#🍪cookie tag
defectivesoftshell · 1 year
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lynzishell · 1 month
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire 💛Atlas & Asher🩵
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✨TYSM for the tag @raiiny-bay, @zosa95, @dandylion240, @sirianasims, and @hannahssimblr 🤗💖
Of course, I went overboard with this, so grab your favorite beverage and let's dive right in, shall we? ☕💕
-what common/uncommon fear do they have?
💛Atlas: [Pointing to Asher] Water. 🩵Asher: You can’t just leave it at that. It’s not like if you set a glass of water on the table, I’ll run screaming. I have a fear of drowning, so I don’t like to be submerged in water. You’re never going to catch me out swimming. Probably not on a boat either, while we’re at it. Not taking any chances. 💛Atlas: Fair enough. But you won’t even put your face under the water in the shower. 🩵Asher: That’s because it reminds me of being submerged in water. Anyway, this conversation is making me sweaty, and there just happens to be water on the other side of this fence, so let's change the subject. Next question.
-do they have any pet peeves?
🩵Asher: Oh, Atlas fuckin’ hates mindless small talk, like the kind you use just to fill the silence, or because you awkwardly feel like you need to talk to the person next to you. Seriously, he’ll like you a lot more if you just sit next to him in silence for an hour. 💛Atlas:  Very true. And yet, your record for silence is, what, twenty minutes?  🩵Asher: Maybe. But I don’t make mindless small talk. 💛Atlas: Yeah, I do like listening to you ramble on about your latest obsessions. You get all animated and excited, it’s really cute. 🩵Asher: You’re really cute.
-what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
💛Atlas: Uh, I don’t know, what’s in our room besides the obvious? Probably too many electronics. 🩵Asher: Right, between the computer and the switch and my drawing tablet and our phones... 💛Atlas: And your sketchbooks and pencils. How many pencils does someone need? 🩵Asher: I don’t have enough; I’ll tell you that much. Count yourself lucky that most of my art supplies are scattered between Lex’s place and my parents’ house. One day I’ll get it all organized in one place, but that day is not today.
-what do they notice first in a person?
🩵Asher: Hm. That's a good question. What did you notice about me first? 💛Atlas: Your hair, obviously. 🩵Asher: [laughs] 💛Atlas: But no, I would say your eyes. I’d never met anyone with such pure gray eyes before, they’re striking. Your eyes are very expressive too. And you make eye contact with people more than anyone else I know. Like, whenever I talk to you, I always feel like you’re really listening. 🩵Asher: [smiles] I am.
-on a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
🩵Asher: Oh god, mine is probably like a 5, and Atlas’s is probably a fuckin’ 8 or 9. 💛Atlas: I would’ve said 7, but we can go with 8.
-do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
💛Atlas: I think my first instinct is freeze, but then probably flight. Depending on the situation, I’ll walk away or hide away. 🩵Asher: Mostly. But with James, you definitely went to fight. 💛Atlas: That was different. I don’t care if people hurt me, but I’m not going to let them hurt the people I love. Ash is definitely more of a fighter than I am.  
-do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
🩵Asher: I don’t come from a big family, it’s just my parents, me, my sister, and my niece, but we are very close. But honestly, family isn’t just about relatives. Chosen family is just as important. When I say my family is the most important thing to me, I don’t just mean them, I also mean Atlas and Lex and Dawn and Phoenix and Aspen too. And Jasper, obviously. 💛Atlas: Exactly. If we’re talking about relatives, I come from a very large family, but I will never see or speak to any of them again, except for Dawn, of course. A few years ago, I never would’ve considered myself a family person, but Ash’s family taking me in changed all that. I’d definitely say I am now. 🩵Asher: I love that.
-what animal represents them best?
💛Atlas: Oh, that’s easy. Ash is just like Jasper, his border collie. Playful and energetic, friendly, intelligent, hardworking, and he loves to snuggle. 🩵Asher: Hm. I think for Atlas, I’d say a deer. 💛Atlas: A deer? 🩵Asher: Yeah, like, you’re quiet and cautious, a bit anxious with a tendency to hide, but you’re also beautiful and sweet. 💛Atlas: You make me sound more like a bunny. 🩵Asher: No, definitely not a bunny. Have you ever come upon a big buck deer? They’re majestic and intimidating, and they’ll kick your ass if they have to. They’re… survivors.
-what is a smell that they dislike?
💛Atlas: Ammonia. 🩵Asher: No one likes the smell of ammonia. 💛Atlas: I know, but when I was a kid, at the end of every school year, we’d have to clean our desks with this ammonia spray. Twenty kids spraying ammonia in an enclosed room. It was awful. I’m sure they had the windows open, but even still, that smell is seared into my brain, makes me want to gag just thinking of it.
-have they broken any bones? if so, how?
🩵Asher: Okay, story time! So, when I was ten? Eleven? Something like that. Anyway, I was dancing around in my room, as one does, and I tripped on a book, one of many scattered around my disaster of a room, and tried to catch myself as I went down. Bad decision. I’ll spare you the details, but the pain I felt in my wrist was horrible. I literally saw stars. And then I almost puked when I looked at it. So, of course, I started screaming for my mom. She came running in, and I told her that I’d broken my wrist. And what did she do? She yanked on it and snapped it back into place! Because apparently, I’d just dislocated it. But, fuck, it hurt. If a broken bone is worse than that, then I hope I never break one. 💛Atlas: I broke a toe once. Stubbed it on the corner of my bed when I was in college. I wasn’t good about taping it up or anything either, so it healed a little crooked.
-how would a stranger likely describe them?
🩵Asher: For Atlas? One word: quiet. How they interpret that quietness varies though. Some people think he’s really shy, others think he’s just aloof. But he’s actually neither. He’s introverted and pensive, sure, but he’s also very warm and enjoys chatting with people if it’s a more meaningful conversation, y’know. Like, when we first met, we would talk for hours and hours. 💛Atlas: That’s true, but you’re such an easy person to talk to. I think that’s what people would say about Ash. He’s just very relaxed and friendly and has a way of putting people at ease. He’s good at connecting with people and getting them talking and making them laugh.  
-are they a night owl or a morning bird?
🩵Asher: Probably night owls, I’d say. Atlas prefers starting his day later and working late, if he has the option. 💛Atlas: Yeah, but these days, it feels like I’m working all the time. But even still, Ash starts his day earlier. I don’t know. I think he’s somehow both. He has no issues with mornings, but he also gets a burst of energy in the evening and sometimes it’s hard to get him to come to bed. 🩵Asher: To sleep, anyway. 💛Atlas: [laughs] Right.
-what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
💛Atlas: Ah, Ash hates vinegar and anything pickled. And he loves warm spices like cinnamon and cardamom. 🩵Asher: Oh my god, and Atlas is fuckin’ backwards when it comes to this. He likes bitter flavors to a strange degree, like super bitter beer and strong coffee and he’ll only eat chocolate if it’s the super dark stuff, otherwise he hates it. He doesn’t like sweets. No sugary drinks or candy or even pastries.
-do they have any hobbies?
🩵Asher: We both love gaming and dancing. Otherwise, I like to draw and spend time with my dog. My favorite is taking him down to the beach to play fetch, he loves it there. 💛Atlas: Yeah, and I don’t know, I like to stay active because I feel like I’m constantly at a desk otherwise. I used to rock climb a lot, but since we climbed Mt. Komorebi, we took a break and never really got back to it, so I pretty much just run and work out at the gym occasionally. And I like to sing. 🩵Asher: Seriously, I wish you could hear him. He has the most incredible voice. 💛Atlas: Aw, thank you.
-boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
💛Atlas: Ash would love it! He’d be so stoked that everyone showed up for him like that. 🩵Asher: And Atlas would probably dump me on the spot if I ever did that to him. 💛Atlas: I don’t know if I’d dump you, but… okay, yeah, I probably would.
-do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
🩵Asher: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Atlas wear any jewelry. 💛Atlas: No, I’ve tried, but I could never get used to it. I’d always end up taking it off by midday. 🩵Asher: I can see that. I wear earrings, but that’s it. I used to wear a necklace that an ex gave me, but I threw it out when we broke up. I wanted to throw it into the ocean, but I didn’t dare to walk out on the dock [laughs] so I tossed it in a dumpster instead. 💛Atlas: I didn’t know that. Which ex? 🩵Asher: Elias. 💛Atlas: Ahh. Yikes. 🩵Asher: Yeah. Anyway. Next question.
-do they have neat or messy handwriting?
💛Atlas: I think we both write fairly neat. 🩵Asher: I think so too. Yours is all sharp angles, but it’s not sloppy. 💛Atlas: Yeah, and you have a strong preference for uppercase letters. Sometimes it’s rushed, but it’s never messy. Actually, I’ve never thought about it before, but I really like your handwriting. 🩵Asher: I like yours too.
-what are two emotions they feel the most?
🩵Asher: [points to Atlas] Anxious. 💛Atlas: All of the time. 🩵Asher: And, hm, we can only pick two? I’d probably go with either introspective or focused. 💛Atlas: That’s probably right. For you, I’d say, passionate or inspired and then maybe playful or energetic or something like that. Okay yeah, passionate and playful.
-do they have a favorite fabric?
💛Atlas: Probably cotton, I guess. 🩵Asher: Yeah, same. I don't know. Never really thought about it, to be honest.
-what kind of accent do they have?
🩵Asher: I don’t know. Do we have accents? I mean, I guess Atlas gets a hint of a drawl when he drinks, it’s pretty cute. 💛Atlas: I do not. 🩵Asher: You do! I never told you because I didn’t want you to get self-conscious and try to stop. 💛Atlas: It’s a good thing I don’t drink often, I guess. 🩵Asher: Whatever. I love it. 💛Atlas: And I love you. 🩵Asher: I love you too.
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And I love them too!! 🥹
Okay, whew! What are the chances anyone actually read all that? I really can't just be normal about these things, can I? Oh well... Now it's your turn!! I'm gonna tag @madebysimblr, @crownsofesha, @xldkx, @honeyjars-sims, aaaaaaaaaaand @igotsnothing 🤸🏻‍♀️💖 Answer them normally, or have a little fun with it, or ignore me completely, that's fine too (no it's not) 🫶🏻
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siriusfelis · 2 months
Am I not a fly like thee?
Or art thou not a man like me?
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iexpectmetodie · 7 months
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Inspired by I Expect You To Die, my personal design of Agent Phoenix based off of me!
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happy lesbian visibility week!! 💚
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pixlokita · 2 years
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I was gonna give up on this sketch but my super talented fren @0wldn0 helped me with the rest of the body and all of Gregory so I finished it TTwTT also love how they drew Greg all tiny he fits in one hand how cute is that 💕💕💕 he’s fine he just got stabbed a little 👌
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angryvampire · 5 months
Guys, i just had a sudden wave of creativity
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Guess what im gonna make with this
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0-hoony · 4 months
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⊹ there is a light not far away from us 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ˖ ִֶָ 🌌 ⊹ off hiatus <3
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directions to :   - record store? - cafe?
additional info :   - reqs : (slow but) open ! - event coming soon ! - 400?!
get a membership here ♡
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[oh nouvelle vague; it's so far away from me] @so-lychee + [@yinyinwon, @wonlude]
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I had a dream I was playing a new cookie run ovenbreak update where in another timeline, timekeeper actually goes through with their threat to gingerbrave.
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After spending years experiencing death by burning over and over again he some how found his way out. But it took him into a time rift.
After spending an undisclosed amount of time there he found a piece of timekeepers scissors. But by that time he doesn't remember much because his mind is too damaged.
Tying the scissor piece to the end of his cane, he uses it to escape the rift. Now he just goes by gingerbread cookie, and a few cookies from the TBD are now hunting him down because he's an anomaly.
Also the cookies that were new to the update were called coffee jelly cookie and raisin bun cookie
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name-that-isnt · 11 months
Okay so black lemonade is repeatedly referred to with she/her, but was this moment where y/n used "they" referring to just lemonade or to both her and bassist??
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I wanna believe in the she/they propaganda, but I'm keeping my enby hc for her either way
Now more importantly? Lemonade and glitter have my WHOLE sapphic heart I love them sm, literally need what they have
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Desperately in need of a ship name for them tho,, Shining lemonade? Black glitter?? S tier yuri??? Not really sure, however I AM sure that if anyone talks any more shit about either of their designs I'm going to learn how to assassinate
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yummycrummy · 1 year
Ok so, I finished him within a night. (A first for me)
What do you think? 😸
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Oh my goodness???? HE LOOKS SO PRECIOUS 🥺❤ !!!! his big ol button eyes... his lil hands, aaa his comically large shoes, I absolutely love it ✨ thank u so much!!!!!!
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aayo-whatt · 28 days
heyy!! we havent talked in ages so have a cookie for every day we havent spoken <33333 I hope youre doing well!!!! sending you all the hugs <3
heheh, it has been awhile - so that will be a lot of cookies (my bad, 😅😅)
i am doing very well, i have just been very busy with school and life stuff,, it's much fun i swear and not stressful at all for sure
i hope you have been even weller than i have been darling <333
i missed you so so very much lovie <33 sending you the bestest of all the wishes, and that hug has very much melted me into the floor and also you i am now a puddle :]
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siriusfelis · 9 hours
I never posted this here. My Red Velvet design for personal reference ♥️ both shoe editions
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Also this that I already posted on a different account
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fallingfire · 11 months
A long time ago I asked somebody “what if longarm was somebody?” and “What if they once existed before longarm did?” And today I finally decided to jump onto the idea.
Shockwave didn’t just become longarm
He stole it.
What name exists when it doesn’t exist at all?
He was not him, or nothing at all.
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Some notes from BD: I randomly designed this, he’s meant to look like longarm but this is more so the reverse. Longarm is meant to look like him
Eldritch shockwave horror time y’all!
Oh yeah, have a longarm too
he’s hard to draw
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r0semultiverse · 8 months
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake finale spoilers without context
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themuseoftheviolets · 21 days
share whatever project you're working on right now, except 'project' is incredibly open ended. It could be fic, original writing, playlists, art, crafts, whatever it is you're doing!
thank you for the tag @quillkiller ily <3
When the bartender sets their drinks down, she smiles in a way that shows all of her teeth — perfectly straight, but yellow. Probably from nicotine, which she smells strongly of — and tells them, "You ladies have a wild night.”
She winks, as well, and Lily fights the urge to roll her eyes. It's not polite, she knows, but she's immediately frustrated with the bartender, though she has no real reason to be.
Lily has only known her for thirty seconds, but she has a tendency for disliking people, and is far too stubborn to change her mind once she forms an initial impression.
The bar was not Lily's idea, not her style, but Mary and Emmeline had forced her out of her flat, giving her little choice but to follow them out into the cold night.
"It'll be fun." Mary had said each time Lily opened her mouth, cutting her off before she could complain, "You need some fun.”
Lily thought the opposite. 'Fun' for Lily usually ended in trouble, and she had had too much of it recently.
Lily was trying to do better, to be better. Maybe then her sister would welcome her back into her life, maybe then she could make her parents proud again.
np tags: @twisted-tales-told @sugarsnappeases @nevvaraven @neaverse @culdogs @arakhnee
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