knockout1207 · 1 month
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doublegroovesite · 2 years
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【Tarzan】2003.8 No.401
抜群のボディバランスが圧巻、DOUBLE の3Dボディの作り方。
「ゴージャスでクールな雰囲気が漂うDOUBLE さん。モデル並みの体型の秘密は?」
「マシントレーニングって、だれかが付いててくれないと寂しくなるから実は苦手で。いまは部屋で音楽を聴きながらトレーニングしてます。腹筋は真ん中だけでなく、腹斜筋も鍛えます。あと、腕立てに背筋。回数?よく分かりません(笑)。ジャネット・ジャクソンの『COME ON, GET UP』を聴き終わるまでだから、3~4分かな。毎日はしないですね。したい時にする(笑)」
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フェンダー編第359回:「~Custom Collection~ Artisan Maple Burl Dual P90 Thinline Telecaster N.O.S. -Aged Natural-ってこんなこと」
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稀少なトーン・ウッドをフィーチャーした「アーティザン・シリーズ」の最新作、 アーティザン・メイプル・バール・ダブルP90・テレキャスター・シンラインが入荷しました!!
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Spec. Body : 4A Flame Burl Maple on Vintage Michigan Mahogany 2PC with Hollow Body Finish : Nitrocellulose Lacquer , New Old Stock Neck : Roasted 3A Flame Maple , 60 Style C-Shape Neck Finish : Nitrocellulose Lacquer , New Old Stock Fingerboard : Round-Laminated Rosewood , 9.5" Radius , 6105 Narrow Tall Frets , 21F Pickups : Fender Custom P-90 PU Controls : Fat 50s Dual P90 Wiring -Vol / Tone- , Modern 3way-SW Weight : 2.77kg Case : Custom Shop Logo Black Hard Case
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景観の美しさをご堪能頂く製品コンセプトであると同時に、 もちろんサウンド面でも、さすがカスタムショップ!! と思わず唸ってしまうような、力強くも美しいトーンをお楽しみ頂けます。 稀少な木材を使用しているがゆえに、 コレクション・モデルの中でも異例と言える「納期未定」扱いの大変稀少な逸品です!! ルックス、サウンド共にお薦めできるナイスなテリーを、ぜひこの機会にご検討下さい!!
吉岡 哲志
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38mitsubachi · 1 year
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ご来店頂きまして誠に有難う御座いました😊✨✨ #Repost させて頂きます🙇‍♀️ @canbe_nagamachi with ・・・ ・ ・ミガキイチゴ🍓のチョコスフレパンケーキ🥞とアイスコーヒー 食べる宝石💎ミガキイチゴ🍓をふわっふわのチョコスフレパンケーキ🥞でサンド💖 香りも良く、甘〜いミガキイチゴ🍓✨がチョコスフレパンケーキ🍫🥞とマッチして最高に美味しかったー😻! 1月19日(水)のワークアウト 🌇ボディジャム45/早坂のんIR グランスポール あすと長町 🌃ZUMBA45/小野元気IR グランスポール 八幡 🌃SH’BAM45/佐竹IR グランスポール 上杉 🌇のんちゃんジャム、新曲102番 予約11番、最前列一番左。 cb1:102番 cb2:102番 cb1のプッシュアウト→クルクルの時の足の動きは相変わらず出来ないままだけれど、About Damn Time♬のコール&レスポンス。🙆‍♀️👍が楽しかった😆‼ 最後のバウンスの時、音を拾って右足を捻るオプションも一緒にできた😃! cb2 のToxic♬ の辺りから妖しい雰囲気💕を醸し出しながら踊る。Toxic♬とは、中毒性があると言う意味らしいが「皆さんは今、全裸です」とのんちゃんが言う。いくらお色気たっぷりであざとく踊るにしても、全裸で踊るってどういう状況🫣⁉️笑。 でもToxic♬は大好きな曲だから、もう中毒に罹っているのかも…🤭。 今日はレッスン途中で授業参観されているのに気づき😳、急に緊張し始めちゃったけれど、思いっきり踊れて楽しかった😊。 ・ 🌃小野先生ZUMBA 予約1番🙌✨最前列中央左。 w-up 「Maybe You Are The Problem」 zin 101「コン•ガナス」 zin 101「ササ」 zin 70 「ザッツ・ワット・アイ・ライク」 など zin 101 とzin102を中心に踊った様に思う。 c-downは、ノリの良いBones ♬ 授業参観のコメントは特にもらえず…。 ・ 🌃佐竹さんSH’BAMマスタークラス、新曲SH’BAM 49✨ 予約9番🙌✨、第2スタジオ最前列右側。 🔸SH’BAM 49✨ 49-01「No (Galantis Remix)」 49-02「Boyz」 49-03「Like A Prayer」 49-04「Mr. Saxobeat」 49-05「Move」 49-06「Move Ya Body」 49-07「THAT’S WHAT」 49-08「SexyBack」 49-09「Come Get It Bae」 49-10「My Universe」 49-11「How Will I Know」 49-12「Body Loose」 全12曲 レッスン後、佐竹さんを囲んで質問の嵐🌀 私も何となく混じって聞いていた。 質問される度に説明しながら踊って見せてくれていた。 Track09のCome Get It Bae♬ひとつ取ってみても、シングル、シングル、ダブルのリズムでアームを左右に動かすところ。単に腕を振るだけでは無くて、アームをカールさせながらチェストのアイソレでカールしたアームの方へ胸を寄せる動きをしている。「カールトン」と言うらしい。 片足ずつキックする時もキックしない方の足を後ろに引きながら踊っている😳。 他の質問にも答えて、色々踊りながら説明してくれていたけれど、いつもは意識することなく動いていた動きを佐竹さんがやるとカッコ良い✨なるほど、コレが「踊る」と言うことなんだなぁ🤔。 私のは、ただ動いているだけに過ぎない😓 以前小野先生が仰っていた意味を漸く実感できた。 リズムに合わせるのは基本だけれど、意識して動かしている以外の部分(身体)をどう動かすかでダンスになる✨か否か🙅‍♀️が決まる。 ダンスって奥が深いなぁ🤔。リズムも合わせられない時があるのに、果たして私に踊れる日が来るのだろうか?毎日踊っているつもりで「動いて」はいるけれど💦 でも、SH’BAM はダンスパーティー。正確さよりも楽しむこと優先でいいんですよね😊? あっ「ダンス」パーティーなんだから、「踊れて」なければダメなのか🙄❓何だかよくわからなくなって来た〜😵‍💫。 ・ 今週も3店舗周って、とりあえずダンス三昧😃✨ 楽しかったー😆‼️ ・ ・ #ふわふわチョコスフレパンケーキ🥞 #ミガキイチゴ🍓#食べる宝石💎 #アイスコーヒー#アイスコーヒー好き #38mitsubachi#ミツバチ🐝 #38mitsubachi北四番丁店 #パンケーキ専門店🥞 (38mitsubachi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7D1KhvhiS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yokotayokota · 5 years
20190322~26 台湾
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フェス感ある!一番大きいステージではリハを行っていた。そのリハでやってた曲が超好みで、これ誰!!誰よ!!!となり、グッズ列にいた若者たちにタイムテーブルを見せステージを指さし「Who BAND?誰!?」と聞くも「わからんね~ん!」と言われ自力で解決。Spotifyで聞いてたバンド、  随性 (Random)でした~!絶対ライブを見ると決めた。
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バカテクインストバンド・體熊專科(Major in body bear)、イギリスのダークサイケロックバンド・THE UNDERGROUND YOUTH、ブッチャーズ感あるオルタナバンド・非人物種(Inhuman)を見たり、ビールを飲んだり。
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台湾バージョンの打首獄門同好会。 岩下の新生姜の新生姜が台湾産と知り驚いた!なんちゅう繋がり!魚が食べたくなったよ~。
 この日のトリは閃靈(CHTHONIC)!何気に見るのは2回目。本場のソニックさんやっぱ凄いわ。登場SEが流れると、オーディエンスが冥紙という黄色い紙を巻きまくりだす。 冥紙というのはあの世のお金。神様へ捧げるお金とのこと。沖縄にも似た風習があったはず。 この冥紙がいろんなところで舞い上げられる様子はとても綺麗で、ソニックの重みと厚みのあるサウンドとのギャップが素敵だった。
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快眠!朝からこち亀を見て笑う、平和な1日の始まりだよ~。前日は雨でなかなか辛かったけど、この日は雨降らず!オフィシャルグッズ欲しかったけど、1日目に売り切ったみたいで買えなかった~!日本のフェスとの違いが地味にある。韓国のメロウサーフバンド・say sue meのTシャツを購入。
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名前からして見らなあかん、血肉果汁機(Flesh Juicer)、ゴリゴリの重めのミクスチャー…好きやな。ゆる~~~くsay sue me見たりyonige見たりなんやらかんやらして、女王蜂。現地の人がジュリ扇振ってるし、何回も台湾でライブしてるんかと思ったら2回目?かなんかでビックリ。大トリの滅火器(Fire ex.)!これがもう本当に台湾に来てよかった~となった。事前情報で台湾版エアージャム系バンドと聞いてて、その時点で好きやなとは勘付いてたけど、ここまで良いとは!
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滅火器のライブを見て、このフェスのテーマである「人生 音楽」というのがよく分かった。フェスを終えて、台湾のオーディエンスは自由に思いっきりライブを楽しんでいるという印象が大きかった。これは日本に比べて規制が少ないということもあるんやろうけど!どうしても日本人は「こうじゃないといけない」「みんなと同じように」みたいな概念がこびりついてる気がした。10数年ライブやフェスに通っていて、これだけ新鮮な気持ちになれるとは驚いた。
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アニメイトに行ったり迪化街に行ったりカルフールに行ったり。 迪化街 は見るものすべて魅力的で理性を保つのに必死になった。小花園でチャイナシューズを買ったけど、履き心地良すぎて次行ったら安い店で何足も買いたいぐらい!建物がツボを突きまくってきて困った。建築目当てででも行きたいよ~。
ホテルは中山駅近くのダンディホテル天津へ。こちらも1泊約5,700円で部屋広いし朝食ついてるしバスタブあるし良すぎた~!西門町は台湾の原宿と言われるほどには東京みたいやった。どっちかゆうたら渋谷ちゃうんかな?中山に戻ってきて台湾式海鮮居酒屋へ。 日本語メニューがあるとの情報を得て33区熱炒をチョイス。たばこを吸うか聞かれ、吸わんでというと綺麗目の店舗へ通された。
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technigica · 2 years
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#FoT507:勇者のボディのダブル稼動/Double Operation of the Brave's Bodies
At the moment, WoSe=Ozakefu can only operate his/her one body at a time usually, but if one of the bodies is a "Foundation-Type Body", he/she can operate them simultaneously in exceptional cases.
He/she can use this characteristic to check the operation of each body, repair it, and improve it.
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jgfiles · 6 years
Miyoshi/Maki Katsuhiko’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
Miyoshi/Maki Katsuhiko’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
(Tentative version as no translation for ‘Coffin’ or ‘Valkyrie’ novel version had been released)
Spy Surname: Miyoshi - 三好(みよし) Spy Name: Unknown Real name: Unknown Rank: Army Second Lieutenant (陸軍少尉 - Rikugun-Shōi) (According to the novel) Role at D Agency: Spy (スパイ) Direct superior officer: Lieutenant Colonel Yūki (結城中佐 Yūki-Chūsa) Affiliation: D Agency (D機関 D Kikan) Height: Unknown (168 cm according to the Anime) Age: Unknown Impersonates: Military Police Sergeant Major (憲兵曹長- Kenpei- Sōchō), Maki Katsuhiko (真木 克彦) Appearances: Novel: Vol. 1 Chapter 1 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) , Vol. 2 Chapter 4 “Coffin” (柩 Hitsugi), Vol 4 Chapter 1 “Valkyrie” (ワルキューレ Valkyrie) D no Maō manga: Vol 1 chap 1-5 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) Anime: Ep 1-2 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) , EP 11 “Coffin” (柩 Hitsugi), EP 12 “XX Double Cross” (XX ダブル・クロス XX Double Cross), OAV “Adventure of Black Cat Yoru” (黒猫ヨルの冒険 Kuroneko Yoru no Bōken) Joker Game The Animation Manga: Chap 1, 2, 3 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game), 6 “City of Temptation” (魔都 Mato), 9 “Robinson” (ロビンソン Robinson), 18 “Pursuit” (追跡 Tsuiseki), 20, 21 “Coffin” (柩 Hitsugi), 22, 23 “XX Double Cross” (XX ダブル・クロス XX Double Cross) Drama cd: “Joker Game” Drama CD Metropolitan Police Department D Section Investigation Files (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 警視庁D課捜査ファイル “Joker Game” Drama CD Keishichō D-ka sōsa files), “Joker Game” Drama CD Go For It! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD それいけ!2年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Sore ike! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei ), “Joker Game” Drama CD Return! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 帰ってきた! 二年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Kaettekita! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei), “Joker Game” Drama CD Parody Box Full of What Ifs (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 〝もしも″だらけのパロディBOX “Joker Game” Drama CD “Moshimo″ darake no parody box) Voice Actor: Shimono Hiro - 下野 紘(しもの ひろ) Stage project actor: Suzuki Shōgo - 鈴木 勝吾(すずき しょうご)
Brief introduction
In the novel Miyoshi is one of the twelve (twelve, not eight as in the anime) D Agency students belonging to the first batch of trainees, who took part to the search in Gordon’s house. The same goes for the D no Maō manga.
The anime though (and, as a consequence of this, the ‘Joker Game The Animation’ Manga) decided that Miyoshi is also Maki Katsuhiko, the spy who appears in the novel chapter ‘Coffin’ giving him his backstory. ‘Coffin’ isn’t transposed in the D no Maō manga therefore Maki Katsuhiko doesn’t show up in it. As for the novel… nowhere it’s said if the two are the same person. Might be, might be not.
In regard to the novel though it’s worth to mention that Maki made a cameo in “Valkyrie”.
As ‘Coffin’ isn’t translated yet, I’ve no idea if it added relevant info about Maki Katsuhiko’s backstory and therefore I will go with the anime version of it.
In the anime they also had Miyoshi play the role of one of the students of D Agency during the ‘XX Double Cross’ story. There’s to point out though that in both the novel and anime the students involved in that case have different names (and, in D no Maō manga also different looks).
Miyoshi is one of the students scouted by Yūki, who passed the selection and enters in his spy school. His real name isn’t Miyoshi, Miyoshi is just the surname given to him when he became a student in D Agency.
During his training his views clashes with Sakuma and, when he’s put in charge of the Gordon’s case he requests for Sakuma to take part to the mission as well, demanding he’ll play the role of the captain of the fake military police squad Miyoshi and the other students will be impersonating. Sakuma agrees and Miyoshi, in order to get inside Gordon’s house smoothly, promises Gordon Sakuma will commit suicide if they find nothing. Miyoshi had already figured where the cipher was but pretends he and the others can’t find it, believing Sakuma, put in such situation, will not have the guts to commit suicide as he previously declared he would. Sakuma instead, not only prepares himself to do so but, moments before doing it, figures where was the cipher. All this impresses positively Miyoshi.
Later he graduates from D Agency and he’s sent in Germany under the identity of Maki Katsuhiko.
He spends quite a long while in Germany, also interacting/cooperating with the Japanese Navy spy Yukimura Kōichi then, after handing the information he has collected to Yuuki while the man was on Krun, he boards a train for Berlin and dies in a train crash. Firmly believing Maki was a spy, in attempt to capture Yuuki, Hermann Wolff keeps Maki’s body under surveillance but fails as Yuuki manages to retrieve the list Maki had hidden in his collar and warn all the men in Maki’s spy net before leaving. Understanding he was beaten Wolff has Maki be buried, apparently as a nameless person.
In the movie Miyoshi is a spy who claims to have a poor, sick mother whom he loves very much and who argues with another spy named Katō during their training, pulls out a gun and attempts to kill him and for this is expelled by D Agency. He then accepts money from Colonel Takeno Gentarō in exchange from info about D Agency. However by the end it turns out it was all Yūki’s plan. Miyoshi was never expelled but purposely caused an incident so it would look like that. In this way he could be contacted by Colonel Takeno and, by pretending to give him info, he had the excuse to actually record his treacherous words. He later goes retrieve Katō and hands him the details of his new mission. It seems the story about his mother is fake as well as he claims he was born in Paris and raised in Venice and was so rich he hated his parents.
He’s a cynical narcissist who looks down on everyone, tends to act in a refined manner and do exaggerate poses. He likes to volunteer to take command of the other spies and to test/prank Sakuma. Through he dislikes Sakuma’s worldview he seems to be also amused by it, apparently not believing Sakuma to be capable to go through it. It’s worth to note that Miyoshi’s ‘pranks’ are well over the top though as he let Sakuma believe he would be forced to commit hara-kiri. Miyoshi’s always very confident, can remain calm in the worst situations and analyze them accurately, he’s not shy to tell unpleasant truths but he can admit when he was wrong.
Physical appearance
According to the novel Miyoshi’s complexion was pale, with lips far too red for a man.
Maki Katsuhiko, both in the novel and in the anime is defined by Johan Bauer as a beautiful man.
In the D no Maō manga Miyoshi seems young, he’s not tall or broad built, he has blond hair and dark eyes and he’s pretty handsome.
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In the anime Miwa Shiro said when he drew his eyes, he imagined a wild cat beast or bird of prey.
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He’s not tall (though his height was around average at that time) with brown hair and brown eyes. When in D Agency Miyoshi wears a reddish brown three piece suit with a belt. In his mission in Germany he switches to grey pants, white shirt and grey blue jacket with his collar untied.
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In the Stage Project he still seems to wear a three piece suit.
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In the movie he’s a black haired man with dark eyes. He’s not short, likes to dress elegant and always have a pocket watch inside which he holds a photo of himself and his mother or so he says.
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The two never interacted but we know that Mutō finds D Agency a thorn to his side and sent Sakuma there in the hope one of Yūki’s students would make a mistake that would allow him to close the place. Miyoshi though is clearly amused at the idea Mutō will be shocked after hearing Sakuma’s report on the Gordon’s case and the same might apply to the other spies.
In the novel it’s unclear if Miyoshi is also Maki Katsuhiko. He might be, he might be not. Miyoshi trained under Yūki . When Sakuma caught the D Agency students discussing the Tennosei system and got angry it was Miyoshi who explained the situation to Yūki. Yūki will then ask Miyoshi’s opinion on Sakuma’s beliefs, which Miyoshi will judge as not destined to last. Yūki then will assign Miyoshi to lead the mission at Gordon’s house. Later Miyoshi will let Yūki know he was impressed by the fact Sakuma was ready to cut his stomach open.
Yūki will also assign to Maki Katsuhiko his mission in Germany and will meet him in Krun to retrieve the information he collected. After Maki Katsuhiko will die Yūki will show up in the hospital in which his corpse was kept, close his still opened eyes and then retrieve the list with the names of the members of Maki’s spy network.
In the anime when Yūki will complain about Yoru’s presence in the agency Miyoshi will volunteer to chase him out.
There’s not a lot of interaction between the two in Novel as in it we can only see they that, at first they just seem to disapprove each other.
In Novel Miyoshi is present when the Tennosei system is being discussed, explains what’s going on to Sakuma and he’s clearly disgusted by his reaction.
D no Maō has instead Miyoshi showing Sakuma around (in D no Maō Sakuma joined D Agency after Miyoshi has basically completed his training), making fun of him by implying that Yūki might be interested in molesting him, warning him he shouldn’t trust anyone in there, trying to get him to play pool (and showing off his ability to him), inviting him to take part to a game of poker to later explain him they had been cheating. Sakuma is clearly annoyed by Miyoshi’s lack of respect for him (he’s higher in ranking than Miyoshi) and behaviour and is particularly upset by Miyoshi’s insistence that people shouldn’t be trust, to the point this sets him against D Agency.
The Anime goes for a different approach, by having Miyoshi being the one who invites Sakuma to go with the rest of them to have fun in the city in the evening, which Sakuma declines (which seems somewhat a recurring invitation) and asking him to play card with them. Later Miyoshi will wave away Sakuma’s belief as mere Tautology.
In all the versions it’s Miyoshi that asks for Sakuma to pretend to be the leader of the group of students that will go to Gordon’s house dressed up as Military Police.
The Joker Game The Animation explains this as Miyoshi wanting to have fun at Sakuma’s expenses.
In all the media it’s always Miyoshi the one who claims Sakuma will cut his belly if they find nothing in Gordon’s house.
Novels and manga version differ from what happens afterward. In Novel Miyoshi’s smile tips Sakuma of on what’s going on, so he figures were the cipher is hidden. In the D no Maō’s manga Miyoshi kicks away Sakuma’s sword when he’s about to kill himself and encourages him to think to another place in which they should search, prompting Sakuma to realize where the cipher was hidden. In the Anime Sakuma’s realizes where the cipher is by remembering Yūki AND Miyoshi’s words.
While it’s common in all the media that Miyoshi was impressed by Sakuma, who was willing to cut his stomach and who has managed to figure things out, in Novel they won’t have any further interaction.
In D no Maō, they’ll meet again after Sakuma had gone to Hanabishi, talk things through and while Sakuma claims he still doesn’t approve of D Agency’s methods he thanks Miyoshi for teaching him to think at things with his own head, while Miyoshi military salutes him back, showing him he respects him.
In the Anime instead Sakuma will meet Miyoshi AFTER he reported to Yūki . While Sakuma believes Miyoshi is there to make fun of him, Miyoshi reveals he actually has changed his opinion about Sakuma and will again invite him to go with them in the town. Although Sakuma refuses again the two seem to have reached a mutual understanding of some sort.
In the novel the only ‘interactions’ between Miyoshi and Kaminaga imply the two trained together, took part to the Joker Game together, were both questioned by Yūki in regard to Sakuma’s words and both took part to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In D no Maō Miyoshi is the one who tells Sakuma that Kaminaga was pecking at his cards and signalling them to the others.
In the anime Miyoshi and Kaminaga trained together and, with the other members, went out in the evening. They took part to the Joker Game together, were both questioned by Yūki in regard to Sakuma’s words and both took part to the mission at Gordon’s house.
The manga shows them playing billiard together and, when Kaminaga is under the effect of the truth serum, it’s Miyoshi who has to punch and question him. It also shows Kaminaga watching while Miyoshi and Hatano play shogi together.
In the preview for Ep 11 Miyoshi is looking at an art book when Kaminaga joins him and sees he’s watching a painting of Millais, ‘Ophelia’. Miyoshi asks him if he thinks the Ophelia in the painting is alive or dead.
In one of the cards, since Miyoshi complained about his bangs, Kaminaga suggested him to cut his hair, to which Miyoshi replied Kaminaga can’t possibly understand.
In the Live Action Movie Kaminaga is there when Yūki will pretend to expel Miyoshi from D Agency.
Miyoshi’s interaction with Hatano is extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In the anime Hatano teased Miyoshi when Miyoshi forbid Fukumoto from feeding Yoru, claiming Miyoshi was feeling adversion for his own kind, to which Miyoshi answered glaring at him.
In the manga, when Miyoshi explained he asked Sakuma to play the role of the Military Police captain, Hatano commented on how Miyoshi was having fun and a vulgar taste but that the whole thing would be entertaining.
In another scene we see him and Miyoshi in the D Agency library talking about the nutcracker tale and about mice in folk tales.
In a manga cover we see Miyoshi and Hatano playing Shoji together, both of them smoking.
Miyoshi’s interaction with Amari is extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if Amari also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house as Miyoshi did.
In D no Maō Amari isn’t mentioned as one of the spies. It might be he’s one, it might be he’s not.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
There’s vaguely more in the manga, where we’ve a scene in which Miyoshi explains the other spies the mission to Gordon’s house and Amari asks him if Sakuma’s involvement in it was also due to Yūki’s orders and Miyoshi will reply that’s not the case as it was just him asking a favour.
Also, in one of the manga covers, Amari is shown watching Miyoshi and Hatano playing shoji.
Miyoshi and Jitsui’s interactions are extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if Jitsui also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house as Miyoshi did.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In a card set Miyoshi and Jitsui talk about blossoming flowers (sakura and ume) and agree to come drinking under the sakura with the others only if Kaminaga and Amari promise they wouldn’t get drunk.
In the Live Action Movie Miyoshi and Jitsui (along with Odagiri and Katō) cooperate to retrieve the Black Note, though Miyoshi had a rather different task from Jitsui and the two meet up only at the end where Miyoshi will hand him his next assignment.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Miyoshi.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, during the Joker Game Tazaki is slightly behind Miyoshi and Jitsui, so it can be he’s the one signaling their cards to the others.
In the manga Tazaki and Miyoshi talks briefly before Miyoshi will tell the others about the mission to Gordon’s house. In fact, Miyoshi finds Tazaki talking with the others about a song. He recognizes the song and therefore asks Tazaki if the song is “The demon king”. Tazaki confirms it.
In the novel and D no Maō manga there’s not a spy named Fukumoto. There’s a spy though who will play the role of Shiozuka Hajime and of Kusanagi Yukihito but it’s unknown if that spy ever interacted with Miyoshi or Maki Katsuhiko.
In the anime we see the two vaguely interact only in the OAV. When Fukumoto will feed Yoru, Miyoshi will tell him not to, to which Fukumoto will agree. When Fukumoto will leave D Agency and look around for Yoru Miyoshi will again tell him not to feed Yoru, to which Fukumoto will again agree.
There’s no known interaction between Miyoshi and Odagiri in the novel beyond that they’re both D Agency students and Odagiri likely took also part to the raid at Gordon’s house in which Miyoshi played the role of interpreter.
A character named Odagiri doesn’t appear in the D no Maō manga and the spy taking the name of Tobisaki Hiroyuki, as far as we know, doesn’t interact with Miyoshi and, although they are both trained at D Agency, Miyoshi likely completed his training way before Tobisaki Hiroyuki joined D Agency.
In the anime in Ep 1 Odagiri, Miyoshi, Kaminaga Jitsui and Amari play poker (or the Joker Game) until Odagiri surrenders.
Miyoshi was also likely one of the spies who used Odagiri’s signals to beat Sakuma at poker. As it’s Miyoshi the one who invited Sakuma to play poker with them, it’s possible Miyoshi went so far as to stage up the whole thing, giving Odagiri the role of spying Sakuma by making it look like Odagiri was leaving the game because he lost one of too many times.
In the Joker Game The Animation Manga, when Miyoshi informed the others he had Sakuma agree to be the captain of their fake Military Police team when they would inspect Gordon’s house, Odagiri looked none too pleased.
In the Joker Game The Animation version of Ep 4, when Miyoshi and Hatano are talking about rats playing the antagonist in western fairy tales, Odagiri surprised them by mentioning Japanese fairy tales involving rats (which apparently aren’t evil). When Miyoshi asks him if he’s implying Japanese rats are different Odagiri says he’s fine with them widening their insight from books but dinner time is up and they should hurry and come because if their meal will get cold Fukumoto will make a fuss.
In Ep 12 Miyoshi demands Odagiri to explain Schneider’s suicide note, since it seems Odagiri is supporting the idea that Schneider was killed.
Miyoshi is later tasked to investigate the latest developments at the German and Soviet embassies and, reported the results of his investigation to Odagiri. In his report he says nothing unusual had happened at the German and Soviet embassies, but someone new might have taken over Schneider’s spy network. Odagiri, who had no idea he would report to him, was surprised by this and, being confused by this and by all the others who had reported to him, gripped Miyoshi’s shoulder, stopping him from leaving and forcefully turning him toward himself and demanded to know why he was reporting this to him.
Miyoshi is first confused by Odagiri’s question then irritated, pushes away the other’s arm and inform him this is his (graduation) case before leaving. Odagiri is very surprised by this.
Successively the two meet at the theatre, after Nogami Yuriko’s performance. Miyoshi comments (looking pleased) that she wasn’t the murderer in the Schneider case to which Odagiri agrees, claiming her tears couldn’t be faked before asking Miyoshi what he discovered about Schneider’s accomplices. Miyoshi will report Odagiri’s theory was right and that by tailing the man removing the flowers from the theatre he discovered the guy stopped to a florist that doubles as a secret post for Soviet spies to exchange intel who communicate among them using a flower called chamomile. Miyoshi also discovered that two Soviet spies contacted Schneider, one was the florist who collected the flowers the other was Yasuhara Miyoko.
Miyoshi then asks Odagiri what tipped him off and Odagiri replies it was simple as he connected the scent in Schneider’s apartment with the one of the flowers delivered to Yasuhara Miyoko, which, to him, hinted to another connection between the two of them. Odagiri then proceeded to explain Schneider likely planned to become a triple spy and pass information to the British so the Soviets set up his assassination as well as the whole plan for the assassination. Though his explanation Miyoshi smiles and asks up how Yasuhara Miyoko got the note written by Schneider and Odagiri explains this as well.
In the Live Action Movie Miyoshi and Odagiri (along with Jitsui and Katō) cooperate to retrieve the Black Note, though Miyoshi had a rather different task from Odagiri and the two meet up only at the end where Miyoshi will hand him his next assignment.
John Gordon
John Gordon is merely the target of D Agency’s investigation. Miyoshi faked being an interpreter, promising him that Sakuma will do Harakiri if they were to inspect his house and find nothing (the same happens in the novel and in D no Maō).
Hermann Wolff
It’s unknown if the two ever interacted or met prior to Miyoshi’s death under the alias of Maki Katsuhiko. Maybe not as Wolff couldn’t recognize him from the photos, although it seems Wolff knew about his name. Miyoshi probably knew about him as well.
Anyway, after Miyoshi died, Wolff persuaded himself he was a spy and will do all he could to catch his accomplices, by checking his house and putting his corpse under surveillance. He however will fail to figure Miyoshi still had on him the list of his accomplices and, when he’ll understand it, it’ll be too late and the list will be already in Yūki’s hands. Wolff will then allow Miyoshi’s burial and will witness to it from afar just to make sure Yūki won’t show up. He will acknowledge that, since Miyoshi managed to pass the info he collected to Yūki, although he died, his information will manage to survive.
Johann Bauer
Johann Bauer investigates about his life, or better about Maki Katsuhiko’s life (Maki being the fake identity Miyoshi took) after Miyoshi died, then, had him moved in a single room at the hospital and put him under surveillance. It seems he was impressed by how, despite being dead, Miyoshi still looked handsome.
Otto Frank
Otto Frank finds Miyoshi’s corpse and steal from him his wallet and his matches, thinking it’s not a big deal since Miyoshi isn’t German. This however will cause Hermann Wolff to get interested in the whole thing, placing the list Miyoshi was carrying at risk to be found by Hermann Wolff.
Takeno Gentarō
Takeno tries to use Miyoshi as a spy after the latter has supposedly been expelled by D Agency. When Miyoshi asks what he and his men want from him and he asks about where the plans are. Miyoshi thought doesn’t reply but points out he has a sick mother. Then, while Miyoshi is still there, Takeno later will order his men to kill Graham and retrieve the note even though his superior officers are against this, accusing his superior officers to be cowards, unaware that Miyoshi is recording his words and he’s still working for Yūki, the incident with the gun and his banishment from D Agency merely a mummery.
Īzuka Kazushi
As per Takeno’s orders Īzuka tries to use Miyoshi as a spy after the latter has supposedly been expelled by D Agency. After Miyoshi claims he was betrayed by Yūki, Īzuka encourages him not to be so formal, claiming they’re on his side. At this Miyoshi asks him what they want from him.
Yajima Yasuo
As per Takeno’s orders Yajima tries to use Miyoshi as a spy after the latter has supposedly been expelled by D Agency. Yajima tells Miyoshi they heard he was banished after the shooting incident and asks him if it’s true. Miyoshi confirms and tells him he was betrayed by Yūki. Then, when Miyoshi implies he would be willing to exchange info with money he assures him he’ll have the money if he tells them what he knows. At this Miyoshi tells them the on-site British Intelligence caught wind of what was going on and plans to take the Black Note from Graham.
Katō Jirō
Miyoshi seems to amuse himself by picking up on Katō Jirō, calling him Gunjin-kun (軍人君 “Young soldier”) and criticizing him harshly although Katō seems to be a better fighter than him. Miyoshi still riles Katō up claiming the soldier Katō helped will be killed at the frontlines and that Katō feels all alone, so that the latter attacks and defeats him, taking his pocket watch and accusing Miyoshi to be too attached to his mother as well as he keeps a photo of her in it. At this Miyoshi attempts to shoot at him and is expelled by D Agency. At this Katō feels sorry for him and returns his watch. It turns out though that the whole thing was staged so Miyoshi never attempted to kill Katō for real, nor he has a poor mother.
Rin/Ono Mariko
The two don’t interact much. When Miyoshi goes to retrieve Katō Jirō, he also picks up Rin, who was with Katō, calling her Ohime-sama (お姫様 “princess”).
In EP. 12 it’s implied Miyoshi, in order to follow a Russian spy, drove a car.
the novel says he’s an extremely fast readers. Art for the anime seem to imply he’s well versed with guns and the opening shows him as being good at hand to hand fights.
Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with. In his end cards we see Miyoshi in the Ginza Lion Beer Hall with Amari, Kaminaga and Jitsui, at the Shinjuku Teitoza with Amari and Fukumoto, in Nihonbashi with Jitsui and at Hibiya Park with Gamo though Itazu Yoshimi explained that would have been an incidental meeting. The last card he drew is a ‘group picture’ of some sort as all the spies, Yūki included, are in them. Miyoshi is drawn more frequently with Amari (3 times) and Jitsui (3 times), second comes Kaminaga and Fukumoto (2 times). It’s worth to note that he’s drawn with Odagiri, Tazaki and Hatano only in the last end card (the one with the group picture). Miyoshi is also drawn once alone (well, he’s technically with Gamo but the two aren’t together). While this is no proof, we can speculate Miyoshi, was meant to better get along with Amari and Jitsui (and possibly Kaminaga and Fukumoto) and had the worst compatibility with Odagiri, Tazaki and Hatano and that he wasn’t really a group person.
In EP 1 and 12 Miyoshi is shown smoking a cigarette. In Joker Game the Animation Manga he’s also the one who offers a cigarette to Sakuma.
In an interview to the voice actors it was said there could be quite an age difference between Miyoshi and Sakuma. Sakuma should be around 28. It's however hard to say which age Miyoshi is. When he died in 1940 we were told Maki Katsuhiko was 28 year old but, well, that might have not been Miyoshi’s real age. We know he's not a career soldier hence he was recruited either while he was at university or in his conscription time. Well... the novel says the spies seemed to be all university graduates so I'll assume they picked up people who graduated or were about to graduate... and during that time you'll graduate at 24. Of course it’s possible that they picked Miyoshi up not while he was an university student but while he was forced to go through his conscription time. Conscription time started at 17. Some could postpone their service (although it was very difficult), but only those seriously disabled and certain criminals were exempted by law. The 20-year-olds were examined yearly and classified according to fitness for service. From those fit for active service, the desired number was inducted into the Army and given 2 years' training. All others were put into a reserve designed for furnishing replacements and given a small amount of training. Those classified as fit for limited service were given no training but were put into the 2d National Army, where they, as well as the boys between 17 and 20 years of age, were liable to call in case of emergency. Under the stress of war, many modifications have occurred. The term of enlistment has been prolonged to 3 years and more, depending upon the circumstances. Instead if he got the chance to go to university and was hired before being conscripted... well, that one lasted 3 years so the youngest he could be was 21 if he was picked really at the start of it. Again though in the novel Sakuma talks of the students as university students so, although Sakuma could be wrong, I'll discharge the idea Miyoshi was picked up before attending to it. All this to say... Miyoshi is probably more than 21 in 1938 when he joins D Agency but that’s hard to be more precise.
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birthday0402 · 5 years
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kazokuwari · 5 years
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4月20日(土)〜26日(金) 19:50上映の回 上映後トークイベント開催 22日 ジャスパー瀧口(瀧口眞一)さま:子供向けマジシャン http://jaspertakiguchi.sakura.ne.jp/ 23日 三浦洋子 所長 ローズボディグループ http://rosebody.jp/  LIFE LAB 株式会社 Rose Body 代表取締役 有限会社 ラニカイ 取締役社長  24日 長濱文子さま:エキストラ出演 婚活予備校主�� https://nagahama-kekkon.com/ (一社)奈良県健康生きがいづくり協議会事務局長 NPO法人日本結婚教育協会結婚教育相談員   25日 馬場真一さま:「120%実現力」メンタルコーチ https://www.facebook.com/jitsugenryoku/ 26日 福森鈴子さま:JAPAN BROWTIST SCHOOL校長 http://eyebrow.co.jp/index.html 有限会社 ティ・アールコーポレーション代表取締役
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doublegroovesite · 2 years
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【Body+】 2006.1
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フェンダー編第397回:「Guitar Planet Exclusive 1962 Telecaster Custom Journeyman Relic -Wide Black 2 Color Sunburst-ってこんなこと」
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ギタープラネット限定販売の特注オーダー・モデル!! 大変人気の高い、「ダブル・バインディング仕様」の1962カスタム・テレキャスターが入荷しました!!
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Spec. Body : Selected Light-Weight Alder 2PC Body Finish : Nitrocellulose Lacquer , Journeyman Relic Neck : QTR-Sawn Maple , 60 Style C-Shape Neck Finish : Nitrocellulose Lacquer , Journeyman Relic Fingerboard: Slab-Laminated Rosewood , 7.25" - 9.5" Vintage Compound Radius , 6105 Narrow Tall Frets , 21F Pickups : Custom Shop Hand-Wound Twisted TELE PU Controls : Vol, Greasebucket Tone, Modern 3way-SW- Weight : 3.34kg Case : Custom Shop Logo Blonde Tolex Hard Case
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サウンドの要となるピックアップには、カスタムショップ製ハンドワウンドの「Twisted TELE PU」を搭載し、 軽快なクリーン・トーンから力強くファットなドライブ・サウンドまで、幅広くアウトプットしてくれます。 精悍な印象の「ワイド・ブラック・2カラー・サンバースト」の色味が抜群に格好良く、 軽量な3.34kgのウェイトも相俟って、ライブでも取り回しの良い仕上がりの逸品を、ぜひこの機会にご検討下さい!!
吉岡 哲志
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ehcztud · 7 years
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dvdhappycom · 6 years
無修正DVD・裏DVD販売の無修正DVDハッピー - 2018年05月10日の新作紹介
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jgfiles · 7 years
Jitsui/Morishima Kunio’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
Jitsui/Morishima Kunio’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
(Very tentative version as no translation for ‘Double Joker’ novel version had been released)
Spy Surname: Jitsui - 実井(じつい) Spy Name: Unknown Real name: Unknown Rank: Army Second Lieutenant (陸軍少尉 - Rikugun-Shōi) (According to the novel) Role at D Agency: Spy (スパイ) Direct superior officer: Lieutenant Colonel Yūki (結城中佐 Yūki-Chūsa) Affiliation: D Agency (D機関 D Kikan) Height: Unknown (165 cm according to the Anime) Age: Unknown Impersonates: Military Police Superior Private (憲兵上等兵- Kenpei-Jōtōhei) (Anime only), Morishima Kunio/Ikeda Kunio (森島邦雄/池田邦雄) (According to the Anime) Appearances: Novel: Vol. 1 Chapter 1 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) D no Maō manga: Vol 1 chap 1-5 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) Anime: Ep 1-2 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) , EP 9 “Double Joker” (ダブル・ジョーカー Double Joker), EP 12 “XX Double Cross” (XX ダブル・クロス XX Double Cross), OAV “Adventure of Black Cat Yoru” (黒猫ヨルの冒険 Kuroneko Yoru no Bōken) Joker Game The Animation Manga: Chap 1, 2, 3 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game), 5 “Miscalculation” (誤算 Gosan), 10 “Asia Express” (アジア・エクスプレス Asia Express), Chap 14, 15 “Double Joker (Part 1)” (ダブル・ジョーカー(前編)Double Joker (Zenpen)), Chap 16, 17 “Double Joker (Part 2)” (ダブル・ジョーカー(後編)Double Joker (Kōhen)) Drama cd: “Joker Game” Drama CD Metropolitan Police Department D Section Investigation Files (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 警視庁D課捜査ファイル “Joker Game” Drama CD Keishichō D-ka sōsa files), “Joker Game” Drama CD Go For It! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD それいけ!2年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Sore ike! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei ), “Joker Game” Drama CD Return! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 帰ってきた! 二年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Kaettekita! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei), “Joker Game” Drama CD Parody Box Full of What Ifs (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 〝もしも″だらけのパロディBOX “Joker Game” Drama CD “Moshimo″ darake no parody box) Voice Actor: Fukuyama Jun - 福山 潤(ふくやま じゅん) Stage project actor: Kido Yuya - 木戸 邑弥(きど ゆうや)
Brief introduction
In the novel Jitsui is mentioned merely as one of the twelve (twelve, not eight as in the anime) D Agency students belonging to the first batch of trainees, and he probably took part to the search in Gordon’s house (though we’ve no confirmation about this). The D no Maō manga doesn’t mention him at all.
The anime though (and, as a consequence of this, the ‘Joker Game The Animation’ Manga) decided that Jitsui is also Morishima Kunio, the spy who appears in the novel chapter ‘Double Joker’ giving him his backstory. ‘Double Joker’ isn’t transposed in the D no Maō manga therefore Morishima Kunio doesn’t show up in it. As for the novel… nowhere it’s said if the two are the same person. Might be, might be not.
As ‘Double Joker’ isn’t translated yet, I’ve no idea if it added relevant info about Morishima Kunio’s backstory and therefore I will go with the anime version of it.
Jitsui is one of the students scouted by Yūki, who passed the selection and enters in his spy school. His real name isn’t Jitsui, Jitsui is just the surname given to him when he became a student in D Agency.
Later he graduates from D Agency and he’s told to keep under observation Shirahata Kiichirō.
In order to do so he pretends to be an university student named Morishima Kunio and starts working at the Shirahata villa as houseboy. While he’s working there he’s then contacted by Kazato Akimasa who has no idea he’s a D Agency spy and tries to black mail him in order to use him as spy. He pretends to comply. Once Kazato got the info he wanted he tries to drug him and have him killed but he manages to fake taking the drug Kazato tried administering him and defeat the one who wanted to kill him.
He then shows up to Shirahata’s villa to support Yūki against Kazato. He’ll then leave the villa with Yūki.
Morishima Kunio’s past, which Kazato used to blackmail him was fake and deliberately constructed so that people would try to blackmail him and this would work as some sort of alarm that another spy agency was targeting Shirahata. In the novel Morishima Kunio is supposed to keep hidden the fact he was half Korean, in the anime instead he’s hiding the fact he skipped military service.
In the movie Jitsui is a spy tasked with supporting a spy named Katō in retrieving the Black Note. He seems to die in an explosion but it turns out he survived and merely faked his death as he will meet up again with Katō. Later he will be assigned for a mission in France.
He smiles often and looks gentle and friendly however he can show a sadistic ruthlessness against enemies. Generally he uses ‘-san’ when talking about other people.
Physical appearance
In the novel is said that Morishima is fair and beautiful.
In the anime Miwa Shiro said he gave Jitsui round eyes that make him appear like a rodent and that he designed him so that he could either look weak or strong instantly, with the Morishima “Double Joker” episode in mind. His official profile confirms he also has an androgynous body, with black hair and brown eyes.
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When in D Agency Jitsui wears a brown three piece suit with a belt. In his mission As Shirahata’s villa he switches to a student uniform.
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In the Live Action Movie Jitsui has a slight bear, moustache and always wear a hat. He seems older than Katō Jirō and smokes a cigar.
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In the Stage Project he still seems to wear a three piece suit.
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The two never interacted but we know that Mutō finds D Agency a thorn to his side and sent Sakuma there in the hope one of Yūki’s students would make a mistake that would allow him to close the place.
We don’t really see Jitsui or Morishima Kunio interacting with Yūki although he was with the man when he faced Kazato Akimaza and later on he drove the car on which they left. Still Yūki is the man who trained him and taught him how to be a spy and that assigned him to that mission.
Sakuma’s interaction with Jitsui is extremely small.
In Novel Jitsui is merely listed as one of the D Agency students while Sakuma is being the liaison but we don’t know if they ever interacted. He’s never mentioned in D no Maō.
In the original script for Ep 1 Jitsui is the one that manages to anger Sakuma the most during the Tennosei system discussion, to the point that, if Sakuma had had it, he would have pulled out his sword.
In the original script and in the Anime Jitsui is also one of those who play the Joker Game against Sakuma. In Joker Game The Animation, after learning that Sakuma will act as leader when they’ll investigate Gordon’s house Jitsui expressed concern for Sakuma, claiming that if he repeats the same mistake he might end up being stripped of everything he has.
According to his official profile he cared for Sakuma… though in one of the cards released for Joker Game, although he excused Sakuma for never coming out with them by saying it was because he’s diligent he also says Sakuma is an “Ishibekinkichi Tetsu Kabuto” (右部金吉鉃兜 “man of incorruptible character with an iron helmet”), so serious that they’re stubborn, have no interests and are boring.
Miyoshi and Jitsui’s interactions are extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if Jitsui also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house as Miyoshi did.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In a card set Miyoshi and Jitsui talk about blossoming flowers (sakura and ume) and agree to come drinking under the sakura with the others only if Kaminaga and Amari promise they wouldn’t get drunk.
Kaminaga’s interaction with Jitsui is extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if Jitsui also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house as Kaminaga did.
In D no Maō Amari isn’t mentioned as one of the spies. It might be he’s one, it might be he’s not.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
Kaminaga and Jitsui will also be involved when Yūki will go to Shirahata’s villa but their interaction won’t be shown on the screen.
In the Live Action Movie Kaminaga, along with Yūki gives him the task to cooperate with Katō and Jitsui to retrieve the Black Note.
In the Preview to Ep 10 Hatano tells Jitsui an English expedition has gone to Egypt to which Jitsui replies one should be prepared for consequences if one goes tomb-raiding as sometimes the mummy hunter might end up becoming the mummy.
In a manga cover we see Hatano and Jitsui talk as they are likely planning to drink together. In another Hatano is carrying many books, possibly moving them to where Jitsui is saying.
In a card we see Hatano and Jitsui talking about how Hatano finds Sakuma is unsociable as he doesn’t want to get out with them to which Jitsui replies Sakuma is an “Ishibekinkichi Tetsu Kabuto” (右部金吉鉃兜 “man of incorruptible character with an iron helmet”), so serious that they’re stubborn, have no interests and are boring, though Hatano doesn’t get the reference.
Jitsui’s interaction with Amari is extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if they also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In D no Maō neither of the two is mentioned as one of the spies. They might be among them, they might be not.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
There’s vaguely more in the manga, where we’ve a scene in which, while he and Jitsui are carrying some boxes, Amari is singing something and Jitsui asks him which song is it. When Amari replies it’s Bizet’s Farandole” the two talk a tiny bit about it.
Tazaki and Jitsui’s interaction is extremely small.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Amari.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when Tazaki talks about “The demon king” song before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
It’s worth to note though that in class they were seated at the same desk.
Interesting enough though, Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with occasionally draw Tazaki and Jitsui together, which might imply they get along.
Fukumoto and Jitsui’s interaction is extremely small.
There’s no character named Fukumoto in the novel. Although there’s a character named Shiozuka Hajime/Kusanagi Yukihito there’s no known interaction between him and Jitsui/Morishima Kunio.
Characters named Fukumoto or Shiozuka Hajime/Kusanagi Yukihito don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when they’ll be in the dormitory before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
The only time they talk to each other is in the preview for Ep 4 Jitsui notes that Fukumoto had been really into gambling lately and asks him why, to which Fukumoto reply ‘for the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat’.
There’s no known interaction between Jitsui and Odagiri in the novel beyond that they’re both D Agency students.
Characters named Odagiri or Jitsui or Morishima Kunio don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In Ep 1 Jitsui was one of the spies who used Odagiri’s signals to beat Sakuma at poker. In the manga it’s implied Odagiri ‘betrayed him’ and made an allegiance with Amari when he asked Amari for a cigarette.
In Ep 12 Jitsui points out that Schneider’s suicide note was written by Schneider himself, since it seems Odagiri is supporting the idea that Schneider was killed.
In the Live Action Movie Odagiri and Jitsui support the investigations of Katō in order to retrieve the Black Note. They seem to get along well together.
Gamō Jirō
In the novel it’s unsaid if they ever met while studying at D Agency or not.
In the preview for Ep 8 Gamō Jirō is playing chess. Jitsui observes him and claim that was a tough move to which Gamō Jirō replied chess is a violent sport and asks him if he wants to play a game.
In the anime Gamō Jirō was there when Morishima Kunio was recruited, possibly he was the one who pointed his name to Kazato Akimasa and, later, he was tasked with killing Morishima Kunio, who had supposedly been drugged by Kazato Akimasa. The plan backfired though as Morishima Kunio, in truth Jitsui in disguise, only pretended to be drugged and easily got rid of Gamō Jirō by causing him to faint. Gamō Jirō didn’t though much of Morishima Kunio before he knew of his true identity. Jitsui also think Gamō Jirō doesn’t amount to much as he was hoping, with his disguise, to catch a bigger fish.
John Gordon
John Gordon is merely the target of D Agency’s investigation. The two don’t really interact, Odagiri was merely just one of the D Agency men who inspected his house (it’s unclear if he did the same in the novel and in D no Maō).
Shirahata Kiichirō
Officially Morishima Kunio is a student who works in Shirahata’s residence as houseboy. Shirahata Kiichirō seems to appreciate him and allows him to spend time at the inn with Oharu. In truth Morishima is a D Agency spy who’s taking Shirahata Kiichirō under control.
Oharu dotes on him and worries for him when she believes he could end up on getting reproached due to the other customers getting him drunk. As for Jitsui/Morishima he’s probably being friendly with her as part of the role he’s playing while working at the Shirahata estate.
Kazato Akimasa
Kazato Akimasa tries to blackmail him taking advantage of how he’s supposedly half Korean and if people were to know this, it would put him in troubles. Morishima pretends to cooperate with Kazato, only for Kazato to attempt to drug him and then have him killed when he doesn’t need him anymore. However not only Morishima manages to survive but reveals him he was a D Agency spy and that he tattled out all of Kazato’s move to Yūki.
In the anime Kazato tried to blackmail Morishima by using the fact he didn’t make military service.
Katō Jirō
In the Live Action Movie Katō and Jitsui cooperate to retrieve the Black Note. Jitsui provides him with info and scolds him occasionally.
He knows how to drive. In the manga it seems he’s not visibly affected by truth serum.
Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with. In his end cards we see Jitsui in the Ginza Lion Beer Hall with Amari, Kaminaga and Miyoshi, at Tokyo station with Kaminaga, in front of Shibuya station with Tazaki, Odagiri and Hatano and in Nihonbashi with Miyoshi. The last card he drew is a ‘group picture’ of some sort as all the spies, Yūki included, are in them. Jitsui is definitely drawn more frequently with Miyoshi and Kaminaga (3 times). It’s worth to note he’s drawn with Fukumoto only in the last end card (the one with the group picture). While this is no proof, we can speculate Jitsui was meant to better get along with Miyoshi and Kaminaga and had the worst compatibility with Fukumoto (ironically in the 3rd drama cd Fukumoto seems to be the only one who can scare Jitsui).
Jitsui is the only spy who’s never shown smoking a cigarette (or that did so in a drama cd).
Jitsui always uses ‘-san’ with the other D Agency boys.
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