#🥺 especially not to shane’s face
mymelodyisme · 1 year
MyShane AFTER the birthday incident was a little rocky. Mys came into the bar the next day to talk to Shane about what had happened. First he nervously lies and said that nothing happened between them last night and it must’ve been a dream. And though mys tries to fight it, she accepts his words. And then she FINALLY tries to tell Shane about how she feels about him and he rejects her 😭
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So sorry for enabling the Shane brainrot (if not encouraging it), but I can't be the only one who wonders what would have happened if the farmer was there when he woke up in the hospital after the six heart event, especially if they were already dating
Finally getting around to answering more asks! I get so sad every time I watch that cutscene 🥺
This one’s gonna be below the cut just because it’s hella long and there’s suicidal themes in it and I don’t wanna accidentally trigger anyone
Aftermath of Shane’s six heart scene with the farmer
“The choice is yours, just know that I’m here for you” is the last thing Shane remembers hearing before he had blacked out completely
You had brought him to Harvey’s office, practically taking the door off it’s hinges to get the doctors attention
Harvey had you wait in the waiting room anxiously while he pumped Shane’s stomach and gave him an iv of fluids and meds
“I’ve pumped his stomach and rehydrated him, I’m going to keep him over night for observation, frankly I’m more worried about his mental health then physical but I’ll have to wait until he’s awake to asses that. I suggest you go home and get some rest”
You do not go home to rest, instead you take a seat in a chair beside your boyfriend, holding one of his hands and gently brushing your thumb over the top of his hand
You spent the better portion of the night sobbing about your boyfriend trying to kill himself, having eventually cried yourself to sleep head on his stomach, Harvey had draped a blanket over your shoulders
Soon came the morning, or rather dawn because Shane woke up around five am
“My fucking head, Yoba I overdid it”
Definitely took a moment to recognize his surroundings, and the comforting weight on his stomach
He looks down at you, sleeping peacefully on him, face stained with tears and he can feel his heart squeezing
You wake up to him staring down at you, it would be creepy if you weren’t endlessly glad he was alive
Throwing your arms around his neck you give him the tightest hug he’s probably ever gotten, borderline suffocating him
“Don’t you ever do that again! Do you know how worried I’ve been? You could have died Shane! You almost did! What am I suppose to do if I lose you? I love you! What were you thinking?”
Mans getting an earful but all he can focus on is that you love him, this is the first time you’ve said it, the first time either of you had said it
“You….you love me?”
He’s in disbelief that even after all the shit he’s put you through, after how mean he was in the beginning that you would still love him
That you would still see him as someone worthy of loving, worth spending time with, someone worthy of living a life of happiness
“Of course I love you! Your one of the best things to ever happen to me”
He’s speechless almost, he never thought that someone as amazing as you could love him
“I….I love you too”
He’s on the verge of crying currently, you are full on sobbing
He’s gently holding your face in his hands, wiping your tears away with his thumb while he presses his forehead against yours
“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have worried you like that, i just-“
You cut him off with a kiss
“Listen Shane, you don’t have to explain yourself right now, im just glad your still here”
“That bad huh? I don’t even remember”
You press another kiss against his lips just has Harvey walks in to check on him
Neither of you notice the doctor at first until he coughed to announce his presence
Your both very red faced as you pull apart to listen to the doctor
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cats-and-fiction · 1 year
Heya! I request Daryl x female reader please 🥺 He comforts her after she had a fight with Andrea because Andrea endangered the group. Thank you!
Here you go, Hope you enjoy it! You got into an especially nasty fight with Andrea after she did once again did something stupid but this time it endagered the group. While the others did seem to be not happy about it they didn't confront her like you did. You had left your old camp near Atlanta and had driven towards the CDC, right after entering the city you split up to gather some food and other resources. To your delight she grouped up with you and Daryl.
You three had swept some houses finding only minimal useful stuff as most of it had already been raided and taken. One can of beans would definitly not be enough to feed all and with a quick look of it the 2 years of it already been expired would add a special kind of note to the taste.
Silently the three of you made your way back to the rest of the group holed up in a old building that had been left to rot even before the Walkers started to happily chew on friends and family. You came the same way in that you went out though this time talking abit knowing that the perimeter was clear. Thats what you thought. A old door, unnoticeable with the first look swung open after the last person had passed it, Andrea. As ahe was grabbed from behind and the Walker stumbling out of the closet was trying to get to her she screamed.
Daryl holding up his crossbow and your trying to help Andrea get rid of the walker with a knofe ready in your hand a loud noise rang out almost right besidw your ear. Confused you stbled backwards, looking at her holding her damned gun in hand. The walker was toppling backwards with old dark blood gushing out it‘s rotting head.
After the shot the group had scrambled everything up and changed locations just to be sure that they wouldn‘t be surprised by any of the walkers friends. And you sat fuming in a corner staring Andrea down. Who was fussed around by Carol to make sure she was okay. While they did ask if you were okay too you had to admit you didn‘t leave them any chance as you had strut away into the corner immidiatly. Daryl had been with you some time before he was called over by Shane and Rick to discuss what to do next.
Andrea noticed your stare and she got up and calmy walked over to you. She had a smile on her face. A fucking smile and her eyes spoke words of being appearantly sorry but you were sure she wasn‘t she hated you as mich as you probably did her now. „Look, I‘ms orry y/n but I got scared and didn‘t know what to do.“, she had a pasaivly friendly tone in her voice. Belittling you. Sounding as you were in the wrong and whatever she had done was okay. „Yeah sure. Thats what you think. If you had trusted Daryl and me and ounce you knew we wouldn‘t have let that thing bite you. But no little princess didn‘t trust us“, she didn‘t trust you. Thats it. She trusted Daryl but didn‘t trust you and Daryl couldn‘t have shot without hurting her too.
„And with that fucking shot you endangered all of us. What if there had been more around the corner? Imagine that, we could have all died because you got scared and didn‘t think about using that damn knife you have“, you stood up in anger and pointed your finger at her. Angrily you exhaled your breath before turning around and just going away into another room. You couldn‘t talk to her now without spitting more bad words. Maybe you would go later to talk to her reasonable, who knows, but not now.
In the room next door you had pullee one of the old and dirty chairs to you, sitting against the wall and with the door in your view. So much stuff had happened in the last couple days and you just felt like you could explode with every little thing that happens. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Daryls form appear in the doorframe. He stood there musterung you before coming closer, a metallic plte in his hand and a spoon inside of beans. „Are thise the ones we found?“, you laugged as you took the plate. „If you want I could make those for you if you want?“, he pulled one of the other chairs to sit beside you. The room must have been some sorr of meeting room before hand. A long table laid sideways in the middle, chairs on each side of the door. A whiteboard explaining what sorts of sales the corporation had done. They had seemingly rocked the bread market.
„are your ears better?“, you nodded to answer his question as you ate the food he brought you. „Your right. With Andrea. Ahe shouldn‘t have used that gun.“, Daryl nudged your shoulder with his. You put the plate down into your lap. „She is just so…ugh. So annoying?“, now you looked up at him. With a sigh you leaned your small frame against his and chewed on another spoon of beans. How you hated them, what wouldn‘t you do for a good meal that didn‘t include beans or any sort of canned goods.
Daryl laied his arm around your shoulder and rubbed it. The evening would be only the two of you in that room.
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squidsquadlove · 1 year
Chris McLeod: You see your captain [Matt Maggio] drop the gloves there at the end, is frustration starting to boil over for the Spitfires?
Shane Wright: Yeah. I mean, it's pretty em-- pretty f-- pretty embarrassing out there. Just no effort, no compete from anyone, and it's... just really embarrassing out there from us.
[Video: A white-haired white man in a headset and a suit interviewing a brown-haired young white man in a headset and a red hockey jersey. The jersey has a letter A on it. The hockey player does not look into the camera.]
Oh, man. Context: This was a struggle bus of a game after the previous game was also a struggle bus of a game. The Spitfires had been playing well before they got Shane, and they did even better after. Shane is averaging about 2 points per game and has been getting increasingly aggressive shooting and more comfortable coming in as a dominant forward as opposed to just ("just!") a strong defensive playmaking center.
The Spitfires' forward group went down to injury after injury, including Shane, who was out for several games with a hurt ankle. By the end of the season, they were playing with seven forwards (a healthy crew is twelve) and one of their D-men was occasionally playing forward. Matt Maggio, team captain, became the first player in the OHL to score 50 goals and 100 points, but Matt and Shane were two of the few healthy guys through the end of the season. Oof.
The intermission interview was painful to watch and included a Shane who did not make eye contact with the camera even once. (He normally does. He also normally smiles. 🥺) This was a moment he really didn't want to have - an arena camera showed him trying to ask to go to the dressing room so he could talk to his team instead of having to go up for an interview when his team needed his support and, um, motivation - but he's also a public face of the team and he did his job as respectfully as he could.
Honestly, what stands out to me here is how much he sounds like Yanni Gourde does when the Kraken are having a bad night due to lack of compete. Shane is a guy who wants to be winning very badly and isn't happy when his team isn't playing up to their potential. (I find myself wondering if this Ontario kid might just have been watching the Leafs all these years and thinking They don't want it enough. When I'm in the NHL, I'll never have that problem. I'm always going to want it more than anybody else.)
Shane can play one more game in the NHL this season and still be eligible for an entry-level slide (meaning the clock doesn't start ticking on the 3 years of his entry-level contract until next season, giving the Kraken another year before he becomes a restricted free agent and they have to extend his contract. This includes the playoffs. Is he NHL-ready? Unclear. But if the Spits exit early, it's not out of the question that the Kraken could call him up for one last game in the regular season, especially if we've clinched a playoff spot by then (we need 9 points, or 2 of the 3 teams still in wild card contention - WPG, CGY, and NSH - to miss out on 9 points, or any combination of us getting AND 2 of 3 missing 9 points, to clinch, so it could happen around the time the first round of the OHL playoffs are over).
This kid is going to be a flaming ball of compete and need to prove himself in training camp next year. Watch out.
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
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I posted 243 times in 2022
That's 243 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (8%)
223 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 241 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#queue be told ✨ - 147 posts
#simp time: svt - 84 posts
#sweet feedback 💕💕 - 39 posts
#indigo speaks - 26 posts
#simp time: wonwoo - 26 posts
#simp time: bts - 24 posts
#mingyu smut - 23 posts
#snuggly: k.m.g - 16 posts
#mingyu fanfic - 15 posts
#mingyu fic - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#what if ryan can’t find demons and ghosts bexause shane is next to him and he’s the actual demon
My Top Posts in 2022:
Forgive Me? | j.w.w
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Summary: Your boyfriend is late and buys a giant teddy bear to help make his case. He just forgets how adorable he is.  ☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff |  ♥ completed works Word Count: 593 words Age: 18+ Pairings: Jeon Wonwoo x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, hints of angst, reader rightfully thirsts over Wonwoo. Content Warnings: So fluffy and sweet I gave myself a toothache, no smut, just really cute, but hinting to smutty behaviour once. Smut Warnings: None, really, another tooth-rotting fluff fic.
Authors Note: The photo in the banner had me cooing and swooning. I’m so whipped for this man. It’s unreal. He has my whole heart, and I wanted to write it 🥺💕 Authors Note 2: Thank you to @here4btsfics, @joonscypher, @yoongimingyu & @the-boy-meets-evil for reading and hearing me go on and on about Seventeen 💕 Crossposted to AO3 Banner Credits: @classicscreations © playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved.
I’m late,” your boyfriend mumbled sheepishly as he entered your apartment late that night.
“Yes, you are,” you mumbled sleepily, making him frown. Wonwoo didn’t intend to be so late, but one phone call led to another, and by the time he got done with work, it was well past midnight.
“I’m a crappy boyfriend,” Wonwoo whined as he stood by your door, and you smiled fondly at him.
“No, you aren’t, handsome, come here and give me cuddles and kisses, and all shall be forgiven,” you said, holding out your arms for him.
“Hang on, I got you something,” Wonwoo babbled, ducking out of your apartment to grab something, and you saw him dragging in a giant teddy bear.
“I got you this as a sorry,” Wonwoo spoke breathlessly once he hauled a giant teddy bear into your apartment, closing the door behind him.
“A giant teddy?” You asked, getting off the couch and walking over to your boyfriend and the giant plush he dragged in.
“It’s cute, and its eyes say, ‘forgive me,’” Wonwoo explained, making you giggle at him.
“You’re a dork,” you said, giggling and Wonwoo nodded in agreement.
“Yes, but I’m your dork,” Wonwoo countered, and you laughed at him.
“I am sorry for being late, my love, I won’t say it’ll never happen again, but I’ll be better about letting you know,” Wonwoo said, and you nodded, smiling as you moved to wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head against his chest.
“Please do, and also, if I’m being honest with you, if you just came by sans teddy bear. I’d still forgive you; you have the cutest face when you’re sulking,” you explained, making Wonwoo pout.
“See,” you said, grinning, “the cutest,” you added, making Wonwoo smile as he leant down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m only cute behind closed doors. Out in the world, I’m cool and sexy,” Wonwoo defended, making you laugh.
“I did fall in love with a dork, didn’t I?” You asked aloud, and Wonwoo nodded.
“You say it like it’s a problem,” Wonwoo huffed, and you grinned at him. You swore your chest hurt from how much he made your heart ache with his cuteness.
“Not a problem at all, my love, not when I get to see this handsome face,” you said, tightening your grip around his waist.
“Even when this handsome face is sulking because he’s late?” Wonwoo asked, and you giggled.
“Yes, especially then, a face like that and teddy bears? I never stood a chance at being mad,” you added, making Wonwoo smile, scrunching his nose slightly.
“God, I love you,” Wonwoo huffed out proudly as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on your cheek and moved his lips from your cheek to graze over your lips, pulling you into a gentle kiss that had you melting against his body.
“Let me first put Alfred down and turn him to face the wall, so he doesn’t see anything scandalous, and then I can spend the whole night showing you how sorry I am?” Wonwoo offered with a playful glint in his eyes as his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in tighter against him.
“You named the bear Alfred?” You asked, and Wonwoo nodded.
“Why?” You asked, unable to keep the smile off your face.
“Forgive me, love, he looked like an Alfred,” Wonwoo said casually, and you rolled your eyes in amusement.
“You’re lucky I love you,” you mumbled, and Wonwoo nodded, agreeing. 
“I am, I really am.”
256 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Posy Bee | k.m.g
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Summary: Mingyu is your colleague and the walking definition of pretty privilege. His clumsy thumbs have broken more vases than you can count, yet he brings in the most orders to your shop. It's all thanks to his handsome face, it’s annoying and unfair, and you’ve vowed that if this week he breaks another vase, you’ll feed him a cactus.
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♥ completed works
Word Count: 3081 words
Age: 18+
Pairings: Kim Mingyu x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff and angst. Friends/Colleagues to lovers.
Content Warnings: Fluff, Mingyu being the most adorable and clumsy human. Who let him work in a flower shop, honestly? Mingyu is so flirty it is painful. All those fan calls where he’s flirting with carats did a number on me. Yelling, Mingyu’s clumsiness causes the reader to snap quite rudely at him. Reader snaps and yells at him, and Mingyu sulks A LOT. Swearing.
Smut Warnings: Mentions of arousal, but it’s mild, but still. Bed-breaking mentions. Sexual banter, but that’s it, really.
Authors Note: Thank you @here4btsfics, I can't thank you enough for always just letting me go on and on about Seventeen and Mingyu in general. You're such a delight, thank you for reading and beta'ing this and being an absolute angel 💕. Thank you also to @missgeniality, thank you for letting me drag you into the Seventeen stan life, it's been an absolute pleasure watching you simp along with me. Thank you for reading and giving me live reactions. I adore you too my bubs 💕 Banner Credits: @classicseffects Cross Posted to AO3 © playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved.
“Ah, shit!” You heard your coworker Mingyu swear, and you groaned, knowing that this was the second vase he broke today, and it wasn’t even lunchtime.
“Uh…Y/N, where is the vacuum cleaner?” You heard Mingyu ask nervously, and you counted to three, breathing deeply before walking over to him, carefully, of course.
“Mingyu, why don’t you let me do it?” You offered, trying to keep your composure.
“Do you not trust me?” Mingyu joked with an adorable pout on his handsome face.
“No, I do not. This is the second vase you broke in a day and the fifth this week, and it’s Tuesday,” you snapped, and Mingyu pouted more, nodding.
“Sorry,” Mingyu mumbled, looking down at the ground. Seeing how a 6-foot-tall man would shrink when scolded to the size of a puppy was cute. Damn Kim Mingyu and his sweetness. It was hard to stay mad at him.
It’s fine. You didn’t mean it. Why don’t you take orders from the two ladies who walked in? I’ll clean this up.” You suggested, and Mingyu mumbled a ‘sorry’ and headed over to wait on the ladies.
“You are such a sweet, handsome, kind man, and you know your flowers. Are you single?” You heard one of the ladies speak as you placed the vacuum cleaner behind the counter and smiled at their words. It was not uncommon for patrons to compliment Mingyu. He was effortlessly charming, kind, and easygoing. He was everything you ever wanted in a colleague; sometimes, you’d wonder how lucky you’d be to have a man like him.
That daydream was broken each time Mingyu broke, spilled, or knocked over something. So your days consisted of you daydreaming about him for 40 minutes until he broke something, and then you were rudely awakened.
“Ah, I am,” Mingyu responded to the order, and you turned to face him in surprise. You didn’t think he was. How was he single?
“Well, what about your lovely manager? She’s smiling so fondly at you,” the lady pushed, and you were starting to get annoyed, not just because she called you out. While the elderly were usually well-intentioned and meant the best, they often didn’t understand boundaries.
“I’m sure a wonderful person like her has someone. She isn’t someone you ever want to lose,” Mingyu said smoothly, and you were so tempted to smack him.
“I’m single, but I do not flirt with my employees. It is unprofessional, and I also don’t encourage or invite such nosey conversations either,” you answered.
Making sure to send a deathly glare to Mingyu and a softer glare to the lady who understood and gave you a gentle smile, quickly paid, and left the shop.
“That was kind of rude,” Mingyu mumbled.
“I’ll apologise, but you could have just stopped. What was with the whole wonderful person thing?” You countered, and Mingyu shrugged.
“I think you’re pretty cool, so I complimented you?” Mingyu said, unsure.
“Fine, thank you, but it was not your place,” you pushed, and Mingyu nodded.
“But really, I meant it. Anyone would be crazy to let you go,” Mingyu elaborated, and you sighed.
“Why, you’d keep me around?” You joked, and Mingyu nodded.
See the full post
292 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Leaf Me Alone | j.w.w
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Summary: Jeon Wonwoo is the newest hire at your flower shop, and he’s handsome, tall and painfully shy, and worst of all, in the last three months, you’ve exchanged three whole sentences and nods, you never know what he’s thinking, but you can’t help but wonder if he’s annoyed by your presence.  pg |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ mild angst |  ♥ completed work Word Count: 1814 words
Age: PG
Pairings: Jeon Wonwoo x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, hints of angst, reader rightfully thirsts over Wonwoo.
Content Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff and miscommunication, but it is lowkey cute.
Smut Warnings: None, really, another tooth-rotting fluff fic.
Authors Note: I took inspiration from how introverted Wonwoo is, it’s incredibly endearing to me, but it’s also something that I worry that, as an extrovert, I’ll scare off any introverted person I meet. So, I just wanted to explore that idea. It’s very self-serving and fluffy 💕 Authors Note 2: Thank you so so much, my lovely @here4btsfics. For just hearing me go on and on about Wonwoo like every day and encouraging me with this story and yelling me to post it, I adore you dearly and thank you so much for helping me beta this too!! Thank you to @defwoodz for always reading over this and clowning me. Banner Credits: @classicseffects Cross Posted to AO3 © playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved.
Three Months Ago,
“Finally, this is Y/N, my daughter. She runs the shop most days. Y/N, this is Wonwoo, our newest hire,” your mum spoke as she introduced you to a tall and handsome man with a shy smile gracing his face. 
“Hi, Wonwoo. Nice to meet you!” You greeted him enthusiastically, making him grin more shyly before he greeted you.
“You too,” you responded, his voice deep and resonating, it was deeper than the ocean, honestly, and you were convinced that this man would be the reason you finally understood what a work crush meant. 
Wonwoo smiled at you once more before following your mother around the flower shop for a tour, and you smiled back at him. So, what if he was shy at first? Wasn’t everyone? You were sure that throughout working together, you two would be able to develop a friendship at least. 
See the full post
463 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Tasty | j.w.w
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Summary: Your boyfriend said the word tasty in a deep voice, and now he’s showing you what other things he likes to call tasty in that ocean deep voice. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut |  ♥ completed works
Word Count: 325 words
Age: 18+
Pairings: Jeon Wonwoo x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, angst (minor), smut. PWP (it’s got the briefest plot ever).
Content Warnings: None. Wonwoo is just giving the reader amazing oral. This fic just happened because I’m a weak woman for this man. This is just a smutty Wonwoo drabble. I’m a simp for this man. Smut Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving), overstimulation, praise? Sort of. It’s so so brief.
Authors Note: This happened because of that damn GOSE episode where he said TASTY in his ocean-deep voice, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it because of that man and his voice.  Cross Posted on AO3
Banner Credits: @classicscreations © playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved.
“More,” you moaned as your hands kept tugging on your boyfriend's hair, as his tongue brought you indescribable pleasure. Wonwoo happily obliged as he wrapped his lips around your clit, his tongue tracing circles along with the swollen nub. He kept moving his tongue, his pace never faltering. 
You’re not sure how you ended up in this position, but all you recall is teasing Wonwoo about him saying ‘tasty’ in his signature baritone voice and exchanging a few more words. Next thing you know, you’re laying in bed, naked, and he’s laying between your thighs, his face buried in your pussy. Again, you weren’t sure how you got here, but you weren’t complaining. 
“Fucking hell,” you moaned as you threw your head back, 
“Shit,” you gasped when you felt Wonwoo do something different with his tongue. 
“Did you just spell your name out on my pussy?” You asked breathlessly. 
“And?” Wonwoo asked as he lifted his head; his chin glistened with your arousal. 
“Nothing, it felt good, really good,” you praised, and Wonwoo simply smirked as he dove back in again. 
“Fuck!” You moaned out as you started to shake in his grip, and Wonwoo kept his grip firm on you as he kept circling your swollen nub with his tongue. You kept moaning and babbling absolute nonsense as you fell apart on his tongue. 
“Fuck, baby,” you whimpered as Wonwoo kept licking you through your orgasm, not letting you recover. You were sensitive, but you didn’t care, not when you were on the precipice of your second orgasm. Your second orgasm hit you harder, making your toes curl and eyes roll, and you shook in his grip. With what strength you could muster, your hands moved to his head as you gently pushed his mouth away from your cunt.
Wonwoo smiled at you, taking in your fucked out expression as he sat up on his knees. 
“What?” You asked, panting, and Wonwoo grinned. 
985 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Snuggly | k.m.g
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Summary: It’s cold outside, and your annoyingly handsome roommate keeps leaving his very comfy leather jacket everywhere around the apartment, and you’ve returned it to him multiple times, but this time you’re sure you’ll just keep it if he forgets it again. Except for the one time he returns to retrieve the jacket, he finds you in the most compromising position possible.
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut | ♥ completed works
Word Count: 2732 words
Pairings: Kim Mingyu x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Frenemies (?) to lovers. Smut, angst, fluff. Basically, a smutty fluff piece to keep y’all warm during the colder months.
Content Warnings: Smut and fluff, mentions of Mingyu’s chapped lips. DO NOT EVER GOOGLE IT IS TRAGIC. They both tease and like each other and are just kind of adorable and cute. Mingyu is confident and shy all at once, and it's devastating.
Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex (don’t do this, wrap it before you tap it). Masturbation (female), Mingyu walks in and volunteers to help her out. Fingering, overstimulation. Oral (female receiving). Nicknames? Mingyu calls her baby, and pretty girl. Nicknames, Mingyu calls her Kitten, Princess, Baby. Teasing. Dirty talk, but its mild. I think.
Authors Note 1: Literally no reason for this fic, aside from Rock With You Mingyu being the reason I got curious about Seventeen and remembered him as a ‘handsome guy with the leather jacket.’
Authors Note 2: Thank you to @here4btsfics, for always listening to me go on and on about Seventeen and Mingyu. Thank you for beta’ ing and helping me out with the smut. I struggled. I adore you and love you 💕 A huge thank you to @the-boy-meets-evil for listening to me fret about this fic, up until posting!! I adore you. Also, thank you to @seungkwansphd for listening to me worry too. Thank you so much for hearing me out and listening to me!! Ilysm 🥺🥺💕💕
Cross Posted on AO3 © playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved.
“Hey, Y/N, have you seen my jacket? Oh, you’re wearing it,” Mingyu spoke as he walked into the kitchen that evening.
“I keep telling you, Kim. If you leave this lovely jacket around. Then one of these days, I’ll keep it, and I won’t return it,” you teased. Even if you meant every word, his jacket was insanely comfy, and you would gladly take it.
Mingyu smiled as he flopped down on the couch next to you. “Even if you look adorable in it, no,” Mingyu said as he made himself comfortable.
“I’m adorable?” You asked with a grin, and Mingyu nodded.
“Yes, but I still think I look better in the jacket,” Mingyu added, making you roll your eyes.
“Of course you do. With a face and body like that, you could wear anything,” you blurted out, making Mingyu grin.
“You think I’m hot?” Mingyu asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Shut up, Kim,” you mumbled, making him laugh.
“It’s okay. I’d say the feeling is mutual. Remember that kiss we shared last Christmas?” Mingyu asked.
“We were standing under the mistletoe,” you countered, and Mingyu shrugged.
“It doesn’t take away from the fact that a peck turned into a proper kiss,” Mingyu added, and you shrugged.
“I hope you are at least consistently wearing lip balm this year. I recall those dry lips,” you teased, making Mingyu gasp dramatically at you.
“Just because I had dry lips the first time we met doesn’t mean I always have dry lips,” Mingyu defended, making you laugh.
“Besides, I know my lips were damn soft that year because one, I kept using the lip balm that you not so subtly gifted me as a housewarming gift and two, you went in for more after, when everyone left,” Mingyu babbled, making you grin shyly.
“I also remember you pawing this exact jacket while kissing me,” Mingyu teased, and you huffed at him pouting.
“Maybe I was only kissing you for the jacket,” you retorted, making Mingyu laugh.
“Possibly, but somehow I still have the jacket, and you keep conveniently ‘stealing’ it,” Mingyu joked, and you sighed in frustration that he had a point.
“But I’m heading out to the gym now. Want me to get you anything for dinner?” Mingyu asked as he stood up, and you shook your head.
“Won’t you be cold? You can have this back for the night,” you offered, and Mingyu smiled.
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1,204 notes - Posted December 21, 2022
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littlekingbergara · 2 years
Why would Shane say no though? I don’t think he did. Plus weren’t there more than 5 people at his bachelor party?
i don't think he would! because then he would have to look at ryan in his face and say no i don't want to be in your wedding party i don't want to stand by you on the most specialest day when you marry the love of your life. and ryan would look like this ☹️🥺 and that would be so sad wouldn't it.
not everyone at a bach party always ends up in the wedding party. especially since disney world paid for that so he probably could have had a lot more people than in his actual party. everyone does them differently!
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