#「 🌠 」 when you wish upon a star » ask
pupptstring · 8 months
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Is... this a compliment?
He stares at the stranger. It didn't feel like an insult or a compliment, so he wasn't sure how to respond. But he was taught to be polite either way.
❝ ... Thank you. ❞
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perilegs · 5 months
And for Anode 💓 BEATING HEART and ☄️ COMET !
Ahh thank youuu for the ask!! (asks from this post)
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
Being nosy as HELL! There are plenty of places Nøkk knows full well he shouldn't be snooping around in, but he just can't help his bard ass. Though I guess that's more about him ending up in dangerous places rather than seeking them out. I think you could lure him somewhere he knows to be dangerous with the promise of it giving him safety and guaranteeing his free will.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
Nøkk, babe, you won't die if you tell your loved ones when you're experiencing feelings like doubt or love. It's okay to drop the facade BEFORE you reach your breaking point. It's okay, and you'll be okay too.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Depends on when you asked him! Pre-tadpole, he'd be torn between wishing to be normal, well, what he perceives to be normal. To put all doubts and strange things he's feeling aside, and just be able to stick to his duty. Be the perfect child for his father. And on the other hand, he's also curious. He does things unbefitting a bhaalist of his stature so very often. He has feelings towards others that border on blasphemy and he doesn't always enjoy what his life is. Ultimately, he'd wish to be at the end of the world already. Doing the whole "slaughtering Gortash and Ketheric upon Bhaal's altar, where he hopes to die when the world itself is gasping its last." Tadpoled, he'd wish to be rid of the worm and his urges and that's all.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Confidence <3 Anode is so very partial to people who are truly confident in their abilities. She's also very into people being direct with her.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
I think people tend to assume Anode has no sense of humor, but she does. Her own jokes rarely land and they're all very dry, but it's not That hard to make her laugh.
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dapperbasil · 10 months
Thorne 🔪🌠❤️💔 (sorry for that last one)
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
"Of course I would blame myself if any serious harm came to Lady Thalia. It is my duty and reason for living to protect her, after all. The only reason I could imagine not being able to protect her is if I were torpored or dead." There is hesitation in their voice, but only for a split second. Thorne brushes back a strand of hair hanging in front of their face and sits a bit straighter in their chair. "If a day does come where my lady comes to harm and there is no good reason for me to have prevented it, I would ask her to not have mercy on me when it comes to my punishment. A knight that cannot fulfill their duty is better off not a knight at all… even if the knight is beloved by their liege."
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
 "A wish without repercussions? I suppose there is one thing that I desire but can never have, a single small selfish wish." Their eyes close, and upon closer inspection a single blood red tear falls down their face. "I would wish that my embrace had not been stolen from me. That I was embraced how I was supposed to, my Lord or Lady guiding me through it. That I were a true member of clan Lasombra, rather than an orphaned Toreador favored by those who walk in the shadows." Thorne shakes their head, wiping their eye. "A wish that could never be. But one that would have spared my Lady the pain of my embrace, nonetheless."
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
 A frown is painted on the Toreador's face, confusion in their eyes. "I do not understand what it is you mean by that. Do elaborate, please." Listening intently as it is explained to them, Thorne nods along until the explanation has concluded. "Ah… I see now. I suppose my best answer is through the things I do willingly and without question for Lord Tulio. I cannot say or show my affections publicly, so I show it through my devotion to him. I find expressing myself difficult through words, so it is my actions my Lord knows say the words I cannot speak."
"You say I speak remarkably well for a knight? Why thank you, but flattery will get you nowhere. I am devoted to my Lord after all."
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Thorne glares as the question is asked, standing as soon as the final word is said. "My Lady would never do anything to break my heart. She is far too good to me for that, and in truth it is better than I deserve." For a moment, their eyes are wetter than before, blinking it away. They settle back into their chair and shake their head.
"In truth, there is one thing, which I had feared would happen following my embrace. Lady Thalia is well within her right to replace me at any time. As both her knight, and as her lover. In the three years I was stolen away from her, she did not replace me in either regard, but as a noblewoman she could have any spouse she wished in a happy, visible relationship. It would hurt, well and truly, but I would rather see her happy if she so wished."
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blighted-petals · 1 year
[🌈 and 🌠]
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
//To leave mysteries as they are. Don't seek out the answers for magic in all it is. Keep your head in the clouds a little longer.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
//Truly it depends on when you ask her. Before the throne, she may have wished an ill fate upon the man who brought her there. Before the Constant entirely, she might wish to understand real magic, not just stage tricks.
//But I don't think she would make a wish now. She would save it until she needed it the most.
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
shooting star, comet, and tornado for angel, milky way and train for rocio?
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
He’d immediately make the nerd middle schooler wish of being able to visit any fictional world at will. Like even after becoming a bit more mature he’d still really want to visit places or people he’s read about or listened to in radio dramas, he still has a desire to live out the type of adventure he usually sees as well, just like overly romanticized pulp action. Hopefully this wish would work out well for him <3
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Typically upon meeting him, the average person would assume he was very strange, not everyone but that’s the common assumption. Like he will say things unprompted that have nothing to do the topic of conversation and doesn’t have much concept of being overly polite or hiding his true thoughts (he also sometimes tends to ask a lot of questions or not notice when people don’t feel like talking any more). No one thinks he’s mean because it’s pretty obvious he’s not being malicious about any of this, but he can be hard to get a read on so some people assume he must be thinking about very esoteric things and is disconnected from what they would consider to be normal. While it is true his thought process is in some ways unusual, what he actually wants to achieve is usually very average and pedestrian— to kill time, to make friends, to discuss a topic he finds interesting. So for the most part people’s first impressions of him tend to be incorrect. 
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Angel is an interesting case because he’s changed the least personality wise and his role in the story is pretty much the same, but he’s had a ton of surface level changes like his age and appearance overall. I would say the biggest change is with his backstory like originally he was incredibly self centered for basically no reason, but currently he was like semi abandoned and also is subconsciously afraid of other people (up until shortly before the story starts, he realizes this fear isn’t based on anything and decides to overcome it. It’s not because of social anxiety it’s because of actual fear for his safety) so there’s more of a reason for his being so self centered, immature, and convinced he’s part of a wider narrative (since he had much more exposure to fiction that contact with other people).
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Thinks the whole scenario is pretty contrived and doesn’t care for the fact that it’s arbitrarily limited since that’s not how things work in real life (<they’d be annoying about this) but would definitely pull the lever if it came to that. Not even feel guilty cause it’s not their fault they were put in this scenario. I think I’ve actually answered this for them before also lol 
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I’m not 100% sure what this question means sadly but I’ll try to answer it based on my guess as to what it means. When I created her I was thinking she could have some conflict with Cirillo and also give him and Angel another personality to interact with, since the two of them would be using him for different aims. This is no longer how it is at all but that’s what the setup was originally. That might not be what it means by inspiration but I’m so so tired right now and i can’t think of anything else so that’s the answer I’m going with.
The first thing I decided about them like after coming up with their initial concept was actually something I ended up getting rid of LMAO originally their whole motivation was a long con revenge scheme against their nemesis who they absolutely hated and would do anything to destroy. Their hatred of this enemy would be morally correct but then they’d do terrible things in pursuit of revenge. But yeah I ended up not using this. The first thing I decided that I ended up keeping though ummm probably that she had some kind of connection with the stars/the night sky in general? Like stars were incorporated into her character design from pretty early on and I think I also decided she would just like enjoy watching the night sky pretty soon as well.
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bubblehorse · 2 years
💥, 🍩,🌙, 🍃, 🕷️, 🙉, ✂️, 🔪, 🎵, ❇️, 🌠, ☄️, 💚, 💙 ^^
GOOD GRIEF MEVE!! Here you go:
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Brie is awful about bottling up their anger until it spills over. Most often they will try to vent it out through physical activity, but voicing their anger in a constructive manner is difficult.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Brie has a ravenous sweet tooth, and favors anything made by their mothers or siblings.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
If asked, Brioche will profess that their greatest wish is to ensure their family is safe, happy, and successful. Deep down, their real greatest wish is to feel secure in an identity and personal pursuits not wholly enmeshed with the Kavaro family and the bakery they’ve been running since childhood.
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
Brie LOVES running around outside and exploring the forests surrounding their hometown (and beyond), particularly to forage for funky (and edible-safe!!) new ingredients. Preferably while barefoot.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Brie simultaneously fears and desires freedom from their family obligations — they want to cast off the weight of parentification thats been put upon them and find their own way, but fear pursuing that will see them ostracized entirely. They also susceptible claustrophobia.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
“Don’t come back. / “I never want to see you again.”
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Poor Brioche will forgive and forgive and forgive any number of injuries against them, but has a markedly low tolerance for the same against their loved ones. Making Brie let go of someone entirely means they’ll likely be leaving claw marks behind.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame
Brie, used to being The Oldest Sibling and The Responsible One, will always blame themselves first. Unless Ging is involved. Then it’s Ging’s fault, no contest.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
I heavily associate Brioche individually with ABBA. Two songs I’ve attached to theirs and Kite’s relationship are “Thank you, my twilight” by the pillows and “Always Forever” by Cults.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
As a child, Brie values the red bicycle they use for bakery deliveries the most As an adult Hunter and Nen user, their most prized possession is their field notebook used for jotting down recipe ideas and potential applications for their Nen-infused foods.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Put him back.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
It’s easy assume that Gourmet Hunter Brioche, with their blonde hair and pink blouse, is weak and inexperienced in combat. Uttering these assumptions aloud will leave one scorched with Brie’s Nen flames until well-done.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Brioche needs physical contact constantly. They’re very touchy-feely and are most comforted in the big spoon position, wrapping their arms around Kite.
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
See above — the lack of physical touch will kill Brie more than anything. They’re perfectly capable of functioning and continuing their own tasks alone, but will conduct their whole day with an undercurrent of pining.
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hibiscus-ships · 3 years
🧬 Mew, 🏮 Jirachi, 🌠 Deoxys, 💎 Diancie & 🐱 Zeraora for any of your f/os ~ rebeccaselfships
I am putting this under a read more because I clearly had a l o t to say about my boys. I chose a different f/o for each ask! 🌺
Ask game: Mythical Pokemon Edition! Send me a Pokemon and/or corrensponding emoji and I'll tell you more about an f/o!
🧬 Mew: While I know that he’s mostly famous for being a super hot rock star, I genuinely wish that more people would recognize Klavier’s intelligence and overall skill as a prosecutor. He became a prosecutor at 17, and despite everything (including his brother’s influence) he became a prosecutor who genuinely shows interest in seeking the truth when so many other people in his field just…don’t. And of course, learning how to play an instrument at his level takes a certain amount of skill as well!!! What I’m saying is: Klavier is actually very smart and I love him.
🏮 Jirachi: The pining stage for Elliott and I lasted for almost a y e a r. However, I fell for him almost straight away because a) he was very cute and b) we had quite a few things in common! (being fairly new to Pelican Town, trying to further our actual dreams, our love of the ocean, the fact that we were both initially quite lonely, you get it.)
🌠 Deoxys: Jakurai and I are both introverted people with thick outer shells who very much enjoy their peace and quiet, but anyone who gets to know us will find out that we fall more into the “opposites attract” camp. I’m blunt, crass, and pretty open about how I feel when I’m amongst friends. Jakurai is elegant, refined, and a lot more reserved. However, our differences actually don’t cause a whole lot of problems. Jakurai has always had a soft spot for strange individuals, and he’s told me that he admires the fact that I’m always ready to stand up for what’s important to me. (I could probably expand upon this later now that I think about it.)
💎 Diancie: Kaoru is typically very calculating when it comes to gift-giving, to the point where he sometimes relies on Carla to let him know which gifts would be appropriate for certain events. If I’m deeply invested in a certain video game or show, he’ll search for merch related to it and try to surprise me with something later. I get him calligraphy supplies that I know he’d appreciate, but I’m also super into knitting, so I’ve made him gifts too! He really loves the projects that I gift him.
🐱 Zeraora: Thanks to Alucard’s shapeshifting powers, he technically already has several fursonas in a weird, roundabout way. However, I definitely associate him with the Honduran White Bat, and I tease him about it regularly. He sometimes shapeshifts into one just to humor me, but I think he secretly enjoys it when I hold him in my hands and give him little scritches.
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painterofhorizons · 4 years
Thank you, friend, for the lovely ask! *hug* Excellent picks. <3
🕐When did you start writing? 
I mean... technically... before I could write, even. I have always been drawing stories as a child (like literally one of my fav thing to draw was house interiors with little characters inside and have them have adventures). Then the first situation I recall of having writing acknowledged was in fifth grade when we were supposed to write a story in language class and I wrote a fanfiction for a book series I was reading back then and the teacher (hello Mr. Petersen!) encouraged me to write more about it. Then in 2000 I started writing Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fanfic with friends, years before I discovered that fanfic is a thing that others do, too. Stumbled upon fanfiktion.de in early 2005. Have been there active ever since.
So yes, literally, I started writing (fiction) before I could even write. And I have never stopped and don’t plan to do.
🌠What is your favourite genre to write? 
*nervously looks left and right* I guess we can all agree it is hurt/comfort, can’t we? @sheeplessthings @calendergirlff BUT. I also come to like domestic fluff a lot recently (blame 2020 I guess, the year is bad enough already). And people being in (all kinds of) love with each other. But h/c is my comfort zone I guess.
💻Describe your ideal writing space. 
Oh this is such a good one. So most of all: my perfect writing space is a free saturday. Like when I have a whole day not planned for anything, can put chores aside AND am striked by an idea. Then the perfect writing situation really is just devoting myself to write all day long.
Might or might not involve music playing in the background (I used to listen to music while writing all the time but recently I cannot concentrate on writing when I listen to music, again, blame 2020 eating up my brain). Often TV running in the background though for some white noise. Ideally I sit with my laptop on my bed or when I am on vacation somewhere on the couch and just write and just fully self-indulde in the moment.
So as for a ‘space‘ I think I do prefer my home, because I got nowhere to be then and no people interrupting (I’m not the café writer type) and I can do other things when I feel like and then go back to writing.
Now I really wish for such a day to happen again soon. Those are the good days. <3
Thank you for giving me happy writing feels with these questions! *big hug*
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skydinzeal · 2 years
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☀️(Continued from a few days ago) I made this Enochian ring over 10 years ago. American psychic Edgar Casey said of star rubies that the ancients (possibly Atlanteans) used them to summon ANGELS and demons! 🌠 Even in the 3/4 view you can still see the interior crystalline structure bouncing they light round the way star rubies do. If you wish a ring or pendant from me with a similar strange or supernatural quality to it simply requested upon ordering and I will find it for you! 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I made this ring over 10 years ago, if you'd like something I promise it will be even better! I've always been able to get great star rubies and if you purchase a pendant or ring from me simply ask for one and I'll get a very magical one for you indeed! I don't charge anywhere near retail I charge what I pay! That is because I want to reward my customers for allowing me to live another day. 💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌 For many years I've hosted magical events on Norse & Egyptian spiritual practices @ NYC's Edgar Cayce & Meta Centers! DM to B in the KNOW when my events are coming to your city! 🔭🌠💜👽✨ I am still trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen. I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to sell my jewelry. I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge social media reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat, but there's one thing I won't do and that's be complacent! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! . . . . . . #edgarcayce #enochian #atlantis #atlantean . . . #pleiadianstarseed #cropcircles #alienartifact #aliensymbols #futuristicdesign #metaphysicalart #STARSEEDart #CONSCIOUSNESS #ANCIENtaliens #ASCENSION #PLEIADIAN #starseed #surrealart #paranormal #disclosure #reptilian #sacredgeometry #Spiritualart #ashtar #metaphysical #handmade #handmadespiritual #handmadeart #fantasyart #futuristicart #scifiart (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcZt5S0Okv2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mamiinthemiddle · 2 years
✨ | when was the last time you wished upon a star? did your wish come true?
That’s a tough one, I can’t say that I honestly remember the last time I saw a shooting star to wish on! 🌠🥺 Right now I’m wishing for more Tumblr friends! 👉🏾👈🏾✨
🌙 | do you like bedtime stories? which is your favorite?
I LOVE bedtime stories, reading before bed is so relaxing! Hmm… my favorite?? Maybe, Where The Wild Things Are 💕 🌙 I’m also happy to read any of my mutuals a bedtime story! 😇😚
˗ˏˋ little emoji asks ˎˊ˗
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pupptstring · 9 months
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「 🌠 」   pause menu  » ooc
「 🌠 」   when you wish upon a star  » ask
「 🌠 」   the stalkers  » anon
「 🌠 」   missions  » thread
「 🌠 」   dance with me all through the night  » open
「 🌠 」   puppet workshop  » memes
「 🌠 」   repairing stargazers  » plotting call
「 🌠 」   following butterflies  » promo
「 🌠 」   the grand covenant  » pinned
「 🌠 」   as dreamers do   » save
「 🌠 」  mamma mia! a wooden boy!  » crack
「 🌠 」   mischievous wooden puppet  » banter
「 🌠 」   scouting  » dash comm
「 🌠 」   leveling up  » dash game
「 🌠 」   recharging  » queue
「 🌠 」   the krat hotel  » idle
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