polin-erospsyche · 2 days
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Using @polinsated gifs to point this out because they’re beautiful ❤️
But it’s always going to be so wild to me that these two need two episodes from this kiss to figure their shit out. I know what is going on in both of their minds, I really do. He’s being hit by a 10 years worth ton of bricks and his world is shifting on its axis and it’ll never be the same from this point forth. She’s thinking this is the end of her little girl fantasy and the door is closing on her hopes and dreams and she will sacrifice those in order to be practical. In some sense too she’s growing up, she’s making what she thinks will be the mature choice. Someone once said that they’re standing on the door’s threshold and it’s symbolic, representing the threshold these two are on, swapping for each other’s place in some ways.
I know all of this. But you cannot deny the absolute softness that is in that kiss. It’s so delicate and they’re so careful it’s as if there is a spell on their kiss and this moment and it would break if they were any more forceful in their kiss. Yet there’s so much passion. Passion which is bursting at the brim, passion which they can barely hold back from it’s so strong. So they stay rooted into place, giving each other the gentlest of kisses lest the spell breaks and they give into each other and their wants. And the fact that they do not address this. That she pushes it under the carpet as soon as it’s brought up. That she decides to leave the dream, their kiss in that garden on that threshold locked away with a spell in a deep deep corner of her mind. That on the other hand he’ll never move on from that threshold, that spell which he will come back to time and time again in his dreams. The fact that she gave up on her dreams of him and he’s chasing his dreams to be with her. The fact that from this threshold they move in total polar opposite of each other and the doubts linger despite how soft and world altering the kiss was for both of them, it will never not be wild to me.
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sailor-aviator · 2 days
Mulder: Aliens are real!
Scully, who’s been abducted a minimum of like 20 times over the course of the show: 🤨😒🙄🤔😑🤦🏼‍♀️🤚🏻👎🏻
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moonstonediaz · 1 year
the “pick me, choose me, love me” callback where she said “i am not going to beg you to love me” was 10/10 chefs kiss no notes perfection. but then he calls you bc he can’t make it to the airport and tells you he’s in love with you and he’s loved you every single day and you just…🥴 pretend you can’t hear him?! bye lame ass have fun in boston
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themissingmango · 5 months
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jotarrokujo · 2 months
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screenshot redraw lol
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anxiousgirl · 3 months
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My cat had a box
Used to sit in the box a lot
Has not sat in the box for a long time
I pull the box out to use it to do box things
Cat decides to use the box for cat things again
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lesthowells · 6 months
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fantasiees · 25 days
Okay but guess who just masturbated with her windows facing the street fully open so everyone could hear 🤡🤦🏼‍♀️
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molicious05 · 2 months
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@hound-d0g you thought the bed was bad?🤣🤣👍🤣
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skijumpingf1 · 3 months
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After Sapporo (I wonder why there 🤔😂) I started a list of cool things that happend this season and I thought I would share it with you guys 😊
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loveandthings11 · 1 year
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Brian Cox for Variety 3/17/23
“Four seasons to prove it! And they simply haven’t proved it.”
The sibs aren’t going to Logan’s birthday party!
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mr-babish-the-bunny · 2 months
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Happy (belated) easter everyone
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 months
Listen, even if Ryan is a demon who won't come back (yet!), they can cast a kid to play Seb!
They kill Rebecca off off screen (as usual with emmerdale mothers these days) and Seb comes to live with his auntie Vic. Only she's struggling because she has Harry and work and her other kid Jacob, so Aaron being the nice guy he is, steps into help (without the dingles emotionally blackmailing him to) and we get daddy Aaron bonding with Seb again... Until a certain someone finally gets his shit together and comes back. (December time maybe? 👀🤡)
It's a shame Danny's own son is too young to play Seb or they could have done a waterloo road with him and Albert.
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planetsallalign · 2 months
I have today off and so far I have taken an everything shower (super hair wash, exfoliate, shave and moisturize). Had a 75 minute massage. I haven’t had one in over a year and with my job, I should probably get one at least every 3 months. The way I wanted to throw up when she was breaking my knots up in my shoulders/back and the burning when she was massaging my biceps was real. But I just kept breathing through it because I know it’s absolutely needed. My bedding is washed and hanging outside to dry. I’ve got my water cup filled at all times and the rest of today is for relaxing and opening the windows to let the fresh spring air in.
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obieandboots · 19 days
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It’s her laptop now
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