#『 from the rumblings comes a song: ooc. 』
eterniityblooms · 28 days
i'm bad at formatting posts fancy, i'll probably make a Proper plotting call later, buuuut for now; like this if you'd want to plot a thread out and i'll pop into your dms to talk?
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dinogoofymutated · 3 months
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Blue over you - 97' Wolverine/Gn! Reader
Wolverine's not even my guy, and I finished this in a day! Haven't finished anything in a while, so this was an accomplishment! This was mainly inspired by the song Blue over you by mason ramsey, and Too sweet by hozier!
Let me know if Logan is to OOC. I'm trying my best to learn how to write for him!
Tw! Alcohol consumption, Light angst. Open-ending.
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You can’t sleep.
Maybe it was because of the excitement of the day, the stress from grieving the professor, or what you ate for dinner. Either way, it was nearly 1 am at this point, and your pursuit of rest was fruitless. You let out a frustrated sigh, sitting up in bed and rubbing your eyes. You wonder if you could convince Jean to help you out, but you’re sure she’s asleep right now, and you don't want to wake her up. Especially not after she announced her… condition, at dinner.
It’s not that you weren’t excited. In fact, you were over the moon for your friends. Jean and Scott are important to you, more like siblings to you than they ever were just friends or classmates. Even so, after the cheers and congratulations and the celebration… The news left you with a melancholy you couldn’t quite shake. A baby. Jean and Scott, two people you basically grew up with, are having a baby- and here you are. Alone. You don’t have a partner, or a husband, or any romantic prospects, really. You’ve spent so long learning about yourself and how to protect others, you just never let yourself open up to someone like that. Sure, you’d met many people during your time as an X-man, but you had always been a hopeless romantic, and there had only ever been one man you had things for. But even so, you just… couldn’t help but feel like you were falling behind.
After a long stretch, and another sigh, you get out of bed. Maybe a drink and some air would help. The path to the little china cabinet in your room is familiar and automatic. It was a gift from the professor when you mentioned that you missed collecting things like funny-shaped teapots and such, a habit you picked up from your grandmother. You wonder if he knew that you used the wooden bottom cabinets to store alcohol. You laugh a little when you think about if he kept the information to himself, letting you have at least one little secret. He most definitely knew, you decided. You grab a random bottle of amber liquid, unable to see the label in the dark. You shrug it off, figuring that you’ll find out what it is at some point.
The halls of the mansion are dark and quiet as you make your way over to the balcony, stepping outside and eagerly breathing in the cool air. Your eyes are starting to droop already as you turn to shut the door, but you've come this far and you figure you might as well get a drink in.
You're rubbing your eyes again as you turn back around, only to jump at the sight of a figure sitting on the railing.
“Fuckin’ Christ!” You wheeze. “Logan, you scared the shit out of me!” The mutant hums, the corner of his lips tilting just slightly before falling again. You walk over next to him, setting the bottle down at your feet as you lean against the railing.
“Can't sleep?” You ask. Logan shakes his head, and you frown at him. As gruff as the guy is, he’s normally more talkative. At least, with you he is. You can tell that something wrong, and it doesn't exactly take a telepath to understand what it is.
“...You were the one who found out, weren’t you?” You ask, almost state. Logan Huffs at your question, hopping off of the railing to pace on the balcony. He presses his palms into his eyesockets, growling just slightly in frustration.
“Her smell was off. S’been off. Didn’t think anything of it until I heard the heartbeat.” He rumbles, setting his arms down. “Don’t know if I want to strangle Scott or throw him off of the roof of the mansion.” Logan’s hands flex in a way you know he’s just dying to unsheath his claws. You’re not entirely sure what to say at first as he sighs, and sits up against the far wall. He rests his head in his hands, and it hurts to see him like this. You open your mouth, before closing it again. You glance down at your feet, picking up the bottle you had grabbed earlier.
Logan doesn't seem to mind as you sit next to him, brushing against his shoulder. You screw off the top of the liquor, taking a swig straight out of it before offering him the bottle. It burns deliciously on the way down, and you smile cheekily as he raises an eyebrow at you. Nevertheless, the takes the bottle from you, hand brushing your own.
“You’re not gonna like it, by the way.” You laugh. Logan rolls his eyes, less than a ghost of a smile on his face.
“ ‘still liquor, ain’t it?” He hums, taking a swig. His face screws up as he swallows, holding the bottle out afterward to try and read the label.
“What is this?” He asks, disgusted. You can’t help but laugh at him as he gives you a tired look.
“Butterscotch Schnapps.” You answer him. “I told you that you weren't gonna like it, it’s too sweet for you.” Logan shakes his head, almost trying to get rid of the taste as he hands the bottle back and playfully shoves your shoulder.
“Not my fault you drink shitty liquor.” He grins. You feel a flutter in your chest as you smile back at him, taking another swig to mask whatever he could possibly pick up from you- The problems of pining for a man with super senses, you think, laughing slightly at your own thought.
“Guess it’s all for me then-” you start to joke, right before Logan snatches the bottle back.
“Gimme the damn bottle.” You’re giggling a little at this point as the alcohol starts to settle in just slightly. Logan rolls his eyes, still smiling as he takes another swig despite the fact he very clearly hates it.
The two of you go back and forth like this for a while. Take turns until the bottle is run dry. Your giggles have settled down, and the infamous wolverine has relaxed as you lean against him. The two of you sit in silence for a minute or two, both simply breathing in the cool night air.
“It’s okay, you know.” You mumble at some point. Logan, able to hold his liquor a lot better than you, cocks an eyebrow. He’s not sure if you even know you're talking at this point. You look like you’re bout to fall asleep, nuzzling against his shoulder with a pout on your face. He hums questioningly in response.
“It’s okay to hurt knowing that Jean’s pregnant.” Logan had almost forgotten about that, having been caught up in this moment. His face falls immediately, and he looks away from you, staring into the trees that surround the mansion. You feel your chest squeeze painfully, but either due to the drink or due to your lack of self-awareness, you continue talking. He needs to hear it, you drunkenly decide.
“It’s hard to watch someone you love be with someone else. It’s even harder to watch them move on without you. I know it hurts to watch her move on to the next stage of life without you. But at this point, the best thing you can do for her is support her because you love her, not covet what you wish you could have.” You know you sound like you’re drunkenly rambling, and maybe you are, but really, all of this is something you wish you could have said years ago. You’re sure you sound like Nightcrawler, talking about coveting and love and righteousness, but you’re not as much of a good person as Kurt is. You know that you’re no better than Logan, Pining after him for so long as he continues to pine for someone else. To be perfectly honest, You’re jealous of Jean. You’re jealous of her relationship, her happiness. You’re jealous of the fact that if she would turn around and throw everything away to be with Logan, he would take her in without a second thought. But she’s your friend. Your sister. You love her, and you cherish her happiness much more than you could ever resent her for it. You let out a pitiful chuckle, eyeing the last minuscule drop in the liquor bottle.
“Believe me, I would know.” You mumble. Logan’s brow furrows, taken aback by that. You’ve always been such a standalone, unbothered, always positive. It didn’t make sense to him.
“What do you mean by that?” He asks, but when he turns his head to look at you, you’ve fallen asleep against his shoulder.
The next morning, you wake up in your bed with one hell of a hangover. You groan at the light that drifts through your blinds, rolling over. When you finally open your eyes, you're greeted by the sight of a glass of water, and a bottle of painkillers. You’re confused at first, and then flooded with bashfulness and embarrassment when you realise who exactly had put them there. You roll onto your stomach, shoving your face into your pillow, unable to handle the embarrassment of knowing you said WAY too much last night. You can't help but smile a little though, knowing he must've cared enough to carry you back here and get you meds.
Maybe it wasn't all bad.
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s4mu-k41d3n · 2 months
by juan karlos
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TYPE 2 <> YAN!CHUUYA X GN!READER〰️sypnosis: he’s a lunatic for you. you, only you under the glamour of the yellow moon, under the white light that flicks each breezing step he took, so just only he will love you, yet did you hear his screams? your beauty, reaching the moon lurking at the dark soaring above.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 〰️disclaimer: obsessive behavior, stalking, violence, blood, mentions of guns, stalking, bad writing, ooc!chuuya?, sexual themes, not proofread.
౨ৎ₊ ⊹ 〰️notes: I still like have 1 drafts but i have no idea how to start with well ermmm. by the way the song is in a different language/in filipino, i apologize if you don’t understand the lyrics but i can’t think of any more songsD:
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He’s yours, you’re his.
You look pretty to his bored sight, the blank eyes deceiving his filthy intentions he discreetly covers your eyes, blinding the rational truth he keeps dead end in his pockets. Are not you his precious little doll? Small words may be spoken, simple acts may be acted, yet it treasures a deeper meaning when he’s along with your bittersweet accompany. Something tingling in his rumbling stomach each time you’re close beside, before, after him. There’s no meaningless difference, merely how his eyes dilate and shape into a beating heart whenever he catches you in his borderline—is a golden routine for every single arise of light and dark. When the moon sets above from the abyss, wherein the sun reflects its glow to light.
He surely adores this part of the day, it never goes out missing in his crumpled calendar. Punctured to his cracked wall. Whether it be the clouds wail, the sun burns, the moon turns to dust—it’s a cycle he would never get tired of despite how many times it repeats in a two’s arrival nor leaving. Who was he to stop loving you? He’ll be the one to chase after you in a zigzag pathway even if led to the below. He’ll sacrifice the world for you, he’ll sacrifice himself just for you. He’d banish from existence just for you and he snaps from delusions.
The moon glamoured your beauty, painting him a canvas of elegance. Chuuya’s eyes shot towards your figure, how alluring you are to trap his heart in your lively aura. An unknown gaze observes, the way your blouse plays with your movements. The way your eyes glimmer in excitement, he watches from afar. He noticed a man in a suit, before you he stands. As if like he’d take you away from his presence, no, no he won’t accept that. Chuuya’s hands slip into his pocket as the glint dies down into envy. Jealousy, arises from his heat. He gritted his teeth, “I’ll break that man’s fucking spine.” His hands clenched, fist forming as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
The ceremony was along to finally cease, yet Chuuya remained vigilant. He pries to search for that man, who’d be the one receive you first before his? How dare he, he’ll acknowledge his efforts once he sees you again. Softening as he captures you sitting from a distance away. The ceremony came to a halt as guests exited the building, Chuuya leaned against the wall as he only bargained his upcoming plan to murder that disgusting man. He was an executive after all, it’d be an easy job. Won’t it? He excused himself in the crowds of passers as he pinpoints his target, silent as he followed the man’s tracks. Drawing a gun he pockets, lurking in the shadows. Blood spewed out of the victim’s head, falling to the ground as red spills the pavements. Chuuya withdraws his gun as he eyed the dead body lying on the ground as he flees from the scene.
Luckily, he’ll move on to the main part of the day. He strode over to your house as he peeks by the window. He saw you, pupils dilate as you sat on the couch. Removing your shoes you stood up, “Fuck…” Chuuya mumbles under his breath as you went into your bedroom. He knew what was about to come as he trailed towards the room, he’s entertained by your show. Breathing heavily as his hands trembled in anticipation. Your fingers pulling your blouse up as Chuuya’s eyes widened. Cloth dropping to the floor as he saw your semi-naked body. Your skin seemed so flawless, your curves displayed so beautifully. Your pants being slid off only to be in your undergarment as you fold your clothes. Little did you know, a shadow piques to stalk your prints. You let out a breathy sigh, stretching.
“You’re really mine, aren’t you…” Chuuya mutters as he looks at you up and down. So bad, his gloved hands desires to claw on your skin—fangs to bite on your flesh to claim you as his. You dressed a loose shirt and simple shorts, too bad now covering your body his thrill wore down. Your features, he just imagines his hands traveling all over your warmth, his lips pressed up yours as he savors your sweet taste. Tongue exploring your mouth as his sight closed, to just run his tongue along your skin, teeth biting into your delicate neck to be filled with his markings. Yet his time was up, he has to get back to the headquarters—now isn’t this fun? He groans in annoyance as he spared you one last glance of lust and obsession.
He’ll be back for tomorrow, he’s sure.
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chaosheadspace · 4 months
wip meme: Subvocals? subvocals sounds so interesting pls say more
Okay, subvocalisation is a term first coined by fanfic author Did (someone correct me if I'm wrong) for Omegaverse. It's involuntary / hard to repress sounds that express simple things like "back off / come here / I'm scared / I want you / where is my alpha / you're in serious danger of being bitten rn" stuff like that.
So this would be a Dreamling fic where everyone is part of the Omegaverse system, even the Endless. Due to his eldritch shenanigans, Dream's subvocals are in a pitch no living being can hear, so he just goes ham / he never learned how to maybe tone it down.
Cue Hob who's hearing is a little fucked. One day, while out with his friends, starts hearing those weird noises. You know where this is going, haha. Dream being called out on his bullshit by his own body, naturally.
Snippet under the cut, possibly OOC. (also, I'm not italicising all the *, I'm on mobile, I won't do that to myself)
Hob just smiles gently as his friends laugh about another story Alrin is telling, imitating the purrs and trills of his latest Omega conquest. Hob's had trouble hearing ever since he was kicked by a horse as a kid. He can't even hear his *own* subvocals, just feel the vibrations of them in his chest whenever they happen. Funnily enough, he's also grown up to really like horses. But his friends and their jokes are still a mystery to him.
So when he suddenly hears a small, discontent mewl through the din of the white horse tavern, so *clear* through all the ruckus, he doesn't even know what it is, at first. Just that it tugs at his heartstrings rather severely.
*Alone. Miserable. Hurt. Go away. Hello? No. Bad smell. Alone. Alone. Hurt. No. Don't touch. Go away.*
It's a string of sounds just a hair's breadth away from thoroughly distressed and Hob feels his chest rumble. *Hello. Hello? No threat. Here. Here. Come? I will protect. Hello?*
It's impossible to make out a specific smell here in the tavern, but Hob's eyes search frantically until they land on the most defiant man Hob has ever seen. His posture communicates that he clearly wants to be anywhere but here, his cheekbones say 'I will cut you', and his eyes say 'don't you dare'.
And the sweet, high notes coming from his throat sing *alone alone alone, please, no, help me*.
Sharp blue eyes find his and say 'do not dare. If you dare, I will kill you'. His song beckons Hob closer. Hob stands, barely registering the questioning looks from his friends, and goes to him as if drawn on a string. The high notes of the plea shift and lap over the purr in his own chest.
The stranger is silent. Hob takes a good look into his eyes, cutting himself up with masochistic joy, before saying, "I won't, you know. Die, that is. Unless you plan on killing me yourself."
The stranger tips his head, looks at Hob as if studying a mildly interesting bug and Hob knows, deep inside himself, that he could. He's fine as marble, possibly as strong, too. Hob takes a surprised breath and that's when he knows for sure that this man is not like any other he has met. He's got no smell, a weird absence of one, like fresh wind, like a torn-down forgotten memory.
And still, his body sings to Hob, sings *for* him, now a litany of *alone, alone, will you come, are you, do you, will you hold me, please, please, I'm so alone all the time*.
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lipglossanon · 1 year
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𝓔𝔂𝓮𝓼 𝓑𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓦𝓪𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓜𝓮
(𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔀𝓱𝓮��𝓶, 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓵𝔂)
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Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, stepcest, dirty talk, stepbro!kurt, fem!reader, slight perv!reader
Quick author’s note: if the thought that Kurt seems OOC crosses your mind just know I don’t care lol. Not proofread or anything so mistakes are to be had I’m sure lmao. Enjoy!
Divider: @firefly-graphics
(Title from the song lyrics This Fire by Franz Ferdinand)
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Kurt was pressed down into the couch. His big hands were gripping your hips tightly as you ground down on him. Sloppily making out like you weren’t pressed for time. His dad and your mom would be home soon. He moaned high in his throat as you sucked on his bottom lip.
Pulling back you shushed him, “Gotta be quiet. Don’t you wanna be good for me, Kurtie?”
“Yeah, fuck, yes please.”
You squeeze his shoulders and slip your hands higher to grasp his hair.
“Good boy,” you murmur right before dipping your mouth down onto his lush pout.
He was using too much tongue, spit was sliding down your chins making the top of your shirt wet. It was making your cunt throb to be so sloppy.
Finally pulling away from your swollen mouth, Kurt’s glassy eyes met your own.
“Can y-you show me your tits?”
You bite your lip as you glance at your watch. Determining there’s enough time, you quickly pull your shirt off.
“Bra on or off, Kurt?”
His gaze had dropped down as soon as your shirt had come off.
“Off, please,” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat.
“So good using your manners,” you coo down at him, unclamping your bra and dropping it in the floor next to your shirt.
Kurt eyes your breasts greedily. He sighs as his mouth gravitates to your left nipple.
He moans when he captures your nipple between his teeth and begins to suck. You sigh in pleasure and grip Kurt’s hair. You don’t tug or pull just yet, letting Kurt set his own pace.
His eyes droop in pleasure as his mouth greedily sucks at your nipple. You feel him rock against your core, his bulge rubbing you just right.
“Mm, are you feeling good, Kurt?”
He can only hum in agreement as he doesn’t want to part from your swollen nipple.
“You were such a good boy today, would you like it if I played with your cock?”
Kurt did quit suckling to reply to that.
“Yes, please,” he chokes out, feeling drunk off of the pleasure.
“So good for me,” you praise, fingertips skating across his body until reaching the button on his pants.
Undoing the button and zipper, you press the waistband of both his pants and underwear down until his dick is completely freed. Gazing at how big he is, your pussy clenches in want.
“I love your cock,” you murmur out loud, “so fat and heavy and the perfect length to fuck my pussy deep.”
He whines high in his throat, teeth catching your nipple. Clit throbbing at the sting, you slowly stroke his dick from base to tip, teasing your fingers across the head and foreskin.
His hips jolt up yet his mouth stays latched on your breast.
A low pleased sound rumbles from his chest as you tease and stroke his cock. He eagerly moves from one breast to the next, suckling and lapping at the sensitive nipple.
You moan and press your breast further into Kurt’s mouth, “That feels so good.”
Your pussy throbs with every flick of that wet tongue on your nipple. When he starts lapping from underneath the sensitive bud and nipping the skin, you rub your thighs together to get some relief.
“K-Kurt, slow down.”
His eyes blink open almost sleepily as he gives one last harsh suck that has your folds slick with wetness.
He presses his face in between your breasts and inhales as you keep up light strokes to his dick.
“So good for me,” you sigh.
“I want to make you feel good, too,” he murmurs, moving away from your tempting chest.
Before anything else is said, you both hear a car door slam and voices coming from outside.
“Fuck,” you move from Kurt’s lap to grab your shirt and bra from the floor.
“C’mon,” Kurt grabs your hand and quickly pulls you down the hall into the closest room—his.
Your back is pressed against the door as you both hold your breath, listening for any more sounds.
After a minute or so you both sigh out before realizing your position. Your squished against the door with your tits rubbing against Kurt’s shirt; his hard cock is twitching against your thigh.
You lock eyes with him and moan softly as he kisses you harshly, tongue thrusting into your eager mouth.
You can’t stop the soft mewls as his hands tweak and pinch at your sensitive nipples. He hasn’t given your mouth a break either, moaning and fucking his tongue deeper and deeper until your sucking it like you would his cock.
He starts to rut against your shorts until your pushing them down so he can press his cock against your wet panties.
He does pull away to look down at that.
“Oh you’re so soaked,” he groans, rubbing his cock against the outline of your pussy.
“Yeah, you get me so fucking wet, Kurt,” you pant, arching your hips up to get the head of his dick to rub your clit.
“Fuck,” he begins kneading your breasts and squeezing your nipples, “wanna stick in y-you so bad.”
“Mmm, I know baby. Me too, but we’re not home alone anymore.”
You reach down and push the band of your panties down just enough until Kurt’s dick is slipping inside them, rubbing against your slick folds and throbbing clit.
“Holy fuck,” he bites out, eyes clenched shut, “your pussy is so hot a-and wet. Think ‘m gonna cum.”
“Shhh,” you run your hands up his shoulders to wrap around his neck, “not yet, just go slow, okay?”
He nods, one hand moving from your breast down to grab onto your hip like a lifeline. The other hand keeps twisting your nipples, swapping between the two randomly. He finally looks up to meet your heavy lidded gaze and curses.
“I’m not gonna l-last long,” he whines, “y-you’re too fucking sexy.”
You moan, gushing slick all over his thick cock gliding against your soppy hole.
“Yeah? Well you’re gonna make me cream all over this fat fucking cock, baby. You want that? Want me to cum all over this cock?“
He’s outright panting now, trying to keep a slow pull and push motion as his cock drags along the puffy lips of your cunt inside your panties.
You pull him down so he can rest his forehead against your neck.
Your lips press against his ear, “Want you to cum all over my pussy, Kurt. Get my little panties filthy, make me wear them the rest of the night. Wanna feel so dirty, Kurt.”
He groans and places sloppy open mouth kisses on your neck.
“Want that,” he slurs out, “wanna make you dirty.”
“Such a naughty boy,” you gasp out as he pinches your nipple harshly.
“Wanna be your naughty boy,” he groans, sucking a mark into your neck.
“No,” you pant, “no hickies, Kurt.”
You push against his shoulders but his mouth sucks harder as he uses both hands to tug and pull at your nipples, leaving your knees weak as you mewl and sigh his name.
Once he finishes marking your neck, he pulls back to admire his handiwork.
“So bad,” you moan, “such a bad boy, Kurtie.”
“Yeah, ‘m such a bad boy,” he groans, thrusting his cock between your wet folds, “gonna cum all over this pussy. My pussy.”
You scratch at his back and arch your hips as his dick keeps rubbing across your clit perfectly, “You’re gonna make me cum.”
“Good,” he mutters, biting your neck again, “get m-my cock fucking soaked.”
“K-Kurt,” you stutter in pleasure, eyes fluttering to stay open.
Somehow he presses you even further into the door. You can feel his cock spreading open your pussy lips, your hole leaking all over him. The head of his dick leaving precum to pool in the back of your panties.
“I’m gonna cum in your panties,” he moans, “fuck. G-gonna get you so dirty. Gonna get my pussy filthy with my cum.”
“Fuck,” you bite your lip, “S’all yours, Kurtie. Cum all over me. Mark me up. Show me who owns this pussy.”
“Holy shit,” his hands clamp down hard on your hips—hard enough to bruise you think happily.
You feel as hot ropes of cum cover your cunt and drips down into the gusset of your panties. Kurt drops his head down against your shoulder as his hips jump and tremble. His cock keeps twitching and spurting cum until it’s running down your thighs in hot streams.
“Wanna cum, Kurtie. ‘M so close,” you whine, tugging on his hair.
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs softly.
He grips his cock and begins to rub it against your sensitive clit. He smacks it against the hood a couple of times before circling the swollen bud. He presses the head harshly against you and you feel hot cum leak all over clit and that pushes you over the edge.
You bring one of Kurt’s hands up to your lips and muffle your moans by sucking on three of his fingers, nearly choking from how thick and long they are in your mouth.
“Oh,” his eyes widen in awe.
He tentatively presses his fingers in a little deeper to hear you gag. You feel his cock jump against your cum covered pussy.
You pull his hand away with a laugh, “Save it for another time, Kurtie.”
“Y-yeah,” he flushes, pulling his hand completely away.
You tug your shorts back up and over your drenched and filthy panties. Kurt watches hungrily, pupils blown.
“Once you clean up, we can watch the rest of that show on Netflix,” you smile up at him.
He presses a surprise kiss on you, dipping his tongue into your mouth before pulling away.
“Uh huh,” he clears his throat, “I’ll uh be out in a-a sec.”
You give him a shy smile and slip out of his room.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Minecraft Warden Submas 2 nsfw
noncon, monster fucking, kidnapping, Submas alittle ooc??, yandere,
Their bodies are made of a solid mass your sword doing hardly anything to their carapaces.
One of them grabs your grip like iron it felt as though they were crushing your bone as they forced you to the ground. grabbing the blade of your sword with ease and throwing it into the darkness. The Silver Eyes beam down at you, their hearts in the middle beating faster, still keeping you restrained, crouching to your level. Pressing their full bodies against you. The two beings reek of blood and death. grimly reminding you that their last meals weren't too long ago.
Cold, ice cold.
"Verrry warm"
You're warm soft fleshy body against theirs felt so nice but what they really wanted.
"sing more for us."
" More of your beautiful screams dear?"
Everything about you just made them feel things they have never felt before you're beautiful voice made them feel good and your warm body against them was something new entirely. they needed more.
The darker Warden was especially attracted to your scent. his Stone Cold face nuzzling against your tummy. His glowing claws scratched against the stone as he lowers his face down down down so he reached what felt like two plush pillars in his way of the sweet scent. you could only whimper shaking in fear feeling the other one's claws poke and prod at your soft skin making sure he feels every curve and every inch of your body memorizing every little thing until he has you burned into his mind, cooing at your soft noises every time his claws would dig in your skin a little too rough. He doesn't want to break you. Emmet hasn't yet decided if he wanted to keep you or not
You jump when the warden in front of you rap says Clawed hands around your legs pushing them open, only took growl in frustration when something else blocked. he forgot the useless Rags humans wear. he kept your legs spread with one hand has his claws dig into the leather tearing them with one tug.
But nothing else in his way all he felt was more heat but that's sweet smell was Stronger now beckoning him... To taste.
You heard sickening cracks coming from the monster in front of you his face splitting as his frown seem to get bigger his jaw unhinging revealing multiple long appendages slithering from his mouth. your whimpers turn into panic sobs which made the warden behind you purr in delight.
Your moans was a completely new song to your captors. the melody coming from your mouth was sort of hypnotic in a way, addicing made them want to listen more and more, made them want to give you more and more. your melodies seems similar in some way.
It wasn't before long when you moaned again this time arching your back you're cum flooding the warden's mouth.
Your scent, your taste, your noises, hitting him all that once. that's when he realized why you in particular caught their interest, the reason why your sweet scent and Angelic voice attracts them.
The word in his mind is so clear the realization so sudden it accidentally falls from his "lips"
"mate" the one between your legs snarled. A sound of rattling bones or an echoing cave a sound that will surely haunt you nightmares. The Smiling one widen his eyes in shock.
Human as a mate? sounds absurd but now that his brother mentioned it they did smell like one maybe that's why they are so attracted attracted to their voice.
Immediately their tone changed. The Smiling one immediately stopped poking and prodding at you instead he moved you closer. you hear a hollow rumbling noise behind you.
"m-mm Mate t-tastes soo good, soo soft." the one between your legs quivers.
The other one behind you quickly chiming in "wanna mate with them is my turn! Want to make them feel good,"
Not too long ago they were trying to kill you they seemed pretty adamant on killing you after they poked and prodded you a little.
Smiling one suddenly treating you gently and carefully laid your head against the stone as he eagerly took his place between your legs his brother moving away probably taking his place beside you. as the 10 ft tall warden tries to move you within his lap you shake your head your hands pushing against his chest. The Smiling warden exchanged a look with his brother.
The frowning warden immediately responses
" well killing them was on the schedule..."
" our apologies mate, we did not know "
"we are verrrry sorry. I promise we'll be very good to you from now on"
" will protect you, and you'll never leave our sides ever."
You only shake your head trying to squirm away but again there's so much stronger than you that you could barely move an inch.
The Smiling Warden the frowning one go quiet for a second before the smiling Warden speaking.
" we'll show you that we could be good mates."
They'll just be like humans and maybe you'll be more comfortable, human actually uses their names human actually use their names right do maybe... the Sideburn tentacle things light up transferring his idea to his brothers which begin to light up as well.
"I'm Ingo" the frowning warden sayes before nudging to his brother " this is emmet"
Wardens don't have names they don't need them but for you, these names will be just fine.
"Im Emmet!" The Smiling one says
"Now that you know everything about us, we still want to know everything about you~” ingo purrs"
" as you have noticed we cannot see verrrry well,but we can be verrry sensitive to touch, and scent, and taste," emmet states his sharp claws brushing through your hair.
" my brother has already tasted you and I want to feel you"
Your eyes catch something glowing looking in horror as you see something begin to grow between his legs. apart in his carapace that seemed softer than the rest. and something seem to have started to protrude from a slit in that part of his body. it's soft skin twinkling like stars, the appendages yes two of them looked big thick, hard, also flexible like tentacles.
Looking at them scared you. you yelped when Emmet dragged you closer feeling the cold slimy appendages grind against your entrance.
" we want to know everything about you, inside and out, you'll make plenty of nice noses for us won't you dear?"
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chasm-connected · 4 months
tagged by @beyondthetemples-ooc!
The rules are simple - find a sentence, or excerpt, that includes the words you’re given and paste it in, and include a link to the finished story if you want. But honestly, these are guidelines at best - do what you want.
My words to find:
Fly, Green, Independent, Fixated, Magical, Incoherent, Copy, Mental, Fire, Glowing
I’m tagging: uhhh i think everyone i know who would do this has already been tagged, please feel free to do this if you want
Your words are:
-Egg -Epiphany -Pastry -Hot -Rock -Fox -Feather -Bullet -Child -Bake
Synonyms allowed if these are strange, I don't know what I'm doing, let's a-go
i cheated and some of these are short blurbs that came along with an image but i made sure that i was picking ones that were a few paragraphs long at least.
Fly: Royale was watching the sky herself now. "Keep looking up at them. Soon you might feel... a pull. Let it take you up."
Royale began floating, a golden light covering her. [Airborne]
"fly" itself was in this one but this part was more interesting.
Green: I apparently have not mentioned the word green in years and using types of plants as a synonym feels like cheating.
Independent: sorry, can't find this one
Fixated: "Focus here, child," Ante spoke. An army of Deads raised their head in the space beyond space, but the cub couldn't lift his physical head by his own will. "You're safe here. Blink twice if you can hear me." [i'd encourage your smiles, i expect you won't cry]
this one is in the middle of a storyline, content warning for heavy subjects but mostly child abuse if you read that whole storyline
Magical: Riley padded forward, looking into the case. An electric violin sat there, clear and shining. Riley picked it up and the bow with it and laid back, turning it over in their fingers. They never learned proper magic, both to the chagrin and relief of their captors, and had to fight their way out with bare fists, teeth and claw. They tried to draw from some source within themself, and... nothing.
Leslie looked on, expecting.
Riley sighed, a rumble in their throat and rosin freshly on their bow. [i don't know if this one is about me or the devil]
Incoherent: I don't think I've used the word, exactly, but the word incoherent describes a good chunk of this specific lit so I'm linking it. TW for torture and mention of culling dragon children. [this ain't a noose, this is a leash]
Mental: “He’s Talik,” Viral’s voice was a low song, so deep in his ear that it was in his head. “He gets control of your mind and makes you bet. Why do you think we keep coming back? Take him on and I’ll halve your price.”
“You’re not as quiet as you think,” Ante’s voice echoed, and the two scattered. [sell your fortune to me],
Fire: “Oh, shit,” Twe’s back arched, alarmed, and he scrambled to take off his mask. “No, you - you see, you’ve got it wrong. It’s just theatre, Your Glory. Cin’s been drenched in a chemical, she wouldn’t burn.”
“Just the forest,” Evermore averted her gaze. Kandriya could take it, but the idea of an intentional forest fire in a zone that burned so easily weighed heavily on her. [when the wine drinks itself]
Fire was in almost every piece I tried to find things in, i had to pick something Interesting
Glowing: The creature was short and stout, covered in spines and horns. They were the color of metalworking, glowing in parts like the fire of the profession itself. [what's up ghosts]
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weaknwanting · 2 years
as you wish
read on ao3 here
T, geraskier, like 1.5k, confessions & getting together, but dangerously ooc and very indulgent
see if you can catch what movie this is inspired by (it’s p obvi) ....might make a full fic about it at some point in the future so...yeah
Geralt wasn’t very verbose, Jaskier knew that. He never used more words than necessary, and he chose them carefully. Yet it seemed lately, whenever Jaskier asked Geralt for a favor or to do something, he only responded with one phrase, never varying.
As you wish.
“Geralt, you really must take a bath, I will not be seen traveling with you when you look like this. And the smell!”
“As you wish, Jaskier.”
“We can go to the tavern tonight, right? I haven’t gotten to sing my new song yet, you know the one with the king, and the house on top of the rock? I have to spread my brilliance to the people, they miss me!”
A groan, but then: “As you wish.”
“Oooooo, Geralt, can we get the cream puffs? We haven’t seen those since Etolia and I’m dying for one.”
“As you wish,” rumbles Geralt’s rocky voice.
It seems that Geralt can’t say no to Jaskier, except when it’s something that might endanger him. It’s sweet, Jaskier thinks, how Geralt always puts out an arm to keep him from approaching whatever creature passes them, and how he examines all the berries they find before letting Jaskier put them in his mouth.  
He hasn’t totally figured out why Geralt puts so much attention into protecting him, when he always says that Jaskier is more a burden than he’s worth. But he definitely doesn’t mind it, not at all. It feels nice, to be protected, looked out for, to have someone willing to do things for you, even if you aren’t sure why they do. He is even more confused by Geralt's quiet agreement to do things that Jaskier wants or asks for, when he knows that whatever he does, Jaskier would follow him. So why bother agreeing to do things for Jaskier, when he could just do what he wanted anyway?
Until one day, Jaskier does figure out why.
Nothing much changes. In fact, almost nothing at all – it is almost imperceptible.
Except, the next time Geralt says it, as you wish, Jaskier notices that his eyes soften and his lips lift the smallest amount, as though giving Jaskier things makes him happy.
He watches him, and it’s the same every time now. His eyes stay on Jaskier, and they smile. Jaskier didn’t even know that eyes could smile, but his do. But only for Jaskier.
Maybe…maybe that means something.
Maybe when Geralt says as you wish, it is his way of saying I love you.
And one day, Jaskier can’t stand it anymore. It has been a long day of riding across the edge of the Gory Pustulskie mountains down to Temeria, and all Jaskier wants is to find an inn and collapse into a real bed, not just a flat little piece of bedding on the forest floor.
“Alright, Geralt, I’m being serious now. That’s it! I’m gunna lay here and die!” Jaskier announces, dropping dramatically on the grass when Geralt finds a place for them to rest for at least a few minutes. “I honestly, truly can’t go on unless you promise me that we can stay at an actual inn, or at least in the loft of some barn somewhere. I can’t do another night on the ground with the rocks, and the bugs.”
Geralt looks over at him from across their resting spot, a scowl on his face and a sigh already coming out of his mouth. He groans, acting as though he isn't going to agree to spend their night in a true lodging. His eyes roll as he says, "As you wish, Jaskier. But tomorrow, don't think you'll get away with getting what you want so easily."
But Jaskier can see his emotions underneath – his eyes are shining, dancing with warmth and something else, too. He sees how Geralt always gives in to him, looks at him with those eyes and the smallest hint of a smile that no one but Jaskier could notice.
He doesn't think he's imagining it. Why else would he only ever respond with as you wish if it were not a simple code for something else? And even if he's wrong, and Geralt doesn't mean I love you, what's the worst that could happen? Geralt thinks he is joking and they move on as if nothing ever happened. There's no risk, not really.
So he summons all of his courage and says what he only says in his wildest fantasies, the ones he indulges in late at night, the ones he never let himself think of or hope for, because he never thought they would happen.  
“Kiss me,” Jaskier said, softer than anything, a fragile hope let out into the world. Easily dashed to pieces with one of Geralt’s words in response. He hadn't meant to sound so vulnerable, but is there any other way to be when asking for something like that to someone who could harm you so easily with a word?
Geralt just looks at him, he eyes darting slightly up and down his body. He shakes his head the smallest amount, barely noticeable.
“What?” he stammers, barely getting it out. “Why, why would you want me to do that?” he manages, fingers dancing along the strap of his saddlebag in his lap.
“Because I think you want to, and I’m starting to think I want to know what it feels like. And I like the way your eyes smile at me,” Jaskier says, knowing it to be true even more as he speaks. And even more than what he says, he wants to feel Geralt’s smile on his own, wants to know that he’s right about Geralt’s desire to make him happy, to know that maybe Geralt…wants him?
Geralt’s eyebrows draw together as he asks, “My eyes do what?”
Jaskier only smiles and shakes his head slowly at him. “Nothing Geralt. Just do it. Just kiss me.” More aching this time, desiring it more than he ever had before. And he had, thought about it, many times. He just never thought anything would come of it, so it was more a fantasy, a dream, rather than anything he actually took seriously.
He partially thinks that Geralt will scoff, roll his eyes and get up and walk away, and that he will have lost him. Worries for a minute that he misread everything, that he let out his hopes too soon, that Geralt will break them as Jaskier is only starting to realize that they are what he is hoping for.
But apparently it wasn’t too soon, and Geralt doesn’t do anything to ruin all of Jaskier’s deepest, almost unknown hopes.
Instead, he just stares at Jaskier for a moment, and it is impossible to tell what he is thinking, even to Jaskier who knows him so well. He can see the thoughts swirling in Geralt's head - Is this a joke, a trick? Why would he want me to do that? Do I want to? Do I do it? and Jaskier isn't totally sure about the answers to most of them. But when Geralt stands up a little straighter and mumbles under his breath, barely audible, Jaskier does know the answers.
"Fuck it," Geralt murmurs, and he rushes forth, moving towards Jaskier across the grass faster than a thought. He pulls him to his feet with his hands on his collar, closing the inches between them in only a second before stealing his breath away with a kiss. It was delicate and fragile, but strong and purposeful and absolutely desperate.
He kissed him as if he’d been waiting to do so for all the years they’d traveled together, like he'd been slowly losing grasp of his ability to keep his hands off of him for a long time and now that he was acting on it, all of his desires were coming out at once in a flood which he had no power over.
And he had, although Jaskier wouldn’t come to know that for a while.
Instead, Jaskier kisses him and kisses him, just as desperately wanting as Geralt was, wanting for Geralt to be his and to be allowed to give him everything, all the comfort and care and joy he could ever muster. He wanted to give Geralt everything he deserved, because he was good and caring and too easily broken, and because he gave Jaskier what he asked for, every time. Even if he couldn’t touch him, kiss him like this, Jaskier had wanted to give Geralt all those things all along, but had only recently realized what that was called.
Their lips part, reluctant but knowing they have eternity, to do this now, that it won’t slip away from them. They simply breathe in the other, Geralt’s hand still fingering the tips of Jaskier’s hair while he holds back a small smile.
Jaskier does what he hadn’t dared to do before, too worried to get a negative response or scare Geralt away. He pulls Geralt in, arms tight around his neck, pressing his face into Geralt’s shoulder, his chest to Geralt’s chest, his thighs bumping Geralt’s thighs. Touches of electricity, all the way down.
Geralt only tries to pull him closer, tries to bring Jaskier into him. Close enough to keep him tucked up in his chest, safe and near, for as long as he could. He presses his lips to the side of Jaskier’s neck, close enough for Jaskier to feel his smile, growing.
They stay that way for a while, just standing, holding, happily and content. They are in no rush to move on, talk about what this is, about what they do now. They don't need to do any of that immediately.
They have forever, after all.
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eterniityblooms · 25 days
i Apologize for the wait on replies and whatnot, yesterday and today were busy again
i'll try my best to knock some out later today though! in the meantime, mutuals feel free to add me on discord since that's where i lurk when i'm not here
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nahoyaglock · 3 years
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pairings! ushijima x reader
summary! sitting on the beach, so close to each other they can hear each other’s heartbeats. They both smile and they watch the world end right in front of them, reminiscing on all they’ve been through together. Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?
genre! angst
word count! didnt bother actually counting so ill estimate maybe 2000+
warnings! end of the world, death, murder mention, slight ooc ushijima idk its the end of the world so pff
a/n! uh idk i wanna hurt people, sorry if this is bad i havent written in a while :p i feel like the beginning was really good, the middle was ass and the end was okay but hoh im happy enough w this. I also cried writing this ngl lmaoo also did not fix any errors so my bad
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You knew it was coming, you both did. New reports, articles, it was trending on all social media platforms. It was unavoidable, what could you do but waste away your last few days, watching old shows you watched as a kid, harsh knocks and cries from your doors from friends and family. You couldnt face them, you just wanted to drown out the thought of what was coming the next few hours of the day.
You had woken up and sluggishly dragged yourself from the comfort of your bed to your dirty kitchen, littered with dirty dishes and some uneaten food that youd try to make, but didn't have the stomach to eat. Your phone rang atleast every hour or two, many unanswered calls and long voicemails you couldnt bother to listen to.
There was a knock on your door, and you sighed, not wanting to bother with facing the person at the door. You turned on your heels, about to head to your room when you heard the voice call out to you.
Out of all the people why did it have to be him. You bit your lip and let out shaky breaths. You took another step, freezing at another set of knocks. The last persom you wanted to see was your boyfriend.
"y/n let me in or ill tear this door down." His voice was stern, laced with seriousness and slight concern. You wanted to open it, let him in and crumble into his arms, but it hurt so bad.
"Go away." You spoke, loud enough to be heard through the door, but not loud enough to be a yell.
You hesitantly walked to the door, unlocking the bottom lock, the top lock remaining unlocked, too bothersome for you to have delt with anyways. At the sound of the click of the locks he opened the door with quick motions, while also being careful not to knock you over.
At the sight of his big frame you felt like the world had just stabbed you through the chest 28 times. You backed up with quick steps are your boyfriend reached out to hug you, scared that his touch would break down your facade. You tripped over your own feet, landing hard on your butt.
"Ush.. Ushijima," you started, not knowing exactly what you were trying to say, "Please dont touch me."
His heart sank when he saw you, lifeless and so frail. He guessed you havent been getting much sleep- or maybe too much sleep, and not eating as he took a quick glance towards the food littered kitchen counter.
It wasnt any better for you, seeing your normally cold and calm boyfriend with a worried expression and eye bags that made it obvious he hasnt got much sleep either.
You pull yourself up, your eyes boring through your boyfriends abdomen as you bit your lip, trying to think of what to say, and to also keep yourself from falling apart. "What do you want?"
"y/n. Dont be cold to me." It wasnt a question, but it wasnt a demand. "Sorry," you mumbled, leaving you two in silence for a while.
"Ushi, you should go home," you said, feeling your heart race, every second you spent in his presence, under his gaze, killed you. "You should call Tendou or something."
"Toshi." He said, making your head shoot up, looking him in his eyes, seeing a tear roll down his cheek, his face remaining mostly emotionless, fear slightly present in his eyes. "Please keep calling me Toshi."
You felt a pang in your heart, suddenly the reality of things hitting you. You were the only one going through this, you knew this but never gave it more than a mere thought. He was scared, he didnt know what he was doing, he just knew to find comfort in you, like youve told him to for many years into your relationship.
"Toshi," you breathed, reaching up to wipe the tear from his cheek, "Toshi lets go somewhere."
You never felt the need to go outside, wanting to be isolated, but being here with your boyfriend, you felt like running away, wanting to escape from the dark pit of your home. "Lets go to the beach"
"Lets go. Lets go, right.. right now Toshi," you felt as if though youve felt shoked by lightning, like you suddenly got hit with some sugar rush.
"We dont have time–"
"We do Toshi, we do, we do," you saw the corner of his lips raise up into a small smile. He hated seeing you like this but he was glad you were more alive than you were minutes before. You knew this, what he was thinking, and you knew his smile had so much sadness behind it, "we have time, lets go, lets go!"
You grabbed his hand and dragged him out of your apartment, not bothering to change from your days out clothing or close the door behind you. It wouldnt matter in another hour anyways.
The ride there was mostly silent, songs playing quietly on the radio. You watched as you passed through the town, the streets were slightly empty, stores looked run down, some stores even tore up and empty.
"Has it been like this since.. since the announcement?" You mumbled, earning a hum for Ushijima.
"Yeah, yeah it has." He knew that you didnt go out, and he was slightly grateful for it. The world went to shit after the announcement, many lootings, murders and other various crimes being commited.
"Im glad your safe Toshi," you spoke into your palm.
"Im glad your safe too."
The ride went on in silence until you got to the beach. You both climbed out of the car, the beautiful blue sea sparkling under the sunny sky. It was funny how such a depressing day could look so so beautiful.
"Hmm, this is the beach we went to with the team our senior year, remember?" He asked and turned to face you. The fear in his eyes was much more evident in the light, along with signs of personal neglict. He hasnt been taking good care of himself either.
You walk around the front of the car to grab his hand, your small hands tracing light circles on his rough palms before linking your hands together, giving him a comforting squeeze. "I remember."
He let out a shaky breath he didnt know he was holding in, and you two found a nice spot on the beach to sit and watch the sky. "Toshi, do you remember the time goshiki got gummy bears stuck in his nose?"
He looked at you, and his face softened, "yeah. Yeah i do." He let out a small chuckle at the thought of his old teammates. "Do you remember when Tendou took my water bottle and filled it with really sour lemonade?" He asked, you could hear his voice unravel into a more comfortable tone, instead of one holding in so much hurt and fear.
"Ha, i actually helped him with that you know?" You spoke up, a small grin on your lips as your boyfriend grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. "We'll its okay, because it was 2 years ago."
It had been 2 years. 2 years since you had become shiratorizawas manager, 2 years since you made the number 1 ace fall head over heels for you, 2 years since you had went on your first date with him.
"2 years, its been so long." You laid your head on Ushijimas arm, feeling tired. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss atop your head.
"Thats when we first started dating," you spoke, shoulders shaking with a small laugh, "i would've never imagined to have the nations number 1 ace fall so madly in love with me." You laughed and turned to your boyfriend to continue your teasing, but stopped when you saw him looking back at you.
He couldn't respond with anything more than a mere chuckle, tears now streaming down his cheeks. You bit your lip, scooting closer to him so you were in his lap, wrapping your arms around his large stature.
"Toshi, I love you." It was no more than a whisper and he placed a warm, loving kiss to your temple, rubbing your back softly as he let out a shaky laugh.
"y/n god, you make it so hard not to cry." He whispered in an unstable tone, resting his head atop yours. "I love you too."
This was how it was, clinging to the other and sharing old tales of your days spent with Ushijima and the boys, tales of times tendou had snuck out of the dorms and got caught by washijou, or when goshiki cut his bangs too short, or how Ushijima brought your parents a half eaten watermelon as a gift.
Those last moments spent with laughs and tears, kisses and hugs, warmth and comfort, those were your best memories. Despite the fate to cross you, Ushijima and everyone else in the world, you felt like you could smile for the first time.
You would smile alot, but it felt different this time. You convinced yourself that it was just because you had been withering away for the past days, but you knew it was because you felt free.
You had no worries in the moment with your lover, you didnt need to think about getting up for work the next day, or how you would afford next months rent. You felt like the largest weight had been lifted off of you, and you could really smile for the first time.
There was a slightly rumble if the ground that had made you and Ushijima go silent. You pulled away from your spot in the crook of his neck to look at him, fear still in his eyes.
"I dont wanna die," he chuckled out, "but im not sad." He drew small shapes into your hips with his thumbs, looking onto your laps instead of your face, and you just stared at him.
His usually stoic face was calmed, relaxed, his jaw unclenched and his eyes soft. You hadnt seen so many emotions from your boyfriend so much, it was almost scary. But he looked so gorgeous, he was your world.
"Wakatoshi Ushijima, you know," your placed your hands on both sides of his face, "it doesnt matter what happens to this world, because," you placed a passionate kiss to his lips, the tears finally falling from your eyes, "you, you're my world Toshi."
He let out a noise that was similar to a choke, tears rolling down the apple of his cheeks as he placed his forehead to yours, letting his shoulders shake with hard sobs. Loud crashes, screams and car alarms had let you know it was coming, the end of the world.
The last thing you saw was Ushijima, smiling snd crying, mouthing out one last 'I love you'.
Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. do not translate. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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Teatime of The End (Guda/Goetia)
"The void gave way. What was once none but a mere blank canvas, exploded into none other than the form of a café. Just where was Guda exactly?"
In which Guda ends up conversing over tea with none other than Goetia himself?!!! Chaos ensues!
Note: i'm legit writing this outta boredom and cuz goetia is LIT!!
Warning: This fic does not follow canon fully; it may be a bit OOC.
Before them was none other than a void.
An all-compassing, endless horizon of nothingness; spread even further than the eye could comprehend it to be.
'...Okay, this is weird.' Guda swore that they were flanked by a plethora of servants not too long ago, who were guarding them from none other than endless galaxies of the final singularity.
So then where the hell was this place?!
The gnarling tree branches- that were slowly decaying-and the overwhelming midnight skies of Solomon Singularity were practically seared into their mind by now. This soulless place was absolutely nothing like it.
'Ugh, thinking of it just gives me chills.' The Solomon Singularity's shadowy, obsidian 'moon' frightened them; its formidable depths evoking a fear of the unknown. However, this void-like blank space was marginally duller in comparison.
Thinking that they'd prefer to get back into battle (as soon as possible!) Guda trundled through the gleaming expanses, clutching their injured arm all the while.
Trapped within a perpetual state of nonexistence, Guda braved through the never-ending road with none other than their extraordinary, sheer force of will aiding their side; as they hopped languidly across the blank space.
Hopping was good! It was a fun distraction from the despair-inducing inevitability of self-erasure that this place carried.
'One step, two, I've got a saint quartz for you! Three steps, four, the gacha is a pain in the ass! Five steps, six, oh shit I've run out of QP!' Incoherent thoughts rumbled through their mind, its unrelenting repetition serving as a means to retain their sanity. 'Ah crap, I'm so bored...when will this come to an end...'
The passage of time seemed to have come to a halt within this realm. The empirical world seemed to cease entirely, rendering all of the laws of physics null.
Nevertheless, they continued, simply because they had no choice but to do so. If Guda wasn't there to serve as the final master; then who would take their place? Who would rescue the world on their behalf?
Absolutely nobody.
If they couldn't reach the end by foot, then they would float. And if they couldn't float, they'd crawl; no matter what. Because that was the only way for them to survive such torture. It was this obsessively optimistic mindset that had kept them going for so long, despite experiencing so many terrifying realities during their time serving Chaldea.
And that was what Guda was currently doing, crawling whilst humming the 'my room' theme song; eyes gleaming with life.
A desire to live. A resignation to fate.
An unstoppable will. A wavering heart.
Life. Death.
The foolhardy beast; taking residence deep within-protected Guda's humanity; encasing it within a safe enough shelter for them to carry on.
Just when hope began to ebb the beast couldn't hold on for much longer, the form of a shadow finally transformed this empty space into something; defining it as more than just a realm of nonexistence.
'About...damn time...' Legs regained their strength, as they reached towards the shadow, as it coalesced; transforming the once hollow land into a genuine, tangible location.
The void finally gave way.
What was once none but a mere blank canvas, exploded into none other than the form of a café, enshrined within a domain filled to the brim with decaying ivory pillars and overgrown, ravenous plants. Under the celestial cloudscape that spread before them, this zone made Guda feel as if they had accidentally ascended to heaven.
Just where was Guda exactly?
Not particularly giving a damn about the finer details, Guda slammed open the café door- the bell tolling ominously as they yelled out a powerful "Yahoo! Guda here. Let's get this meeting over and done with!"
Only silence greeted them.
' Err...what?!'
Well, this was quite an awkward turn of events. It seemed as if they were still alone within this bemusing world. Bored, they decided to peer curiously around the cafe's interior, and was pleasantly surprised by it. The café was warm and comfortable, sunlight streaming through flower-covered windows, as mahogany tables and chairs stood before them. It was much more regular than expected.
"So, you managed to make it here in one piece. I'm impressed, dear customer." Appearing from absolutely nowhere yet everywhere at once, the voice was deep, its piercing reverberations echoing around the once soundless café.
'What-?!!!' Eyes wide with shock, Guda almost crashed into the door, yet is kept upright by none other than...a strange tendril?!
"A-ah, thank you-!? " As they spin to face their helper, two bewildered eyes stare into an entire plethora of beady red irises.
It was a demon pillar, dressed in none other than a dapper black suit; pale tendrils gripping onto a serving plate; its eyes staring right into Guda's very soul.
'What the actual fuck.' Of all the things to happen, this was much beyond Guda's expectations. "T-thanks for the help. You look familiar..."
Which one out of the 72 pillars was this one?
"I'm glad you remember my face, human. It's me, Barbatos." As soon as their name passed through their gleaming, red scars; Guda rushed at them, pulling them by the collar.
"Does this mean what I think it does? It's you! C'mon Barbatos, pass the materials! I need them!" Eyes sparkling with mirth, Guda invaded their personal space. "Let's make a deal, shall we?" Finding Barbatos here was akin to locating a gold mine! Taking full advantage of this opportunity, Guda tried to bargain with the poor demon pillar.
"How dare you! Unhand me at once, you foul cur!" The two began to tussle, as Barbatos' ice-cream shaped body wobbled with rage. By this time, the other pillars also began to emerge within the café as well, decked in identical suits; chattering and complaining between themselves.
"It's the scent of a human." "Human smells good." "Not good for me."
"Disgusting." "Foul." "Scorch them."
"The human made it." "They made it?" " You made it?" "We did."
Voices rushed and burbled, like a flash flood shooting straight through a dam- whispers and yells seeping through the café. The sound was unconceivable for the naked ear, screeching tones prickling against Guda's body. These pillars seemed to speak as if they were one brain. Continuing on from the others' thoughts, they spoke as if they were a united front.
It was understandable to assume that anybody would be terrified by such a thing, yet Guda's eyes were glowing with curiosity. To Guda, such pillars were none other than potential friends. Seeing as the pillars could communicate; it wouldn't hurt to try talking to them, right? Though it was also very tempting for Guda to try and steal Barbatos' materials as well.
'Holy shit...' Of all the things they had experienced, nothing could compare to this! 'Damn, this would make for a good story for gossip time at Chaldea.'
Grip finally loosening on Barbatos' suit, the demon pillar sighed with relief; as they used their tendrils to dust themselves down. Guda had traumatized them enough in other battles. There was absolutely no way they were going to agree to any of Guda's deals!
"I would attempt to farm you, but looks like I'm outnumbered. I give." Aware of this, Guda finally yielded, raising their arms in defeat. There was no choice but to hear them out this time, for curiosity had trumped over all other emotions.
As they spoke, a vast wall of red eyes glared at them; encasing Guda within their intimidatingly powerful aura; as the pillars watched with amused expressions. They were judging the human; mulling over whether it would be more fun to let them live or torture them until their dying breath. Such bloodlust drenched the cafe with its petrifying intensity, yet Guda's mind was somewhere else entirely.
"Seeing as you were nice enough to greet me, I'd prefer not to fight you." Barbatos' customer service was pretty good- for a demon pillar, that is. Much nicer than their usual fanfare of causing mass destruction and exploding things on impact. 'I may as well return their hospitality this time,' Guda sighed.
"A wise decision, human. Nobody can save you here. All of our eyes can incinerate you within an instant." The millions of glowing eyes shone dangerously within the café; as the sunny skies briefly clouded over, enshrouding them within a deadly shadow.
"However, that's not what we invited you here for. Follow me." Slinking forwards, Barbatos left a trail of a slick, thick muddy-like substance behind them; as Guda casually followed behind- making sure to wave a friendly greeting at all of the demon pillars standing beside them.
'This human sure is weird', One demon pillar mused.
Once the party of pillars finally gave way; Guda was welcomed by none other than the sight of a massive circular glass table; as a single pot of steaming tea and two decrepit cups laid upon its surface.
"Please take your seat." As Guda bowed respectfully to the departing demon pillars, a ravenous army of shiny black and red wisps filled the café. As the glittery sparkles finally disintegrated within the air, a solitary figure manifested themselves within a single marble throne, cracks appearing through ancient material.
With beautiful ebony skin, long tendrils of flaxen white hair and sagely robes, this visitor's appearance was stunning. Even their rage-filled, coal-black eyes contributed even more to their divine visage.
'Wow, that's one sparkly entrance.' Shielding their eyes from such enthralling beauty, Guda bravely apprehended their final guest, as they slid into the seat opposing them. A sneer and a smile; eyes filled with malice and ones filled with intrigue. Serving as the utter antithesis of one another, these two enemies had just committed the most unthinkable, most surreal of actions.
Guda had been invited to join Goetia for a drink of tea.
"So, it's you, Goetia. We meet again." Sniffing the tea cup for any signs of poison or maleficent uses of magic, Guda grins brightly towards them. "Though I wasn't expecting it, thanks for inviting me for a cup of tea!"
"Your words mean nothing to me, final master. Save your useless chat for those pathetic servants of yours." His dark irises refused to even acknowledge their presence, daintily sipping on their cracking cup of tea.
"Final master ? That's such a cool nickname!" Guda seemed blissfully unaware of Goetia's vehemence- or had they already accepted it as just being a natural part of 'his personality ?' Knowing Guda, they had most likely already accepted him for who he was. To witness one in their full form and accept it wholeheartedly for what it was...it was an uncanny; if not incredibly rare knack to possess.
"Usually you just call me 'human'. But calling me the 'final master', that's really nice! It feels a lot more direct and personal." Guda was touched.
"Scratch that. I'll call you vermin instead."
"C'mon, you were doing so well!"
"Awe, that's so harsh."
"Does that mean I'm like a demon?" Guda laughed at that. "Then that makes us alike."
By this time, even Goetia was smirking slightly, amusement lighting up his usually dour face. "How impetuous, to assume such a thing. Plague."
"That makes me sound like a lethal threat. Which is a pretty good thing, actually."
"Worthless mass of human flesh."
Heart singing at such words, Guda gripped their cup. "T-that actually hurt-" But before they could finish their sentence, a rippling aura of doom weighed down on them, death's grip mere inches from their throat. For the first time, Guda was silenced by none other than just the immense energy of the opponent sitting right before them; oodles of sweat beading down their face.
"Silence." Black nails tapped the table, as he interweaved his tattoo-embedded hands together, golden rings and bracelets glinting off the sunlight. "Vermin. What was your verdict on the void, the hollow expanse of space that you so leisurely traversed upon?"
'...So, he's decided to stick to calling me vermin (affectionate), huh?' Guda stifled a laugh at that- in order to preserve their very existence.
"It was terrible. Almost lost the will to live wandering through that hellscape." Without existence, could life have any meaning? To Guda, such a zone stripped them of all the reason to exist; let alone live.
Eyes narrowing with displeasure at their answer, Goetia frowns. "Of course, a feeble entity such as yours would fail to comprehend the beauty and peace of such a world." Irritably running his hands through rich locks of hair, Goetia's voice deepened considerably.
"That void, is the world that I shall create; plunging this sordid excuse for a world back into the oblivion that it once was."
"That sounds like a pretty boring world to me," Guda all but complained. "Life's no fun without existence! What good would it be if everything just disappeared?"
"Spoken like true vermin." Goetia's expression filled with contempt, as they loftily looked down upon them; like death staring at a frog. "Even with this so-called 'existence' that you pathetic humans like to yammer on about, suffering sits at the apex of all life. To live is to face anguish, to writhe and wither until you are nothing but mere bones and dust!!!"
By this point, he was shouting.
"Yet you would claim that this 'life' is fun? That it's worth enduring for the sake of some 'fun and games' ? How preposterous."
"...You've made some great points right there, Goetia. I kind of see your point there." Crossing their arms, Guda furrowed their brows in concentration; thinking of ways to convince Goetia that life had its uses as well.
"But I think that life can be precious, as well. The bonds you make, things you create, events you experience...and then finally, the legacy that you leave behind...those facets of existence are irreplaceable; beautiful gems. Never forget that." Guda had seen it for themselves. Each and every life that they had passed by and touched was infinitely precious and worthy. To them, suffering was naught compared the human ability to love, and cherish life itself.
Delirious laughter echoed through the now darkening café, as Goetia clutched the left side of his face in agony; sharp teeth bared with rage.
"Only one who has not the slightest inkling of the sheer pain that humans have endured ever since their very first incarnation could say such utterly naïve hogwash. Try living for as long as I have, vermin!! Try observing the same horrors that I have, witnessing death upon death! You won't be so positive then."
Goetia's eyes illuminated a world of endless pain and melancholy. What was love to one who had only experienced death? Did it even exist within his mind? Guda found it terribly sad to think that this ancient, wise being had no compunction of the happier aspects of living.
"Hey, Goetia...What is love to you?" Before making any assumptions, it would be better to ask him his perspective first.
"Love...?!" His expression was as flat as a blank canvas, as if the word itself wasn't even worthy of his recognition. "It is nothing but yet another concept humans created to lessen their anguish. It serves no purpose."
"I think that it's a pretty nice feeling, actually. It's warm and comforting; like a nice cup of tea." At this, Guda frowned at the rather unsightly brew of tea Goetia had brewed for them. "Well, not like your tea, but you catch my drift; right?"
"What drift is there to catch? This warmth and comfort you speak of eludes me." His eyes burn holes through Guda, wrath engulfing his spirit. "You forget that I am a monster."
"Well, if you say so." To Guda, those words meant little. No matter what form they took; Guda regarded all beings that she could communicate with as fellow contemporaries. Even the most dastardly of monsters would be struck by Guda's exceptional brand of humanity, and Goetia was no exception.
Trying to deepen their understanding of him, Guda raised yet another question. "But there must be somebody you have cared for at least once, right? For you to worry so much about the difficulties humans face, that means-" Before they could even finish, Goetia slammed an arm shrouded in trailing tattoos on the table, clear frustration on his features.
"How very vermin-like of you, to try and prescribe human characteristics onto one like me. I have no need to possess such feelings."
This peaceful teatime conversation was going absolutely NOWHERE.
'How can I convince him of humanity's worth?' Taking a shallow sip of tea, Guda was about to debate him- much like a certain spiky-haired lawyer- only to have their mind assaulted by a paralyzing set of abhorrent images, filled with the wails of humans; and abominable scenes of suffering. Each scene pulverized their mind with pulsating electrical waves, sending them through a tumultuous bout of distress.
"Agh!" Guda's head thwacked against the table, as they squeezed their eyes shut in terror; as more terrifying moments of the tragedy of humanity's existence scorched themselves into their soul. Hands gripping onto the table for dear life, their frail body began to tremble from the tremendous force of witnessing such horrific recollections.
It was too painful to bear.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Head reared back in reverent bouts of laughter, eons of torment rippled through Goetia's maniacal eyes. "I'm glad you liked my tea, vermin. I may have accidentally implanted it with a few of my memories, you see. HAHAHAHA!!!"
What a petty demon he was, sinking to such depraved depths. He must've really hated Guda's optimistic mindset.
"....I... prefer to have my tea...with sugar and m-milk, rather than your s-shoddy magic memories...." Despite shivering from the traumatic impact of such terrible images, Guda put on a strong front. "...Your tea sucks..." This was the worst time to be making witty quips!
"Oh, is that so? ~ Well, I don't care- seeing as this pathetic teatime shall be your very last!!" Guttural screeches of demonic laughter pealed from his venomous mouth. "Do you get it now, vermin ?! The only way to restore balance to this world is to wipe it through entirely; and stop the beating heart of humanity! Only then, shall true peace reign throughout the universe-"
Like a wilting flower, his self-righteous demeanor faltered ever-so-slightly, as his usually domineering tone became a meagre whisper, as a strange feeling took over him. "...To end it all...that's all I want..." A lacerating pain- that he would not admit to- swelled within him for the briefest of moments, yet it was enough to catch him off guard.
Luckily, Guda was too overwhelmed to notice such a faint moment.
Shaking his head, Goetia wiped that slight moment of vulnerability away from his countenance as soon as possible, arching his back upright so that he could appear infallible again. To experience such a moment of weakness- daresay, humanity- was typically beneath him. "..."
"...I shall stand atop the throne, on my own. You have no right to interfere with my plans." A slight sense of disappointment briefly flickered through Goetia's features as they regarded the human shivering inconsolably before him. To think that the human whose eyes were glimmering with such vivacious energy moments before could be reduced to this...for Goetia, it was much too expected a reaction for him to even be surprised.
Humans were fragile, after all.
All interest in this being faded from his feelings immediately, as he ruefully spun away.
'Just as I expected.' It was without a doubt that this human was no different from the others. It was a miracle that they had even managed to survive this far. Of course, they'd be like a mere ant before a waterfall when exposed to the same pain he had endured.
"I was wrong. You're even lesser than vermin." His footsteps plodded lifelessly through the café, as he made his way to leave...
"H-hey...I actually pretty liked that nickname..." A clumsy clattering noise echoed, as Goetia spun back in surprise; eyes widening with wonder.
Guda was standing upright despite the never-ending pain, eyes blazing with desire.
"Don't underestimate vermin, dude."
And with that; they gulped the rest of the tea, like a ravenous beast ripping into its prey. Although painful torrents of memories tore and pierced their mind; grappling with Guda's waning sense of sanity, the beast within them proudly smashed through it all. Guda would remain Guda throughout anything, up until their very last breath. A few million dastardly images of human suffering would never get in the way of that!
Roaring loudly, Guda shot through Goetia's magic; as they threw the now-empty teacup to the ground. Body heaving with the weight of their mental turmoil, they breathed a simple, "Humans are a lot stronger than you think, Goetia."
"You're fucking stupid." Although his words were harsh, a small fragment of awe roused within him.
"Even after enduring such torture, you still wish to prove me wrong? How pathetic." He chuckled softly, as yet another unrecognizable emotion settled within him. It was indescribable, something that even he had no knowledge of.
"If I can't use words, I'll use actions to prove you wrong." Guda wheezed, pain wracking their body. It was taking all their strength just to stay upright. "Sometimes, the only way you can reach your opponents' hearts is via battle!"
"How foolish of you, to think that you could even sway the heart of a demon, let alone the king of all. You'll pay for such hubris one day."
"It's a worthy price to pay, if it can get through to you." Guda grinned, as a wave of exhilaration danced through Goetia's spine. This human was really something, that was for certain.
That was it.
He'd make a special exception to reserve only the finest of hells for such a gutsy human.
"As a special gift for amusing me so, I'll make sure to prioritize your incineration, vermin. I'll show you a suffering so vast that you'll never be able to rise again. Hehe, I'm quite looking forward to it." Light began to flood through the café, as it faded away. "Survive, and struggle pathetically. I can't wait to snuff you out." His voice trailed away within the sparkling light.
"You bet I will! You better watch out, because humanity's gonna kick you in the ass!" Guda pointed exuberantly towards his fading figure, as they smiled as brightly as the sun. "Let's do our best!"
"Stupid vermin."
"Ohoho, that sounded pretty affectionate to me!" Their conversation ended with a well-placed tease.
And with that, the void was gone.
Coldness seeped through Guda's veins as they awoke with a start; hands clutching onto mangled branches. As their eyes fluttered open, a midnight sky filled to the brim with stars shone before them.
'Ugh, not this singularity again...' As Guda rubbed their forehead, their massive party of allies rushed towards them.
"They're up! Recommencing battle!" Servants' cheerful yells resounded through the Solomon Singularity, as they all rushed back onto the battlefield; sparing Guda hi-fives, hugs and greetings on their way.
All that was left was a rather confused Mash, holding onto Guda's arm. "...What happened, senpai? Are you alright?" Lavender eyes brimmed with worry.
"I'm fine," Guda softly patted Mash's arm, as the young kouhai breathed with relief. "Let's just say that I had a rather riveting cup of tea with the end of humanity itself."
"....?!!" Mash was entirely befuddled by such a response.
Standing proudly, Guda looked up towards the sky; thrusting their fist towards the towering black moon.
'Goetia. I'm coming straight for you!' There was no looking back. Rushing straight towards the end of time, Guda made their way forwards.
Hopefully they'd be able to join them for yet another cup of tea. Hopefully with less discussion on the fate of humanity, and more on more interesting topics this time. It would be fun to find out what such a character was like in their daily life.
'Sure, his brew sucks. But it was fun talking to him.'
With renewed spirit, Guda hoped for the day that they'd be able to hear the words of their greatest enemy again.
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whitherwanderer · 3 years
19 // worship
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Chased by a storm, a wanderer lands on the doorstep of an unfamiliar inn and tavern on the edge of an unfamiliar town, where the scent of rain in the pines fills the night air with late summer’s scent and pulls the weary indoors in search of solace. A stormy night means a thin crowd but quiet work for the barkeep, and for the wanderer, it means a guaranteed place by the fireside to dry a wet cloak and enjoy a drink.
As the rain catches up, it raps against the windows of the tavern with a fury, and the barkeep pauses his sweeping to glance at the road. The wanderer watches over the rim of a tankard as the man hobbles across the hardwood and back to the bar, retrieving a crystal tumbler to place before an empty stool. His hand hovers as he turns to his stock of liquors and spirits, and he carefully selects a good brandy—no, no, his hand moves, and he chooses the good whiskey with finality before uncorking it and pouring a finger into the glass for this patron that had yet to arrive.
For those who said their prayers to a pantheon whose wiles were wicked as they were wondrous, the meaning of the gesture would be lost. But for those of an older faith who yet clung to talismans and did their rituals by the light of the moon, this is an act of prayer, too: a quiet appeal to the spirits, saints, and devils of a nearly forgotten time. The wanderer knows this, and says nothing.
The storm rages on, battering the windows as the low rumbles of thunder cause the very walls to shudder, but inside the tavern is still quiet, and the local patrons say their farewells to the barkeep before they hurry to their homes. The fire happily licks at new, dry wood added to the prye, and the wanderer nearly finds peace in sleep against the cracked, old leather of a comfortable chair when the door creaks open and blows the smell of pine into the tavern.
A cloaked figure stands in the doorway, hooded and dripping, until the barkeep beckons this newcomer in, offering to take their bow, their quiver, their cloak, greeting them like an old friend. Please, come sit. Warm yourself by the fire, he insists, and the newly arrived obliges with a song-like acceptance that draws the ear of the wanderer.
She removes her cloak and hangs it by the fire with the wanderer’s while the barkeep leaves to fetch more wood, and she takes the spot at the bar where the tumbler waits. Without hesitation, she brings it to her lips and smells the liquor within before she quaffs it, sighing as she sets the tumbler back down.
The wanderer cannot help but chuckle a warning that she should know better than to drink from a glass that was meant for another. It’s bad luck. But as she turns, her eyes shimmer with the firelight, and she grins the crooked grin of thieves and miscreants. She asks who it’s for, if not for her, and the wanderer gestures to the rain at the window with an arm.
Lady Sifhalla, saint of travelers, revelers, and barkeeps, of course. And she had just drunk the old barkeep’s offering to her. Again, the woman grins, a challenge on her lips. This stranger believes in old myths? The wanderer shrugs. The barkeep does, and that’s good enough reason to repay him for the whiskey, isn’t it?
She nods in agreement. He’ll be repaid alright, she promises, then joins the wanderer by the fire. She wonders aloud what kind of stranger cares for such old rituals. What sort of wanderer pays their respects to the forgotten gods and spirits?
The wanderer brings both hands together, one bound in scrap cloth. A ginger touch against the shortened end of a finger draws a fool’s gold eye. To this, she nods. She knows a weary wanderer when she sees one. Time to go home, ain’t it?
The wanderer hesitates, then nods, and the woman does too.
Waking with the barkeep’s hand and the dying fire, the wanderer is ushered to bed with no memory of when the woman had left.
The next night, the barkeep is busy tending to full tables, raucous and rowdy. The barkeep seems pleased—no tumbler is left out on the bar this night as the wanderer bids him farewell.
Crossroads lie under a moonless night. The wanderer pauses there at the base of a waymarker, waiting. Listening.
A voice sings a solemn tune in the west, and a glint of lantern light appears on the pathway. A woman with fool’s gold eyes and a crooked grin beckons with one hand, and holds a lantern in the other.
Home's awaitin', she says.
OOC Notes: AU day! Wanted to write some deity AU shit. Not 100% pleased with this but it's getting posted anywayyyy.
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peachyproserpina · 3 years
The Judge - Birthday Blurbs Pt. 3
Here is another Birthday Blurb! Something old I dug from the archives, I was going to make this into a longer series but I kind of lost motivation and Kylo felt too OOC for my liking.
Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
TW: soft, Alternate Universe ,Out of Character, No Smut, Pre-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
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You wandered down the 200’s hall, looking for those damned light bulbs that Hux had said should be down here. You had lights and wires and circuit boards to fix up before you could go to bed tonight. You tapped the mobile data pad on your wrist to check the time, it was pushing 3 am. Sighing you ran a hand through your hair, hoping to finish this up sooner rather than later.
You had to fix the mess that Kylo Ren had made earlier that night, right before your shift was over something had set the guy off and he tore through the hallway leading to the command center. Usually whatever tech was on call should have dealt with the aftermath of Kylo’s temper tantrum. But for some reason Hux had requested you by name, you figured that this was payback for telling everyone about installing the special lighting in his bathroom so he wouldn’t burn his skin on the harsh standard lighting. You let out a small tired laugh at the thought of Hux fuming when the rumors made way to him. Probably through Captain Phasma, you found the closet with everything that you needed to finish the majority of repairs.
You were about to lock the supply closet door behind you when you heard it, the distant melody of far off memories came rushing back to you. Someone was singing, you could hear it coming from down the hall. You dropped the box and followed the sound of your childhood. You knew this song, your mother had sung this to you, every night before you fell asleep. Warm days on your home planet D’Qar came rushing back to you as the deep voice from down the hall sang. You could picture days spent in the water, evenings in the swamps, and nights with close friends when you came to a stop in front of the door where the song was coming from. The last few notes drifted off as you got there, with tears in your eyes and a heavy heart you walked into the room.
“Where do you know that song? How do you know that song?” You asked the room, it was too dark to see much past your nose as you walked carefully into the dark. You could feel the room get cold as you waited for a reply, bumping into tables and following the sound of heavy breathing to find whoever was singing. The person in the shadows sniffed and stood, you could hear heavy footsteps and see someone stalking towards you, eyes now adjusted to the dark.
“You need to leave and never come back.” A deep voice rumbled from a few feet infront of you, you gulped. That voice sounded familiar to you, you just couldn't quite place it. You took a step towards the figure in the dark and pointed a finger at them.
“I will not leave until you tell me where you heard that song. My mother sang that song to me everyday until I was 15-” You were cut off from your rant by the feeling of your throat closing, you pulled at throat, where fingers and hands should have been but there was nothing. Realization hit you to where you were and panic had finally set in. You had barged into Kylo Ren’s personal quarters making demands to him. The Sith lord Kylo Ren. He must have felt your panic because he released you, you took a shuddering breath air now flowing back into your lungs as you scrambled to leave. Muttering sorry under your breath.
You were nearly to the door when a cold hand wrapped around your wrist, you froze in place. Kylo had his cold hand wrapped around yours and you couldn’t move out of fear. You thought that this was the end of your life, it was short, but it was good at least. You didn’t move as the hand tightened around your wrist when these thoughts passed through your head. You waited, not wanting to worsen anything by trying to leave. It took a few moments but you heard a sigh and could feel the slight shake come from the hand wrapped around your wrist.
“Please, wait. The lullaby I was singing. My mother used to sing it to me as well.” He stuttered out between deep breaths. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just didn’t think you’d-” Kylo rambled on about the planet he had grown up on and his mother before you defrosted enough to face him. You took a step closer to him and felt the fear melt away as he told you more and more about his home planet that sounded more and more like yours with each word. Throwing caution to the wind you intertwined your fingers with his and started to hum the song that the both of you had grown up with. He stopped talking to stared at you, you looked up at him through your eyelashes and watched him as he relaxed at the sound of your voice singing something so familiar and foreign to him at the same time. Kylo pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you, placing his head on the top of yours running his free hand through the hair that had escaped from the regulatory updo you had pinned it in that morning. You relaxed as he slowly sang the words that belonged to the melody that you were humming. Tracing your free hand up to rest on his chest as you both swayed to the familiar sounds of home.
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Frank’s hints on season 3 part 5
Okay so today Frank suddenly started answering a bunch of asks with several relating to season 3 for the first time since Rumble for Ragnorak aired so time to put those in one post then.
sleaveheralone asked: An out of context Rockerduck quote?
Frank’s answer: “NOW PIPE DOWN!”
sleaveheralone asked: Could you describe Scrooge's arc in season 3?
Frank’s answer: What is more powerful than Scrooge McDuck? (probably FOWL)
kinningducks asked: is gladstone okay?
Frank’s answer: He is VERY MUCH NOT OKAY in an upcoming episode. (interesting to see what’s going on with Gladstone this season given the other hints I haven’t put on the blog yet)
moonstoneflowers asked: Are you at liberty to describe Webby’s season 3 arc?
Frank’s answer: NOPE.
carabcod000 asked: Will Gosalyn be Quiverwing Quack one day
Frank’s answer: We are very aware of Quiverwing Quack.
gabe-prentiss asked: Will fenton find out gandra works for F.O.W.L?
Frank’s answer: WILL HE??? Hmmmm… (the suspense to Gandra and Fenton’s story this season is intriguing)
hueycartoonist asked: What would Gladstone do if his luck ever ran out?
Frank’s answer: HMMMMM.
r6sedust asked: Can we get a one word description of gandra's arc?
Frank’s answer: Acceptance. (intriguing for Gandra)
rruckey asked: Will we know more about Magica's past?
Frank’s answer: …
lexipup13 asked: How is Steelbeak doing? Still muzzled?
Frank’s answer: He’s picking up a new hobby.
milkytheholy asked: Do you know when can expect to see the rest of the season??
Frank’s answer: I do! (looks like we may be getting out of the hiatus in September)
quackerjack asked: Will Fethry be important at all this season?
Frank’s answer: Feathery is gonna let one dumb secret slip. (I am 99% sure the secret’s gonna be about Scrooge and Donald’s estrangement to Della)
imdad20 asked: Will there be any hugging between Donald and Della?
Frank’s answer: Yes of course. (this ought to satisfy those claiming Della’s too mean to Donald)
analyticamethyst asked: ooc lena spoiler please? nice to see you my dude!
Frank’s answer: Needs help. (I’m worried for her now)
im-the-hokagay asked: What’s your favorite line from the rest of season 3? And if you can add, who says it?
Frank’s answer: “YOU’RE ALIVE?!” (probably Scrooge to Rockerduck)
neopuff asked: can you tell us aaaaaaanything new about goldie? new dress? new character interaction? does she miss her lil Sharpie? goldie fans need to know
Frank’s answer: Wants a do-over. (I smell a Goldie redemption)
maclove54 asked: Can you give us ooc Gos? Pls. I know she’s not even in the show (still), but I think we need a little of her.
Frank’s answer: “LIAR!”
babywonderlandwerewolf asked: Will there be interaction between Donald, Gladstone, Fethry, and Della this season?
Frank’s answer: Sure. (this just build up more hype for some well awaited Duck Cousin shenanigans this season!)
marshmeadow12 asked: Will Boyd and Lena encounter each other?
Frank’s answer: Yes
smalltreenergy asked: Could you give us an ooc Penumbra quote??
Frank’s answer: “YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN?!”
paperoga asked: Are we going to see more Gene? Hes super cute! ☺
Frank’s answer: Yep
brendaxdt17 asked: How's penny doing
Frank’s answer: Just…fine.
riverajocabed1 asked: Anything you can tell us about F.O.W.L or a F.O.W.L agent? Like an ooc quote or fact?
Frank’s answer: Was founded after SHUSH. (interesting)
ghostlightz asked: mr. angones i really enjoy everything you've done with ludwig von drake's character in dt17 and i'm endlessly excited to potentially see more. is there anything you can reveal about my austrian king? either way i hope you have a wonderful day :]
Frank’s answer: Made one very big mistake. 
babywonderlandwerewolf asked: Will Louie and Lena interact at all this season?
Frank’s answer: Yep (Hooray for the schemers!)
kats-kreations asked: Is a Toad Liu Hai return possible? Definitely not his one and only fan asking here......
Frank’s answer: At Epcot! (looks like season 3 could be out of the question)
ninjaplatypus904 asked: Will there be more Three Cabs?
Frank’s answer: They got another song in them, I think. (looks like Jose and Panchito aren’t done yet)
dnaxtiki asked: Will Dewey interact with Violet in this season?
Frank’s answer: Yep (nice combo)
non-specific-excuse asked: will doofus ever grow as a person or is he just. like that lol
Frank’s answer: Doofus would have to get worse before he got better.
beansismyreligion asked: Do Boyd and Gosalyn ever meet?
Frank’s answer: Let’s get this out of the way; all the kids will meet all the other kids.
bradamantethebrave asked: Does anybody have a birthday coming up in season 3?
Frank’s answer: YEP.
imnotacommittee asked: Will Catherine and David, er Magica and Scrooge, interact this season?
Frank’s answer: Yep.
im-the-hokagay asked: Does Don Karnage show up this season?
Frank’s answer: Does Dewey Duck still live?! THAN YES.
kats-kreations asked: Is the birthday for a certain lucky individual?
Frank’s answer: No.
writeroffanfiction asked: Will there be Blood for the Blood God?
Frank’s answer: No, but there might be some chaos.
madebycoolsouls asked: Is the person who Don Karnage hates more than Dewey an Avian or Ursine?
Frank’s answer: BOTH.
thatmagicstonelife asked: Will Gladstone and Magica meet? Will Gladstone and Lena meet?
Frank’s answer: 😏
schoolrumbler93 asked: where is Magica living now that she doesn't have her fortune of a million dead souls? homeless?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers.
ask-sfsf asked: Just a random question, will be any references to famous movies like “Terminator” this season?
Frank’s answer: Specifically famous movies that are LIKE The Terminator?
carabcod000 asked: Are we going to see Lunaris in S3
Frank’s answer: I mean, way up far away in the sky orbiting the earth. If you squint maybe. (so basically no)
guaxinim-colorado123 asked: Are the moon aliens living on Earth or did they just take a tour and go back to the moon?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers. (coming up in the Webby and Penumbra episode)
johnlaurenslovesyou asked: is gos gonna keep her iconic catchphrase?
Frank’s answer: Keen gear? Absolutely.
audidonut asked: Are any villains getting a redemption arc in the future?
Frank’s answer: This is a loaded question with many variables. (Gandra’s gotta be one of them)
call-me-coffee asked: Okay so Since Gosalyn’s been confirmed apparently (🤩🤩🤩) does this mean there might possibly be a “Darkly Dawns the Duck” episode/episodes in the future? (Honestly, it doesn’t matter much if you say yes or no I’d just be thrilled to see one of the people working on my current favorite show answer 😂) Hey, at least you’ll see this!
Frank’s answer: They gotta meet somehow.
madebycoolsouls asked: Have the Vultures ever worked anywhere else, besides their current positions?
Frank’s asnwer: 😏
moonstoneflowers asked: Are you at liberty to describe Beakley’s character arc in season 3?
Frank’s answer: Nerp!
30 notes · View notes
birriabirria · 3 years
homestuck: come home to my heart
Karkat dug his toes into the sand. He could hear his friends talking and laughing but he kept his eyes on the horizon. It was the middle of the afternoon but the sun was hidden. The sky was stormy above them and there was something in the air. But he didn’t know what. He turned over the pendant.
It a metal pendant with a strange heart-shaped etching on it. He had found it in the sand when he arrived and put it on the leather necklace he had worn. Something about scratched at his mind.
‘Karkat! Food’s here!’ Terezi yelled. Karkat blinked. He put the pendant back under his shirt. It was a comforting weight. It felt good to have it so close. He turned around and went back to the group. He sat down by the campfire. Nepeta had made it. He picked up a slice of pizza. There was a radio and he turned to it.
Karkat lowered the volume then fiddled with the dial. He turned to AM. 'A storm is heading west and its moving fast.’ He turned to FM. Karkat set it on a dance song then set it down. Someone nudged him.
'You alright there, brother?’ Gamzee asked.
'Fine,’ Karkat mumbled.
'You have not talked as much. If you’re sick, you should lie down,’ Gamzee said.
'Thanks but I’m not sick,’ Karkat said. He sighed. 'Just not feeling it today.’ Gamzee patted his back then stroked it. Karkat smiled. 'Thanks.’
'No problem, brother,’ Gamzee said.
They continued eating. They all wanted somewhere to go and he had been the one to suggest this beach. Karkat frowned as he opened his water bottle. Why? He stood up and went to Feferi and Aradia. He crouched down beside Feferi. 'Hey,’ Karkat greeted. They turned to him.
'Hey, Karkat!’ Aradia and Feferi greeted.
'Can I ask you something?’
'What is it?’ Feferi asked.
Karkat breathed out. 'Did the water feel weird?’ he asked.
'Weird? What do you mean?’ Feferi asked.
'Like,’ Karkat searched for words, 'like there was something inside it.’
Feferi giggled. 'There’s already all sorts of things in the water!’
'I know but I mean,’ Karkat licked his lips, 'weird stuff.’ he looked at Aradia. 'Occult stuff?’ he asked hopeful. Feferi and Aradia’s faces brightened.
'Did you feel something? What do you think it was?’ Feferi asked excitedly.
'What if we can find a skull? Aradia asked, equally excited.
Karkat smiled. He looked down. 'It feels weird,’ he frowned, 'like I’m waiting but I don’t know what.’
Aradia and Feferi looked thoughtful. 'Maybe you’re gonna meet someone?’ Aradia suggested
'I don’t think meeting someone is occult stuff,’ Karkat muttered.
'It could!’ Feferi said, 'what if the person you’re meeting is part of the occult or! They could a monster!’
Karkat looked at her in disbelief. 'What am I gonna do with a monster? Die?’ he asked.
'It could be a friendly monster,’ Aradia said.
'Sure, guess we’ll cuddle,’ Karkat said. Aradia giggled. He smiled. 'Thanks for answering me.’
'No biggie!’ Feferi said.
'Yeah!’ Aradia agreed.
Karkat stood up. He looked at the horizon. He turned to the group. 'Hey!’ they all turned to him.
'WHAT,’ Vriska hollered.
'I’m going out for a walk!’ Karkat said.
'Don’t drown!’ Eridan said. Karkat nodded. He turned to the horizon. He breathed out, bracing his shoulders. He started walking.
The campfire’s light dimmed the farther he walked away. There was a flash of lightning. It was pink. Karkat jumped. This was it. This was what he was waiting for. Karkat kept walking. Whatever it was, he was going to meet it. He was in darkness but he didn’t stop. The sky rumbled above him, louder and louder until it was almost deafening. Karkat winced and kept walking.
He stopped. How far away was he from the campfire? How far away was he from his friends? Karkat turned around. It was in the distance. He stepped forward. Lightning flashed and the sky roared. Karkat looked at the horizon.
Lightning came down. Karkat watched with wide eyes. Lightning came down and it was moving closer. He could hear his heart thudding in his ears but he didn’t move. He couldn’t move. He didn’t want to move. Lightning came down and it came closer. Karkat could smell ozone and he could hear a voice. Lightning came down and it came closer. The voice was whispering his name. Lightning came down and it came closer. Karkat looked up. Lightning came down. It was coming towards him.
Karkat slammed his eyes shut against the brightness. There was thunder all-around of him and there was unbearable heat in front of him. 'Open your eyes,’ a voice said.
Karkat opened his eyes slowly. There was light but it wasn’t as bright as he thought it was. Karkat’s eyes widened. There was lightning in front of him and it hadn’t disappeared. Karkat blinked. There was a person inside it. No, the lightning was a person. 'Karkat,’ it said. It reached for him.
Its hands cupped Karkat’s cheeks then leaned closer. It kissed Karkat’s cheek. Karkat’s breath hitched. Everything around him went quiet and it felt like he was falling.
He landed in the water with a gasp. Water flooded into his mouth. He couldn’t breathe. He struggled to swim up then stopped. There was a light below him. He looked down. There was someone floating in the water. He swam down and towards it. It looked up at him, waiting.
Their eyes were glowing. He reached out. His hand broke through the barrier, broke through the eggshell membrane. All the water around it rushed out. He was falling. He collided against something and there were arms around him. They pulled him closer. Their cheek pressed against his as he gasped.
Someone was shaking him. Karkat frowned. They shook him harder. Karkat opened his eyes slowly. He looked up at the person blearily. It was Terezi, Nepeta, and Eridan. 'Karkat!’ Terezi said.
'Wha-?’ Karkat mumbled.
'Are you hurt?’ Nepeta asked quickly.
'What happened?’ Eridan asked desperately.
'What?’ Karkat asked. They all looked worried. Karkat slowly sat up. 'What happened?’ he asked slowly.
'You went for a walk and the lightning storm came,’ Terezi said desperately, 'we went looking for you and we found you here.’
'Here?’ Karkat asked confused. He looked around. His eyes widened. Around him were strange sculptures. They rose from the beach and branched out. They looked like trees. Or lightning. Karkat frowned, trying to think. 'I don’t know,’ he said quietly.
'Come on,’ Terezi said softly. Nepeta took Karkat’s arm and Eridan took the other. They tugged him up. Karkat’s legs slid under him and he rose slowly with shaky feet. He stood up. Karkat swayed. Eridan and Neeta’s grip on his arms tightened.
“m fine,’ Karkat mumbled. His mind was slow and foggy. He stumbled and managed to stay on his feet. They all walked back to the campfire. The sky was dark above them and the sea beside them even darker. 'What time is it?’ Karkat asked.
‘Seven,’ Nepeta answered.
Karkat frowned. He was gone for that long. 'What happened?’ he asked.
'We don’t know,’ Terezi said. They reached the campfire. It was still going. Heads snapped towards them. Karkat dropped onto a blanket in front of it.
Gamzee hurried to his side. The others watched him carefully. 'Bro?’ Gamzee asked hopeful.
’’m fine,’ Karkat answered. Gamzee and some of the others looked relieved. Feferi and Aradia still looked worried. Kanaya handed Karkat a bottle of water. Karkat took it. He managed to open it with shaking hands. He chugged the water down. He was fucking thirsty. Karkat lowered the now empty bottle of water. He held it.
'You okay?’ Sollux asked quietly. Karkat nodded. Equius sat down next to him. He held out a blanket. Karkat looked at it.
'It’s for you,’ Equius said. Karkat took it. He wrapped it around his shoulder, tucking his chin against his chest.
'I’m fine,’ Karkat said. He felt tired. 'I think I am gonna go to sleep,’ he declared. He stood up. He went to the beach house a few feet from the campfire. Vriska had rented it out. Karkat stumbled in, not bothering to turn on the light.
He went to the bedroom. He lied down on the floor and curled up. Karkat closed his eyes. There was the sound of waves. He was laying on something warm and there was a weight on his head. He opened his eyes slowly. He was laying on someone’s bare chest. He was surrounded by water and lying on a bed. He lifted his head.
Karkat’s eyes met the man’s. They were the color of sunlight through the windows. His tongue felt heavy. He knew this man’s name. Karkat opened his mouth. The man rose up to meet him. But he could say it later. Karkat kissed him. The man made a sound of surprise.
His hands came up to hold Karkat’s face. He returned the kiss. Karkat’s breath hitched. A spark went down his spine and the hairs on his arm stood up. They kissed fast and insistent and desperate. The man’s hand fell away from Karkat’s face. He rolled over and Karkat’s back hit the bed.
The man settled himself between Karkat’s legs. Karkat wrapped his arms around the man’s neck. The man’s hand ran under Karkat’s shirt, fingers skating over his skin. Karkat shivered. Sparks ran down his torso.
The man shirtless and Karkat’s fingers dug into his shoulders. The man wore a gold armband on his bicep and rings on his fingers and they glittered as their hips rolled against each other. Karkat hooked a leg around the man’s hips, mouth open in gasp as the man mouthed at his neck. The man stopped at the sight of the leather necklace.
He hooked a finger under it then lifted it. The pendant swayed slightly. ‘You found me,’ the man said.
‘I did,’ Karkat said. He wrapped his hand around it, not caring if it dug into his palm.
The man was blond and Karkat grabbed a handful of his hair and dragged him up. The man went. Their lips met. Karkat moaned into it. ‘Karkat,’ the man sighed. There was the smell of ozone. A name left Karkat’s lips. The lightning came down around them.
Karkat frowned. There was light on his face. He frowned. His eyes cracked open. He was curled up, hand around the pendant. He rolled over and went back to sleep. He woke up later. Karkat opened his eyes and sat up slowly. He stared at the floor. He was hungry.
Karkat stood up. He went looking for food. There were already a few people awake. Kanaya handed him a pizza box and Tavros handed him a granola bar and a bottle of soda. They all went out of the house and sat down on the sand. He devoured all of them, the soda was lukewarm but it didn’t matter. Karkat stared out the horizon.
‘You okay?’ Tavros asked quietly.
‘Yeah, I’m ok,’ Karkat answered.
‘What happened?’ Kanaya asked
‘It’s gonna sound weird,’ Karkat mumbled
‘Please try,’ Kanaya said
‘It felt like I was waiting for something so I took a walk,’ Karkat breathed out, ‘lightning came down and I blanked out. I think I met someone.’
‘Who?’ Tavros asked.
Karkat’s tongue felt heavy. ‘I don’t know.’ He couldn’t say that name yet. He had to say it to him first.
‘But you are alright?’ Kanaya asked.
‘I am, really,’ Karkat answered, ‘thanks for the food.’ Tavros smiled and Kanaya nodded. They went silent and Karkat returned to watching the horizon.The sky was completely clear and the sun shone down.
Minutes later, they all stood up. They went into the house and put food and drinks on the table. The rest of the group was starting to wake up. Gamzee and Nepeta came up to hug Karkat. Karkat returned them. They all ate.
‘Ugh! Don’t eat that much or you’ll puke!’ Vriska said.
‘I’m not eating that much, you are,’ Karkat shot back. Karkat went back to his ranting and rambling. Everyone looked relieved.
It was almost the middle of the afternoon and the food and drinks were running low. They had to go shopping. ‘I’ll go,’ Karkat said.
‘I’m coming too,’ Terezi said.
‘Me too,’ Sollux said.
‘And I’m going,’ Eridan said, ‘because let’s be honest, I’m the one paying for all of it.’
Karkat turned his head. ‘You want anything Gamzee? Don’t say Faygo, you have two liters right there,’ he said.
‘Can I have chips, brother?’ Gamzee asked.
‘I’ll buy you a whole bucket-full and not the small one, the huge one,’ Karkat answered. Gamzee smiled. Karkat got his phone and he, Terezi, Sollux and Eridan walked out of the beach house, going to the parked cars. They got into Karkat’s car. He put the key into the ignition and turned it. The engine sputtered. Karkat frowned. He looked at the dashboard.
The fuel talk was halfway full. He turned the key. The engine sputtered and didn’t start. Karkat slumped back into his seat. ‘It won’t start,’ he declared, ‘we’ll have to take another car.’
‘We’ll take mine,’ Eridan said. They all got out Karkat’s car and went to his. Eridan’s car didn’t start either. ‘What the fuck,’ Eridan muttered.
‘It’s because you’re car is shit,’ Sollux declared. Terezi grinned.
‘It’s not shit, it’s fucking new,’ Eridan said.
‘Then it’s shit and new,’ Sollux said. Terezi cackled.
Karkat shook his head. There were only two cars in their group and if they were both broken down then they couldn’t go back home, never mind shop. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a repair shop’s number. They got out of Eridan’s car. They waited.
Minutes later, a car came to a stop beside it. A man stepped out. Karkat’s eyes widened. The man was wearing these pointy triangle shades, a black sleeveless shirt and fingerless gloves and he looked familiar. He had blond hair and Karkat knew that if he took of those shades the man’s eyes would be orange. The man turned towards him. Karkat looked away.
The man went to check Karkat’s car then Eridan’s. ‘It was the lightning storm. It messed up your cars,’ the man said. Karkat swallowed. It was the same voice in the lightning, the same voice of the man in his dream. ‘But they’re okay no. Give them a try,’ the man said.
Eridan looked at him warily but got to his car. Karkat went to his. He opened his window and the man bent down to put his arm on the sill. Up close, Karkat could smell ozone. He set his mouth in a line.
He put the key on the ignition and turned. The car’s engine rumbled. His eyes widened. It worked. He looked up at the man. Karkat licked his lips. ‘Dirk,’ he said quietly.
The man tilted his head. Behind his shades, his orange eyes glowed. ‘Karkat,’ the man, Dirk, the lightning, the thing in the water said. Dirk leaned forward. He kissed Karkat’s other cheek. ‘I found you,’ Dirk murmured.
‘You did,’ Karkat sighed. There was a car horn. Dirk leaned back and they both looked at the direction the sound came from.
‘It works,’ Eridan shouted from his car. He pressed the horn again. Karkat smiled. Dirk huffed. He straightened. Eridan turned off the engine and got out of his car. He marched over to Karkat’s. He took out his wallet, yanked bills out of it and held it out. ‘Payment,’ he said loudly. Karkat looked up at him confused. Why was he acting so weird?
Dirk took it and put it in his pocket. He looked at Karkat. ‘See you later,’ he said. Karkat nodded. Dirk walked away. Eridan, Terezi and Sollux got into Karkat’s car.
‘What the fuck was that?’ Sollux asked.
‘Yeah, Kar, what the actual fuck was that?’ Eridan asked.
Karkat drove in reverse, out of the place he parked. His eyes met Dirk’s. ‘I guess I’m seeing him,’ he answered.
‘Is he your boyfriend?’ Eridan asked.
‘He doesn’t have a boyfriend,’ Sollux said.
‘I’m calling Gamzee,’ Terezi declared, ‘he’ll know something about this.’
Karkat didn’t roll his eyes. He had to keep them on the road. ‘He’s not my boyfriend. I’m just seeing him.’
‘You’re not the type to just let people kiss you,’ Sollux pointed out.
‘Yeah but maybe I want it to different this time,’ Karkat replied.
‘How come even Gamzee didn’t hear about him?’ Terezi asked.
‘Because I don’t tell him everything,’ Karkat said, ‘I just started seeing him.’ Terezi, Eridan and Sollux looked at him. ‘I don’t wanna tell Gamzee then say “we’re over” when he comes ask about it.’
‘Makes sense,’ Eridan said. That had happened to him a lot. They all went silent.
A few minutes later, the car drove into the grocery store’s parking lot. Karkat parked the car and they all got out. They went in, each grabbing a shopping cart. They split out. Terezi filled hers with candy and ice cream, Sollux filled his chips and soda while Eridan filled his cookies and noodles. Karkat looked at the meat section thoughtfully.
He took out his phone, telling Vriska to make space in the fridge’s freezer. They were getting burgers tonight. Karkat filled his juice, chips, ice cream, bread, burger buns, spices, condiments, some ground meat and sausages. They all went to the cashier. Karkat frowned. He had called that repair shop before. No one named Dirk had worked there. Yet?
Karkat’s frown deepened. He pocketed his phone then picked up the bags set aside for him. They all walked to the parking lot then put their bags into his car. The drive back was loud. Karkat had turned on the radio and they were all screaming along to the song. They went back to the beach house.
Karkat stood by the stove. He was gonna make burgers. Everyone better thank him for this. Aradia and Feferi came to stand beside him.
‘Karkat?’ Feferi said quietly.
Karkat looked up from the bowl. He blinked at her.
‘If something happens, please know that I can call someone to do an exorcism,’ Feferi said seriously.
‘And I have an axe and I won’t hesitate to use it,’ Aradia said equally serious.
‘What,’ Karkat said, ‘what are you two talking about.’
‘If something happens between you and Dirk,’ Feferi said the name carefully, ‘we are here for you.’
‘And we will help you hide a body,’ Aradia added.
Karkat frowned. ‘Are you saying that you’ll murder him?’ he asked slowly.
‘Yes,’ Feferi and Aradia answered together.
‘Thanks?’ Karkat said. ‘But only if something bad happens.’
‘Or when you want to,’ Aradia said.
‘That too!’ Feferi agreed.
‘You’re gonna kill him if I say I want to?’ Karkat asked.
‘Yes,’ Feferi said.
Karkat smiled. His friends were fucking weird. ‘Thanks, I’ll remember that.’ He looked down at the bowl. ‘You want to help me make burgers?’ Their faces brightened.
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, ch.06
A/N:  stuffed fluff into this one like I had a shopping spree at Build-A-Bear. Well, maybe not that bad, but Overhaul was definitely a bit softer than usual if not a bit ooc. Just glad these two idiots are finally progressing... Let me know what y'all think~
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 |  05
AO3 | Fanfic
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They agreed on a schedule of meeting on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays for the next 6-12 months, assuming there were not technical hick-ups to prolong the process. As annoyed and nervous as she was about having to work with him, she also couldn’t deny the sheer excitement. She’d missed the feeling of diving headlong into research, sequestering herself in a lab full of possibilities, pouring over data. She considered having to put up with her lab partner a just payment for this gift from the universe. While daydreaming about her scientific adventure, she toyed with the keychain on her phone, “One favor”… she contemplated.
A knock came at her door, bringing her back to reality. “Um yes, come in.”
“You alright in here? I was knocking for a couple minutes there.” Dr. Tanaka said from the now open doorway, concern in his features.
“Yeah, I’m great, just zoned out for a little bit. What can I do for you?”
“I think it’s more of what I can do for you…” he said sighing, closing the door behind him. “How was your coffee run last Friday?”
She cautioned a glance at him, sliding her burner phone to the side, folding her hands on her desk. “It was fine, thanks for the recommendation.”
“Anything interesting happen?”
“I see.” They stared at each other a beat, before he realized he’d have to confront this head on. “You know, something strange happened at a construction site nearby after you left. No one knows what happened, but suddenly there were a bunch of nuts where there used to be a giant metal beam. Know anything about that?”
“What happened.”
“Ok, ok so I did something really dumb—surprise, surprise! Everyone gets to mess up once in a blue moon, don’t they?”
“Knew it. “He said, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “And sure, they do, but they don’t usually happen to mess up on yakuza turf.” Tanaka rebutted. He was one of the only people who knew the extent of her quirk. For a while, they worked together with him thinking all her quirk could do was clear clots. That is until she’d reassembled a patient whose legs had been shattered beyond repair after being run over by a car. There was no way she could lie about it after he’d witnessed it firsthand, but after a long talk, he understood why it was important to keep her secret.
“How was I supposed to know? I was just minding my business and I saw a guy about to get crushed. I couldn’t just ignore it. “
He sighed knowing he would have wanted her to do the same for him if he was in a bind. “Just... be more mindful, ok? No one knows that there was anyone there according to my friends at the police department, and for some reason they also haven’t heard any stirring from the yakuza in that area. I don’t know what or if you’ve gotten yourself into anything, but just be careful.”
Nanami chewed the inside of her mouth, and nodded her head, knowing he’d probably faint if he knew the extent of what transpired afterwards. “Of course,” she showed a small smile, “I appreciate you looking out for me. I’ll try my best not to let it be in vain. We good?”
He looked at her a beat longer before responding, knowing there was more to the story, but also wanting to respect his friend, “We’re good.” He replied, smiling reluctantly as he turned to leave, softly closing the door behind him.
She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, her daydream now over.
 It felt like she blinked, and it was Wednesday evening. She parked in the same spot as the first time and as she got out, her burner phone vibrated.
“That spot is too obvious. Park here.” He said curtly, texting her an alternate location.
She looked around but didn’t see any cameras, How does he know where I am?
“Well, thanks for the heads up. I wasn’t aware, being new to doing shady stuff and all.”
“Just hurry.” He breathed, already sounding annoyed, and the line clicking immediately after.
Rude. She rolled her eyes and parked at the location he’d sent. After walking a few minutes, she arrived at the entrance, Kurono escorting her in. They made their way to the underground labyrinth and headed in the direction of the lab. Before opening the door, Kurono broke the silence, “Good luck.”  And with that he was gone.
Walking over, she could see Overhaul’s figure at the workbenches by the whiteboard, the clicking of her boots echoing through the room until she was standing a safe distance from him.
“Good evening, Dr. Watanabe.” He greeted respectfully as though he hadn’t just hung up in her face minutes ago.
“Good evening. You’re so much more polite in person than on the phone.” Was the comment petty and unnecessary? Sure. Did she regret saying it? Absolutely not.
“Did you come to work with me or bicker?”
“I can do both,” she responded innocently. His eye twitched in irritation, just as he was about to respond, she finished,” but right now I’d like to work with you. Shall we?”
He sighed, “Let’s. First, we need to begin taking blood samples.” He motioned to a cart that had already been prepared with sterile syringes and tubes.
“Agreed. I’ll take yours first.”
He sat down, taking off his jacket and neatly rolling up his sleeve. She grabbed some fresh gloves and pulled up a chair and the cart, sitting next to him. Not wanting to trigger his mysophobia, she reconfirmed it was ok to touch him, “May I?” He cautioned her a glance before offering his forearm, before quickly looking away. “Just get it over with.”
Wait, is he scared of needles?
Refocusing she gently took his arm and fastened the tourniquet from the cart securely around the base of his bicep. As she was sterilizing the area, she noticed it was hard to keep her hand steady and looked down to see his knee bouncing nervously. He really is afraid of needles… Nanami thought incredulously. It was interesting to see someone so fearless get worked up over something so small, but she guessed there was probably a good reason for it. Either way, it would be impossible to get a sample if he didn’t sit still. He might kill her for asking this, but it was the only way.
“Hey,” she began quietly, Overhaul still fixing his eyes on a wall that was suddenly very interesting, “could you do me a favor?”
“Already acting like you’ve won before the experiment even begins. Aren’t you presumptuous?” He taunted her coolly, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.
“No, not that favor--just a small one.” She cleared her throat before continuing,” Could you hum for me?”
“Do what?” Now his head was turned, and he was looking directly at her.
“It doesn’t have to be a song, just a note.” She quickly clarified.
“Do I look like a child to you?”
“Absolutely not. You’re much less cute.” She shot back, but her face held a small smile.
“That’s definitely not a widely-held belief. And the answer is no.” He replied with a specific brand of arrogance.
“Please?” she pleaded, reflexively clutching his arm closer to her chest, the closeness startling him. “I can’t get a clean insertion if you’re fidgeting like that. Just try it for 5 seconds— it’ll be like meditation.” She reasoned.
Realizing she wasn’t going to give up, he relented. Giving her an exasperated look, he turned away, focused on the wall and hummed. It came as a hesitant, low rumbling and lasted exactly 5 seconds, though Nanami found herself wishing it had lasted just a little bit longer. Afterwards, he rolled his eyes, annoyed she was taking so long.
“Could you hurry up and get this over wit—”
He stopped, watching her place a small, pink band aid with little strawberries on it over the bend of his arm.
“All done.” She said confidently.
“What the hell is this?”
“Evidence of my expertise. Also, you didn’t have any regular band aids so I had to use my own. You’re welcome.” She smiled as he returned a glare.
Rolling down his sleeve in a huff, he impatiently demanded her arm, “Give me your arm.”
Realizing she was skating on thin ice, she decided to spare him a retort and cooperated. He was firm, but not rough and quickly extracted her blood sample. It was clean and clinical. His eyes trained on her arm, he put out his hand in front of her expectantly. What is he.. oh! Not wanting to waste the golden opportunity of seeing him have to do this, she promptly handed him another band aid from her bag. Placing it firmly on the wound, the deed was done, and she did her best to stifle a smile at his mild embarrassment.
Clearing his throat, he rose from his chair and went to the whiteboard. They refocused and decided on the specific day-to-day schedule as well as how they would log and test the samples most efficiently. They needed control samples to test against and, as though it was normal to have a fridge full of mysterious blood, Overhaul nonchalantly offered his stash. Knowing better than to even ask where the samples came from, they began, quickly forming a routine.
 A month of work passed by and the routine became more natural to Nanami. What was first a nerve-wracking trip to a yakuza hideout simply became a less-conventional commute to her side-project. What began as leers from the other yakuza, turned from indifference to casual hellos and then small talk. But most surprisingly, what began as a contentious partnership had evolved into pleasant tolerance.
For all his faults, Overhaul was an ideal lab partner. He was meticulous, tidy, and prompt. Even his usually grumpy disposition was dulled while they worked as she could tell he truly enjoyed burying himself deep into lab work. Comparatively, her day job was taxing and finding colleagues who hadn’t been jaded by the day-to-day seemed impossible. Coming to this lab every week was a breath of fresh air.
“Could you hand me a pipet?” He asked, stirring her from her thoughts.
“Oh yes, of course. Here.” She promptly handed it to him, resuming her work, but she could still feel his gaze.
“You seem distracted today.” He noted, turning back to continue his work.
She was a taken aback by the observation. They had made small talk before, but largely worked in comfortable silence. “Hm. I suppose I am.” She could feel him staring at her again and she looked up to see him raising a brow as though he was waiting for her to elaborate. “Well, I was just thinking it hasn’t been as awful as I expected… working with you here.”
“I mean, it definitely wouldn’t be my first choice, but coming here… it’s been nice. I’ve stifled my quirk for such a long time, it’s just odd being able to openly discuss it, much less study it.”
He stared at her a beat before asking, “What caused it?”
“What caused you to repress it?” he clarified, continuing to work. After a bit of silence, he looked over to see her open her mouth to answer then close it when the words seemed like they wouldn’t come out. Whatever the answer was, she was struggling with it in earnest. “You don’t have to answer that.”
She was shocked and appreciative of the consideration he was seemingly giving her, but didn’t want to waste the opportunity. She’d never talked about it with anyone—she couldn’t. But if anyone would understand, it would be him and she wasn’t going to pass up the chance.
“I killed someone.” She whispered gravely, staring straight down. From the corner of her eye she could see him turn to stare for a beat before resuming his task. Biting her lip, she added,” it was only temporary, but still, I killed someone.” Already feeling a portion of the weight coming off her chest at the simple admission, she continued,” I was twelve and my quirk had already manifested years before, but we didn’t know the extent of it. I had just assumed I could manipulate and reform little things, and only on non-organic matter. I mean I’d never tried it because who in the world would think to disassemble a living creature like that?” At this he gave her a look, raising his brows, “Well, at least I didn’t think to do something like that.” She corrected before continuing, the both of them working while she talked. “A boy moved next door to us and he had a quirk that manifested physically causing him to have these beautiful scales, like a dragon straight out of a fairytale. It was a bright, summer day and we were playing together in the park and I remember the scales shining and reflecting in the sunlight. I was hypnotized. I found myself wondering ‘What could they possibly be made of?’ The next thing I knew I was reaching out and the second my fingertip made contact I—I …” she was now shaking at the memory of it, gripping the pipet so tightly it might break. Suddenly, she felt a gloved hand gently place itself on top of hers while another coaxed her fist to open, releasing the now-dented tool. Clearing her throat she tried steadying her breath and met his gaze. It was placid and if she didn’t know any better, soft. He slowly removed his hand from hers, putting the pipet to the side to fix later.
“Continue.” He instructed as he replaced his gloves, but she could hear a sliver of encouragement in his tone.
“… I disassembled him. There was blood everywhere and I panicked. All I could think about was how badly I needed to put him back together and then... it happened. He was back in front of me, fully formed as though nothing had happened… But something had happened, and nothing would be able to change that. He ran home screaming that I was a freak. A monster. I never saw him again and my parents decided it was best to limit me and rebrand my quirk as simple ‘object manipulation’~. The rest is…history.” I said it. She thought sighing a breath of relief. Even if he thought less of her for it, she knew she would be alright, at least having been able to speak about it once. She’d accept the consequences and ridicule, whatever they were.
“You made a mistake. It’s over now.”  He said matter-of-factly as he continued working like she hadn’t just shared one of her darkest secrets.
Staring at him in shock, she realized this was his way of comforting her. Was it sociopathic and a little too dismissive of adolescent homicide? Sure. But she couldn’t deny how nice it was to not be judged for the first time. Here in this lab with him, it was just a small piece of her past, a piece of data for their research. Here, she was more than just that incident and for that, she would forever be grateful.
She felt tears well up but didn’t let them fall. Instead she picked up the pipet and some tools to fix it, before simply replying “Thank you.”
He nodded and they continued to work, the silence a little more comfortable than before.
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