#( ;; thank youuuuu. i'm going to keep this FOREVER. )
redemn · 27 days
I think I've said it before, and if not I'm gonna say it again? Even with the couple chapters I've played of RDR2, I can see your voice for Arthur is. Chef's kiss. On point. Fantastic. I can hear the dialogue you write for him in my head. What an awesome blog and ty for sharing him with all of us, for real
WHAT . okay oh my goodness .   i got this in the middle of my workday ,   and i saw it ,   and i read it over lunch ,   and this really made the rest of my afternoon a lot brighter .   the best compliment i think i can ever receive ,   especially when it comes to arthur    who has such a specific accent that i'm keen to master and a specific way of giving his thoughts that i study every day    is that someone can hear his voice in my writing .   that goes for any muse of course .   but with arthur ,   that compliment holds a special place in my heart .   that's all i want ,   is to make sure his dialogue is true to his character .   i'm so bad at taking compliments but thank you thank you thank you !!!   he is forever deepening in my mind and growing his roots into my heart .   so .   that is such an awesome compliment to receive .   thank you for sending me this !!!
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╰ ゜omg a compliment .    ᥫ᭡ .
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nozunhinged · 5 months
Omg omg omg @scarefox my dream has finally come true this is the first time I got tagged in one of these I'm so happyyyyyy thank uuuu 🥰🥰🥰🥰
So I selected my pokeboys extra carefully but unfortunately I haven't watched enough BL's yet to make it to 10, but please have these 8 I would protect with everything I have 🤲
1. Boston - Only Friends
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Listen, all the shit they gave him during the show, I went through at least twice. Including the "stop being a slut it will ruin your life"-talk BY MY (THEN) FRIENDS. So I am insanely biased but I will sucker punch everyone until my last breath who dares to harm him in any way. Keep doing you Boston babes, I hope you have the most delicious orgys in NY.
2. Zouey - Playboyy
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Another HUGE bias from my side, as I already elaborated here. Watching this sweet, sweet child dump all his pretty braincells into his first love is quite painful at times. But don't worry I'll kick Teena in his huge tiddies if he breaks Zoueys heart and then I'll proceed to put him in a blanket burrito and watch anime with him, promise.
3. Zongyi - Kiseki Dear To Me
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If Ai Di couldn't go somehow, I'd be the first one to volunteer to protect him in prison. I'd learn all the prison politics and lift all the weights to throw hands at the scariest inmates just so this baby boy could keep making his lil cakes and dream of his gangster kitty.
4. Peach - Bake Me Please
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Yes, the list of people I'd throw hands at for Peach includes both Guy AND Shin. This wonderful human being deserves no less than being pampered 24/7, showered with kisses and affection all year round. And both are not deserving of him, end of story.
5. Kim - Pit Babe
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I certainly did not expect him to awaken my protective instincts and I am very aware this man wouldn't need anyone throwing hands for him but I'd gladly step up to help him do his lil investigation thingy and hand winner his loser trophy. I'd also throw hands at everyone who wouldn't let this guy finally race his car in peace.
6. Khem - The Sign
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He may not need bodily protection as well, but I will forever believe the cheating allegations are a misunderstanding and if they're not I'll defend that he's dedicated enough to go as far as to make it through the most hellish elite training program just so he could keep groveling at his ex-lovers feet and call him baby.
7. Sky - Love In The Air
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He may have Prapai now but that wouldn't stop me to throw hands at anyone who dares to harm him. Fort said is favourite scene was when Sky was so happy he could make it to the first year event and that was when I knew I'd protect Sky with my life too.
8. Sangwoo - Semantic Error
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Us Autistics have to stick together and I already loved him in the webtoon. I love how he is 100% unapologetically himself and I will roundhouse kick everyone who dares to try to mock him for it. He's my favourite savage.
✨Bonus ✨
Hyun - The Kings Affection
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Not a BL boy even though officially his love is a man, but I wouldn't just throw hands for him—I'd part seas, move mountains, destroy continents and conquer new universes just for him. I cried for approx. 2 hours over his last scene and didn't give a crap about the couples happy end. All hail King Dimples. He deserves everything our cosmos has to offer. He needs to be protected at ALL COSTS. If you watched The King's Affection, you know what I'm talking about. If not, read this.
Thank you thank YOUUUUU my dearest @scarefox for tagging MEEEEE unfortunately I do not have enough moots to know who to tag so everyone who stumbles over this on their TL can feel tagged ❤️❤️
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missamyrisa2 · 2 months
I’ve been loving your work for so long but I’ve never reached out with a question before! What do you think about the idea of tickle teasing a cute boy to a ticklegasm while he’s asleep? (With his consent of course)
Awww welll thank youuuuu for the loveesss and I'm so glad you reached out because I loooove thattt~~
the dreamy ticklegasmmm oh yessss ~ it would take such finesseee and lucky for him I can be soooo quiettt sneakyyy ~ I've slipped into bed with the lightest of sleepers and never roused them ~ I suppose it's my big honking toes and chicken legs and tall slenderness that make me so nimble~ I would be wearing a light comfy dress, not too swishy of course so that I can move so gently and pull the feather and fluff puff tool from my waistbelt, and carefullyyy peel back the comforter and sheets to start teasing those toess~ ooh yess the toes are the way to a boy's royal area, just the lightest slightest touches under each one and little tickles between. Barelyyy moving the feather as it probes in and out and around with the tickly touches, studying his every expression and body movement to keep my tickles from rousing too much excitement too fast. The tiny twitches and little trembles show me how the feathery touches are influencing his dreams ~ I can't help but admire and adore, wondering what lovely visions I'm inspiring as I caress the inner sole with my fluff tool, drawing it lightlyyy up and down in puffy grazes~
The sheets slowly go up~ I move ever so slowly, never exposing too much skin at once so that the temperature change isn't a shock. As we agreed he's wearing only those cute boxer shorts with the little coffee cup designs ~ because I just loooove so much making a boy allll helplessly tickle aroused while wearing cute undies like that ~ my feather traces the inner thighs, my puff trails the waist back and forth. I bring the dreamy tickles around the outskirts of the royal area, sending those subtle signals to the prince part ~ mmmmh it's time to wake upppp princeyyyy ~ but we can't wake everyone up no no noooo~ ahh yess, I seeee him rousing, the little swell growing and the cuuuute ticklish tip so eager to volunteer as it begins poking out the little door ~ ahhh there's few things more sweetly irresistible than coaxing a boy's royal rod out the little door~ his face gets a little screwed up and I back off, just blowing tiny puffs of air on that tippy tip waiting for him to settle and get back to those sensual fuzzy feathered dreamsss~
And then it's the tip on tip action ~ my stiff feather caressing, kissing that swelling royal head, lightly touching and encouraging the growth ~ especially as the fluff tool waits riiight outside the door to catch the underside. They work so well as a team, my little tools ~ the feather inspires the swelllll and the fluff tickles everything that comes out~ ahh yes, stroking the length as it grows and emerges, sooo sensitive and ticklish. His body twists towards the sensation, it wants sooo badly to cum and I'm sure his dream is growing desperate tooo~ but noooo we're gonna softyyyy ticklegasm oh yes we are~ so I will take my feather and trace and stroke and dance around the head as the fluff glides up and down the length, ever so gently bringing him closer and closer~ with ample visits to the waistline and navel for veryyy light tickles ~ I wanna hear so many sleep giggles and groans after allll~
Ahh but we can't keep it up forever ~ I can see he's starting to get restlessss so it's time for that sweeeet cute ticklegasmmm~ that means using the feather and puff under his length to make it rise as much as possible~ encouraging the stiffest of royal rods with my ticklesss~ all so I can get clearance to give my adoringgg gentle brushyyy lip kissesss riiight under the tip~~ ooh it's such a challenge but i'm always up for it, the most minimal of kissyy tickles alll on that death spottt ~ and I know it'll only take a fewwww before I hear that unmistakable sleepy gasp and sense the vibrations deep within his royal chambers ~ so that I can back up and gleefully quietly tickle up and down the length and watch him have such a delightful soft ticklegasmm~~
and of course, awaken to me tackling his spent body with playful taunting tickles, squeezing those sides and blowing raspberries allll up his belly to ribs and neck~<3
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sidestepping · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
@askweisswolf tagged me, thank youuuuu for thinking of me ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Huh, 12 apparently? A lot of them are shorts and gifts, though.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
66,495???? When did THAT happen (I have never opened the statistics tab before can you tell)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly and forever Fallen Hero my beloved, but I have one (1) foray into Baldur's Gate 3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hmmm, my "main" fics really: 1. Splinters (Fallen Hero, Una and Ortega's relationship's turning points) 2. Dialogue Box (Fallen Hero, people having conversations) 3. Hopefully, No Biting (I can't believe this is in the top three JKLHGLKHGLH. Probably the oral sex helped.) 4. Hauntings (Fallen Hero, little mindfucks and experimental chapters) 5. The Heist, a three-part gift about Hollow Ground and @kittlesandbugs Sidestep, Riley. This one was a passion project, very happy to find it (surprisingly) in the top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually, yes, if I can't reply directly to the commenter on another platform! If people are lovely enough to take the time to write, you know... Right back at them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but the angstiest as a rule is Hauntings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but I think my happiest / sweetest / peacefullest might be one of my recent ones--Shipname: Burnt to the Ground (it's sex, but not sad babygirl sex, you get me?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No.......... But if you want to go and hate on Hollow Ground when they appear in my fic please be my guest lads I'm right there with you.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure my sex scenes count as smut considering I'm firmly rooted in the suggestive rather than explicit territory. I write metaphors for fucking, more like.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! I'm such a one-trick pony man, all my money's on Los Diablos.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! I do like to fuck around with language and I have translated part of my fics once or twice and then back again just to throw a punch into the English and its pacing though. And I used to translate fics out loud for my friends who couldn't read English when I was, like, a teen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Started to, didn't finish, but the idea's there somewhere—co-writing with @astarien is the heights of existence obviously.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... Chargestep. I guess. I guess they're alright. Whatever.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I want to finish a work I do—but there's nothing I'm gunning to end yet, except for shorts, which I finish in one-go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, I don't really know... I enjoy dialogue, action scenes, and fucking up pace, musicality, analogy, words and format so that language says more than it usually does, or shows more than it usually does—goes further than it wants to go if you don't give it a shake—and makes you FEEL. That's what's in my brain when I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking... plot. Logical pathways. Lore. I do not have a brain.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! I gesture at it but keep it in English when I don't know the language (too scared of fucking it up, and not enough control over tone / nuances / connotations), but if I do know the language then absolutely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my little notebooks when I was 8? A French Child Fantasy book I loved. But the only fandom I've written seriously for is FHR.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My darling, though not my easiest, is Splinters. The hard-hitting writing moments are compiled there, I usually break out of a chapter a little brain-weird and all rabbit-hearted, it's always a blast to get to work on it.
Annnnd I'll tag @astarien, @kittlesandbugs, @ejunkiet, @impossible-rat-babies, @rab-bitly, @witchfall, @silvery-bluish, @ladyshivs, and anyone who feels like it!
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cidnangarlond · 6 months
🔱💘🍎 for both lavinia and fortuna!
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
Fortuna LOVES swimming, though she doesn't get to do it very often. With the island sanctuary she's been working on though she gets to swim plenty and takes full advantage of the beach. If there is somewhere safe for her to swim she will be there and now that she can breathe underwater (because of Stormblood msq) she will spend as long as she wants down there.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
HER FAMILY she loves her family so much. Cid her husband and their two kids Yda and Fortuno, and unofficial family member Estinien, whom Fortuna has known for forever at this point. She treasures the Scions as well naturally but she treasures her family so so much and they are absolutely the most important thing to her.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Like most of the Veena clan she was born in the Skatay Mountains! She left it years and years ago now and lives nowhere near it since it's close to Othard and she lives over in Eorzea, an entire ocean away. She loved the cold and growing up in the mountains and by extension the snow, but Fortuna hasn't visited since she left, and it's more like she can't. However she does have a younger sister named Sonja who still lives there, and both hope the other is doing well.
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
Lavinia can swim, however she tries to avoid it and most large bodies of water whenever she can. When she and her twin were both 13 and sick they went out on a frozen lake and Gloria (her twin) fell through ice and tragically died. So Lavinia tries to stay away from having to swim, though with Stormblood msq she did not really have a choice and she had to at least put her fears on hold temporarily.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
For starters her husband Nero (she's allowed some cringe), as well as the Scions, the Ironworks. Lavinia also still has some mixed feelings towards Gaius, her father, considering everything. Werlyt also did complicate some things because the orphans knew about her and her family, but Lavinia and her mother never knew about them, so she has a lot of animosity towards Gaius about it and feels really betrayed by it. She wants to keep close with him since they're the only family they have left - since her mother has been deceased for years at this point as well - but he's REALLY going to have to earn her trust back.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
She was born in Garlemald and I'm sure you can see where this is going (even if she isn't there yet in msq). Lavinia lived there all her life until her and her mother fled back to Sharlayan, and Lavinia was there - her mother passing away some months after they returned - until she and the twins went off to Eorzea. She and Nero now live in Gridania in a house he built with the money he took from Cid during the Omega questline. Smiles. Naturally though she has a lot of feelings about Garlemald, because it's Garlemald, and wants to at least try and help rebuild it, and undo all the mistakes of her father and Emet-Selch. She wants to tear it all down and rebuild it, is what it boils down to, righting past wrongs.
Thank youuuuu !
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izupie · 10 months
💋, ⛔️, and 🍦.
Thank youuuuu for the ask!!! This took a million years to reply to and I'm sorryyyy !!
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
OH! this is a good question. I was literally thinking about this a few days ago. I was going to make a poll about it lmao
I kind of hate to write them,,, because I feel so much pressure to get the balance of emotions and imagery and The Moment perfect and somehow still keep everyone in-character. To me it feels virtually impossible to spin that many plates and nail them all. I can never quite write it in a satisfying way (to me)
I just can't reach that perfect balance of all the elements together that make a great written first kiss !! Elusive cryptid I will find you one day.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I have a long list of fics I abandoned, but not necessarily scrapped.
Like, I orphan off a lot of my old stuff, which is usually the result of starting a fic while I'm in a certain fandom, and then falling out of the fandom before I've finished it. oops. I can't bring myself to work on something I'm not actively hyperfixating on invested in, so the poor fic just gathers dust and is abandoned to live in WIP Hell forever. I'm sorry unfinished fics !!
As for scrapped, I very rarely delete a work. I've only ever done it once I think? It was a fantasy Izuocha AU that I wanted to rework into something original, so I removed it from existence before I finished it lmao
But yeah, there are a lot of unfinished fics living in my notebooks honestly ahahaaaaa
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
So I've had a flick through my AO3 and remembered this thing - definitely this one: Green's Your Colour
No contest.
It was one of the first batch of Izuocha fics I wrote when I was still trying to figure out their dynamic and was deep in my fluffy feelings about them and it all came pouring out of me in this very sincere but overly sweet fic lmao
I know I said in a previous ask answer that I love to read my own fics, but this is an exception honestly asdfghjkl;
This one is so so so sweet and fluffy and I literally cannot read it without cringing aaa
I've toyed with the idea of orphaning it a few times, but I can't bring myself to do it!
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runicmagitek · 2 years
Hi Runic 😃👋🏾
Celes for character ask 💖
Thank you!
Apologies for the wait but AW YEAH MY FAVE OF ALL TIME 😍 thank youuuuu
Why I like them. I'm always a sucker for ice queen characters and love SO MUCH about Celes, but what really sold me on Celes as a bitty was how someone so strong and incredible was still profoundly depressed and defeated, thus felt it was logical to end her life. And the fact she survived, found the strength to keep going, and then reunited all her lost allies to then save the world? Damn, that really meant the world to me as a kid. It reminded me that even the strongest and most determined of folks still have their lows and that they CAN recover from it. Amazing. I love her so much.
Why I don’t. What do you mean she's perfect I love everything about her, flaws and all
Favorite scene. I always loved the part when she contemplates Kefka's offer to join him in becoming a god and ruling the world and she's just like "nah" and stabs him. Incredible. Good for her.
Favorite line. "I'm a former general, not some opera floozy!!" The opera scene is so ridiculous and over the top and I forever love it bc of that.
Favorite outfit. Oh damn, she has so many. I really love her Amano concept art getup with the gold and purple, especially the one where she has the vest and weird arm warmer sleeve things. And the crisscross stitching by her hip on her pants chef kiss
OTP. I am contractually obligated to say Celes/Setzer because it's true, but Celes/Terra is Just As Good and important to me. I love them both honestly for very different reasons. Celes just deserves someone who will love her forever.
Brotp. After writing Darkness/Starlight, I really love her friendship with Edgar. They contrast each other well and I think they'd really support each other over the years post-canon. Also Sabin! Because he's a sweetie and would give her the best hugs. AND ALSO CYAN WOULD BE A PERFECT FATHER FIGURE AND OMG HIS HATE FOR HER TURNING INTO ADMIRATION AND AFFECTION SHE RARELY HAD GROWING UP AND IN THIS ESSAY I WILL-
Head Canon. jsdklfjafklsadj FUCK I HAVE TO PICK JUST ONE???? Her knowing Terra pre-canon and them sharing a romance before Terra lost her memories is peak angst, especially with Terra asking Celes, OF ALL PEOPLE, if she's ever been in love before when they reunite in Narshe
Unpopular opinion. I think Celes/L*cke is [REDACTED]
A wish. I hope she finds a new purpose in the new world post-canon. I hope she comes to terms with her past and learns to let go. I hope she can be happy and never need to fight again.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen. No more experiments or medical infusions ever again. No no no.
5 words to best describe them. Reserved, inquisitive, resilient, gorgeous, and badass
My nickname for them. MY OG ICE QUEEN AAAAAAAAAAA
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liyazaki · 2 years
(in love with gifsets anon) noooooooooooooo, now YOU'RE making me squeal and kick my legs!!! 🤭*coughs* I MEAN, uh I am definitely Not giggling like an idiot, no. that's.... not me at allllll. *blushing furiously* 😳
on a serious note tho, how would I ever be annoyed at the amount of content??? omg omg I'm so blessed!!!! please!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
plus, low blow!! you chose a gif of jeongin and felix as the cuddling representation and this is my other weakness!
thank youuuuu for your hard work, mor <33333
not the strikethrough!! usermor can't come to the phone right now cause she's very much 💀 cuddle attacks increase 500%
you continue to be the actual best, you angel- ooo, that was a lucky addition then & now that I know? yeah- yeah. remember you gave me this power, Nonnie 😌 (blame the hellsite’s GIF search if any of these aren't them; I know nothing beyond that they're in Stray Kids 🤣)
omg, how did the paparazzi catch us?
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me being real casual & normal at your window.
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me at you spiritually, constantly, forever the end.
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thank you for loving my stuff & going out of your way to make sure I know. it really means the world & motivates me to keep creating! 😫
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itzymidzy · 1 month
240504 Twitter: itzyofficial: Madrid Ryeongee here! I'm here in Madrid
I'm going to go get ready now, bye bye 💋
👤: you are the best ❤️❤️
🦊: Meeee?? 🙈
👤: I love you so much, Chaeryeong! I hope you have a fun and wonderful concert day in Madrid today 🥰❤️
🦊: All right!!
👤: Chaeryeong, no matter what happens, I want you to know that there’s still me and Midzy. I promise to love you forever. My beautiful Chaeryeong ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
🦊: Thank youuuuu 💋💋
👤: Ryeong’s concert today is also a highlight!!! 🫶✊ 
🦊: Ugh hi-thing! 💕
👤: Hello my love have nice day today!❤️
🦊: Have a good day my love 💕
👤: Chaeryeong, are you happy? Your smile is so pretty 🩷
🦊: You make me smile ☺️
👤: Ms chaeryeong i really love your soloo
🦊: Thank youu💋
👤: Ryeong… Chaeryeong’s Instagram sensibility is so cute. May it continue…
🦊: Let's keep watching 🫶🏻
👤: Chaeryeong, see you at our concert 🥺🫶🏻
🦊: yep!
👤: RyeongChae!!!🥹🥹🥹 Why are you so cute!!!😭🤍
🦊: I don't know why 🙈
👤: Did our pretty and cute Chaeryeong have a good time in Madrid?
🦊: yessssss😎
👤: this girl is so hot and pretty i wonder who she is 🤭🤭🤭
🦊: OMG who's that girl?? 🫣
👤: Why are you always cute? 😫🤏🏻
🦊: Am i cute??? 🤭
👤: your « je t’aime » was the cutest
🦊: je t'aime💋
👤: What‘s your favorite animal right now?
🦊: chaeri chaeso...
👤: Why are you so cute?
🦊: Mola Babuyang
👤: chae, was that bear that you took photo with scary?
🦊: It wasn't scary...I was ..just ..surprised🥲
👤: What are you going to do with your hair in our pretty Ryeongchae Madrid?
🦊: Guess 🙂‍↔️
👤: It was so cute trying to read all the messages in Amsterdam ㅜㅜ It was so quick but I hope you felt our love 🫶🏼🫶🏼💋💋
🦊: I felt it enough ☺️
👤: Chaeryeonggggggg!!!! (op posted a pictures, saying "marry me please")
🦊: hahahahaha....
👤: Ryung, is the can still empty?
🦊: What do you mean...a tin can?
👤: I miss you... ;; I'll go see you right after the exam!!! Could you please wait until next year? 😿😿😿
🦊: Of course~ I'm always here🤗
👤: Thank you for your hard work over the past month ❤️👍
🦊: Thank you
👤: I hope Ryeong ends the stage happily and healthy today too!
🦊: Jjaljup!
👤: When is blue Chaeryeong coming back 🥹
🦊: Someday....? 💙
👤: What is your favorite character?
🦊: You
👤: Look what I've done! what do you think?
🦊: Look pretty!
👤: I love you cherry 🧡
🦊: love u too
👤: hi chaeryeong!!!!!!!! from my dog
🦊: Hello puppyyyyy💕
0 notes
thisismeracing · 7 months
Call it what you want | CL16
part.1 (All because I liked a boy)
― Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader (she/her) ― Warnings: curse words, typos. ― Summary: After getting hate from half of the fans, Yn went silent for months. But she's back now, and she has something to say. ― A/n: None of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. Everything else is made up by me, and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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✷ my masterlist | my taglist | patreon masterlist ✷ you can support my writing by reblogging, leaving a comment (don’t forget to follow me if you like the piece), or buying me a coffee
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liked by dualipa, sabrinacarpenter, and others
itsyn “Call it what you want” is coming out tomorrow at 8pm EST! It's part of the Reputation album, and I'm happy to share this with you after so long away 🖤 I hope you guys like it!
comments on this post have been limited
ynnation the concept of two sides where both is her, but each person sees in a way. Yn you are a genius!!!!
taylorswift 🤍 can't wait!
sabrinacarpenter I am so ready for this!!!
selenagomez 😍😍😍
zendaya I love youuuuu 💖💖
sza I see a hit comming 😜❤️
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liked by pierregasly, selenagomez, and others
charles_leclerc miami week dump 🩵❤️
view all comments
carlossainz55 🤝❤️
hamiltons44 he’s soft launching, I am NOT okay!!!!
icuferrari three last pics are a soft launch, change my mind
⤷ smoothsainz explain 🧐
⤷ icuferrari this looks like yn's dog, second are kinda obvious, but adding that yn loves glittery shoes
raintyres Idk what you did to get out of that wave of bad luck, but keep doing it!
mickcedes yeah but charles.jpg when???
carlosleclerc I 😭happy 😭 for 😭 you 😭
swiftsainz in my head you’re dating me, and it will still be like this because I’ll pretend I didn't see this soft launch
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liked by troyesivan, lilymhe, and others
itsyn he's terrible at drawing hearts ☹️
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franciscac.gomes This white dress slays so harddd! Lindíssima! 😍😍
sza 🩷🩷🩷🩷 you deserve so much happiness
ynfrance she’s so pretty 😩
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liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, and others
charles_leclerc I have always told you that you were my favorite love, even if we were torn apart, because my love for you is something I have never been more sure of in my life. To this day I don't know how I managed to get someone like you, but I won't ever let you go again, ma chérie. Thank you for letting me into your life and embracing even the parts of me I don't love. You're my treasure. I loved you tomorrow, love you today, and I'll love you forever. Your Charlie.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, besties! I hope you guys like this piece! I did not plan on a second part, but since a lot of you asked for it I decided to provide hehe Don't forget to reblog and comment, and follow me if you liked this piece ❤️
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gojosattoru · 9 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANA! I know I'm early, but it's 22 in other parts of the world, so wishing you a beautiful start to your special day. You deserve so much happiness always & forever. Thank you for all the kindness and all the beautiful treasures you have gifted us with - your edits and friendship. Plz never forget how special you are and you deserve only the very best! Hope you have a fab day and forever more! And I hope my lil gojo brightens your day! Wishing you the best of birthdays! 🥳 🩷 🥰
AMINAAAAAA MY SWEET DARLING SGFCXGSH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! IT MADE ME SO HAPPY HONEY AND YOUR GIFT LOOKS PHENOMENAL AND SO PRETTY!!!! MY SWEET GOJO LOOKS SO SOFT AND CUTE THERE!!! <333333 Thank you very very much for making something for me even tho i wasn't able to reciprocate this year TT A TT have been so absent of tumblr... *snif* i miss you guys a lot! i hope you have been doing well Amina, we haven't talked for a while but I'm always thinking about you and you are forever in my heart! I'm so thankful for all the kindness, love, support and help you never failed to give me through all these years Amina, you're absolutely an amazing person, with so much good energy and love to give to everyone and seriously you're an angel bby! I love you sm dearly bby! Hope we can keep in touch again!! Thank you again for your wishes and for the present! I will cherish it with all my heart <333333 heheh Always going to send you my love and good vibes to your way sweetheart!!!! Wish you a wonderful day and take care my love!!! <333333 *hugs you real tight and never lets you go* Love youuuuu~~
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rockunderthewater · 10 months
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I didn't want to share the "Ask" because I wanted to keep it for myself... It so beautiful and cried while reading it! So excuse me for keeping it yo myself only!
Oh heavens..... This day can't be more perfect than it already isss ( it's raining outside!!! the first rain after a long, cruel summer like I'm super happy right nowww) especially I'm listening to the sing you sent to me " Si jamais j'oublie" IT IS THE PERFECT VIBE, my heart now is like the way you describe yours... I'm having the same reaction!! vrai thank you... I can't stop appreciate you tbh!! Again your words... Imma keep it safe in my heart forever till it stops!! And you are not being dramatic or anything even if you are please don't stop I'm loving it! And yesss I really want to share my favs with you tooo so let's not stop sharing because like they said "sharing is caring" so I want you to take care of me as muchuuu as you can :'( thank God and thank you for being comfortable around me and how you trust me... I hope I don't break this trust! I appreciate you. And please you never disturb me like NEVER please I'm grateful you are here how can reject such a caring person no way!!! (I'm putting Si jamais j'oublie on repeat now and oh my god it's so beautiful thankkk youuuuu) how was the book tho you said you were reading, I hope it was a good one and you enjoyed reading it dearest. I'm glad that your day going well so far it's a blessing indeed!
You know my account (obviously) so please feel free to visit my dms, I'm not trying to push you or anything but just wanted to give you my okay please do whatever you want and what your heart tells you, follow your heart
Please accept this song from me! Here you goooo hehe
Have a pleasant day my dearrr
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
about how nothing is logical, etc. & honestly after reading those stuff I begin to realize that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE Ok so I read a lot of posts about how time does not exist, saw an ask sent to@lawandliberty
Basically, time does not exists meaning we would not even have time if no one created it and can I just say how sure are we that 1 min is 60 secs like it could be 100 secs??? like don't tell me to search Google for answers, that there is a reason is 60 secs, etc. but if u get rid of those math calculations behind why time is 60 secs it actually makes no sense. And our age how sure are we if we don't rely on science, etc. that we are the age we are? People born in lets say 1998 for eg are suppose to be 24 now but like they could be 30 or could be 15? you get me
Like this all makes sense because we made it make sense?! Like for eg before the car was created you think people thought it was possible? That it would be logical cause if it were me I would have doubted it as well cause we have horses for a reason? But it is possible, it made sense because it was created
ok I could go on forever but what I'm tryna say is ANYTHING & EVERYTHING you ever want is POSSIBLE don't put logic in it like u want that sp who is a kpop idol then U ALREADY HAVE HIM it don't matter if his with someone else or other girls are also manifesting him HIS ALREADY YOURS its your reality you are the main character why are you giving unnecessary attention to your side characters? & if you assume some girl is getting your man then sure as hell she will be, YOU CONTROL YOUR REALITY!!!
I'm saying this because I've seen all of you doubt your power! You all keeping asking the loa blogs the same qn "can I manifest ...?" "what if my sp has a gf?" like stop with the what ifs, stop tryna make things make sense, stop putting logic into stuff! You can manifest whatever, you can whatever you want!!
Lastly, about the void state let me tell you guys how EASY it is to get in because it is? REMEMBER FOLKS methods like the void state, etc. work because you LET IT WORK, assume its easy and it is & stop stressing out over it time is going anywhere like that shit don't exist 😚 *me closing my eyes*
oki thats all sry if its all over the place there's so much I wanted to talk about its such a broad, omg, uh huh moment that I forgot some stuff. Hopefully you guys got what I mean, logic dont matter, time doesnt exists, anything is possible so stop worrying and overthinking & just relax
*sending again anonymously
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voidsteffy · 2 years
🌾 what's something an OC needs to learn?
🌼 pick an OC and put them on blast. Call out their flaws, complain about what makes them difficult to write, etc.
Bless you bunny, bless you!
Thank youuuuu
🌾 So my Melody OC, Kate, needs to learn that it's okay for the world to revolve around her sometimes. She's too engrossed in making it perfect for her twin Elena, her brother Jeremy and her aunt Jenna that she most of the times sometimes forgets to think about herself.
She has anxiety and weirdly, instead of feeling anxious about herself or things relating to her safety, she thinks about her friends and family.
Take a breather Katey, it's going to be alright. Think about yourself too, it's no sin.
🌼 My unpublished fic OC: Roopa Subramaniam. It's hard to write her because I don't know what defines her life except her daddy issues or keeping her brother safe. She's a doctor and she has friends, but those friends tend to have more personality than her. In the sense I have 5 booklets worth of what makes them them but a page on Roopa.
Roopa essentially has one flaw, or defense mechanism: keeping love at bay unconsciously because she doesn't believe men can be any different than her own dad in a relationship. She's rude without reason sometimes and due to her defense mechanism, she ignores her best friend- Madhav, crushing on her since forever.
But she slowly changes when another guy (the male protagonist, a restaurant-chain owner and Madhav's childhood friend) shows up and is sweet to her.
Like gorl, I can't have one guy like me back AND YOU HAVE TWO
I'm more jealous of her situation now that I think of it
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Ateeeeeeeeeeeeee congratulations on completing another wonderfully written story!
I was really having a bad day today because of people and your last chapter of our Bo-kun's story is the serotonin boost that I need. Thank youuuuu
jkshskksahk where do I begin? Hmmmmmm... I am happy with how things turn out in the end. It was really funny how Bokuto told y/n so casually about what he did to solve the problem. Yeah that's Bokuto for us but yeah, in all seriousness, I am glad on how you portray him to be funny and silly, and a reliable and trustworthy partner at the same time. At long last, trust is rebuilt and the main characters don't have to worry anymore about being seen in public - because the world is already a witness of Bo and y/n's love for each other.
Please this chapter is full of happy scenes I feel like I am overwhelmed shkshkshkhkhs and baby y/n peeing on people they don't like had me laughing so hard
And then there's the MSBY team + Kuroo and Kenma. This mini-reunion really just melts my heart. So happy that through volleyball, they found people who became their friends and family aaaaahhhh. They are a team after all.
Then the proposal line "I wanna be on your team forever. Please." IT. JUST. MAKES. ME. SMILING. AND. CRYING. This line is something that I headcanon Bokuto would say coz it's real, genuine, and unique. And now, whenever I read or hear words about "being on a team", I will always remember this story.
Lastly... three boys? Reaaaallyyy? SHkshkhskhskhskhs I can already imagine three boys + Bokuto would be a total chaos XD. Sending good luck wishes for y/n.
Of course, I will not end this long message of mine without thanking you. I am already a not-so-new follower of yours and Bokuto's story is the first story that I caught up when I was only new to your blog. Now, I'm definitely going to miss waiting for your updates every Tuesday and Friday though that Osamu fic is just around the corner 👀. I really had fun with all the rollercoaster feelings I experienced because of your stories. So, thank you for writing not just When the Sun Loves the Moon, but also all of your other stories.
Please bear with me for being emotional/sentimental, I was just overwhelmed with happiness with the story. I dunno, I always knew great stories always come to an end but no matter how many stories I read I just always become reflective and emotional.
Have a great day ate and stay healthy always!
hey elle meimei! sorry for the late reply!! i really hope you're having a much better time (ignore those ppl, if you can!) and i'm glad that my little fic gave you a little burst of happiness to tide you through any unhappiness you might have.
HAHA well all i can say that i really enjoy bokuto. we see him both in high sch and adulthood as funny and silly, but oftentimes we forget that he's hardworking and determined and smart enough to make it as a professional athlete, and i can see his sentimental, loving side with his team being applied full force to his romantic partner so...yeah. i'm just happy to have the opportunity to explore his story.
i feel like i kinda went ham with all the happy fluffy scenes in the last chapter. baby reader-chan peeing on ppl she doesn't like is a MOOD HA but imagining the boys still so strongly bonded with each other, by friendship and nostalgia makes me smile.
and being on the same team - that's what a healthy relationship's all about, imo at least, so i really loved that line (and i feel like it really rings true with bokuto, since being on a team is so impt to him?) and their three boys HAHAHAHA well all i can say is that reader-chan is prob v well equipped to deal with her boys (they love their mama so v much, and bo keeps them...kinda in line, though he definitely aids and abets their chaos!!) but they are v v happy. i'd slowly write outtakes for them, but i feel like their story is quite complete, unless anyone disagrees and has suggestions!
please i should thank you for sticking with me, for loving my stories! i'll be a little slow with the next fics, so be patient with me, but i'll be back, slowly but surely.
have a great day too, meimei, and take care <3
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moonstruckholland · 4 years
so i'm a sagittarius right, and some fanfic trope came up: coffee shop au. where this time, tom is the barista. and reader is a regular customer. how do you think it would entail? (thank youuuuu, darling💞)
A/N: Ahh! I’ve always wanted to do a coffeeshop au! I’m not super sure if it did this right, I hope you like it, honey! 💕 I kinda went a bit overboard 😅
Despite contrary belief, not every college student liked coffee
Well, at least you didn’t
Maybe you were a total weirdo but something about it just didn’t float your boat, preferring the taste of literally every other drink
Yet, somehow, you found yourself waiting in line at the Starbucks on your campus
Your favorite spot in the library was taken and seemingly so was just about every hang out place around
So, remembering how your friend had raved over a vanilla bean frappuccino, you figured it’d be a good day to try something new
You spent the few minutes waiting going over the weird names for the drink sizes, wondering who the hell decided to refer to a small drink as “tall”
You felt prepared when it was finally time for to order, until you saw the barista taking your order, all coherent thoughts leaving your brain
He had to be the prettiest guy you’d ever seen, brown curls just gently falling over his face, his chocolate colored eyes seemed to shine and gosh, his smile literally lit up the room
“What can I get for you, darling?”
Darling. One sentence and you practically in love with him already
“Um,” you blinked, trying to clear your head, “Could I get a small-I mean, tall? That’s the right one, right? I’m sorry, this is my first time coming here.”
The blood was rushing to your face as you stammered, sure you were making a fool out of yourself
“It’s alright, love, take your time,” he gave you a reassuring smile that brought butterflies to your stomach
“Okay, uh, can I get a tall vanilla bean frappuccino?”
“No problem, darling, and your name?”
“Oh, um, it’s y/n.”
He wrote your name down on the little plastic cup while you paid, handing you the receipt with another heart stopping smile.
When you got your drink about 10 minutes later (it was really crowded on this particular day) you weren’t sure if you liked which you liked more, the liquid vanilla ice cream or the cute boy who made it for you, but you did know you’d be back.
A few weeks later and Starbucks had become a huge part of your routine
What started off as once or twice a week became an almost daily occurrence
You’d get your vanilla bean and if you were lucky, see the pretty barista, who’s name you learned to be Tom, with the voice that made your knees weak
You couldn’t tell if he was just being polite, but as you showed up more and more, the more he talked to you
He would ask you about your day, make little jokes about you ordering the same thing everyday, if he was wiping down the tables around you he would ask about whatever assignment you were doing
You would happily respond and ask him questions back
That’s how you found out he was a theatre major with a soft spot for reading, despite never actually doing it and he had a deep hatred for math, specifically stats and anything related to it
Your conversations with him never went beyond the coffeeshop, you never asked for his social and he never asked for yours, but you didn’t mind, talking to him had become your favorite part of your day
If he ever wasn’t there, you’d be disappointed and in a slightly less cheery mood, though you’d always chalk it up to nothing, pretending Tom didn’t have as much as an effect on he actually did
Today happened to be one of those days
You were already upset after learning you failed the stats test you spent forever studying your ass off for, and all you wanted was to see his soft brown eyes and warm smile
When you didn’t see him there you almost left, considering leaving campus all together and just doing your studying at home
You decided against it and got your usual, hoping the sweet drink could lift your spirits
It did, just barely, a sigh escaping your lips as you sat at your usual table
You pushed away the thought of homework and pulled out the current book you were reading, figuring you deserved to treat yourself today
You were only a couple of pages in when you saw someone approach your table and heard a familiar voice shortly after
“Fancy seeing you here, darling.”
You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t skip a beat
You looked up from your book, seeing Tom in front of you, his usual Starbucks apron replaced with a white t-shirt and a loose blue flannel on top, a one of the coffeeshop’s sandwich bags in his hand and his bookbag on his shoulder
“Oh, yeah, it’s not like I’m here everyday,” you smiled, feeling giddy.
“Everyday, huh? I don’t recall seeing you yesterday.”
You had to keep yourself from smiling at the fact he noticed you hadn’t come by
“I spent the day at the library with my head stuck in my stats book.”
“I have to admit, I was a little upset, I look forward to your visits.”
The breath was literally knocked out of you for a moment, your blood rushing to your face
“Well, um, you could join me right now if you’d like,” you stammered, motioning towards the chair in front of yours.
Tom smiled, taking a seat, “I’d love to.”
You were worried with it being the first time you could talk for more than 5 minutes, it would be awkward, but you found it easy talking to Tom
You ranted to him about your horrible test and listened to him describe his theatre classes, taking note of the way his eyes seemed to shine as he talked about the topic with such passion
You found out how funny he was, making you laugh probably more than anyone had before
Before you knew it, a little over an hour had passed and Tom checked his phone for the time with a frown
“I have to go, love, got class in 10 minutes.”
You wished more than anything he could stay, loving the extra time with him
You tried not to look sad as you smiled at him, telling him you hoped he had a good class
He stood up, picking up his bag with him, “I was thinking, maybe we could do this again sometime? Maybe on Friday night, around 7?”
If Tom wasn’t standing in front of you, you would’ve pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming
Tom, the cutest guy in the world, was asking you out
You reached into your bag, pulling out a piece of paper and a pencil, quickly writing your number on it
You handed it to him with a bright smile, practically glowing with excitement, “It’s a date.”
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