#⤷ ruby h.【 ❝ i will find him and kill the man who killed mum. ❞ 】images.
yoakkemae · 11 months
tag drop: h//oshino r//uby & h//oshino a//quamarine
⤷ ruby h.【 ❝ it's impossible to become famous in this world by being pure and honest. ❞ 】interactions.
⤷ ruby h.【 ❝ i hate people who have a loose tongue. ❞ 】character study.
⤷ ruby h.【 ❝ i will find him and kill the man who killed mum. ❞ 】images.
⤷ ruby h.【 ❝ life can end before you get a chance to accomplish anything. ❞ 】analysis.
⤷ aqua h.【 ❝ lying is the best way to protect yourself. ❞ 】interactions.
⤷ aqua h.【 ❝ people die easily. when they scream for help you have to help them before it's too late. ❞ 】analysis.
⤷ aqua h.【 ❝ and now i begin my revenge play. ❞ 】images.
⤷ aqua h.【 ❝ i'm already here so i might as well cause some trouble. ❞ 】character study.
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Chapter 1: Blast from the Past
(from the My Girl Trilogy: Stay Mine)
…in which the ghosts from their past come knocking on their doors.
Word count: 6.5k
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N, (4-year age gap).
Wattpad link
I wrote this chapter before Eroda/Adore You came out so the goldfish thing was totally a coincidence lmao.
When Harry was six, he had a goldfish.
He'd asked for a dog for his birthday, but his mother didn't think he was responsible enough to take care of a dog, so she bought him a fish instead. Despite not being as cool as a puppy, the goldfish was actually a great companion, and Harry loved him a lot. He called him Mr. Finny.
Mr. Finny died a week after coming home. It took Harry a month to get over Mr. Finny's death for it was his first experience of losing something that meant a lot to him.
He was too little when his father went away. He was four, and his sister was six — the same age as him when he lost Mr. Finny. So he guessed it had been rough for both his mum and Gemma to deal with such a big loss. He'd had nightmares for a whole week after losing his goldfish, imagine losing a person.
Losing things were easier because things couldn't walk away from you and if you couldn't find them, you could just replace them with something new and better. With people, you couldn't do that. Once you'd lost them, you could lose them forever. Just like goldfishes, even if Harry had found another one that looked exactly the same, it just wasn't Mr. Finny.
Ruby was his second experience of loss which had taken a heavy toll on him. He had lost a part of himself when he lost her. But then he found a better piece to fill that empty space when he returned to Holmes Chapel for Y/N's mother's funeral. They had both lost someone they loved, but they found each other, and now they were exactly where they wanted to be.
They had spent the last month of the summer travelling around Europe after attending Niall's concert in Italy and a friend's movie premiere in Paris. Y/N had only agreed to go because she couldn't say no to Paris, but she was genuinely happy during the trip, which made him happy too.
That was only until summer was over.
There was no perfect timing for finding out your loved one had passed away, but it certainly shouldn't have been at the airport just five minutes after he'd landed in London. It was Gemma who called and broke the news to him. She said their mother was devastated and they needed him to come home, so he immediately called his chauffeur to pick him up at the airport, and of course, Y/N wouldn't let him go alone.
Harry wasn't very close to his stepdad, but he loved the guy because he'd made his mother happy. Now she cried herself to sleep every night like she used to when Harry's father left. Harry had never thought he'd see her like that again, but he guessed it had taught him something new about loss.
Mr. Finny died because Harry had overfed him. He lost Ruby the same way, by loving her too much. When he tried not to love someone more than they loved him, he ended up losing his Bambi. Then there was his mum and his stepdad, who'd had a beautiful and healthy marriage, until death stepped in and took him away. Loss had no expiration date, people did. And no matter how old you were or how hard you tried, you would keep losing people anyway.
"Harry, wake up! Wake up!"
The first thing Harry saw when he opened his eyes was two bright eyes staring right back at him. He blinked fast, trying to get a grip on reality when he felt his girlfriend snuggle her face into his neck.
"You're safe, baby. I'm here," she said as he pulled her closer.
It was the third time that week Harry had had a nightmare. The first time was when he'd just got back to London after the funeral. The second time was just two nights ago.
"Is it the same dream?" Y/N asked. She seemed very concerned, so he gave her a smile and pressed his lips against her forehead.
"You didn't even leave a note this time," he said. "I came to your place and someone else was living there."
"No wonder you kept asking, 'where is she?' in your sleep." His girlfriend chuckled as she combed her fingers through his unruly hair. He loved it when she did that, it always calmed him down.
"I'm sorry I woke you up," he said with a pouty face.
"Nah, woke up a long time ago. I was watching you sleep."
"Shut up. You love me."
"I do." Harry grinned as she got on top, straddling his waist and holding his face between her palms.
"You know, you can talk to me about anything that's bothering you, no matter how trivial you think it is."
"I know." He nodded. "I've been stressed out lately, that's all."
Y/N didn't seem to believe him but she knew him too well to continue asking questions. She leaned down, her lips brushing against his and her hand going from his chest, down to his belly button, and under the covers. His soft gasp turned into a moan, making her smile devilishly.
"Let me help you relax, yeah?" she whispered into his mouth, tasting every sound he made while pumping him agonisingly slow. "God, you're so hard. Is this for me?"
"Fuck, Bambi."
"Say you're hard for me."
"I'm—I'm hard for you."
"Hmm," she hummed and bit lightly onto his bottom lip. "It's so big in my hand, always makes me feel so full. God, I want your big cock in my tight—"
"Move in with me."
If a four-word sentence could instantly kill the mood, that would be it.
"What?" Y/N's face was almost paralyzed when she pulled away.
Harry had blurted out many things he shouldn't have said during sex with other people, like those couple of times he had called out her name instead of whoever he was with. But never had he been more embarrassed than this moment right now.
Cheeks turning red, the man sat up with his back resting against the headboard. His girlfriend was kneeling in front of him with her hands on her knees and waiting for him to break the silence.
"I'm sorry, I—I didn't...didn't mean that."
"You didn't?"
"Well, no. I mean...yeah, I did, but I—"
What the fuck are you rambling on about, Styles?
"I-I do want that. I want you to move in with me," he blurted with his eyes squeezed shut and when he finally opened them, she was staring at her hands, not at him anymore. He knew that question had come out at the worst moment, but he hadn't expected her reaction to be like this.
"You—you want me to live here?" She raised both eyebrows, pointing down. "In this house?"
"Yeah. I mean, you're basically living here now. It's not like anything has to change."
"It changes a lot, H. I love my flat and I...well, I just—You know..." Now it was her turn to stutter. "I mean, are you...sure this is what you want? We've only been together for three months."
"We've known each other for twelve years, Bambi."
It wasn't exactly an answer, but he had a feeling that it was. To say the least, he was disappointed.
"Look, it's okay. Let's just...just forget I ever asked. I'm sorry for making this weird."
"No, no! I—"
When she paused, he guessed she was trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for how she'd reacted, not an answer. But after a moment, she glanced back up and told him, "can I have more time to think?"
"Of course." He nodded quickly. "Take as much time as you need."
So that was a maybe, he assumed. A maybe was still better than a no, even though most of the time when someone said maybe, they actually meant to say no.
"You know I love you, right?" she spoke after a quiet moment. "Because I do. A lot. It's just—"
Before she could finish the sentence, he smashed his lips against hers. She tend to ramble when she got nervous or excited and that was the fastest and most effective way to shut her up. She called him rude for it but never seemed to mind.
Slowly, Harry pulled away, letting his lips brush hers. He loved the way she was gazing at him with hooded eyes and their foreheads against each other. He clasped his hands on either side of her face and whispered slowly, "I'll wait for your answer. Whatever it is, I'll love you anyway "
Y/N’s reply was only a hurried nod as she pulled him in and kissed him again.
They stopped the discussion there and went on with their usual morning routines: sex, shower, sex in the shower, breakfast, then him dropping her off at campus, and them sitting in the car for five minutes straight because she was too nervous to go on her own.
Normal people returned to uni after the summer with a new haircut or a new nose, not a new millionaire boyfriend who just happened to be a famous actor. Y/N kept telling herself she would eventually get used to it, but everyday passed by and she kept wondering when that would be.
"Want me to hold your hand?" Harry asked when he noticed the way she was pinching her thighs, and without waiting for an answer, interlocked his fingers with hers.
When they were little, she used to ask him to hold her hand as they walked to school on the day of an exam. Exams made her anxious, and even though holding his hand didn't solve that problem, it did temporarily put her at ease. Now, everyday felt like exam day...
"Want me to walk you to class too?" he joked, smirking as she gave his shoulder a nudge. "Well, if you don't feel like going to class today, maybe we could just go home and have more sex."
Giggling, she booped his nose. "You're cute. But I think I'm gonna man up and get out of this car."
"That's my girl. Keep me updated?"
"Sure, baby. Have fun at the photoshoot."
Harry kissed the back of Y/N's hand when she opened the door, but he didn't let her go right away.
"Hey! You forgot something!" He pointed to his lips, pouting like a little boy.
"You're like my mum!" she grumbled before kissing him quickly. "Bye, mum!"
"Bye, sweetie! Be good in school!"
Y/N waved her boyfriend goodbye for the last time and walked straight ahead, ignoring all these strangers' eyes on her. It was insane how just a few months ago she was a nobody on this campus. She could have worn her pyjamas to lectures and nobody would've cared. But now she couldn't even leave home without having to make sure her outfit that day wouldn't get her trending on Twitter. To be honest, it was nice how he loved showing her off to the world and was proud of having her as a girlfriend. She really hoped their relationship would be considered normal once she'd become a famous writer. Well, if she became a famous writer.
"Another agent rejected me today!"
"Good morning to you too, Y/N!" Alice giggled as Y/N took a seat in front of her at the library desk. "Did they give you feedback this time?"
"Nope. Just 'wish you the best of luck in the future'. That was all they could come up with and they had the nerve to say no to my book!" Y/N breathed angrily and turned to see Alice raising an eyebrow at her. "Sorry. I got a bit riled up."
"Really? I couldn't tell."
Y/N chuckled as she jokingly flipped her friend off. "Anyway, I know I'm supposed to get used to rejection because JK Rowling also got rejected twelve times before becoming the JK Rowling but—"
"Y/N, Y/N," Alice cut her off and reached out to hold her hand. "Your book is great! I'm sure you'll find an agent who appreciates your talent. If not, you can always ask Harry to hook you up with someone."
"Taking advantage of my boyfriend's name and connections would be the last thing I would want to do, thank you," Y/N said while kneading her temples, making Alice laugh.
"It's only the third time you've been rejected. Relax!"
Y/N didn't know how to do that anymore.
It wasn't just her book. It was also Harry, their relationship, and her newfound 'fame'. Maybe people didn't want to work with her because of what they'd heard. Maybe they were afraid that she'd be known as Harry Styles' girlfriend and not for her writing. Or maybe her book just wasn't good enough. Either way, it sucked.
But those things were just minor problems at the moment. Alice must have thought they were driving her crazy, but the truth was, she was so stressed out about her boyfriend's question that even the tiniest problem could trigger her. She wished she could've just said yes. In fact, she had almost said yes. After all, he had a good point. It wouldn't make a big difference because they were practically living together now. Still, there was something so scary about moving in with someone you'd only been dating for three months.
If something happened and you two broke up, you wouldn't have a place to go back, physically and emotionally, which was why she never wanted to rely on him. She needed to make sure that she could still get back up on her own if something went wrong. Y/N just didn't know how to explain that without making it sound like she was sceptical about their relationship. She had never been more sure about anything else. But then again, nobody could predict the future. And seeing how fragile he was after losing his stepfather, she didn't think it'd be a good idea to have this conversation now.
The high-pitched voice pulled Y/N back to reality. She and Alice both looked up and saw a brunette with the kind of smile that they would put on the university's brochures. Without waiting for Y/N to figure out if they'd met before, the girl extended her hand and said enthusiastically, "my name is Mandy and um...I'm a big fan of Harry...your boyfriend. Nice to meet you!"
"Oh, okay...Hi.” Y/N smiled awkwardly as she shook the girl's hand. Meanwhile, Alice was trying her best not to crack up.
Mandy happily went on, "there's a new club opening tonight and I'm going there with my friends for a girls' night. So if you're interested, you should totally come with us."
"I appreciate that you asked but—"
"We'll be there for sure!"
Y/N's jaw dropped when Alice gave her an unapologetic grin after taking the offer on her behalf. Mandy, however, seemed overjoyed. "Great!" She clasped both hands together. "I'll send you the address on Instagram. My friends will be so happy to meet you."
The girl left as quickly as she'd arrived, but Y/N was still sitting there and staring at Alice with her mouth agape. It took her a moment to speak, "no! I won't be there! Are you insane? This is a trap!"
"Y/N, don't be crazy."
"They want me to come so they can pull some shit and embarrass me!"
"Or..." Alice lifted her shoulders, "they just hope you'll bring your celebrity boyfriend. If he can't make it, they still get to hang out with his girlfriend. It's a win-win situation."
Sucking in a breath, Y/N blew out her cheeks and ran her hands over her face.
"It's been hard, isn't it?" Alice asked.
"So fucking hard!"
"Don't worry, big sis. I'll be your bodyguard tonight."
Y/N rested her head on one hand while Alice was holding her other. It didn't feel as good as when Harry did it, but it'd do for tonight. She hoped so.
Before the drama last year, her life used to revolve around partying, drinking, and writing. Now she spent most of her time on her own or with Harry, and as much as she enjoyed this new lifestyle, she still missed the good old days.
Thanks to Alice's motivational talks, she had gained enough confidence to let herself be excited for tonight. She had put on makeup and a cute outfit and even curled her hair. She was ready to have fun. But all that excitement only lasted until she arrived at the club.
"Is that Harry Styles' girlfriend?" someone said as soon as she walked in.
People were staring at her like she'd shown up in her sleeping gown, but she turned a blind eye to them all and followed her new friends to the bar. It might take more than a couple of drinks for her to relax.
Alice, on the other hand, was really enjoying the atmosphere and bobbing her head to the loud rock song she normally wouldn't listen to.
"What's with the long face? Have some fun, sis!" she told Y/N, who responded with a snort and a side-eyed look. She was just about to say something to justify her being awkward when a guy and a girl walked up to her and Alice and asked if they could have a picture with her. That had never happened before so Y/N could only smile as the guy handed Alice his phone.
"Right, I'm not dating an actor," Alice mumbled, rolling her eyes.
Y/N managed to contain herself until the strangers left and then started bouncing like a little girl. "I'm famous for no reason, Al! I feel like a Kardashian, but in a good way."
"I told you it wouldn't be so bad, didn't I? Come on, let's dance!"
Alice grabbed Y/N by the arm and dragged her to the dance floor. It was only then that Y/N allowed her body to move freely to the music. She loved the quiet life, but she relished the crazy fun times like this when there was no distraction and intrusion. Tonight she would be that main character in a rom-com, just having fun with her friends and not giving a fuck about anything else.
But then, she saw him.
Like a ghost, he disappeared and reappeared every time the light flicked from red to blue. Or maybe it was really a ghost that she'd seen. The thing about ghosts was that they weren't always the spirits of the dead, they could also be memories and people you had lost as you grew up, and sometimes those were the things that haunted you forever.
"Blake..." the name slipped out of her mouth as she watched the man say something to his friends and make his way to the nearest exit.
Her entire body went stiff. The music was muffled as the buzzing in her ears became louder and louder. She'd had only one drink, she couldn't have been so drunk that she started seeing things that didn't exist. That could've been someone who looked like him. Someone with the exact crooked smile, black hair, and pale eyes. She told herself that only to push her way through the crowd and go after the man.
Just like Alice in Wonderland, she knew she shouldn't have followed the white rabbit, but she was too curious to let him go. What if it really was Blake? Then what? What would she do?
Before she could process those thoughts, a person bumped right into her at the door and almost knocked her over.
"Watch where you're going!" she snapped at them, but then her eyes were wide with shock. "Isaac?"
"Smiley!" Isaac exclaimed, looking more uneasy than happy to see her. "What...what are you doing here?"
"Girls' night out." She pointed to Alice and the girls. "What about you?"
"Oh, I'm here...um..with a friend. Are you in a hurry?"
Y/N glanced back to the exit, staring longingly for a moment and then heaved a sigh. "No, I thought I saw someone I knew, but...never mind. What's happening with you?" she changed the subject. "I haven't seen or heard from you since the funeral. Harry is having dinner with Niall tonight, I thought you were with them."
"Well, Niall asked me to come but I've got plans," Isaac said, staring at the drink in his hand.
She found it odd that they hadn't made eye contact for more than a second, but she didn't want to think too much about it right now.
"About the funeral..." he trailed off. "How's H?"
"Where do I even start?"
"It's that bad?"
"Well, he keeps saying he's fine but I don't think he is," she breathed. "His mother is heartbroken and he cannot stay with her because he still has to go to work."
"That's awful..."
"Yeah, he's been worrying too much about Anne that he doesn't give himself time to grieve."
Isaac didn't respond as he threw his head back and gulped the rest of his drink. He seemed nervous and distracted tonight, which was nothing like him. Was there something about this club that got people acting strange?
"So where's your friend?" Y/N changed the subject again to help him loosen up, but if anything, it only made him tenser.
"My friend?" He cleared his throat. "Yeah, about that, I—"
Y/N turned around when she heard her name, and in front of her was a girl, brunette and petite. She skipped the introduction and jumped right in for a hug and Y/N's first instinct was to shove her away.
"What the fuck? Who the fuck are you?!"
"My name is Emilia," the girl said abruptly. "Emilia Styles..."
"Is this some kind of joke?" Y/N snorted and squinted her eyes at Isaac, but Emilia didn't give the man a chance to think of a response.
"I thought you said she knew! Were you lying to me?"
"Please let me explain! Emi!"
"What the fuck?!" Y/N caught his wrist before he could run after the girl. "How about you explain to me what just happened!"
"Look, Smiley. I gotta—"
"No!" She gritted her teeth, her grip only tightened. "You're not going anywhere until I have my answer! Did she say her name was Styles?!"
Isaac tossed his head back and took a deep breath while Y/N was patiently waiting for his explanation. He was stuttering again. It'd all he'd been doing tonight and she'd thought it was weird at first, but now it was really getting on her nerves.
"She's Harry's half-sister," he finally said. And Y/N stilled for a second.
"Harry doesn't have a—" Then, it hit her. "Oh, fuck..."
"Yeah..." Isaac gave a nod when her fingers loosened around his wrist and she eventually let him go.
"Does Harry know?"
"No." He shook his head. "I met her in a cafe two months ago."
"Have you met...him?"
The man swallowed and slowly shook his head again. "But he...um...he knows about me and that I'm friends with Harry."
"So let me get this straight." Y/N took a few steps backwards until she was standing against the wall. "You've known this girl for two months and you haven't said anything to us?"
"I couldn't. You two were in Europe and then there was the funeral. I didn't want to break this news to Harry when he'd just lost his stepfather!"
"Then why did you tell Emilia that I knew about her?!"
"I fucked up, okay?!" Isaac buried his face into his palms, his head hung low. Y/N had never seen him like this before. He was supposed to be the one who kept people calm no matter how bad the situation was. He was Isaac. The Isaac she knew never freaked out!
"She was very eager to meet Harry," Isaac uttered as he tugged at his hair and ignored the look of doubt she was giving him. "She asked me to introduce her to you both but—"
"But you knew Harry wouldn't want to meet her, and you didn't want to let her down, so you lied."
That wasn't even a question because it was the answer. And honestly, Y/N didn't know how to feel about this. Disappointed? Maybe. Worried? Yes. Probably scared too. There was no way Harry could take this news better than she had.
"You're telling him tomorrow."
"You heard me." She crossed her arms. "You're only making it worse by keeping a secret from him."
"Didn't you just say he was going through a lot?"
"Yes. That's why you can't let him find out the truth by himself, he has to hear it from you."
Isaac opened his mouth to argue, but he came up with nothing because she was right. There was no excuse for him to continue keeping this a secret.
"I will," he said at last and she finally let go of that sigh of relief. "But please don't say anything to him. I'll talk to him first thing in the morning."
"Alright." Y/N bowed her head. So much for a fun night, she told herself.
"Stop checking your phone, Harold!"
"Sorry, I just—"
"Put it away!" Niall said as he reached across the table and turned off Harry's screen. "I didn't take you out to dinner so you could stare at the screen all night. Were you even listening to what I was saying?"
"Yes, you were telling me about your ex, Beth."
"Yeah, her." Harry shrugged and drank down the last of his wine.
"Who were you texting?" Niall gestured at his phone, raising an eyebrow. "Was it Y/N?"
"No, she's out with her friends. I'm waiting for her to text me back."
"Chill out, mum." The singer chortled as he leaned back in his chair. "You remind me of my high school girlfriend who didn't give me space."
"I'm not clingy!"
"Didn't say you were. You said it yourself."
Harry rolled his eyes at his best friend's snarky remark but then went on anyway, "I'm just afraid she's mad at me or something."
"Why? What happened?"
"This might be embarrassing but," he said with a pause, "I asked her to move in with me...right when we were about to have sex."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah...It's dumb. I know."
"Fuck yeah it's dumb!" Niall slammed his hand on the table and three other people turned to look at him but he didn't care. "Well? What did she say?"
"She said she'd think about it, but I might have scared her a little."
"Or maybe you're just overthinking." Niall calmly adjusted his napkin and poured himself another glass of wine. "Being angry about something so insignificant just doesn't sound like Y/N to me. I think you should ask her how she really feels."
Harry put down his phone at last, his eyebrows furrowed. "Should I?"
"Why not? I know this whole serious relationship thing is new to you but communication is key. I mean, just look at me and Jess."
"You were together for a week and I haven't even met her."
"Exactly! That's why you don't wanna end up like us, Harold."
For almost seven years they'd been friends, that was the first time Niall had given him good relationship advice. So Harry decided to listen to the man and stop by his girlfriend's place after dinner.
He left her a text to let her know he was coming, but she probably didn't bother to check her phone. Why couldn't she be one of those people who couldn't live without their phones? He loved that about her, but her missing his texts and calls constantly could be frustrating.
Harry was out of breath when he climbed five floors to get to his girlfriend's flat. It'd been over a year, and the lift was still broken. How could she do this everyday? If he was her, he would've moved out as soon as he could; but he didn't come tonight to tell her that, of course.
Before Harry could ring the doorbell, his phone buzzed with two new messages.
⌲ Grumpy Little Deer: I'm almost home.
⌲ Grumpy Little Deer: You won't believe who I saw at the club.
He was just about to ask who it was, but then he heard footsteps going up the stairs.
Y/N appeared with a weary smile and immediately went in for a long passionate kiss. She smelled like alcohol mixing with the sweet scent of perfume that he loved, and he almost whined when she pulled away.
"What's that?" she asked, staring at the paper bag in his hand.
"Oh, right." He smacked his forehead, chuckling. "I thought you might be hungry, so I bought you noodles from your favourite Chinese restaurant."
"Aww, yes! I'm really hungry," she said and kissed him on the cheek. "I swear I've gained a lot of weight since we started dating."
"Your perfect boyfriend puts all your exes to shame, doesn't he?" Harry popped his dimples at his own joke, but she said nothing and only smiled in return.
"So, earlier at the club—"
"Wait!" He grabbed her hand. "Before you tell the story, can I say something first? It's kind of important."
"Oh, okay, s-sure." Y/N nodded, looking a bit worried and puzzled as he sucked in a shaky breath.
"I want to..um...apologise for this morning. I think I came off as a bit too pushy when I asked you to move in with me. You're not ready yet, and it's fine if you want to say no. Just know that I would never pressure you into doing anything you're not comfortable with. And if you think I'm being too clingy, you can tell me anytime."
"What are you talking about? You're not clingy." The girl squinted her eyes as she cupped his cheeks. "Baby, you're not. I love being around you."
"Really?" Harry said under his breath, his lips curved into a bashful smile.
"Absolutely!" She scoffed. "So don't you ever say that again or I'll—"
Without letting her finish, he pulled her closer to a full-body contact and buried his face into the crook of her neck, freezing her to the spot. His strong grip had told her everything he didn't want to say, and the story that'd been on her mind since she left the club had gone out of the window.
After a quiet moment, he pulled away and another smile appeared. "Who did you see at the club?" he asked.
Y/N's brain started screaming 'Blake, Blake, Blake' as her lips parted and she began to stutter, but what came out of her mouth wasn't that name.
It was, "your half-sister."
Watching his smile slip slowly, she wished she could just take back those words. She was supposed to tell him she'd seen Blake, or at least someone who looked like Blake, and nearly had a heart attack on the dance floor. But she had chickened out and ended up breaking the promise to Isaac. She had never felt shittier.
"H-How?" was all he said, his trembling fingers were withdrawn from her face.
"I ran into Isaac," she admitted. "He was with this girl...Her name was Emilia. He said she was your half-sister..."
Harry's face twisted before slowly turning blank. Y/N felt her heart pounding in her chest as she started second-guessing what his next move would be. She expected him to say something. Anything. But then he shoved the paper bag in her hand and stormed off, leaving her no choice but to chase him down the stairs.
"Okay, where the fuck is she?!"
"Harry!" Y/N shouted when her boyfriend shoved Isaac aside and charged into his living room. She stood at the door, pale with fright, and the regretful look in her big eyes had told Isaac everything he needed to know.
He clenched his jaw, staring her down in disbelief. "You fucking told him?"
"Do not speak to her that way!"
"You need to calm down, mate," Isaac told Harry as Y/N rushed forward to stand between them, pushing them apart.
"Calm down?" Harry laughed bitterly. "You don't get to tell me to calm down, mate."
"Baby, please, don't—"
"And don't fucking raise your voice at my girl. She told me the truth, which you've been keeping from me for two fucking months!"
Isaac stayed quiet, only giving Y/N one last glance before turning away. She knew what that look meant. If she was Isaac, she wouldn't forgive herself either.
"Why...why don't we all sit down and...and talk about this?" she stuttered, one hand holding her boyfriend's shoulder, the other pressing against his chest, but neither of the men paid attention to her now.
"Why did she come to you?"
"She didn't come to me. I met her by accident." Isaac drew in a long breath. "It's a long story, so please calm down and then we'll talk."
As Harry leaned on Y/N for support, Isaac leaned against the door. Once the silence had filled up the room, Isaac was the first to speak.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier...All of this is my fault. But Emilia didn't lie about who she was, H. She's shown me photos of her parents."
"So you haven't met him?" Harry glanced back up to meet his best friend's gaze. "That man."
"No." Isaac rubbed the back of his neck. "But Emilia told him about you and he wanted to see you."
"Bullshit." Harry exhaled a laugh as he looked away, his lips drew back in a snarl. "That fucking asshole could've 'wanted to see me' twenty years ago, but guess what?"
"I know you're mad at him—"
"No, not at all!" Harry chimed in, interrupting Isaac. "You can only be mad at the people you care about. And I don't want to have anything to do with that man or his family."
"Emilia did nothing wrong. If you would at least talk to her—"
"I don't fucking care. Tell this Emilia girl I don't want to see her and I don't want her to bother the people I love."
Isaac tossed his head back and inhaled deeply when Harry stormed out of the room, but Y/N was still standing there, tugging at her earlobe.
"I'm so sorry, I—"
"Please leave," he cut her off, putting his head in his hands.
"No, you don't get it. I didn't tell him on purpose!"
"Y/N." The way he said her name made her shiver. "Just leave."
Y/N clenched her fists as her shoulders slumped. He didn't even look at her when he called her by her name, not Smiley, so she guessed she should go. Enough damage had already been done tonight.
She left his house with her head hung, and he slammed the door right behind her. She deserved that. But Harry didn't. Now he was sitting in his car with his forehead on the steering wheel and didn't even flinch when she got in and shut the door. So she sat there for almost a minute, just pinching her thighs, not knowing how to start.
"I'm so sorry," he spoke, at last, his voice was shaking as he lifted his head to look at her. "I don't want to get angry and raise my voice when you're around. Like...like that night in the hospital."
"But you weren't yelling at me."
"Still, I shouldn't have yelled. Whenever I yell, I lose someone I care about," he whispered, twisting the silver signet ring she'd given him on his birthday. "Do you think I'm a bad person for not wanting to see that girl?"
"Of course not." She took his hand away from the ring and placed it on her thigh. "The only bad person here is your dad. And you shouldn't let his mistake many years ago make you feel like this is your fault."
With a gentle smile, Harry reached out his hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. He looked into her eyes, thinking for a bit. "You know, I used to wish he would come back one day. I believed that would fix everything and our family would be happy again. But as I grew up, I realised some people left for a reason. And most of the time, it was the same reason they should never return. I-I just...What if he tries to get back in touch with my mum? I don't want him to ruin everything, Bambi...Not again."
"He won't. We won't let him." She held his neck and stroked his cheek with her thumb. "I'm sure Isaac will respect your decision and ask the girl and her father to stay away. Everything will be fine."
Neither of them knew for sure what could happen next, but hearing it from her put him at ease. Pressing her lips against his, Y/N gave him a reassuring smile. "Want me to hold your hand?"
"Yes, please," he said, making her chuckle as their fingers intertwined.
"You're not coming up?"
"No, thank you.” Harry put on a grin as he watched his Bambi unbuckle her seatbelt and open the door. "I think it's better if I spend some time on my own."
"See? You wouldn't get this option if we lived together," she said and snorted when he raised an eyebrow. "Too soon?"
"Sorry." Beaming, she folded him in her arms and gave him a chaste kiss. "Goodnight, baby. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Bambi, wait."
Harry quickly rolled down the window as she turned back, putting one hand on the top of his car.
"I forgot to ask you if you had fun with your new friends."
"Oh, yeah..." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, smiling at her feet. "They were nice. And some random people asked for a photo with me!"
"Ooh, you're famous for no reason now, like the Kardashians, but in a good way."
The way her nose crinkled when she laughed never failed to make his heart jumpy.
"Goodnight, kid. I love you."
"I love you more," Y/N said before they shared one last kiss. And she stood there, waving goodbye until his car was gone.
It was 2 AM. Y/N felt like her legs were falling apart as she climbed all those stairs up to the fifth floor. After a whole year of filing complaints about the broken lift in this building, she had come to terms with the fact that they would never have it fixed. She could either suffer once in a while, or move in with Harry and never have to suffer again.
That should be added to the pros and cons list of living alone and moving in her boyfriend. She would make that list later, now she couldn't wait to fall into bed and sleep until noon.
Boyfriend: 1
Y/N: 0
Caught up in her random thoughts, Y/N almost didn't notice the empty boxes in the hallway. It seemed like someone had finally moved into the flat in front of hers, but honestly, she didn't care. She'd never talked to her old neighbours anyway, so it wouldn't matter if she didn't say hello to her new one.
The girl was digging through her bag to look for the key when she heard footsteps on the stairs. They stopped right behind her, then a familiar voice that she wished she hadn't recognised froze her to the spot.
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dr-tardis-who · 6 years
Angel Child
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Possible series: I’ve been working on this for a while. Give it a read, tell me what you think. Feedback is more than welcome with this one.
The group walk up to the stingy looking bar, a couple of girls scantily dressed offering seductive waves to Tom and Harrison in particular. Shadow just rolls his eyes at their antics having grown up in the area his whole life along, with knowing that his friend was the only one who could really help get Paddy back. Pushing the metal industrial looking door, the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and sex invades everyones nostrils causing Harrison to screw his face up in disgust. Shadow just makes his way over to the bar talking to a man with a dark mohawk, tattoos covering a majority of his body and white eyes. Tom takes in the rest of the bar, that to be honest is more like a seedy strip club with girls up on the small stage dancing for grotesque looking men. The music was a genre he couldn’t really recognise.
“Hey this way.’’ Shadow says leading Harrison, Tom and his family to the back door that lead to a little ally way that had a large skip bin, and a girl. She was dressed similarly to the others, but something about her was different maybe it was the black leather cinch that gave her more curves or the fact that she had a skirt that came just above her knees. He really wasn’t sure. Maybe it had to do with the cigarette that she smoking, each puff of smoke turning into some sort of animal before disappearing entirely.
“Shadow long time no see.’’ She says not bothering to look at them.
“Y/n keeping out of trouble?’’ Shadow says, that made the girl smirk this time she faces the group. One bright e/c eye shining and the other purple with gold flecks.
“Now if being good was easy, everyone would do it.’’ She states, “What are you doing here anyway?” She asks with a serious tone putting out her cigarette.
“These humans need your help.’’ Shadow starts, causing the girl to cock an eyebrow at the group.
“And what could humans possibly want from me?” She asks crossing her arms over her lace clad chest. Harrison couldn’t deny that she was incredibly attractive with h/l h/c hair and s/c skin. 
“Our son’s been taken.’’ Nikki says,
“I’m sorry but what has this got to do with me?” Y/n asks confused and getting irritated that her break was nearly over.
“He was taken by necromancers.’’ Shadow says causing the girl to freeze.
“Did they follow you here?” She asks slowly,
“I don’t know.’’ Shadow answers then there’s the sound of glass breaking inside the bar, Y/n grits her teeth pulling two swords out from behind the bin. She stares at the door that leads back into the bar with a clenched jaw in front of the group, her breathing incredibly calm for someone that’s been dreading this moment their whole life.
“Ah there she is, my favourite toy.’’ A dark male voice spits from behind the door, it creaks open slowly causing the girl to roll her eyes. Why did they have to be so bloody dramatic? she thinks to herself.
“Dante I would say it’s nice to see you but it’s really not.’’ She says, taking a moment to light a cigarette. The man only chuckles keeping the hood over the top part of his face, his black robes engulfing the rest of his body.
“Little girls should speak nicer to their masters.’’ He remarks his accent definitely European.
“You don’t own me fuck-tard.’’ She spits between puffs of smoke, before launching into an attack. With calculated movements she slices her swords through the air. The man clad in black dodges most of her attacks, she makes a few good hits winding him long enough to make a fatal blow to where his torso would be located. Slowly he disappears into dust. The girl breathing heavily her cigarette still between her plump lips.
“We better get out of here.’’ She says striding past the dumbfounded humans that a girl of her stature would capable to do that. They follow her back into the bar, people scampering to get out of the place as the figures in black slowly enter through the complex. Y/n rolls her eyes moving behind the bar with ease, moving a lever and opening a trap door.
“Everybody in.’’ She orders with a serious yet annoyed tone, no one argues as they move into the tight dark space. “Don’t make a sound I’ll get you when it’s safe.’’ She adds shutting a door with force. The humans try to calm their breathing, Harrison could see the girl on the other side of the bar pouring herself a drink of what he thought was vodka through the little hole, that was meant to filter fresh oxygen into the hiding place. He takes in how relaxed yet pissed off she seems, as she makes her way over to the old, dusty jukebox playing a song that causes a cheeky and flirtatious smirk to light up her face. He’s surprised that she was able to show any other emotion, aside from insanely pissed off. Her body moves to the beat of the music echoing through the building as she takes another swig of her drink. With ease she un-sheaths her swords, their poised ready to attack her first assailant. She still moves in beat with the music like a deadly, yet sexy dance, she dips, dodges and swings her blades across her body with an eerie elegance that he finds a little bit attractive. She swings her body around stabbing two figures at once, it’s clear that she’s not afraid to take a life if she has too. 
With heavy breaths the petite girl vanquishes the last necromancer with swift ease, a triumphant smile etches its way across her face as she takes one last swig of her drink.
“It’s safe now.’’ She says opening the door letting Shadow and the humans crawl out from under the bar. They look around inky black blood is splattered around the bar and on the swords. But there isn’t a scratch on her, not even a bruise. Just the slight heaving of her chest from using so much energy she’d been using.
“What are you?” Sam asks as the girl leans against the bar in a casual manner.
“Cursed.’’ She answers curtly before turning to Shadow. The werewolf rolling his hazel eyes.
“We should go.’’ She says he nods. The group collect themselves following the young girl out of the bar and into the dark street. The girl pokes her head out the door, taking a quick glance to see if it’s safe before venturing out. She steps out into the chilly night air, pulling her black leather jacket tighter to her lace and leather clad torso. She walks down the empty street, keeping to the shadows avoiding the light of the street lamps, the only sound of her heels clicking against the pavement. Harrison, Tom and his family following behind with confused and worried looks.
“Where are we going?” Tom asks,
“Somewhere safe.’’ Is her only reply, as she pulls a cigarette from her pocket, along with a metal zippo lighter with a dragon design on it. She sets the cigarette between her ruby lips, lighting it with ease. Taking a puff the smoke taking the shape of a bird, flying around before disappearing into nothing. For the rest of the way nothing is spoken.
They arrive at first glance looks like the slums of the area, the buildings scummy and falling apart. Tom gulps quietly as the girl walks into a what looks like an apartment building, he can’t be sure. He follows reluctantly, though when he walks in, he’s surprised that the interior is quite beautiful. Like he’s walked into the 1950′s, it was beautiful. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the pounding of feet running towards them, a little girl appeared from the hallway. emerald green, silky curly hair bouncing as she ran right into Y/n’s arms, bright purple eyes filled with happiness. The young woman held the little girl that looked about four maybe five, tightly kissing her forehead.
“I missed you aunty.’’ She says,
“Aunty?” Harrison questions as the woman stands up holding the little girl close,
“Yes. This is my god daughter Ophelia.’’ Y/n say with a soft smile, Harrison notices that it’s the first time he’s seen the girl show any emotion at all.
“Where’s mum bub?” Y/n asks the little girl who stares up at the group with curious eyes,
“In the kitchen, she said that we were expecting guests.’’ Ophelia replies, staring up at Nikki and Dom in particular. “Are you helping them?” She asks.
“Yes, I am.’’ Y/n answers, Ophelia seems happy by the answer, as she runs back down the entrance hallway.
“What is she?” Shadow asks watching the little girl disappear,
“Her mother’s a witch, and her father was a dream walker. So we don’t know her powers yet.’’ Y/n answers fondly.
“And here I thought you were a cold hearted bitch.’’ Shadow says, causing the girl to roll her eyes.
“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.’’ She says simply, leading the group through the house and into the kitchen where a slim woman, with emerald green hair the same as Ophelia’s only her skin was darker. Dressed in a floral dress, with flared skirt, capped sleeves and black belt hugging her waist. She stirring something on the stove.
“You’re going to get yourself killed one day, you know that right?” The woman asks, causing Y/n to smirk.
“You and I both know that’ll never happen, but thank you for the concern.’’ Y/n answers. The woman turns around her facial features were so ethereal, that she put all super models to shame. Her eyes a bright amber colour that bore into the group before her.
“You and I both know that there are other ways to die.’’ She says cryptically.
“On that note nice to see you too.’’ 
“Yes it is. Go get changed, dinner’s nearly ready.’’ She says causing the girl to roll her eyes, muttering something under breath as she left the room, the group staring the woman not sure what to do.
“I’m Isis, by the way.’’ The woman speaks, “And I know who you all are, come take a seat.’’ Isis says with a kind smile.
“How do you know who we are?” Tom asks,
“I’m a witch darling, plus I’m gifted with the sight.’’ Isis explains setting a pot of soup, in the middle of the table.
“And how long have you known Y/n?” Nikki asks,
“Since she was born, I was very close to her family.’’ Isis says as Ophelia toddles into the kitchen taking a seat next to Tom, she looks up at him with interest.
“Ophelia, it’s rude to stare.’’ Isis scolds, her daughter.
“I’ve never met a human before, mummy.’’ She says in awe like it was the most amazing thing that’s happened before. “They look just like us.’’ She whispers in awe, Tom couldn’t help but chuckle a little, at her comments.
“Well the only difference between s and them is that we come from ancient bloodline of magic.’’ Isis explains. Gesturing for everyone to tuck in as from the corner of her eye she saw Y/n, she smiled seeing her in proper clothes than the ones she would wear, when she was scouting for information. Y/n was dressed in a lemon yellow cotton sundress, that came to her knee the skirt flaring out and dancing around her legs. Her styled neatly into a loose braid.
“Ah my dear just in time.’’ Isis says, causing the group to look in her direction, the boys mouths were agape at the change she was like a different person.
“You lot are gonna catch flies like that.’’ Y/n says her accent thick as she sat at the table, the boys at the table taking a moment to compose themselves.
“I knew that colour would suit you.’’ Isis says taking a seat at the head of the table, the young girl smiles softly as they begin to serve dinner. Where conversation and questions continue, throughout the rest of the evening. This is how the group find out that they are in fact spending the night at Isis’ due to Y/n killing a group of necromancer’s and how travelling in the dark is rather dangerous, especially for humans.
So here Tom sat in one of the spare rooms looking out the window, the stars twinkling brightly in the sky. He couldn’t sleep worry for his little brother was flooding every fibre of his being, sleep was near impossible as the hours ticked on. Sighing in defeat that he wasn’t going to get any sleep, Tom walks out of the bedroom in search of the kitchen.
What he finds though is the door to the balcony open, standing out in the icy night air is Y/n with a another cigarette between her nimble fingers. Her eyes focused on the horizon before her, she appears to be lost in thought. Tom takes in her appearance a lilac night dress that stops above her knees, a satin loose dressing down that looks like it’s based off a long cardigan look. She looks so different in the yellow light of the outside light, illuminating her skin.
“Are you going to stand there staring all night?” Her voice brings the young man back to reality, her back is still towards him, how did she know he was there?
“Sorry, you looked deep in thought.’’ Tom replies awkwardly,
“Yeah I do that.’’ She replies blowing a puff of smoke that takes the shape of a deer,
“You know, those will kill you right?” Tom says gesturing to the cigarette, causing the girl to chuckle humourlessly in response.
“For normal people maybe.’’ She retorts flicking the ashes with her nails. 
“So is this where you live?” Tom asks changing the subject,
“No I only come to visit because Isis and Ophelia are the only thing, closest to family that I have left.’’ Y/n answers honestly.
“Oh I’m sorry.’’ 
“Don’t be it’s not your fault.’’ Tom stares at her for a moment unsure what to say, he had never met a girl like her before, she made him feel nervous that if he said the wrong thing she would rip his head off.
“You know you don’t look like someone who would work at that bar we were at today.’’ Tom says speaking his mind, before he could stop himself.
“What makes you say that?” She quirks an eyebrow,
“Just seeing you with Ophelia, you seem too kind to be in such a dingy place.’’ Tom replies slowly regretting his words as he sees her expression.
“Not proud of where I work, but it pays. You shouldn’t be so quick to judge Mr. movie star.’’ Y/n retorts harshly,
“You know who I am?” 
“Of course even among the supernatural world you’re famous.’’ The girl snorts leaning against the cool metal railing of the balcony.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you.’’ Tom says keeping at a safe distance,
“It takes more than that to offend me these days.’’ She replies putting out her cigarette,
“What are you anyway?” Tom asks,
“I told you, cursed.’’ She says simply, before walking back into the house, leaving Tom out in the cold.
The next morning the young woman was up early ready to lead the humans to where they believed their dear brother and son was being held, deep down she had a feeling that he was been used just to lure her out of the shadows. And sadly it’s working, she would have to be more careful if she wanted to survive this. Dressing in her black corset, that also had a hood attached to it, with black pants pants and black lace-up boots with a stacked heel. She attaches her swords to her waist with a leather belt. Her hair a tousled mess framing her face, placing her fingerless leather gloves she walks out to the kitchen.
She’s met with the humans and Shadow already at the table, enjoying breakfast.
“I’ve told you about weapons in the house.’’ Isis scolds the girl as she shrugs,
“We leave in an hour, anyway.’’ Y/n says leaning against the wall, the humans take notice of how out of place she looks in a place that’s so bright and lively whereas she looks like the messenger of death. Nothing like how she looked in the little yellow dress. Tom watches as she reaches over to the table taking a piece of toast, her hips swing almost seductively.
“Why so soon?” Shadow asks,
“Well after my little stunt at the bar, I now have a bounty on my bloody head. So the way we’ll be taking is long and dangerous.’’ With a rather annoyed tone and her arms crossed over her chest.
“Guess we leave in an hour guys.’’ Shadow says with an apologetic look to Nikki and Dom, Isis merely rolls her eyes at the young woman’s behaviour. Turning on her heel, she moves back the way she came.
“What’s with her anyway?” Harry asks,
“She’s lived her life in the darkness. It’s hard for her see things any other way.’’ Isis explains as her daughter comes bolting through the house, with a scared look on her face.
“What’s wrong love?” Isis asks, picking up Ophelia,
“There are these scary men outside mummy.’’ Ophelia whimpers quietly, as if on queue, Y/n emerges. This time with her knives drawn, her eyes were different too. Not the cold e/c but a series of different colours, like a swirling galaxy.
“Stay here, don’t make a sound.’’ She instructs, moving to the door.
“What are you doing?” Tom asks,
“Something I should’ve done a long time ago.’’ She answers, closing the door quietly behind her, she makes her way to the front door. Weapons ready to attack, she kicks the door open with a force no girl her size should be able to possess. A feeling of protectiveness and anger courses through every fibre of her being. As she stares the creatures that turned her into the heartless monster that she is now, her eyes ablaze as she cuts down each beast with ease. They forget her heritage, as she feels more powerful than she could remember with each swipe on her blades through their leathery grey skin. Her heart pounding trying to escape her ribcage, but she doesn’t even break a sweat her moves are poised and seamless and filled with power and a purpose-to kill.
“And you told me off for my weapons.’’ The young girl says turning to see Isis and the humans standing behind her. “Sorry about the door.’’ She adds,
Isis merely chuckles softly, “Had I known they would be able to track us, I would’ve put a stronger charm up.’’ Isis says fixing the door with a wave of her hand.
“We should get going.’’ Y/n says sheathing her blades, as she walks out the newly repaired door. The humans still in shock of what happened follow dumbly behind her, the boys shamelessly check out her ass.
“How are you able to kill so easily?” Nikki asks causing the girl to stop in her tracks abruptly, she turns to face the concerned mother of four with blazing, conflicting eyes.
“It’s not easy. I kill them because I want to live and until we get your son back you’re all under my protection. And you need me alive to do that.’’ She states calmly, lifting the hood on the back of her jacket up as fine rain starts to descend on them. Treading on foot you all head further from civilisation, and into the mists of the overgrown forests, that have since taken over the once clean and neat neighbourhoods. The day was quiet no run in’s with Necromancers or any other beasts, that enjoy seeing humans suffer. The only thing you had to deal with was the ogling from the young males that you had to protect. Reaching a stream you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Haven’t you lot seen a woman’s ass before?” She asks abruptly causing the four boys to stare at her with wide eyes and crimson cheeks, Shadow merely chuckles oh how he had missed her abruptness and quick wit. Quirking an eyebrow at their lack of response, she turns back to face the stream. They had to cross it, and it was much too deep to wade through. With a flick of her wrist and a change of her eye colour, a bridge of stones rose from the depths of the water.
“You have magic?” Shadow asks, all these years and she never told him.
“It’s not something I let many know.’’ She admits, as she turns back to the stream before them. Stepping forward she tests the stones checking if they’re stable enough. Pleased enough with her work she steps on the rock fully, gesturing for the others to follow. Steadily she make her way across with little effort on her part, keeping her e/c eyes ahead alert for any coming danger. Her body rigid ready for an attack at any moment.
“How do we know that you’re actually helping us?” Tom asks causing the girl to stop in her tracks completely, as she swings around in one fluid motion.
“What you think I’d stick my neck out only to betray you later? Oh sweetie, if I wanted to kill you I’d do it in a way without risking my own life. And if you think I’m going to betray you, you’ve got another thing coming, no one wants them dead more than me.’’ She says coldly her words chilling causing a shiver to run up their spines.
“What did they do to you?” Sam asks his voice barely a whisper,
“They took everything from me, let’s put it that way.’’ She says, before turning back around and continuing her route through the forest. 
The walk was peaceful before it started getting dark, the air becoming colder. There was always something about the dark that bothered Harrison, though he did his best to hide it from his friend. He was glad when the young woman stopped lighting a fire just by blowing on some sticks.
“If you have magic, why not just use that instead of weapons?” Harry asks,
“To kill is bad enough, to kill with magic eats at your soul turning your heart black.’’ She says pulling out a cigarette out of seemingly nowhere, she uses the fire to light the cigarette. Taking a long drag of the burning stick, she breathes out as the smoke resembles a butterfly before completely disappearing.
“Why do you smoke?” Dom asks curious of this strange girl that has no real reason to help but does anyway.
“Better than drinking.’’ She replies simply, as she takes another drag closing her eyes she relishes in the moment, the only time she got pure bliss. 
“I always thought Necromancers couldn’t be killed. How can you kill them?” Shadow asks carefully, this was the first he was actually getting to know her properly. Not just segments or half answers, actual facts the real her that lurked under the stoic mask she put on before everyone.
“My weapons were forged to kill Necromancers. Before most things there were Necromancers and the Guardian Angels.’’ She explains,
“Guardian angels?” Nikki questions,
“Yep. They protected not just humans but all living beings from the Necromancers that would have the world consumed in shadow, and misery. Using the dead to experiment on and use as slaves. Nothing but an empty corpse for their own entertainment.’’ Y/n explains, her eyes glazed over her mind somewhere else entirely. There was an emotion that they couldn’t decipher, how could a girl that was basically a whore know so much and have such powerful weapons in her possession.
“What happened to the Guardian Angels?” Sam asks,
“They were either destroyed or turned into Necromancers themselves.’’ She answers as she finishes her cigarette. “Anyway you should all get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead.’’ She says jumping up as she climbs the closest tree with ease, and disappearing into the darkness.
Tom was stirred from his sleep, by a soft beautiful voice that was so sad. It was so close yet so distant at the same time.
‘Solider keep on marching on, head down til the work is done’
‘Waiting on that morning sun, solider keep on marching on’
Opening his eyes he’s only greeted by the light of the fire and Y/n, sitting by the fire her eyes glowing a galaxy of different colours as the soft lyrics leave her rose petal lips. He had to admit in the soft light of the fire she looked rather beautiful, even with the knife that she was playing with.
“What are you singing?” The words leave his mouth before he can stop them, a smirk appears on her face as she looks up at the young actor.
“You should be sleeping.’’ She says, “But if you must know, it was a song I learned as a child.’’ She adds,
“You must of had a strange childhood.’’ Tom remarks,
“I could say the same for you.’’ She retorts quickly, Tom goes to apologise to her but she clamps her hand over his mouth shutting him up. As she listens to the sounds around, her knife in her hand as she uses magic to protect them. With a flick of her wrist she throws the knife at what any normal person would call a random direction. But any normal person doesn’t have the sight she does she hit her target, the unknown assailant stuck to the tree behind them.
“Bloody hell, it’s just me.’’ Harry says, causing the girl to roll her eyes,
“What were you doing?” Tom asks his younger brother,
“I had to take a piss.’’ Harry answers his tone annoyed as he tries to free himself from the tree, again the girl rolls her eyes wrenching the knife from the tree with ease.
“You’re an idiot are you trying to get us killed or yourself?” Y/n snaps,
“The only one who’s going to kill me is you at this point.’’Harry remarks,
“Trust me, I’m the last thing you need to worry about out here.’’ She as she turns back to their little campsite in a huff. 
“Try to not piss her off.’’ Tom says once she’s out of earshot,
“Oh yeah so you can get in her pants.’’ Harry chuckles at the idea of his brother trying to woo a girl like her. To him it was comical really.
The next morning Harrison awoke to the sight of food beside him, he loos around confused then sees Y/n sharpening some knives lost in thought.
“Nice of you to join us sleeping beauty.’’ She remarks slyly,
“You could’ve woken me up.’’ Harrison retorts,
“They tried several times, you were dead to the world.’’ She says finally meeting each others gaze for the first time.
“Thanks for the food.’’ Harrison says a little awkwardly as he slowly gets lost in her alluring and hypnotic eyes.
“Eat up. The sooner we’re ready the better.’’ She says before standing up, her taking a swift sweep around the area. Not sensing anything or any danger for that matter she relaxes just a little.
The day goes along smoothly as the group walk through the forest, the trees so large and the leaves so thick that it was hard to see the sun, making the forest floor seem darker than it actually was. They walked in silence aside for the crunching of leaves beneath their feet, the air still not even the birds were singing and that caused Y/n to be a little worried. She stops slowly her fingers lean toward her guns behind her back, but a warning shot is fired before she can grasp them.
“Now love there’s no need for that.’’ A all too familiar voice to Y/n speaks from the brush,
“Well come out then, or are you still a coward?” She asks cockily, a low chuckle emits from the hidden male, who slowly reveals himself. A man with dark hair slicked back into a ponytail, to Harrison and Tom he looked like he walked off the set of Pirates of the Caribbean.
“Darling you wound me with your words.’’ The man says to Y/n who only rolls her eyes, her guns drawn.
“What are you doing here anyway?” She asks,
“When I heard that someone had killed a bunch of Necromancers at a bar, I knew it was you.’’ The says Tom clenches his jaw, he didn’t like the way this man was eyeing her body up and down.
“So what you went looking for me?” She asks quirking an eyebrow,
“Well I knew that didn’t go looking for a fight, why go into hiding if you were going to hunt them down?” The man chuckles,
“Why I do things is my business.’’ She snaps,
“Of course, love.’’ He says finally turning his attention to the group of humans and werewolf behind her. “Hanging out with humans now?” He questions,
“Why the fuck are you here?” She asks again this time taking aim at the mans chest, his heart to be exact.
“Well now that you’re hanging out with humans this just got interesting.’’ The man says,
“You touch, them and I’ll kill you faster than I originally intended.’’ Y/n growls her voice not sounding like her own.
“Is that a threat princess?” The man asks,
“It’s a promise.’’ She states and with that the pair swing into a deathly dance of blades, the humans and lone wolf merely watch on unable to do anything. There was something almost beautiful in the way they moved so gracefully, their blades meeting in a loud clash. This was a literal dance with death.  The fight only seems to end when they hear something, something not of this world that sent chills down Nikki’s spine. Y/n turns swiftly to see a gang of Necromancers heading straight for them, with gritted teeth she pulls her guns out shooting past the group she’s leading most likely to their certain death. Harry looks toward her clearly offended as she shoots at the group coming toward them. She just shrug at his glare, flipping herself in the air so she could fight the Necromancers head on after all she was the only one who could kill them.
The fight lasts longer then Y/n would like, they were stronger than the ones at the bar, which left her with no choice than you change into her true form-in front of everyone. With an annoyed growl she does a bright light enveloping her, causing the creatures to be temporarily stunned. But so were the humans, as her skin glowed a silvery tinge, her clothing still the same but there were now intricate tattoo like markings along both her arms, along her collarbones and chest meeting where her heart would sit. And to mention a large pair of feathery wings on her back. her purple eye glowed brighter as she attacked the creatures. The pirate looking man, merely chuckles joining in the fight with Y/n who uses her surroundings around her to her advantage.
The creatures follow her as she flies high above the trees any sight of her lost by the humans and the pirate looking chap. That was until she’s falling or appears to be falling, before she hits the ground she swings her body flapping her wings to raise her into the wind again. The creatures following her aren’t so lucky crashing into the ground in a ugly, dark pile of limbs and inky black blood or what can only be described as their blood. Y/n stood tall her beautiful wings folding into her back.
“You’re a angel?” Shadow exclaims his eyes wide as the pirate laughs,
“What else would she be?” 
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 9: On-screen Lover
(from the My Girl Trilogy: Be My Only)
…in which Harry struggles with acting for the first time in his life.
Warning: smut.
Word count: 6.1k
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N, (4-year age gap).
Chapter 8: Sweet 25 - Y/N feels alone at Harry’s birthday party.
Wattpad link
A/N: The song mentioned in the chapter is Don't Keep Driving by The Paper Kites. This chapter is also inspired by The Archer by Taylor Swift (this is where all the anxiety comes from).
Squirming in the soft, warm sheets, Y/N rubbed the remainders of sleep from her eyes to greet the rose-pink light of dawn. She supposed this was something most people would consider beautiful, but she didn't. Perhaps waking up grumpy and alone had clouded her judgment.
She slowly sat up, clinging on to the very last memory of the night before, but with little success. She remembered her and Harry drinking in the back of her car after the party. She remembered having sex on this bed — hot, intense, mind-blowing sex, which caused her to think it might've been just a crazy wet dream. Maybe he had never been here, maybe her brain had made everything up. But soon her doubt was washed away as she saw what he'd left on the nightstand.
Y/N lazily brushed her hair into place with her fingers and picked up the pink notebook to find a sticky note attached to the first page.
Morning, baby!
I was supposed to give this to you after my birthday party, but we got carried away and I forgot. Enjoy reading the other notes.
Your one and only,
Harry :)
Curious, Y/N flipped through her journal to find plenty of colorful sticky notes filled with his sloppy, yet adorable, handwriting. For every entry about him, he'd written a little message to retell the event from his point of view. He talked about how he'd felt when they first met in the treehouse, when he lost Thumper, when she kissed him for the first time and ran away...All the things he had wanted to say to her, but never had a chance to. And for her final entry, he'd added a line right next to her last one.
Your girl, always. (Now you're really my girl, always)
That morning, Y/N strolled down the streets of London, looking like she'd just won the lottery. She felt elated, her footsteps were light as a feather as she not only dodged between grumpy morning pedestrians but also said hello to them. She couldn't wait to see Eddie's reaction to her showing up this early. He would probably freak or even throw on a raincoat in case it started raining indoors.
"Good mor—"
"I'm in emotional distress!" Alice cried out the second Y/N walked in. "Harry Styles has a girlfriend!"
Those words froze her to the spot. She looked at Alice with her mouth agape, but Alice didn't give her time to let that sink in. The girl yanked the phone from Eddie, who was sitting quietly behind the counter, and showed Y/N a photo on Twitter.
"This just got released this morning. He was kissing someone at his birthday party last night!"
Y/N peered at the shot, feeling like her chest might explode. Fortunately, it'd been taken with a terrible camera, from a bad angle that you could mostly see Harry's back. But that one poor quality photo was all it took for Harry Styles to trend on Twitter. Fans were going insane and wanted to know the identity of this 'lucky girl'. Some, especially those who shipped him with Ruby, like Alice here, weren't thrilled at all.
"I'm going to kill myself. True love doesn't exist." Alice slammed her hands on the counter and dropped her head on them dramatically.
Eddie seemed concerned, yet too afraid to speak, so he signaled Y/N to say something.
"Hey, Al, I think..." Y/N trailed off as she shrugged off her coat and hung it up. "I think maybe Ruby and Harry are just...you know...normal friends...They're co-stars after all."
Alice groaned even louder, making Eddie roll his eyes. He nudged her with a pen and said, "at least now you know Ruby's not taken."
The girl lifted her contorted face to glare at him. "Oh please, as if one of us has a shot with her!" But then her eyes lit up, and she turned to Y/N. "Hey, you were at the party last night, right?"
"I saw the story Isaac posted of you eating sushi."
"Oh, yeah." Y/N faked a laugh. "But I didn't see anything. I was in the house most of the time."
"Was Harry talking to someone there more than the others?"
"N-no, he was with his manager the whole night."
"What about Ruby? Was she there?"
Y/N parted her lips to speak, but thankfully, Eddie cut in, "give her a break, Al. She said she didn't know. Now please get to work."
"Fine!" Alice gave him a shrug. "Guess I'll be at the back using the new books to wipe my tears."
"Hey, if you do that I'll cut down your salary, ya hear me?!" Eddie shouted at the girl before turning back to Y/N.
The poor girl was still in shock. After all, it was the first time she'd gone viral. Though nobody had figured out it was her, she knew it was her in the photo, kissing Harry. And he wasn't just her Harry, he also belonged to everyone who knew and loved him. This feeling in the pit of her stomach made her feel sick. Her heart was beating like a drum, and her palms soaked with sweat. She didn't realize she'd spaced out until Eddie's voice pulled her back to reality.
"Y/N! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay." She nodded fast.
Maybe she was naturally good at faking smiles, maybe Eddie was insensible to her feelings. Either way, she was glad he changed the topic.
"You're not gonna be here on Monday, right?" he asked, to her surprise.
It took her a second to realize that he was talking about Celine's wedding. "Right," she confirmed. "I'll be gone for a week."
The man clicked his tongue in frustration as he heard. "Oh God, I hope Alice's mental state will go back to normal soon."
"Has she ever been normal?"
"You're right. She's always been a little off. Now she's just worse." Sighing, Eddie fixed his glasses and went on, "are you going to the wedding alone? If you need a wedding date, I'm always available."
Wedding date. The voice inside her head sighed at those two words. Celine and Amala still thought that Harry would come back to Holmes Chapel with her to attend their wedding. They didn't know that their best friend was too afraid to ask him, for she already knew what the answer would be. There was no way he could squeeze a wedding in his tight schedule.
"I already have a date." She felt bad for lying to Eddie. But since when did she feel bad for lying? Being in love had really changed her.
"Guess I'm gonna have to take my mum to the movies next weekend," Eddie said with a shrug. "But I'm happy for you, Y/N. I showed up at my aunt's wedding alone and they put me in the kids' table. You wouldn't want that."
"Maybe because you look like one."
"Shut up!" The man waved her off and fixed his glasses. "Okay, get to work. I have to make sure Alice's not crying on my new books."
"Okay, love you, Ed!"
"You don't!"
Eddie had just walked away when Yellow by Coldplay blasted from Y/N's pocket. She didn't need to check who it was, because she'd set that ringtone especially for him.
"Hi." A corner of her mouth lifted as she could feel him smirking on the phone. "They gave us a five-minute break and I miss you," said Harry. His voice was raspy and low, so she imagined him hiding somewhere to make this call. The thought of them being secretive and sneaky when in public always excited her. She loved to think of them as the modern Romeo and Juliet, of course, minus the dying part.
Y/N rested her elbow on the countertop as she held the phone at her ear. "I miss you too," she said, grinning. "Saw your little surprise this morning. I loved it."
"I knew you would." He chuckled lowly. "Have you read any of my notes?"
"Just a few. I'll read the rest when I get home."
"Good." Again, the sound of his stupid smirk made the butterflies in her stomach soar. She found herself picking at the wood and chewing on her lip, like a nervous fourteen-year-old talking to her crush on the phone.
She hated to ruin this happy moment for them, but her anxiety didn't let her enjoy it fully. "Hey, baby," Y/N lowered her voice. "Have you seen the photo?"
"Yeah." He breathed. She could imagine his smile slowly fading. "It's awfully blurry though. No one knows it's you."
"It's taken from inside the house, H."
"I know. My team's trying to find out who took it. I bet it's the Declan twins."
Or Ruby, Y/N thought to herself, but decided not to say it aloud.
"Don't worry, kid. Whoever took that photo probably didn't even know it was you, or else they would've told the whole world already. Everything's fine."
Though Harry sounded calm, she didn't know for sure if that was how he actually felt. However, there was nothing she could do now but to leave it all to him. She'd signed up for this, and now she had to go with the flow.
"Hey, I have something to tell you," she changed the subject. This might not be the best time to pop the question, but since Eddie had brought up the whole 'wedding date' thing, she thought it wouldn't hurt to just ask. "So I'm going back to Holmes Chapel in two days, and I'll stay there for a week for Celine and Amala's wedding."
"You already told me that." He chuckled.
"Yeah, but...like..." Just say it, God damn it! "Would you like to go with me?"
"Back home?"
"I mean...yeah...Would you like to come as my...wedding date? I mean, only if you're free next weekend."
There was a long pause. And his answer was exactly what she had expected. "I'm really sorry, love," he said with a heavy sigh. What came next, however, was completely out of nowhere. "I'll be in Paris for the next two weeks."
"P-Paris?" She felt a lump in a throat and struggled to release the words from her mouth. "You'll be in Paris for what?"
"We're filming some scenes there. I'm...I'm actually...leaving in two days. I was going to tell you last night but..."
Two days?!
"How long have you known about this?"
"S-since the first day we started shooting."
His answer felt like an ice bucket in the face for her. She was surprised she hadn't hung up on him yet. "So you've known since the day we officially got together and kept it from me this whole time?"
"No, that's not—" He stopped himself with a hiss. "The trip was supposed to be at the end of next month, but they've made a few changes—"
"I don't care if it's next week or next month! You knew, and you didn't tell me!"
"I'm really sorry." His voice lowered. "Are you...are you mad at me?"
"I'm not," she said, staring at the ceiling.
"Really?" he questioned as if testing the water. "Because I'm pretty mad at myself."
"Look, it's fine. We'll talk more about it tonight, okay?"
"Promise you're not mad at me?"
"Promise me, please!"
"Fine! I promise I'm not mad at you." Y/N exhaled. She wished she could be mad at him, but then again, people who were in love didn't feel and think the way normal people did in certain situations. With this man, Y/N knew she had gone too far from being sane.
"Good," Harry happily said, probably wearing that boyish grin that she adored. "Now say you love me."
"I love you. Gosh, you're such a baby sometimes."
"I love you too, Bambi," he responded with a light chuckle. "See you at home."
It was the first time he'd referred to her cheap flat as 'home'. He probably didn't even think when he said it. Still, it meant so much to her. It made her feel secure even though this was the most insecure position she had ever been in. And so she kept replaying the word in her head and telling herself that everything would be just fine.
Harry stepped into the shower, fully clothed, toes flinching as they touched the cool tiled floor. His mind was in shreds as he watched the drops trickled down her bare back and slowly looked up to meet her questioning stare. Guilt washed over him like a tidal wave, but he refused to acknowledge it.
Ruby didn't say a word, not asking him to leave, not asking him to stay. She turned her head and resumed bathing her skin gently, letting the lukewarm water darken her hair. The unfamiliar melody she was humming got Harry distracted as he stepped forward, and circled his strong arms around her little waist. He pulled her in, pressing her naked form firmly against his clothed chest. Now his face and neck were flushed, not just because of the steamy shower.
The ex-lover ran her hands across his arms and her body shuddered at his slightest touch. Slowly, she turned around, their eyes met once again. The air almost drained out of his lungs as he finally found the courage to reach for her face. His fingertips followed the water streaming down her cheeks to her neck, then her shoulders and her arms. Ruby breathed out gently as goosebumps pimpled her skin.
Her voice was soft. "I thought you wouldn't come back."
"I...I had to," Harry faltered. "I missed you...so much."
She gave him a bashful smile and then guided his hands to her hips. "I know you did," she said contently.
Without breaking their eye contact, she began to unbutton his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. Her palms smoothed across the tattoos on his chest, the ones that she'd touched and kissed and tasted too many times before. As she lifted her face, Harry lowered his head.
"Take me," she murmured, her lips ghosting over his. "Show me how much you missed me."
His entire body was on fire, but it wasn't the kind of burn that brought him comfort. Now he was gawking at the naked girl without blinking. Shit. What was he supposed to say next?
Harry snapped back to reality as all the lights came on and the director told the whole crew to take five. As he followed Ruby out of the shower, two girls from her team came with a big towel to help her get dry and into her robe. The ones on his team tried to do the same to him, but he waved them off and took the towel to do it himself.
"Mon Dieu! What's going on between you two?" asked the French lady in the quirky satin dress as she pointed to Ruby, her eyes on him. "Do you hate her?"
"N-no, I—"
"Then stop acting like you do!" she cried out. "Harry, sweetheart, I love you to death but that was terrible! You were supposed to be her amant, the lover who kept coming back every time she pushed you away! You were supposed to love her more than anything in this world! That wasn't what I saw back there. It felt like she loved you completely and you didn't even want to be with her."
"I'm sorry, Eva. I'll...I'll fix it."
"Non!" The director shook her head. "You cannot do that alone. Both of you, talk to each other and work things out! We'll shoot another scene later and will do this scene again tomorrow."
"Early lunch for everyone else!"
As Eva ignored Harry and walked off, he was left alone with Ruby and their gigantic problem. She was wearing the biggest frown, so he expected her to come at him with a her most ruthless comments. But no, she calmly took the towel around his neck and began to help him dry his hair and his face.
Flustered, he pushed her hands away. "It's...it's okay. I can do it myself."
Ruby froze for a second. Her eyes narrowed as she shoved the towel back in his hands. That was how he knew this conversation would not turn out the way their director wanted.
"Look into my eyes and be honest with me," she spoke with her arms crossed. "Do you hate me?"
"Because if you do, you should say it aloud so we can get it over with."
"I don't hate you." He breathed into his palm and shoved that hand into his damp hair. "But after what happened last night, I don't know if I even want to be around you anymore."
"What I said was wrong, but those were just harmless words!" She rolled her eyes and soon noticed the change in his expression. "Go ahead," said the actress, to his surprise. "I know what you're thinking, so go ahead and say it."
"Did you take that photo?"
"Fuck you," she spat, but made sure not to draw any attention in this room to them. "Look what she's done to you, H. You're worrying about her way too much that it starts to affect everything you do."
"She hasn't done anything to me," he grumbled as she was getting on his nerves. "But what have you done to yourself? Why are you so hateful now? I moved on and I'm in love. Why can't you just be happy for me and fucking accept that?"
Though Ruby appeared unbothered by those words, both of them knew they had never hit her harder. Even so, she didn't allow herself to look vulnerable.
"How you feel about me, and how I feel about you and that girl have nothing to do with this," she asserted, anger overtook her face. "Yes, I'm still in love with you, and I think you two are bad for each other because she will ruin your career. But when the camera starts rolling, we aren't you and me anymore, we're Elia and Jay. So if Jay cannot love Elia because Harry's afraid his little girlfriend can't handle a simple sex scene, then maybe Harry's a terrible actor and should consider giving the role to someone more deserving."
And then she stormed off, leaving him standing there with the damage her cruel and thoughtless words had done.
When Y/N answered the call from her boyfriend, she knew right away that he was drunk. He greeted her with the loudest "I love you, my sweet Bambi!" and jabbered away just to hang up because he needed to pee. A few missed calls and unread messages later, he finally made it back to her place.
He stumbled into the flat with his hair a mess and his shirt half-untucked. The first thing he did was wrap his arms around her waist. The words "I miss you" and "I'm sorry" poured endlessly from his lips. Though drunk, he still remembered how she felt about him visiting her so late and plastered.
Last year, he'd told her that alcohol used to be his coping mechanism. Once he'd started, he didn't know how to stop. Each drink seemed like a better idea, his jokes got funnier and he could flirt with any woman he fancied. He felt more charming and witty and invincible. That was why for months after his scandalous break up with Ruby, he'd had a drinking problem which he'd proudly called therapy. And Y/N guessed it had happened again today. Something bad had happened to him at work and he needed to feel better about himself. It saddened her that he'd chosen alcohol instead of coming home and talking to her.
With a six-foot man glued to her front, Y/N struggled to reach the door and lock it with one hand. His grip around her waist tightened as he hummed into her neck, making her think he would pass out, but then he said, "I kissed her and she was naked...and I didn't like it at all..."
The little confession froze her to the spot. Y/N swallowed as she pulled away and her arms came around his neck, bringing his forehead to hers. "Kiss who? Ruby?"
He nodded with hooded eyes. "I don't wanna hurt you, but I made everyone angry. Do you...do you think...I'm a bad actor?"
"No, of course not." She cupped his flushed cheeks. Although she didn't fully understand the story, she could guess most of it. Now a part of her felt guilty knowing she was the reason he couldn't do his job. He even assumed it was his fault, that he was bad at something he'd been passionate about for most of his life.
"Wait on the couch, I'll draw you a bath," she said, changing the subject, but he kept on nuzzling her neck and refused to let her go.
"What's it that you use?" he asked quietly. "You smell like...like my mother's garden in the spring."
His lovely comparison made her smile. "That's what you would smell like if you were sober and clean."
"I am sober and clean!"
"No, you're not. You need a bath or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."
"Will you join me?" He puckered up his lips while slightly tugging at her t-shirt. "Take this off. Get naked and join me."
"Please? I'll be good. You don't have to fuck me."
Her mouth twitched in amusement as he brushed his nose against hers. She had just taken a shower before he arrived, but a warm bath didn't sound like a bad idea. After all, she desperately needed to get rid of the smell of alcohol on her body.
Taking his hand, she led him to the bathroom and asked him to wait for her to return with some clothes and towels. However, he didn't listen and ended up following her around like a lost puppy. As they waited for the tub to get filled, he sat on the edge with her and tried to braid her hair. The steam helped sober him up, so by the time they finished taking off their clothes, he had become more self-aware.
Y/N sat between his legs, with her back against his chest and her head on his shoulder. She'd made it clear that they were both too exhausted to have sex, but once his fingers had found her clit, her moans encouraged him to continue. The next thing she knew, she was riding him. His head tilted back on his neck, and small grunts snuck passed his lips every time she sunk back down on him, fucking him slow and steady.
It started out as sweet love-making, until Harry couldn't take it anymore and gripped her hips, driving himself into her. She clung to the back of his neck with one hand, the other smacked flat to the tile wall above his head as he thrust harder, sloshing more water out of the tub. She was the first to come, shouting his name as his body tightened and his cock twitched against her sensitive walls. She rode him through his orgasm until there was nothing left of them but heavy limps, numb fingertips, and fireworks exploding in their minds.
Harry panted and bit down lightly on her shoulder as he recovered. Her eyes slowly opened and took in the sight of him chewing on his delicious lip, his brows puckered up, and his eyes lazy. She watched the tiny beads racing down his handsome face, not sure if it was sweat or their bathwater, but she knew they would have to draw another bath.
"No, Harry, I can't. I'm too tired," he mocked and his softened penis slipped out of her, making they both groan.
"You do that voice again and you'll be sucking your own dick," she warned him, her nose scrunched up. The threat made Harry chuckle as he pulled her in and kissed her twice on the mouth.
While waiting for Harry to refill the tub, Y/N went to get her phone and put her playlist on shuffle. She put the phone in a cup, placed it on the sink before joining Harry in the water again. They sat in the same position with her back against his chest.
The light in Y/N's bathroom was bright and sterile, lacking even a trace of warmth. That was why she normally hated to look at herself in her bathroom mirror. All the scars she'd got growing up would shine like a beacon under this light, and then she'd be reminded that she wasn't his perfect girl. But tonight, she wanted to stay here forever with him so he could caress all the places she hated on her body.
Half of this city turning their lights on Like half of this city has an idea Cars slowly passing right down on main street Don't keep on driving, let me say something
"What's the name of this song?" he asked, breaking the silence between them.
"Don't Keep Driving by The Paper Kites," she said with a beam. "You love it?"
He gave her a nod and nibbled at her earlobe. "It's a good song. Makes me feel like I'm driving around the city at night while it's raining."
"Exactly!" She brightened. "I listened to it on repeat while we were apart last year."
"Does it remind you of me?"
His question made her smile. Still, she never answered.
There's nothing wrong with a little space But not right now, don't leave There's nothing wrong with a little time But for the memories, for the good things Don't leave
"Did you write me those notes to make up for the Paris thing?" she asked all of a sudden.
He gave her a nod, but then realized she was facing away from him, so he spoke, "yeah."
"Hmm." Not the response he was hoping to hear.
"Have you read them all?" he went on to make sure she wasn't upset.
She didn't sound upset when she said, "not yet, I'm saving them for when you're not here."
"I'll video-call you every night to see your reaction when you read them."
His chest felt a thousand times lighter when her giggle softened the room, as if her gentle sound could turn this cold light golden and the water warmer.
His heart was full again, but at the same time, he couldn't ignore the melancholy feeling sinking in. He knew that he would miss her a lot when he was away. Two weeks wasn't a long time, but for a relationship as fragile as theirs, it could feel as long as two months or even two years. Who knew what would happen during those two weeks? They had a lot to lose now that they had each other.
Don't leave me Call me Turn around, turn around now Don't run away from me Don't leave, don't leave
The song went on, coming to an end, but its last words were still echoing in his head.
Harry had stayed up all night to mentally prepare himself to reshoot the sex scene. Even though Y/N had reassured him that she trusted him and understood that it was just for his role, he felt as if his lungs were on fire as he stepped into the shower and ran his hands all over his ex's body. But because Ruby continued to give him the silent treatment, he gave a better performance this time and didn't have to reshoot the scene.
Maybe he'd lulled himself into thinking if he didn't interact with Ruby off-camera, then it wouldn't feel like he was cheating on his girlfriend. But how was this fair to Y/N at all? If he were her, he wouldn't be able to stand someone else touching her the way Ruby had touched him, for a movie scene or not. Knowing his girl, he knew that even if his job did bother her, she wouldn't admit it to make him worried. That, unfortunately, made him a thousand times more anxious.
Last night, while drinking alone, he'd thought a lot about what Ruby had said. Though she was wrong about Y/N, she was right about most things, one of which was, he and Y/N might not be right for each other. At least, he might not be right for her. That thought came and went several times since he'd woken up, but he kept brushing it off. Because the last thing he needed right now was self-doubt. He'd struggled so hard to make her his, and now he was afraid that he didn't deserve to have her. That sounded absurd, stupid even. Still, he kept pondering it.
It was around 3 AM when he finished his last scene of the (previous) day. His plane to Paris departed at six-fifteen and he had to be at the airport at five, which gave him less than two hours to rest before the flight. As he got in the car, he immediately phoned his assistant to get his luggage ready and bring it to the airport. Then he asked his driver to take him to Y/N's place.
He had texted her in the afternoon that he might head straight to the airport after finishing work, and also promised to call her when he arrived in Paris. That had been the plan before he changed his mind at the last minute. He couldn't stand leaving without a proper goodbye. For such an emergency, he was glad she'd given him the key to her place. He didn't have to wake her up when he arrived.
Pulling his hoodie over his head, he went to her room, trying not to make a sound, but she had heard him come in and was already staring at the door, expecting him. She watched him take off his jeans, leaving only his t-shirt and boxers on as he slid under the duvets and cuddled her. Though her eyes were red from the lack of sleep, she was smiling, content, and at the same time, wondering.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the airport?" she asked.
"Not yet," he replied, kissing her forehead. "I'll hold you for a moment, and then I'll go."
He expected a cheeky response, but his Bambi didn't make another sound. She was just happy with the fact that he was here, so it didn't take her too long to fall back to sleep. Harry, on the other hand, couldn't close his eyes. Even though he'd set an alarm on his phone, he was wide awake and staring at the ceiling. He feared that if he took some rest, time would fly much faster, then goodbye would come much faster, and he had to leave much faster. He wasn't ready yet.
Lying still, he focused on the sound of her breathing and counted the number of times she talked in her sleep. Eleven in total. She never made sense, but he thought it was endearing because each time she spoke, she would shift closer to him. As time and space slowed down around them, unexpectedly came an ominous thought. Would she be happier if she had stayed with Isaac?
If she'd stayed with Isaac, she wouldn't have to wake up alone, she would never have to worry about her boyfriend making out with someone else and calling it acting, and she would've been able to kiss him in front of his friends at his birthday party. Scared by the thought, he squeezed her tighter. But that was also when the buzzing of his phone told him it was time for him to go.
He tried to be as careful as he could to sneak out without waking her up, but it wasn't his fault that Y/N was sensitive to the quietest noise. Slowly, she stirred awake and sat up as he did. Her voice tore down the gloomy silence of the room.
"Stay with me."
He looked over his shoulder and his heart almost broke when he saw her face. He'd never seen her like this, at least not when she was sober. His girl was tough and independent, and she'd never begged for his attention. But now she was clinging onto him like a little octopus, her face in his neck. He wished he could stay, but sadly, he wasn't the one to decide.
"I have to go now, love."
"No." She shook her head, pouting slightly. He was caught off guard when she snuck her fingers into his boxers and slowly stroked his hardened length up and down.
"Bambi, no." He gasped, his nostrils flared and so did his pupils. Quickly, he seized her wrist and groaned when the warmth of her soft hand left his erection, but he knew if he hadn't stopped her he'd give in and missed that Goddamn flight.
"I'll make it up to you when I get back, baby. I promise," he said, watching her lie back down and cover her face with both hands.
"It's gonna be the longest two weeks of my life," she groaned.
He rubbed her knee, scooting back to the center of the bed and sat with his legs crossed. She propped herself up on her elbow, now lying on her side, looking at him. In this orange bedroom light, her skin looked so warm, and her eyes so dark. He reached out and touched her face, stroking her bottom lip with his thumb. She was hypnotizing him with those sweet doe eyes, her ultimate weapon that got her exactly what she wanted and how she wanted. He had never won a battle against them before.
"What are you—"
Getting on his knees, he lifted her thighs and spread her legs. She was bare under the oversized t-shirt, already glistening and ready for him. He pressed a delicate kiss to her inner thigh, so close to where she needed him the most as his eyes fixated on her, taking in the breathtaking sight of his love with her head tossed back, her eyes shut and mouth agape. If only his mind could take pictures of her looking like this and save them for when he was alone in a different city.
"Harry, please, make me come."
And he'd miss this too, the way she moaned his name and begged for his touch. Smirking, he took her hands which were gripping the pillow and guided them to his hair. "Show me how you want it," he ordered, his breath made her hips buck in his face and she tugged hard, just like he'd asked her to. Who was he to deny her then?
He began with a closed-mouth kiss, followed by a wet and messier one before his tongue stroked into her, lapping at her moisture. Her heat tightened when he pulled away, his mouth returned to her clit as he worked two fingers in and out of her. The slippery sounds were driving her insane. She was a delicious mess when he held her down and lapped his tongue skillfully, not letting her arousal go to waste. Y/N had never come this hard and fast, she thought she might've passed out for a second. Her fists were tight against his skull, but he loved it, he let her ride his face and fingers until she was too spent and delirious to even flinch.
"Oh, shit..."
Harry broke into laughter as he crawled up to attach their lips for a dirty kiss, letting her have a taste of herself before he pulled back to admire her face.
"Hi." He grinned, his dimples were more prominent in the hazy bedroom light. She loved his dimples. She loved his smile. She loved this face. She loved him. When he pulled away and helped her up, her stomach clenched in the most unpleasant way.
He carried her to the bathroom. She hated when he picked her up like a child, but she didn't have a choice as her knees were too weak for her to walk on her own. After getting her cleaned up, they returned to the bedroom and he began putting on his clothes. She sat on the edge of the bed in silence, watching the man she loved get dressed. He wore that black hoodie she'd got for him because she didn't want him to get cold on the plane. She knew he'd got plenty of hoodies that were more expensive and could keep him warm much better. She'd only wanted an excuse to buy him clothes. At least now he could carry her warmth with him to another country.
She walked him to the door. Her heart sank lower to his every step and when he turned back to kiss her goodbye. She held him tightly, arms locked around his neck, inhaling his scent for the last time before he went.
"I love when you're like this." He chuckled. "So clingy."
"Shut up," she rasped, but not letting go. "Call me when you get to the hotel?"
"I will. I love you so much."
"I love you more."
For every single 'I love you's they'd said to each other until now, they had always meant it. But this time, they meant it more than ever. Y/N supposed normal couples didn't say goodbye this way. Some didn't even bother to say goodbye at all when one of them went away for only two weeks. But normal couples didn't have to hide from the rest of the world nor face the never-ending fear of losing each other for the hundredth time. Maybe one day, they could be one of those normal couples. But right now, this was all they got.
After sending him out of the door, Y/N went back inside so she didn't have to watch him leave. It would break her heart and she'd burst into tears and made a fool out of herself.
Telling himself the same thing, Harry rushed down the stairs and didn't look back, not even once.
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