick to see all those positive nostalgic posts about the Mereth Aderthad. How pretty the pools of Ivrin were or weren't doesn't change the fact that THE NOLDOR WERE HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KINSLAYING THE WHOLE TIME. Yeah "everyone was kind" back then. You were feasting together with people whose cousins you had killed and have the audacity to complain they don't like you as much anymore. I don't care if you're a Sinda or a Noldo who "didn't take part in it" - if you say anything positive about it I'm blocking you.
#mereth aderthad #the truth about ivrin
159, 307 notes
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💎 lord-maedhros-is-the-true-king
Things they don't want you to know about Fëanaro:
read more
157 notes
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🏹 huntingprincess following
with all due respect, gondolin is the most boring place in the world.
🌼 golden-flower
it's not. but you're entitled to your opinion.
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
if only all debates on here were as civil...
👤 incessant-leaves
OP is a kinslayer apologist. Didn't you check that out before you started praising them?
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
*throws hands up*
I was admiring that one exchange.
(and this was actually more about @golden-flower's response than about OP)
#this site...
2009 notes
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image used for Sirion: link
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rinadragomir · 7 months
So I kinda calmed down because my best friends made their absolute best to make sure I read those Seasons of Shadowhunters books🥹🤍 but let's discuss sth...
So about the prices and access
First of all, I know that salaries and prices are different in Russia and other countries, but STILL. The fact that it would cost me 16k to get those books, considering that I pay 25k for my flat in a city centre IS NOT OKAY.
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Listen, I'm an adult but still pretty young. TSC fans' age is around my age, maybe even less. (14-20 mostly). And I don't think that this group of people is financially stable enough to spend this amount of money on fantasy book for teens. ADDITIONAL BOOK
Plus she decided to choose Kickstarter. Why exactly? She's afraid that there will be not enough people to buy🥺? So she wants to understand how many copies she should make?🥺 But this is a bullshit, her books are popular af, there was no need to make this so complicated. + there's no way to buy EPUB.
Kickstarter doesn't ship to my country, what am I supposed to do? There were SO MANY WAYS to make her books available for fans all over the world and she just decided not to?
These are ADDITIONAL BOOKS. Obviously pure fan content and she knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she made it THIS EXPENSIVE. She knows her true fans will support her no matter what, they'll make their parents buy it, they'll save money for months to be able to get them. And it's just so disappointing.
You know I'm the most loyal Cassie's fan. I've been this way for ten years, but it's just such shitty situation. It's all about making people who obviously have very little money to pay as much as possible + her "you won't be able to buy them after the Kickstarter finishes, right now I'm not planning on it" is just too funny
But it's pure manipulation. She used to say the same about SOBH: "SOBH won't be a physical copy" and now it's here. Nothing stops her from selling these books after Kickstarter ends.
Idk everything about it is so weird and unnecessary
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mariana-oconnor · 5 months
His Last Bow
Hey Tumblr,
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I have 0 idea what happens in this story. Kind of hoping it's a bit like Curtain, the last Poirot story, because that's a bop. Well, it's very depressing, but I love the solution. Although I also really hope it isn't, because then Agatha Christie would have copied that and I really don't want that to be the case.
I also really want ACD to have done something insanely over the top and decisive to make it really clear that this time there would be no retconning. Like... idk, the world being invaded by aliens. Sherlock Holmes stealing the crown jewels and being executed for treason. Mycroft turning out to have been a double agent all along and destroying the entire British Empire.
I'm no longer feverish, although my lungs are still trying to propel themselves out of my body in a way that keeps leaving me a little asphyxiated, so that's fun. But no jellyfishifters this time I expect. Or sea turtles... Yeah, Idk either.
It was nine o'clock at night upon the second of August—the most terrible August in the history of the world.
Oh Watson, you sweet summer child. I bet I've seen worse Augusts. Even if Holmes does die in this one.
The sun had long set, but one blood-red gash like an open wound lay low in the distant west.
London... is now... a hellmouth?
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Are we not in London? Is that the city from a distance. Where are we? Why is the sky split open? What is going on?
The two famous Germans stood beside the stone parapet of the garden walk...
The only two famous Germans. Ever. You know... those two.
Oh, so we're actually in the 'Sherlock is a spy' period. Weirdly I assumed that that was only going to be referenced. But no, we're actually going there.
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So the red line is... the war front?
One of these was his present companion, Baron Von Herling, the chief secretary of the legation, whose huge 100-horse-power Benz car was blocking the country lane as it waited to waft its owner back to London.
Is the Baron compensating for something? Maybe.
But we're not in London and we're not near the war front, so... what is that red slash in the sky. Is it London?
This is probably not the mystery I am meant to be trying to solve. I should pay more attention to the espionage and less to the environs.
“They are not very hard to deceive,” he remarked. “A more docile, simple folk could not be imagined.”
Someone has not been down the pub when the home team is playing. Hoo boy. Docile is not a word I would use...
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"One's first impression is that they are entirely soft. Then one comes suddenly upon something very hard, and you know that you have reached the limit and must adapt yourself to the fact."
That is, indeed, what she said.
“Meaning British prejudice in all its queer manifestations."
Oh boy. I don't think you mean what I'd mean by those words, but yet you have still brought upon me a great sense of national shame and wincing.
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"I was invited to a week-end gathering at the country house of a cabinet minister. The conversation was amazingly indiscreet.”
Given the general level of OpSec shown by government workers, bankers, and just... everyone within these stories, I cannot say that this surprises me. I'm disappointed, but not surprised. The majority of government people we have met have been entire and total imbeciles in the matter of privacy, data protection and general best practices regarding secrecy.
“No, no, don't call it a pose. A pose is an artificial thing. This is quite natural. I am a born sportsman. I enjoy it.”
Ugh, I hate this guy.
“And all the time this quiet country house of yours is the centre of half the mischief in England, and the sporting squire the most astute secret-service man in Europe. Genius, my dear Von Bork—genius!”
I will say, they're commenting on other people not being discreet, and here they are just laying out everything without even a hint of subtlety. Using people's names. confirming their identities, confirming their true purposes. Unless this, in itself, is a subterfuge... They're not at a party, at least, I suppose.
“You flatter me, Baron. But certainly I may claim my four years in this country have not been unproductive. I've never shown you my little store. Would you mind stepping in for a moment?”
This all feels very Cask of Amontillado, don't you think?
Is Van Bork Sherlock?
He then closed the door behind the bulky form which followed him and carefully adjusted the heavy curtain over the latticed window. Only when all these precautions had been taken and tested did he turn his sunburned aquiline face to his guest.
Oh. My. God. Did someone just use basic security protocols to prevent someone from listening or looking in on them? Be still my beating heart. I might faint.
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I am so confused about who is speaking right now. I need more dialogue tags. I have lost track. These two have merged into one very confused spy with multiple personalities. Or maybe just two heads. I don't know.
“Out of date and waste paper. The Admiralty in some way got the alarm and every code has been changed."
If that wasn't Sherlock or Mycroft, then I don't know who it was because every time the Admiralty has been in these stories they have been incompetent to the point of deliberate treason.
Will come without fail to-night and bring new sparking plugs. — —Altamont.
Is Altamont Holmes?
“You see he poses as a motor expert and I keep a full garage. In our code everything likely to come up is named after some spare part. If he talks of a radiator it is a battleship, of an oil pump a cruiser, and so on. Sparking plugs are naval signals.”
I take back that gif from earlier. Don't tell people the code words. Good grief, man! You've just compromised all of those phrases. I get that you're providing exposition for the audience, but still. STILL.
"I assure you that our most pan-Germanic Junker is a sucking dove in his feelings towards England as compared with a real bitter Irish-American.”
...at a touch from the Baron's chauffeur the great car shivered and chuckled.
Is the car alive? I don't like this description.
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“Those are the lights of Harwich, I suppose,” said the secretary, pulling on his dust coat.
It's Harwich... No hellmouth, just Harwich. Mystery solved.
"The heavens, too, may not be quite so peaceful if all that the good Zeppelin promises us comes true."
Oh, you mean the bustle in the hedgerow? No... don't be alarmed about that. It's just a spring clean for the May Queen. Or if you're talking about the piper, he's just leading us to reason. It's really nothing to be worried about.
...beside it, seated at a table, was a dear old ruddy-faced woman in a country cap. She was bending over her knitting and stopping occasionally to stroke a large black cat upon a stool beside her. “That is Martha, the only servant I have left.” The secretary chuckled. “She might almost personify Britannia,” said he, “with her complete self-absorption and general air of comfortable somnolence."
Is Martha Holmes?
Honestly, that makes a lot of sense.
Or Holmes could be the kitty cat.
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It was a new experience to him, the silence and darkness of his widespread house, for his family and household had been a large one. It was a relief to him, however, to think that they were all in safety and that, but for that one old woman who had lingered in the kitchen, he had the whole place to himself.
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“You can give me the glad hand to-night, mister,” he cried. “I'm bringing home the bacon at last.”“The signals?”“Same as I said in my cable. Every last one of them, semaphore, lamp code, Marconi—a copy, mind you, not the original."
No. No. No.
This is not how you do a treasonous handover of government secrets. I don't care how empty you think the goddamned house is. You don't say the actual thing. YOU USE THE CODEWORDS. THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE CODES. YOU UTTER NUMPTIES!
Fuck you both. You're morons. What even is this? This isn't espionage. This is slapstick.
Good lord.
I... I despair.
I guess if you're this good at it, then it's no wonder that even the bloody Admiralty managed to get a clue.
Mycroft's probably been feeding you information for years, you muppets.
It's the incompetence that gets to me, it really is. If you're going to be moustache twirling evil German spies then at least have the self-respect and decency to be good at it.
This is pathetic.
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The Irish-American had entered the study and stretched his long limbs from the armchair. He was a tall, gaunt man of sixty, with clear-cut features and a small goatee beard which gave him a general resemblance to the caricatures of Uncle Sam. A half-smoked, sodden cigar hung from the corner of his mouth, and as he sat down he struck a match and relit it.
Oh yeah, this is Holmes, isn't it?
You couldn't even pretend to be good at being a traitor?
“So it's not quite as simple as you thought. It was four years ago that I had it made, and what do you think I chose for the word and figures?”
Tell me you're not about to do what I think you're about to do.
Tell me you have one braincell in your tiny head. PLEASE. You cannot be this dumb. YOU CANNOT BE!
“Well, I chose August for the word, and 1914 for the figures, and here we are.”
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And you're being dumb by trying to show off how smart you are. That's the worst kind.
“How could they have got on to Steiner?” he muttered. “That's the worst blow yet.”
You literally just told a man your safe combination. I don't know what to tell you, my dude. Maybe you're just bad at this.
Then he sat dazing for a moment in silent amazement at a small blue book which lay before him. Across the cover was printed in golden letters Practical Handbook of Bee Culture. Only for one instant did the master spy glare at this strangely irrelevant inscription. The next he was gripped at the back of his neck by a grasp of iron, and a chloroformed sponge was held in front of his writhing face.
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“Another glass, Watson!” said Mr. Sherlock Holmes as he extended the bottle of Imperial Tokay. The thickset chauffeur, who had seated himself by the table, pushed forward his glass with some eagerness.
Didn't call the chauffeur being Watson. Discounted him as Holmes for being too thickset. I guess since it's indicated Watson might have written this one I should have thought about Watson as well. Genuinely didn't think he'd be in this one, though.
"There is no one in the house except old Martha, who has played her part to admiration."
So Martha was working for Holmes this whole time. I think she wins the prize for being the best spy in the story.
"I shall no doubt reappear at Claridge's to-morrow as I was before this American stunt—I beg your pardon, Watson, my well of English seems to be permanently defiled—before this American job came my way.”
Oh no! Holmes used the word 'stunt' how scandalously unEnglish of him!
"The fact is, Watson, that this gentleman upon the sofa was a bit too good for our people."
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Guess the Admiralty is worse than even I gave them credit for.
The last remark was addressed to Von Bork himself, who after much gasping and blinking had lain quietly listening to Holmes's statement. He broke out now into a furious stream of German invective, his face convulsed with passion.
No... no... Holmes. You're not monologuing in front of the enemy prisoner. Don't do that. I believed in you.
"And yet I live and keep bees upon the South Downs.”
...don't tell him where you live...
I give up.
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“And most of that information came through you,” he cried. “What is it worth? What have I done? It is my ruin forever!” “It is certainly a little untrustworthy,” said Holmes. “It will require some checking and you have little time to check it. Your admiral may find the new guns rather larger than he expects, and the cruisers perhaps a trifle faster.”
god fucking dammit
Why are you telling him about the misinformation? The misinformation is meant to misinform. That's why it's called misinformation. You're undoing half of the work you did.
I... guys... guys, I just can't.
“My dear sir, if you did anything so foolish you would probably enlarge the two limited titles of our village inns by giving us ‘The Dangling Prussian’ as a signpost. The Englishman is a patient creature, but at present his temper is a little inflamed, and it would be as well not to try him too far."
Did he just threaten Van Bork with hanging. By referencing a possible pub name? A+ threat, but yikes.
The two friends chatted in intimate converse for a few minutes, recalling once again the days of the past, while their prisoner vainly wriggled to undo the bonds that held him.
They just... they just left him alone.
And went and had a chat.
I don't even know why I thought they'd drive him away immediately. Why would they?
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"I have a check for five hundred pounds which should be cashed early, for the drawer is quite capable of stopping it if he can.”
Such a weird line to end this on. OK then Holmes. Go cash your cheque.
And that was the last of the short stories... It didn't quite have the same poignancy as Curtain. But it certainly gave me a lot to talk about.
This has been a really fun year and I've loved writing these up - and spending far too long finding gifs and sometimes making my own memes when I couldn't find the precise thing I needed to say.
If you've read all of these, I have no idea why, but Hi! 2023 was certainly a year, wasn't it? Thanks to all of you. It's been really fun reading comments and learning things when people added to the notes to answer questions I'd asked.
I hear we're doing the novels next year. I have definitely actually read all of those. But I do get them all mixed up, and I will have forgotten a lot of them. I think I also signed up for another substack, but right now I can't even remember which one. That'll be a fun surprise.
Hope you all had a good, or at least not terrible, 2023. And I hope we all have a better 2024.
Happy (almost) New Year!
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
WIP Friday-and-I’m-trying-not-to-think-about-being-back-at-work…
Just a little sibling silliness I wanted to share because it made me smile…
Hey E, got any plans this evening?
Aside from vegging out with Bez and watching a bad movie?
I mean I wouldn’t want to tear you away from that…
I could be persuaded… :)
Well, we happen to be in Europe right now (John had a thing) and Penny is visiting some Earl near Exeter and suggested we pop by and go out for a drink at some bar she knows in the City centre.
John’s not Earthside very often so she takes whatever chances she can get to catch up with him (they are old college friends, did I ever mention that?)
ANYWAY as it’s not far from you I wondered whether you might like to join us?
Oh wow thank you that’s very kind of you to think of me! It would be lovely to meet John and Lady Penelope if you’re sure I wouldn’t be in the way?
Of course not!
Virgil is with us too and says you have to come because he’s already bored with mine and John’s company.
Ok, I must now tell you that he did not in fact use those exact words.
Or any like it.
Or to say that.
Apparently I am maddening.
Hi Estera, it’s Virgil. Please ignore what my idiot brother is saying. It would be lovely to see you if you’d like to come but please don’t feel any pressure.
It’s Scott again, I’ve retrieved my comm. Please excuse my annoying TINY LITTLE BABY sibling who snatches things that aren’t his.
😂 I think I’m sold. I can get to Exeter in an hour? Where and when should I meet you?
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sashi-ya · 2 years
SASHI! 💗 Hello, your hell event looks great and the graphics you made are so beautiful! 💕 If I may, can I please request for this event: Oni!Katakuri x Human!Fem!Reader on Earth? You can make him any specific type of Oni, it’s up to you! For the prompt, I know it’s not exactly on your list, but may I ask “Can a human and oni fall in love together?” or something sweet along the lines of that? The kinks are completely up to you, but I do want to ask for size difference heheh 👀 It’s all up to you of course! Thank you so much in advance and be sure to take breaks between requests! 🫂
Hewooo my love!! So as porn sensei Sashi promised, here I am with this fic :3 I hope you like it and I gave this a little sweet twist so it wasn't plainly nsfw. I hope you enjoy and LOVE U!! 💖💖
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𝑵𝒔𝒇𝒘 ~ 𝑶𝒏𝒊! 𝑲𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝒙 𝑭! 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ~ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒖𝒕
➡ Tw: nsfw. romantic first time togther. sweet mochi action. yet feral. kink size. masturbation. biting. oral. vag. ➡ wc: 3k ➡ Want more? visit the masterlist
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There was a Little oni, a little not so little man that would only eat donuts. He spent the days alone, and friends weren’t usually his thing. Day by day, that little oni, arrived at his school with some of his brothers and sisters. A lot of them.
There was a girl, who, despite what others said about that little oni, she always wanted to be his friend. And she tried and tried. But the little oni never once looked at her.
School was over, and so their childhood. Onis weren’t still considered as valuable as the rest of the people. At least not for the majority of the citizens, they said those kids were cursed, they were the devil’s children. For the majority, but not for her…
“Oi, Katakuri! What are you doing? Take the fishes to the city!” his older brother commands the oni. Apparently those of his nature are only bound to work at the port. And it was ok for him, at least he worked hard and got enough to live every day. Kata covered his demonic features with a fluffy scarf, and his little horns under burgundy abundant hair.
On his way to the city centre, he encounters many humans that funny enough -but not surprisingly- lack of humanity. They, as always, laugh at him. And even if an oni is way stronger than them, they still do. Kata, of course, walks past them, because he only thinks of his reward after work; eating donuts.
Eating donuts and seeing that woman he likes from afar.
The sweet human that have always tried to be his friend during his school years, is now working on the flower shop in front of the fish market. He obviously never speaks to her, but, he enjoys the image of her watering her flowers at sunset.
It’s enough for him, because, can a human and an oni fall in love? Of course not. Or so that’s what he thinks…
“(Name)! Look, the fishes boy!” your friend says, once again his crimson eyes shine with the orange light that comes from a sun hiding behind the sea. You look at him, trying to hide behind a big bouquet of violet flowers, that funny enough are called Katakuri. A smile invades your face, he has always made you happy, but it was never because you wanted to mock him nor make fun of his looks.
You watch him, as tall and strong as it is, leave a huge cart with the fishery of the day to the old man of the shop. You wonder, should you speak to him? Call him? Try once again?
And destiny does it job, but not exactly as you wish it has been done…
Some youngsters start to scream and spit insults at him, they look a from an elite class, and they seem not to care about the consequences of mistreating anybody who is below them. Red, green, and blue, the Germa kids… what a cancer they are.
“Fucking oni, they are disgusting!”
“Look, he looks like a Big mouth gulper!!”
“Go back to hell!!”
Kata ignores them, but you can’t. You are fed up with him having to go through, to put up with so many insults and degrading language. You stop watering the plants, but never leave the sprinkler. In fact, with the little metallic pot you go outside. It might not be a weapon, but it’s something.
“I’m fed up with you all, little shits! Go back to your bastard father, when are you gonna leave this island, huh?!” you scream, swinging your “weapon” in the air. The astonished looks of the brats gives you the idea of them being finally scared, but that’s not exactly what it was…
The blue haired one throws a sudden fist at you, punching your stomach with such force it makes you fall back down. The sprinkler flies away, and you grimace as you have scratched your palms when falling.
The all laugh before the Oni, making fun of you and of course of him… but are they ready to finally learn why you shouldn’t mess with a demon?
Probably not. Fists fly towards their similar looking faces, erasing their devilishly smirks from them. They thought Onis were made from mochi, or something, because not even their DNA altered bodies can’t take the pain of Katakuri’s knuckles.
You see how, for the very first time, he is attacking back, he is reacting. Was it because of you? Probably, but it was also because of how much he had endured through all of his life.
But, of course, as unfair as this world is, marines start attacking the poor oni. How dare a demon attack three little humans? Humans…
“Stop, Oni! You will be shot if you don’t!” they say, pointing their guns at him as if he was the beast. You can’t help but enjoy every fist that he buries on their bodies, but now it’s about saving him, and he must be stopped.
You stand in between the guns and him. “DON’T SHOT, OR YOU WILL BE HURTING ME TOO!” you scream, spreading your arms making the marines try to move you away. Thing, that, Kata notices in between his feral attack.
A single hand, a single fingertip on your arm and he responds. Slowly turning your face to him, you whisper. “Kata, I’m (Name). I’m on your side, stop hitting these stupid bitches and run away with me. I know a place”
And as it’s said, it’s done. Katakuri stops hitting them and by grabbing you by your waist he runs away with you. Marines try to follow, but he is way faster than any of them and guided by your directions you finally reach your hideout.
And abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest should do for the night, or at least until the authorities stop searching for him. Them, and of course, the brat’s familiars. The Germa boys are considered royalty, but not exactly by any of you.
Katakuri finally leaves you on the ground, you smile kindly at him. He has lost his fluffy scarf, and you notice how uncomfortable he feels. He might be a beast when he wants to, but he is indeed a pretty sweet and shy boy most of the time.
“Hey, would you feel better if I lend you this?” you ask, showing him your own scarf. A scarf you have knitted yourself on a winter sunny day. He looks at you like a guilty animal and takes in his huge hands your offering.
You giggle, it’s a little bit small for him but it does the job, nevertheless. And it’s not that you didn’t like his face, in fact you always thought his prominent fangs were beautiful -and not to mention, sexy-.
“There you go, uh… I’m sorry is not the best place in the world, but I come here whenever I need time for myself. I hope you don’t mind me joining you for some days, you know… if the marines see me, I would be asked a lot of questions” you say, opening dusty windows to let the soft breeze of the summer night to flow into the cabin.
Kata takes some time to speak back, but he finally does. “Th-thank you, are your hands ok?” he asks, stretching his arms for you to show him your palms. They are a little bit hurt, some dry blood over the scratches but nothing serious. However, Kata, is as special as he can only be, and you discover Onis are not simple demons; they are able to cure too.
From his hands something gooey grows, it’s white and smells sweet, like almonds. It’s not gross and it reminds you of mochi. “This should do” he says, placing the marshmallow looking substance over your wounds. And it does, it does work perfectly. In some minutes the stinging sensation of the scratches disappear as well as the mochi like paste.
“Thank you Kata!!! You are amazing!” you chime, making Katakuri remember your younger days when both went to school, and you tried hard being his friend. “Yo-you are welcome” he says, this time narrowing his eyes in sing of him probably smiling under your scarf.
It was a matter of time for him to finally open up to you, turns out he is a pretty cool guy. He is strong, but soft and sweet at the same time. The first night passed by, with both of you eating whatever they could find in the forest. He didn’t sleep that night since he wanted to guard the place just in case. You tried to rest in an old futon, promising him that the next day you will take his guard. 
The second day, where he felt more comfortable, he asked about your life in general. You discovered how much he likes to listen to your random stories about your daily living and how passionate you are for your flowers. He even learned that, there is a flower named like him, that is as beautiful as loved by everybody. Perhaps, one day, Onis could be loved the same way as those flowers are.
It was a matter of days for you to finally get closer and closer each day. If you wanted to pick something from a tree he would lovingly lift you up just for you to reach it. The touch of his huge hands around your waist made you feel butterflies in your stomach, and, even if you always felt attracted to him, it surprised you…
And the question popped in your mind… can a human and an oni fall in love?
A moon shines brighter than ever and the blueish tones of the sky above allow the stars to flick freely all through the immensity. Kata had found a little river near the cabin, and because you had agreed to stay there until next morning, you wanted to cook something different for the last night in your hideout, so he brought fresh fishes he was able to catch there.
The dim light of a bonfire competes with the silver shine of the moon above, and the crackling noises of the logs burning sooths your soul. Some crickets also accompany your night with fun melodies, and even some fireflies act as fairy lights. A romantic atmosphere, definitely. To you, and hopefully for him too.
Kata sits down on a log as his blackberry eyes reflect the fire cooking your dinner, he is the one in charge of turning the sticks around, so the fishes cook perfectly. You, who had the wonderful idea of using pine nuts and truffles you found in the forest, create a good paste to accompany them.
“It’s been fun, hasn’t it?” you ask him, because the silence was becoming too loud  for you.
“Yes, I like this place” he hums, always focusing on the grilled food. “I should thank you, (Name). Thank you and ask you for forgiveness. I’ve been an asshole with you during our school years” he apologises, squeezing your scarf that he is still wearing.
You stand up and walk next to him. Of course, you are way smaller than him so by standing right next to him sitting, you are able to be at his eye level. “There is nothing to forgive, I’m sure you have your reasons. In fact, I’d have acted the same way as you did. Yet, I simply don’t understand why people mistreat Onis that way… I mean, why? You are just like mochi! Such a sweet pe-“ you stop, realizing your hands is grazing his cheek.
Maybe it’s just how sweet you are, but, was it ok to be that close to him?
Kata looks at you with loving eyes, and as soft as he can his hand grazes yours for it to stay over his cheek. “Thank you” he mumbles, and soon after his huge arms surround your waist pulling you closer to him. A hug so warm and so felt that lasts for at least a couple of minutes.
“I-It’s ok, Kata- you-“ you stutter, heart beating like crazy on the verge of jumping out of your chest. You round his frame with your arms, as he rests his face on your chest, and your chin does on the crown of his head. you feel safe in his arms. And him, he does too.
After some more minutes melting under his embrace, he lifts his head up to look at you. You let a little smirk sleep on the side of your mouth as your hand pulls the scarf off his mouth.
Little by little, lips become closer to each other. You don’t know really why and when this started, but you can’t stop it. Maybe it was just the moment of closeness, or maybe it was meant to be… but your lips against his felt like getting what you have always wanted.
He pulls you closer, enough for you to sit over his lap. The size difference is notorious, but even as big as he is, you can only see a beautiful being with a heart as big as him.
The little peck that starts a chain of infinite kisses will remain for ever burned in the back of your mind, and his as well. Kata’s hand land on the small of your back, pulling you even closer, so close it feels as if he wanted to reunite two halves in one.
Drunk by the taste of your lips, both let your bodies do whatever they please. And what they want is to be so close, so close to each other. His lips abandon yours and trace a path from the commissure of your lips towards your neck. The sweet smell of your perfume makes him feel as happy as when he gets donuts. You have sprinkled his life with love, and he will devour you as it.
“Can I-?” Looking at your dress he asks, shily but definitely with a deep sexy voice. You bite your lower lip and flutter your beautiful eyelashes to him. “Yes~” you purr, guiding his hands up your thighs and under your dress.
Hands that reach higher, but not immediately your sex. Fingertips that first graze your belly, your legs, your inner thighs and lastly your wet panties. You squirm with the first touch, making him stop. “Is everything ok?” he asks, as the gentleman as he is.
You nod, with flushed cheeks and placing a sweet kiss over the tip of his nose. “Keep going, I like this” you whisper, as he moves your panties away. The moment he feels your wetness pooling in between your folds he grunts a little, placing a kiss over your carotid. You can feel sharp fangs lightly scraping your skin, a gently reminder that he is indeed not a human, but a demon.
He stops when you gasp, you aren’t scared, you are curious. But he doesn’t know it yet. “I’m sorry, I- we should stop this- what if I hurt you! I’m afraid of hurting you… I’m a demon and this turns me into someone violent” he says, putting you down all of a sudden.
You are left there, stunned enough to watch him walk away all of a sudden. But, if something defines you, is persistence…
You run after him; he shouldn’t be far from where you were. “Kata! Come back! I’m not afraid, please” you call him, listening to your own voice echo all around the forest. It’s a matter of seconds when you find him near the river, panting.
“Kata? Are you- ok?” you ask, careful not to scare him. He turns around, showing his red glimmering eyes to you, even drooling he is. You notice his hand closer to his crotch. “You- you were… you are afraid of hurting me? I’m sure you won’t… let me… help you” you whisper coming closer to him, discovering how he wanted to release himself instead of hurting you.
He gasps when your fingers lovingly round his rather big member, drippy and surely even sexier than any human. Ups and downs, first slower and then faster. He grunts, carving his nails on the muddy ground around him. You smirk, turned yourself into a sinful demon of lust.
Even your lips dare to place butterfly kisses over the tip of his dick. Butterfly kisses and licking and sucking. Tasting him, rounding his length with your lips -as deep as you can-. Cheek stretched to go deeper, even more. Gagging when it touches your throat, his violence increasing and his hand now moving your head up and down, so you go faster and harder.
He throws his head back, grunting, groaning but he doesn’t come… he is setting that aside for you...
Up he lifts you, panting like a savage animal. His palm cleans the shininess off your cheeks and lips and places a violent kiss on them. “Let me fuck you, please. I will be as gentle as I can” he begs.
“Kata, don’t be gentle… If I wanted a gentleman, I would have chosen a human, but see.. those are boring… I want an oni, a demon. I want you” you moan in pure lust and concupiscence, licking your lips and smirking as sinfully and demonic as the devil itself.
Words that make the man in front of you get feral, he pushes you to the ground, topping you, ripping your dress off, nothing matters the most but him to bury in you. He perfectly uses his fingers and tongue to dilate you enough for you to take you and as you whine and arch your back he gets ready to pound into you.
Slowly, the tip goes first. Stretching you enough for you to barely reach climax but the alone intrusion of a few inches of his sex. When he finally feels you are ready for more, and, arguing against his own instinct of impaling you right away, he moves deeper.
Deep enough, deep enough for you to take his whole entirety. Bulging your lower belly, you enjoy each clenching motion your insides do around his sex. Thrusts and grunts, whines, and whimpers. On and on until climax meets you both, pressing both lips and inhaling each other’s moans.
You notice the many biting marks your body has, a sore feeling that doesn’t hurt but it makes you feel like you are in heaven as you rest over his large chest.
“Kata… would you like to spend some more days here?” you ask, cuddling on his arms after the third or fourth round that have left your body feeling lightweight.
“I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my days here… 💖”
Well, I guess this solves the doubt… can an oni and human fall in love? I think yes, but now… did someone turn around the fishes? I think your dinner got a little burnt over the bonfire 🙈
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faebriel · 1 year
Hi! Just read the hadestown au piece and I just wanted to say it was so gorgeous and heartbreaking at the same time.
I was wondering if you could say a little more about the au? Maybe some stuff about how everything plays out following where the fic ends (I know how Hadestown ends, just mean in the au terms) and obviously the walk out of the underworld (and Wilbur’s reaction)
hi anon!! first of all i am so SO glad you enjoyed the fic <3 thank you so much, and thank you for the question as well!!
as for the rest of the au - well, the recap in the notes kind of summarises the first part. and niki finds wilbur, and fights schlatt, and gets dumped outside the walls, and goes to sleep.
the person who finds her, actually, is ranboo - for someone so goddamn lanky they're not bad at finding their way around hadestown unnoticed, and they've heard about niki from techno and phil back in the pit. he's the one who wakes her up. niki is still despairing and angry when she wakes, and turns to go - but ranboo, hopefully, asks her if she's the person techno and phil told them about, if she is the crack in the wall.
and niki is furious and hurting, still, but she doesn't entirely have the stomach to leave when ranboo is staring at her like this -> 🥺
so she follows him as far as the fighter's pit. and passes more people who recognise her, and whisper, and stare - people who heard about her the same way ranboo did, or people who saw That Fucking Display on the railway. not only did she care for the strangers here, but she stood up to schlatt (emotionally and physically lol). not only was she brave, but she was kind, too. and when guards pass, people offer to hide her. and people wish her well on her journey.
she reunites with techno, and, god damn - look around. techno really does think that with the people behind them, with quackity behind them (he could recognise a god's handiwork anywhere, and niki's guitar is so obviously mended by godly hands), they might actually have a chance at tearing schlatt down long enough to escape to freedom. forever free from governments what have you. and niki is bitter about wilbur, but she is still twice as furious with schlatt - so sure. gather the people, free the end. beat him at his own game. they charge the centre of the city
meanwhile, quackity and schlatt are getting into an absolute shitfit about this whole thing. ohhhh you're betraying me for some stupid mortal country why don't you like MY country huh WELL maybe if you weren't so AWFUL TO ME i would LIKE SPENDING TIME WITH YOU etc etc etc. and quackity looks outside and he hears the distant sound of guitar and he's like oh. oh, shit. oh, thank god. they actually did it
while all this is happening, wilbur is continuing his no good very bad afterlife on the railway line, right in the centre of the city. wilbur is not really great with manual labour to begin with, if we're totally honest - he can build a house, or an office, but it's not how he likes to spend his time, and especially not in a place so grey and featureless and devoid of feeling or, well, life. and he's feeling quite horrible about the fact that not only do his friends mourn him, just as he hoped they might not, but niki came all the way down here for him. and she got hurt, because of him. it's a nightmare, but one in which he has signed over absolutely any power he had to affect the outcome.
phil finds him. security is getting kind of lax around hadestown. they talk about life, and death, and getting demoted from being the messenger between those two worlds because you got a bit too mouthy with the boss. it kind of puts things into perspective.
wilbur still doesn't regret sending niki away, because he knows he's trapped, but he regrets pretty much every other wasted second.
fortunately for him, niki is currently swept up in the crowd making its way straight to the heart of hadestown. techno is living up every second. oh, he has missed revolutionary action. techno is the righteous anger, ranboo is the soft-spoken follow-up, and niki is both. oh, wow, the four of them really make a charming matched set, don't they. almost like a syndicate okay i'm not gonna be coy look it's the syndicate
they make it to the heart. schlatt's really not happy. but man, he's in the mood to emotionally crush some hippies so - you want to sing and dance your way through my country? quackity sure thinks that little anthem you lot keep twittering on about is something special. so sing a song for me! make me laugh! make me WEEP! go on, if you think you're so special. sing it.
so niki sings the anthem.
okay. niki plays the anthem, and she sings it too, but she's one person and she hates this much scrutiny and her voice is failing even as she sings - and then, a voice pipes up from the crowd, someone who already knows all the words.
and wilbur sings it like he believes it, too. and in that moment, niki (tells herself) that she forgives every awful thing that happened between them since he took that train.
the melody is not hard to pick up. two voices become a dozen, become a hundred. (techno hums obligingly because okay, he doesn't love the symbol of the revolution being a country's anthem, but these things are kind of hard to change once they get rolling and he can sit most of these people down for a class on anarchism later - )
and schlatt gets emotional over this for three whole seconds. oh, three seconds is enough for wilbur and niki to reunite with more hugging and more tears and more apologies this time, and for quackity to reminisce about their pasts, and for him to think more about his country than he has in the last thousand years combined. and then he hates niki even more for it. oh, he respects the hustle. but also he despises the hustle.
so, fine: you want to get out of hadestown so badly, then? well. let's not make it easy for you. here is the age-old catch - wilbur can leave. but niki must walk ahead, and cannot look behind until the two of them have returned to the mortal world.
oh, he adds, and, wilbur - of course, if you change your mind, you're welcome back in hadestown. shit, you might have just earned yourself a promotion back here. if spring is coming again, i might just need someone to help lead down here.
and wilbur scoffs, as if i could ever do that!
and niki holds her breath beside him.
because leading hadestown - a domain over a country of citizens who cannot starve, and cannot die. without having to worry about mortal things ever again. isn't that exactly what wilbur would want? and he already left for less. he already left her for less.
so hadestown gathers. oh, yeah, they're coming too - they heard l'manberg's anthem, of course (or some of them heard techno's anarchist diatribes against governments and are quite excited to lead a life without rulers. it depends). there is niki, there is wilbur behind her, and she walks for a while and he walks for a while and they all walk for a while, and after that while niki calls out to him, but there is no response.
brief pandemonium.
schlatt's rigged it, you see - niki can't see wilbur. but now she can't hear him, either. can't let them go without one last trick. the crowd will have to guide her instead.
Niki takes a trembling step forward. "Got eyes on him, Niki," Techno calls from behind. A quiet laugh ripples through the crowd.
so they keep walking.
and walking...
and eventually, the crowd falls silent too. and doubt comes in.
it's been hours - beyond hours, beyond days - and niki hasn't heard a thing. there is no music, no bubbling of voices behind her, no shuffling of feet. for all she knows, wilbur turned back and left. for all she knows, everyone else gave up and followed him. why wouldn't they? they don't know where they're going. she barely knows where she's going. right back into the cold, and dark, right at the edge of winter - and who is she to lead them? niki isn't a god, or a muse's son, or a president or a tyrant - she's a baker, for gods' sake. her best friend died and her heart is still broken because of it. is that the kind of person who can lead a country's worth of people out of hadestown? it can't be. it can't be.
and none of that matters, because who cares who would and wouldn't follow her out of hadestown - wilbur wouldn't. he couldn't. he couldn't even follow her home when the alternative was literally dying. of course he would take up schlatt's offer. it's perfect for him. he already made his choice. he already chose his side. and he didn't choose her.
Niki staggers over the next crest, outlined in the bronze and gold of sunrise - painting a sharp, bright glow round every stray strand of hair, round the guitar scuffed and restrung across her back, round the shape of her trembling fists, pressing themselves tight against her sides. And she stops. "Does she look okay to you?" Technoblade mumbles, at Phil's shoulder. "It's a long walk," Phil responds. He is entirely too quiet for Wilbur's liking. Technoblade looks just as displeased with the answer as he is, and turns to Wilbur. "She normally good at walking?" She doesn't look well. She shakes - Niki, solid, steadfast in Wilbur's eye, never trembles. Her shoulders sink, and for a moment that rends his heart from his chest, Wilbur thinks she might be crying, and he's driving his nails into the flesh of his palms in matching fists before he can stop himself (because there is nothing he can do, silent, even if it's the exactly what Niki would scold him for). But all he hears are sharp, laboured breaths. Her boots rest at the edge of shadow. Niki stares down at them, edges blurring and warping, the sunlight crawling towards the tips of her toes - so, so close. She sang the song. Spring is almost here. She is almost home. But she can't bear walking home alone. Is he there? is all she can think. Is he - And she turns.
not to break the immersion, but - in hadestown, orpheus cannot bring himself to trust hades, and thus he turns. here is a bit different. niki doesn't trust schlatt, but she turns because she can't bring herself to trust wilbur anymore.
the crowd surges forward into the sunlight. surrounded by the flood of people, all niki can do is stare at wilbur - who, mere steps behind her, looks just as exhausted and filthy and heartbroken as she does.
and then he's gone.
i could never really decide how i wanted this fic to end.
the foundation is there. the people of hadestown swarm past niki, into the sunlight. quackity steps off the train. niki sinks to her knees, and phil puts a hand on her back, and techno and ranboo stand there hovering beside her because something really bad just happened and they don't know what to say.
tommy, tubbo, fundy and jack emerge from the ravine, shouting in glee as the crowd reveals itself as friend, not foe. tommy searches desperately for niki in the crowd. finally, he finds her, knelt on the ground. he knows before she turns to him, face streaked with tears. tubbo follows, and then shakes himself out of whatever grief-induced stupor his brain is trying to slip into - president of l'manberg, he turns to the nearest gangly teenager and starts ordering him around with piles of quilts for the country's newest residents. fundy and jack crowd around niki, and niki holds them as close as she can.
many ex-residents of hadestown settle into the ravine - the very one that niki spent hours carving rooms and gardens and homes into, in that slim space of time between losing l'manberg and losing wilbur. the others wander. i don't think niki stays. i think she fumbles around the ravine for a while, helping people settle in, but she doesn't feeling like she's really doing much. she's made a minister of the new government, but she can't bring herself to care.
i could never decide if i wanted l'manberg to go down with wilbur. it was already besieged enough without setting two godly anarchists (and their bffls) on it. and this time, i really do think niki would be the one to turn away. it wouldn't be surprising if it didn't survive another winter.
it feels a little cruel, but orpheus' story is cruel, too. do wilbur and niki meet decades later, in a peaceful afterlife? i don't know that either. i'll leave that part for you to figure out.
and here's a link to the fic if anyone missed it 🌹
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zethirdmind · 1 year
It has been almost five months that I complete now in Mumbai. The way I live, I cannot really call it "Mumbai" as such because I live in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. I also cannot call it "Mumbai" because I do not feel like calling it Mumbai anymore. I never really warmed up to the name even though I am a person born in 2000. There is a certain nostalgia and attraction still associated with the word Bombay that I find way more enticing than anything that resembles this mesmerising hodgepodge of collective that this city pretends it is but it is not. It is a story of has and has beens that has been distilled into physical structures. Those structures are represented more by bars and social areas than homes in any other manner.
I attend one of the most prestigious institutions of the country and yet every day I feel the utmost regret and sense of privilege that I carry. I do not mean this to sound as if I mean that the privilege I carry is some burden that I am making a big effort for the lower classes to carry, but the fact that I am in my state helpless to provide them with help. As a student one of my biggest weapons has become the "student discount" but that is such an insidious thing to ask for when you are someone who pays more than a lakh per semester to attend a few lectures that give you a degree you can show to the world saying you attended some classes where an older person told you to read something you had not read before.
I am sorry if this comes across as cynical. I have been reading the book "Hatred in the Belly", a criticism of the likes of Arundhati Roy and Navayana Publishing, which are primarily Brahmin led, to explain and/or take up space in the dalit literature canon that should actually and logically be taken up be dalit voices. In history I am one that does not have the right to access this space, and I am happy to do so. But recently I have come across a group, especially on Twitter, who although not insidious, are more than likely to fall in this "arundhati roy" band of activism that means rapid criticism and taking spaces of those who need their voices heard, rather than careful and considerate exercise of voice and privilege. I wish not to follow their example.
In fact, it has become quite hard in this country to not be a reactionary. The specific brand of activism that comes from reading Arundhati Roy and the Mcdonalds-esque commercialised version of dalit literature such as Navayana publishing is invariably suited more to twitter discourse than any real social change. I associate these more with the ridiculous of notion of "words will change things more than guns will". Although I am no longer affluent with the idea of violence as revolution as much as guillotines as revolution I am much more inclined to a sort of debate that takes the central space much more confidently for itself than it allows the far right to occupy. The beef ban issue and NRC are not so centre as to deserve national discussion, than mere fringe right talking points that have been given platforms by the government. I personally feel sick seeing this happen especially as our democracy is already at such a perilous stage that I alone with like 2 readers feel scared posting this. Although not the peak of literary ability in my old monk state of mind, I belive i needed to say it to someone rather than keep it to myself. Now you have read it. I do not know what you think about it except thank, you.
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tooneysunited · 2 years
OK I have an opinion on something that I think maybe some people wont like so of you don't post it I get it but it's a topic I think worth discussing. A few lqbt+ woso players hVe recently spoke out against the world Cup in Qatar and say they will not be watching any of the games because they don't agree with it. I understand that stance, as a queer person myself I also will not be watching any of it this year because I can't support an event in a country in which simply being myself would be a crime. However I am really struggling with the hypocrisy of some of these players speaking out now when it's topical and they can put themselves front and centre in the conversation but ignore the fact they fuck off to dubai for a holiday every turn about! You know, dubai the city in the UAE where homosexuality is illegal and can carry a death penalty! Perhaps some people with more money feel safer in places like that than I would but they chose to ignore the fact that people in the queer community from those places have an incredibly difficult life and its a weird stance to chose to support queer communities in one of these two countries and not the other. Its a bit insincere to use your voice to speak up for queer apeople when you can get all the good media you want and say nothing when you are getting your nice holiday in the sun!
Anyway, just something that had been annoying me about some players that I wanted to get off my chest.
Have a good day 😊
no worries anon! honestly i think this is a fair point you're making about the hypocrisy of it all. never understood the dubai appeal for this reason and i defo agree it's a (rich) privilege thing, not even having to bother to think about human rights issues in the country you're visiting to enjoy your holiday. guess it's also easy to ignore if you just stay within the walls of your luxury resort.
it's possible the players who spoke on this wouldn't go to dubai anymore now, but agree it's not a great look.
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nightguide · 13 days
the literal death of bunny munro. (part 1)
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Jupiter 10.03 leo.
Matt does not care to think because the world to his humanity does not want to take it out on his life except him and only him himself can access his wife (mother) as reasons to behave like he is and thinks again for another day that he will not excuse actual responsibilities by giving into reasons for not 'doing it' because according to his heart, one part does it and it's like he did it altogether because men take credit to actual responsibilities for it, he does not care initially unless he finds..... someone who can... access him like.... a portal to... reason? so personally speaking, he did everything he can to contribute to society by living underneath his parents... which he calls me to.... protect, it's the other way round because Matt thinks his parent (mother) is his life partner (me the other way round) to Matt's life according to me because i act a lot like his mother (reasonable) but like so, Matt is actually severely humiliated by actors death (surviving trauma) which the parents have (me) but makes me (the mother in his wife) do it all for him, he comes off as highly misogynistic but alleviates it by saying 'i will do it' and it all came down to his life's biography being exposed on a site his Dad (his sister) reads off everyday, so theres that.
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sidereal uranus 14.18 Gemini (the way he thinks about suicide but it will physically happen by nothing to full chance because his obligations to deny it is much more than his occupation, much more like his recent occupation being the death of him. :- actor's death.)
this is how it ends. personally. cruelly. honourably. and the fact is that i never kill, never. but i believe in transcendental honour, so all will come back to me but all will be dealt with accordingly (it's like i am telling this to him in person but he tells me it happened to him the same because he just got beaten up by a black man for making light of his situation about his mother..... who died a second ago and isn't happy about it because he honours work more than ever to hate everybody around him except those who sincerely understand the 'nation being run by pedophiles', like theres no honour and humility except that he will never bring that sense of shame (the black man) unless he knows where he's working at or who's he working with that gives him 'the bad ick' that makes him more vulnerable to... life long lessons cuz his Dad knows honour more than anyone to serve the ideal light.. and nothing makes his Dad more happier than seeing the man caught up in that business with the same head of hair because in Rwandan customs, they know significantly to take on the head of head with virility and honour to no shame, when they are married, they know how to groom the hair according to the wife's sense of allegiance to bedroom become him, and the man hasn't changed his haircut which is a grave sign that he ignored his wife's wishes (they can read a man's heart by his hair) which is how he knows Matt is Muslim and will do everything he can to put him up straight to go and see her because she is in a grieving amount of pain being taken by his family's accordance to which he ignores because 'stupid white men' don't like anything.
Matt does not want to oblige hardly. so his thoughts manifest him because the regular updates check on his hourly schedule to 'bring a sense of feeling' so lightly so if i'm not happy, he will get bitter and act like a 'stupid white man' and play pretend with me out of nothing because he is afraid of actually talking to a black man now because of marriage sensitivity that he must act by her wishes because he knows now what is going to come next (i'm still publishing this btw, Matt. HA HA!) so that will increase his reasons to commit suicide but luckily, i want him alive so fortunately he is going to get beaten up by a black man to know reasoning because he is one of those 'stupid pedophiles' that constantly spend taxpayers money to fend off 'evil' but no Islamic pre-text because he diligently believes matter is upon matter that his thoughts be present to him than he is of me because emotion and time is separated from his ability to live and dream because what he wants will be active within him but he cannot actually accept 'unpredictability' which is acting upon accordance to Allah's notion that the world accepts you as you are and for who you are, but everything comes for a reason and that's only when your only honour of reason stops if you go to her, Matt. you're holding everybody else up and you're a convicted pedophile according to one man's theory to see where your hair begins and your balls end because you actively support reasoning of death as long as it's not you. it's like me being scared of Tarot early 2022 when i was looking for a reason to live. that kind of horror
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babymorte · 1 month
Ok, here are some since ya bored and so am I
12, 13, 17, 26, 29, 51, and 93
ayyyyyyyyyye lets freaking go keep em coming i have a slow as shit day
12. ideas of a perfect date:
ooo okay so i actually think about this sort of thing a lot so bare with me...it would be an all day thing because im all about spending as much time together as possible. so it would be like 77°F and sunny and we'd be either going on a nature walk or a hike or something outside or in the woods/forest...maybe to the river maybe the lake...but we're going to be outside for as long as possible and just chill together, talk, fuck off...you know...just chill and enjoy each others presence. and since the hike would take 3-4hrs (i like being outside what can i say) we would be getting back around dinner time. so we would order in ramen and then choose a movie to watch...either pick one out together or each choose our favourite (whether we've seen them a million times or never at all) and then watch those...if a netflix n chill sitch happens then great but its not necessary needed or expected and then the night would end by gaming together into the wee early hours of the next day n then maybe fall asleep together all cutesy cuz we're so exhausted from the fun day we spent together.
we spend the entire day in the city and go exploring (dont even have to spend money just walking around old town and south street and centre city is so much fun by itself), get food at the best restaurant on south street (tattooed mom whats up), catch a show, and then maybe go to the barcade or something (not to drink just solely to play old school games cuz that place is fun as shit)
they're honestly both super simple but like it doesnt take much to make me happy n i just enjoy spending time together
13. life goal:
to just be legitimately happy
17. a fact about my life:
it's trash
26. what's one thing you regret:
no ragrets. gotta live your life like scotty p or you'll never be happy
29: one insecurity:
how easily i attach to and rely on people who arent good for me cuz im constantly being screwed over and taken advantage of
51. have you ever been on a plane?
i have! a bunch actually
93. have you ever broken a bone?
i cracked whatever the one bone in my forearm is by tripping over my own foot and falling into the corner of a pillar while playing laser tag...that was fun. never had to wear a cast though. i've sprained my ankle a bunch (did it recently actually) and my fingers multiple times too...i get hurt very often and very easily. i need to be put into a bubble
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decadentmusicyouth · 2 months
Get Ready to Smile Confident with Our best Braces Treatment
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Are you looking to get a smile that is sure to win every heart and come with elegance and grace? Look no further! Our Braces Treatment in Mohali team already is standing by to take new cases and help you fix your smile with the proper braces Treatment. It’s a great relief to say goodbye to the misaligned teeth with the new straight smile that you would definitely love to show off.
Why Choose Braces Treatment in Mohali?
Braces Treatment has been the best precedent for the right correction of misaligned teeth for decades; it does so but naturally, very well. It is also an ideal replacement for metal braces and trays which can be effective in solving most of the complaints such as crowded teeth, gaps, overbites and under bites. Braces treatment in Mohali is preferred by those who appreciate the latest hi-tech dentistry equipment and techniques because of high-end clinics such as ours.
The Benefits of Braces Treatment
Being treated with braces in Mohali doesn’t only enhance one’s aesthetics record but also has many other incentives. Besides the fact that braces look very neat, they do help to improve overall oral hygiene which may consequently add up as a bonus to your well-being. Through the drawing of teeth straight and the closing of the bite, braces can open the way out of the issues such as chewing discomfort, jaw pain and even the headaches caused by the imbalance in the teeth.
On the top of all, you will save money if you choose braces to provide the right basis for your permanent dentition. Straight teeth are easier to clean and hold with floss, so keeping them clean and free from cavities, and gum diseases becomes effortless. This, as a result, further reduces the risk of acquiring more oral health problems in the future. Customized specific braces treatment in Mohali programs is our way of giving those perfect and longer-lasting smiles you will enjoy forever.
The Deep Dental Clinic and OPG Centre Difference
We have made patient happiness our top priority and want to strike a balance so that every time a patient comes to us for a braces treatment, they leave as satisfied and happy as possible.
Our team of seasoned orthodontists merges a skilled hand, detail combativeness, and cutting edge technology to create personalized treatment programs that cater for each patient’s personal preferences and aspirations.
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Our clinic which is situated in the Mohali city Centre and offers health care services with top of the performers facilities and a nice comfortable accommodation that provides patients with the feeling of home from the very first moment they enter our clinic. We realize orthodontic treatment may be an important factor in your life, demanding much of your time and effort, where we promise to deliver a personalized exchange and support throughout the treatment.
But don’t just take our word for it—here are some testimonials from people who received braces treatment in Mohali clinic:
“Wearing braces was the best thing I have invested in myself. Not only did I face the beautification of my teeth, but also my expression of smile significantly enhanced in the sense of confidence. I am so glad that the clinic’s staff was so good – they helped me feel comfortable and supported throughout the treatment.” – Priya S.
“I was just resisting the idea of wear braces as an adult but now as an adult I am quite happy that I did it.” I feel the results are nothing short of a miracle. I admit my only regret is that I should have started to pursue nursing a long time ago! It has almost been five month now, when I visited the Clinic on my own and I still feel pain in my right foot .I would like to thank the team again for their excellent care and expertise.” – Rahul D.
“Our daughter has just finished her braces treatment at your clinic, and the changes are nothing less than transformative. Her smile now looks stunning, and her confidence has risen unbelievably. No doubt, we’ll suggest your clinic to anyone who is considering this treatment.” – Mrs. Sharma
If your willingness to explore the possibilities of having a straighter, healthier smile has compelled you, please come in to schedule a consultation. Our group will be totally glad to answer your possible questions as well as help you make a decision whether braces treatment is a right fit for you. It is time you should Look closer at us and see the best braces treatment in Mohali Provides confidently with your smile.
FAQs –
How long does braces treatment typically take?
The duration of braces or appliance use can depend on the condition of the teeth being treated. For instance, minor issues can be corrected in much less time than severe problems. Generally, the treatment period ranges from 12 months to 2 years but the estimate could be longer or shorter based on the suggestions of your orthodontist. He will make the final decision only when you undergo consultation.
Are braces treatment painful?
While you are likely to experience some aches, specifically after getting braces on and during occasional tuning, the condition is usually bearable and transient. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax are great relievers of pain.
Can I still enjoy my favorite foods while wearing braces?
While eating some foods may require you to avoid them or have to deal with slight modifications in order to prevent damage to your braces, you can enjoy a wide variety of foods throughout your treatment. Your orthodontist will offer you a dietary limitation plan as well as oral hygiene habits to ensure the success of your treatment.
Deep Dental Clinic and OPG Centre at Mohali is the most reputed dental Centre that is committed to delivering quality services to patients of all ages. Our modern facility is fitted with the newest technology and staffed by a top-notch team of dental and orthodontic doctors who are focused on achieving the desired results. Whether you are just in need of regular dental care, cosmetic dentistry, or orthodontic treatments with braces, you can be assured that Deep Dental Clinic and OPG Centre would be there to give you the personalized attention and that kind of care you deserve. Book your appointment now to achieve your goal of glowing with a wonderful smile.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'As Doctor Who returns to our screens, so too do David Tennant and Catherine Tate, two stars who haven't appeared in an episode of the show together since 2010.
While Tennant is playing a new incarnation of the Doctor, the Fourteenth, Tate is once again playing Donna Noble, with members of her character's family, including Sylvia Noble (Jacqueline King) and Shaun Temple (Karl Collins), also set to return.
Bernard Cribbins, who played Donna's grandfather Wilf, was also seen on set for the show before he died in July last year, and Tennant previously revealed that his appearance in the 60th anniversary specials will be his last TV appearance.
Tennant said: "I am thrilled to say that – although very sadly he wasn't in those episodes as much as we hoped – he was on set with us and Wilfred lives on.
"Bernard is much missed and much grieved for, but I am so excited that his final screen performance will be [one] I had the great honour of being part of, and you'll see it all on your screens."
But, if you need a recap, what did happen to Wilf during his previous appearances on Doctor Who? Read on for everything you need to know.
When did we first meet Wilf?
We were first introduced to Wilf in 2007 Christmas special Voyage of the Damned, in which he was seen running a stall in the centre of London.
The Doctor had been on a replica of the Titanic in space, but took a teleport along with other guests down to Earth, as part of a scheduled trip.
Confused by the streets being empty, The Doctor approached Wilf, along with Astrid Peth, to ask him what was going on.
Wilf revealed that most people had left London for fear of another alien attack, after the previous two Christmases had seen mayhem on the city's streets.
The Doctor agreed with Wilf that he was right to stay in London, and that he thought nothing alien would happen this year. At that point, he and Astrid were immediately and unexpectedly teleported back aboard the ship, in front of a startled Wilf.
How did Wilf come back into the Doctor's life?
We next saw Wilf in the subsequent episode, Partners in Crime, where it was revealed that he was, in fact, Donna's grandfather.
He was immediately supportive of Donna's dreams to travel with the Doctor and set off among the stars, and aimed to help the pair however he could in any of their adventures.
When planet Earth was stolen and invaded by the Daleks, he took to the streets and attempted to take one out by shooting it with a paintball in the eyestalk. The Dalek was unharmed by this and attempted to kill him and his daughter Sylvia, but they were saved by Rose Tyler.
Later, when the Doctor had to wipe Donna's memory of him and their adventures in order to save her life, Wilf helped him carry her upstairs and put her to bed.
He told the Doctor that he would help to stop Donna from remembering, but was saddened because she had been "better" when she was with him.
He told the Doctor that every night he would look up and think of him on Donna's behalf. He saluted as the Doctor left in the TARDIS.
When did we last see Wilf?
Wilf reappeared in the Doctor's life in The End of Time Parts 1 and 2, where he was seen to be having visions of the Master returning. He also had multiple mysterious interactions with a woman in white, who showrunner Russell T Davies intended to be the Doctor's mother, although this was left unconfirmed in the episodes.
After she cryptically told him that the Doctor was coming back, Wilf put together a search party of friends to find him, and managed to track him down.
The Doctor, who was fearful having been warned of a prophecy that "he" would "knock four times", said this shouldn't have been possible and confided in Wilf that he believed he was going to die.
The Doctor then warned him once again not to tell Donna anything, but he found himself later looking to Wilf for answers, as the Ood had shown him a vision of Wilf.
Together, they travelled to the house of billionaire Joshua Naismith, who had tasked the Master with restoring a Vinvocci medical device. However, he had done more than that, and reprogrammed it so it would turn every human on Earth into him. Wilf shielded himself from the effects in a control room, so he wasn't affected.
He went on to give the Doctor a gun, telling him to use it against the Master. When the Doctor discovered that the Time Lords were returning, he briefly considered using it against Rassilon, but instead used it to break a link between then and the Time War, sending them, and the Master, back.
The Doctor thought it was over, but Wilf had got stuck in the control room and, in order to get the Doctor's attention, knocked four times.
The Doctor explained that the Master had left a nuclear bolt running and that it had gone into overload, and would soon flood the control room with excess radiation. As it had gone critical, the only way to save Wilf was to take his place and absorb the radiation.
Having saved Wilf, the Doctor dropped him at home, and then went on a farewell tour of his incarnation's friends. One of the final visits he paid was to Donna's wedding, where Wilf and Sylvia greeted him away from Donna.
He gave them a wedding present for Donna, which he had bought in the past with money he got from Geoffrey Noble, Donna's father. It turned out to be a lottery ticket.
Wilf saluted the Doctor once again as he left, with tears in his eyes as he knew that his regeneration was imminent.'
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forabeatofadrum · 11 months
The Slovenian Glossary - Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
9. Value
Blaine needs an evening to himself. He might brew a nice pot of tea and curl up on the couch underneath a fluffy blanket so that he can read. He bought some new books from Mladinska knjiga and he’s been waiting for the right time.
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Mladinska knjiga is a chain in Slovenia. It’s a bookstore that also sells stationary and other little tchotchkes, like a reusable foldable bag in the form of a cat (yes, that’s what I bought there). It also sells English books, which is why Blaine bought some books there. There are a lot of Mladinska knjiga stores in the country. Ljubljana’s city centre alone has 8 of them. There are two on street 1! The one pictured above is the biggest one on the street, the Konzorcij one.
10. Overt
Nothing to say here!
 11. Education
There isn’t a lot to say here either, but hey, hey, hey, Dejan is a Slovenian name. One of my teachers was actually called Dejan. I didn’t base this Dejan on him, but that’s where the name comes from.
 12. Convergence
Kurt’s place isn’t glamorous. It’s a normal four story house that got turned into four shitty apartments for students. Kurt lives on the fourth floor with Sunil, André and a Slovakian guy who Kurt’s never talked to.
Kurt lives in the house that I lived in. I am not posting photos or an address, since you know, people probably live there. But yeah, this is a fun easter egg to me.
13. Pat
Also nothing to say here!
 14. Dispose
After classes, Kurt crosses the Three Bridges to go to VIGÒ, an ice cream shop. He and Blaine passed another VIGÒ in Koper, but it was too cold back then.
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Oh VIGÒ. Ljubljana had a lot of ice cream spots, but VIGÒ is my absolute favourite and that’s because they have a lot of interesting flavours. The photo of the flavours is taken by me. I loved the Lila one and the VIGÒ one and my dad says that the Greek yoghurt one is one of the best ice creams he’s ever had. You can find some more of my photos here.
Anyway, the first building is the VIGÒ in Ljubljana, which, as the fic says, is found after you cross the Three Bridges. It is a beautiful building and it’s nice to sit outside (on a Friday… to watch the weekly protests) (do those still happen?). The second one is the VIGÒ in Koper. Like Kurt and Blaine, I passed it but I didn’t have ice cream there cause we saw it on our way out of the city.
As I mentioned in the author’s note, they apparently opened a second spot in Ljubljana at Kongresni trg. Looks like I have to go back to Ljubljana to see it for myself. Fuck the castle and other sights, I am here for VIGÒ.
Damn, maybe he shouldn’t go to VIGÒ. If the fact that he and Blaine walked past another store can trigger such a reaction, then maybe Kurt should just turn around and go to the Cacao.
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Cacao is another ice cream place. I admit I didn’t go there often, because I opted for VIGÒ. As you can see, it has a nice terrace on street 2 and there is also a smaller pop-up-esque Cacao somewhere.
15. Pump
“Quinn, I’m gonna go get that burek,” he says calmly. He is calm. Quinn being calm makes it easy to not feel bad. “It’s a twelve minute walk to Nobel, retour, and I still have to order and all that, so take your time.”
“Alright!’ Quinn yells from the bathroom.
“Pizza burek?” he asks.
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Nobel burek is all over the place, even outside the city centre. This one on street 1 is probably the most “fancy” one, because the others are just counters out of a wall, or whatever it’s called. They serve pizza burek, which is burek with tomato and cheese flavour and it is so good. Good thing I found that I had made a photo of it. Fun fact, pizza burek is one of the last things I ate. When my parents came to pick me up, I brough them to all sort of places that had become staples of my time in Ljubljana, and pizza burek at Nobel is one of them.
 16. Maintain
Of course he has Sunil and Tadeja. He also has people from his classes and from his play, and the International Student Organisation hosts a lot of events. Kurt’s also gone to the gay scene in Metelkova a few times and he’s met really cool people there as well.
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Metelkova is an interesting place. There are some politics around it, but I do not know the details so if you want to learn more, Wikipedia is a good place to start. Metelkova is the hub for the alternative life in Ljubljana, including the queer scene. I admit I didn’t go there a lot, because I do not like loud and crowded parties. Metelkova is most known for its nightlife and I completely skipped that, but Kurt doesn’t.
It looks like a mess. There is more quote-unquote proper mural art on the walls that surround it. When I show people photos of Metelkova, I always tell them this is one of the most famous cultural places in the country, and people don’t believe me, but what is culture anyway? What is art? If you want to dive into that, then you can also do that at Metelkova, since the area also hosts the modern art museum of the country. I went there to go to a Polish queer exbition.
Okay, I am going off-track here, because I realise I put a total of zero (0) museums in this fic, but I do want to mention the museum culture real quick. Ljubljana is filled with them and entrée is cheap. Every first of last Sunday of the month (I can’t remember), all entrée is free for everyone. One months I missed it, so I grumbled about having to pay for a ticket. I decided to do it to support this queer exhibition. My ticket was €3, because it’s €6 with 50% student discount. I was shook. As comparison, het Stedelijk Museum, the modern art museum of Amsterdam, has a ticket price of €22,50 (and €10 for students).
Not only that, but in march, there was a week where all museums were free for students. Coincidentally, it fell in the weird week where Slovenia was figuring out what to do with COVID, so all my classes were cancelled, but museums and other places were still open (till Friday, at least, that’s the moment businesses massively started closing on their own) (the country officially locked down on Monday). Basically, it is kind of a shame I didn’t find a way to weave the museum culture into this fic, but that’s where we have this glossary for.
Kurt and Sunil try to see the biggest sights. They go to the beautiful piazza’s and cathedrals. Kurt isn’t religious and Sunil is Buddhist, but the church did go big with the aesthetics and they can appreciate that. There’s also a castle just outside of the city centre and there is a gorgeous pier, since Trieste lies at the coast.
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Again, I didn’t go to Trieste. I was planning on going to it, but *gestures around* Italy in 2020. I don’t think that’s something the Italians would like to relive.
I did consider putting a bit more effort into the Trieste trip, aka to make them similar to the Koper and Piran chapters, but I had no clue what to write and it admittedly wasn’t the point of the chapter. Trieste was chosen on a whim to showcase that Kurt would drag Sunil with him. That being said, I did look up some things when I was still thinking about putting effort into it, and this place is gorgeous. I still hope to visit it one day.
“Roza Slon or Bistro Suwon?”
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This photo is from the Roza Slon website and I think it paints a great impression of Roza Slon’s vibe. Roza Slon is a Thai restaurant chain that is also all around Ljubljana. I think the one of the left is the one in Bežigrad, which is where I ate my last Boni.
Roza Slon was also at Open Kitchen, which we’ll get into later. Basically, it was good and easy Thai food.
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Three photos of Bistro Suwon? Yup. That’s because it looks so weird from the outside, which is what you can see in the first photo. It’s basically underground, but inside it looks quite nice and when it’s sunny, it has a nice terrace. As I mentioned in the author’s note, I was under the impression that Bistro Suwon didn’t survive the pandemic, but it did. I decided to look it up, for shits and giggles. Like many other places, I never learnt the name, but I knew the location so I just started looking for it on Google Maps, because even if something is closed down, it might still show up on Google with the message that it is permanently closed, but hey, it is open!
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On the Royals
I learned this week that my favorite baseball team is going to leave ten of its players at home on their upcoming road series against the Toronto Blue Jays because they are not vaccinated against COVID-19, many of whom are among their better players, including Merrifield, Benintendi, Dozier, and Melendez.
This is not all that disappointing to me, nor all that appalling to me at this point.
Actually, interesting tidbit now that I read this bit over again is that I also was not surprised by any means. This is one of the easiest things the Royals could have done not to have a competitive disadvantage and they didn’t do it, because they are really bad at not putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage.
On a baseball level, the Royals were going to lose those games anyway. On an entertainment level, I have watched a combined maybe five innings of Royals baseball this season, as their games are sequestered on Bally Sports Kansas City, which is only available through arcane cable/satellite means or illegal streaming sites and I do not care enough to pay either the price of cable/satellite TV or subject my computer to what those sites offer along with the free streams, - most of which fail anyway, and the ones that work still show this terrible Royals team which might be worse than simply leaving the monitor off. I am not disappointed in any of these players because I am 27 years old and do not take athletes as my heroes and role models anymore, plus also I cannot square being mad at or disappointed in them (and who cares if my stupid ass is mad at them) for not taking the vaccine with the real fact that I still like Lamar Jackson and Kirk Cousins (and like most of the rest of the Minnesota Vikings if reports from last season are to be believed).
I do think that this should be grounds for getting Dayton Moore and Mike Matheny fired. Let me explain:
I was never ‘mad’ at unvaccinated people on a broad level and will not be. This is not the way that I view things. They should have taken it, they would be better off for taking it, I do not understand why they didn’t take it on a scientific level, I took it myself three times, but I am in this case (as I am in most cases where people grab a megaphone), more upset with the (highly paid) people in our national leadership whose job it was to convince them to take them and failed.
I do not believe they couldn’t have been convinced. I also do not think anyone who says “We just can’t convince them, it’s too hard” should hold a position wherein their job requires them to convince people to do something, which is what way too many of the very well-compensated and powerful people who were on TV news all the time over the past few years said. This is perhaps naive of me, perhaps I believe too much that effective rhetoric paired with logic can overcome effective rhetoric paired with illogic (and death in this case) and that effective rhetoric can overcome any constraints - and perhaps my job as a rhetoric educator requires that I believe as much.
Regardless, I think there is a lesson on this particular subject that can be learned here through the beloved Royals.
It is a competitive disadvantage for the Kansas City Royals to not have the entire team vaccinated, first because testing and quarantine requirements for vaccinated players in MLB are more lax than they are for unvaccinated players in MLB, meaning that a positive test loses an unvaccinated player more time than a vaccinated player - and second because of road trips to Toronto to play the Blue Jays. While anything can happen in an individual game, it is I suppose possible that the Royals go up to the Rogers Centre and sweep the Jays in these four games, losing ten players for four games for an entirely avoidable reason, plus however many extra games could be lost due to unvaccinated infection protocols (which I recognize is an entirely different can of worms at this point but regardless) is a competitive disadvantage that the Royals put on themselves.
While I don’t understand their reasoning for not getting vaccinated, I understand that it’s a value of theirs, and that getting vaccinated would be a crossing of a line, more a point of pride than anything else, for these players. Getting vaccinated can be seen as a sacrifice - be it a sacrifice of something as small as the discomfort of getting injected, or something as significant to a person as the value they place on personal autonomy - and it’s one that these ten players did not take. That is their right. Nobody can force them to make this sacrifice.
Winning sports teams are constructed by athletes who sacrifice something for the good of the team. You sacrifice your time and energy to put in extra hours in the weight room or at batting practice, you might sacrifice your statistical output for the sake of giving more time to another player for the sake of a more effective lineup, you sacrifice your body by diving for catches and stolen bases. There are good athletes who have sacrificed personal values for the sake of bettering the team - My mind keeps going to the many Mormons who had successful NFL careers despite their job requiring them to go to work on Sundays.
It is the job of a manager to get those players to make those sacrifices. I think of Phil Jackson getting Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, infamously self-interested players, to alter their style and score fewer points per game to benefit the rest of the team. Or, hell, I think of any of the coaches and managers in sports who have convinced otherwise vaccine-skeptical players to get vaccinated for the sake of the team - or any of the 29 other MLB teams with fewer unvaccinated players than the Royals, 25 of which are all also coincidentally or otherwise situated ahead of the Royals in the current standings.
Matheny has not been able to get these Royals to make this sacrifice, and here they are suffering for it. This was a complaint of mine about Mike Zimmer with the Vikings, who had this problem last season - If you can’t get your players to take some medicine for the sake of the team’s success, how can you convince them to do something actually difficult? You can’t get them to do this, it’s no surprise you can’t get them to put in the work to become a better baseball team.
Andy Reid’s Chiefs didn’t have this problem outside of a punter, Peter Vermes’ Sporting KC didn’t have this problem at all (and we know this as the whole roster’s traveled to Vancouver and Montreal this season already). I doubt that there’s something different about NFL and MLS players that makes them inherently less vaccine-skeptical than the Royals players are, I’m sure there were at least a few more guys on those two teams who were skeptical but were convinced to make that sacrifice for the greater good - is it any surprise that Reid’s teams have made their league’s playoffs four times and Vermes’ have made theirs twice since Matheny’s hire in 2019, wherein his team has made it zero times in that span? He can’t even get them to take a fucking shot for the sake of winning a series in Toronto, why should I expect him to get the team to put in the effort of improving themselves as a baseball team?
What I would like to see here is something that other well-compensated people whose job it was to convince people to take the vaccine did not see (and I am potentially being too harsh on them in some sense, the United States’ vaccination rate is relatively high in a global context), which is accountability - and I do expect it to come, for the record. At least for Matheny, probably not Moore, though a boy can dream.
0 notes
gatheringbones · 3 years
["My friend has long brown hair and a kind of bushy beard. He is from a working-class coal mining town in the southern US. He looks a bit like a good old boy. Like a redneck straight white guy, to use his words, not mine.
He had been riding the good old Number 20 Victoria bus downtown a couple of days ago, reading a book. To be more specific, because it matters to the story, he was reading one of my books. As in a book I wrote, not just one I owned and then lent to him.
So he notices kind of by accident that there is a young woman sitting right across from him, in those seats that face each other in the back of the bus, and she is glaring at him. Staring and glaring. He ignores her for a bit, hoping she will just go away, or decide to stare at someone else, but she just keeps right on, laying the old stink eye on him.
Finally she breaks the silence. She asks him why he is reading that book.
He tells her because he likes to read.
The exchange that ensued goes something like this:
"Do you know the author of that book is a lesbian? Why would someone like you want to read a lesbian book? What is in it for you?"
I should mention at this point— not that it really mattered to my friend or myself, but the story requires it— that this young woman had short hair and was dressed, well, kind of dykey. Not that one should assume anything about a perfect stranger, but it is important for the narrative here that we all understand that my friend figured it was more likely that she was taking issue with his choice of reading material for some sort of political reasons stemming from the fact that she was queer herself, rather than her being a right-wing evangelical Christian who objected to apparent straight guys reading queer books on public transit for religious reasons. Just so we've got that part straight, at least.
So my friend answers her.
"Well, I am reading it first of all because I like the writing, and second it is funny, and if I am getting what you are getting at here, then yes, I am reading a book written by a lesbian because I am learning something from it, and it challenges me. Isn't it a good thing, that a straight guy can read a queer book in broad daylight on a city bus without even thinking about it? Because I didn't think about it at all, until you brought it up. I mean, isn't that the kind of world we are all wishing for?"
But she was like a dog after a bone.
"It challenges you?"
"Yeah, it makes me think about stuff in a different way. Also, Ivan is a friend of mine."
She snorts. "Oh, of course. Ivan is a friend of yours."
This is where my buddy started to feel a bit defensive. They trade a few more clipped sentences. Then she says:
"Oh, now you're going to get all angry at me. How typically male of you."
The conversation continued to swirl around the drain like that for a short while, and finally my friend realized this was a discussion he was biologically predestined to never win, so he went back to reading his book. Or should I say, my book? He bought it with his own money.
My friend and I had a lengthy caffeine-fueled discussion about it all later that afternoon. The first thing I felt when he told me this story was shame. Shame for my people. Shame that she slid herself so easily into the stereotypical shell of the man-hating lesbian and harassed a perfect stranger on the bus, backhandedly in my name.
He reminded me that we had no way of knowing the kind of pain or suffering that the young woman might have survived at the hands of men that looked just like him. He reminded me that even though she pissed him off and he walked away feeling defensive and ruffled, he never once felt unsafe, and that we might not be able to say the same for her. I feel it is important to the narrative here to stress again that it was he who reminded me of these things, not the other way around.
And it got me thinking. I was reminded of a discussion I had recently with a femme friend of mine who is a coordinator of a women's centre at a university, and every September she does orientations for the new students, of all genders. She tells all the young men that she assumes that they are her allies in the fight against sexism. That she assumes they are on her side and there to help her change the world, until proven otherwise. She tells me she loves to watch them raise their heads and straighten their shoulders. She loves to watch the young women too, as it washes across their faces that they can be real feminists and fight sexism and get to keep their boyfriends if they want to; it doesn't make them any less a part of the sisterhood.
What a powerful thought. To assume that a stranger on the bus is on your side, until he (or she) proves they are not."]
Ivan Coyote, from Some Of My Best Friends Are Rednecks, from Missed Her, Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010
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