#'the sinclair' refers to a member of sinclair security
vvatchword · 1 year
Dr. Lamb sat back in her office. All around her she could hear the nighttime heart of the Drop coming to life. Bawdy music, glass smashing, arguments keening up above the tenements, high-pitched laughter.
In her own mind, there was a deafening silence. Something was battering itself against the upper parts of her brain and she didn’t want to let it out.
She gazed down upon her notes. At first, they were only marks on a page; the slashes of some other person from some other time. She remembered how the group had exited: slowly, some still sniffling. The way arms came out; hands grasped each other. The group had walked into the room one by one, and it had left in a mass.
For individuals to unify: she had not asked for that. She had shown them ways to identify emotional and social problems; she had shown them ways to disentangle emotional reasoning from the logical; how to use lists and writing. She had not said, “Go, leave as a single unit, altogether.”
And they had not been fools. No, they were educated human beings; they repeated the philosophy back to her without trouble. But each person—without more than four or five sentences to one another mere minutes before—had gravitated to the others. The physicist had taken the arm of the actress and the editor, started talking in a low voice to them both; the track star had bumped up into them, tipping his hat; the housewife pulled on the track star’s sleeve and began to chatter breathlessly. Like a pack of dogs, they’d jostled as a unit out into the street.
A memory unfolded: the Sinclair lying battered before her broken window. The mass of humanity that opened before her where they had closed on him—like the jaws of a beast.
She alone stood singular.
She alone.
A horrible shock: did Ryan stand alone? Did Fontaine? Did any industrialist? When had she ever seen them without individuals whirling beneath them like bees below their queen?
She leaned back in her chair, took off her glasses, began cleaning them with a cloth. Her office loomed around her in indistinct shapes and colors.
Like bees.
Like termites. Like ants. Like fish. Like birds. Like wolves. Like great apes.
Oh. This was not a good thought. This was not a good thought at all.
If God were objective reality, she felt as though he had turned. She no longer gazed upon his back, but upon his burning face: light years away, and still it burned.
“You fool,” she said to herself, first. Then: “You fool.” For she thought of Ryan.
Of course the truth was all around him. It was all around her, too. It had always been, hadn’t it? As a child, she had been unsettled about all she could not know; how could one make the most satisfactory choice without knowing everything? And here she was, at least one foot on shifting sand.
Oh, God. Oh, what if both her feet…
No helping that. Here was the problem: if man was an animal, he was a social one. Was he not? Did he not instinctively seek out the city rather than the hermitage? And where in the philosophy was there allowance for man’s sociability? Sociability with true intimacy, flesh upon flesh, hand upon hand, without fear of destruction. When animals interacted with their groupmates, there was mutual grooming; safety in numbers; alerts for both danger and opportunity; singing; play for both practice and relaxation; protection; aid without expectation. Whereas in the philosophy, individuals walked side by side, but between them were gulfs; they feared each other, they hated each other, they resented one another. A man who reached out to another with the intent to help or soothe would be feared, not welcomed.
The philosophy’s weakness opened up to her like a terrible secret. For by forcing gulfs between individuals, it created a physical need in those animal bodies—to be touched, to be needed, to be held—until they could not resist any such call at all. Any vulnerability, any show of possible allyship, and suddenly they fell utterly helpless to the siren calls of their own bodies.
Did the physicist really have anything in common with the editor or the track star or the chemist? Perhaps in the actress, for she was conventionally pretty, and he was probably heterosexual. But the way he had instantly leaned into the older women, the way he had happily shaken hands with the track star… the joy on all their faces, as though meeting old friends.
It was far easier to imagine relationships in terms of sex. It was easier for her to think: of course the physicist would like the housewife and the actress; they are young and pretty, and he spoke of no romantic attachments. But that was too easy. That was how children looked at relationships: Mr. X likes Ms. Y, therefore they shall get married, and have a little X and a little Y. All this when relationships could fractal out beneath a human being in a thousand flavors, feelings, meanings, needs, of which sex was only one possibility—as equally complex and compelling as a friendship, but also only a possibility among possibilities.
She had begun writing. When had she begun writing? She wrote madly, pen shivering under the light. The face of God burned down upon her. The face of God burned down and she, too, burned. She burned alive.
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 2 months
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 2
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌒
Enid felt compelled to interrupt my slumber with the insufferable noise she calls ‘music.’ I let her know my sincerest thoughts on being awoken in such a manner. She was unreceptive to such criticism and posited the question ‘Are you sure you’re a raven? Because you seem more like a grumpy goose to me.’ I did not voice my displeasure at such a query. She then proceeded to toss my jacket and snood onto my bedding before informing me that I was to be dragged into town with her.
I do not recall agreeing to any such outing. However, before I could voice this she had already bounded out of the room like an overly excited puppy. I waited for her return to explain the obvious miscommunication but she did not. I quickly dressed and set about tracking her down. Unsurprisingly she was waiting just outside the front gates.
I was foolish in believing I could simply tell her I wasn’t going. She waved off my response before capturing my hand and pulling me with her. I did not attempt to escape even though her grip was weak. I do not recall why I didn’t. My mind had felt oddly hazy in the moment and I seemed to be experiencing some sort of heart palpitations. Perhaps it was because I had not acquired any sort of sustenance before finding Enid.
Enid seemed to anticipate this error on my part and took us straight to a cafe just before entering Jericho. I asked her why we didn’t simply dine in Jericho if it was our intended destination. She told me to ‘shut up’ and ‘just enjoy the coffee’. I decided not to question her further as she huffed. I could see those beautifully sharp fangs lengthening as she spoke. I seemed to experience some sort of mild gastrointestinal upset shortly after. It felt like my stomach was full of spiders. The feeling was not unpleasant.
Whatever strange and sudden illness that had a hold of me only worsened as the day progressed. I assume Enid was able to pick up on my affliction (perhaps she could smell it?) because she continued to keep a hold of my hand and insisted on opening doors for me. I was unaware my prognosis was so grim. She must have anticipated me losing my strength. I did not, but admittedly I felt unsteady at times.
A fever was another symptom that manifested from my mysterious illness. I found it most noticeable when Enid initiated physical contact. Werewolf bodies naturally run at higher temperatures so I assume that the contact in some way may have worsened this symptom. Yet despite my overheating I felt myself repeatedly drawn to my the werewolf. To be fair the temperatures outside were in the range to cause hypothermia if left exposed for long enough. I was simply ensuring my continued survival by staying close to her through our visitation and return from Jericho.
When we returned to our dorm Enid soon left to ‘catch up with the girls.’ I can only assume she was referring to that insufferable vampire Tanaka and her siren inamorata. I was left with an unusual sense of ennui at her departure. But I digress. This journal is a record of Enid’s unusual behaviors in correlation with the cycles of the moon and not my own sudden and inexplicable maladies.
Speaking of which, I have come to a hypothesis regarding today’s activities. Werewolves can be territorial creatures. It is my current working assumption that the outing today was a way for Enid to assess the current stability of her territory as the moon waxes. My accompaniment may have been a sort of added security, akin to a pack member, to enforce her claim. I would not be surprised as I have proven myself quite capable on numerous occasions. I must admit I feel most honored for her to have considered me for such an outing. Perhaps I shall subtly suggest subsequent outings to ensure the security of her territory.
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wotnahq · 3 years
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Party like it’s 2051! Join us for our Future AU Event!
New Year’s means a chance to reflect on the year before and plan for your future. After the upheaval brought by H.A.M.E.R’s arrival, C.A.R.M.A wanted to do more than just plan, they wanted to know just what was going to unfold. With the help of a Chronokinetic Metahuman and a dose of Dr. Parker’s Meta Steroid, they attempted to see what Pansaw would look like in just a few years.
Perhaps the Metahuman’s powers were underestimated, or perhaps the steroid dose was too strong; either way things went awry. Instead of sending themselves and a small group of C.A.R.M.A agents and scientists for a look into the future they ended up bringing most of Pansaw!
People around the city are waking up in a new year, though not the one they were expecting. The year is now 2051; the world has changed drastically from present day 2046. 
C.A.R.M.A is still very much around and is the main government organization leading the active war on H.A.M.E.R, though with some difficulty on account of the warzone being the city of Pansaw at danger to both Metahuman and human citizens alike. Whether H.A.M.E.R cares about the collateral damage of innocents or not, C.A.R.M.A does, period. This makes their job harder especially with the urban warfare both factions are engaged in.
C.A.R.M.A operates in carrying out strike forces and even the occasional covert black ops, keeping a cautious approach and bringing in the help of the rumored reformed Rebel Army and any willing vigilantes (including Hero Squad). These task units strike when and where needed, strike hard and fast, and minimize citizen casualties as best they can.
With this “cure” for Metahumans, C.A.R.M.A scientists have been hard at work trying to find a fix for the last few years. While nothing permanent has been successful, the Research & Development team created a “temporary fix” in the form of a pill. Similar to the Meta Steroid, it temporarily reactivates a cured Meta’s abilities for at least an hour. However, it comes with drawbacks such as nosebleeds, physical exhaustion, headaches, muscle aches, and nausea once its use wears off. There is also the danger for potential addiction. 
As H.A.M.E.R is starting to spread internationally they are starting to become an international crisis.  Because of this the United States/Pentagon and C.A.R.M.A are under extra scrutiny and pressure from the rest of the world like never before, and are being pushed to get the problem under control and snuff it out as quickly as possible. This has been putting even  more pressure on C.A.R.M.A and its Commanders, which is frustrating Commander Elisabeth Sinclair to no end and compounding on the stress of her and the other leaders.
The other side of the problem: H.A.M.E.R has infiltrated politics and factions within the government itself, bolstering their connections and continuing to gain sympathizers and support, even if it is not outright given. This is only increasing the paranoia within the U.S. government, driving them to increase security all around and giving them good reason for their increasing pressure on C.A.R.M.A to act more boldly and forcefully against H.A.M.E.R — all while they try to weed out the corruption and double agents within their own ranks.
H.A.M.E.R has spread their ideology beyond Pansaw. They’ve gained more followers, “cured” over thousands of Metahumans across the country, and have begun expanding outside the United States. Their victims number in the millions; disappearances and depowerings rarely make the news anymore as it has become the new normal.
They’ve grown exponentially, not necessarily in bases and most definitely remaining covertly run by its shadow leader, but they have gone online using hidden and encrypted online forums for communication and execution of their operations
Most Metas have gone back into hiding. They rarely use their powers – if at all – to avoid becoming one of H.A.M.E.R’s next targets. Others aren’t willing to go quietly. Either through demonstrations to remind the public of the people being hurt, cooperating with agencies like C.A.R.M.A, or taking matters into their own hands, they do what they can to fight back. 
The Hero Squad continues serving vigilante justice, working with both the Rebels and C.A.R.M.A now, however they are number one on H.A.M.E.R’s list with their public images as “heroes.” Some members have stayed and survived, others might have retired the masks and capes early to protect themselves, and perhaps a few have disappeared entirely, possibly “cured.”
There have been rumors of the Rebel Army reuniting, though H.A.M.E.R has yet to confirm this. Former Rebels meet under the cloak of night with the intent of assisting C.A.R.M.A in their goal of restoring peace between humans and Metas. They serve C.A.R.M.A as special forces teams, working with agents and scientists alike (depending on their preferences) to aid them in their goal of stopping H.A.M.E.R. 
While C.A.R.M.A works to fix their errors, people will have a few days to see what their life might be like if H.A.M.E.R isn’t stopped. 
This event will run from 12pm EST on Monday, February 1st until Monday, February 15th. In game, this event will last no more than a week. 
This event affects everyone in the game. All characters have woken up as their future selves in this 2051 version of Pansaw. Physically, they’re all five years older, but mentally they remain as their 2046 selves. They’ll have no memories of the years between then and now, but they can discover what’s going on by interacting with the world around them. Cell phones, homes, calendars, NPCs, and other items will give characters clues about themselves in the future, what’s happened to them, and what their future selves are like. 
For this, we ask all players to create a bulleted character history of what they’ve been up to and how they’ve been affected living in a world where H.A.M.E.R is winning. Have they survived H.A.M.E.R so far? Have they been cured? Are they living in fear or have they changed affiliations in order to do something about this new threat? What are their relationships with other characters in game, has anything changed? What is their attitude towards this new world under H.A.M.E.R’s growing reign? Players can be as creative as they like in deciding how much their characters’ lives have changed. These bios must be posted on each character’s blog by 11pm EST on Saturday, January 30th before our event starts. These bios must also be linked to the main for admins to reference and approve as well; no character will be able to start the event until their future bio has been reviewed and accepted by an admin.
Players, please LIKE this post so we know it has been read.
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falafel14 · 7 years
The Stranger Things Kids: Sorted into Hogwarts Houses
I recently listened to this Weird Sisters podcast sorting all the Stranger Things characters into Hogwarts Houses. And while I didn’t agree with all of their sorting choices, I loved their take on the four boys being a conceptual representation of the Hogwarts founders. Now I can’t help thinking that if our boys actually went to Hogwarts together, then they would all choose to be in the same house and that house would undoubtedly be Ravenclaw. Nerdy Ravenclaw traits are something they all have in common and it’s at least the secondary house for three of them, but the primary house of only one of them. Our Hawkins boys are actually ideal representations of each of the four houses and how these four character types can work together as an effective complimentary unit. So I wanted to expand on why the boys fit their houses so perfectly and then ponder which house Eleven might possibly be sorted into. The jury is still out on her.     
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Mike Wheeler: Gryffindor
Like the great Taystee Jefferson before him, Mike is a Gryffindor soul with a Ravenclaw mind. Like all the boys Mike is fiercely intelligent, but it’s his bravery, compassion and recklessness that drives him. Mike’s classic Gryffindor moment of course comes when he leaps off a cliff to save Dustin. It’s worth noting that in this scene Troy actually gave Mike the option of pissing himself or jumping to his possible death. And Mike with his insane impulsive Gryffindor courage chooses to show his bully that he’s ready to sacrifice himself for a friend at any moment rather than trying to negotiate for Dustin’s safety through fulfilling a lesser dare. Mike has another “You will have to kill me before I let you hurt my friend” scene when Brenner’s soldiers come for El at the school. And in the S2 finale Mike is not content with being benched or even just creating some small diversion to help El close the gate. No it’s Mike plan to go right to the roots of the Shadow Monsters hive mind and then set it on fucking fire.
The balls on this kid, seriously. But it’s not just his bravery that makes Mike a Gryffindor. We also see it in his desire and ability to be a leader. As the Dungeon Master of his group, Mike is assertive, motivational, a little controlling and a lot of a show off (as seen in his hilariously theatrical Thessalhydra death performance in the S1 finale). Mike can be arrogant in his leadership sometimes, expecting that no other party members will make decisions without him and furious when he finds out important decisions have been taken out of his hands. Like many a Gryffindor Mike has a hot temper, he shouts a lot and he gets his big ‘caps lock Harry!’ moment when he rages at Hopper for hiding El from him. That scene is the perfect clash of Mike’s righteous Gryffindor fire with Hopper’s cold cunning Slytherin survivalism. I suspect these two will continue to have conflict in future seasons as all great Gryffindors and Slytherins do. I’m also predicting that once they’ve grown out of their sibling squabbles we’ll start to see a stronger alliance between Mike and his sister. Nancy is also a Gryffindor with Ravenclaw wit and Hogwarts house traits tend to run in families, even though the magical Wheeler kids were born to oblivious muggle parents. Just as Nancy grabs a gun when the Byres house is under attack from demodogs, Mike snatches the first improvised weapon at hand, a candlestick. Mike surely doesn’t know how to fight with a candlestick. Point is the boy’s a fighter by nature.     
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Dustin Henderson: Ravenclaw
Do not tell me that Dustin is anything other than a Ravenclaw. I will fight you. I will grant that Hufflepuff may be Dustin’s secondary house, but it’d still be a very distant second because this kid is so Ravenclaw it hurts. Though he may at first appear to be the goofball of the group (not that Hufflepuff’s are actually goofs but this is the common misconception) Dustin is really the brains of the operation. It is shown time and time again that while all the boys are smart, Dustin is by far the smartest. Take the scene where Dustin comes up with the plan to use their compasses to find the gate and is a little pained at how long it takes Mike and Lucas to grasp a concept that instantly makes sense to him. This is what makes Dustin so Ravenclaw, his quick comprehension of crazy complex ideas. Though  it is more often Dungeon Master Mike who first comes up with theories on their supernatural problems, it’s Dustin who takes Mike’s ideas, expands on them and guides their party towards possible solutions. Look at how Dustin takes charge of explaining the Veil of Shadows and the Mind Flayer to the group, using textual references from the D&D handbook to support his thesis. He also fussily insists that everyone starts using his newly invented ‘demodog’ terminology, which is another classic Ravenclaw quirk. Dustin is full of them.
This is a kid who steals library books and interrupts his science teacher’s dates and justifies it by saying he’s on a curiosity quest. Dustin doesn’t tend to be as bold as Mike and Lucas in fights (he’s the one who initially cautions Will to cast protection) but Dustin is a fearless adventurer when it comes to expanding his knowledge. I’d say that it’s his Ravenclaw inquisitiveness rather than Hufflepuff sweetness that drives Dustin to risk keeping Dart as his pet. And while Dustin keeping Dart could be considered a dumb move from a supposedly smart kid, Dustin is vindicated in the end when he successfully uses his bond with Dart to help him and his friends escape the tunnels. Dustin doesn’t get too sentimental over leaving Dart (presumably to die?) seeming more interested in his scientific discoveries as he tells Steve to preserve a dead demodog in the freezer. Indeed, Dustin’s discovery that they can tame monsters from the Upside Down could prove really useful in future seasons. Lastly, I will add that Dustin’s Ravenclaw mind doesn’t always serve him well. He has a tendency to overthink things and assume his theories will always work in practice - such as if he copies the way Steve acts with girls, he will get girls like Steve does. This is why Ravenclaws like Dustin (and dear Luna) are often kooky misfits. Things that make perfect sense in their heads don’t always fit in with reality.        
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Lucas Sinclair: Slytherin
This is not to say that Lucas is the dark or corruptible kid of the group. Lucas is actually a great example of how a Slytherin can be a powerful ally, particularly a Slytherin with Ravenclaw brains (see Stiles Stilinski as another great example of this type). Lucas, like all Slytherins, is fiercely loyal to his own people yet very suspicious and hostile towards those outside his circle. To say that Slytherins have a strong sense of self-preservation is not to say they’re cowards. Lucas is clearly a little badass, but he’s also far more cautious, cunning and prepared for battle than impulsively-jump-off-a-cliff Gryffindors like Mike. Lucas has his wrist rocket and his army-style kit bag and he thinks before he acts or trusts anyone. Whereas Mike immediately took El in without question, Lucas gave her a hard time but also exhibited a rational mistrust of a girl so strange and powerful. But when Lucas comes to trust El, he is devoted to her. Lucas initially holds back on bringing Max in and telling her any of their secrets too. Like Mike he has a crush on the girl who he wants to be their new party member, but unlike Mike he is not blinded by his emotions. When Lucas brings Max into the fold he plans for it, he does it in a secure setting, he acknowledges the risks and he makes sure Max is aware of the consequences. And he does all this without consulting the group, because if Mike can take charge and recruit new members then so can he. And he will vet his newcomers more than Mike ever did.
So I guess the main thing that makes Lucas Slytherin for me is how he clashes with Mike. He’s one member of the party who challenges Mike as their leader. Their little row over both wanting to be Venkman speaks volumes. It is not just because Lucas resents being automatically cast as the black guy. It’s because Lucas and Mike both want to be the main man. There’s a sense in S2 that Lucas has taken the leadership role away from Mike, given that they are now playing arcade games, not D&D. As Dungeon Master, Mike led them in a game where they would all worked together as a group, though he was the one shaping the adventures. In the arcade, the games are competitive and Lucas is clearly the best at them, having the most high scores. While Mike seems disinterested and forgets to collect quarters, Lucas is out mowing lawns so he can show off his skills and brag about being top of most of the score boards. This is his Slytherin ambition coming through. Lucas is initially attracted to Max because she is a worthy arcade competitor and he treats his love triangle with Dustin and Max as a competition he’s determined to win. And just like Lucas gets the princess on Dragon’s Lair, he also gets the girl at the Snowball. Ironically though, I’d place Max in Gryffindor, meaning that like Mike and Lucas, they are likely to have a stormy relationship in future. But in Lucas’s case as an intellectual ambitious Slytherin, he thrives on people who challenge him.     
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Will Byers: Hufflepuff
Here’s our Hufflepuff. I was impressed that the podcast correctly sorted Will into Hufflepuff after only S1. It shows just how well Will was characterized even in a minor role. Though as they also rightly point out, Will was always most likely to be in Hufflepuff because he was raised in a family of Hufflepuffs. Not Lonnie of course but Joyce and Jonathan are both shown to be hard working, quiet and kind-natured and incredibly loyal to their loved ones. Will might not be working long hours to bring money into the Byers house like they are, but his preference for drawing over action figures hints that he’s a worker bee too. Unlike the other boys who favor games where they fight and win, Will would rather spend time quietly creating something. And while his mom is so gushingly proud of Will’s artistic talent, Will himself is quiet and humble about it. Just as he is humble in the games he plays with his friends. In D&D, the demogorgan gets Will because he was trying to do what was best for their group. He lacks the ambition to win for himself. Will always chooses to be kind and to please others. Like in the story Joyce tells about him giving away his Tonka truck to a little girl who was crying. It makes Will the best peacekeeper of the group - his little “Why can’t there just be two Venkmans?” line was so perfectly Hufflepuff.
However, for all his sweetness it’s not surprising that Will has had the darkest storyline so far. While Hufflepuffs are kind souls, they can also be perilously naive. See Jesse Pinkman as the perfect example of a sweet Hufflepuff who is especially vulnerable to evil influences and manipulation. His open and trusting Hufflepuff nature is partly what makes Will prey to the shadow monster. In S2, Will’s first mistake was to follow Bob’s advice, dear Bob who meant well but had no comprehension of the powerful forces Will was up against. Will is not a fighter like Mike and Lucas are. He survived the Upside Down mostly through hiding and holding on until he could be rescued. When he becomes possessed Will survives in the same way. Will takes Mike’s advice and he quietly spies on the monster inside him and selflessly works to leak his knowledge of the monster through his maps and Morse code messages. Even when being mind controlled by evil forces, his Hufflepuff nature shines through.  
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Eleven: Undecided
So all this brings me to El, the character I find that Stanger Things sorting hat posts struggle with the most. The Weird Sisters put Eleven in Ravenclaw on the basis of her telekinetic abilities, but I’d argue that having superpowers in your brain is not the same as being intelligent and cerebral. Ravenclaw is actually the last house I would sort El into, because she lacks a complex perspective on all matters. She tends to view people as either good or bad, she gets angry over lies and broken promises while ignoring any complicated reasons behind them. El does not act based on rationality but on her raw instincts. Her powers may be concentrated in her mind but in S2 they made it clear that her powers are fueled by her emotions. Dustin has described El’s superpowers as being like a battery that they need to recharge. But at the school, it turned out that El didn’t need chocolate pudding to take down Brenner’s men and the demogorgan. The thing that charged up her powers was her love for Mike. It was Mike kissing her and sweetly promising her she can have a normal life. That gave her strength to fight back when she was drained. So given that El is a feeler more than a thinker, I’m stuck between Gryffindor and Slytherin for her house.
As I’ve said with other characters like Will and Mike, Hogwarts houses often run in families. Eleven is a girl who’s been raised by Slytherins. And not just by bad Slytherins like Brenner, but by a more decent Slytherin like Hopper. She has a third Slytherin influence in her lost sister Kali. The Slytherin breeding has rubbed off on El. Like a Slytherin she is also fiercely loyal to her loved ones but hostile to outsiders, like Max. Like a Slytherin she has strong self-preservation instincts. And I suppose most of all like a Slytherin, El has a real potential to turn dark and have her powers become monstrous. However, El is in love with a Gryffindor and it could well be said that their shared Gryffindor spirits is what brought Mike and El together. It’s too early to say for sure but I think El is one of those characters who will slowly move away from her family house. Clarke Griffin was born into a family of Gryffindors and started off Gryffindor herself, but she developed into a diehard Slytherin. I could see El developing in a similar way, but in the other direction. Bred to be Slytherin, yet born to be Gryffindor.    
Other Gryffindors: Nancy, Steve and Max.
Other Ravenclaws: Bob, Murray and Mr Clarke.
Other Hufflepuffs: Joyce, Jonathan and Barb.
Other Slytherins: Hopper, Brenner, Billy and Kali.   
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adalidda · 4 years
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Illustration Photo: Developers in Vietnam (credits: Lawrence Sinclair / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Call for applications: AWS Hackdays Online 2020 for South-East Asia & Pakistan
After the success of the 2019 edition, AWS Hackdays is back in 2020 with an exciting new challenge! Introducing "AWS Hackdays: Build Tomorrow!", a hackathon for South-East Asian Developers who want to shape the future.
Contribute to building the future of your region today with the power of technology!
This year, the focus is on the acceleration of digitalization in South-East Asia. You will have the opportunity to bring new solutions to address four of today’s industry challenges by leveraging Amazon Web Services Tools:
Using Amazon Web Services, we expect you to create a prototype which addresses an issue in one of the below categories. The developed solution should demonstrate your skills in either Serverless, Machine Learning, IoT, Databases, Web Applications or Mobile Development. To give you a clearer image of what is possible, wouldn’t it be nice for instance to have an application to learn new languages by combining AWS Fargate and AWS Machine Learning services? You could also extend the functionalities into IoT devices with AWS IoT GreenGrass. Here are some other examples of potential issues that could be addressed in each category. They are just for reference, so feel free to be creative and come up with your own ideas!
> Predicting virus outbreaks with machine learning
> Analysing and predicting pollution levels
> Providing opportunities for foreign domestic workers to develop their tech skills via their mobile phones’ VR systems
> Managing inventory based on Machine Learning
> Automating waste separation with visual recognition
> Improving women’s physical security in the street through IOT solutions
> Preventing the trade of endangered species through online monitoring
To participate in the AWS Hackdays Online 2020, you must:
Form a team of 2 to 4 members Be at least 21 years old by the launch date of the hackathon Be a legal resident of the country in which you are participating
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/QukCSTYrqY6rLtHkt/call-for-applications-aws-hackdays-online-2020-for-south
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lopezdorothy70-blog · 5 years
Congressmen Threatened for Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link
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Attkisson Report Reveals Threats Against Congressmen Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link
by Barbara Loe Fisher The Vaccine Reaction
A Jan. 6, 2018 news report produced by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson for Sinclair Broadcast Group revealed that retired congressmen Dan Burton (R-IN) and Dr. Dave Weldon (R-FL) and current Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) were pressured by colleagues or threatened by PhRMA lobbyists to back away from examining vaccine safety issues, including the reported link between vaccines and autism.1
The report also revealed that, in 2007, federal government officials suppressed and then misrepresented the expert opinion of pediatric neurologist Dr. Andrew Zimmerman that vaccines can cause autism during U.S. Federal Court of Claims hearings evaluating vaccine-related autism claims filed in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP).2
“You really need to… back off on this”
The “Vaccination Debate” report was featured on “Full Measure,” Sinclair's investigative news show anchored by Attkisson, who said,
“We spoke to 11 current and former members of Congress and staff who claim they faced pressure, bullying or threats when they raised vaccine safety questions.”
Physician and former Rep. Dave Weldon commented,
“It would typically be in a hallway or the street and people would come up to you and say, “You know, you really need to, you know, back off on this. It could be, it could be bad for the community or bad for the country or bad for you.”
Attkisson also interviewed Rolf Hazelhurst, whose now 18-year old son, Yates, suffered severe vaccine reactions as a child and regressed into chronic poor health that was eventually diagnosed as autism. Hazelhurst, a criminal prosecuting attorney, said,
“And at first, I didn't believe it. I did not think that, I did not believe that vaccines could cause autism. I didn't believe it.”
US Government Suppresses Pediatric Neurologist's Expert Opinion on Autism-Vaccine Link
After Rolf Hazelhurst learned that Dr. Zimmerman's expert opinion was discounted and misrepresented by federal government officials for the purpose of denying federal vaccine injury compensation to his son3 and thousands of other children with vaccine related autism,4 Hazelhurst told congressional staffers at a 2013 briefing:
“If I did to a criminal in a court of law what the United States Department of Justice did to vaccine injured children, I would be disbarred and I would be facing criminal charges.”
He and environmental activist attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have filed a fraud complaint with the Justice Department Inspector General about the withholding of Zimmerman's expert opinion on vaccine-induced autism in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims proceedings.
The “Vaccine Court” and the Class Action Omnibus Autism Proceeding
The Secretary of Health and Human Services is legally represented by Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (“Vaccine Court”) when federal health officials contest vaccine injury compensation claims filed under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, a law that was passed by Congress in 1986 and substantively altered by congressional amendments between 1987 and 2016.5
The 1986 Act gave partial liability protection to vaccine manufacturers but protected a vaccine injured person's right to file a vaccine injury lawsuit in civil court if federal compensation was denied or was inadequate to provide for lifetime needs or if it could be proven that the vaccine manufacturer could have made a vaccine safer (design defect).
In a split decision in 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively barred all vaccine injury lawsuits, including for manufacturer design defect.67
Under the 1986 Act, special masters are appointed by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to adjudicate federal vaccine injury compensation claims.
The “Vaccine Court” oversaw a seven-year class action type Omnibus Autism proceeding that concluded in 2009 and threw out more than 5,500 vaccine injury claims for children with vaccine-related autism.8
The Court rejected the argument made by plaintiff's lawyers that vaccine-related autism is caused by mercury preservatives in vaccines and/or MMR vaccine or a combination of both.9
The gutting of the 1986 Act's safety and compensation provisions by congressional amendments, the Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Supreme Court has been strongly criticized by the National Vaccine Information Center for many years.101112
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report in 2014 analyzing the VICP's operation and was critical of how long it took for compensation claims to be resolved, primarily because most vaccine injury claims are contested by DHHS.13
Sharyl Attkisson: The Reporter Who Goes Where No One Else Will
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A CBS correspondent for more than 20 years, Sharyl Attkisson is a five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting and Pillar Human Rights Journalism Award for “Fearless Reporting in the Face of Government Retaliation.”
From 1996-2001, she hosted a half-hour weekly medical news magazine on PBS entitled “Health Week.”
She is the best-selling author of the books Stonewalled (2014) and The Smear (2017).
After leaving CBSin 2014, Attkisson joined Sinclair to head up the investigative journalism team staffing “Full Measure” to explore government waste, national security and whistleblower reports on government and corporate abuse.14
For more than a decade, Attkisson has authored and produced reports on a number of vaccine safety issues, including these:
Vaccine Case: An Exception or A Precedent? Mar. 6, 2008
How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? July 25, 2008 and Orange County Register Correction Apr. 18, 2011
Leading Dr:  Vaccines-Autism Worth Study July 28, 2008
Court Links Hepatitis B Vaccine to A Death May 12, 2009
Swine Flu Cases Overestimated? Oct. 27, 2009.
CDC: “Possibility” That Vaccines Rarely Trigger Autism Sept. 2, 2014 (republished Dec. 10, 2018)
Fact Check: Anne Schuchat's Claim That Vaccines Can't Cause Brain Damage Feb. 24, 2015.
She presented a Ted Talk on “Is Fake News Real?” in February 2018.15
Currently, she has a lawsuit pending against the DOJ and FBI based on First and Fourth Amendment rights alleging improper government surveillance of a private citizen journalist, including electronic surveillance of her computer, cyber stalking and cyber attacks.16
View the “Full Measure” report on The Vaccination Debate here.
Read the full article at TheVaccineReaction.org.
Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.
1 Attkisson S. The Vaccination Debate. “Full Measure” Sinclair Broadcast Group Jan. 6, 2019. 2 Attkisson S. Dr.Andrew Zimmerman's full Affadavit on alleged link between vaccines and autism that U.S. government covered up. SharylAttkisson.com Jan. 6. 2019. 3 U.S. Court of Claims. Hazelhurst v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Decision: Feb. 12, 2009. 4 U.S. Court of Claims. Docket of Autism Omnibus Proceeding. Jan. 12, 2011. 5 National Vaccine Information Center. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. 6 Supreme Court of the United States. Bruesewitz v. Wyeth No. 09-152. Justice Sotomayor with whom Justice Ginsberg joins, dissenting Feb. 22, 2011. 7 National Vaccine Information Center. National Vaccine Information Center Cites “Betrayal” of Consumers by U.S. Supreme Court Giving Total Liability Shield to Big Pharma. NVIC Press Release Feb. 23, 2011. 8 U.S. Court of Claims. Docket of Autism Omnibus Proceeding. Jan. 12, 2011. 9 Hitt M. Vaccine Court Rejects Autism Claims. WebMD Feb. 12, 2009. 10 Fisher BL. Compensating Vaccine Injuries: Are Reforms Needed? U.S. House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Sept. 28, 1999. 11 Fisher BL, Williams K, Wrangham TK. Statement for Government Accountability Office (GAO) Inquiry on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Operation. National Vaccine Information Center July 11, 2014. 12 Fisher BL. End Pharma Liability Shield Endangering Public Health and Human Rights.National Vaccine Information Center Nov. 8, 2016. 13 Government Accountability Office. Vaccine Injury Compensation: Most Claims Took Multiple Years and Many Were Settled through Negotiation. Nov. 21, 2014. 14 Attkisson S. Bio. 15 Attkisson S. Is Fake News Real? Ted Talk Feb. 13, 2018. 16 Attkisson S. Counting down to oral arguments in government computer intrusions. SharylAttkisson.com Jan. 5, 2019.
Tumblr media
Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages
“The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”
FREE Shipping Available!
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
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eBook – Available for immediate download.
Retail: $13.99 Now: $9.99 Order Here.
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden's research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life's work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
Read Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm on your mobile device or computer by ordering the eBook!
  <!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine. FREE Shipping Available! Order here.
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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Say NO to Mandatory Vaccines T-Shirt
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100% Pre-shrunk Cotton Order here!
Make a Statement for Health Freedom!
Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.
Show your opposition to forced vaccinations and support the cause of Vaccine Impact, part of the Health Impact News network.
Order here!
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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0 notes
battybat-boss · 5 years
Congressmen Threatened for Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link
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Attkisson Report Reveals Threats Against Congressmen Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link
by Barbara Loe Fisher The Vaccine Reaction
A Jan. 6, 2018 news report produced by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson for Sinclair Broadcast Group revealed that retired congressmen Dan Burton (R-IN) and Dr. Dave Weldon (R-FL) and current Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) were pressured by colleagues or threatened by PhRMA lobbyists to back away from examining vaccine safety issues, including the reported link between vaccines and autism.1
The report also revealed that, in 2007, federal government officials suppressed and then misrepresented the expert opinion of pediatric neurologist Dr. Andrew Zimmerman that vaccines can cause autism during U.S. Federal Court of Claims hearings evaluating vaccine-related autism claims filed in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP).2
“You really need to… back off on this”
The “Vaccination Debate” report was featured on “Full Measure,” Sinclair's investigative news show anchored by Attkisson, who said,
“We spoke to 11 current and former members of Congress and staff who claim they faced pressure, bullying or threats when they raised vaccine safety questions.”
Physician and former Rep. Dave Weldon commented,
“It would typically be in a hallway or the street and people would come up to you and say, “You know, you really need to, you know, back off on this. It could be, it could be bad for the community or bad for the country or bad for you.”
Attkisson also interviewed Rolf Hazelhurst, whose now 18-year old son, Yates, suffered severe vaccine reactions as a child and regressed into chronic poor health that was eventually diagnosed as autism. Hazelhurst, a criminal prosecuting attorney, said,
“And at first, I didn't believe it. I did not think that, I did not believe that vaccines could cause autism. I didn't believe it.”
US Government Suppresses Pediatric Neurologist's Expert Opinion on Autism-Vaccine Link
After Rolf Hazelhurst learned that Dr. Zimmerman's expert opinion was discounted and misrepresented by federal government officials for the purpose of denying federal vaccine injury compensation to his son3 and thousands of other children with vaccine related autism,4 Hazelhurst told congressional staffers at a 2013 briefing:
“If I did to a criminal in a court of law what the United States Department of Justice did to vaccine injured children, I would be disbarred and I would be facing criminal charges.”
He and environmental activist attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have filed a fraud complaint with the Justice Department Inspector General about the withholding of Zimmerman's expert opinion on vaccine-induced autism in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims proceedings.
The “Vaccine Court” and the Class Action Omnibus Autism Proceeding
The Secretary of Health and Human Services is legally represented by Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (“Vaccine Court”) when federal health officials contest vaccine injury compensation claims filed under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, a law that was passed by Congress in 1986 and substantively altered by congressional amendments between 1987 and 2016.5
The 1986 Act gave partial liability protection to vaccine manufacturers but protected a vaccine injured person's right to file a vaccine injury lawsuit in civil court if federal compensation was denied or was inadequate to provide for lifetime needs or if it could be proven that the vaccine manufacturer could have made a vaccine safer (design defect).
In a split decision in 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively barred all vaccine injury lawsuits, including for manufacturer design defect.67
Under the 1986 Act, special masters are appointed by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to adjudicate federal vaccine injury compensation claims.
The “Vaccine Court” oversaw a seven-year class action type Omnibus Autism proceeding that concluded in 2009 and threw out more than 5,500 vaccine injury claims for children with vaccine-related autism.8
The Court rejected the argument made by plaintiff's lawyers that vaccine-related autism is caused by mercury preservatives in vaccines and/or MMR vaccine or a combination of both.9
The gutting of the 1986 Act's safety and compensation provisions by congressional amendments, the Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Supreme Court has been strongly criticized by the National Vaccine Information Center for many years.101112
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report in 2014 analyzing the VICP's operation and was critical of how long it took for compensation claims to be resolved, primarily because most vaccine injury claims are contested by DHHS.13
Sharyl Attkisson: The Reporter Who Goes Where No One Else Will
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A CBS correspondent for more than 20 years, Sharyl Attkisson is a five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting and Pillar Human Rights Journalism Award for “Fearless Reporting in the Face of Government Retaliation.”
From 1996-2001, she hosted a half-hour weekly medical news magazine on PBS entitled “Health Week.”
She is the best-selling author of the books Stonewalled (2014) and The Smear (2017).
After leaving CBSin 2014, Attkisson joined Sinclair to head up the investigative journalism team staffing “Full Measure” to explore government waste, national security and whistleblower reports on government and corporate abuse.14
For more than a decade, Attkisson has authored and produced reports on a number of vaccine safety issues, including these:
Vaccine Case: An Exception or A Precedent? Mar. 6, 2008
How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? July 25, 2008 and Orange County Register Correction Apr. 18, 2011
Leading Dr:  Vaccines-Autism Worth Study July 28, 2008
Court Links Hepatitis B Vaccine to A Death May 12, 2009
Swine Flu Cases Overestimated? Oct. 27, 2009.
CDC: “Possibility” That Vaccines Rarely Trigger Autism Sept. 2, 2014 (republished Dec. 10, 2018)
Fact Check: Anne Schuchat's Claim That Vaccines Can't Cause Brain Damage Feb. 24, 2015.
She presented a Ted Talk on “Is Fake News Real?” in February 2018.15
Currently, she has a lawsuit pending against the DOJ and FBI based on First and Fourth Amendment rights alleging improper government surveillance of a private citizen journalist, including electronic surveillance of her computer, cyber stalking and cyber attacks.16
View the “Full Measure” report on The Vaccination Debate here.
Read the full article at TheVaccineReaction.org.
Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.
1 Attkisson S. The Vaccination Debate. “Full Measure” Sinclair Broadcast Group Jan. 6, 2019. 2 Attkisson S. Dr.Andrew Zimmerman's full Affadavit on alleged link between vaccines and autism that U.S. government covered up. SharylAttkisson.com Jan. 6. 2019. 3 U.S. Court of Claims. Hazelhurst v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Decision: Feb. 12, 2009. 4 U.S. Court of Claims. Docket of Autism Omnibus Proceeding. Jan. 12, 2011. 5 National Vaccine Information Center. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. 6 Supreme Court of the United States. Bruesewitz v. Wyeth No. 09-152. Justice Sotomayor with whom Justice Ginsberg joins, dissenting Feb. 22, 2011. 7 National Vaccine Information Center. National Vaccine Information Center Cites “Betrayal” of Consumers by U.S. Supreme Court Giving Total Liability Shield to Big Pharma. NVIC Press Release Feb. 23, 2011. 8 U.S. Court of Claims. Docket of Autism Omnibus Proceeding. Jan. 12, 2011. 9 Hitt M. Vaccine Court Rejects Autism Claims. WebMD Feb. 12, 2009. 10 Fisher BL. Compensating Vaccine Injuries: Are Reforms Needed? U.S. House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Sept. 28, 1999. 11 Fisher BL, Williams K, Wrangham TK. Statement for Government Accountability Office (GAO) Inquiry on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Operation. National Vaccine Information Center July 11, 2014. 12 Fisher BL. End Pharma Liability Shield Endangering Public Health and Human Rights.National Vaccine Information Center Nov. 8, 2016. 13 Government Accountability Office. Vaccine Injury Compensation: Most Claims Took Multiple Years and Many Were Settled through Negotiation. Nov. 21, 2014. 14 Attkisson S. Bio. 15 Attkisson S. Is Fake News Real? Ted Talk Feb. 13, 2018. 16 Attkisson S. Counting down to oral arguments in government computer intrusions. SharylAttkisson.com Jan. 5, 2019.
Tumblr media
Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages
“The Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”
FREE Shipping Available!
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
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eBook – Available for immediate download.
Retail: $13.99 Now: $9.99 Order Here.
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden's research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life's work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
Read Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm on your mobile device or computer by ordering the eBook!
  <!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine. FREE Shipping Available! Order here.
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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Say NO to Mandatory Vaccines T-Shirt
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100% Pre-shrunk Cotton Order here!
Make a Statement for Health Freedom!
Big Pharma and government health authorities are trying to pass laws mandating vaccines for all children, and even adults.
Show your opposition to forced vaccinations and support the cause of Vaccine Impact, part of the Health Impact News network.
Order here!
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://network.sophiamedia.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+m3_u); document.write ("?zoneid=3&target=_blank"); document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); document.write (document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); //]]>-->
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0 notes
beacon-of-chaos · 7 years
Defenders of Aura - A Battle Century G Campaign Diary
Session 3 After the debacle with the President, we are put under house arrest while the military assesses the situation. On the plus side, we are being detained in a pretty nice hotel. The downside: No room service. :( Ax attempts to flirt with one of the female guards outside his room, but with no success in this instance. We get called into Nina Burgess' office for a briefing. The Novak governor's successor is making a press conference on TV about how our two contries are working together in the wake of this tragedy etc. etc. We're considered trustworthy due to our actions on the day and the fact that Alpha Team were suspiciously absent. The military is working to find Alpha Team (we suggested going ourselves but we are told Alpha Team is the best of the best and it could well take an entire army to take them down o_o), while we are sent off to find the source of the communications jamming signal. We've narrowed down the location to a place called Vasoon; a poor country consisting of mostly flat and swampy land with some mountains. Before we head off, Fiona takes Sinclair out shopping for new comms units, ones that don't operate on a military frequency. We end up with some low-cost trash that Fiona decides to mod into wrist communicators. Meanwhile Ax invites Spectre and Eric go to watch Break the Abyss practice for the next concert. Spectre takes this opportunity to fall over his own feet in front of Orion. Smooth. B) We arrive and head to meet our contact. Unfortunately he didn't get the message and is rather suprised by our arrival. He tells us there are three potential places where our transmission may have originated from: A car factory, an electronics factory, and a research centre. All have been supposedly abandoned for years, but each has a communications dish large enough to transmit a jamming signal over such a long distance. We eventually manage to get in contact with Nina, who relays us some satelite data, showing that there has been recent activity at the factory and research centre. There have been sightings of flying vehicles near the factory, so we decide to check that out first. As we approach the factory an explosion happens and we see some kind of shape flying away at high speed, towards the mountains. Fiona suggests that maybe this is Alpha Team who is already ahead of us. We approach cautiously, checking for radio signals. We find the remains of... something. It appears to have been made out of white plastic, but it's in so many pieces we have no way of knowing what it was. We find the casing from a bullet nearby; a mecha-sized sniper cartridge. We decide not to hang around and instead head for the mountains. After searching around for a bit we discover another broken plastic thing. This one has been carved in half so we can see that it was actually some kind of drone, completely unmarked. Soon after, we find more of them, about a dozen. They quickly fly into attack formation, but Fiona's mech puts up a jamming barrage to deter them while Ax prepares an attack with his guitar axe. The drones decide to flee rather than fight in these circumstances. They're too fast to catch so we attempt to radio Nina for satelite assistance. We find ourselves wishing we had more of those homemade tracking devices around. We head back to the factory to examine the area. Scans reveal movement inside, but once we enter everything goes dead. The place looks like it's been modified, probably to produce those strange drones. We find an old computer that may have answers about what's going on. Sinclair attempts to bypass the security, but a hidden program begins deleting data off the drive. Sinclair manages to shut it down before too much is lost. We decide to give it to the tech experts back at base. We find nothing else. Our next stop is the research facility. It's up in the mountains and there are two main ways to get there: Flying straight over the mountain and landing nearby, or heading up the main road though a heavily guarded pass full of automated defences that the GM casually refers to as "the kill zone". We decide on the former route. When we get to the facility, we see a mech standing there, guarding the building, along with some parked vans. The mech belongs to Alpha Team member, Jericho. We attempt to hail him, but get weapons locked on to us in response. The facilities defences, five large turrets, also activate. Roll initiative! The fight is pretty straight forward, with Ax and Spectre hanging back while Fiona charges and Sinclair supports. Jericho and the turrets take a few shots but some poor rolls, combined with our various shields, allow us to remain unscathed through most of it. At one point Ax manages to reflect a bullet from a turret back at it and destroy it, which was pretty awesome. The fight comes to a close when Fiona manages to clamp her mech's giant wrench over Jericho's head and pin him down while Spectre finishes off the turrets with his beam sabre. Jericho ejects from his mech in an escape pod and flies away. Ax pulls out his sniper rifle and asks the GM if he can disable the pod. GM: It's a really hard shot to make. There's an exact number you need to roll. If you go over it by more than one, you'll kill him. Less than that and you'll miss. Ax: What's the number? GM: I'm not telling you. >:) Cue a large argument over whether or not Ax should take the shot, whether it's worth possibly commiting a war crime over. Ax decides not to listen to anyone and takes the shot, using every reroll at his disposal. He eventually settles on a total of 10. There's a brief pause before the GM announces... GM: You miss. Ax: Damn. What was the target? GM: A 12, 13, or 14, would have let you hit. Ax: Wait, if I can go back, I think I had an extra reroll- GM: No, sorry, you've called it. You missed. Ax grudgingly accepts the result and we dismount our mechs to explore the research facility. The GM decides this is a good place to end the session. Apologies if this is hard to read or has some mixed tenses or something. I wrote this during my breaks at work so it might seem kinda rushed. We might be getting a new player this week. :) Bonus quotes:
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marymosley · 5 years
“Myside Bias”: How The Democrats Are Becoming More Trump-Like And Why No One Seems To Notice
Below is my column in the Hill Newspaper on the Trump-like rhetoric coming from Democratic leaders as the 2020 election season ramps up. While correctly criticizing President Trump for many of his comments, the Democrats have been engaging in almost identical commentary with little coverage. What is now missing is a high ground in an election season that seems to be getting more and more irresponsible and hyperbolic.
Here is the column:
Whoever ultimately prevails among the more than two dozen Democratic candidates for the presidency in 2020, the clear victor may be Peter Wason. The English psychologist was the first to establish “myside,” or confirmation bias — the tendency of people to gather or interpret facts that confirm their assumptions or preconceptions. With every passing day, the same “myside” bias is becoming more and more obvious but less and less recognized in the media.
Democratic candidates and commentators have engaged in Trump-like comments with virtually no coverage, let alone objection, because it does not confirm their view that Trump is uniquely offensive and divergent from the norm. Trump supporters often are the focus of news coverage for what is viewed as their blind loyalty and their ability to tune out offensive or embarrassing statements by Trump. Yet, the media — and many Democratic voters — have entirely ignored Democratic figures engaging in almost identical conduct or commentary. They just do not hear it because of “myside” media and politics.
Name calling
Trump often uses juvenile or insulting nicknames for those who oppose him, from “Sleepy Joe Biden” to “Crooked Hillary” to “Pencil Neck” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).
The media has correctly objected to such name-calling yet said little when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) referred to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as “Moscow Mitch,” an allusion to his allegedly being a puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin for blocking bills on election security. McConnell took to the Senate floor to decry the “modern day McCarthyism” of labeling opponents as communist stooges over legislative disagreements.
Joe Biden has labeled President Trump as a “clown” or simply the “S.O.B.” New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio refers to “Con Don.” Yet, there was no outrage over those juvenile names — because they are dismissed as just desserts for Trump.
Attacking the media
Many of us have criticized Trump for his “enemy of the people” mantra about the media. Trump often attacks media viewed as critical of him, including most recently (and repeatedly) Fox News.
Yet, there was nothing but crickets when former congressman Beto O’Rourke (R-Texas) described Fox News and other conservative media outlets as being virtual mouthpieces of terrorism. Following the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, O’Rourke declared that “the seeds of terror … are transmitted day and night on Fox News, the most-watched cable news channel in the country.” He added that “they are amplified” by conservative media companies like Sinclair Media (which owns ABC, CBS and Fox affiliates) and “right-wing websites” like Breitbart.
Other Democratic candidates have attacked what they view as hostile media, too. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) described Fox News as “a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists” and mixing legitimate coverage with “bigotry, racism and outright lies.” Many people simply do not register these comments as attacks on the free press because they agree with the premise.
Attacking judges
Many of us have criticized Trump for his attacks on the integrity of jurists who ruled against him, such as his criticism of Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage. Many in the media celebrated when Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts rebuked Trump by rejecting the president’s talk of “Obama judges” or Democratic appointees serving on court benches.
Yet, when decisions have gone in favor of the Trump administration, many Democrats and media commentators have immediately referred to those judges as virtual Republican dupes. Democratic members have referred to Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh as the “Trump Justices” and threatened to expand the Supreme Court to dilute their votes. (In reality, both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh voted with the left of the Court on critical cases last term).
Esquire magazine published a column denouncing judges who ruled against ObamaCare, declaring that the Republican arguments “don’t need to make sense. They just need the right judges — and they’re everywhere in the federal judicial system.” One Nation article explained how Trump jurists “swarming our judicial system . . . will linger, like an infected wound poisoning the body politic.” CNN ran headlines about “Republican-appointed judges” supporting the ObamaCare challenge, while Democratic members of Congress denounced federal judges ruling for the Trump administration as examples of why new judges must be appointed by Democrats.
None of these attacks were viewed as casting aspersions on judicial independence — because, of course, they were considered true while Trump’s attacks were viewed as false.
Politicizing the legal process
Trump has been criticized for his campaign mantra to “lock her up,” as if he could dictate the prosecution of Hillary Clinton. He criticized the special counsel investigations and, bizarrely, intervened in Sweden’s prosecution of American rapper A$AP Rocky, demanding bail (which cannot be granted in Sweden) and suggesting a danger to U.S-Swedish diplomatic relations if A$AP Rocky was convicted (which he was this week).
All of that has been disgraceful. Yet, there was virtually no outcry when Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), a former prosecutor, adopted her own “lock him up” pledge by promising that, if elected as president, her Justice Department would have “no choice” but to prosecute Trump. The same people who found “lock her up” to be offensive found “lock him up” to be thrilling.
Last week, both Warren and Harris commented on the five-year anniversary of the Ferguson, Mo., shooting of Michael Brown, calling it a murder. The “murderer” in this case would be police officer Darren Wilson. Yet, a grand jury rejected all criminal charges in the case and the Obama administration’s Justice Department conducted a full investigation and also rejected criminal charges: “Not only do eyewitnesses and physical evidence corroborate Wilson’s account, but there is no credible evidence to disprove Wilson’s perception that Brown posed a threat to Wilson as Brown advanced toward him.”
Thus, Warren and Harris not only rejected the conclusions of grand jurors and career prosecutors; they declared a police officer to be a murderer without even a charge, let alone a trial. Where was the outrage to that politicizing of the legal process?
None of this calls out for sympathy for Trump, who richly deserves criticism for his comments. However, Democrats have engaged in the same kind of comments with nary a word of remonstrance.
What is most striking in all of this is how many voters do not recognize their “myside” bias. Everything Trump says confirms their position, while similar comments by Democrats are ignored or excused. The result is a type of liberal exceptionalism.
In the 1960s, Wason was able to achieve his results with a couple dozen subjects, but the 2020 election is proving to be the largest Wason experiment in history, on the scale of tens of millions. The reason is that, while Wason actually exposed his subjects to opposing facts (which were still rejected), today’s voters live in hermetically sealed echo chambers where they select news that confirms their bias. For many Democrats, even if they hear Trump-like comments from fellow Democrats, they blame Trump for creating the environment leading to those comments.
What remains is bias protected by a hard shell of hypocrisy: All is fair in combating Trump … even becoming more like him by the day.
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanTurley.
“Myside Bias”: How The Democrats Are Becoming More Trump-Like And Why No One Seems To Notice published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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juliandmouton30 · 7 years
10 buildings that use classic cars to improve their image
Classic cars are frequently used as props when photographing newly completed architecture projects, while sometimes entire homes are designed around their owner's automobiles. We've chosen 10 where photogenic vehicles compliment the buildings, from a countryside retirement home to a converted windowless garage.
Villa SG21 by FillieVerhoeven Architects
A silver Jaguar E-Type Coupe takes centre stage in this photograph by François Verhoeven of Villa SG21 in Holland.
Dutch studio FillieVerhoeven Architects built the asymmetric blackened timber-clad house in adherence to strict local planning regulations, due to the historic area, which required that the house include a sloping roof to fit in with the surroundings.
While the barn-stylings of the house reference the area's agricultural heritage, the architects incorporated the owner's wish for a bold, minimal aesthetic by installing large glazed openings on all sides.
Find out more about Villa SG21 ›
Silver House by Hyde + Hyde
A cantilevering balcony shelters a DeLorean DMC-12 parked outside this house in Wales, by architecture practice Hyde + Hyde.
In this image, photographer Michael Sinclair has married the steely tones of the 1980s car to the blues of Silver House's exterior.
Made for a family who relocated to Wales from London in search of a more nature-filled existence, Silver House features glass walls to make the most of the surrounding views.
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Garage House by Fala Atelier
A black Fiat 500 takes pride of place inside an open-plan living space by Fala Atelier, which was once a windowless garage.
When the 200-square-metre garage was converted into a liveable space for an "open-minded couple with a very tight budget", the Porto-based architecture studio used the industrial concrete flooring to its advantage to create a modern, minimalist space, introducing splashes of colour with the soft furnishings.
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Suspended Patio House by 3322 Studio
The red exterior of a 1950s BMW Isetta adds a bold dash of colour to the muted tones of 3322 Studio's Suspended Patio House.
Large expanses of windows fill the Tel Aviv residence with an abundance of natural light across the open-plan living spaces, which accommodate for the changing needs of the family's young sons.
The concrete walls and steel surfaces are warmed by a wooden Herringbone flooring, with vintage furniture furnishings like the iconic Eames Lounge Chair.
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The Quest by Ström Architects
The beige coating of a vintage Aston Martin Vantage compliments the sandy shades of Ström Architects' larch-clad retirement home in the English countryside.
The Quest house was built upon a run-down bungalow that existed on the site since 1917, for a couple looking to retire to a picturesque rural area.
Floor to ceiling glass doors and larch cladding form the exterior of the house, which "eschews the usual trappings of staid, retirement home design".
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Carpenters Workshop by Studio OxL
An electric sports car has been made part of the interior in this former carpenter's workshop, "securing a prime parking spot in the middle of Arnhem's city centre," said architect Wouter Oostendorp.
His Rotterdam-based Studio OxL converted this once 210-square-metre workshop into a three-bedroom apartment. The open-plan interior features wide garage doors that open directly from the street into the living space.
As the electric car has no exhaust, the car fits into the interior "just like a painting", and is able to be driven away without polluting the living space, Oostendorp told Dezeen.
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Pagoda House by I/O architects
The owners of this timber-clad home prioritised their vintage Mercedes 280sl (otherwise known as a Pagoda) to such an extent that they named their house after it.
Bulgarian practice I/O architects built Pagoda House into the hillside, so that residents can appreciate surrounding views of the city skyline while still being secluded from the street.
The interior features a glass wall between the stairwell and a built-in garage, which turns the owner's classic Mercedes into a decorative object when not in use.
Find out more about Pagoda House ›
Graz Showroom by Hiroshi Nakamura
Hexagonal segments provide parking bays for classic cars in this Tokyo home and workplace for a car dealer.
The reinforced concrete structure uses one floor as the client's family residence, and the other as his office and showroom.
Both floors are separated by triangular-arched openings, which align to form a lane down the middle of each floor, providing an access route for cars on the ground floor.
Find out more about Graz Showroom ›
Water Factory by Andrew Simpson Architects
This red-brick loft residence in Melbourne, Australia, houses the client's red Ford Mustang in a garage at the rear of the property, which features exposed brickwork and translucent doors.
Previously occupied by a jam factory, an aerated water factory, an advertising agency, and an engineering consultancy, the converted 19th-century warehouse has separate entrances for different members of the extended family who live there.
Find out more about Water Factory ›
Underground Garage by B29
An undisclosed royal client keeps his classic cars and motorcycles, including an Austin Healey Sprite, in a secret subterranean garage space in Switzerland.
Geneva studio B29 designed the underground "James Bond super garage" near Lake Geneva using two car-sized lifts that are operated by giant electric pistons, and sheltered beneath a 7.5-metre-long pitched roof.
The concrete and brick construction takes its cues from a 19th-century stable block, replacing the racehorses with luxury vehicles.
Find out more about Underground Garage ›
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Jaguar electrifies its classic E-type car
The post 10 buildings that use classic cars to improve their image appeared first on Dezeen.
from ifttt-furniture https://www.dezeen.com/2017/10/16/10-buildings-classic-cars-architectural-photography/
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
PRESIDENT TRUMP’S WAR — SPOTTED at Sinclair HQ: Laura Ingraham — TRUMP aides plot immigration deal — HOW THE TRUMP SONS are running the family biz — MNUCHIN’s wife gets heat for Insta post — B'DAY: Rich Lowry
Good Tuesday morning. SIREN: INSIDE THE DEBT-CEILING DRAMA … THE NATION’S BORROWING LIMIT needs to be lifted in the next month or so, and House and Senate Republicans and the Trump administration have NO IDEA AND NO PLAN how it’s going to get done, according to sources in each corner of the fight. ELEMENTS IN THE WHITE HOUSE have signaled to Hill leaders they believe Congress will pass a clean increase — lifting the debt cap without other provisions. This will not fly with some conservative members, who want some sort of policy concessions. HOUSE and SENATE REPUBLICANS tell us they have not decided on a strategy as of yet. The prevailing theory among GOP aides continues to be that the Senate will pass a clean debt ceiling increase and jam the House with it. That seems risky, and aides are worried.
— MITCH MCCONNELL, yesterday in Kentucky: “There is zero chance — no chance — we will not raise the debt ceiling.”
Story Continued Below
— FROM A GOP HILL AIDE: “Leadership has no plan for debt ceiling. Zero specifics on tax reform. We are six weeks away for funding the government and no one has any idea what will happen. Leadership has nothing they’ve articulated.”
THE BOSTON GLOBE’S VICKY MCGRANE — “Businesses fret over Congress’ ability to avoid debt default” http://bit.ly/2vUBW8X
NANCY COOK on tax reform: “There is broad consensus, according to five sources familiar with the behind-the-scenes talks, on some of the best ways to pay for cutting both the individual and corporate tax rates. The options include capping the mortgage interest deduction for homeowners; scrapping people’s ability to deduct state and local taxes; and eliminating businesses’ ability to deduct interest, while also phasing in so-called full expensing for small businesses that allows them to immediately deduct investments like new equipment or facilities.” http://politi.co/2imiAoC
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/2lQswbh
— NYT’s MARK LANDLER and MAGGIE HABERMAN: “Angry Trump Grilled His Generals About Troop Increase, Then Gave In”: “President Trump’s skepticism about America’s involvement in Afghanistan was no secret to his staff. But his top national security officials were still taken aback at a meeting in the Situation Room on July 19, when an angry Mr. Trump began ripping apart their latest proposal to send thousands of additional American troops to the country. ‘We’re losing,’ the president declared, according to a person who was in the room. The plan, he complained, was vague and open-ended, with no definition of victory. ‘What does success look like?’ he asked.
“The day before that meeting, Mr. Trump had invited four soldiers who had served in Afghanistan to the White House for lunch. His exchanges with these enlisted men, an official said, left him sober about the prospects for turning around a war that has dragged on for nearly 16 years. He showed up the next day determined to ask hard questions.” http://nyti.ms/2x8hUGr … Video of Trump’s speech http://bit.ly/2imLhS9
— ELIANA JOHNSON: “How Trump swallowed a bitter Afghanistan pill,”: “The plan – which will maintain an unspecified U.S. troop presence without withdrawal timetables and intensify pressure on Pakistan to crack down on terrorist safe havens – was the product of a months-long strategy review in which the president’s national security team talked him out of ending the costly 16-year war. ‘It wasn’t a debate,’ said a senior White House aide. ‘It was an attempt to convince the president.’ … If there was a worldview behind the remarks, it was what Trump called a ‘principled realism’ devoted to rooting out terrorists without building up the countries that host them – a balance between the president’s isolationist tendencies and the neoconservative ideology that animated the last Republican administration. ‘We are not nation-building again,’ Trump said. ‘We are killing terrorists.’” http://politi.co/2wsSVRg
— WAPO’S PHIL RUCKER and BOB COSTA: “Trump’s private deliberations — detailed in interviews with more than a dozen senior administration officials and outside allies — revealed a president un­attached to any particular foreign-policy doctrine, but willing to be persuaded as long as he could be seen as a strong and decisive leader. ‘This has been many months in the making,’ said Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president. ‘The hallmark of leadership is a deliberative process, not an impulsive reaction, and that is precisely the protocol he followed here.’
“Part of that listening included hearing out the military about sharing the burden in the region and getting Pakistan more involved in managing the war. ‘When Secretary [Jim] Mattis said this would be a South Asia strategy, that tells you a lot,’ said John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, referring to recent remarks by the defense secretary. ‘The big issue wasn’t land-war tactics. The big issue is Pakistan.’ He called Trump’s Monday speech the ‘defining moment of the Trump policy seven months into the administration.’” http://wapo.st/2wz7HVS
— POLITICAL REALITY, via WaPo’s Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Anne Gearan: “Trump’s decision is a middle path that does not hew to either of the main foreign policy themes he articulated as a candidate: to stay out of expensive overseas quagmires, and to decisively win any conflict worth entering.” http://wapo.st/2v1XbGZ
— SUSAN GLASSER: “America Is Out of Ideas in Afghanistan”: “President Trump proved one thing beyond the shadow of a doubt in his Afghanistan strategy speech Monday night: After nearly 16 years of fighting America’s longest war, there are no new ideas. He called his plan ‘dramatically different.’ It wasn’t. The only thing that seemed a striking change from his two presidential predecessors’ approach to the war launched after the attacks of September 11, 2001, was Trump’s escalatory rhetoric. He repeatedly vowed to ‘win’ a conflict that his Defense Secretary James Mattis told Congress recently ‘we are not winning’ and sharply criticized Afghanistan’s neighbor Pakistan, a troublesome ally Trump excoriated for offering ‘safe haven’ to terrorists.” http://politi.co/2g0WUxg
— WHAT KABUL IS THINKING — AP: “Afghanistan’s government is applauding President Donald Trump’s speech for focusing on needs and conditions instead of timelines. Afghan Ambassador to the U.S. Hamdullah Mohib calls it a ‘10 out of 10.’ He tells The Associated Press by telephone from Kabul that Afghans heard ‘exactly what we needed to.’ Mohib says critiques of the speech for failing to disclose troop numbers are misguided. He says the focus on numbers detracts from the ‘real focus’ on conditions and support needed for Afghanistan to succeed and achieve peace.
“The ambassador is also praising Trump for ‘breaking the silence’ about Pakistan’s sheltering of what he calls terrorists. Trump emphasized the need for Pakistan to stop harboring the Taliban. Mohib says Afghanistan has made progress and is committed to pursuing reforms to show it merits continuing help from the U.S.” http://bit.ly/2wzxWvf
WHAT TRUMP IS WAKING UP TO — N.Y. POST: “THE TRUMP DOCTRINE: We stay in A’Stan, but ‘no nation building’” http://nyp.st/2algwpl … N.Y. DAILY NEWS: “MAKE WAR SURGE AGAIN: Trump touts new plan for Afghanistan but won’t give strategy” http://nydn.us/2vUhEMX … ANOTHER DAILY NEWS COVER: “NOT TOO BRIGHT!: Trump ignores fake news warning, stares at eclipse” … N.Y. TIMES: “IN SPEECH, TRUMP SETS U.S. STRATEGY FOR AFGHAN WAR … Generals’ Warnings Overrode Initial Skepticism … Expanding Role in a Conflict He Once Called Futile” http://nyti.ms/2wzQOKT …
… WAPO: “Troop increase planned in Afghan war … Behind the decision: Debate, infighting and stalemate, and finally a bow to the generals … NEW STRATEGY AFTER INTERNAL REVIEW: Trump previously called conflict a waste of time” … WSJ: “Trump Vows New Afghan Tack: President will boost pressure on Pakistan, avoid telegraphing U.S. military strategy”.
— ONE THOUGHT: Trump says he will not detail publicly how many more troops he’s sending to Afghanistan. We’ll see if that flies with lawmakers when Defense Secretary Jim Mattis heads to Capitol Hill to testify this fall.
****** A message from Chevron: When an endangered butterfly was found near a Chevron refinery, we protected the habitat and still plant the only thing they eat—buckwheat. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2ie5v0A ******
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Navy to Pause Operations, Review Collisions, With 10 Missing: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis responds as storm impedes search for sailors from USS John S. McCain,” by WSJ’s Nancy Youssef in Washington and Jake Maxwell Watts in Singapore: “The U.S. Navy announced a pause in its global operations and patrols and has begun a broad investigation after the destroyer USS John S. McCain on Monday collided with a merchant vessel, leaving 10 sailors missing, the second such incident in just over two months.
“The response by the U.S. military signals the Navy believes it needs to examine whether there may be institutional problems behind the deadly collisions, and that it may need to retrain some of its personnel in seamanship. Navy Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, announced ‘an operational pause be taken in all of our fleets around the world’ — a move that officials said was rare.” http://on.wsj.com/2g1ZEdN
TRUMP’S TUESDAY — TRUMP is going out west. He’ll head to Yuma, Arizona, at noon. He’ll go on a tour of “U.S. Customs and Border Protection equipment” and meet with Marines. He’ll then head to Phoenix for a campaign rally.
— WE HEAR the White House was working the Hill to drum up support for Trump’s trip to the border. The House Freedom Caucus is taking the lead in that effort.
VP MIKE PENCE is accompanying Trump to the rally in Phoenix. JUST A NOTE: Pence and Jeff Flake served together in the House and know each other well. If Trump attacks Flake, it will be interesting to see Pence’s reaction.
NEXT UP… “GOP on eggshells as Trump storms into Phoenix,” by Alex Isenstadt in Phoenix: “President Donald Trump faces a decision on Tuesday evening with profound implications for his already strained relationship with the GOP: Whether to attack a vulnerable Republican senator on his home turf. While White House officials won’t say exactly what’s on Trump’s agenda when he holds a campaign-style rally here, there is a widespread expectation that he will go after GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, a loud critic of the president who recently published an anti-Trump manifesto, ‘Conscience of a Conservative.’
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Majority Whip John Cornyn, and [NRSC] Chairman Cory Gardner all declared that Flake had their full support. On Tuesday morning, Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC closely aligned with McConnell, will amp the pressure. The group is set to release a blistering digital ad campaign that targets former Kelli Ward, a conservative former state senator and Flake primary opponent who Trump praised in a tweet last week.
“The ad paints Ward as an extreme figure with ‘crazy ideas’ who engages in ‘embarrassing behavior.’ People close to the group describe the offensive as part of a broader effort to show that any Trump-led push to undermine Flake, or any GOP incumbent for that matter, won’t go uncontested.” http://politi.co/2vkusZf … The ad http://bit.ly/2wzsVmq
— @KFILE: “.@kelliwardaz’s new ad ties Jeff Flake to Obama, but it looks like a photo from bill signing for judge killed in the Giffords attack.” http://bit.ly/2imtLO4
— SEN. JEFF FLAKE (R-ARIZ.) to Kurtis Lee of the L.A. Times: “What did he think about Trump calling him toxic on Twitter, reporters asked Flake on Monday after speaking to a gathering of local business leaders? ‘I don’t worry about it at all,’ Flake said at an events center here in the suburbs east of Phoenix. Is Trump right in offering aid and comfort to his primary challenger, former state Sen. Kelli Ward? ‘That’s not my realm. That’s somebody else’s. I just — I’m running my own campaign. It’s going well. And what the president does, that’s his prerogative,’ Flake said.” http://lat.ms/2vUpgis
— “Arpaio keeping his calendar clear for possible Trump pardon,” by Ted Hesson: “Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Monday that he doesn’t know whether President Donald Trump will grant him a pardon this week — but he’s keeping his calendar open. When asked whether he would be available when Trump visits Phoenix on Tuesday, the 85-year-old former Arizona lawman told POLITICO that ‘of course’ he would be. … The former sheriff was convicted in late July of criminal contempt in a racial profiling case and faces a maximum of six months in jail. He is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 5.” http://politi.co/2x7Z0j7
BEHIND THE SCENES — “Trump aides plot big immigration deal — that breaks a campaign promise,” by McClatchy’s Anita Kumar: “Donald Trump’s top aides are pushing him to protect young people brought into the country illegally as children — and then use the issue as a bargaining chip for a larger immigration deal — despite the president’s campaign vow to deport so-called Dreamers. The White House officials want Trump to strike an ambitious deal with Congress that offers Dreamers protection in exchange for legislation that pays for a border wall and more detention facilities, curbs legal immigration and implements E-verify, an online system that allows businesses to check immigration status, according to a half-dozen people familiar with situation, most involved with the negotiations.
“The group includes former and current White House chiefs of staff, Reince Priebus and John Kelly, the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, who both serve as presidential advisers, they said. Others who have not been as vocal publicly about their stance but are thought to agree include Vice President Mike Pence, who as a congressman worked on a failed immigration deal that called for citizenship, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn, a Democrat who serves as director of the National Economic Council. …
“On the other side, a smaller group — including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his former aides, Stephen Miller, who serves as Trump’s senior policy adviser, and Rick Dearborn, White House deputy chief of staff — opposes citizenship, according to sources familiar with the discussions. … Miller was ordered not to brief the president on the issue in recent months, according to two of the people.” http://bit.ly/2vaiYIy
RYAN FACES LOCAL PEPPERING — FIRST TOWN HALL SINCE 2015 — “Ryan faces heat back home in Wisconsin,” by Rachael Bade in Racine, Wisconsin: “Paul Ryan was one of most popular Republicans in the country last fall, routing his Democratic challenger and beating back a Donald Trump-inspired primary challenger who trolled him at every turn. Yet there he was, taking flak from discontent constituents at a town hall in Racine on Monday night. …
“In this small southeast Wisconsin town on Lake Michigan, the speaker fares no better than any other congressional Republican facing unhappy crowds. And in some ways his powerful position in Washington makes it worse because he controls the 240-strong House Republican majority. While the CNN-hosted Ryan town hall was carefully choreographed, packed with about 300 well-behaved attendees, interviews with constituents who have voted for Ryan showed many were disquieted by the GOP’s failure to deliver on key campaign promises. …
“To be sure, Ryan is still extremely popular with Republicans here in the First District. All but one Republican interviewed for this story said he or she would vote for Ryan again, and many praised him as ‘honest,’ ‘tenacious’ and ‘hard-working.’ Some, like Franksville-native Bill Jaeck, even parroted Ryan’s talking points about House-passed bills stalled in the Senate — an echo worthy of Ryan’s Washington press conference.
“But there’s a sinking feeling among some Ryan supporters that the man they’ve known and voted in for years is not the superman they’d hoped. ‘Being speaker of the House has become a setback. … It’s basically ruined his career for a while, because he’s forced to do many unpopular things,’ said Marlene Lamberton of Caledonia, a longtime supporter.” http://politi.co/2in2zyq
INTERESTING BITES FROM RYAN… ON NEW AFGHANISTAN STRATEGY: “I’m pleased with the decision. I’m actually pleased with the way he went about making this decision. … So I also think what I heard tonight for the first time — this is what I wasn’t briefed on — is I think I heard a new Trump strategy, or a doctrine, so to speak. Principled realism I think is how he described it.”
— ON TRUMP’S HANDLING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE SITUATION: “[I] think it was in New York on an infrastructure press conference, in answer to a question, I think he made comments that were much more morally ambiguous, much more confusing. And I do think he could have done better. I think he needed to do better. I actually think what he did two days ago in commending the peaceful protests against the hate in Boston was a good start. And I think just what I heard, I don’t know, 25 minutes ago, was exactly what a president needs to say and what we needed to hear. So I do believe that he messed up in his comments on Tuesday, when it — it — it sounded like a moral equivocation, or at the very least moral ambiguity, when we need extreme moral clarity.”
— ON CENSURING TRUMP: “I will not support that. I think that would be — that would be so counterproductive. If we descend this issue into some partisan hack-fest, into some bickering against each other, and demean it down to some political food fight, what good does that do to unify this country?”
PER BEN WHITE’S MORNING MONEY – “MNUCHIN’S WIFE HITS TURBULENCE – Lot of buzz on Twitter last night over an Instagram post and reply from Louise Linton, the actress who recently wed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The initial post showed Linton and Mnuchin getting off an official plane from a trip to Kentucky. And Linton hashtagged just about everything including her high end ensemble featuring #tomford sunglasses, #roulandmouret pants and #hermesscarf. A commenter on the post said: ‘Glad we could pay for your little getaway. #deplorable.’ That apparently set Linton off. In a long response she said, among other things: ‘Have you given more to the economy than me or my husband. … I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did. … Thanks for your passive aggressive nasty comment.’ … Linton’s Insta account is now private. Needless to say, saying ‘my husband and I are richer than you’ is probably not a great move.” The deleted Instapic http://bit.ly/2wiD1IK
— SPOTTED AT THE SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP OFFICES: Laura Ingraham yesterday meeting with David Smith, the company’s executive chairman.
— AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK is doubling down on tax reform. The group is running ads in 34 congressional districts as part of a $1 million radio campaign running through the end of the month. Six of the districts will be up with a Spanish version. The ad http://bit.ly/2v1U6GX
MEDIAWATCH – “Ross Levinsohn named new publisher and CEO of Los Angeles Times as top editors ousted,” by LA Times’ Meg James: “In a dramatic shakeup at the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago-based parent company has installed new leadership and plans to invest more resources in the news organization to move it more quickly into the digital age. Ross Levinsohn, 54, a veteran media executive who worked at Fox and served as interim chief of Yahoo, was named publisher and chief executive of the 135-year-old news organization. …
“Jim Kirk, 52, a veteran Chicago news executive, who was publisher and editor of the Chicago Sun-Times until last week, was named interim editor of the storied newspaper. The two men replace Davan Maharaj, who has served as both editor and publisher since March 2016. Maharaj was terminated Monday morning, along with a handful of other senior editors, including Managing Editor Marc Duvoisin, Deputy Managing Editor for Digital Megan Garvey and Assistant Managing Editor of Investigations Matt Doig.” http://lat.ms/2x8gSKU
PHOTO DU JOUR: President Donald Trump looks up towards the partial solar eclipse while joined by First Lady Melania Trump on the Truman Balcony at the White House on August 21. | Mark Wilson/Getty Images
TOP ECLIPSE TWEETS — @GeorgeHWBush: “Four generations of family taking in the partial eclipse today. Already looking forward to the next one in Texas in 2024!” http://bit.ly/2x8w36G … @JoePerticone: “Most adorable eclipse photo goes to… Jeff Sessions” http://bit.ly/2vkAPfe … @LaraLeaTrump: “When you don’t have #EclipseGlasses, you find the next best option in a builder’s office: #WeldingMask #eclipse2017” http://bit.ly/2wzuctW … @IvankaTrump: “Sharing the #Eclipse2017 experience with the President, First Lady & Cabinet Secretaries on the White House Truman Balcony. #STEM #NASA” http://bit.ly/2wiQ5xM … @ScottGustin: “International Space Station #Eclipse photobomb via @NASA” http://bit.ly/2g16gcB … @AP: “This multiple exposure photo shows the eclipse as it passed over the St. Louis Arch.” http://bit.ly/2xnSBQ4
— CLICKERS: CNN — 22 eclipse pix on one page http://cnn.it/2x8nhWl … NYT — 55 reader pix on one page http://nyti.ms/2g12Rdz
JUST POSTED – TRUMP. INC – “Here’s How the Trump Brothers Are Running the Family Business: Usually with other people’s money, sometimes with dubious partners. Inside the empire, under new management,” by Bloomberg Businessweek’s Peter Robison and Michael Smith: “Donald Jr., 39, and Eric, 33, … [have] repeatedly pursued licensing arrangements in which they attach the family name to projects, generating cash without bearing much risk. They have a seemingly ad hoc, opportunistic style that’s sometimes led to partnerships with questionable characters, including people barred for securities violations or sued for fraud. And they’ve walked away, leaving employees, customers, or business partners with the fallout.” https://bloom.bg/2in30cn
FIRST PERSON – “How I Became Fake News: I witnessed a terrorist attack in Charlottesville. Then the conspiracy theories began,” by Brennan Gilmore in POLITICO Magazine: “On Saturday morning I witnessed James Fields smash his car into a crowd of demonstrators, killing Heather Heyer and wounding 19 others. Although I immediately shared the footage with police on the scene, it took me a half hour to decide to post it publicly. … Desperate to lay blame on anyone besides the alt-right, [conspiracy theorists] seized on these facts to suggest a counter-narrative to the attack, claiming there was no way that someone with my background just happened to be right there to take the video. …
“They wrote that I was a CIA operative, funded by (choose your own adventure) George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the IMF/World Bank, and/or a global Jewish mafia to orchestrate the Charlottesville attack in order to turn the general public against the alt-right. I had staged the attack and then worked with MSNBC and other outlets controlled by the left to spread propaganda. They claimed my ultimate goal was to start a race war that would undermine and then overthrow Donald Trump on behalf of the ‘Deep State.’ (I’m generalizing here as the theories are widely variant, logically inconsistent and I’m only aware of the small percentage I could be bothered to read.)” http://politi.co/2v1zgHP
THE BENCH — “Dems’ first wave of recruits ‘outsiders’ in 2017 version of Tea Party,” by Heidi Przybyla in Murphysboro, Illinois: “Much like the Republican men and women who swept into Washington in the 2010 Tea Party wave, the majority of Democratic candidates are new to state-level or national politics. Unlike the Tea Party, many of these Democrats have a long record of public service. They are former public prosecutors, doctors, CIA operatives and veterans, and they are concentrated in ‘heartland’ states like Kansas, Iowa, Indiana and Minnesota.” https://usat.ly/2vZRU06
2020 WATCH … HAVE AT IT! — “This House Democrat Lost A Leadership Race To Nancy Pelosi. Now He May Run For President,” by BuzzFeed’s Alexis Levinson in Manchester, New Hampshire: “It’s still more than three years until the next presidential election, and yet here was Ray Buckley — the chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party for the last decade — riding shotgun last Wednesday from Boston to Hopkinton, New Hampshire, with Rep. Tim Ryan, the 44-year old Democrat from Youngstown, Ohio. … last week’s New Hampshire visit was not just a reunion of old friends. In June, Ryan campaigned for a Democratic candidate in South Carolina. Next month, he’ll make his second trip of the year to Iowa.” http://bzfd.it/2vjYT1W
— “Dems prep for Trump primary challengers in 2020,” by Gabe Debenedetti: “The [DNC] is conducting full-scale opposition research on multiple Republicans it believes could challenge President Donald Trump for reelection — or are likely to run if he does not. The effort, which began in late spring, covers Vice President Mike Pence, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, among others.” http://politi.co/2wzoE2i
****** A message from Chevron: This is a story about DOERS, butterflies, and buckwheat. In ’75, the endangered El Segundo Blue butterfly was found near a Chevron refinery. We protected the habitat and planted the only thing they eat—buckwheat. We’re still planting and keeping an eye on our littlest neighbor. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2ie5v0A ******
JON MEACHAM in the NYT, “Why Lee Should Go, and Washington Should Stay”: “‘I wonder,’ Mr. Trump said, ‘is it George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really have to ask yourself, where does it stop?’ “To me, the answer to Mr. Trump’s question begins with a straightforward test: Was the person to whom a monument is erected on public property devoted to the American experiment in liberty and self-government? Washington and Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were. Each owned slaves; each was largely a creature of his time and place on matters of race. Yet each also believed in the transcendent significance of the nation, and each was committed to the journey toward ‘a more perfect Union.
“By definition, the Confederate hierarchy fails that test. Those who took up arms against the Union were explicitly attempting to stop the American odyssey. While we should judge each individual on the totality of their lives (defenders of [Robert E.] Lee, for instance, point to his attempts to be a figure of reconciliation after the war), the forces of hate and of exclusion long ago made Confederate imagery their own. Monuments in public places of veneration to those who believed it their duty to fight the Union have no place in the Union of the 21st century — a view with which Lee himself might have agreed. ‘I think it wiser,’ he wrote in 1866, ‘not to keep open the sores of war.’” http://nyti.ms/2v9rtnh … Meacham’s latest for Time, “American Hate, a History” http://ti.me/2g1af8Z
TEVI TROY in POLITICO Magazine, “Why the White House Needs Another Bannon: Every GOP president needs an intellectual wrangler. Trump can’t succeed without one”: “For the past four decades, Republicans have viewed themselves as the party of ideas — and a crucial part of that self-perception has been having a person inside the White House to serve as a conduit to conservative thinkers. … Steve Bannon wasn’t a traditional liaison to that world, but there’s no question he served this function for the Trump administration … One major difference between Bannon and his predecessors, though, is that he did not appear to be able to get his boss interested in his reading. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan often recommended books to Nixon, and [Karl] Rove even had a reading contest with Bush.” http://politi.co/2x8h8cK
ISAAC DOVERE talks with REV. AL SHARPTON and REP. JERRY NADLER (D-N.Y.) in the latest “Off Message” podcast. “We’re in a poisonous atmosphere that is being increased by the president of the United States. It’s like turning on the gas in a room,” Sharpton told Dovere. “Any match could lead to an explosion, and we’re getting that kind of atmosphere from this president.” Nadler, who wrote the censure resolution, told Dovere he thinks Trump should quit, and warned Republicans now not to count on House Democrats for the votes to pass a continuing resolution or raise the debt ceiling, unless both are clean—even if that leads to a shutdown or economic meltdown: “We can’t give in to that kind of blackmail.”
As for the Jewish aides who defend Trump, including his daughter and son-in-law Jared Kushner: “I don’t care what Jared Kushner said about the fact that Donald Trump loves, loves him and Ivanka and other people,” Nadler said. “He was willing to traffic in anti-Semitism. He was willing to use anti-Semitic imagery. And then, when caught up in it, refused to repudiate it, and denied that it was what it clearly was.” http://politi.co/2v1T6CM
FUTURE OF NEWS — “CNN Launches a Daily News Show for Snapchat,” by WSJ’s Alexandra Bruell: “CNN is launching a daily news show for Snapchat called ‘The Update,’ the latest reflection of how media companies are stepping up their interest in the mobile messaging platform. The show will include a news roundup that airs at 6 p.m., with updates from CNN’s anchors and reporters around the world, said Turner, the network’s parent company, in a statement. There will also be breaking news segments. If news breaks after the show, CNN might update the running list of news featured on its show and change the cover photo to reflect the update.” http://on.wsj.com/2wjcgUz
SPOTTED: Sean Spicer in his Navy uniform at the Pentagon Monday for reserve duty.
TRANSITIONS – Julie Morse starts next Monday as a producer at “CBS This Morning”. She has her last day as a producer for MSNBC Friday.
WEEKEND WEDDINGS — OBAMA ALUMNI — Melissa Nitti, public affairs manager at Google, and Mark Beatty, partner at 270 Strategies, got married on Sunday. Pool report: The couple “said their vows … in Hood River, [Oregon] against the majestic backdrop of Mt. Hood — the same mountain that welcomed Melissa’s great, great grandparents when they made their journey along the Oregon Trail. The bride and groom met on the 2012 Obama for America campaign where Melissa was a member of the media team and Mark served as deputy battleground states director. The happy couple was feted by friends and family — including proud parents Rick and Jan Nitti and Duane and Elaine Beatty — who came from around the country to join the celebration.” Pic http://politi.co/2v27BXn
SPOTTED: Jeremy Bird (who served as the wedding officiant), best man Stephen Brokaw, Mitch Stewart, Isaac Baker, Kristina Peterson, Betsy Hoover, Lauren Kidwell, Meg Ansara, Lynda Tran, Sara El-Amine, Jeff Gabriel, Greg Schultz, and Chris Wyant, Kelly Norton, Anne Sokolov, Kate Sokolov, and Stephanie Gent, Jessica Santillo, Keith Maley, Niraj Chokshi, Jamie Hill and Stephanie Gunter.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Erik Elam, LD for Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), and Amy Elam, events principal at HIS/Markit, on Sunday welcomed their son Everett Brooks Elam into the world. He’s 6 lbs, 9 oz. Pic http://politi.co/2vl64a4
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: National Review editor Rich Lowry is 49. He tells us he’s “been reading almost exclusively about nationalism lately for a potential book project.” How he got his start in journalism: “I wrote for an alternative conservative publication at UVa called the Virginia Advocate. I still have boxes of old issues that are fun, if wince-inducing, to look back at. I always tell people that I was sophomoric as a first-year — I was precocious that way.
“My first real journalism job was as a research assistant with Charles Krauthammer. This was back before he was a TV star. Probably the most notable thing I did working for him was inadvertently insert a typo into his Washington Post column at the last minute. I mentioned this at a tribute dinner to Charles a couple of years ago, and merciful and gracious man that he is, he officially forgave me.” Read his Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2vkL2bL
BIRTHDAYS: Luke Russert is ageless … Obama WH alum Jess Allen, a JD candidate at NYU Law, is 28 (hat tip: Rachel Racusen) … Paul Singer is 73 … Steve Kroft is 72 … Morton Dean is 81 … Jennifer Loven, managing director at Glover Park Group and an AP alum … Steve Brill, celebrating with a road trip up the coast of Maine (h/t wife Cynthia) … Tom Edsall is 76 … HPS alum Sabrina Siddiqui … Jen Nedeau, head of marketing and comms at Bully Pulpit Interactive … Robin Wright of the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Wilson International Center … MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki is 38 … Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) is 43 … Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is 53 … former Rep. Thad McCotter (R-Mich.) … Chris Smith … Grazia Salvemini … Ryan Patmintra … AP’s Nebi Qena is 4-0 … Ken Farnaso, digital comms at the House Small Business Cmte. and an NRCC alum (h/t Alex Stroman) … Carolyn Harrold, new AtlanticLIVE director of business development and former SXSW head of programming, celebrating her first birthday in DC since making the move from Austin (h/t Patrick Garrigan) …
… Bill Miller, SVP at the Business Roundtable … Bill Cortese … Jim Strader … Abby Denburg … Sward Tondoneh … Bill Turenne Jr. … Elizabeth Lubben … Eleanor Strom of Google … Natalie Apsell … Sinclair’s AnnaMaria Di Pietro … Selena Strandberg … Katie Gordon … Morgan Canup … Matthew Barnes … Claire Stein-Ross … Pema Levy of Mother Jones … Gigi Sukin, digital editor at Colorado Biz magazine (h/t Gordon Bronson) … Chad Connelly, RNC’s director of faith engagement … Tori Amos is 54 (h/t Tracy Sefl) … Nick Mildebrath … Alex Pellegrino … Adrian Slater … Katie Bloodgood … Nick Greene … Jordan Goldes … Rob Borden … Charlotte Day-Reiss … former Rep. Bud Cramer (D-Ala.) is 7-0 … Megan Paulsen … Chris Pumphrey … Essence Motley … Alyssa Palisi … Mac Flores … Brystol English … Julia Rothwax … Pat Eltman … Chris Lapetina … Hailey Arends … Phoebe Link (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
****** A message from Chevron: This is a story about DOERS, butterflies, and buckwheat. In ’75, the endangered El Segundo Blue butterfly was found near a Chevron refinery. We protected the habitat and planted the only thing they eat—buckwheat. We’re still planting and keeping an eye on our littlest neighbor. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2ie5v0A ******
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Original Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/president-trumps-war-spotted-at-sinclair-hq-laura-ingraham-trump-aides-plot-immigration-deal-how-the-trump-sons-are-running-the-family-biz-mnuchins-wife-gets-heat-for-in/
0 notes
zenruption · 7 years
You Say Patriot. I Say Fascist. Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it.
With Independence Day upon us, it might bear saying that democracy is now on the decline. What are we celebrating? Our willingness to give up the American experiment?
There isn’t a day that goes by where this author isn’t referred to as a “commie”. Despite degrees in political science and business, despite owning businesses and despite a lifelong dedication to the study of American political history, those of no world view find the delusion of a dead system invading their country and my mind, to be convenient. A business owner being called a “commie” by someone that works for a someone else seems comical at times.
For some reason, the Trumpians are now all political scientists, purveyors of morality, climate scientists, economists, proper capitalists and proper patriots. They have positively distorted political science into some silly beliefs that a republic isn’t the same as a constitutional democracy and that the political scale of left and right is incorrect (actually it is left and right but in a circular structure). They call Democrats both “commies” and fascists, despite the absolute polarity of the two. They assume to be less government while refusing to embrace proper tradeoffs and not realizing many of their policies are actually bigger government or implicit government endorsement of larger institutions. The federal government demanding voter records from states is ok despite advocating for privacy. The intent to re-impose federal regulation on marijuana is acceptable despite espousing state’s rights.
Well guess what? They are believers in authoritarianism despite their belief that they stand for democratic institutions and patriotism. Perversion of political history and definitions won’t change what you are and Trumpians are the enemies of democracy.
How do we know this? Well from the smart and educated scholars that the disciples of orange skin detest.
Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt has extensively studied fascist regimes from Mussolini to Franco, Hitler, Suharto and Pinochet. He has established the 14 identifying characteristics of fascism from these studies.
Please read and determine for yourself.
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
Check. We have that in spades right now. A football player is more at risk to never play again for kneeling during the national anthem than a player that beats his wife.
America's men & women in uniform is the story of FREEDOM overcoming OPPRESSION, the STRONG protecting the WEAK, & GOOD defeating EVIL! USA🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/Gu3f8DCO3o
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 3, 2017
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
Check. Travel ban. U.S. prisons are considered cruel and unusual punishment by Amnesty International.
3 Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
Check. Islam is feared and protested. The terms commie and socialist are thrown around with abandon. Black Lives Matter is called a terrorist organization and systemic racism is justified daily in right wing and alt-white news. Hate crimes have increased 80% this year. A huuuge wall is proposed. Obama was a communist who hated America, despite having policies to the right of Nixon.
4. Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
Check. We spend more than the next 12 nations combined, have a budget proposal that adds another $40 billion and domestic programs of true value are being cut. Oh… and we have 22 carrier groups. The next highest nation has a total of two.
5. Rampant Sexism
  I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017
...to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
Check. Defunding Planned Parenthood is a priority. Our President is the embodiment of sexist pig. The evangelical base would gladly sacrifice the freedom of others to further an anti-gay agenda.
6. Controlled Mass Media
#FraudNewsCNN #FNN pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
Check. Locking out certain reporters from White House press briefings. Tweets calling the press fake news and an enemy of the people. Calls for libel law changes in order to sue the press.
The failing @nytimes writes false story after false story about me. They don't even call to verify the facts of a story. A Fake News Joke!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2017
7. Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
Check. No laptops on flights to the U.S. Proposals to track Muslims.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
Check. Evangelicals have heralded Trump as almost the Second Coming. Preachers of Prosperity Doctrine were at the Inauguration. Republican dominated statehouses are legislating morality as an exact opposite as their calls for smaller government. Hypocrisy is a non-issue.
9. Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
Check. Banking deregulation, rollbacks of environmental protections, proposals to open up protected land and billionaire Cabinet members pushing pro-corporate agendas while telling the masses they will benefit from lower corporate tax rates and opposition to a living wage.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
Check. Labor unions under constantly attacked and have seen ever diminished membership rolls.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
Check. Funding of PBS and the National Endowment for the Arts are proposed to be eliminated despite being a fraction of government spending. Universities are under constant attack and suspect to conservative media. Iowa even introduced a bill requiring University Professors to reveal their political beliefs. Science denial is in charge with budgets being cut and climate change erased from the EPA website.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
Check. Militarization of the police and drug sentencing guidelines that are far stricter than the nature of the crime. Disproportionate sentencing times for African Americans and Latinos, than white Americans.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
Check. Ivanka and Jared Kushner in the White House. Three former Goldman Sachs executives and billionaire donors on the Cabinet.
14. Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
Check. Rampant Republican gerrymandering, voter ID laws targeted at minorities and a politicized media owned by corporate interests (Sinclair Broadcasting buying local stations).
 Holy shit! It wasn’t expected we’d have all 14!
You say Patriot. I say fascist and the end of democracy in America.
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0 notes
sarahbame · 7 years
Article References
Braun, Lisa A., Holly P. Kennedy, Julie A. Womack, and Candy Wilson. 2016. “Integrative Literature Review: U.S. Military Women’s Genitourinary and Reproductive Health.” Military Medicine 181(1):35-49.
Dayton, Carolyn J., Tova B. Walsh, Maria Muzik, Michael Erwin, and Katherine L. Rosenblum. 2014. “Strong, Safe, and Secure: Negotiating Early Fathering and Military Service across the Deployment Cycle.” Infant Mental Health Journal 35(5):509-520.
Kennedy, Holly P., Trisha Farrell, Regina Paden, Shannon Hill, Rima Jolivet, Jacqueline Willetts, and Sharon S. Rising. 2009. “‘I Wasn’t Alone’—A Study of Group Prenatal Care in the Military.” Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 54(3):176-183.
Lee, Shawna J., Tova B. Neugut, Katherine L. Rosenblum, Richard M. Tolman, Wendy J. Travis, and Margaret H. Walker. 2013. “Sources of Parenting Support in Early Fatherhood: Perspectives of United States Air Force Members.” Children and Youth Services Review 35(5):908-915.
Lester, Patricia, Hilary Aralis, Maegan Sinclair, Cara Kiff, Kyung-Hee Lee, Sarah Mustillo, and Shelley M. Wadsworth. 2016. “The Impact of Deployment on Parental, Family, and Child Adjustment in Military Families.” Child Psychiatry and Human Development 47(6):938-949.
Spieker, Amy, Melissa A. Schiff, and Beth E. Davis. 2016. “Spousal Military Deployment during Pregnancy and Adverse Birth Outcomes.” Military Medicine 181(3):243-249.
0 notes
celticnoise · 7 years
Last night I listened to BBC Radio Scotland’s nightly Sports Sound show.
It was live from an RC school in Hamilton.
That would explain why Barry Ferguson sounded so nervous and Chick Young so combative.
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They debated the usual pressing issues in Scottish football.
The main one of course is Celtic’s terrible domination of the national game. Not surprisingly most people in attendance were Celtic fans. A blue nose braved the ‘Papish’ surroundings to direct a question from the floor. Well it wasn’t really a question. Just a somewhat incoherent ramble about how Celtic’s dominance isn’t healthy and they are suffering for it when they get ‘ embarrassed’ in Europe. In fairness to Chick he took the questioner to task on this.
Not on the lack of competition but on the European aspect.
Yes we got humbled in the Nou Camp, which doesn’t look so bad when you see PSG’s hundreds of millions of pounds worth of talent collapsing 6-1 at the same venue on Wednesday night, but outside of that and the initial blip against the mighty Lincoln Red Imps, the campaign was pretty decent.
Still the point about Celtic somehow shaming Scottish football by being too good for everyone else is a puzzling one.
I mean for a start it’s not exactly Celtic’s fault that they are miles ahead of the rest. Celtic set out to do the best they can every season. No aspect of the plan involves sabotaging other teams. Indeed many of the teams have proven more than adept at doing that themselves in recent years.
Also any complaints from Govan are utterly banal.
Where was this desire for the good of our game when they were outspending all in sundry using funds they could ill afford to secure 9 in a row, 12 out of 14 league championships and 17 domestic trophies in the 90’s alone?
Back then Rangers lorded it over everyone. Especially Celtic.
They were as keen to rub it into everyone else’s faces and to drive other clubs such as Airdrie out of existence.
The irony of anyone who now worships at the carcass of that club complaining about Celtic’s current domination is breathtaking.
For a start Celtic’s is legitimately funded. No EBT’s, side letters, Moonbeams or inheritances required. It’s also been done without going out and breaking the bank to sign the likes of Laudrup, Gascoigne or a plethora of Dutch internationals. Sinclair, Dembele and Gamboa cost less than £6 million all in last summer. Is it much more than the rest of Scottish football? Yes. But is it excessive considering Celtic’s income and stature? No.
The denizens of Ibrox playing the victim card is quite frankly ludicrous.
Their predicament is to our benefit but is also of their own making. A new manager who some say previously worked as a scout for Celtic and who’s management CV could be written on the back of a matchbox will be unveiled in the coming days. We’ll be told he’s their first choice. We’ll never know, but no doubt after Ross Wilson’s knock-back who ever ends up as director of football will have been first choice too. And the beat goes on.
When the next circus starts up by a club trying to achieve champagne goals on a lemonade budget we’ll get more grumbles of how it isn’t fair.
What exactly they propose be done about it isn’t clear.
Perhaps Celtic starting off 25 point behind everyone else and being forced to donate half of the club’s yearly income into their coffers would suit them.
That’s literally what it would take to level up the playing field.
Anyway,  the SportSound panel agreed Celtic’s dominance was bad for Scottish football.
Chick Young said how far ahead Celtic were ‘was embarrassing’ and would be scoffed at by outsiders ie: foreign leagues. As usual actual facts were not presented by a member of the associated press but by a fan from the floor. He pointed out that Bayern Munich were going for 5 in a row, Juventus were locks for 6 consecutive Serie A league titles, PSG are in the hunt for their 5th on the bounce, Olympiacos had won 18 from 20 league championships in their native Greece and FC Bael are shooting for 8 in a row this term.
That totally undermined Chick’s whole argument so he fired back that it was the extent of the points gap he was referring to.
Nobody got the chance to point out to him that PSG won their league by 31 points last season.
That’s the thing about these banal theories when it comes to Scottish football and Celtic’s dominance. They are always completely undermined by rational thought and actual evidence and facts. These things are of little consequence to most sports journalists in Scotland though.
Wagging the dog is far more important.
As for SportSound I actually enjoy listening to the previous evenings podcast when I’m completing some mundane afternoon task. Barry Ferguson is always on stoically trying to remain defiant in the face of inevitable failure at Clyde. Alas he finally relented last week. His older brother Derek is always entertainingly enthusiastic about everything. Graham Speirs is generally in his element undermining the clueless Keith Jackson. Richard Wilson’s shameless nightly defences of Dave King and his board is always good for a laugh.
The Ross Wilson rejection is of no great significance apparently.
Indeed if anything according to Wilson it’s the sign of a thorough recruitment process apparently.
Tom English is good at picking up on cliches and questioning their relevance in reality. This is particularly effective when it comes to tripping up Kris Boyd who always sounds one argument away from losing the plot and swearing at someone , usually English, live on air.
Then there’s my favourite, Jamie Fullarton.
Fullarton readily admits he couldn’t deal with the pressure of management as he lasted less than 15 minutes down at that hotbed of footballing excellence that is Notts County. Yet he’s quick to sabotage the credentials of any other young manager trying to make it in the game. You have to laugh at how unabashedly arrogant that is. Akin to the spotty fat kid with glasses who eats alone at lunchtime in school giving you advice on how to pull girls.
Judging by his own dulcet tones and attention to detail when analysing games one can only imagine what the personality clash was between him and Ian Cathro when they were gaining their badges together at Largs. I can only presume Cathro wouldn’t let Fullarton onto the communal PC in the evenings to play World of Warcraft or the like when it was his turn.
The prehistoric footballing insights into the game by serial coaching loser and tactical dinosaur Billy Brown are also fun when he occasionally is asked on.
According to Brown no manager he knows should ever have been sacked, ever.
Anyway back to matters at hand and on Sunday we will attempt to clobber our Govan neighbours for the umpteenth time this season. Another few wins and we might get to keep them. The pitch may prove a leveller as might the officials turning a blind eye to Sevco’s “in plain sight” common assaults … how they must regret that Garner isn’t playing.
But if Celtic produce even half of what they’re capable of it should be a comfortable day.
In the meantime I’ll leave you with a quote that Sunday’s travelling support should be reminded of the next time they have the temerity to complain about their host’s footballing dominance as well as any financial gulfs. It was in relation to David Murray applying for an interdict, on behalf of his company Carnegie, for a debt of around £30,000 owed by Airdrie in 2000, which effectively tipped them over in liquidation :
“I feel very sorry for Airdrie and their supporters but we’re running a business. We have given them repeated warnings and felt they were playing on our good nature.”
That’s right Dave threw Airdrie under a bus for 30 grand.
A few months later he convinced the Bank of Scotland to lend him £12 million to buy the worst striker in the English Premier League at that time – Tore André Flo.
Just let that sink in.
Oh the irony.
Paul Cassidy is a Celtic fan and blogger who is getting sick and tired of the voices in the media trying to shout down our achievements.
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