#( && wen qing's musings )
hatpinvigilante · 9 months
i think jiang cheng would be so chaotic (derogatory, but with affection) in a wen qing lives scenario because i think there would be a part of him that would resent the fact that his sister didn't get the same fate. like, with everyone popping out of the ground like daisies, only the jiangs seem to die normal deaths and stay dead. and in the scenario where wen qing was kept alive for the same reasons as wen ning, for her usefulness, he'd have to wonder why no one ever seemed to see yanli's use. and maybe part of him would even regret that he buried her so quickly and so properly, like, maybe, if he hadn't been so depressingly average, she could have raised jin ling.
and i love this torment for him, because i also think that he would absolutely know in his bones (in part because of what his bones have experienced) that no one coming back to life in this story is doing it because they wanted to, and the very act is sick with trauma. and in a deeper way, he really wouldn't resent wen qing for it or truly even want it for yanli. he might even be able to understand wen qing and offer her comfort (and, importantly, eventually, forgiveness), but i also just love all the ways the envy and longing roiling on the surface would get in his way.
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gentil-minou · 6 months
lan wangji and wen qing friendship is so powerful it has to be to withstand the force of wwx but also just imagine them at a party on opposite sides of the room making pointed eye contact judging everyone else's nonsense without a word
all I'm saying is if wwx gets to be every lesbian's obligatory-guy-crush-but-not-really lwj would be every lesbian's best friend
just imagine the agony wwx would experience when he sees lwj surrounded by girls (all gay) and he goes all "lan zhan is so popular 🥺🥺 I must be jealous of him and not anything else right just jealous that girls all like lz yeah that's it 👉🏽👈🏽"
I want lan wangji to look at the camera like he's breaking the fourth wall everytime wei ying compliments his flirting and game except the fourth wall is wen qing laughing maniacally
also wen qing would be fully aware of both their crushes so whenever wwx is crying to her about his not-a-crush-ok-im-not-gay-qing-jie-stop-laughing!!!-im-serious!!!!! she's also texting and taunting lwj and getting a series of increasingly more upset bunny stickers in response
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twistedappletree · 6 months
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The sand pulled him down faster and his vision blurred. Wen Qing looked down at him, her face fully obscured by Lan Sizhui’s failing eyes. “You can wake up now.”
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youthslost · 5 months
5 songs you associate with / remind you of your muse - wen qing edition.
dynasty - rina sawayama
❝ I'm a dynasty The pain in my veins is hereditary Dynasty Running in my bloodstream, my bloodstream Dynasty And if that's all that I'm gonna be Won't you break the chain with me? ❞
楚晴 (jasmine sokko) - 噓 (shh)
❝ Evolving to have a heart of steel, uncaring of this world's abnormalities Get in my way, and I will burn down your walls. ❞
people help the people - birdy
❝ People help the people And if you're homesick, give me your hand and I'll hold it People help the people Nothing will drag you down Oh, and if I had a brain, oh, and if I had a brain I'd be cold as a stone and rich as the fool That turned all those good hearts away. ❞
as good a reason - paris paloma
❝ She said, Every time you are succeeding There's an old man somewhere, seething And spite's as good a reason to take his power. ❞
to build a home - the cinematic orchestra
❝ 'Cause, I built a home For you For me Until it disappeared From me From you And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust. ❞
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coreofgold · 1 year
@tragcdysewn for Wen Qing
Silence loomed over the apartment. Three has been brought down to two and it hurts just as bad as the first time Wei Ying died. "Do. . .you think Wei-gongzi will. . .remember when he wakes up ?" Wen Ning innocently and cautiously asks, breaking the silence. He hopes he does.
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
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fashion aesthetics - wen qing
describe your muse’s aesthetic in five words or less.
vaguely edgy disaster
does your muse spend a lot of time on their outfit and appearance? how long do they spend getting ready in the morning?
not a ton? they’re someone who has a pretty erratic sleep schedule, so if she’s up early yeah she’ll spend thirty or so minutes getting ready, but they are also completely and totally capable of putting a nice outfit together in under five minutes if that becomes necessary (it’s necessary more often than she cares to admit and they will deny this skill to their last breath)
does your muse consider the way they dress to be trendy? would other people agree
kind of, yeah. they’re doing her best to fit in in the modern world, and did absolutely read a decent amount about trends and fashion, and is pretty sure she’s managed it to some degree. and i think most would agree, they dress pretty cool most of the time
how often do they buy new clothes? are they the type to keep a outfit for years or replace it after one wear?
they buy new clothes when something is ripped beyond repair, and never any other time. she’s pretty frugal, and honestly, after their imprisonment and then their stay in the burial mounds, buying new clothes at all feels like a privilege, even if most of it is thrifted
is your muse the type to accessorize? how much?
maybe a little bit, like a necklace or a belt, definitely fishnets sometimes because they think they’re fun, but nothing too intense. they’re working a lot of days, and you can’t have a ton of jewelry on as a hospital intern, and she also just isn’t super into rings and bracelets and all that. not their style
how much time do they spend on skin care/makeup/grooming?
probably like half an hour max? she doesn’t wear a ton of makeup, just a little eyeliner and mascara and something on her lips, and the extent of their skin care is moisturizer and a shower, maybe a face mask once in a blue moon when they’re incredibly stressed
if money and societal expectations were not a concern would your muse dress differently than they currently do? if so, how?
she might have more formal clothing if they could afford it? not that she really prefers that style, but they don’t mind it and knows it’s sometimes necessary, but they’re generally pretty happy with their more casual wardrobe
would your muse wear the same outfit two days in a row if they knew they wouldn’t run into any of the same people?
probably not the entire outfit, but would definitely repeat a shirt or pair of shorts if there was no chance of anyone noticing, especially if they’re behind on laundry that week (she’s usually at least a little behind on laundry wen qing is not good at domestic tasks)
have they started dressing differently since arriving in washington? was the transition difficult? do they prefer the clothes here or back home? if your character is unaware feel free to answer as if they are aware.
one hundred percent. even the colors they wear are different, there’s still a lot of red, but there’s also a lot of black and blue, and pretty much at least a little of every color, especially with the fact that denim makes up a solid half of her wardrobe. she likes these clothes a lot better, there’s a lot less formality and she doesn’t feel as... i guess dressed up? restricted? as they did in their wen robes back home
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across the Moats by ChilianXianzi
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The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across The Moats
by ChilianXianzi
T, 8k, Endgame Wangxian
Summary: Wen Qing would probably never know who their nameless cultivator used to be, or what kind of secret grief he hides beneath his bowed shoulders. But the man makes Wei Wuxian smile, in a way he doesn't anymore after Lan Wangji refused to stay for dinner and never visited again. And perhaps, surrounded by death and resentment as they are, perhaps that's enough. After wandering the realm for years in the wake of his wife's death, Qingheng-Jun came to the Burial Mounds - And stayed. Kay's comments: Qingheng-Jun/Wei Wuxian is not a pairing I would have ever read on my own, but since it was written by ChilianXianzi, I knew I had to give it a try and I wasn't disappointed! Nothing happens between them and the story is endgame Wangxian, but Qingheng-Jun certainly develops feelings for our Xiao-laozu. Really loved the idea of him just becoming a rogue cultivator after his wife's death and the Lan clan merely saying he's in seclusion because they have no idea where he is. In the end, it all works out too and he goes to scold his nephews and brother into making things right with Wei Wuxian and the Wens. Mostly The Untamed canon! Excerpt: "Aiyah, Daozhang, you're so good at this," Wei Wuxian sighs, "Are you sure you were a rogue cultivator and not some prodigious farmer, huh?" "My-" Daozhang Zhou's voice falters for the briefest moment, and Wen Qing holds herself against looking up from tending to her own herbs, ears pricking, "Someone very dear to me was fond of growing things, and I suppose I learned some things, watching her." "She used to plant all sorts of things, made them grow so beautifully," Daozhang Zhou continues, his voice now quiet and musing, as if he's not talking to Wei Wuxian anymore, "But she loved gentians, covered her garden with it, and gave me the dried blossoms to keep." Even Wei Wuxian has turned quiet beside the Daozhang, a heartbreaking understanding in his grey eyes. Wen Qing had always wondered what their nameless Daozhang had lost, what ghosts he carries around his shoulders so heavily - But now that she's seen the outline of it forms, it just makes her feel a too-familiar bereftness. A kindred grief. Wen Qing stands quietly, and leaves the two to their shared grief and potatoes.
pov wen qing, canon divergence, burial mounds settlement days, qingheng-jun/wei wuxian, endgame wangxian, qingheng-jun lives, golden core reveal, age difference, immortal qingheng-jun, fix-it of sorts, the untamed compliant, everybody lives, wei wuxian lives, jin zixuan lives, hurt wei wuxian, wen wemnants live, burial mounds ensemble as family, one-sided attraction, unrequited love
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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fierrochase-falafel · 8 months
MDZS, CQL and the passage of time
MDZS novel and CQL spoilers ahead!
There's this thing where despite The Untamed / CQL having Wei Wuxian be dead for 16 years instead of 13, everything is meant to feel so much rawer and closer in time than the novel I feel. For a start, naturally having 30 episodes straight of flashback sequencing before depicting an immediate reconcilation between Wangxian really imprints those flashbacks much closer in your mind than Wei Wuxian's actual ressurrection, which happened in episode 1.
Furthermore, there are also these other flashbacks when Wei Wuxian sees something reminiscent of his past, different instrumentals played initially in the flashbacks coming back again to remind you of the themes those instrumentals represent. One of the most distinct examples I remember is in episode 2, when CQL Wei Wuxian sees a vision of Wen Qing introducing Dafan Mountain as the place where her branch of the Wen clan lives in CQL and then remembers the dancing fairy statue. This never happened in the novel- partially because, in CQL, Wei Wuxian was introduced to characters and locations / concepts WAY before he found out about them in the novel (eg.- YiCheng characters, Meng Yao, Dafan Mountain, demonic cultivation in the form of the Yin Iron). By entrenching these places and characters so far back into Wei Wuxian's past- all the way back to his Gusu days, in fact- they feel much more central in the overall plot and connected to the modern storylines involving rediscovering them. Wei Wuxian isn't being thrown into a new world at all, it's the same world with all the loose ends to be tied up. This does force him to remember the past more to deal with the present, and also links the show together in a way that would engage people who have come to watch a put-together story (this sort of strong cohesion I think is less required in novels than in a series because of the way the story needs to flow from 1 episode to the next to be coherent). In the novel, Wei Wuxian's own past storyline has a much slimmer connection to the current events- the obvious kicker being Jin Guangyao in CQL was the main reason Wei Wuxian was villainised and it all comes together in the end, but novel Jin Guangyao just accelerated the process of Wei Wuxian becoming the scapegoat and made this very clear. He didn't know Wei Wuxian would kill Jin Zixuan, he said; even though Jin Guangyao's not the most trustworthy character, how on earth could he have predicted that Wei Wuxian would lose control if he wasn't there to influence him like in CQL?
However, there are even more flashback scenes like the one in episode 35, where Wei Wuxian flashes back to Nie Huiasang being excited about fans and then compliments modern-day Nie Huiasang's fan. Scenes like these cannot be explained by the changed plot because Nie Huiasang and Wei Wuxian being friends at 15 in the Cloud Recesses is canon in all versions of MDZS. Personally, seeing this scene, the strongest effect I can garner from it is nostalgia for simpler times, for people he used to be close with. Memories are flooding CQL Wei Wuxian the minute he's alive again. Contrast this exact scene with MDZS, where Wei Wuxian zones out for a good while after Nie Huiasang leaves- no words of companionship or nostalgia or anything.
Novel Wei Wuxian rarely remembers any of his past life in detail unless he fully means to, actively giving himself reminiscing time, or in a life-or-death situation. The 3 flashback sequences in the novel begin:
when Wei Wuxian decides very specifically to muse over his past with Lan Wangji,
when Wei Wuxian gets stabbed and has to be taken away from Golden Carp Tower,
when everyone turns on him in the Burial Mounds with the same words and having the same intent they did at Nightless City (to harm him, to besiege him).
I think novel Wei Wuxian has spent 13 years in the afterlife getting used to wallowing over his memories, and then consequently repressing and ignoring memories from his past life because they were all associated with pain and bitterness and so much guilt (traumatic, even, but I can't say much from a perspective of trauma because I neither have trauma nor am qualified to know enough about it). Nobody cared for him anymore in his eyes, and he DID lose control, fully feeling himself lose control and accidentally cause the deaths of people he genuinely cared about. The worst-case scenario that he had to contend with actually happening and being, to some degree, his fault. With 13 years to exist as a ghost, I think he had so much time in which he would've had to contend with his choices and death that he fully removed himself from his old life as much as possible, leading to his modern-day gap in memories. You feel the effect of his years dealing with his emotions about this whole mess.
In contrast, CQL Wei Wuxian feels like he is experiencing everything raw when he comes back into the world, like he hasn't been practicing repression to the point of memory loss. Maybe he wasn't conscious during his years as dead? He's introduced with Mo Xuanyu calling to him in his brain during the sacrificial ritual, I think, and is getting told he IS Mo Xuanyu and he is...a tad confused. And then disappointed, but I mean given what Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian had come to expect after the fiascos that ended his life, he probably wouldn't be too surprised or confused anyways. My theory is that CQL Wei Wuxian likely was unconscious when he was dead whereas MDZS Wei Wuxian was not.
This doesn't seem...important. However it does change who Wei Wuxian is and why he does the things that he does upon reincarnation. Novel Wei Wuxian taking every opportunity to drape himself over Lan Wangji with the purpose of pushing him away makes a lot of sense for a guy who's convinced the worst thing he could do to someone is get too close to/with them; he goes ahead with making a ruckus and trying to make Lan Wangji uncomfortable- without shame (because that's gotta erode away after being dead and reviled for 13 years) and without considering the possibility that Lan Wangji might want to help. Why would he consider that? He doesn't see himself worthy of help or believe anyone would help him, and he's internalised that for years on years.
CQL Wei Wuxian though, he faints on Dafan Mountain due to the weight of his memories- he's confronted with so much of the past so fast and his response is to faint. Barely any ruckus at all. When Lan Wangji finds out who he is, they have a calm conversation about it, where novel Wei Wuxian is like "oh frick he called me Wei Ying" and pretends nothing happened. CQL Wei Wuxian is a lot more open, and I think part of that is because he woke up from his death and was given the support he needed in his previous life within a couple of days. He didn't feel the years go by, have to deal with the consequences of the things he did alone (and in CQL 60% of them weren't even his own actions), so he didn't build himself the same kind of emotional fortress novel Wei Wuxian did.
CQL Wei Wuxian is jaded, true, but not the kind of jaded that comes with floating around in the afterlife for over a decade. It's easier for him to get back into this world and solve a little murder mystery together with Lan Wangji- they fall into step with each other perfectly- while novel Wei Wuxian is still getting his footing. Thus, CQL Wangxian's relationship doesn't evolve the way book Wangxian's do in Wei Wuxian's new life, and Wei Wuxian's reason to be back in this new life is far more about getting back that which he lost (Lan Wangji, a claim to justice) as opposed to gaining something else, something new and all the more important for it (a newfound relationship with Lan Wangji). Novel Wei Wuxian being so out of sync with the new world around him, in both memories and relationships, means that he has so much more room to grow in his present life as he can stop being haunted by the past. I'm not saying this is better than CQL, that's really up to what you like in your media, but this puts Wei Wuxian in a very different position in MDZS than in CQL, and also fundamentally changes their purposes and outlook on their new lives. Whether the focus of his character development takes place in the past or in the present. Whether it's about tying up the loose ends of the past, or chucking out the tapestry of the past to weave a new future.
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incarnadinedreams · 4 months
"Wei WuXian! Just because... Sect Leader Jiang isn't here doesn't mean you can be so reckless!"
Wei Wuxian's voice was harsh, "Do you think that I wouldn't be reckless if he were here? If I wanted to kill someone, who could stop me, and who would dare stop me?!"
-- Ch. 72
Yeah why would anyone ever get the idea that WWX was a dangerous loose cannon who Jiang Cheng couldn't control?
He is of course justified for being angry in that scene - it's the scene in between Wen Qing finding him and him actually going to Qiongqi Path. But declaring that in front of a banquet of people right before he went off to find Wen Ning did actually give people a lot of ammunition in ch. 73:
Hearing this, Jiang Cheng's face was already quite dark. Jin GuangShan shook his head, "In an event as important as the Flower Banquet, he dared throw a fit right in front of you, leaving however he pleased. He even dared say something like 'I don't care about the sect leader Jiang WanYin at all!' Everyone who was there heard it with their own ears..."
While obviously that's not actually what WWX said at all, and just JGS doing JGS things, I had kind of categorized that in my mind as a wholecloth lie. Now looking back it's more like an extremely bad-faith mischaracterization but... the seed was in some ways planted by WWX and it makes sense that a lot of the people who were there that day might not have objected much to that characterization of the sentiment.
Obviously, a big part of it is mob mentality and the ways that truth doesn't particularly matter when they get on a roll. But I think it's more interesting and fun and messy that WWX really did have a habit of creating fertile ground for bad actors to use against him (even when he was right).
I do find it somewhat interesting how the juxtaposition of the Jiang motto/ideals/Way To Be that Wei Wuxian embodies - honest and unrestrained, do what is right even if it's impossible - can lead to a situation of winning the battle and losing the war. I've always found it particularly juicy that Jiang Cheng himself has to back away from those ideals and be more strategic, and re-reading these scenes does sort of cement my personal belief/interpretation that Jiang Cheng wasn't unjustified in the level of threat/danger he read into the things said at the emergency conference (as he elaborates on in the cave confrontation later in the chapter).
Just random musing that a little section of that Emergency Conference scene was actually a bit more nuanced than I'd remembered I suppose!
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mvsicinthedvrk · 8 months
i'm doing something a little different for my event prep-- because i'm on hiatus the rest of the month, i don't really have the ability to do much reaching out to plot (though if you pop into my dms unprompted to plot, feel free, as i'll definitely get back to you to chat when i'm able) and i need to make sure i keep my threads to a manageable number. but i still want to be able to be active during the event when i can! especially since other threads will be paused!
so below is my list of event threads; i'm limiting myself to 3ish per character for the time being with the understanding that i'm also willing to stretch it to more if there's pairings i really want to write for.
if you want me to write a starter, please request one below (limit 2 per member for now, please). i probably won't pre-plot with you much but i'll roll for the situation on my end as soon as u request them & add that info below so you have a general idea of what the conflict in the thread will be.
**and then this is the untraditional part of the starter call: there's obviously no obligation, but if you want to volunteer to write any starter(s) for a pairing, please also feel free to let me know below, so i can add that to my total thread count. i would love that. i likely won't be going through your starter calls to request things, not because i don't want to write with you all, but because i don't want to impose when there's a high chance i won't be around as much as usual
i'll also note that i don't think i'll be killing off any of my characters during this event, even temporarily, and if you want to kill off any of your muses, i'd honestly prefer you do it in a thread that's not with one of mine, but if you feel really strongly about it, we can definitely plot, i just need a heads up. thank u for understanding!
total thread count (list last updated saturday 10/14 at 9am):
bold is for my notes; means i need to write it still and strikethrough is that it's already written (written 19/20)
wei wuxian-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing wei wuxian and dream for alex (rolled: rat with a gun)
two: wei wuxian & yanli (aria writing)
three: wei wuxian & vic for swan (rolled: children with pumpkins for heads)
four: wei wuxian & cangse sanren (rolled: living corn attempting to eat u but it's still the size of regular corn)
five: wei wuxian & han solo (rolled: skeletons)
xie lian-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing hualian for mia (rolled: crossing stream)
two: xie lian & feng xin (kasey writing)
three: writing xie lian & mu qing for june (rolled: quicksand mud)
four: xie lian & shen qiao (june writing)
five: xie lian & sophie (rolled: a hoard of geese)
wen kexing-- 1 slot available
one: wenzhou (atlas writing)
he xuan-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing beefleaf for sunny (rolled: poisonous gas)
two: writing he xuan & chunyu for kasey (rolled: giant spiders)
sha hualing-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing sha hualing & shang qinghua for sunny (rolled: murderous clown)
two: writing sha hualing & tina for risa (rolled: gritty)
liu qingge-- 1 slot available
one: liu qingge & anya (violet writing)
loid forger-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing loid & anya for mia (rolled: werewolf)
two: writing loid & yor for kasey (rolled: giant table and feast)
dongfang qingcang-- 1 slot available
one: dongfang qingcang & xiao lanhua (kasey writing)
chu wanning-- 1 slot available
one: ranwan (kasey writing)
filippa kosta-- 1 slot available
one: writing filippa & cordelia for alex (rolled: high winds)
qi yan-- 1 slot available
one: qi yan & laudna for cassie (rolled: giant spiderweb)
kaz brekker-- SLOTS FULL
one: kaz & inej (sunny writing)
two: kaz & ninoma (alex writing)
three: writing kaz & wylan for aria (rolled: dead end/spores/drunk)
mo xi-- 1 slot available pls give him some love
one: june writing a surprise starter for mo xi and somebody
pei ming-- 1 slot available
one: pei ming & bond (risa writing)
two: pei ming & heidi for swan (rolled: werewolf)
lee rang-- SLOTS FULL
one: rang & yeon (atlas writing)
two: also lee rang & jang yeo hee (atlas writing)
two: lee rang & yuri for violet (rolled: whispering plant life)
xiao chiye-- SLOTS FULL
one: writing chiye & zechuan for june (rolled: werewolf, followed by truth zone)
two: chiye & qi zhuyin (june writing)
lu junyi -- 1 slot available
one: writing junyi & jasmine for moon (rolled: frozen tundra of corn)
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multeasers · 3 months
The rules are simple ! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back . Then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ) . Please repost, don’t reblog !
CURRENT MUSE / S : on this blog MDZS : a-qing, wen ruohan JJK : fushiguro toji BLEACH ( req only ) : coyote starrk FIRE FORCE : sagamiya konro DRAGON KNIGHTS : thatz DRAGON QUEST ( XI ) : erik NNT / SEVEN DEADLY SINS : hendrickson OC ( fandomless + various fandoms ) : antares
on other blogs @tenth-god : hermes ( record of ragnarök ) @missingkingss : derkila ( welcome to demon school! iruma-kun ) @faultedloyalty : sebastian ( black butler )
WANT TO WRITE : ngl been kinda tempted for awhile to add sinbad ( magi prequel only ), shinmon benimaru ( fire force ), and nick burkhardt ( grimm ) is still kinda high on the list too . basilisk ( my one piece oc ), or even his elder brother caiman, is someone i'd still like to one day include here in theory . there's a few others, from various fandoms, flying in the air
HAVE WRITTEN : the first character i ever rped was gisila, an old hetalia oc, from like ages 11 to 14 . never doing that again . the others i've rped were only ever oc's for media like fairy tail, bleach, one piece, the riordanverse ( mainly pjo back in the day ), and more i can't think of off the top of my head . since starting this blog, this is really the first time i've ever rped canonical characters :p
WOULD WRITE AGAIN : there's a few ocs who've been revamped and / or recreated, so if i ever feel like they could be on here, it'd be them !
tagged by stolen from : i forgot bc i drafted the outline a bit ago </3
tagging : anyone who'd like to do it :v
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infcinity · 1 year
post event starter call!!
hello friends, this is my post-event starter call for all of my muses! some of which have now changed to either aware or unaware! I will make a note beside each character for what their memory status will now be! I am in the middle of a plotting document, so I will be putting out a plotting call asap, so keep an eye out for that!
I will be capping these starters at six per character and three per mun! but for the usual drill, please let me know who you'd like a starter for & from, either wise I won't write it because I'm terrible at picking!
please note, I will be on holiday from 6/23 - 6/30 so none of these starters will be getting done until then, I will unfortunately have no wifi unless I want to pay for it, which I probably won't because it's fairly expensive!! i will do my best to get some of these in my queue when I can, though they may not have any gifs until I get home!
annie james ( 1 / 6 ) NEWLY UNAWARE
starters: robin buckley
astraea ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
ben solo ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
cassian ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
chrissy cunningham ( 0 / 6 )
starters: nam onjo
ewan mckinnon ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
george weasley ( 2 / 6 )
starters: josh washington, t.k. strand, hagrid, lily luna potter
gwen stacy ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
helena ravenclaw ( 0 / 6 )
starters: sylvie slytherin
jemma simmons ( 0 / 6 )
starters: elliot alderson
jiang cheng ( 5 / 6 )
starters: wei wuxian, lan wangji, wen qing, jin zixuan, jin ling
jyn erso ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
kirei monsula ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
lan sizhui ( 1 / 6 )
starters: wei wuxian
lucien vanserra ( 0 / 6 )
starters: ki yuri, bloo
mai ( 1 / 6 ) NEWLY AWARE
starters: katara
natasha romanoff ( 2 / 6 )
starters: yelena belova, nebula
parker halliwell ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
sarra palpatine ( 0 / 6 ) NEWLY UNAWARE
starters: tba
sidney prescott ( 2 / 6 ) NEWLY UNAWARE
starters: jill roberts, chad meeks-martin
sirius black ( 4 / 6 ) NEWLY UNAWARE
starters: ahkmenrah, ginny weasley, brenda bates, dumbledore
winter celchu ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
wrecker ( 0 / 6 )
starters: tba
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ailelie · 1 year
Nie Huaisang Saves the Day with Weddings
Shortly after the Phoenix Mountain Hunt goes pearshaped, Huaisang decides to get involved. This is not to help Wei Wuxian, at least, not completely. He just happens to see his brother nearly have a qi deviation before the hunt and then when Wei Wuxian disappears with the remnants, he happens to overhear someone mention Wen Qing and he gets an idea.
He can save his brother and Wei Wuxian with Wen Qing.
So he goes to Jiang Cheng before he meets with Wei Wuxian and shares his idea.
The problem is that the Yunmeng Jiang lack power at the moment. Jiang Cheng can't suddenly make his sect more powerful, but he can make it more connected. He has Yanli and Zixuan for the Jin, but he needs connections to the Lan and Nie.
Huaisang suggests getting Lan Wanji to agree to an engagement to Wei Wuxian. Then Jiang Cheng becomes sworn brothers with Huaisang and Huaisang marries Wen Qing.
At this point Jiang Cheng makes a face and Huaisang realizes that he likes Wen Qing. Which! That works too! Because, if Jiang Cheng is in love with Wen Qing, then Wei Wuxian was really just trying to rescue the family of his future sister-in-law.
However, Huaisang still really wants a personal Wen connection because that will make pushing his brother easier and could make saving him easier too. So he draws inspiration from his own family (working with the idea that his mother, Nie Mingjue's mother, and their father were all in a relationship before people started dying) and proposes a triad marriage.
And Jiang Cheng's like, I don't like you like that and you don't even know Wen Qing to which Huaisang counters that Wen Qing had helped him during the Indoctrination and potentially even helped him escape (though not in a way that was tangible enough for his brother to grasp).
Ultimately, Jiang Cheng invites Huaisang along to see Wei Wuxian and, along the way, they grab Lan Wanji as well.
While on the way to the Burial Mounds, Huaisang muses that the LWJ/WWX relationship would work better for their purposes if it was longstanding. Jiang Cheng counters asking when they could have possibly gotten engaged. Lan Wanji is very much Not Listening. Huaisang proposes moments and Jiang Cheng shoots them down and eventually, sarcastically, asks if they should have gotten engaged during the Gusu Lectures and Huaisang notices the way Lan Wanji's ears blush. And he's like, wait, you DID?!?
And so that becomes a Whole Thing because Wei Wuxian does not know he is technically engaged, but, Huaisang muses, they could pretend he did. Then him asking for Lan Wanji's ribbon at the Hunt wasn't him being rude, but the action of a young man wanting the secrecy of his engagement to end.
Anyway, they get to the Burial Mounds and Wei Wuxian is surprised by them all and barely has a chance to say anything before Jiang Cheng is like 'Did you know you're engaged to this idiot?'
Wei Wuxian is then like 'what?' His confusion is not helped when Huaisang explains his plan and Wen Qing, contingent on her brother, agrees. Wei Wuxian has quickly lost the plot.
Huaisang notes that LWJ/WWX can just be an engagement, but that'd it be better if he, Jiang Cheng, and Wen Qing eloped. Wei Wuxian tries to protest, but Jiang Cheng is like 'let us help you, asshole' and Lan Wanji says his name in that tone and so Wei Wuxian agrees to be part of the wedding and lets them serve him tea (Huaisang totally remembered to grab tea).
But then Wen Qing says she cannot marry Jiang Cheng while keeping a secret from him. And then she asks Wei Wuxian if he thinks someone else's secret should stand in the way of her happiness and the long-term safety of her people.
And Wei Wuxian is not happy but he eventually acquiesces.
And so that becomes a whole thing, too.
Anyway, this is not a marriage any of them ever expected or wanted (except in part in terms of JC to WQ), but it is the marriage they have. Their first step is to return to Lotus Pier. WWX and LWJ promise to hide and protect the remnants there. JC and WQ travel on to Qinghe with NHS to announce their marriage with NMJ.
And, slowly, while working to counter JGS (and JGY but maybe he gets redeemed in this fic), bolster the Yunmeng Jiang, and save Nie Mingjue, the three of them actually become romantically involved and I would really, really love to read that slow burn.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji get married eventually as well and they do adopt Wen Yuan. No one dies this time. Except JGS. And maybe Jin Zixun and Xue Yang.
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twistedappletree · 7 months
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youthslost · 7 months
atp I'm gonna create a fucking fandom wiki for my muse page cuz I cannot with tumblr html and idk how viable carrd is for multimuses with multiple verses.
anyway. write ups for a-qing and wen qing survives au coming.... eventually.
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coreofgold · 2 years
❝ a heart’s a heavy burden. ❞ wen qing to wen ning
Old memes @tragcdysewn
Wen Ning nods. "Y-yeah it is." He doesn't disagree on that. It can be a heavy burden. "But. . .but that's why we share that burden with others by caring and loving one another. That. . .that's what makes us whole"
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