#‘dance or divorce mom’ suddenly he’s a pro
theloveinc · 1 month
“dance or get back together with mom” challenge with divorced!dad!Bakugo and he’s flinging your child’s phone across the room
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swimfuel · 3 years
okay humanstuck thoughts under the cut
i owe a lot of this to @/rhythmic-idealist's kankri/vantasposting bc holy shit theyve got such a big brain (ill link to their individual posts when im on desktop since im using this to keep all my thoughts straight and i agree with most of what they say wholeheartedly)
general status quo stuff:
signless works in an extremely demanding career involving helping others (i'm leaning towards an attorney who works with organizations and does pro bono work), and is also extensively involved in social justice work outside of his job... he is very rarely home
he loves and cares for his children deeply and tries to express it whenever they're face to face, but the couch in his cramped and messy office has seen far too much use over the years for him to have been able to say it enough
his habits of working himself to the point of exhaustion are handily passed down to his kids btw
the kids had to grow up quickly because signless was out of the house so often and so consistently—kankri, who was already pretty high-strung, has to learn to take care of himself and karkat
they grow up near ms firuzeh maryam, who's their pseudoaunt/grandma (she took in a nine year old kavana vantas when she was about twenty), but they just call her ms rosa
they spent a lot of time in the maryam house growing up, with miss rosa's two nieces. porrim is a year older than kankri, while kanaya and karkat are the same age
kankri grows kinda sensitive to people trying to mother him since it rubs against the notion that he's the "adult of the house" and that he can take care of himself and karkat just fine
(and it also kinda underlines the fact that kankri has no idea what he's doing at the best of times)
and ironically enough, kankri becomes overbearing and naggy towards karkat in his own right, which forestalls them becoming close in any brotherly sort of way
they grow up really just... unable to communicate with one another clearly
karkat develops his ornery exterior in response to kankri's constant stream of opinions and frantic attempts at making up for the presence of a guardian in the house
i think there would actually be some really interesting parallels with rose in this au.. maybe i'm drawing from my own experiences as well but i think he'd begin to assume that every time his brother opens his mouth, he's going to criticize karkat
but instead of reacting like rose with the "making yourself more of a puzzle"/passive aggressive stuff, he gets a more defensive/hackles raised/"argue with you before you can argue with me" approach
and the thing is that they do love each other and would take a bullet for the other etc etc etc.. but they don't know how to express it because they've fallen into these shitty patterns
and it really doesn't help that kankri has grown somewhat resentful of signless over the years... that mix of resentment and fear and love gets more extreme and more polar every time signless gets injured during a political demonstration
i think kankri and signless would also be slightly closer than karkat and signless, as signless' job really only started to ramp up when karkat was less than years old and kankri was in his early double digits
kankri autistic btw its word of god (i am god)
karkat has a pet crab. its name is also karkat. he vents his frustrations to it.
i feel like the vantases exemplify both the best and worst parts of their aspects with one another as well... the strength of their bonds keeps them together and grounded, but TOO grounded. [insert Blood rant here]
the Blood rant:
i define Blood as bonds, responsibility, and the "core". if Life is the fertile soil and everything living on a planet's surface, then Blood is the gravitational core of the planet keeping everything together
i also think Blood, Heart, & Mind work in tandem to define a person just as blood serves to connect the pieces of the human body... Heart is the soul and the self, Mind is the application of one's self through active choices (agency), while Blood defines both the self and the choices one makes in greater detail [and, as an aside, Life provides the physical spark of life needed to keep the heart pumping blood]
OKAY wow that got tangential anyways
SO BASICALLY! too much Blood makes you stagnate, so for example:
kankri is split between staying home with karkat or going to college across the country and being truly unbound for the first time in years
another crisis of Blood: signless is caught between his empathy and responsibility to the whole world and his responsibility to his own children
okay so here's more status quo stuff:
the maryam and vantas kids grow up together and its hilarious because you'll see them all together and its just like (girlboss) (girlboss) (physical manlet) (emotional manlet)
the maryam girls are actually miss rosa's nieces but she took them in when they were both pretty young
the pyropes know the vantases well enough considering pyrope senior and sign have known one another from their respective legal practices for years, but they live on the other side of town
the leijons lived in town when kankri and meulin were very young, but they moved and travelled for a long time before coming back and reestablishing their roots
the captors (psii being one of sign's oldest and closest friends) move into town with the peixes family pretty early on though
the condesce is.. a horrible spouse and guardian, to put it plainly. she's very emotionally manipulative and isn't averse to smacking people around, including her own family. she moves herself and her perfect little family into town so she can properly oversee a new business venture close by
feferi is one of the best young swimmers in the country and has a pretty good shot of getting onto the olympic team.. a lot of this drive to be perfect and to be better results from the condesce's unrelenting pressure and thinly veiled resentment throughout her whole life
so yeah psii, )(ic, feferi, and sollux all live together and it's really not great for anyone involved. (meenah ran away years ago, and crashed on aranea's couch for a pretty long while—mituna moved out with latula for college before psii and the condesce got married)
it gets bad to the point of sollux staying with the maryams for two months while the adults try to sort out that absolute clusterfuck and get the divorce proceedings going (meenah finally convinces feferi to get out and come stay with her and aranea for the duration as well)
in terms of relationships i think latula and porrim were really really close in high school, and probably had some kind of unacknowledged thing going on for a while that never actually turned into anything because latula and mituna were going steady
kankri has had a crush on latula for years but never acted on it for similar reasons
meenah still carries a lot of that give no fucks attitude (it's developed moreso as a defense mechanism here) and can't understand why feferi refuses to leave the condesce with her
okay back to VANTAS MANPAIN i also think that karkat feels the weight of a lot of expectations on his shoulders as well
he feels responsible to live up to the example his dad and his brother set, even if it's to his own detriment—and kankri's oblivious rambling about his grades and his teachers and all his clubs certainly aren't helping the matter
kankri is one of those overinvolved kids taking a million AP's while simultaneously shitting on the collegeboard at every single step
hes this super overachiever anal retentive perfectionist type dude and (just as karkat preemptively criticizes others to forestall their criticisms of him only to harshly criticize himself) kankri subconsciously holds the people around him to the same expectations he holds for himself
so karkat also develops this sense of lacking which, in combination with everything else, culminates in self loathing and thinking he has to solve everyone else's problems and getting horribly mad at himself for every little mistake
GOD i have a lot more but lemme post this before i accidentally close out of the app and lose it all
more little details:
vriska's mom and terezi's mom HATE each other like HATE HATE HATE one another it's so bad
karkat wrote a ten page review of my immortal in middle school
jade is one of nepeta's best online friends
sollux can't raise one eyebrow at a time.. karkat gives him so much grief about it
the vantases eat a lot of shitty renditions of persian dishes until karkat learns to cook because literally the only person in the world with a CHANCE of getting KANKRI VANTAS to make an EDIBLE DISH is miss rosa
kanaya is really good at persian dance too but is VERY VERY embarassed to perform in front of people.. however porrim definitely is not
karkat has insomnia while kankri just stays up stupidly late for assignments that really shouldnt be taken that seriously.. but they both have the same rumination/sleep anxiety thing where your brain goes insane with horrible and depressing scenarios as you try to sleep
and more ideas that i thought were interesting but idk how to fit in the context of this au:
signless and disciple getting married pretty late in life after having been in love for years, the vantases move in with the leijons and karkat suddenly has two sisters
nepeta and karkat are both juniors at this point, meulin is probably in her third year at a local college nearby while kankri is about to start his second year at a university pretty far away
the kids in general honestly but ill figure it out
more random hcs this time with kids:
kanaya and rose get into a flame war online that gradually settles into elaborate courtship rituals
also nepeta + jade online besties
also bec can inexplicably still teleport
the first sbahj movie comes out and the next six months of dave strider junior's high school career are absolute hell
actually hc that dave senior goes by d strider professionally. the d stands for a lot of things
aradia and dave frequent a lot of the same forums but never end up really interacting
meanwhile karkat and john frequent a lot of the same forums and DEFINITELY end up interacting. this turns into grudging (at least on karkat's part) friendship after they find themselves fighting for their lives defending an objectively shitty movie together on the same thread
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gimme cole headcanon
Cole Headcanons Part Two!
Part one right here: https://that-was-anticlimactic.tumblr.com/post/182618003899/have-you-any-headcanons-about-cole-the-fandom
(Sorry this is long, I tried doing the read more on my phone but it didn’t work I’m screeching ahh!!)
Let’s start with some depressing then end in happy!
During the beginning of Sons of Garmadon when Lloyd didn’t know Harumi was evil and they were being all flirty, Cole was the only single one on the ship (Zane still had Pixal even though she wasn’t there. That wording is weird but makes sense in my head) and eventually it got to the point of just craving validation and affection and being heard and seen since he was always the wheel and sometimes no one paid him any attention because of significant others, that he went out in search for something to make him feel valuable and long story short he met a random guy at Laffy’s (before he knew it was an SoG place) and they ended up making out in the back and it was really bad because the guy was going far too fast for Cole and wanted more and it scared Cole and he didn’t know how to say slow down and every time he tried he was ignored. He barely got out before it got... too intense.
He still hasn’t told anyone about it yet. All he wanted was for someone to notice him, to treat him like he wasn’t a third wheel... he didn’t want that.
Unbeknownst to him it was an SoG member who knew he was a ninja and was trying to make him feel pain
After the events of Day of the Departed, Cole had a few moments where he was mad at the team for forgetting him, even though he knew it wasn’t their fault
At one really low point he reasoned that if it were any other ninja (specifically Lloyd), everyone would have noticed immediately. He felt really bad about that thought for awhile.
You’re invisible when you’re sad
Fading away at random times TO THIS DAY is the scariest thing that’s ever happened to him. It happened at the most random times and he would suddenly lose control and even thought sometimes and the others would sometimes just find him staring into space
There was a good portion of time when he was a ghost when the public hates him. All of the ninja get hate a lot because... the world can be dumb... but when Cole was a ghost, people freaked out. It took a long time for them to realize / accept that he wasn’t becoming evil or anything.
Cole had some bad encounters with some citizens who didn’t trust him. The team got real pissed real fast about them. Cole definitely didn’t leave The Bounty for a while and thought everyone hated him. He had some good talks with Lloyd and Zane about dealing with it because they know best.
Ninjago being like Cole never had any run ins with water as a ghost what ??? Oh no no he definitely had some instances with water that scared him to no end
This boy just. He craves affection so badly sometimes. Like not like he’s desperate for a significant other but. FSM, this boy just needs affection sometimes because he never gets it.
Okay okay. About cake. Cole likes cake. And he likes food, he stress eats. BUT! Ever since that one day when he made a big deal out of cake (which he hadn’t eaten in a decent amount of time), his teammates made some jokes about it, as friends do. Eventually, the public kind of realized this and all of a sudden he wasn’t “the earth ninja” or “the black ninja” or even “the strong ninja” no no, he was “the ninja who liked food”. That’s how the public saw him now, and if that’s what he is, then he has to be that, he thought.
So he felt like he had to eat all the time and so he did. There were some moments when he essentially ate himself sick. At one point, he actually hated cake because of how much he ate it and how often it was out in front of him and he felt like he needed to eat it.
The thought that he had to be the one who ate all of the time and had to be that one guy who was obsessed with food led him to bulimia as well
No one on the team knows about this except for Zane who caught him puking one time and flipped out. That’s the reason he did the whole “my body is a temple” thing in season eight because Zane said if he didn’t stop doing this to himself because he felt like “he had to” then he would tell everyone right then and there.
Don’t get me wrong, Cole always stress ate a little bit and enjoyed cake because he never really was allowed it too much as a kid, but he got pushed too far (unbeknownst to himself and his teammates) and it just ended really bad.
He is very self-conscious about his weight
I know it’s essentially canon that his mom died, but Cole’s parents got divorced. It was very bad and very brutal. His mom left in front of him and didn’t spare him a second glance. Besides... he said that “he just lost someone.'' He never said someone died.
Whether his mom actually died after the divorce or it was the divorce itself, the song “Dead Mom” from Beetlejuice (Musical) became super important to him and he sang it a lot.
He still sang it once he became a ninja. The team could hear him singing or humming it some nights or during training or when he was down.
They never really understood why he was so attached to that song since they didn’t know about his family situation for awhile but they rolled with it and honestly, everyone but Jay could relate in some way
Still has nightmares about his fall (which he does NOT blame Nya for). Like. He doesn’t know how or why he survived. Sometimes he’s scared that the team literally just flew away without him because they didn’t care not because they literally had to because in his nightmares they didn’t care. Needless to say, once the Oni were defeated Cole did get a lot of love because his nightmares weren’t a secret. Being touched by the Oni like he did in his first fall and being in the Oni for twenty four hours+ definitely does that to you.
Now not only does he have a slight fear of water, but he also has a slight fear of the dark.
Kai and Lloyd went out one day after a particularly rough night and they bought a nightlight for him and he literally cried happy tears when they gave it to him because he was so ashamed but they were so supportive
When Kai, Jay, and Zane got captured in Hunted, they saw the Ultra Dragon’s bones... Cole never saw that. They didn’t even think to tell him until after they got back into Ninjago and Cole was talking about how much he missed just dragons and general and he wondered where Rocky / Ultra Dragon was
When he found out he got up and silently walked away. He found a tree that hasn’t been smashed in the destruction of the city and stayed in there. The others found him asleep in the refuge of the tree there later that night. Kai, Jay, and Zane felt terrible.
He doesn’t really like Valentine’s Day because he’s always alone on that holiday. Like all of his friends leave him, and he knows they’re not leaving him, they’re just going on dates… he’s happy that Lloyd is with him every time… except the one Valentine’s Day with Harumi. He’s usually content it’s just that he always feels isolated on Valentine’s Day.
Cole relates to Rapunzel a lot. Also she’s his favorite Disney Princess don’t @ me
Sometimes the team will be like “Cole! Let down your hair!” because Cole’s got the longest hair and they know how much he loves that girl
“When Will My Life Begin?” is one of Cole’s all time favorite songs. Ever. He relates. Also it’s pretty. One time he woke up at 7 a.m. just to sing that song. The team was not pleased as it was their day off.
One time as a surprise since Cole was feeling a little down, Kai invited him to go on a boat ride and started playing the music to “I See The Light” and Cole sang as Punzie and Kai sang as Flynn (because Cole tells him they are very much so alike and Cole knows that fire boy can sing he just... doesn’t like singing too much)
Oh and he’s definitely had a small fictional crush on Flynn Rider
Kai and Zane once said that they’ve never seen a Disney movie and Cole died and every Thursday night became Disney movie night
They obviously started with Tangled
But also since he has long hair, this boy sheds a lot. It’s almost as if they had a dog with how much he sheds.
He also definitely wishes they had a dog. Like. A corgi. He wants a corgi.
If I’m being real, the team definitely helped his gay awakening. He knew he was gay before them, but he didn’t come to terms with it until the team
As in he’s had a mini crush on Kai, Jay, and Zane each at one point guys let’s be real
On a happy cake / food note, his favorite kind of cake is marble cake.
He also can and will eat an entire jar of crunchy peanut butter as his only meal for a day
Cole expresses extreme anger and extreme excitement through other languages (as he’s fluent in multiple)
Sometimes if Cole’s slightly frustrated at the team but not like really genuinely mad but he knows his buttons are about to get pushed too much, he starts aggressively signing at them in Ninjago Sign Language but like... since he’s the only fluent one and he’s not really angry, he just signs things like “I like you shoes!” or “if I continue at this rate the only thing I’ll ever date is my MacBook Pro hard-drive!” with an angry look on his face.
Their expressions amuse him.
Jay: *says something he knows will slightly tick Cole off*
Cole: *angrily signs* I want to live on the moon!
Jay: oh frick ! I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t be mad at me I love you!
Cole likes reading poetry!
Jay actually writes poetry a lot, and he’ll try it out on Cole all the time!
Cole’s best dance is hip-hop... which wasn’t really taught at Marty Oppenheimer’s, but he learned it while he was on his own and it’s his absolute favorite!
Although, he does enjoy tap and ballet occasionally!
You’d think since Cole has big eyebrows he’d be really good at using them (eyebrow raising, wiggling, etc...) but no... no this boy is an awkward mess sometimes. He doesn’t know how to eyebrow. Kai tries teaching him, but it doesn’t work very well…
Cole’s that kind of guy who always finds random bruises on him, but like... bruises that definitely aren’t from training. He just always somehow has bruises from nothing
He’s not ?? super freaking tall ?? I’m sorry I just can’t picture Cole over 5’8 ?? Hot take ?? Unpopular opinion ??
I know a lot of people think he’s super super super tall but... I can’t can’t wrap my head around that, he’s never been a giant to me, or even the tallest person on the team ? I’m sure like no one agrees with that one, but in my head that boyo is... well not short but not y’all either. Like Zane and Kai are definitely taller than him idk about Lloyd and Jay yet though.
Since he grew up dancing and such, he didn’t have much time for tv. So you best bet that when it his turn with kid!Lloyd they watch young children television shows and Cole freaking loves them! He thinks they’re so cute and so funny.
He definitely snort laughs while watching them
Lloyd is so confused because Cole will just start wheezing at something that wasn’t even funny or start tearing up at a moment that wasn’t even that sad but he just goes with it because tv
His favorites are The Backyardigans and Arthur.
No but he watched all of the Disney movies at Marty Oppenheimer’s because they did a dance based on the movie and he was intrigued so he watched the rest of them. That’s how he watched all of them
He’s not the best at video games... like at all. He still plays, and he still tries, but he rarely ever wins
He’s that guy who sticks his tongue out while he writes / thinks / when he concentrates
Cole and Lloyd are really good friends. Like basically best friends.
These boys have been alone on the Bounty together so often that they formed a really solid relationship and they can be very open to each other
Cole’s hair was the longest during Tournament of Elements because after Zane’s death he just stopped caring and he was in the woods but like... then he lost in the tournament and we gotta assume he was in the noodle factory for around a month? Three weeks? Idk how long but when his friends saw him again they made him cut his hair a bit because it was considerably longer
Cole is that person who doesn’t tell people things but then forgets they don’t know it. Partially because he’s a super closed off person but also because he’s just an oblivious sweetie who forgets
Cole: so who’s all interested in seeing Les Miz with me again?
Lloyd: wait what
Kai: when are you seeing Les Miz?
Zane: ... you never once spoke to us about this
Cole: ... oh well my dad knows someone who works on the tour production team and they’ll be in Jamanakai village this week and he’s getting me and anyone else who wants to see it tickets as a late but soon birthday present. Woo, guess I forgot to mention it, huh? *chuckles casually*
Everyone: …
Oh and no one knows Cole birthday by the way. It’s a big secret. They’ve tried many times to uncover it but they can never get it out of him
They thought the Les Miz tickets were a clue but they didn’t help because Cole told everyone different things and Lou does the same so they may never know
Jay: so uh, as you’re resident best friend, you should tell me your birthday
Cole: sure it’s in the middle of December
Jay: aH I GOT IT… ISH!!
Jay: *later to everyone else* guys! I found out what month Cole’s birthday is! December!
Kai: … he told me he was born in June?
Lloyd: he told me September?
Zane: *sighing* February
Nya: he told me May
Cole enjoys messing with them. He actually told Lloyd when his birthday was after a few years. Only Lloyd knows. When fun fact his birthday actually is—
Oh speaking of musicals (since he’s a theater boy), Jay and Cole sing Two-Player Game together constantly.
and The Bro Duet because those are their songs
Kai: *walks out wearing yellow*
Kai: *face palms*
Oh did I mention he bursts into song a lot?
Sensei Wu: Cole, it’s your turn to do laundry
Cole: Laundry day. see you there. under things. tumbling. wanna say. love your hair. here I go. mumbling-
Sensei Wu: every time.
He has a tree loving song that he sings while climbing too
Oh and it’s contagious…
Cole: *makes a “funny” joke*
Cole: click boom then it happened.
Lloyd: and no one else was in the room where it happened
As in he’s converted Lloyd to a theater kid.
He once “made” Nya and Lloyd sing “Lost” from the Lightning Thief with him. He was Grover, Nya was Annabeth, and Lloyd was Percy. They surprisingly liked it more than they thought they would.
Grover is one of Cole’s dreamroles. He feels like Grover is super relatable and loves his songs! Grover is also his favorite character in the books
I think I mentioned in my original Cole headcanons post that Cole is the BIGGEST Percy Jackson fan. He introduced the team to Percy Jackson, he has the Camp Half-Blood AND Camp Jupiter shirts... he loves this series
He also has a character from Percy Jackson that he associates his team with (ex. Jay as Leo and Lloyd as Jason)
For the first year or so of being on the team, they all thought Cole was worst singer on the team because he was so scared of using his real voice so he sang badly on purpose when he was around people
It wasn’t until Cole was singing in the shower when he was home alone and the team came back while he was still showering did they realize he hAS THE PRETTIEST SMOOTHEST VOICE EVER
he’s grown to being more comfortable with his voice and he sings a lot more now!
Cole kind of listens to all music! He doesn’t specifically prefer one over the other, he just finds making references easiest with theater! He really likes all kind of music!
Jay: why do you have a diary?
Cole: to keep secrets from my computer
Okay about trees again... COLE LOVES TREES
Cole: trees are better than people~
One time while they were traveling they saw a tree that was like super bent and Cole made them all stop so he could climb it. They all sat down and took a rest / water break while he climbed, and after about five minutes he was hanging upside down from the very top and scared the team…
Zane: Cole, perhaps it is wise if you get down from there?
Cole: nah I’m fine up here!
Lloyd: a-are you sure?
Cole: yes! I know what I’m doi- woah- WOAH!
Cole: *pretends to fall*
Jay: COLE!!
Cole: *swings himself back up* hahaha! You guys gotta trust me!
Kai: tHAT... that was not funny. I hate you.
He is always wearing some kind of orange on him, whether it’s a hair tie or bracelet or anklet... he always wears orange since he’s the only ninja who didn’t necessarily get their favorite color as their signature color and he just loves it so much
He and Kai definitely eat onions like apples together... just saying.
One time the team was playing badminton and Cole hit the birdie so hard they never found it ever again.
Not gonna lie, he was VERY proud of himself for that
But uh, his super strength is the reason why whenever they play sports, everyone gets to play before him. He’s learned to just go with it because he has thrown many things they’ve never found again.
Kai: *hits a ball*
Cole: weak
Kai: bruh
Walks barefoot CONSTANTLY. He’ll walk barefoot in the woods, in the city... there are times when he’s almost gone to battle barefoot and one time early on he definitely did
Zane: Cole... where in the world are your shoes?
Cole: *looks down* huh. I guess I left my shoes on the ship. I’ll get some good calluses after this fight!
He really really REALLY hates when people make certain self-degrading jokes.
If anyone makes a joke about killing themselves (someone from the team or even someone at the same restaurant or walking on the same street) Cole will tell them off. He will tell them how loved they are and that they shouldn’t be so negative towards themselves. He hates those jokes. Not that anyone on the team did it often, but after one time of doing it Cole freaked.
Like he loves his friends so much and sees their worth and when they make jokes about hating themselves he just feels so helpless and he just wants to hug them and make them realize how important they are to him
He also refuses to make those jokes. Like he’s gone through a lot too, but he feels like joking about it makes it worse and he just… he let it go for awhile but now he’ll go off if you do it
Lloyd: ugh I hate myself
Lloyd: ... yes Cole, you’re right, I’m sorry. I am very good. Thank you.
but also if anyone ever insults a team member or mentions something Cole will go full mom mode and will “smother” them with love. He’ll let Kai or Nya go after whoever insulted, Cole prefers to be the comforter. And he’s super good at it.
No he’s so good at comforting people it’s great. He’d rather be the comforter than the comforted because he’s always embarrassed when he needs comfort and he knows he’s pretty good at comforting people! It makes him happy to make his friends smile!
Cole wears glasses when he’s not training or in battle !!! (he uses contacts then)
They’re not like the bigger glasses, he has smaller glasses, it’s cute
After he becomes human again, he went through a period of time when he disliked being touched because it was so weird to him after a few years of feeling literally nothing, and the team hated it but respected it, but after a month ish, he finally realized how touch starved he was and he clung to everyone and everyone gladly let him
So uh he’s a big cuddler and can and will just plop down next to anyone and put his head on their shoulder with no context and they will embrace it
Also he loves when people run their fingers through his hair. Like it relaxes him and makes him feel so safe and comfortable?? He appreciates it a lot and if he looks stressed, the team will do that!
Doesn’t like texting or phones and had a flip phone for forever until the team made him buy a regular like apple phone
Communicates through a bunch of emojis. Like just emojis. He doesn’t text much, but when he does, emojis. He’ll just randomly send someone a bunch of emojis and they’ll just ?? Cole sweetie what are you trying to say ??
Cole will occasionally text the team goodnight while they’re in the same room. He usually does it if he’s either in a super good mood or if he seems someone is kind of in a sad mood. They all LOVE it
Cole and Nya like working out together! They’re both super into workouts and cardio and they work well together
Cole likes to look at nothing like he’s looking at a camera like Jim from The Office when someone does dumb things
Jay: look at all those chickens !
Cole: *Jim look*
Cole, Lloyd, and Nya are like a dream team. When they play games they like playing on the same team against Kai, Jay, and Zane. Even if they don’t win, those three work insanely well together like it’s crazy
Cole! And! Zane! Have! Late! Night! Talks!
Even after Cole became human again, they still have late night talks because sleeping is hard~
Jay: buddies !
Cole: bros !
Jay: homies !
Cole: amigos !
Jay: pizza !
Cole: nintendo !
Both: woo, woo, woo, let’s go !
Aka they’re just the best of friends and love and appreciate each other so much !
They’re actually learning Dutch together, as Cole likes learning languages and Jay is interested in learning some more!
Cole gets angrily easily too (as most of the team does), but when he gets angry he starts off quiet and doesn’t really talk to anyone, and if someone does or says something to someone else that ticks him off, he just gets up and kind of angrily screams as he walks away.
He’s a sulker if we’re being real here. He’s sulks.
Cole can give the meanest looks accidentally. He has a good glare. If you tick him off, you know. It’s not as impressive as Kai’s glare, but it’s still insanely impressive.
Did I mention he punches things a lot when he’s angry? Definitely punched the wheel of The Bounty once and broke it
He did the walk of shame after that and had to help Jay fix it
Hates hats, like he’d rather let his hair flow. His head feels confined when he’s wearing hats
Much like with orange, he really likes wearing pink?
One time he and Jay went shopping together and he just bought an outfit entirely in pink. Pink shirt, pink shorts, pink socks, even a pink scrunchie like he loves pink
Oh and he and Jay have a day once a month together where they just go out and have fun! They do things like shopping or getting lunch or watching a movie… sometimes they just sit at The Bounty and draw or make anklets, one time they spent a weekend at the junkyard!
He’s the kind of guy who will wear earbuds or headphones without music to be left alone
Cole loves oversized hoodies !!
Also every since March of the Oni, he’s been really really really cold so he wears hoodies and sweat pants more often and he started carrying a blanket or jacket around with him because of it.
Kai notices this and if he sees Cole getting too cold or starting to panic a little, he just wraps an arm around his shoulders or gives him a hug or something because Kai radiates h e a t
Random but he can rap really well.
Doesn’t mind getting dirty, like he’s the master of Earth, he is one with the dirt! He doesn’t just go out and roll in the mud but he’s fine just getting dirty when he’s outside!
Kai: *kicks a soccer ball into the goal*
Cole: touchdown !!
Kai: … that-that was a goal. You should know this
Cole: … I went to dance school… I don’t know sports…
Kai: that is… very true fair point
Will get up in the middle of the night to make popcorn because comfort food and he loves it
Zane woke up the first time he did it because he burnt it and Zane could smell it, so now he and Zane make popcorn together a lot. He actually introduced Zane to popcorn. He’s very proud of himself for that.
He has the best posture.
Sits up very straight since, you know, dance school. It kind of just stuck with him and he doesn’t slouch. He doesn’t mind, he’s always super sore because of his powers and abilities and so he’s fine with not having slouching add to that
oH and he and Jay give each other massages because Cole’s powers make him sore and Jay’s Tourette’s make him sore
He just… he loves his friends so much. I feel like I’ve said this many times, but just… he appreciates his friends more than they’ll ever know. He just loves them so so so so much. They mean the world to him.
I hope you guys enjoyed! We’re there any you strongly agreed with? Disagreed with? Sorry I answered this so late:/ I’ve been gone for awhile! Hope you all have a great day 😁
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bluestm · 5 years
                *     𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘   .    y’all  ever  wondered  what  an  actual  angel  looks  like ?  lemme  point  y’all  in  the  direction  of  oNE  zendaya  coleman ,  blessing  to  humans  everywhere . i’m  taking  the  torch  from  ares  n  her  beautiful  rendition  to  try  and  keep  this  lil  goddess  on  the  dash  in  the  form  of  my  darling  soft  sarcastic  fool , 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒔𝒕 . 𝒋𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 !  
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  ⋆  ╰  another   year  at  hollingsworth  ,  another  year  of  the  big  six rivalry  .  i  hear  that  BLUE  ST.  JAMES is  ensuring  CHI MU OMEGA  gets  a  solid  pledge  class  and  stays  at  the  top  of  the  ranks  .  oh  ,  you’re  not  familiar  with  HER  ?  BLUE  is  the  ZENDAYA  look  alike  from  SEATTLE , WASHINGTON  .  a part  of  PC  ‘16  ,  she  is  majoring  in  HISTORY  and  has  plans  to  AUDITION  FOR  THE  AMERICAN  BALLET  THEATER  AND  REBUILD  HER  CRUMBLING  DANCE  CAREER after  undergrad  .  it  makes  sense  they  pledged  their  house  ,  their  SHARP-WITTED  &  ASSIDUOUS   attributes  make  them  perfect  matches  .  however  ,  their  ACQUIESCENT  &  OBSESSIVE  attributes  keep  their  name  alive  on  greek  rank  .  if  you  don’t  catch  them  dancing  to  SUPERMODEL  -  SZA  at  a  fraternity  band  party  this  year  ,  you’ll  be  sure  to  catch  them  nursing  their  morning  hangover  at  THE  CHI O  HOUSE  .  cheers  to  another  wild  semester !
⋆  ╰    𝑺  𝑻  𝑨  𝑻  𝑰  𝑺  𝑻  𝑰  𝑪  𝑺   .
𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍        𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 :         blue    ocean    st . james   𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬         :        i  applaud  u  if  u  can  make  a  nickname  out  of  “ blue “ 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆        /        𝒂𝒈𝒆 :        september    3rd  ,    twenty  -  one  𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄         :        virgo 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓        𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚        /        𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔         :         cisfemale    identifying        with        she   /  her   /   hers    pronouns           𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏         :         openly    pansexual    ,  panromantic 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        :           student   at   hworth   majoring    in    history     (   with   a   focus   in   the  history   of   art    and    literature    )  and    minoring   in    african  -  american  studies   ,    aspiring    pro   ballerina   𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔        𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆        :        hufflepuff 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏        𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅        𝒃𝒚         :       amy   from  booksmart   (  !!!!  ) ,  rory   gilmore    from  gilmore   girls   ,    stiles   stilinski   from  teen  wolf    (  !!!!!!!!! )   ,  grace  cardinal  &   cam  saunders  from  degrassi .       𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔      :        -        melancholic  ,    overly-critical   ,    obsessive   , neurotic ,  teeteringly  non-confrontational   ,    astray   , acquiescent  ,  craven
         +                benevolent    , magnanimous    ,  tactful ,  inventive   ,   perfectionist ,   steadfast ,  sharp-witted   ,   rigorous  ,  assiduous  , sympathetic  
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑻  𝑬  𝑪  𝑬  𝑫  𝑬  𝑵  𝑻 .
my  concept  was  that  her  mom  ,  sonya  ackerman  ,  was  a  world-renowned  ballerina  ,  like  one  of  the  first  on  the  east  coast  and  had  a  massive  studio  that  took  off  in  seattle  as  one  of  the  premier  ballet  academies  for  dancers  of  color !her  dad  ,  theodore  st.  james  ,  was  a  criminal  prosecutor  training  to  become  an  assistant  district  attorney  in  georgia  ,   but  would  commute  out  to  washington  bc  obv  blue’s  mom  isn’t  gonna  just  abandon  what  she  worked  so  hard  to  build  .  her  parents  were  a  rather  stable  couple  ,  but  blue  can  easily  admit  what  a  piece  of  work  her  mom  was  and  the  fucking  number  she  did  on  those  around  her
part  of  pushing  so  hard  for  success  meant  having  a  lot  to  lose  ,  and  sonya  made  that  the  driving  point  of  not  just  her  life  ,  but  her  only  child’s  ,  a  bright-eyed  baby  girl  with  a  gaze  as  pensive  and  thought-provoking  as  the  color  she  was  named  after  .  blue  ocean  was  a  miracle  ,  a  gentle (  but  rather  prone  to fixating  )  soul  from  the  moment  her  curls  came  into  the  light  of  this  world  ,  and  was  her  father’s  pride  since  the  moment  he  held  her  .  suddenly  commutes  were  that  much  harder  ,  the  tension  of  having  a  marriage  and  a  daughter  only  on  the  weekends  and  being  left  a  stranger  to  your  own  child  all  because  of  your  wife’s  unyielding  stubbornness  really  did  a  number  on  theodore  which  led  to  the  eventual  demise  of  their  marriage  :/
blue  doesn’t  remember  much  leading  up  to  the  divorce  ,  but  she’s  smart  enough  to  recognize  her  dad  didn’t  just  up  and  leave  out  of  nowhere  .  he  later  tells  her  he  was  sure  he’d  get  at  least  shared  custody  ,  but  the  courts  surprisingly  ruled  in  sonya’s  favor  with  no  rational  logic  behind  it  other  than  her  claim  of  motherhood  .  being  raised  with  the  world’s  weight  on  her  shoulders  hugely  influenced  blue’s  personality  ,  ballet  being  the  only  thing  she  remembers  as  a  constant  in  her  life  .  never  one  to  lash  out  ,  blue  took  the  oppressive  upbringing  as  an  opportunity  to  prove  herself  —  maybe  this  wasn’t  her  dream  ,  but  she  was  a  perfectionist  obsessed  with  control  ,  and  she’d  take  whatever  path  her  mother  put  her  on  and  do  a  damn  good  job  at  it .
highschool  was  highschool  and  she  was  gone  almost  as  soon  as  she  had  arrived  ,  graduating  with  only  enough  friends  that  she  could  count  on  her  hand  ,  and  whisked  off  to  the  city  in  which  she  had  heard  in  countless  of  her  mother’s  nostalgic  throw-back  stories  growing  up  ,  attending  julliard’s  prestigious  ballet  program  as  if  to  honor  her  late  mother’s  legacy  at  her  alma  mater .  
excelling  through  classes  ,  nailing  audition  after  audition  for  a  coups  de  ballet  role  but  never  a  principal  ,  blue  builds  her  reputation  among  the  new  york  dance  scene  with  grace  and  humility  ,  inching  her  way  towards  her  ultimate  goal  of  the  american  ballet  theater  as  paved  by  misty  copeland  ,  the  only  hero  who  even  compares  to  her  mother  in  blue’s  eyes  .  she’s  just  a  few  more  well-timed  performances  away  from  the  life  she’s  always  envisioned  ,  until  a  sudden  phone  call  flips  her  life  on  it’s  head  .  she  hasn’t  addressed  her  mother’s  passing  ,  nor  its  details  ,  and  it’s  unlikely  a  person  with  such  an  emotionally  reserved  disposition  such  as  herself  will  ever  really  come  around  to  processing  it  out  loud  .  the  news  hits  halfway  through  sophomore  year  and  she  makes  it  until  finals  week  before  she  spends  a  week  in  the  hospital  ,  unravelled  and  unhinged  ,  dehydrated  from  her  sobs  and  weak  from  her  inability  to  keep  food  down  due  to  an  unrelenting  anxiety  she’s  never  known  quite  like  this  .  this  subtle  childhood  nature  of  fixation  and  perfection  manifests  as  a  full  blown  obsessive  compulsive  disorder  diagnosed  during  her  psych  eval  ,  releasing  her  with  a  script  and  a  recommendation  to  go  somewhere  where  she’s  got  a  support  system  .
hu  ,  only  a  half  hour  drive  from  her  father’s  firm  and  the  current  school  of  her  childhood  best  friend  ,  receives  an  application  days  later  ,  declaring  an  interest  in “ a  change  of  pace  from  the  world  of  ballet  and  an  interest  in  their  world-renowned  history  program .  ” she  gets  sucked  into  the  greek  world  without  truly  meaning  to  ,  wandering  aimlessly  through  her  new  life  as  she  auditions  for  different  ballet  troupes  and  bombs  each  attempt  .  feeling  empty  ,  distant  ,  and  the  impending  sense  of  personal  failure  ,  her  new  sisters  in  chi  mu  omega  give  her  a  constant  push  of  go-go-go  to  fill  her  days  with  a  distraction  from  her  thoughts  .  senior  year  rounds  its  head  ,  and  blue  wants  to  spend  it  pushing  herself  to  return  to  her  former  glory  ,  eyeing  the  next  year’s  productions  at  the  american  ballet  theater  and  her  dream  to  once  again  reach  the  point  she  receives  an  invitation  to  audition  .  she’s  not  quite  sure  if  this  will  fill  the  void  in  her  heart  ,  a  void  she’s  sure  she’s  known  nearly  her  whole  life  ,  but  she’s  got  nothing  prepared  in  her  back  pocket  ,  so  it’s  really  ,  at  this  point  ,  all  she  has  left  .
⋆  ╰      𝑨  𝑵  𝑨  𝑳  𝒀  𝑺  𝑰  𝑺  .
for  a  lil  personality  blurb  ,  my  renditions  of  blue  have  always  been  really  soft  and  nuturing  and  i  want  to  keep  an  element  of  that  ? she’s  a  gentle  soul  and  part  of  that  absolutely  stems  from  her  upbringing  bc  her  mom  was  ..  .  .  .  not  a  nice  lady  lmao  .  but  somehow  ,  between  her  mom  at  home  and  then  her  mom  in  the  ballet  studio  ,  it  just  made  blue  more  compassionate  ?  she’s  admittedly  a  little  intimidating  ,  and  her  defense  mechanism  has  become  a quick  wit  that  manifests  most  amusingly  in  her  sarcasm  .  the  world  can’t  hurt  u  if  u  make  fun  of  it  first  ,  right ! i  also  wanted  to  sprinkle  in  a  little  bit  of  doe-eyed  buffoon  which  i  think  fits  in  well  with  her  whole  quiet  type  persona  ,  so  her  humor  deviates  into  goofiness  that  also  occasionally  manifests  as  an  awkward  as  shit  interaction  if  she’s  feeling  a  little  off ( as  in  :  the  bitch  has  a 50/50  shot  of  delivering  a  SEARING  burn  or  stammering  so  hard  she  ends  up  rlly  just  roasting  herself  :/  it’s  a  mystery  to  see  what  u’ll  end  up  w  when  it  comes  to  blue  ,  sigh )
delving  in  a  little  deeper  ,  even  if  she  seems  like  this  sarcastic  scattered lowkey  dork ,  who  gives  the  illusion  she’s  mellow  and  unbothered  ,  she’s  a  severe  overthinker  and  any  convo  longer  than  about  10  minutes  will  yield  to  the  fact  that  blue  is  constantly  stressed  the  FUCK  out about  the  smallest  things  .  she’s  really  observant  and  has  an  uncanny  ability  to  clock  ppl  ,  which  would  make  her  QUITE  the  devilish  fiend  to  exploit  ppl’s  weaknesses  but  alas  ,  for  a.  she  does  not  give  a  shit  abt  anything  enough  to  treat  people  cruelly  and b.  does  not  have  enough  braincells  to  spare  from  her  stress  and  misery  to  be  fiendish  and  manipulative  KSDJFKJSDHF  this  makes  her  a  really  great  person  to  tell  secrets  to  bc  literally  who  the  FUCK  is  she  gonna  tell ?  is  her  argument  n  lowkey !  she  right ! SDFHSKDHF  
contrary  to  what  her  performance  background  may  lead  many  to  believe  ,  she  really  is  not  fond  of  being  at  the  forefront  of  attention  and  feels  more  comfortable  lingering  in  the  background  ,  minding  her  own  business ,  and  staying  in  her  lane  so  catch  her  being  all  but  INVISIBLE  to  the  greek  rank  blog  !  her  critical  struggle  in  life  is  her  obsessive  personality  ,  deeply  rooted  in  the  trauma  of  being  riased  with  the  unyielding  expectation  for  absolute  perfection  .  she  has  a  hard  time  letting  go  and  comes  close  to  having  a  meltdown  if  things  in  her  world  arent  completely  under  her  control  (  as  exemplified  by  the  mental  breakdown  faced  during  the  most  stressful  time  in  her  life  .  )  she’s  incredibly  hard  on  herself  and  really  ,  truly  is  lost  as  to  who  she  is  without  the  fixation  of  perfection  in  her  life  .  this  is  incredibly  curious  due  to  her  selective  nature  —  in  terms  of  grades  ,  she’s  only  slightly  above  average  ,  and  is  rarely  interested  in  being  competitive  with  other  people  .  it’s  almost  exclusively  a  competition  with  herself  regarding  the  most  interesting  and  unassuming  things  : especially  considering  that  ballet  ,  her  whole  life’s  work  and  effort  ,  isn’t  even  her  PASSION  .  on  the  low  ,  she  kinda  hates  dance  culture  ,  especially  the  ridigity  of  ballet  !  like  bitch  wha t  the  FU C K  are  u  working  so  hard  on  it  for  ?  n  that’s  one  of  her  major  fears  ,  deviating  from  what  she  knows  and  pursing  her  true  passions  ,  because  at  least  with  ballet  ,  she  knows  it  and  she  knows  she’s  naturally  exceptional  — something  she  can’t  guarantee  with  her  true  passions  ( yet  tbd  but  have  something  to  do  with  art  history    !  ) and  would  rather  not  pursue  if  the  option  of  failure  ,  aka non-perfection ,  is  something  she’d  have  to  face  .
hcs  : she  doesn’t  drive  bc  she  doesn’t  have  her  license  as  she  has  rlly  bad  test  anxiety  and  ate  shit  all  4  times  she  tried  to  take  it  (  suffice  the  implication  of  her  failure  rests  in  the  sulking  pout  she  wore  for  about  2  weeks  straight  as  she  refused  to  try  again  a  5th  time )  ,  is  an  on  and  off  vegetarian  and  HATES  herself  for  it  ,  usually  that  friend  who’s  goin  “  i’m  not  sure  about  this  guys  ..  .  ..  ”    while  still  allowing  herself  to  get  dragged  into  shenanigans  ,  hates  her  own  drama  n  avoids  it  but  wants  to  BATHE  in  the  tea  of  those  goin  on  around  her  sdfsdfs  ,  goes  to  bed  at  9:30  on  the  dot  so  parties  are  oft  a  STRUGGLE  ,  has  strong  mom  friend  energy  despite  barely  being  able  to  manage  herself  ,  is  a  nerd  n  knows  it  yet  uses  nerd  as  an  insult  ,  cannot  cook  for  her  LIFE  ,  and  a  lil  pinterest  board  is     here   ! oh  !  and  she  does  NOT   fuck  w   being  touched  unless  u  get  her  express  approval !!!
plots  :  i  didnt  think  i  would  get  this  far  in  one  go  so  hit  me  up  on  dis/cord  for  my  list  of  plots  that  im  abt  to  pull  out  of  my  ass  ;))))
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aloneeedra · 4 years
Dance Academy (2010) S1
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Where to watch it: Free on Tubi. Just look up Dance Academy on Google and it should give you the option.
Seasons: there are 3 seasons. I’m going to do something different this time and only focus on one season at a time. So this post will focus on season one of dance academy, which has 26 episodes.
Summary (spoilers): There are six main characters you need to know. 
Tara: the main character, cries a lot, wants to fly, comes from a farm. 
Kat: her best friend and a rebel; she has a ballerina as a mother and a choreographer as a father and is unhappy at the academy. 
Sammy: friends with both of them, has weak ankles, is Jewish, the best character, honestly. 
Abigail: Mean, strong-will, hard working, the best dancer, a very good, complex, character.
Christian: Has the best character background tbh, robbed some place so now he is on probation, goes to the school as a punishment, a skater boy.
Ethan: Kat’s older half-brother, basic white rich boy, he like never actually dances, want to be a choreographer like his dad.
So, I will be explaining the season through the characters, rather than episode, because it’s much easier, okay? Lets start with Tara. 
Tara comes from a farm, her parents are cool, and she was behind everyone else, whatever the means, so it’s like a miracle that she got into the school. This season for her focuses on two things: her becoming a better dancer and her love life. Let’s start with the dancing. She is the worst dancer and then slowly becomes the best one, being casted as the lead by the end of the season. She has to do a lot of private lessons and breaks her leg at one point, does rehab and ends up becoming stronger. There was also an episode where she was going to go back home because her parents couldn’t afford it but lucky her, she got a scholarship she didn’t even apply for. And then towards the end, she got half a scholarship for the next semester. Okay, now that that’s done, her love life. First, she has a crush on Ethan and then starts dating him. Then she cheats on him with Christian, Ethan breaks up with her, she gets bullied for it, then Christian confesses, she rejects him, then they kiss on a beach, her leg breaks, they date for an episode then they break up. She invites him over to the farm during the holiday and hints that she wants to get back together again, but Christian rejects her. Ethan helps her with rehab, then Ethan helps her get the lead part, then he invites her to stay the holiday with him so they can ~date again~ and she’s like sure. Then Christian says yes to going to the farm during the holidays and we don’t know what she’s going to do ~oooo~.
Okay, next is Kat. Not much happens to her this season. She rebels a lot, misses a lot of class. She ends up having to volunteer at community dance center, lets them down and then helps one of the little girls from that center get into a dancing program. She had a boyfriend who was a total scrum bag and tries to take advantage of her during her own birthday party. She kind of had a crush on Christian, but never says it out loud, kisses him once but then says it was a mistake. She ruined any chance that the hip hop classes remained apart of the academy. She dates a celebrity guy who is like way older then her for an episode and then he comes back towards the end of the season and she tries to run away with him. 
Sammy. Yesss. Okay, at the start of the season, Sammy is seen to be weak, but he gets better, not by much, but better. His dance partner is Abigail who he starts having a crush on pretty quickly. They secret date, then date, then almost do the deed, but he said it didn’t feel right so they didn’t do anything. Then he starts acting weird, breaks up with her, hangs out a lot with Christian, invites him over for the holidays, realizes he likes Christian, tries to avoid Christian, tells Christian, Christian is like ‘nothing to be ashamed of’, they have a touching bro moment in a lake, then become friends again. He also has a second plot going on for him, where his dad wants him to be a doctor and disproves of his dancing. So, by the end of the first season, his dad pulls out his financial support and Sammy says he’s going to the dance academy no matter how many jobs he needs to get. Funny how a scholarship he never applied for didn’t suddenly appear on the bulletin board.
Next, Abigail. So, Abigail takes ballet very seriously. She wants to get the scholarship (yes, the one that Tara got magically the first time around, and then she ends up getting half of the scholarship the second time). She’s the best dancer at the start of the show. She has trouble with shoplifting, does not like her body, is seen as the main villain. She’s the one that post Tara’s con and pro list of Ethan. She’s the one that send Kat the photo of Christian and Tara kissing. So, basically, we should be thanking her since she is the only reason Tara even gets a plot. At one point, she passes out. She has to see a therapist for a while, goes back to dancing and gets to be Tara understudy. She dates Sammy for a little bit, but then he breaks up with her. Her parents are getting a divorce. By the end of the season, she is watching Tara perform her solo from backstage and is happy for her, though in my opinion, she got robbed.
Christian. His mom is dead and now he has no one. He gets in trouble for robbing a place and lives at the academy instead of juvie. He’s a skater boy all the way. He’s a bit close off at the beginning. Has brother issues, trust issues, friends issues, and steals Ethan’s wallet early on. So, he’s Tara’s dance partner, calls her training bra cuz ~cute~, but, the first friend he really makes is Ethan. They bond over hip-hop and fighting. They compete over everything too, like running and parts and then later on Tara. He seemed to like Tara from the beginning. He tries to kiss her but she yeets herself out of that situation, then kisses him like one episode later. Then he confesses and she’s like nah. Then he goes to court for the robbery thing and gets off with like a suspension or something, but his childhood friend goes to jail. Then he kisses Tara again at the beach. Then he was running with Tara when she broke her leg by falling down a couple of stairs. And I mean a couple, like four. Very dramatic. He carries her. They date. He gets all butt hurt about her not talking about her knee to him, while she’s willing to talk to Ethan about it. They break up and he very dramatically walks out on her during a dance with fake snow falling upon them. Then that whole thing happens with Sammy. Tara invites him to the farm. He says no and then yes in the last few minutes of the show.
Lastly, Ethan. He’s three years older than everyone and is a player apparently, or at least that’s what everyone keeps saying. Everyone also keeps saying he’s a dancer, but like, I don’t think I have ever seen him dance, like not even once. I pretty sure the actor doesn’t know how to dance and gets paid just to look pretty. Abigail posts the con and pro list that Tara makes of him, where she says he smells like Christmas. He’s weirded out by it, as he should be, cuz that be weird. Tara’s a bit obsessives and it’s not cute. He, however, falls for her after, i don’t know, seeing her dance or something. They date. Tara cheats on him. They don’t date. He gets an offer from the company, but turns it down to follow his dreams of being a choreographer like his dad (but also, cuz, like, he never dances). He invites Tara to stay during the holidays while holding her hands, which I guess means he likes her again.
Rating: 5.7/10
Best Part: I really liked Sammy’s arch and I think Christian’s and Abigail characters are very complex and well written.
Worst Part: I don’t like Tara. Or Ethan. But mainly Tara. She’s just so whine and annoying and like I get that she’s the main character or whatever, but she’s also boring. Like, you would think since she has two guys pinning over her, there must be something amazing about her, but I didn’t pick up on it. Like, the most interesting thing about her is that she likes to dance, but so does everyone else (except maybe Ethan). Sometimes, she says things that, like, you know are suppose to be very inspiring because the music sounds inspiring, but what comes out of her mouth is just not good. She always puts herself in bad situations, which is good, like that’s how you get a character to grow and change, by having them learn from their mistakes, but then an easy solution falls onto her lap, out of nowhere, and it fixes everything for her. She doesn’t change at all. It all just works out for her, each and every single time. For example, her parents can’t afford to keep her in school, so she decides to go back home. Okay. Life's not always fair. She understands that. That’s very mature of her to do. Maybe she’ll go back home and raise some money and- oh, no, wait, she got a scholarship she didn’t even apply for. Wow. Or how about the time when she allows rumors to spread that she’s dating someone that’s in the company and that ruins his career and she faces no punishment at all? Or how about that time when she forgets Kat’s birthday, acts like a horrible friends then later on, when they fight, everything goes back to normal? Or how about the time she cheats on Ethan with Christian? She gets bully, the photos of their kiss is everywhere in school, Kat is mad, Ethan is mad. What she did is awful and she understands that she betrayed someone’s trust and that that’s not okay, oh, but wait, she doesn’t understand and actually she and Kat fight and then they make up and she gets all her friends back and then dates Christian later down the line even though she rejected him and then Ethan starts to care for her too. No harm done. Or how about the time that she gets to be the lead because Ethan fought for her to get it, and does a pretty bad job at it, and kind of doesn’t deserve it, but then she puts on a dress, feels all good inside, then becomes more confidents about herself and does fine without it when it goes missing? Or how about the fact that Abigail works her ass off, more than Tara, I would say, and yet Tara still somehow gets the lead? It’s just so obvious that the writer of the show favor Tara. She gets like no consequences and never changes.
I also didn’t like all these age gaps, they were weird and gross. Ethan is 18 and Tara is 15 when they are dating, which is not too bad, but still gross. Kat is 15 and Miles, the celebrity she tries to run away with, has to be at least in his early 20′s. Like what the hell? No one seemed to find it weird.
Last thing; not really a con. I don’t know much about dancing, so I don’t know if the dancing is actually as good as they make it out to seem or not. Sometimes, I’ll be watching and feel second hand embarrassment for the characters and I just need to know if I just don’t understand dancing, or if it really is bad dancing. The ballet looks okay. The hip-hop makes me cringe.
Should you watch it? Yeah, I mean, it’s pretty fun to watch. You’ll never get bored since so many things happened. Seriously, there where three separate times when I thought I was watching the last episode, because everything was concluded, but then I saw there was still more to go. It’s very long, but entertaining. Dramatic. It was exactly what I remembered whenever I watched it as a teenager. Lots of angst. Lots of relationships that aren’t given enough time to grow. Watch it for Sammy. 
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suckerforhobi · 7 years
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader (2nd POV)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: You almost only met him at funerals and weddings. You and he had several common points in your lives and you wanted to keep him as close as possible.
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The first time you met the boy was when your paternal grandmother passed away, and her funeral was held, your eyes almost popped out when your father brought his new female companion - and the woman’s son with himself, whom no one knew in your family, not even your aunts and uncles.
Your family life was a mess but year by year, you had nothing else to do but accept it. Your parents divorced during the very first school year in your life which gave you a huge heartbreak at the tender age of 6, you could hardly recover from the memory of your dad tearing off the door and leaving you with two suitcases in his hands and your mother crying face which broke your heart even more. Looking back, years later you shouldn’t have been that shocked - they fought a lot, your dad came home too late and spent too much many. Your father didn’t act like an adult. Your parents were each other’s first love and you came when they were both so young, freshly graduated from the university. Still, your heart ached when you thought back to other kid’s parents - they were in love, they had mutual programs like visiting the zoo. That wasn’t the case with your eonma and appa - they loved each other but not that way anymore, the atmosphere tensed around them every single time.
Your father kept visiting you as much as he could, being a lawyer, he was pretty busy, not to mention he was living in another city. He supported you as much as he could, paying your mom every month the child support. Then, your father didn’t see you that much but still called every week. You missed him terribly but you knew he had a hard job, you wouldn’t hurt him.
That day you felt like you were betrayed. He didn’t see you because of that woman? Was she more important than you, his own daughter?  Did he spend time with her son instead of you? The 15-year-old yourself was beyond angry when you saw how much he cared about the two persons with him but not with his daughter who was few meters away. You cleared your throat in annoyance and your father turned to see you. He had a huge smile on his face. You had a couple of negative feelings towards your father. A new family and he missed you out? Why didn’t he tell you something about that?
“Hello, Birdie. I would like to introduce you to Hye and Hoseok.” You flinched when you heard your nickname your father gave you when you were a toddler. “Hye, Hoseok, she’s my daughter, Y/N.”
You were never impolite but deep inside, you would tell your father and his new chick with her son to get lost. However, it was your grandmother’s funeral and you wouldn’t have wanted to cause such a scene. She was an angel, she deserved a beautiful, peaceful goodbye ceremony.
“Nice to meet you.” You tried to sound as sweet as you could, it might hurt your soul to do that though you had no other choice. Hye who was the same sage as your dad and mom squeezed your hands and frowned.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I heard how much time you spent with your grandma. If you need anything and anyone to talk about, we are here.”
You nodded, giving them a smile which turned out to be more like a snarl. “Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind.”
You were inspecting the boy who did the same to you - his face had similarities with his mom’s, the timid smile he gave to you was identical to Hye’s. You would have been lying to yourself if you had denied the fact he was handsome. The way he looked at you was oddly comforting, despite knowing him for minutes.
“Y/N... are you free on on next week? We’ve bought a new house recently and you should see it yourself and we would decorate your room.”  
Your little heart was content. Your father maybe didn’t forget about you.
You found out more and more about both of your stepmother and stepbrother.  Hoseok was a few years older than you, he wasn’t a planned - how could he be when his mother was 17 when he was born? Growing up was surely hard for Hoseok, that’s why you weren’t surprised anymore how protective was your father of him. 
Hoseok was a graduating student from high school, you were surprised, he was so kind towards you, not the typical hormonal and cocky guy you thought he would be.  You two didn’t really meet often, just few occasions when he wasn’t with his girlfriend and you paid a visit to your father or at the wedding or funeral of your relatives.
It was the day of your dad and his mom’s wedding when you couldn’t keep your eyes off Hoseok - he was the most charming boy you had ever seen as much as you wanted to deny the fact. He was seated the opposite side of you, close to your parents. Your heart skipped a beat when he poked you gently.
“May I have a dance with you, sis?” His smile was contagious as you wore a matching one.”
“I would love to.”
The was the first time you were close to Hoseok, as you were now a 17-year-old teenager, your face was flushed but you still tried not to redden it more. His beautiful eyes, his warm smile, his comforting large hand resting on your waist.
“I never really said that but I’m glad I got a little sister.” He said softly, his eyes never leaving yours. From that moment, you knew he was the death of you. Luckily, his girlfriend’s whining turned you back to the real world, letting go his hand, to let them dance together.
“Y/N...” Your roommate called your name and you knew she plotted something for you. “I want to ask for something.”
You were nervous, if she asked for something, it never meant a good thing. 
“How can I help you, Haru?”
“Do you remember Park Jimin?” She asked and you nodded. Who didn’t know him? He was a popular guy, graduated a year after your first university year. He was a legend, many girls were the fan of his, worshipping him like he was a Greek God. Your roomie fell into this category, screaming every time his name was mentioned.
“I remember. What’s with him?”
“He asked me out on a date but he said his roommate has just broken up with his girlfriend, so he said we should go on a double date, he needs something to distract himself... and I thought...”
“I say yes but you owe me a lot.” You said and your goofy roommate suddenly pulled you into a tight hug, you felt your breathing becoming heavy as she almost choked you to death.
“You are the best.”
You spent on that October day hours on choosing your outfit for the night. You didn’t really have any fancy clothes, you didn’t really go out to have fun, instead of participating in some parties, you studied as much as you could. You were hard working and you hoped one day all your efforts would pay off. 
When you came out your room, Haru squealed like a proud mom when she noticed you in the red dress you had bought a year ago.
“Oh my God, Y/N, you look breathtaking! This dress is so lovely! I’m sure that guy would love it!”
You nodded, not believing her words entirely. Haru was almost like a sister to you, of course, she said nice words about your appearance.
“Where will we meet them?”
“Inside.” She replied happily and she was shining in happiness. You envied her,  she was always positive and cheerful, while you were so gloomy most of the time. This is who you were, the quiet, insecure bookworm. While she was a real Disney Princess.
Before you two entered the cozy Italian restaurant, you surely had imagined the mysterious guy Jimin brought with himself. Judging by his character, you trusted his choice, there was no way he would invite a boring, grumpy guy but a smiling and curious. But you never excepted to see someone you knew relatively well. Hoseok.
Both of you froze immediately, earning glances from Haru and Jimin.
“Do you know each other?” Jimin asked and Hoseok gave you a shy smile after hearing his friend’s question.
You wanted to tell the awkward truth but Hoseok was faster. “We are old friends.” 
You tried to be convincing enough, however, you didn’t really get it why Hoseok lied. Okay, he didn’t like exactly, you two had known the other for years but you were rather family than friends. Stepsiblings, to be exact. You guessed he said that to not upset your friends’ attempt to get a date for you.
“Is it true, Y/N?” Haru asked you with widened eyes, not really believing what she just heard.
During the dinner, the four of you had a great time together but you were flushed as Hoseok never once took his eyes off of you, examining your face, waiting for your reactions. The faded crush from years ago that you thought of like a distant memory came back in once, making you confused. He was a forbidden fruit, a guy who off-limit, a platonic love. Still, you didn’t know how to handle when the dream boy of your youth was sitting with you on a date. On a date.
You had fun but you decided to go home earlier - your aim was to make Haru happy, your task was done. When you announced your leave, saying you are not feeling quite well, Hoseok stood up after you. “I’ll walk you home.”
The atmosphere was tensed between the two of you when you walked out of the building. You didn’t speak up but your brain was working on finding a possible, not awkward topic.
“We had a nice night, didn’t we, Y/N?” He asked smiling but not looking in your way.
“Yes, we had. It was good to see you again, not just listening to dad’s reports.”
“The same goes to you. I’m so proud of you, studying Psychology and you achieved your goals like a pro.”
Unlike Haru, you knew Hoseok would never tell you something he didn’t think seriously. His eyes were honest and you tried not to look in them, protecting yourself from falling for him too much.
“I tried my best.” You smiled sheepishly.
“Y/N. I want to meet you more, Sis. We are family and now I’m working and...”
“Of course, just text me and I try my best not to drown myself into studying.”
After that night you really met regularly, going to drink a cup of coffee together, or just hanging in the mall. Hoseok was in every time you called him up to meet and you reacted the same way when he wanted you to see your face. You never read anything more into those rendez-vous. You were just nothing more but brother and sister. Weeks turned into months, he quickly became the most trusted person in your life.
One day, everything changed.
“Will you go with me to meet my colleagues? We’ll have a small gathering and everyone brings a girl with themselves...” He explained laying his head in your lap, while you were sitting on your couch.
“Hobi, why don’t you ask the girl who lives in the same apartment as you?”
“Not my type.”
“The girl you were making out with at Jimin’s party?” You raised your eyebrows suspiciously.
“You will love this, she is engaged.”
“Noooooo. What a stupid chick.” You shook your head in disbelief.
“Are you free on this Friday?”
“I am.”
“Then we will go together there. Be pretty but not too pretty, I don’t want to chop off anybody’s di-”
You only responded by hitting his head with a pillow.
You got to know his friends beside Jimin, his colleagues at the I.T. company he started working not too long ago. The always grumpy but a soft guy, Min Yoongi and the incredibly intelligent Kim Namjoon, both of them brought their girlfriends who were happy Hoseok got himself a pretty cute girl (before you could tell you were related he once again stopped you from saying anything).
At the bar, you saw how everybody adored him. Indeed, he was the most amazing human being you had ever met.
He touched your hand, his body pressed to you, giving the warmth you loved.
You both drank but he surprised you when he put his lips on yours. You knew it was wrong, you panicked but you couldn’t push him away. It was a miracle, a dream, you thought. Then the loud banging music returned you to the real world, Hoseok still holding your lips as a hostage. That was when you realized... you couldn’t go back the way you used to be. You signaled him to let you go and he did but you could see the disappointment in his dark orbs.
You lied to anyone and you went home. It was a mistake. Stepsiblings should never do it.
You avoided him like plague afterward. You weren’t too happy when your dad and his wife, his mom had invited you to have a dinner together. You were scared, no, you were terrified. After a month, the pain remained, not healing like you prayed for. Hoseok caused you unintentionally a huge wound on your sensitive soul but you also harmed yourself as you ignored his existence. However, you had to stop your stupid, immature actions, for the sake of your family.
“Hello, Birdie.” Your father greeted you with a kiss on your forehead. Hye flew to the door to hug you and Hoseok was standing there, with an undetected expression. Of course, he didn’t cheer when he laid his eyes on you, he was surely upset with you.
“I missed you.” You said to them and you saw Hoseok turning away. He called you many times and you never once received his phone call, never replied to his messages on Kakaotalk. You wanted - God you really wanted - to answer him but you knew what had happened was wrong. 
The dinner went like the usual, his mom asking you about boys (you noticed Hoseok’s body stiffening), your father cracking the lamest jokes he’d heard in his life. You didn’t dare look him in the eye - you were afraid of the coldness in his usually shining pair.
When you went up to your room, your parents headed to the living room, Hoseok grabbed your wrist unexpectedly, making you almost scream out because of the sudden touch.
“Don’t go. We need to talk.”
You were ready to escape his grip but you missed him. You missed your stepbrother, who always made you laugh whenever you talked to me, who comforted you when you failed on an exam, he was there.
“What do you want to say, Hobi?”
“Don’t ignore me, like I am nobody to you!” He growled angrily, his unexpected outburst catching off your guard.
“Look, I needed time. It was wrong and we both know it!”
“Don’t say that you didn’t enjoy it, then you wouldn’t have responded the kiss.” His body was shaking as he was nervous and angry.
“The fact doesn’t change even if I did. We are family.”
You and Hoseok tried to ignore what had happened between the two of you that night. It was just a kiss nothing more but that kiss meant more to the both of you.You missed Hoseok like an alcoholic his favourite drink, you couldn’t ignore him anymore.
It was not long after the first few days of the new year when you woke up by a loud banging on the door. You groaned - you valued sleep as you could hardly fall asleep. You looked like a mad scientist with your messy hair but you opened the door.
Hobi was standing in your door, his eyes in tears. Your heart sank seeing him in that state but what he said burned into your memory for life. “Mom and Dad died.” You couldn’t breathe, collapsed on the floor. The man whom you loved the most and the woman you loved like your second mother were gone.
It was an accident on that winter day. Hoseok was the one whom they could call up. You couldn’t believe how he could remain sane - you felt like you were dead inside. Your mom visited you almost every single day, she told you also she lost one of the most important people in her life. If Hobi, Haru and your mom hadn’t been there, you surely would have fallen into depression.
But the only who exactly knew the loss was your step-brother. The tragedy brought you closer, you invited him over to sleepover beside planning the funeral. 
After the day of the funeral, you thought he would distance himself from you but he didn’t. He still wanted to talk to you, he still surprised you by giving little presents once in a while. One day you realized you couldn’t live without him by your side, in a way you should have never thought of.
“When will you admit you are in love with him?” Your mom rolled her eyes when she saw you texting with him. Involuntarily your lips stretched into a huge smile but it turned into a frown once your mother asked about him.
“Do you know about it?”
“Everybody can see how much you adore the other. Even your father saw it, Y/N.”
Your eyes widened, not believing your ears. “What?”
“Your father was a clever man and let me confess you something. We, the three parents talked about it one day and your father said he would feel strange. He got a son and the idea of dating with his blood, with his daughter...but trust me, as crazy as it sounds, Hye would have loved the idea of you two being together. But just think about that, your father wanted the best for you in all of his life. If that means you and him being more than step-siblings... Go for it!”
Later that night, after your mom left, it was your movie night with him.
You were watching a movie - you didn’t even remember its name as the movie was boring as hell - cuddling with him on the couch. Haru was staying with Jimin, so it was a perfect opportunity to ask him about his feelings.
“Hobi... I would like to thank you everything. Everything you did. You made my life better, you helped me through the darkest days.”
“Of course, that’s what brothers and sisters do.”
You frowned, sitting up to look at him. “I wanted to talk about us, too.”
He seemed surprised for a moment, unsure what to say to you. His silence pushed you further to talk. “I was thinking about the two of us. I loved that kiss and I love everything about you. I hate to admit but I’ve been in love with you since I was 15.”
He softly traced his fingers on your face. “You don’t know how much I love you. So would you give us a try?”
“I would.”
“Finally.” He pushed you down to his chest kissing you softly on your lips.This time you were sure you would never break the kiss. 
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