ewkpop · 8 months
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😺🌸for @captainhongjoong 🌸😺
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solpng · 2 years
i played spot the cat 🐈☂️
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funfairsundaes · 14 days
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A little sketch of Rocky Rickaby for tonight! 🥰🌙🥞🎻
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glittergroovy · 2 months
I'm actually so proud of my collar blinkies like these go hard
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feels so good to have finally made an original blinkie template that I love
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*comes into the Tulgey Woods acting like I totally don't have a couple of strawberry lemonades behind my back*.
"Hey Chen~!" *I called out to him, not really being able to see him right away, but I was certain he could hear me.*.
"Juuuuuust wondering, do you like lemonade at all?"
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(It's okay if u don't- I guess that's just more lemonade for me xhhx)
*has sneakily appeared, floating behind you, and stuck a straw in one of the lemonades, drinking it as you walk and trailing behind you like strange, levitating duckling*
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m4g0rtz · 6 months
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Today's polish was so pretty. White is another one of those polish colors that I don't gravitate towards but this may be my favorite one I've tried so far. The green to blue shimmer is stunning. It reminded me of sunshine on freshly fallen snow. Even after three coats you can still barely see my nail line, but I feel like that just adds to how soft and delicate it looks. It looked gorgeous matte too. This is Lake Superior Shenanigans from Great Lakes Lacquer.
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gendertroublemaker · 1 month
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gnc trans men will save the world…
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ageless-aislynn · 2 months
For some reason, I just get an error when I try to send a boop now. Well, it was very fun while it lasted! I was able to get to the second badge and in doing so, saw so many cute badges that I had no idea was even there in the TumblrMart! Have you seen the Lunar Badge that shows the current phase of the moon? That's so awesome!
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And look at the adorable Hewie ghost badge, d'awww! I don't think I've seen anybody with a badge like either of those up, just the rainbow checkmarks and the ones you get for posting or scrolling a certain amount. Those are both super cute, aren't they? 😎👍
Anyway, hope you had a great day having fun sending boops, I know that I did! Also, if you're trying to make the 314 or 1000 boops sent and are struggling here in the last few hours, feel free to send 'em my way! I'm here cheering you on!
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milathefox1384 · 1 year
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BFFs forever💞💞💞💗💗
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zgvlt · 2 years
as a twst writer it's almost embarrassing how behind I'm in the story aksbns 😭😭 like I didn't know there was a new character until he popped up on my feed and I genuinely thought he was like.. an oc..
hmmm well, if you ask me i don't think there's anything embarrassing about it at all! in all honesty, being "behind" only really matters if you're scared of spoilers. honestly if you force yourself to read the story that's setting yourself up to enjoy twst less 😪
but lmao yeah i was scrolling through twt and i saw people going "stop spreading misinformation" and "whose OC is that" the first night ppl found out about rollo 😅
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juanaramos12 · 1 year
😭🥰💖🎁 ¡¡Muy Buena Noticia!! 🎁💖🥰😭 (+ Nuevo Face Reveal)
Hoy estoy muy feliz porque este fue el mejor dia de mi vida y les dire porque:
Ayer, mi mama, mi hermanito y yo fuimos a pasear (porque mi hermanito se hizo el caprichoso XD), luego fuimos a acoyte y fuimos a comprar unos libros de Gaturro; 1-El libro de secretos de Gaturro (tiene 40 stickers :D), 2-Sandokat (Los Clasicos de Gaturro).
Hoy, un señor con una caja toco el timbre, mi madre lo fue a buscar y el señor le dio. Mi madre y yo abrimos la caja y no sabran lo que era...
Yo me quede muy sorprendida y emocionada a la vez, mi madre me dijo que el peluche era una sorpresa para mi. Yo me puse muy feliz. 🥰🥰🥰
Ahora les mostrare mi nuevo Face Reveal, aqui va en 3... 2... 1... YA!!!
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Yo y mi nuevo amiguito Gaturro 🥰👩🏻😸
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Lo que tengo los sace de mi peluche de Gaturro 💖😸
Ahora mis nuevos libros!:
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Todos los secretos de Gaturro (+ 40 Stickers)
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Sandokat (Los Clasicos de Gaturro)
Espero que les guste esta nueva noticia. Saludos a mis amiguis. Baii!! 🥰😻🥰😻🥰💖💝💖💝💖
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princekirijo · 1 year
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Welcome back!
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sunnysssol · 2 years
🌈 for AmeSuzie?
THIS TOOK FOREVER and got really long,,, I apologize 😭 so yeah !!! Some 1700s AmeSuzie musings 👉👈 thank you for being curious about them 😭💖💖💖
Suzie, when she first arrived to the Americas in 1746, had no idea what to make of Alfred. She adapted to life there quickly enough– thanks mainly due to Wilfred hauling her around the world (read: Europe and around the colonies of the empire) ages 6-15, never staying in one place for too long, but it was Alfred that she found herself at a loss about. She'd seen and talked to people of all walks of life growing up, so admittedly, she had been prepared for most situations. But he was something else. She wrote to Wilfred as such– "Father, I'm quite unsure how to proceed. What am I to do with him?" to which Wilfred replied with a somewhat dismissive, "What you've always done best. Persevere. Take heart, child." Like wow, very helpful, dad 😭 but she does take his advice, being careful and doing her best to understand how Alfred always seems to, well, march to the beat of his own drum, so to say.
Alfred on the other hand, upon seeing Susannah that day in New York harbor, was more or less at a loss too. Honestly he thought she was a princess, or something. The initial apprehension wore off quickly enough, and he found himself growing accustomed to her company quickly. He was a fount of endless questions. He'd ask about her home in England ("Scotland," she corrects. "I've only been to England twice or thrice.") or the other places she's been to, or the things she's seen. If he wasn't asking questions, he was dragging her along to do God-knows-what. "Come with me, there's this charming river! I promise I won't even tip the boat this time.", "I found a family of foxes and the mother let me pet her kits! If we hurry up we might still be able to see them before nightfall. Come on, Suzie!", things like that.
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huabeam · 2 years
today was the happiest day of my life !!!!
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catboyhdb · 1 year
tgaa2 is picking up btwww
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You've probably picked this up by now but I constantly look at you in this way when I'm with you.
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(I just thought this would be funny to point out-)
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Have some flowers! 💐
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