#♡ done clowning around // ooc ✦
of-quinn · 11 months
Update: Morning Sickness.
Yes, you heard it correctly. Morning sickness. It's one of the reasons why I haven't been on as much or writing as much. I've been exhausted which is typical around this time. I intend to make a full return, but may pop in here and there for replies and to send you beautiful people some memes in your ask box. I just wanted to give the heads up of why I've been absent and why I may ghost from time to time.
I'm looking forward to coming back, I can't even begin to express how much I have missed writing.
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
a question of morality, or a test of loyalty?
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! This was written as a birthday present for @ghastlybin , so happy birthday to a wonderful friend and fellow clown. ❤️ Also, this was heavily inspired by the works of @kingmaker-a (you can probably spot the references and thank you to King and @neon-city-dreams for fielding my questions since this fic was a bit out of my wieldhouse)
TW: ACAB and anti-capitalism themes, betrayal, alcohol, food and drink mentions, OOC SuA, a surprise guest at the end :)
Summary: One wrong turn can change your life forever. Some, like SuA, are resistant to change, while others are at the forefront of it all. Where will you lie after everything in your life changes?
♡ Masterlist ♡
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"Hey, Geek Squad, over here!"
SuA waves you over with what surely is a weapon in her hand.
"What did you do this time?"
Your lab coat freely flows behind you as you walk towards SuA with haste.
"I think you mean 'What did we do?'" A smirk lies on SuA's face, and the tamed wilderness that rests in her brown eyes should tell you that nothing but trouble is on the horizon. "Watch this!"
With a simple click, the cylindrical object in her hand comes to life. It emits a deep violet color before SuA begins swinging it around. You duck before she swings the object over your head.
"What are you trying to do, behead me?"
She bursts out into a fit of laughter before turning it off.
"No, it doesn't have the capability to do that, but you may have given me an idea for my next project."
"C’mon, be serious. What is this thing for?" You gesture to the object that SuA tosses in the air carelessly before catching it.
"It's a zoning device. The superior asked me to work on it since you haven't had any great ideas as of late."
Your eyes widen as you fold your arms.
"Genius takes time-"
"Genius takes time -" SuA imitates you with a high-pitched voice as you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
"You're acting like a child-"
"You're acting like a child!" She imitates you again, but this time, she uses a deep voice.
"I hate you."
"I love you~"
"That's not what I said." You matter-of-factly say as she lightly pushes against you.
"Well, that's what I heard." She smirks, again, before grabbing onto your arm.
You do your best to hide the shyness on your face as you lead her back to the lab.
"Speaking of genius-"
"Speaking of genius-" SuA bursts out laughing before squeezing your arm. "Okay, I'm done, you can continue on."
"Remember that car design that wouldn't work due to the spring constant-"
"Oh, here we go with the math stuff-"
"It's Physics, Sua," You're quick to correct her, "but I managed to fix it, and I should have the plans for you by tomorrow so you can start building."
"Look at you go, Calculator Watch!"
"You're so mean to me." You joke before poking her sides.
She screams and you flinch before breaking away from her.
"Don't do that! I'm sensitive." She crosses her arms in front of her chest in defiance, but the soft smile on her face tells you that she knows you're joking around. "Are you going to get drinks with me tonight?"
"I've got to change first, but yeah, I'll come." You adjust your lab coat before grabbing your ID from its protector. "Same place as usual?"
"Yup," She nods as you place your ID in front of the scanner, "and I don't think you need to change. You make the lab coat look hot, if I'm being honest."
A bit of red dusts your cheeks as the light in front of the scanner turns from green to red.
"Thanks." You mumble before waving her on. "Let's get this done so we can get those drinks, huh?"
"Now you're speaking my language!"
Living in the city had numerous benefits, and one of which was the fact that you could walk from your workplace to home and then back again. You liked taking the scenic route home as you could admire the delicate, dainty work that the city gardeners had created in the small gardens that dusted the sidewalks.
You liked taking the 'good' way home, or at least, that was the name that your co-workers gave it. They didn't like to go through the regular parts of the city due to the high crime rates, so they stuck to their same-old ways. You weren't against the poor and out-of-luck, but safety was a real concern for you, so you take the routine way home every day.
Today, however, was not your lucky day as there happened to be unavoidable construction work on both your regular and alternate route home. That meant that you would have to take the back alleys home, and although you weren't fond of the idea, you didn't want to be late to meet SuA.
Arming yourself with one of your homemade projects, a knife-like object that would send the victim to sleep once it penetrated the skin, you carefully walk through the alleys as you keep your head up. Awareness was a key tool in surviving in the city, especially if you weren't rich or happened to be in the wrong area at the wrong time.
The walk home was nerve-wracking but mostly peaceful. A few stragglers gave you some strange looks, and you couldn't blame them. Your pristine clothes and pure white lab coat must've looked strange next to a worn-down building covered in graffiti. You paid them no mind, and to the stranger that went too close, you flashed your weapon which caused them to quickly back away.
Everything was peaceful, and you felt yourself relax as your apartment building came into sight. Since you were on a main walkway, there were armed guards everywhere, which caused you to slip your weapon back into your pockets. Your quickened steps turned into a relaxed stroll as you tried to find your keys in your pocket.
After giving yourself a quick pat-down, you find the keys in your left pants pocket. You fish them out as you approach the building.
You're stopped by a crowd of people who are talking among themselves. You try to navigate around them, but the crowd's density causes you to reconsider. You'll be heading into the street if you want to do that, and considering how fast most cars go, you choose to stay off the roads.
You shoot SuA a quick text saying that you'll be late, and you slip your phone back into your pocket as you try to weave through the crowd. You stop dead in your tracks when a piercing scream breaks through the hustle and bustle of the city.
With that, the crowd breaks as people go running in different directions. You're left confused until you look to your right.
A girl who couldn't be older than fifteen is shoved against a wall by a couple of guards. She wails again, but they pay her no mind. One guard looks at the other for a moment before pulling out a skinny blue metal rod. You gasp when it illuminates blue after the guard turns it on.
The girl screams and thrashes against the guards, but you're unable to help her. Interfering in the business of the guards in a serious offense, and you don't need that sort of thing on your record.
Besides, if you did rescue her, what would you say?
"Oh, you see that torture device in that guards hand? Funny story, actually, since I'm the one who designed it."
Conflicting opinions battle in your mind as you unlock the door to your apartment.
Should you have intervened, even if it meant your own demise? Would it mean anything if you did? Would those above forgive you for the transgressions against society?
You carelessly throw your lab coat on a nearby coat hanger as you nervously pull at a strand of hair from your head.
That image is scorned into your memory, and you know that you can’t go back to work and continue to do what you did every other day before. The thought of it makes you nauseous, but the question remains to be answered.
What are you going to do next?
You try to pick an outfit in peace, and you’re successful for a moment before another wave of guilt crashes over you.
That little girl could’ve grown up to be something great… god-knows-where she is now, or if she’s still alive.
Still alive, you hope as you get dressed, please be alive.
You have to hope she’s alive. Otherwise, the guilt would eat you alive.
“Hey, you made it!” SuA roughly pats your back before rubbing your arm. “You look nice, all dressed up like that.”
You nod and bite your lip before ordering a drink.
“You alright?” SuA tugs at your arm as you sit next to her. “I know you’re quiet and withdrawn at times… but this is strange for you.”
“I have a lot on my mind.” You confess as you thank the bartender for giving you a drink.
“Like what?”
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you.” You shake your head as the thoughts come to the front of your mind.
“I worry about you.” Her voice softens, along with her mannerisms. “You can tell me, you know.”
“If I do… you won’t judge me for what I say, right?”
“Not unless you say something stupid.” She shoves you with her shoulder before grabbing your hand. “I’m all ears.”
So you tell her everything.
Everything about what you say. Everything that you had thought in the past hour. Everything, everything, e v e r y t h i n g.
When you finish, SuA quickly hushes you before speaking in a low tone.
“You can’t- you can’t do anything about that girl-”
“That won’t help me sleep at night.” You mummer back. “What do you think?”
“I… You need to move on.”
“SuA, I… I can’t.”
“I know.”
“So?” You softly say.
“You can’t… you can’t just say that!” You exasperatedly say. “You need to tell me something.”
“What do you want me to say?” SuA asks with a bit of anger in her voice.
“I need you to tell me anything, SuA, I need you to tell me it’s alright.”
“You’re an adult. You can comfort yourself.”
“I need you to be on my side because I love you!” You raise your voice a moment before lowering it again. “I can’t stand the thought that you believe in these… sick, twisted ideas that this company, this city, this world promotes!”
“You love me?” SuA softens further before embracing you. “I’m sorry that I never said anything before.”
“What do we do now? How do we move forward?”
“I think that’s a question that can be answered after a few more rounds of alcohol.” SuA suggests before pulling away from you.
“Oh… okay.”
“Hey?” You tilt your head at her.
“I love you too, you nerd.”
It was a dangerous plan.
It was a bad plan.
But it was your only option at the moment.
You and SuA would go into work tomorrow like nothing was wrong. During the shift, however, the two of you would be destroying any of your work that could pose a threat. After that, you’d wipe SuA and yourself from the computer system so you’d be completely untraceable. Then, after you had called in a favor from an old friend, you had a couple of electric motorcycles that would get you out of the city before anyone knew anything was wrong.
It was, most definitely, a horrible plan. One error could end with the both of you dead.
It was your only chance to right a wrong, and your chance to escape this nightmare with SuA, so it had to be a good plan that went well.
At least, that’s what you told yourself as you got dressed this morning. After combing your hair into place, you grab your lab coat and head to work.
One last day, you tell yourself, and the rest of your life can be spent doing something good for once.
You offer SuA a gentle nod as you clock in with your idea. She smirks before poking your side with her elbow.
“Why so gloomy?”
“I’m trying not to be.” You mumble before walking in the lab. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon.”
Brief greetings between the two of you were rare, but you had to hope that none of your co-workers thought that anything was wrong. Luckily, no one paid either of you any mind as you slipped into the lab.
You offer a glance backward as you see SuA walk towards the workshop with a phone in hand.
She’ll be fine, you know it. SuA’s a burning fire that’ll do whatever it takes to survive.
You just have to hope that your own resolve can last through an entire shift.
The day goes smoothly, to your surprise. In between working on a comfort project for one of the rich families, you’re able to delete or modify most of your work that would’ve led to the development of weapons or something worse.
As you stare at the weapons in front of you, you can’t help but wonder why you didn’t see this before. Was it the money that blinded you, or were you truly ignorant and resigned to what the people above you were doing?
It didn’t matter because you were going to be done with this life in an hour.
An hour. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds.
Yet the time crawls by at any agonizing pace.
One hour.
You look at the clock in front of you before pulling your flash drive from the device in front of you.
Three minutes.
Three minutes left, and all of you had to do was remove this flash drive from the premises. Maybe you could take it with you and try to amend the war crimes that you had committed by association, or-
The sound of your boss calling your name causes the hair on your arms to shoot up. You discreetly put the flash drive in your pants pocket before turning around.
“Did you delete all of your work?”
“I-” Shit. “It was an accident.”
They step aside to reveal SuA behind them.
Your mind races through a million possible explanations before landing on the one that hurts the most.
SuA betrayed you.
She mouths an ‘I’m sorry’, but you’re too blindsided by her actions to say anything.
She did this? After everything she said last night?
“You can hand over the files, and I’m willing to let this go due to your history of good behavior.” Your boss says as they extend a hand out.
You sigh before fishing the flash drive out of your pocket.
“Good, now just hand it to me-”
You hesitate before gripping onto the flash drive.
Could I really live with myself if I did something like this?
You drop the flash drive on the ground before stomping on it with your foot.
You hear SuA gasp as you dryly laugh.
“Seize them!”
Public execution.
You knew that was the fate that was destined for you before it came from the judge’s mouth. You had committed treason against one of the biggest companies in the city, which basically meant that you had committed treason against the whole city.
You didn’t really care, though. The one person you actually cared about turned you in, and for what gain?
You thought SuA was honorable, kind, funny, and respectful. There were many nights where you had dreamed of being something more with her. Now, she was repulsive to you. Everything that you had adored about SuA became something that you cursed at. You were so, so wrong about her.
You, however, were right about SuA in one respect: She would do whatever it took to survive.
The guard stationed at your door had told you that SuA wanted to come and see you, but you refused.
Why would you want to see someone who doomed you to death?
Well, you did that part yourself, but it still hurts.
You were numb, so death didn’t seem so bad.
Three days. 72 hours. 4320 minutes. 259,000 seconds.
The amount of time that you had left to rot in this cell before you died.
You had stopped eating a day ago after you found out SuA was paying the jail to provide you with meals that you liked.
You’d do anything to spite her at this point. You knew that she couldn’t handle the fact that your blood would be on her hands, so you’d relish in the thought of making her waking hours as torturous as possible.
You trusted her.
You had the two weeks before your sentencing to mourn the loss of that relationship.
In the place of cold, wet tears and lonely nights were fiery anger and bitter words, but you knew that you couldn’t say any of it to SuA.
She’d apologize, you’d apologize, and she’d get the closure she needed.
So you wouldn’t let her get close. If you had to be punished, then so did she.
The guard in front of you knocks to signal meal time.
“I’m not hungry. You should already know that.”
When they look at you, you realize that this guard isn’t the same one that you’ve had.
“Sorry,” You grumble before hugging your knees close to your chest, “you must be new.”
“Well, I’d be new if I was a guard in the first place.”
You quickly stand as the guard tosses their hat to the side. Light purple waves of hair fall down her shoulders.
“Who are you?”
“We’re impressed with your efforts, Scientist Zero.” She smiles before fishing keys out of her pocket. “You’re coming with me if I didn’t make it obvious already.”
“What do you want with me? A private execution?” You bitterly spit as she offers you her hand.
“You can sit and rot in this jail if you want, but I think you have some amends to make, right?”
“How do you know so much about-”
“Do you want to come with me or not?” She offers you an ultimatum, and you sigh before cautiously taking her hand.
“I’m choosing to trust you in the hopes that you don’t stab me in the back.”
“I’d never dream of it.” She jokes, and the laughter squeezes the vulnerable part of your heart.
“I need a name before I fully put my life in your hands.”
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“Lee Gahyeon.” She answers before pulling you to the side.
Another person, dressed in similar prison wear, takes your place in the cell before Gahyeon closes the gate.
“Don’t tell me they’re going to-”
“We do what we have to.” Gahyeon darkly answers. “A lot of people have faith in you, including myself, Zero. Is it alright if I call you Zero?”
You pause as you think back to the names you’ve been called before.
Geek Squad, Calculator Watch, Nerd.
“I’ve been called worse, believe me.”
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Adult trio w/ an unimpressed s/o
Summary: like the title says, Our lovely adult trio with a lover who is done with everyone and everything.
Hisoka being hisoka
Gn (can be read as any gender)
Maybe ooc
Bad spelling
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A Match made in heaven
Of course it was arranged but you don't care at all
Now, at first Illumi expected you to be unaccepting to All of this
Tbh He was kinda taken aback when you didn't even flinch at anything regarding him
Not the endless killing, weird 'friends' or the fact that He watched you sleep
You won't be able to Tell but He is very happy having you as Partner
You're easy to talk to, you keep your cool in every Situation and the family likes you
Illumi extra:
In case it was not and arranged marriage and He brings you around the first time
You are quiet but not shy and answer every given question honestly and respectfully
The Butlers love you since you're very nice towards them
Same with illumi, his parents are suprised that you didn't bat an eye at anything going down
They love you
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Now Mr. Clown over here thought you were normal
when He noticed that you didn't really care about anything, He was interested
after going on a first Date with you He wanted a reaction
So, naturally, He killed a rando on the Street
Now, I want you to imagine his Face when yours didn't change
Still the Same, uninterrested look
It's on!
Congrats, now you have a boyfriend who does anything to get a reaction out of you, by all means possible
I mean He succeded when He fucked your brain out, but we wont count that
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Ok so mister spider here was also interested bc of your 'I don't care' mindset
After Stalking you, He had second thoughts
What if you're a not-talker or you are Mute!
It took him a bit to initiate a conversation
Thankfully you were super easy to talk to
Both of you are hopeless bookworms, so chrollo was head over heals for you after the first library date
You, too, got very open around him. Talking a lot more and showing emotions
Chrollo is so very happy that you Show your true self around him
Chrollo extra:
The first time He brings you to the troupe thei're like 👁👄👁
Honestly, they expected everything but someone like you
But don't worry, you're chrollos s/o meaning you're strong
They come to love you
Phinks, nobu and uvo also made it their Personal Mission to get you to react
So that is the end for today! I hope ya'll had a nice New year ect. This Was kinda short but eh. Like always i'll write when i have the Motivation
K, end of post.
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of-quinn · 1 year
Hiatus Notice.
As you all have seen over the last few months my posting, writing, everything has gone down. Due to a busy life and some issues I'm currently dealing with, I probably won't be around that much if at all. But I feel as though I should give a heads up about it. I'll be working on what I can as I go. I'm sorry.
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of-quinn · 8 months
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I know I haven't been actively writing as much on this account, but I'm still around. I went out and bought this bad boy ♡ To say the least I love it very very much.
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of-quinn · 10 months
List five songs you listen to and tag ten followers. REPOST, don't REBLOG.  
Tagged by: @universedcrossxed
I. DARKSIDE by Neoni
II. JOKER by Dax
III. 30 by Badflower
IV. White Rabbit by Egypt Central
V. Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too by Say Anything
Tagging: @bishimightwing @batmanwholxughs @forest-of-ruin @the115project @whiskeyedlullaby @thewomanwholaughs @notwonderboy @masquenoire @undeadasshcle @queenofthegalaxxy
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of-quinn · 1 year
So regarding my post early about reading Gotham Dawn of Darkness...
I finally finished it! Yes, yes, I know it's been a while but with what free time I have had it took quite a bit of time.
Now I'm on to Gotham City of Monsters!
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of-quinn · 1 year
This is why I don't write when I'm halfway asleep.
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I am ashamed but laughing and so glad I double, triple read just a tiny paragraph I wrote. I promise I'm not always like this.
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of-quinn · 1 year
How many porn blogs are yall blocking a day? I'm up to 9 today.
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of-quinn · 2 years
Been a hot minute but I'm continuing my read ♡
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of-quinn · 1 year
I swear I'm coming back around, but my luck with getting sick has been absolutely horrible. Sick for a week, two days fine, stomach bug, three days fine, then another cold brought home that almost the whole household got. If I have spare time I'm going to try writing, I miss it very much.
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of-quinn · 1 year
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of-quinn · 1 year
I'm sorry but like the vibes????
Also the original song is just fire too ♡
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of-quinn · 1 year
Okay, I'm wanting to get going here again. Like this if Harley can go bother your muse in asks / rp memes.
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of-quinn · 1 year
Okay, as far as I can tell. I have officially beat every sickness that was thrown at me the last few months. Soo that means I'll be slowly returning, touching my drafts and slowly getting more active again on main & side blogs ♡ I've missed y'all.
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of-quinn · 1 year
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