#✦ nice art: friendos.
nc-vb · 11 months
Ironically this is just in time for his birthday, the one I totally didn’t forget, hahaha…
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Y’all I have been just straight up staring at this commission @dyn0-nugg3t made for me, like it’s stunning and cute and hshddhdkslhng Kaveh 😭♥️
Thank you so much!!! I can’t wait to commission you again in the future! 🫶🏼🥹
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yummycrummy · 1 year
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thought i’d show you a silly fairy i drew for school 😋 i cant draw hands or feet very well 🙁 or wings dude wings are so hard 👍
!!!! Ohhh how pretty!!! ❤❤ I love ittt, wish I could draw wings that majestic
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hello hello friendo! I was wondering if I could request a Wally x wolf puppet reader? the scenario being that the other neighbors are afraid of R (reader) no matter what due to them looking like a big 'bad' wolf, R's appearance is quite frightful; stitches in a few places along with big teeth and claws plus they are on the large size (roughly Barnaby's size, if not a bit shorter). While on the outside they look all mean they are actually really sweet and just want to make friends.
"Do you think I'm doing something wrong, Wally? 'cuz I feel...unwanted here."
"No, no. You've done nothing wrong, Neighbor! What made you think of such silly things?"
"...well everyone's still acting like I'm gonna eat them for breakfast."
"Breakfast?? Why, that's nonsense. Breakfast is composed of bacon, eggs, juice, and toast..not people!"
"Uh, that was just a....nevermind." Sighing, you shook your head as you gave up trying to explain the idiom to Wally. But having this conversation with him over the phone did manage to cheer you up a little.
How you wished it was this easy talking to the rest of the neighbors, though they were all absolutely terrified of you and would've hung up the second they heard your voice.
Fortunately, Wally had recently learned a valuable lesson from Barnaby, who told him that he should never "judge a book by its cover". And he lived by that philosophy every time a newcomer came to town, whether they stayed or left.
You were no exception despite being a rather frightening-looking wolf with large sharp teeth, untrimmed claws, and stitches all over your body that made you look like a zombie. Of course, your clothes covered most of them, yet they didn't fully hide all of the things your neighbors were afraid of.
Of course, it didn't help that you're the child of The Big Bad Wolf...but you're nothing like him! You're not deceptive or evil in any way; all you wanted to do was make new friends.
But that was tough to prove when someone screamed if you so much as smiled at them.
Poppy was understandable, given she was a bird who already had some anxiety issues to begin with. And Barnaby was alright since you're both tall canines (and even then, he was still the taller one). He tolerated your presence and can stand being in the same room as you.
As for Julie, Eddie, Frank, Sally, and Howdy....you unintentionally scared them out of their wits.
For instance, you visited Howdy's bugdega for the first time to get groceries, and he ducked behind the register as you approached. The poor guy sounded like he was in tears as he stuttered that everything was free of charge.
Back then you thought he was having a bad day..but even outside of work, he seldom talked to you out of fear.
How naïve were you..
At least you had Wally, though, considering he's able to have normal chats with you both on the phone and in person. He still kept his joyful tone when speaking to you, and when you left he'd turn around to scold the others for "overreacting".
Honestly, he was growing tired of them treating you this way and not taking his advice. No neighbor deserved to feel so unwelcomed.
You weren't scary at all! He'll prove it!
And now he finally got an idea that he believed would work.
"Say, [y/n]..whatdya think about coming with me to the park?" He suggested. "I'm organizing a little painting lesson, and at the end we're all gonna paint something we like! If everyone's there and sees us getting along, they'll finally see how nice you really are!"
"You think so?" Your ears perked up, a small smile forming on your face as your tail began lightly wagging, thumping against the furniture.
While you haven't done any art since settling into the community, this hangout seemed to be a good place to sharpen your skills and, hopefully, make some friends. If they saw you indulging in a passion, you'll be able to connect with them more.
"Yup! I think it'll work! So are you in or out?"
"I'm in."
"Great! See you in an hour!"
Your smile dropped. "Wait, it's toda-?"
However, you didn't get the chance to finish as you heard the 'click' on the other end, realizing he hung up. You sighed and hung up your phone, too.
The thought of seeing everybody at the park so soon had you feeling anxious all over again, but you tried shaking off your worries, not wanting them to deter you from going. You couldn't disappoint Wally after how hopeful he sounded.
So instead you focused on making lunch for yourself before packing some art supplies together, finding a canvas or sketchbook to bring with you.
And about an hour later, you were fully prepared.
'It'll be fine..Wally's gonna be there..' You told yourself, taking a few deeps breaths, heading out the door with your head held high.
Surely, the neighbors will finally change their mind about you once they see that you shared a similar hobby as them..
It turns out you were wrong.
As Wally hosted his painting lesson in the park, going over how to paint different figures and scenes step-by-step...most of the gang could barely focus on what he was saying.
Instead, their eyes were anxiously fixated on you as you tried ignoring them and listened to his words. Whenever you made direct eye contact with any of them, they'd quickly look away and shudder, their hands shaking as they pretended to paint or draw.
They kept their canvases close to their chest, as though you were gonna pounce and tear it to shreds if they let their guard down.
Obviously, Wally took notice of this fast and would ask them questions about what he just said, his smile slowly turning into a frown as some stuttered out answers..while others just didn't catch it the first time around.
You only expected this, although you did manage to impress everybody with your scenery of a moonlit sky after accomplishing the final task of painting something you liked.
But it wasn't enough for Wally. They only complimented you because they were scared you'll get angry if they said the wrong thing...he could just tell by their shifty gazes.
They're just pretending.
After everybody eventually left for home, as the sun was going down, you stayed in the park with Wally. He was still sitting motionless on the same flat rock, having already put his supplies away.
You frowned as you approached him, not knowing what's gotten into him lately
Of course this hangout wasn't going to immediately make you everybody's best friend, but you didn't think he'd be this upset.
If anything it should have been you who was upset, though you believed things went quite well considering nobody ran away from you this time around.
Unfortunately, Wally begged to differ, given how he hasn't spoken a word to you since everyone else left.
"Wally?" Crouching down in front of him, you tilted your head. "What's wrong?"
"...I don't get it."
"..look, it's okay-" You went to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, only for him to suddenly look up at you with frustration in his wide eyes. Even his pupils seemed to tremble as he spoke.
"No, it's not okay. I-I..I know they can't help it but..I thought they trusted me, Neighbor. I planned all of this so they could stop being scared of you! And yet...they..." He trailed off, fingers trembling as they curled into his pants. "They're never gonna change...are they?"
"They can. They just need some more time." You tried to reason, yet he shook his head.
"But how much longer will it be until y--?" He started, but quickly stopped upon seeing the flashes of concern in your eyes, shrinking away.
"...until I what, Wally?"
"Are you...scared that I might leave one day?" You finally connected the dots. "Is that why you're so upset over all of this?"
Given his silence as he looked back down at the ground, that basically confirmed your answer.
Now it all made sense.
"Oh, buddy.." You hugged him close, feeling him flop against you as he rested his head on your fluffy chest. "You don't have to worry about that. It's gonna take a lot more than just a few skittish people to kick me out."
"But..you're so nice...and I don't know why they can't see that.." He mumbled, slowly hugging you back. "I swear I've tried everything-"
"You don't have to do anything more, Wally. I appreciate what you've done, but..you don't need to be stressed for my sake. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll even pinky promise it for ya."
After a long silence you felt him nod, and you smiled, relieved that he trusted you.
Soon you let each other go and made that pinky promise, sealing the deal. You could see that lifted a huge burden off his shoulders--one you didn't even realize he was trying to carry this whole time--as his own smile returned.
"C'mon. It's getting late. I'll walk ya back home." You suggesting, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"Haha..that's usually my job, Neighbor." The blue-haired puppet chuckled as he fixed up his messy pompadour. "But thank you. I'll take up your kind offer!"
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whimsy-floof · 11 months
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Holy shit my first real art post in literal years and it's a motherfuckin' crossover piece! FUCK YEAH!
Does this mean my burnout is finally gone? ...........eh, kinda.
OKAY! So A lot has been going on over the last....... SEVERAL years???
I won't go into it too much here, cuz I wanna actually talk about what I'm posting here.
So, Helluva Boss is a show I've been a fan of since episode 1.
A friend of mine and I have enjoyed nerding out about it every time a new episode drops, and Stolas is one of our favorite characters from the show.
Also, I've recently picked up a hyperfixation on the Game Grumps, and especially Dan Avidan, AKA Danny Sexbang.
I particularly really enjoy his music, from his comedy work in Ninja Sex Party and Starbomb to his more serious stuff in Skyhill and Shadow Academy to his collab cover almbums with the Super Guitar Brothers.
ANYWAY, so one day my friendo and I were flinging our obsessive nerdings at each other, and they were like "Imagine Danny Sexbang, but wearing Stolas' outfit."
And I was like, "Hmmm yes, but also consider.... Stolas... in Danny Sexbang's outfit?"
And then inspiration struck, and I had to make it real. SO I DID!
Here he is in all his glory! Stolas Sexbang!
The burnout I've been suffering for the last few years has been AWFUL, and it's so nice to finally be able to sit and do art without the consistent "UUUUGH" feeling that came with the burnout.
Does this mean I'll be posting more? No promises.
This just was a nice little burst of inspiration that I am glad to have been able to follow through on.
Guys, let me tell you it feels SO GOOD to finally have been able to do something like this again. I've been doing like random sketches here and there over the last few years, but nothing post worthy.
This was the first actual project I've been able to get myself to do, and it felt so good.
For a long time, I was feeling like I was never going to recover from this burnout, and I was about ready to give up hoping for it.
But this... Gave me so much relief. You have no idea.
All this to say I can't say I've fully recovered from my burnout, but I can at least say that I've finally started to.
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switchyglitch · 1 month
Tickly Trio 🪶
Saw this super nice reblog from my art friendo.. 👀
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..and immediately HAD to draw our tickly characters together! So here's Skitters, the still unnamed night owl, and @pingobuparts 's adorable character Moop 🥰
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Better watch out lees, cause with these three together no tum is safe! 😜🪶
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weevmo · 1 year
Hiii!!! Just popping in to say I really love your art!! It’s so good!! :D
it makes me smile every time it’s on my dash. You draw Mario characters so beautifully!! The way you draw Wario and Waluigi is SO COOL!! I love the emoting ears! That’s so neat! It’s also nice to see all the art of them because goodness, I feel like they’re underrated.
It’s just so cool. that is all. Have a good day! ^u^
AAAA thanks dude!!! I try my best to give Wario and Waluigi the attention they so RIGHTFULLY deserve lmao
I'm so happy you enjoy my arts, I make it just for ppl like you! Have a fantastic day, friendo
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secretgarden02 · 11 months
Color palette challenge
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I found a nice art challenge on tiktok that have you and your friends draw something with the color palettes that you choose together with your friendo, so I decided to draw Mikako since I figure the color palette looks fitting for her hehe
Alternate version below >:)
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The color palettes was based on this!
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Hi. What placements in natal chart indicate being a o good painter/artist? Thanks.💖
Hi friendo! Let's see...
Based on personal observations:
🌻Aries, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio Suns were the most common in art classes I attended.
🌻Occasionally Taurus Suns, but I found them to be rarer than the above 4
🌻Aries, Cancer or Pisces Moon most commonly I noticed
🌻Venus, Moon or Neptune Dominance
The following are speculation, they are possible, but not set in stone or personally observed by me...based on feeling
🌻Moon in 4th or 12th
🌻Most 12th House placements I feel
🌻Venus in 4th, 5th, 9th and 12th I feel as well
🌻Neptune in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 12th
🌻Virgo placements...surprisingly, their attention to detail could make it work
🌻Also Pisces or Venusian Mercuries
That's about it tho, lemme know what you think and feel free to give feedback
Have a nice day friendo!
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meow-and-ink-demon · 1 year
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WOW!! Amazing to see you friend!!
Call me Meow!!
Wanna be friends? Sure!!
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Deviantart: XxMeow70xX
I'm trying to make people feel better
Write to me if you have a bad day
I'm always here to listen
I feel like... helping is somehow my role here
Maybe because I already feel lot of pain in my life already, so I don't want people to feel like me
I never mean to hurt you
You like wired ships? Draw NSFW? Anything else? I don't care
If you a good person, you deserve good things ❤️
start this monday
So as I said:
less art
I won't be here that much time
Most art from school
Have a great time everyone ❤️
Rest of pinned post:
Something more about me:
I am 13 years old :3
My real name is Sophie but pls call me Meow
I love cats, drawing, reading, writing and talking
I talk a lot so sorry if this make you annoyed
I can do colabs
I forgot lot of things so sorry if I don't answers asks soon
I have lot of Bendy AUs but mostly I leave the idea so don't be confused I don't post on blogs about AUs - I probably don't have time/ideas
REBLOGS > LIKES (But I'm happy from both ^^)
NEW THING: Besties 🌸👌
@cuteemerald2000, @brebendyssister @ashleyinky @sammy-l-yourfavprophet (yes, you're my bestie, no, you don't have a choice) @markaeruwu @cutebendy
You are my besties now. So you are very very important to me ❤️🌸
And my other beautiful friendos:
@artismeyou-45 @vickymcsworld @shadow9993 @mutlu03 @10asui @simyona @lill-cute-fluffy-devil @0nyx-4nd-th3-ch402 (Onyx where are you😭), @ashleyinky @foxxiefoxxer @herstudentparadise @msdragon @ozzytheplushy @yummmyscallops @loki104-uwu
I'm sorry if someone isn't here :<
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nc-vb · 1 year
Lookie lookie what Prowly made me this time, hehehe 🥰
She redrew the Moch!
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Y’all, please go hit up @54prowl ‘s commissions if you can!!! They have a few out right now!!! Their emergency comms are here!! Let’s get that computer fixed!!!! 🔥🔥
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fandomsoda · 7 months
Wow two fanart in one day! That's so cool!
I mean I only really got one- the Ink piece was just something Friendo wanted to tag me in so yeah-
it’s still nice either way, though! Always great to get art!
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silvr-skreen · 22 days
HELLO THERE i am askin very nicely if u could tell me abt an oc of your choice, it can be any of em :] - a friendo
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Talia's a PR manager at a media production company, and enjoys a lot of physical activity based hobbies like hockey, dance, ice skating etc. Contrasted to her husband Caishen who's an economic professor at a college and prefers more relaxed activities where his glasses are less likely to break - reading, art, video games etc. (Note: He does, however, love football (american football and british football/soccer)
Because of her media connections Talia will occasionally help out generating PR for museums and such, as well as art galleries, which is how she ended up finding a living ornament! She'd honestly stumbled on them on accident since they washed up on the shore unconscious, it was a very awkward unpleasant first meeting tbh. Somebody's spine was broken like. bad.
Talia tends to enjoy sweets more than savory and Caishen is in the middle of preference. They probably live somewhere near Mr. Capulet and Mrs. Montague tbh, Somewhere where they could be aware of, and hear of, the news of gnomes being stolen, but they don't have any.
It's funny bc later on they end up with other ornaments
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HEYY N!!!!
I hope I'm not bothering you or anything but I just wanna say I have this friend that wants to do art commissions and draw fanart/art for people, we made a discord server about it and the invite is in my blog if you're interested <3
I'll check it out! Thanks :D
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yukidragon · 1 year
First off, hello from the void. Second, do you have any wholesome headcanons for Alice and Jack? I crave some fluff and wholesomeness at the moment.
Hello, hello to you too friendo~! 💖
Hohoho, wholesome headcanons of my OTP you say? Why, you just said the magic words~! I think I can scrounge up a nice little warm and fuzzy headcanon or two... dozen.
Really, the only problem will be trying to stop me when I get rolling, if I’m being honest here. Then again, y’all are here to listen to me ramble, so who am I to hold back all the thoughts rattling around in my head? ;3
Ahem, before I begin, I want to say that there may or may not be spoilers for Sunshine in Hell in this post. While I will be keeping some plot points a secret until they’re revealed in writing, I’ve already given a lot of spoilers in past headcanon ramblings, including that I intend to give Jack and Alice a happy ending together. So this is a warning for those who really don’t like spoilers and might be a little chuffed that I already gave away the basic ending to my fic.
Also, I’m going to probably go into NSFW territory in this post. This game is for Adults Only after all and while I’ll be sticking to wholesome and fluffy headcanons, I just can’t help but throw in a bit of spice into this sweet vanilla goodness.
I’m going to  go ahead and plug the Snaccpop Studios patreon ahead of time, since I have a feeling I’m going to use some of Sauce’s lovely art in this post as I ramble on. Remember, don’t repost anything privately posted on patreon, folks. Let’s give Sauce and the Snaccpop Studios crew our support and credit whenever it’s due!
I also feel that I should remind everyone that these are my personal headcanons that I’m applying to my version of the story, so it may or may not totally align with what we’ve seen in either demo so far. I’m dumping extra vanilla sweetness into this horror yandere game and no one can stop me!
So, with all that out of the way, let’s dive into pure OTP indulgence.
Where to begin... I’m probably going to be bouncing all over the place here to wherever my impulses take me. Hmm... Well, let’s start with some warm and fuzzy tidbits from before Alice and Jack officially become a couple, shall we?
Alice has issues being touched by people she doesn’t trust, but she absolutely loves to cuddle those she is comfortable with. Although it does trouble her at first how comfortable she is with Jack right at the start, and she tries to keep her distance out of general common sense and stranger danger... it doesn’t take her long to crave (platonic) physical intimacy with Jack. You can see hints of it in the fic in fact when she reaches out for him first a number of times, holding his hands and even hugging him.
Alice’s love language is physical touch, so hugging, hand holding, and the like is her go-to way of showing affection and comfort to others, as well as receiving the same in return. Much like how Jack craves warmth and love from his sunshine, she has a similar craving. Thanks to the connection between them, she can feel how much he loves her, even if subconsciously, and it draws her to him.
Jack is honestly surprised at how readily Alice is about touching him and showing concern for him even on the first day. Of course he’s super happy about it! How could he not be? It just proves their bond is special, and, well, it really is.
Alice was drawn to Jack because they both have similar wounds. They long to be loved and accepted, not used and taken advantage of. It’s this resonance between them and Alice’s empathetic nature that compelled her to find the tape, and it’s how Jack’s soul could be freed in the first place.
In a way, you could say that these two are soulmates, and it was something they chose to be, even if romance wasn’t the first thing either of them were thinking when they made that connection.
The first time Jack saw Alice clearly was after they made the deal, and it was love at first sight. Because of the connection he could feel so much all at once when she set him free. It was overwhelming and so beautiful. He had never felt anything so wonderful before. How could he not fall in love with the person who made him feel that way?
While Alice does take longer to fall in love with Jack, she does care for him right away. He feels safe, even if she can’t understand why. She has a pretty good sense of whether or not to lower her guard around someone for the most part, but due to past experiences, including with Ian, she’s going to be cautious even when her instincts tell her that he’s not going to hurt her.
Fortunately, Jack is patient. He’s respectful of Alice’s boundaries. He’s fully aware that she’s not in love with him yet, which isn’t exactly pleasant, but he’s willing to wait for her. After all, he agreed to be literally unable to do anything she doesn’t want because he doesn’t want to do anything she doesn’t want him to do.
Yes, that limitation was something they both agreed to during their first encounter. Spoiler, but a huge part of their relationship strongly emphasizes consent, even if Jack is suffering from a lot of yandere impulses and trauma due to everything he’s been through.
This is also a two-way street. Alice can’t do anything Jack doesn’t want her to do. If he didn’t want her to touch him, she couldn’t even if she wanted it.
Fortunately they both want it. It won’t be long before the two of them are having cuddle time on the sofa watching TV. While making out isn’t going to happen for quite a while, there is going to be plenty of physical affection. Jack craves Alice’s touch, and Alice is reassured by touch, so she reaches out to him unthinkingly despite being overall a pretty shy person.
Of course, if someone else touches Alice and they’re not someone she has that sort of trust/familiarity/comfort with... that’s a whole lot of do not want. It’s a good thing Jack is very aware of anyone who gets close to her, and he’s going to help her escape such uncomfortable situations. Such methods range from warning her that someone is getting too close, gently nudging her away from them, or even using his supernatural nature when his power gets a bit stronger, and he can make these sort of people go away for her. With her consent of course~
So even before Alice and Jack get together, expect hand holding, hugs, and nose boops.
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I mean, come on. How can Alice not boop this cute little button nose of his? Especially when Sauce draws it so adorably boopable like this. It’s painted like a target and everything. Sooner or later, Jack is getting booped.
Also, Alice is going to play with that magnificent mullet of his. His hair is way too fluffy and inviting not to, and his hair is as soft as it looks. Don’t worry, she’ll let Jack play with her hair too. Fair is fair after all~ He quite enjoys playing with her hair too. He thinks it’s like a cotton candy cloud.
Jack, being considerate, is doing his best to let Alice take the lead when it comes to how fast the relationship goes. Sure, he’s going to be pining for quite a while, and he’s going to need to work off that unwanted horny energy with some late night alone time, but it’s worth it to make sure that they’re both comfortable and happy.
This means Alice is going to be making the first moves for the most part in their relationship. Naturally, Jack is going to do his best to encourage her to make those steps, but gently. Of course there will be moments where he missteps due to fear and a bit of impatience, but for the most part Alice isn’t going to give Jack reasons to feel afraid that he’s losing her.
A bit of a spoiler, but their first kiss is going to be a little different than it plays out in the demo. It’s also going to have a very unconventional wingman... or wing-bunny should I say?
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I really need to color this picture of Honey Bunny sometime. I also need to draw her again. And Alice. And Jack. And maybe the three of them in this scene I really need to write out...
Ahem, getting back on track...
Alice isn’t the type of person who kisses someone without it meaning something, so this really is when her relationship with Jack changes from friends to partners. I won’t spoil how Nick factors into things with their relationship upgrade, but I will say that I’m tweaking the timeline of events a bit to go with the slow burn.
Sex isn’t going to come immediately after they get together. As much as Jack would love that, and despite how things progress quickly in the vampire AU, Alice needs to take it slow. Their physical intimacy is going to be a gradual increase before they go all the way (well, gradual except for one moment that I won’t spoil). Sadly, she has some issues and trauma when it comes to sex.
Fortunately, Jack is okay with taking things slowly on that front, even if his libido is really high. While sex would be a huge source of reassurance for him, and a strong physical connection between them, Alice makes up for it by reassuring him in other ways. It’s how he was able to hold back and let her take the lead in the relationship for so long. She’s considerate and affectionate, and cuddling her feels so warm that he can just be satisfied with that, even if his thoughts and feelings get overly excited sometimes.
It is going to make things a bit more of a challenge for Jack. One minute he and Alice are kissing, getting hot and heavy, then that excitement makes things hard to for him to hold himself down. It’s going to be quite embarrassing for both of them~
Not that Jack didn’t get awkward boners before they got together, but he was able to hide it better when Alice wasn’t splayed on top of him with their bodies grinding together hot and heavy.
Jack leans towards dominant, and Alice leans towards submissive. That doesn’t mean that she’s going to just let him take all control. While a dom takes charge, it’s the sub that outlines the hard limits to things. A good partner checks in with the other, and Alice really appreciates that Jack makes sure she’s okay with things.
More than that, Jack makes sure Alice isn’t just doing things to please him or because she’s scared that she’s going to lose him and pressure herself to go too far past her comfort zone. It would be so easy for him to give in to his yandere urges and lust to just go further than she’s ready to satisfy his own desires, but he won’t do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly want. He loves her too much to risk hurting her.
Likewise, Alice won’t push Jack into crossing lines that are too much for him. His past is going to cause trauma triggers. While she wants to learn more and knows it’s probably important that they do, much like how Jack is patient when it comes to Alice opening her heart to love and physical intimacy, she’s going to be patient with him opening up about the parts of him that he’s tried to bury even from himself.
Alice is going to help Jack come to terms with his past and broaden his world. It won’t be just her he can interact with. She helps him make friends with Shaun. She’s going to introduce him to her family, even if indirectly. She’s going to help him feel more human despite everything that’s happened to him.
Of course, their relationship isn’t going to exactly be normal due to Jack being a ghost(?) That doesn’t mean Alice won’t go out of her way to help her boyfriend feel special, like dressing up for date nights, even if they’re not going to leave the apartment.
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Yet another picture I need to color and/or redraw. Really, I need to draw Jack’s reaction to Alice all dolled up like this. From hoodies to fishnet stockings - Jack is in for a treat.
Oh, and speaking of treats, Alice is the type of girl to give her partner flowers, no matter their orientation. Sadly, Jack isn’t going to make it easy for her to surprise him with his favorite flowers since he likes all sorts of flowers and doesn’t have a favorite. Still, that doesn’t mean she can’t give him her favorites - blue roses are very meaningful to her, and she finds them to be very fitting to give to her blue beaux.
Needless to say, Jack is quite stunned the first time Alice surprises him with a bouquet of flowers. It was the first time anyone ever gave him flowers (that he’s aware of. He wasn’t exactly in any state to see the funeral flowers gifted in his memory, sadly.)
It’s quite the shock for a guy like him to be given flowers. Jack is from the 80s, when things were a lot less progressive than they are now. Even in the modern era it’s rare for guys to get flowers, and even rarer for a girl to gift a guy flowers instead of expecting the other way around.
Overall, Jack is pretty floored by how much effort Alice puts into their first date. It really makes things feel real between them. He feels more real as a result. It touches him deeply that she wants him to feel just as special as he makes her feel all the time.
Of course, Jack puts effort into making their dates special as well. It’s only fair that he dresses up too. Gifts are a bit trickier, but something tells me that he’ll figure out a way to surprise her with a thoughtful gift or two.
The pair have a tendency to want to spoil each other. Jack helps encourage Alice to care about herself more, and she does the same for him. They both easily get caught up in feeling like they need to do more, give more, and focus on themselves less. Because of this, they soon learn how to catch the other when they’re giving too much. It’s all about healthy moderation after all.
Jack encourages Alice to leave the house more and do more things. While crowded places make things a bit more difficult to be affectionate like normal couples, after a while they learn how to work around Jack’s situation. It’s a lot easier for him to snuggle up with Alice when he’s free to initiate the touches while she just has to pretend nothing is happening.
Of course, this does lead to a plethora of spicy possibilities. Alice doesn’t want to have to worry about other people when getting intimate, while Jack is quite the shameless exhibitionist at times. Again, it’s all about balance... and making sure that no one catches them doing some questionable things in public spaces.
While it might take a bit to get there, Alice and Jack are going to eventually make love. Once that happens, hoooo... Jack is going to have a lot of fun encouraging his sunshine to make it a daily occurrence. With his high libido and how attentive he is to her needs, Alice soon finds herself craving sex with him far more than she could have ever expected.
Jack isn’t satisfied with making Alice cum only once every time they make love. He’s addicted to seeing her pleasured expressions, watching her writhe under his touch, and screaming his name. He wants to make her just as addicted to him as he is to her.
Of course, Alice wants to make sure to return the favor. It’s only fair after all~
While Jack is more verbal with his praise, Alice struggles with her words a lot. She shows her affection through touch and action more often. Sometimes this comes in the form of drawing hearts on his body, including while she’s showing her love for him in other ways, as shown in this writing blurb I posted not too long ago.
Speaking of drawing, Alice is an artist. She’s going to draw Jack. She’s also going to draw on him with more than just her finger. Body paints can be quite fun to play with, especially if they’re edible. Once she’s more comfortable with their sexual intimacy, she might get creative enough to, say, draw some stripes in creative places~
Here’s a spicy example of what sort of fun Alice could have painting on Jack. This lovely NSFW picture was drawn by my friend @okamiliqueur, and the idea of those primary colored stripes on Jack’s excitement was inspired by my other friend @lazybearzlol2.
Of course, Alice is sure to draw other things in other places. She’s quite the creative artist and Jack provides her with a beautiful canvas to paint on. He is also quite the muse. His praise for her work certainly encourages her to draw on him even more.
Oh, but don’t worry, Jack is going to make sure to make sure to return the favor by paying extra close attention to her body as well.
Sadly, Alice doesn’t believe that she’s attractive, but Jack just can’t let her keep believing that lie, can he? What kind of friend and partner would he be if he didn’t show her just how beautiful and special she is in his eyes? This leads to a lot of moments where he reassures her and shows her just how beautiful she is, both inside and out.
Of course, Jack helps Alice with her self-esteem before they get together, and even before they get intimate. However, once she’s given him permission to touch her body as much as he likes, that gives him more opportunities to help her see how wonderful every inch of her is. It’s a bit of a teaching moment, where he encourages her to look in the mirror and say something she likes about herself. It’s a lot of fun for both of them when he uses his hands to focus her attention on certain parts of her body in particular, like in this very smutty picture I drew a while back.
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Sadly, tumblr won’t allow for the full thing here, but you can hop on over to my twitter to check it out if you haven’t already.
It’s hard for Alice not to appreciate a part of any part of her body that Jack can make feel so good with his touches and kisses. Her weight is no problem for him; he can easily lift her and support her without worries that she’s going to accidentally hurt him. His strength and resilience helps her feel a little more confident with her size, and it’s impossible not to feel beautiful when he goes out of his way to make sure she can feel just how much he loves every inch of her.
You know, I’ve realized I’m focusing less on the wholesome part of the fluff and spent more time in the spicy part of fluff. Oops? Well, let’s jump to a couple more safe for work headcanons before we wrap things up.
Alice likes to bake desserts. It’s going to be a fun activity she and Jack do together sometimes. Sometimes they divide the cooking for meals - he takes care of the main course and she makes them dessert. Often times Jack wants to add Alice’s flavor to any dish she’s made though and not just with yogurt.
...I’m getting back into spice again. It’s hard not to when Jack is a horny, horny man, and he is going to encourage Alice to enjoy sex more.
Okay, okay... let’s try to rattle off a few more SFW and wholesome fluffy headcanons rapid fire.
Alice loves good puns, especially if they’re cleverly delivered. She also knows that a good pun is made even funnier when someone acts like they are the worst thing in the world imaginable and a betrayal of language. This leads to the two of them having playful banter at times that eventually leaves them both in a fitful heap of giggles.
Jack does wonders in helping Alice relax more and be more playful. He helps her act silly hamming it up as a yogurt god, starting a pillow fight, or even playing a “childish” game or two. Jack certainly would enjoy a good game of tag or hide-ahd-seek, especially if they put a bit of spice to it...
...No, nope, stick to SFW. Stick to SFW.
Though I will say that Jack’s fantasy from chapter 6 of chasing Alice around is going to happen eventually. Don’t worry, it’s going to be just as much fun as he imagined~
Anyway, back to SFW stuff they do together... Movie nights. They both love films and TV shows, and Jack has a lot of stuff to catch up on. Alice finds it so much fun watching him react to some of her favorite movies. There’s so much stuff that’s new to him, and it’s so much fun to show him new things. It makes her feel almost like she’s experiencing it again for the first time as well. Even before they get together, a lot of evenings are spent with the two of them cuddled up on the couch watching TV and sometimes making commentary. Even bad movies are fun when they crack jokes together.
Even watching movies in theaters can be pretty fun together. The best part is they only have to buy one ticket. If they sit in the back, no one will even notice Jack taking advantage of the dark room to indulge in his exhibitionist kink.
Aaaaaand we’re back to NSFW headcanons. I blame Jack for that. He really is going to take every opportunity he can to make love to Alice, and she certainly isn’t going to complain. He makes her feel so desirable, precious, and irreplaceable in a way that she never felt before with anyone.
Perhaps it might be safe to say that Jack’s primary love language isn’t acts of service or words of affirmation, but physical touch as well. Either that or it’s just because he’s incredibly pent up after 40 years of being trapped in hell, and it’s going to take him a while to level out, if he ever does. Either way, he’ll certainly show Alice a lot of love~!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur  
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yoiku · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
not in any particular order:
• Coffee. Enjoying a cup(pint sized cup in my case) is something I've managed to make into a moment to truly chill when I'm at home. My brain really connects the taste of coffee to a comfy feeling, a break from everything. and that's nice.
• Arts and crafts, being able to create something. Pretty self-explanatory when you're an artist I suppose. It is often a struggle as well but when I am creating is the only time I really feel like I'm doing what I'm meant to do, want to do and need to do. There's a sense of purpose there I haven't found anywhere else.
• Plants and greenery. It's soon the time to repot some of my plant babies and do a general yearly maintenance, maybe get a few new ones since a few tiny ones did not survive the long winter again. But it's always a pleasure to tend to plants and greenery in general has a calming effect on me, so trying my best to make my plants thrive is something I really enjoy. Can't wait to go choose a big summer flower on the balcony in a few months to get some fuzzy buzzing visitors.
• Friends, moots, peer support. Nice people in general. The world feels so hostile that having even a few lovely friendos and relatable peers around is pretty vital to survive it mentally. Experiencing or just witnessing positive interactions keeps the faith in humanity afloat despite all the horrifying shit that happens every day.
• This is due to the season, but sunlight. I don't enjoy the warmth one bit but every year around feb-apr it feels so nice to have more light after so many months of mostly darkness. Sunny winter days are a rare treat and it's just a few hours even then. Even if my migraines are also often triggered by too much brightness, I still love it when there's natural light to do stuff with or just watch it filtering through sheen curtains or leaves or anything... It's just Nice™.
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persnickety-doodles · 10 months
I heard you've been getting unhappy asks in your ask box so here's a nice one for you:
I genuinely love your art and I must admit I haven't ever watched LoK and I'm not sure how I ended up following you, but your art is beautiful and you seem like a lovely person so I am still here!
I hope you have a lovely day, please go do something small and kind for yourself because I'm not there to do something small and kind for you.
Peace and love on planet earth friendo❤️❤️❤️
Why thank you! 💕☺️
I can guess you were probably here from my FMA days 😅 but I’m really grateful you are still here. ☺️
Thank you 🥹💖
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