#“Farewell to your bricks and mortar
So I got cornered and I finally confessed (mostly) everything to my mom. I would have even if I hadn’t been cornered. She took it astonishingly well, and as reasonably as a JW can. Now onto the father… I cannot say the same will be true for him; but we’ll see.
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catsafarithewriter · 4 months
Cliche trope but Baron/Haru fake dating that went to full love confession?? 😅. Or Muta and Toto betting on whom among Baron and Haru will admit their feelings first 😅 sorry for the overtly used trope
A/N: With tropes like these, there's a reason they're so popular! One fake dating coming right up!
(And if you want more, I have a fake marriage au, Marry Me Twice on AO3, and a half-finished series of fake dating/marriage snippets on tumblr!)
At this point. Haru decided, she really shouldn't be surprised anymore when Baron got himself into these sorts of situations.
After all, she tried to remind herself, even she hadn't been immune to his charms upon their first meeting, and in the many years since he hadn't toned down his charisma one iota. He simply had a natural pizazz to him, a flair that drew and kept the eye. It was just a nuisance that he was oblivious to his effect until it was too late.
Still, one would think he would learn after the sixth accidental engagement.
"We've got a plan to get him out, right?" Haru deadpanned to the remaining (thankfully unengaged) members of the Bureau. "We're not just gonna sit back and watch him be married off to the faerie queen, right?"
Muta snorted. "I say we leave him there as a distraction while we get on with the case."
"Or Muta and I can do that, while you recover him," Toto said. "The changeling child should be around here somewhere. Just remember - fae can tell if you're lying."
Haru regarded the swirling ballroom before her. It wasn't built of brick and mortar, but of living trees and vines. The canopy knotted so thickly overhead that the only light to be found was in the glow of the mushrooms, bioluminescent fungi clinging to the trunks that served in place of pillars. Its occupants only had the barest resemblance to humanity - all feathers and antlers and fur - that left her the stark outlier. "If they turn me into a frog for my impertinence, you'll save me, right?"
"We'll make yer a pond with only the finest lily pads."
"Fantastic." Taking that as the best reassurance she was going to get, Haru waded into the sea of twirling gowns and gilded waistcoats. She worried that she would have to elbow her way through, but the dancers parted, if only as far as her next step so that she felt like a shark ineffectively swimming through a shoal of fish. Only sharks probably didn't feel like they were next on the menu.
At the far end of the ballroom was a bower. And in the bower was the faerie queen - and Baron.
Haru bowed. "Your Majesty, I thank you for your hospitality in welcoming us here, but I am afraid to say it is time we took our leave." That was probably fine, wasn't it? Not too formal? Not formal enough? Should she have broken out the 'thee's and 'thou's?
"Then I bid you farewell."
Haru waited. When she didn't hear Baron make a move, she cautiously glanced up. She immediately saw the reason for Baron's inaction; the faerie queen's hand is still rested on his. It was gentle, but deliberately possessive.
"I plan to leave with all of my friends, your Majesty."
The faerie queen smiled. "I'm afraid the Baron has decided to stay."
Haru glanced to Baron and raised an eyebrow. "Has he now?" She knew him well enough to read the apology in the quirk of his lips, and the belated realisation that he might have messed up in the flicker of an eye. She raised her other eyebrow in reply.
"Indeed," the faerie queen said. "After all, he has been such a gentleman, so charming and attentive, that his true intentions could scarcely have been mistaken for anything other than an affair of the heart."
"You think he's in love with you?"
"And why wouldn't he be?" the queen asked. "Have you seen any as beautiful as I?"
The fact that the faerie queen was indeed mesmerisingly stunning - despite, or perhaps because of the feline glint of her eyes or the vines that grew in and along her skin - was immaterial. Haru couldn't do anything but agree when the person in question could curse her with less than a thought.
Haru bowed again. "None are your equal, I'm sure, but that was never in doubt. I only ask because Baron is a gentleman at heart, and prone to being charming and attentive to all. Regardless of intent." Or awareness.
"And how, pray tell, are you so sure of his intent?"
"I know because," and a dozen lies paraded through Haru's mind; she grabbed one at random before her hesitation would betray the deception, "he's already in love with someone."
"And whom may that be?"
Without a shadow of a doubt, Haru knew that she would have to supply any mystery suitor she named. She offered what she hoped Baron knew to be an apologetic, I'm-only-doing-this-to-save-your-skin smile. "Me. He's in love with me, your Majesty."
The music never stopped, the ballroom conversations never quietened, but the silence in the bower was deafening. What was it Toto had said earlier? Fae can tell if you're lying? Well, it was too late for that now. Haru waited for the faerie queen to call her out on her deception, but she only tilted her head, like a dog catching an intriguing scent.
"Is this true?" the faerie queen asked Baron.
Baron looked to Haru.
Haru looked back.
Lie, dammit.
"Yes," he said. He started to say something anew, floundered, and tried again. "Although I have attempted to keep such feelings within, my heart belongs wholly to Miss Haru. It has for some time now."
Haru's traitorous heart skipped a few beats, as though this wasn't a ruse she herself had started. She blinked, and managed to refocus on the queen. "So you see, your Majesty, you can hardly marry Baron when he loves another."
"So with that, we should take our leave-"
Haru's hand caught Baron's and started to lead him from the bower, only for the faerie queen to suddenly stand. Baron and Haru both halted in instinctive self-preservation.
The faerie queen descended from the bower, an uncanny grace to her movements. It was like watching a panther, just before it pounced.
"But how can you talk of leaving after such a heartfelt confession?" she asked. "Surely, on a night like tonight when the music compels you, two lovebirds such as yourselves cannot pass up the opportunity to dance. At least," she added with another glimmer of her feline eyes, "any true couple wouldn't."
Haru felt her smile thin. She bowed, hoping it would hide the waning enthusiasm. "Your Majesty is always correct. If you would be so kind, I have a song request for your musicians, should they know it."
"Our musicians are well acquainted with much of your mortal music. Go ahead."
Haru rose from her bow and, after conferring quickly with the musicians in question, swept with Baron down to the heart of the ballroom.
"Katzen Blut?" Baron asked as the first few notes started up. "It has been a long time since I've heard this."
"It's the only song we've ever danced to. I thought it might give us a fighting chance of actually pulling this off." When Baron still seemed a little too nonplussed by the situation to respond, Haru placed his hand against her waist, ensuring they at least looked the part. "Sorry. I panicked, and that was the first excuse that came to mind."
"It was quick thinking on your part. Just... unexpected."
As the music rolled into a swing, the two of them started into a familiar waltz. Doing her best to ignore certain realities, like the fact that Baron was so close, close enough to kiss, Haru focused on easier topics. "So. What is this, the sixth time you've ended up accidentally winning someone's heart? This is getting to become a habit, Baron."
Baron had the decency to look suitably sheepish. "I thought I was merely offering her Majesty the respect befitting one of her station. If I had known it would be misinterpreted as such, I would have..."
Haru waited, and nearly flattened several of his toes when she misjudged a step. "You would have...? Go on. What would you have done differently?"
"I might have gone easier on the purple prose of her beauty."
"Gee, you think?"
"Perhaps pare down on the extravagant bow."
"Another good option."
"But, in my defence, I was left in charge of distracting her while yourself and the others located the missing changeling child."
"We asked you to distract her, not marry her."
"I haven't married her."
"Not yet. If we'd given it another half hour though..."
"Yes, you've made your point quite clear."
Their dancing neighbours glanced sidelong at them, ears perked at Baron's curt voice, and Baron swung Haru out into a twirl to deter any eavesdroppers. It would have been a far more impressive move had Haru been wearing a dress but, as things stood, the best she got was the sweep of her coat hem.
She swung back into Baron's arms, closer than before. "How exactly did you try to tell her Majesty that you weren't interested, anyway?"
"It's... complicated."
"What, you mean there wasn't a nearby rooftop to jump off after telling her you admire a woman who speaks from the heart?"
"All I'm saying is, that worked great on me." Well, mostly. The fact that Haru had gone on with her life, then fallen back in with the Bureau, and then fallen for Baron again was neither here nor there. The important thing was that it had successfully snapped her out of her schoolgirl crush - just long enough for her to think things through and then develop one-sided pining later in life.
"It is... surprisingly difficult to refute a fae's attentions without causing insult."
"And anything too subtle goes right over their heads," Haru finished.
"As you discovered. If I had known that all I needed to do was confess love for another..."
Haru snorted. "We both know that was one hell of a risk. I don't even know how we managed to sell that lie, given everything we've been warned about the fae."
Baron was studiously not looking at her. "Indeed."
"I mean, I don't know what even possessed me to say that. Realistically, I should have been cursed into a frog, or something, for trying a lie like that, I don't..."
The penny dropped.
"Wait, Baron-"
"Change partners!" Baron cried, and twirled her into the arms of a fae with antlers and canines.
"Oh no you don't." Haru spun away from her current dance partner and, as best she could in time with the music, whirled from one whistle-stop faerie to the next. Baron might have had Creation grace and years of dance practice, but Haru had five years' worth of stubborn pining pushing her on.
Eventually, she landed back in Baron's arms.
"You don't just get to waltz away like that when I'm having a revelation," she scolded. "Faeries can sense lies, right? And you'd think the queen of faeries would have an extra-sensative bullshit-detector, right?"
"Not quite how I'd put it, but-"
"Not the priority right now. So, with that in mind, how the hell did I manage to convince her that you were in love with me?"
"You are a remarkable young woman, Haru, perhaps-"
"Perhaps, unknown to me, I wasn't lying."
"Are you in love with me?"
"I... admire you-"
"Do not. I'm not a schoolkid anymore, Baron; I can handle a rejection just fine. Are you in love with me?"
Baron opened his mouth. Closed it. Tried several more times to no effect.
Haru groaned. "One of these days, we'll actually get to finish this dance," she muttered and, dropping her hands away from Baron, stormed back towards the bower.
"Enjoying your dance-"
"When Baron said he was in love with me, was he telling the truth?"
The faerie queen faltered. There had been the briefest flicker of rage at Haru's impertinence at interrupting her, but now it was swept away by a knowing smile. Suddenly, Haru knew why her halfway deceit had been allowed to go on; this was all entertainment to the queen and her kind.
"Yes." the queen replied.
"What the hell?" Haru turned, seeing Baron wading free from the dancing crowd, and repeated for good measure, "What the hell, Baron?!"
"I cannot help how I feel, Haru, but I thought that, if I kept it to myself-"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... didn't want to make things awkward between us," he said. "You are my good friend, Haru, and I never wanted to lose that. If it meant I had to push away such feelings to keep your companionship, then so be it-"
"I've been in love with you for years, you idiot."
Baron's mouth snapped shut. He blinked. "Oh. You are?"
Some kind of nervous, almost hysterical laughter bubbled through Haru, and she pushed it back with some herculean restraint. "Because, Baron. Because you're kind and determined and I love spending time with you. Because the heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes what it wants is an emotionally constipated cat figurine who has now been accidentally engaged six times."
"Yes. Oh. I can't believe I've been pining after you, thinking, 'oh there's no way he feels the same way,' all this time, just to..."
Baron stepped up to her and she let him take her hands in his. "Why wouldn't I fall for you?" he asked softly. "How could I not, when you are the bravest, most compassionate, stubbornest woman I have ever met?"
Haru sniffled, and she only realised then that she was dangerously on the verge of tears. "Not many people would woo someone by calling them stubborn, you know."
"It's one of my favourite things about you. You don't give up, Haru, even when the rest of the world wants you to. You'll stand up against a Cat King, against pirates, against monsters." He cupped her cheek in his hand and brushed away the beginning of a tear. "You'll stand up against a faerie queen to save those you love."
Haru grinned, began to offer up a retort, and then remembered the audience they had. One glance confirmed that the faerie queen was sat, quite happily, and looking like all she was missing was a bag of popcorn.
"I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss," she offered helpfully.
Haru looked back to Baron, blushing. Only her familiarity with him betrayed the mirror blush beneath his fur. She leant in. "Well," she said. "If a queen expects it..."
There came a heartstopping crack, like the snap of a bone or a sharp clap of thunder, and a tree crashed across the ballroom. The music juddered to a halt. All conversation ceased. And in the ringing silence...
"Move, move, move!" Muta and Toto came thundering through the gap the felled tree had left. Muta had a swaddled baby cradled in his arms. "Baron, Chicky, we've got what we came for. Time to go!"
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The@thiswaitingheart​ tagged me (over a Month ago already, woops) to post five Songs I have on repeat currently, thank you for that!
1. Lebanon Hanover - Totally tot
can’t get this one out of my Head these Days, it’s too catchy
2. Los Cuates de Sinaloa - Negro y Azul: The Ballad of Heisenberg
recently had started watching Breaking Bad and since seeing the Episode that starts with this Song it occasionally occupies my Mind randomly for Hours at a Time
3. Indigo Girls - Country Radio
was in the Mood to listen to the Indigo Girls again a few Days ago and the Image this Song paints really touched me
4. Botany Bay (no specific Version)
I saw a tumblr-Post about “what’s your favourite Kitchen Appliance” and I had to think about my big stone Mortar, which made me think of the Line “Farewell to you Bricks and Mortar” even when it’s a completely different Mortar meant there, but anyway the Song was in my Head now, so on repeat it went
5. Warsaw - They walked in Line
ending the List on roughly the same Genre as it started, heard the Song in a Playlist this Week and listened more regularly to it again, because it’s just a very good Song
Thanks again for the Tag! I don’t know who specifically to tag for this, so I guess consider yourself tagged if you hadn’t have Birthday yet this Year :P
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brookewalkerblog · 1 month
Grocery Delivery App Development: Elevate Your Business with Best Practices and Benefits
Grocery app development is a growing trend in the grocery industry, with the global market expected to reach $2,159 billion by 2030. Mobile applications have become a game-changer in the grocery industry, revolutionizing how people shop for groceries.
To succeed in this market, businesses must understand their target customers, their needs, and the features they seek in a grocery delivery app. This comprehensive guide provides insights, strategies, and best practices for grocery delivery app development, empowering businesses in this dynamic market.
Whether you're a grocery store owner, supermarket chain, or aspiring entrepreneur, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and expertise to harness the potential of grocery delivery apps.
Best Practices for Grocery Delivery App Development
Focus on Convenience and Personalization
Prioritize features that make the grocery shopping experience more convenient and personalized for your customers, such as smart shopping lists, personalized recommendations, and flexible delivery options.
Ensure Seamless Order Fulfillment
Streamline the order fulfillment process by integrating your app with logistics providers, inventory management systems, and real-time tracking capabilities. This will enable efficient order processing and timely deliveries. 
Leverage Data-Driven Insights
Utilize the wealth of data generated by white label grocery delivery app to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. Leverage these insights to optimize your app's features, marketing strategies, and business operations.
Emphasize Customer Engagement and Loyalty
Implement engaging features like loyalty programs, discounts, and personalized offers to foster customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. Proactive communication through push notifications and in-app messaging can also help keep your customers engaged.
Ensure Scalability and Adaptability
Design your grocery delivery app with scalability in mind, allowing it to accommodate growing user demands and evolving business needs. Maintain a flexible and adaptable architecture that can easily integrate with new technologies and services as they emerge.
Prioritize Security and Compliance
Safeguard your customers' sensitive information and transactions by implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and compliance with industry standards (e.g., PCI DSS).
Collaborate with Experienced Developers
Partner with a reputable mobile app development company that has a proven track record in the grocery delivery industry. Their expertise and industry knowledge can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of grocery delivery app development.
Tech Stack Used In Grocery App Development
The tech stack for grocery app development typically includes:
Frontend:React Native or Flutter for cross-platform compatibility
Backend:js or Python for server-side logic
Database:MongoDB or PostgreSQL for data storage
Payment Gateway Integration:Stripe or Braintree for secure transactions
Cloud Services:AWS or Google Cloud Platform for scalable infrastructure
Benefits of Making a Grocery Delivery Mobile App
Time-saving Convenience
With a grocery delivery app, users can bid farewell to the hassles of navigating crowded aisles and waiting in long checkout lines. Instead, they can simply browse through a virtual store from the comfort of their homes or offices, saving precious time that can be better utilized elsewhere.
24/7 Accessibility
Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores with fixed operating hours, grocery delivery apps are accessible round the clock. Whether it's the crack of dawn or the dead of night, users have the freedom to place orders whenever it suits them best, catering to their busy schedules and lifestyle preferences.
Wide Variety and Selection
Grocery delivery apps typically offer an extensive range of products and categories, spanning from fresh produce and pantry staples to specialty items and organic goods. Users can explore diverse options and discover new products without limitations imposed by physical shelf space.
Customized Shopping Experience
These apps often feature personalized recommendations and curated lists based on users' preferences, purchase history, and dietary restrictions. This tailored shopping experience enhances user satisfaction and encourages repeat business, fostering long-term customer loyalty.
Contactless and Safe Transactions
Amidst health concerns such as the COVID-19 pandemic, contactless delivery options provided by grocery delivery apps minimize the risk of exposure to pathogens. Users can opt for doorstep delivery and cashless transactions, prioritizing safety and peace of mind.
Conscious Consumption
By eliminating the need for frequent trips to physical stores, grocery delivery apps contribute to reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation. This eco-friendly approach aligns with sustainable living practices and promotes environmental stewardship.
Efficient Budget Management
With transparent pricing, real-time order tracking, and digital receipts, users can exercise greater control over their expenses and budget allocation. They can make informed purchasing decisions, track their spending patterns, and avoid impulse purchases often encountered in traditional shopping environments.
Business Expansion Opportunities
For grocery retailers and suppliers, developing a dedicated mobile app opens up new avenues for reaching and engaging with customers. It allows businesses to tap into the burgeoning e-commerce market, expand their geographic reach, and diversify revenue streams beyond physical storefronts.
Data-driven Insights and Analytics
Grocery delivery apps capture valuable data on user behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling businesses to gain actionable insights and make data-driven decisions. This data can be leveraged to optimize inventory management, marketing strategies, and product offerings for enhanced operational efficiency and profitability.
Competitive Edge in the Market
In an increasingly competitive landscape, offering a seamless and convenient shopping experience through a mobile app sets businesses apart from their rivals. It positions them as innovative and customer-centric brands, fostering brand differentiation and enhancing market competitiveness.
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mheal · 3 months
Broken Smartphone? Do not worry Mheal is now in Pune 
In an advanced city like Pune where everyone is disguised in different sorts of jobs where mobility reigns supreme, the demand for services that seamlessly integrate into our fast-paced lives is more pressing than ever. Our reliance on mobile phones for daily communication, work, and entertainment underscores the necessity for quick and dependable repairs. This blog delves into the evolution of mobile repair services, shining a spotlight on the burgeoning trend of doorstep mobile repairs and the extensive benefits it offers to consumers.  
Addressing the Urgency: The Rise of Doorstep Mobile Repair  
In our increasingly hectic lifestyles, the traditional approach of visiting repair shops for mobile issues is proving impractical. Beyond time constraints, safety concerns in crowded repair shops have catalyzed a change in basic assumptions towards personalized and secure solutions.  
Explore the manifold advantages that doorstep mobile repairs offer:  
Convenience: Bid farewell to long queues and commuting hassles associated with traditional repair shops.  
Timesaving: Have your phone fixed at your own pace, tailor-made to your schedule.  
Cost-Effective: Sidestep hidden fees and exorbitant parking charges linked with brick-and-mortar repair establishments.  
Personalized Service: Bask in individual attention from a dedicated technician addressing your unique needs.  
Security: Rest easy knowing your phone is undergoing repair in a safe and secure environment.  
Unlock Exclusive Benefits with Mheal!  
Choose Mheal with confidence, knowing you are opting for: 
Certified Technicians: Our skilled professionals hold certifications to deliver top-notch services.  
Quality Assurance: We employ premium parts, backed by a warranty, ensuring a reliable fix and your peace of mind.  
Transparent Pricing: What you see is what you get — no hidden costs, fostering a fair and transparent transaction.  
Customer-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our paramount concern, and we go the extra mile to guarantee a seamless repair experience.  
Mheal Doorstep Mobile Repair Services are also Available in:  
Mobile repair in Delhi   
Mobile repair in Bengaluru   
Mobile repair in Mumbai   
Mobile repair in Hyderabad   
Mobile repair in Noida   
Mobile repair in Gurgaon   
Make the Smart Choice with Mheal! 
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ropeknot-media-blog · 3 months
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RJ Properties: Transforming Biswanath Chariali, Assam
Residents of Biswanath Chariali, Assam, have witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, and RJ Properties is at the heart of it. From their iconic Millennium Mall, a modern hub for shopping and entertainment, to their upcoming “The White Hill” residential project, they’re building a brighter future for the community.
A Legacy of Quality and Local Focus
Previously known as Big Time Ventures Pvt. Ltd., RJ Properties boasts over a decade of experience in construction and development. Their commitment to exceptional quality has earned them the trust of countless clients and established them as a leading force in the region.
The White Hill: Addressing Local Needs
“The White Hill” isn’t just another residential project; it’s a solution to long-standing challenges faced by Biswanath residents. Imagine a community free from boundary disputes, with functional sewerage systems, well-maintained streets, and robust security measures. “The White Hill” makes this dream a reality.
Solving Common Problems, Delivering Peace of Mind
Residents can finally bid farewell to worries about property lines, overflowing drains, and poorly lit streets. The project’s meticulous planning ensures peace of mind with efficient waste management, 24/7 security, and surveillance systems.
More Than Just Bricks and Mortar: Building a Community
RJ Properties understands that homes are more than just structures; they’re the foundation of a community. “The White Hill” fosters a sense of belonging with thoughtfully designed common areas, encouraging interaction and creating a vibrant social fabric.
Top-Selling and Talk of the Town
It’s no surprise that “The White Hill” has become the talk of the town. Its combination of affordability, quality construction, and focus on local needs has resonated with residents. With strong sales already underway, the project is poised to become a landmark in Biswanath.
Looking Forward: A Brighter Biswanath with RJ Properties
RJ Properties isn’t stopping there. Their commitment to Biswanath extends beyond individual projects. They actively participate in community initiatives, demonstrating their long-term vision for the region’s development.
Choose “The White Hill” and Choose Your Future
If you’re looking for a home that offers not just comfort but also a solution to local challenges, “The White Hill” is the answer. Join the growing community and be part of Biswanath’s exciting transformation. Visit the RJ Properties website or contact them today to learn more about this exceptional project.
Together, let’s build a brighter Biswanath!
Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice. Please consult with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.
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bestmattressbedonline · 4 months
Online Mattress Bliss: Your Ticket to a Restful Night's Sleep
In the fast-paced digital era we live in, even the pursuit of a good night's sleep has gone online. The days of showroom hopping and awkwardly lying on countless mattresses are behind us. Welcome to the era of "mattress online" where the comfort of your dreams is just a click away. In this blog post, we embark on a journey through the realms of online mattress shopping, exploring the convenience, choices, and the ultimate bliss it brings to your nightly routine.
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Section 1: Unveiling the Virtual Mattress Bazaar
Say goodbye to the labyrinth of brick-and-mortar mattress stores and welcome the simplicity of shopping for your sleep haven from the comfort of your own home. The virtual mattress bazaar is not just a marketplace; it's an experience. With a plethora of options at your fingertips, navigating through the world of "Mattress Online" is like entering a treasure trove of comfort. From memory foam to hybrid marvels, the choices are as diverse as your sleep preferences.
Section 2: The Science of Slumber - Finding Your Perfect Match
The days of a one-size-fits-all mattress are long gone. Enter the era of personalized comfort where algorithms help you discover your perfect match. The keyword "mattress online" unlocks a world where the science of slumber meets individual preferences. Online mattress retailers utilize advanced algorithms and comprehensive sleep quizzes to recommend the ideal mattress for your unique needs. It's not just a mattress; it's a tailored solution for your journey to dreamland.
Section 3: The Convenience Quotient - A Few Clicks to Dreamland
Imagine this: the perfect mattress, customized to your liking, delivered to your doorstep with just a few clicks. Convenience takes center stage in the world of "Mattress Online." No more tedious hours spent in traffic, no more pushy salespeople; the only effort you need is deciding on your preferred level of firmness. Embrace the ease of online mattress shopping and relish the excitement of an eagerly awaited doorstep delivery.
Section 4: Unboxing Delight - Theatrics of Mattress Arrival
Unboxing a mattress becomes a performance of its own. The magic unfolds as you cut through the packaging, and your chosen mattress expands to life. It's not just a bed; it's a spectacle. The keyword "mattress online" encapsulates this moment of unboxing delight, turning a simple delivery into a show of anticipation and excitement. Theatrics aside, the comfort that unravels before you is the real star of the show.
Section 5: Customer Testimonials - The Real Bedtime Stories
In the world of "Mattress Online," customer testimonials are the bedtime stories that guide you through the decision-making process. Real people sharing their real experiences create a community bound by the pursuit of a restful night's sleep. These testimonials, scattered across online platforms, become beacons of wisdom, helping you choose the perfect mattress with confidence.
Section 6: Cost-Efficiency - A Sound Investment in Well-Being
Contrary to the misconception that quality comes at a hefty price, "Mattress Online" shopping offers cost-efficiency without compromising on comfort. The keyword "mattress online" is not just a search term; it's a path to finding budget-friendly options that ensure a sound investment in your well-being. Bid farewell to the notion that a good night's sleep should break the bank.
Section 7: The Future of Mattress Shopping - A Sleep Revolution
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology and convenience, "Mattress Online" shopping stands as a testament to the future of mattress retail. It's not just a transaction; it's a revolution in the way we perceive and pursue quality sleep. The keyword "mattress online" is not merely a search query; it's a symbol of progress, transforming the once mundane task of mattress shopping into an innovative and enjoyable experience.
In conclusion, the world of "Mattress Online" is a realm where convenience, customization, and comfort converge to redefine the way we approach a good night's sleep. Embrace the digital age of mattress shopping, and let the keyword "mattress online" be your guiding star in the pursuit of unparalleled bliss. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a sleep sanctuary tailored just for you. Sweet dreams await in the virtual aisles of online mattress bliss.
Must Read: Comfort Meets Style: Unveiling the Latest Recliner Sofa Designs
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mattressdreamer · 6 months
Elevate Your Rest: Unwind with an Online Mattress Purchase
In today's fast-paced world, where every second counts, finding solace in the sanctuary of a peaceful night's sleep has become increasingly elusive. However, with the advent of technology and the convenience it brings, the quest for a restful slumber is now at our fingertips. In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative experience of upgrading your sleep sanctuary with a simple yet revolutionary move: choosing to Buy online mattress. Discover how this decision can elevate your rest, providing you with unparalleled comfort and convenience.
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1. Unveiling the Digital Haven: Why Buy Online Mattress?
Embark on a journey to the digital haven of tranquility as we unravel the myriad reasons to buy an online mattress. Beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar stores, the online realm offers an extensive array of options, each tailored to cater to your unique preferences. By choosing to buy online mattress, you not only save time but also gain access to a wealth of information, customer reviews, and expert opinions. This abundance of resources empowers you to make an informed decision, ensuring that your chosen mattress aligns seamlessly with your specific sleep needs.
2. Seamless Selection: Navigating the World of Online Mattress Shopping
Dive into the sea of choices as we guide you through the art of seamless selection when you decide to buy online mattress. From memory foam to hybrid wonders, the online market boasts an eclectic range of options to suit every sleeper's fancy. Transitioning from one product to another has never been more effortless, allowing you to explore various styles, sizes, and materials with just a few clicks. This convenience, coupled with the ability to compare prices and features, ensures that you make a choice that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.
3. The Doorstep Delight: Experience the Joy of Home Delivery
Bid farewell to the hassle of transporting a bulky mattress as you revel in the joy of doorstep delivery. When you buy online mattress, the convenience of having your chosen sleep companion arrive at your doorstep is unparalleled. Imagine the excitement of unboxing your mattress, watching it expand, and finally settling into a world of comfort. This stress-free process adds an element of delight to your mattress-buying experience, making the journey as enjoyable as the destination – a night of rejuvenating sleep.
4. Trial and Triumph: The Luxury of Mattress Trials
One of the most enticing advantages of choosing to buy online mattress is the luxury of trial periods. Unlike traditional mattress shopping, where you might spend a few minutes testing a mattress in-store, online purchases often come with extended trial periods. This allows you to experience the mattress in the comfort of your home, ensuring that it truly aligns with your sleep preferences. The ability to return or exchange the mattress if it doesn't meet your expectations ensures that your investment in quality sleep is risk-free.
5. Unwind in Style: Personalized Comfort with Online Mattress Customization
Elevate your rest to new heights by delving into the world of personalized comfort. When you buy online mattress, many retailers offer customization options to cater to your unique sleep requirements. From adjusting firmness levels to selecting specific materials, this level of personalization ensures that your mattress is not just a purchase but a tailored investment in your well-being. Unwind in style as you sink into a mattress crafted to cradle you in the embrace of ultimate comfort.
6. Sustainable Dreams: Eco-Friendly Choices in the Online Mattress Realm
In the pursuit of a good night's sleep, why not contribute to a better tomorrow? Many online mattress options prioritize sustainability, offering eco-friendly materials and production processes. By choosing to buy online mattress with a focus on sustainability, you not only invest in your rest but also in the well-being of the planet. Explore the intersection of luxury and eco-conscious choices as you embark on a journey towards a more sustainable and restful future.
In conclusion, the decision to buy online mattress transcends the act of purchasing a sleep accessory. It marks a shift towards a more convenient, personalized, and sustainable approach to rest. As you embark on this journey, remember that investing in quality sleep is an investment in your overall well-being. Elevate your rest, unwind in style, and embrace the digital revolution that brings the dreamland to your doorstep. Sweet dreams await as you take the leap into the world of online mattress shopping.
Must Read: Quality Rest Starts Here: The Ultimate Ranking of Mattresses in India
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sioniqer · 6 months
Why SIONIQ ERP is a better choice/ better jewellery software for your jewellery business?
Unlocking Your Jewellery Business's Full Potential with SIONIQ ERP
In the ever-evolving landscape of the jewellery industry, success demands more than exquisite craftsmanship and stunning designs. It requires a seamless blend of artistry and technology to thrive. This is where SIONIQ ERP, the best ERP for jewellery industry steps in, emerging as the superior choice and better business solution for your jewellery business.
Precision in Every Facet of Jewellery Management
SIONIQ ERP, the best jewellery ERP software is meticulously designed to cater to every facet of your jewellery business. From inventory management to sales tracking, it provides a comprehensive suite of tools that empower you to manage your operations with precision and efficiency making SIONIQ ERP software the best ERP for your jewellery store. Say goodbye to the headaches of manual record-keeping and embrace a streamlined production process, and automated system that ensures accuracy at every turn.
The Power of Real-time Insights
In the fast-paced world of jewellery, staying ahead of the competition necessitates real-time insights. SIONIQ ERP, jewellery software offers you a real-time dashboard that lets you monitor your business performance at a glance. Whether it's tracking sales trends or inventory levels, you'll have your finger on the pulse of your business, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly.
Unparalleled Inventory Control
For jewellery businesses, inventory is the lifeblood, and SIONIQ ERP software, an exclusive ERP for the jewellery industry provides you with unparalleled control over it. With features like SKU tracking, barcoding, and automated reorder points, you can bid farewell to overstocking and understocking woes is the best ERP solution for jewellery retailers. Your inventory will always be optimized, ensuring that you never miss a sales opportunity.
Seamless Multi-Channel Sales
The modern jewellery market extends beyond brick-and-mortar stores. SIONIQ ERP software enables you to seamlessly integrate online and offline sales channels. Whether you're selling through your website, social media, or physical stores, you can manage it all from a single platform. This ensures a consistent customer experience, regardless of where or how they shop, SIONIQ ERP is the best solution for jewellery retailers. 
Customer-Centric Approach
In the jewellery business, customer relationships are paramount. SIONIQ ERP software, the best erp for jewellery industry helps you nurture these relationships by storing customer data, preferences, and purchase history. This information empowers you to offer personalized experiences and build brand loyalty.
Enhanced Security and Compliance
The jewellery industry demands rigorous security and compliance standards. SIONIQ ERP, the exclusive jewellery ERP software, prioritizes data security and ensures that your business adheres to industry regulations. You can operate with confidence, knowing that your sensitive information is protected, and your business remains compliant.
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A Glance At Picture Frames Made To Measure
In today's digital age, the capability of ordering photo frames online has revolutionized the way you display your cherished memories and artwork in your living spaces. With the option of picture frames online, you are able to bid farewell to the era of generic frames and embrace a realm of endless possibilities. Photo frames have transcended their traditional roles and are becoming an important part of your interior decor. Whether you're looking to buy photo frames online for your house or office, the choices are boundless. One of many key features of buying photo frames online is the capacity to find built to measure picture frames that perfectly complement your space. The term "designed to measure picture frames" may appear fancy, but it simply means these frames are customized to your precise specifications. This ensures that the photo frame online purchase fits like a glove in your chosen spot. No more worrying all about ill fitting or awkwardly sized frames that disrupt the harmony of one's room. When you explore the planet of photo frames online, you'll encounter various styles to match your taste. Are you searching for picture frames made to measure? Visit the previously described site.
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From classic and timeless designs to modern and avant garde creations, there's an image frame for each decor theme. Whether you want a field frame, box picture frame, or traditional multi picture photo frame, you'll locate a vast array of options. Multi picture frames are particularly popular those types of who want to showcase several memories in just a single frame. These multi photo frames can be found in various configurations, letting you display some moments or artworks in one unified presentation. It's like telling a story throughout your photos without cluttering your walls. Moreover, the availability of cheap picture frames online makes it much more enticing to revamp your space with personalized photo frames. You can adorn your walls with your preferred images without breaking the bank. These affordable picture frames don't compromise on quality, ensuring your memories are displayed beautifully. What sets online photo frames apart is the convenience they offer. You can browse through an extensive catalog of photo frames from the comfort of your home.
You should not rush to physical stores, wasting time and energy. Instead, you are able to invest some time to select the right photo frame online, considering its size, style, and finish. Furthermore, the web marketplace for photo frames often features exclusive deals and discounts, which makes it a cost effective choice. You are able to make the most of these offers to purchase the very best designed to measure frames at a portion of the price you'd pay in a normal brick and mortar store. The era of picture frames designed to measure has ushered in a fresh era of customization and convenience. The world of photo frames online offers an extensive selection of options, from cheap picture frames to multi picture photo frames, catering to every taste and budget. So, do not accept generic when you are able adorn your space with personalized, made to measure frames that beautifully encapsulate your memories and artworks. Dive into the internet world of photo frames and transform your living space today.
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Details On Multi Picture Photo Frame
In today's digital age, the ease of ordering photo frames online has revolutionized the way you display your cherished memories and artwork in your living spaces. With the availability of picture frames online, you can bid farewell to the era of generic frames and embrace a realm of endless possibilities. Photo frames have transcended their traditional roles and have become an integral part of one's interior decor. Whether you're looking to buy photo frames online for your home or office, the choices are boundless. Among the key features of searching for photo frames online is the ability to find made to measure picture frames that perfectly complement your space. The word "designed to measure picture frames" might appear fancy, but it simply means these frames are customized to your precise specifications. This ensures that the photo frame online purchase fits like a glove in your chosen spot. No further worrying all about ill fitting or awkwardly sized frames that disrupt the harmony of one's room. Once you explore the planet of photo frames online, you'll encounter various styles to suit your taste. Are you searching about multi picture photo frame? Browse the before talked about website.
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From classic and timeless designs to modern and avant garde creations, there's a photograph frame for every decor theme. Whether you want a field frame, box picture frame, or traditional multi picture photo frame, you'll look for a vast variety of options. Multi picture frames are particularly popular among those who would like to showcase several memories within a single frame. These multi photo frames come in various configurations, allowing you to display a series of moments or artworks in a single unified presentation. It's like telling a tale during your photos without cluttering your walls. Moreover, the accessibility to cheap picture frames online helps it be much more enticing to revamp your space with personalized photo frames. You can adorn your walls with your favorite images without breaking the bank. These affordable picture frames don't compromise on quality, ensuring your memories are displayed beautifully.
What sets online photo frames apart is the convenience they offer. You can browse through an extensive catalog of photo frames from the comfort of your home. No need to rush to physical stores, wasting time and energy. Instead, you are able to take your time to select an ideal photo frame online, considering its size, style, and finish. Furthermore, the internet marketplace for photo frames often features exclusive deals and discounts, which makes it a price effective choice. You are able to make the most of these offers to purchase the very best made to measure frames at a portion of the price you'd pay in a normal brick and mortar store. The era of picture frames made to measure has ushered in a new era of customization and convenience. The planet of photo frames online offers a thorough array of options, from cheap picture frames to multi picture photo frames, catering to every taste and budget. So, do not accept generic when you are able adorn your space with personalized, built to measure frames that beautifully encapsulate your memories and artworks. Dive into the web world of photo frames and transform your living space today.
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picturesframesonline · 8 months
A Look At Picture Frames Online
In today's digital age, the ease of ordering photo frames online has revolutionized the way you display your cherished memories and artwork in your living spaces. With the option of picture frames online, you are able to bid farewell to the era of generic frames and embrace a realm of endless possibilities. Photo frames have transcended their traditional roles and have grown to be a built-in part of one's interior decor. Whether you're thinking of buying photo frames online for your property or office, the options are boundless. One of the key features of buying photo frames online is the capability to find designed to measure picture frames that perfectly complement your space. The definition of "built to measure picture frames" may seem fancy, but it simply means that these frames are customized to your precise specifications. This ensures that the photo frame online purchase fits such as a glove in your chosen spot. Forget about fretting about ill fitting or awkwardly sized frames that disrupt the harmony of one's room. When you explore the entire world of photo frames online, you'll run into various styles to match your taste. From classic and timeless designs to modern and avant garde creations, there's a photo frame for every single decor theme. If you're looking for additional info on picture frames online, view the mentioned above website.
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Whether you want a package frame, box picture frame, or traditional multi picture photo frame, you'll find a vast variety of options. Multi picture frames are particularly popular among those who want to showcase several memories inside a single frame. These multi photo frames come in various configurations, enabling you to display some moments or artworks in a single unified presentation. It's like telling an account during your photos without cluttering your walls. Moreover, the accessibility to cheap picture frames online makes it a lot more enticing to revamp your space with personalized photo frames. You can adorn your walls with your preferred images without breaking the bank. These affordable picture frames don't compromise on quality, ensuring your memories are displayed beautifully. What sets online photo frames apart could be the convenience they offer.
You are able to browse through an extensive catalog of photo frames from the comfort of one's home. No need to rush to physical stores, wasting time and energy. Instead, you are able to spend some time to pick the right photo frame online, considering its size, style, and finish. Furthermore, the online marketplace for photo frames often features exclusive deals and discounts, which makes it a price effective choice. You are able to take advantage of these offers to buy the most effective made to measure frames at a fraction of the cost you'd pay in a normal brick and mortar store. The era of picture frames made to measure has ushered in a new era of customization and convenience. The world of photo frames online offers a thorough selection of options, from cheap picture frames to multi picture photo frames, catering to every taste and budget. So, don't settle for generic when you are able adorn your space with personalized, designed to measure frames that beautifully encapsulate your memories and artworks. Dive into the web world of photo frames and transform your living space today.
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thiagodacruz · 9 months
Transform Your Workplace with Commercial Cleaning Services
Revive your workplace with our exceptional Commercial Cleaning Services. Bid farewell to dust, mess, and dirt, and usher in a fresh, inviting atmosphere that enhances productivity and overall well-being. Our skilled team guarantees a thorough cleaning, ensuring even the tiniest corner shines, providing you with peace of mind. Don't hesitate; rejuvenate your workspace today! Get in touch with us now to book your cleaning service and witness the positive transformation firsthand. Elevate your workplace standards, cultivating a healthier, more welcoming space for both your staff and clients. Take action today and enjoy the advantages of a cleaner, more efficient workplace!
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interships-ulead · 11 months
Unveiling the Wonders of Online Internships and Be a Campus Ambassador
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Aspiring professionals! Are you tired of the same old brick-and-mortar internships? Want to explore a whole new world of opportunities from the comfort of your couch? Well, my friend, you've come to the right place! 
Welcome to the age of  online internship program, where the digital realm opens doors to incredible experiences and endless possibilities!  Let's dive right in and uncover the fantastic benefits of working from home while being a campus ambassador!
 Embrace the Flexibility: Bid farewell to those morning commutes and rigid schedules! With online internships, you call the shots on when and where you work. Say hello to a flexible routine that allows you to balance academics, hobbies, and, most importantly, Netflix binging! 
A World of Opportunities at Your Fingertips: The internet is a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be discovered. From remote internships with global companies to exciting startup projects, there's something for everyone! You can gain experience in your field of interest while never having to put on real pants! 
 Be the Campus Rockstar: Picture this: you, strutting around campus with a newfound aura of awesomeness.  As a Campus Ambassador you're not just representing a company or brand; you're becoming a part of a movement! Organize events, engage your peers, and unleash your inner influencer! Your college mates will be in awe of your charisma. 
Master the Digital World: Let's face it; digital skills are the currency of the future!  By diving into online internships, you'll become a tech-savvy pro. From mastering social media marketing to acing virtual collaborations, you'll be one step ahead in the ever-evolving job market. 
 Earn While You Learn: Who said Work from Home Internship have to be unpaid? Not in this digital era! Many online internships offer attractive stipends, ensuring your bank account stays as motivated as you are! Earn some green while honing your skills – it's a win-win situation! 
 Network Like a Pro: No more awkward networking events! Online internships open doors to connect with professionals worldwide. You'll expand your network faster than you can say "LinkedIn."  So, get ready to rub virtual elbows with industry experts and potential mentors! 
 Boost Your Resume to Stardom: A killer resume is your golden ticket to the career of your dreams!  Online internships showcase your adaptability, self-motivation, and ability to thrive in a digital landscape. Employers will be dazzled by your experience, setting you on the fast track to success! 
In conclusion, folks, online internships are the way to go! Embrace the digital revolution, work from the comfort of your PJs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.  So, go ahead and seize those opportunities, become a campus ambassador extraordinaire, and let your career soar to new heights! Apply now!!.
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jaskierisbi · 3 years
lines and verses from every amazing devil song that hit
But our voices collide with each howl of the tide || Singing all hell and its fire waits for us
All that matters || Is that you’re here
Pruning Shears
My entire life it's running away too fast || Watching everyone I've ever loved walk past || Never really quite getting the knack of || Knowing no one will not || Ever come back for you
Shower Day
Would have stayed if you'd had asked || But instead you just walk past
You're the one who told me my hair looked better black || You're the one who told me to never look back || You're the one who asked me if I'm feeling ok || I said I'm fine || It's just a sitting down in the shower day
Leave the room but you get caught in the rain || Know you should love him but it's such a pain || Would have stayed if you'd had asked || But instead you just walk away
Elsa’s Song
I can hear the cannons calling || As though across a dream || And I can smell the smoke of hell || In every stitch and seam || And like flowers, the bodies tumble || Around this muddied lot || I cannot hear them scream || ‘Forget me not.’
Pray for me, I'll run until I begin to understand || What holy men really mean || When they speak of sin
God made all man in his image || Honey I'm I'm I'm no man || I'm what’s left when children go to war
Run from you, I'll run until I begin to understand || What holy men really mean when they speak of sand and sons and seams and symphonies and sweat and sex and sin
Why you cannot sleep for sighing || Why womanhood is more than crying || I'm stronger now than you have ever known
The cracks you made I fill with mortar || A broken pot can still hold water || Symphonies and sweat and sex mean nothing when you are obsessed || With sin and soil and strength and song and all the words that came out wrong and him
Little Miss Why So
Did you tell them about the time we met little miss || You'll love the way I tell it || And I'll yell it from the rooftops for you || He says
He says || You're going too fast || You'll burn up soon
I don't know how to reach you when you get like this || I've been waiting for you to come home || I don't know how to reach you when you get like this || I've been waiting for you to come home
Why won't you just tell them all to fuck off love and be mine
He says || Why so sad || I'm here and I'm alive || Stop making up death wishes and take my lifeline
Why won't you believe I love you if I'm not hurting you, he says || Can't you see that I'm enough for you but you don't want me to be || 'Cause that means you'll actually have to be content
Why so why so sad || Stop asking why I'm sad just know it's enough to know I'm sad
New York Torch Song
But your blood does not bleed red no more || It's whiter than the sun burns, bright with every hum || From within this gaping wound of ours || A new us has begun. A new us has begun. A new us has begun
Tear me up and burn me up and rip me up and leave your || Hand on the wall as you go
Are you god or devil, ghost dishevelled || Childhood friend or drunken revel
I cannot find the words to keep you || I cannot find the words to keep you
Two Minutes
It's like all the wallpaper inside my heart || Is slowly slowly peeling off || And I'm showing || All the stains and things || They wrote on the wall before
These hands are growing cold ||They're running out of things to hold || Give me two damn minutes and I'll be fine
If I'm good will you come back || If I'm good will you come back || If I'm good will you come back || To us
Not Yet/Love Run
Sing me awake with a song about pirates || And I will try to harmonise || And sip the sunlight from your eyes || Oh sing me awake || With all the things we’ll do today || But instead we’ll build a den || Out of pillows and get drunk again
If my old mum could see me now || Oh how she’d howl she’d howl
Love run, love run || For all the things you’ve done || Run for all the things that drum || Run for all those pages thumbed
Love run, love run || For all the things we wished we’d done || Run from all you know that’s coming || Run to show that love’s worth running to
All that matters || Is that you're here ||All that matters
- - - - - - - - - -
The Rockrose and the Thistle
n/a sorry y’all
The Horror and the Wild
You are that space that’s in between every page, every chord and every screen || You are the driftwood and the rift, you’re the words that I promise I don’t mean
We’re drunk but drinking (sunk but sinking) || They thought us blind (we were just blinking)
Remember me I ask, remember me I sing || Give me back my heart you wingless thing
Think of all the horrors that I || Promised you I’d bring || I promise you, they’ll sing of every || Time you passed your fingers through my hair and called me child || Witness me, old man, I am the Wild
Wild Blue Yonder
So one last time, love, come and rip my clothes || Get a grip, we're grownups
Come and rip off my socks like you’re blasting the locks off of a bank vault. Halt! || This time we’re done for
Let’s hide under the covers || We don’t know what’s out there || Could be wolves || So hold me, lover, like you used to || So tight I’d bruise you || I’d bruise you, I’d bruise you too
Every stone you threw, I stood on to better see the view
Don't you ever wonder, what could have been? || All those wonders sit in wait for us, we tried
Every brick you hurled, I’ll use to build this world || This world, this world, this world
Welly Boots
And I love you, don’t you know || That I’ll be with you all along, as long as you are kind
And when you scream that it’s not fair || It’s like I’ve gone off to the coast || Left you behind just standing there || Pretending not to see your ghost || If only you could hear my voice || But you are screaming far too loud to hear me swear || Just because I left doesn’t mean that I’m not still there
'Cause you were always strong || When you were young, you’d kick things just to see if they would fall || They said ‘That girl, she’s wrong’ || But I’ll stick up for you, even though you haven’t got a clue, you haven't got a fucking clue
Farewell Wanderlust
He said ‘Hey darling hey, hey darling hey’ || I’m the hardest goodbye that you’ll ever have to say
I promise you I’ll be better || I promise you I’ll try || But like rubbing wine stains into rugs it’s my curse || To try and make it right, but by trying make it worse
I promise you I’m not broken || I promise you there’s more || More to come, more to reach for, more to hurl at the door
Goodbye to all my darkness, there’s nothing here but light || Adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night || This here is not make up, it’s a porcelain tomb || And this here is not singing, I’m just screaming in tune
It’s what my heart just yearns to say || In ways that can’t be said || It’s what my rotting bones will sing || When the rest of me is dead || It’s what’s engraved upon my heart || In letters deeply worn || Today I somehow understand the reason I was born
She laughs as though she’s not heard the joke ten thousand times before || And he adores her, he watches her get dressed as though she’s hurtling through time
And she brushes her hand through his hair, he’s got so much fucking hair
And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay
"It’s not fair, it’s not fair how much I love you || It’s not fair, 'cause you make me laugh when I’m actually really fucking cross at you for something," || And he’ll say || "Oh how, oh how unreasonable || How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do || I spend my days so close to you 'cause if I’m standing here, maybe everyone will think I’m alright,"
'Cause darling I was born to press my head between your shoulder blades
And calm throughout his melodrama, she will turn and say || "Dear heart, it’s me, it's me || You don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not || 'Cause it’s not like I’ve never heard you fart and snore || And for some godforsaken reason || I’m still here, love, like I’ve always been before,"
Burying her head into his chest and clinging to the moment || "Where have you been?" she’ll whisper || "I’ve waited oh so long for you to come" || And as the stars above them hum and hear them || He’ll turn to her and say, "That’s what she said"
That Unwanted Animal
You try so loud to love me || I cannot seem to hear || ‘Be good to me,’ I whisper || And you say ‘What?’ || And I say ‘Nothing dear’
I’m the paper cut that kills you || I’m the priest that you ignored || I’m the touch you crave, I’m the plans that you made, but fuck all your plans I’m bored
And you rip my ribcage open || And devour what’s truly yours
'Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough || To God I imagine it all starts to sound like applause
And I chipped my teeth on every joke you cracked
You stole the best years of my life || I’ll give them back
'Cause I will wait and hope || Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep || But a place for crows to rest their feet || And I will wait and hope || And rest my head at night content || Knowing where my marbles went
She sang, ‘Do you think I’m sexy?’ and oh god I really did
Oh, if one more guy calls me darling then I || Swear to you and to god I will murder them all
All the bastards applaud when I show that I’m flawed || You’re not flawed darling, you’re just a little under-rehearsed
I’ve loved you, for a hundred years || Certainly fucking feels like it
The minute I met you, the colours of my life began to pour
And now, even though you’re mad and these memories won’t stay || That's okay || 'Cause then I get to meet you for the first time every single day
Battle Cries
Tell the truth to me, love, does my hair look as nice || As it did when you once tangled up in your eyes? || Look at me as you say this, don’t look at your phone
‘Cause these plates they smash like waves || And the wine stains hide the tears || But that breathing you hear, don't mistake it for sighs || Don’t you realise? They’re just battle cries, dear
And these lines aren’t wrinkles, dear heart || They’re just dollops of paint on a new work of art
And as I walk away, I know I’ve been through the wars || But that creaking you hear in my bones is not pain, it’s applause
This isn’t a break up, dear heart, it’s a season finale
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mheal · 3 months
Broken Smartphone? Do not worry Mheal is now in Hyderabad 
Broken Smartphone? Do not worry Mheal is now in Hyderabad 
In an advanced city like Hyderabad where everyone is disguised in different sorts of jobs where mobility reigns supreme, the demand for services that seamlessly integrate into our fast-paced lives is more pressing than ever. Our reliance on mobile phones for daily communication, work, and entertainment underscores the necessity for quick and dependable repairs. This blog delves into the evolution of mobile repair services, shining a spotlight on the burgeoning trend of doorstep mobile repairs and the extensive benefits it offers to consumers. 
Addressing the Urgency: The Rise of Doorstep Mobile Repair 
In our increasingly hectic lifestyles, the traditional approach of visiting repair shops for mobile issues is proving impractical. Beyond time constraints, safety concerns in crowded repair shops have catalyzed a change in basic assumptions towards personalized and secure solutions. 
Explore the manifold advantages that doorstep mobile repairs offer:    Convenience: Bid farewell to long queues and commuting hassles associated with traditional repair shops.  Time-Saving: Have your phone fixed at your own pace, tailor-made to your schedule.  Cost-Effective: Sidestep hidden fees and exorbitant parking charges linked with brick-and-mortar repair establishments.  Personalized Service: Bask in individual attention from a dedicated technician addressing your unique needs.  Security: Rest easy knowing your phone is undergoing repair in a safe and secure environment.  Unlocking Exclusive Benefits with Mheal! 
Choose Mheal with confidence, knowing you are opting for:  Certified Technicians: Our skilled professionals hold certifications to deliver top-notch services.  Quality Assurance: We employ premium parts, backed by a warranty, ensuring a reliable fix and your peace of mind.  Transparent Pricing: What you see is what you get — no hidden costs, fostering a fair and transparent transaction.  Customer-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our paramount concern, and we go the extra mile to guarantee a seamless repair experience. 
Mheal Doorstep Mobile Repair Services are also Available in: 
Mobile repair in Delhi  Mobile repair in Bangalore  Mobile repair in Mumbai  Mobile repair in Pune  Mobile repair in Noida  Mobile repair in Gurgaon  Make the Smart Choice with Mheal! 
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