Okay so I’m going to take the Immortal Modern Volo thing and make it significantly worse.
Volo meets Johanna and falls in love with her and has a beautiful little daughter named Hikari/Dawn. He does not remember what Akari looks like or her voice or her habits or anything, because that was 200 fucking years ago, and now that he’s married he’s in the firm opinion that the world SHOULDN’T be destroyed, actually. 
Johanna is aware that Volo is cursed to be immortal because he went crazy and did something very stupid in his youth. She does not care too much because he’s an absolute sweetheart now and that’s all that matters. 
She starts to care a lot more when Volo, who just realized who Akari is after Hikari/Dawn saved the entire fucking Sinnoh region from a gang of terrorists, tells Johanna about Akari.
Volo sleeps on the couch for a week.
Fair enough.
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giggles8899 · 1 year
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1.8 Drunk Buddies!!!!!
Written part below
To say Kazuha didn't have a crush at first sight of you was an understatement. He had followed you to the bar, where there weren't a lot of people. You walked up to one of the stools and sat down, turning to Diluc. “Having fun?” He asked, a slight smirk on his face. You had done some recent posters for him, and you were one of the few people that could actually talk to him like a normal person. “Yup, though I do have to say, I am 100% going to be dead to the world for the rest of the weekend.” You replied, propping your head in one hand on the counter. Kazuha had sat down next to you, watching the two of you converse. He could tell you got along with almost everyone, though it seemed weird that not a lot of people went out of the way to talk to you. 
“By the way,” Diluc says, “those posters you did were very well done, I’ll probably have you do some more stuff for me in the future.” You smirked, “A compliment out of you actually means something, just let me know what you need and I'll get on it! The university doesn't have me doing a lot right now, except making flyers and posters for the club fair happening in a few weeks.” “You work for the university?’ Kazuha asks, intrigued. “Oh, yeah I graduated in 2 years from here with a Graphic Design degree and ended up immediately getting a job in the marketing department.” You replied. Diluc had ended up placing a margarita in front of you at this point, which Kazuha realizes that you hadn't even ordered, but from the look of it, Diluc seems to know your preferences. Turning to Diluc, Kazuha ordered a rum and coke, and turned back to you. You were stirring your drink absentmindedly.
 “Wow, that must have been a lot of hard work.” Kazuha compliments, hoping to turn the attention back to you. “Oh I guess, I’ve always wanted to be a Graphic Designer.  Though I guess getting a job here wasn’t too bad.” You replied, taking a big swig of your drink.
 “Are you not happy working there?”
It takes you a second, before replying. “Well, yes and no. Yes, I mean it is a paycheck and I'm still working on building my portfolio, but…….” You had trailed off, looking lost in your thoughts for a second. Kazuha waited for you, taking a few drinks out of his drink. “I guess,” you finally said, “I'm really ready to leave here. I may have graduated in two years, but they weren't very good years.” “Oh how so?” Kazuha asked, a look of worry across his face. You looked out of the corner of your eye at him. He seemed genuinely worried, but you weren't about to open up to some random guy you just met. Even though he seemed like a nice person. 
A few moments passed, before Kazuha finally spoke. “I’m sorry I didn't mean to pry. You just seemed like an amazing person and I was wondering what could have possibly happened to someone like you.” It takes a few seconds to register in your head what he said, and then it hits you like a ton of bricks, and you look away from the man.  “Amazing? I don't think I’ve ever been called that before, besides my cousins and two best friends.” 
“I’m sorry to hear you say that,” Kazuha says solemnly, “you really do seem like a good person.” You had looked back at him. His rubies eyes were dancing all of the light in the room, you swore they sparkled. A pair of gems, looking at you with more sincerity than any other person you have met in your life. You continued to look at him, trying to wrap your head around how someone who doesn't even know you, could be saying all of these sweet honeyed words to you without batting an eye. 
Kazuha on the other hand, was absolutely torn in two. He could see the turmoil behind your eyes. A million questions flashing through your mind, and he wanted to know what they were. On the outside you looked like a normal girl, but on the inside he could tell you soul has been through many trials and tribulations, more than anyone else he has met. Your eyes spoke of the highs and the lows of life, a soul wanting something, but he couldn't tell what exactly. He wanted to know what exactly.
The moment was interrupted by Childe scaring Kazuha almost off his chair, leaning on him. He stood between the two of you, slightly swaying.
“Hey, are you ready to start singing again?” Childe was slurring his words a little bit, and one could tell he was bound to be sleeping on the floor by the end of the night. “Yeah, I’ll be down in a second,” Kazuha replies, a smile on his face, “Don’t hurt yourself now!” 
“Me? Never?” Childe says, before trying to walk away and almost falling over.
“No more drinks for him.” You hear Diluc sigh, having walked away and coming back after he had given Kazuha his drink. Kazuha turns back to you, a hopeful smile on his face.
“You gonna be back down there to watch me perform for the rest of the night?”
“Ah, yeah might as well,” you reply, and before you could say anything else, you were bombarded by the other 4 you had come with.
“Have you been here the entire time?” Lumine asks, practically falling into you while still seated. “Yeah, you missed her and me singing!!” Aether asks, blushing prominently on his cheeks. He was very much leaning on Xiao at this point, and you could tell that Xiao’s ears were a little pink. You laughed, and before you could come up with some sarcastic comment, Scara interrupts with, “Whos this?”
“Oh shit,” you say, “this is the guy who's been performing tonight. Kazuha!” You say, Lumine very much hugging you and swaying in your chair. Scara nods at him, and you could tell from how his shoulders are tensed up, that something was eating at him. “Yup, that's me. I gotta get back downstairs and get back to singing, I hope you all enjoy it!” He flashes a wide grin, and you swear you thought there was something else in it. 
As he got up, you didn't realize that something slipped into your pocket.
A few seconds after he walks away, you begin to be bombed with questions.
“Sooooooooooooooooo what were you doing??” Lumine asks with a giggle, a knowing look in her eyes, though you weren't quite exactly sure what she knew. “Uh, just talking to the guy, he had stopped to tell me that I was a good singer.”
“Why was he sitting here with you?” Aether also asks, now hugging Lumine and leaning on her, and you could feel yourself getting crushed from the two of them. “Ooof, yall are heavy as fuck, he just asked if he could follow me to the bar, we both sat down and just started talking” You say nonchalantly, not thinking anything about it. You hear Scara chuckle, he had taken Kazuha's spot. “Sure, last time you said that, you had someone fall head over heels with you.” You practically roll your eyes out of your head, “What am I not allowed to talk to people? I think I'm a good conversationalist.” “Better than Scara,” Xiao says, a finger in one of Aether pant loops, preventing him from taking the three of you from falling off the chair you were on. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, looking between him and Aether. Aether was too drunk to get your staring, but you swore the blush on Xiaos ears got deeper as he looked away from you, coughing into his other hand. You looked at Scara, a smirk on his face as he looked at you with a knowing look. You were sure to harass Xiao later about this. 
You heard Kazuha start singing again, and decided that you wanted to continue dancing. You push Lumine and Aether off of you, causing them to stumble back into Xiao, his face getting redder as he practically had to catch Aether from falling. You hear Scara laugh loudly, and you decide to continue dancing. Pulling Lumine along with you when you get up. “C’mon, I wanna keep dancing, gotta burn off this alcohol,” you say, grabbing her and Scara’s arm dragging them back down to where you guys were previously. Aether had taken one of Xiao’s hand and started pulling him too. Now, you thought Xiao truly looked like a tomato, and Scara and you were laughing your asses off. 
You 5 proceed to dance the rest of the night away, unaware that you had a set of ruby eyes on you, never leaving.
Masterlist - PREV - NEXT
@starryeyedkoko @phyot @tokkishouse
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Yes I know I'm very behind since usually I'm done with catching up by 20 minutes but I was really invested and also I've been zoning out some XD and doing a few other short things
AYY Owen :DD he's okay :))
I mean I figured he would be but yk
AYY hey girl :DDD!! She's okay too :DD!!
That's great 🥰🥰
Lol fair but xD nah I don't think he cares
Okay chill Owen lol
Nahh there's gotta be other people in the room lol
Hey guys xDD 🥰🥰🥰
My babeys :))
LOL okay but mood Owen xDD
SLFKGJDHKGS naur not it being super straight forward xDD but also mood still lol
And it's funny so that way's better if anything XDD
Okay okay yeah
Ah lol
Wait before that? One we don't know about? Ohh or the car :O
AHA yup the car!! xD
So was he trying to sabotage it somehow then?
Ohhh yup :O Ahh I see :))
Lol yeah and then one killing makes two more likely yk xD
Also yeah he wouldn't try and then just be like welp anyway :)) xD
Their faces as Owen gets it lol
Ahh ooohhkay lol
Well dang then xD
It is kinda crazy but it's not that complicated Owen lol
But you did just wakeup so whatever xD
Ayy hey Gabriel!
LOL just a drink first that's all xD
Aww yayy :)) they're making up 🥰
Which means PHEW so that won't carry over to the wedding 😅 XD
LOL "that sounds more like you" xD
Better question TK how do you not know yet lol
I just figure it would've come up already xD
But I mean I guess it's kinda like the parents so eh yk
Idk anyway xD
Lol I love them <33
All of them that is xD
These idiots :)) <33
Aww Tommy :'((
I'm sorry Grace :((
And I'm sorry Tommy <33
This choir is slaying though :D
Yes slay y'all 😌😌
Ah okay this lady lol
Oope Tommy 👀
Girl is SLAYING!!!
Girl go off :DDD!!
Kill and maim 🥰🥰 XD
YES girl lol
Aight go off 😌😌 go up and speak :))
Ay so she's just gonna read whatever she wants lol 👀
I bet they're verses about gossip xD
YES she ain't down yet >:))
Go off honey <33
YESS she does 😌😌 (that but instead of smiling like firm mhm lol)
She's gonna say it shouldn't be that way inside there isn't she :D
YEP :O :D!!
But YESSS girl she's gonna fight anyway :D
YES bestie oh SLAY SO HARD you will not be pushed out girl 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️😌
WHOOO Yes Tommy >:DDD
LOL yeah he can have it back now xD I say that just bc she really was in charge of it there lol
L O L everyone's faces XDD
LOL yeah who cares at that point xD
aY okay y'all XD more lol
YES that is your friend 😌😌😌🥰 >;)
>;) just like smug lol
YESSS 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Slay so good for her :DD
And for both of them obviously lol 🥰🥰
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liopleurodean · 7 months
Season 12, Episode 1: Keep Calm And Carry On
Don't they normally do the Road So Far stuff in the finale? Kinda weird I didn't notice
Also, they named the episode after the Kansas song, and then didn't even use it. Come on, people
She has no clue what's happening?
Yeah, that's fair
She's not gonna believe that
Because he's your son
That's cute
Honey, it's been over three decades
Oh, Dean...
New title card!
Oh boy
Dude don't walk towards it!
That's helpful
Don't just ditch the guy!
Maybe the John that she knew
Yeah, that doesn't really make sense
With what?
It's a dude with a bullet wound
This is really not good
They're psychopaths
Oh boy
Yeah, I can imagine
They're trying to show that she has a heart, and it's not working
Seriously. Psychopaths
Don't underestimate him
If you wanted questions, you should've come in peace
It was your own fault
Doesn't look much like helping to me
I don't believe that
Waterboarding is a war crime
Looks like fun, actually
What, is it getting hotter?
Not exactly
Here we go
Yeah, no dip
Well, that'll clue him in
It's been a hot minute since she's hunted
I love the mini fridge among the old books
Oh yeah, I forgot that everyone thought Dean was dead
We know, Cas
Oh yeah, she died in the 80s. Wild
You bet she is
This is sweet
He did not want to know that
They didn't see you helping
Hi. Let me introduce you to the United States of America, which is TOO BIG TO WARD THE WHOLE COUNTRY. You have an entire organization dedicated to a country that's smaller than 80% of our states! HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO COMPETE???
Well I'm SORRY that the ENTIRE AMERICAN MEN OF LETTERS CHAPTER WAS WIPED OUT. You know, maybe you could've HELPED US OUT A LITTLE??? Hunters are all that's left! They thought the MoL was a myth!!! So sue them if there's not enough people to keep up with a space LARGER THAN EUROPE
Absolutely not.
Hah! There's no such thing
Good luck with that
I doubt you'd last a day
They're insane!!!!!
Lucifer is burning through vessels
They are
I think you are
It'll happen
They had it coming
And Moe!
Surprisingly, he's better than the others
Ha! That's what you think
That won't work either
Eugh. Yeah, that would look pretty bad
Yeah, I'll bet
But generally not 30 years later
I mean. It's doable, but not fun
That's so real, actually
That's gotta hurt
Mm. Maybe
He's a horrible liar
It didn't stick
You think???
That was unnecessary
I don't think that will work
Oh, dang
I feel like this should be illegal
Definitely should be illegal
Aw, come on!!!
Lady, you are in for some fun times
You're gonna regret that
Oh, that's not good
I want to punch her so bad
What is in those things?
Well crap
Come on Sam, you're okay
She wildly miscalculated
He didn't actually go for the throat, right? It was just a ploy
I don't know what she was expecting
He was so close
I have seen. So many gifs of that
I don't think so
Oh, Dean...
The family business
He has to believe that
Oh, I can't look
This is not a great place to be
0 notes
hertzimwasser · 2 years
I'm terribly sorry! But I only received your ask now!
It's a strawberry blonde hair. To be fair, it seems to work well with white, although if it's you it seems like you're probably a spring.
Oh c'mon, your not terrible! Easy!
Yup it's me, more 1/4 of my head 😂
I thought it might be strawberry blonde. It's fucking fucked up how I got it XDD Although honestly the color depends on the light, you know, in the photo it's totally strawberry but sometimes more honey.
Gosh white.. 😫 love ppl in white and me in white shirt so it's on point!
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Can We Talk?
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Bim Trimmer x m!reader
ty @just-bts-trash-00 for the request!
A/N: WHOOOOOOO BOY HOWDY, GUESS WHO'S BACK. It's been uh. A while. I'm sorry? School has been hectic and my mental health is SHIT, but i fucking finished it holy god. Anywaaaays, angst. Y'all remember Bim's crush on Matthias? Yeah that's the plot. It's pretty long and I think it's pretty shit but uh here I guess.
Word count: 2.9k
You hummed quietly as you fixed dinner for you and your boyfriend in the kitchen. Normally, you didn’t cook. Neither did Bim. Therefore, one of you had to be the cook in the relationship, and you supposed it had to be you. You couldn’t just get takeout until the end of time.
Well… maybe if you really wanted to.
But you didn’t. You wanted to cook for your boyfriend. He’d said something about “Jewish burgers” one day, and you didn’t know what that meant. At this point, you were too scared to ask. You’d found a recipe for shawarma, and he’d liked that shawarma place you went to the other day, so you were making shawarma. At least… you did your best.
You yawned and rubbed your eyes, quickly hissing because you somehow forgot there was a bunch of shit on your hands. You quickly turned the faucet on and put your eye under the stream to clean it out.
As you dried your face, you heard a car pull up to the driveway, along with three short honks. You smiled. Finally. You wiped your hands on a rag and turned around to greet your gameshow host.
“Honey, I’m home!” He said in a sing-songy voice as he looked around for you. He saw you leaning on the kitchen counter and smiled. He shrugged off his suit jacket and sat his bag down. He walked towards you with his arms open. You pushed yourself off of the counter and fell into him.
“Hi…” you whispered. He chuckled and held you tight.
“What’s up?” He sniffed the air. “And what’s cooking?”
“Shawarma…” you said, your voice muffled in his neck.
“And uh… what’s wrong?” You brought your head up and squinted at him. “Ah, of course. The process of making the shawarma. What else would it be?” You shoved your face back in his neck with a grunt of affirmation. He snorted and patted your back. He directed you towards the couch, where you plopped down on your back with a groan.
“Dinner…” you whined. He sat his phone on the coffee table and took his shoes off.
“I’ll finish it up.” He patted your stomach.
“Thank you…” He kissed your forehead and walked away, letting you have your rest. You felt kinda bad, he’d been working all day, and it must be tiring having to sound so happy all the time. Then again, YOU worked all day too, AND you tried to make dinner. Your small rest was earned.
You closed your eyes and sighed, relaxing into the sofa. You startled a bit at the notification sound coming from his phone.
“Bim, your phone… binged…” You called. Binged? Was that the word?
“I’ll be done in a minute.” He responded.
Dinged! That was it.
You glanced at the phone. It didn’t sound like his usual texting sound, and he didn’t have any games as far as you knew. Maybe it was an email.
Your curiosity got the better of you and you checked the lockscreen.
Yup! Email. From someone named… M? Who was that?
You shrugged and put it back down. None of your business.
Bim walked back into the living room holding two plates.
“Dinner is served!” He said in a bad English accent.
“Woo…” You cheered weakly and sat up. He put the plates on the table and went back towards the kitchen. “Oh, I bought wine earlier. The good shit, that Dark gets sometimes.”
“Damn, really? How much did that cost you?” He asked in disbelief.
“It was on sale.”
“Why would the good shit be on sale?”
“Some people just don’t have taste.” You smiled when you heard him laugh. He walked back in with two wine glasses and the bottle. “Oh, you have an email from someone named ‘M’.” He tensed up when he heard the name.
That’s… weird…
“O-Oh, uh… thanks…” He scrambled to grab his phone and shoved it in his pocket. You quirked an eyebrow at him. Suspicious…
“Uh… no problem…” He looked nervous as he poured wine for you two. You squinted at him a bit, wondering why he was so anxious. You trusted him, of course you did, but this was… weird.
You two sat and ate your dinner in silence. You kept trying to look at him but he avoided your eyes. When you finished your food, you poured more wine into your glass and downed it.
This was gonna be one of those days.
Yes, okay, you were drunk. Not blackout drunk, but drunk enough to not exactly know what was going on. You knew that Bim was a bit drunk as well and you two were laughing at… something… but other than that, you got nothing.
“I’m ju-I’m jus-I’m…” You paused and blinked a couple times to process your own words. “I’m just saying that Twilight coulda been sssssoooo much better… if the portag… protagonist… fuck’s her name again?”
“Bella?” Bim chuckled.
“That’s the bitch!” You slammed your hand down on the table. Bim wheezed. “If she’d just had… a little-a little more e-mo-tion, a little more person… personality… then Twilight coulda been better! But noooooo, she had ta be… the most person-boring person in cinematic history. Bull. shhhhhit.”
“Well, she’s… she needs to… young girls have to… relate to her!”
“Okay, but like… she’s a got-damn plank o’ wood.”
“Tha-hahahaha! That’s not fair!”
“She is! She never-she’s not-she-oh god, I’m drunk…” You squeezed your eyes shut and leaned forward, face angled at the floor in case you got nauseous.
“Yeah… me too…” He sighed.
“Hey, hey Bim?” You opened an eye and turned to him. He hummed in response. “Who’s ‘M’?” He tensed up again and you frowned.
“Uh, nobody. Nobody! D-Don’t worry about it!” He cleared his throat and shifted in his chair.
“Suspicious…” you mumbled.
You tilted your head at him, half trying to figure out who it could be(which was very difficult in your drunken state) and half trying to read his mind. You supposed he got kind of uncomfortable because he said:
“I’m gonna… go into my office… and check some things…” He stood up and shuffled into a small room that he’d claimed as his office. You sighed and sunk back into the couch, thinking about your options.
First step was communication. You tried to talk to him, but he was being evasive and didn’t honestly answer the question. Suspicious.
Second step was… looking around the house for clues as to who it was like you were Sherlock Holmes? Absolutely.
You brought yourself to your feet, only stumbling a little, and tiptoed to your shared bedroom. You closed the door behind you as softly as you could before walking over to the closet. You opened it and looked for a moment before deciding it wasn’t worth to actually move things around. You shut the door and moved to the drawers. If anything was gonna be anywhere, it would be in the sock drawer, right? You reached out and put your hand on the handle. You tugged a bit, cracking it open, just a little. Your brain kept telling you that you were already there, just get it over with.
But your heart(well… still your brain, but whatever) was telling you that you needed to trust your boyfriend if this relationship was going to work.
You sighed and shut the drawer, flopping face-first onto the bed.
Bim wasn’t the type to cheat. Well… you didn’t think so, anyways. You loved him and… well, you hoped he loved you. You were going to have faith in your boyfriend. No matter how curious you were.
You shifted around in the bed so you were laying in the correct direction. You were still on your stomach, and you closed your eyes, facing the wall opposite of the door.
After a few minutes, you heard the door quietly creak open. The lights turned off and you heard footsteps make their way towards the bed. You smiled a bit and turned your head to look at Bim. Your smile fell as you saw him open the sock drawer and pull a napkin out.
“Hi Bim.” you said. He screamed and shoved the napkin back in the drawer, slamming it shut. You blinked at him.
“H-Hi, darling, I-I didn’t know you were awake…” He stuttered.
“I was.” You raised your eyebrows.
“Well… I can see that…” He laughed nervously. You looked at his hand on the drawer.
“What were you looking at?” You asked.
Please tell me the truth, you begged in your head.
“Oh, uh… n-nothing important, haha…”
Dammit, Bim.
“Okay, well… come to bed?” You suggested. You smiled at him as best you could.
“Uh… I’m kinda busy…” He scratched his head. You frowned.
“Please?” You begged and held your arms out. He opened his mouth to oppose, but he decided to make eye contact for the first time tonight since dinner. He visibly relaxed and smiled at you, and you smiled back. He sighed and took his glasses off. You scooted over so he could climb in next to you. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his chest.
“I love you…” you whispered. He didn’t say anything for a moment before he chuckled.
“I love you, too. Night, darling.”
“Good night.”
You woke up feeling cold. You reached out to your boyfriend, but he wasn’t there. You rolled over and looked at the time. 3:00 am. Jesus, what was Bim doing? You slowly stood up and got out of bed, still feeling very tired. You walked around for a bit, searching for your partner, before pausing.
Was he… talking to someone? At this hour?
You walked towards the bathroom, where Bim’s voice was coming from. You put an ear against the door, trying to listen.
“Why can’t he just leave me alone, why can’t he just let me live my life?!” He whisper-yelled. “I’m perfectly content with how I am now. He didn’t want me when I was available, and now I’m unavailable, and suddenly he loves me?! What kind of bullshit is that?!” You frowned, not knowing who he was talking to. You were worried because of how upset he sounded. You softly knocked on the door.
“Bim? You alright?” You asked quietly. You heard a small thump from inside and flinched.
“Y-Yeah! Just… Just give me a minute!” He yelled. You walked away from the door and looked into the office. You saw your jacket on the floor and scoffed. How’d that get there?
You walked to the other side of the room and grabbed it. As you were walking back, something caught your eye. Bim hadn’t turned the computer off. You figured you’d do it for him. As you went to click out of the open tab, you saw messages on the screen. From ‘M’.
Do you love me?
So, you’ll get me on your gameshow again?
I’ll try.
Oh. I see.
I’ll try my best. I’ll do anything for you.
Leave your boyfriend
Trimmer? You there?
Your vision started to blur and you were confused until you felt the tears start down your face. You were still drunk, right? That’s why you were so emotional.
Yep. That’s it. That’s the only reason.
You wiped your face and went back to the bathroom door. He was still talking, but more quietly so you didn’t really hear him. After a minute or two, he sighed and unlocked the bathroom door. You stepped away and leaned on the wall opposite the door. Bim walked out and yelped.
“Oh my God! Hi!” He laughed. “I-I didn’t know you were still out here, uh…” He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows. “Your… eyes are kinda red… are you ok?” He reached out to touch your face but you avoided his hand.
“No, no. I’m fine. Just… need to use the… bathroom…” You said, managing to not have any voice cracks or slur any words. Nice.
“I… ok…” He dropped his hand and walked towards your bedroom. You went into the bathroom, shutting and locking it behind you. You hiccuped a bit before tears started streaming down your face. You leaned your forehead on the door, just letting it all out. You hadn’t cried in a while, that’s all.
That is the only reason.
You stood there and cried for a bit before walking over to the sink and looking at yourself in the mirror.
God, you were a mess.
Your eyes were all red and puffy, there were tear marks on your cheeks, you kept sniffling like a goddamn third grader.
And it… hurt.
Not just your eyes stinging from the tears. Although that hurt too.
The fact that he was hiding from you, that he wouldn’t talk to you, that he didn’t trust you.
You sighed and shut your eyes. You turned the faucet on, splashing water on your face, wiping all the evidence away.
You turned the water off and stared at your face, dripping wet, looking a bit shit.
“I’ll talk to him in the morning…” you promised yourself. You went back into your bedroom, finding Bim already asleep. You climbed in next to him, but didn’t hold him like you usually did. You curled up and turned away.
You’d talk to him in the morning.
You went to the living room after waking up and getting ready. You were supposed to go into work, but you told your boss you were having “family problems” and might come in later. You sat on the couch and watched a bit of tv while you waited for Bim to wake up. He had the day off, so he didn’t have to worry about anything. He was
You sat with your knees tucked in. You lifted your head a bit when you heard th shower turn on. You sighed and thought about what you were supposed to say.
Hi, Bim. I’m worried about you. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Hi, Bim. You’ve been acting weird recently. Everything ok?
Hi, Bim. I went through your messages. Are you cheating on me?
You groaned and buried your face in your hands. Why was this happening? Was he not happy? Were you doing something wrong?
As you were overthinking, the shower turned off. You uncovered your face and turned the TV off. You sat and waited for Bim to enter the living room.
Okay, just… tell him what happened.
Bim walked in wearing a T-Shirt and sweatpants. He went to the door and grabbed a jacket.
“We need more chicken, I’ll head to the store and-”
“Can we talk? Can you sit down for a second?” You interrupted. He froze halfway through putting his jacket on and stared at you.
“Um… okay…” He said slowly. He put the jacket on the back of his chair and sat. You sighed and put your legs down.
“Last night, when you were in the bathroom, I went into your office,” you explained. His eyes widened. Not a good sign.
“Why-Why did you do that?” His voice cracked as he spoke.
“I saw my jacket on the floor.” His face twitched into a scowl for a millisecond.
“Okay… and?”
“And… I figured I’d turn your computer off for you.” You avoided looking at him. “I s-saw some messages, and I wanted to ask-”
“I’m not cheating on you!” He claimed loudly. You blinked and looked at him. He looked scared. Kinda panicked.
“I-I don’t like him anymore! That was like a joke message! I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to know if he actually felt anything for me, or if I was just being used by him! It was from a while ago! I-I know I shouldn’t have messaged him, I know a-and I’m sorry, but I don’t know why he’s messaging me again now! I want nothing to do with him I promise!” You hummed and looked away. You heard a shuffle before Bim appeared on his knees on the floor in front of you.
“Wha-Bim?” You flushed.
“Please, please, please believe me! I never wanted anyone but you! I just… It wasn’t recent, it was a while ago! I wanted to know if he ever actually liked me, and… I had you! There wasn't any reason to go back to him! And I don’t want to lose you! I-I can be better, I promise!”
“Okay, h-how ‘bout we calm down-”
“I do love you, I-I do! But… if you don’t trust me anymore, that’s fine! I-I just want you to be happy and-”
“BIM!” You yelled. He looked up at you with misty eyes and a quivering lip. You shook your head with a small laugh.
“Wh-What’s so funny?” He sniffled.
“I’m not gonna leave you! I understand! You wanted to know if there was anything ever there, if he ever felt anything for you instead of just being a manipulative bastard.” You smirked.
“Yes! Exactly!” He nodded his head hard.
“You could’ve… said that. I would’ve understood…”
“You… You would have?”
“Bim, you’re an adult. Do you not know how to communicate?”
“Uh… not… really?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Okay, we’re gonna have to work on that, and I think you might have trust issues too… ” You shook your head.
“Do I need therapy?”
“Yeah, therapy’s good for this sort of thing.”
You moved forward and kissed his forehead. He wiped his eyes and kissed you gently.
“Are we gonna be okay?” He asked after pulling back. You leaned your forehead against his.
“Yeah… we’ll be okay?”
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 3,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: On My Mind/Burn/Love Me Like You Do-Ellie Goulding | | | | | |
Tag List: @choiceslady @shewillreadyou @bebepac @queenjilian @txemrn @pixie88 @lucy-268 @hopefulmoonobject @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here
Chapter 8.) Love Me Like You Do.
You're the light, you're the night. You're the color of my blood. You're the cure, you're the pain. You're the only thing I wanna touch. Never knew that it could mean so much, so much.
You're the fear, I don't care. 'Cause I've never been so high. Follow me through the dark. Let me take you past our satellites. You can see the world you brought to life, to life.
It had been a week since her first dream about Trent.
And Naia was sleeping in Roman’s arms, dreaming about Trent again. They were running through the woods together with reckless abandon. They were wolves. Bounding through the woods on all fours. And when Naia reached the edge of the woods she looked back to see if he was still behind her, but she saw nothing but darkness. She didn’t know where he was. She frantically looked around for him but he was gone. When she called out to him he never responded.
That’s when she woke up gasping for air and in a cold sweat. Something that hadn’t happened since coming to Hunt’s Peak. She had just sat up and was getting her head out of the fog it was in, when she felt Roman’s hand on her shoulder.
“Are you alright Beloved?” He asks.
“Huh? Yeah. I-I’m okay.” She replied trying to downplay how and what she was feeling.
“Your heart is racing. Are you sure that you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yes. It was just a nightmare. I promise I’ll be fine.” She replies.
Roman knew something was wrong but he decided not to press the issue.
“You should rest Beloved.”
“I will. No need to worry.”
She grabbed Gino from off the floor and snuggled him close as Roman’s arms wrapped around her.
“Not so tight!”
Roman raised his head.
“You’ll squish Gino.”
He groaned.
“I do not understand why you are so attached to that thing.”
“Well if you didn’t want me to have him…you shouldn’t have given him to me.”
She snickered as he rolled his eyes. She settled in his arms and was soon fast asleep.
So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do.
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do.
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
The next morning Naia was with Layla helping her with laundry for the Pack.
“Thank you so much for the help. It would’ve taken me hours to get all this done.” Layla told her.
“No problem. I’m surprised that the Pack believes in washing machines.”
“You do NOT want to know how hard it was or how long it took me to convince them.”
The two shared a laugh as they folded blankets. When Naia reached for one another blanket, Layla cautioned her.
“You might want to be careful with that one.”
“Why?” Naia asks.
“Because that one is Roman’s.” Layla replies.
“Yeah. He rarely lets me wash it.”
“Why? It’s just a blanket.”
“It was his mother’s. It never leaves the den unless he allows it.”
“He told me about her. Sounds like he really loved her.”
“Yeah he did and still does. Roman is the quintessential mama’s boy.”
Naia laughed.  
“Just don’t tell him I said that.”
“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.”
“Good. Because he’d be pretty pissed at me if he knew I said that about him.”
“Even if it’s true?” Naia asked.
“Especially because it’s true!” Layla replies.
The two shared another laugh.
“Tell me about his mother. All I know is that her name is Delia.”
Layla went quiet as she considered how to answer.
“Ms. Delia was a joy to be around. She was fair and stern and always loving. Even after she married and mated with Roman’s father, she continued on to be a school teacher. She cared for the Pack. Maybe even more than Xander ever did. She was as protective as she was funny. She’s one of the reasons why I’m loyal to them as well.”
“Did she welcome you?” Naia asks.
“Oh yeah. She welcomed anyone to the Pack. Even though some Pack members thought it was a mistake.” Layla replies.
“Why would they think that welcoming others is a mistake?” She asks.
“Because the Pack is an old guard. And many believe in its old and kinda outdated ways. Many of the werewolves, especially some of the elders only look at humans like us as a means to an end. But to some like Callum and Roman, humans are and always will be welcomed and loved. Just like Ms. Delia taught them.” Layla replies.
“How was she with Roman?” Naia asks.
“She loved Roman and his siblings. But, many whispered that she always favored him because he’s the oldest and her firstborn. She always knew how to tame her son. And when she died, it nearly killed him. He was closed off for a while. And as of late, he’s just been so absorbed in his role as Alpha.” Layla replied.
“I wish I had the chance to meet her.”
“She would’ve loved you.”
“You think so?” Naia asks.
“Yup. She was always a sweet woman. Even though she lived amongst the Pack.” Layla replies.
“What was his father like?” She asked.
“When you think of Xander, think of an older, stuffier and scarier version of Roman.” Layla replies.
“Yikes! Yikes! And triple yikes!”
“Yeah…compared to his father and especially how he ran the Pack, Roman is an angel.”
“Sheesh! I’m kinda sorry I asked. “
Once they were finished with the laundry, they stopped by the furniture store to pick up a few things for the den. Then went to the local boutique for themselves.
“I love this boutique so much. I just wish I could fit in the clothes.” Layla said in a wistful tone.
“I’m sure they’ve got something in here for you.”
“You see this?” Layla asks, pointing to her very pregnant belly. “Ain’t nothing in here fitting all of this.”
Naia rolled her eyes and chuckled.
“Buuuuuuut that doesn’t mean that we can’t find something for you.”
“You just want to live vicariously through me, don’t you?” Naia asked.
“Maaaaaaaybe.” Layla replied innocently.
“Uh huh…”
After picking out a few outfits that she really liked, Naia turned her attention to the lingerie in the boutique. Using Layla’s critical eye, she narrowed her choices down to two colors red and purple.
“Well you can’t go wrong with red. It’s a classic color for a reason. But then again I really like the purple one.”
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Naia tried on both and showed Layla.
“Well damn Miss America! Who knew you could twirl like that?” She teased.
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Naia rolled her eyes good naturedly.
“So…which one should I get?” Naia asked her.
“Split the difference and get both. Especially if you want to make Roman drool.” Layla replied.
“Oh no honey! Never buy lingerie for a man. Always do it for yourself. But you are right I think I’m gonna get both.”
“Of course I’m right! Now go pay for them so we can go get some food. We’re starving!”
After paying for her new clothes and getting food, Naia and Layla were back at the den rearranging and organizing the kitchen. With the Pack out on a hunt, Naia took the initiative to freshen the room she was given. She figured she’d deal with Roman and his opinion later. She had just finished redecorating the bedroom when he walked in.
“What did you do?” He asks.
“Made this more of a bedroom and less of a cold, sterile cave with a bed in it.” She replies.
He gives her a lopsided look.
“What? Gino likes it.”
“Gino can’t speak.”
“He still likes it.”
“Gino is a toy.”
“Well I say he likes it!” She huffed.
He shakes his head and smirks at her. She could feel his victory through their bond.
“How was the hunt?” She asked after clearing her throat.
“It was highly successful. How was your day in town?” He asks.
“Good. We got the laundry done and did a little shopping. Well I shopped, Layla watched.” She replies.
“What did you buy?” He asks.
“A little gift for myself.” She replies.
He raises an expectant eyebrow.
“If you must know, I bought lingerie.”
“Hmmmm I see.”
She watched Roman as he took a look at what she had done around the room. When his eyes fell on his mother’s blanket laying on the bed, his gaze softened. He sat down and held the blanket in his hands. She sat down next to him.
“Layla told me that it was your mother’s.”
“It was. She made it herself.”
“She was a quilter?” She asks.
“Yes. She was also a school teacher.” He replies.
“Layla told me that.”
“What else did Layla tell you?” He asks.
“That you really loved her and that you miss her.” She replies.
“She’s right. Mother was an angel. There isn’t a day where I don’t miss her.”
“I’m sure she’s proud of you Roman. Wherever she is.”
He smiled softly at her.
“Gino was right. What you’ve done is…nice.”
She chuckled softly before laying her head on his shoulder.
“If you don’t like it, I can always change it.”
“No. I want this to be as much of a home for you as possible. And if changing things around and adding things does that for you, I won’t protest.”
Fading in, fading out. On the edge of paradise. Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find. Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire. Yeah, I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more. What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
She felt their bond swell as they sat together. She secretly loved seeing him be vulnerable with her. After a few moments, he put the blanket down.
“Will you come with me?” He asks her. “There’s something I want to show you.”
“Sure. Where are we going?” She replies.
“You’ll see.”
He led her along the north side of the woods towards a field.
“I don’t see anything.”
“Just watch Beloved.”
Beside her Roman had transformed into his wolf form. After hearing him let out a commanding and slightly startling howl, she watched as a pack of actual wolves came through the tall grass. She counted at least 7 adult wolves as Roman changed back into his human form.
As they approached she hid behind Roman.
“They won’t harm you Beloved.”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not take the chance of finding out.”
She watched him as he knelt down to greet the Alpha of the pack. The wolves greeted him like they were greeting an old friend. Roman nodded to the alpha to meet Naia.
“I promise you, you’re safe Beloved. Come meet Kuvo.”
Naia knelt beside him and held out her palm for Kuvo to sniff. After sniffing her palm, Kuvo walked around sniffing the rest of her before headbutting her shoulder affectionately.
“Hi Kuvo.” She said as he nuzzled her. Kuvo looked to his pack then the adults took off. Leaving the pups behind.
“Where are they going?” She asks.
“To hunt.” He replies.
“So we’re babysitting?”
“Yes. I thought you’d like to see what Gino would look like if he was real.”
“Look at you. Jealous of a toy.”
He rolled his eyes as they walked to where the pups were playing. As they got closer the pups ran to Roman, nearly tackling him when he sat down.
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“You’re covered in pups. You know that right?” She said as she snickered. She sat down close to him and one of the smaller pups ran up to her.
“Hi there little one! You are absolutely adorable.” She said as she nuzzled the pup in her arms. She rubbed behind the pup’s ears as she watched the other pups climb all over Roman.
“You look natural Beloved.”
She blushed.
“Thank you.”
He nodded to the pups and they went from climbing all over him to swarming Naia.
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He watched as she giggled and pups yipped.
“Oh my God! I should’ve been born an octopus because I clearly don’t have enough arms!” She said as she giggled and tried to pet and pick up as many pups as she could. When she finally got up and tried to walk away, the pups followed behind her.
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“I feel like a mother!” She giggled.  
“You look like one.”
Just then an adult wolf came out of the field. The pups ran straight to the wolf and led the wolf to them.
“Who’s that?” She asks.
“That’s their mother, Oma.” He replied.
He knelt in front of her then allowed her to nuzzle and lick him. When Oma turned to Naia, she was holding one of the pups. Oma cautiously walked towards Naia, who had her hand stretched out to her. Oma sniffed her hand then licked her palm. While the pup ran off to play with its siblings, Oma laid down next to Naia with her head in her lap.
“Hello Oma. Your pups are the cutest little things.” She said to Oma as they watched the pups play. She rubbed behind Oma’s ears Roman sat down on the other side of Oma.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why did you bring me here?” She asks.
“Because I wanted you to see why I protect these lands. These wolves are some of the most endangered in the country. And not just from SEP  but poachers as well. It is my duty to protect them. And it’s getting increasingly difficult to do so.” He replies.
“Why is that?” She asks.
“Because if SEP gets their hands on this land, they’ll tear it all down to build mines. Which will drive Kuvo and his pack further away from here and right into the hands of poachers.” He replies. His tone hid a calm fury.
“They’d turn all of this into mines? What kind of mines?” She asks.
“Coal.” He replies.
Naia shuddered at his words.
“I hope you see why I must fight against these evils. I am Alpha. It is my job to protect and defend.”
“I do understand why you fight so hard.”
“I hope you will be at my side as I fight for this land.”
“As your mate you mean.”
Roman smirked.
“Yes. I would love for you to be my mate. But only if you want to be.”
Naia snuggled Oma as she considered his words. In the distance a howl was heard and returned by Oma and the pups.
“What’s going on?” She asks.
“It’s Kuvo. The hunt is over and was a success.” He replies as he looks out to the distance. Oma rises and goes with the pups to meet Kuvo and the other wolves. They watched as the wolves shared the kill.
“That’s a huge deer!” She exclaimed.
“Indeed. This is what it means to be an alpha. Kuvo excels at his duty as alpha.”
“So do you. Don’t ever forget that.”
Roman smiled softly at her. He noticed that she was shivering.
“Are you cold?” He asks.
“Just a little bit.” She whispered.
She felt his arms wrap around her. He was trying to use his body heat to keep her warm.
“Thank you Roman. I feel better.”
“Good. Now come. It’s getting late and you should rest.”
“But I’m not—“ she said before letting out a giant yawn.
“You were saying?” He teased.
She huffed then smirked.
“I do miss Gino. He’s probably lonely without me.”
“Yes…I’m sure that a toy is very lonely.”
She snickered as they began to walk back to the den. As she crawled into bed, she saw Roman getting ready to leave.
“You’re leaving?” She asked.
“Yes. Do not worry I will be back.” He told her.
She felt her heart start to ache. She didn’t want to be away from him.
“Don’t go.”
“I must Beloved.”
“Stay with me.”
He sat across from her as she clung to Gino.
“Roman please…”
He could feel her yearning for him. To soothe her ache, he kissed her. She needed him. She was desperate for him. Her body wanted him. As the kiss deepened, she pulled him on top of her. Their limbs tangled with each other as the kiss intensified.
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (yeah) Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more. What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do). Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (yeah). Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do. What are you waiting for? Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do). Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (oh). Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
Roman had to force himself to stop kissing her.
“As much as I hate to stop, I must.”
“Okay…” she pouted.
“Get some rest Beloved. I will see you when you wake up.”
With a kiss to her forehead, Roman left and Naia was soon fast asleep.
She was soon dreaming again. She was dreaming about Trent again. She was dreaming about being in his arms. And being with him. She felt her heart tell her that Trent is her mate, the same way Roman is her mate. And when she woke up, she needed to know why. So she made it her mission to figure out what was going on with her heart.
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0veil-ablaze0 · 3 years
(warnings: body shaming, bullying)
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"Gear, dinner's ready!" Brazen calls to their shared room.
"not hungry...." Respond the other, sounding upset.
You see, this pair of six year olds were practically inseparable, unless it's school, of course. But they always been seen together at recess.
So Brazen, with all his knowledge about his twin, knows something was up.
He enters to their room and see Geary sitting by the window. "Hey, what's up with you?"
Geary turns his head around to face his big brother. "I'm fine, I just don't want to eat right now..."
"Nonsense, you're the one who's always excited for dinner." Brazen puts his arms on his hips with an exaggerated annoyed face.
"Well, people change."
"Boys, what's going on over there?"
"Mama, Geary's skipping dinner!" He shouts.
"Huh?!" Their mother then rushes to the boys' room. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you sick?" She checks her youngest forehead to see if he has a fever. "You don't seem to have a fever..."
"I'm fine, ma, I just wanna eat later..." He brushed off his mother's hand gently.
"Not a chance, Geary, we are not delaying meals!"
"Yeah, c'mon Geary, daddy's waiting." Brazen then grabs his twin's arm and attempted to drag him to the dining room.
"Nuh-uh!" He fights back.
"Boys, stop that. Geary, please come to the dining room."
"Sorry mama..."
"But I don't wanna!" Geary whined.
Brazen puffs up his cheek in frustration and began pulling his brother's arm like a couple minutes earlier. "Come...on....!" He grumbles.
The room was silent.
"Who's calling my son a pig??!" Their father came rushing through.
Geary started to become all teary eyed. "The kids at school said that I look like a pig...."
"Well those kids are a bunch of meanies!" Brazen crosses his arms.
"they also said that they would be embarrassed if they were you..."
Their mother hugged him tight. "Aww, honey, don't listen to them. They're wrong."
"Yeah! Besides, they got your animal wrong!"
"You're not a pig, you're a polar bear!"
"I think your brother is a bit confused there, kiddo."
"Polar bears are big and round, they're cute,"
"I'm not cute!" He pouts.
"sure you are, but polar bears are also super strong!"
"That could apply to many bears, so why polar bears specifically?" Their father ask.
"Geary likes winter more."
"Fair point."
"Your brother is right, you are a strong boy, don't let their words get to you." Their mother let go of the hug, "better?" She asks. Geary only nodded.
"Okay, let's go eat dinner. The food's getting cold over there."
"I like cold foods.."
"You like every food."
Brazen entered their room with a little surprise behind him.
"Brazen, you're out of detention!"
"Why did you fight them?"
"Well they were being meanies."
"But they're mean to me, not you.."
"That's why, if they're mean to you, then they're mean to me."
The two share a laugh together, like brothers do.
"So, when mama picked me up, we went to get you a surprise."
The younger twin looks at him with big eyes. "What's the surprise? Is it chocolate?"
"Nope." He pulls out the surprise from his back. It's a polar bear plush with little black beads as eyes, nose, and claw stubs. "How is it? D'you like it?"
".....but I'm too old for dolls..."
"What, no you're not."
"You're right."
The two brothers then played around with their toys for hours, getting reminded of homework, and playing chase till the sky turns an fiery orange.
"Thanks, Brazen.. for the bear.."
"No problem, what're brothers for."
"....and for backing me up with those bullies at school."
"You're welcome. It's already my job to protect you!"
"But, what if you can't?"
"Then you have the polar bear right? If I can't protect you, just remember the bear."
"Then I'll name the bear Fackel."
"Weird name for a polar bear but, cool!"
"You're still holding on to that thing? Aren't you too old for plushie toys? That bear is like, what, three years old? Grow up."
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ververa · 5 years
“You are enough”
CHAPTER 10 (part 1)
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They entered the gallery shoulder to shoulder – holding hands all the time. Ellie wasn't eager to leave the comfort of their house, at least didn’t really want to spend the New Year’s Eve in a gallery. But Ronnie insisted she had to, since the gallery had a new owner, who wasn't really into allowing young artists to exhibit there. And so Ellie went there as well, cause she needed to keep an eye on the girl.
"What the hell is that?" Ellie asked looking at one of the paintings
"Well" the girl tilted her head to one side "I... I truly don't know" she sighed
"We should be somewhere... nicer. Like a restaurant or at home... Even the club would be better than this" she rolled her eyes
"I know. I know. I'm sorry, but I have to attend it. It's the idea of new owners... And if I won't be here they may have half a mind to knock my works off of here" she explained as they moved further "Besides I need backers... And since they pay I don't really have a choice"
"Oh, fuck them. I'll pay" she whispered and kissed the shell of Ronnie's ear
The girl chuckled.
"No, you won't. I don't want you to pay for me all the time. It would be as if I were..."
"Not capable of taking care of yourself. Yes I know. I didn't mean that. I just fail to understand this" she pointed to another picture "And it's no fun" she complained
Ronnie shook her head
"Your works are so much better. Just look... What is that supposed to be?" she pointed to a picture with some lines creating a weird shapes
"Well, the name says it's a ride..." she pointed to the inscription below the painting
"A ride?"
"The only thing it has in common with a ride is that unsuited name. I can show you what a real ride looks like"
Ronnie giggled
"I bet you can" she dragged Ellie to another object
"So, do you want to go home and have a ride?"
"Elliiiiiie!" the girl reprimanded blushing profusely
"What?" she smirked
Ronnie said nothing trying to focus on another painting.
"Are you wet already?" she whispered only for the girl to hear "Did the thought of it alone turn you on?" "Ellie, stop" she could say her cheeks became even redder
"I bet you're soaked, aren't you, kitten?" she emphasised the last word knowing how it always work on the girl
"You'll be the death of me"
"Your fault. You promised to be my snow maiden" she bit her lower lip "Come on, baby. Let's have a ride" "El..."
"You can be the top" Ronnie looked at the woman
Ellie smiled with satisfaction seeing the girl's sparkling eyes
"There you are" she smirked knowing that she will get what she wanted
"Oh... Wow" Ellie's eyes sparkled as she saw Ronnie only in her lingerie and that red hat on "I think I may start liking Christmas"
The girl chuckled, as she could feel the blush on her cheeks again
"Come here" Ellie patted her thighs in an inviting gesture
"You promised I'll be the top"
"Right. I'm sorry. I just... God... I want you now. Please..."
Ronnie smiled approaching the bed and crawling on to it.
"So, are you going to take me for a ride like promised?" the girl asked smirking
"Of course, I'm not the one to make empty promises"
"Good" she straddled Ellie's bare thigh
The psychiatrist shifted a bit and wanted to place her hands on the girl's hips, but Ronnie caught her hands before she managed to do it
"Csk csk csk" she shook her head "No, doctor. No touching today"
"What?! Why?!"
"Because" she leaned closer to whisper into the woman's ear "You were a bad girl"
"No" she chuckled mischievously before licking Ellie's jaw with a tip of her tongue "No touching. You can only watch"
The psychiatrist groaned with dissatisfaction, but lifted up her thigh anyway, so that Ronnie would have a better access. The girl smiled looking down at the woman as she felt her thigh between her legs. Ronnie grounded her hips down onto Ellie's leg. The older woman smirked feeling how wet the girl was.
"As I thought. You're completely soaked"
"Ohhh. Shut up!" she said not interrupting the move of her hips and closing her eyes
At this Ellie flattened her leg out onto the bed
"W-what the fuck?!" Ronnie almost cried as her body was disconnected from the psychiatrist's thigh
"Is somebody not enjoying themselves?"
"Ellie!!!" she cried with frustration
"What baby?"
"Why? Tell me, why do you have to be like this?" she rolled her eyes
"What do you mean baby?"
"Ohhh. Why do you have to tease so fucking much?!"
"Watch your language!" Ellie slapped the girl's thigh "Ask me nicely"
"Fuck you!"
The older woman barely managed not to laugh at Ronnie's reaction.
"Oh, baby I don't need to. I have you for this" she winked at her
"You're the worst"
"But you love me"
Ronnie rolled her eyes once again
"So, can I touch you? Tell me, baby girl, do you want your doctor to touch you?"
"Oh my... Yes! Yes, I want my doctor to touch me! I want my doctor to fuck me! For fuck's sake, Ellie!"
The psychiatrist smirked lifting her thigh back to its previous position. She smiled even wider when she placed her hands on the girl's hips to guide her moves. And soon the girl was almost at the edge.
"You're doing great, kitten"
"I'm n-not g-go... O-oh my..."
"What baby?"
"I'm not g-going... to t-talk t-to you" she stuttered breathlessly
"Are you sure?" she asked
"Y-yes, I'm su-" Ronnie's words were interrupted by a loud moan, as Ellie lifted her leg higher – increasing the pressure
"Fuck! I-I'm close"
"Then, come for me, kitten"
And she did. The girl let go and soon she wasn't able to hold herself up. She fell into Ellie's embrace – her body still trembling lightly. Ronnie needed a few minutes to come back from her high. But as soon as she eased her breath she moved away from Ellie's soft arms. The psychiatrist looked at her confused.
"I was serious. I'm not going to talk to you" she huffed
"Oh, kitten, don't be mad"
The girl rolled over to the other side, so that her back was to the older woman.
"But didn't you cum after all?" Ellie chuckled "Don't be childish"
Ronnie only lifted her hand and showed her girlfriend a middle finger. The psychiatrist barely stopped her laugh.
"How about me making it up to you?" she leaned closer to the girl "Huh? How does it sound, darling?" "You'll have to put a lot of effort into it"
"How about this?" she reached to the drawer and placed a small box in front of the girl "Will it be a sufficient amount of effort?"
Ronnie sat up and took the box. Ellie looked at her with anticipation and she couldn't hide a smile as she saw how Ronnie's eyes widened
"Oh my god..." the girl looked at her girlfriend "Are those..."
"Wedding bands. Yes"
Ronnie looked at the content of the box once more. There were two rings. One with a black rock created as a flower of rose and a band formed in leaves and the second one – only with leaves.
"I know we were going to pick them together, but I just thought that maybe I'll surprise you..."
"You did. I'm surprised..."
"Do you like it?"
"Of course I do. They are amazing" she smiled looking lovingly at the other woman "Perfect" she cupped Ellie's cheeks "Just like you" she added leaning in for a kiss
"So, am I forgiven now?"
"Yup. But I'll get my revenge"
"It sounds sweet in your mouth, but" she smirked "I think we can put them to a better use"
Ronnie shook her head straddling Ellie's lap.
"Teasing. Again? You're such a naught girl today, Miss Staple" she kissed the woman "But don't worry, I'll return the favour"
She slowly moved down Ellie's body – kissing every exposed inch of her soft skin. Ronnie placed a few sloppy kisses on the psychiatrist's abdomen and then gently spread the woman's legs out. She began kissing Ellie's thigh. The psychiatrist tilted her head back and closed her eyes waiting with anticipation for the girl to move right between her legs.
Ronnie looked at Ellie's relaxed face and smirked. She trailed a few more kisses down her inner thigh and unexpectedly – for Ellie – slapped her other thigh.
"Now, pop on some nice clothes and get ready for the party"
The psychiatrist need a while to process what happened.
"What? Wait"
Ronnie chuckled mischievously.
"New Year's Eve party" she was going to disappear in a bathroom
"Wait. What about me?" she complained "I thought we're okay now"
"Oh, honey" the girl moved closer to the bed "Of course we are" she said happily "I'm not mad at you any more" she quickly kissed her forehead and run to the bathroom
Ellie sighed with frustration and after a while she followed the girl.
"Baby" she began sternly "It isn't fair"
"What's not fair?"
"I let you cum"
Ronnie laughed at the woman's face expression
"Oh, don't worry. You're going to cum too. Just you'll have to wait, kitten" she whispered before biting Ellie's earlobe.
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Ash may I have those good ol' cat memes you used in the last update? I need them for... reasons... By the way, that update was sooo good!!? I'm loving the fact that Chae isn't even in the hockey team (certified snake) and that Vernon isn't really into it, although I'm loving fuckboy!Joshua I'm scared about the angst, because you're lowkey evil, but I trust you~
yes yes lol. give me a second! and gooood you should trust me. ;)
@colddreamcrown said:Hey there, i have been reading your collage aus from the time you started them. All i want to say that your aus are amazing, these are very addicting. Your work is great, deserves to be praised. 😊😍☻❤
Thank you sooooo much!! You’ve been here for awhile wowowow!! thank you!! :’)
Anonymous said:random but?? I've come to the conclusion that the mull8 was cultivated specifically for this comeback so it could floof around during Hao's parts in Thanks where he threatens to give himself whiplash x5. Mansae!Hao's hair just wouldn't do it and their performance of Dancing Hero only reinforces my theory - Wonnon
LMAO WHAT. YOU COULD BE RIGHT THO. Jihoon’s mullet seemed to only last for Clap era.........
Anonymous said:And now on topic!!! HANSOL honey we all know what's going on, bless josh for doing his fair share of work ;000
yup yup! Joshua is a saint tbh.
@captainnyc said:Okay, never mind, hopes' gone.... Chae's a god damn SNAKE!
HAHAHA she really is tho. I want her to get karma.
Anonymous said: hi, hi. i'm wondering if you could tell me the theme colors for each of the college au like minghao is yellow, jeonghan is white, and vernon is brown. i'm planning something to do lmao i swear it's not suspicious.
I’m not sure, actually!!! I never did the theme change for everyone and I just change it to what’s aesthetically pleasing!! :-( sorry bby
@mysticmakertraveler said:I knew it! See?? She's really a bitch! Lying and act sweet just to get vernon attention? So vernon, now open u'r eyes and see what a snake she is. 😠😠 And joshua, please help them 😂😂
Right.... let’s get her exposed eh?
@joshoonuihan said:Vernon can screw off lmao cinnamon can be friends who she wants to be
LMAO do you lowkey ship Cinnamon and Josh?
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Ope hey Smitty lol
Oof o.o this is awkward
Ahh idk I don't thiiink you are lol
Ope hey guys o.o
Oh PHEW hallelujah Tim 😭
Aww Tim taking the fall 😭😭😭
OOPE yes he'll arrest you o.o
Okay good phew :'D
Gosh <33
Ope hey guys :D xD
LOL poor Nolan xD
Girl chill o.o yeah exactly Nolan xD
This is rough xdd
Nolan XD
Oh gosh lol
I love Wesley though :))
Oope o.o
Oof xd
Yeah exactly girl 😭😭😭
I do get why she's upset though :(((
NOOOOO 😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️
I don't deserve this frankly xdd
Uh ohh
I knew this would happen 😭
Poor Bailey :'(((
Okay good no doors open
Uhh?? Genuinely where is she
Ahhh she's in the closet DD':
Awww honeys 😭😭😭
My babeys <33
Okay good that's Nolan not Tim lol
Awww honey :((
Yeah Nolan exactly lol
Okay fair he wouldn't take it xdd
Y'alllll I'm stressinggg xdd
Okay phew lol he's getting pulled away xD
Oh gosh
Hmm nah I don't think he did it
Ahh lives there on long nights
Ope somebody o.o
Ayo 👀
Ooh honeyss :'((
Yeah it makes sense lovely <33
Yep that's parenting for ya :'))
Awww yeah letting her sleep/stay :'DD ayy slay Bailey I'm so proud did you honey <33
Lol poor lady xD xd
Nah he's here this time lol
Yep he is o.o
Ohhh gosh
Yes get him Nolan
Okay P H E W gosh 😭😭
AYYY good news?
We've been over this xD
Yeah exactly lol
Yes absolutely fair lol
YESSS it got dismissed :'D hallelujah 🥰
Slay Wesley :D!
Aww Lucyyy honey 😭😭❤️ xd
Yeah that's good :'))
Yeeah that did kinda happen lol
Aww my lovelies xdd
Awww cheering her up <33
Ope hey guys :'))
:'OO you're doing it??
AAAHHHH YOU'RE DOING IT :'DD!! Congrats guys I'm happy for you :'))
Ope that's someone here to pick her up
Yup :')) :'(( aww I'm sorry guys <33
That sucks D':
Aww <33
0 notes
liopleurodean · 7 months
Season 11, Episode 12: Don't You Forget About Me
I know this song is known because of The Breakfast Club, but to me it will always be the Pitch Perfect song
A Jody episode?
Fair enough
Uh oh
That's freaky
Is that an angel blade?
They screwed up the captions on that
Aw, yeah
Gotta unhinge your jaw to eat that
Come on Sam, the calorie thing is a scam
Ooh, that's right! I still need to watch that movie
Uh oh
Definitely still around
Good for her
I guess it's better than monsters?
Great question
Hugs all around!
Ooh, boy
Eh, it's not too much trouble
That looks delicious
They live off of diner food
Nice try
Don't encourage her
I'm so sorry
She did not!
Right in front of the salad
Dean is invested
Oh no
This is great
You sure about that?
Sam and Dean are the best parts of this conversation
I guess so
Wrap it before you tap it
Dean, please
Okay then
Yeah, fair
Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew
Life of a parent
Did it?
Yeah, I bet
Dean might be able to help
Mm, I would disagree
No, never!
And definitely not the last
Maybe. Maybe not
Oh, Claire...
Please don't
Give it another chance
Uh oh, math teacher is out
You definitely won't
That's horrifying
Aside from the death, it almost feels like a high-tier senior prank
What is that?
Just give it a second
Claire, that's not the point!
Shovel talk
Fun times
It's still the dead body
Oh boy
A bar?
That's one way to put it
Not just people
Hah! Buddy, you have no idea
Is she going to tell?
Honey, it wasn't your fault
He means well
That's interesting
Not gonna fly
Poor Jody
Normal people
Uh oh
Oh, that's not good!
He's taking Claire
Dean, hurry!
It's too late
That's good
I've been there!
Oh, it's personal
Stay put
Dang it, I really hoped
Dean, please use a parking space
Always leaving the phones behind
They're closing in
It's storage for food
Doesn't feel so nice anymore
Poor Alex
Strange, isn't it? I wonder what happened
Well, he wasn't entirely wrong
Why didn't they finish him off?
Poor guy
She couldn't.
So he had to give her everything first
Where are they?
Nice, Claire
Too many
Speaking of, where are Sam and Dean?
Not exactly
Alex, no...
Hurry, Sam!
This is not going well
Oh boy
Dean to the rescue
Don't try to move
Have fun
Good riddance
Bonding moment!
Aw, cute
It's not your fault
Hey, I know the Impala when I hear it!
And those are the Impala doors
Good enough
Yeah, fair
I guess so
It's traumatic
Please do not put that on Baby
Oh, that is a GORGEOUS sound
On the road again
0 notes
liopleurodean · 10 months
Season 9, Episode 10: Road Trip
Man, you can't trust anyone these days
I low-key forgot about Abaddon 💀
Good old Bob Seger
Oh, Dean...
I'm so sorry
And now he's all alone
Lots of babies
I guess
Uh oh
Of course he is
How does that not stab through the fabric?
Back in business
Oh, Dean...
Sounded like Sam didn't care
No, Dean. You were desperate
It was nasty, though
Hi, Crowley
No, you won't
Kevin's dead
Bad cop
It's not their fault
To where?
He's got a point
Moose is MIA
Punch him in the face. Please
Did he take Baby???
Out of gas, I'll bet
Heck yeah, Cas has good taste
Nah. He learned from the best
Stolen grace
That little smile 😂
Dean doesn't want to deal with the tension
Looks like Cas got it from a pump, though
OH. I missed that
Still at large
Oh geez, he's a Martin fan
On a napkin
Red flags
Oh boy
Makes sense
And they don't even have wiretaps yet!
I'm sure
They must be seeing something different
Not yet
Better than he thought
Finding Sam via the Impala
Oh, Cas
So who's this guy?
Oh no
A nephilim, or regular?
Not still?
What do you care about vessels?
There she is
Me too, Dean
Uh oh.
Shouldn't have
There we go
Can an angel force another angel out of a vessel?
Double agent
That's good
Fun times
Oh boy
Not even close
Extreme acupuncture
Not as fancy
Oh, Dean...
Oh, he's a drop away from full blown sobbing
Not exactly
Everyone does at some point
Not a bad thing to be
Thanks, Cas
... interesting choice
There it is
That... puts some things in perspective
That's great
Go back to sleep
The goal isn't torture
Push him out
That's a horrifying thought
Plan C for Crowley
Fair enough
It's good enough
Lots of choices today
Huh. Cheap laser removal
That's true, actually
Code words!
And now the waiting game
Bad joke
It has to
I hope Sam believes him
Uh oh
It's not your fault, Sam
Thank you, Crowley
Nah. Still a chump
They were really good at casting someone who looks like a jerk
Come on, Sam
Not anymore
Thank goodness
Waste of good drinks
That's gotta be Abaddon
Will he?
That's true
Thanks, Crowley
Oh boy
Are you so sure?
True Barbie face
They're gonna die
And Sam is back
Getting better, though
That's not a good thing
He just doesn't get it
Sam, come on
Oh, Dean...
Dean, honey, no...
Dang it, Sam
And I'm crying again
0 notes
liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 8, Episode 8: Hunteri Heroici
I have friends there
A heartbeat
Something's up
That's so weird
Poor girl
Man, I miss Dean's ring
Houseboat. Nice
Wait, so Angel Radio is real radio?
Interesting choice
I'd go
Also, was that supposed to be a White Christmas reference?
That sounds like a great idea!
I love his smile at that 😂
Oh, Cas...
Yeah, it does
You've gotta take the road trips, too
Sorry, Cas
Thanks, Cas
Whoo, boy
Cas is really helpful
It's great!
Detective work!
Really witchy
Don't be mean
Probably, but it's Sam, so
Cowboys? Really
Irregardless I can understand, but I've never gotten the moist thing
Sam Winchester!
Oh. He meant the dog
Yeah, well
For a while
It really doesn't, but okay
Cas, no
So they were friends?
That's just whack
Nice cutoff, but what?
Don't do it, dude
That's just sick!
Ooh, that sucks
Oh! It's a cartoon! With the heart thumping, and the whole look-down-gravity thing!
That's what I was thinking!
No, Cas...
Oh. cas
Whatever floats your boat, Cas
He doesn't sleep
That sounds awesome
Dean. Honey. please sleep more
Listen, if angel radio is on a frequency, then it makes sense that Cas can hear fm
Loony Tunes!
It flips.
Of course!
X marks the spot
Ten Commandments of Road Runner, Cas, come on!
Great question
A lot of weird scene cuts today
I'm looking at that laptop with all the ports in the side, and I'm envious because my new one is "streamlined" and "modern" and "only has room for one USB slot and doesn't support micro-SD"
That's true
Actually, bad idea
Oh, Cas...
And the guilt
Oh, Cas..!
It's likely
I'm sure they did
More leads
Duck season!
Cas needs more education
I kinda grew up around nursing homes, so I'm cool with it
Like. Bing Crosby? White Christmas Bing Crosby (that's the second time)
Dean, when it comes to flirting, it's you I worry about
We can tell
Tom and Jerry
A little
Sam can relate
Sounds like a Winchester meal
Yeah, well. Sam wasn't a fan either
It didn't take a tour for that.
Sam. It's exactly what you're doing
Completely valid
Fred Jones? Like Scooby-Doo???
Wait, that explains a lot. Dean's first beer was given to him by the Mystery Machine dude
Worth a shot
Well, he watches cartoons
It's possible
That was fun
Dang it, Cas
That's true
Uh oh
He's changing the channels
Oh no
That's horrible
Exploding firecracker
Oh, that looks uncomfortable
They believe it
Poor guy
If something happens to Baby-
He's not wrong
Sort of. It's Dean's, but Sam keeps it
And he doesn't even mention Dean. I guess he's traumatized
Fair enough
Probably not
Cas probably can
What did he do?
Are they in his brain?
That's just weird
Mm, not really
That's a lot of dots
Not much, Bugs
Pretty much
Losing it
My great grandmother was in a nursing home because we simply didn't have the resources and ability to take care of her. Most people are in professional care for that reason. What a jerk
You get paid! You're fine!
It's stabilizing?
Dean knows about that
And grotesques villainus 😭😭😭
Actually, it's really funny that he's called Dr. Mahoney, because there used to be a nursing home near me called the Mahoney House
This is great
I love the error message background
Oh, Sam
Looks like he woke up
Go Fred!
Gotta love quippy one-liners
Well see
Oh, Fred
Maybe Cas can turn off the psychic powers?
Define okay
Good song
Have business to take care of?
So... she's got the St. Peter role?
Baby stories
That sucks
Yeah, he's great
Uh oh
He's alive, isn't he?
1 note · View note
liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 4, Episode 3: In The Beginning
Sam's acting sus
Hi, Ruby
Sleepy Dean
Not sleepy anymore
Hi, Cas
I think you know
He's so confused
That's weird
Wait, did he time travel?
Nice music
Is that John???
Thanks, Captain Obvious
What a place to be
Oh dear
Star Trek reference!
Oh no
He's catching on because of a pop culture reference
What a time to be!
Not exactly
Hi Cas
Or an Impalardis
Oh John, honey no...
He knows his fair share
Hi, Baby!
She's gorgeous
Just like someone else
Dean. You're being too weird
And to think it was basically Dean's car all along
Oh, boy
Freud would have a FIELD DAY
With a soldier, more like it
Whoa, Mary's got moves
She's already a hunter
That changes everything Dean knew about his life
No practically about it
Samuel Campbell, right?
Fair enough
Dean would love a meal with grandma
This is hilarious
Dean, no
Mm, not wise
The good old priest gig
Dean and grandpa do not like each other
That's one way to put it
Uh oh
No, you're okay kid
Great. Demons
Yeah, that's helpful
They were black?
This just got personal
Good plan
Something like that
Oh, that's a good idea
That's an interesting choice
Maybe a little
Ooh, Dean being a wingman for his parents
Not everything
Oh, Mary...
Oh, boy
I'm sorry Mary
No, he's not
Poor baby, he's trying so hard
How is this gonna end without screwing the timeline?
Hi, Cas
He's busy with the other side
That's ominous
This is like 2x20 all over again
We already know he cares
Aaand he's gone
There's Danny
Don't do it, Dean
More likely than you think
Mary, don't get involved
Sam, come on
Piece of trash
Oh, she'll miss it
Something like that
Great, there's not a clean shot
Come on!
Oh, boy...
Thanks grandpa
Not son. Grandson
Yeah, this would sound wild
Bye, Mary!
That's suspicious
Don't do it
Well crap
Sort of
Hah! Nope
This is horrifying
That's disgusting
Dude. Not in front of Dean
Magic rules are whack
Is that why Sam is so tall?
Yup! In 30 years
Do it, grandma!
This is so traumatizing
Aw, not now...
Oh, no
Oh! Holy crap!
Poor Mary
Oh, she's gonna trade for John
No, Mary, please...
Read the fine print
Demons are liars, Mary
Please no
Dang it
I'm so sorry, Dean
Hi Cas
That was mean, Cas
Sam's out being stupid
This won't end well
That's almost a threat
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